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View Full Version : Evaluate this spell please

2021-03-06, 02:14 PM
So...I'm playing a beguiller and I'm the only caster of the group, and I don't have any armor so is quite problematic for now (we could buy them but we are lowish on money) so I add an idea for when we will have enough downtime (I don't expect that will be easy but maybe could be possible) Using a researched spell to boost my AC (for now i'm at twenty of AC)
This is the idea
Illusionary armor of Iarmid
Illusion/Abjuration school
Level 3
Components V, S
Casting time 1 standard action
Range Touch
Target Creature touched
Duration 10 min/level
Saving throw Will negates (harmless),See text
Spell resistance Yes (harmless)

This spell create an illusionary armor that deflect the enemy attack , if they believe in it. If not the attack will resolve normally
This spell give a deflection bonus of 2+ 1 each three levels (maximum +7 at level 18) , but each time the target of this spell is attacked, the attacker must make a Will saving throw . If this save pass the bonus of this spell is ignored for the rest of the turn, while if failed the bonus is considered. Spells like see invisibility doesn't invalidate this spell, but true vision yes as the enemy can see that the armor is false.

What do you think about this spell? To create I based myself on shield of faith and armor of darkness but compared to the latter it has a lower level as it can be negated and it doesn't give any bonus to undead or similar , while compared to the latter it has a bigger bonus to AC, a better duration with the problem it can be negated with a will saving throw.
If I was to increase the duration to 1 hour /level which level do you think would be?

Maat Mons
2021-03-06, 03:06 PM
Blur, Displacement, and Mirror Image aren't to your liking?

2021-03-06, 03:12 PM
They are not bad, I'm not saying that , but the main problem as I already said is that i'm the only caster...and my group goes all in when he go in combat (and the DM goes with that) So generally in combat I have to cast other spells than displacement, blur or mirror image (I don't have quicken spell) so a spell with a longer duration could help me more than these spell.

2021-03-06, 05:58 PM
The level seems reasonable-to-high to me. The closest analog is armor of darkness which is level 4, has no will save, and provides one more bonus to AC.

The mechanics are a little bit odd with a will save per turn. Illusion spells typically offer no effect or a reduced effect after a will save is made. Mechanics-wise, leaving it in the illusion-only school and having a single will save (rather than 1/turn) seems reasonable.

2021-03-06, 07:46 PM
Have the party chip in for a few Rings of Wizardry next time y'all get some bread.

Edit: to answer your question from the OP, I'm not a fan of it being a deflection bonus, as those are more force effects (or supposed to be). Mage Armor is a 1st level spell with hour/level duration, so I don't think making this one the same would be much of an issue.

One Step Two
2021-03-06, 07:57 PM
I like it, I would do as Anthrowhale suggested, that there's a single will save when interacted with to negate the armor effect. I would also add that when cast it gives you the look of armor of your choosing, like the glammered armor ability. Let it double as a social spell, so you can enter court with a breast plate made of the finest silver bearing your personal heraldry for example.

2021-03-09, 05:55 AM
My suggestions:

1)Make it an Illusion/Evocation (Force) spell, not Abjuration.
2)Change the bonus type to Armor and not Deflection. Consider it a Force effect, applying it to incorporeal attacks.
3)Change the Target to Personal
4)Change the text, and allow only one single Will save, and not one each turn for each opponent striking it

2021-03-09, 08:15 AM
I like it, I would do as Anthrowhale suggested, that there's a single will save when interacted with to negate the armor effect. I would also add that when cast it gives you the look of armor of your choosing, like the glammered armor ability. Let it double as a social spell, so you can enter court with a breast plate made of the finest silver bearing your personal heraldry for example.

Good idea, it could work in simplifying the spell and adding a function more of illusion

My suggestions:

1)Make it an Illusion/Evocation (Force) spell, not Abjuration.
2)Change the bonus type to Armor and not Deflection. Consider it a Force effect, applying it to incorporeal attacks.
3)Change the Target to Personal
4)Change the text, and allow only one single Will save, and not one each turn for each opponent striking it

Okay that the beguiller doesn't have greater mage armor as spell...but with these suggestion it seems even worst than that spell , and deflection bonus work against incorporeal attack. But if one combine: worst duration, only personal target and a will save that could nullify the entire spell is quite obvious that it would be lacking if compared to mage armor greater. And... mage armor wasn't of conjuration instead of evocation? So this version shouldn't be an illusion /conjuration (force) ?

2021-03-09, 12:20 PM
If it's an illusion, it should provide no actual AC but instead should offer a miss chance.

If it's an evocation (force), it should provide a deflection bonus.

If it's transmutation, it should provide an armor bonus.

So, what problem are you trying to solve? The archers shoot at you first because you're not wearing armor? I solved that this way:

Macros' Illusionary Armor
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 min/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: No

This spell temporarily creates the illusion, including auditory and tactile effects, of a suit of armour (caster's choice) upon the target creature. This illusion requires no concentration to maintain and is dispelled when the target individual is successfully struck for damage in melee combat.

Alternately, you could consider purchasing a +1 glamered mithril shirt.

If you want an actual armor bonus, consider something like the following that my specialist wizard researched when he could not use mage armor:

Macros' Steelcloth
Level: Wiz 1
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 30 minutes/level
You alter the fabrics used to make your clothing so that they become incredibly hard yet still retain their pliable nature and normal weight. Arrows that would normally penetrate a thin cotton tunic would instead bounce off. A mighty swing of a sword that would slash through your trousers instead is turned away.
The spell provides a +6 bonus to your armor class.
Material Component: A small piece of steel or iron, approximately the size of a nail.

If you want an actual armor bonus, this would stack with any deflection bonuses you have.

2021-03-16, 04:50 AM
Okay that the beguiller doesn't have greater mage armor as spell...but with these suggestion it seems even worst than that spell , and deflection bonus work against incorporeal attack. But if one combine: worst duration, only personal target and a will save that could nullify the entire spell is quite obvious that it would be lacking if compared to mage armor greater. And... mage armor wasn't of conjuration instead of evocation? So this version shouldn't be an illusion /conjuration (force) ?

The change from Deflection to Armor[Force] is because many items give Deflection Bonus, and you do not want them to be made useless from a spell.
The will save can negate it entirely, yes (like MOST illusion spells), but it also means that it takes only ONE failed saving throw to have it work constantly. And also mechanically is a lot less a nightmare (taking away a LOT of rolls every tuns). Moreover, this is a spell giving you AC, which means most rolls are made by Figher or Rogue types, most of which are weak in the Will Save. Try not to anger any Paladin.

Personal range is a must. This is an Illusion, meaning you have some degree of control over it, even the subconsious type. Casting it on yourself, and having your subconscious control it to make it beliavable with your movements, while other creatures could not.

And for the school... you are ABSOLUTELY right. That's an error I make a lot. I am Italian, and Conjuration is spelled "Evocazione" while Evocation is spelled "Invocazione". Even just looking at the letters you can see why i make this mistake a LOT