View Full Version : Proficiency monkey 2.0

2021-03-06, 08:39 PM
I posted this a while back when I thought I would be playing it soon but things changed and I have more time to tinker with it now. I am looking for ways to make the build more optimized to its goals, I am mostly looking for help to make the leveling more clean and helpful so I move most of the dead levels to the end. magic items to help would be nice and suggestions on how to get more proficiencies I don't have. I really want to find a way to get vehicle proficiencies.


str 8 dex 16 con 10 int 16 wis 18 cha 16

Build goals

Optimized the most into social encounters(DMG) skills, Deception, intimidation, persuasion, and insight. (why I when eloquence and fey on bard and ranger instead of more skill focus choices.)

Have the most skills possible without sacrificing goal 1 on the body

Gain as many skill as possibly with magic items

Gain as many proficiencies as possible through downtime. (note: my group has a rule to gain expertise in tools using the same rules as gaining proficiency.)

Skills 15/18
Skill Expertise 10/18
Artist Tools 3/17(all with magic)
Artist Tools Expertise /17(all with magic)
Tools 5/6(6 with 7 weeks of downtime)
Tool expertise 5/6(6 with 6 weeks of downtime spent on gaining 1 tool)
Game set 0/4(4 with24 weeks of downtime)
Instruments 1/10(10 with 54 weeks of downtime)
Vehicles 0/3(3 with 18 weeks of downtime)
Languages 9/16(16 with 42 weeks of downtime.)
Special languages 1/2
Armor 3/3
Weapons 3/3

Downtime required: 125

Race Half-elf Common, Elvish, Dwarven, Skills: Investigation, Animal Handling

Background: Izzet engineer Arcane, investigation Calligrapher's Supplies Goblin

LV 1 Rogue 1: light armor, thieves tools, Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Expertise Acrobatics, Athletics. Thieves' Cant

LV 2 Rogue 2

LV 3 Rogue 3(Scout) Nature Survival Expertise Nature Survival

LV 4 Cleric 1(Knowledge) Draconic, Giant. Arcane Religion Expertise Arcane History

LV 5 Bard 1 Perception Bagpipes

LV 6 Bard 2 Half proficiency in every skill

LV 7 Bard 3 (eloquence)

LV 8 Artificer 1 Thinkers Tools

LV 9 Artificer 2

LV 10 Artificer 3(Armorer) Smith tools heavy armor

LV 11 Artificer 4 Skill Expert Medicine Expertise Medicine

LV 12 Artificer 5

LV 13 Artificer 6 Expertise in tools

LV 14 Rogue 4 Prodigy Alchemist’s supplies, Intimidation, Gnomish Expertise Intimidation

LV 15 Ranger 1 Expertise Perception Undercommon halfling

LV 16 ranger 2

LV 17 ranger 3(fey wounder)

LV 18 ranger 4 skilled 3 tools

LV 19 Rogue 5

LV 20 Rogue 6 Expertise Deception insight

Magic item: all-purpose tools, headband of int