View Full Version : How to make an aarakocra into a half-elf

2021-03-11, 04:27 AM
I'm in a campaign as someone who lived to adulthood as a half elf bard adventurer, then died in a dungeon looking for a fountain of youth. Centuries passed, then something something throwing a talon from a bird angel into the fountain something something wild magic hit my corpse something something I'm alive and I'm a bird now. Technically an aarakocra, with the caveat that there aren't other aarakocra in this world, I'm just a weird thing that happened.
I would like to seek out a way to experience being my old self again temporarily and assumed there would be a spell for that. I want to actually transform, so illusions won't cut it. Alter self can't turn me from a creature with six limbs into one with four. Polymorph is restricted to beasts. Is there really no way for a winged humanoid to transform into a non-winged humanoid besides the 9th-level spell true polymorph?

2021-03-11, 04:44 AM
I'm in a campaign as someone who lived to adulthood as a half elf bard adventurer, then died in a dungeon looking for a fountain of youth. Centuries passed, then something something throwing a talon from a bird angel into the fountain something something wild magic hit my corpse something something I'm alive and I'm a bird now. Technically an aarakocra, with the caveat that there aren't other aarakocra in this world, I'm just a weird thing that happened.
I would like to seek out a way to experience being my old self again temporarily and assumed there would be a spell for that. I want to actually transform, so illusions won't cut it. Alter self can't turn me from a creature with six limbs into one with four. Polymorph is restricted to beasts. Is there really no way for a winged humanoid to transform into a non-winged humanoid besides the 9th-level spell true polymorph?

I mean you could just change into a Winged Half-elf. Half Avariel.

I will say its a bit unclear if you can't turn into a half-elf with Alter Self. It says you cant go from bipedal to quadrupedal, not you can't go from winged, to not winged.

Magic Jar could steal a half-elven body for you.

2021-03-11, 05:22 AM
One idea that has existed in previous editions of D&D, although I'm not sure it has an equivalent in 5e, would be to spend down-time researching/crafting a unique spell or ritual to achieve an unusual effect.

In your case you would be researching a way to make Alter Self lose it's limitations on number of limbs, or changing Polymorph to specifically include 'half-elf' in it's list of variations, or something equivalent along similar lines.

You'd have to discuss it with your GM to see if they'd allow it, but otherwise it could be a great way to inspire roleplay and write a plot that requires your character to go find magical ingredients or hidden lore in order to obtain their goal.

You can also find a Druid and pay them to Reincarnate you a bunch of times until you get the desired outcome. It's 1/25 chance to hit Half-Elf and costs 1,000gp per casting, but it's a 5th level spell so it will definitely work at level 9!

Alternatively; go make friend with a high level Wizard and ask them pleasepleaseplease to cast True Polymorph or Wish on you. Asking nicely can work at any level, just be prepared to owe them a HUGE favour in return! :smallbiggrin:

2021-03-11, 07:38 AM
A Reincarnation spell could work, provided you don't mind dying.

da newt
2021-03-11, 07:50 AM
Cast Alter Self, if your DM says you can't become a non-winged Biped, just become a half elf with wings (the smaller the better) and cover them with a cloak.

As far as I know there isn't a winged animal in existence that can't fold it's wings in - I'd assume all the D&D creatures with wings could too.

2021-03-11, 10:56 AM
Reincarnate is off the table since I'd want the solution to be temporary, like if I want to go to an inn without having the "what the hell are you" conversation with everybody I pass, or enjoy spicy foods, or spend the night with someone without the beak and talons getting in the way. The bird bod may be plot relevant.
Magic Jar might work, but it'd be a big moral precipice to fall off of from where I've established myself to sit so far. Might be an interesting character moment if I get desperate enough though.