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2021-03-12, 04:35 PM

You have completed your journey over the Crown of the World and arrive at the city of Ordu-Aganhei—the gateway to the mysterious Dragon Empires of Tian Xia, or, as Tians prefer to view it, the last outpost of civilization before the wilds of the Crown of the World and beyond. Named after the Tian explorer who first charted the route over the Crown of the World, Ordu-Aganhei is the primary trade hub on the Tian side of the Path of Aganhei, and represents the first major outpost of civilization that you seen since leaving Kalsgard and crossing the savage and deserted wastes in the mountains.

Ameiko and the front of the caravan and Shalelu walking on her long elven legs beside the caravan nods and smiles. Ameiko looks back at you all ""We can finally relax and recover from the rigors of their journey in the city, as well seek out information on the current situation in Minkai". As the dusty caravan approaches the gate to enter the city through its north gate, a decorated tower with a single 30-foot-high reinforced iron door and some 30 guards inside you can hear the excitement and shouts from within.

A caravan coming out of the Crown of the World in the off-season is an almost unheard of occurrence, and the gate guards examine with barely hidden suspicion, halberds are lowered and the lead guard approaches and speaks in broken Taldan. "We search caravan, any trouble gates closed.". The guards’ examination is strict and thorough, dust swirling around them as they work. Ameiko raising an eyebrow at the intense search, leaning back, "You would think that they would welcome the out of season trade"

As the guards rummage and bang about you suddenly hear a sharp shout from within the tower and a portly well dressed man stamps out. He is dressed in a fine silk robe with a small peaked hat perched on his head and offers you a low bow. "Honored guests! Welcome, welcome, and three welcomes more! Please ignore these slithering worms beneath your feet—I assure you they shall be punished for their insolence. Prince Batsaikhar, golden orb of sunlight at the black portal of barbarism, bids you welcome to Ordu-Aganhei, the City at the Edge of the World. My most munificent lord invites his honored guests to his humble palace to rest, dine, partake in polite conversation, and perhaps indulge in some pleasure. The Golden One says he hopes you will honor him with your clever speech from strange lands, a speech that he of all men in Hongal has mastered. He is eager to hear of your journey across the Crown of the World in this most difficult time of travel."

2021-03-13, 12:55 AM
Charles jumps out from one of the caravan almost ready to kiss the floor as they finally approach the gates. Lewis the red fox follows him from behind trying to remind him about staying calm to avoid attracting to much attention. Charles takes a moment to compose himself before trying to explain himself. "I am just glad its finally over. Taking care of so many people for so many days has been quite the challenge. I never expected we would be able to make it in one piece.".

Still, it had been a worthwhile journey just for the chance of travelling and battling side by side with his heroine, Ameiko. He began to wonder how the city would look on the inside. He remembers hearing about it from his mother and couldnt wait to see how much it had changed from the stories she told him. Charles remains calm and greets the guard with a smile. "(Tien)Good day, sir!(/Tien)"

Charles raises his eyebrow confused when they are received by the well dressed gentleman. Charles whispers to the others in the caravan. "I am not sure about this. I didnt know someone was waiting for our arrival.". Lewis nods in agreement about this assessment though he decides to remain silent to avoid revealing that he could talk.

To be ready for anything. I will pick my spells now and pick Lewis´ Evolutions.
Lewis evolution will be: Immunity: Fire (Cost: 2 evo points)

0=Detect Magic, Read Magic, Dancing Lights, Mage Hand, Message, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation, Mending, Ray of Frost
1=Feather Fall, Silent Image, Identify, Magic Missile, Obscuring Mist
2=Merge with Familiar, Invisibility, Protection from Arrows, Gust of Wind
3=Lightning Bolt, Dispel Magic, Fly
4=Shadow Conjuration, Wall of fire

Zero Prime
2021-03-13, 08:10 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, Blade Bound Champion of the Blessed Moon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408581)
HP: 83 (91) | CURRENT: 83 (91) | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 24 | FCMD: 23
SPELL SLOTS: 0: 5/5 | 1st: 6/6 | 2nd: 4/5 | 3rd: 3/3 | 4th: 1/1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Visualization of Body (Constitution)

Zhou nodded by way of greeting as Grysta dismounted from the rearmost wagon, he, himself, had been travelling on foot, preferring the feel of earth and clouds of road dust to the jarring, subtle rocking of a cart bed. "Master Grysta," he spoke in a soft, patient tone, "it has indeed been a long journey, one that started at Brinewall Castle, lead us to the halls of the Linnorn Kings, we crossed the Spine of the World, and crossed the Wall of Heaven to be here." He nodded towards the great gateway before them, "our path beset by dangers ahead, and assassin's behind. It is wise to be cautious, but foolish to ignore the invitation of a man with as auspicious name as Prince Batsaikhar, Golden Orb of Sunlight at the Black Portal of Barbarism." He tapped his skull, "However, we must remember that we enter through the Black Portal, as such will be viewed as the barbarians here, so must comport ourselves with respect, and dignity, lest we be drawn into a situation where we offend our host, and he seeks to impede our journy through these, self same, gates."

Having circled around to the wagon which held his companions, he lifted the rear flap, as to conceal the conversation from the Lord's emissary, "Greetings friends," he said as he crawled into the wagon's interior, "I feel it is in our best interest to accept the invitation, and learn what we can from our Host, but I pray we do not tarry long, our steps are still pursued by those assassins who attacked as in Linnorn, and again at the Wall of Heaven."

Captain Jak
2021-03-13, 01:16 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 84 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Dusty, sore, and tired from their extended journey, Emika is very much glad to see what currently passes for civilization as it draws nearer. Hopping from the wagon where she was catching a ride, she makes her way with rapid strides to the front of the caravan, in time for the less than warm welcome from the guards – a greeting that doesn’t catch her by a great deal of surprise.

As is her practice, she’s traveling sans armour and with only a few small weapons showing, a far more comfortable way to journey if one has the option. Her sturdy travelling leathers are worn, battered, but at least not as dirty as they could have been; even if they are very much the style of the other continent.

The arrival of the loquacious official triggers a slight narrowing of her eyes; truly, every random caravan in the off-season is invited to dine with the local lord? She can’t recall if she’s heard any such reputation from this Prince off the top of her head. Regardless, it seems that her companions are generally in favour of accepting the invitation.

”Please convey our appreciation of the Golden One’s most generous offer,” she replies with a practiced smile. While she doesn’t possess a particularly winning nature, she’s made a practice of being able to speak pleasant words at need. ”We will be honoured to present ourselves once we have washed the dust of our journey from our feet and dressed in something more suitable for such an audience.”

Or in some cases, return from purchasing something suitable. The rigors of the journey has left her with nothing worth wearing but her current travel outfit and her armour; neither of which will present the sort of impression they would wish to, going into this....

Knowledge (Nobility): [roll0]

Foryn Gilnith
2021-03-13, 02:35 PM
Gao Wen sits in the wagon with his eyes closed and a set of prayer beads in hand, leaving first impressions to their honorable leader Ameiko as well as the more aggressive members of the group. Keeping his ears perked to train the senses, he breaks into a soft smile as the honeyed invitation of the envoy drifts into the caravan. After all, what welcome would be more fitting for a group ordained by the heavens to restore righteous rule to the land? However, as Zhou returns to the wagon and delivers more sobering comments, Gao Wen rouses with a frown and tucks his beads back into a corner of his kasaya.

"Indeed, the eyes of the Five Storms reach far, and the legs of their agents are swift. Though the righteous need not fear the grasping hands of the wicked, it would be a terrible thing to draw the people of Hongal into our conflict... that said, one night of hospitality should be safe enough for for this Prince Batsaikhar to offer."

Having said his piece, Gao Wen reaches to his side for the serpentine mage's staff that has accompanied him through all the battlefields of the frozen north. As he stands up, his eyes drift across the glinting armor and sharpened steel borne by the rest of the party, and a faint smirk appears on Gao Wen's face. "And more than safe enough for us, if some fools of ninja dare to think our travels have made us softer quarry."

2021-03-13, 03:06 PM
Darhana had been riding next to the caravan now they were in more civilized lands. During the travels over the Crown of the World she had often explored ahead, checking out the route to make sure passes were open and stuff like that. She was glad that it was over and she could have a rest.
"We're almost there, Prancer," she said, patting her horse on his neck. He flicked his ears and gave a snort.

When the guards searched, she kept an eye on them and the ones still on the walls and towers. They would have to endure the search, as those could easily kill them. She might be able to get away, but there was no way the rest would, so she stayed and endured the search. It wasn't that she had many possessions anyway and if they wanted to search her travel rations, they could.

But then someone intervened on behalf of the lord of the city.
"I agree with my colleague here," she said in the Tien she had learned on the way here, nodding at Emika. She could certainly do with a bath.

2021-03-15, 01:53 PM
At the agreement Chua nods beneficially and waves away the guards. "Be gone be gone Can you ont see these fine folk are the guests of his most honoured Prince of Batasaikhar, the most mighty of Ordu-Aganhei." The guards leap to obey and soon enough the massive gates are pulled open to reveal the bustling streets beyond. As the gate opens a vast wave of "humanity" washes over you, the stink strong after you months of harsh transit across the Crown of the World. A strong tang of sulphur is on the air from the hot springs that feed the ornamental lakes at the heart of the city.

The city is a tightly packed maze of stout wooden timber buildings with high gables and ornate brightly coloured eaves with long banners proclaiming the shops owners and wares fluttering the breeze like a reverse forest of shining colours. Thousands of prayer flags hanging from balconies and roofs add to the effect so that it seems all the upper levels are covered in flickering coloured paper. THe streets tightly packed with stalls of of all kinds and meats and food of many strange types lining the edges of the streets, at regular intervals you see the soliders in dark blue uniforms with long halberds patrolling and despite the crowds and the incense and food smells the city seems clean, certainly compared to the squallid longhalls of the Linnorm Kings that was your last taste of civilisation.

As you are led through the city you attract a lot of attention, people shouting out to you, traders shouting out offers for your wares or your women! and street performers tumbling alongside, or breathing great gouts of alchemical fire to great applause. Ameiko looks at you all with a grin, "Its so busy! My parents had spoken of it being packed, all of Sandpoint would be swallowed up here!" Her words are choked off as you abruptly reach the end of an alley and come out int othe central plaza, a large ornamental lake with rough sand surrounding a steaming lake filled with bathers and children playing and birds wading through the shallows. A large park like garden is laid out around the lake and on the far side the imposing Palace of the Prince with massive streamers proclaiming his majestic strengths hanging from the gold plated eaves. The square by the palace is near empty save for that of dozens of blue frocked soldiers and a in a grim macabre decoration a garden contains the spiked remains of some 30 prisoners spitted atop long bamboo poles reminiscent of the bamboo flowers on the far side of the lake. Emika looking to the others cannot recall much about this Prince, its has been long she was in these parts but you get the impression you should be careful!

On the far side of the lake, near you as you enter the square you can see a massive 4 storey pagoda marked with the symbol of Abador, athough those of you native these lands know he is known here as the Lord of Ditches and Walls (as these represent civilisation in this land!). Entering the palace courtyard functioanries in fine silk robes run forward to take the tired horses and you are ushered inside. Another functionary, this time with a strange peaked cap with three long bells ringing gently atop it shows you to a suite of rooms in the Eastern wing of the palace. "His most high Prince, most mighty of the Northern Realms and Watcher of the Sprit Road bids you welcome. Rest, wash and relax. Tonight his benevolence would invite you to a feast in his honour where you regale him with tales of your adventures."

2021-03-15, 03:13 PM
Darhana was more at ease in the wilderness than in cities, although she liked Sandpoint well enough. But this was a lot more and a lot worse. Even her horse, Prancer, wasn't sure about this. She patted his neck.
"C'mon," she said, "we've been through worse and soon you can rest with some fresh food."
The horse snorted again and moved on, flicking his ears left and right as the sounds became more intense.

When she passed one of the fire breathers, Prancer shied away from the fire.
"Be careful," Darhana said in accented Tien, "horses don't like fire."

Soon they were past that and Darhana's look was drawn to the dead people on the bamboo.
"Is this normal here," she asked Shalelu, still the person she knew best amongst those in the caravan.

Soon they were in the palace and when people came to collect the horses, she looked at Prancer.
"No biting," she said, "and no stomping on people's feet either, okay?"
The horse flicked with his ears.

Then she followed the others into the palace and she took out her fancy clothes out of her haversack and put them over a bamboo frame screen in the room so the wrinkles could smooth out, before she headed for the baths.

Zero Prime
2021-03-17, 04:19 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, Blade Bound Champion of the Blessed Moon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408581)
HP: 83 (91) | CURRENT: 83 (91) | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 24 | FCMD: 23
SPELL SLOTS: 0: 5/5 | 1st: 6/6 | 2nd: 4/5 | 3rd: 3/3 | 4th: 1/1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Visualization of Body (Constitution)

Zhou walked stoically alongside the caravan, his eyes focused forward, however, he moved deftly to avoid the press of the crowd where he could, looking back to his companions to judge their reactions to the peoples of Ordu-Agenhei. The curiosity of the crowd and the clamor for their attention, that, he could understand, they were honored guests of their Price, and so to be admired, as much as a word, or a coin, could elevate the status of any merchant here. What he could not abide, was the barbaric display of near two score criminals, spitted as if animals, and left to rot in the crisp, spring air. His brow furrowed, he looked to his companions to judge their reaction.

As functionaries moved to divest him of his belongings, he stubbornly insisted he carry his own possessions, instead cornering one of the lower bureaucrats, "I had been led to believe that Ordu-Agenhei was the last bastion of civilisation before one traverses the Spine of the World. How, then, is it, that men and women are executed and their bodies left on display? Surely their crimes are not such that they must endure indignity even beyond death?!?"

2021-03-17, 12:49 PM
Charles wasnt exactly sure about the situation. He didnt think of any reason to receive special treatment especially from a stranger. Charles decides to follow the others for the time being while waiting for answers or context. "Thank you very much for the invitation and the warm welcome." He replies knowing he was leaving out the part of the guard reception. At the very least, he would try to be respectful especially if they were soon to be dealing with a prince.

Lewis jumped on Charles´ shoulders instead of using its feet. He decides to keep an eye on the surroundings since he didnt safe at all of the current situation. He could only hope that he was wrong but the whole thing sounded too suspicious to just let it be.

Foryn Gilnith
2021-03-17, 01:53 PM
Gao Wen frowns at the sight of the palace's brutal sculpture garden, a frown which only lifts once Zhou voices some of his own concerns. Seeing that a direct condemnation has been delivered, he moves up to join in haranguing the attendant. "Indeed, how could you do such a thing?" he calls out, waving a scolding finger and making no attempt to lower his volume. "Even if your Prince Batsaikhar is a valiant man who fears neither scorn nor reprobation, this arrangement of bodies is very inauspicious. It will attract foul energy; maybe even the attention of demons and evil spirits. As guests invited under the spirit of hospitality, we cannot let such a problem go unaddressed."

With a flick of his sleeve, Gao Wen takes his holy symbol in hand - a simple wooden thing, reflecting the stark triangular mountain peaks over which Yamatsumi holds dominion. Holding it aloft, he begins walking toward the bodies in the square while shouting his next statement. "Go inform His Majesty that we will conduct a complimentary rite to dispel bad fortune in this very square!"

"Our apologies if this delays your business," he adds, with not a trace of apology to be found on his face, before turning to the rest of the party. "Now come on, help me get these down; we need to light some incense as well."

Captain Jak
2021-03-18, 12:41 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 84 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Stiffening, Emika strides across the square to her outspoken companion. Yes, she too finds the practice barbaric and reprehensible, but....

”Perhaps we should hesitate before offering offense to our host, no matter how unintentional,” she tells Gao Wen, laying a lightly restraining hand on his arm while her dark gaze pierces into his face. ”Surely such an enlightened man as the Prince has quite compelling reasons to maintain such a display, and we would not wish to offend by presuming we know better before we hear those reasons.”

Her tone is pointed, but it has been a long journey and she would like at least a short while to catch her breath before potentially adding another actively hostile enemy to the ranks of those already arrayed against them.

He would just have to forgive her tone.

Foryn Gilnith
2021-03-18, 11:41 PM
Gao Wen takes his thin arms off the bamboo pole he had been lightly rattling before giving Emika a perplexed look. "If you think it wise, I can settle for lighting incense," he says while reaching into the folds of his robes for a few thin sticks. "But it goes without saying that we have reasons of our own, and if the Prince insists on pressing the topic it would only be proper to assess whose 'reason' is firmer..." His eyes drift toward Onigiri's sheath as he makes that last remark, before continuing on to size up any attendants visible.

Zero Prime
2021-03-19, 12:52 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, Blade Bound Champion of the Blessed Moon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408581)
HP: 83 (91) | CURRENT: 83 (91) | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 24 | FCMD: 23
SPELL SLOTS: 0: 5/5 | 1st: 6/6 | 2nd: 4/5 | 3rd: 3/3 | 4th: 1/1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Visualization of Body (Constitution)

Zhou nodded to Gao Wen, "Allow me to accompany you then brother, I will intone a prayer to the Prince of the Moon, that he may shine the cleansing light of the crescent upon this place, and allow their souls to ascend to the heavens to be judges by the gods, not men, for their supposed crimes." The warrior moved with his companion, staring daggers at their hosts various advisors, as if challenging them to prevent him from, at the least, praying for the spirits of the departed, so cruelly displayed.

2021-03-19, 04:30 PM
As the priest moves towards the barbaric display of skewered bodies guards move to stop him, hard eyes watching Gao Wen and Zhou. As he mentions removing the bodies one of the nearest guards, with an ornate blade at his waist and a silken tasselled scarf around his waist. "Step back noble visitors. Prince Batsaikahar's garden is not to be touched." He gestures slightly angrily towards he palace with a chop of his hand.

Move to your rooms. His most noble highness would want you to rest before the feast, enjoy your rooms, his most generous majesty has spared no expense." His eyes flicker towards Emika, Ameiko and Shalelu, "His greatness will proved clothes of the finest silks and jewels and exotic foods." Putting himself in front of SHou and Gao Wen, the other guards move up to encircle them and make it clear they are not welcome.

Behind Gao Wen, Emika and Shou where the rest of the caravan are sill walking Ameiko and Shalelu look to the others, Amieko whisper to Charles and Darhana "Have a care, I have not heard much of the Prince, but what I have heard of Batsaikar is not good. He is a smiling assassni. He smiles while he feasts, smiles while negotiating trade and smiles while he beheads servants to test the edge of his blade."

Zero Prime
2021-03-19, 06:23 PM
Tsu Yang Zhou, Blade Bound Champion of the Blessed Moon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408581)
HP: 83 (91) | CURRENT: 83 (91) | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 24 | FCMD: 23
SPELL SLOTS: 0: 5/5 | 1st: 6/6 | 2nd: 4/5 | 3rd: 3/3 | 4th: 1/1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Visualization of Body (Constitution)

Zhou stared through the large man blocking his path, a slight furrow between his brow, but otherwise entirely serene, like a pool of water the image of the moon, without grasping what it held upon it's surface, or showed to the world. As Ameiko's words drifted to him on the wind, there was a slight click, as he slid his jade blade back into the scabbard at his hip. Having loosened it in anticipation of the coming violence, he nodded to the guard, and when he spoke it was at a volume for the single guard who had blocked his path and him alone, "Know that you came within a hair of crossing the veil between life and death this day." His utterly serene face expressed to the guard that he was not threatening him, nor was it a show of bravado, but as a disciple of the Prince of Moons, he was fully committed to having spent his life in such a fashion, to attain the guard's own death.

As he turned towards Gao Wen, he smiled, and spoke loudly, "And here I thought that the walls of Ordu-Aganhei so tall, it's gates so thick, as to keep the barbarians out, rather than trapped within." He placed a hand on his companion's sleeve, "Shall we accept their hospitality, and wash from our feet the dust of the road, so we can place the shadow of this border town at our back on the morrow?"

2021-03-19, 09:43 PM
Charles was a bit surprised by his teammate immediate action to intervene and while he agreed on how uncomforting the decour was, he wanted to give the prince the benefit of the doubt. In the meantime, Charles starts speaking in his private language with Lewis trying to recall with his familiar on any information that they might recall about the prince and the city. Hopefully, between the two, they could get the bigger picture on the whole thing. The two then begin talking with each other about what they remembered from books.

Charles: K. Local roll: [roll0]
Lewis: K. Nobility: [roll1]
K. Local: [roll2]
K. History: [roll3]

2021-03-20, 06:50 AM
Darhana decided to leave things for now as they were vastly outnumbered in this town and didn't know the lay of the land. At least not enough. After a refreshing bath, she put on her good clothes and the jewelry that went with it. Leaving her armour off, she put her bow in the pocket of her quiver and put that one on her back, as if it was part of the outfit. While it was in woodland colours, it was fancy enough not to be completely out of place. She also kept her sword and dagger with her.

A bit before the hour, she was ready to go and meet this prince guy.

Captain Jak
2021-03-20, 03:43 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 84 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Emika refrains from grinding her teeth, but just barely. It is one thing to have a moral objection to a repugnant practice, and she has no objections to setting such situations right by whatever means – but there comes a time for discretion, unless you wish to die in the dirt, far from home, because you throw a challenge into the face of everything you come across that doesn’t pass your judgement.

”His greatness is indeed most generous,” she replies, not showing any concern at the guards more overtly around them. Yes, they were in the trap now, but the options are try to cut their way out at that very moment and flee, or wait and see through this dangerous princeling’s game and hopefully escape unscathed on the other side.

If not, cutting their way out was always still an option to hold in reserve; one that might work all the better if they started doing so from the peak of the problem, rather than hacking here at the roots.

She has to wonder if the appropriate clothing they are to be provided comes from owners who no longer number among the living, but there isn’t much they can do about that for the moment. She does know, regardless, that she will not be attending the Prince entirely unprepared....

Foryn Gilnith
2021-03-21, 12:36 PM
Gao Wen gives the assembling guards a quick glance but otherwise ignores them, seeing only his fellow party-members as worthy of concern. On hearing Zhou's comments, he laughs, nods in agreement, and claps the swordsman on the back. "It wasn't just a pretense, you know. Even if we can't convince the prince to put aside his brazen and brutish ways, we should at least implore him to have displays like this end sooner. I doubt any ruler would like to see vengeful ghosts run rampant right under his nose, after all."

As the group continues on to their quarters, Gao Wen agrees to use the provided clothes rather than taking out his own silks. While he does worry about concealed poisons, it would hardly do any good for one and only one person to evade the threat; might as well go forth fearlessly.

Zero Prime
2021-03-21, 11:06 PM
Tsu Yang Zhou, Blade Bound Champion of the Blessed Moon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408581)
HP: 83 (91) | CURRENT: 83 (91) | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 24 | FCMD: 23
SPELL SLOTS: 0: 5/5 | 1st: 6/6 | 2nd: 4/5 | 3rd: 3/3 | 4th: 1/1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Visualization of Body (Constitution)

Tsu Yang Zhou was not a vindictive man, nor one prone to bouts of violence, he was, however, passionate. And while his behaviour was unseemly to some, it was a sentiment he felt rightfully, and truthfully, needed to be expressed. One should not allow the fear of retribution prevent one from speaking a truth, even if that retribution costs one life.

However, he did not hold grudges, and once in his assigned apartment, accepted it with sincerity and humility. Thanking the servant who led him to the chambers, he opened a door to the veranda and took in the view of the city. Thankfully it was facing away from the displayed bodies of criminals and prisoners, so instead, he chose to concentrate on the marvels of architecture, the banners and pennants snapping in the breeze, and as the sun began to set men moved through the streets lighting lanterns ensconced in colored paper, which cast warm hues of reds, oranges, and yellow, like flames licking the buildings, markets, and squares of this, most famous, city on the edge of the world.

He took a moment to greet the moon in the sky, hiding demurely behind the wisp of a cloud, he smiled and bowed, before moving back to the interior of his assigned apartment. He wandered towards a steaming bath, scrubbing the road dust with such vigor his skin stood a bright shade of pink, he then unbound his hair and washed it thoroughly. Satisfied he was clean, and feeling refreshed from the steaming heat of the bath, he stood, and clothed his whipcord lean body in fresh linen underclothes, and beautiful, cool, silks, of sombre green and brown, trimmed with yellows and golds.

As he prepared to move towards the common hall, he thought to leave his blade behind, so as not to further offend his host. However, an errant whisper entered his thoughts, he nodded to the voiceless word. "Yes, Mingxing, we should display our humility and our strength," and he reached back to place the broad bladed crescent ringed blade through his sash, as he stepped into the hall, looking for his companions.

OOC: I am assuming that the guest chambers all exit into a common suite or something where we can converse without crowding into one another's bed chambers. If I am wrong, let me know and I will edit appropriately.

2021-03-22, 06:58 PM
The guest wing is a example of sumptuous luxury, a decorated small indoor orchid garden sits around around a small pool under a glass roof at the centre of the suite of rooms. Each of your rooms has an immense circular bed with silken sheets and a selection of kimono's and other traditional Tien/Minkai attire in a rainbow of colours. As a servant bows low, showing you the way to the rooms he motions to the rooms. Its Gao Wen when proffered to a room is greeted by a balcony overlooking the bamboo / corpse "flower garden". The servant bows low again, hiding his face under the brim of his wide tasseled hat and motions to a box in the corner of Gao Wen's room. "His majesty heard of your admiration for his flower garden, he has a special gift for you." He pulls aside a silken sheet from a stand in the corner to reveal a grinning partially rotten head atop a spear decorated with fronds of flowers. "The great one bid you enjoy the private garden.."

The suite throngs with servants, each one of you with 3-4 silk shrouded servants shadowing you at all times but the lead servant points to your rooms. "The majesty will feast with you this evening."


In the evening, as fireworks explode in colour and fire over the city and music and banners wave suggesting a city in revelry servants usher you down through gold leaf covered corridors and others lined with silk canvases and painted screens of wild animals and monsters mauling people to death. Eventually you are announced into a grand chamber which is packed with tall thin oiled courtiers, noble warriors with pairs of swords at their waist and hundreds of servants. In the centre of the room, barely visible through the fog of incense and surrounded by silken screens lies a vast bed some 20ft across. Atop the bed are half a dozen women, figures painted with pale white masks and in their centre in a voluminous golden and amethyst robes is the scrawny figure of Prince Batsaikhar


CHuar is back again and nods and grins, "My Majesty, Iron Shield of the Northern Empire, please see the caravan of Ameiko Lonjitsu..." the lack of titles hangs in the air, and the Prince's smile while wide does not touch his eyes. "Honoured guests who would seek my shelter and benevolence. Please introduce yourselves, tell me of yourself then we may feast and we shall host a grand banquet...

Captain Jak
2021-03-23, 10:48 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 84 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Hoping that none of her companions do anything rash to hasten the arrival of impending doom, Emika tours the suite while making appropriate murmurs of delight and appreciation at the lavish surroundings; not incidentally at the same time making note of entrances and exits, overt and otherwise, and likely places for concealed listening posts.

Or murder holes.

Tasked, in part, with security – whether they are currently a caravan or not – she encourages her female companions to bathe and dress together, under the premise of needing to confer on matters of fashion. Fashion or otherwise, they were safer in numbers for as long as they could manage such.

It is...strange, she supposes, to be back in proper clothing after all this time. Disconcerting in the least to have much shorter hair, of course, but such things can’t be helped. One dressed she tucks her kukri into the wide belt of her kimono, willing to lose the weapon should they not be allowed in the presence of the Prince; more importantly, she secrets her leather gloves beneath the silken fabric as well, and pins her broach to the inside of the kimono’s collar. She is, sufficiently or not, as prepared as she is able.

The scene presented to them that evening in the grand chamber is not a reassuring one. The sheer amount of excess demonstrated is suggestive of the mind of the man who rules here, and the degree to which they are outnumbered by armed warriors is far from comforting.

At least, in the borderlands as they are, there is a vanishingly small chance she will run into anyone who might have known her from before.

”Your majesty, your generosity is truly as large as both your wealth and your very greatness,” she replies clearly, calling the attention first upon herself as she bends her knee into a curtsy that comes with the ease of long practice in her youth, regardless of how long it has been since she has performed this obeisance.

”Your noble court does us an honour to receive us, for we are but travellers passing through your princedom; holders of no lands, keepers of no wealth, with no titles bestowed upon our simple names. I have the pleasure to be Emika,” she introduces herself, claiming no family name. ”One who has been long from our lands and who rejoices in the opportunity to partake in your celebration.”

Rising from her curtsy, she bows her head and steps back once more.

Hopefully, her companions will be able to restrain themselves from, at the very least, outright rudeness....


2021-03-24, 11:45 AM
Darhana isn't sure about what's going on here. There is something really wrong in this city, but at the moment they are very outnumbered so she decides to observe and try to figure out more about what's going on. While everybody who puts up a display like the one in the square is evil or mad... and possibly both, she first needs more information before they can try and do something about it.
"Thank you for the reception, your highness," she says in her accented Tien, making a curtsy, "I'm Darhana of Truegar."

This is an example of Darhana's dress
Darhana's dress (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/345862446379573547/)
EDIT: putting an image didn't seem to work, so I'll link to it.

2021-03-24, 06:44 PM
Charles was a bit nervous about the possibility of things going south especially after the discusion between himself and Lewis. "(Familiar Language)What have we gotten ourselves into?(/Familiar Language)" Charles complains to Lewis. Lewis sighs as he thinks about the situation. "(Familiar Language)Well, its pretty obvious that this formal meeting wont allow diminished creatures such as myself and yet I must point out that separating from one another is not an option.(/Familiar Language)" Charles discusses with Lewis for a bit about how they should handle the whole "celebration".

Charles casts merge with familiar. It should last 10 hours. During this period, the two can merge and separate at will as a move action. He thne changes clothes.


Afterwards, he decides to give a message to Tsu and Gao Wen on his information recollection and hopefully help them be prepared for what may come to be. He casts a spell twice and gives the following message to both of them. "Insane prince. Corrupt government. Be careful. Keep an eye on leader of the bodyguards Imijitsu. Be prepared for the worse. Try and warn the others." He then goes to finish his preparations by first merging with Lewis, changing into his human form and finally by casting a defensive ward on himself before finally leaving the room.

Charles casts sending and Protection from arrows (duration: 10 hrs).

1(6) 2(4) 3(5) 4(5) 5(1)


__________________________________________________ __________________________________

Charles tries to remain friendly with the prince. "Such a warm welcome. Thank you very much your Highness for giving us such a warm welcome. And your palace, it is a sight to behold." Charles replies trying to give genuine praise in whatever way he could think of. "I am known as Charles Grysta. A humble traveller of this caravan." Charles didnt want to give too much information about himself especially if it could be used against him.

Charles tried his best to enjoy the evening with the others. Even with the potential dangers, this could be the only time he might get for some fun and relaxation. The biggest surprise of all was how beautiful Emika and Darhana looked in their attires. He had to hold himself from giving more than a passing compliment since he didnt want to sound disrespectful to either of them.

Zero Prime
2021-03-25, 06:28 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, Blade Bound Champion of the Blessed Moon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408581)
HP: 83 (91) | CURRENT: 83 (91) | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 24 | FCMD: 23
SPELL SLOTS: 0: 5/5 | 1st: 6/6 | 2nd: 4/5 | 3rd: 3/3 | 4th: 1/1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Visualization of Body (Constitution)

"Insane prince. Corrupt government. Be careful. Keep an eye on leader of the bodyguards Imijitsu. Be prepared for the worse. Try and warn the others."

Prior to the evenings celebrations, Zhou received a most curious message from his ally, once delivered through the arcane ether, direct, and unbidden to his mind. Given the seriousness of the missive, he chose to obey it's counsel. As such, while his companions introduced themselves, he took a care to scan the room, seeking to pick up the aforementioned Imijitsu.

When it came his turn, Tsu Yang Zhou nodded as he stepped forward to introduce himself to the capricious ruler of Ordu-Aganhei, "Tsu Yang Zhou, humble servant of our Lord Prince Tsukiyo, the Jade Crescent Prince, Consort to the most Respelndent Shizuru, Empress of Heaven and all beneath it. Grown to manhood beneath the Wall of Heaven, trained as Jade Champion under Matron Mother Xiasheng Sing, in the illustrious halls of Grand Qian Tin Temple. Tasked to traverse the spine of the world, and return, having done so I find myself in the esteemed presence of, his most munificent lord and guardian of Ordu-Aganhei. And before we feast, my companions and I humbly request the benevolence and hospitality of our Lord Prince, to remain in his, most glorious, halls."

2021-03-27, 04:27 PM
As you each introduce yourself Ameiko and Shalelu join in. The elven ranger giving a polite if curt "I am Shalelu, a weary hunter and traveller and gracious to he mighty Prince of Ordu-Aganhei for his welcome." Ameiko is a bit more circumspect, not mentioning the strange letter and missive she had received about being heir to the Jade Throne and returning to throw off the chains of tyranny (chains that appeared to rest lightly on this local tyrant).

The prince nods, smiling, although you can feel the insincerity. Chau by the Prince's side listens to some whispered words begore shouting out. "His mighty would welcome you all sit and be welcome. When the dawn breaks you are welcome in his markets to trade your wares. But this evening we feast and entertain." He claps his hands sharply as you are shown to a table far from the raised bed/dais.
As you sit servants flood the area bearing great silver platters of steamed hongali stone frogs, goats feet served on noodles, fish lips on celery and drunken shrimps. The food is fanciful and extreme, spiced wildly to the point of near inedibility but still you see everyone else in the room eating with pained smiles. As you eat a pair of beautiful young ladies with painted faces enter the chamber and after kneeling and paying homage to the Prince they begin to play a delicate folk song on their morin khur (a type of horsehead fiddle) whilst the second enacts the play pi ying xi (leather shadow puppets). As they finish the Prince looks to his guests, "My friends from distant lands. Would be as kind to give me a story from you own homeland."


Perform, sleight of hand (for puppetry) or diplomacy for story are acceptable

2021-03-28, 02:13 PM
Darhana looked around and stood up.
"I can tell you about the time when I went with my parents to visit a dragon," she started, "it was around twelve years ago, when I was still young. The dragon was a young silver named Zimargix, a daughter of Avaleru. My parents had helped the dragon in the past and they had kept in contact. As you know, silver dragons are quite curious and Zimargix had asked a few times to see me. I got the feeling that she had never seen young humans, or half-elves in my case, before.

We had to travel quite a distance as dragons prefer to live in the wilderness, and silvers like to live in the mountains. They are also quite reclusive beings and to be counted as even a mere acquaintance of one is a great honour. After a travel of two weeks in the wilderness, we arrived near the dragon's lair to the agreed upon meeting point. There Zimargix came to us. While she was still young, she was still large and a magnificent creature. We were actually the same age and we got along quite well. I asked a lot of questions and while my parents were embarrassed, Zimargix didn't mind, although she didn't answer all of them of course. A girl has to have some secrets, right? She even let me fly on her back and I can tell you, there's nothing more thrilling than flying on the back of a dragon. I would love to do that again some day. Or even better, get wings of my own."

diplomacy: [roll0]

Captain Jak
2021-03-29, 12:06 AM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 84 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Emika sits through the banquet not with any great enthusiasm, but with the knowledge that she has endured their like before, if perhaps not under so mercurial of a host. The food is spiced to the point of being a feat of bravery to eat it, and she wishes for her cloak, back in their provided quarters, in hopes of its enchantments ability to mitigate the seasonings somewhat.

The request for a story makes her shift uneasily; she is no great wordsmith, her lady’s skills running more to the gentle arts of calligraphy and dance – and she is rather out of practice for either in any case.

Thankfully, her companion steps up to fulfill their obligation, and she listens with interest despite herself as she has not heard this particular tale before.

Hopefully, it will be sufficient to satisfy their fickle host....

2021-03-30, 01:48 AM
Charles feels a bit uneasy about the current situation and he can only hope for the whole event to be over. He could barely stand the tension from the fickle prince and the disgusting food didnt help matters. On one hand, he considered staying out of the whole thing but this was a good chance to show all he had been practicing while travelling with his idol Ameiko. Maybe a story accompanied with music would be of the prince´s tastes. He decides to talk about his first encounter with Ameiko, playing his guitar to set the mood.


"This is the story on how I met Ameiko.

A great time to be had.
The festival starts , the people cheer and time goes by.
A celebration of no end, of great comfort from what we gain.
It seemed like great fun would be to be had....
Until, the green vermin arrive.
Blood spills and and people running about.

A lone child with no one by his side.
Frozen in place, unable to react.
As the goblins keep eating all the tarts,
The end could be near for the kid in stand by

The moment of truth, the goblin comes for you!
A hand with a blade,
and blood that soon will shed.
A single strike and the body falls down.

The young lad is safe,
the goblin meets its end.
Fighting the creatures, she stands.
The famous Ameiko, who saved this man´s life.

Perform (strings) using masterwork guitar: [roll0]

2021-03-31, 03:43 PM
As the crowd gathers there is some polite clapping at Darhana's story and a few narrowed eyes at Emika as she sits and does not partake in the festivities but it soon stops as Charles rises and begins to sing his tale of how he met Amieko. Its like hypnotism and soon the majority of the crowd are swaying along, a few of them dabbing at tears at the skill of the music. Even the Prince's fixed smile falters and takes on a look of wide eyed wonder followed by applause.

he rises, causing all to fall to their knees before he approaches CHarles, "You are a maginificent find." He glances at Ameiko, "I like this one. His weight in silver if he will stay and serve me as a court bard for the cycle" (he means the 12 years of their calendar). He pauses as Ameiko just looks in surprise and worry to the rest of the party and at Charles, trying o think of a way that she may politely decline the Prince!

Captain Jak
2021-04-02, 11:41 AM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 84 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Emika knows she isn’t the most eloquent of people, but she’s far from a stranger at deflecting the unwanted intentions of others with words.

”An eminently generous offer, my Prince,” she replies, bowing her head. ”It is with great reluctance we must decline, for now; our companion is contracted on a task involving the Imperial throne, once that must be seen through,” she informs their host. ”If our ancestors favour us, he will be free from this task in the near future and at liberty to give fair consideration to your offer, great Prince.”

Truth, all of it, in the strictest sense....

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2021-04-02, 01:11 PM
Darhana kept silent for now, keeping an eye on the guards in the room, just in case this didn't work.

Zero Prime
2021-04-03, 05:41 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, Blade Bound Champion of the Blessed Moon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408581)
HP: 83 (91) | CURRENT: 83 (91) | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 24 | FCMD: 23
SPELL SLOTS: 0: 5/5 | 1st: 6/6 | 2nd: 4/5 | 3rd: 3/3 | 4th: 1/1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Visualization of Body (Constitution)

Zhou narrowed his eyes, while scanning the room, trying to remain aware of any sudden movement's by the Prince's guards or servants. Zhou did not fail to note that the silver was offered to Ameiko, rather than Charles themselves, and that alone disgusted him, for a man's destiny should be his own and not chosen by another. While he said nothing, he stretched his right hand, flexing it open and closed, as he anticipated some sort of clash, he hoped that it would be a battle of words and wits, but prepared himself for a clash of steel, if required.

2021-04-03, 06:03 PM
Charles give nervous smile with his hands almost seemigly covering him from the potential backlash. His twichy smile doesnt help hide his true feelings on the offer though. Still, he doesnt have anything to add to the situation so he simply waits for the response from his "majesty"

2021-04-06, 04:36 PM
Listening to Emika, the Prince's face snaps into almost a snarl before returning to the bland moronic smile. "As you say noble lady. Perhaps when you have left my city and then returned you may grace us with your song once more...." As he finishes he sits down and there is a hush in the chamber as the assembled cronies and hanger-ons and toadies all watch to see if anyone will be executed.

As the Prince seems to slump into sullen silence Amieko comes across to you, "Shall we stay the minimum time here that is possible? We can visit the market in the morning and then contnue down the Silk Road towards the main land?"

2021-04-07, 03:47 AM
"I agree completely," Darhana said. She wanted to get out of this nuthouse as quickly as possible.
"And as soon as we are allowed to get out of this dinner, we should also do so," she added.

2021-04-07, 11:15 PM
Charles nods in agreement as he sighs in relief. He couldnt believe their luck. At least for the time being, they had a chance of getting out alive and without arrows sticking on their backs. "I agree. I´ll also greatly appreciate company in the meantime."

Captain Jak
2021-04-08, 12:57 AM
Silently letting out a long breath after the Prince turns away, Emika isn’t entirely certain that she hadn’t somehow made things worse rather than better for them.

”Agreed, out of here this evening as soon as we can without offering insult,” she replies quietly. ”And as for the market tomorrow; is there anything that we truly need that badly? I’d as soon be gone the moment the gates open,” she admits, a touch uneasily.

2021-04-08, 12:35 PM
"Some healing will be useful," Darhana says, "just in case mostly."
The she looks at Charles.
"Sure, cutie-pie," she said with a smile, "I wouldn't mind keeping you company tonight."

2021-04-08, 11:49 PM
Charles appreciates the effort especially since he wouldnt like to be caught alone in the castle of such creep even accompanied by Lewis. Charles scratches behind his head with a flustered smile when he hears Darhana. "Thank you, Darhana. I appreciate the offer." he admits feeling a bit safer.

2021-04-10, 03:56 PM
With the Prince gone and your spurning of his offer its offer to the genteel members of the court that you are out of favour with the Prince and they likewise make little effort to speak with your party and you can almost sense the palpable sense of relief as you leave and return to your suites. As you head up to the chambers the servants are fewer, and the ones present seem old and grey with much less finery and you notice several guards posted near the entrance to the suites. Cleary words have spread around the servants quarters.

Despite probably a nervous night, and one that see's a pale Shalelu pacing the halls in her normal leathers and hunting garb but the night passes quietly enough in the palace and the dawn light soon streams through the windows of the palace as the smells and noise of city surround you and wake you gently. A sharp contrast to the weeks of wind and snow that had accompanied you across the Crown of the World. As you dress and ready for the day ahead Amieko and Shalelu greet you over the trays of simple fare - rice and steamed vegetables. Amieko looking around, "I too would like to leave this place. But we need supplies for the wagons and horses." She looks to you all, "I have head tale of the Tiger Market as the one most friendly to outsiders and capabale of selling what we need. Shall we head there?"

Zero Prime
2021-04-11, 08:01 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, Blade Bound Champion of the Blessed Moon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408581)
HP: 83 (91) | CURRENT: 83 (91) | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 24 | FCMD: 23
SPELL SLOTS: 0: 5/5 | 1st: 6/6 | 2nd: 4/5 | 3rd: 3/3 | 4th: 1/1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Visualization of Body (Constitution)

As Amieko and Shalelu expressed their intentions, Zhou nodded. "I suggest we do so as quickly as possible, however, given our host's surprisingly fragile ego, we may find the market closed to us. It is my hope we can resupply quickly, and depart this place, to prevent further threat to yourself," he nodded towards Amieko, "and the caravan itself. Once our supplies are stocked, I would suggest we exit the city with, or without, our host's blessing."

2021-04-11, 09:43 AM
"Agreed," Darhana said, "I just would like a few cure potions or something like that. But if needed, I can do without."

She would follow the others, keeping an eye out for trouble or people following them.

2021-04-11, 12:54 PM
Charles is still pretty paranoic looking eft and right every few minutes. He wanted to leave as soon as possible but he understood the importance of taking care of the caravan and making sure sure they were ready to get back into the long journey. Charles sighs a bit unhappy of admiting it "We should also look for magical assistance. Any magical artifacts that could offer warding and or healing could be of great use for the caravan. Afterall, we have limited resources and we dont know of the dangers up ahead."

Lewis nods in agreement to Charles´s assesment. "Regardless of our feelings here, we shouldnt forget to set our priorities straight. This might be the last chance to prepare ourselves until we get to the next city. That being said, I agree. We should go through the safest path. Lets go to the Tiger Market and see what we can find."

Captain Jak
2021-04-12, 11:00 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 84 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Emika is dressed, packed, and more than ready to depart as soon as the caravan has managed their resupply. She can’t argue that they have a legitimate need, but the longer they spend inside the walls of this city, the more her skin prickles with the anticipation of things going horribly awry.

She’s familiar with men such as this Prince, and the excesses to which they can go to.

As is her wont she is unarmoured and only lightly armed, but she is, of course, ready to change that at a moment’s notice should the situation sour.

2021-04-17, 03:51 PM
In the morning the city rouses around you, and in another display of casual brutality in the courtyard outside your suites the heads of the poets who had been outdone by Darhana mounted on pikes greets you, each with a thick wreath of orchids around the shaft of the pike.

Ameiko and Shalelu meet your looks with horror of their own
Amieko nodding ”To the market, we can resupply today and leave first thing tomorrow. ...

Heading out into the light of the day servants can point you to the district near the walls by the horse market where the outsiders normally gather. Heading there the market square is a sea of colour, smells and dozens of stalls selling all manner of items as street vendors sell horse hoof gruel and musicians strike chords on sansans and bash metal gongs together in clashing sounds.
To the beat of the gongs you can see a golden dragon made of silks and woods dancing and jumping in amongst the stalls with half a dozen people inside working the sticks and a small woman with a white mask leading it holding an orb of orange silk that has some sort of green incense exuding from it.

2021-04-17, 03:56 PM
"Some local festival, or something religious," Darhana asked. She knew some things about this part of the world, but not all the details. She kept looking around, in case it was a distraction.

perception: 1d20+24
Any knowledge check I can do to know what this is. I have all knowledge skills (given, most at only 1 rank).

2021-04-19, 09:40 PM
Lewis and Charles start discussing the possibilities of wht they think might be the reason behind the unusual display. Hopefully, between the two, they woud uncover the truth on the situation.

Knowledge skill rolls:
-Arcana [roll0]
-Local [roll1]
-Geography [roll2]
-Religion [roll3]
-History [roll4] (last one is from Lewis who can roll knowledge checks untrained)

2021-04-20, 07:46 AM
Lewise and Charles watch the display, the dragon dancing, one of several silk and paper animals now dancing in the square and he knows that its just part of the local Minkai worship and that its a dance for good luck from their ancestors. But its Darhana's sharp eyes that see a few things untoward, as the nearest paper dragon dances its way towards where Amieko stands grinning and smiling at its antics he spies through a rip in the fabric a black wrapped face and head and a glint of steel, whats more he spies another figure, a thin woman dressed in a silk kimono with a porcelain mask over her face approaching Ameiko from behind, a glint of steel in her hand!


Ameiko, SHalelu and a couple of caravane teamsters are ~20ft negotiating with a merchant, the paper dragon is ~20ft from them (~30ft from you) but Darhana can see its held up by ninja! And there is a courtesan now ~10ft behind ameiko with a small tanto dagger in hand!

Heroes have a surprise round!

2021-04-20, 03:16 PM
"Enemies, Beware," Darhana shouted as she grabbed her bow and two arrows in one fluid motion that she had clearly done before. Without pause she put the two arrows on her bow and fired them at the courtesan.

free action: draw bow (quick draw feat)
standard action: fire two arrows (manyshot feat, 1 attack roll for both arrows): [roll0]
damage arrow 1: [roll1]
damage arrow 2: [roll2]

Captain Jak
2021-04-22, 12:13 AM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 84 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Feeling faintly nostalgic at the events of the parade, Emika doesn’t spot the trouble coming before Darhana shouts her warning. Still unsure of where the threat is coming from, even as her companion is putting arrows to bow the fighter is moving to action.

Even as she quickly begins to cover the distance to where Ameiko stands, she sharply speaks a command. Numerous shards of metal begin to spill out of the pin of her cloak, swirling about her and growing in size in barely more than an instant. The whirling maelstrom of steel slams into place about her, the heavy plate mail of the other continent enclosing her body between one step and the next.

Planting herself protectively at Ameiko’s back, she snaps her fingers and wraps both hands around the long hilt of her nodachi as it materializes out of thin air. Her eyes dart about, hoping to determine if there’s more danger to them than the masked woman currently under assault from Darhana.

Perception: [roll0]
Standard Action: Open Folding Plate
Move Action: Move to point adjacent to Ameiko
Free Action: Retrieve sword from Glove of Storing

Zero Prime
2021-04-22, 06:18 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, Blade Bound Champion of the Blessed Moon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408581)
HP: 83 (91) | CURRENT: 83 (91) | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 24 | FCMD: 23
SPELL SLOTS: 0: 5/5 | 1st: 5/6 | 2nd: 4/5 | 3rd: 3/3 | 4th: 1/1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Keen (10 Rnds), Vanish (10 Rnds), Visualization of Body (Constitution)

Warned to the attacker's deception by his comrades, dropped the bolt of midnight blue silk he had been inspecting. He watched as Darhana, whose bow is drawn so quickly, so effortlessly, as to appear in her hand as if by magic, and snaps off two shots with a practised, serene grace. Emika moves quickly, summoning her arms and armor, to stand as an iron clad guardian beside Ameiko's side. Confident his allies were ready to defend their honored charge, it freed Zhou to pursue the paper and fabric dragon, which could conceal a half dozen more dragons.

Before the fluttering bolt of silk hit the pristine streets of Ordu-Aganhei, Tsu Yang Zhou's fingers moved through a series of complicated forms, a wave of energy concealed him from casual observation, while Mingxing, the broad jade lade leapt into his hand. Moving unseen, concealed by the shroud of sorcerous magicks, he moved unhindered through the crowd, slipping beneath the wood and fabric frame of the festive dragon to stand, unseen, beside Ameiko's would be assassins.

OOC: Swift Action: Expend 1 Arcane Pool to grant my sword Keen enhancement, for 1 minute, 10 rounds.
Standard Action: Cast Vanish, rendering me Invisible for 10 rounds.
Move Action. Move 30' adjacent to the Ninja beneath the dragon, any move he makes will provoke an AoO, since I am invisible he likely doesn't realize he is threatened.
Free Action: Draw weapon, combined with move action.

Initiative check for Round 1: [roll0]
AoO (if triggered) [roll1] vs AC; Crit confirmation (15+/x2): [roll2], for [roll3] damage, an additional [roll4] on a crit.

2021-04-22, 11:34 AM
Charles seemed to be enjoying the paper animal spectacle while talking with Lewis on the meaning behind the dance. Charles considering joining the dance but Lewis remimded him that they were there to fulfill an objective. The moment the two hear Darhana´s warning, Lewis jumps off Charles back to allow Charles to move more freely. An armor set appears over Charles´ clothes covering his chest, arms, knees and head.

Charles will use one points of his arcane reservoir to use the armored mask as a stansdard action (+4 armr to AC). He will then use as an immediate action, a second point to also gain an effect similar to shield of faith (+3 deflect to AC). He should have 6 points from his arcane reservoir left.

Charles Grysta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408725)
Male NG Kitsune Arcanist 10, Level 10, Init 3, HP 54/54, Speed 30
AC 21, Touch 12, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, Fort 6, Ref 9, Will 9, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 5
+2 Quarterstaff 8 (1d6, x2)
Natural Bite 5 (1d4, x2)
(+2 Dex, +2 Deflect)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 22, Wis 10, Cha 14
Condition None

2021-04-26, 04:51 AM
Chaos breaks out in the packed market square as the party of outsiders leap into action even as the unseen assassin approaches poor Amieko from behind and the ninja hidden under the dragon begin to throw off the silk and paper construction. Darhana is fast on the bow, a pair arrows thudding into the courtesan with devastating force leaving two arrows stuck out of her chest even as Ameiko squeaks in shock!

The shock is made worse as a in a swirl of metal shards Eimika is transformed from a non-threat into an armoured and armed figure clutching her nodachi in hand confronting the bleeding courtesan! Beside Emika her companion Tsu Yang vanishes and darts forward unseen although she trusts him to be somewhere useful. Behind Emika Charles also pauses, and armour spring into life around him as well.

Amieko is quick to act whipping out her rapier as she spins round, looking happily at Emika and Darhana as they shoot and interpose themselves between her and the would be assassin. She pauses for a moment before starting up a song in her quaint varisian/Tien accent as her voice carries the ballad of "Wu Xian and the 101 bandits" filling each of with courage. Beside her Shalelu steps back and fires a pair of arrows at the ninja appearing from under the paper dragon, one arrow striking true into one of the black clad warriors wrapped from head to to in smooth black silk.

The courtesan snarls at Emika and lunges with the dagger, a flicker of her hadn't as she seems to accelerate stabbing with blinding speed! The ninja from under the dragons all leap out, the lead one stumbling as Tsu Yang stabs him in the side! As the magus appears two of the ninja move to flank him, katana's flickering, the lead one and the leader with the ball both leap at Ameiko with determined ferocity, one swinging a long katana, the other seeking to sweep her off her feet with a long hooked blade on a chain, the final 2 step back, drinking small potions, their forms starting to blur and wobble being hard to track.

Courtesan: 21 - Spends a ki point and attacks Emika [roll0] dam [roll1] [roll2] dam [roll3]
If hit Fort save DC 14 or [roll4] Str damage

Ninja 1 (10): Move to attack Amieko [roll5] dam [roll6] + [roll7] sneak
Ninja 2: Move to attack Amieko [roll8] dam [roll9] + [roll10] sneak
Ninja 3: Move to attack Tsu Yang, spend ki for bonus attack [roll11] dam [roll12] + [roll13] sneak [roll14] dam [roll15] + [roll16] sneak
Ninja 4 (11): Move to attack Tsu Yang, spend ki for bonus attack [roll17] dam [roll18] + [roll19] sneak [roll20] dam [roll21] + [roll22] sneak
Ninja 5: drink potion of displaement
Ninka 6: drink potion of displaement
Dragon leader: does something mysterious

Go go players

2021-04-26, 07:06 AM
Standing in her stirrups, Darhana keeps up the shooting, concentrating at one person before switching to the next. As long as nobody is attacking her, she keeps shooting. Her first shot are two arrows again. Prancer keeps standing still, his ears flicking and looking around.

I will do a full attack, shooting at the courtesan. If she's dead, I'll switch to ninja 1. I have the precise shot feet, so I can shoot in melee.
I also have point blank shot, so if they are within 30ft, both to hit and damage are with an extra +1
attack 1 (manyshot): [roll0]
damage arrow 1: [roll1]
damage arrow 2: [roll2]

attack 2: [roll3]
damage arrow 1: [roll4]

attack 3 (rapid shot): [roll5]
damage arrow 1: [roll6]

Zero Prime
2021-04-26, 08:56 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, Blade Bound Champion of the Blessed Moon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408581)
HP: 83 (93) | CURRENT: 77 | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 24 | FCMD: 23
SPELL SLOTS: 0: 5/5 | 1st: 5/6 | 2nd: 3/5 | 3rd: 3/3 | 4th: 1/1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Bane (1 Rnd), Keen (10 Rnds), Visualization of Body (Constitution)

Alerted only by Darhana's warning, Tsu Yang Zhou imagined an assassin hidden with the performers beneath the dragon facade, he was not expecting them to all to be assassins, similar to those dispatched during their stay in the Halls of the Linnorn Kings. He invoked the blessings of Tsukiyo, feeling the Moon lord's rage at the assassins, he sprung into action, slashing through the fabric of the dragon to swing at the closest assassin, as he did so his free hand released a scintillating cloud of green and silver motes of light, settling upon their attacks, illuminating their position for all of his allies to see.

Free Action: 5' step out of Flanking
Swift Action: Activate Bane Baldric against Humanoids, Human (+2 attack, +2d6 damage vs humans)
Full Action: 1st Attack vs Ninja 3: [roll0] vs AC for [roll1] damage. Critical confirm: Confirmation: 25 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25022334&postcount=78) vs AC; for an additional 18 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25022336&postcount=79)
2nd Attack vs Ninja 4: [roll2] vs AC for [roll3] damage.
Off Hand, Spell Combat (Glitter Dust): Concentration to cast Defensively [roll4] vs DC 19
Glitter Dust: (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/glitterdust/) 20' diameter circle, targetted to catch Ninjas 3, 4, 5 & 6. Will save DC 14 vs Blind (save end of turn for next 10 rounds); -40 on Stealth checks (whether save successful or not)

Captain Jak
2021-04-26, 07:38 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 76 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Hissing in pain as the woman’s dagger finds a less well defended point in her armour, Emika nonetheless spins away to deal with the pair of black-clad ninja as further arrows from her allies pepper the attacker.

Her companions are certainly used to it by now, but the manner in which she wields her oversized weapon isn’t particularly like that of a sword at all, oddly enough. Her stance and her propensity for using the weapon’s tip for causing damage is far more reminiscent of how one wields a polearm rather than a sword.

Not that it’s any less devastating as a result.

Fort Save DC 14: [roll0]
Free Action: 5’ step to engage ninja
Full Action: Full Attack vs Ninja 1, Power Attack
Attack1 [roll1] Damage1 [roll2]
Attack2 [roll3] Damage2 [roll4]

2021-04-27, 12:21 AM
Charles decides to avoid letting himself open to attacks by using one of his special skills instead. He concentrates his magical energy and aims at on of the ninjas to release his special attack on him. He decides to attack one of the ninjas attacking Ameiko wanting to help her against the dire ganging up situation. "Please, please hit." he begs as he finally releases his attack.

Charles uses a single arcane reservoir point to use the sonic blast exploit (5 left).
He has to do a ranged touch attack against ninja 2. [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
If it hits, they have to make a fort save or be deafened for 1 minute.

Charles Grysta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408725)
Male NG Kitsune Arcanist 10, Level 10, Init 3, HP 54/54, Speed 30
AC 21, Touch 12, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, Fort 6, Ref 9, Will 9, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 5
+2 Quarterstaff 8 (1d6, x2)
Natural Bite 5 (1d4, x2)
(+2 Dex, +2 Deflect)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 22, Wis 10, Cha 14
Condition None

2021-04-28, 05:05 PM
The market breaks out in screams and panic, crashes as stalls are overturned by the crowd fleeing as shouts and cries of terrror reverberate between the packed streets around the market. The crowd scatters around where the fight is happening as the ninja spin weapons and move to surround you all, but all moving in near complete silence, not a single word being uttered between them!

A few feet away even as the courtesan stabs and dances around the armoured Emika Darhana cooly launches a flurry of arrow at her that strike her three times knocking her sideways, its enough to distract her as Ameiko steps up by Emika and stabs her coldly with the rapier in the chest, the courtesan looks up at her as she falls forward, arrows still protruding from her back. By Emika Shalelu rolls backwards, vaulting over an upturned cart, skidding in a pool of steaming ramen broth and launching a pair of arrows at one of the ninja flanking Tsu, on of the shafts sinking deep into the man's shoulder. Emika turns to the ninja that had run up to her, spinning the long blade she delivers two devastating thrusts that topple the ninja to the ground where he bleeds silently to death. Tsu leaps backwards away from the ninja's savaging him, pausing only to deliver a brutal blow to one of the assailants and then in a whirl of shimmering glittery fog it envelops the four ninja, only the one nearest (3) to Tsu ducking out of the shimmering cloud, the other 3 shaking their heads, eyes blinded as they look left and right searching for danger...
Even as the melee continues there is a boom of magic as a blast of raw magical power ripples from Charles hands but the ninja is able to duck low and narrowly avoid the bolt of raw magical power.

As EMika cuts down the nearest ninja the other that had engaged Ameiko switches and flickers her blade around seeking a weak point in Emika's spinning defence, the one that can still see rolls forwards out of the glitter lunging at Tsu with a pair of lightning slashes, trailing blood from the devastating wound that Tsu had delivered to him. The 3 blind ones tear and rub a their eyes as they freeze, ready to strike out of anyone tries to hit them. For Charles there is surprise as with a pulse of magic a last ninja appears as his invisibility drops some 20ft behind where the dragon had been, this ninja holding a short hanbo carved with glowing red runes gestures at Charles and a bolt of black light envelops him as he feels a bestial urge overcome him and terrfying fear so horiffic it may stop his heart

Ninja 2: vs Emika, Feint [roll0], then attack [roll1] dam [roll2] + [roll3] sneak if feint worked
Ninja 3 (51) [glittery]: [roll4] dam [roll5] [roll6] dam [roll7]
Ninja 4 (11) [blind]: Ready an attack
Ninja 5: [blind] [displacement] Ready an atack
Ninka 6 [blind] [displacement] Ready an Attack
Dragon leader: Appear anc cast Phantasmal Killer at Charles Will DC 19, If fail then Fort DC19, Die or [roll8]

Captain Jak
2021-04-29, 12:11 AM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 74 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Emika is far too experienced a warrior to be taken in by her opponent’s attempts to lure her out of position, but their blade manages to just barely nick her regardless. The chaos of battle swirls about her, with swords, arrows, music and magic filling the air and battering at her attention. With a loud kiai her sword flashes out again, whirling death borne upon a blade sharp enough to cut the wind itself.

Feint fails, attack succeeds, taking 2 damage.
Full Action: Full Attack vs Ninja 2, Power Attack
Attack1 [roll0] Damage1 [roll1]
Attack2 [roll2] Damage2 [roll3]

Critical Confirmation (attack 2) 27
Critical Damage 22

If above roll beats Ninja 2's CMD, Sundering Strike also hits his weapon.

Sunder Damage 23, bypassing hardness.

2021-04-29, 06:24 AM
With the first target dead and nobody in melee, Darhana shifts fire to the Dragon leader who cast the spell at Charles.

I will do a full attack, shooting at the Dragon leader. If she's dead, I'll switch to ninja 4. I have the precise shot feet, so I can shoot in melee.
I also have point blank shot, so if they are within 30ft, both to hit and damage are with an extra +1
attack 1 (manyshot): [roll0]
damage arrow 1: [roll1]
damage arrow 2: [roll2]

attack 2: [roll3]
damage arrow 1: [roll4]

attack 3 (rapid shot): [roll5]
damage arrow 1: [roll6]

Zero Prime
2021-04-30, 05:44 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, Blade Bound Champion of the Blessed Moon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408581)
HP: 83 (93) | CURRENT: 77 | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 24 | FCMD: 23
SPELL SLOTS: 0: 5/5 | 1st: 4/6 | 2nd: 3/5 | 3rd: 3/3 | 4th: 1/1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Bane (1 Rnd), Keen (10 Rnds), Visualization of Body (Constitution)

"NO!" Zhou watched in horror as Grysta, their kitsune companion, was enveloped by the dark, ephemereal light of the hanbo wielding ninja. A short gurglig scream, and their companion, with whom they had experienced so much dropped to the ground, as though a puppet whose strings had been cut. Snarling, a curse on his lips, the Champion of the Blessed Moon immediately shifted his focus from delaying the larger cloud of assassins, to strike down their leader with the fabled Jade Blade he wielded. Moving away from the pack of assassins, still limned in the glittering residue of his earlier spell, moved directly towards the apparent leader of this attack. "Now, you die. Mingxing's doom upon you," the curved, jade blade, seemed to howl in anticipation as it whirled through the air, surrounded by the crackling energy of Zhou's furious wrath.

Free Action: Activate Empowered Magic, Maintain Bane
Move Action: Move 30' towards Ninja Leader
Attack Action: Activate Spell Strike, w/Intensified Shocking Grasp. vs AC, for Weapon+Bane Damage [rolll]3d6+8, in addition Empowered, Intensified Shocking Grasp Damage [roll1]

2021-05-14, 04:33 PM
THe crackling sphere of blackness surrounds Charles and then second later he collapses, eyes rolling back in his skull, his dead body collapsing to the sounds of Zhou, Shalelu and Ameiko's screams and shouts of horror! The remaining heroes strike back with untapped fury as Amieko lunges forwards to one of the blinded ninja, her blade stabbing deep into the man's side even as his form shifts and blurs. Dropping to a knee Shalelu glances over her shoulder seeing Emika ably handling the ninja and launches a flurry of arrows, two strking the blinded (but not flickering) ninja in the side, the assassin hunched over in agony, blood pooling at his feet.

For her part Emika spins the nodachi in graceful gentle arcs that belie its devastating power, even as the ninja lightly brushes her arm drawing blood Emika spins around, a first brutal slash cuts open her attacker's leg, before she strikes down hard on the second, the ninja shows some skill raising its blade to block but the ancient nodachi, formed of adamantine hews through the blade like steel through silk and strikes the inja in the face, cleaving head in twain!

Darhana, still hanging back launches a hail of arrows at the sorcererous leader of the attackers who seems almost surprised by the effectiveness of the magic upon Charles, three of them finding their mark. Tsu incensed at the casual murder of his ally hursl hismelf at the leader, a vast crackling sheet of lightning erupting from his enchanted blade, the flickering lghtning illuminating the square for a second as it strikes with terrible power and shears the leader in half!

The last ninja who is not blinded leaps forward, and after seeing the ranks of the heroes closing around Ameiko turns and dashes down the nearest alleyway vanishing around a corner. The other three blinded all drop to the their knees, pulling daggers from hidden wrist sheathes that gleam with a dark black resin. they hestitate for a second before plunging the daggers into their own chests and toppling forwards!!

As the crackle of lightning fades, the screams and shouts of the fleeing masses still echo out, its Ameiko who looks at Charles, shouting "Check on him, he cannot have gone, not like that! By the Gods, please..."

2021-05-15, 12:00 PM
Knowing there was nothing she could do about Charles, how much she wanted, Darhana urged Prancer to race towards where the last one disappeared, using the horse's mass to push any other people who might still be there out of the way, bow ready to pick him off.

Captain Jak
2021-05-18, 12:12 AM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 74 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Heart aching at the apparent loss of Charles but not allowing grief to distract her, Emika closes ranks with Ameiko again to ensure anyone looking to get at the Empress-apparent would have to deal with her first.

”His loss is tragic, but don’t forget this attack was aimed at you,” she says softly to the other woman, her words echoing from within her helm as she keenly watches their surroundings, overly long sword held at the ready. ”It’s not safe to stay out here, we should get you under cover,” she urges their distraught charge.

2021-05-21, 02:12 AM
Ameiko nods to Emika and crouches by her, Shalelu joining them both, bow out and eyes scanning for more danger as the shouts of approaching guards can start being heard over the screams and shouts of the masses of people who are still panicking with the violence. Darahana pushes Prancer through the throng and reaches the alley way, spying her prey some 20ft up the wall of a house, long claw bracers on the ninja's hands helping her climb!

2021-05-21, 02:30 AM
"Going to make it easy," Darhana said as she took arrows from her quiver and started shooting. With her target climbing, he would have more difficulty defending himself.

attack 1 (2 arrows): [roll0]; damage [roll1] and [roll2]
attack 2: [roll3]; damage [roll4]
attack 3: [roll5]; damage [roll6]

2021-05-25, 10:12 AM
The ninja seems to glide up the wall with alarming ease, one of Darhana's arrows catching the black clad assailant in the shoulder before it hops over the lintel of the building and vanishes from sight....

Back in the main square Emika and Zhou are suddenly confronted by the dozen guards racing into the square, the leader, picked out by his white peaked helm emblazoned with a golden lion approaches the two obvious fighters as Ameiko and Shalelu crouch over Charles's fallen body. The leader looksa round the square, eyeing the discarded paper dragon and the multiple dead ninja with some suspicion. "By his Most Mighty Prince I command you sheathe your weapons and explain the cause of this slaughter and disturbance!!"

2021-05-25, 11:56 AM
Darhana cursed when the ninja disappeared, but she didn't know the city enough to go chasing him. She would have to settle for a small piece of him. Turning back, she rode back to the rest of the group as the guards arrived.
"We were attacked by these, we defended ourselves," she simply said, keeping her bow in her hand, but without an arrow ready, something she could change in a fraction of a second.

Captain Jak
2021-05-25, 08:16 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 74 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

A quiet command and a flick of her fingers banishes both armour and weapons for Emika; rearming again is just as easy, and she has no desire to give the Prince’s men cause to find them in breach of the local laws.

”But not before they killed one of our number,” she adds, her chin rising. ”Assassins targeting travellers in street in broad daylight? Have we somehow given offense to someone powerful in our short time here?” As dangerous as allowing the conversation to touch on the possibility of the Prince being behind the attack, more dangerous still might be giving people in power here reason to wonder why assassins are, in fact, assaulting apparently innocent travellers.

As tragic as Charles’ fate is, better perhaps that he is officially deemed the target of the attack rather than other alternatives being allowed to be speculated upon.

2021-05-29, 04:59 AM
The guards pause at the words and nods to you all. "Gather your effects, you," he motions to three of the men, "Commandeer that cart. THe bodies will come back to the palace and Captain Chuda, of the palace guard can speak with them and examine the bodies." He pauses whilst the men gather the bodies of the fallen ninja and poor Charles, with the party watching they are respectful of Charles placing him carefully on the bed of the wagon before more carelessly tossing the body of the ninja on the creaking wagon bed, still stained an unfortunate bloody red colour with the beetroot juice that it had been previously used for.

Reaching the palace you are brought into a small courtyard and ordered (politely) to sit and wait. The space is nice enough, the white walls and red tiles offering a nice warm enclosure and a pair of servants with the silken slippers and small peaked caps bring forth two large pots of steaming green tea to calm your nerves. Shalelu looks at you, "Is it a good sign then didn't take our weapons? At least if these guards of the Prince try and accost us we can defend ourselves."

Ameiko nods, a worried look on her face, "I feel responsible, I saw a mark on one of the attackers, that of the Five Storms." She pauses to blow the steam from her tea, take a sip and then continue. "The 5 storms are a legend, a myth, a tale my grandfather used to scare me. They are 5 powerful and dark Oni, daemons in your speech, led by a powerful Oni warlord the great evil Wind Yai Oni named Anamuromon. They were said to have tried dominate the world of men but were defeated by the Kami of old and imprisoned in a Temple somewhere know as the House of the WIthered Blossom." She gestures to the South West, "Stores say it actually lies with the Forest of Spirits, the vast forest between here and Minkai. But its these Five Storms, and rumours that they are controlling the Jade Regent, or at least evil influences that have claimed to be of them that have brought me here. " She pauses to shake her head, a flush of colour on her cheeks, "I am so sorry I had not shared some of this with you previously, but when we set forth from Sandpoint I had no idea that some of the tales were true and now it has cost Charles his life..."

Any further words are cut short as Captain Chuda appears. He looks to have been rudely summoned from a training of some kind, wearing sweat dampened black silk and with his swords at hiw waist. He looks serious with sharp focused eyes and determined stride with the grace of a trained warrior, that much obvious to Emika and Zhou with but a glance.


Stopping he offers short bow and accepts tea from one oft he servants who bows on their knees, forehead brushing the tatami bamboo mats. "So..." he begins. "You are the outlanders that upset my Great Prince at his feast, that refused his hand in marriage and wrought carnage within the Dragon market." he shakes his head, pacing slightly, "What should we do with you? His most benevolent Prince Bataiskar would have your heads upon pikes, some say the ninja were cursed by Oni and you saved many..." he pauses to survey you all carefully and the body of Charles wrapped now in a plain silk sheet and placed in the shade. "What would you suggest that I do with you?"

2021-06-01, 02:10 PM
"I think we would prefer to be let go," Darhana remarks dead-pan, "maybe let us go and you declare your guards fought and won from the ninjas. That way you take credit and we're out of the way? By the way, you have any idea who could have send those?"

Captain Jak
2021-06-04, 08:53 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 74 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Emika is less than thrilled with this approach in the aftermath of the battle that had cost them the lives of one of their companions.

”Yes, of course, our heads upon pikes for daring to be attacked by mysterious assassins in a city that claims to be under his rulership,” she replies coldly. ”I suppose only one of our number dying in the process isn’t sufficient of a cost to us for defending ourselves when set upon.”

She knows she should likely be being a great deal more diplomatic than this, but the sight of Charles laid out before them like this fills her with such an anger.

One, she feels, that isn’t unjustified.

Aid Another: Diplomacy 6

2021-06-05, 12:37 PM
"Easy," Darhana said softly, putting a hand on Emika's shoulder, "it's not the captain's fault."

2021-06-06, 02:37 AM
Captain CHuda looks sharply at Emika before looking back to Darhana. "I recognise you fought well. The creatures you fought are fools. Followers of myths and legends, The Five Storms were a legend, but their legend carries weight blows with it an ill wind of trouble." He looks at Amieko as well, "You bringa curse with you, you should have stayed on the other side of the Crown."

Then shaking his head he looks at Charles's body. "I have asked for the most holy wise one of the City, he shall speak with your comrade's spirit and see if he wishes to return from the spirt realm. That is in exchange for your bravery and not causing damage to the city." He then looks south, "Then you will leave the city and not disturb our peace once more." He pauses, a hand playing almost nervously with a tassel on the kimono, "I serve the great Prince, but I carry my honour. We will see your compnaion restired and then you will leave and never return. THat is my offer."

As he speaks he looks at you each waiting to see if you agree. Shalelu is the first to speak, a cautious, "A kind offer Captain. I would happily welcome Charles back among us and fear not, there is little in this city I would wish to return to." Ameiko, is more slow, and looks to Darahana, Zhou and Emika. "I do not know where you wish to go now? I would value your help further, I must travel south, through the Forest of Spirits to Minkai and I would welcome Charles back as a companion. I had not thought so much trouble would accompany us. Will you come souths with us? If not, I can leave a wagon and a some horses with you should you wish to return North over the Crown?"

2021-06-06, 01:34 PM
"That would be perfect," Darhana said, "thank you, captain."

Then she turned to Ameiko.
"I'll continue with you. There's little for me to go back to anyway, and it sounds interesting to learn more about this continent."

Captain Jak
2021-06-09, 11:25 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 74 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Emika takes a moment to collect herself and reins in her temper; it certainly wouldn’t serve them well to let it have free rein now.

”Thank you, Captain. You are most generous, and your terms are of course agreeable,” she says to him, adding her opinion to that of the others.

”I will, of course, continue to accompany you,” she assures Ameiko. ”Traversing the Crown again holds little appeal for me; Minkai is as suitable a destination as any other.”

2021-06-10, 07:40 AM
Captain Chuda looks around the room and see's nods from you all (and Amieko and Shalelu) before nodding himself. "Its is agreed. We shall see if your comrade wishes to return from the spirit realm and then in the morning you will leave this place. Minkai has a dark shadow over it, and if you survive and return know you are not welcome. You may requests water and food for the Crown but you will camp with the outcastss outside the walls if you return." With a final emphatic nod he strides from the room.

In his place a very old looking tengu shuffles in, feaths greyed and frayed, his beak cracked and pitted with age and weight supported on a long thin bamboo cane. He looks with the black beady eyes at each of you before hopping towards the shrouded body of Charles. "Ah, so. The spirits have departed the body, I shall see what the say and if he wants to return." He claps his hands, partially ignoring the rest of you and a pair of young acolytes with tightly wound topknots and dull grey robes run in, spreading a silk mat on the floor and spreading out 4 large incense burners that soon fill the room with a pungent aroma that leaves you all with dizzy feelings and swimming eyes sight.

The old tengu kneels by Charles's body and begins a slow chant, with every few words sprinking a few drops of water or oil atop the mage's face and slowly surrounding the body with pwodered jade. As the ritial continues you cna begin to see the jade fizzing and swirling into dust and you can all feel a faint whisper or pressure building in your heads as if a door to "somewhere" was being opened. Then, witha sudden RING of a bell held by one of the acollyes the old tengu collapses back, the jade crackles with green light vanishing and you can all see Charles draw a breath!

Shalelu and Ameiko had been sat with Zho, Darhana and Emika both grin as they see the mage slowly stir, limbs clumsy moving as the soul and the mind tries to remember where they are....

Welcome back Charles! You can guys can enjoy your last night. Make any skills checks for infor on the Forest of Spirits or the Five storms and then we can move on

2021-06-10, 02:15 PM
Prior to coming here, Darhana had been reading up on the land, insofar as information could be found back home. Now she tried to recall what she knew.

And if possible, she would leave the palace and try to get some extra information from the locals before setting out.

Nature: [roll0]
Local: [roll1]
History: [roll2]
Planes: [roll3]
Geography: [roll4]

In case I get out of the palace:
Diplomacy: [roll5]

2021-06-11, 01:22 AM
Charles is glad to be back and first thing he does, is gratefully thank his mysterious healer and his companions. "Thanks! I really though this was all from me bt I am glad to be back. And I am sorry that I couldnt help out more during that attack." Charles replies a bit ashamed of himself and his performance.

2021-06-11, 02:47 AM
"But you did help," Darhana said with a smile indicating she was only joking, "even if only by being a target."
She was happy he was back and hoped that she could make her displeasure about him being killed known to whomever was responsible.

2021-06-11, 11:45 PM
"But you did help," Darhana said with a smile indicating she was only joking, "even if only by being a target."
She was happy he was back and hoped that she could make her displeasure about him being killed known to whomever was responsible.

"Thank you for your kind words." Charles replies with a smile. "So, what did I miss?"

2021-06-12, 09:49 AM
"Not much," Darhana said, "we killed a few of those ninjas, a few got away. We got arrested, sort of and are now back int the palace. Tomorrow we will be escorted out and we're politely asked not to come back. That about sums it up I think."

2021-06-20, 09:34 AM
In the morning you are up early, the palace staff having seen to the wagons and you can briefly make out the silhouette of Captain Chuda in the shadows as you take your leave, once back on the tired three wagons and the strings of ~12 tired looking spare horses heading back throug the city gates. Word of your fall from grace from Prince Batsaikhar has clearly leaked from the palace and in contrast to your arrival where throng gathered around your wagons you are near shunned on departure, only some pressure applied to a vendor getting them to sell you some noodles and horse stew for your morning meal. Even so as Shalelu and Ameiko lead your wagon train through the arched gateway of Ordu-Aganhei you all breathe a sigh of relief, the cold wind blowing down from the mountains seeming to blow away much of the oppressive feelings from the city.


THe next 12 days pass slowly and boring. The hinterlands of Hongal are wild and empty. Empty grassland with little in way of civilisations the only things you see are the occasional small way station, small palisaded inns offering sake and rice and a warm (ish) place to rest that cater to the caravans crossing the Crown of the World. Although since the Jade Regent's recent decsent into yranny and madness there are fewer caravans and several of the way stations you pass are little more than burned out shells long raided by bandits or just abandoned and partially collapsed. Neither the Minkai nor Prince Batsaikhar seeming to care about outside concerns.


And so it is after 12 long days you top another of the rolling hills and the view changes, instead of endless short stubby grass plains and bare rock the horizon is filled with bright green, as the Forest of Sprits bars your way. Shalalelu and Ameiko had spoken briefly on the Forest, a vast snow shrouded pine forest that covers Northern Minkai and is rumoured to be haunted by spirits where the boundaries between the mortal and spirit realms thin and mix. You can see the narrow dirt path you've been following dissapears into the dark edge of the forest. The boughs of the trees hanging heavy overhead liberally covered with snow. As you approach the only sound is the clopping of the horse hoofs and the creaking of wagon wheels despite the slathers of cow grease. Ahead of you, greeting you as you are about to enter the forest you can see a strange stone pillar engraved with strange symbols lying partially obscuring the path.

2021-06-20, 11:46 PM
First, I wanted to inform that my char sheet is updated with the negative level penalties.

Spells prepared:

0: Acid Splash. Read Magic, Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Message, Mending, Prestidigitation
1: Obscuring Mist, Magic Missile, Silent Image, Feather Fall, Identify
2: Ghost of Wind, Invisibility, Acid Arrow, Protection from Arrows
3: Fly, Hold Person, Lighning Bolt
4: Shadow Conjuration, Black Tentacles
5: Teleport

Charles tried his best to assist on the journey though he could notice the changes his in his capabilities. He kept his concerns mostly to himself not wanting to bother the others with his situation. When they arrived at the engraved stone, he decides to come out and check it out. "Lets see what we can find about this..." Charles then casts a spell to better analyze the object from his area of expertise.

Casting detect magic

Captain Jak
2021-06-20, 11:57 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 74 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

No kind of wizard and not much of a scholar, Emika leaves the examination of the artifact to those with more suitable skills and focuses her attention on keeping a watch for danger. The caravan stopped and bunched up at a predictable point like this, with attention focused elsewhere?

A dangerous place indeed to be inattentive.

2021-06-21, 03:22 AM
During the trip here, Darhana would check every evening if the horses are fine, as it's easier to treat them when the issue is still small. When they reached the pillar, Darhana noticed that Emika is watching the surroundings, so after a check herself, she also went over to the pillar to check if she could make something of it.

2021-06-27, 03:17 AM
Charles looks at the small stone and slowly realises what it is. A fey waymarker, he is aware from his studies and readings that these exist on the path, the markings helping one determine their progress through the forest, and also many are rumoured to be bound to minor spirits who ward travellers and in exchange for some small sacrifice can bless passing travellers. The fact that someone has knocked this one over would suggest that someone didn't like the spirits or was actively trying to disrupt the "friendly" kami here.

Ameiko nods to Charles, "A kami stone. Its a shame that someone would seek to disrupt the fey here. Normally they are harmless but I remember stories in my youth of the more powerful ones that roam these forests. Have your wit about you and try not to stray overly from the path, "

2021-06-27, 01:03 PM
"Not good," Darhana said, "as spirits can consider every human responsible for this act. I think we best move cautiously but as quickly as possible to limit our time in the forest as much as possible. And as you said, not stray too far from the road. If it's okay with you, I'll take point."

If there were no objections, Darhana moved out, into the forest, looking out for anything out of the ordinary, as she was quite sure that not only spirits moved around in these forest.

perception I guess: [roll0]
Any rolls to interpret things I see, please do let me know.

Captain Jak
2021-06-27, 04:57 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 74 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Moving up with the rest of the caravan, Emika crouches and with a grunt hefts the stone pillar, raising it up until it is vertical once more, both clearing the path and restoring the stone to its proper orientation. Digging into her pack, she comes out with a piece of hardtack from her food supplies which she places at the base of the kami stone, dribbling some water from her waterskin over it before straightening and moving on with the rest.

2021-06-29, 12:17 AM
"Well, this isnt good. We might even be dealing with two posible threats instead of just one. Whomever is doing this, must be a dangerous individual. We should be on the look of angry fey but also be careful of whatever is behind this destruction." Charles adds nervously.

2021-07-02, 04:55 AM
As Ameiko cracks the halter on the wagons and Darhana begins to ride out Zhou pasues to right the heavy stone and offers a small offering of water and food to the kami spirits that had resided within. As he does so he feels a wellspring of "goodness" wash over rising up from the ground and filling him with a kind blessed momentary feeling of calm. As that happens there is a rustle in the shrubbery by the now righted waymarker and a small creature looking like a monk or sage in homespun robes but with skin of clay emerges and offers a low bow.


It voices as it addreses Zhou is musical and lilting and it speaks in cultured if slightly archaic Tien. Greetings weary travellers on the Way of Spirits. I am Shunkkichi and I bless you for the kind offering and righting the wrong that was done to me." Offering another bow the small creature's presence seems to warm all of the party

Spirit blessing gives you +1 luck bonus to saves for 1 week

The small creature approaches carefully and offers another low bow. "The forest path is full of kami, its a danegrous path for mortals to tread. What do you seek? What passage do you barter for?... Although beneath the questions Darhana and Emika pick up a sense that it may wanting something from you.

2021-07-03, 03:32 AM
"We just want to travel through the forest to get to the other side," Darhana said, "we intend to stay on the road and wish to take nothing except maybe some food and some dead wood to make a campfire at night. If there are any rituals we need to perform for this, please do enlighten us as we don't know these."

Captain Jak
2021-07-04, 12:33 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 74 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Emika is grateful to see that her efforts in restoring the Kami’s stone and honour have brought the spirit’s blessing upon them all – although truth be told, her intention was merely to right the obvious wrong that had been done.

”Our thanks for your generous blessing,” she replies in the same tongue. ”Honour to the spirits of the wood, and our thanks for the offer of safe passage.” She too isn’t entirely certain what the kami would consider a fair bargain for such a thing; her knowledge ends with the simple offerings of food and drink.

2021-07-06, 11:30 AM
Charles responds back in tien. "Thank you for your kindest offer." Charles assumes the creature is talking about the destruction of the place. "Is there any away, we might be able to help on this matter that you speak of?"

2021-07-06, 04:16 PM
The tiny spirit bows to each of you in turn as you speak and then speaks quietly, its voice sing song and musical. Stick to the path weary travellers. To stray from the paty is to rouse the ire of the spirits. even then the path is not safe. Beware the song of Li Xu, her sadness knows no bounds and this life is but a dream to her song. Where the waters crash on the rocks fear the anger Saisuke San or he will consume you. Light not fires or you will attract Mieko to burn bright once more.... All these troubled spirts and more walks these woods. I will consult with the wiser kami and you will see me again...

At the end of his words he fades from view, blowing away on the breeze in motes of dust and leaves. Leaving only the shimmering way stone and the feeling of blesisng upon you all. As he vanishes Shalelu looks around, gently tilted eyes wide with astonishment, "What a strange spirit, I am glad he meant no harm. I guess we should watch out for singing, waterfalls and fire if his riddles were to be believed. "

Nodding towards where the road enters the forest Ameiko looks at you all, "Are we ready we have far to go?" If you agree she cracks the reins although it takes several strikes to make the horses move, the beasts skittish and jumpy as they start to enter the forest. The thick pines muting sound so quickly as even the wind seems shushed and only the creaking of the trees can be heard,.

2021-07-07, 12:08 PM
Darhana nodded and took the point again, watching out for any strange and less strange things and going as quickly as she knew the wagons could do on this sort of roads.

perception: [roll0] (incl. bonus for favorite terrain)

I have Terrain Bond (Ex): At 4th level, the guide forms a bond with the land itself, enabling him to direct others in such terrain. When in his favored terrain, the ranger grants all allies within line of sight and that can hear him a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks. Also, as long as they travel with him, the ranger’s allies leave no trail and can’t be tracked. The ranger can choose for the group to leave a trail, or even specific members of the group to leave a trail if he so desires. This ability replaces hunter’s bond.

As I have forest as favorite terrain, we don't leave any trails and you guys have a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks

2021-07-08, 11:27 PM
Charles decides to stretch his legs for a bit and joins the walking. "I dont know how to feel about this? Would this be a good sign that reduces our amount of posible threats or worried about this increasing the level of the threat that potentially is behind this."

2021-07-12, 02:45 AM
Its a long two days you cover the first 40 or so miles into the forest but keeping carefully to the road. THe ling pines and barren scrub beneath the tree seems almost alive as the wind whispers constantly and the soft swirls of falling needles swirl into almost humanoid faces or shapes before landing on the soft mossy soil. You manage to find waystones to camp by each night, a small offering of food and sake seming to lighten the oppressive forest atmosphere around each one but still the night is alive with strange gusts of wind, mystical chimes and sounds and other unnerving events.

Its Darhana with her very sharp eyes and ears who is the first to see the figure standing in the trees by the road, from this distance (~200ft) she looks like a weary traveler, human, female with a long kimono disheveled and once fine now ragged and ruined. Her long hair covers her face but on the wind Darhana can faintly hear the plucking sounds of the sanshin she is carrying in her hands, the tune on the breeze, faint and filled with sorrow.

She does not appear to have reacted to your appearance yet, and the wagon is still not yet in sight of her

2021-07-12, 08:47 AM
Darhana gave a signal to the caravan about potential trouble ahead. While it seemed innocent, she knew that things could be deceiving. She motioned for her comrades to join her to have a look before the wagons arrived. And on horseback, they could come back quickly if needed.
"There," she said when they arrived, "with all the talk of spirits and stuff, I thought it would be best to be careful."

2021-07-13, 01:16 AM
Charles nods in agreement as he follows Darhana to meet the mysterious woman. "We should probably stay on guard but lets try to not seem like we want to engage in combat either." He suggests a bit worried about the situation. At the very least, he could return fast to the caravan if danger arrived to them.

Captain Jak
2021-07-13, 12:39 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 74 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Joining the rest, Emika can’t argue with their assessment.

”Courteous but cautious,” she agrees quietly, regarding the distant figure. Speaking the word of command, she summons her armour to encase her but leaves her sword stowed away for now.

”I can go speak with her, see if she needs assistance,” she offers, eyeing the figure for any indications of motivation. And if it turns out otherwise, she’s probably in a better position to survive what comes than her companions.

Knowledge: Local (Humanoids) [roll0]
Knowledge: Religion (Undead) [roll1]

2021-07-14, 03:08 PM
"Feel free," Darhana said, looking at the lone woman to see if she noticed anything particular, "I'll cover you from a bit further. Yell if you need anything."

Perception: [roll0]

2021-07-15, 05:45 AM
Emika begins to approach the singing and strumming woman and as she does Darhana realises she can see the occasional leaf falling through the woman! At the crack of a twig under Emika's boot the woman looks around to Emika, meeting her gaze with eyes that flare with a vibrant luminscent green. THe woman / kami spirit sobs, and leaps forward in a streaming cloud of spectral energy that flows through Emika's armour and she can feel and hear the sound of the Sansim getting louder in her head until it overwhelms everything!

Will DC 14 please for Emika to avoid the possession by the Kami spirit (or you can fail voluntarily.... :smallwink:)

Captain Jak
2021-07-16, 12:29 AM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 74 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Emika had taken care to approach with a blend of caution and openness, not trying to actively hide her presence. Perhaps she should have, considering the apparition’s reaction to her approach. She had reflexively called her weapon to hand when the spirit streams toward her, but it does her little good as the incorporeal form seeps into her!

Pressure builds within her mind, and she desperately attempts to cast the invader out, having no concern at the moment for the consequences of her actions; she is her own person, and it will have to get out!

Will Save DC 14: [roll0]

2021-07-17, 08:27 AM
"Oh ****," Darhana said when she saw the spirit, as it was clear that's what it was, surge forward. But there wasn't much she could do at the moment, as she could hardly kill Emika.

She looked at Emika, hoping she would keep it out and if not, she hoped that the spirit could be reasoned with. Otherwise they were in for a world of trouble.

2021-07-18, 01:01 PM
"Oh no! Emika!" Charles shouts unsure about how to handle the situation. He sees Darhana waiting in place and decides to follow suit. It made sense to wait exactly what was going on before taking any measures.

2021-07-20, 12:08 PM
As the spirit flies towards Emika it flows into her! In moments she feels a tumult of emotions, confusion, lost, cold and lonelieness wash over her as she understands the tale of Li Xu the Wandering Minstrel, a young poet who had wandered into the forest and then got lost finally dying of exposure. Although as the emotions, thoughts and songs wash over Emika's mind she realsies that the spirit has not realised it is dead, thinking only of the spirit wandering as a strange dream!

You are possessed
You can get flashes of emotions and song and words in your mind
-2 Penalty on Will Saves/Wisdom checks from the spirit whispering to you
Can take you over when you sleep
A dispel chaos will get rid of it, a protection from chaos would allow you a new save
Due to the spirit telling hero poems and sagas you gain a +2 Know (History)(Nobility) while possessed

Emika shakes her head as songs fill her mind, all sad and lonely but she is once more able to (mostly) focus on the others and can feel no ill will from the spirit. THe voice in your mind is almost a comfort as you hear her bein to recite the great tale of Osan-wa and his heroic defence against pirates....

2021-07-21, 12:33 PM
"What's going on," Darhana said, "Emika, are you okay. Where is that... creature, spirit, whatever, gone."
She keeps her weapons ready in case Emika is possessed and turned on them.

Captain Jak
2021-07-21, 12:47 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 74 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24

Emika sways on her feet for a moment, then shakes her head sharply and steadies herself. Her sword vanishes once more, followed shortly by her armour as she turns to face the others.

”Such a...distressed spirit,” she says, her voice a little shaky. ”Distraught, confused...I’m okay,” she assures the others as she returns. ”I think she was a minstrel; I’ve got bits of a song in my head, but I’m all me.”

2021-07-22, 02:42 AM
Ameiko rushes up, looking concerned as well, "Are you well? I pray to the gods its not an evil Kami and you are still you?" but is then reassured by the answer that Emika gives. Shalaleu looking about with more caution mutters a low "This forest of spirits is well named..." After a few minutes fussing about Emika the caravan starts moving slowly again, and trundles through the forest for another 6 or so hours with a brief pause to eat lunch in a small clearing.

THe woods are constantly whispering around you and every now and then faint wisps of smoke, fog or cloud seem to flit and vanish in the distance leaving you all slightly on edge. Its Daraha though who first notices the strange rocks littering the ground as you break out into a small open area, a tall cliff/ ridge rising up to your left some 100ft tall leavinga natural clear space a couple of hundred feet wide at its base where the shadows inhibit tree growth. The road winds along the centre fo the clear space and you can see some 2 miles ahead the ridge ends sinking back down into the ground and the trees begin again. But its the rocks, scattered around the field Darahana notices, all roughly spehrical and all of a similar size. As she gazes around she also spies a footprint, although one bigger than a wagon wheel and realises that this area may be the hunting ground of giants!!

perception or survival can elucidate more information

2021-07-23, 12:25 AM
Charles felt a bit bad but he didnt had much if any protective magic. They would probably had to wait and see if it would become necessary down the line, not like there was much he could do anyway. As the group keeps moving forward, Charles wonders what might be up ahead. They still hadnt seen signs of the perpetrator that they were asked to deal of. Charles waits for the others to possibly give more insight to their situation when they meet with the footprint. Lewis sighs in disbelief at the possible danger up ahead.

2021-07-23, 10:15 AM
Darhana lets the wagons halt before they enter the clearing. She moves in, slowly and carefully, looking for tracks and also checking to see where those boulders are coming from. She will also look up to the cliff to see if there's no ambush in the making from that side.
"Be careful," she said to the others, "looks like giant tracks. I'll check to see which ones. Some can be reasoned with and we might just be lucky for once."

As I have both, I'll roll both.
Perception: [roll0]
survival: [roll1]

Captain Jak
2021-07-24, 11:18 AM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 74 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24
CONDITIONS: Possessed.

Since their encounter with the spirit Emika has been a little distracted, but the threat of a potential giant ambush focuses her attention nicely. Her armour surrounds her in a swirl of chain and plate, oversized sword slapping into the palm of her gauntlet.

”Stay alert, everyone,” the warrior suggests, raising her voice slightly to make sure it’s heard along the caravan. ”In the event of an attack, keep the wagons moving. I’ll engage them to keep their focus while you get out of range.” She knows her companions will have their own contributions, but getting up close and personal and dangerous to ignore is her specialty.

2021-07-24, 11:26 AM
Darhana notices some movement and took her bow.
"In the trees at the other side," she said to the others, "they probably wait until we move into the clearing and then pin us between the wall. Any rocks that hit the wall can still hit us when they come down. Nice set-up actually. Maybe we can first prepare if needed, before we move out."
She starts with casting Ironskin on herself, making her skin tougher and then she cast Gravity bow to make her bow stronger as well, as giants did take a lot of killing.

2021-07-25, 10:26 AM
As Darhana mutters some spells to enhance her attacks the giants lurking in the woods clearly sense something is wrong and rear up from the trees, the massive forms as tall as the snow topped pines as they leap to their feet! The three giants are spaced some 30ft apart but ~350ft away in the forest edge leaving you trapped against the tall escarpment that rises several hundred feet straight up and begins some 50ft to your left....

The giants have crude furs, bone fetishes threaded through their ears and noses and two clutch massive crude bows, whilst the centre has a long spear. As the giants rise up and let loose savage bestial howls that echo in the forest Shalelu and Ameiko curse, the horses on the string of 3 wagons all rearing up and whinnying nervously leaving them fighting for control of the beasts



PCs won the intiative

Captain Jak
2021-07-25, 12:06 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 84 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Expeditious Retreat (1/10).
CONDITIONS: Possessed.

Armed, armoured, and ready for this ‘ambush’, Emika wastes no time; speaking one of the command words for her enchanted cloak, a swirl of arcane energies drip from the hem to infuse her feet. Moving much more rapidly than normal, she begins to quickly close the distance between herself and the giants.

Standard Action: Activate Cloak of Hedge Wizardry (Expeditious Retreat)
Move Action: Move 60’ towards the nearest Giant.

2021-07-25, 12:22 PM
Charles decides that the best course of action is to help from the shadows. "I´ll give you my assistance. You just need to keep their atention centered on you two." Charles makes the suggestion to his teammates before casting his spell and disappearing. Lewis nods and adds. "I think I´ll just stay out of trouble." He then moves away trying to stay out of the way.

Charles casts an invisibility spell that should last for 8 minutes.

Lewis uses a move action to move away.

2021-07-25, 01:02 PM
Darhana casts another spell (Abundant ammunition) and then has Prancer move a bit closer.
"Swarm one and bring it down as quickly as possible," she shouts to the others in the common tongue of their continent, which hopefully these giants don't understand.

cast one spell
move action from the horse to move closer (which is 50ft I think).

2021-07-26, 07:04 AM
Shalelu pauses, wrestling with the horses before pulling out her bow and nocking a pair of arrows as she crouches atop the wagon. Ameiko manages to draw her wagon to a stop before sliding from the wagon seat to take cover. The lead giant with the spear you realise is some 6ft taller than the others and as it storms from the tree line you realise the huge beast is a female, or at least from the savage hides covering its chest and hips you'd guess that.

The other two advancing more slowly are bare-chested but launch a pair of arrows at Darhana and Emika! In both cases a twist on the run leaves the massive 6ft long barbed arrows thudding into the dirty alongside them rather than hitting them with the force of a ballista!

Escarmpent wall - 0ft
Wagons (Shalelu, Zhou, Ameiko, Zhou, Charles) - 30ft
Darahana -70ft
Emika - 90ft
female giant - 270ft
2 x male giants - 390ft
Tree line - 430ft

Female giant takes the Run action (she is literally Huge)
2 male giants adavance and fire bows at Emika and Darahana

vs Emika [roll0] dam [roll1]
vs Darhana [roll2] dam [roll3]

2021-07-26, 12:21 PM
She was still quite a distance away, but Darhana had shot further. So not moving (but still on Prancer) she had a quick look at the giantess, leveled her bow at the charging creature and started firing volleys of arrows. Prancer, being trained, stood still while she was shooting, the only nervousness showing by the flicking of his ears.
As she shoots, new arrows appear in her quiver to replace the ones shot.

swift action: use my ranger focus. I have +6 attack and damage against the giantess until she's dead or surrenders.
Then full attack with my bow (which is magical in case this is important). I'm 200ft from the giantess, which is 1 range increment away, so I'm at a -2 for all shots. I use my rapid shot for another -2, so with the focus bonus I'm at a net +2 to hit and +6 damage.

attack 1 (2 arrows from manyshot feat): [roll0] (damage: [roll1] and [roll2])
attack 2: [roll3] (damage: [roll4])
attack 3: [roll5] (damage: [roll6])

For reference, my current AC is 27 (I don't have my shield at the moment)

Captain Jak
2021-07-26, 12:47 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 84 | AC: 22 | TOUCH: 11 | FLAT: 21 | CMD: 26 | FCMD: 24
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Expeditious Retreat (2/10) Enlarge Person (1/10).
CONDITIONS: Possessed.

Seeing the giantess eager to close the distance between them, Emika slows her pace even as a series of arrows flash in to impact on the large figure.

Activating a second feature of her cloak with a command, magical energies seep out to swirl about her, causing her to start to expand. Her growth tops out at a mere eleven feet, still small when compared to the oncoming giantess, but far less of a disparity than there had been before.

Move Action: Move 60’ towards the giantess.
Standard Action: Activate Cloak of Hedge Wizardry (Enlarge Person)

2021-07-26, 01:48 PM
Charles decides to follow Emika as quickly as possible so he can help neutralize the threat now that he was hidden though he wanted to address something on the way now that he had the chance. To prevent any issues, he speaks to Lewis and asks him to move forward towards Emika. As soon as it has finished, Charles teleports to Darhana concentrates his magical power to move to Darhana´s side and speaks to her. "I will cast a spell to help you ward against the enemy attacks."He replies reassuring.

As part of a move action and using an arcane point, I will use Dimensional slide to move 40 ft toDarhana´s side. Then as a standard action, I will cast Protection from Arrows on Darhana. DR 10 against ranged weapons. The spell lasts for 8 hours or until 80 points of damage have been blocked.

Lewis will use his action to move forward as far as apossible.
Status: Invisible

Charles Grysta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408725)
Male NG Kitsune Arcanist 10, Level 10, Init 3, HP 54/54, Speed 30
AC 14, Touch 12, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, Fort 6, Ref 9, Will 9, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 5
+2 Quarterstaff 8 (1d6, x2)
Natural Bite 5 (1d4, x2)
(+2 Dex, +2 Deflect)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 22, Wis 10, Cha 14
Condition None

Arcane Reservoir: 7
Spells per day left: 1(4) 2(3) 3(4) 4(4) 5(2)

2021-08-01, 11:35 AM
Arrows stud the advancing female giant as Darhana lets fly with a punishing barrage of arrows, only one being defelcted by the thick hides, the other two punching into her massive chest. She brushes them aside, pulling a rock the size of a halfing from her belt as she eyes up the growing Emik and tries to hit her with a rock. The two males still hanging back jog forward, each one letting loose a barbed 6ft arrow at Darhana, Emika now blocked partially by their own massive mate..

Male giants - advance 40ft firing arrows at Darhana
Vs Darhana [roll0] dam [roll1]
Vs Darhana [roll2] dam [roll3]

Female giant - advance 40ft and draw and throw a rock at the advancing (and large) Emika
Vs Emika [roll4] Dam [roll5]

Escarmpent wall - 0ft
Wagons (Shalelu, Zhou, Ameiko, Zhou) - 30ft
Darahana /Charles-70ft
Emika - 150ft
female giant - 230ft
2 x male giants - 350ft
Tree line - 430ft

2021-08-01, 11:47 AM
Darhana was glad she had cast the spell before the attack, as she felt one of the arrows being only deflected by her magically toughened skin. One did manage to penetrate, but she ignored the damage for now and concentrated on shooting back. The heavier arrows also seemed to do the trick, so she kept shooting at the giantess, trying to take her down as quickly as possible. Taking down one would mean one third of their enemy combat potential down and that would make the rest easier.

Full attack with my bow (which is magical in case this is important). I'm still 1 range increment away, so I'm at a -2 for all shots. I use my rapid shot for another -2, so with the focus bonus I'm at a net +2 to hit and +6 damage.

attack 1 (2 arrows from manyshot feat): [roll0] (damage: [roll1] and [roll2])
attack 2: [roll3] (damage: [roll4])
attack 3: [roll5] (damage: [roll6])

For reference, my current AC is 27 (I don't have my shield at the moment)

Captain Jak
2021-08-01, 12:15 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 84 | AC: 20 | TOUCH: 9 | FLAT: 19 | CMD: 28 | FCMD: 27
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Expeditious Retreat (3/10) Enlarge Person (2/10).
CONDITIONS: Possessed.

The hurled rock flies true but glances off Emika’s armour with a resounding clang, the enchantment on the steel repulsing the force of impact. In return, the enlarged warrior charges forward as more arrows streak past, recklessly putting herself within range of the huge spear in order to land a decisive attack of her own.

Full Action: Charge the giantess, using Power Attack.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2021-08-02, 08:14 PM
"I´ll just go forward to help Emika in case the other two decide to join the attack." He then keeps movving forward at the same time as his familiar. Since there was no emergency, he decides to simply walk forward instead of using his special ability.

I will use my action to move forward to Emika´s direction and only that.

2021-08-03, 03:22 PM
As the arrows and the rocks fly wide the two male giants grow clearly enraged and begin running forward with great earth quaking strides. The huge female snarls an angry smile, one that turns to rage as more arrows thud into her. Her torso now leaking blood sheeting the ground around her feet. Emika charges in, 12 ft tall and almost chest high on the beast, but even so the giant's reach is longer and she stabs at Emika as the warrior runs in

[roll0] dam [roll1]

Before Emika swings, the giant spins the spear to parry and then roars in frustration as the spear shatters under emika's blow and then drops to its knees as the sword shears into her arm and shoulder near hacking it off! Limping and swaying the giantess weakly punches and swings its massive fists at Emika. Charles reaching the back of Emika steps back as the giant's near death flailing sprays blood splatter all around him

Male giants run
Female giant - near death tries slams on Emika (w/PA)
[roll2] dam [roll3]
[roll4] dam [roll5]

Escarmpent wall - 0ft
Wagons (Shalelu, Zhou, Ameiko, Zhou) - 30ft
Darahana -70ft
Emika / Charles - 230ft
female giant - 230ft
2 x male giants - 290ft
Tree line - 430ft

2021-08-04, 03:04 PM
Arcane Reservoir: 7 pts
Spells per day left:
1 (6) 2(4) 3 (4) 4 (5) 5 (3)

Also, I already substracted a spell for the spell about to be cast.

Charles decides its time to begin his strategy against the giants. He casts his spell on one of the oncoming male giants to hopefully stop him in his tracks. He couldnt let them swarm Emika and overpower her.

Charles casts Hold Person on one of two male giants. Will Save DC 18

Captain Jak
2021-08-04, 11:31 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 34 | AC: 26 | TOUCH: 11 | FLAT: 25 | CMD: 32 | FCMD: 31
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Expeditious Retreat (4/10) Enlarge Person (3/10).
CONDITIONS: Possessed.

Nearly spitting herself on the giantess’ spear brings a bolt of agonising pain and a spray of hot blood, but it did allow Emika to close to the point of destroying said spear and nearly severing her opponent’s arm. This doesn’t, unfortunately, prevent the enormous warrior from landing some additional bare-handed blows that her armour only partially shields her from.

Whirling her sword about herself defensively as the remaining giants charge to the attack, she slashes at the giantess to bring her down before the others arrive. This is truly not the most promising of moments, but at least she has drawn the focus of what clearly is the most dangerous opponent on the field. If nothing else, her allies should be able to finish off the remaining two before they can cause grievous harm to anyone else.

Neglected to mention the 1 Bleed the giantess is now taking. So, +1 damage this round. :P
Action: Full Attack, using Power Attack and Shield of Swings
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1] / 2

Attack Roll: [roll2]
Damage Roll: [roll3] / 2

2021-08-05, 04:16 AM
With the situation with the giantess well in hand, Darhana switched fire to one of the other giants coming closer now. Again a volley of arrows left her bow, all replaced by the spell she had cast before.

swift action to shift focus to one of the giants (the one that's not being held by Charles).
attack 1: [roll0] (again 2 arrows: [roll1] and [roll2])
attack 2: [roll3] damage: [roll4]
attack 3: [roll5] damage: [roll6]

2021-08-07, 10:26 AM
As the enlarged Emika duels with the huge giantess the spear plunging into her chest before being sheared in half. As fists and the nodachi swirl about Emika ends it as she delivers another brutal blow caving in the chest of the giantess sending the massive beast toppling to the ground. Even as the giantess falls Darhana and Charles try and slow the now enraged males! Charles's spell is warded off by the rage clouding the giant's tiny brain and more arrows slam into the male's chest from Darhana's lightning quick blow.

Both of the male giants launch arrows at Darhana and Emika before they stride closer to the giant warrior woman drawing out crude spiked blubs made of wood with shards of stone and metal stuck into it.

Shoot Emika [roll0] dam [roll1]
Shoot Darhana [roll2] dam [roll3]

Escarmpent wall - 0ft
Wagons (Shalelu, Zhou, Ameiko, Zhou) - 30ft
Darahana -70ft
Emika / Charles - 230ft
2 x male giants - 250ft
Tree line - 430ft

Captain Jak
2021-08-07, 11:04 AM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 34 | AC: 22 | TOUCH: 11 | FLAT: 21 | CMD: 32 | FCMD: 31
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Expeditious Retreat (5/10) Enlarge Person (4/10).
CONDITIONS: Possessed.

Emika has a moment to breathe as she finishes off her opponent, but only a moment as the remaining two giants close the distance, a giant arrow glancing harmlessly off her shoulder pauldron. Injured and bleeding heavily, she circles about to put one giant between the other as she closes, leaving a free target for Darhana to continue loosing arrows at.

Given her condition, however, she wisely chooses to engage the one that her ally has already feathered.

Speaking of allies, she catches a glimpse of the now-visible Charles as she maneuvers.

”A little assistance here wouldn’t hurt, Charles!” she exclaims before closing to clash with the injured giant, giant blade singing ominously in the air.

Move Action: circle around to close with giant
Standard Action: Attack, using Power Attack
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2021-08-07, 12:24 PM
Darhana felt the arrow fly past her.
"Archery duel it is," she muttered as she let go another flight of arrows at the same giant she had shot at before.

Shoot at the same giant again.
attack 1: [roll0] (again 2 arrows: [roll1] and [roll2])
attack 2: [roll3] damage: [roll4]
attack 3: [roll5] damage: [roll6]

2021-08-08, 01:05 PM
Since the giants where within range, it was time to try a different approach. "Lets hope this works...." Charles wishes. He then casts a spell that makes black rubbery tentacles to grow from the groun around on the area where the two male giants are.

Casting Black tentacles on the area where the male giants currently are.

2021-08-13, 03:59 PM
Even as the giants move to engage poor Emika the mage gestures calling upon the spirits of the land as pseudopds of thick plant matter and rocky soil reach out capturing both of the massive giants in their rubbery embrace and squeezing hard. Caught in the thick embrace the giants, crushed by tentacles (for [roll0] dam) the giants roar and curse in their own dialect. The one by Emika looks battered, dripping blood from the arrows, leaking from the slash from Emika the warrioress spins and slashes it again with the long blade, this time ending the giant's miserable life as its body is dragged into the ground.

The second giant roars in rage as its brother is slain. Roaring and tearing at the vines it battles against them before firing a massive barbed arrow Emika, even as it shudders from the trio of arrows that slam into it and the tentacles pull at its bow

Giant 1 = dead
Giant 2 = fires at Emika [roll1] dam [roll2]

2021-08-14, 04:00 PM
"Never change a winning team," Darhana said as she launched another set of arrows at the one remaining giant.

Shoot at the same giant again.
attack 1: [roll0] (again 2 arrows: [roll1] and [roll2])
attack 2: [roll3] damage: [roll4]
attack 3: [roll5] damage: [roll6]

Captain Jak
2021-08-14, 06:21 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 34 | AC: 20 | TOUCH: 9 | FLAT: 19 | CMD: 32 | FCMD: 31
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Expeditious Retreat (6/10) Enlarge Person (5/10).
CONDITIONS: Possessed.

As their combined efforts fell the second of the giants, Emika steps back and holds a gauntleted hand to the bloody gap between chain and plate where the enormous spear had gone in, catching her breath for a moment. She’s unsure of how to safely navigate the grasping field of tentacles that she stands at the edge of, which puts the last giant out of the reach of her sword.

...or. Her eyes narrow, and her sword rises once more.

Circling the writhing patch of darkness even as another massive arrow brushes her armour in a near miss, she brings herself as close as she can without falling into their grasp herself before lunging, extending her already long reach as she strives to drive her immense sword into the giant’s bleeding flesh.

Move Action: circle around to close with giant
Standard Action: Attack, using Power Attack and Lunge
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2021-08-16, 01:34 AM
Charles doesnt see a point in hiding himself anymore and decides to gather his energy to unleash a powerful sonic attack against the last standing giant. He aims carefully and launches his strike.

Charles will lose the invisibility. He will launch a sonic blast ranged touch attack against the giant by using one arcane reservoir point. [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Fort save to half the damage and avoid being deafen.

2021-08-17, 10:46 AM
More arrows thud into the entangled giant even as the tentacles continue to close on it, cracking limbs with the constricting. Emika steps in and delivers a devastating blow joining the arrows no studding the huge beast. Even as it wobbles on its feet its suffering is ended as the massive blast of sonic energy slams into, staving in its chest and sending it toppling to the ground stone dead.

Even as the ground shakes with its fall, birds scattering from the trees and clffs from the booming sonic attack the clearing quikcly calms as Shalelu and Amieko wave wearily and happily and you can survey the bloodied field with the 3 massive dead giants.

2021-08-17, 11:29 AM
Darhana looks around (and up the cliff) just in case there are more giants... or something else, before moving in, bow still held in her hand.
"Nice," was all she says when she comes closer, looking closer at the dead giants. It was always a good idea to study any enemies you encountered, just in case you encounter them again.
"Anybody hurt?"

Perception: [roll0]

2021-08-18, 12:14 AM
Charles wonders if there are in anyway related to the danger they were warned about earlier though he doesnt bring the point up since he had any evidence to even think that was the case. He decides to help searching the bodies due to being quite close to the giants. "Let me assist you on this matter."

Casting detect magic
Also here is a perception roll: [roll0]

Captain Jak
2021-08-18, 10:59 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 34 | AC: 20 | TOUCH: 9 | FLAT: 19 | CMD: 32 | FCMD: 31
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Expeditious Retreat (6/10) Enlarge Person (5/10).
CONDITIONS: Possessed.

With no sign of any further dangers – and what else would live in the hunting range of a trio of hungry giants? – Emika lets slip a pained sigh and banishes weapon and armour to their storage states.

Gingerly touching her bloodied side, feeling battered and bruised from the brief encounter, she looks down at her smaller companions.

”Yes, but nothing I shouldn’t mostly recover from with a few nights’ solid rest,” she replies to the ranger, all too aware that with only a small amount of bad luck that a solid’s night’s rest can be difficult to come by when travelling off the beaten path.

”Here; the enchantment won’t last much longer, let me take advantage of this size while I’ve got it,” she offers, and begins manhandling the still-cooling corpses into a position where they can be checked over for any stray treasures that the beasts might have found of value.

2021-08-24, 11:50 AM
The search of the giants is not particularly worthwhile. Charles lets his magical senses wander detecting a faint whiff of magic curled around the stone spear of the huge female and from the bags of the two males. The spear looks well made, gleaming with the magical flint. In each of the bags there are a cluster of oils of various magics.

+2 huge spear
Oils [Bull strength, haste, cure moderate, gaseous form, Protection from Evil]

20lb of obsidian ingots (worth ~1200gp)

Ameiko looks at you all with wonder, a particular look of appreciation to the battered Emika "You are champions, strong and powerful. How did you manage to defeat all of them so swiftly?" She asks. "Are you well Emika, do you wish to ride in the wagon?"

2021-08-25, 01:42 PM
"We were lucky," Darhana simply said, "but whatever it is, we survived and they didn't. That will teach them to attack travelers. Here Emika, let me help you with that."
She cast a cure light wound spell, the only one she had prepared for today.
"It won't cure everything, but at least the bleeding will stop. And can we put that spear and those ingots on the wagon?"

cure light wounds: [roll0]

2021-08-26, 09:55 PM
"I am just glad that they didnt see me coming. I dont think I would have been able to take this amount of punishment" Charles sighs in relief. He remembers that also Emika might have taken damage i the battle and turns to ask her. "How are you doing?"

Captain Jak
2021-08-26, 10:53 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 40 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 27 | FCMD: 25
CONDITIONS: Possessed.

Emika shakes her head.

”No, I’m fine to walk for now,” she demurs, flashing Darnaha a grateful smile as the other woman uses her magicks to treat the worst of her wounds. Her bleeding now stopped, she uses her cloak’s enchantment to cleanse the blood, sweat, and dirt of the battle from herself before continuing.

”Let’s just get these few valuables for compensation loaded and move on,” she suggests, eyeing the huge spear with the large notch out of it from her blade. ”Unless you’d all rather set up camp for today here, under the probably safe assumption that nothing else, dangerous or otherwise, is going to live in the hunting range of those three?” She’s not at top form, no, but she’s still more than capable of doing the heavy lifting in moments like these.

2021-08-28, 06:15 AM
"I think we better move on," Darhana said, "the faster we're out of this forest, the better it is I think."
As soon as everything was loaded on the wagons, Darhana took point again to move on.

Perception: [roll0]

2021-08-28, 10:07 PM
"Personally, I am more worried about what we were warned about beforehand. I am a bit worried that this is only just the start of the dangers lurking around this forest." Charles replies expressing some of his worries to the rest.

2021-08-30, 01:17 AM
Shalelu jumps down from the wagons now out and sweat bing around before approaching Emika and embracing her for a strangely long 12 seconds, but healing her as she does so. ””Rarely have I a seen such bravery as to engage giants in single combat,even with the rest of us in support it was brave bordering on the foolish” She adds the last with a worn smile and checks Emika’s wounds

2x cure moderate [roll0]

Ameiko nods in agreement ”Maybe more caution next time? she adds gently, worry on her face as they mount back in the wagons

The rest of the day passes quietly, the wind whistling in the pines and the creak of boughs a constant companion to you all, as Emika can hear faintly in her head a sing song voice a mating the legends of “Kopu the Giantslayer” although the song in her head does not end as well for the would be Giantslayer.

Darhana however is more concerned with the paw prints she spies in the soft mud of the track and the raked bark on the larger trees as she realise that giants territory rubbed against a that of another predator. One with teeth, fur and claws. Although judging by the paw prints it’s a tiger of prodigious proportions

As you camp what is the watch order? You can nominate Zhou or Shalelu for a spell as well and any of you can choose not to bother taking a turn if you want

Captain Jak
2021-08-30, 11:53 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 78 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 27 | FCMD: 25
CONDITIONS: Possessed.

There seems to be a general aura of censure against Emika’s actions, but it touches her only lightly; was she supposed to stand back and hope a few arrows were sufficient to fell all the beasts before they closed? Someone had needed to engage the giantess to prevent her from wreaking havoc, and she had been the best option.

Thanking Shaleu for her healing touch, Emika is substantially better as a result; only stiffness and bruises remain, for the most part. A good night’s sleep should take care of even that, but of course as fate has it it’s entirely likely such a thing will prove elusive.

”Charles, you need your rest to regain your magicks, sleep and restore yourself,” she urges, recalling the restrictions the Kitsune had explained to them several moons ago. ”I will stand a first watch; if this great cat should seek prey in early night, I will ensure the rest of you time to arm yourselves,” she promises. It’s no great hardship to remain awake for a time yet, armour donned and weapon in hand in case of danger.

2021-08-31, 02:42 PM
Darhana also had some wounds, so she asked around if someone still had some healing before they went to bed. She would also do a guard shift. With her low-light vision and her experience in nightly guard shifts in the forest, she should see things before they arrive.

2021-09-01, 09:43 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 78 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 27 | FCMD: 25
CONDITIONS: Possessed.

There seems to be a general aura of censure against Emika’s actions, but it touches her only lightly; was she supposed to stand back and hope a few arrows were sufficient to fell all the beasts before they closed? Someone had needed to engage the giantess to prevent her from wreaking havoc, and she had been the best option.

Thanking Shaleu for her healing touch, Emika is substantially better as a result; only stiffness and bruises remain, for the most part. A good night’s sleep should take care of even that, but of course as fate has it it’s entirely likely such a thing will prove elusive.

”Charles, you need your rest to regain your magicks, sleep and restore yourself,” she urges, recalling the restrictions the Kitsune had explained to them several moons ago. ”I will stand a first watch; if this great cat should seek prey in early night, I will ensure the rest of you time to arm yourselves,” she promises. It’s no great hardship to remain awake for a time yet, armour donned and weapon in hand in case of danger.

Charles nods in agreement to his companion´s suggestion. "I believe you might be right about the situation. I´ll then leave to recover and be prepared for whatever ugly thing decides to rear its ugly head.Good night, fellows." Charles then leaves to prepare for a new day to begin.

2021-09-08, 02:57 AM
The moons rise high in the sky, as Emika watches out into forest, the thin pines still laden with snow but this night cloudless leaving leaving the great cloak of stars visible and the burning red dot of akiton bright in the nighttime sky. A poor omen the voice in her head sings, as the tales of those born under akiton's fell influence play in her like a lullalby.

Its the whispered crunching of dried needles and a faint scrape of something brushing against a tree and the soft fall of fresh snow that alerts her to something moving in the trees some 40ft to her right away from the small fire hidden from sight by the triangle of parked wagons to offer some shelter, the small tents pitched in the shadow of the wagons. In the starlihgt a great pair gleaming golden eyes flare from the trees revealing the enormous tiger some 20ft long standing taller at the shoulder than Emika herself, its eyes fix on Emika and it emits a low growl that sends a spark of fear rumbling through Emika's chest....


CD 17 Will save of shaken as per the Doom spell

THe spider is pauses staring at you, so far doing nothing, what does Emika do

Captain Jak
2021-09-09, 10:44 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 78 | AC: 24 | TOUCH: 13 | FLAT: 22 | CMD: 27 | FCMD: 25
CONDITIONS: Possessed.

Perhaps if the voice in the back of her mind hadn’t been filling it with dire portents of song and rhyme, Emika would have faced the tiger’s growl with greater equanimity. She is, after all, a warrior of no small capability, and fear is not something that easily takes root in her.

Sadly, her head is not in a good place and the giant feline’s aggressive stance strikes a chord of unease in her, and she feels a rush of weakness spread through her limbs.

”We have company!,” she exclaims loudly, not taking her eyes off the giant beast. ”Everyone needs to wake up now!” Shifting to face the tiger, she grounds the hilt of her nodachi against her boot and angles the blade towards the cat with one armoured gauntlet; if it rushes her, she intends to sell her life dearly.

Standard Action: ready action, set nodachi to receive a charge.

2021-09-10, 03:57 AM
Darhana, always a light sleeper when out in the open, quickly opened her eyes. She grabbed her weapons which were next to her and stood up. Her armour was made of mithril, so she could sleep in it without problems and as long as they were in the wild, she did.

Looking around she spotted the tiger.
"That's way bigger than regular tigers," she said, mesmerized by the huge beast, "let's see if I can make it go away without having to resort to shooting it. Keep watch for other things as well."

She started to make some sounds in sylvan, the language of the forest creatures, while maintaining eye contact, but blinking slowly as she knew that was in cats both big and small a sign of trust. She kept her sword in her hand in case it didn't work and the big cat would pounce. And if it was to pounce, there would be signals she knew and could shout out to her companions.

wild empathy: 1d20+lvl+cha mod: [roll0]

2021-09-11, 12:22 AM
Charles stretches his arms as he wakes up from the rising alarm by Emika. His first though is to complain as he comes out to check was is happening. "I was having some good rest. Cant we have a momemnt of peace?" Charles complains as he scans the surroundings. His attitue changes when he realizes that his companions are about to face a tiger.

"I´ll get ready to face the enemy." With a flick of his finger, his body gets surrounded in what looks like a type of samurai like armor with a big kabuto helmet, kote, do and even a haidate. "Alright, lets see what we can do now."

Using both a standard and a immediate action to use the Armored Mask exploit plus 2 points from the arcane reservoir.

Arcane Reservoir: 4 pts
Spells per day left:
1(4) 2(3) 3(4) 4(3) 5(2)

2021-09-13, 08:06 AM
Emika's shouts alerts the party as Darhana, Ameiko, Shalelu and Charles all have time to rouse as the tiger stands frozen, its burning eyes sending sparks of fear down Emika's spine. Its only as Darhana starts whispering in sylvan that the tiger seems to be aware oft he others, and then it roars loudly, the silence of the night shattered and birds and other scurrying mamalls all chirping or squeaking in panic that its great muscles pounce ready to sail forward on the attack!


Rest of the heroes

2021-09-13, 09:52 AM
Okay, that clearly didn't work, Darhana thought as she saw the tiger getting ready to pounce. She quickly focused herself on the tiger
"It's going to attack," she shouted at the others as she shot a bunch of arrows as quickly as possible in the hope of deterring it.

swift action: focus on the tiger for +6 on attack and damage
with rapid shot and manyshot, I have 3 attacks with 4 arrows.
attack 1: [roll0] , damage: arrow 1 [roll1], arrow 2 [roll2]
attack 2: [roll3] , damage: [roll4]
attack 3: [roll5] , damage: [roll6]

2021-09-18, 04:36 PM
THe flurry of arrows slam into the tiger with plumes of blood and roars of pain! The tiger bunches itself for the attack and roars a challenge again before bounding forward, this time swerving around Emika and running at Darhana who had so grievously wounded it before leaping forward past the frightened Emika and pouncing upon Darhana in a fit of angered rage! Its claws rending and tearing and its jaws trying to bear her to the ground!!


Charge past Emika (who can have an AoO if she has combat reflexes)
Pounce upon Darhana
bite [roll0] dam [roll1] and grab [roll2] VS CMD
claw [roll3] dam [roll4]
claw [roll5] dam [roll6]
rake [roll7] dam [roll8]
rake [roll9] dam [roll10]

Near Darhana, Shalelu rolls to her feet, drawing out a hatchet she keeps in her blanket roll and hurls it at the great tiger with the glowing eyes, the hatchet burying itself in the beasts flank. Ameiko looks in horror, "A devil cat, its a beast..." sh screams before waving her hand and the time around the heroes seems to slow, the drop of the pine needles in slow motion, the spray of dirt and blood like a frozen tabelau as your perceptions speed up.


Shahelu hits with a thrown weapon for some damage
Ameiko casts HASTE on the party

Captain Jak
2021-09-18, 07:57 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 78 | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 21 | CMD: 27 | FCMD: 25
CONDITIONS: Possessed.

Despite the tremors in her limbs from the beast’s surprising and terrifying appearance, Emika is prepared to do her job. She attempts to interfere in the tiger’s passage as it rushes past her, but its agility is up to the task of avoiding her.

Horror dawning on her face as Darhana is mauled even as the hastening enchantment falls over her, she rushes over on newly fleet feet to close with the tiger. She halts a little further away than she normally would, so as to not put herself in imminent danger of the tiger’s flashing claws, and with a wordless shout lunges to bury her sword in its body.

Move Action: Move to 10’ away from tiger.
Standard Action: Power Attack with Lunge for 10’ reach. [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2021-09-19, 12:02 AM
Charles Grysta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2408725)
Male NG Kitsune Arcanist 10, Level 10, Init 3, HP 54/54, Speed 30
AC 21, Touch 12, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, Fort 6, Ref 9, Will 9, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 5
+2 Quarterstaff 8 (1d6, x2)
Natural Bite 5 (1d4, x2)
(+2 Dex, +2 Deflect)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 22, Wis 10, Cha 14
Condition None

Arcane Reservoir: 6
Spells per day left: 1(4) 2(2) 3(3) 4(3) 5(2)

Charles prepares himself to face the danger from a distance. He decides to move himself to strike the animal. He places his palm forward and releases a green projectile at the enemy. There was no time to waste especially if the creature found out of his presence.

Casting acid arrow on the tiger after positioning myself to see the tiger itself.
Ranged touch attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
If it hits, it should last two additional rounds dealing 2d4 damage each time.

2021-09-20, 01:04 PM
"What the...," Darhana said as the tiger moved quicker than she had expected and towards her. Most animals that get hit run away, but clearly this one didn't. But now she had to, so she hightailed it out of the melee combat, quicker after the spell cast by Ameiko.

withdraw as full round action. Due to haste I get 30ft extra movement, so my movement is 70ft. With a double move, that's 140ft maximum, but I'll stop at 110ft (just within my bow range).

2021-09-24, 04:04 PM
Darhana stumbles away from the massive deadly cat, blood pouring from her wounds that have been rent in both sides of her body! Fleeing the snarling beast it whirls around as Charles launches a sizzling dart of acid into its flank and Shalelu leaps atop a wagon, launching a pair of arrows, one of which plunges into her flank. Ameiko starts singing, a near wordless tone that you can fee pulsing through you, Emika's kami spirit wordlessly joining in her mind as the keening rises to a great crescendo.

Emika is the one to engage the tiger lunging forward to drive her blade into the tiger's flank. The massive beast whirls with feline grace, leaping atop Emika with its massive jaw seeking to clamp onto her neck!

bite [roll0] dam [roll1] and grab [roll2] VS CMD

Shalelu shoots it with manyshot hitting it
Ameiko begins her bardic song INspire courage for +3 hit/damage

Captain Jak
2021-09-25, 07:22 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 58 | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 21 | CMD: 27 | FCMD: 25
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Haste, Inspire Courage
CONDITIONS: Possessed, Shaken, Grappled.

Emika cries out in pain as the massive tiger’s jaws pierce her armour and latch on, blood welling out from around its long teeth. Rather than futilely attempt to pry herself free from such powerful jaws, she returns her sword to its magical storage place within her glove and instead draws her more easily wieldable silver kukri from her belt, slashing wildly at the beast in an attempt to encourage it to release her.

Move Action: Draw kukri
Standard Action: Attack tiger. [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
If hit, Weapon Mastery: Special Material comes into play.

2021-09-29, 12:01 AM
Charles decides to strike the beast with a more simple attack this time now that the acid should be wearing down the creature. "Lets just aim carefully and this time it wiill work out perfectly." He reassures himself as he gathers his magical energy to launch a sonic attack against the ferocious tiger.

Ranged touch attack (Sonic Blast): [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Arcane Reservoir: 3 pts
Spells per day left:
1(4) 2(3) 3(4) 4(3) 5(2)

2021-09-29, 01:27 AM
Now she was out of the way and with the big beast occupied with her team members, Darhana gritted her teeth against the pain and started shooting again, still fast but careful to avoid her friends. Luckily she had done this before and knew how to avoid them by anticipating the tiger's movement.

rapid shot (and with precise shot I don't have the penalty for shooting into melee)
attack 1: [roll0] , damage: arrow 1 [roll1], arrow 2 [roll2]
attack 2: [roll3] , damage: [roll4]
attack 3: [roll5] , damage: [roll6]

2021-10-01, 07:21 AM
THe huge tiger worries Emika, whipping her around, jaws like a vice tearing her flesh and shoulder before she manages to wrest free the kukri and slash the tiger across the chest with it causing it drop her. Even as it looms over her, readying to sink its jaws into her face there is a great "boom" as the sound burst staves in its chest and then a dull "thud" "thud" "thud" as the trio of arrows hammer into the other side of it.

For a fleeting moment Emika stares into the beast's eyes, that fade from green to natural orange, a look of pain on its face before it collapses to the side, legs weakly twitching before it lies still. Above Emika a pale, whisper of a shape hangs in the air looking down upon her, a shadow of shadow outline in flickering spectral blue before the kami streaks upwards and vanishes seconds later into the night sky...

Shalelu runs over, kneeling by the tiger and sadly looks at the plethora of arrows jutting from its flanks and shakes her head, kissing its cheeks, a tear welling from her eye that she took part in the slaying of such a majestic beast. Ameiko limping over, looking at the bloodied Darhana and Emika, "What a beast, is everyone still breathing." She fumbles in her belt pulling out a pair of minty green potions offering one each to Emika and Darahana

Potions of cure serious wounds

2021-10-02, 04:08 AM
"Thanks," Darhana said as she took the potion. It did make her feel better, although she knew she was going to feel this the next day.
"I must say it's strange that an animal attacks a well guarded caravan," she said, looking at the big beast and taking her arrows out, "even a beast as big as this. And if you hurt them, normally they run away. Strange."

potion: [roll0]
EDIT: that was a bit underwhelming

Captain Jak
2021-10-02, 11:07 AM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 58 | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 21 | CMD: 27 | FCMD: 25
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Haste, Inspire Courage
CONDITIONS: Possessed, Shaken

Once released, Emika staggers back just in time for her companions to finish off the monstrous tiger. Blood oozes from beneath her shoulder pauldron as she cleans and sheathes her blade by rote, still shaken and trying to process what she has just seen.

”The creature seemed...possessed,” she says, waving off the potion and indicating the substantially more injured Darahana should use it. ”Did you see how its eyes were burning that unnatural green? The kami made it attack us,” she breaths.

They had indeed had ample warning that the kami were behaving with hostility, but she had hoped that their offerings had been enough to gain some good favour.

”We should start leaving offerings to the kami whenever we stop for the night. Better...safe, than sorry,” she suggests, dismissing her armour and gingerly checking over her shoulder. Those jaws had been...formidable.

2021-10-03, 12:22 AM
Charles looks at the creature with a worried look. Whatever just happened could only mean bad news for the crew. "We should be careful and look for the safest place we can find for the night. I think it will be too dangerous to push forward on our current situation."

2021-10-03, 02:03 PM
"Let's first sleep here for the rest of this night," Darhana said, really wanting to have some extra sleep, "and we might take the pelt with us as well. It might bring some money in. And I'd like a tooth as souvenir."

2021-11-07, 08:49 AM
A tooth can easily be found as a souvenir as the party rest once more, trying to recover as best they can from the assault by the mighty predator and denizen of the night. Its as Darhana stands watch that she can being to feel a change in the air around her. her breath misting more heavily in the air and her hair standing up on end as something feels wrong all around her. Scanning the trees she can begin to see multiple points of glowing light surrounding the camp, although they don't seem hostile she recognises them for what they - kami spirits of the forest!

As she wakes the others gently there is an exhalation of wind and in a swirl of bamboo leaves and a faint smell of pine sap a gleaming figure materialises in the centre oft he wagons. Its a figure clad for war, clutching a long and elegant Daikyu bow that Darhana cannot help but admire. The cretaure, still partially see through with its long cape whipping about in winds that only seem to effect it looks at each of you and at the dead body of the massive tiger.


"Good hunting..." it whispers. Its voice sounding in each of our heads without the need for movement of its lips on its stern face. "Tieqing has long hunted these forests. Many have fallen to the kami that possess him. You have freed him now." The last statement of fact and one that you have difficulty telling ifs it happy or not. It then pauses gesturing to the tree where you can see the small spirit that you aided at entrance to the forest. "Shunkichi has vouched for your good spirits. But I would know why have you invaded the peace of the Forests of Spirits, why have you come beneath our boughs?"

2021-11-07, 11:29 AM
"We are following the trade route through the forest to get to the cities at the other side," Darhana said, "We did not intend to disturb any spirits, just get to the other side as quickly as possible."

Captain Jak
2021-11-07, 04:42 PM
Emika (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2409125)
HP: 84 | CURRENT: 58 | AC: 23 | TOUCH: 12 | FLAT: 21 | CMD: 27 | FCMD: 25
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Haste, Inspire Courage

Emika is still a touch groggy from her interrupted sleep, and her residual injuries from the fight ache in a distracting fashion but she’s upright and facing the assemble Kami regardless.

As truthful as Darhana’s words are, they feel...insufficient.

”We would not have disturbed your peace if our task wasn’t urgent,” she elaborates, nodding a greeting to Shunkichi. ”We seek to restore a more beneficial rule to the lands of mortal folk.”

It felt...important...to her, that the Kami understood this was not merely an expedition for base profit.

2021-11-07, 08:48 PM
Charles decides to join his comrades at explaining themselves by adding an important tidbit. "At the entrance of this place, we also received a request. A request to help this place return to its peaceful state so there must be something else behind the disturbance you are feeling. We hold no ill will to this place or its inhabitants.". Charles makes a small bow as he finishes up.