View Full Version : Optimization Did anyone list the creatures that can cause the Frightened / Charmed condition?

2021-03-13, 05:52 AM
A number of races and classes feature provide advantage to saving throws against been frightened or charmed. Halfling gets advantage against frightened, Elves get advantage against charm, and classes such as the Aberrant Mind get advantage against both.

I wonder how prevalent the frightened and charmed condition are.

Did anyone make a list of creatures capable of inflicting these conditions?

2021-03-13, 11:59 AM
These will include anything immune/resistant to the conditions as well, but it's a start:

78 search results for charmed (https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk00L1lxvtvlC8yhYvwTf4QfdI2oFwQ%3A 1615654350142&ei=zu1MYLqTCNq2tAbtvZP4Dg&q=site%3Adndbeyond.com%2Fmonsters+%22charmed%22&oq=site%3Adndbeyond.com%2Fmonsters+%22charmed%22&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgAEEcQsANQktkEWJLZBGCx2wR oAXACeACAAV6IAZgBkgEBMpgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQjAA QE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwi6svq83a3vAhVaG80KHe3eBO8Q4dUDCA0&uact=5)

83 search results for frightened (https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk03WvHmu6vexgW3GW8-6mJU4HMqssA%3A1615654362113&ei=2u1MYNOvBs-xtQa4n4TAAQ&q=site%3Adndbeyond.com%2Fmonsters+%22frightened%22&oq=site%3Adndbeyond.com%2Fmonsters+%22frightened%2 2&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgAEEcQsANQr9ULWK_VC2CG1wt oAXACeACAAVSIAZMBkgEBMpgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQjAA QE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjThNXC3a3vAhXPWM0KHbgPARgQ4dUDCA0&uact=5)

Keep in mind that dndbeyond has 1,855 monster entries, so having ~80 to go through cuts away 95% of the ones you don't need to consider.

2021-03-13, 04:21 PM
These will include anything immune/resistant to the conditions as well, but it's a start:

78 search results for charmed (https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk00L1lxvtvlC8yhYvwTf4QfdI2oFwQ%3A 1615654350142&ei=zu1MYLqTCNq2tAbtvZP4Dg&q=site%3Adndbeyond.com%2Fmonsters+%22charmed%22&oq=site%3Adndbeyond.com%2Fmonsters+%22charmed%22&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgAEEcQsANQktkEWJLZBGCx2wR oAXACeACAAV6IAZgBkgEBMpgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQjAA QE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwi6svq83a3vAhVaG80KHe3eBO8Q4dUDCA0&uact=5)

83 search results for frightened (https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk03WvHmu6vexgW3GW8-6mJU4HMqssA%3A1615654362113&ei=2u1MYNOvBs-xtQa4n4TAAQ&q=site%3Adndbeyond.com%2Fmonsters+%22frightened%22&oq=site%3Adndbeyond.com%2Fmonsters+%22frightened%2 2&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgAEEcQsANQr9ULWK_VC2CG1wt oAXACeACAAVSIAZMBkgEBMpgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQjAA QE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjThNXC3a3vAhXPWM0KHbgPARgQ4dUDCA0&uact=5)

Keep in mind that dndbeyond has 1,855 monster entries, so having ~80 to go through cuts away 95% of the ones you don't need to consider.

Thank you!

For charmed, I've found:

CR 1/4:
- Grung (gold variant)

CR 1/2:
- Gazer
- Satyr (pipes variant)

CR 1:
- Dryad
- Harpy
- Nilbog
- Satyr Revealer (Enthralling Performance, takes 1 minute to activate)

CR 2:
- Green Dragon Wyrmling
- Grung Elite Warrior (gold variant)
- Naiad (hypnotic pattern)
- Yellow Musk Creeper (ToA)

CR 3:
- Neogi
- Sahuagin Warlock of Uk'otoa (crown of madness)

CR 4:
- Incubus
- Kelpie (TftYP)
- Neogi Master
- Sahuagin Deep Diver (GoS)
- Succubus
- Yuan-ti Mind Whisperer (crown of madness, hypnotic pattern)

CR 5:
- Cambion
- Harpy Matriarch (GoS)

CR 6:
- Core Spawn Emissary (EGW)
- Dusk Hag (hypnotic pattern, EGW)
- Warlock of the Great Old One (crown of madness)

CR 7:
- Mind Flayer (dominate monster)

CR 8:
- Blood Drinker Vampire (GGR)
- Deathlock Mastermind (crown of madness, dominate person, hypnotic pattern)
- Mind Flayer Psion (crown of madness)
- Spirit Naga (dominate person)
- Young Green Dragon

CR 9:
- Abhorrent Overlord (crown of madness)
- Alhoon (dominate monster)
- Lorthuun (OoTA)
- Gloom Weaver (hypnotic pattern)
- Master of Cruelties (GGR)

CR 10:
- Aboleth
- Autumn Eladrin
- Elder Oblex (hypnotic pattern, dominate person)
- Spring Eladrin
- Stone Giant Dreamwalker
- Yochlol (dominate person)

CR 11:
- Morkoth
- Radiant Idol (ERLW)

CR 12:
- Oinoloth

CR 13:
- Beholder
- Drow Arachnomancer (crown of madness, dominate monster)
- Rakshasa (dominate person)
- Ultroloth
- Vampire

CR 14:
- Archon of the Triumvirate
- Death Tyrant
- Elder Brain (dominate monster)

CR 15:
- Adult Green Dragon
- Green Abishai (dominate monster)
- Vampire Spellcaster
- Vampire Warrior

CR 16:
- Star Spawn Larva Mage (dominate monster)

CR 17:
- Nagpa

CR 21:
- Lich (dominate monster)

CR 22:
- Ancient Green Dragon

CR 26:
- Demogorgon

Additionally, the spell "Suggestion" doesn't actually charms, but immunity to charm renders the spell ineffective. Creatures with advantage on charm saving throws are not at all protected from Suggestion as it does not impose the charmed condition.

The following creatures use suggestion:

CR 1:
- Yuan-ti Pureblood

CR 3:
- Yuan-ti Malison & Priest

CR 4:
- Barghest
- Lamia
- Yuan-ti Nightmare Speaker

CR 5:
- Enchanter
- Yuan-ti Pit Master

CR 6:
- Mage

CR 7:
- Yuan-ti Abomination

CR 11:
- Cloud Giant Smiling One
- Gynosphinx

CR 12:
- Yuan-ti Anathema

CR 13:
- Rakshasa

2021-03-14, 01:34 AM
For Frightened:

CR 1/4:
- Grung (orange variant)

CR 1/2:
- Changeling (ERLW)
- Gazer
- Satyr (pipes variant)

CR 1:
- Core Spawn Crawler (EGW)
- Pterafolk (ToA)
- Quasit
- Scarecrow
- Vargouille

CR 2:
- Grung Elite Warrior (orange variant)
- Meenlock
- Rutterkin
- Sea Hag
- Shadow Mastiff (alpha variant)

CR 3:
- Fleecemane Lion (MOT)
- Flying Horror (GGR)
- Green Hag (phantasmal killer, eyebite)
- Illusionist (phantasmal killer)
- Lizardfolk Subchief (GoS)
- Merrenoloth
- Mummy
- One-Eyed Shiver (fear, POTA)
- Spectator

CR 4:
- Banshee
- Booyahg Slave of the Archfey (fear)
- Drowned Assassin (GoS)
- Dryad Spirit (BGDIA)
- Dybbuk
- Ghost
- Lonelywood Banshee
- Neogi Master (fear)
- Warlock of the Archfey (fear)
- Yeth Hound
- Yuan-ti Nightmare Speaker

CR 5:
- Aphemia (MOT)
- Beholder Zombie
- Knight of the Order (CoS)
- Kraken Priest
- Mindwitness
- Night Hag (phantasmal Killer, eyebite)
- Revenant

CR 6:
- Annis Hag (phantasmal Killer, eyebite)
- Bodak
- Centaur Mummy (TftYP)

CR 7:
- Bheur Hag
- The Lost
- Tsucora Quori (ERLW)
- Yuan-ti Abomination (fear)

CR 8:
- Blackguard
- Chain Devil
- Cloaker
- Gnoll Vampire (IDRofT)
- Green Slaad (fear)
- Howler
- Mind Flayer Psion (fear)

CR 9:
- Gloom Weaver (fear)
- Gray Slaad (fear)
- Shadow Horror (GGR)
- Ulitharid (eyebite)

CR 10:
- Alhoon (phantasmal killer)
- Death Slaad (fear)
- Elder Oblex (fear)
- Ooze Master (fear, TftYP)
- Summer Eladrin

CR 11:
- Dao (phantasmal killer)
- Soul Monger (phantasmal killer)

CR 12:
- Arcanaloth (fear)
- Eidolon
- Sea Fury (fear, EGW)
- Warlord
- Yuan-ti Anathema

CR 13:
- Adult Brass Dragon
- Adult White Dragon
- Beholder
- Drow Arachnomancer (fear)
- Nalfeshnee
- Narzugon
- Ultroloth (fear)

CR 14:
- Adult Black Dragon
- Adult Copper Dragon
- Death Tyrant
- Devkarin Lich (GGR)

CR 15:
- Adult Bronze Dragon
- Adult Green Dragon
- Green Abishai (fear)
- Lesser Mummy Lord (TftYP)
- Mummy Lord

CR 16:
- Adult Blue Dragon
- Adult Silver Dragon
- Titivilus

CR 17:
- Adult Blue Dracolich
- Adult Gold Dragon
- Adult Red Dracolich
- Adult Red Dragon
- Androsphinx

CR 18:
- Borborygmos
- Demilich

CR 19:
- Kalaraq Quori (eyebite)
- Red Abishai

CR 20:
- Ancient Brass Dragon
- Ancient White Dragon
- Drow Matron Mother
- Nightwalker
- Pit Fiend

CR 21:
- Ancient Black Dragon
- Ancient Copper Dragon
- Lich

CR 22:
- Ancient Bronze Dragon
- Ancient Green Dragon

CR 23:
- Ancient Blue Dragon
- Ancient Silver Dragon

CR 24:
- Ancient Gold Dragon
- Ancient Red Dragon

CR 25:
- Warforged Colossus (ERLW)

CR 30:
- Tarrasque

2021-03-14, 12:31 PM
Please note that the number of creatures using those against the party will also vastly depend on the gm.