View Full Version : Blustery Hearts {HSHC, IC}

2021-03-20, 09:34 PM
Episode One: Orientation Day!
Or, Where we find ourselves now.

It is Orientation Day. Not quite the first day of term, but the Thursday prior, where incoming Freshmen are invited to come to the campus early and get moved in and have a day on campus to themselves to try and figure out how to get from place to place.

It is a beautiful day in Chicago, the wind is a gentle breeze that ruffles the leaves of the trees turning gold and red as the season begins to change. The temperature is pleasant, and the sun is shining, through the windows of the student union. Inside the building, there is close to five hundred freshmen, all of whom are chatting with friends, or making acquaintances with others.

Depending on what you are doing, your view may be slightly different, but whether you are upstairs looking down, or downstairs looking around, there is a sudden opening in the crowd of students. And through that opening you see her.

Brown hair frames a heart-shaped face. She is holding a large cup of coffee in both hands and she is listening to something on her headphones. She has a few books on the table in front of her, but the rest of the table is surprisingly empty.

Time to make a good first impression! This is an opposed Allure roll. The winner gets +2 VP, runner up gets +1.

2021-03-20, 10:20 PM
Mary had set aside a couple hours today to deal with orientation - both the slow grinding speeches that would no-doubt be given, and also time for her to zip around campus on her bike, so she could have a decent idea of how long it takes to get from class to class during a more high-traffic time of day. Her eyes flit over the crowd, looking to spot any newcomers among the throngs of locals. Every time she makes eye contact, she makes sure to shoot them a dazzling smile.

As Mary briskly makes her way through the student union, she stops now and then to listen in on a bit of conversation near the info kiosk. She picks up a handful of pamphlets about on-campus job opportunities and research assistance, and sticks them in her calendar notebook. As she's glancing around looking for new faces, she spots her. Mary's heart skips a beat - this new face was just too cute for her to stand. She'd have to make sure to over and introduce herself - just being friendly, and definitely nothing else. She let out a sigh at the little lie she'd just told herself - she knew her schedule didn't have a ton of room for socializing, let alone romance, but she had a feeling she'd find the time, somehow.

Allure. Strong +1, Cheerful +2, Competitive Spirit +1. Total +4 (+3 if nobody else rolls).

2021-03-21, 01:33 AM
That's when a snappy suit, and a pretty blonde face strolls into campus, sipping an artisque tea blend flanked by a dozen muscle bound thugs in sunglasses. Elsewhere on the highest floors did more snipers make a show of their guns out the windows, ready to remove all threats to the blonde's life. And that was just the visible security. As she walks she attracts the attention of, well most of the student body, and one by one their awe overcomes their fear and they attempt to get close to this mysterious blonde girl. Most are rebuffed, but by the time she sees HER. She has about a half dozen cute girls surrounding her.

Take me to her. She orders the security her eyes wide in the same shock and awe the campus has for her, and immediately they start parting the crowd, as Chloe trots forward.

Hello, my name is Chloe Mornings. She says with a small curtsey, before extending her hand forwards to shake. May I have the pleasure of your lovely name? She asks, as the half dozen schoolgirls make Chloe seem important.

Of course, it was then that the dean's assistant walked up to the.... group. "Ms.Mornings. We just wanted to thank you personally for your generous donation, and to assure you that the Mornings Magnet Mastery building is ready and eager to accept new students."

Neutral allure, School queen, Conncetions, Dazzling display (+4, everyone else roll twice and take the lower)

2021-03-21, 07:22 AM
Natalia sneezes again, rubbing morosely at her nose. With all the people moving about in the room, there was bound to be some dust kicked up and circulated around in the air, and her lungs have never been especially strong. The crowd was already throwing her off more than she knows it should; she hasn't been around this many people in a long time, and the room feels too close and cramped. Seeing a few tables nearby, she moves towards those, glad of the chance to rest her feet and get out of the milling crowd. She sniffles a bit again, heading for the nearest table--and sees her.

Frankly, Natalia doesn't know what to do with this new information, seeing her and experiencing a rush of new feelings. She stands frozen for a long moment... and then Chloe's entourage start pushing people out of the way and forcing their way through the crowd towards approximately where Natalia is standing. A high sound of panic escapes Natalia's throat, and she instinctively hides behind the nearest thing she can--which turns out to be the beautiful girl's chair.

A few moments later, Natalia manages to slow down her racing heart a little bit and realizes that her hand is clutched around the girl's left shoulder. "S-sorry..." she says quickly in embarrassment, a little bit of fear still showing as she drops her arm and tries to back away from the situation. The wall of students either singing Chloe's praises or looking in to see what's going on stop her, and she shrinks back against the chair, rubbing her nose again.

Strong Allure +1, Sniffles +1, Scaredy-Cat +1 (or +2 if Chloe's goons and/or the milling crowd tip the threat level to "actually scary"). Total +3 (or +4 depending on Scaredy-Cat)

2021-03-21, 10:20 PM
Ichika meanwhile, doesn't bother to hang out in the student union building. What was she, a manadeshi (teacher's pet)?

The exchange student is instead just outside the building, smoking a cigarette. God, what a great country this was - smoking at 18? And nobody to yell at you? Awesome! She blows a puff into the warm breeze. She had almost a week before classes started. So much time to just... take it easy!

Noting one of the scary, serious men closer to the door, she puts out her smoke in the cigarette bin. The girl slides up to him, trying to look cute. "Nee, we don't see a lot of guns like those at schools back home," she says, noting the poorly concealed bulge at the man's side. "Making a movie, are you? The school is a gun free zone, and you don't look like police- ooh! Shiikuretto eijento desu ka!?" Her excitement seems equal parts teasing and genuine.
Truant - Skip this roll, double my result next time if I succeed.

2021-03-23, 11:15 AM
That's when a snappy suit, and a pretty blonde face strolls into campus, sipping an artisque tea blend flanked by a dozen muscle bound thugs in sunglasses. Elsewhere on the highest floors did more snipers make a show of their guns out the windows, ready to remove all threats to the blonde's life. And that was just the visible security. As she walks she attracts the attention of, well most of the student body, and one by one their awe overcomes their fear and they attempt to get close to this mysterious blonde girl. Most are rebuffed, but by the time she sees HER. She has about a half dozen cute girls surrounding her.

Take me to her. She orders the security her eyes wide in the same shock and awe the campus has for her, and immediately they start parting the crowd, as Chloe trots forward.

Hello, my name is Chloe Mornings. She says with a small curtsey, before extending her hand forwards to shake. May I have the pleasure of your lovely name? She asks, as the half dozen schoolgirls make Chloe seem important.

Of course, it was then that the dean's assistant walked up to the.... group. "Ms.Mornings. We just wanted to thank you personally for your generous donation, and to assure you that the Mornings Magnet Mastery building is ready and eager to accept new students."

Neutral allure, School queen, Conncetions, Dazzling display (+4, everyone else roll twice and take the lower)

The young lady watches Chloe coming. It is hard not to, considering that her security is forcing their way through the crowd of freshmen. She sees the gaggle of schoolgirls with Chloe, and hears the assistant dean. She looks at Chloe for a moment before taking the hand.

"Irini Ivanova," she responds, but that is as far as she gets before her chair is bumped by the other girl who has taken shelter behind her.

Natalia sneezes again, rubbing morosely at her nose. With all the people moving about in the room, there was bound to be some dust kicked up and circulated around in the air, and her lungs have never been especially strong. The crowd was already throwing her off more than she knows it should; she hasn't been around this many people in a long time, and the room feels too close and cramped. Seeing a few tables nearby, she moves towards those, glad of the chance to rest her feet and get out of the milling crowd. She sniffles a bit again, heading for the nearest table--and sees her.

Frankly, Natalia doesn't know what to do with this new information, seeing her and experiencing a rush of new feelings. She stands frozen for a long moment... and then Chloe's entourage start pushing people out of the way and forcing their way through the crowd towards approximately where Natalia is standing. A high sound of panic escapes Natalia's throat, and she instinctively hides behind the nearest thing she can--which turns out to be the beautiful girl's chair.

A few moments later, Natalia manages to slow down her racing heart a little bit and realizes that her hand is clutched around the girl's left shoulder. "S-sorry..." she says quickly in embarrassment, a little bit of fear still showing as she drops her arm and tries to back away from the situation. The wall of students either singing Chloe's praises or looking in to see what's going on stop her, and she shrinks back against the chair, rubbing her nose again.

Strong Allure +1, Sniffles +1, Scaredy-Cat +1 (or +2 if Chloe's goons and/or the milling crowd tip the threat level to "actually scary"). Total +3 (or +4 depending on Scaredy-Cat)

"Please," the girl says, her Russian accent giving her voice an odd lilt. "Do not be worrying. Is fine now." Having taken her hand back from Chloe, she now offers it to the girl behind her chair.

Mary had set aside a couple hours today to deal with orientation - both the slow grinding speeches that would no-doubt be given, and also time for her to zip around campus on her bike, so she could have a decent idea of how long it takes to get from class to class during a more high-traffic time of day. Her eyes flit over the crowd, looking to spot any newcomers among the throngs of locals. Every time she makes eye contact, she makes sure to shoot them a dazzling smile.

As Mary briskly makes her way through the student union, she stops now and then to listen in on a bit of conversation near the info kiosk. She picks up a handful of pamphlets about on-campus job opportunities and research assistance, and sticks them in her calendar notebook. As she's glancing around looking for new faces, she spots her. Mary's heart skips a beat - this new face was just too cute for her to stand. She'd have to make sure to over and introduce herself - just being friendly, and definitely nothing else. She let out a sigh at the little lie she'd just told herself - she knew her schedule didn't have a ton of room for socializing, let alone romance, but she had a feeling she'd find the time, somehow.

Allure. Strong +1, Cheerful +2, Competitive Spirit +1. Total +4 (+3 if nobody else rolls).

Mary comes by the table at the same time that the girl is helping another girl who was hiding behind her chair. She arrives just in time to hear her say, in a Russian accent, "I am Irini Ivanova."

Ichika meanwhile, doesn't bother to hang out in the student union building. What was she, a manadeshi (teacher's pet)?

The exchange student is instead just outside the building, smoking a cigarette. God, what a great country this was - smoking at 18? And nobody to yell at you? Awesome! She blows a puff into the warm breeze. She had almost a week before classes started. So much time to just... take it easy!

Noting one of the scary, serious men closer to the door, she puts out her smoke in the cigarette bin. The girl slides up to him, trying to look cute. "Nee, we don't see a lot of guns like those at schools back home," she says, noting the poorly concealed bulge at the man's side. "Making a movie, are you? The school is a gun free zone, and you don't look like police- ooh! Shiikuretto eijento desu ka!?" Her excitement seems equal parts teasing and genuine.
Truant - Skip this roll, double my result next time if I succeed.

"Miss," the security man says. "I don't know what you just said. But I need you to back away."

2021-03-23, 01:01 PM
Irini, a lovely name for a lovely girl. Is this seat taken? May I take it? She asks gesturing to the seat next to Irini.

2021-03-23, 04:04 PM
Natalia takes the offered hand hesitantly, a faint blush appearing on her pale cheeks. "Oh. S-sorry again. I'm N-Natalia Ready."

With the adrenaline from the sudden rush of bodies wearing off, Natalia feels suddenly faint; even so little exertion as running and jumping behind the chair is more than her frail form is ready to handle at the moment, and her knees begin to buckle on her even as she gets back to her feet. She moves over to the nearest chair and collapses into it--then jumps out a second later, realizing only belatedly that she was sitting in the chair that Chloe has just asked for. "Sorry! I-I didn't..."

Trailing off in embarrassment, Natalia uses this secondary burst of energy to move to the other side of the table, towards the chair directly across from Irini. She sits down hard, breathing a bit heavily, the blush on her face edging towards looking feverish.

2021-03-23, 05:53 PM
Irini, a lovely name for a lovely girl. Is this seat taken? May I take it? She asks gesturing to the seat next to Irini.

Natalia takes the offered hand hesitantly, a faint blush appearing on her pale cheeks. "Oh. S-sorry again. I'm N-Natalia Ready."

With the adrenaline from the sudden rush of bodies wearing off, Natalia feels suddenly faint; even so little exertion as running and jumping behind the chair is more than her frail form is ready to handle at the moment, and her knees begin to buckle on her even as she gets back to her feet. She moves over to the nearest chair and collapses into it--then jumps out a second later, realizing only belatedly that she was sitting in the chair that Chloe has just asked for. "Sorry! I-I didn't..."

Trailing off in embarrassment, Natalia uses this secondary burst of energy to move to the other side of the table, towards the chair directly across from Irini. She sits down hard, breathing a bit heavily, the blush on her face edging towards looking feverish.

Irini gestures to the chair Chloe asks for. But before she can say anything, Natalia occupies and gives up the chair. "Apparently is free."

She then turns back to Natalia. "You are okay? You are looking... ah, what is word? Flushing?"

2021-03-23, 09:39 PM
"Miss," the security man says. "I don't know what you just said. But I need you to back away."

"I am a student, and can go wherever I please," she says sternly, demeanor changing entirely when she sees that the man is a stick in the mud. "You're not even faculty, chinpira. I asked you why you have a gun. And if you don't want me making a scene, I suggest you tell me."

2021-03-23, 09:57 PM
"We're private security. And you are right, I am not faculty, and cannot stop you students from entering or exiting the building. But I am still here to provide threat assessment for our employer. Is that enough for you, or would you still like to cause a scene?"

2021-03-23, 10:18 PM
”See, was that so hard?” she says, switching back to her friendly personality. “Isn’t this... excessive, though? I’ve heard things about Chicago, but surely this kind of thing is too much, desu ne? Who is the fancy person, anyways? Some CEO’s daughter?”

2021-03-23, 10:22 PM
"Since you have to ask, you don't need to know. I am sorry, but it is really something I am not allowed to talk about."

2021-03-23, 10:41 PM
The girl raises an eyebrow, but shrugs. ”Weird secret to keep. Answer is probably on SNS.” ...which would be more helpful if she knew more people here. Whatever, keep the spooky guy on edge, play it cool. “Anyway, got stuff to do, chinpura. Keep the rich kid safe from stray paper airplanes!” With that, she skips off to... probably the school’s textbook store. Maybe she’d meet some future classmates in there!

2021-03-24, 01:29 AM
Right word, wrong tense. Flushed is what you are looking for. Chloe corrects gently with a smile as she sits down gracefully.

If you are unwell, may I suggest the infirmary? Chloe suggests to Natalia. Surely you'd be more comfortable in a climate controlled location.

2021-03-24, 08:23 AM
"No!" Natalia says, more sharply than she means to. Not on my first day, please let me go one day without going there...

"I'm... I'm okay," she says much more quietly a moment later. "It's nothing new... for me, at least. I just need to... sit f-for a little bit."

2021-03-24, 09:14 AM
Mary comes by the table at the same time that the girl is helping another girl who was hiding behind her chair. She arrives just in time to hear her say, in a Russian accent, "I am Irini Ivanova."

Mary sees the other girls, and sees the only remaining chair, and thinks of a good reason to interject herself into the conversation. She disappears into the crowd for a moment, only to return several second later with two chairs in tow. She sets one down for Chloe before taking the fourth one for herself. She glances around, flashing a nervous grin. "Sorry, should probably introduce myself. Mary Gardner, freshman. Although I guess that should be obvious, given the circumstances." She waves vaguely at the student union around them. "Quick question, for...Chloe, right? Do those guys follow you everywhere, or was this more about making a big entrance?"

2021-03-24, 11:27 AM
I mean besides the manor, they follow me everywhere. The security team is different at the manor. Chloe explains. It's a pleasure to meet you Mary.

2021-03-24, 02:04 PM
Right word, wrong tense. Flushed is what you are looking for. Chloe corrects gently with a smile as she sits down gracefully.

If you are unwell, may I suggest the infirmary? Chloe suggests to Natalia. Surely you'd be more comfortable in a climate controlled location.

"Thank you," she says through slightly clenched teeth.

"No!" Natalia says, more sharply than she means to. Not on my first day, please let me go one day without going there...

"I'm... I'm okay," she says much more quietly a moment later. "It's nothing new... for me, at least. I just need to... sit f-for a little bit."

'Well, then, by all means, sit! Sit and talk with me, yes?"

Mary sees the other girls, and sees the only remaining chair, and thinks of a good reason to interject herself into the conversation. She disappears into the crowd for a moment, only to return several second later with two chairs in tow. She sets one down for Chloe before taking the fourth one for herself. She glances around, flashing a nervous grin. "Sorry, should probably introduce myself. Mary Gardner, freshman. Although I guess that should be obvious, given the circumstances." She waves vaguely at the student union around them. "Quick question, for...Chloe, right? Do those guys follow you everywhere, or was this more about making a big entrance?"

"Hello, Mary. I am Irini Ivanova."

I mean besides the manor, they follow me everywhere. The security team is different at the manor. Chloe explains. It's a pleasure to meet you Mary.

"How... interesting. I do not suppose you could tell them to leave? They are... eh.... navyazchivyy... Ah. Intruding."

2021-03-24, 09:18 PM
Natalia smiles shyly at Irini, slowly getting her breathing back under control. She jumps slightly, noticing Mary for the first time, then shrinks embarrassedly into her seat a little more. the many, many armed people around intimidate her enough, now that she's settled out of complete panic, that it takes her a few tries to speak, not sure how to break the odd atmosphere of the room.

"S-soo..." she begins finally, desperately casting about for a topic all of them might be interested in. "What classes are y-you all thinking about taking?"

2021-03-24, 10:51 PM
I..... suppose I could. Chloe physically forces each and every individual word out.

Security..... You.... are dismissed. She shivers, looking down at the table.

2021-03-25, 12:37 AM
Natalia smiles shyly at Irini, slowly getting her breathing back under control. She jumps slightly, noticing Mary for the first time, then shrinks embarrassedly into her seat a little more. the many, many armed people around intimidate her enough, now that she's settled out of complete panic, that it takes her a few tries to speak, not sure how to break the odd atmosphere of the room.

"S-soo..." she begins finally, desperately casting about for a topic all of them might be interested in. "What classes are y-you all thinking about taking?"

"I was thinking of programming, but I would likely be taken as one of the hackers, nyet?" She chuckles. "But in seriousness, I will be studying the physics."

I..... suppose I could. Chloe physically forces each and every individual word out.

Security..... You.... are dismissed. She shivers, looking down at the table.

The apparent head of Chloe's security detail nods, then makes a quick series of gestures over his head. And then, they are all leaving.

2021-03-25, 01:37 AM
Neat, me too. I just love physics! She giggles nervously.

2021-03-25, 03:51 PM
Natalia smiles nervously at Irini's joke, nodding along with her. "Physics is an interesting subject. I-I think I'm going to do something in the sciences, or maybe teaching... I'm n-not quite sure..." she trails off, looking down for a moment.

2021-03-25, 04:16 PM
“Is time enough for planning futures together!” Irini says.

“For now, it is time to be finding together where we will be sleeping.”

Irini starts picking up her things, and for the first time you actually look at what she had in front of her. A few magazines, tabloids, from the looks of them, all in Russian, go into her bag atop what looks like a sketchbook. She closes it up, slips it over her shoulder, and picks up her jacket. The jacket is another oddity. It is old Soviet Red Army stuff. And not the Cold War era, but WW2.

She folds the jacket over her arm and starts walking away.

Unnoposed roll!

Allure D8: Make charming and pleasant conversation. +2 VP
Skill D8: Sge said she was going to be studying Physics right? Have deep, intellectual conversation with the Russian beauty. +2 VP
Luck D11: Wait. Did she say we’d be sleeping together? Huh, what were the odds...? 1VP, plus you’ll be able to get a +1 bonus to a roll as you wake up with your new roommate!

2021-03-25, 10:07 PM
So I was talking to.... Chloe starts, before a shy pretty lady shoves a textbook in her face. "I can't get this problem!"

Oh, well you see. Oh hun. You got the answer right, did you transpose a number on the answer sheet? Right as I was saying.....

"Can you help me next?" "No no me!" No no see, you confused mass and weight here. Mass doesn't change based on gravity.

And this.....This.... no.... you're right.... I'll put in a call to the publisher, they'll have to print an edit.

Strong skill, Honor student, school queen, connections.

2021-03-26, 01:06 AM
A little way from the rest, a grenn-haired... well, green-dye-haired... girl in what looks like a Japanese high-school uniform (and those in the know would immediately recognize which school, from which exactly romcom anime, it is a uniform of) stands, leaning against the wall, her eyes buried in the phone as she frantically swipes the screen with a look of intense concentration on her face - playing some game, perhaps? Every once in a while, she takes a quick look up from the phone, then goes back to swiping, biting her lip.
This continues for a while, until Irini readies to leave - at which point the girl parts the wall and heads towards Irini - and otheres - i a brisk pace, waving her free hand, "Miss! Miss, one moment!"
"Could you sit back for just a minute? I almost finished!" With that confusing statement, she stuffs her phone into Irini's face, so that she could see her own portrait - albeit unfinished - on the screen.
The gallery previews on the bottom of the screen show - would anyone scroll to them - a couple of sketches of the campus grounds, and, from before that, several drawings of ecchi* nature... or could they be just nude pose studies?
Strong Allure +1, Moe Entrthusiat +2, Cosplay Enthusiast +2, Doujinshi Enthusiast either +0 or +2. Total either +5 or +7, depending on D4 Luck roll (no modifiers)

2021-03-26, 09:27 AM
Natalia tries to take part in the conversation, she really does, but the combination of her years of pseudo-isolation due to illness and her own lack of knowledge on the subject means that she doesn't have a lot of information to add to the conversation about physics.

What she does have, however, is a lot of questions, and she proves to be an able listener. Plus, she's obviously trying despite her shyness, so that has to count for something... right?

Neutral Skill, no bonuses. After the inevitable failed roll, I'll activate Easily Forgiven to turn it into a success.

2021-03-26, 01:05 PM
Mary compares schedules with the others, mostly trying to figure out where time to hang out might be able to occur, but the extent to just how packed her own time was more than a little off-putting to most people - tends to make them think she's judging them for their work ethic. Which she isn't, she knows she's a freak in that regard, but she doesn't realize how it comes across.

Strong Allure, Competitive Spirit. Total +2.

2021-03-26, 10:37 PM
Having collected some of her books, Ichika wanders back into the student union. With the sun shining through the windows, the temperature is a little bit warm, and so the girl tosses off her windbreaker and unbuttons her shirt - just enough to draw some wanted attention from the boys. Hm... might as well see who that secret agent dude was protecting.

Looking around at where the men's focus lay, Ichika is soon able to hone in on their focus: A blonde girl, surprisingly plain looking. Yeah, that girl screams rich dude's daughter. But who is that cutie she's babbling to...? The exchange student sneaks up, and gently places her hands on the Russian girl's shoulders. "Nee... you don't sound like an Amerikajin. Are you an exchange student too? Shusshin wa dochira desu ka? Where are you from?" There's a look in her eyes that is equal parts "I mean no harm, just teasing" and "Ooh, new toy." The hint of cigarette smoke still hangs on the girl.
Allure, Shameless (+2, if unbuttoning your shirt enough for the bra to be just visible is enough), Touchy-Feely (+1)

2021-03-27, 03:19 PM
So I was talking to.... Chloe starts, before a shy pretty lady shoves a textbook in her face. "I can't get this problem!"

Oh, well you see. Oh hun. You got the answer right, did you transpose a number on the answer sheet? Right as I was saying.....

"Can you help me next?" "No no me!" No no see, you confused mass and weight here. Mass doesn't change based on gravity.

And this.....This.... no.... you're right.... I'll put in a call to the publisher, they'll have to print an edit.

Strong skill, Honor student, school queen, connections.

Whether Chloe likes the constant interruptions or not, the fact that she keeps letting it happen without snapping or losing her calm, causes Irini to keep an eye on the blonde girl, and several times their eyes meet before Irini looks away quickly, trying not to get caught looking.

A little way from the rest, a grenn-haired... well, green-dye-haired... girl in what looks like a Japanese high-school uniform (and those in the know would immediately recognize which school, from which exactly romcom anime, it is a uniform of) stands, leaning against the wall, her eyes buried in the phone as she frantically swipes the screen with a look of intense concentration on her face - playing some game, perhaps? Every once in a while, she takes a quick look up from the phone, then goes back to swiping, biting her lip.
This continues for a while, until Irini readies to leave - at which point the girl parts the wall and heads towards Irini - and otheres - i a brisk pace, waving her free hand, "Miss! Miss, one moment!"
"Could you sit back for just a minute? I almost finished!" With that confusing statement, she stuffs her phone into Irini's face, so that she could see her own portrait - albeit unfinished - on the screen.
The gallery previews on the bottom of the screen show - would anyone scroll to them - a couple of sketches of the campus grounds, and, from before that, several drawings of ecchi* nature... or could they be just nude pose studies?
Strong Allure +1, Moe Entrthusiat +2, Cosplay Enthusiast +2, Doujinshi Enthusiast either +0 or +2. Total either +5 or +7, depending on D4 Luck roll (no modifiers)

As it happens, the screen does scroll down. And as Irini watches, several of the sketch previews begin to scroll past the Russian girl's eyes. And as they do, her face begins to heat. And then it goes back to her portrait. And Irini rocks back for a moment. "It is... good? You are good at the arts."

Natalia tries to take part in the conversation, she really does, but the combination of her years of pseudo-isolation due to illness and her own lack of knowledge on the subject means that she doesn't have a lot of information to add to the conversation about physics.

What she does have, however, is a lot of questions, and she proves to be an able listener. Plus, she's obviously trying despite her shyness, so that has to count for something... right?

Neutral Skill, no bonuses. After the inevitable failed roll, I'll activate Easily Forgiven to turn it into a success.

It may be the whirlwind of activity thus far. It may be the years of illnesses. But whatever the cause, Natalia finds her strength waning. And without thinking about it, she leans against Irini. Irini, noticing the strain on her body, says nothing, but instead seems to take more of Natalia's weight onto herself as everyone continues to walk towards the dorms. "Come, little pevun'ya. Let us inside get you, where you can sit."

Mary compares schedules with the others, mostly trying to figure out where time to hang out might be able to occur, but the extent to just how packed her own time was more than a little off-putting to most people - tends to make them think she's judging them for their work ethic. Which she isn't, she knows she's a freak in that regard, but she doesn't realize how it comes across.

Strong Allure, Competitive Spirit. Total +2.

Irini doesn't seem to notice the nature of Mary's conversation. Instead, she listens to it and nods thoughtfully. "You will not be having too much times to yourself. If you need help, you come to me, da?"

Having collected some of her books, Ichika wanders back into the student union. With the sun shining through the windows, the temperature is a little bit warm, and so the girl tosses off her windbreaker and unbuttons her shirt - just enough to draw some wanted attention from the boys. Hm... might as well see who that secret agent dude was protecting.

Looking around at where the men's focus lay, Ichika is soon able to hone in on their focus: A blonde girl, surprisingly plain looking. Yeah, that girl screams rich dude's daughter. But who is that cutie she's babbling to...? The exchange student sneaks up, and gently places her hands on the Russian girl's shoulders. "Nee... you don't sound like an Amerikajin. Are you an exchange student too? Shusshin wa dochira desu ka? Where are you from?" There's a look in her eyes that is equal parts "I mean no harm, just teasing" and "Ooh, new toy." The hint of cigarette smoke still hangs on the girl.
Allure, Shameless (+2, if unbuttoning your shirt enough for the bra to be just visible is enough), Touchy-Feely (+1)

The touch doesn't seem to get the effect on Irini that Ichika desires. The Russian girl just shrugs the hand off her shoulder as she continues to move. Her attention does seem to be quite focused on the girl leaning into her other arm. And it does seem a bit... intimate?

2021-03-27, 03:52 PM
As it happens, the screen does scroll down. And as Irini watches, several of the sketch previews begin to scroll past the Russian girl's eyes. And as they do, her face begins to heat. And then it goes back to her portrait. And Irini rocks back for a moment. "It is... good? You are good at the arts."

"Thanks", Alice smiles, completely missing the Russian(?) girl blushing, "I always loved drawing... So... mind if I finish the portrait? I'm not going to show it to anyone, don't worry... Oh, right, I'm Alice Lloyds, from the arts department - or, well, I will be once classes actually start, you know what I mean..."

2021-03-27, 04:04 PM
“Perhaps later? We are going to dormitories now. Maybe we will see there?”

2021-03-27, 04:36 PM
The exchange student shrugs, and moves on to try to chat up some boys. Toys that don't respond aren't any fun.

2021-03-27, 05:29 PM
The exchange student shrugs, and moves on to try to chat up some boys. Toys that don't respond aren't any fun.

Um. wait... You don't have to leave. Chloe replies blushing slightly.

2021-03-27, 06:49 PM
"She seemed uncomfortable at my teasing, why would I keep pestering her? And I figure if I did the same to you, Kenuu-gunsou would probably shoot me."

2021-03-27, 08:04 PM
Despite herself, Natalia finds herself leaning into the support; this morning's activities have already been more than she normally exerts herself, and she's feeling it much more than she hoped she would. "Sitting... w-would be... nice..." she admits, letting Irini lead her to wherever they are going.

2021-03-27, 09:06 PM
"She seemed uncomfortable at my teasing, why would I keep pestering her? And I figure if I did the same to you, Kenuu-gunsou would probably shoot me."

I sent my security away, and do you think I've never had a girlfriend before?

2021-03-27, 09:08 PM
"I am not your girlfriend though."

2021-03-27, 09:16 PM
"I am not your girlfriend though."

What I mean is you can get touchy feely with m...... That came out wrong, you know what I mean. Chloe replies.

2021-03-27, 09:22 PM
"Uh-huh... Anyways, since I'm getting pulled into this group after all- hajimema****e! Uchida Ichika desu!" she says, giving a light bow.

2021-03-27, 10:46 PM
I am Chloe Mornings. It's a pleasure to meet you. Chloe curtseies politely.

2021-03-28, 12:24 AM
Irini doesn't seem to notice the nature of Mary's conversation. Instead, she listens to it and nods thoughtfully. "You will not be having too much times to yourself. If you need help, you come to me, da?"

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks. And you do the same with me, okay? I know I seem busy but I'm pretty good at making time if I need to." :smallsmile:

2021-03-28, 01:06 AM
"Uh-huh... Anyways, since I'm getting pulled into this group after all- hajimema****e! Uchida Ichika desu!" she says, giving a light bow.

“I am Irini Ivanova. I am apologizing, but I do not know Japanese. English learning as a secondary language was very hard enough.”

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks. And you do the same with me, okay? I know I seem busy but I'm pretty good at making time if I need to." :smallsmile:

“Of course. I will be sure to be remembering.”

Students here at the Universoty of Illinois are usually sorted into the various dormitories roughly by which subjects they are taking. But this year, there was enough of an influx of incoming freshmen that the school opted to just build a new dorm building for them.

The building has been equipped with all the necessary hookups. HDMI sockets for the televisions, if the students were signing up for cable. Sockets for Cat5 cable for high speed internet. And because of the growing size of what students need to get by, the rooms are bigger than standard dormitories. They are still 2 to a room, but the rooms are more like one bedroom efficiency apartments instead of cramped dorm rooms. And even better, every two rooms shares an adjoining bathroom, instead of one large communal shower room.

As you arrive in the dormitory, Irini helps Natalia into a chair in the large common area that acts as the entryway to the building, and then goes to find the listing of room assignments. Irini, upon getting her room key is elated to find that she is going to be rooming in one the scattered ‘single occupancy’ rooms that were built in in order to maximize the amount of rooms they could squeeze into the building.

Opposed roll!

You can’t become her roommate, but you can at least all live on the same floor!

However you want to justify it, use whatever roll you want to get yourself in as her neighbor!

Ties will be roommates, and if there is a three or four way tie, we will figure that out when we get to it.

2021-03-28, 02:40 AM
Mary couldn't get the cute Russian girl out of her head, and resolved to make sure she'd end up on the same floor as her. She texted around to figure out who she knew that was unhappy with their current rooming situation...and she managed to find one that was on the right floor.


mary thats not fair to you

Vickys a nightmare

theres already a mess

weve been here like an HOUR

You let me worry about Vicky.

I've got plenty of experience dealing with messy children.

Even those that are old enough to know better. :P

lol I guess

how tf do you type so fast

full sentences, even

I'm just that awesome.

So do we have a deal?

Do this for me and we're square?

You'll get to room with Penny~

If thats really what you want

then i guess im glad to square things between us

Thanks, sweetie. I really appreciate it. :)

I'll let the others know our big switch-around plan is a go.

Follow-up question: have you fixed your sleep cycles?

Get off my case, MOM :p

Mary didn't mind cleaning up after a messy roommate. Maybe she could even help Victoria pick up some good habits over the course of the semester.

Allure. Strong +1, Cheerful +2, Hidden Talents/School Queen +2, Yamato Nadeshiko +2, potentially Competitive Spirit +1. Total +7 (+8 if Competitive Spirit).

Activating "Hidden Talents" for School Queen, justified by another student owing me a favor for picking up her shift when her mom got in an accident.

Yamato Nadeshiko is a bit of a stretch - the new roommate will be a total slob who needs to be cleaned up afterwards, but Mary's skill in cooking and cleaning is helping her convince Angelina that trading places isn't completely mean (since Mary can handle herself in such situations).

2021-03-28, 08:56 AM
Oh, right. Living arrangements. These were a thing. Apparently. Too bad no one told Alice... or, more realistically, they probably did, and she missed it? Or forgot? Or just decided it didn't really matter? Well, the end result was the same. Without even stopping at the listing, heads up and starts peeking into every room in order, picking... the best view from the window, perhaps?
Finding the view she likes, she, without a second thought, drops her bag at one of the beds, followed by her not-really-a-uniform, and heads into the shower, without bothering to lock the door. Not that she bothered to pick up the key in the first place.
Accordingly, when the room's lawful owners finally appear, Alice steps out fromt he shower... not bothering even to wear the towel... and asks innocently, "Oh? Your room? Really? Sorry... Eh... I kinda settled here already... If that's the same to you, maybe we could trade? Please? I've no idea what room I was assigned to, but I'm sure it's no worse than this?"

Strong Allure, Moe Enthusiast.
Non Sqeuitur to justify Shameless.
Odd Affinity.
Total +5, and my dice is [2,2,4,6,6,10]

2021-03-29, 08:20 AM
Natalia gets her breath back as much as she can, looking around at the new building. I can't just rely on everyone else to help me; I-I've got to stand up for myself!

So resolved, Natalia pushes herself to her feet and tries to walk over to the room assignments. "U-um, excuse me..." The press of the crowd of students all looking for their spots crush around her, preventing her from getting to the front. "H-hey, I need to--ow..." an accidental elbow hits her side, and she flinches back. The person doesn't notice. "I still--hey--I-I'll just wait, then..."

Natalia slumps back into her chair, resigned to wait for the crowd to thin some more to find her room.

Going for Conflict, which she is weak in, so -1 to the roll. Once she loses this, Off-Limits and Cute Stutter can activate.

2021-03-29, 06:55 PM
Natalia notices a semi-familiar hand suddenly pulling her forward, firmly but not painfully. ”Sumimasen! Disabled student coming through!” As Ichika uses Natalia as an excuse to shove forward, she looks back with a grin to the other girl. “Why should you have to wait for everyone? Come on!”

Ichika continues pushing ahead, including squaring up to several basketball and football players. While most seem like they’re not exactly afraid of the girl, they seem to back off when they see her bringing the pale little girl along with her. And the one that doesn’t gets a swift kick to the shins that makes him reconsider. “Girls gotta look after each other, right?”

Eventually the girls arrive at the assignments. Ichika frowns. Once again shoving through the crowd, the exchange student looks for one of the RA’s in their dorm office. She takes a breath, and smiles, changing up her whole demeanor. The boys she could be rough with - some might like it, after all. The student staff, she needed to be kind to. ”Sumumasen! We have small problem!” she says, playing up her difficulty with English. She bends over the desk and leans close to the student worker, loose shirt still not properly buttoned. ”My friend is sickry girl Nataria. Her dorm is far from erevator, very hard on her to walk so far every day.” As she speaks, she slowly slides around the desk and is now sitting on it very close to the... probably a sophomore or junior boy. “Is there anything I can do to help get our room closer to the erevator for her? Even next to singuru rooms is enough. Onegai?” she asks, gently placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Anything?” Part of her actually wanted to help out the poor girl. She was so small and precious, and seeing her slumped made Ichika kind of sad. The other half was way more interested in an excuse to push around the student staff, see what their boundaries were. What she could get away with.

Allure, Stand Out (+1), Shameless (+2), Touchy Feely (+1)

2021-03-30, 12:43 PM
That's when Chloe was mobbed by about a dozen guys and girls.

"Aren't you the one who rented out two floors at Eagle Estates?"
"Isn't that like the lap of luxury?"
Um... yeah...but the second floor is really for security.
"Why do you need security when you could got me?"
I think you are exactly why I need security.
"Oooo, ooo. Pick me, I could be your roommate!"
Um... I mean.
"Me, me!" "Oh come on, I'm clearly better."

Neutral allure, School queen.

2021-04-02, 02:56 PM
Mary couldn't get the cute Russian girl out of her head, and resolved to make sure she'd end up on the same floor as her. She texted around to figure out who she knew that was unhappy with their current rooming situation...and she managed to find one that was on the right floor.


Mary didn't mind cleaning up after a messy roommate. Maybe she could even help Victoria pick up some good habits over the course of the semester.

Allure. Strong +1, Cheerful +2, Hidden Talents/School Queen +2, Yamato Nadeshiko +2, potentially Competitive Spirit +1. Total +7 (+8 if Competitive Spirit).

Activating "Hidden Talents" for School Queen, justified by another student owing me a favor for picking up her shift when her mom got in an accident.

Yamato Nadeshiko is a bit of a stretch - the new roommate will be a total slob who needs to be cleaned up afterwards, but Mary's skill in cooking and cleaning is helping her convince Angelina that trading places isn't completely mean (since Mary can handle herself in such situations).

Angelina meets with you, and the two of you exchange keys.

"Thanks again. Hopefully my new roommate is part of the same major, or at least tangential to it, yeah? And cleaner, too."

You start to settle in as well as you can, checking how long you have left before you have to start hurrying again. And just as you are doing that, there is a knock on the bathroom door.

It is Irini. "Oh, hello! Looks like we share the bathroom, da? I hope to not being too much the slob."

Oh, right. Living arrangements. These were a thing. Apparently. Too bad no one told Alice... or, more realistically, they probably did, and she missed it? Or forgot? Or just decided it didn't really matter? Well, the end result was the same. Without even stopping at the listing, heads up and starts peeking into every room in order, picking... the best view from the window, perhaps?
Finding the view she likes, she, without a second thought, drops her bag at one of the beds, followed by her not-really-a-uniform, and heads into the shower, without bothering to lock the door. Not that she bothered to pick up the key in the first place.
Accordingly, when the room's lawful owners finally appear, Alice steps out fromt he shower... not bothering even to wear the towel... and asks innocently, "Oh? Your room? Really? Sorry... Eh... I kinda settled here already... If that's the same to you, maybe we could trade? Please? I've no idea what room I was assigned to, but I'm sure it's no worse than this?"

Strong Allure, Moe Enthusiast.
Non Sqeuitur to justify Shameless.
Odd Affinity.
Total +5, and my dice is [2,2,4,6,6,10]

The tall, leggy brunette who walks in as Alice is just stepping out of the shower, does a little motion with her hand, asking her to do a little spin.

'Very impressive," she says in a fabulously French accent. "But unfortunately for you, zis is my room. It is one of the few where smoking eez allowed, so I must keep it. You understand, darling, non?"

Natalia gets her breath back as much as she can, looking around at the new building. I can't just rely on everyone else to help me; I-I've got to stand up for myself!

So resolved, Natalia pushes herself to her feet and tries to walk over to the room assignments. "U-um, excuse me..." The press of the crowd of students all looking for their spots crush around her, preventing her from getting to the front. "H-hey, I need to--ow..." an accidental elbow hits her side, and she flinches back. The person doesn't notice. "I still--hey--I-I'll just wait, then..."

Natalia slumps back into her chair, resigned to wait for the crowd to thin some more to find her room.

Going for Conflict, which she is weak in, so -1 to the roll. Once she loses this, Off-Limits and Cute Stutter can activate.

Natalia, just as she is losing hope for figuring out her living arrangements, feels someone grab her and start hauling her forward.

Natalia notices a semi-familiar hand suddenly pulling her forward, firmly but not painfully. ”Sumimasen! Disabled student coming through!” As Ichika uses Natalia as an excuse to shove forward, she looks back with a grin to the other girl. “Why should you have to wait for everyone? Come on!”

Ichika continues pushing ahead, including squaring up to several basketball and football players. While most seem like they’re not exactly afraid of the girl, they seem to back off when they see her bringing the pale little girl along with her. And the one that doesn’t gets a swift kick to the shins that makes him reconsider. “Girls gotta look after each other, right?”

Eventually the girls arrive at the assignments. Ichika frowns. Once again shoving through the crowd, the exchange student looks for one of the RA’s in their dorm office. She takes a breath, and smiles, changing up her whole demeanor. The boys she could be rough with - some might like it, after all. The student staff, she needed to be kind to. ”Sumumasen! We have small problem!” she says, playing up her difficulty with English. She bends over the desk and leans close to the student worker, loose shirt still not properly buttoned. ”My friend is sickry girl Nataria. Her dorm is far from erevator, very hard on her to walk so far every day.” As she speaks, she slowly slides around the desk and is now sitting on it very close to the... probably a sophomore or junior boy. “Is there anything I can do to help get our room closer to the erevator for her? Even next to singuru rooms is enough. Onegai?” she asks, gently placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Anything?” Part of her actually wanted to help out the poor girl. She was so small and precious, and seeing her slumped made Ichika kind of sad. The other half was way more interested in an excuse to push around the student staff, see what their boundaries were. What she could get away with.

Allure, Stand Out (+1), Shameless (+2), Touchy Feely (+1)

Ichika hauls the sickly Natalia into the RA's office, most people getting out of the way when they see the sick girl being helped along. Inside the office, the RA takes one look down Ichika's shirt. A perhaps longer than would be necessary look, but still. He straightened up and started going over the room lists.

"Let's see..." he says. "It doesn't look like I can move her any closer to the elevator on her own.... But, oh! This should do! Your roomate Miss Ichika. She has already dropped out. So you can take Miss Natalia as your roomate. Does that work?"

That's when Chloe was mobbed by about a dozen guys and girls.

"Aren't you the one who rented out two floors at Eagle Estates?"
"Isn't that like the lap of luxury?"
Um... yeah...but the second floor is really for security.
"Why do you need security when you could got me?"
I think you are exactly why I need security.
"Oooo, ooo. Pick me, I could be your roommate!"
Um... I mean.
"Me, me!" "Oh come on, I'm clearly better."

Neutral allure, School queen.

The rich girl, completely bombarded by requests from literally everyone. Some of them practical. Some of them outlandish. A few of them asking to be her roommate. But in all of the noise and confusion, she lost track of Irini.

2021-04-02, 03:55 PM
Angelina meets with you, and the two of you exchange keys.

"Thanks again. Hopefully my new roommate is part of the same major, or at least tangential to it, yeah? And cleaner, too."

You start to settle in as well as you can, checking how long you have left before you have to start hurrying again. And just as you are doing that, there is a knock on the bathroom door.

It is Irini. "Oh, hello! Looks like we share the bathroom, da? I hope to not being too much the slob."

The view into Mary's room is almost comical, like somebody drew a line straight down the center. One side is immaculate with everything in its place, and the other honestly looks like somebody decided the only way to feel at home was to upend all their luggage directly on to the floor.

Mary chuckles. "Oh I'm sure you won't be the one making a mess of this bathroom. I'll try and keep things tidy when I've got the chance."

2021-04-02, 05:19 PM
"Awww..." Alice sighs as she does a casual pirouette, as the girl requested, before getting dressed. "And it has such a nice view, too... but, eh, have fun..." she's apparently sincere in that, even though clearly disappointed.

2021-04-02, 06:14 PM
”Honto ni? Sugoi!” she says, pressing her fingers together happily. “Arigatou, thank you!” she continues, taking the young man’s hand. “What is your name? We should study sometime! Or go get lunch!”

Wait, she was being rude to Natalia. This was her choice to make, too. ”It is not next to your friend, but it is closer. Is that okay, Natalia?”

2021-04-02, 06:59 PM
The view into Mary's room is almost comical, like somebody drew a line straight down the center. One side is immaculate with everything in its place, and the other honestly looks like somebody decided the only way to feel at home was to upend all their luggage directly on to the floor.

Mary chuckles. "Oh I'm sure you won't be the one making a mess of this bathroom. I'll try and keep things tidy when I've got the chance."

“Hopefully I do not making much mess. I would hate to see you bothered.”

"Awww..." Alice sighs as she does a casual pirouette, as the girl requested, before getting dressed. "And it has such a nice view, too... but, eh, have fun..." she's apparently sincere in that, even though clearly disappointed.

“Aww, must you be leaving so soon?” the French girl asks.

“After all,” she goes on, looking Alice up and down. “As you say, it is such a nice view...”

2021-04-02, 08:50 PM
“Hopefully I do not making much mess. I would hate to see you bothered.”

"Aww, thanks!" She pauses for a second, her eyes glancing over Irini's shoulders. "Any idea what your roommate's like yet?"

2021-04-02, 10:03 PM
"Oh! U-um... that's..." Rather flabbergasted by the sudden serious of events, Natalia finds herself at a loss for words. After a long moment, however, she swallows and nods. A roommate is... new, and new is good. So... this is good. Right?

"I-its fine with me. Th-thank you for... helping? You're Uchida Ichika, you said?" Natalia begins a bit hesitantly. "I-I can climb stairs, you know... most days..."

2021-04-02, 10:28 PM
Okay, okay in order. Chloe raises her fingers in a warding gesture No. Yes. I'd make a better tutor then I could hire quickly here, so I'll help. That's utterly ridiculous so no. I could, but your parents are in Florida right? Get them to write their congressmen. I'd rather die. You've lived here how long? Sure I'll let you show me the sights. And um....

Chloe scans the crowd before settling on the prettiest girl. You wanna come up to Eagle Estates.

2021-04-03, 03:18 AM
“Aww, must you be leaving so soon?” the French girl asks.

“After all,” she goes on, looking Alice up and down. “As you say, it is such a nice view...”

"I mean, I do need to find my room after all", Alice shrugs, "I can drop by later, if you want?"

2021-04-03, 06:59 AM
"Aww, thanks!" She pauses for a second, her eyes glancing over Irini's shoulders. "Any idea what your roommate's like yet?"

"There is only one bed, so unless we are being meant to share, I think I am alone."

Okay, okay in order. Chloe raises her fingers in a warding gesture No. Yes. I'd make a better tutor then I could hire quickly here, so I'll help. That's utterly ridiculous so no. I could, but your parents are in Florida right? Get them to write their congressmen. I'd rather die. You've lived here how long? Sure I'll let you show me the sights. And um....

Chloe scans the crowd before settling on the prettiest girl. You wanna come up to Eagle Estates.

There is a massive swoon through the crowd, and then several of the girls faint. Also, toward the back, there is some kind of commotion, and you see one of that other girl who was leaning against Irini earlier being dragged along somewhere.

"I mean, I do need to find my room after all", Alice shrugs, "I can drop by later, if you want?"

"Whatever you want, darling. Just so long as you do not mind my habits?" As she talks she goes over to the balcony, and pulls a silver case out of her purse. Stepping outside, she lights a cigarette.

2021-04-03, 08:09 AM
”Yes, but there are some days when you can’t, right? Either way, let’s see our new room!”

2021-04-03, 11:44 AM
"Wait, hey! Miss Ichika? Before you go, would it be alright if I see you again sometime?"

2021-04-03, 11:59 AM
Chloe starts approaching the commotion. "Hey, what's going on?" She calls out.

2021-04-03, 05:43 PM
"Yes! Here, give me your number!" she says happily, handing the RA her phone. "I'm in your dorm, so I'm sure we'll see more of each other." She leans in and whispers so only he can hear. "Much more, if you like."

2021-04-04, 06:34 AM
"Yes! Here, give me your number!" she says happily, handing the RA her phone. "I'm in your dorm, so I'm sure we'll see more of each other." She leans in and whispers so only he can hear. "Much more, if you like."

Fortuneately, he manages to get his number typed in before Ichika whispers to him. As she straightens up (however much that is) she sees his face has gone completely slack, his eyes wide in shock, and his nose is beginning to bleed.

2021-04-04, 07:50 AM
Ichika gives a cute wave, a quick ”Bye-bye~!” and moves to help Natalia get her things to their room.

2021-04-04, 01:12 PM
Chloe starts approaching the commotion. "Hey, what's going on?" She calls out.

The silver-haired girl she invited home follows Chloe through the crowd.

"Someone just hauled a girl into the RA office," one of them said. "It knocked us over, but we're okay!"

2021-04-04, 01:31 PM
The silver-haired girl she invited home follows Chloe through the crowd.

"Someone just hauled a girl into the RA office," one of them said. "It knocked us over, but we're okay!"

Huh. Wonder what that's about. But unless I hear any shouts, I imagine the RA's got it. Chloe replies clearly confused.

So um. I'm Chloe Mornings, what may I call you? She extends a hand with a smile on her face.

2021-04-04, 02:02 PM
“My name is Chloe too,” the girl says, taking Chloe’s hand in a grip a little too firm for the heiress’s taste. “Chloe Wisteria.”

2021-04-04, 02:16 PM
It's um... a pleasure Chloe winces What are you studying?

2021-04-04, 03:33 PM
"Graphic design and Animation!" The other Chloe says. "Oh, sorry about the grip! I'm also a gymnast. It's how I got into this university, you know. Athletic scholarship.""

2021-04-04, 04:14 PM
"Graphic design and Animation!" The other Chloe says. "Oh, sorry about the grip! I'm also a gymnast. It's how I got into this university, you know. Athletic scholarship.""

Really um..... Chloe blushes checking out her frame.

Yeah, I got accepted based on my grades.

2021-04-04, 04:30 PM
Really um..... Chloe blushes checking out her frame.

Yeah, I got accepted based on my grades.

"I got in for my grades too. But I was talking more about being able to pay for the school?"

2021-04-04, 05:13 PM
"I got in for my grades too. But I was talking more about being able to pay for the school?"

Oh....um... yeah.... that wasn't really a problem for me... Chloe looked away and at the floor.

2021-04-05, 10:14 PM
Natalia allows herself to be dragged along in Ichika's wake, turning bright pink from the snatches of conversation she can overhear between the other girl and the RA. "Um, I-I, that is, u-uh... I-I'll try to be in the library a lot!" she blurts out, before turning even pinker. "B-b-because I need to do a lot of sitting or lying down to be safe, but I you--I-I mean, I don't want to... I-I'm making assumptions I sh-shouldn't and it's not fair to you IjustwanttoletyouknowIcanbeoutalotohNAtstoptalking ..."

2021-04-06, 04:42 PM
Ichika laughs as her roommate gets flustered. ”You don’t like flirting with boys and girls? Don’t worry, I will make sure to let you know if I need the room. I don’t want to force you out or make you feel unwelcome,” she says with a smile.

2021-04-06, 06:06 PM
Oh....um... yeah.... that wasn't really a problem for me... Chloe looked away and at the floor.

“Don’t worry. I won’t hold being rich against you,” the other Chloe says.

“But!” She goes on, holding up a finger. “You gotta promise to do good, real good, with that money. Do that, and we’re good, ‘kay?”

* * *

As those students who are living on campus get settled in, and the first of their things brought up, stomachs begin to decide that it is time to eat. And that they would rather this happen soon. Which leaves the problem of where to eat. Which leaves a better problem.

Namely, where you can convince Irini to eat.

Opposed roll!

Turn on the charm and get Irini to eat with you! The highest Allure roll gets +2 VP!

2021-04-08, 06:49 AM
While walking through the cafeteria, Ichika spots something. Something surprising. Something shocking. Something amazing. As Irini takes a seat at one of the lounge’s couches to relax, the tanned girl bursts into the room and lands herself crisscross (in a skirt!?) on the knee high coffee table in front of the girl. With her choice of pose, it was just visible that she was feeling like pink would be a fun color to wear beneath everything.

Before that thought can fully register though, the exchange student claps her hands on the other girl’s shoulders, an excited sparkle in her eyes. ”I saw sushi in little clear and blue containers! I didn’t know they made sushi in America, too! Come on, we have to try some!”
Allure, Half Foreign (+1), Touchy Feely (+1), Shameless (+2)

2021-04-08, 08:35 AM
Having, apparently, finally found her room, Alice finally appears in the cafeteria... having, perhaps, settled in a little too well for what is, after all, still a public space. Tiny shorts, a camisole top, and a pair of slippers over the bare feet... was she thinking she was on her own kitchen? Anyway...
"Oh, did I hear someone said 'sushi'?" She plopped on the chair next to Irini and Ichika, "Nice! I'm with you, hope you don't mind?"
Strong Allure, Shameless? For +1 or +3.

2021-04-08, 11:42 AM
"It's n-not that I don't like it," Natalia protests weakly. I-I just... never have b-before..."


By resting and giving herself a series of pep-talks (which would be incredibly embarrassing if anyone else heard them), Natalia finally works up the courage to approach Irini... only to get blindsided by two energetic girls getting there first. Neither of them ran into Natalia, of course, but their sheer presence is enough to destroy whatever confidence she has built in herself. But now Irini has seen her, and she can't get away now, and...

"I-I-I-I like fish," she says, stuttering even worse than normal. She sneezes yet again; it looks like what she was hoping was allergies has lingered long enough to be at least a mild cold. "W-wait, n-no, I-I mean... sushi is-is-is fish, r-right? I've never t-t-t-tried it before, be-be-because my stomach is-was-is d-delicate, but-but I-I-I think today is a g-good day..."

Strong Allure +1, Sniffles +1, Cute Stutter +2 = +4 total Allure roll.

2021-04-09, 03:07 PM
Mar knocks on the adjoining bathroom door, everpresent smile beaming once Irini answers. "Hey again. Don't mean to bother, but I've got to rush off in just a few minutes, and I whipped something up to eat before I head to work. Made enough for two cuz I was gonna share with my roommate, but I still haven't seen a whisper of her. Would you care to join me?" Mouthwatering smells waft through to Irini's room.

Strong Allure +1, Cheerful +2, Competitive Spirit +1, Yamato Nadeshiko +2, total +6.

2021-04-09, 10:31 PM
This was about the point where Chloe's "fangirls" were tugging her in different directions, each seeking to suggest a different restaurant for Chloe to take them out to. All of them extremely high end.

"We should go to...." "No no, we should go." "No that's a tourist trap, we should go."

Girls, girls. First off let's see whose receptive to a group showing up last minute.

Within a few calls, Chloe is on the phone.

Yes, I understand Mr.Williams. I'm just saying, if you could find a way to get us in there, your kid's cancer treatment bill will be all taken care of.

Yes, Mr.Williams. I understand it's alot, cause America is awful. But I can pay it, if.....

Allure, School queen, Connections. +4

2021-04-11, 12:54 PM
Mar knocks on the adjoining bathroom door, everpresent smile beaming once Irini answers. "Hey again. Don't mean to bother, but I've got to rush off in just a few minutes, and I whipped something up to eat before I head to work. Made enough for two cuz I was gonna share with my roommate, but I still haven't seen a whisper of her. Would you care to join me?" Mouthwatering smells waft through to Irini's room.

Strong Allure +1, Cheerful +2, Competitive Spirit +1, Yamato Nadeshiko +2, total +6.

Irini, who had been just about to leave it appears, instead answers the knock on her bathroom door. When Mary invites her over for food, Irini takes only a moment to answer. "That sounds lovely. Give a moment, da?"

Not long after, Irini returns. "Sorry, putting back things away. Shall we?" She then steps into your room.

While walking through the cafeteria, Ichika spots something. Something surprising. Something shocking. Something amazing. As Irini takes a seat at one of the lounge’s couches to relax, the tanned girl bursts into the room and lands herself crisscross (in a skirt!?) on the knee high coffee table in front of the girl. With her choice of pose, it was just visible that she was feeling like pink would be a fun color to wear beneath everything.

Before that thought can fully register though, the exchange student claps her hands on the other girl’s shoulders, an excited sparkle in her eyes. ”I saw sushi in little clear and blue containers! I didn’t know they made sushi in America, too! Come on, we have to try some!”
Allure, Half Foreign (+1), Touchy Feely (+1), Shameless (+2)

Except, as soon as you spin the girl around, you realize it is not Irini. She looks similar, yes, but there is something missing. A glimmer in the eye? Hair not quite as silky smooth? Whatever it was, it is not Irini. But the girl does answer your invitation to try the sushi.

'Actually, it probably isn't a good idea. Unless you go to a sushi restaurant where they have better and fresher fish, you are taking a gamble on bad fish or worse eating that."

Having, apparently, finally found her room, Alice finally appears in the cafeteria... having, perhaps, settled in a little too well for what is, after all, still a public space. Tiny shorts, a camisole top, and a pair of slippers over the bare feet... was she thinking she was on her own kitchen? Anyway...
"Oh, did I hear someone said 'sushi'?" She plopped on the chair next to Irini and Ichika, "Nice! I'm with you, hope you don't mind?"
Strong Allure, Shameless? For +1 or +3.

Alice plops down next to not-Irini and the girl squeaks in surprise. "Uh... H-hello? Yes, can I help you?"

"It's n-not that I don't like it," Natalia protests weakly. I-I just... never have b-before..."


By resting and giving herself a series of pep-talks (which would be incredibly embarrassing if anyone else heard them), Natalia finally works up the courage to approach Irini... only to get blindsided by two energetic girls getting there first. Neither of them ran into Natalia, of course, but their sheer presence is enough to destroy whatever confidence she has built in herself. But now Irini has seen her, and she can't get away now, and...

"I-I-I-I like fish," she says, stuttering even worse than normal. She sneezes yet again; it looks like what she was hoping was allergies has lingered long enough to be at least a mild cold. "W-wait, n-no, I-I mean... sushi is-is-is fish, r-right? I've never t-t-t-tried it before, be-be-because my stomach is-was-is d-delicate, but-but I-I-I think today is a g-good day..."

Strong Allure +1, Sniffles +1, Cute Stutter +2 = +4 total Allure roll.

Hearing the girl talk about bad fish or worse makes your stomach gurgle in a familiar, not so friendly way.

"I-I mean, if you really want sushi," Not-Irini says, obviously flustered at being the center of attention of so many strangers. "I do know a place... There is a good place down in Japantown, they aren't that expensive, and they always treat people nice..."

This was about the point where Chloe's "fangirls" were tugging her in different directions, each seeking to suggest a different restaurant for Chloe to take them out to. All of them extremely high end.

"We should go to...." "No no, we should go." "No that's a tourist trap, we should go."

Girls, girls. First off let's see whose receptive to a group showing up last minute.

Within a few calls, Chloe is on the phone.

Yes, I understand Mr.Williams. I'm just saying, if you could find a way to get us in there, your kid's cancer treatment bill will be all taken care of.

Yes, Mr.Williams. I understand it's alot, cause America is awful. But I can pay it, if.....

Allure, School queen, Connections. +4

I-I will see what I can do. It may not be much, but I might be able to arrange a chef's table... If you would give me a minute to speak with Francois?

2021-04-11, 12:56 PM
Okay girls. Looks like we might have something..... Maybe not the best but.... Chloe replies.

2021-04-11, 02:36 PM
Okay girls. Looks like we might have something..... Maybe not the best but.... Chloe replies.

It is at this point that the second Chloe speaks up. "How 'not the best' is it? You mean we won't have the entire restaurant to ourselves? We have to share the dining room with other people? What?"

2021-04-11, 02:55 PM
It is at this point that the second Chloe speaks up. "How 'not the best' is it? You mean we won't have the entire restaurant to ourselves? We have to share the dining room with other people? What?"

Oh no, I wouldn't want the entire restaurant to myself. I'd hate to kick out so many people, and half the experience is the atmosphere.

Nah, we just got the chef's table so we'll be right by the kitchen. Just be careful and polite to not get in the servers way. She tells the gaggle of girls.

2021-04-11, 03:05 PM
"Uhhh... Chloe?" Chloe says. "The Chef's table, is usually in the kitchen. So that the chef can come and talk with us about the food, about life."

This statement only excites the girls further.

It is that this point that Mr. Williams comes back on the line.

I have spoken with Francois about it. And he would be delighted to have you at his table tonight. He would remind you that his table can only seat five, however. You understand, space in the kitchen is limited, after all.

2021-04-11, 03:28 PM
"Uhhh... Chloe?" Chloe says. "The Chef's table, is usually in the kitchen. So that the chef can come and talk with us about the food, about life."

This statement only excites the girls further.

It is that this point that Mr. Williams comes back on the line.

I have spoken with Francois about it. And he would be delighted to have you at his table tonight. He would remind you that his table can only seat five, however. You understand, space in the kitchen is limited, after all.

..... Isn't it a health hazard to have it IN the kitchen? Chloe asks before Mr.Williams comes on the line.

If you're not married to sushi, we've got a lovely French..... Texan fusion restaurant? Chloe replies cocking an eyebrow.

2021-04-11, 03:31 PM
Irini, who had been just about to leave it appears, instead answers the knock on her bathroom door. When Mary invites her over for food, Irini takes only a moment to answer. "That sounds lovely. Give a moment, da?"

Not long after, Irini returns. "Sorry, putting back things away. Shall we?" She then steps into your room.

Mary steps aside to let her in. She pulls a couple chairs over to a desk that's serving as a makeshift table, where a small array of dishes are set up: enchiladas, guac and chips, a few different salsas, that kind of stuff. "I do this kinda thing a lot, throwing stuff together when I've got a few moments. I'm glad there's cooking stations available for student use, I really wasn't looking forward to eating out so much. Plus, this way I get to share!" She takes a few bites, before her eyes light up again. "Actually, that reminds me: are there any dietary things I'd need to worry about if I'm sharing food with you? Allergies, vegan preference, something along those lines?" :smallsmile:

2021-04-11, 06:47 PM
”Fransu to Tekusasu ryori? That sounds interesting!”

2021-04-11, 08:40 PM
”Fransu to Tekusasu ryori? That sounds interesting!”

Yeah, I can bring 4 people, so that's my roommate. Chloe ***** her head to other Chloe to indicate her.

And you three, if you want.

2021-04-18, 08:30 PM
After an awkward dinner spent in a kitchen (or with Irini(or not)), comes a long night. But the next day, the tours start, and this makes it a great time to get close to Irini!

Allure d7: Sweet talk your way onto the same tour as Irini. +2 VP
Skill d8: You know a lot of useful facts about the school! Show them off to impress a special someone! +2 VP
Conflict d9: Someone is being an insufferable know-it-all loudmouth. make sure Irini's tour goes smooth as silk. +3 VP

2021-04-18, 11:37 PM
As the tour group goes around the campus, one of the other freshmen, a boy dressed like he was here for a job interview rather than a student, keeps speaking over the tour guide. ”Actually, the Richard J. Daley Library doesn’t ‘basically cover’ things outside of medical science. It is specifically dedicated to art, the humanities, hard sciences, social sciences, engineering, and the university archives. It does not cover law, which is handled by the John Marshall Law Library,” the young man says as they reach the third floor.

As the group begins to head down the stairs from the third floor, Ichika grabs him by the scruff of his jacket and shoves him back against the half wall by the stairs as the last of the freshmen file down. ”Nee, Know-Everything-san,” she hisses, “Nobody is going to suck your **** because you know which libraries are which, and you are just making this tour more painful for all of us. Me especially. If you don’t stop being so noisy, we are going to do a physics experiment and see what happens to an otaku like you when they’re dropped down a flight of stairs.” She gives him an extra shove against the wall, bruising the small of his back, but also making the threat of throwing him down the stairs feel much more real.
Conflict (+1), Bruiser (+2), Violence is Always the Answer (+1)

2021-04-20, 10:49 PM
Chloe for her part had started heckling the rising star of the football team.

You don't need to try so hard. Chloe assures him. Everyone's well aware you didn't get into here cause of your grades. Just smile and nod, and the coach will ensure you get an A.

Hired muscle refluffed as cutting scorn.

2021-04-21, 02:35 PM
"You're going to the physics department, right? Cool! Hey, mind if I join you?" Alice appears near the Irini;s group, "Look, I really need some reference for how physics labs look... for my... project..." she pulls out a sketchbook and flips through the sketches of most of the rest of the campus.
Strong Allure, Moe Enthusiast, Doujinshi Enthusiast - either +3 or +5 depending on Luck outcome

2021-04-21, 02:49 PM
Mary has brought along a notebook and a backpack so she can take notes on important stuff, like what places are hiring for what jobs, or what areas of campus look to be ill-maintained for when she clocks in for groundskeeping later.

Allure. Strong roll 1 + Competitive Spirit 1 = +2.

2021-04-21, 04:53 PM
Natalia edges as close as she can to the scant few people that she knows on the tour, trying to keep her sniffles from her runny nose down to a minimum. "Th-there are... quite a lot of p-people here," she says nervously, mostly to herself.

Allure. +1 strong Allure, +1 Sniffles, +1 Scaredy-Cat (fear of crowds established a bit earlier) = +3 total to the roll.

2021-04-24, 08:53 PM
Natalia edges as close as she can to the scant few people that she knows on the tour, trying to keep her sniffles from her runny nose down to a minimum. "Th-there are... quite a lot of p-people here," she says nervously, mostly to herself.

Allure. +1 strong Allure, +1 Sniffles, +1 Scaredy-Cat (fear of crowds established a bit earlier) = +3 total to the roll.

“Well, come then, little pevun’ya. Stay close and do not be worrying pretty leetle head.”

Chloe for her part had started heckling the rising star of the football team.

You don't need to try so hard. Chloe assures him. Everyone's well aware you didn't get into here cause of your grades. Just smile and nod, and the coach will ensure you get an A.

Hired muscle refluffed as cutting scorn.

No one is quite sure why he was the target of the heckling, but there were enough jibes in there for everyone to have gotten a laugh. And, it also looks like part of the littany has become his new nickname. So if he makes it through his first year on the team, Chloe may be the one to have given him his real start in college football?

As the tour group goes around the campus, one of the other freshmen, a boy dressed like he was here for a job interview rather than a student, keeps speaking over the tour guide. ”Actually, the Richard J. Daley Library doesn’t ‘basically cover’ things outside of medical science. It is specifically dedicated to art, the humanities, hard sciences, social sciences, engineering, and the university archives. It does not cover law, which is handled by the John Marshall Law Library,” the young man says as they reach the third floor.

As the group begins to head down the stairs from the third floor, Ichika grabs him by the scruff of his jacket and shoves him back against the half wall by the stairs as the last of the freshmen file down. ”Nee, Know-Everything-san,” she hisses, “Nobody is going to suck your **** because you know which libraries are which, and you are just making this tour more painful for all of us. Me especially. If you don’t stop being so noisy, we are going to do a physics experiment and see what happens to an otaku like you when they’re dropped down a flight of stairs.” She gives him an extra shove against the wall, bruising the small of his back, but also making the threat of throwing him down the stairs feel much more real.
Conflict (+1), Bruiser (+2), Violence is Always the Answer (+1)

“Uhh... miss?” The RA says. “I am going to ask you to please refrain from physical violence on this tour. This is your only warning. After that, I will have no choice but to report it to the authorities.”

"You're going to the physics department, right? Cool! Hey, mind if I join you?" Alice appears near the Irini;s group, "Look, I really need some reference for how physics labs look... for my... project..." she pulls out a sketchbook and flips through the sketches of most of the rest of the campus.
Strong Allure, Moe Enthusiast, Doujinshi Enthusiast - either +3 or +5 depending on Luck outcome

Irini sees some of your work, all of it architecture. She nods approval at what she sees, and you notice that she does seem to be paying more attention to the girl with the sniffles who is very close to her side.

“Is good work. Not perhaps up to standards of Leningrad Polytechinca, perhaps, but quite good still.”

Mary has brought along a notebook and a backpack so she can take notes on important stuff, like what places are hiring for what jobs, or what areas of campus look to be ill-maintained for when she clocks in for groundskeeping later.

Allure. Strong roll 1 + Competitive Spirit 1 = +2.

There is plenty to note. And in your desire to get as much information out of the tour, though not necessarily the information the RA was providing, there was enough going on around you that you haven’t really noticed Irini spending her attention on the girl with the sniffles.

2021-04-24, 09:02 PM
That's when Chloe pops up behind Natalia and Irina.

Hey girls, how are you doing?

2021-04-24, 09:15 PM
”Ah, gomen, gomen! Is like joke! He is loud and obnoxious, I exaggerate response! Is not same here?” Ichika says, backing down instantly.

2021-04-24, 09:33 PM
That's when Chloe pops up behind Natalia and Irina.

Hey girls, how are you doing?

"Am fine. Not much going here, so am just keeping my leetle pevun'ya warm and safe."

”Ah, gomen, gomen! Is like joke! He is loud and obnoxious, I exaggerate response! Is not same here?” Ichika says, backing down instantly.

"Uh-huh," the RA says in a manner that, has you been a native English speaker, you would have easily picked up on their sarcasm, but as it is...

"Make sure it stays that way, alright?"

2021-04-24, 09:44 PM
Has she gone to a doctor? Treating illness early is the best way to make sure it doesn't get severe. Chloe replies moving to feel Natalie's forehead.

2021-04-24, 10:06 PM
”Yes yes, understood!” Ichika says, playing the role of genki girl exactly as long as the RA is looking at her, and not a moment longer. Keep your annoying freshmen in line and they wouldn’t need to be ‘jokingly’ threatened...

2021-04-24, 10:26 PM
Natalia nods gratefully to Irini, moving to stay close to her throughout the tour. "I-it's nicer around people you know..." she explains a bit sheepishly.

Chloe's mention of a doctor causes the pale girl to shake her head violently, inadvertently dodging Chloe's hand. "N-no!" she says a bit too loudly, before realizing where she is and ducking down in embarrassment. "I-I-I know what's wrong, and-and it's not contagious s-so I don't need to go to the doctor... right now. I don't need to go to the doctor today."

2021-04-24, 11:09 PM
”Yes yes, understood!” Ichika says, playing the role of genki girl exactly as long as the RA is looking at her, and not a moment longer. Keep your annoying freshmen in line and they wouldn’t need to be ‘jokingly’ threatened...

The RA nods, as though the matter is settled, and then goes back to rote recitation of 'interesting facts' about the buildign you are outside of.

Natalia nods gratefully to Irini, moving to stay close to her throughout the tour. "I-it's nicer around people you know..." she explains a bit sheepishly.

Chloe's mention of a doctor causes the pale girl to shake her head violently, inadvertently dodging Chloe's hand. "N-no!" she says a bit too loudly, before realizing where she is and ducking down in embarrassment. "I-I-I know what's wrong, and-and it's not contagious s-so I don't need to go to the doctor... right now. I don't need to go to the doctor today."

"So long as you do," Irini says. "Then everything will be fine."

She seems to become more protective of the sickly girl when Chloe reaches for her, but not overly so.

2021-04-24, 11:11 PM
Natalia nods gratefully to Irini, moving to stay close to her throughout the tour. "I-it's nicer around people you know..." she explains a bit sheepishly.

Chloe's mention of a doctor causes the pale girl to shake her head violently, inadvertently dodging Chloe's hand. "N-no!" she says a bit too loudly, before realizing where she is and ducking down in embarrassment. "I-I-I know what's wrong, and-and it's not contagious s-so I don't need to go to the doctor... right now. I don't need to go to the doctor today."

If you're worried about cost, I can cover it! Chloe offers sincerely a large smile on her face.

2021-04-25, 03:22 PM
"I-I appreciate it... but it's not..." Natalia takes in a deep breath, which is only slightly spoiled in effect by the fact that she has to wipe her nose with a handkerchief in the middle of doing so. "I've seen a doctor nearly every day of my life. I'd l-like to not do that... on m-my first day at least. Thank you."

2021-04-25, 03:55 PM
"I-I appreciate it... but it's not..." Natalia takes in a deep breath, which is only slightly spoiled in effect by the fact that she has to wipe her nose with a handkerchief in the middle of doing so. "I've seen a doctor nearly every day of my life. I'd l-like to not do that... on m-my first day at least. Thank you."

"Nearly every day to see? What is being wrong with you?"

2021-04-25, 04:28 PM
And don't feel obligated to answer, we're just concerned is all. Chloe protests.

2021-04-26, 10:14 AM
"But also may be something we can help accommodations with."

2021-04-26, 01:26 PM
"I don't... you don't... It's not..." Natalia shrinks down a little bit more, then gives up. "M-multiple sclerosis, th-the doctors think... it might be B-Balo's instead, and not all of-of the symptoms fit... I've had it--had health problems since I c-can remember, but i-it's mostly under control now."

2021-04-26, 01:46 PM
"Doesn't matter. You count on me, da?"

2021-04-26, 04:54 PM
”She has a roommate also looking after her,” Ichika says supportively.

2021-04-26, 11:26 PM
And me, if she wants~ Chloe beams warmly.

2021-04-27, 02:38 PM
"O-oh... umm..." Natalia looks between the three brand new people she has met that day, though she lingers on Irini the longest. She ducks her head to hide eyes brimming with unshed tears. "Th-thanks... everyone. Can... can w-we change the subject now?"

2021-04-28, 10:12 PM
The tour moves on, and soon you arrive at the far end of the campus, where the RA lets you know that the rest of the weekend is yours, but advises you not to go too far from campus. At least not until you have gotten used to the city. But other than that, your time is yours.

Irini starts walking off into the city. She seems to be heading towards the Loop, for a night of sightseeing, perhaps?

This is an opposed Skill roll. Highest roll gets to set the scene for where we go. And gains +3 VP.

2021-04-30, 10:46 PM
Chloe for her part had already gotten tickets for the girls to tour the Art institute of Chicago.

And girls. She says to a few scattered cheers. I made a few calls, and we'll be getting a personal tour by the head of the museum themself. So. Be on your best behavior, and don't touch anything that says not to touch.

Strong skill, School queen (Note that the cheers, are NPC students and roommates), Connections, Overacheiver.

2021-05-01, 12:41 AM
Free from classes and the more stifling atmosphere of RA's and residence life workers, Ichika changes into her night-out wear: a button down shirt that makes use of barely half of its buttons, and a skirt that leaves very little to the imagination. "A museum? We're in college, but come on - we don't have to be nerds all the time. Come on, there's got to be at least one club that we can meet some cuties at." Ichika gently takes Irini's hand and tries to spin her as though they were on a dance floor.
Carry My Books? (Swap Allure in for Skill), Shameless (+2), Touchy-Feely (+1), Stand Out (+1)

2021-05-01, 04:09 PM
"Club, ugh..." Alice sighed, "Music's too loud, and the blinking lights..." she waves her hand, "How about, we hit the beach while the weather allows?" What? No, she didn't suggest an art gallery. She might be weird, but not that weird. At the very least, she definitely preferred looking at real girls in bikinis to the painted ones without...
I've nothing good here, so flat Skill at +0

2021-05-02, 03:52 PM
"Um! Um..." Natalia, surprised by all the choices, takes a few seconds to consider what she can choose. "Chi-Chicago has a museum devoted to surgical science th-that's pretty interesting... if-if-if you like that sort of thing... I know the exhibits really well..."

Neutral Skill. If applicable, Caretaker for a +2, but that's highly unlikely on this so I'm guessing just a flat +0 for this roll.

2021-05-03, 09:04 PM
Mary isn't really present, having had to rush off to work. Maybe she'll get lucky and that's where Irini happens to go?

Skill. Strong roll 1 + Competitive Spirit 1 = +2. She's working at...whatever place is decided by the roll. If she wins, the location is based on whoever got second best, I guess.

2021-05-03, 09:32 PM
Free from classes and the more stifling atmosphere of RA's and residence life workers, Ichika changes into her night-out wear: a button down shirt that makes use of barely half of its buttons, and a skirt that leaves very little to the imagination. "A museum? We're in college, but come on - we don't have to be nerds all the time. Come on, there's got to be at least one club that we can meet some cuties at." Ichika gently takes Irini's hand and tries to spin her as though they were on a dance floor.
Carry My Books? (Swap Allure in for Skill), Shameless (+2), Touchy-Feely (+1), Stand Out (+1)

"Nyet, please. I do not think noise like that would be fun. At least not tonight. Tonight, we should relax. Prepare ourselves."

"Club, ugh..." Alice sighed, "Music's too loud, and the blinking lights..." she waves her hand, "How about, we hit the beach while the weather allows?" What? No, she didn't suggest an art gallery. She might be weird, but not that weird. At the very least, she definitely preferred looking at real girls in bikinis to the painted ones without...
I've nothing good here, so flat Skill at +0

"Beach could be fun. I remember spending one week out by...." But wherever she was going to say she spent a week out at was interrupted by:

"Um! Um..." Natalia, surprised by all the choices, takes a few seconds to consider what she can choose. "Chi-Chicago has a museum devoted to surgical science th-that's pretty interesting... if-if-if you like that sort of thing... I know the exhibits really well..."

Neutral Skill. If applicable, Caretaker for a +2, but that's highly unlikely on this so I'm guessing just a flat +0 for this roll.

"Please. Leetle songbird. Why must everything with you be for medicines? Come, let us see something that involves more of human anatomy than making it feel better, da?"

Chloe for her part had already gotten tickets for the girls to tour the Art institute of Chicago.

And girls. She says to a few scattered cheers. I made a few calls, and we'll be getting a personal tour by the head of the museum themself. So. Be on your best behavior, and don't touch anything that says not to touch.

Strong skill, School queen (Note that the cheers, are NPC students and roommates), Connections, Overacheiver.

"Ah. See?"Irini says to Natalia. "As much as spending her money on us strangers amuses me, i would hate to be wasteful of it, nyet?"

Still supporting Natalia, Irini smiles at Chloe as she tucks a strand of hair back behind her ear. "After all, your pockets cannot be truly limitless."

Mary isn't really present, having had to rush off to work. Maybe she'll get lucky and that's where Irini happens to go?

Skill. Strong roll 1 + Competitive Spirit 1 = +2. She's working at...whatever place is decided by the roll. If she wins, the location is based on whoever got second best, I guess.

"Ah, You must be Mary, right?" says the woman Mary recognizes as the curator of the museum, Dr. Sarah Winters. The woman is holding out a hand in welcome. As Mary takes it, Dr. Winters shakes it once, and then she is off, talking to you as she goes. "Well, Mary. It looks like you are in for an interesting first night. You and one of the other docents will be helping me escort a private tour through the museum tonight."

2021-05-03, 09:46 PM
"Ah, You must be Mary, right?" says the woman Mary recognizes as the curator of the museum, Dr. Sarah Winters. The woman is holding out a hand in welcome. As Mary takes it, Dr. Winters shakes it once, and then she is off, talking to you as she goes. "Well, Mary. It looks like you are in for an interesting first night. You and one of the other docents will be helping me escort a private tour through the museum tonight."

Mary doesn't mind the fast pace whatsoever, keeping up with the curator. "Sounds lovely, ma'am. What assistance will I be giving in this? Or is it more of a training run?"

2021-05-03, 09:53 PM
"Ah. See?"Irini says to Natalia. "As much as spending her money on us strangers amuses me, i would hate to be wasteful of it, nyet?"

Still supporting Natalia, Irini smiles at Chloe as she tucks a strand of hair back behind her ear. "After all, your pockets cannot be truly limitless."

You don't need to worry~ Chloe's heart flutters at the gesture.

It may not be bottomless, but I'm still alil under budget~

2021-05-03, 10:07 PM
Mary doesn't mind the fast pace whatsoever, keeping up with the curator. "Sounds lovely, ma'am. What assistance will I be giving in this? Or is it more of a training run?"

"Less training, really, and more babysitting. From what I understand, there will be at least ten, maybe up to twenty people in the tour. While I have given tours to groups this size, it is usually earlier in the day and not as we are getting ready for locking up for the night. But considering the donation we were wired, I am making an exception. Now. Down this hallway is the staff offices. Docents share one office, with a set of lockers for everyone. you don't mind sharing, do you?"

Dr. Winters continues walking, pointing out some of the other offices, including the security office and then reaches a set of stairs heading up. At the top there are several more offices, with the one at the end of the short hall being a single window with Dr. Winters's name on it, along with the word 'Director.' "Give me a hand, if you don't mind? Like I said, with the size of the donation, I do want to make a decent impression." And she begins tidying up her appearance, brushing out her jacket, straightening jewelry and the like.

You don't need to worry~ Chloe's heart flutters at the gesture.

It may not be bottomless, but I'm still alil under budget~

"Ah. Well then," Irini says, "I will do my best to not stretch it too far, yes?"

2021-05-03, 10:12 PM
"Ah. Well then," Irini says, "I will do my best to not stretch it too far, yes?"

Thank you for your consideration~ Chloe curtsies warmly.

Shall we get going?

2021-05-03, 11:26 PM
"Da. Train is this way. Shall we?"

2021-05-03, 11:35 PM
"Da. Train is this way. Shall we?"

Chloe hooks her arm for Irini to grab on, and hooks her arm for another girl to grab on.

2021-05-04, 10:23 AM
"Less training, really, and more babysitting. From what I understand, there will be at least ten, maybe up to twenty people in the tour. While I have given tours to groups this size, it is usually earlier in the day and not as we are getting ready for locking up for the night. But considering the donation we were wired, I am making an exception. Now. Down this hallway is the staff offices. Docents share one office, with a set of lockers for everyone. you don't mind sharing, do you?"

Dr. Winters continues walking, pointing out some of the other offices, including the security office and then reaches a set of stairs heading up. At the top there are several more offices, with the one at the end of the short hall being a single window with Dr. Winters's name on it, along with the word 'Director.' "Give me a hand, if you don't mind? Like I said, with the size of the donation, I do want to make a decent impression." And she begins tidying up her appearance, brushing out her jacket, straightening jewelry and the like.

"Yes, ma'am." Mary makes herself helpful finding little things out of place and dealing with them. She also makes sure to eye her own outfit, making sure she's still as immaculate as she could manage.

2021-05-04, 02:58 PM
Ichika looks more than a little annoyed. ”If we are just going to bring an army of students everywhere we go, then yes, I guess a club would be a poor choice,” Ichika says with a sigh. “So what does the museum specialize in?”

2021-05-04, 03:16 PM
Chloe hooks her arm for Irini to grab on, and hooks her arm for another girl to grab on.

Irini smiles at the gesture, but then gestures with her head toward Natalia.

Ichika looks more than a little annoyed. ”If we are just going to bring an army of students everywhere we go, then yes, I guess a club would be a poor choice,” Ichika says with a sigh. “So what does the museum specialize in?”

"Why is that so upsetting? Would club be not as crowded?"

"Yes, ma'am." Mary makes herself helpful finding little things out of place and dealing with them. She also makes sure to eye her own outfit, making sure she's still as immaculate as she could manage.

Once Dr. Winters is satisfied, she gestures to you. "Now, as for you, there should be a docent's jacket in your size in the docent's office. Go get yourself ready."

2021-05-04, 09:28 PM
Ichika looks more than a little annoyed. ”If we are just going to bring an army of students everywhere we go, then yes, I guess a club would be a poor choice,” Ichika says with a sigh. “So what does the museum specialize in?”

I mean, I kinda assumed I was allowed to make friends at college. Chloe snarked as her other hand went around Natalia.

Works of art, specifically. Chloe adds as clarification.

2021-05-05, 05:52 PM
”Because other people exist and would like to use places? Most businesses charge you more when you bring a large group - avoiding that because they are ‘just some friends’ is obnoxious if you’re just taking over the area for a day.”

Looking more kindly to Natalia, Ichika continues. “Because if I’m going to a club, I’d rather be meeting people I wouldn’t meet anywhere else.”

2021-05-05, 08:05 PM
"Is no need to be rude. Shall we go?"

2021-05-05, 09:12 PM
”Because other people exist and would like to use places? Most businesses charge you more when you bring a large group - avoiding that because they are ‘just some friends’ is obnoxious if you’re just taking over the area for a day.”

Looking more kindly to Natalia, Ichika continues. “Because if I’m going to a club, I’d rather be meeting people I wouldn’t meet anywhere else.”

Unless the place works in food, they typically charge less for a group. Chloe raises an eyebrow confused.

Besides, I'm buying so don't worry about cost. She flashes a smile.

2021-05-07, 09:11 PM
The museum stands before you (or around you, in Maya's case.).

As you enter, you are greeted by the figure of Dr. Winters, a slightly older woman with grey hair and wearing a finely tailored red suit.

"Welcome to the Art Institute. We have several galleries available, as well as two private collections that we are able to tour to donors of such standing. Shall we start with the Modern gallery? Or would you prefer the Impressionists?"

Unopposed roll.

Allure D8: Embody the spirit of the art around you! +2 VP
Skill D8: "Did you know that...?" Impress Irini with your knowledge of the collections! +2 VP
Luck D6: Huh. You are dressed exactly like one of the pieces of art. The weird ones with the squiggly lines. +1 VP

2021-05-08, 01:56 PM
I would for one, Very much prefer a tour of the Impressionist first. Chloe curtseied.

"Did you know that Impressionism is a very French based style of art, that drew to relevance in the 1870's and 80's. It wasn't really popular at the time however.

Dr.Winters do you have Impression, soleil levant in your gallery? She asks brightly, mimicking the French tongue flawlessly. You see, Claude Monet is actually why the term got it's name. An art critic by the name of Louis Leroy didn't like the style and used the first word of the name of the piece to denigrate the entire style.

Strong skill, Connections, Classy lady, Honor student.

2021-05-08, 08:05 PM
Ichika walks past a recreation of "La Liberté guidant le peuple" and gets an idea. "Hey, Natalia, look!" she says, pulling the girl to the painting. With her back turned, she undoes a few buttons on her shirt and turns around, presenting about as much cleavage as possible while still remaining covered. She mirrors the pose of Liberty carrying the flag while standing in front of the picture. "Look! I'm art!"

Allure, Shameless (+2), Touchy-Feely (+1)

2021-05-09, 10:52 PM
Two people to chaperone ten to twenty technically-adult teenagers near closing time. Mary took a deep breath as she donned her uniform. She was the same age as them, and also they were teens getting their first taste of personal responsibility, so respect for the uniform was far from guaranteed. She and the director would have to command respect and herd them around like cats.

"Less training, really, and more babysitting."

Mary grinned as the director's words came back to her. She'd worked part-time at a daycare for years. This was just a field trip - one with older kids than she was used to, but still. She had plenty of experience directing children and keeping them focused and preventing anyone from wandering off. Maybe this wouldn't be as difficult as she'd initially feared. It was a good thing she'd been reviewing the gallery information the past few days. Even had a few jokes planned!

With one last shaky breath to force the nerves down, she donned her well-practiced "good service" smile and went to join the director in greeting the tour group.

Activating Hypercharged and Hidden Talents.

Allure. Strong 1 + Competitive Spirit 1 + Yamato Nadeshiko 2 = +4

Skill. Strong 1 + Competitive Spirit 1 + Yamato Nadeshiko 2 + Hidden Talents (Honor Student) 2 = +6.

Yamato Nadeshiko justification:

"Less training, really, and more babysitting."

...babysitting, huh? Herding college students around a museum without them making a mess or leaving the group? That has mom activity written all over it.

2021-05-11, 06:16 PM
Natalia simply stays close to the people that she knows, rubbing her nose occasionally. "Th-the modern wing seems... quieter..."

Strong Allure +1, Sniffles +1, Scaredy-Cat (Crowds) +1 = +3 total on the roll.

2021-05-11, 10:51 PM
I would for one, Very much prefer a tour of the Impressionist first. Chloe curtseied.

"Did you know that Impressionism is a very French based style of art, that drew to relevance in the 1870's and 80's. It wasn't really popular at the time however.

Dr.Winters do you have Impression, soleil levant in your gallery? She asks brightly, mimicking the French tongue flawlessly. You see, Claude Monet is actually why the term got it's name. An art critic by the name of Louis Leroy didn't like the style and used the first word of the name of the piece to denigrate the entire style.

Strong skill, Connections, Classy lady, Honor student.

'We do not. In fact, we do not have many of the impressionists in the gallery at the moment, many of them are currently in our sister gallery in Minneapolis. We do, however have several of Degas's works on display as part of a collection themed around the ballet. This way."

Dr. Winters leads you up a staircase and into a gallery where the first thing you see is what appears to be a ballet dancer made out of recycled junk. a discarded pink umbrella forms a tutu, parts of a bicycle frame make up her legs, and other bits of garbage make the rest of her form. But it is along the backside of one of the various walls that form the gallery where you see the works of Edgar Degas. "This piece is called, "Entrance of the Masked Dancers." It portrays a section of a performance of the opera, "Don Giovanni," and shows a scene from just off, as well as, on stage."

Two people to chaperone ten to twenty technically-adult teenagers near closing time. Mary took a deep breath as she donned her uniform. She was the same age as them, and also they were teens getting their first taste of personal responsibility, so respect for the uniform was far from guaranteed. She and the director would have to command respect and herd them around like cats.

"Less training, really, and more babysitting."

Mary grinned as the director's words came back to her. She'd worked part-time at a daycare for years. This was just a field trip - one with older kids than she was used to, but still. She had plenty of experience directing children and keeping them focused and preventing anyone from wandering off. Maybe this wouldn't be as difficult as she'd initially feared. It was a good thing she'd been reviewing the gallery information the past few days. Even had a few jokes planned!

With one last shaky breath to force the nerves down, she donned her well-practiced "good service" smile and went to join the director in greeting the tour group.

Activating Hypercharged and Hidden Talents.

Allure. Strong 1 + Competitive Spirit 1 + Yamato Nadeshiko 2 = +4

Skill. Strong 1 + Competitive Spirit 1 + Yamato Nadeshiko 2 + Hidden Talents (Honor Student) 2 = +6.

Yamato Nadeshiko justification:

...babysitting, huh? Herding college students around a museum without them making a mess or leaving the group? That has mom activity written all over it.

It does indeed seem to be quite a bit of babysitting, and on occasion, you have to herd a few people away from the tour group, because they are taking pictures. Which is, of course, not allowed to begin with, but also, they seem to be taking pictures of the group itself, which includes Irini and that incredibly rich girl. Chloe. Which, you realize, also explains the extremely large donation Dr. Winters was so excited about.

You estimate you are two-thirds of the way through the tour when you feel a bottle being pressed into your hand. It is Irini, and she is giving you water.

"Please, you must be drinking. Have to stay moving, to keep up."

Ichika walks past a recreation of "La Liberté guidant le peuple" and gets an idea. "Hey, Natalia, look!" she says, pulling the girl to the painting. With her back turned, she undoes a few buttons on her shirt and turns around, presenting about as much cleavage as possible while still remaining covered. She mirrors the pose of Liberty carrying the flag while standing in front of the picture. "Look! I'm art!"

Allure, Shameless (+2), Touchy-Feely (+1)

"Young miss!" Dr. Winters admonishes you. "Please! This is a gallery. I have to ask you to dress appropriately, or leave."

This draws the attention of several boys (and girls, though they are less obvious about their looking) who whip out phones and start taking pictures while they can.

Natalia simply stays close to the people that she knows, rubbing her nose occasionally. "Th-the modern wing seems... quieter..."

Strong Allure +1, Sniffles +1, Scaredy-Cat (Crowds) +1 = +3 total on the roll.

Irini stays close by you, making sure that you are still able to walk. At one point in the tour, you find yourself sitting on a bench, looking at a painting that looks like a bunch of squiggly lines draw with no tools, just by running the jar or tube or whatever the paint came in across the canvas. And then, just as suddenly, you are alone. Irini is nowhere nearby. You look around and see her standing near one of the docents, handing the girl a bottle of water.

2021-05-11, 10:53 PM
"Young miss!" Dr. Winters admonishes you. "Please! This is a gallery. I have to ask you to dress appropriately, or leave."

This draws the attention of several boys (and girls, though they are less obvious about their looking) who whip out phones and start taking pictures while they can.

Hey! Hey! Chloe comments a second later, distracted by Ichika taking off her clothes.

Flash photography can damage the art! She chides the boys and gals.

2021-05-12, 06:59 AM
Ichika poses for the group, enjoying the attention. ”I don’t see how, it’s just light.” She blows a kiss to a particularly cute, if slightly nerdy looking, boy before buttoning up.

2021-05-12, 11:44 AM
Chloe fights her distraction to remark. If the paintings are photosensitive the flash will damage them.

2021-05-12, 10:01 PM
"Light is actually damaging to the paints and patinas of many of the objects in the gallery. We take great care to protect the pieces of art from exterior light, and we ask that you not expose our art to more light than is absolutely necessary so that we do not have to attempt more dangerous restorations."

2021-05-12, 10:46 PM
Yes, please. Put your phones away. Chloe comments gently guiding the closest girl's phone down.

2021-05-13, 06:09 AM
”Or just turn off flash,” Ichika adds with a wink.

2021-05-13, 06:38 AM
"Is not laughing matter," Irini says. "There are other reasons for no photography. One of which is security. They do not want thieves to have knowledges of cameras and other devices."

2021-05-13, 10:12 AM
”Or just turn off flash,” Ichika adds with a wink.

Listen, you can model later. Just not here. Chloe implores.

2021-05-13, 05:20 PM
”Disallowing flash photos does not stop that. Actually,” Ichika takes out her phone and puts it in a breast pocket, camera facing out, “this is a way more subtle way to plan a theft.” She would know, after all. “Matter is unimportant. I am buttoned up, anyone who wants to keep taking pictures of me looking at exhibits just has good taste.”

2021-05-15, 08:50 PM
Irini huffs as she turns away, a sound that conveys both disgust and some kind of anger.

She walks off, and one of the boys in the group shrugs in Ichika's direction.

"Some people, amirite?"

2021-05-15, 09:06 PM
Chloe attempts to follow her.

Do you want company, or to be left alone? She calls out.

2021-05-16, 02:13 PM
The tour finally ends, and as you leave the museum, Irini looks at the crowd still gathered around, and throws her coat on as she starts walking away. You aren't sure where she is going, or if she wants company, but there is really only one way to find out, isn't there?

Unopposed Roll!

Allure D6: Ask nicely where Irini is going. +1VP
Skill D8: Follow her without being seen! +2 VP
Conflict D6: What the heck! Can't you see we're trying to be friends here! +1 VP
Luck D10: Whatever, this whole day has been weird, I'm just going to go over here. +2 VP plus a ???

2021-05-16, 04:29 PM
By the time Mary is done helping lock up for the night, Irini is long gone. Just as well, Mary's got another gig to head to...

Luck +0, +1 from competitive spirit if somebody else attempts it. Idk what that option involves so idk how yamato nadeshiko could be relevant and that's the only other one tgat could apply.

2021-05-16, 04:43 PM
"Sorry, I kinda got distracted earlier..." Alice catches up to Irini and matches her pace with a smile, "Anyway, I'm all free now - where are we going, by the way?"
She didn't even think before saying "we", that was just obvious. That Irini might object, well, that didn't really cross her mind.
Stroing, Moe Enthusiast for +3

2021-05-16, 10:34 PM
Ichika follows after Irini. ”What the **** is your problem? You are acting pissy all day. If you don’t want to do social things, then don’t come! Do not sour mood for us!”
Conflict (+1), Violence is Always the Answer (+1)

2021-05-16, 11:09 PM
"If you want to catch up to her." A nerdy boy that was taking pictures of Ichika earlier pipes up to Chloe. "I know the city streets like the back of my hand, I'm a local. She'll never see you coming." He offers.

That's...... Makes it sound worse then it is.... Chloe points out. Let's see. She didn't mention hunger, and I don't think she mentioned an early class tomorrow. Logically, I can't see her going to a movie alone. My assumption is she wants an isolated place. Like a city park.

Chloe whips out her cell phone, and places a few calls to city park officials. Hey, if you see a girl, looks Russian, with brown hair, and the most beautiful eyes you'll ever see~ Please let me know.

That'll tell me where she is hopefully, and if not, its a pretty good sign she isn't there. Thanks for the help. She beams brightly as her and the boy start heading out.

"I....um... wanted to apologize. I didn't realize the flash could damage the art.

Strong skill, School queen, Connections, Honor student.

2021-05-17, 10:38 PM
"What... I don't..." Natalia had lost the thread of the conversation, and now everyone is upset. "W-wait... Irini, I-I'm not sure what..."

Strong Allure, Sniffles. +2. Really nothing else I can do.

2021-05-18, 10:55 PM
"Sorry, I kinda got distracted earlier..." Alice catches up to Irini and matches her pace with a smile, "Anyway, I'm all free now - where are we going, by the way?"
She didn't even think before saying "we", that was just obvious. That Irini might object, well, that didn't really cross her mind.
Stroing, Moe Enthusiast for +3

"Right now? Doesn't matter. Just... away. For time."

"What... I don't..." Natalia had lost the thread of the conversation, and now everyone is upset. "W-wait... Irini, I-I'm not sure what..."

Strong Allure, Sniffles. +2. Really nothing else I can do.

"Ah, yes, and how could I forgetting my little pevun’ya? You must be coming."

"If you want to catch up to her." A nerdy boy that was taking pictures of Ichika earlier pipes up to Chloe. "I know the city streets like the back of my hand, I'm a local. She'll never see you coming." He offers.

That's...... Makes it sound worse then it is.... Chloe points out. Let's see. She didn't mention hunger, and I don't think she mentioned an early class tomorrow. Logically, I can't see her going to a movie alone. My assumption is she wants an isolated place. Like a city park.

Chloe whips out her cell phone, and places a few calls to city park officials. Hey, if you see a girl, looks Russian, with brown hair, and the most beautiful eyes you'll ever see~ Please let me know.

That'll tell me where she is hopefully, and if not, its a pretty good sign she isn't there. Thanks for the help. She beams brightly as her and the boy start heading out.

"I....um... wanted to apologize. I didn't realize the flash could damage the art.

Strong skill, School queen, Connections, Honor student.

Uhh... Sure. I guess we can keep an eye out.

"Hey, Ron?"

"Yeah, Jimmy?"

"We got a call to keep an eye out for a Russian girl and to call someone back?"

"Get a name and number?"


"Guess we don't have to worry about it then."

Irini is not even half a block away, and the phone call, as it turns out, was unnecessary.

"Don't be worrying about tour. Was good fun, even if some thought to make light of culture."

Ichika follows after Irini. ”What the **** is your problem? You are acting pissy all day. If you don’t want to do social things, then don’t come! Do not sour mood for us!”
Conflict (+1), Violence is Always the Answer (+1)

Irini spins suddenly. Her hand whips out at the same time, her palm making solid contact with Ichika's face.

"Ask yourself same question, piz’da! You have done nothing but insult everyone since yesterday. And now you come here to me call pissed? Look on mirror.”

2021-05-18, 11:07 PM
Uhh... Sure. I guess we can keep an eye out.

"Hey, Ron?"

"Yeah, Jimmy?"

"We got a call to keep an eye out for a Russian girl and to call someone back?"

"Get a name and number?"


"Guess we don't have to worry about it then."

Irini is not even half a block away, and the phone call, as it turns out, was unnecessary.

"Don't be worrying about tour. Was good fun, even if some thought to make light of culture."

Yeah, like the initial burst of photos, I get. Not everyone's going to know how to treat fine art. Chloe muses.

I just wish they had stopped, when they realized it was damaging the art.

Irini spins suddenly. Her hand whips out at the same time, her palm making solid contact with Ichika's face.

"Ask yourself same question, piz’da! You have done nothing but insult everyone since yesterday. And now you come here to me call pissed? Look on mirror.”

Chloe blushes and winces, but initially says nothing.

2021-05-19, 06:21 AM
Ichika hits her right back. “Yes, and never unprompted.”

2021-05-19, 11:50 AM
Ichika hits her right back. “Yes, and never unprompted.”

But if you're getting pissy over me having friends. Chloe points out. Then the fact that it was "prompted" still doesn't make it a good reason to get pissy.

2021-05-25, 11:48 PM
Irini storms off and you follow her down a street. She makes another turn, and when you get around the corner, she is gone.

Where did she go, do you care, and what do you do?

Unnopposed roll.

Allure D8: Ask around for the Russian girl. +2 VP
Conflict D8: "Ask" for the Russian girl. +2 VP
Skill D10: Use your powers of deduction and reason to figure out where she went without using any help from anyone else! +3 VP

2021-05-26, 10:52 PM
Chloe thankfully can always get by with alil help from her friends.

First she asks the teenagers out on a late summer night before school starts if a Russian girl stormed past.

The teenagers are eager to help the pretty blonde and get Chloe to give her, her number in case they see her.

With that, she strikes up a conversation with an off duty fire fighter.

Yeah, my friend stormed off cause of a third party. Her name's Irina, and she looks Russian. Seen anyone like that?

Allure, School queen, Connections.

2021-05-26, 11:06 PM
Quite frankly?


Ichika shoves anyone who is near her away (other than Natalia, obviously) and storms off in the other direction, back toward campus. Why do you care so much anyways? Her hitting you shouldn’t have set you off like that.

I don’t know! I just... it hurt. Not physically, but emotionally. Like... I was being called out. But damnit, sometimes those people needed to be shoved around, roughed up!

And did you like being roughed up in return?

...well it made me think about what I did, so clearly there’s some value in it... I’ll apologize. Later. When it won’t bruise my pride so badly.

As Ichika gets closer to the dorms, she pulls out her phone and texts the RA from earlier. - Hey~! Good first few days? -
Truant - Skipping roll

2021-06-05, 11:50 PM
~~Episode Two: Organic Chemistry 101~~
Or, Haven't we met already?

The wind has picked up as the temperature begins to drop over the lengthening nights in Chicago. Irini has settled more or less into a routine, and today is no different.

Breakfast in the Student Union. Today's menu, a large coffee, a pastry, and last minute studying for a test. Math, it appears.

Unopposed Roll.

Allure D6: Fall style looks amazing on Irini, but better on you! +2 VP
Conflict D6: Play it cool, stay aloof, see what happens? +2 VP
Skill D8: This stuff is easy! Show Irini how to remember the subject at hand! +3 VP
Luck D6: Oh, look! They gave me an extra coffee, and it just so happens to be the same as what you are having! +2 VP

2021-06-07, 05:45 PM
Chloe for her part is already helping Irini, she's wrapped some dork into helping out on Irini's other side, the only person in her class to be earning better grades then her. But that's not all Chloe has in her barrel. Teacher's have bills to pay and for a fee while they won't give test answers, they will join Breakfest crunches on what the test will focus on.

"And hey. Irini you can trust me. My grades are good enough to get on the honor roll" She lied easily. Okay a couple of bad grades in history had recently knocked her off, but hey her math grades were still great.

Strong skill, school queen, connections, poker face

2021-06-09, 07:00 AM
Ichika walks into the cafeteria with her own little gaggle of students behind her - some boys that she met at a party the pervious night. As they pass Irini, Ichika gets a glance at her homework. Once they are out of earshot, she asks ”Hey Ian, Lucas, you’re in engineering, right?”

“Y-yeah,” says a nervous boy with brown hair. “Second year,” adds a taller, lankier one. Neither are exactly ‘cool looking dudes,’ but they were surprisingly charming and funny after everyone had a few drinks. And very easy to lead around.

“It looks like my friend Irini is having a little trouble with studying. You’d probably be a better person than me to try and help her.” She undoes two of her buttons quickly for the boy, and strokes his chest. “I would be extremely grateful if you could do this for me. Oh, and hand her this,” she adds, handing one of the older students a small envelope simply marked ‘Ichika’ in both kanji and Latin letters. As she buttons herself back up, she continues. ”Hand that to her, and then just ‘notice’ what she’s studying and offer to help. I’ve been meaning to apologize to her for a week now, and maybe this will be the thing that forces me to do it.”

While the two engineering students go to talk to Irini, Ichika sits down for breakfast with some of the girls of the group, chatting about boys.

Allure Skill - Carry My Books, Touchy-Feely (+1), Shameless (+2), School Queen (+2)

Also, Truant from the previous scene should proc to double the VP if I succeed, unless you want to rule that it doesn’t carry between episodes.

2021-06-12, 01:35 AM
Mary is hard at work with her study group, and waves Irini over when she spots the cutie looking a bit flustered with things. Mary's not the best student, but she's a hard worker, and natural talent flouders without putting in the effort. Hence, study group! A bunch of people working together to learn the harder stuff that class isn't teaching properly.

Skill. Strong Roll 1 + Renaissance Lady 1 + Competitive Spirit 1 + School Queen 2 = +5.