View Full Version : Funny thought- V and Xykon

Charles Phipps
2007-11-09, 08:49 PM
Ever think it must bug the hell out of V that Xykon is the most powerful magic-user in the world yet he's a Sorcerer?


Given the prejudice that Sorcerers suffer in the World of the Stick, it's got to be sticking in their craw that Xykon has effectively conquered Japan as well as used all sorts of magic that can't be pierced by Arcane magicians.

2007-11-09, 09:03 PM
Who in heck is Xyrkon and how would you know if this mysterious person is stronger than V? :smalltongue:

2007-11-09, 09:30 PM
And where the hell is Japan?

Uh, you know what I mean.

Personally, I think that V, while quite arrogant, is pragmatic enough to recognize that a 20+ level sorcerer is going to beat a level 13ish wizard. Truly, he'd be more incensed at your egregious misspellings than a sorcerer beating him at the scrying game.

Sorry, slipped into V verbosity for half a sentence there.

Green Bean
2007-11-09, 10:03 PM
Even if Xyrkon is similar to Xykon, I doubt any wizards would take it personally. Magic is full of absolute defences. A twentieth level wizard isn't going to pitch a fit if his Finger of Death bounces off the seventh level cleric who was smart enough to have a Death Ward active, and V isn't going to get an inferiority complex when he's blocked by anti-divination spells. Besides, Xykon had the same problem before the siege started anyway.

2007-11-10, 03:38 AM
Actually, I'm not sure V is the sort of prejudiced wizard who thinks Sorcerers are somehow second-rate--in fact, I think he might appreciate the lengths Xykon has gone to to achieve his power, and maybe even envy him slightly!

2007-11-10, 08:42 AM
No because sorcerers get their magic through heredity.
:vaarsuvius: I studied for a century before I mastered my first 1st level spell! :vaarsuvius:

:vaarsuvius: That hardly seems fair! :vaarsuvius:


2007-11-10, 09:08 AM
I think Vaarsuvius would not consider sorcerers equal; he/she/it might acknowledge that their magical might is equally as impressive (and possibly even be envious... after all, V's style of massive applications of blasting power are realised more effectively by a sorcerer*).

Even though V is obsessed with ultimate arcane power, and takes it very hard when shown the limits of his present abilities, I don't think that this is all that matters though. I'd suspect her to subscribe to something like:

'Take away our magic, and we are still scholars and sages, keepers of much arcane lore, founts of knowledge in a brutish and unenlightened world (...V would got on for a couple of paragraphs). Take away a sorcerer's magic and they are... nothing, really.'

* Yes, wizards have choice options specific to them that might make them a valid choice. V never used any of them though.

2007-11-10, 11:11 AM
To understand V, you must understand arrogance, ego (a very misunderstood word), and confidence. Confident, arrogant people like V do not compare themselves to others, they simply work at what they do to become the best. It's a tricky line to grasp for some, but it exists.

When faced with a limitation, even if that limitation is a more powerful person, V doesn't worry about the other person's superior abilities (which would be ego), he simply focuses on his own abilities to improve them (which shows self-confidence). See comic 504, panel 3.