View Full Version : Magic items that protect against fear (and/or other anti-player agency effects)

2021-03-22, 06:30 AM
I'm looking for magical items, NOT class features, but magical items that give immunity or saving throw advantage against effects that take away player agency. Things like Fear, paralysis, banishment. Etc. IE you either make the save or you don't get to do anything for the rest of the combat.

The best I've found is Cloak of Protection and Ring of Protection but those are generic protection items and only offer 5% better odds each. My googling results only yield people saying "just play paladin, bro" which is the opposite of helpful.

I'm asking because my DM really likes to throw in monsters that can cast spells like Fear, and I keep rolling low enough that I'm locked out of most combats.

2021-03-22, 06:43 AM
So there's some items like the Robe of the Archmagi or the Spellguard Shield that give advantage on saving throws vs magic - they might not help that much against high DCs unless you have proficiency and a reasonable score in the stat though.

Depending on the effect you also have things like the Rod of Absorption that can just absorb spells targetting you.

2021-03-22, 06:44 AM
The Ring of Free Action means you can ignore difficult terrain and cannot be paralysed or restained. That's the only specific condition immunity I can think of.

2021-03-22, 06:51 AM
There is also the Mantle of Spell Resistance

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement). You have advantage on saving throws against spells while you wear this cloak."

This helps when the effects are caused by spells.

However, many of these effects allow for a repeated save every turn so you want to make sure that this is being used. However, it may not help much if it is a high DC for a wisdom saving throw and you are playing a barbarian or fighter who dumped wisdom and have a -1 modifier.

The best bet is that sort of circumstance is to take the resilient wisdom feat that boosts your wisdom by +1 and gives proficiency with wisdom saving throws.

P.S. Yuan-ti pure blood and Satyrs have the Magic Resistance trait if either of those races are possible. In addition, gnomes have advantage on saves vs int, wis and cha so they can also do fairly well vs fear and similar effects.

2021-03-22, 07:08 AM
Not sure how you would get it, but
Mind Carapace Armor makes you immune to the frightened condition

Casting Bless, Calm Emotions, or Heroism will help you, which you can get through:
Prayer beads
Potion of Heroism
Spell Storing Ring

da newt
2021-03-22, 08:58 AM
The spell 'protection from good and evil' could be made into an item via magic item crafting rules. It's a 1st level spell, so it should be fairly cheap, but would be a very useful item. Ring, wand, shield, armor, helm, weapon ...

(Also, Vendalkin have ADV on Int, Wis, Cha saves too)

2021-03-22, 11:08 AM
Just because you don't get to take a turn doesn't mean you can't have some fun with these effects. When your turn comes up, narrate to your group what it is that your character is running from. Your character is probably afraid of something, and saying "Bip sees the skeletal figure raise its hands in the gestures of a spell, but that fades to the back of his mind as he perceives the skeleton's shadow suddenly bloat, gaining three dimensionality just before it bursts like an egg. Thousands of crawling hands twitch and spasm as they somehow surge in a tide towards Bip. He shoults out, rather mysteriously 'By Pelor! Not again!' before turning tail and running into the corner," is worlds more interesting than just crossing your arms and saying "I don't get a turn."

You can do the same sort of thing with paralysis. You can't necessarily communicate with the other players, but you can give them a little bit of story time as you describe what your character is thinking and feeling. "Bip feels an icy sensation spread across his body from the wound in his side. It's all Bip can do to stay upright as his muscles lock numbly. He finds that he cannot even blink as a droplet of anxious sweat wends its way into his eye, blurring his vision and giving him a stinging sensation. When you're locked inside your body, it's strange how you can focus on such a small feeling even when there is a battle raging around you!"

I admit that Banishment is a tough one...

I second the use of Bless. The +1d4 on saves is amazing.

2021-03-22, 11:34 AM
The spell 'protection from good and evil' could be made into an item via magic item crafting rules. It's a 1st level spell, so it should be fairly cheap, but would be a very useful item. Ring, wand, shield, armor, helm, weapon ...

There's no rule to make a spell into a magic item, aside from spell scrolls.

2021-03-22, 12:20 PM
Just because you don't get to take a turn doesn't mean you can't have some fun with these effects.

I admit that Banishment is a tough one...

You get sent into a distant dimension of peril, where you must claw your way out of the Pit of Lost Souls towards the World Door, while fending off the miserable shades who seek to drag you down into black oblivion.

I very much second the overall spirit of your post. Just because you don't get to decide on all of your character's actions doesn't mean you should suddenly quit roleplaying in a huff.

As for the actual intended query of the thread, all Instruments of the Bards come with Protection from Good and evil, which covers a wide range of such things. Don't know if that's relevant to you, though.

da newt
2021-03-22, 01:00 PM
I was referring to:

DMG pg 284-5
Xanthar's pg 128-130

2021-03-22, 01:11 PM
There's no rule to make a spell into a magic item, aside from spell scrolls.

They're likely referencing the DMG variant option (specifically for Dungeon Master's here) to create a Magic Item. The table says that common magic items can replicate the effects of a 1st level spell, however it also says that these are intended to be once a day or consumable effects.

You're right though, there is no simple rule for it, you'd have to ask your DM if such an item can even be created.

On topic: PotA has a legendary crown that gives you advantage against charm effects. Doesn't seem like a practical solution to get this, Mantle of Spell Resistance will usually accomplish the same thing. Ring of Spell Turning would be the premium option here. You could also use an Ioun Stone or Tome to boost your wisdom score, though that isn't any better statistically than the Cloak of Protection.

I know these aren't exactly what you're looking for, but unconditional immunity to fear isn't something offered by any existing magic item and most alternate suggestions have been mentioned already.