View Full Version : Would you allow this arificer armorer "hack"?

2021-03-22, 03:53 PM
Ok, here's the idea:
I have a full plate arcane armor, infiltrator style. It is magically attached to me (i can don/doff as action, so i assume it kinda just magically jumps into place when i don/doff it).
I would argue that a breast plate is a part of a full plate armor.

Would you allow me to doff the arm and leg plates to be left with a breast plate for sneaking purposes, then don them again if combat breaks out?

I know technically they are two separate armors, but how far fetched is it really?

(My character has lost both his legs, so he keeps his infusion-made bag of holding in his armor's leg so he can pull out his hand crossbow, Robocop style. I'm thinking the spare armor parts would swoosh in there too.)

Any thoughts on this?

2021-03-22, 04:17 PM
I'd allow it. Plate is expensive enough that allowing it function as a breatplate when needed is not going to break anything.

2021-03-22, 04:17 PM
I don't think it would be unreasonable to rule that you could partially don/doff your armor, especially if you need the greaves to walk but otherwise don't want to be wearing full armor all the time. I'd allow it but you'd have to keep the rest of the armor close enough together and still need a bonus action if you wanted to don/doff the rest.

2021-03-22, 04:21 PM
I made all my armors work in layers like this as a general houserule so yea I'd allow it.

2021-03-22, 04:35 PM
I wouldn't allow it. An Infiltrator's Dampening Field already cancels the disadvantage on stealth rolls from wearing full plate. I'd rule that the armor is designed to work as a cohesive whole, only using part of it isn't going to give you the advantages of wearing all of it.

2021-03-22, 04:52 PM
I wouldn't allow it. An Infiltrator's Dampening Field already cancels the disadvantage on stealth rolls from wearing full plate. I'd rule that the armor is designed to work as a cohesive whole, only using part of it isn't going to give you the advantages of wearing all of it.

Im just saying i would get the AC as if wearing a breast plate when the the other parts are off. Naturally i wouldnt ask to get full plate AC and no disadvantage on stealth.

Im assuming there is some gambeson or other type of leathery stuff underneath that would keep my legs intact.

But im aware if you go stricly RAW, then maybe its a stretch. But its a cool stretch me thinks

2021-03-22, 05:33 PM
The armor as a full set lets you sneak without disadvantage, I don't think I would allow an exception to let you sneak with advantage while only wearing part of it. Now if part of it were missing, (or you had some other reason) I would let you strip down to a breastplate and not give you disadvantage, but without the full set I wouldn't give you the infiltrator bonus to stealth either.

2021-03-22, 05:45 PM
The armor as a full set lets you sneak without disadvantage, I don't think I would allow an exception to let you sneak with advantage while only wearing part of it. Now if part of it were missing, (or you had some other reason) I would let you strip down to a breastplate and not give you disadvantage, but without the full set I wouldn't give you the infiltrator bonus to stealth either.
Fair enough.
Guess it would be easier to just have a spare breastplate to don then, and take the 5 minutes to get into that.. Doesnt look as cool though.

I'll throw some candy at my DM and see if allows it anyway.

2021-03-23, 12:22 AM
Not answering your question, but to provide an alternative...

I'm planning to quest for mithral ore and build Mithral Full Plate myself at level 10. It's an uncommon magic item, so half the gold cost and quarter of the time. This means it'll take half a week and 100gp. Much more economical and fun than buying regular full plate outright. I'll have to also find "the recipe", but since an Armorer is proficient in Smith's Tools already, I think this mostly looks like finding a forge capable of working the mithral.

Once I've got it, then I get the benefits of both full plate and stealth advantage (without attunement to boot). I'll probably buy a breastplate to tide me over until then (or just splint armor and live with the normal stealth rolls).

Edit: since Mithral Full Plate Armor is magical, I won't be able to infuse it with Enhanced Defense. Instead, I plan to put that on a shield. I didn't love repulsion shield anyway due to attunement requirement. I'd rather use an attunement slot on nature's mantle for bonus action hiding with stealth advantage and flash of genius. :)

2021-03-23, 04:16 AM
Straight of the bat? Probably not. I would allow a custom infusion that would allow this though. If nothing else but to justify that you basically leave two thirds of your armour on the ground. I'm assuming you would like to keep those parts for later? ;)

2021-03-23, 05:15 AM
I would allow it

2021-03-23, 08:44 AM
Straight of the bat? Probably not. I would allow a custom infusion that would allow this though. If nothing else but to justify that you basically leave two thirds of your armour on the ground. I'm assuming you would like to keep those parts for later? ;)

This is where I fall. Normally you wouldn't be able to do this kind of thing - you can only have one set of power armor, so changing to a breastplate won't actually help you unless you also long rest. I'd work with my player to come up with a satisfying agreement, which would probably take the form of an infusion that basically boils down to "You can, as an action, change this armor into any other armor that has a lower GP cost". Alternatively, if all you're looking for is to remove the disadvantage on stealth, just make that infusion a Mithril Armor Infusion (or at level 9+, allow them to use magic armor, and make a ruling that they can't enchant the main chest piece per the normal infusion rules, but the separate pieces can be infused individually per that feature).

2021-03-23, 09:52 AM
Straight of the bat? Probably not. I would allow a custom infusion that would allow this though. If nothing else but to justify that you basically leave two thirds of your armour on the ground. I'm assuming you would like to keep those parts for later? ;)

This is where I fall. Normally you wouldn't be able to do this kind of thing - you can only have one set of power armor, so changing to a breastplate won't actually help you unless you also long rest. I'd work with my player to come up with a satisfying agreement, which would probably take the form of an infusion that basically boils down to "You can, as an action, change this armor into any other armor that has a lower GP cost".

This is way too weak for an Infusion. It's weak to the point that it's effectively saying "no, I'd not allow it" because the price you're asking the player to pay is just too high.

I'd honestly rather have a DM be straight and say "no" than to "allow" it but only if the player shoots themself in the foot.

2021-03-23, 11:48 AM
This is way too weak for an Infusion. It's weak to the point that it's effectively saying "no, I'd not allow it" because the price you're asking the player to pay is just too high.

I'd honestly rather have a DM be straight and say "no" than to "allow" it but only if the player shoots themself in the foot.

What's the difference between "infusion to remove disadvantage", and "Replicate item : Boots of elvenkind"? Aside from the fact that combining them is a non-attunement stealth advantage in full plate.

2021-03-23, 11:58 AM
This is way too weak for an Infusion. It's weak to the point that it's effectively saying "no, I'd not allow it" because the price you're asking the player to pay is just too high.

I'd honestly rather have a DM be straight and say "no" than to "allow" it but only if the player shoots themself in the foot.

How do you figure? Allowing the artificer to more or less instantaneously change between two sets of armour without dropping the set you change out of is weak to you? Why?

2021-03-23, 01:51 PM
How do you figure? Allowing the artificer to more or less instantaneously change between two sets of armour without dropping the set you change out of is weak to you? Why?

If it costs an infusion, it should simply apply the effect of Mithral Armor, an uncommon magic item. This allows you to, at least, retain the full AC value of the armor.

2021-03-23, 04:24 PM
If it costs an infusion, it should simply apply the effect of Mithral Armor, an uncommon magic item. This allows you to, at least, retain the full AC value of the armor.

That wasn't what the OP was asking about and is a completely different thing. Replicate magic item allows the artificer to replicate common magic items, not uncommon magic items. You could, depending on where you stand on the whole "can you turn a magic armour into an arcane armour" issue, of course start of with a mithral armour to use for your arcane armour.

2021-03-23, 05:08 PM
How do you figure? Allowing the artificer to more or less instantaneously change between two sets of armour without dropping the set you change out of is weak to you? Why?

Yes. It's incredibly weak.

A plate-wearing character is going to have low Dex, so even if they could wear only the plate's breastplate they're not going to be particularly stealthy. Plus, when wearing the breastplate, they're going to have considerably lower AC.

An 8 Dex Artificer with Proficiency and Advantage on Stealth is going to - effectively - have a Stealth bonus equal to PB+2.82. That's pretty low, and they had to pay for this miserable Stealth bonus with a Background skill AND a subclass AND a choice within that subclass. That's a pretty big investment for a crappy bonus.

Now you're ALSO charging them an extra Infusion AND and an extra Infused Item. Those things are the life-blood of the Artificer, so anything that has to be paid in the form of an infusion/infused item should be really really worth it. This is not.

Plus, if they infuse their plate with this new infusion, then they can't also infuse it with another, much better one, since there's a limite of one infusion per item.

The opportunity cost for this artificer is simply not worth it. You might as well ban it than say you'd "allow" it when you're only "allowing" it with a dozen strings attached.

2021-03-23, 05:50 PM
Yes. It's incredibly weak.

Instead of just stating your opinion, can you at least try to asnwer the question as to why you are under the assumption that it is weak?

A plate-wearing character is going to have low Dex, so even if they could wear only the plate's breastplate they're not going to be particularly stealthy. Plus, when wearing the breastplate, they're going to have considerably lower AC.

The character being weak has nothing to do with whether or not the infusion itself is weak, that's is simply a false statement. Also, there is not reason why a plate-wearing character has to have a low Dex, especially not an artificer who can afford to dump strength. You are simply making an absurd assumption to fit your narrative. The difference between plate and breastplate is just 2, btw. Not really *that* considerable.

An 8 Dex Artificer with Proficiency and Advantage on Stealth is going to - effectively - have a Stealth bonus equal to PB+2.82. That's pretty low, and they had to pay for this miserable Stealth bonus with a Background skill AND a subclass AND a choice within that subclass. That's a pretty big investment for a crappy bonus.

Yes, but a an artificer with 22 Dex and expertise in Stealth will have a base bonus of +18! Again, you are just making things up that are completely irrelevant to the question. In fact, if you have a low dex character the ability to switch between good AC and better Sneaking is actually better than for someone who is already kind of good at sneaking.

Now you're ALSO charging them an extra Infusion AND and an extra Infused Item. Those things are the life-blood of the Artificer, so anything that has to be paid in the form of an infusion/infused item should be really really worth it. This is not.

Again, you still haven't given any reason as to why you believe that this is a bad infusion.

Plus, if they infuse their plate with this new infusion, then they can't also infuse it with another, much better one, since there's a limite of one infusion per item.

That goes for, literally, every other infusion as well. Do you consider every single infusion "weak" because they take up one of the four infusion slots of an armorer's armour? I mean, it's OK if you do but it doesn't really make any sense...

The opportunity cost for this artificer is simply not worth it. You might as well ban it than say you'd "allow" it when you're only "allowing" it with a dozen strings attached.

It's not "a dozen strings", it's a single, very simple, condition. You need to use one of the infusion slots (of which the armorer gets two extra, btw) to give your full plate the ability yo get advantage on stealth for the cost of 2 points of AC whenever you feel like it.

2021-03-23, 06:26 PM
Instead of just stating your opinion, can you at least try to asnwer the question as to why you are under the assumption that it is weak?

The character being weak has nothing to do with whether or not the infusion itself is weak, that's is simply a false statement. Also, there is not reason why a plate-wearing character has to have a low Dex, especially not an artificer who can afford to dump strength. You are simply making an absurd assumption to fit your narrative. The difference between plate and breastplate is just 2, btw. Not really *that* considerable.

Yes, but a an artificer with 22 Dex and expertise in Stealth will have a base bonus of +18! Again, you are just making things up that are completely irrelevant to the question. In fact, if you have a low dex character the ability to switch between good AC and better Sneaking is actually better than for someone who is already kind of good at sneaking.

It's not "a dozen strings", it's a single, very simple, condition. You need to use one of the infusion slots (of which the armorer gets two extra, btw) to give your full plate the ability yo get advantage on stealth for the cost of 2 points of AC whenever you feel like it.

Did you miss the rest of my post where I did answer the question? :smallconfused:

Or, you know, they want to pump any of the other 4 stats that are better (like Con or Wis). It's perfectly fine to assume a plate wearing character isn't going to have high Dex.

A Dex 22 Artificer isn't going to be wearing plate.

It's not a single condition, it's at the very least 5 (pick Armorer, pick Infiltrator, pick that infusion, buy a Plate, don't pick other infusions that can be used on your Plate), with the last one being a huge opportunity cost.

2021-03-23, 07:09 PM
That wasn't what the OP was asking about and is a completely different thing. Replicate magic item allows the artificer to replicate common magic items, not uncommon magic items. You could, depending on where you stand on the whole "can you turn a magic armour into an arcane armour" issue, of course start of with a mithral armour to use for your arcane armour.

The OP is asking about a workaround to be able to use Dexterity (Stealth) with advantage despite wearing Plate Armor. If we are saying that it should cost an infusion to be able to do this, then we must compare to existing infusions to know how powerful it should be.

A known infusion one can take at 6th level is Boots of Elvenkind, which is a non-attunement item that does not take up the armor slot. It grants advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) and makes your footsteps completely silent. However, this item is redundant with Infiltrator, so we'll make up a different infusion.

Let's suppose Flexweave Armor is an infusion available at 6th level, which doesn't take attunement. It works like Mithral Armor; it applies to the armor slot and cancels out any stealth disadvantage the armor might have. Compared to Boots of Elvenkind, you don't get silent footsteps, and give up your ability to use a different armor infusion (such as +1/+2 AC), but it stacks with Infiltrator to fully grant advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

In summary: you'll take an opportunity cost of an infusion known and potentially 1 or 2 AC, but have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. I feel this is a fair trade.

If the infusion instead only allows you to shift your armor into a different type at will, what you're actually gaining, in effect, is the ability to reduce your AC by an additional 2 in order to gain that same stealth advantage. In essence, you're taking an opportunity cost of an infusion known, perhaps your attunement, and 3 or 4(!) AC in order to use that Dexterity (Stealth) advantage. Even if swapping is only an Action, a full Action is a huge cost at the start of combat...

2021-03-23, 09:12 PM
Straight of the bat? Probably not. I would allow a custom infusion that would allow this though. If nothing else but to justify that you basically leave two thirds of your armour on the ground. I'm assuming you would like to keep those parts for later? ;)

He's keeping the parts in an infusion-made bag of holding which is strapped to one of his greaves, because he lost his legs.

Even if the DM disallows treating the plate as breastplate with some parts in the bag, i'd at least allow you to just don the legs so you could walk. You'd just have to wear something else and use your action to Ironman your armor on, though that would also mean you aren't wearing your armor so no stealth advantage. Hmm. Maybe just change to a breastplate and invest in the AC boosting infusion if your DM doesn't permit.

But yeah, personally I wouldn't mind at all you putting away some of your plate into the bag and just use your armor as a breastplate until you want to use your action to trade the stealth benefits for the extra AC (like if combat breaks out. Using your action seems like a big enough cost as it is).

2021-03-23, 10:52 PM
Edit: since Mithral Full Plate Armor is magical...

Is mithral / adamantine armor a magic item? Or is the material itself what provides those special properties?

Sure, it's listed with the magic items, but so is a standard healing potion. Afaict, it's just put there for simplicity's sake.

2021-03-23, 11:55 PM
Is mithral / adamantine armor a magic item? Or is the material itself what provides those special properties?

Sure, it's listed with the magic items, but so is a standard healing potion. Afaict, it's just put there for simplicity's sake.

Yeah, I've wondered that as well. It doesn't seem like it should be magical. It would be really great to put Enhanced Defense on the armor and hunt for a good magic shield (Spellguard for instance).

2021-03-24, 03:34 AM
Did you miss the rest of my post where I did answer the question? :smallconfused:

Well, you wrote more words but you didn't answer the question...

Or, you know, they want to pump any of the other 4 stats that are better (like Con or Wis).

Better? According to whom? Objectively you'll want a 14 as an artificer to get maximum value out of medium armour and also be at least somewhat good with a lot of the artificer's tool and skills. Especially if you're going to be sneaking.

It's perfectly fine to assume a plate wearing character isn't going to have high Dex.

You can assume anything you want but that doesn't make a lick of a difference when it comes to whether or not the infusion is "weak". Saying that certain builds don't benefit from it makes it weak is like saying that the Holy Avenger is weak because wizards can't use it properly.

A Dex 22 Artificer isn't going to be wearing plate.

More assumptions. I'd rather you'd show us the overabundance of artificers running around with Dex as a dumpstat. Or you know, anything that is actually relevant to the question?

It's not a single condition, it's at the very least 5 (pick Armorer, pick Infiltrator, pick that infusion, buy a Plate, don't pick other infusions that can be used on your Plate), with the last one being a huge opportunity cost.

Wow, now you're just reaching. Yeah, of course "an armorer who wants to wear plate" has to be an armorer who buys plate. That has nothing to do with the actual infusion though. And, just to hammer in the point that you are reaching, not only armorers would benefit from this infusion. In any way, if "has to play the appropriate class and buy gear and infuse it" is what makes infusions weak in your book, you must think every infusion is weak.

The OP is asking about a workaround to be able to use Dexterity (Stealth) with advantage despite wearing Plate Armor.

Well, the question was if they could doff part of the plate to be left with just the breastplate. Gicing up some AC is part of the original premise. My answer is, as stated, only if you come up with an appropriate infusion. Being able to stealth with advantage in plate at level 6 is pretty darn powerful though and basically negates the whole drawback that is purposebuilt part of the subclass.

He's keeping the parts in an infusion-made bag of holding which is strapped to one of his greaves, because he lost his legs.

I know, and having auto-store capabilities connected to the infused legs (which should of course be allowed to be kept) is part of the infusion. The whole idea of the Armorer is that you have to choose between stealth or better armour. If you allow the character to negate that, why even have the two different modes?

Is mithral / adamantine armor a magic item? Or is the material itself what provides those special properties?

Sure, it's listed with the magic items, but so is a standard healing potion. Afaict, it's just put there for simplicity's sake.

What other material than magic material would be able to negate the effects of disadvantage of stealth. What non-magic energy drink allows you to heal broken bones? ;)

Seriously though, rules-wise they are magic items so if we are going by the rules as a basis for the discussion, we have to treat them like a magic item. Again, since they are uncommon the can't be replicated by infusions which only allows to replicate common items so it doesn't really matter for us. :)

2021-03-24, 06:23 AM
The whole idea of the Armorer is that you have to choose between stealth or better armour. If you allow the character to negate that, why even have the two different modes?

I thought the idea was he is choosing between stealth and AC by dropping the fullplate to a breastplate, costing an action to swap between the two.
Having both Stealth Adv and Full Plate 18 AC at the same time i could feasibly see as an infusion, though i’d personally add some sort of rider to sweeten the deal.

Also guardian armor doesnt actually make your armor better at all, but yeah there is a choice between the weapon types and the speed/stealth or THP.

2021-03-24, 08:42 AM
Seriously though, rules-wise they are magic items so if we are going by the rules as a basis for the discussion, we have to treat them like a magic item. Again, since they are uncommon the can't be replicated by infusions which only allows to replicate common items so it doesn't really matter for us. :)

This isn't the first time this has been asserted, and I need to point out that it is wildly incorrect. To start with, +1 enhancements are either uncommon or rare, depending on the item it's put on. More importantly, Replicate Magic Item does allow you to make any Common magic item - but it also then gives a long list of magic items you can replicate, which are almost entirely Uncommon, and at level 14, includes a number of Rares. So I have no idea where you get the idea where the argument of "can't do that, it's not common" comes from when we are talking about homebrew to begin with. Uncommon items are 100% in line with what Replicate Magic Item can do.

2021-03-24, 08:45 AM
I'd allow the breastplate only... just not sure if you could still walk. Here's the question: Is 2/3, or 3/4, or anything less than 100% of a magic thing still the magic thing? If you remove the metal parts of the armor's legs, is it still the same armor? If I have a staff of the magi that has a big gem at the top, can I pry it out of the staff and still have a staff of the magi? So if I have artificer's armor, and remove half of it, is what's left still the same armor? Now, I can use an action to make whatever I'm wearing my new arcane armor, but then I can't get the metal legs back without taking the time to put them on because they wouldn't be part of my new armor. :smallyuk:

2021-03-24, 10:16 AM
What other material than magic material would be able to negate the effects of disadvantage of stealth.

It's described as being light-weight, flexible, and presumably doesn't make much noise when struck. So, I'd call it a "fantasy metal," not a "magical metal."

But it doesn't actually matter if the material is inherently magical or not; the material isn't the item. To be a magic item, the item must be enchanted. (imo, i guess)

What non-magic energy drink allows you to heal broken bones? ;)

Seriously though, rules-wise they are magic items so if we are going by the rules as a basis for the discussion, we have to treat them like a magic item....

Standard healing potions are called out in the rules as being exempt from the standard magic item paradigm.

I'd allow the breastplate only... just not sure if you could still walk. Here's the question: Is 2/3, or 3/4, or anything less than 100% of a magic thing still the magic thing?...

This is what the whole thread is actually supposed to be about. And I'd say "probably not." If it weren't for the whole using-the-armor-as-prosthetic-limbs thing, I might be cool with only equipping part of it and still keeping the better stealth. But those parts are needed for too many functions in this case, so I'd have to vote against it.

2021-03-24, 10:31 AM
I thought the idea was he is choosing between stealth and AC by dropping the fullplate to a breastplate, costing an action to swap between the two.

Read the whole thing. The idea of the Armorer (as in the subclass) is what I said. The thing I commented on was trying to circumvent that.

This isn't the first time this has been asserted, and I need to point out that it is wildly incorrect. To start with, +1 enhancements are either uncommon or rare, depending on the item it's put on. More importantly, Replicate Magic Item does allow you to make any Common magic item - but it also then gives a long list of magic items you can replicate, which are almost entirely Uncommon, and at level 14, includes a number of Rares. So I have no idea where you get the idea where the argument of "can't do that, it's not common" comes from when we are talking about homebrew to begin with. Uncommon items are 100% in line with what Replicate Magic Item can do.

Well, you are one hundred percent wrong. "Replicate magic item" is a completely seperate infusion from "Enhanced weapon". Please read the actual rules for RMI which clearly states (emphasize mine since it is clearly needed): "If you have Xanathar's Guide to Everything, you can choose from among the common magic items in that book when you pick a magic item you can replicate with this infusion."
The magic item in relevance was Mithral Armor which is uncommon. Now, can we please get back on topic?

It's described as being light-weight, flexible, and presumably doesn't make much noise when struck. So, I'd call it a "fantasy metal," not a "magical metal."

But it doesn't actually matter if the material is inherently magical or not; the material isn't the item. To be a magic item, the item must be enchanted. (imo, i guess)

What makes sense and what the rules say aren't always the same. Again, the rules clearly state that Mithral Armor is an uncommon magic item, therefor, for the sake of the Artificer's RMI infusion, it is an uncommon magic item.

2021-03-24, 10:46 AM
I do see the potential for armorer specific infusions. Big missed opportunity IMO with all artificer subclasses.

Make it a lv 6 option that removes the disadvantage on stealth with any armor and add the ability to don/doff the armor as an action. They can don the armor as long as the armor is on the same plane if existence as the armorer.

2021-03-24, 11:22 AM
Read the whole thing. The idea of the Armorer (as in the subclass) is what I said. The thing I commented on was trying to circumvent that.

Well, you are one hundred percent wrong. "Replicate magic item" is a completely seperate infusion from "Enhanced weapon". Please read the actual rules for RMI which clearly states (emphasize mine since it is clearly needed): "If you have Xanathar's Guide to Everything, you can choose from among the common magic items in that book when you pick a magic item you can replicate with this infusion."
The magic item in relevance was Mithral Armor which is uncommon. Now, can we please get back on topic?

It seems like only one poster here is failing to "read the whole thing" lol. With 2 paragraphs, we see 2 examples of having totally missed the point.

1st, the OP isn't trying to get better stealth and better armor (as in full plate) simultaneously. OP wants to doff part of it to effectively get a lesser armor (as in breastplate) during stealth.

2nd, Quietus wasn't just talking about the infusion "enhanced weapon;" he was talking about standard +1 weapons, which are actual uncommon magic items.

I have no idea how you could have missed the point about common / uncommon items so completely. It was even in the same sentence! lol. (My best guess is that you stopped reading at the dash.) The point was that it "gives a long list of magic items you can replicate, which are almost entirely Uncommon, and at level 14, includes a number of Rares," therefore, it'd be perfectly reasonable to allow other uncommon items to be replicated as well.

-- He didn't say this part, but I'll add that the only reasonable point of contention would be at which level to allow a particular unlisted uncommon item to be replicated. Since lvl 14's list is comprised entirely of rares, I'd say lvl 10 at the latest.

What makes sense and what the rules say aren't always the same. Again, the rules clearly state that Mithral Armor is an uncommon magic item, therefor, for the sake of the Artificer's RMI infusion, it is an uncommon magic item.

All (non-AL) tables should excise all stupid rules in bright red ink and replace them with what does make sense.

OP is already outside of pure RAW territory with his request, so there's little reason to try to hold RAW up as the only thing that matters despite saying it doesn't even making sense.

2021-03-24, 05:37 PM
It seems like only one poster here is failing to "read the whole thing" lol. With 2 paragraphs, we see 2 examples of having totally missed the point.

Very magnanimous of you to admit that you missed the point. Would you like some help getting back on track?

1st, the OP isn't trying to get better stealth and better armor (as in full plate) simultaneously. OP wants to doff part of it to effectively get a lesser armor (as in breastplate) during stealth.

Never claimed they do. I was replying to a post that specifically talked about getting both.

2nd, Quietus wasn't just talking about the infusion "enhanced weapon;" he was talking about standard +1 weapons, which are actual uncommon magic items.

So what does that have to do with anyhing then? You still can't use RMI to create uncommon magic items so the point still stands.

I have no idea how you could have missed the point about common / uncommon items so completely. It was even in the same sentence! lol. (My best guess is that you stopped reading at the dash.) The point was that it "gives a long list of magic items you can replicate, which are almost entirely Uncommon, and at level 14, includes a number of Rares," therefore, it'd be perfectly reasonable to allow other uncommon items to be replicated as well.

Again, the rukles for RMI specifically state that you can only replicate common magic items. Is that really so hard to comprehend?

-- He didn't say this part, but I'll add that the only reasonable point of contention would be at which level to allow a particular unlisted uncommon item to be replicated. Since lvl 14's list is comprised entirely of rares, I'd say lvl 10 at the latest.

That level would, if we go by the rules of the game we are talking about, never. Since the rules specifically state that you can only replicate common items. Huh, feels like we've been through this already...

OP is already outside of pure RAW territory with his request, so there's little reason to try to hold RAW up as the only thing that matters despite saying it doesn't even making sense.

The part where RAW is relevant has very little to do with OP's question. It was a sidetrack since people appearantly hadn't read the rules for RMI. Now, can we get back to the topic at hand or are there more thinsg that you need to have explained to you?

2021-03-24, 05:56 PM
So what does that have to do with anyhing then? You still can't use RMI to create uncommon magic items so the point still stands.

Please indicate to me which of the following items are not Uncommon.

Replicable Items (2nd-Level Artificer)
Magic Item Attunement
Alchemy jug No
Bag of holding No
Cap of water breathing No
Goggles of night No
Rope of climbing No
Sending stones No
Wand of magic detection No
Wand of secrets No
Replicable Items (6th-Level Artificer)
Magic Item Attunement
Boots of elvenkind No
Cloak of elvenkind Yes
Cloak of the manta ray No
Eyes of charming Yes
Gloves of thievery No
Lantern of revealing No
Pipes of haunting No
Ring of water walking No
Replicable Items (10th-Level Artificer)
Magic Item Attunement
Boots of striding and springing Yes
Boots of the winterlands Yes
Bracers of archery Yes
Brooch of shielding Yes
Cloak of protection Yes
Eyes of the eagle Yes
Gauntlets of ogre power Yes
Gloves of missile snaring Yes
Gloves of swimming and climbing Yes
Hat of disguise Yes
Headband of intellect Yes
Helm of telepathy Yes
Medallion of thoughts Yes
Necklace of adaptation Yes
Periapt of wound closure Yes
Pipes of the sewers Yes
Quiver of Ehlonna No
Ring of jumping Yes
Ring of mind shielding Yes
Slippers of spider climbing Yes
Winged boots Yes

2021-03-24, 10:59 PM
Don't worry, just like your previous posts and the rules for the game, ihe either won't read or understand that either.

I have to agree with heavyfuel on the infusion cost part. If player asks to homebrew a flavorful and mechanically helpful option, I feel it's better to just say on them to make it a trap option. If they had a flavor reason for it, they're still going to want to pick it even though it's bad in its actual iteration.

The initial infusion suggestion misses the mark on the mechanics while the mythral option doesn't go for the flavor of the OP.

Some sort of additional bonus to the initial infusion is needed to make it worth it.

2021-03-25, 07:33 AM
I might rule that the pieces, once removed, are no longer part of the armor's magic and need to be re-attached manually. That's the only part that sounds even slightly exploitive.