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View Full Version : Brainstorming Trying to work out a third god for a trio; any suggestions?

Grim Portent
2021-03-28, 01:15 PM
So I got an idea for a god earlier, Anaxul, god of death and agriculture, who has since spiralled into a thing in my head and I want to make them part of a triumvirate pantheon. But I'm blanking on a third god to make part of this.

So far my ideas are;

Anaxul - God of death, agriculture, fertility, construction, labour, birth, charity, the hearth, the commonfolk. Depicted in various ways, often a human with the head of a livestock animal or a normal human man or woman, frequently accompanied by a sheepdog, infrequently depicted as pregnant. Symbols include scythes, hammers, cleavers, shepherd's crooks, sickles and other worksman's tools with depictions generally carrying one or more such items.

Adherents believe that Anaxul maintains vast fields and forests in the hereafter, with those who die going there to live an eternal life without hunger, cold or fear. An eternal life of simple work and simple pleasures in huge agrarian communities.

Anaxul's holy animals include all domestic livestock, but the faith places extra significance in dogs, who are sometimes viewed as protectors gifted to humans by Anaxul.

Offerings to Anaxul are simple, a communal meal held in the Spring and Autumn before an idol of the deity with a plate of food and a drink placed before the idol. Doctrine holds that the meals used in the offering, both the one offered to the deity and the ones eaten by the parishioners, should be humble but of similar fare to that which the participants would normally eat.

Lumidium - God of the Sun, Moon and stars, lord of the sky and heavens, god of war, justice, nobility, kings, priests, the seasons, beauty, passion, courage, honour, protection. Portrayed as a regal man or (less frequently) woman garbed as a priest, noble or warrior, often mounted on a horse. Symbols include crowns, weapons, rods, staffs and censors.

The faith of Lumidium holds that he rules as the king of the heavens, dwelling in palaces and castles constructed amongst the countless stars in the heavens with all the creatures of the air as his servants. During the day he rides through the sky as the sun and at night as the moon, illuminating the world below and keeping watch for the horrors that dwell in the darkness between the stars and that crawl from the ground where his light does not reach.

Lumidium's church holds most birds to be sacred, along with horses and bears. Temples to Lumidium are usually somewhat open to the air, and birds are attracted by the presence of food, nesting sites and clean water provided by the priests. Larger temples or rural churches may set aside some of their land for the purpose of keeping horses. Bears prove difficult to incorporate into temple life.

Lumidium is honored at the solstices and equinoxes, with parades, music and the lighting of bonfires.

??? - God of ???

I feel there should be a third god with elements of trade, knowledge, medicine, the sea and so forth, but nothing's coming together in my head.

2021-03-28, 03:25 PM
First instinct- a deity that governs water and nature beyond the scope of human control.

You've got two gods that explain the structure of the lived world--the sanctity of subsistence and the sanctity of social connections that create law--but presumably the world is filled with things that can't be controlled.

Since you're making your gods very broad, I'd say the natural third is a deity who embodies two standard components of a polytheistic worldview:

The power that controls the waters...not necessarily the sea, but the rain, rivers, flooding, ice caps on mountains, wells, all the water flow that affects agrarian life but cannot be perfectly controlled...

...and the power that is supplicated when venturing into spaces indifferent to humanity. This would include any "wild" space, but also night and darkness.

From a certain angle, these ideas mesh well with the idea of a god of learning and knowledge, because those are means of coping with what is beyond control.

brian 333
2021-03-28, 04:57 PM
Clarea, Goddess of Water, Knower of Secrets.

The goddess controls the flow of water in all its forms. Her vapors rise to the highest heavens and trickle to the bottom of the deepest crack. Clarea knows all that occurs near water, feeling it as a person feels the weight of a silken gown against her skin.

Clarea is the essence of change, and that which is new arises from her womb. Everything alive is her grandchild.

Adventurers, merchants, and sailors worship her and give her gifts of items new to the worshipper which are tossed into wells, rivers, ponds, or are otherwise destroyed in water.

She has no set holy days, but worshippers feast and revel before starting a new voyage, adventure, or business venture.

Music is said to be her greatest pleasure, given to her by a mortal. She blessed her handmaids with song, and they became the eight mothers of the merfolk, who sing to this day.

Even those who explore the deep recesses of libraries are her worshippers because they seek hidden treasures. Thus wizards revere her unlike the sorcerers who prefer to venerate the moon.

2021-03-29, 01:02 AM
A third piece to complete your two others (Agriculture = Earth & Sun = Sky) is a good of water.
Something that is always nice is if also a god that governs fate & future (trying to get away from pesky death).

2021-03-29, 02:46 AM
I like the idea of a god of water and chaos. {Scrubbed}

Alternatively, if you want a third god of civilization, how about a... middle class god? That sounds bad. But you have a god of nobility and a god of the common folk, perhaps a lesser god of specialists and craftsmen? I don't know how advanced your society is, but a god of masons, metallurgists, architects, smiths, herbalists, whatever other esoteric crafts your society has that a layman may know only little about. If you want to go into details a bit, this could be a a quieter god than the other two, who mostly has small scale ceremonies with groups of initiates who share valuable secrets, instead of grand public ceremonies.

2021-03-29, 10:46 AM
I see two cool ideas for the third spot in this trio. The third god could be an "evil" god or at least a god that represents the harsher and more uncontrollable aspects of nature. {Scrubbed}

{Scrubbed} You have a very clear Father in Lumidium, a very clear Mother in Anaxul, now you just need a Son. This kind of god would be {Scrubbed} a warrior who is associated with lightning who uses a percussive or far-striking weapon like a club or a bow. He is the friend of humanity, by far the most mortal friendly of the three, and his main job is slaying monsters and keeping the world cycle going.

He embodies manly and even "middle class" virtues to some degree, like Eldan was saying, where one could imagine that Lumidium is a god most associated with the nobility and noble pursuits like hunting, poetry, magic and battle strategy. Anaxul popular with the producing class with rituals that involve sex, feasting, and love. The Son god is a god of free men, who craft their own possessions and own their own small plots of land. He is associated with defending home and hearth, with good drink and hard work as well as athleticism. {Scrubbed}

2021-03-29, 11:24 AM
Metamagic Mod: everyone please remember that the 'No Real World Religion' rule applies to real-world historical mythology as well.

Grim Portent
2021-03-29, 05:54 PM
An idea has formed, taking bits from all the suggestions, and a bit from a discussion with my brother.

Bysipsis - The Vassal Worm, god of knowledge, water, exploration, risk, fortune, wealth, the unknown, inspiration, art, healing, innovation, strategy, darkness, cowardice. Depicted in a subervient position to the other deities, Bysipsis is often portrayed as a serpent, leech, worm, eel, dragon or disfigured human. Associated with quills, scrolls, curved geometric shapes and serpentine designs.

Bysipsis is a being from the dark, born beyond the light of the gods, a member of the demonic pantheon. Doctrine holds that Bysipsis swore an oath of allegience to Lumidium after being bested in combat by the sun god, pledging eternal service in exchange for mercy. The serpent god lurks in the darkness outside Lumidium's light and watches over mortals who choose to stray out of the sun's vigil. At times Bysipsis sneaks into the domains of the other demon gods to spy on their plans and steal their secrets in order to spirit them back to Lumidium in hopes of currying his favour. The serpent has a terrible fear of danger, surpassed only by it's greed, coveting and risking much in order to hoard objects of value and beauty and it's fawning desire for Lumidium's respect.

Temples honouring Bysipsis often serve as hospices, tending to the sick and the lame, and providing shelter to vagrants and the homeless who are collectively seen as mortal reflections of the deity. While many serpentine or wormlike animals are considered somewhat sacred by the church, only leeches are kept in any significant number on temple grounds, though they are treated more as a disposable tool of the faith than a holy being in their own right. Larger temples often serve as libraries, collecting, translating and preserving knowledge to a greater extent than churches built to the other deities. The very largest temples serve as acadamies, training wealthy students in a range of useful skills.

Lumidium is begrudgingly revered by sailors, merchants and explorers. Many resent the associations with the poor and the sick that come with the faith, with some trying to create gated churches that do not act as hospices, placing greater emphasis on the artisanal aspects of Anaxus, the courage of Lumidium or turning to foreign gods of commerce and travel.

Festivals honouring Bysipsis traditionally involve pardoning criminals, tending to the sick and launching seafaring vessels, and are celebrated during the new moon.