View Full Version : DM Help Pharblex's Treasure

2021-03-28, 08:14 PM
So, I run two D&D 5e games. One of them is Hoard of the Dragon Queen. (If you're playing through that adventure, I suggest you read no further.)

The PCs just wrapped up killing Pharblex Spattergoo, and next session will probably get a chance to ransack his private sanctum. Problem is, the book says he has a trapped chest, but no contents.

The Roll20 summary indicates he has two spellbooks in the sanctum (not very useful since there are no wizards in the party, although I suppose they could be sold once the PCs are in Waterdeep at the start of Rise of Tiamat. I suppose they could also be in the chest.

I think I'll add a few shinies using the Treasure Hoard Challenge 0-4 table from the DMG, excluding the coins, and see if any magic items come up. What have any of you done to fill this unfortunate gap?

Sparky McDibben
2021-03-28, 08:52 PM
I find rings of spell storing, or rolling up 2d6 random scrolls (from spell lists available to the party, albeit at random spell levels), tends to work in a pinch.

2021-04-02, 06:22 PM
unfamiliar with the encounter or the general situation, but just kinda spit balling low level gifts for the PC's

- I might suggest some sort of fragile loot as a reward for not triggering the trap (the trap shatters the contents or similar): a few potions, a feather token or 3
- "obviously empty chest" actually contains a 1 foot by 1 foot sheet of invisibility cloth or bag wrapped around something honestly nice; perhaps a lower rarity wand or a minor amulet such as a Periapt of Health, making this a standard treasure and an interesting magical trinket they may find cool uses for. ***if you want to drop them a subtle hint describe how they "see nothing in the chest", not that its empty, if you want them to find it make the cloths effect noticeable as a vague haze on a DC 12-16 perception check, if you want to old D&D it up "a few moths greet you on lazy wings as the lid opens, the chest is otherwise empty" and they need to physically manipulate the chest or touch the bag by waving their hands around inside to get a chance to notice it***
- For bonus laughs I sometimes hand my players a Talisman of the Sphere and watch them panic ***I generally only do this is there are no Spheres of Annihilation in the module*** its still an adamentine object and may see some clever use