View Full Version : Best Magic items to boost movement speed.

2021-03-31, 03:02 PM
What are the best magic items to boost movement speed, would prefer stuff that is a continuous +X to movement speed as opposed to things like wands of expeditious retreat.

2021-03-31, 03:24 PM
Rapid wrath (Gh), rollers (FF), and tooth of Ronove (ToM) are your best bets for large, always-on bonuses to movement speed. Handy spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sJRCphWkrtLm8Q6iD6_YPp00MggiAT556j9231uu5Lg/edit#gid=0&fvid=1452281166)

2021-03-31, 09:23 PM
Not exactly what you're asking for (I think Trocacctid's already covered that pretty thoroughly) but I thought it might be worth mentioning: the Cleric spell Footsteps of the Divine (CC p.120) can give a +50ft untyped bonus to your move speed. It's only 1 round per level duration, but it is potentially persistable. I don't know what resources you have available but if you can get it from an item it's a big bonus which stacks with everything.

2021-03-31, 09:54 PM
It's a bit weird due to being a pseudo-item and how you move at half speed while ethereal, but a phase cloak bound to your shoulders chakra. Yeah, yeah, it kind of nibbles around the edges of what you're asking for, but it lets you move through walls and avoid traps at will, and it lets you fly whenever you want. So boost your movement speed really high and go through obstacles instead of around them. You could spend three days trying to go around the chasm, or you could spend a round and float right over it.

Segues quite well with spider climb, too, since you can hold onto walls and ceilings instead of standing on the floor (which may or may not be made of lava). Also levitate.

2021-03-31, 10:22 PM
It's a bit weird due to being a pseudo-item and how you move at half speed while ethereal, but a phase cloak bound to your shoulders chakra. Yeah, yeah, it kind of nibbles around the edges of what you're asking for, but it lets you move through walls and avoid traps at will, and it lets you fly whenever you want. So boost your movement speed really high and go through obstacles instead of around them. You could spend three days trying to go around the chasm, or you could spend a round and float right over it.

Segues quite well with spider climb, too, since you can hold onto walls and ceilings instead of standing on the floor (which may or may not be made of lava). Also levitate.

Hey, don't sell it short. Just shaping the phase cloak gives you a rough equivalent to a climb speed; +4 competence to climb (+more with essentia), the ability to take 10 even in combat, and you retain your dex while climbing. You're still moving at 1/2 speed for rushed climbing but general speed boosts still help there too.

Speaking of general speed boosts and incarnum; the worg pelt bound to the feet gives you a speed bonus of 5ft plus 5*essentia feet and the dread carapace bound to the feet gives you a -massive- +60 feet plus 10*essentia for one round each minute. A level of totemist will get you access to all three but opening your chakras takes a bit more investment unless there's a caster in the party or you're willing to shell out for magic items to pry your chakras open.

2021-03-31, 10:41 PM
A psychoactive skin of proteus. It allows you to use metamorphosis at will, which is a fantastic way to get really high racial boosts to your base land speed, special abilities like the cheetah's sprint, and free movement modes, such as flying, climbing, burrowing, and more.

A necklace of natural weapons with the throwing and distance abilities that focus on unarmed strikes allows you to throw yourself, since it's entirely possible to perform an unarmed strike with a shoulder-ram or a flying kick. Just perform a full attack by throwing yourself and aiming for a 5' space (AC 5), and cover up to 100' per attack. 200' with Far Shot. The more attacks you've got, the faster you can hurl yourself. Have 5 thrown unarmed strike attacks in a round? Enjoy covering that 1,000' in 6 seconds. And you can throw yourself upwards, too, so it's pseudo-flight.

Also, boots or anklets enhanced as horseshoes of speed and horseshoes of the zephyr. Just UMD them as being race: horse, and you're golden.

2021-03-31, 11:07 PM
UMD a Monk's Tattoo: Roll -20(UMD) +4 (Tattoo) = effective monk lvl
If your UMD is high enough, you can get epic monk values even before hitting epic lvl yourself. Best on a warlock 4 base to take 10 on the UMD rolls.

2021-03-31, 11:28 PM
When all else fails, wear rollerblades. Sorry, Cyran Gliding Boots (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20061120a) from Eberron which give you a +10 enhancement bonus to your move speed (as long as you're not going uphill).

2021-04-01, 01:45 AM
UMD a Monk's Tattoo: Roll -20(UMD) +4 (Tattoo) = effective monk lvl
If your UMD is high enough, you can get epic monk values even before hitting epic lvl yourself. Best on a warlock 4 base to take 10 on the UMD rolls.

UMD of Monk's tattoo will confer the abilities of a 4th level monk. Is that what you mean by effective monk level?

2021-04-01, 02:12 AM
UMD of Monk's tattoo will confer the abilities of a 4th level monk. Is that what you mean by effective monk level?

Sometimes you need to use a class feature to activate a magic item. In this case, your effective level in the emulated class equals your Use Magic Device check result minus 20. This skill does not let you actually use the class feature of another class. It just lets you activate items as if you had that class feature. If the class whose feature you are emulating has an alignment requirement, you must meet it, either honestly or by emulating an appropriate alignment with a separate Use Magic Device check (see above).

UMD roll - 20 (penalty from UMD) + 4 (the effect of the tattoo) = effective monk lvl

2021-04-01, 03:06 AM
UMD roll - 20 (penalty from UMD) + 4 (the effect of the tattoo) = effective monk lvl

No. Monk's tattoo grants +4 levels to monk abilities. The UMD effective monk level is for the purposes of activation only.

2021-04-01, 05:00 AM
No. Monk's tattoo grants +4 levels to monk abilities. The UMD effective monk level is for the purposes of activation only.

Yeah and you need to be (or pretend to be) a monk to activate the (passive/ongoing) effect of the magic item. Seems to me to work as intended. The item then gives you in return the values for the effective monk lvl. You do not get the abilities (for the purpose of meeting requirements for other stuff like PRC), but you get the effects of those abilities. Similar to how a Monk's Belt works, which gives you the unarmed damage of a monk but not the ability (to enhance em as manufactured/natural weapons). When you UMD the tattoo you get the values for the effective monk lvls, but not the abilities themselves. Since the monk abilities are sole bonuses/increases to standard stats (besides from improved unarmed strike as mentioned) we get almost the full effect as a monk would get.

2021-04-01, 08:12 AM
Since the monk abilities are sole bonuses/increases to standard stats (besides from improved unarmed strike as mentioned) we get almost the full effect as a monk would get.

I don't really understand what you mean. You emulate a monk. Because of successful UMD check, you get the +4 levels to monk abilities specified in the item description.

2021-04-01, 08:39 AM
A necklace of natural weapons with the throwing and distance abilities that focus on unarmed strikes allows you to throw yourself, since it's entirely possible to perform an unarmed strike with a shoulder-ram or a flying kick. Just perform a full attack by throwing yourself and aiming for a 5' space (AC 5), and cover up to 100' per attack. 200' with Far Shot. The more attacks you've got, the faster you can hurl yourself. Have 5 thrown unarmed strike attacks in a round? Enjoy covering that 1,000' in 6 seconds. And you can throw yourself upwards, too, so it's pseudo-flight.Oh, and on a related note, you can use TWF/ITWF/GTWF without taking the feats; you are just saddled with the penalties for doing so, which are significant. However, missing a 5' space on an attack roll just means you land in an adjacent 5' space, so unless you're trying to hop on pillars over an open pit or something, this doesn't matter. So feel free to take the massive attack roll penalties to double your number of attack rolls (and thus the distance you can cover in a round).

2021-04-01, 08:40 AM
I don't really understand what you mean. You emulate a monk. Because of successful UMD check, you get the +4 levels to monk abilities specified in the item description.

+4 levels to the level you have emulated with the UMD roll. That sets the values given by the item. I don't get where you see the problem?

e.g. you naturally roll a 16 for UMD and have a (umd) modifier of +10:
16 (rolled) + 10 (umd modifier) - 20 (umd penalty for emulating class lvl/abilities) = 6 (not including the +4 from the tattoo)
The character would be treated as 6th lvl monk for the activation of the tattoo and would gain stats from the tattoo like a 10th lvl monk.

edit: changed a sentence to prevent misinterpretation.

2021-04-01, 10:11 AM
+4 levels to the level you have emulated with the UMD roll. That sets the values given by the item. I don't get where you see the problem?

e.g. you naturally roll a 16 for UMD and have a (umd) modifier of +10:
16 (rolled) + 10 (umd modifier) - 20 (umd penalty for emulating class lvl/abilities) = 6 (not including the +4 from the tattoo)
The character would be treated as 6th lvl monk for the activation of the tattoo and would gain stats from the tattoo like a 10th lvl monk.

edit: changed a sentence to prevent misinterpretation.

No, that's not how it works, that would be super broken. From the SRD:

Emulate a Class Feature

Sometimes you need to use a class feature to activate a magic item. In this case, your effective level in the emulated class equals your Use Magic Device check result minus 20. This skill does not let you actually use the class feature of another class. It just lets you activate items as if you had that class feature. If the class whose feature you are emulating has an alignment requirement, you must meet it, either honestly or by emulating an appropriate alignment with a separate Use Magic Device check (see above).

If you could add your level to the item's bonus, that would be using the class feature from the UMD check, which you explicitly cannot do. You roll UMD to convince the item you should be able to use it. If you succeed in tricking it, you get the bonus. In this case, the bonus is a +4, which gets added to your 0.

As for putting throwing and distance on unarmed strikes, since that's unclear it's very GM dependent. Try that in my game and you'll get a street fighter style ki blast if I'm feeling nice. If I'm not feeling nice, you will very much regret not getting returning as well.

2021-04-01, 10:38 AM
Boots of Striding & Springing (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#bootsofStridingandSpringing): Continuous +10' Land Speed (Enhancement), and gives +5 to Jump checks. Simple as, does just what the label says. 5,500 GP
Boots of Skating (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#bootsofSkating): Allows you to use the Skate (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/skate.htm) power at-will, lasting for a minute each activation. TL;DR +15' Land Speed (Enhancement), but the bonus goes to normal if moving uphill, but adds 15' if moving downhill (which is a Circumstance Bonus, nicely enough). 7,000 GP.

Theoretically you could combine the two per the MiC rules if your DM allows it - Boots of Skating & Striding & Springing, which would give a +15' move speed, +10' uphill, +30' downhill, and a +5 to Jump checks. Not that I'd recommend it unless your DM uses slopes often, but hey :smalltongue:. 15,250 GP

2021-04-01, 10:46 AM
The boots of gravity (Planar Handbook) allow you to fall in whatever direction you want, via changing your personal gravity. This means that after a few rounds, you can fall at terminal velocity. And you continue to do so as long as they're active and you don't hit anything. Landing is the hard part, of course, but if you have feather fall or can hit a really high Tumble check (or you can fly), you should be good.

2021-04-01, 10:55 AM
No, that's not how it works, that would be super broken. From the SRD:

If you could add your level to the item's bonus, that would be using the class feature from the UMD check, which you explicitly cannot do. You roll UMD to convince the item you should be able to use it. If you succeed in tricking it, you get the bonus. In this case, the bonus is a +4, which gets added to your 0.

As for putting throwing and distance on unarmed strikes, since that's unclear it's very GM dependent. Try that in my game and you'll get a street fighter style ki blast if I'm feeling nice. If I'm not feeling nice, you will very much regret not getting returning as well.

None of the abilities are "use activated".

This skill does not let you actually use the class feature of another class.

You use your "unarmed strike damage".. to use your monk's unarmed strike damage
You use your "movement speed".. to make use of your monk's unarmed movement
You have an AC..that can be improved

Nowhere do you "use" any of the abilities directly to profit from their passive bonuses. You use em indirectly.
The item just needs to be "activated" by wearing it and being (or with UMD pretending to be) a monk who can use those class features (even if used indirect). The item than gives you values/bonuses to those "stats" (unarmed damge, movement speed, AC) according to the monk levels.

UMD lets you pretend to be a higher level monk and thus gives you the increased results accordingly.

In this case, your effective level in the emulated class equals your Use Magic Device check result minus 20.
With those emulated levels you get a stronger effect from the tattoo in return.

2021-04-01, 11:34 AM
.UMD lets you pretend to be a higher level monk and thus gives you the increased results accordingly.

That is neither Rules as Written nor Rules as Intended. There is nothing in UMD that provides you extra phantom levels in this scenario. All UMD allows you to do is activate the magical device. The description of the Monk's Tattoo is clear on what it grants on activation.

Perhaps some other people can chime in. You are the first person I have ever seen make this claim about UMD.

2021-04-01, 11:39 AM
What are the best magic items to boost movement speed, would prefer stuff that is a continuous +X to movement speed as opposed to things like wands of expeditious retreat.

In honor of the date, I respectfully submit that a pit trap with a teleport at the bottom of the shaft that teleports you to the top of the shaft is the best magical item to boost movement speed. Nothing beats falling!

2021-04-01, 02:15 PM
Boots of Striding & Springing (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#bootsofStridingandSpringing): Continuous +10' Land Speed (Enhancement), and gives +5 to Jump checks. Simple as, does just what the label says. 5,500 GP
Boots of Skating (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#bootsofSkating): Allows you to use the Skate (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/skate.htm) power at-will, lasting for a minute each activation. TL;DR +15' Land Speed (Enhancement), but the bonus goes to normal if moving uphill, but adds 15' if moving downhill (which is a Circumstance Bonus, nicely enough). 7,000 GP.
The latter was nerfed in MIC. It's only +10 or +20 now, and it's all an enhancement bonus. You're better off with Shaundakul's boots or greaves of Aundair.

2021-04-01, 02:19 PM
The latter was nerfed in MIC.Of course it was. The MIC hates most of my favorite items, so why not that one?

The original was pretty decent, but the MIC one isn't, since there are cheaper ways to get +10' to movement speed.

2021-04-01, 08:54 PM
None of the abilities are "use activated".

You use your "unarmed strike damage".. to use your monk's unarmed strike damage
You use your "movement speed".. to make use of your monk's unarmed movement
You have an AC..that can be improved

Nowhere do you "use" any of the abilities directly to profit from their passive bonuses. You use em indirectly.
The item just needs to be "activated" by wearing it and being (or with UMD pretending to be) a monk who can use those class features (even if used indirect). The item than gives you values/bonuses to those "stats" (unarmed damge, movement speed, AC) according to the monk levels.

UMD lets you pretend to be a higher level monk and thus gives you the increased results accordingly.

With those emulated levels you get a stronger effect from the tattoo in return.

That quote just means you must emulate the level at which the relevant class feature is gained to be able to activate the item. Say for fast movement, you would have to emulate a monk level of 3. Moving faster is using fast movement. Punching someone and using a monks unarmed strike damage is using that class feature. It says you can't use the class feature, not you can't use it directly. 'Use' is not the same as 'activate.' You can't gain the bonus from an ability without using it.

2021-04-01, 10:42 PM
Not exactly what you're asking for (I think Trocacctid's already covered that pretty thoroughly) but I thought it might be worth mentioning: the Cleric spell Footsteps of the Divine (CC p.120) can give a +50ft untyped bonus to your move speed. It's only 1 round per level duration, but it is potentially persistable. I don't know what resources you have available but if you can get it from an item it's a big bonus which stacks with everything.

Footsteps of the divine cannot be persisted as per Persistent Spell entry "Spells of instantaneous duration cannot be affected by this feat, nor can spells whose effects are discharged."

2021-04-01, 11:45 PM
Horned Helm from A&EG will double your speed also. If you want the DM to throw a book at you, a continuous item of Expeditious Retreat will only run 4,000gp.

2021-04-02, 12:34 AM
Horned Helm from A&EG will double your speed also. If you want the DM to throw a book at you, a continuous item of Expeditious Retreat will only run 4,000gp.

9k. The guideline is to compare with extant items and the tooth of dahlver nar keyed to ronove has that exact effect priced at 9k. Tome of Magic pg 79,

2021-04-02, 12:46 AM
That quote just means you must emulate the level at which the relevant class feature is gained to be able to activate the item. Say for fast movement, you would have to emulate a monk level of 3. Moving faster is using fast movement. Punching someone and using a monks unarmed strike damage is using that class feature. It says you can't use the class feature, not you can't use it directly. 'Use' is not the same as 'activate.' You can't gain the bonus from an ability without using it.

..your effective level in the emulated class equals your Use Magic Device check result minus 20

The quote doesn't limit you to the required lvl. It says, it emulates class level equal your UMD roll -20. A clear statement imho.

The Tattoo improves the unarmed strike damage, speed, and AC of the monk recipient by four levels.
The tattoo doesn't target any of the monk abilities at all. It asks for your (emulated) monk lvl and gives you in return the stats a monk four levels higher would had. It doesn't change your monk abilities (if you should have any) at all. It targets your stats: unarmed strike damage, speed and AC.

Also, boots or anklets enhanced as horseshoes of speed and horseshoes of the zephyr. Just UMD them as being race: horse, and you're golden.
I would like to add Horseshoes of Flame to the list, imho the best option due to style bonus (nightmarish look)^^

2021-04-02, 08:56 AM
The quote doesn't limit you to the required lvl. It says, it emulates class level equal your UMD roll -20. A clear statement imho.

That's just telling you the DC to emulate a class feature is determined by the level at which a class would gain the class feature. Increasing your move speed with fast movement is using fast movement. As in, to emulate the class feature the DC is 20 + (the level at which that class feature is gained.)

The tattoo doesn't target any of the monk abilities at all. It asks for your (emulated) monk lvl and gives you in return the stats a monk four levels higher would had. It doesn't change your monk abilities (if you should have any) at all. It targets your stats: unarmed strike damage, speed and AC.

According to your quote, it doesn't 'ask for your level,' it just increases it by four. If you can convince it you're a monk with a UMD check, you get the bonus, which adds to your monk level of 0.

But this is beside the point of the thread, so I don't want to derail it any more by both of us repeating ourselves. So I'll just ask, does this seem balanced to you? I know a Monk's Tattoo is pretty expensive, but that's because it's slotless. If it works like you're saying, then a Monk's Belt would work the same way. So a wisdom based caster could just pay 13k for an AC bonus of (UMD check - 15) / 5 + WIS mod. For a wild shaped druid, that's huge, and armor they can wild shape in costs at least 9k for a probably smaller bonus that doesn't apply to touch, and probably has an armor check penalty. Oh, and their unarmed strikes can get up to 2d10 pretty easily, more if they're wild shaped into something bigger than medium. I know druids don't generally have much charisma, but boosting a skill is still really easy. Even if you can convince a DM that's RAW or RAI, convincing them to let you do it is another matter.

2021-04-02, 11:11 AM
9k. The guideline is to compare with extant items and the tooth of dahlver nar keyed to ronove has that exact effect priced at 9k. Tome of Magic pg 79,

4k. The tooth you mention is a unique item that can't be created, and also doesn't take up a slot which doubles the price. The icing is that it's a pact magic item as well.

2021-04-02, 11:14 AM
That's just telling you the DC to emulate a class feature is determined by the level at which a class would gain the class feature. Increasing your move speed with fast movement is using fast movement. As in, to emulate the class feature the DC is 20 + (the level at which that class feature is gained.)

According to your quote, it doesn't 'ask for your level,' it just increases it by four. If you can convince it you're a monk with a UMD check, you get the bonus, which adds to your monk level of 0.
Imho that is what you are reading into it. The text says to use the roll -20 as effective level for the item.

But this is beside the point of the thread, so I don't want to derail it any more by both of us repeating ourselves. So I'll just ask, does this seem balanced to you? I know a Monk's Tattoo is pretty expensive, but that's because it's slotless. If it works like you're saying, then a Monk's Belt would work the same way. So a wisdom based caster could just pay 13k for an AC bonus of (UMD check - 15) / 5 + WIS mod. For a wild shaped druid, that's huge, and armor they can wild shape in costs at least 9k for a probably smaller bonus that doesn't apply to touch, and probably has an armor check penalty. Oh, and their unarmed strikes can get up to 2d10 pretty easily, more if they're wild shaped into something bigger than medium. I know druids don't generally have much charisma, but boosting a skill is still really easy. Even if you can convince a DM that's RAW or RAI, convincing them to let you do it is another matter.

It's a strong option I'll admit that, but it ain't more game breaking than the Tashalatora feat imho. You can get monk abilities without any monk levels at all. Nothing new. One has to take psionic class levels the other has to optimize UMD.
That being said, I can see a reason for non optimized tables to deny this option (together with Tashalatora) as houserule. But imho this is how you use UMD, be it RAW or RAI.

And yeah, imho Monk's Belt works the same way. The reason I didn't mentioned it is because it doesn't give the monks unarmored speed as the Tattoo does.

2021-04-02, 02:10 PM
There's still the text about using the ability though. I don't think 'use' is a term that's defined anywhere, so we have to go with the dictionary definition of the word. Per merriam webster:

to employ for some purpose; put into service; make use of

To apply monk's fast movement to your speed is to make use of it, I really can't see any way around that. But we've both made our interpretations clear and I don't think it's really contributing to the point of this thread, so if you want to discuss it further I think a new thread would be called for.

2021-04-02, 07:29 PM
There's still the text about using the ability though. I don't think 'use' is a term that's defined anywhere, so we have to go with the dictionary definition of the word. Per merriam webster:

To apply monk's fast movement to your speed is to make use of it, I really can't see any way around that. But we've both made our interpretations clear and I don't think it's really contributing to the point of this thread, so if you want to discuss it further I think a new thread would be called for.

It all boils down to the different ways to "use" something and how the Tattoo benefit is worded. There are things that you willingly chose to use/activate and than there are those abilities that you just use passively/indirectly without any choice to activate/suppress it at all.

Flat passive bonuses to movement speed, AC and increased unarmed strike damage values belong to the latter category.

You UMD the Tattoo to get the bonuses/increases accordingly to your regular stats. The tattoo doesn't give you the abilities, nor does it increase/target those abilities. It directly increases the relevant stats. Due to this, the wearer doesn't need to "use" the monk abilities to profit from em.


Crystal of Alacrity (armor crystal) gives a flat +5ft moral bonus to speed.

And btw..
How about magical mounts? Do they count too? IRRC there should be a few magic items to get mounts.

2021-04-02, 10:21 PM
It all boils down to the different ways to "use" something and how the Tattoo benefit is worded. There are things that you willingly chose to use/activate and than there are those abilities that you just use passively/indirectly without any choice to activate/suppress it at all.

Flat passive bonuses to movement speed, AC and increased unarmed strike damage values belong to the latter category.

You UMD the Tattoo to get the bonuses/increases accordingly to your regular stats. The tattoo doesn't give you the abilities, nor does it increase/target those abilities. It directly increases the relevant stats. Due to this, the wearer doesn't need to "use" the monk abilities to profit from em.

I guess the disagreement is just on the word 'use,' then. It's not the same as activate. I don't activate my sword to hit someone, but I am using the sword if I attack with it. I didn't activate a bowl when I used it to hold my dinner. Same as I'm using my unarmed strike damage when I do damage with an unarmed strike.

But, if we can't agree on the definition of the word, going back and forth isn't going to accomplish anything. So, I think the closest to a conclusion we can get is that it all depends on whether you're using fast movement by benefiting from it's enhancement bonus. I can't see how that's even debatable, but I sure don't know everything. :smallsmile:

Oh, as for the subject of the thread, if you can get an item of a polymorph spell that can turn you into an animal, you can pick whatever creature has the best move speed and use that. I can't think of anything with a great speed off the top of my head, maybe a cheetah if you just want to go really fast for a round. Someone else can probably think of better examples, maybe there's a specific item somewhere that can replicate a good polymorph spell.

2021-04-02, 10:31 PM
Oh, as for the subject of the thread, if you can get an item of a polymorph spell that can turn you into an animal, you can pick whatever creature has the best move speed and use that. I can't think of anything with a great speed off the top of my head, maybe a cheetah if you just want to go really fast for a round. Someone else can probably think of better examples, maybe there's a specific item somewhere that can replicate a good polymorph spell.Phylactery of change, A&EG. One polymorph form at will, chosen 1/day.

Metamorphosis is flat-out better than polymorph if it's going to be self-only regardless, and a psychoactive skin of proteus allows you to use it at will. A lot more expensive, though.

2021-04-03, 09:36 AM
Found an old thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?289749-Fastest-3-X-creature) where people were looking for the fastest 3.x creature, if you're interested in polymorph. (Remember, no thread necromancy)

Wyrmling Mercury Dragons (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20040103a) have a fly speed of 150 with only 3 HD, and someone made a good point about blink dogs. While it's not exactly what you asked for, it doesn't get much faster than at will dimension door. I mean, except at will teleport, but you'd want it to be greater teleport or spamming it would be a real bad idea, and anything that has that probably has a lot more HD.