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2021-03-31, 08:50 PM
Splinter Rifle
Weapon (Rifle)

This strange weapon is usually found with a few highly toxic crystals near it. It is incredibly light and well-balanced, even for use in melee combat, and fires shards of the crystals as projectiles.

When used as a melee weapon, it has the following profile as a martial weapon:

1d8 Slashing Damage
Two-Handed, Finesse

When used at range, it has the following profile as a martial weapon:

1d4 Piercing Damage
Two-Handed, Range 200'/800'

It may fire up to a hundred shots before needing to be reloaded. Spent crystals are gone entirely, while partially-used crystals must be removed and replaced. Removing a partially-used crystal requires one attack, replacing it with a new one also costs one attack.

Various crystals have different properties, but the baseline crystal deals an additional 2d4 poison, 1d4 acid, and 1d4 necrotic damage.


Splinter Pistol
Weapon (Pistol)

Similar to a Splinter Rifle, a Splinter Pistol is a one-handed, shorter-ranged variant.

When used as a melee weapon, it has the following profile as a martial weapon:

1d4 Slashing Damage
Finesse, Light

When used as a ranged weapon, it has the following profile as a martial weapon:

1d4 Piercing Damage
Range 100'/400'

It fires the same crystals as a Splinter Rifle, dealing the same additional damage, but only houses fifty shots per crystal.


Ammo Crystals
Ammunition (Splinter Weapons)

Ammo Crystals are condensed crystals of potent poisons, designed to be used in Splinter weaponry. Touching them without gloves deals 1d4 poison damage upon initial contact, and the crystal's full damage (along with any side-effects) if handled for a full round. Each round of continued handling deals the damage again.

The Ammo Crystals come in many types.

Deals 2d4 poison, 1d4 acid, and 1d4 necrotic damage.

Deals 1d4 poison and 2d4 necrotic damage. A target that suffers any of this damage must make a DC 16 Wisdom save or become Frightened of the attacker until the beginning of the attacker's next turn.

Deals 1d4 poison and 2d4 acid damage. A target that suffers any of this damage must make a DC 16 Strength save or become Restrained until the beginning of the attacker's next turn as their own skeleton or other internal structure warps in uncomfortable and quite painful ways.

Deals 3d4 poison, 2d4 acid, and 2d4 necrotic damage.

Deals 2d4 poison and 1d4 psychic damage. A target that suffers any of this damage must make a DC 16 Intelligence save or become Blinded by hallucinations until the beginning of the attacker's next turn.