View Full Version : Darkness Risers (Spheres in Review)

2021-04-04, 01:00 AM
Didn't really have much interest in the Striker class, to be honest. But someone requested it and so I'll review it. Let's see if it can't wow me.

Post Review Analysis: It's a pretty solid tank class. Definitely had more complexity than I expected.
Most people will probably understand the title. There's plenty of cultural overlap.

Ranking system:
(S) Superb: You always want this. It's awesome.
(G) Good: These make useful additions to the right builds.
(M) Meh: While perhaps better than nothing, you are giving up something for it, so probably shouldn't without a good reason.
(N) No.

Newly Introduced: (A): Archetype: This is rated based on its used in an archetype, because it's so extremely superior in that context.
<Angle brackets> around a rating indicates situational usefulness, and how good it is in that favorable situation.
(C) Cheese: A talent so broken that it will be instantly banned if you use it as you could.
(I) Impossible: Can't be rated because it is just not defined well enough to give a meaningful rating - it depends too much on DM ruling, or personal use. I'll just place it where I guess the average result would put it.
(F) Flavor: This indicates that the main draw to the talent is going to be its inherent fluff or flavor, rather than raw power or utility.

(G-S): Powerful talents that are almost, but not quite, universally useful or desirable.
(M-G): These are pretty reasonable talents of mediocre strength.
(N-M): It technically has a use, but the cost simply doesn't outweigh the benefit.

Combat Training (S): Generally just write off Combat Training as generic talents. But he is a full practitioner. Most importantly though, his practitioner modifier is Constitution. Which means that if you have any SoM ability that forces a save, it's based on Con, which is pretty great.

AC Bonus (G): It's like Monk's AC Bonus, except it uses Con rather than Wis, which is good. But it's capped to your level, which is bad. But you can also use light armor, which is good. But it has no innate scaling, which... you already get light armor, DON'T COMPLAIN!
Unironically... getting to use light armor bumps it up a fair bit. An unenchanted Chain Shirt is the equivalent of 16 levels in Monk. (God damn. Monk. What the heck!) So yeah, it's Good. And it's not costing you a feat-equivalent with Unarmored Training. You aren't spending on weapons, so you really should just buy armor. Oh, and talk to your DM about using the Armor as DR rules, for reasons seen later.

Tension (G-S): Have a pool of up to Constitution modifier + 1/3 level. Built up either by 1) unarmed attacks / CMs, 2) taking damage while not flat-footed, or 3) moving 10 ft or more during your turn.
You can gain up to 3 tension / turn, if you manage to accomplish all 3. That is fairly limited, and you will want to build in such a way that you can gain max charges each turn. High attack numbers, touch attacks, no power attack, guardian sphere, 10ft step. So on so forth.
Also, there is no stipulation that you partake in deadly combat to gain tension. Just slap yourself across the face for 1 nonlethal damage every minute, and you'll have full pools.

Tension Techniques (I): To be in its own section, but these are the baseline methods of spending your tension. Free actions, taken even when not you
Note that even if you generate more tension after using a technique, you can't use it again until your next turn.

Tension Boost (G): Grants starting tension. Which is great if you just woke up from a good nap, and weren't able to slap yourself silly without waking up. Or if your DM requires combat to be defined as a dangerous conflict between two non-allies.

Drill Knuckle (M-G): At level 3, it's decent, ignoring 2 DR or hardness. With the class incentivizing high # of attacks, those two things can really have you pinned. But it simply does not scale to any notable degree. If it grew at 2 / 3 levels, that would put it at a solid (or maybe low) G, given the context.

Uncanny Dodge (G): Can't be caught flat-footed. So, as long as you are aware of your attacker, you generate tension on taking damage. Oh, and I guess you are harder to hit. I guess. Kinda wanna take hits. Oh, this is the S&M class.

Desperate Tension (M-G): It would be an incredible stroke of unluck for you to have 0 tension...unless everyone just noped away from the creep who wants to get hit. But hey. 1 occasional bonus tension isn't bad.
But if you only have the tension gained from being hit, you can spend it before your next turn, and net yourself a small...actually most of your buffs go away at the beginning of your next turn.

Tension Training (G): Quickly ranked below. More ways to get tension is nice.
Deceptive / Threatening Taunt (<S>) If you have methods of proc'ing Bluff or Intimidate without using an action, these are quite supreme. Still pretty good if it's a swift action (and you don't otherwise need those swift actions), decent if it's a move action (and you don't otherwise need it) and bad otherwise.

Deadly Offense (<G-S>): If you convince your GM to allow nonlethal knockouts, then this is great. But even so, it's pretty solid, assuming you don't want prisoners.
Victorious Defense (<G-S>): Are you regularly having to make saves? Cool. Then you can regularly succeed on those saves, and thus get free tension.

Critical Offense (N): Criticals are really unusual, and you must confirm it, and you only get 1 tension from it.

Pummeling Punisher (N-M): Lets you spend an additional 2 tension when using Rapid Pummel for an additional attack, and additional -2 to both hits. That's 5 tension. Almost 2 full rounds of building tension just for this, and you take a further penalty. It's more efficient than Rapid Pummel on its own, but man.

Rising Tension (S): 1 free tension every round. Nice.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (M): Negate Sneak Attack. yay. And flanks I guess.

Ultimate Tension (G): It's pretty nice, for an end cap to the class.

Fiery Offense (S): +(tension spent) to hit and dmg for all attacks until your next round. Makes it really easy to generate offensive tension, especially if you have a bunch of AoO. And when you hit, you deal bonus damage, meaning that overinvesting isn't a waste.

Timely Dodge (G): On average, +5% reduced damage per tension spent. Pretty good when you for once don't want to get hit. Best of all? You can spend the tension when it's not your turn, and force that one big hit to not hit by exactly enough.
Expert Guard (G): Just like for timely Dodge, you can "just barely" succeed a save by expending enough tension. And then you get that bonus until your next turn. Yay.

Light Step (M): As an M, you like to be in the thick of things. Problem being that sometimes the enemy don't obey safe words. So just walk out when they get too heated.... Well, that's what I thought when it was a free action, universal avoid AoOs. Now it's really M.

Stalwart Form (N-M) 1 turn of DR is nice. It's better than not getting hit at all, because you'll gain tension. But overinvesting is a folly since...they can see you do that, and just choose to not hit you. But maybe a lethal hit is about to come down on you, and it's too great to be able to Timely Dodge. You're quite possibly going to die real soon, but not at this exact moment. If you've got enough tension.

Swift Focus (<M-G>): I mean... if you managed to not find any other way to generate martial focus as a swift action, or got particularly unlucky, this isn't the absolutely worst possible way to ever do it. Especially if you just finished off your attacks, and just happen to have generated 2 tension.

Perfect Offensive (N-M): Assuming your DM uses critical confirms, this can be occasionally used to guarantee a confirm. Which is great if you somehow just happened to generate 2 tension between declaring your attack, and threatening a crit. But saving 2 tension in the hopes of getting a crit you can confirm is the same as spending the 2 tension (unless you can't regularly fill up). And so it's not worth holding onto the 2 tension for this.

Critical Knuckle (N-): Assuming a x2 multiplier, this is granting you at best +5% average weapon damage (which is pretty low for unarmed). For 2 tension. For 2 tension, you could increase your to hit and damage by 2, which adds 10 percentage points to average damage on the to-hit alone.
But if your DM allows you to do this after rolling the attack, then the review is the same as Perfect Offensive's.

Second Chance (<S>): Reroll a failed saving throw. Yeah... if your enemy has a save or lose/die... this is freaking worth it to save your points for. And best thing is? You aren't spending any build resources to have this as an option.

Rapid Pummel (M): An additional attack for more damage. Uses a swift action though. So... it's not a horrendous deal. But it really would depend on how many other attacks you could get in, and whether 90% of 1 attack is worth not granting +3 to hit to the rest of them.

Speed Step (M): Swift action movement is neat. Pricy though. And what are you using your move action on anyway? Maybe a guardian patrol early on.

Lasting Flame (S): Doubling up on the most potent Tension Technique? Sign me up!
Lucky Chance (<S>): Are you regularly beset by save-or-dies? Do you have no Fate sphere user to help you out? Do you like your character being alive? If you said yes to all of these, here's your chance.
Steel Heart (<S>): Did you fail a save-or-lose anyway? Would you like to have not lost? Here you go!

Mounted Striker (G-S): This takes care of your movement Tension, in addition to getting to use a mount for full movement. How in the bleeding hell you are supposed do kung fu while riding bareback on the back of a bear is beyond me.

Blindside Offense (G, A): This is probably best when considering Black Powder Brawler, since you can snipe. Spending a feat for just an occasional +1 tension at the start of combat? Weapon Focus is probably better.
Exploited Opening (G): Yeah. Guardian is probably your go-to sphere for this class, so you'll likely get AoOs. And 2 tension for an unarmed strike is not a bad deal, especially to make it even more of a PitA to move past you.

Improved Determination (G): An additional tension every round, assuming you've got 2 enemies hitting you. ...Nope. I'll make no jokes about the three of you.
Iron Soul (<G>): It comes tacked with a bunch of restrictions which prevent it from being S tier, but damn. For basically 1 combat / day / condition, ignore almost any conditions as an immediate action.
Speed Pummeling (<G>): If you find Rapid Pummeling to be a good use of your tension, then you'll probably find it useful to have that be a free action.

Invigorated Spirit (<M-G>): You can become effectively immune to physical ability score penalties. Entangled, Exhausted, Fatigued, Grappled and the direct penalty-granters. Doesn't negate damage/drain though. So if you regularly face penalties, then here you go.
Enduring Critical (M-G): Sodding hell. OK. I guess you can sell me on a small crit chance increase, if you make it have a good (if not indefinite) duration. I mean, this is costing a feat-equivalent. But is 5% damage for 4-8 rounds going to be better than 10% damage for 1 round? On average, yes. But this is costing a feat-equivalent, so that's not a 1-1 comparison. I think it's still erring on the side of being pretty decent.

True Desperation (M-G): It would be pretty unreliable, since this needs you to be on 0 tension in order to gain 2. But if you managed to only have 1 tension by the end, you can soak it, and refresh to 2.
Blink Step (M-G): Free action movement for 3 tension, once/round. I'm still not sure why you can't use your move action.

Wild Charge (M): Adding your Con^2 to damage sounds pretty impressive, until you realize that Charge is a special full round action which doesn't work with 90% of the spheres of power. And that's going to use all of your tension on one attack (unless you have pounce). If you do have pounce (and especially a mount), then welcome to uber charger.
High Tension (M): You can't really generate a whole bunch of tension in any given turn. Why are you saving so much of it that you need an even larger cap? It is at least a +1 tension at the start of combat, in addition to a larger cap. But...eh.
Dispelling Knuckle (M): Normally would rate it higher, since a rider dispel is nice. But this costs 3 tension, targets 1 spell effect, and can only target any given person once / day. I mean... it's a decent way to remove mind control, if need be.

Armored Striker (M): Very efficient relative to the Dodge feat, at +2 and +3 AC respectively, ignoring Dex bonus. Allows you to dump dex and pump another stat. But you only need Strength and Con, and you didn't really need to pump dex anyway, since you already kind of want to be hit. And this is making you harder to hit.
There's a balance to be struck, and I'm not sure spending a feat-equivalent on this is the right move. Not saying it's necessarily the wrong move either.
Piercing Fist (M): There are some very favorable, and very unfavorable ways to interpret how it's written. I think the most natural interpretation is, DR and energy resistance is not applied against any additional attack granted by a tension technique. There are definite uses. It can be a damage bump, especially with weapon enchants.
Adrenaline Surge (<C>): While simultaneously not being particularly incredible, starting combat with Con^2 temp HP and full tension is probably going to get your nonlethal slaps across the face banned from maintaining your in-combat status. That said, this could save you from a near-lethal hit.

Mobile Step (M): A step up, but uses a feat-equivalent. It's cool. I guess. Especially if you like using swift actions on other things.
Iron Body (M): Have to ask yourself if 3 DR for 1 round is going to be as impactful in saving your life as 8-16 temp HP for 1 minute. The latter can absorb your delayed damage. And probably won't deter attackers, because waiting 1 minute for your temp HP to wear off isn't practical.
Favored Weapon (M): You really aren't getting an incredible amount out of this.

Extra Boost (N-M): 1 extra tension at the start of combat? Probably not worth while.
Unarmored Striker (N-M): Gain Unarmored Training as a bonus feat. Equivalent to a +1 chain shirt by level 6. A +2 chain shirt by level 7. Meh. Better things to get.
Critical Tension (N-M): I mean, by level 8, you probably have some good Weapon Damage increases on your unarmed strike. But... is effectively getting 100% of one weapon damage worth 4 Fiery Offensive? I don't honestly think so. Maybe if you are reliant on one or 2 attacks per turn, and weapon damage is more than 40% of your average damage. But in that case, you're probably not dealing a whole bunch of damage one way or the other. Barring colossal fists of god. Too many variables; too vast a field to rate on; I hate it; it's going here.

Lightning Dodge (N) Slightly more efficient AC for tension. But it cost you a feat equivalent. For comparison, 2 tension on base AC, and Dodge feat would be equivalent to this. 4 tension and Armored Striker would be equivalent. Only at 6 tension for AC does this become an arguably superior option, but it's only for 1 round.
Vital Tension (N): No idea why you would pick up temporary Vital Strike when you could get real vital strike for the same feat-equivalent. At level 10 it's at least a value pick up.


Casting / Spell Pool (S): Counts as a low caster. Neat. And gains bonus talents for being a caster. Extra neat. Only gives up a single bonus unarmed SoM talent. Neat.

Blended Training (S): More options, without requirement to take either or.

Elemental Focus (M): OK, one requirement for one level. I am not lying! Stop the accusations!

Elemental Tension (S+): Swift action for an extra unarmed attack when you use an attack action. Except that its an unarmed ranged attack that deals potentially elemental damage. FOR ONE TENSION!? OK, that's got to be a typo. 2 Tension, right? And it replaces one of your worst tension techniques! Wow...

Elemental Arts
Empower Nature (G): +1 Nature CL per tension spent (up to 1/2 elemental fist level). It's decent, and if you're stuck casting for a turn, it's a way to use your tension productively. But I don't think you want to rely on it.
Natural Combo (S): Using Natural Fist means all other unarmed attacks benefit from it (gaining range and elemental typing, presumably).
Speed Natural (G-S): You're using this every single round. Taking that down to a free action is just a win.

Full Glass, Empty Glass (S): Barroom bonus sphere rather than the normal unarmed spheres. But most importantly, barroom talents count as unarmed spheres for damage scaling. More options for your unarmed fighter is great. Especially when 2 talents can already improve your damage size by default.

Fuel for the Fight (S+): Replaces movement tension with Drunken Momentum. You gain tension passively just by being drunk. That doesn't take any investment on your part. Sure, you can't also invest into 10ft step for tension, but you get that tension without investment.

Pub Crawl (S+) Don't care for Staggering Step, but getting to do any combat maneuver with advantage without provoking on a swift action? Jesus Christ! I don't even value CMs very highly, due to the scaling on them, but this is definitely a contender for tension. And it's a significantly better designed 3 tension deal than Rapid Pummel.
AND! And it benefits from Striker arts that affect Rapid Pummel. The free action one is probably worth taking.

Blood Alcohol Content (G-S): Oh, right. OK, maybe there was a little bit of investment you would have needed to gain your passive tension. But now there isn't! Replaces Drill Knuckle, which is barely even a loss for you.

Revelry (M-G): Meh. Nonlethal DR isn't usually worth anything. But you can think of this as a passive +1 tension spent in Fiery Offensive. Yeah, it's minor, but you're not losing anything over it.
Note: If you are allowed Legendary Talents, Go Limp suddenly means that you have DR equal to your level, up to half the damage dealt. That's quite substantially useful.

Drunken Angel’s Apotheosis (G): Spend tension instead of drunk. Neat. And treats tension as additional drunk status, so gaining tension is even more passive. Free action potions is also neat.

Striker Arts

Barfighter's Favored Weapon (N): Improvised Martial Arts talent from Barroom does this, but better.

Learning to Drink (I): Extreme Mood Swings increases morale bonus by 2 while drunk. Pretty good passive at level 7. Totals to be (Improved) Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization all in one. If you've got a mind sphere caster using Greater Charm, that's an additional +2 to basically every single d20 roll.
Implacable would be cool if bludgeoning damage were more common. But otherwise it's pretty pointless.

Punch Drink (G): Spend 2 tension instead of drunk status, once per round. Not a horrible trade, honestly... Conceptually, at least. Not a bunch of good (drunk) talents. But maybe something tries to drain your drunkenness.

Wrestling (<M>): Really going for an achievement on brevity, eh?

Violent Miss (G): Free action Con mod damage for 1 tension. And applies a -2 to CMD vs your next grapple check. Well, it wasn't hard but this is better than Skirmishing Scout's Educated Strike.
Opportune Grapple (G): Grapple on AoO. There are ways to make that work.
Body Blows (N-M): I really don't think this is what you care about.
The above 3 ability simply replace generally meaningless Tension Techniques.

Painful Grapple (M): A very light Constrict ability.

Strong Grapple (S): Getting to disable both arms in 1 slam is amazing. And remember that you get to do that just by initiating a grapple. So succeeding just once lets you immediately disable both arms, preventing their attacks, even if they get out on their next turn. (This imposes a -4 penalty to Grapple, plus another -4 if they are humanoid and it would reduce them to less than 2 hands free.)

Basically: Guns suck. BPB makes guns suck less.

The gun guide (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?541010-Optimizing-guns!&p=22536546#post22536546) I wrote a few years ago uses BPB. Not because it's optimal, but because it's an option.
Tech sphere was released afterwards, and granted us Speed Lever as a talent, making guns suck even less. And free ammo as a talent, making guns suck marginally less (unless you weren't using Railgun, in which case it sucks much much less).

You now get barrage sphere, which amplifies Fiery Offensive, and target touch both of which make aggressive tension easier to attain each round.
Is it optimal relative to getting to use Constitution as a main stat? Probably not. Definitely not. Is it still fun to make use of guns, when they so very clearly are not wanted? For some.

Basically: Exchange Con reliance for Cha in order to become a knock off ninja. Truly enviable.

Tactical Eyes (M): Lose the bonus unarmed sphere talent for a bonus Scout talent, and don't take -5 when using Perception on the ability. Neat. Solidly meh.

Agile AC Bonus (N): Shouldn't be too bad for you, since you want to 10 ft step anyway for tension. But this is a strict downgrade.

Vital Insight (N): Passive +1 to hit analyzed creatures. Lose Fiery Offense, your best Tension Technique.

Educated Strike (N-M): Replaces useless Rapid Pummel with 2 tension for Con + 1/2 lvl bonus damage as a swift action. Not bonus damage per attack. Just bonus damage.

Genius Strike (N): Upgrades Educated Strike to deal an addition 1/2 lvl bonus damage.... for 1 more tension. Not like you're spamming out tension, so you've got some to spare. But that's sad.

Skirmishing Striker Art
Instant Punishment (<G-S>): Now it's a free action, even when it's not your turn. If your GM interprets that to mean you can try and use it on every successful attack, then this is awesome. Otherwise... you're wasting your time.
Instant Scout (S): You know? Unironically, this is the only really good ability in the entire archetype. Holy cow. Wow.

Mutagen Monster (I): You lose your best Tension Technique, and AC bonus, but in exchange, you gain +2 Natural Armor and +4 to Str, Con, or Dex, and a 1d4 Bite attack. Tough call, honestly. I mean, you can think of a +4 to Str as equivalent to 2 tension per turn on Fiery Offensive, while being able to flex a slight bit. The Natural Armor is only equivalent for 2 levels. But it does mean you are overall more defensive, since you have all that much more tension to spend reactively. And you are less stressed to build tension... Wow, this seems really boring.
If you multiclass out after just 1 level, you do net a relative improvement. And you could hold out for level 2, and not be negative, while getting a Striker Art. That is NOT glowing praise.

Drill Claw (N-M): Maybe you get ambushed. Move action Mutagen is nice, I guess. Mauling Fang can literally be forgotten.

Mutagenic Arts (<G>): Feral Mutagen has no level requirement. Take it, and enjoy 3 NA that are 1 die size higher than normal, and can just be tacked on to the end of... A full attack action. Oh... Why's this in SoM? Why aren't you just playing Shifter?

Fury Swipes (N): No.

2021-04-04, 10:55 PM
I'm really confused as to why you repeatedly refer to "slapping yourself in the face out of combat to gain Tension" when the ability explicitly says "a striker must be in combat to gain tension".

2021-04-05, 12:00 AM
I'm really confused as to why you repeatedly refer to "slapping yourself in the face out of combat to gain Tension" when the ability explicitly says "a striker must be in combat to gain tension".

Depends on your definition of combat.
Damage is being tossed around. If two brawlers decided to (or were forced to via no IUS) nonlethally attack each other, are they not in combat?
If that's your definition have your friend slap you, and try to not freak them out.

2021-04-05, 12:25 AM
I like my “captain con” build. Get con as a casting stat get just enough talents to grab a few war momentum. Tactical momentum bending the most important. Now for a every small price you can add half your con to all your CMB rolls and not provoke. Pile on striker for con to AC, either the sop weapon enhancement or another momentum talent for con to damage, and potentially a energy strike with primal blast build for con to hit and damage with your destructive blast.

It’s a pretty neat thought experiment. Haven’t had a chance to try it in a game.

Getting your ac bonus to stack with unarmored training is much better than you rate it. UT applies to touch and flat footed ac. So yeah, it’s behind the armor you can easily get, but it sends your touch sky high. And costs no money.

2021-04-05, 01:01 AM
I like my “captain con” build. Get con as a casting stat get just enough talents to grab a few war momentum. Tactical momentum bending the most important. Now for a every small price you can add half your con to all your CMB rolls and not provoke. Pile on striker for con to AC, either the sop weapon enhancement or another momentum talent for con to damage, and potentially a energy strike with primal blast build for con to hit and damage with your destructive blast.

It’s a pretty neat thought experiment. Haven’t had a chance to try it in a game.

Getting your ac bonus to stack with unarmored training is much better than you rate it. UT applies to touch and flat footed ac. So yeah, it’s behind the armor you can easily get, but it sends your touch sky high. And costs no money.

You are actually right. I forgot about that bit with unarmored training. Even though it's an armor bonus. I'll rate it appropriately when I wake up.

2021-04-05, 04:54 AM
Depends on your definition of combat.
Damage is being tossed around. If two brawlers decided to (or were forced to via no IUS) nonlethally attack each other, are they not in combat?
If that's your definition have your friend slap you, and try to not freak them out.

Even if it was, that's not what's happening in your proposed scenario. One person hitting themselves does not a combat make by any definition. And if two people are just playfully slapping one another, no I wouldn't consider that combat in any case. If there's no hostile intent, and there's no danger, there's no combat.

In game terms as well, no Initiative means no combat.

The idea of evaluating a class in part with such a strange idea in mind is extremely questionable to me. Even if it were technically RAW (which...it's not) it'd be a hard sell at any table.

2021-04-05, 10:17 AM
I did make say that it depends on your DM's definition of combat, and even rated everything accordingly. The game does not provide a definition of combat.

I never said you are having the wrong type of fun by choosing one definition over the other.

And you can still pick a fight with random critters and NPC while you travel, unless your world is completely and totally barren. And then stop once initiative is pulled up to refresh your duration.