View Full Version : How to defeat a pack of 7 Tarrasques, played intelligently?

2021-04-05, 11:09 PM
Saw a funny meme image on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=5970904326256609&set=gm.1566132490259662) and now I want to know: if you know you're going to be taking on a pack of 7 Tarrasques, played intelligently, what tactics would you use? Try thinking of different tactics and builds (either solo or party) for variable levels for the encounter so you can either try at an obscenely early level or just steamroll them at 20 or whatever.

2021-04-05, 11:17 PM

Apparently that is too short a message. So.... I would Fly. Once Flying I would continue to shoot at them until they were dead. It might take a while and you don't want to run out of ammunition.

2021-04-05, 11:21 PM
Honestly I don't think the number of Tarrasque really changes how a party should approach them. The challenge isn't really killing the Tarrasque, it's doing so before it has an opportunity to cause immense havoc which is either an important pressure for a heroic party or a necessary sacrifice for a more pragmatic party.

As a side note, the world building implications that exist for this are horrifying. It scares enough of the people who know and believe that only a single Tarrasque exists, waiting for whatever world shaking disaster will finally release it. To suddenly discover that there isn't just one but seven and that they're able to cooperate intelligently with each other would probably send them into a panic. At least in those numbers they'd be likely to cause significant damage before they were blasted down over the course of a few days.

2021-04-06, 12:24 AM
Saw a funny meme image on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=5970904326256609&set=gm.1566132490259662) and now I want to know: if you know you're going to be taking on a pack of 7 Tarrasques, played intelligently, what tactics would you use? Try thinking of different tactics and builds (either solo or party) for variable levels for the encounter so you can either try at an obscenely early level or just steamroll them at 20 or whatever.

Oddly enough, I think 7 Tarrasques is probably easier than a lot of the stuff I've seen DMs throw at high level parties. They kind of have to if they're going to challenge optimizers at high level.

Tarrasques don't really have a whole lot of ways to deal with caster shenanigans, starting with the aforementioned flight. Even on the "cause havoc and collateral damage" side of the fence they're relatively limited compared to some other threats.

I think for the Tarrasques to really shine, they're going to need some form of supporting cast to round out their "brick" role. Either that or some manner of significant environmental advantage / beneficial lair actions.

2021-04-06, 01:53 AM
Let's see. So a Tarrasque has:
- AC 25 & 676 HP
- Immunity to non-magical weapons, fire and poison
- Heavy resistance to saves
- Blindsight 120'
- Frightful Presence 120' [1 minute]
- 60' of movement vs. a single target (100' vs. 3 targets)
- No ranged capability whatsoever (100' high is probably safe though you need to wait out the Frightful Presence)

Most efficient means of attacking it is obviously a ranged attack that bypasses those. Assuming no magic items, we thus need magical ranged attacks or spells that work on it (Magic Stone and Spike Growth both come to mind). Spike Growth is probably not very efficient against intelligently played Tarrasques since worst case scenario, they can wait it out or jump across it, at least not unless there's something else forcing them to come. It's a good stalling tactic though. Forge Cleric's ability to enhance a weapon seems like it'd come in handy. A +1 Longbow (or Heavy Crossbow on a One Shot Wonder) can be pretty useful to this end. We want some reliable source of flight: Levitate-spell probably doesn't suffice against smart Tarrasques that can run and seek cover and so on, so to guarantee mobility we probably need the Fly-spell. It lasts for 10 minutes, which should suffice for our purposes.

Elven Accuracy Forge Cleric 1/Bladesinger 6 at 18 Dex using +1 Longbow hits at +8 to hit for 1d8+5 each. Fly would enable staying out of range. Minor Illusion + Attack would get one attack at Elven Advantage a turn though it would be hard to maintain. Alternatively, Haste would enable kiting fast enough to avoid getting caught, but would be contingent on terrain while Fly would keep one out in the sky. I'm not sure how good Elven Accuracy actually is since it's hard to get reliable advantage for long enough to get multiattacks in. Just plain attacking twice is about 4,5 DPR while Elven Advantage single attack is 5,2 so there's slight gain to be had in the Minor Illusion > Elven Accuracy routine. Haste would have the advantage of doubling the damage.

Either way, at 5,2 DPR we're looking at 130 turns per Tarrasque or 1,3 Fly-spells. Given 3 level 3 slots and 1 level 4 slot, we can thus take out about 3 Tarrasques before needing rest (Arcane Recovery isn't very useful since we might as well rest for 8 hours when we get a rest as one Fly isn't enough to kill a Tarrasque). So over three days, our intrepid hero could kill the Tarrasques alone provided he manages to rest without getting squashed (Tiny Hut helps but it takes 10 mins to ritualise so he needs to get over 10 mins away - though Tarrasques kinda suck at tracking so breaking LoS might just suffice). It's probably safer to kill two Tarrasques and then use Fly or Haste or something to put a lot of distance between you and Tarrasques before trying to rest. Random Tarrasque Ambush after waking up would suck (though they're big enough that it's pretty hard for them to find sufficient cover or obscurement for hiding and if you can see them, you can just shoot them from inside the Hut). It's worth noting that the Archery style would add 1,5 points of damage (making a Tarrasque killable with a single Fly-spell on average) but there's no easy way to get it without losing out in the process.

So I'd say this level 7 point is sort of an efficient minimum where we can start killing Tarrasques with relative impunity. This particular character is probably not the most efficient at it but it seems like it gets the job done. Heavy Crossbow EA variant would actually do a bit more, at 5,9 damage per hit but it lacks the range to fight from beyond Blindsight and Frightful Presence radius without disadvantage.

Level 9 Cleric would see us get Summon Celestial, which does beautiful job here: at +9 spell attacks and 2d6+7 radiant, even a level 5 Celestial does 7,7 damage per turn and a level 6 Celestial would already hit 12,3 DPR. It does run into the issue of Tarrasque moving effectively 60' while it only moves 40' though so it can have trouble keeping up, and without Advantage it's still not actually doing that much. It would last for 1 hour though so if you could stay safe [which might be a problem since you're Concentrating on the spell; you'd need to Planar Bind something and Conjure Celestial is a level 7 spell], the single level 6 Celestial could kill them all in about 40 minutes.

Bladesinger 11/Cleric 1 could Planar Bind a flying mount (an Abishai or something - not sure if you can ride an Air Elemental though Invisible Stalker might work) and actually focus on DPRing the thing with Tenser's. Two EA hits at +10 (taking FI: Archery) would put the character at very reasonable 40 DPR, which comes within practical margins of killing all those Stalkers in a day's work. During 1 Tenser's it's possible to kill 5 Tarrasques at this rate - without the spell the rest would take a while though (about the same rate as before) but going from killing one/13 minutes to killing 5/10 minutes is already a significant improvement.

2021-04-06, 12:25 PM
Fly more than 20' above them and use any damage cantrip that connects on a failed Dex save.

2021-04-06, 12:29 PM
Plane Shift/Teleport and find yourself a new home.

2021-04-06, 01:04 PM
Fly more than 20' above them and use any damage cantrip that connects on a failed Dex save.

Well, any won't work due to immunities: Create Bonfire does fire, which is immunitized. Acid Splash & Sacred Flame work but at 60' range it's potentially possible for Big T to jump and reach you at that height so it's not entirely risk free. Tarrasque is 50' high and 70' tall according Monster Manual; a creature can jump 3' + Str modifier (13') given 10' of movement and then reach height of the jump + 1½ times its height so 13' + 75' (though given it's a quadruped able to apparently raise to its hind legs, this probably could use its length of 70' instead, in which case it could reach 13' + 105' = 118' which is 68' higher than its height and puts the attacker at risk within the casting range of the spell and its tail might reach a bit higher too with its 20' reach).

Optimally you'd want at least 100' in the spell range to be safe. Aarakocra and Winged Tiefling are the obvious choices: Aaracokra is faster so it seems better (dive 25', cast, raise 25' to maintain 75' distance). Doubling the cantrip range would be nice but I can't think of any decently low level at-will means of doing this. A level 1 Cleric, Sorc or Wizard could of course try this but given 7 intelligently played Tarrasques, I'm pretty sure it'd end up chomped before it manages to kill all 7 since it's such a delicate dance and terrain et al plays into it. Now, level 1 Aaracokra Forge Cleric with a lot of arrows could certainly do it of course (proficiency doesn't even matter really, you're just critfishing - 0,65 DPR for a total of 7280 arrows fired to deal lethal to all over ~7 hours 17 minutes).

Willie the Duck
2021-04-06, 01:29 PM
Oddly enough, I think 7 Tarrasques is probably easier than a lot of the stuff I've seen DMs throw at high level parties. They kind of have to if they're going to challenge optimizers at high level.

Yeah, the meme maker in question probably is basing things off their half-remembered dealings with Tarrasques from earlier editions where they were built with some level of actually being a super-significant threat*.
*That said, even in previous editions they often had plenty of weak spots and loopholes in their defenses.

2021-04-06, 01:33 PM
Now, level 1 Aaracokra Forge Cleric with a lot of arrows could certainly do it of course (proficiency doesn't even matter really, you're just critfishing - 0,65 DPR for a total of 7280 arrows fired to deal lethal to all over ~7 hours 17 minutes).

Vs. a level 1 Forge Cleric (100' movement per round when Dashing), the Tarrasques will just run out of bow range (140' movement per round), since they're being played intelligently and not as, well, mindless eating machines like a normal Tarrasque.

2021-04-06, 01:37 PM
I read it as the DM was being intelligent while playing them, not that the tarrasques themselves were more intelligent than normal.

Also in most cases I think a level 1 character would count a tarrasque running away as a win? :P

2021-04-06, 01:48 PM
I read it as the DM was being intelligent while playing them, not that the tarrasques themselves were more intelligent than normal.

Oh I see. That certainly makes a difference.

Even something like a 5E T-Rex becomes considerably more dangerous when played with human-level cunning and hit-and-run tactics instead of mindless aggression. The chances of killing a PC go waaaay up when you pick up a PC in your jaws, and then run away with them at top speed (100' when Dashing) to eat in relative peace and quiet. Melee PCs are rendered basically irrelevant (getting at most one opportunity attack per round instead of a full attack sequence) and there will be more total and/or partial cover against ranged PCs and spellcasters.

2021-04-06, 01:52 PM
Vs. a level 1 Forge Cleric (100' movement per round when Dashing), the Tarrasques will just run out of bow range (140' movement per round), since they're being played intelligently and not as, well, mindless eating machines like a normal Tarrasque.

Agreed, he'd need at least one movement buff of some kind. Good point. Tarrasque moves at 100' too while dashing so 60' is the minimum needed to move and shoot and move and shoot sufficiently for them to die. Or 140' if they don't share initiative; but otherwise you get by with only a single Legendary Action.

2021-04-06, 03:03 PM
Agreed, he'd need at least one movement buff of some kind. Good point. Tarrasque moves at 100' too while dashing so 60' is the minimum needed to move and shoot and move and shoot sufficiently for them to die. Or 140' if they don't share initiative; but otherwise you get by with only a single Legendary Action.

Putting 2 levels in Rogue would allow Cunning Action - Dash, if our DM is nice enough to let us level up to 3 before taking on 7 Tarrasques.

2021-04-06, 03:09 PM
I would first argue with the DM that the Tarrasques will fight and devour each other until only one is left.

2021-04-06, 11:35 PM
Putting 2 levels in Rogue would allow Cunning Action - Dash, if our DM is nice enough to let us level up to 3 before taking on 7 Tarrasques.

Longstrider lasts 1 hour so it's not that hard to get enough Longstriders to last all day either. Cleric 3 could do it with Harness Divine Power to recast it once, at 7 castings. But yes, Cunning Action could also solve that, as well as the Mobile-feat. Mobile Longstrider Aaracokra Forge Cleric 4 would move at 70' by default and dash at 140', which would allow keeping up even with fully Legendary Ts. Though of course, the issue is that to take turns shooting you'd have to outpace them (works if they have shared initiative but not if they get full 3 Legendaries). Cleric 1/Rogue 2 would indeed suffice.

2021-04-07, 02:47 AM
-Play one Drunken Master Monk with Bracers of Defense or another way to boost AC a bit.

-Get between two of the Tarasques with something that grants them disadvantage to attack you, like Empty Body or a regular Invisibility spell.

-Get attacked, uses Tipsy Sway to make the Tarasques hit each other, then get out of the way.

-Not being smarter than regular Tarasques, this would make them pissed off at each other, and they will keep attacking themselves until something stop them

-Repeat until there's no more Tarasques

2021-04-07, 03:41 AM
Vs. a level 1 Forge Cleric (100' movement per round when Dashing), the Tarrasques will just run out of bow range (140' movement per round), since they're being played intelligently and not as, well, mindless eating machines like a normal Tarrasque.

Forcing the retreat of 7 Tarrasques with a single level 1 character is not "killing them", but it's still much closer to a win than a loss. Especially in the context of the meme (a GM sending a pack of 7 Tarrasque to destroy players complaining about easy encounters). Forcing a retreat from your attackers arguably count as defeating them.

2021-04-07, 03:46 AM
Longstrider lasts 1 hour so it's not that hard to get enough Longstriders to last all day either. Cleric 3 could do it with Harness Divine Power to recast it once, at 7 castings. But yes, Cunning Action could also solve that, as well as the Mobile-feat. Mobile Longstrider Aaracokra Forge Cleric 4 would move at 70' by default and dash at 140', which would allow keeping up even with fully Legendary Ts. Though of course, the issue is that to take turns shooting you'd have to outpace them (works if they have shared initiative but not if they get full 3 Legendaries). Cleric 1/Rogue 2 would indeed suffice.

You can't really carry that ammount of arrows, of course. So the solution is Aaracokra Rogue 2/Artificer 2, with Repeating Shot infusion. More awesome, in D&D world at least, if you do it with a cool firearm, as long as it does not misfire on a 1.

2021-04-07, 04:14 AM
You can't really carry that ammount of arrows, of course. So the solution is Aaracokra Rogue 2/Artificer 2, with Repeating Shot infusion. More awesome, in D&D world at least, if you do it with a cool firearm, as long as it does not misfire on a 1.

Yeah, the character would have to go back and haul as many arrows as it can over and over again so practically speaking it'd take a long, long time. This is a neater solution. 50'x3 does suffice to outpace even triple-legendary move Tarrasques so it'd get the job done eventually. Though again, pick a weapon with over 100' range just to be safe (though even taking disadvantage only multiplies the time it takes to kill by 20).

2021-04-07, 05:11 AM
I mean, define "intelligently"?

As a DM, the way I'd make 7 tarrasques interesting would be that each of the seven tarrasques charges in a different direction at full speed, each heading for a major civilian target, like a capital city. How many can you stop before the devastation becomes apocalyptic?

Because fighting big slabs of regenerating melee meat at high levels is boring.

2021-04-07, 05:21 AM
Yeah, the character would have to go back and haul as many arrows as it can over and over again so practically speaking it'd take a long, long time. This is a neater solution. 50'x3 does suffice to outpace even triple-legendary move Tarrasques so it'd get the job done eventually. Though again, pick a weapon with over 100' range just to be safe (though even taking disadvantage only multiplies the time it takes to kill by 20).

Getting one more level of Rogue (inquisitive), would add 4d6 sneak attack damage every time you hit (crit), with only a small hit to your speed every minute on the round you make an Insight check. At CL 5, with a +7 to hit (+3 dex, +3 prof, +1 infusion), your DPR is, if I've calculated correctly, 2.95, which means you can kill one about every 23 minutes. Not bad, less time than most apocalyptic movies to kill all of them.

2021-04-07, 05:33 AM
I mean, define "intelligently"?

As a DM, the way I'd make 7 tarrasques interesting would be that each of the seven tarrasques charges in a different direction at full speed, each heading for a major civilian target, like a capital city. How many can you stop before the devastation becomes apocalyptic?

Because fighting big slabs of regenerating melee meat at high levels is boring.

Honestly, Tarrasques don't even have the tools to be a threat to a major civilian target like a capital city. You'll want something like Shadow Dragons for that.

Tarrasques are chumps in 5e. I had to basically completely rewrite them from the ground up when I used them in my last campaign. As is they are just... giant cows.

2021-04-07, 05:35 AM
Anything that can kite from range will beat up the tarrasques somewhat easily- rinse and repeat for seven of them.

Unless there's something to protect and/or a time limit, that is.

I mean, define "intelligently"?

As a DM, the way I'd make 7 tarrasques interesting would be that each of the seven tarrasques charges in a different direction at full speed, each heading for a major civilian target, like a capital city. How many can you stop before the devastation becomes apocalyptic?

Because fighting big slabs of regenerating melee meat at high levels is boring.

Even worst, because Tarrasques don't regenerate (in 5e).

2021-04-07, 05:41 AM
Honestly, Tarrasques don't even have the tools to be a threat to a major civilian target like a capital city. You'll want something like Shadow Dragons for that.

Tarrasques are chumps in 5e. I had to basically completely rewrite them from the ground up when I used them in my last campaign. As is they are just... giant cows.

I know, but I'd fudge that. I'd just say that they are a target to civilization, maybe show the players a levelled village first.

2021-04-07, 05:50 AM
Tarasques are scary for mortals, but not the scariest. They're however much scarier for gods because as titans they can permakill the divine.

Well, as permakill as you can be as a D&D god, anyway. Unable to come back by your own power.

2021-04-07, 06:11 AM
After you kill your first one, you are level 14; the other 6 will be a cakewalk.

Willie the Duck
2021-04-07, 09:09 AM
Tarasques are scary for mortals, but not the scariest. They're however much scarier for gods because as titans they can permakill the divine.

Well, as permakill as you can be as a D&D god, anyway. Unable to come back by your own power.

Is that a thing in 5e? I honestly haven't bothered keeping track of things like deicide rules for this edition.

2021-04-07, 09:17 AM
Saw a funny meme image on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=5970904326256609&set=gm.1566132490259662) and now I want to know: if you know you're going to be taking on a pack of 7 Tarrasques, played intelligently, what tactics would you use? Try thinking of different tactics and builds (either solo or party) for variable levels for the encounter so you can either try at an obscenely early level or just steamroll them at 20 or whatever.

point out that the tarrasque is a unique creature thus at least 6 of them must be frauds.

Watch your enemies disappear in a puff of logic.

2021-04-07, 09:27 AM
point out that the tarrasque is a unique creature thus at least 6 of them must be frauds.

Watch your enemies disappear in a puff of logic.

- Guys, we have a problem, there is a Tarrasque approaching. Any ideas?
- I have an idea, we can use the MacGuffin we just recovered to send it on a parallel timeline, and it's not our problem anymore.

[Repeat variations of this dialogue in 6 other timelines, and add some GM fiat so that each of those 7 timeline chose the exact same timeline to send their own Tarrasque]

*On the unlucky 8th timeline*
- Guys, we have eight problems, 7 of them are Tarrasques that arrived out of dimensional portals, and the 8th is that the MacGuffin we just recovered was crushed by those Tarrasques and is now unusable. Any ideas?

2021-04-07, 09:51 AM
Well, any won't work due to immunities: Create Bonfire does fire, which is immunitized. Acid Splash & Sacred Flame work but at 60' range it's potentially possible for Big T to jump and reach you at that height so it's not entirely risk free. Tarrasque is 50' high and 70' tall according Monster Manual; a creature can jump 3' + Str modifier (13') given 10' of movement and then reach height of the jump + 1½ times its height so 13' + 75' (though given it's a quadruped able to apparently raise to its hind legs, this probably could use its length of 70' instead, in which case it could reach 13' + 105' = 118' which is 68' higher than its height and puts the attacker at risk within the casting range of the spell and its tail might reach a bit higher too with its 20' reach).

Optimally you'd want at least 100' in the spell range to be safe. Aarakocra and Winged Tiefling are the obvious choices: Aaracokra is faster so it seems better (dive 25', cast, raise 25' to maintain 75' distance). Doubling the cantrip range would be nice but I can't think of any decently low level at-will means of doing this. A level 1 Cleric, Sorc or Wizard could of course try this but given 7 intelligently played Tarrasques, I'm pretty sure it'd end up chomped before it manages to kill all 7 since it's such a delicate dance and terrain et al plays into it. Now, level 1 Aaracokra Forge Cleric with a lot of arrows could certainly do it of course (proficiency doesn't even matter really, you're just critfishing - 0,65 DPR for a total of 7280 arrows fired to deal lethal to all over ~7 hours 17 minutes).

Evoker wizard casting toll the dead. Level 6 feature does 1/2 damage even on a failed save. Tarrasque has no resistance or immunity to necrotic damage. Toll the dead has a range of 60' so the wizard can easily fly outside its jumping range (with 60' of movment, the wizard can hang out at 90' and fly down to 60' from the target to cast the cantrip and then return to 90' away - besides which the Tarrasque [like every other jumping creature] can only jump vertically 3+ str modifier feet for a total of 75'+13' = 88' from the ground - and falls short of the flying target - keep in mind that if the target is 50' tall then you can hit it from 110' up since you are still within a 60' range of the creature - nothing says you have to target the creature's feet - in addition, the Tarrasque is described as a biped not a quadruped so the 50' height is considering it is already standing on its legs). The fear effect goes away for 24 hours after one successful save so it only slows down the process. Since it is a save cantrip it avoids the magic reflection ability.

At level 17, toll the dead will do 4d12/2 = 13/round on average assuming the Tarrasque saves every time (with magic resistance and +9 it is probably more like 75% of the time). With 676 hit points this will be at most 52 combat rounds to kill it. The fly spell lasts 10 minutes ... so a level 17 evoker wizard should be able to kill one off roughly every 5 minutes just with fly and toll the dead.

Even a level 6 evoker could kill a Tarrasque - the damage is 6.5/round on average assuming that the Tarrasque makes every save against toll the dead 2d12 = average 13 damage = 6.5 if always saves. It would take just over 10 minutes.

Essentially, a Tarrasque, because it is entirely a melee centric opponent with no magic or ranged attacks, and some clear vulnerabilities, is a trivial opponent for some classes.

Misery Esquire
2021-04-07, 06:11 PM
No external magic items, and monk; Kensai Monk (min. level 18) with an absurd number of daggers can walk ahead of the Tarrasque with their own 60' move throwing d10+Dex "magical" daggers at it. Two at a time with Dual Wielding (for redrawing). 2d10 with no modifier, and no Ki use, does 11 damage average, so 62ish turns (and 124 daggers) is the maximum average time to kill one. Be Tabaxi for panick repositioning purposes true cheetah mode (tm).

One magic item used abusively; Any character with Mounted Combatant (for insurance purposes) and... Say an elephant for size, if you have a way to speed it up, could hang the Mirror of Life Trapping from it and just wait for a failed save on the Tarrasque. It even has 11 spaces for trapping, so you can do the lot of them. Time per Tarrasque... Unsure. +9 Cha vs. DC15, would be 1/4 fails; three uses of Legendary resistance makes that four failed saves required - 16 turns average? Wait, it has Advantage vs. Magical Saves. A bunch of turns, alright? "Played Intelligently" makes it a bit trickier for that to be reasonable, but the mirror is on the thing they're trying to attack.

Hm... Can't think of anything else new.

2021-04-07, 06:49 PM
Can the tarrasque throw?

It looks like it has thumbs on it's forelimbs, so it seems reasonable to think that it can probably throw stuff.

2021-04-07, 09:33 PM
Forcing the retreat of 7 Tarrasques with a single level 1 character is not "killing them", but it's still much closer to a win than a loss. Especially in the context of the meme (a GM sending a pack of 7 Tarrasque to destroy players complaining about easy encounters). Forcing a retreat from your attackers arguably count as defeating them.

You're not even forcing them to retreat, just to hold the range open. They may be lurking there, encircling you from 250 yards away, just waiting for you to get exhausted enough to stop flying and rest. It's like Tremors, inverted (sky instead of solid ground, ground instead of underground).

2021-04-07, 10:45 PM
Only because I haven’t seen it yet:

Plane Shift!!!

This world is lost, gather as many as you can and leave this place!

2021-04-07, 11:45 PM
A feral tiefling or aaracokra wizard/warlock/sorcerer with Mind Sliver can kill them at level 1 given enough time.

2021-04-08, 06:37 AM
Plane Shift/Teleport and find yourself a new home.

Only because I haven’t seen it yet:

Plane Shift!!!

This world is lost, gather as many as you can and leave this place!

You missed mine :smallbiggrin:

Although frankly Tarrasques are basically kaiju and movies have taught me that they don't get along all that well. Just let them fight it out amongst themselves and come in after to mop up whatever else is left.

Willie the Duck
2021-04-08, 07:29 AM
Can the tarrasque throw?

It looks like it has thumbs on it's forelimbs, so it seems reasonable to think that it can probably throw stuff.

That's a commonly suggested solution to flying-L1-archer/cantrip-sniper defeat for them (swiftly followed by a response that then the devs should have listed said ability). I'd vote yes, but I can understand if others see the thread premise as besting the monsters within the existing game mechanics.

2021-04-08, 08:11 AM
Ball bearings, caltrops, and hunting traps.

2021-04-08, 10:18 AM
That's a commonly suggested solution to flying-L1-archer/cantrip-sniper defeat for them (swiftly followed by a response that then the devs should have listed said ability). I'd vote yes, but I can understand if others see the thread premise as besting the monsters within the existing game mechanics.

Creatures don't need special permission to throw improvised weapons. 20/60 range doesn't get you very far, but it refutes the notion that cantrips can be used safely by a flying 1st level character to slowly whittle down the tarrasque's HP over several hours.

2021-04-08, 07:34 PM
You missed mine :smallbiggrin:

Although frankly Tarrasques are basically kaiju and movies have taught me that they don't get along all that well. Just let them fight it out amongst themselves and come in after to mop up whatever else is left.

Sorry I missed it!
And yes, I agree with the let them fight, plan.

Kurt Kurageous
2021-04-09, 04:05 PM
"Nuke it from orbit. Its the only way to be sure."