View Full Version : Teleport: Self + 50 pounds of Objects only, + Animal Companion?

2021-04-08, 12:44 AM
Say I have the ability to Teleport myself + 50 pounds of objects only (as many outsiders) but I also have an animal companion. What options do I have to also be able to transport my companion with me as well other than stuffing the poor critter into a bag of holding prior to teleporting.

Doing it as a SLA so Share Spells specifically does not work.

Lets say I am using a medium sized Riding Dog as my animal companion.

2021-04-08, 12:49 AM
Say I have the ability to Teleport myself + 50 pounds of objects only (as many outsiders) but I also have an animal companion. What options do I have to also be able to transport my companion with me as well other than stuffing the poor critter into a bag of holding prior to teleporting.

Doing it as a SLA so Share Spells specifically does not work.

Lets say I am using a medium sized Riding Dog as my animal companion.Find a plane with low or no gravity, plant an oak tree, cast acorn of far travel, and give the acorn to your animal companion so it (and its equipment) are all under 50 lbs? Find a way to make it count as an object, such as turning it into an intelligent item.

2021-04-08, 02:20 AM
Not many options other than stuffing it in an extradimensional space, and most of them are arcane. Petrify, shrink, and then restore via Break Enchantment to avoid the death save of Stone to Flesh, but Druids don't have any of those and it's a lot of spells. If you've got a caster that can handle 6th level Sor/Wiz (party, NPC, hire, etc), Smoky Confinement from Complete Mage is essentially a pokeball spell- but if you're paying for scrolls or an item of a 6th level spell, you could just buy a travel spell with passengers. Even at half formula price a 1/day item would still be around 12,000gp, if the DM agreed that only working on the user's willing animal companion was worth a 50% discount.

Best option is probably to get a custom Animal Crate of Holding, which is just a bag but with a bigger entrance.

2021-04-08, 04:14 AM
Shrink animal will likely allow it to fit into practically any extradimensional storage for the 6 seconds it takes you to teleport.

Best option is probably to get a custom Animal Crate of Holding, which is just a bag but with a bigger entrance.

A riding dog could easily fit through a normal bag of holding entrance.

Fouredged Sword
2021-04-08, 11:00 AM
You kill your animal companion and simply get a new one on the other side. :eek: Yeah, it sucks that you have to spend a day praying to get your class feature back, but it's not like it costs money or anything.

I am assuming you are an EVIL outsider of course.

The good solution is to release your animal companion from your service to much the same effect.

2021-04-08, 03:34 PM
A riding dog could easily fit through a normal bag of holding entrance.
The phrasing "stuff the poor critter" suggests they are sensitive to the animal's feelings on the matter, and I'm pretty sure most human sized dogs would not be any more interested in being stuffed in a bag (probably head first) than a human would- they already don't like carrier crates meant for them.

2021-04-08, 04:02 PM
The phrasing "stuff the poor critter" suggests they are sensitive to the animal's feelings on the matter, and I'm pretty sure most human sized dogs would not be any more interested in being stuffed in a bag (probably head first) than a human would- they already don't like carrier crates meant for them.

Depends on how trained they are, and while the bag might be small in volume from the outside, it's decently large on the inside, it would be the equivalent of having the dog walk into a tunnel that opens up into a small cave, just hold the bag open horizontally and have the dog walk in, no stuffing required. Basically the same as having it walk into a crate, which speaking of, well trained dogs enter readily on command. As an animal companion, I have to assume it's fairly well trained, right?

You kill your animal companion and simply get a new one on the other side. :eek: Yeah, it sucks that you have to spend a day praying to get your class feature back, but it's not like it costs money or anything.

I am assuming you are an EVIL outsider of course.

The good solution is to release your animal companion from your service to much the same effect.

Plenty of celestials have the same teleport SLA limitations.

2021-04-08, 05:13 PM
Depends on how trained they are, and while the bag might be small in volume from the outside, it's decently large on the inside, it would be the equivalent of having the dog walk into a tunnel that opens up into a small cave, just hold the bag open horizontally and have the dog walk in, no stuffing required. Basically the same as having it walk into a crate, which speaking of, well trained dogs enter readily on command. As an animal companion, I have to assume it's fairly well trained, right?
Assuming the Type 1, it holds 30 cubic feet, or a hair more than a 3'x3'x3' if in a cubic shape, narrower if it has to "stretch" longer. Not what I'd call a small cave, but comparable to a crate.

I'd probably charge a separate trick for entering tight spaces readily, if it was being considered before game: while modern life includes many situations where an animal needs to be put in a crate (making it part of the trick package commonly used), I don't think it was nearly so common in the "medieval" era, at least for full-grown dogs. Races of Stone says that the Come and Heel tricks will get an animal into a tight space, but those are follow commands, not go commands. But there doesn't seem to be a Go command. But since a decent Handle Animal check will let you skilltastically make any animal perform any trick, that easily include an obvious trick or "trick" that wasn't stipulated before the game began, and Animal Companions are much easier.

2021-04-08, 06:33 PM
If Pathfinder material is permitted, there's a 2nd level spell (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/carry-companion/) for it.

2021-04-08, 06:40 PM
If you have a psychoactive skin of proteus and can somehow teach your animal companion to use it like you want...

Fouredged Sword
2021-04-09, 06:37 AM
Depends on how trained they are, and while the bag might be small in volume from the outside, it's decently large on the inside, it would be the equivalent of having the dog walk into a tunnel that opens up into a small cave, just hold the bag open horizontally and have the dog walk in, no stuffing required. Basically the same as having it walk into a crate, which speaking of, well trained dogs enter readily on command. As an animal companion, I have to assume it's fairly well trained, right?

Plenty of celestials have the same teleport SLA limitations.

Again, the good solution is to release the animal from your service and do the ritual to call a new one at the new location. It's free. It takes 24 hours, and that kind of sucks, but is far less of a pain than doing something like summoning a familiar.

2021-04-09, 07:10 AM
Ask the DM? If your animal companion could travel with you, I don't see this a gamebreaking (especially compared to what a druid could do). Invent a RP reason for it, like you share a soul or somesuch, I don't know.
If it's for an IC competition, sure you need a solution, but if it's for fun around a table with your mates, it seems like a mean hurdle to leave in the way.

2021-04-09, 04:47 PM
Soften your animal companion up with some contact dex poison, then cast 'Jungle's Rapture' on them. If the AC's Dex was low enough to begin with (might as well start with zero Dex just in case), the business end of the spell will be instantaneous and the critter won't be tortured. They'll turn into a plant 'the same size' as the AC, but they'll probably be leafy and branched (if it's a really big AC, prune it back), and they'll also count as an object. Then, teleport with your plant, dismiss the spell, then use a Wand of Restoration to fix the Dex issue.

Otherwise, cast 'Acorn of Far Travel', name the tree '50 pounds', now anyone who holds the acorn is under 50 pounds and can be teleported as a normal passenger.

2021-04-09, 04:57 PM
Otherwise, cast 'Acorn of Far Travel', name the tree '50 pounds', now anyone who holds the acorn is under 50 pounds and can be teleported as a normal passenger.

If this level of willful misinterpretation of the text is allowable, there's no need for acorn of far travel. The limits all say "self plus 50 pounds of objects only", so just name your animal companion "50 pounds of objects" and you can apply the teleport to them.

2021-04-09, 07:15 PM
If this level of willful misinterpretation of the text is allowable, there's no need for acorn of far travel. The limits all say "self plus 50 pounds of objects only", so just name your animal companion "50 pounds of objects" and you can apply the teleport to them.

That's the spirit!

2021-04-10, 11:03 AM
Otherwise, cast 'Acorn of Far Travel', name the tree '50 pounds', now anyone who holds the acorn is under 50 pounds and can be teleported as a normal passenger.

If this level of willful misinterpretation of the text is allowable, there's no need for acorn of far travel. The limits all say "self plus 50 pounds of objects only", so just name your animal companion "50 pounds of objects" and you can apply the teleport to them.

That's the spirit!

Go name optimization!

… and Vow of Nudity, since it is *only* self plus "50 pounds of objects" that gets teleported :smalleek:

2021-04-10, 11:13 AM
You could always find a way to manifest fusion (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/fusion.htm) on your companion, then teleport your new self. When you unfusion, your companion is right there with you.