View Full Version : Storm Giant's Sword

2021-04-10, 10:01 AM
The six friends sat at their favorite table, not to close to the fire and not to close to the stage where their conversations would be drowned out by the musicians that occasionally played. Old Sid knew them all since the age they were allowed to enter as adults.
Tonight was a special night as it was their last night before they set off in the morning.
Old Sid had just set down a round of drinks and was headed back to the bar.


2021-04-11, 10:54 AM

Sitting with her friends she raised a pint in cheers - partly as she knew that with this group she was likely the light weight when it came to drinking and a toast would slow her down "to the start of a new adventure" she stated "but at some point tonight we should likely decide where we are going - a larger town for quests, some old battlefield for relics, the mountains for hidden locations or anything else - world is our oyster but we still need to know how we are planning to open it" she offered with a smile, she would be happy to listen and debate any options but she preferred to do it now rather then with a hangover tomorrow morning.

2021-04-11, 12:00 PM

Aubree lounged in his chair, rocking casually with his boots up on the table. The group wasn't necessarily the most impressive band he could have found, but they were old drinking friends, which certainly counted in their favour.

"We should go up in to the mountains. There must be all sorts of monsters and mysteries. You know that's where old Torin used to fight? Slaying any monster that got too close to the village. Once we've earned our spurs we'll be welcome in any town."

Aubree's hand strayed to his staff which to his senses only seemed energized: it was like it was goading him on, eager to be used.

2021-04-11, 12:20 PM
There is a half elf sitting at the table, wine in front of her as she cleans and then inspects her nails. Speak for yourself, Aubree. With my flute and my lute, as well as my voice, I am already welcome in any inn from here to the sea. Not to mention any of the beds from here to there as well.

She then takes a drink of her wine as she relaxes in her chair.

2021-04-11, 12:54 PM

"Well I'm yet to find a bed I'm unwelcome in either, Gal" Aubree smirked. "But we agreed we were going to go on an adventure together, and I don't know if there's a bed big enough for the whole group."

2021-04-11, 01:45 PM

"Yes, yes I am sure convincing anyone to sleep with ye is a remarkable achievement" she joked "but on the topic of tomorrow - unless we actually know that the mountains have something in them worth exploring we could search for days or weeks and find nothing more impressive them a bush" she shrugged as she considered "of course the flora and fauna do likely deserve to be studied so I am happy with that path if we want to take it but want to be sure the rest of you are fully on board with that".

2021-04-11, 01:55 PM
Convincing? Who needs to convince? I get invitations thrown at me.

2021-04-11, 02:42 PM

"So is that a second in support of Aubree's idea for a trip into the mountains - it would be a good way to escape your rampant suiters after all".

2021-04-11, 07:00 PM
"The river spirits have always said the mountain spirits are stodgy, but respectable," says Bekkah, "the forest and meadow spirits have never really had anything to say about them, since they don't get around much. So I guess mountains are okay?"

2021-04-12, 01:36 PM
The mountains are okay with me. Perhaps with luck, we'll find an ancient shrine to Lady Firehair. The pretty blonde priestess smiled hopefully.

As for food, I think I've finally figured out a trick to conjure berries that'll fill you up. That'll just leave water, which I could always pray for. Melody continued.

2021-04-12, 08:25 PM
I do so hate camping. You know that.

2021-04-13, 01:32 AM
With a large tankard of ale that was definitely on its last legs in one hand, Val replied with his gravely voice "Bah, I bet you just don't enjoy the bugs and small things. I'm good where ever the gold may take us, and the road leads us." He paused for just a moment to take a final swig of his chosen liquor. "And besides with such beautiful company of those I see before me, how can the journey ever be sour!" The man would need more later, but for now he was happily coasting.

2021-04-13, 02:59 AM
"And oreads, exclaims Bekkah, overcome with excitement, "I've met a dryad and even a nymph once, but never an oread. There's nowhere rocky enough for them around here."

2021-04-13, 03:28 AM

"Anywhere we go will have some camping - even the journey to a town would have some of the way" she stated to Galraerae before turning to Val "the issue is gold is taking us nowhere and the paths open to us take us anywhere".

"But it seems that most are happy with a mountain trail so ... " she snapped her fingers and muttered to herself for a second and an illusion of a map appeared on the table it was detailed enough but by no means perfect "... we are here and we have a number of potential sites that I have read about - any or all of them might not exist, or be inhabited by creatures we would be best avoiding". She gestured one of them "an old watch tower apparently abandoned when one of the ancient empires, fell strategically unimportant so never reclaimed - likely collapsed" pointing to second location "a lake which reported grants eternal life created from when the world was young - I suspect that story is not accurate in even to the slightest degree" to a third "underground tunnel reported used by monsters to invade the surface - I suspect merely an abandoned dwarven mine".

She picked up her pint again and took a sip "and a host of other areas that might be worth exploring most with there own stories which likely bare little relation to reality - assuming that we are content with the montains we should likely pick something so that we can have a general destination at the least even if nothing is there we might encounter something worthwhile on the journey anyway".

2021-04-13, 12:31 PM
I would imagine spot number 1. We'd likely be able to gather metal. Even if it were all rusted it could be put to use reforged. Melody says brightly.

2021-04-13, 10:55 PM
KABOOM the crash of thunder shook the inn. A hush fell over the group and another crack SWOOSH BOOM this time a bright red glow shown through all the windows and the smell of smoke swepted through the open cracks of the door. Screams pierced the air and in a loud voice Bring me my sword!

Old Sid runs over to your table. Quick lads and lasses into the cellar. Grab what ever will help you.
Turn the tap three times to the right on the last keg.

2021-04-13, 11:03 PM
Well, this sounds like the beginnings of an interesting tale...

Rae grabbed her instruments from the table, and made for the bar.

Turning the tap, and waiting for whatever it was that was supposed to heppen.

2021-04-13, 11:39 PM
Bekka's eyes go wide.

"Guys, the giant's here for his sword. I don't know if we're going to make it out to the mountains..."

She picks up her bow and runs outside.

2021-04-14, 02:25 AM
Aubree's mind was jolted by Bekka's words. Of course it was the tongue of giants! Now that would be a real challenge...

He dashed behind the bar to grab a coil of rope (always handy) but whilst there his eyes lingered on a bottle of Old Sid's famous moonshine. He'd only tasted it once, but knew it packed a fearsome punch whilst being decidedly tasty. Sid had told them to grab what they needed... This might come in handy.

2021-04-14, 04:39 AM

She hadn't bothered to prepare the ritual for understanding languages before she started drinking and felt it was a waste of magical power now that Bekka had confirmed it was a giant. Noting Bekka's move outside rather then to the cellar she was of two minds on whether to go after her or not instead calling after her "Bekka cellar first we can regroup and plan as needed there ".

In the cellar she proceeded to grab a spyglass in case they did live through this and a book on history that she hoped would hold some new secrets before moving to the last keg with Galraerae, half expecting a passage to open - if Bekka's warning was correct and if it was a storm giant she didn't believe that fighting was in their interests at this time, and while conversing might work if the creature was calm enough it was not a plan she wanted to try unless all other options were off the table.

2021-04-14, 06:12 AM
It happened just before Val was about to get up to get another full pint of his delicious poison, "Oh shi-" and quickly snapping him out of his happy cloud and back back down into reality, and hustling down into the cellar with the rest of the group. "Giants, of course it's giants--or rather giant. I don't think he's looking for this toothpick though," The man patted the scabbard on his belt. However the time now wasn't for idle chatter or even fighting this thing, it was well above his own pay grade, the time now was to grab what he could and run. From what he could gather, he nabbed a climber's kit, and a single vial of flammable oil.

2021-04-14, 08:15 PM
Well, this sounds like the beginnings of an interesting tale...

Rae grabbed her instruments from the table, and made for the bar.

Turning the tap, and waiting for whatever it was that was supposed to heppen.

Lass down to the cellar. Your just wasting favorite ale.

2021-04-14, 08:18 PM
Bekka's eyes go wide.

"Guys, the giant's here for his sword. I don't know if we're going to make it out to the mountains..."

She picks up her bow and runs outside.

She sees two ogres coming her way looking up at the swaying sword above her head. One looks down yelling in giant. The other pushes the first one towards the side and he hits into the wall.

Lass no time for gawking get in the cellar. Old Sid yells.

2021-04-14, 08:19 PM
Aubree's mind was jolted by Bekka's words. Of course it was the tongue of giants! Now that would be a real challenge...

He dashed behind the bar to grab a coil of rope (always handy) but whilst there his eyes lingered on a bottle of Old Sid's famous moonshine. He'd only tasted it once, but knew it packed a fearsome punch whilst being decidedly tasty. Sid had told them to grab what they needed... This might come in handy.
Lad get down to the cellar

2021-04-15, 12:51 AM
Melody rushes into the cellar.

Everyone, with me!

2021-04-15, 12:11 PM
Aubree turned, his hand tightening on his weapon. But no, rash actions wouldn't help now, and he acquiesced joining the rest of the group that hurried into the cellar at Sid's command.

2021-04-15, 12:50 PM
Ok so the group is in the cellar gathering equipment and trying to get the last keg to work when the sound of battle can be heard from upstairs. Old Sid is yelling and the sound of tables being broken can be heard. A loud voice yells Where is the real sword? We will tear this whole village apart. The master wants what is his.

The door splinters open as a huge club comes crashing through. An ogre pushes his way in. ok if you beat a 12 you can do your action. 12 is tied with ogre and anyone11 or less goes last. Need to ac 11.
The basement is 60 feet by 60 feet the door is on the left middle wall and the kegs are in the right wall top corner. There are six kegs each three foot in diameter with a spout in the middle.

2021-04-15, 10:07 PM
"Well now, look who's come to join the party." It was a simple matter to close the gap, after all. Rapier and board at the ready, all it took was a few small steps, a fade into the aether, and the next moment appearing straight in front of the imposing creature lunging straight into the vitals with the tip of his blade.

So in order:
Movement: Walk
Bonus: Misty Step
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2021-04-16, 02:30 AM

Seeing the monster barrel in, Aubree felt a surge run through him. This was what he had been looking for: a test to prove his worthiness. He advanced towards the creature and his hand began to glow with light. Now this was a trick Torin couldn't teach...

Is Aubree the full distance of the room away from the ogre? Or were we interrupted before we could get to the other side and therefore within melee range? I'm going to roll for either eventuality and then describe the fluff retrospectively if that's alright?

If within 30ft, Aubree will move, use his bonus action to activate his hexblade's curse and then attack with his staff two handed.
Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll]1d8+7[/rolll]

If further than 30ft away Aubree will move so that he is 30ft distant, activate his hexblade's curse and then fire his eldritch blast.
Attack roll - as above.
Damage - [roll1]

2021-04-16, 08:25 AM
Hey, peabrain! When your friends said you were going clubbing today, this isn’t what they meant!

Casting Vicious Mockery. Wisdom save DC 14, or it takes [roll0] psychic damage and disadvantage on attacks for its next turn.

2021-04-16, 12:35 PM

Is Aubree the full distance of the room away from the ogre? Or were we interrupted before we could get to the other side and therefore within melee range? I'm going to roll for either eventuality and then describe the fluff retrospectively if that's alright?

If within 30ft, Aubree will move, use his bonus action to activate his hexblade's curse and then attack with his staff two handed.
Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll]1d8+7[/rolll]

If further than 30ft away Aubree will move so that he is 30ft distant, activate his hexblade's curse and then fire his eldritch blast.
Attack roll - as above.
Damage - [roll1]
You can pick where in the room you want to start but most people are probably upper right corner.

2021-04-16, 07:05 PM
The ogre swings his mighty club at Val, his ears still ringing from the vicious mockery, just misses the fighter.

2021-04-16, 09:40 PM
Melody pulls up her crossbow and takes aim at the ogre.


2021-04-17, 10:20 AM
Everyone who needs to attack can, every one who has attacked can as well. Except Melody who was the last to attack.

2021-04-17, 11:34 AM

As the others moved to engage the ogre she choose to follow the request of Old Sid and located the last keg to turn the tap three times to the right - she wasn't sure they could take on an ogre but she trusted Old Sid not to have trapped them in a situation they had no way out of.

2021-04-17, 01:42 PM

As the others moved to engage the ogre she choose to follow the request of Old Sid and located the last keg to turn the tap three times to the right - she wasn't sure they could take on an ogre but she trusted Old Sid not to have trapped them in a situation they had no way out of.

The keg swings open and in the back is an opening and a smooth sided ramp leading down.

2021-04-17, 01:52 PM

She called out "we have a way out - I think we should take it", with that she slipped into elven in the hopes that the Ogre would not understand "Aubree you are ok with illusions also and speak giant if I recall correctly - if you can trick the giant into thinking its fellows have the sword and are leaving it should likely move to join them" she rationalised - she would do it herself but she didn't have time to cast the spell before the creature attacked again, she just hoped her friends had not mentally commited themselves to battle and would agree to escape.

2021-04-17, 06:11 PM
Rae doesn’t need to be told twice. She is always one to run from a fight, especially lopsided ones.

She makes for the passage.

2021-04-18, 10:57 AM
From upstairs fighting can be heard and then a huge thud. A hand axe buries itself deep in to the back of the ogre. Old Sid's voice yells in giant I have your master's sword you stupid pile of dog dirt.

The ogre looks at the six armed adventurers and heads upstairs.

2021-04-19, 11:42 AM

The half elf turned to dismiss Heather: he wasn't stupid but his blood was up and he wanted to prove himself. His energy blast had been weaker than he had anticipated, but he was only getting warmed up.

It was then that Sid's voice rang from upstairs, calling the ogre away. That hadn't been Aubree's doing, but as it turned he knew it would be reckless to pursue it. Aubree turned and joined Heather at the entrance to the ramp. "Let's see what's down here I guess," he announced and leapt down to the ramp.

2021-04-19, 11:55 AM
Melody clings her weapon and shield close to her, and follows the group into the passage.

2021-04-19, 05:59 PM
The ramp plummeted down sixty feet, dust flew onto the air. Only those with dark vision see that the room is 60 feet with two corridors one on each side . Metal beds with very dusty mattress enough for ten people and ten chests.

Level up to two

2021-04-19, 09:11 PM
Val gave a thought to chase the monster that ran away, but decided that discretion is the better part of valor and living to see another day, so he followed the rest of the group out and down into the catacombs below. Blind as he was in the dark, the man had no other option but to light one of his torches. "Well, where to now?"

2021-04-20, 03:20 AM

"What is this place?" Aubree asked, looking around. He hated to think of the destruction they'd left above, but this was a strange mystery indeed. "Who did Sid have staying here?"

He approached one of the chests and tried to open it.

2021-04-20, 05:12 AM

She waited until the rest had moved down the passageway and then followed closing the door behind her, as she looked around the room, "whoever stayed here likely did it some time ago, but you are correct we should examine the chests for clues - and then pick a corridor in case Sid was bluffing and what they seek is down here- unless others disagree?", she then followed her own advise and began to search the room for anything interesting, while allowing her mind to be split on also mulling over what she knew about the history of giants in the region.

Investigation: [roll0]
History: [roll1]

2021-04-20, 11:00 AM

"What is this place?" Aubree asked, looking around. He hated to think of the destruction they'd left above, but this was a strange mystery indeed. "Who did Sid have staying here?"

He approached one of the chests and tried to open it.
Inside the chest it was spotless no dust at all. Fresh blankets and sleeping bags, five two man tents, and ten water skins. The chest is much smaller than all the goods combined.

2021-04-21, 02:50 AM
As Aubree pulled more and more equipment from the capacious tent he realised this was odder than even he had thought. "This chest... It must be magical." He turned to the other chests around him and began to examine them to see if they too held more than they should.

2021-04-21, 06:51 AM
Rae picks herself off the floor, and with a look of disgust, she looks down at her clothes. She mutters a word and waves a hand in front of her in a downward sweeping motion, and the dust vanishes. She takes a quick look around and then decides quickly that the addition of color due to the torch's light illuminating the area does not improve the look of the place.

Well. That was... interesting. Where do we go from here? Or were we meant to wait here for Sid to come get us?

2021-04-21, 09:53 AM

She got distracted in her own search by Aubree's comment and went over to take a look at the chest "if we had a few minutes I could have a few rituals to figure out the basis of the magic involved - more is we had a decent pearl" she looked for markings on the box "can you carry it?" she asked while still examining it.

Responding to Rae "I suspect we are meant to go further inside and find some treasure that Sid wants to keep out of the hands of the Giants - that is I assume why he told us of all the guests to go down here, powerful enough to perhaps do a task, not powerful enough to fight ogres" she mused barely paying attention as she wondered as the magic of the box and how it could be co-opted "I could be wrong of course" she flipped topics mid sentance "if it is conjuration magic focused on summoning more space the real impact would be that it has greater storage capacity then it would otherwise have - but if you created too much space you would likely need divination to actually find anything inside it - and possibly further conjuration to ensure that the space with your sought item would be on top, this bares more research" she finished happilly seemingly having forgotten about the danger they were in for the time being.

2021-04-21, 11:02 AM
"This is wild," says Bekkah, "and I say that at someone who regularly talks to fairies. How far does all of this go, I wonder?"

2021-04-21, 12:50 PM
The other chests were empty except one more that had
Had studded leather x4 breast plate x3 and splint x3. 4 light crossbow and 2 heavy crossbows 100 bolts in five quivers and 5 short bows and 5 long bows 100 arrows in five quivers.

2021-04-21, 02:25 PM
"Crazy is leaving all this equipment down here. What was Sid doing? Stockpiling for an attack by giants?" Aubree was only half joking at this point. But if Sid had planned for this, then it was only sensible to use the equipment they'd been left. There was plenty spare that others wouldn't go short. He donned some breastplate and switched out his smaller crossbow for one with more stopping power. It probably wouldn't match what he could conjure, but it was best to be prepared: he hadn't had his powers so long that he was yet comfortable wholly relying on them.

Geared up he hefted the chest with the camping equipment in, to check how heavy it was, and if he could lift it, would see how much of the armour and weapons he could take.

Already descending into typical DnD looting?

Basically want to know whether these chests are lighter than normal, or whether they just have extradimensional space but weigh the same. If the latter we better work out how much stuff Aubree can carry with his 18 strength - need to use it for something.

2021-04-21, 10:38 PM
"Crazy is leaving all this equipment down here. What was Sid doing? Stockpiling for an attack by giants?" Aubree was only half joking at this point. But if Sid had planned for this, then it was only sensible to use the equipment they'd been left. There was plenty spare that others wouldn't go short. He donned some breastplate and switched out his smaller crossbow for one with more stopping power. It probably wouldn't match what he could conjure, but it was best to be prepared: he hadn't had his powers so long that he was yet comfortable wholly relying on them.

Geared up he hefted the chest with the camping equipment in, to check how heavy it was, and if he could lift it, would see how much of the armour and weapons he could take.

Already descending into typical DnD looting?

Basically want to know whether these chests are lighter than normal, or whether they just have extradimensional space but weigh the same. If the latter we better work out how much stuff Aubree can carry with his 18 strength - need to use it for something. 10 pounds as if empty.

2021-04-22, 03:38 AM
"Let me know if anyone needs any of this equipment, otherwise I say we take this chest with us. It could come in handy."

Aubree loads all the of the weapons, armour and camping equipment into the first chest and then hefts it easily.

He then headed for the door on the right hand side of the room. "Let's see what else is down here."

2021-04-22, 06:22 AM
Wait just a moment, Rae says. She then opens the chest back up, takes out a light crossbow and one of the quivers of bolts, then shuts the trunk again.

There. How I have something a little better than my one dagger for keeping things away.

2021-04-22, 12:29 PM
I um.... I might prefer the leather. Melody comments. This armor is protective, but it's so heavy.

2021-04-22, 06:15 PM
Bekka claims a suit of studded leather and a quiver of arrows before Aubree packs everything away.

"Well if this wasn't all down here we wouldn't have access to it now. Serendipitous."

2021-04-23, 07:47 PM
It was a simple choice for Val for all of the options before him--grab a new set of studded leather armor to protect him from whatever may come by. "What kind stories could this barkeep could have told us with all of this down here, I wonder... But I'm certain he didn't send us down here just for this and leave us to die, there must be another way out. If anyone can see in this dark please lead the way--I'll be right behind you."

2021-04-24, 05:45 AM
There are two tunnels on opposite walls. As you look down each one they are both thick in dust. They both go for 60 feet before you can't see any more.

intelligence roll 14 to determine direction

2021-04-24, 06:15 AM

DIstracted by her own thought on magic and how manipulate it she barely noticed as a the others got ready to leave - but as she did she looked down the corridors "a puzzle?" she wondered as she tried to note and indications of which path they should follow.

I am assuming no proficiency or skills relevant.
Int: [roll0]

2021-04-24, 07:37 AM

DIstracted by her own thought on magic and how manipulate it she barely noticed as a the others got ready to leave - but as she did she looked down the corridors "a puzzle?" she wondered as she tried to note and indications of which path they should follow.

I am assuming no proficiency or skills relevant.
Int: [roll0]

Heather is able to tell that the left passage heads to the south and the right one heads north.

Every one knows the mountains are to the north of Derry and the Old Growth Forest lies to the south.

2021-04-24, 08:45 AM

She gestures at the passageways "that one should take us to the mountains" pointing to the other "and that to the Old Growth Forest" shrugging "or at least in the direction of them, thoughts?"

2021-04-24, 09:07 PM
Mmm. Well, Rae starts as she begins figuring out how to load her crossbow properly, You all wanted to go to the mountains, so we could head that way.

2021-04-24, 10:09 PM
And is everyone feeling alright? Melody asks worriedly, looking upon her group members.

2021-04-24, 10:18 PM
I imagine I feel better than I look. I must be a dreadful mess after that hurried flight from upstairs.

2021-04-25, 05:20 AM

"Mountains work for me - but it might lead us to more ogres, and we know they are active now" she considered Melody's question "I am worried about my father - and the rest of the village, but we can't really do anything about them now there will be time later to process matters".

2021-04-25, 07:29 AM
Aubree nodded: "The mountains are likely where the ogres and their giant-kin came from. The forest may be where the villagers would have fled to." But he was resolute. "We wanted an adventure, and adventure has come knocking. I think we should seize it. To the mountains!"

2021-04-29, 09:49 AM
The hallway is thick with dust and it stretches down about 60 feet and then turns to left for ten feet and then turns again left ten feet then right for ten feet. History check 10.

The hallway then continues for sixty feet as it opens up to a natural cave forty feet wide twenty feet high and 100 feet long. The air is wet and warm a small lake sits occupying the last sixty feet of the cave with a small cave opening and sun light shining through.

2021-04-29, 10:10 AM

She refocused her thoughts away from her home and more towards knowledge and learning as she moved, considering matters of Ogres, Swords, Magic but also tales of the underground and what she might have heard or read about these tunnels.

History: [roll0]

2021-04-29, 10:37 AM

She refocused her thoughts away from her home and more towards knowledge and learning as she moved, considering matters of Ogres, Swords, Magic but also tales of the underground and what she might have heard or read about these tunnels.

History: [roll0]

This is a dwarven choke point used to hold off attackers .

2021-04-30, 05:47 PM

"These tunnels are dwarven - used to be used as a choke point if I haven't missed my guess", she stated "what is everyone thinking?" she asked.

2021-04-30, 06:25 PM
Well. Considering we aren’t trying to hold off a horde of slavering beasts, we should keep going.

2021-04-30, 09:23 PM
Yeah, I just want as much distance as possible. If they find the hole they might follow us, and I want to be as much out of the tunnel as I can.

2021-05-01, 02:35 AM
Aubree agreed. "But be careful. We don't want to find ourselves 'choked' if there are enemies without." He approaches the lake cautiously, ready to launch an eldritch blast if something leaps out at them.

Can we go round the lake or will we have to swim through it?

2021-05-01, 05:47 AM
The lake is crystal clear and the depth is unclear. Now that anyone is looking more closely they can see the following in the water about 30 feet away into the lake. A jeweled dagger, eight golden disks spread out in pairs roughly 2 to 3 foot apart, a long sword , and a spear.

2021-05-01, 12:54 PM

"If we have 10 minutes I can undertake a ritual to let us know if any other those pieces are magical" she offered "but personally I am mostly insterested in the golden disks".

2021-05-01, 09:56 PM

"If we have 10 minutes I can undertake a ritual to let us know if any other those pieces are magical" she offered "but personally I am mostly insterested in the golden disks".

I think we do. Alternatively we could grab them now, and figure out later?

2021-05-02, 08:24 AM

"Ok if needed I can break it off" with that she took out her book and began the process of enacting the ritual for to allow her greater insight into magic.

Begin to use the ritual for detect magic.

2021-05-04, 06:22 PM
None of the disks glowed but the dagger, long sword and spear all do.

2021-05-04, 10:07 PM
Melody takes off he armor, to start diving attempting to pick up the magical items.

2021-05-04, 10:13 PM
Grab everything whie you're down there, Rae says, while surreptitiously checking out Melody.

2021-05-04, 10:19 PM
As Melody starts to enter the water, the disks move and four giant frogs move toward the shore.

Initiative frogs 12.

2021-05-05, 01:49 AM
"Melody, you're not alone in there! Get back here quickly." Aubree calls, energy blasting from his hands at the frog nearest to Melody.

Eldritch blast - [roll0]

2021-05-05, 05:40 AM

On complection of the ritual she scanned the items present "hmm I will be able to note magic if I concentrate for the next few minutes now ... the dagger, long sword and spear are all magical, I am not detecting anything from the water itself or the disks. I would like to examine them all closer in a more secure environment if someone would fetch them for me", her mind focused on the mystery rather then the situation otherwise she might think to get them herself.

As Melody entered the water and the disks moved revealing the frogs she took note of it, as they hadn't appeared magical this seemed unlikely to be a trap activated but if it was that implied a higher level of magic to fool detection spells - she was eager to study the disks even as she drew on her power seek to direct a spectral hand to damage one of the frogs.

Chill Touch to hit: [roll0]
Chill Touch damage: [roll1]
Chill Touch affects: Target cannot regain hitpoints until my next turn.

2021-05-05, 12:49 PM
The first frog was hit directly by the eldritch blast. Unfortunately Heather missed hers.

2021-05-06, 11:54 AM
The frogs all jump out of the water. Frog one moves towards Rae. Frog 2 misses Heather. Frog 3 hits Melody for 4 damage. Frog 4 misses Melody.

2021-05-06, 12:03 PM
(Assume the rest of the team will go before this is resolved)

Aubree grabs his staff in both hands and dashes forwards to help out Melody who is fending off two of the creatures.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2021-05-06, 04:49 PM
Throughout all of this, Val had little to nothing to say for input. He knew not of these strange magicks and how they worked, nor was he learned enough to even begin to fathom how his compatriots knew what they knew. But he was sellsword and had little use for that information, and currently his task was to help guide and protect his friends through this uncharted land--this included providing covering fire for the one far out into the waters. Knocking a pair of arrows onto his long bow he took aim at one of the frogs in the water, and let the arrows fly.

Attack frog 3 + Action Surge


Extra dice in case of crits

2021-05-06, 06:17 PM
Frog 3 dies from the two arrows.

2021-05-06, 10:30 PM
Mary disengages as she back ups.

2021-05-08, 03:18 PM
Frog one hits Rae for 4 points. Frog two misses. Frog four hits Aubree for 5 points.

2021-05-09, 02:06 PM

Refocusing herself she tried to again hurt the frog that was trying to eat her, or at least hurt it so that it would go away - still it was somewhat interesting that they were being so aggressive.

Chill Touch to hit: [roll0]
Chill Touch damage: [roll1]
Chill Touch affects: Target cannot regain hitpoints until my next turn.

2021-05-09, 04:34 PM
Heather really hurt frog two .

2021-05-11, 08:45 PM
Anyone else attacking?

2021-05-11, 08:48 PM
Melody will open fire!

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2021-05-12, 04:44 AM

She stalled for a time to consider her options before directing another hand at her foe.

Chill Touch to hit: [roll0]
Chill Touch damage: [roll1]
Chill Touch affects: Target cannot regain hitpoints until my next turn.

2021-05-12, 02:00 PM
It probably wasn't the brightest of ideas to fire an arrow into combat, but there wasn't much time to swap weapons--so Val knocked another arrow onto the bow and let it fly towards another frog.

Attack most wounded looking frog

Extra dice in case of crit

2021-05-12, 08:45 PM
Rae will stab at the frog in front of her with her rapier.

[roll0], D: [roll1]

2021-05-13, 02:03 AM
(Assuming Aubree hasn't attacked this turn)

Aubree will swing his quarterstaff at the closest frog.

Damage [roll1]

2021-05-13, 07:40 AM
The battle is fast and brutal but the new found heroes find that they have slain all the frogs. The only thing left is the loot. Everyone realizes that the gold disks were the eyes of the frogs waiting in ambush.

2021-05-13, 11:48 AM
The battle is fast and brutal but the new found heroes find that they have slain all the frogs. The only thing left is the loot. Everyone realizes that the gold disks were the eyes of the frogs waiting in ambush.

"Think the eyes have uses in alchemy?" Melody snarks.

2021-05-13, 12:03 PM

Either missing or ignoring the sarcasm, "it is possible, let me examine them".

With that she carefully reviewed the toad corpses for anything valuable or noteworthy.

Knowledge Nature: [roll0]

2021-05-16, 11:49 AM

Either missing or ignoring the sarcasm, "it is possible, let me examine them".

With that she carefully reviewed the toad corpses for anything valuable or noteworthy.

Knowledge Nature: [roll0]

You know that the legs are good source of protein and at this size will last a long while if cooked.

2021-05-16, 02:18 PM
Let's just grab the stuff in the pool and go then, yes?

Rae goes into the pond and starts swimming toward the items at the bottom.

2021-05-18, 01:48 AM
The items are easily recovered. Dagger, long sword and spear.

2021-05-18, 03:33 AM

Standing from her task, "well the frogs are edible - so we can bring them with us for bait or food as needed" she stated "in order to be sure if they items I would need time to examine them - and a ritual involving expensive components - but I can give them a once over now I suppose".

Taking them she began to examine them carefully for signs of where they might have come from and powers they might possess.

Knowledge Arcane: [roll0]

2021-05-18, 10:02 AM
Melody will keep an eye out for any hostiles.

2021-05-18, 11:17 AM
The jeweled dagger has two rubies on one side and one on the other with an open cavity that looks charred where the last ruby would be. The blade is balanced and light.
The spear is made of ebony wood and ash with a Damascus style blade. The long sword has a hilt wrapped in black shiny wrappings, the blade is etched in draconic runes. Only those who speak draconic can read it.

2021-05-18, 11:26 AM

"The dagger has a few rubies and a third area that seems burned out - I would be careful with it if anyone tries to use it before proper identification. The spear is ebony wood, ash I believe" considering for a second "bare with me on the sword".

It wasn't the rarest language she knew but still draconic came up fairly rarely in general but often enough in certain texts as she reviewed and read the swords description to herself.

2021-05-18, 11:33 AM

"The dagger has a few rubies and a third area that seems burned out - I would be careful with it if anyone tries to use it before proper identification. The spear is ebony wood, ash I believe" considering for a second "bare with me on the sword".

It wasn't the rarest language she knew but still draconic came up fairly rarely in general but often enough in certain texts as she reviewed and read the swords description to herself.

The breath of Tiamat.
It adds 1d6 in this order Acid, fire, poison, cold, lightning then starts over again.

2021-05-18, 06:35 PM

"Fascinating" she muttered "it seems that this sword is devoted to the goddess Tiamet and is called 'The breath of Tiamat' but I have never heard of it so I have no knowledge of why it would be sitting at the bottom of a pool under our town - should to rotating damage to foes when used" she offered it off to the first one who wanted it "might be cursed or the like - Tiamet is the deity of the chromatic dragons rather then their metallic kin and they are regarded as less moral in general".

2021-05-18, 09:42 PM
Rae picked up the dagger, tucking it up a sleeve where it stuck out against her still wet clothes. But she waved her hand over her clothes and the water fell out. She then pushed the dagger up her sleeve again, and it vanished.

Well. Shall we move on?

2021-05-19, 12:13 AM
I am ready when everyone else is~ Melody beams warmly.

2021-05-19, 10:11 AM

"What?" she was caught in her own thoughts "oh leaving - sure that sounds good".

2021-05-19, 09:44 PM
The water is cool and refreshing. You all appear on the other side of the pond , the light is bright and the air is warm. ok how many active players do we have? If less than original 6, might bump up your levels. Also who is carrying what new weapons? Does anybody notice anything?

2021-05-20, 01:45 AM
Aubree takes the offered sword if no one else wants it: it is not as fine as some of the swords he has seen, but it will certainly serve him better than the staff he carries.

2021-05-21, 03:44 PM
"Was wondering when we'd get moving again." It was mostly out of boredom, but Val had both a distinct lack of interest in trying to suss out how magick worked. Plus he chalked his fired arrows as a loss--they were easily replacable and not worth the hassle of plucking them out of some small amphibians.

I've no personal qualms against Aubree having the sword--but just seems weird for a Hexblade to have a physical weapon. Probably for the best, at least until the Hexblade class can actually come online.

2021-05-25, 07:39 AM

"Sure I think we are done here and if we encounter anything else over the next few minutes I won't have to do the ritual again", pointing onwards "that way?".

2021-05-25, 02:18 PM
The group waded through the waist high warm water. The opening was bright and the sun shone directly into it causing the heroes to close their eyes briefly until the hot humid air told them they were out of the cave. Sounds of birds chirping could be heard high above them.

2021-05-25, 10:34 PM
How far do you think we are from home? Melody muses out loud.

2021-05-25, 10:46 PM
Far enough to be safe from the giants for now. Close enough to not be truly away.

As they exited the water, Rae once again waved her hand down her clothes and the water falls out, leaving her dry.

Well, which way? Still towards the mountains?

2021-05-26, 06:15 AM
After the chaos and destruction they'd left behind, this place was a pleasant change. Aubree spun his newly acquired blade a few times to get a feel for it. He turned as Rae suggested continuing their adventure.

"What about what happened to our homes?" Aubree asked. "Surely we should be coming up with a plan to find out what happened? At least rescue any survivors."

2021-05-26, 06:28 AM

"If we can get our hands on some high quality charcoal, incense and herbs I could call a familiar in the firm of a bird or the like to assist with scouting, but other then that we have no way of knowing what we would be walking into back there - not to be cold but any who escaped likely already did" shrugging "still it is possible that the ogres have left and we could return to find out if we think that is for the best".

Looking at the sky and considering the journey they made and the directions and time she tried to tell where they were roughly in comparison to the village, knowing that it would be easier to tell at night but seeing what she could determine anyway.

Nature: [roll0]

2021-05-26, 10:26 PM
If the herbs don't grow naturally in the mountains, it might take a while to find them. Melody muses out loud.

2021-05-27, 01:39 PM
As the group looks around, the mountains are behind them, just where they had come out of. The air is warm and the trees are not what you all saw in the village even the birds and other smaller animals look different.

2021-05-27, 08:54 PM
How far did we go! Melody lets out in astonishment.

2021-05-29, 07:10 AM

"Hmm curious" she stated "in truth I have read a fair amount but travelled little so it isn't to surprising that I might not recognise all this - when night falls I will hopefully have a better understanding based on the stars. But in the meantime we don't know where we are so I suggest going up to get a better view of the land".

2021-05-29, 10:37 AM
The climb up the mountain is easy with the help of bushes and trees. Once at the top it's clear that this is a valley with mountains on the other side about three days away. At the far end to the left smoke can be seen.

2021-05-30, 04:20 PM
"Wha... How... That's quite the flex for travel time for that barkeep. Imagine getting all of your products days ahead of everyone else" Said Val with a whistle of awe. "Well, I suppose we should get moving to some where safe before night falls, only the Gods know what roams out here at night--and I wouldn't want to meet them. Anyone good at directions?"

2021-05-30, 04:23 PM
I don't think directions are going to matter so much considering we are not where we should be. So perhaps we should just remember how to get back here, and see what there is to see.

2021-06-01, 10:07 AM

"Direction are going to be fairly useless to us if we don't know where we are going - personal suggestion back to the village via the mountains, will take us a few days but we might see what went on much earlier and might get an understanding of who actually attacked, other then an ogre" she offered as a plan.

2021-06-01, 01:08 PM
"Wha... How... That's quite the flex for travel time for that barkeep. Imagine getting all of your products days ahead of everyone else" Said Val with a whistle of awe. "Well, I suppose we should get moving to some where safe before night falls, only the Gods know what roams out here at night--and I wouldn't want to meet them. Anyone good at directions?"

Unfortunately I'm not good at directions. Melody pipes up.

2021-06-05, 10:15 AM
A flash of light appeared down the valley to the left. It could have been magic or the reflection off a mirror.

2021-06-05, 10:20 AM
Do we want to go see what that was?

2021-06-05, 10:27 AM

"Yes - one must always investigate shiny things otherwise you will never know what they were" she stated, maybe it was something worth studying she smiled to herself.

2021-06-05, 10:52 AM
So, you want to go investigate every shiny thing ever? That would seem to make you an old crow.

2021-06-05, 10:57 AM

"A majestic bird if ever they was one - as for old I believe I am younger then you, perhaps you are simply getting set in your ways and have lost your sense of adventure?" she offered in rebuttal.

2021-06-05, 11:27 AM
Oh, I still havea sense of adventure, it is just not dependent on finding random things to bring back to my nest.

2021-06-05, 11:42 AM

"If I recall the discussion in the tavern correctly you were quite proud of being the random thing that people brought back to their nests" she offered.

2021-06-05, 11:49 AM
Now you're just starting to sound jealous.

Rae starts walking toward where they saw the flash of light.

Or is it just that I've never shared your bed?

2021-06-05, 12:02 PM

She had a number of offers over the years for such relations but she never had partaken "frankly the carnal pleasures always seemed like a waste of time that could be better spent reading or practicing spellcraft - no offence", she followed along the path towards the object of her interest.

2021-06-05, 01:44 PM
Rae stops. Wait. You have never known the touch of a gentle caress?

You have never felt the raw power in such a tender and intimate act? Even in such as this?

She reaches out and caresses Melody's cheek with the back of her hand while looking back at Heather.

2021-06-05, 02:09 PM

She shrugged "no seems like pointless self indulgence - don't get me wrong I understand you are an entertainer and that many partake as an act of entertainment, which is fine, but I am at my core a scholar and there seems to be little academic benefit to the situation. Working around dead bodies with my father and working in the inn around drunken customers did not fill me with the longing that others seem to have - I have been propositioned before but frankly it seems like it would interfere with sleep or reading".

Setting herself to a suitable spot on the road she brought out her spyglass to see if she could get a better look at the shiny object.

2021-06-05, 02:35 PM
A scholar who does not like to study biology. Tsk. Remind me to not come to you with my medical needs.

2021-06-05, 02:50 PM

"I have studied biology - that is how I know the frogs are edible" she stated with confidence.

2021-06-05, 03:04 PM
Rae just starts laughing as she starts walking again.

2021-06-05, 11:45 PM
A scholar who does not like to study biology. Tsk. Remind me to not come to you with my medical needs.

I mean, I'm certainly a much better healer anyway~ Melody pipes up, still red from the caress.

2021-06-10, 07:03 AM
As the group went down the mountain to investigate the shiny light, they heard a very loud noise.

2021-06-14, 07:22 AM

"Hmm ... load noises can also mean something is worth reviewing, I think we should check it out and look at the shiny later" she offered as a suggestion.