View Full Version : D&D 4e Kobolds of the Dirty Bastards tribe.

2021-04-11, 04:03 PM
The Dirty Bastards tribe is a tribe of outcast and pariah kobolds, the "those who stole from their own kind", those who lost the tribe in the attack of adventurers or plague, grown-up circus children and runaway slaves from drow and goblins. The tribe consist of a few unrelated bands, who share only the desperation and common belief – Dirty Bastards believe the entire world to be at war with them and for them that justifies any means.

This belief in total war against kobolds explains all their behaviour: everyone must know how to hold the weapon, everyone must think of survival of the tribes above everything else, there is no art in these tribes but the art of war, etc. Yes, growing the food is good for the tribe, but stealing the food not only good for the tribe, but also makes it worse for the enemy, so you must stole and burn everything you can't stole – that's how Dirty Bastard thinks. Dirty Bastards can make an alliances or an agreement with other factions, but they stub the former ally in the back the moment they won't need them, because they "know" everyone else want to destroy them and this alliance merely a way to trick them into some kind of trap and it will take a lot of effort to make them see anyone, but kobold and dragon, as someone more than an enemy or a trickable enemy.

So that's Dirty Bastards for you. And it's time to show the stats. I tried to make them something outstandingly nasty and make the battles with them more mobile, so I double the abilities and cut HP in half. Enjoy!


At the start of encounter servants roughly equally splits between melee and range, changing the role according the situation. Kobold-servants tries to stays in a shadows and retreat after each melee attack, using Shifty . They will try to lure the opponent into the traps and ambushes of the higher caste. Alternatively they may retreat into the different directions trying to split the group.

Servant caste can be founded almost exclusively nearby the lair in the “core land” of the tribe and only during the night. They gather mushrooms, herbs, berries, and checking the traps, so following them may be a good way to locate the outside traps and lair.
They hold the ground only if they outnumber the enemy a least 2 to 1, otherwise retreating into the lair. In fact, unless the tribe is in the active war actions, they will leave the warding from trespassers to other casts. Note, however, that attack of adventurers targeting the tribe can be something required active war actions for the kobolds.
Inside the lair they cook, clean, sew, making the weapon, etc., so most rooms are used by them and any unusual noise in the lair will likely attract few more servants from nearby rooms, unless the mundane life in the tribe is stopped.
However if the war actions has started they will participate the ambushes and skirmishes with others, often ambushing from the trees, as the smallest and lightest caste.


Kobold-hunter start the battle from Special shot and prefers to act simultaneously with other kobolds to gain maximum bonus from Mob attack and Combat advantage, while still using hit and run tactics with Shifty. If severely harmed or if he feels that enemy is too strong in melee, he switches to range combat, leaving Caltrops between the enemy and himself. He also uses Caltrops to guide enemy by the “right” way, the one with the trap, by blocking others.

Hunter caste is the caste that performs most duties outside the lair during the day. They hunt, rob the wagons, guarding the watchtowers and patrolling the land. Since everything outside the “core lands” are enemy territory they always are on the alert. Unlike servants they may attack anyone who just wanders around if they the opportunity presents itself, but more likely they will follow the intruders to their camp and attack during the night or preparing the ambush, burying themselves in the dirt and old leaves.
They often crave marks on the trees and rocks near the ground for each other, marking the paths to the important or dangerous locations or the way they followed the intruders and their description. In the forest, where tribe only arrived it required Perception DC 15 check to spot any mark, but in the forests, where the tribe stayed for a long time almost every root covered in symbols, making it hard to determine what is new for those who don’t live here.

Examples of marks.

To communicate secretly, kobold hunters imitates the sound of birds. Moreover they use different sounds during the day and the night. It require Nature DC 8 Nature DC 13 to identify that it’s not a real bird.
Note that both marks and bird signals known to castes higher then hunters, but not to the servants, the higher castes keep it in secret.

Night signals:
Whip-poor-will sound – “Time to attack!”.
Barred owl – “Dangerous intruders!”
Screech owl – Check call
Common loon – “They are close!”
Sandpiper – “I killed/deal with him!”
Barn owl – “Retreating!”
Tawny owl – “Non-humanoid danger!”
Cuckoo bird – for number

Day signals:
Black woodpecker – “Danger!””
Cuckoo bird – for number
Kingfisher – “Retreating”


Sorry this post took a bit longer than I thought so other two kobolds will be later.

But if you playing the dark and grim game, you can add the next dark secret for kobolds: caste are age-dependent. Servants are those who 6-9 years old and Hunters 9-11. That's where size difference came from and why kobolds don't let the servants far from lair.

2021-04-13, 06:41 AM
Here is the next one.


Warrior of kobolds rush into the battle as fast as they can, trying to Hit the light and then mark the most dangerous opponent, such as mage, rogue or anyone with the darkvision. If target is too though, the warrior cover it in Special brew, but usually allows other kobolds to light it up.
However warrior never risk himself to the point, where he may be flanked, so he usually has a couple of buddies by his sides.

Warrior leaves the lair only for war actions. In the lair he stays near the entrance, but then the battle feels lost or all there is no more tricks in this room, he retreats deeper in the lair to fresh traps. The lower castes are usually follow him, to prepare the ambush in the next room. Warrior will be the last to leave in such case.
Outside the lair warrior is just as good at stalking as hunters and can follow target through the thin spaces, water and walls, to attack in the place they least expect. He leads the raids on the farms and little villages, starting the fires. First thing he will try to do, before the fight is to take hostages to secure their retreat, tending to take those, who seems to be the most valued. In fact raid leading by him may even completely avoid the battle, just taking all they want in exchange for the hostage. Warrior typically takes all food, consumables and weapon and may be a transport, and he doesn’t let the hostage go, until he can be in security. He always suspect that he will be followed or cased, so the first location he will be going is not a lair, but a special trapped place.
But the second thing the does – is to try “negotiate” the information out of hostage and those who cares about it.
His typical questions are like sound like this:
• How many of you there are here?
• What is your plan for attack on the kobolds?
• Who is your best warriors and what they are capable of?
• When do you plan to attack the kobolds?
• What do you know about kobolds? Their number? Their location?
• When does your fastest reinforcement can came?
• How many kobolds did you kill? Do you feel any guilt for killing the sapient creature?

Obviously kobold do not care if you have a plan to attack kobolds at all, he “knows” you have it. You can persuade him that you are not trying to kill the kobolds, but it will be hard and typically will go by this scheme:

– You are trying to kill all the kobolds!
– No I don’t, you attack us first.
– That’s because you are planning to destroy us!
– No I don’t, I haven’t even knew you were here.
– That’s because we are too smart for you so you couldn’t find us! But if you knew we are here you’ll tried to destroy us!
– No I don’t, I don’t care if there are kobolds in the nearby woods. I’m simple farmer and never even hold the weapon.
– That’s because you are a coward! And if you do not planning to destroy us by your own hands, you planning to hire adventurers for that!
– No I don’t, I barely make my living and don’t have money for adventurers.
– That’s because you grow food for the people who want to destroy us, so you want to destroy us too! And you living peacefully just to humiliate the kobolds who lives in constant war! And you just trying to manipulate me to stab me in the back!

Such argument can lasts long and give little results. You see, the kobold is so aggressive because he feels that he is a victim, that he was wronged and thus he is entitled to justice in his own interpretation of it. The secret to victory in this argument is not to prove him wrong, but to make him feel that he is not a victim, that his actions are actually successful and he already achieve something despite the fact that all world is against him (even if it’s not true). When he knows his position is stable, that he has something that cannot be stollen by your words, he will start listen to you, but not trust yet.

2021-04-15, 07:24 AM