View Full Version : Do Domain Spell and such count as prerequisites for Prestige Classes?

2021-04-12, 11:27 AM
Hello everbody,

Sorry in advance if there is already an answer to this but i coulndt find it.

I was wonder if you get an arcanespell from a domain if that count as a prerequisite for example the Mystic Theurge?

Tnx in advance for any Answer.

2021-04-12, 11:42 AM
I pretty sure any spell you get from a say cleric domain is a divine spell for you as a divine spellcaster, so i dont think it works. hopefully someone more knowledgeable can come in an explain the how/why better.

2021-04-12, 01:46 PM
Just because a spell appears on the arcane spell caster's spell list doesn't make it an arcane spell. The source of how a particular caster obtains access to the spell is what determines if it is arcane or divine.

If you obtain a spell from a cleric domain - it is divine. What spell it is doesn't matter.

If you are a bard your spells are arcane... UNLESS you take the ACF called Divine Bard. Then all your Bard spells are divine even though most of them only appear on the bard/wizard lists.

Why don't you explain a bit more about what you are trying to do and the playground might be able to assist you better. It sounds like you want early entry tricks for mystic theurge. That right?

2021-04-12, 03:20 PM
Ah okay i see. Yeah would be a pretty big loophole.

Not exactly but since my Characters tend to die for various Reasons im always thinking ahead for the next one. The Theurg was just an example.

Atm im playing a conjurer Wizard. Most of the time about half my spells that i prepared are useless due the enemies we have. Foe example web and pits and were against flying enemys in the open field etc. We nearly never are against the same kind of enemy types so i was thinking i should go next time for a more blaster type.

2021-04-12, 06:35 PM
Atm im playing a conjurer Wizard. Most of the time about half my spells that i prepared are useless due the enemies we have. Foe example web and pits and were against flying enemys in the open field etc. We nearly never are against the same kind of enemy types so i was thinking i should go next time for a more blaster type.

summon monster, summon monster, summon monster
that is the answer to your problem there, gives u flexablity to summon what u need for any particular encounter

5th post down has most of the relative links u need

2021-04-13, 07:19 AM
Most of the time about half my spells that i prepared are useless due the enemies we have. Foe example web and pits and were against flying enemys in the open field etc. We nearly never are against the same kind of enemy types so i was thinking i should go next time for a more blaster type.

This is why I've never been a big fan of wizards. Sure, they have the potential to learn every spell and be able to do literally anything, but god-wizards only really work in theory. In practice you're probably not going to end up with a DM handing out everything he had planned and essentially telling you exactly what spells you need to prepare ahead of time. And if your fallback plan is to get a small number of versatile spells that can be applied in numerous ways in different scenarios, you might as well be a sorcerer.