View Full Version : Fey warlock patron ideas.

2021-04-14, 01:38 AM
Howdy play grounders, so i got a group that has become heavily interested in one of my NPCs and i wanted to flesh him out and was hoping y'all could help give me some ideas.

So some background, i like to use a random generator to get the ball rolling cause my players usually spend a lot of time in towns/cities, and one of the features it has is a plot hook, this particular NPC is a black dragonborn, who wears a bunch of bandages, and he is secretly a werebadger, i was thinking of having him be a fey warlock who made a deal to be something less scary looking to people then a black dragon, his patron suggested something furry, he eagerly agreed, then was cursed with lycsnthropy, and if the players can end his contract, either with some kind of loophole, or even going so far as to deal with/kill his patron, he would help them, he's an alchemist by trade which is how they found him to begin with.

So my biggest question to everyone is, what would be a good patron for him? I'm open to any actual lore based characters, or monsters strong enough to be a patron, like an ancient dryad, or a unicorn, I'm just not super well versed in my fey mythology as i am with the demons and devils side of d&d.

Thank you in advance to any suggestions you kind folks might offer, and if requested, i could elaborate more on the NPC or anything else that might help with ideas, thsnks again folks.

2021-04-14, 03:35 AM
The patron of my warlock is Luthaera, the mistress of dreams. I envision her a bit like the faceless from spirited away, but with a heart-shaped, owl-like mask and curly ram's horns (counting sheep). But she might be a little too benevolent for what you like.

The second idea I have for you is the Curator, a patron I wrote up yesterday for a player of mine. (Sorry for poor formatting, copy-pasted this from another chat)
_The Powers that Be have ruled this rugged heartland as long as written history records. They have always been four in number, and not even the wisest among elven sages remember a time when it was differently so. Four powers, perfectly in balance, perfectly in check. However, once more that fragile equilibrium is no longer garuanteed. The threads of fate are ripped from their carefully woven tapestry, and who knows where a strand might lead were one to follow it?_

_This cannot stand. Three of the Powers have made their move already. They have recruited mortal followers, seek long forgotten relics, and seek to move a strand of faith that favours them alone. It is up to the fourth to restore balance, as it has been so many times in the past._

The Curator exhales a single, exasperated, sigh. Mortals do annoy him so. but if a semblance of balance is to be restored, a suitable mortal must be sought out. Mortals are small and fickle, and ultimately uncontrollable; for this, the Curator dislikes them. Then again, maybe small and fickle are the traits needed for this particular task. With a wave of his hand, and another sigh for good measure, the Curator sends his homonculi scurrying to all corners of the realm, seeking a suitable vessel.
The Curator usually appears as a very tall, very thin humanoid in the garb of a buisinessman. His impossibly long fingers are often folded together as he peers over them with piercing pale violet eyes. His ashen hair defies gravity, sticking directly upward in what would be a comical fashion if this being did not exert an aura of ancient, terrifying power as palpable as the ground beneath one's feet.

The Curator oversees his collection situated on the upper slopes of Crooked Peak. His servants, are homonculi, small and shriveled grey humanoids that carry out his bidding unquestionably and without emotion. It is unknown where the homonculi come from, and so far no-one has dared to ask.
The Curator is a nice true neutral patron that is very useful to send the player on errands and fetch quests to keep the game moving and the world alive. His personality I envision as being similar to Haskill from Oblivion. I can't wait to roleplay him!

Finally, the third suggestion I have it to give the grimmdark supplement (a fanmade resource of fey stuff) a readthrough. There are a couple of archfey characters and patron ideas in there.

Have fun!

2021-04-14, 07:12 AM
Sounds like this dragonborn's patron is of the tricky Fey variety. In that case I'd go with Puck. Not sure if there's an equivalent in the FR, but I'd be surprised if there wasn't. There's lots of great non-DnD stories/mythology around Puck, and A Midsummer Night's Dream is great for inspiration. He has a tendancy to change people into animals in that one which is what brought him to mind. And he'd be fun as hell to RP if your party decides to "deal with" the dragonborn's patron.

Here's a couple good resources:


2021-04-14, 11:13 AM
The patron of my warlock is Luthaera, the mistress of dreams. I envision her a bit like the faceless from spirited away, but with a heart-shaped, owl-like mask and curly ram's horns (counting sheep). But she might be a little too benevolent for what you like.

Just replying to say that I love this description!

2021-04-14, 11:44 AM
A couple of really good suggestions! I'll have to go over these in more detail when i get the time, but thanks to both of you for these, I'm sure they'll both end up getting put to use sooner or later regardless of if i use them for the dragonborn or not =P

2021-04-15, 11:40 AM
Just replying to say that I love this description!
Merci bien ^.^

2021-05-26, 09:29 AM
I didn't see this thread earlier, but as it so happens, I'm also planning an Arch-Fey Warlock but haven't locked down a firm idea on the patron. I'm thinking of three main possibilities.

1. Oberon - "A hunter without equal. Mercurial, temermental changes on a whim".
2. Titania - "A goddess of goodness and mercy".
3. Lerue - "Worshipped by swashbuckling adventurers".


Jonas Krinn - Archfey Patron, Pact of the Talisman.
Background: Outlander (Bounty Hunter)
Proficiencies - Class: Deception, Intimidation
Proficiencies - Background: Survival, [Stealth] (Custom background, replaces Athletics)
Proficiencies - Background: [Disguise Kit] (Custom background, replaces Musical Instrument)
Proficiencies - Variant Human: Persuasion
Languages: Common, Dwarven(Or something else?), Sylvan (Background).

The backstory I have in mind is this:

My planned Warlock is the human Jonas Krinn, a highly-skilled bounty hunter (Background of Outlander: Bounty Hunter, probably Lawful Good given his job), noted for always returning with his quarry (except for once). While not an idiot, he was never much for reading and definitely not the magical sort. He didn't purposefully seek out his pact, it came to him.

An attempt by Jonas to take someone into custody went badly, which started a fire that killed the suspect and his daughter. That drew the ire of an unpleasant group, lead by the suspect's brother. They ambushed Jonas, tied him to a tree, and each member gave Jonas one wound, just enough so that he'd bleed out slowly. They rode off, leaving him, and taking his young daughter (6) with them, to raise as their own.

Jonas was dying, and called out to someone, anyone to help, and unexpectedly got an answer - the Archfey. A quick negotiation followed, with Jonas agreeing to work for the Archfey as his agent, in exchange for the Archfey saving his life AND helping him track down his daughter and the group which had wounded him.

Jonas had to be taken to the Feywild for proper treatment (he likely passed out and isn't sure how he got there). He spent 15 days recovering and being given some instruction on his new Warlock abilities. He's still skittish about suddenly having magic, which he never really knew much about before.

When recovered, Jonas was sent back from the Feywild to the Material Plane. However, for some reason, the transition didn't go as expected, and instead of spending 15 days away, he ended up returning 15 YEARS after he left. (Rolled a 20 on the Feywild Time Warp table.). The Archfey patron claims to not know what happened. Whether the warp was accidental, deliberate on the part of the patron, or sabotage by one of the patron's enemies is for the DM to decide.

In any event, the people who took his daughter suddenly have a 15 year head start, he doesn't even know what his now 21-year old daughter looks like, and all his old friends and contacts are gone. Jonas is going to need the patron's help a lot more than he was expecting to, which means he needs to do things for the patron as well.

I'm not sure if the backstory makes anyone think of a suitable patron.

1. Oberon seems to be a good fit, because Jonas was also a hunter. "I wouldn't 'xactly call myself 'without equal', but I'm pretty good." The one time Jonas didn't come back with who he set out to hunt was because he let her go. The temperment changes can also work, with Oberon switching from being pleasant to furious at Jonas taking 15 years to show back up on the material plane.

2. Titania is an okay fit, since Jonas was largely a good person who showed mercy, but received none from the group who left him to slowly die.

3. Lerue is a questionable fit.

2021-05-26, 09:35 AM
A character I have made is a fey archer that I'm very fond of, and the patron here is Artemis-adjacent. Their vibe is "hunts unholy fey monsters that cross fey material border." Think band of archers or something, like the hunters of Artemis - you take pact of blade for a bow, pretend to be a ranger.

My character was exiled to redeem themself after having made a significant blunder (fleed from battle) - perhaps your dragonborn was bitten but Artemis hadnt the heart to kill them, instead stripping them of most their power and having them leave.

2021-05-26, 09:38 AM
Seeing as your NPC is basically something from the Jim Henson workshop, why not base the patron on David Bowie's Goblin King character from Labyrinth?

Joe the Rat
2021-05-26, 09:50 AM
If you need something strictly Realms, Hyrsam, the Prince of Fools, the First satyr, master of song and mischief. But he is also Hyrsam the Savage, embodiment of savagery and the wild. When the Fool's jokes turn vicious, it's the Savage coming out to play.

Given the dual nature of the "boon" and the dark (and feral) aspect of the joke played on the warlock, this lines up well.

Sounds like this dragonborn's patron is of the tricky Fey variety. In that case I'd go with Puck. Not sure if there's an equivalent in the FR, but I'd be surprised if there wasn't. There's lots of great non-DnD stories/mythology around Puck, and A Midsummer Night's Dream is great for inspiration. He has a tendancy to change people into animals in that one which is what brought him to mind. And he'd be fun as hell to RP if your party decides to "deal with" the dragonborn's patron.

Here's a couple good resources:

This sort of shenanigan is totally in Puck's wheelhouse.
(The interpretation from Gargoyles, complete with language screwyous and Avalonian magic loophole curse-enders is worth a solid look)
"Did you say get rid of that human, or that human? Oh nevermind..."

2021-05-26, 12:13 PM
If you need something strictly Realms, Hyrsam, the Prince of Fools

Beat me to it.


The real question should be "why did this archfey choose to curse this character with lycanthropy?"

The fey could've just used True Polymorph to alter the character's appearance, and very likely knew that's what the character wanted. So what was their motive in choosing lycantrhopy?

Was it a mean-spirited prank?

Were they trying to teach the character a lesson? If so, what lesson? Be careful what you wish for? Recognize the privilege you have? Experience what life is like for a wild animal?

The motive can better help you define which archfey is appropriate. Oberon might want to give the character an experience that makes him more sympathetic to wild animals. Hyrsam might want to undermine the character's assumptions about the challenges he faces. An Unseelie archfey might just want to watch the character squirm.

If the archfey wanted to impart a lesson, then you have an arc for the character to follow. Rather than just have the players show up and solve the problem, the character can learn something along the way.

2021-05-26, 09:18 PM
Maybe something from literature? The Cheshire Cat? The Golden Snitch? Glenda the Good Witch?

2021-05-26, 10:57 PM
I feel like a fey associated with the Wild Hunt seems fitting.

2021-05-26, 11:53 PM
I feel like a fey associated with the Wild Hunt seems fitting.
There's a fey Wild Hunt? I only knew the one from a 2e dieties book about some spirit's wolves from THH in the upper planes.
On the topic of generators, the new Fey origins are going to be a thing now. ... Anyone wanna brainstorm in here Tiny Flying Fey PC's with Queen of Air and Darkness patrons?

2021-05-27, 03:19 PM
I maybe like Eberron a bit too much, but the most common theme of the Fae are the storybook titles and the need for humans to write more stories.

Which, if you like that, means you need only snag the nearest fairy tale, make the villain or hero into an Archfey, and use that.

The Lady of Dreams' stories are often about enchanted sleep. The Prince priced his finger repairing armor, because the Lady was offended at his birth. He fell asleep for 1000 years, and can only be woken by the blood of a relative. The dwarf was poisoned by an evil elf, and the Lady enchanted the dwarf to sleep until a poison could be found.

The Prince of Charm and Valour rescues damsels and the innocent. He climbed a tower using enchanted ivy to free the dragon caged inside. He found the codpiece of the king's slave, and rescued him from his life of drudgery.

The Woodcutter is recognized by his iconic axe. Most of the time he poses as a simple worker, but sometimes helps simple travellers visiting their ailing grandparents or chops his way through an enchanted wall of thorns to allow the owlbear to roam free.

The Puka is a boisterous trickster. She can be paid with a riddle or tale and tends to flit about interesting people; not any old boring prince or slave or dragon, but a princess that cared for her subjects? Why, that's rare as hens' teeth, and she produces a hen's tooth as a gift as though it were gold. Whether as friend or foe, her gifts, favours or interactions always 'just happen' to have happy (or dire, if you insulted her) consequences for the future. Most often, she rewards laughter, and punishes if you fail to laugh at her pranks.

The Hag is a terror. Her iron teeth can bite through steel, and her stomach is big enough to eat a mountain and drink a river dry. She is rumoured to love the taste of children, and interacting with her will nearly always end badly. Only the most desperate will visit her, and they do so because she knows things, can see or find things, and can do spells and potions that give you what you want. She cannot break her given word...but the promise she made is rarely the promise you think she gave. The warlock might have been one of those desperate people, and is now searching for the loophole to break the hold she has on their soul. Or perhaps the warlock is talent-scouting, finding ideal people to make a deal with. She is the warning, the obstacle, the snare, and the chain... But once in a great while, she is carefully out maneuvered.

In having a theme, it usefully also gives a handle for the player to expand on their relationship. What did the player offer the Archfey? What did they get in return? What story did it tell? Similarly, it gives the DM a handle by which to realise obscure, quixotic motivations, role-play the Patron appropriately, and innumerable hooks for the Patron to meddle in the character's life.

I'd take a story. Use something famous and rewrite it so it's familiar but not obvious. Then take it to the DM and you can work together on it.

Mr. Wonderful
2021-05-28, 09:57 PM
So my biggest question to everyone is, what would be a good patron for him? I'm open to any actual lore based characters, or monsters strong enough to be a patron, like an ancient dryad, or a unicorn, I'm just not super well versed in my fey mythology as i am with the demons and devils side of d&d.

Thank you in advance to any suggestions you kind folks might offer, and if requested, i could elaborate more on the NPC or anything else that might help with ideas, thsnks again folks.

Although technically Sheelba of the Eyeless Face and Ningauble of the Seven Eyes are wizards, they serve as demi-godlike mentors to those great vagabonds Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser. If you aren't familiar with those two, you are in for a treat, some of the most effortless written fantasy in the genre. Start with Lean Times in Lankhmar if you are uncertain.

Returning to our two wizards, they are inscrutable at worst and speak in riddles at best, and the help they give is just barely enough to get the heroes where they need to be. Even going to ask for advice is an ordeal, which is probably by design. They could easily be transformed into Fey, with their other-worldly attitude and the right mix of caring and cruelty.

2021-05-29, 02:08 PM
Nathair Sgiathach is also a Seelie Court fey god and if you decided to go with a Pact if the Chain and psuedodragon, hes perfect.