View Full Version : DM Help Adventures-Good Resources?

2021-04-14, 01:01 PM
What do DMs here on the playground find good resources for adventures?

Anything from modules, to encounters, to tip sites, to anything else you use to help write, plan, or otherwise get ready.

Nothing specifically in mind right now to use the responses for, but I figure it can't hurt to get some tips. :)

Kurt Kurageous
2021-04-14, 02:33 PM
What do DMs here on the playground find good resources for adventures?

Anything from modules, to encounters, to tip sites, to anything else you use to help write, plan, or otherwise get ready.

Nothing specifically in mind right now to use the responses for, but I figure it can't hurt to get some tips. :)

For me the process begins by defining the central conflict of the adventure. This then leads to everything else. A dragon needs rescuing from a fire breathing princess, for example.

Next I try to flesh out the antagonist a bit with goals and motivations. What does the princess want, and why does she want it? How is kidnapping the dragon going to help meet the goal(s)?

Lastly I start writing as many ideas as I can come up with about NPCs that are either aligned with the party, the princess, or neither. What are their goals/motivations?

Ideas for the conflict? Try looking up TV Tropes website, used to be an article about the 22 main RPG plots that listed conflicts.

2021-04-14, 02:41 PM
I got some good insight from RPG.SE (https://rpg.stackexchange.com/). While it's most effective at rules-lawyering any question you can ask the hive, it does have a lot of good stuff that is relevant for a lot of DMs, like:

How do I use the unrelenting power of Murderhobos for good? (https://rpg.stackexchange.com/q/129713/45619)
How do I get my underleveled players to succeed when they shouldn't? (https://rpg.stackexchange.com/q/138736/45619)
What do I do with a player that doesn't know his class? (https://rpg.stackexchange.com/q/128567/45619)
How do I keep tension after combat is over? (https://rpg.stackexchange.com/q/128895/45619)
How should I reveal information about resistances or immunities to players? (https://rpg.stackexchange.com/q/129662/45619)

And so on.