View Full Version : Opinion on build

2021-04-15, 07:21 AM
Im going to be starting an adventure league type of game ( rules are a bit looser as we can use PHB, Volos guide, xanathars and everything in Tashad Cauldren). We are starting at level 1. Sessions will kind of be self contained episodes with a recurring theme.

So full disclosure, I am not trying to fully optimize or make this character a munchkin. I am making this based on flavor and I think it would be an interesting character to play, but I dont want to be completely gimped either so some optimization will be at play.

I plan on making a Drow. I want him to be a rogueish type caster who relies on spells amd tricks. Due to background customization, he has prof. in poisoners kits, forgery kits, disguise kits and thieves tools. He is skilled in deception and persuasion as well.

Since he is a Drow, I figured I would go with spells that rely on saving throws ( because of sunlight sensitivity ). I plan on using a crossbow early on and just taking utility cantrips until I hit 4th level, then may go magic initiate for some extra damage cantrips and either mage armor or find familiar depending on the class I choose.

I am looking for battlefield control so I am torn between Lore Bard and Aberent Mind Sorcerer. Both will give me utility and some damage with spells, along with some tricks for flavor.

I have never played in this type of gaming session before ( only full campaigns ). The DM rewards roleplay and creative play and encourages it.

For those experienced with adventure league type play, which class ( aberent mind or lore bard ) would work best? I dont want to multiclass and before anyone suggests, dont want to play an arcane trickster.

2021-04-15, 07:43 AM
I'm assuming the huge amount of tool proficiences comes from using Tasha's rules to replace racial proficiences with other stuff?

As for the main question, well, what fits the character's backstory the best? Both classes are excellent for everything you want so it really doiesn't matter from that perspective. If you really don't want to focus on powergaming then the question you should really ask is "is this a hcracter who relies on the power of stories and songs and finding new information or is the character someone with strange powers inhereited from their ancestors?" In short, who is this person?

2021-04-15, 07:49 AM
I've only ever played in one AL game and still have almost no understanding of what AL even entails. However, in terms of the classes you're contemplating, it certainly sounds like your focus is on spell versatility - you listed the Sorcerer with, as I recall, the most spells, and the Bard with the most spells.

Is there a reason you're avoiding Wizard, famous for having the most spell versatility? Just curious. You have Tasha's, so nothing is locking you to Charisma.

My recommendation between the two is Aberrant Mind Sorcerer; you used words like "rogueish" and "tricks", suggesting you're less excited by the buffing potential of bardic inspiration and you're more excited by things like the AMS's bonus cantrip and creative use of sorcery points in the future.

2021-04-15, 07:53 AM
Dont want to dismiss Charisma as he is proficient in deception and persuasion as well as intimidation. Plus, his Drow spells are Cha based. Want to be a party face and hit with faerie fire. Thats why im not going Wizard.

2021-04-15, 08:53 AM
I'm assuming the huge amount of tool proficiences comes from using Tasha's rules to replace racial proficiences with other stuff?

As for the main question, well, what fits the character's backstory the best? Both classes are excellent for everything you want so it really doiesn't matter from that perspective. If you really don't want to focus on powergaming then the question you should really ask is "is this a hcracter who relies on the power of stories and songs and finding new information or is the character someone with strange powers inhereited from their ancestors?" In short, who is this person?

Yeah, swapped prof's with Tashas rules. Both fit his backstory as far as spells/rogueish skills go. Buffing/Debuffing would be ok, and the armor use wluld be great as to not burn a precious low level slot for mage armor, but the Sorc has some better spells and with meta magic, can twin hold spells and such.

Out of all the spell lists, the druid has the ones I like the most to be honest ( spike growth, heat metal as well as other control/damage spells) Blasting never really appealed to me, but the aberent mind gets more spells that are a bit more control based, and bard spells are control based as well.

2021-04-15, 10:07 AM
If you are interested in Druid, try the Shepherd Druid: Guide Link (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xXgYqPxkEHaCisQ0tteFF-KtsmfJxkOQojeWwHf22n4/edit?usp=sharing)
Crazy powerful, unlimited utility, an answer for almost every problem, and some of the highest DPR possible (if you want to go ham). Shepherds also have an insane amount of control with their summons. Just look at the Constrictor Snake for one.
I prefer against Moon Druid because while they can do a lot of stuff as well with an expanded wild shape, not being able to cast in wild shape limits their options to be rather restrictive considering a moon druid would also hesitate to use wild shape for utility purposes.
The other druid option I'd recommend is Circle of the Stars. You also have to be more choosey with wild shape as well, but it does a really good job of enhancing the base druid and is really powerful (though imo Shepherd is better), and it's easier to play than a Shepherd.

2021-04-15, 10:23 AM
Cant go Druid with him, would be too MAD considering what I want to use him for, and I just cant see it thematically for a rogueish caster. I just like the control spells it has to offer, although you can find some of those spells on the bards list.

2021-04-15, 10:57 AM
Either one of those classes would be a good fit for your character concept, both mechanically as well as flavor-wise. Deciding between the two comes down to which one you want to prioritize: Spellcasting or Skills.

Go with Lore Bard (or even Eloquence Bard) if you want to lean more into Skills over Spells.

Go with Aberrant Mind Sorcerer if you want to lean more into Spells over Skills.

Consider spending an ASI on the Eldritch Adept feat. A creative player playing a Rogueish Spellcaster Sorcerer/Bard character could get a lot of mileage out of at-will Disguise Self (Mask of Many Faces) or Silent Image (Misty Visions).

2021-04-15, 11:27 AM
I am considering misty visions as at will illusions are always fun. I also considered armor of shadows so I dont have to burn a precious slot on mage armor daily, unless I go Bard and have light armor. But then again, Drow High Magic for at will detect magic, levitate and dispell magic is very tempting as well.