View Full Version : Do Any Paladins Smite Heretics?

2021-04-15, 02:16 PM
Is there a paladin variant that detects and smites heresy rather than good or evil?

For my purposes, “heresy” can mean either a narrow sense of variations within a doctrine, or a broader sense of treating all other faiths as heresies. The latter would probably see more use, but I’m open to anything that takes either approach, from any official Wizards or Paizo source.

2021-04-15, 03:38 PM

The vigilante smites any one guilty of any crime the investigate. If they investigate "being an heretic" and this is a crime to the country/the church that is in charge, then they can smite heretics.

The shadowbane inquisitor can smite anyone they see as "corrupt", whatever that means.

Those are not Paladin variants, but I think they are the classes that fit best what you seek.

2021-04-15, 04:23 PM
Divine Champion PrC (PGtF) gets "Smite Infidel", which works on creatures that worship a different deity.

2021-04-16, 10:05 AM
Claw of the Sun and the Ankh ACF (Champions of Valor) smites minions of Set

Corrupter (Dragon #312) - NE version of Paladin - have Smite Heathen, which works against any divine caster except those of the same patron as the Corrupter

2021-04-16, 04:26 PM
As well as what's been mentioned, there are also some "general" smites that work on any creature (Destruction domain power etc.)

Here's a snippet from Lists of Stuff, in case it helps:

Smite other than "evil"
Cleric 1, dwarf substitution level, Races of Stone, smite giants replaces turn undead
Blackguard 2, 5, 10/10, ecl 8 - smite good
Shadowbane Inquisitor 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer - smite the "corrupt"
Vigilante 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, smite the guilty
Scar Enforcer 2, 5, 8/10, ecl 7, Races of Destiny - elves and humans only, see text
Hunter of the Dead 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, smite undead
Sanctified Mind 2, ecl 6, Lords of Madness - "cleansing strike" - smite psionic creature, unclear on uses per day, potentially unlimited
Topaz Guardian 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Lords of Madness - smite abberation
Knight of the Raven 2, 4, 6, 8, 10/10, ecl 6, Expedition to Castle Ravenloft - smite undead
Platinum Knight 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 6, Draconomicon, against evil dragons only, doesn't stack with normal smite
Witch Slayer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/5, ecl 6, Tome of Magic, against binders with vestiges or other possessed creatures
Crusader 6, 18/20, Tome of Battle, against any
Ordained Champion 2, ecl 6, Complete Champion, no restriction, spend turn/rebuke uses to make more smites
Killoren (Aspect of the Destroyer), race, Races of the Wild, 1/hour, affects abberations, constructs, humanoids, oozes, outsiders, and

undead, see text
Kinslayer 2, 5, 8/10, ecl ?, Drow of the Underdark, elves

Honourable Mention
Extra Smiting, feat, Complete Warrior
Initiate of Nobanion, feat, Champions of Valor - specific use, see text
Initiate of Torm, feat, Champions of Valor - specific use, see text
Triadic Knight 7, ecl 12, Champions of Valor - Threefold Smite
Holy Scourge 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Complete Mage - applies to a spell, see text
Sapphire Smite, feat, Magic of Incarnum - grants additional uses of smite and bonus damage
Exalted Smite, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, weapon becomes good-aligned
Ranged Smite Evil, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, can smite with a ranged weapon
Outcast Champion 2, ecl 7, Races of Destiny, Cha uses per day, 1d6 per level
Tattoed Monk 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, lion tattoo
Avenging Strike, feat, Tome of Battle, can use Cha times per day only against evil outsiders

2021-04-16, 05:00 PM
The crusader and pious templar both have a smite you can use on anything. You could choose to apply it in any thematic way that you want. If you want literal paladin stuff in your build, maybe you could fit in 3 levels of prestige paladin?

2021-04-16, 07:21 PM
Not a paladin, but rangers have a variant (urban ranger) where their favoured enemies can be organizations. That could include a particular heretical group, I imagine.

2021-04-16, 09:10 PM
Divine Champion PrC (PGtF) gets "Smite Infidel", which works on creatures that worship a different deity.

For Pathfinder, the Divine Champion Warpriest gets a similarly themed "Know the Infidel" ability that works essentially as "Favored Enemy: Followers of this deity".

I could have sworn there was a Pathfinder class that got a literal "Smite Heretic" ability but I can't for the life of me find it. I'm pretty sure I remember seeing it before, but I just can't get it to come up.

Edit: Oh and of course the Gray Paladin can Smite ANYONE for two uses, but you lose like...everything else that makes you a Paladin, pretty much.