View Full Version : Fun, flavorful uses for Fabricate

Jay R
2021-04-16, 11:54 AM
Looking for fun ideas to add flavor, rather than the usual optimization tricks.

Our party were sleeping in a big grassy plains. We was awakened by undead attacks.

So killing the undead, when we were trying to get back to sleep, my wizard said, "I use fabricate to make a grass mattress, for more comfortable sleeping." It made no difference at all to the game, but it seemed like something he would do.

What minor, interesting, mundane uses have you found for Fabricate?

Maat Mons
2021-04-16, 01:04 PM
Your party got to 9th level without investing in comfortable, portable sleeping accommodations? My parties usually have a wagon, a tent big enough for all of us to share, and a bunch of folding cots by, like, level 2.

Anyway, this is a difficult question, because by the time you can cast Fabricate, you can just buy extradimensional storage space, and carry everything you might want or need everywhere you go. … Or just pool your money to buy a friggin' airship and travel in style.

Man. Sleeping on the ground. That's such a 1st-level character move. I know the rules don't give you any special advantage for buying quality-of-life items. But spend a few gp on a proper bed and Permanency Shrink Item on it, like any self-respecting travelling Wizard.