View Full Version : 3rd Ed Prestige Class for Warlock/Wizard

2021-04-20, 01:34 AM
Currently playing a Warlock/Wizard and am planning on going into Eldritch Theurge for level 7. After level 16 though, im going to need another prestige class, or go back to alternating warlock and wizard. Any recommendation for prestige classes, preferable one that benefits both bases classes? (maybe something that buffs ranged touch attacks).
Currently a LE 2 warlock/1 wizard human with Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Scribe Scroll, and Alacritous Cogitation. Morn thanks you advance.

2021-04-20, 07:33 AM
Currently playing a Warlock/Wizard and am planning on going into Eldritch Theurge for level 7. After level 16 though, im going to need another prestige class, or go back to alternating warlock and wizard. Any recommendation for prestige classes, preferable one that benefits both bases classes? (maybe something that buffs ranged touch attacks).
Currently a LE 2 warlock/1 wizard human with Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Scribe Scroll, and Alacritous Cogitation. Morn thanks you advance.

Paragnostic Apostle is a good fit with easy prerecs and some good abilities that will benefit EB.

Although, do people actually still play games that go from level 3 to level 17+?

2021-04-20, 08:04 AM
You can use Martial Stance to qualify for spellwarp sniper or arcane trickster without needing rogue levels. That will advance your wizardry while also giving you sneak attack damage to boost your warlock lasers.

2021-04-20, 09:36 AM
Currently playing a Warlock/Wizard and am planning on going into Eldritch Theurge for level 7. After level 16 though, im going to need another prestige class, or go back to alternating warlock and wizard. Any recommendation for prestige classes, preferable one that benefits both bases classes? (maybe something that buffs ranged touch attacks).
Currently a LE 2 warlock/1 wizard human with Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Scribe Scroll, and Alacritous Cogitation. Morn thanks you advance.

If you go Sha'ir instead of Wizard, you'll count as both an arcane and divine caster and can thus use both Eldritch Theurge and Eldritch Disciple to finish your build. Sha'ir is also a Charisma-based prepared caster, so you'll be less MAD as the same stat will boost your spells and your invocations.

Assuming you want to stick with Wizard though, there's no way other than ET to advance both wizard and warlock, so you'll have to pick one to continue to 20 and one to leave static. (Wizard is far more powerful to continue.)

2021-04-20, 09:39 AM
You can use Martial Stance to qualify for spellwarp sniper or arcane trickster without needing rogue levels. That will advance your wizardry while also giving you sneak attack damage to boost your warlock lasers.

Which takes up 2 feat slots since you need Martial Study before you can take Martial Stance, which is why I never take that route. OP probably has ideas for his feat slots already.

Edit: 2nd taking Sha'ir instead of Wizard. Do note that you'll either have to take a level of Sacred Exorcist or a level of Cleric if your DM doesn't like the adaptation mentioned in Eldritch Disciple that removes the Turn Undead requirement.

2021-04-20, 09:56 AM
Although, do people actually still play games that go from level 3 to level 17+?

I'm currently DMing a campaign which started at level 1 and is now at level 14, expected to finish at around level 18. Might even start a second campaign with the same characters to take them to epic.

2021-04-20, 09:57 AM
Which takes up 2 feat slots since you need Martial Study before you can take Martial Stance, which is why I never take that route. OP probably has ideas for his feat slots already.
Two feats for +7d6 damage and a teleport seems like a good trade to me! This is a build with Combat Casting and Eschew Materials. I think you can find the slots to spare. :smallwink:

2021-04-20, 11:42 AM
Two feats for +7d6 damage and a teleport seems like a good trade to me! This is a build with Combat Casting and Eschew Materials. I think you can find the slots to spare. :smallwink:

Nothing in the Shadow Hand discipline gives +7d6 damage. Also you need to pay attention to the Levels of the maneuvers. Shadow Jaunt is a 2nd level Maneuver and thus requires him to be at 6th level. Assassain's Stance which is what provides Sneak Attack, and only 2d6, is a 3rd Level Maneuver and requires him to be at 10th level. This is due to the fact that Non-Initiator classes only count half as much for Initiator Level.

2021-04-20, 02:18 PM
Paragnostic Apostle is a good fit with easy prerecs and some good abilities that will benefit EB.

Although, do people actually still play games that go from level 3 to level 17+?

With my groups, they're usually either one-shots or 1-20. There is no in-between. (We've done Shackled City in two separate groups, Age of Worms, a homebrewed adventure path, and apparently a weird version of Curse of Strahd backported to 3.5).

2021-04-20, 02:26 PM
Legacy champion should allow you to extend eldritch theurge, although it's only 8/10 levels (or 5/6, if you only go to level 6), and you'll only be able to get the +1 to CL for both classes, since none of the other class features seem to continue past 10. It's kinda sketchy, but I think it technically works, since there are official rules for 11+ progressions for 10 level PrCs.

2021-04-20, 02:50 PM
Legacy champion should allow you to extend eldritch theurge, although it's only 8/10 levels (or 5/6, if you only go to level 6), and you'll only be able to get the +1 to CL for both classes, since none of the other class features seem to continue past 10. It's kinda sketchy, but I think it technically works, since there are official rules for 11+ progressions for 10 level PrCs.

There are, but you need to be an epic character to use them:

"A ten-level prestige class can progress beyond 10th level, but only if the character level is already 20th or higher."

2021-04-20, 04:40 PM
Nothing in the Shadow Hand discipline gives +7d6 damage. Also you need to pay attention to the Levels of the maneuvers. Shadow Jaunt is a 2nd level Maneuver and thus requires him to be at 6th level. Assassain's Stance which is what provides Sneak Attack, and only 2d6, is a 3rd Level Maneuver and requires him to be at 10th level. This is due to the fact that Non-Initiator classes only count half as much for Initiator Level.
2d6 from Assassin's Stance + 5d6 from Arcane Trickster = 7d6 total. That's just math.

I'm not sure why you would want to enter the prestige class before ECL 12. It's explicitly for the late game.

a weird version of Curse of Strahd backported to 3.5).
Not Expedition to Castle Ravenloft?

2021-04-20, 05:15 PM
2d6 from Assassin's Stance + 5d6 from Arcane Trickster = 7d6 total. That's just math.

I'm not sure why you would want to enter the prestige class before ECL 12. It's explicitly for the late game.

He wants something that'd progress his Invocations and his Spells. Arcane Trickster would only progress his Spells or his Eldritch Blast, due to how +1 level of spellcasting progression works. What your telling him is 'Be a rogue, but not.' Plus Sneak Attack doesn't work with Ranged Attacks beyond 30 feet. He's not likely to want to be in that range due to his Wizard hit dice. Warlock/Wizard is not a Gish, it's Artillery.

2021-04-20, 09:12 PM
Why not talk to the DM and create a 3-5 level prestige class?

Otherwise, a class that provides a pseudo progression for both classes is green star adept. As warlock is keyed off the increase in caster level it gets full progression and the spellcaster would get 5/10 progression. This would be a +2 to wizard levels and +5 to warlock levels with green star adept 5.

2021-04-20, 11:12 PM
Not Expedition to Castle Ravenloft?

Definitely not Expedition. We actually just finished up the campaign, and I hadn't looked up any of the source material (so as not to spoil myself or get an advantage). I just checked up on a few of the NPC names now, and apparently the DM was taking a bunch of stuff from Magic: The Gathering. (I'd never read Curse of Strahd either, and just assumed he'd changed names from there). Necro-Alchemists, zombie invasions, Avacyn gone crazy, one main super-powerful vampire, us fighting apparently an Elder Evil (Emrakul) at the end.

2021-04-21, 12:16 AM
Definitely not Expedition. We actually just finished up the campaign, and I hadn't looked up any of the source material (so as not to spoil myself or get an advantage). I just checked up on a few of the NPC names now, and apparently the DM was taking a bunch of stuff from Magic: The Gathering. (I'd never read Curse of Strahd either, and just assumed he'd changed names from there). Necro-Alchemists, zombie invasions, Avacyn gone crazy, one main super-powerful vampire, us fighting apparently an Elder Evil (Emrakul) at the end.

Yep, that's Innistrad. Big plane for Black Mana.