View Full Version : Traditional 3.5e methods of handling bigganumbers Kaiju?

2021-04-21, 11:07 AM
Hi there, I was wondering what the major 3.5e ways of handling 'bigger numbers than you can handle' Kaiju is. The 'Way above Colossal sized' things with near arbitrary amounts of hit points, saves, constitution, strength, very high (but not arbitrarily high) spell resistance, various sources of damage reduction/resistance and self-healing, not a literally impossible to handle number of hit dice a large list of condition immunities (but not to the point where it's immune to absolutely everything; ability damage yes, suffocation yes, ability drain no), which also have solid ranged attacks of various sorts? Anyone have any standard or typical methods and tactics? Or the 'main sets of things to try to see if they are immune to this'?

2021-04-21, 11:24 AM
If you don’t want the players to kill it with a way you disapprove of don’t give it stats. The kaiju is a walking natural disaster they have to survive, at least until they secure the McGuffin.

2021-04-21, 11:28 AM
If you don’t want the players to kill it with a way you disapprove of don’t give it stats. The kaiju is a walking natural disaster they have to survive, at least until they secure the McGuffin.

I want the players to kill it / it's for a written story / it's for a high optimization game that the players are expected to be creative to solve / I don't actually disapprove of weird stuff / there is no McGuffin unless they make one / etc., pick your poison. Please don't assume I don't want the type of help I specifically ask for.

2021-04-21, 11:42 AM
The various tarrasque pimping threads cover most of the meat here. Most important takeaways are that players will generally follow the path of least resistance.

If it can be hit with a Lose effect they’ll go for that. If they can’t do that kiting becomes the next option. If kiting is not practical or isn’t effective they’ll consider throwing bodies at it, typically expendable ones. Only after that will the party choose between a proper engagement and fleeing.

Immunities cover the first. Movement, ranged capabilities, and certain blends of damage mitigation cover the second. AoE and/or flat mitigation provide the Ride Height Check that keeps out armies and hireling swarms.

2021-04-21, 11:45 AM
I'm not asking as a GM per se, I'm asking from the player perspective. *Which spells*, *which magic items*, *which combinations of the above*, are most useful in handling kaiju with insane saves and sr and strength and constitution, assuming it has more hit points than can be reasonably dealt with?

2021-04-21, 11:48 AM
Is it immune to Wisdom drain?

If not, an Allip.

2021-04-21, 12:01 PM
Save or die, wail of the banshee, glass strike

Save or lose, plane shift, mind control effects

No save just die/lose, ability damage, ability drain

Save or suck, etc

Dropping shrunk items


Buffstacked ubercharger cruise missile

Flying kiting

Burrowing kiting

Ethereal kiting

Teleport kiting

Just rambling at this point

2021-04-21, 12:07 PM
Those first two are fort negates. If the fort of this thing is in the hundreds and it has Steadfast Determination, how are those going to work against a Kaiju? That's it's whole schtick. Also assume it has functionally infinite hit points, extremely high but not theoretically unbeatable SR, relatively normal dex/int/wis/cha scores (for giant monsters), immunity to ability damage, and some limited resource it can expend to negate ability drain or ability score suppression. How do you get access to SR bypassing ways of doing ability drain on those stats? How do you hold it in some area that it can't use Strength and size to get out of? How do you drop items on it that will annihilate it anyway no matter what it is made of? How do you fling it into other dimensions or space against it's will?

2021-04-21, 12:10 PM
If it can be hit with a Lose effect they’ll go for that. If they can’t do that kiting becomes the next option. If kiting is not practical or isn’t effective they’ll consider throwing bodies at it, typically expendable ones.

What does kiting mean?

I'm not asking as a GM per se, I'm asking from the player perspective. *Which spells*, *which magic items*, *which combinations of the above*, are most useful in handling kaiju with insane saves and sr and strength and constitution, assuming it has more hit points than can be reasonably dealt with?

As JNA Productions says, Summon Undead IV can get you an Allip (SU V can get you two). If it's not immune to ability drain it won't last long if you summon two per round (or four if you can cast it Quickened too).

True Casting and Assay Spell Resistance can combine to give you +20 vs SR.

Big brute monsters don't usually have very good touch AC, so touch attacks are usually good, Shivering Touch in particular can shut it down in a single spell if its Dex is low.

King of Nowhere
2021-04-21, 12:19 PM
Hi there, I was wondering what the major 3.5e ways of handling 'bigger numbers than you can handle' Kaiju is. The 'Way above Colossal sized' things with near arbitrary amounts of hit points, saves, constitution, strength, spell resistance, a list of condition immunities a mile long, which also have solid ranged attacks of various sorts? Anyone have any standard or typical methods and tactics? Or the 'main sets of things to try to see if they are immune to this'?

i don't think there is a "standard" way of dealing with it. it depends on a specific case.
but the thing is, it always has weaknesses. i don't know of any monster that's immune to really everything. finding that weakness is the first step.
and i've also very rarely seen a kaju with an effective ranged attack.

so, your "standard" case is actually not standard at all.

2021-04-21, 12:27 PM
i don't think there is a "standard" way of dealing with it. it depends on a specific case.
but the thing is, it always has weaknesses. i don't know of any monster that's immune to really everything. finding that weakness is the first step.
and i've also very rarely seen a kaju with an effective ranged attack.

so, your "standard" case is actually not standard at all.

Uhhh... Godzilla has a powerful ranged attack capable of a variety of targeting methods and functionally infinite hit points and extreme SR and saves (and various 'succeed on a save on a 1' techniques) and such. And probably some way to resist or throw off ability drain for a while or various annihilation or disintegration effects. And a lot of immunities and resistances. Use that as a basic conceptual case, I suppose.

Silly Name
2021-04-21, 12:41 PM
If "kill it dead" isn't necessary, something in the spirit of the Arrowhead of Total Destruction (https://i.stack.imgur.com/lhvTs.jpg)[1] deals with any kaiju that can't return from the Astral Plane, and that you don't care about leaving adrift there.

I'd try to deal with the sort of monster you're describing through means like this or luring it into traps from which it can't escape (launch it into space, drop it in the Plane of Positive Energy...). Kaiju movies usually have the military throw everything at the beast only to find out it doesn't work, so at that point you either bring down absolute, utter annihilation in the hope that that's enough (see: Cloverfield), or you stop being a dum-dum and play it smart by getting the monster away and ensure it doesn't return.

[1]: The Arrowhead is just a clever design, in general you just need to stick a Bag of Holding inside a Portable Hole within 10 feet of the monster.

2021-04-21, 03:08 PM
Infinite supply of eggshell grenades to blind it and some blacksand to slowly grind it down? If it can't heal, this will get it.... some day.

Maybe use the portable hole arrow to banish it or get a decanter of endless water into its lungs.

Or that spell that kills the targets most loved one. How much do you love Kaiju?

2021-04-21, 03:47 PM
Are TO tricks allowed? Like the “refill 1s, reroll and add if max damage, 1d2 weapon = infinite damage” cheese?

2021-04-21, 04:58 PM
I'm not asking as a GM per se, I'm asking from the player perspective. *Which spells*, *which magic items*, *which combinations of the above*, are most useful in handling kaiju with insane saves and sr and strength and constitution, assuming it has more hit points than can be reasonably dealt with?

Epic spells are really the only answer to something like that. assuming its hps/saves/immunities are really that intense then there is only so much players can do without a mcguffin to secure the win. any strategy relying on damage won't work because it has more hp than can be dealt with, most strategies that depend on conditions wont work due to immunities and/or the ability to remove/negate the condition. also high saves. for this same reason save or dies/save or lose/save or suck also wont work. If you remove from consideration all player resources that cause damage, apply conditions, or require a save then the list of things that a character can do within the constraints of RAW is really, really small.

That said, if I was a player vs this I would acquire a properly built dread witch(leadership?) to bypass the saves and immunities and inflict fear effects. then with the optional use of solid fog or similar magic you can at your discretion either steer the creature or immobilize it altogether. at least temporarily. From there, actually killing it, im not too sure since save or dies are out and HP damage is out. there is no RAW way to actually kill it outside of an epic spell. imprisonment might be the only option you have. if you can get a large enough gem and get the creature to "accept it" trap the soul might work. also if you can buff a scholar type enough to figure out the creatures name, truenamer for learning its truename even maybe? but that would require another instance of leadership probably.

At the end of the day, barring ambigous shenanigans, poorly written epic rules, or DM assistance a player will simply have NO way of dealing with something like this.

2021-04-21, 05:43 PM
Epic spells are really the only answer to something like that. assuming its hps/saves/immunities are really that intense then there is only so much players can do without a mcguffin to secure the win. any strategy relying on damage won't work because it has more hp than can be dealt with, most strategies that depend on conditions wont work due to immunities and/or the ability to remove/negate the condition. also high saves. for this same reason save or dies/save or lose/save or suck also wont work. If you remove from consideration all player resources that cause damage, apply conditions, or require a save then the list of things that a character can do within the constraints of RAW is really, really small.

That said, if I was a player vs this I would acquire a properly built dread witch(leadership?) to bypass the saves and immunities and inflict fear effects. then with the optional use of solid fog or similar magic you can at your discretion either steer the creature or immobilize it altogether. at least temporarily. From there, actually killing it, im not too sure since save or dies are out and HP damage is out. there is no RAW way to actually kill it outside of an epic spell. imprisonment might be the only option you have. if you can get a large enough gem and get the creature to "accept it" trap the soul might work. also if you can buff a scholar type enough to figure out the creatures name, truenamer for learning its truename even maybe? but that would require another instance of leadership probably.

At the end of the day, barring ambigous shenanigans, poorly written epic rules, or DM assistance a player will simply have NO way of dealing with something like this.

I'm not necessarily saying all conditions are impossible to inflict on it. Sending it to another plane, or wis/dex/int/cha drain, or level drain, or various curse effects, especially things that don't target fortitude saves, or JUST targets SR and not saves at all to use with combos of True Casting and Assay Spell Resistance... the really high end stuff. Is 'Summon an Allip' really the main go to?

2021-04-21, 05:46 PM
Avasculate halves the current hp of a target, with no fortitude save allowed, a few castings of that could bring it into a range where it can be killed by more normal means (ubercharging with wraithstrike to hit touch ac, for example)

Silly Name
2021-04-21, 05:59 PM
At the end of the day, barring ambigous shenanigans, poorly written epic rules, or DM assistance a player will simply have NO way of dealing with something like this.

I don't think this is true at all. The Positive Energy Plane is a deathtrap for anything that doesn't have a way to get back, so even non-Epic characters not relying on ambiguous shenanigans only need to find a way to send the kaiju there with no way to go back. Sooner or later it'll roll a 1 on its Fortitude save and explode.

2021-04-21, 06:02 PM
I don't think this is true at all. The Positive Energy Plane is a deathtrap for anything that doesn't have a way to get back, so even non-Epic characters not relying on ambiguous shenanigans only need to find a way to send the kaiju there with no way to go back. Sooner or later it'll roll a 1 on its Fortitude save and explode.

There is a feat that has one treat natural 1's on a fort save as no longer being automatic failures.

2021-04-21, 06:03 PM
There is a feat that has one treat natural 1's on a fort save as no longer being automatic failures.

It's still not easily getting back! What are the various ways to send something that can't fail fort saves 'away' in general?

Silly Name
2021-04-21, 06:12 PM
It's still not easily getting back! What are the various ways to send something that can't fail fort saves 'away' in general?

As mentioned above, the Bag of Holding/Portable Hole trick is one such method.

Trick it into a one-way Portal, or one you disable immediately after it passed through. Pick a plane/location that has some chance of killing the beast, if there is.

A very costly (and theoretically difficult to use) option, but which spells irreparable death, is using a Sphere of Annihilation. Isn't there a prestige class that lets a character control a Sphere of Annihilation easily?

2021-04-21, 06:46 PM
I'm not necessarily saying all conditions are impossible to inflict on it. Sending it to another plane, or wis/dex/int/cha drain, or level drain, or various curse effects, especially things that don't target fortitude saves, or JUST targets SR and not saves at all to use with combos of True Casting and Assay Spell Resistance... the really high end stuff. Is 'Summon an Allip' really the main go to?

every really really big creature that I can think of has immunity to energy drain. and even if its not then an arbitrary amount of HP means that there is also an arbitrary amount of HD. therefore it could no more easily be killed by energy drain than by HP damage. sending it to another plane requires a save, and anything requiring a save is out the window seeing as its saves are arbitrarily high and it has been built to avoid a fail on nat 1s. that is, unless you use the bag of holding/portable hole thing which doesn't allow a save. but given the 10ft radius limitation I suspect most dms would rule that supermassive creatures that cant fit through the gate do not in fact get sucked through the gate. ability drain/damage is another thing that most super massive monsters are immune to, or barring that require a save (see above for why thats useless). however if you have a method of no-save ability drain and your super massive monster is not immune, then beating it becomes trivially easy for any character thats able to round up a few allips or similar method of no-save drain. Also, if its SR is low enough to be overcome with true casting and assay resistance then its SR is nowhere near arbitrary and ceases to become a major preventative factor for strategies to deal with it. so its kind of starting to sound like this thing isn't as arbitrarily tough/resistant as you made it sound with the first post. which opens up a ton more options for dealing with it.

I don't think this is true at all. The Positive Energy Plane is a deathtrap for anything that doesn't have a way to get back, so even non-Epic characters not relying on ambiguous shenanigans only need to find a way to send the kaiju there with no way to go back. Sooner or later it'll roll a 1 on its Fortitude save and explode.

op mentioned that the feat to not count nat 1s as an auto fail is on this thing.

2021-04-21, 06:52 PM
every really really big creature that I can think of has immunity to energy drain. and even if its not then an arbitrary amount of HP means that there is also an arbitrary amount of HD. therefore it could no more easily be killed by energy drain than by HP damage. sending it to another plane requires a save, and anything requiring a save is out the window seeing as its saves are arbitrarily high and it has been built to avoid a fail on nat 1s. that is, unless you use the bag of holding/portable hole thing which doesn't allow a save. but given the 10ft radius limitation I suspect most dms would rule that supermassive creatures that cant fit through the gate do not in fact get sucked through the gate. ability drain/damage is another thing that most super massive monsters are immune to, or barring that require a save (see above for why thats useless). however if you have a method of no-save ability drain and your super massive monster is not immune, then beating it becomes trivially easy for any character thats able to round up a few allips or similar method of no-save drain. Also, if its SR is low enough to be overcome with true casting and assay resistance then its SR is nowhere near arbitrary and ceases to become a major preventative factor for strategies to deal with it. so its kind of starting to sound like this thing isn't as arbitrarily tough/resistant as you made it sound with the first post. which opens up a ton more options for dealing with it.

op mentioned that the feat to not count nat 1s as an auto fail is on this thing.

Generally, a lot of GMs miss spell resistance or touch AC or level drain or ability drain. The high hit points might be a mix of damage caps on a per attack basis in the setting, plus strong fast healing and regeneration, plus damage reduction, plus various energy resistances. I'm asking for 'obscure' things that go beyond hit point damage and things which require saves, primarily, as a means of dealing with it. Edited the original post for clarity.

Misery Esquire
2021-04-21, 07:41 PM
It's our dear old friend, Stuffydoll! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?256950-3-5-The-Stuffy-Doll-Vs-the-Playground-%28V-1-V-28%29)

Or maybe you prefer The Adaptive Evolution Challenge (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?462619-If-it-has-stats-we-can-kill-it-Adaptive-Evolution&highlight=cannot+be+planes+farm), where it eventually gained "Logical immunity, applies even when the rules don't" and became truly indestructible.

2021-04-21, 08:00 PM
A Dweomerkeeper delivering 4 supernatural Twin Avasculates will reduce the hit points by a factor of 256. It's not super-clear how many hit points Godzilla should have, but dividing by 256 is usually enough to matter.

2021-04-21, 08:56 PM
Generally, a lot of GMs miss spell resistance or touch AC or level drain or ability drain. The high hit points might be a mix of damage caps on a per attack basis in the setting, plus strong fast healing and regeneration, plus damage reduction, plus various energy resistances. I'm asking for 'obscure' things that go beyond hit point damage and things which require saves, primarily, as a means of dealing with it. Edited the original post for clarity.

fair enough. in that case id start out with testing energy and physical resistances from extreme range. determining that these are ineffectual the next thing on the list would be to test ability score damage and energy drain using massed undead(preferably incorporeal). assuming that this fails(high deflection ac? aura based attack that kills em too quick?) then the next thing to check would be solid fog or the like to see if it has freedom of movement. if it does not then containment is possible and will be noted for after we finish figuring out if we can kill it. the next thing would be trying save or lose spells of various kinds in conjunction with kinds of save reducers and DC enhancers to see if any of those work. i think the next thing would be contain it.

2021-04-22, 12:06 AM
big numbers are beaten by absolute effects which simply state x happens. 3.x has lot's of those unless you happen to be a muggle.
Find a weakness in the monsters stat line and apply an appropriate absolute effect.

This can be as simple as picking a spell that targets <not fort> and casting repeatedly until you get lucky and breach SR and saves or as complex as carefully surrounding the creature with indestructible force effects then dropping a mountain on it.

2021-04-22, 12:19 AM
It's not super-clear how many hit points Godzilla should have, but dividing by 256 is usually enough to matter.

thats sig worthy lol

2021-04-22, 06:48 AM
Assuming it needs to breathe you could pile Drowned on it until it suffocates. Are there other lethal auras we can work with here?

Silly Name
2021-04-22, 07:20 AM
[...]that is, unless you use the bag of holding/portable hole thing which doesn't allow a save. but given the 10ft radius limitation I suspect most dms would rule that supermassive creatures that cant fit through the gate do not in fact get sucked through the gate.[...]

Not to say that this is necessarily wrong, but I've always interpreted the "warp" created by the "Portable Hole into Bag of Holding" interaction to behave like a small, brief-duration black hole. Everything that's in its "pull" (in this case, the 10ft radius) gets sucked in and distorted if necessary, so that being big doesn't save you.

That said, if this Astral black hole doesn't work, we can use the "actual" D&D black hole: Sphere of Annihilation. This is harder since we need to locate the Sphere and then have the kaiju get in contact with it, but it's also actual death rather than just sending it away.

Another Artifact-level option is to give the kaiju a Staff of the Magi, overload it and hope the monster "fails" the d100 roll. Not exactly reliable, but even if it succeeds it gets sent to another plane, and I'm assuming the beast doesn't know how to travel between planes.

If we assume the creature to be a Godzilla-expy, we know that it's vulnerable to asphyxiation (original method of defeat), so anything that stops it from breathing is a legitimate strategy (but if we assume it to be a Godzilla-expy, it should also be amphibious, so no drowning).

2021-04-22, 08:08 AM
Could we drown it in something that's not salt or freshwater?

2021-04-22, 09:41 AM
Could we drown it in something that's not salt or freshwater?

Wall of Sand can suffocate and it's SR:No.

King of Nowhere
2021-04-22, 09:45 AM
Uhhh... Godzilla has a powerful ranged attack capable of a variety of targeting methods and functionally infinite hit points and extreme SR and saves (and various 'succeed on a save on a 1' techniques) and such. And probably some way to resist or throw off ability drain for a while or various annihilation or disintegration effects. And a lot of immunities and resistances. Use that as a basic conceptual case, I suppose.

ok, that explains everything.
no, wait.
that explains nothing

godzilla is not a d&d monster; godzilla is nothing like a d&d monster. it does not have a character sheet, or an entry in the monster manual. I'm sure there's plenty of people making their own version of godzilla, but there's nothing official as far as i know. and that makes all the difference.

now, the moment you write up a character sheet for gidzilla, then it becomes a d&d monster. and then, and only then, you will find out how it is defeated. It has a lot of immunities? which ones, exactly? look at all the stuff it's immune to, find something it's not immune. very standard practice. It's got a powerful ranged attack? how powerful, exactly? quantify it. and the moment you write it down, there is certainly some way to get immune to it.

the difference between a movie monster and a game monster is that the movie monster does not have written stats, and so can counter everything thrown at it, until the plot wants it defeated.
a game monster has written stats with written immunities. Most important, they are vulnerable to anything they aren't explicitly immune to.
godzilla can be fearsome as a movie monster, but the moment you write down its stats, then there will be a way to trivialize it.

2021-04-22, 10:02 AM
If you can't kill it you just plane shift it to an empty demiplane with no way out, if it's magic immune that's what supernatural spell is for.

2021-04-22, 11:58 AM
That said, if this Astral black hole doesn't work, we can use the "actual" D&D black hole: Sphere of Annihilation. This is harder since we need to locate the Sphere
Actually, if the monster is threatening enough for high-level characters to be involved, then ensured ways to get Sphere of Annihilation are:
Artifact Lord (https://web.archive.org/web/20090218080723/http://wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/drfe/20080428) epic destiny
Tkhaluuljin "the Cephalopocalypse" [Epic Vestige] (https://web.archive.org/web/20081219000440/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/drfe/20080407a)
Annihilation spell - 9th level, Force domain, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil

2021-04-22, 12:52 PM
Here is a sampling of some of the kaiju you might face in D&D.
Devastation vermin
Kaiju template
Elder Evils
Colossal monstrous vermin
Really old dragons
As you can see, there is a lot of variation, so there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. Some are intelligent and can be reasoned with or bribed; some aren't. Some are equipped with antimagic; others have magic of their own. Some create hazardous environmental conditions; others just punch you really hard. It's a real grab bag. The best method is usually to pick a thing they're not immune to and attack from that angle. That means the real best weapon is knowledge. You have to know the monster's weakness. Most powerful kaiju hunting class? Urban savant.

If all else fails, enough HP damage will kill anything, so sufficient brute force will bring them down eventually.

2021-04-22, 01:05 PM
Here is a sampling of some of the kaiju you might face in D&D.
Devastation vermin
Kaiju template
Elder Evils
Colossal monstrous vermin
Really old dragons
As you can see, there is a lot of variation, so there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. Some are intelligent and can be reasoned with or bribed; some aren't. Some are equipped with antimagic; others have magic of their own. Some create hazardous environmental conditions; others just punch you really hard. It's a real grab bag. The best method is usually to pick a thing they're not immune to and attack from that angle. That means the real best weapon is knowledge. You have to know the monster's weakness. Most powerful kaiju hunting class? Urban savant.

If all else fails, enough HP damage will kill anything, so sufficient brute force will bring them down eventually.

Will any of them survive "A Dweomerkeeper delivering 4 supernatural Twin Avasculates will reduce the hit points by a factor of 256", followed by a proper übercharger "ubercharging with wraithstrike to hit touch ac"?

2021-04-22, 01:11 PM
Will any of them survive "A Dweomerkeeper delivering 4 supernatural Twin Avasculates will reduce the hit points by a factor of 256", followed by a proper übercharger "ubercharging with wraithstrike to hit touch ac"?
Yes, as a matter of fact.

2021-04-22, 02:22 PM
Will any of them survive "A Dweomerkeeper delivering 4 supernatural Twin Avasculates will reduce the hit points by a factor of 256", followed by a proper übercharger "ubercharging with wraithstrike to hit touch ac"?

The dragons might, they're sorcerers after all.

Silly Name
2021-04-22, 02:23 PM
Will any of them survive "A Dweomerkeeper delivering 4 supernatural Twin Avasculates will reduce the hit points by a factor of 256", followed by a proper übercharger "ubercharging with wraithstrike to hit touch ac"?

For a very narrow definition of "surviving", the Tarrasque does. :smalltongue:

2021-04-22, 03:02 PM
Will any of them survive "A Dweomerkeeper delivering 4 supernatural Twin Avasculates will reduce the hit points by a factor of 256", followed by a proper übercharger "ubercharging with wraithstrike to hit touch ac"?
The strongest Elder Evils are have no stats, thus - no, you can't do it to them: Leviathan encircles the whole planet (several times); Atropus is a planet; and Pandorym is a Huge Sphere of Annihilation (which can't be neither controlled with the Talisman, nor destroyed by the RoC or Gate - the spell just have chance of sending it back to its prison)

Maat Mons
2021-04-22, 04:55 PM
A Teleportation Circle offers no save. And unless you have the Trapfinding ability, you can't detect it no matter how high you roll. It allows SR, but that can be circumvented with Dweomerkeeper cheese.

Walls of Force don't really care how strong you are.

If you can trick the monster into swallowing you, it can't attack you anymore. Yeah, there's some acid and bludgeoning damage from the stomach. Nothing you can't handle.

If you can get a few pieces of the monster, you can send a bunch of Ice Assassins after it.

2021-04-22, 05:39 PM
nuke it from orbit: make an arbirtrarily high number of explosive runes in a book. drop it on your target from up high and use a failed dispel magic to trigger them all at once when they're close enough to prevent the kaiju from having a save

It's not enough damage then you didn't scribe enough runes

Or just wish for it to be dead?

2021-04-22, 06:34 PM
Wishing something dead is unlikely to work, that'd almost certainly resolve by just duplicating finger of death.

2021-04-22, 07:46 PM
There are various versions of Godzilla and other kaiju.

Thing is, there are a few ways to deal with a kaiju.

1. Learn to live with it. It's a force of nature, a god, something beyond the ability of humans to control. It fits with the allegorical nature for killing this beast to be akin to trying to kill the ocean. But this thread wants ways to kill it...

2. It sometimes has a weakness. One Godzilla was weak to electricity. Another had a weak spot under his armpit. Another version's dorsal fins were its weak spot. Being frozen was another. Then there's the Oxygen Destroyer, so theoretically anything that can get rid of oxygen can defeat your Godzilla-expy. One was suspectible to having its life force drained. Another time Godzilla was mind controlled by aliens, so theoretically something along those lines could work? The original Godzilla was heavily implied to be traumatized by the light of the bomb that mutated it, so theoretically anyone that can produce bright lights could (with planning) use that to get a handle on how to maneuver it. One died from a meltdown, so just flood it with whatever energy it breathes and make it explode... Only downside is it might take the planet with it.

3. Get something else to fight it on your behalf. One method is to create or control your own kaiju to fight it. There are sometimes heroic kaiju wandering around in some settings like Mothra, Anguirus, King Ghidorah, Gamera (different franchise but still)... Or mecha to do it instead. Or just direct another (not necessarily friendly) kaiju to attack the Godzilla-expy.

Thing is, "Godzilla-expy" isn't enough to go on, we need a good idea of what it is and isn't vulnerable too/capable of. Is it just a big, fire breathing lizard or does it have the regeneration (if so, what can shut it off?), intelligence range (animal or human levels?), energy absorption (and what types can be absorbed vs which ones can't) , etc. that various incarnations of Godzilla have?

2021-04-22, 11:27 PM
The dragons might, they're sorcerers after all.

And… that protects them from this tactic how?

Would adding a Mordenkainen's Disjunction at the beginning solve this issue?

The strongest Elder Evils are have no stats, thus - no, you can't do it to them: Leviathan encircles the whole planet (several times); Atropus is a planet; and Pandorym is a Huge Sphere of Annihilation (which can't be neither controlled with the Talisman, nor destroyed by the RoC or Gate - the spell just have chance of sending it back to its prison)

Right, so… two of the three of those could be defeated with a Sphere of Annihilation and a *lot* of patience; any word on how Pandorym interacts with its lesser cousins?

For a very narrow definition of "surviving", the Tarrasque does. :smalltongue:

Well, true. So we'd have to add a Wish of "and don't come back" to the end of that combo to make it a better SoP.

Yes, as a matter of fact.

Anything *else* on that list survive?

Or can our SoP be…

1) Mordenkainen's Disjunction
2) A Dweomerkeeper delivering 4 supernatural Twin Avasculates
3) a proper übercharger "ubercharging with wraithstrike to hit touch ac"?
4) Wish
5) Sphere of Annihilation

Although, personally, I'm more a fan of lowering its SR, then spamming Mindrape, then using Smoky Confinement, so that when Ash says, "go Pikachu!", we can respond with, "go Gojira!". Or sending it elsewhere. Or opening a Gate next to an Allip swarm. Or crit-fishing with a 3.0 Vorpal Blade. Or using Ice Assassins and/or our own Kaiju as SoP.

But… given the inclusion of Dragons on the list, it really feels like Shivering Touch ought to be (on) the SoP.

2021-04-23, 12:04 AM
Thing is, "Godzilla-expy" isn't enough to go on, we need a good idea of what it is and isn't vulnerable too/capable of. Is it just a big, fire breathing lizard or does it have the regeneration (if so, what can shut it off?), intelligence range (animal or human levels?), energy absorption (and what types can be absorbed vs which ones can't) , etc. that various incarnations of Godzilla have?

And… that protects them from this tactic how?

Would adding a Mordenkainen's Disjunction at the beginning solve this issue?

Right, so… two of the three of those could be defeated with a Sphere of Annihilation and a *lot* of patience; any word on how Pandorym interacts with its lesser cousins?

Well, true. So we'd have to add a Wish of "and don't come back" to the end of that combo to make it a better SoP.

Anything *else* on that list survive?.
You see what I mean about the Knowledge checks? If you don't know the monster's weaknesses, you're just throwing spaghetti at a wall. And I'm sorry, but you still haven't killed all the kaiju on the list, by the way!

Maat Mons
2021-04-23, 12:49 AM
Avasculate is a death effect. So it's ineffective against undead kaiju and construct kaiju. We'd need a different approach for them.

And for kaiju that are neither undead nor constructs, there's a good chance they aren't immune to mind-affecting effects. Which means they're more likely in the "new minion" category than the "things we want to kill" category.

So it seems like we'd only use Avasculate against kaiju that are immune to mind-effecting affects, but not immune to death effects. Are there very many of those?

I think a spellhoarding dracolich with epic spellcasting would be a very difficult kaiju to face. Doubly so if it has that PrC that makes dragons into demigods.

2021-04-23, 01:03 AM
You see what I mean about the Knowledge checks? If you don't know the monster's weaknesses, you're just throwing spaghetti at a wall. And I'm sorry, but you still haven't killed all the kaiju on the list, by the way!

It's very much my goal to *not* make the knowledge checks, but to just try to identify the best spaghetti! :smallbiggrin:

2021-04-23, 09:09 AM
I do love me some quality spaghetti!

2021-04-23, 11:25 AM
I like figuring out weaknesses and exploiting them, although with Kaiju that's uniquely difficult due to the interaction of knowledge checks with hit dice. For example, the DC 138 knowledge check for a Devastation Beetle requires some serious effort to pass.

On the spaghetti front, Sense Weakness + Surge of Fortune + Vorpal Weapon provides evolutionary pressure for multiheaded kaiju.

2021-04-23, 12:13 PM
I like figuring out weaknesses and exploiting them, although with Kaiju that's uniquely difficult due to the interaction of knowledge checks with hit dice. For example, the DC 138 knowledge check for a Devastation Beetle requires some serious effort to pass.

On the spaghetti front, Sense Weakness + Surge of Fortune + Vorpal Weapon provides evolutionary pressure for multiheaded kaiju.

Pretty sure that just leads to brain-in-butt kaiju that regrow their head.

2021-04-23, 12:30 PM
I like figuring out weaknesses and exploiting them, although with Kaiju that's uniquely difficult due to the interaction of knowledge checks with hit dice. For example, the DC 138 knowledge check for a Devastation Beetle requires some serious effort to pass.
The rule was later changed to count CR instead of HD, so it's only a DC 54–65.

For urban savants, it's a flat DC 15!

2021-04-23, 02:59 PM
Pretty sure that just leads to brain-in-butt kaiju that regrow their head.
Yeah, it might. Perhaps it would work the first time :smallsmile:

The rule was later changed to count CR instead of HD, so it's only a DC 54–65.
Really, where?

That's a much more reasonable target DC.

2021-04-23, 03:15 PM
ok, that explains everything.
no, wait.
that explains nothing

the difference between a movie monster and a game monster is that the movie monster does not have written stats, and so can counter everything thrown at it, until the plot wants it defeated.
a game monster has written stats with written immunities. Most important, they are vulnerable to anything they aren't explicitly immune to.
godzilla can be fearsome as a movie monster, but the moment you write down its stats, then there will be a way to trivialize it.


It is just like any other unknown challenge in D&D. Research and Prep is king.
So, do some research (knowledge checks, talk to sages, investigate old libraries, etc) ... break out those divinations ... do some tactical experiments to see what might work ...
then come back for the big fight properly prepared.

Maat Mons
2021-04-23, 03:15 PM
Did this rule update clarify what happens when you make knowledge checks about monsters that can advance? I mean, if I want my character to know that red dragons are immune to fire, do I base the check DC on wyrmlings, or what?

2021-04-23, 03:23 PM
The rule was later changed to count CR instead of HD, so it's only a DC 54–65.

For urban savants, it's a flat DC 15!

It might have been changed in Pathfinder, but it was never changed in 3.5 Admittedly WotC forgot this and printed knowledge check results based on CR in the later Monster Manuals, but they never actually printed a rule change so far as I know...

2021-04-23, 09:53 PM
Really, where?

That's a much more reasonable target DC.
In the later Monster Manuals. See MM5 p7.

Did this rule update clarify what happens when you make knowledge checks about monsters that can advance? I mean, if I want my character to know that red dragons are immune to fire, do I base the check DC on wyrmlings, or what?
Sort of. It's DC 10 + CR to get one piece of information, but if you hit at least a 15, regardless of the creature's CR, you get all the creature's type and subtype traits.

2021-04-24, 02:25 AM
In the later Monster Manuals. See MM5 p7.
How messy - and they even acknowledge it's a change.

Problem, even if we ignore the "primary source rule" this only applies to MMV creatures because they don't state otherwise (similarly to how only 2 books require you to meet entry conditions for a prestige classd all the way through) except their examples make it clear that they are applying the change retrospecitvely (without bothering to tell us to do so).

Ugh, how typical WotC.

PS thank-you for the reference - I had never bothered reading that bit before because, of course, I "knew" the rules in that section (or thought I did).

2021-04-24, 08:11 AM
In the later Monster Manuals. See MM5 p7.
These rules seem saner, particularly the parts about identifying traits based on lower-CR members of the same kind.

Another Handle
2021-04-24, 12:50 PM
If you want to beat an arbitrary foe with arbitrary traits that will arbitrarily change at any arbitrary time you need an arbitrary Player Character.

Pun-Pun Is.

Nothing else works because you aren't playing D&D, you're playing cops and robbers and yelling "Nuh uh" at each other. If you want to play D&D dozens of Kaiju and templates have been published over the last 20 years. Pick one. Otherwise, DM fiat always wins.

2021-04-24, 05:59 PM
If you want to beat an arbitrary foe with arbitrary traits that will arbitrarily change at any arbitrary time you need an arbitrary Player Character.

Pun-Pun Is.

Nothing else works because you aren't playing D&D, you're playing cops and robbers and yelling "Nuh uh" at each other. If you want to play D&D dozens of Kaiju and templates have been published over the last 20 years. Pick one. Otherwise, DM fiat always wins.

The main question were 'what are some specific tricks to try that is not hit point damage and see if it works?'

2021-04-25, 05:05 AM
Assuming it needs to breathe you could pile Drowned on it until it suffocates. Are there other lethal auras we can work with here?

Godzilla is kinda amphibious tho. I'm not sure there are many spells that make people that can breathe water drown