View Full Version : Squidward the Pro Wrestler

2021-04-21, 06:23 PM
This will probably be filed under "builds that are mechanically straightforward but thematically hilarious".

Rune Knights. They're probably the best grappling class/subclass right now. They can eventually become Huge (important later).

Simic hybrids. For our first enhancement, we'll take the Underwater Adaptation on the off-chance we get the opportunity to drag someone underwater and drown them. Second enhancement is obviously the grappling appendages. They're a bit awkward to use (hit with an attack, then BA grapple), but the ability to grapple up to four targets at once is too good, and synergizes nicely with the fighter's many attacks.

Simic hybrids are specific to the Ravnica setting, though. Based on the two enhancements we've chosen, lets refluff it to some sort of octopus-person, maybe like Hachan from One Piece (https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Hatchan). Except with only four arms, rather than six. Now, six-limbed octopuses exist apparently don't exist now that I'm searching for them, so to make our character eight-limbed maybe they use four of their limbs as legs, like Squidward (https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/Squidward_Tentacles). Or Octodad (https://octodad.com/files/Octodad_Character.png).

So our character is a fishman (octopus variant) from Fishman Island, which is actually underwater for some reason. He's journeyed onto land to seek his fortune as basically a reverse-sailor (an aquatic creature that lives on land). Perhaps he trained at a dojo run by a giant (a sea giant, of course), which might explain his Rune Knight abilities, and he's an avid wrestler. He needs a name, but "Squidward" is a bit too on-the-nose. Perhaps something that is a bit more of a stealth pun, like "Craig McKraken (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craig_McCracken)". When he grows to a huge size, he's not far off from being an actual kraken, after all, and might even have a trace of kraken blood in his veins (which might also explain some Rune Knight abilities). Riffing off his real-life namesake, perhaps he has proficiency in painter's supplies, and likes to draw/paint comics (since the only animation that exists in D&D is necromancy). Perhaps his whole reason for adventuring is to gather material he can use for his comics.

See, you could be "just" a simic hybrid Rune Knight. Or, you could be an octopus fishman who trained under a sea giant and draws comics. Same mechanics, more colorful flavor.

I like to think that the McKrakens are descended from an ancient fishman hero who was half-kraken who is almost universally known among fishmen, but basically unknown by landfolk. So Craig often introduces himself as "Craig McKraken. Yes, that McKraken," and no one actually knows what he's talking about.

2021-04-21, 09:19 PM
Why not Zoidberg? (grappling appendages can be claws!)

Maybe he comes from an aquatic warrior culture, and found an ancient underwater ruin where he first learned of the runes. Having mastered the ones he found there, he's now ventured onto land to find yet more runes of power to further enhance his wrestling prowess.

Maybe he was once a normal human or elf, but had been pressed into serving aboard an enchanted ship with an immortal captain. Over the years he slowly took on an appearance of aquatic life, becoming part of the crew, part of the ship. He'd befriended a half-giant in the crew, who taught him the runes of power. More recently he was thrown from the ship during a battle and washed ashore, gaining a temporary furlough from his centuries of service. He's always wary of those sails on the horizon whenever he's at sea since then, but he should be safe from capture as long as he stays on dry land.

2021-04-21, 09:58 PM
Why not Zoidberg? (grappling appendages can be claws!)
I feel like if you do the Zoidberg voice for the character, the other players will probably end up treating him the same way Zoidberg gets treated.

I love it.

IIRC, krakens were originally some kind of giant crab monster, too.

Maybe he comes from an aquatic warrior culture, and found an ancient underwater ruin where he first learned of the runes. Having mastered the ones he found there, he's now ventured onto land to find yet more runes of power to further enhance his wrestling prowess.
This is actually a really good idea, I might borrow this in the event I ever get a chance to play this character. I just... have so many more character concepts than I do campaigns I can play in.

Maybe he was once a normal human or elf, but had been pressed into serving aboard an enchanted ship with an immortal captain. Over the years he slowly took on an appearance of aquatic life, becoming part of the crew, part of the ship. He'd befriended a half-giant in the crew, who taught him the runes of power. More recently he was thrown from the ship during a battle and washed ashore, gaining a temporary furlough from his centuries of service. He's always wary of those sails on the horizon whenever he's at sea since then, but he should be safe from capture as long as he stays on dry land.
I know this is inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean, and thus should be a bit on the zany side (or is that just Jack Sparrow?), but this actually seems like a decent backstory for a more "serious" take on this character concept. Octopus fishman wrestler comic artist might be a bit much for some tables.