View Full Version : The Most Seductive Subclass?

2021-04-24, 03:05 PM
So I've been working on some character ideas and the idea of a character that could fit the role of a seductress/succubus themed character. Thus I began to wonder, what is the most seductive subclass in DnD 5e.

Currently, I've managed to come up with at least 4 potential options (but feel free to offer some more), for this. They are:
-College of Glamour (Bard)
-College of Eloquence (Bard)
-Peace Domain (Cleric)
-School of Enchantment (Wizard)

However, I'm not too sure which one would be the most optimal. What do you all think?

2021-04-24, 03:06 PM
So I've been working on some character ideas and the idea of a character that could fit the role of a seductress/succubus themed character. Thus I began to wonder, what is the most seductive subclass in DnD 5e.

Currently, I've managed to come up with at least 4 potential options (but feel free to offer some more), for this. They are:
-College of Glamour (Bard)
-College of Eloquence (Bard)
-Peace Domain (Cleric)
-School of Enchantment (Wizard)

However, I'm not too sure which one would be the most optimal. What do you all think? How do you intend to deal with monsters and NPCs who are immune to Charm? (College of Glamour, Bard, seems to fit what you are after).

2021-04-24, 03:14 PM
Rogues are reliably seductive.
Bards are experts too and have some training in obscure talents that might come up.

So I suggest either Bard.

2021-04-24, 03:19 PM
How do you intend to deal with monsters and NPCs who are immune to Charm? (College of Glamour, Bard, seems to fit what you are after).

I was thinking either Hold Person/Hold Monster would fit. :smallsmile:

2021-04-24, 03:28 PM
In addition to the ones you mentioned,

maybe a Bard, College of Whispers might work? It would be a more sinister way of forcing someone to depend on you, but Succubi aren't exactly ethical either.

Trickery Cleric is a stretch, but fits a somewhat similar thematic.

Swashbucklers are at least very, VERY charming.

And Archfey Warlocks have some options that might fit.

Kind of depends on what "flavour" you were trying to go for. There are different ways to play seduction, I think. And of course, depending on what the DM says, there are infinite options ;)

Jon talks a lot
2021-04-24, 07:14 PM
Fiend Warlock.

You made your pact with Baftis, the First Consort of Baalzebub, and, as part of your pact, you are required to make you dm fade to black more times than they would like.

2021-04-24, 07:32 PM
No one's going to suggest the Great Old One Warlock?

It has an At-Will, No Save, Permanent Charm on Touch.

It's also worth mention that they're immune to mind-reading, so a lot of eccentric folks would be rather interested in their...unpredictability. (This is actually a plot point in True Blood, as the protagonist develops feelings for the only people who's minds she cannot read).

Add in Disguise Self At-will and it definitely should be up there on the list.

Not trying to be a creep, but after reviewing the invocations for the sake of seducing, you could really get into some weird, kinky stuff with Gaze of Two Minds.

2021-04-24, 08:20 PM
Not trying to be a creep, but after reviewing the invocations for the sake of seducing, you could really get into some weird, kinky stuff with Gaze of Two Minds.

That's interesting. While I'm kind of leaning toward the Eloquence Bard, I could definitely see myself taking the Eldritch Adapt Feat and maybe taking Gaze of Two Minds or maybe Mask of Faces.

2021-04-24, 08:32 PM
Then try Archfey Warlock 2/Eloquence Bard X

A couple levels of Archfey Warlock gets you Fey Presence, which is an AoE Charm effect that unlike most other Charm options doesn't result in the target(s) knowing they've been charmed or becoming hostile when it wears off, plus you'd have two Invocations for stuff like Gaze of Two Minds and Mask of Many Faces.

2021-04-24, 08:43 PM
Beast Barbarian, naturally.

I'd argue that Eloquence Bard is the most seductive in that other Bards and the Enchantment Wizard are more likely to rely on Charming. Which isn't seduction, it's assault.

2021-04-24, 08:53 PM
Beast Barbarian, naturally.

I'd argue that Eloquence Bard is the most seductive in that other Bards and the Enchantment Wizard are more likely to rely on Charming. Which isn't seduction, it's assault.

Let's, uh, let's not get into that. We all know where that conversation's going, and it only leads to a bad place that gets moderators involved.

2021-04-24, 09:22 PM
I was thinking either Hold Person/Hold Monster would fit. :smallsmile:

This is not seductive.

If you mean you want a character that can control everyone around them, and force them to do their bidding, that's something else entirely.

There was a build quite a while ago that was all in on these skills. I'm having trouble finding it though and i'm pretty sure it was before the eloquence bard was introduced.

Witty Username
2021-04-24, 11:16 PM
Because this is a thing now, Fey wanderer Ranger could be surprisingly effective, if you are going more chaos as opposed to evil with that succubus theme. Beguiling twist sowing discord, (and if I read it right you can use your own and allied effects and enemies successes to trigger it). The already stated options like college of glamor is probably better but I like to sing for the ranger whenever I can, it deserves whatever it can get.

2021-04-25, 07:57 AM
Anyone with high charisma and expertise in deception/persuasion. Anything else is mind control.

2021-04-25, 08:02 AM
It has an At-Will, No Save, Permanent Charm on Touch.

At level 14 (super late). And only on an incapacitated person (super duper creepy).

da newt
2021-04-25, 08:09 AM
Is there a better race than YuanTi - 1/day suggestion?

2021-04-25, 09:22 AM
Is there a better race than YuanTi - 1/day suggestion?

Only if you're playing with a different kind of lamia (https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fp7.hiclipart.com%2Fpreview%2F788% 2F145%2F248%2Fmonster-musume-anime-lamia-harpy-monster.jpg&f=1&nofb=1)

2021-04-25, 09:49 AM
Having seen this sort of concept at a table before, I can't recommend it.

It's likely to squick at least one person at the table.

Particularly if you're going the Thomas Raith (Dresden) or Starfox (Marvel) route.

2021-04-25, 09:57 AM
Having seen this sort of concept at a table before, I can't recommend it.

It's likely to squick at least one person at the table.

Particularly if you're going the Thomas Raith (Dresden) or Starfox (DC) route.

Starfox? Who the heck is Starfox?

And while I won't echo Angelax exactly, I will say to talk to your table about it. Some tables are fine with seduction all day every day, other tables don't even want "Fade-to-black" things. So check to make sure your concept is appropriate to the table before you set yourself on it.

2021-04-25, 10:32 AM
This guy. Thanos's brother, which makes him Marvel. Whoops!


2021-04-30, 07:59 PM
Having seen this sort of concept at a table before, I can't recommend it.

It's likely to squick at least one person at the table.

Particularly if you're going the Thomas Raith (Dresden) or Starfox (Marvel) route.

Overall, I try to avoid messing with other players (especially when they don't want to be messed with). Most of the other players are usually pretty chill in the groups I play with.

But I do agree that this is something to discuss with one's group before doing.

Are there any good feats that might fit a character trying to be seductive.

Mobius Twist
2021-04-30, 08:41 PM
Strictly speaking, a succubus/incubus has two phases:

1. Discover target's fantasies.
2. Approximate those fantasies for purposes of manipulation.

As such, anyone with sufficient Divination (esp. Read Thoughts) and Illusion magic can meet those needs. It's better if done with Subtle metamagic, and even moreso if backed by personal charisma or Charmed condition making your target predisposed to your advances.

I subscribe to the idea that NPCs have a gradient of attitudes in social interactions and rather than direct mind control, the Charmed condition just sets those attitudes toward "bosom best friend" levels. Sorta like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tFyuk4-uDQ&ab_channel=ZeeBashew

2021-05-01, 07:59 PM

2021-05-02, 11:37 AM
{Scrub the post, scrub the quote}

I usually try to stick to official content, only because that is content that I know for a fact my DM will allow.