View Full Version : Tales of Bob: Twist in the Myth

2021-04-25, 05:13 AM
So I started up a new campaign a couple weeks ago, and we had the second session tonight. The first session kinda went a little bland, the group had fun, but it wasn't like it was tonight.
Tonight everyone was so animated and having fun. For the first time in a long time, everyone was participating in roleplay, and even had inter party stuff. I have high hopes for this campaign because of this.

The party: (we do a mix of 3.5 and Pathfinder)
Riven, Hellbred Cleric of Odin, freshly back in the mortal realm, looking to atone for his past sins.

Kava, Shifter Bard, she so far has just been looking for a place to play, and keeps getting swept along with the group.

Shochraos, Lizardfolk (advanced race guide) Arcanist, a very well learned lizardman, has some wealthy patrons who have helped him.

Rafferty, Human Swashbuckler, the newest player, still figuring out how to do more than just follow and be silent. Doesn't have a back story or much of a personality. Though the character has taken a liking to the barbarian, which has been the butt of some jokes.

Barb, Human Barbarian, a 13 year old human with a rediculous amount of confidence. She acts first and never asks questions. Always looking to be treated as an adult.

Dart, Human Warder, the newest member of the party, but not to the group, missed first session. An insomniac knight looking for adventure and a good night sleep.

The story so far;
The party, except Dart, entered a tavern called Crowley's, run by a person named Fergus. Who asked if they'd solve his rat problem, offering free food and drink for life.
After an extremely sad rediculous battle, they kill the rats, Riven keeps all the rats bodies in a bag. They return upstairs and party, Barb keeps trying to get ale, but no one is willing to serve alcohol to a 13 year old girl.
The next morning they are approached by a guy, who Fergus knows, named Walter, who asks if they'd guard his caravan. They agree.
The first day they only have to deal with a tree across the road, and come to a small town called Fal. At Fal they need to decide between the faster more dangerous route through the forest or the slower safer route over the plains. They choose the fast route.
The second day they encounter a bear and some wolves fighting over a deer carcass in the road. Barb solos the bear, the rest of the party takes on the wolves. They arrive in the town of Xil.
That night the rain becomes ungodly and they have to help the town keep the river from flooding over. That actually keeps them going until morning. In the morning light, they find the bridge across the river had been destroyed by the flooding on the other side.
So the caravan needs to head back and go the other direction. (End of first session)
They meet Dart on the road traveling to the same place they are. He asks if he can aid the caravan since he's traveling the same way. Dart and Riven hit it off almost immediately.
They make it back to Fal, all but Dart, basically goes straight to sleep since they hadn't really slept in quite a while.
They head out the next day, as they're traveling the caravan comes across a large group of deer that aren't afraid of travelers on the road. Barb proceeds to charge and kill one, which causes the rest to flee.
After that they come to the bridge on this route which is still in good shape. As they cross a troll climbs up from underneath. Demanding a toll of one horse to cross the bridge. Barb charges it and knocks it off the bridge.
The day finishes as they make it to another small town called Nail. Which will be the last town before their destination of Duncan.
During their night, a drunk guy wanders into Kava's room, she woke up, he apologized profusely and left. The innkeeper had accidentally given him the spare key to her room instead of his. He apologized and gave her a refund.
They leave, coming across a large group of dead goblins. They find that the goblins still had all their gear, and seem to have been dead for a couple days.
The caravan needs to camp out this night, with the party standing watch. They take turns, during Kava's shift the people who decided to stay up brought out booze. Kava joined them. When she woke up Riven who was next he gave her a lecture about drinking on the job. Later that night during Barb's watch it starts raining again, and the horses become restless. Someone says they will go tend to them, Barb goes with, and they find two goblins, Barb rages and charges them, and smashes both of them before they have a chance to react. (Gave her surprise round, and she also rolled high initiative) her yell woke up several people, Kava and Sho, who went out to investigate but then went back to bed after searching the area for more but finding none. During Dart's watch he finds the goblins smashed up corpses just left where they were.
The next day they make it to Duncan, get paid and do a bit of shopping, selling & buying. They all meet up at The Late Dragon inn and tavern, which is run by an ex-adventurer named Carlos. Where Carlos has absolutely no issues with serving to Barb.
Dart asks for his strongest ale, Carlos has him sign a waiver before paying for it. It's really strong stuff, the first sip he has to roll a fortitude save kind of strong. After downing the whole thing he passes out at the table.
While Riven takes him to his room, the party is actually approached by another individual, a Barron Stan who tells them of a band of goblins who has something of his. He hires the party to kill them and retrieve the object.
The party headed out in the morning, and killed the goblins, who had a worth with them. They retrieved the item. (End of second session)

I realize I got more and more detailed as I went on, but that's also sorta how it kinda went with the players too, they became more and more active with each part. And it wasn't quite bam bam bam just moving through each part in a couple minutes as my brief summary probably makes it sound. Well between the rats and the town of Xil there really wasn't much stuff that the party really even tried to do. It wasn't for lack of opportunities, I think it's more people are getting more in tune with their characters, and figuring out their personalities and such.

I plan on updating this after each session, I just hope it won't count as thread necromancy if it takes a few weeks between sessions sometimes.

I also know it really seems like I'm railroading, but I promise after they turn the item over to the barron, they'll have free rein for a while.

And yes Riven the Hellbred cleric looks like a complete devil, horns and all, no wings though. Fergus and most tavern keepers in this area have seen stranger things. He also hasn't really interacted much with anyone outside of the party, the caravan people, or tavern owners. The party basically consists of neutrals, except the Hellbred who's good aligned. So they don't really seem to care much, plus there's a lizardfolk and a shifter in the party as well.

2021-05-13, 01:32 AM
So realized I'm a few days late on this.

So the party collected the object and returned it to the Barron. The Barron paid them and he left. After a little shopping Dart decided to check and see if there's any quests or bounties available. Of all the ones on the board which varied in rewards and difficulty he decided on one where wolves have been attacking livestock of farms outside the city on the edge of the forest, and they need someone to slay them, they get paid 100 gp per wolf slain.
Dart brings it back to the party and they're all for it. Riven had just bought a new cart, and was excited to have a use for it already. Barb was already making plans on what to do with the pelts.
The group heads out, talking to farmers on the way asking about the wolves. No one can accurately say how big the pack is. The party gets to one of the farms at the edge of the forest, the farmer agrees to let them stable their horses there, and agrees to sell them a goat for bait. They give him double what it's worth and head out to the edge of the farm.
There's about 100 yards between the forest and the fence. The party ties the goat to the fence and waits til dusk.
Sure enough with the amount of noise the goat was making, Dart and Rafferty spot some wolves sneaking out of the forest. As the party gets ready the wolves bolt for the goat, a total of 6 of them.
The battle ensues, the wolves honestly couldn't hit anything to save their lives including the goat. Though they did manage to hit the goat once for minimum damage, and Kava once as well. The party made pretty short work of the wolves.
Dart grabs the injured goat and asks Riven to heal it. Riven just does a channel positive energy (pathfinder cleric).
As Riven finishes the party hears a howl from the forest, turning around they see two dire wolves step out. The dire wolves charge. As they get close everyone readies their actions the first wolf reaches the party encountering Barb first. Barb scored a critical with her maul doing more than enough damage to kill the thing. The other dire wolf charges into Rafferty and Kava, Rafferty hits Kava misses. The dire wolf completely missed it's attack.
Then the party begins to just bash and slash on the thing til it falls.
The party figuring that this might not be all the wolves decide to follow their tracks back to their den where they find 3 more wolves waiting for them. They kill those with relative ease, and begin to look around. They find a bunch of wolf pups, 2 of them considerably bigger. Instead of slaughtering them for more reward they instead catch them all and take them all back to town.
They negotiate a bigger reward for the dire wolves and come out with 1500 gp total for all the wolves. They buy cages for the pups as they decide what to do with them. Dart and Kava want to try rearing the dire wolves. Sho is fine with the idea and says he'll help since, even though he's an arcanist, he has ranks in handle animal.
I'm pretty sure someone else wanted a regular wolf, but I don't remember who.
Barb was too busy going to town skinning the wolves to really care about what was going on. The party had also decided that they were going to use the wolf meat as food for the road. And that's where we left it for the night.