View Full Version : 3rd Ed Looking for a really heavy rock

2021-04-25, 10:28 AM
I recall an item, not sure if magical or not, that is just a small rock that is really heavy.

I think the text talked about Sleight of Handing it into people's pockets or somesuch?

Ring any bells anyone?

2021-04-25, 10:30 AM
The cursed stone of weight/loadstone (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/cursedItems.htm#stoneofWeightLoadstone).

2021-04-25, 11:36 AM
The cursed stone of weight/loadstone (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/cursedItems.htm#stoneofWeightLoadstone).

Cool and close, but I don't think this was quite it, or maybe I'm misremembering.

The purpose is to find something small but heavy to store in an Efficient Quiver (it doesn't care about weight, only volume) for later dropping on people's houses/heads.

2021-04-25, 11:40 AM
Cool and close, but I don't think this was quite it, or maybe I'm misremembering.

The purpose is to find something small but heavy to store in an Efficient Quiver (it doesn't care about weight, only volume) for later dropping on people's houses/heads.A lead block + shrink item, followed by calling out the command word at the appropriate time? Or a bunch of granite boulders affected by shrink item stored in a small box, all with the same command word? Or a cursed item that casts shrink item that does everything a normal shrink item does except negate weight?

2021-04-25, 12:05 PM
Cool and close, but I don't think this was quite it, or maybe I'm misremembering.

The purpose is to find something small but heavy to store in an Efficient Quiver (it doesn't care about weight, only volume) for later dropping on people's houses/heads.

That sounds like these sling bullets that grow into boulders after they were fired, but I really can't remember where those were from (I at least can tell you where you can't find them: Complete Warrior, Complete Adventurer, Races of the Wild and Magic Item Compendium don't have them. I'm suspecting a Dragon Magazine article.)

2021-04-26, 02:50 AM
I remember a sling with that ability in Weapons of Legacy.

Empyreal Dragon
2021-04-26, 03:17 AM
Elemental lodestone?

2021-04-26, 05:35 AM
Elemental lodestone?

I second the elemental loadstone, from Planar Handbook. 200 gp per 50 lb, though. That will be expensive if you want to crush anything.

2021-04-26, 12:34 PM
Elemental lodestone?


That is precisely the thing!

A normal pouch holds 10 slingstones, so a pouch of these would be 500 lb, and cost us 2000 gp.

Let's high ball it and spend 16.000 gp to fill a quiver (or something of equivalent volume) with 8 pouches.

That bad boy weighs 4.000 lb, or 2 tons, equivalent to 4 grand pianos.

Of course we'll want to make the quiver out of something that can withstand the impact, for reuseability. Probably gonna have to be Riverine, lets say our container weighing just 1 lb, setting us back another 2.000 gp.

This deals 20d6 of damage when dropped from 10 ft up. 40d6 if we drop it from 200 ft.

Considering they get a DC 15 reflex save to avoid, it's not exactly a great cost/reward, but should be immensely satisfying when it works.