View Full Version : Second Darkness [Shadow in the Sky] (IC)

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2021-04-28, 06:34 PM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/deine6h-faaef4c7-3cae-44d7-a2db-fa84cb0fc838.png/v1/fill/w_1018,h_785,q_70,strp/second_darkness__i_3_banner_by_lostsole31_deine6h-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9 .eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib 2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD03ODkiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC8 wNTlkODA4OS03NjRhLTQwMzQtYTJlNC00ZmUwOGNmODliODNcL 2RlaW5lNmgtZmFhZWY0YzctM2NhZS00NGQ3LWEyZGItZmE4NGN iMGZjODM4LnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwiYXVkI jpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.ykp 5cfhPkvoLI_vsnR3cJPR2jW5-TElJeW0QIDJI_Ck




Race [Ethnicity]
(gender ID)


Side 1

Side 2

Eric Achabij


[Vetala-born; Vudrani]
Harbinger 3
[Crimson Count]
Warder 3
[Dervish Defender]


Saddle Brown

Elf [Ekujae]

Ozlech Darkwing


Harbinger 3

Rodriguez Orcarr

Dark Orange

Tiefling [Pitborn]
Skald 3

Summoner 3

[B]Sol Flood

Fire Brick Red

Human [Chelaxian]
Alchemist 3
??? 3



Suqur [Nisr]
Radiant 3
Stormbound 3

Apophis, Rodriguez' Eidolon

Golden Rod

Fire Elemental (m)
Serpentine Form

Huginn, Ozlech's Raven

Navy Blue

Raven (size S)
Companion 3

2021-04-28, 06:48 PM
Eric Achabij

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/de7tesz-faa2aa31-99a9-4ef9-b39a-4e3c4b52c0a5.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZTd0ZXN6LWZh YTJhYTMxLTk5YTktNGVmOS1iMzlhLTRlM2M0YjUyYzBhNS5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.xXzAqQkZkthUFvIl4VUPnK4uPJE18LoYvPWtkydU76A


Eric is thin, and quite emaciated, although not exactly bony. His pale bronze skin shows traces of old wounds, reminiscent of past combats. He walks with calculated grace and seems to keep some deep rooted anger at bay. He prefers to keep his jet black hair short.


No the kind to forget grudges, Eric still tries to by staying focused on his fiend and undead hunts, through his dedication to Sarenrae.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/deinf8h-afc06abc-ecf5-4508-b75b-64f65dced910.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWluZjhoLWFm YzA2YWJjLWVjZjUtNDUwOC1iNzViLTY0ZjY1ZGNlZDkxMC5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.FGSMCKB7lSrXZ4G47fJKKN5u_ChDUQrgZHcm5Z8Yqiw

2021-04-28, 06:51 PM
Ozlech Darkwing



Ozlech isn't a pretty sight to see. His demonic heritage often leaves him with skin blemishes and renders his hair a greasy black mop, which does him no favors with his sickly grey skin tone making him appear a diseased wretch. One of his horns remains on his head as a broken stump shattered by blunt force. His face holds two noticeable scars while his arms are filled with many smaller blade scars. Perhaps a stunning smile could fix his appearance? If only his mouth wasn't full of needle like teeth meant for tearing flesh from bone.


Despite all appearances, Ozlech is a nice fellow that wouldn't hurt anyone who didn't try to hurt him first.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/deinfgb-b66508b4-7c9e-45d4-a055-cd973bcf0a3b.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWluZmdiLWI2 NjUwOGI0LTdjOWUtNDVkNC1hMDU1LWNkOTczYmNmMGEzYi5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.FKwv9CDVJIFcK_nP6C1Q0Qd5uBY6F5pX1EdRuIX-k9c

2021-04-28, 06:55 PM
Rodriguez Orcarr

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/de7f1pz-f3f74271-96c5-4ef5-b138-7f76658bf5fc.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZTdmMXB6LWYz Zjc0MjcxLTk2YzUtNGVmNS1iMTM4LTdmNzY2NThiZjVmYy5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.XWcasOEAUTnaMizboNZInoq7gYUsgANHUB5kt1-2opc


Rodriguez has long horns which arch back over his head like a mountain goat. His skin is an olive green color. He is very tall and heavyset with broad shoulders covered in patches of fur which help protect him. His yellow eyes have long horizontal pupils like a goat. His hair is a a curly brown mop on his head with a small goatee on his chin. He has long pointed ears. His digitigrade legs also have a protective coat, and they end in two large goat hooves. His tail is almost 3' in length and covered in small, rigid, blunted barbs, allowed him to hold objects with it.

He wears no shoes, he has two hip holsters where he keeps two water skins filled with alcohol, his clothes a simple and pretty shabby, consisting of a tunic and long grey pants. He does not wear a cloak or cover his face, the only colorful bit of clothing he owns is a bright blue sash that he wears over his armor.


[Under construction...]

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/deinfnd-e733072c-79c3-42cd-ad55-c1c71873d973.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWluZm5kLWU3 MzMwNzJjLTc5YzMtNDJjZC1hZDU1LWMxYzcxODczZDk3My5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.gq8wbaXxBsxVowmPmKMp8uL5h4Dti3oSnjIPd1mezWU

2021-04-28, 06:58 PM
Sol Flood
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/de6ywld-b1751f7d-8779-4aa7-867c-790de60b3ede.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZTZ5d2xkLWIx NzUxZjdkLTg3NzktNGFhNy04NjdjLTc5MGRlNjBiM2VkZS5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.U9MvAZlDPKKRV_jrbDpWmfjAwyQTP4AJe3Gz34E4gUo


Somewhat underfed-looking. Close-cropped jet black hair with tinges of red at the ends. Eyes: Dark Brown. Complexion: Pale but not anemic.


Generally spiritual, but not specifically religious. He believes in decency and the alleviation of suffering. Cruelty is a cancer that should be removed. Goodness may come from a temporary ill. Altruism is an important guide to his inner moral compass. One must be willing to suspend one's personal interests to render assistance to those in need.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/deinfv8-275e2070-10bf-45e8-9f88-22e8ef1be2b9.png/v1/fill/w_200,h_200,strp/sol_token_by_lostsole31_deinfv8-200h.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ 9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwi b2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0yNTYiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC 8wNTlkODA4OS03NjRhLTQwMzQtYTJlNC00ZmUwOGNmODliODNc L2RlaW5mdjgtMjc1ZTIwNzAtMTBiZi00NWU4LTlmODgtMjJlOG VmMWJlMmI5LnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0yNTYifV1dLCJhdWQi OlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.EpK OI8NvGxE4W9U03Il84TZZiVUWLs722Q4Eba3wSic

2021-04-28, 07:01 PM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/de7kn5c-ac2345a3-a094-441f-9be3-312895b32e49.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZTdrbjVjLWFj MjM0NWEzLWEwOTQtNDQxZi05YmUzLTMxMjg5NWIzMmU0OS5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.Zh2hOOEyjREiOwadW-qGjW2r7OKDG0jPwVB1QHAe_IM


Visto is a fairly tall humanoid, bearing the head of a vulture, along with wings, covered in black feathers. While his body is still fairly similar to a human, it's easy to tell he's in good shape, while not overly muscular, he's at least at a healthy weight. His customized Leather armor overlaps his basic traveling clothes, and his sharp talons round out the look.


Visto is a friendly person who believes strongly in nature. He habitually speaks in the third person, and when he has taken to an ally, he will fiercely defend them at virtually any cost.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/deing1t-3f9f26d1-b1cd-4fda-b012-3f151d12c84e.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWluZzF0LTNm OWYyNmQxLWIxY2QtNGZkYS1iMDEyLTNmMTUxZDEyYzg0ZS5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.BCNJf65hV8C4bFaWL_-cDr6ZVyAOTW8LuzAQeDuRn08

2021-04-28, 07:09 PM
As the group travels, Sol will tell you of a very large, multi-wave raid that hit the Gold Goblin Gambling Hall (his place of employment) the night prior. It's one of the reasons he seemed out of sorts, but was very curt and business like in giving you a job from one of his coworkers.

But this evening, he went out to the Boneyard because his boss - Saul Vancaskerkin - got word that his enemies were planning an even bigger raid on the Goblin. So, Sol and another by the name of Devil-Dave went out to the Boneyard to perhaps listen in. It seems that they knew they were coming and were ambushed by a handful of wererats. Devil-Dave didn't make it. Sol almost didn't make it and had to leave as soon as he saw DD fall into the muck of the swampy Boneyard. But, there was a mysterious, white-haired elf that helped them, and if not for him Sol's body would surely be prematurely buried in the mire.

So, Sol wants to head back and find the bodies of the wererats for any usable evidence, and possibly to track and find this white-haired elf to find out who he is and what he was doing there, and how he knew to help.

Any questions to Sol before you arrive in the Boneyard?

2021-04-29, 05:38 AM
Looking at Sol, Eric starts with a simple question.

"So all the wererats have been taken care of by this white haired elf ? Must be quite the warrior then."

2021-04-29, 04:11 PM
Visto chooses to travel in silence, just listening.

2021-04-29, 06:35 PM
"Oh, he didn't do it all!" Sol chuckles. "Devil-Dave took down two by himself. But that white-haired elf is a damn fine archer, and he came prepared. He had to have been using silvered arrows. But, yeah, they're dead. But I was so wounded and out of bombs and extracts, that I wasn't about to say or do anything that would have that elf turn his bow on me, so I got out of there to get help ... you. This felt like an ambush, so I don't know if Saul Vancaskerkin's plans were discovered - by a turncoat or divination magic or something - or if Saul himself set it up to get us out of the way.

"Devil-Dave was the most powerful defender at the Goblin ever since Dirk left to be trained at the Cypher Lodge. He gave the wererats a what for until he finally fell. It was breath-taking, horrifying, and inspiring to see, all at once. And with Lini's death of her droogami, Lini and Sajan left. I don't trust Seltyiel, and that left me and DD to knock off. Whether that is to weaken Saul, or for Saul to weaken us, I don't know. So, I want to see if these wererats had something that could be a clue, and possibly feel out this white-haired elf as possible ally? .... or to be identified as future foe."

2021-05-01, 04:05 PM

While Sol talks about the battle in the boneyard, Ozlech tries getting Visto’s attention and asks, ”Can you take a look at Ginny? She took a bad cut in the last fight.”

Ozlech otherwise doesn’t ask any questions of Sol.

2021-05-01, 06:16 PM
Visto will calmly place his hand on Ginny, infusing the Raven with his healing power wordlessly.

Use Unicorn Feathering on the Raven.

2021-05-01, 07:24 PM
Rodriguez will walk beside Apophis, massaging the sore areas where he was stabbed.”Our night didn’t go too much better. Beltias got away, but we did drive him out of the mission. Who knows where he is now.”

2021-05-02, 03:36 PM
"I'm sorry to hear it," says Sol, smiling compassionately as he sees Ginny fully healed now. "But if we can prove that's what you did, even if his daughter finds him, that should be good enough as gold in hand.

"Say, whatever happened to little Lin and her raven? She went with you, didn't she?"

2021-05-04, 10:00 PM

Upon being asked about Lin, Ozlech racks his brain for a second before saying "Oh that one. Dunno what got into them. Maybe they had a change of heart or something because they just up and left."

2021-05-04, 11:26 PM
The party gets to the Boneyard. There is a fetid mist all around the marsh at this time now in the dark of night. Ahead is a flickering globe of light centered around a bit of ship’s rigging protruding from the surface of the water. This can only be the Spar. Dangling from this boom is a single lantern providing the illumination for a group of dark-cloaked humanoids huddled together in the muck beneath.

"Those are basically decoys that drew us in before the ambush," Sol explains.

There is a hummock that is a little larger than most of the surrounding islands of "solid" ground. There is a twisted old tree and a fire burning up on that small hill.

"Up here!" calls a voice, and you see a silhouette of a slender humanoid outlined by the fire behind him.

Is the party fine just strolling up? Mind you, travel through the marsh has been (and will be again just getting to that spot) very messy, muddy, and smelly.

2021-05-05, 06:50 AM
Rodriguez will pick up Apophis to keep him out of the muck before following Sol forward.

2021-05-05, 06:50 PM
Rodriguez picks up Apophis, a bit comical as it is, but now is carrying a heavy load ... in a marsh ... and he begins to sink down more than he gets forward.

2021-05-05, 07:41 PM
”Sorry buddy we’ll have to get you cleaned up later. I’d rather not suffocate in swamp mush. What a night for us huh?” Rodriguez will set Apophis back down with a sigh, and slowly pull himself upright in the muck to stop sinking and continue forward.

2021-05-05, 11:59 PM
Actually, Apophis fairs better than everyone else. While still slowed by the mud, Apophis' long form means that more weight is distributed across a greater area ... so less sinking.

And there is a point where it comes to either swimming or being held up by friends ... and Apophis is a proficient swimmer. Even in his armor, Rod is a strong swimmer. Visto, Sol, and Ginny fly. So, the two problems are Eric and Ozlech. But since they have strong friends and it isn't very deep so you know that in an aquatic situation Eric and Ozzy would be in peril ... but not today.

The group gets out of a soupy-swimmy bit of the marsh and scrambles, huffing and puffing onto the rounded hillock and get to the top.

That is when you see a silver-haired elf with tattoos on his arms, accompanied by a hawk. A fire burns well, and there is the smell of meat.


2021-05-06, 05:30 PM
Visto will arrive near the elf and give a respectful bow to him. "Visto would like to thank his new Friend for helping Friend Sol survive the Wererats.

2021-05-06, 11:02 PM
He definitely speaks in a strange dialect of Taldane, and with a strange cadence that solidly earmarks him as Not From These Here Parts. "My name is Kwava, and the hawk is my friend Ganmeed. You fought bravely, flying man," he says to Sol, "but you are healed since last I saw you. Allow me to offer this gift to the stranged horned man you bring with you, that he may be healed of his wounds."

He holds out a small vial to Visto, and seems to gesture to the still-wounded Rodriguez.

2021-05-07, 03:53 PM
Visto holds his hand up as if to refuse the vial. "Friend Rodriguez. Visto did not realize there were still injuries. Visto will see to them personally." Visto heads over to Rodriguez and places his hand upon him, helping his wounds to heal. "As Friend Kwawa can see, Visto is capable of healing wounds himself, and so insists that Friend Kwawa keep his healing to protect himself."

2021-05-08, 12:50 AM
Kwava nods and Visto heals Rodriguez of the remainder of his wounds.

It is assumed at this point, that introductions are made (so as not to take two weeks of real life with introductions).

"I took this off the body of one of the dead rat-men." And Kwava hands the group a note (see Handouts in Discord).

2021-05-09, 05:00 PM

Taking and reading the proffered note before passing it along, Ozlech says, "Good proof of this being a planned ambush, but nothing directly incriminating. Though honestly they way they wrote the letter e was offensive on the eyes."

2021-05-09, 06:35 PM
It turns out that nobody in the group, Sol, nor Kwava .... have any skill whatsoever at cryptography and coded messages ... so the best you can do is draw what conclusions you will.

2021-05-11, 09:30 AM
Rodriguez squints at the note before shaking his head,”Well at least we can confirm that this was planned, and not some random attack. What were you doing out here in the Bonyard anyway Kwava?”

2021-05-11, 03:47 PM
Kwava tells you the story of his people, and his reason for being here....

"I, Kwava, am a wild elf of the Ekujae tribe of the distant Mwangi Expanse far to the south, a tribe whose ancestry dates back to before Earthfall. When that ancient disaster struck, the Ekujae elves were left behind, but we survived the Age of Darkness nevertheless. The oral traditions of my people preserved the memories of this time as legends and warnings, and fear of a second darkness weighs heavily upon ours seers and prophets.

"I, Kwava, come from a long line of heroes who have served my tribe’s shamans since those ancient times, and it was after one of those shamans received a vision of a lone elf holding aloft a single light against the darkness that I left my home to seek my destiny. As a result, I traveled Golarion for several years, eventually coming to the small town of Crying Leaf at the edge of the Mierani Forest. Here, I first learned of the Shin’Rakorath. After hearing the company’s rhetoric (“to be the light against the coming darkness”), I took it as a sign and joined the mercenary company. My direct superior in the Shin’Rakorath explained that he feared a renegade elf from the Mierani Forest might have fled to the human city of Riddleport, where the renegade might have recruited the aid of one of that city’s crimelords. My first assignment was to scout out the city of Riddleport and the environs and to determine if any of the city’s crimelords had indeed taken in a mysterious elven ally of late.

"I, Kwava, come to you thus to this region, and to the human city of Riddleport.

"I, Kwava, am wary and unsure around human settlements, but I do not want to disappoint the Shin’Rakorath on my first important mission for them. I've been sneaking into Riddleport after dark for months now, listening to conversations on the streets from hidden vantage points, trailing suspicious characters, and in generally keeping an ear out for rumors of elf sightings. Recently, my investigations have begun to bear fruit, and I have come to suspect that Saul Vancaskerkin has allied with a mysterious benefactor. Yet I have no proof, and furthermore, have such limited experience with human societies that I fear any attempt to interact with the folk of Riddleport would give my hidden quarry plenty of time to escape.

"I, Kwava, have observed Saul Vancaskerin. During that observation, I have become familiar with the likes of Daevan Devil-Dave ... Sajan Gadadvara ... Lini the druid ... Seltyiel ... and even Sol Flood. When I followed Saul on a late-night trip to meet with Ziphras to arrange this meeting - the one where you were ambushed, Sol, I knew something was up. I hid near the site Saul and the wererats had chosen for the ambush, intending to save your people when they arrived in an attempt to secure their aid.

"I, Kwava, hope my forthrightness .... and helping Sol Flood ... has earned your trust. I assume you will return to Riddleport to confront Saul? If you aren’t planning to do just that, I encourage you to do so. And I hope you'll agree to fill me in on any information you might learn about any 'renegade elves' Saul has been harboring or interacting with."

2021-05-13, 10:36 AM

Listening to the elves lengthy explanation, Ozlech turns to Sol and says, ”Well you were looking for clues on your ambush. This Ziphras character Kwava mentioned could be the Z that wrote the letter we found. So Sol, how much do you trust your boss not to double cross you?”

2021-05-13, 02:09 PM
"I don't know," answers Saul. "I don't like to think he's trying to double-cross his own employees. It doesn't make sense to me. But I don't particular trust him as a human being, either."

2021-05-13, 05:38 PM

”Fair enough,” Ozlech says before pondering a moment and continues to speak, ”I can see two ways of proceeding from here. We can go to Saul directly. I don’t recommend this one since we only have a stranger’s word, no offense Kwava, and because Saul, as the owner of a gambling hall, is likely more slippery than a greased eel.

The second approach we can take, is to find this Ziphras character and see if we can squeeze any information out of him. If we pull it off right we might get proof of Saul’s treachery without Saul knowing we’re on to him.”

2021-05-13, 08:15 PM
If Ozlech and Eric take a second to talk about the name "Ziphras," they will recognize that name as the one likely being the same as that of the leader of the gang of wererats that patrol the Rotgut District of Riddleport, though ostensibly the weakest of Riddleport's "crimelords." His unique gang scurry about the district in rat form gathering news, information, targets, and new recruits (both willing and unwilling) for his gang. Because of his lycanthropic traits and shady methods, Ziphras has proven a difficult opponent to those who would face him, as proven by his status as a crimelord.

Eric and Ozlech are even able to parse out a rumor that Ziphras was born to Sczarni wererats in Riddleport; might be the last surviving member of that clan to remain in Riddleport; and that his relative Ayala Javeski founded the criminal Tower Girls gang of Magnimar.

Listening to Eric and Ozlech figure that out, Sol says, "Listen, I don't want to tangle with a crimelord if I can help it ... especial another wererat. Saul is my boss. Are any of you good at reading people? I say we take the straightforward approach and bring this scrap o' note and this Kwava with us and see his reaction."

2021-05-13, 08:19 PM
Rodriguez will speak up,”I don’t know if I favor confronting him directly, but I’d rather deal with a man than a bunch of lycanthropes. I vote for option one, less risk of violent dismemberment. What do you plan on doing if we do find incriminating evidence about this elf Saul’s harboring kwava?”

2021-05-13, 08:30 PM
"Force him to surrender and have .... well, you probably scary-guy...." and here he's talking to Rodriguez, ".... try to force out of him whatever his grand plan was. He got Devil-Dave killed, if it was him, and almost me."

2021-05-15, 10:58 AM
"Visto agrees. Foe Saul should be confronted. If Foe Saul confesses, Friends can bring him in. Otherwise Foe Saul can point Visto and friends in the right direction. Visto sees nothing to lose in this approach, while also suffering less violence along the way." Visto has been quiet, but only because he seems unsure about how to move forward.

2021-05-16, 05:42 AM
Still trying to understand the secret message, apparently trying silly wordplays, Eric raises his head.

"So what, we infiltrate his headquarters, gather clues, and confront him ?"

He returns to the message and smiles.

"Oh, I know, dummy crash ! That should be something ..."

2021-05-16, 06:04 PM
Sol looks at Eric, trying to parse the type of man he is. "Nooooo. We go right to the Gold Goblin Gambling Hall. We show him the message. We mention the ambush. We measure he reaction. We don't skulk about, because there are other people there who may not being on something wrong. We measure anyone who witnesses the meeting as well. Besides, you're not infiltrating anything. We - the employees there - know each other pretty well."

2021-05-17, 05:31 PM

Thinking over Sol's plan to corner Saul (whose names will certainly not get mixed up in his head), Ozlech adds, "If you and the other employees are close to one another it may be best to cause a spectacle and confront Saul out in public. If there is a chance the other employees choose Saul over you we may want to make it a more private affair."

2021-05-17, 10:25 PM
Sol winces, "Devil-Dave is dead. Lini and Sajan left. Dirk hasn't worked there in weeks. And Seltyiel? Well, he might just be a a problem. I think he would support Saul regardless. I mean, Seltyiel wasn't sent to be ambushed, if that is what happened. And the bouncers and I don't really deal closely. Yeah, private is better."

2021-05-18, 02:35 PM
Rodriguez will clasp his hands and rub them together.”Well how do we all feel after the scuffle at the mission?” I could certainly use a rest, but I’m by no means tapped out. If I remember, Sol also needed rest.” Rodriguez will take the time to refill both his water skins in the marsh water.

2021-05-18, 05:55 PM
"Visto has yet to put any of Visto's considerable power to play. If Visto must fight Foe Saul, Friends must remember that Visto's power will draw great attention to Friends by default. But Visto's healing powers will not fail Friends no matter what they decide."

2021-05-19, 12:24 AM
Sol says, "I have a nice warm bed waiting me at the Goblin. But I am afraid to go there if Saul is an enemy that tried to have me killed. I need rest. After that, I need time to make some bombs and extracts."

"I have no extra bedrolls," says Kwava, "but you may enjoy the warmth of my fire."

"Thanks, it'll have to do, so I might be tired tomorrow," says Sol, "but the rest of you should rest comfortably in your bedrolls at your 'room.' Where and when should we meet tomorrow?"

2021-05-24, 06:00 AM
”Does anyone mind resting for Sol’s sake? If not, then I’ll see you in the morning lads. I get the feeling it’ll be a long day.” Rodriguez will find a large piece of wood and lay on it by the fire, using his backpack as a pillow.

2021-05-24, 06:48 AM
"If they ambushed earlier, wouldn't they also try it here ? It might be safer to watch here."

2021-05-25, 05:12 PM
”I don’t mind some camping if it’s means we can keep you safe from reinforcements. Unless it’s really necessary, it would be safer to stick together until Saul’s off your back.”

2021-05-25, 05:12 PM
Visto nods. "Visto will remain with Friends Sol and Kwava. Visto does not often sleep indoors anyways." Visto chooses to find a place to perch where he can comfortably rest nearby the others.

2021-05-28, 04:25 AM
The next morning, is anyone going to change their lineup with spells, veils, etc.?

2021-05-30, 03:23 PM
I have no changes. Rodriguez will summon Apophis, yawning and stretching, and wait for Sol to lead the group to the gambling hall.

2021-05-31, 03:01 PM
Visto is fine as-is.

2021-06-01, 08:13 AM
Ozlech will reset Aura of the Adaptable to Light Whip and refresh it so that it is at full strength.

2021-06-01, 12:58 PM
Because of the lateness of the hour when the group retired, and to make sure everyone is rested, it is already just past noon by the time the heroes have gotten up and then performed their hour-or-so of morning routines.

The group - now with Kwava in tow - leave the swamp of the Boneyard behind and head into the city proper of Riddleport.

Any final preps, or right to the front door of the Gold Goblin Gambling Hall (GGGH)?

2021-06-03, 12:42 PM
Erik nods, apparently ready.

2021-06-03, 04:17 PM
Straight to the front door, provided everyone else is fine with it.

2021-06-04, 05:57 AM
The group gets to the Gold Goblin Gambling Hall.

Standing before the main doors of the building is an 8-foot-tall statue cast in shining gold to resemble a larger-than-life goblin. It balances a golden dogslicer on a pile of gold as it smiles smugly down on all customers who pass beneath its gaze. Sol can tell you that the statue is brass, not gold.

The doors themselves are of a strong dark wood imported from southern lands and are decorated with multiple panels depicting signs of luck and good fortune (four-leaf clovers, crossed fingers, and so on).

"Strange," says Sol. "The Goblin should be open by now, but the windows have been boarded."

What does the party do?

2021-06-07, 05:52 AM
Rodriguez will turn to Sol, ”He might be expecting trouble. Do you know of any side or back entrances we could use?”

2021-06-07, 09:50 AM
"If he's expecting trouble, he knows the Goblin better than I do," admits Sol. "There is a service entrance to the back, but then we'd be cramped, couldn't bring all numbers to bear, it might be trapped, and could be more of a gauntlet. If we go in the front, it might be a case of numbers could get us, but we have to assume that he knows to cover all entrances. I recommend the front. Besides, if he sees us and he isn't our enemy, it is better than us trying to sneak in the back where it is just good sense to shoot first and ask questions later for a defender."

2021-06-07, 09:53 AM
"Given how much of a pain the corridors were, I'll also prefer the main entrance."

2021-06-10, 06:26 AM
”I agree with Eric. But he may have barred the door to keep us out.”

2021-06-10, 11:33 AM
"Well, if we go with the spirit of our current tactic," says Sol, "there is nothing saying Saul specifically barred it against us .... well, me ... but perhaps against the enemies that raided the Goblin the other night. So, does anyone object if I knock?"

2021-06-12, 10:06 PM
”Be my guest. Not sure what to expect in there though.” Rodriguez will stand to the side of the door with Apophis and wait for Sol to do his thing.

2021-06-13, 06:36 AM
Visto nods and backs away a bit, just in case enemies come hurling out to attack.

2021-06-13, 10:59 AM
”Be my guest. Not sure what to expect in there though.” Rodriguez will stand to the side of the door with Apophis and wait for Sol to do his thing.
Apophis follows him up.

Visto nods and backs away a bit, just in case enemies come hurling out to attack.
So, Visto will just stay put.

Kwava will go up to the stairs. Solidarity, but as an outsider not at the "front."

What about Eric and Ozzy and Ginny?

2021-06-13, 11:05 AM
Eric gets closer to the door as well.

2021-06-14, 03:42 PM

Ozzy will move up with Ginny to be near Kwava.

2021-06-15, 01:40 AM
It takes Sol only 30 seconds to unlock the door (more to the south/west). He then steps back to let sturdier folk open the door. Since he only unlocked one door, that means the group will have to go into the Goblin in file.

What now?

2021-06-17, 02:34 PM
Rodriguez will gesture to let Eric through first. He takes a deep breath and prepares himself to move in after.

2021-06-17, 04:54 PM
Eric opens the door and steps inside, his weapon in hand just in case.

2021-06-18, 01:15 AM
Rodriguez will gesture to let Eric through first. Erik opens the door and steps inside, his weapon in hand just in case. Rodriguez takes a deep breath and moves in after Eric. Apophis falls in line behind his master.

Two men quickly close, one from each side where they were hidden by alcoves. Red moved out a distance, but Blue simply stepped out and shouts, "Who the hell are you?! Get outta here!" It is sudden and jarring to Eric.

Begin Round One ...

R1T28: Kwava unslings his bow and takes a careful look around. Not seeing anything, he relaxes his grip a little on his bow and looks to Sol. "You should go in. Your friends aren't known."

R1T23: Sol moves into the Gold Goblin, just ducking a reflexive punch from Red. "Hey, guys! Wait, stop. Sol here. These are my friends. What the heck is going on here? Where is Saul?"

R1T19: Eric, okay, this bouncer is actually scared you some. But you see that's what they are. They have short swords still in scabbards, and the one that swung at Sol seemed to do so out of reflex as quickly as Sol was zipping by. What do you do?

2021-06-18, 03:40 AM
Eric takes his stance, but doesn't attack for now, getting ready.

Entering Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus to AC, +2 to will saves).

Readying a Guard's Oath if they don't talk/lower weapons.

If that hits, Will save DC 15 or be cursed for 24 hours. While so cursed, all moves in my threatened area provoke. Dropping all weapons gives a new save.

2021-06-18, 04:03 AM
R1T19: Eric takes his stance, but doesn't attack for now, getting ready.

R1T18: Rodriguez, what do you do?

2021-06-18, 12:14 PM
Casting a defensive spell on his eidolon, Rodriguez will move up behind Eric and motion for Apophis to follow. He whispers to his eidolon.”Don’t strike unless they attack first buddy. Try to get up high to pounce if you need to.” he will keep his weapon ready.SA: cast shield on Apophis
MA: move in beside Eric

2021-06-18, 02:11 PM
R1T18: Casting a defensive spell on his eidolon, Rodriguez moves up next to Eric (and a bouncer punches at him) and motion for Apophis to follow. He whispers to his eidolon.”Don’t strike unless they attack first buddy. Try to get up high to pounce if you need to.” He keeps his weapon ready.

R1T15: Ozlech, what do you do? What do direct Ginny to do?

2021-06-18, 11:26 PM

Ozzy will wave Visto over in case the raised voices inside turn to sounds of combat. He will also enter his combat stance and stick close to Kwava, directing Ginny to, ”Stay close.”

Combat stance here meaning Aura of Misfortune.

2021-06-19, 03:04 PM
R1T15: Ozzy will wave Visto over in case the raised voices inside turn to sounds of combat. He will also enter his combat stance and stick close to Kwava, directing Ginny to, ”Stay close.”

R1T14: Apophis enters, blocking a bouncer from being able to get to his master.

R1T12: An arrow shoots down from the catwalks above to hit Sol in his hip for 7. He lets out a cry of pain.

R1T9-6: Red sidesteps Rodriguez to attack the wounded man (Sol) with a short sword he draws, only to have his weapon pushed by a deflection field. Another bouncer (Green) comes double-moving in from the north, having come from the area of the northern bar, short sword drawn.. Blue sidesteps Apophis to flank with Sol, drawing his short sword, but the strange shadows of the day coming in through shuttered light confuses him. Yet another bouncer (Brown) comes from the are of the swinging door, short sword drawn.

R1T5: Visto, angry shouts of battle inside. What do you do? I hear the Isle of Kortos is beautiful this time of year.

2021-06-20, 06:11 PM
Visto takes a moment to think about a future island vacation. He then heads up towards Ozzy, ready this time to actually help in the fight if need be.

Free action: As combat has started, Visto generates his first point of Temporary E and invests it directly into Soothing Rain

Double Move action towards the building

2021-06-20, 07:12 PM
R1T5: Visto takes a moment to think about a future island vacation. He then heads up towards Ozzy, ready this time to actually help in the fight if need be.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T28-27.5: He then goes up the stairs and inside, rushing past the group of bodies to get a little bit beyond while pulling out his bow. One thing you all note is that while Kwava is a whopping 6' 7" (and gaunt as hell at 122 lbs.), his legs are quite short for his frame. He has a quite a long torso and arms, and doesn't move as quickly as you think he would, even using his knuckles to push himself along at times. Kwava calls out, "It is clear, Sol, this has gone to violence."

His hawk Ganmeed then flies in to follow him, gaining some altitude (10').

R2T26: An arrow flies down from the catwalk, but Eric had seen the movement early enough to sidestep.

R2T23: "Yup," Sol nods ruefully, gritting through the pain, "we tried the peaceful way, and that is what matters. Having tried, we commit to battle."

He concentrates carefully, and fire is formed from his upturned palm. He makes a clumsy attack, but in a surprising success he illustrates that these bouncers are not quick-footed. His fiery hand touches Red's stomach and a part of that fire grows and splits off to burn the man for 9 fire. The man screams in pain, having been disabled.

R2T22: More movement on the catwalks above, as the folks up there aren't trying to move slow and stealthy anymore.

R2T19: Eric, you are still shaken. Battle is now committed as snipers above are helping bouncers below. What do you do? I do apologize, because I ignored your readied action. That said, at least you get a full round worth of actions and no ping-ponging on intiative.
Rod on deck, Ozzy in the hole, Ginny delaying ...

2021-06-21, 04:50 AM
Shaken but not broken, Eric roars, stepping closer to Red, and tries a vicious strike.

Swift Action, Encouraging Roar, +2 morale bonus to attack and damage for 1 round for the whole party.
5 foot step to get closer to Red (I suppose it's Red that's under my middle counter on map ?).
Standard Action, Thirsty Axe Strike at Red : if it hits I gain the damage dealt as THP.
(no modifier added, whether from shaken or my roar.

2021-06-21, 03:04 PM
R2T19: Shaken but not broken, Eric roars, stepping closer to Red, and with a vicious strike cuts open the disabled man's abdomen for 11, dropping him.

R2T18: Rod, you just saw a man get disemboweled in front of you. Anyway, what do you do?

Ozlech in the hole ...

2021-06-22, 10:59 PM
Seeing the vicious display Rodriguez will let out a roar of his own. Breaking into a chanting chorus. He surrounds himself with small wispy spirits, and moves to engage the green bouncer. As he does so, he will shout,”Give em’ hell boys!” SA: raging song, effects(+2 STR/CON)(+1 will save)(-1 AC)(Lesser Spirit totem rage power)
MA: Move directly south of the green bouncer

2021-06-23, 01:19 PM
R2T18: Seeing the vicious display Rodriguez will let out a roar of his own. Breaking into a chanting chorus, he surrounds himself with small wispy spirits, and moves to engage the green bouncer. As he does so, he will shout,”Give em’ hell boys!”

Even though his raging song and movement has Rod planting his feet to prepare for combat, the ghostly wisps show that of a shrieking, enraged woman with garlands in her hair lashing out at hands with sharpened claws!

R2T15: Ozlech, you are in a stance which seems to echo the misfortune of whatever spirits have come to Rodriguez's age. Do you accept the raging song for this round? What do you do?

Apophis on deck, Ginny delaying, Sniper on catwalk in the hole ...

2021-06-23, 02:04 PM

Moving just east of Apophis, Ozlech scans the scene. Choosing his targets, Ozlech shouts, "Ginny! Attack my targets!"

Ozzy then shifts his essence to unleash his strongest attack with his Riven Darts on the nearby bouncers.

Move action: Move to the square East of Apophis.
FA: Give Ginny attack orders.
Swift Action: Dump 3 Essence into Riven Darts. Leave the remaining Essence in Light Whip.
Standard Action: Fire 4 darts two targeting Blue two targeting Orange. As usual no modifiers applied.

Attacks on Blue
RTA1: [roll0]
Damage1: [roll1] Force Damage
RTA2: [roll2]
Damage2: [roll3] Force Damage

Attacks on Orange
RTA1: [roll4]
Damage1: [roll5] Force Damage
RTA2: [roll6]
Damage2: [roll7] Force Damage

2021-06-24, 12:41 AM
R2T15: Moving just east of Apophis, Ozlech scans the scene. Choosing his targets, Ozlech shouts, "Ginny! Attack my targets!"

Ozzy prepares to shift his essence, but then realizes that veils is as full as it can be. No matter, he unleashes his strongest attack, his riven darts, into two of the bouncers. Two of the darts fire at Blue, hitting him in the groin for 8 force and the chest for another 8 force, dropping him. And a third dart hits Brown in the right foot for 7 force.

R2T14.5: Ginny flies in at the same time and beaks Brown in the left shoulder at the lung for 5, dropping him.

R2T14: Apophis takes the raging song! He then wriggles up a support column to the catwalk supports above, and from those supports, he gets to a catwalk to engage a sniper.

R2T12: That sniper takes out a rapier, holding his bow in off hand, though the blade slides off of scales on the attack. He then steps back.

R2T5: Visto, do you take the raging song this round? What do you do?

Kwava on deck, Ganmeed in the hole ...

2021-06-26, 05:42 PM
Visto does not allow the magic of the song to fill him, but hurries himself toward the building, already regretting how far back he chose to stand.

Nonaction: Gain 1 Temp E and immediately invest it into Soothing Rain (For 2 total)
Nonaction: Refuse Raging Song
Move action x2: Move closer to the entry. With his move speed, he won't make it inside, but he'll be close.

2021-06-26, 08:11 PM
R2T5: Visto does not allow the magic of the song to fill him, but hurries himself toward the building, already regretting how far back he chose to stand.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T28-27.5: Kwava ignores the song and repositions, shooting up at the catwalk. He directs his hawk, which then flies up to the catwalk and attacks someone there.

R3T27-24: Combat in catwalks.

R3T23: Sol closes on Bouncer-Green to graze the man's neck for 4 fire.

R3T22-21: Combat in catwalks.

R3T19:Eric, it is a testament to the fallen bouncer's warrior spirit that you still carry fear with you. Do you accept the raging song? What do you do?

Rod on deck, Ozzy in the hole ...

2021-06-27, 07:02 AM
Refusing the rage, Eric gathers his resentment toward the last remaining bouncer, steps closer, and attempts to strike as his weapon briefly turns ghostly.

Non-action : refuse rage (it only grants me hp, sadly)
Swift action, claim on the bouncer (grants me one vitae, and I get +2 morale attack and damage bonus vs claimed targets).
Move action, get in melee range (south-east from the bouncer)
Standard Action, Raging Scepter Strike (hits touch AC, can apply Risky Strike (which I do apply here))

(No modifier applied)

2021-06-27, 07:16 PM
R3T19:Refusing the rage, Eric gathers his resentment toward the last remaining bouncer, steps closer, and attempts to strike as his weapon briefly turns ghostly and just misses the man, Eric's fear still affecting him.

R3T18: Rod, all enemies on this level are down, and there is a fight with Apophis and Ganmeed in the catwalks, for whatever that's worth. Do you keep up the raging song?

Ozzy on deck, Ginny in the hole ...

2021-06-30, 08:42 AM
Rodriguez continues his song as he casts a spell on Eric.”This should help if you need to get up those stairs.”FA:continue raging song
SA cast feather step on Eric
MA move to take cover behind the green thing in the center of the room.

2021-06-30, 11:50 AM

Ozlech moves to ascend to the catwalk from the nearest point he can see, reallocating Essence to his defense as he goes. He will also message Ginny Telepathically.

Ginny, fly up and support Apophis.

FA: Telepathy Ginny
SwA: Allocate Essence. Moving 2 Essence from Riven Darts to Ring of the Abjurer.
MA: Move to nearest visible means of ascent (That stairway or ladder in the middle? Maybe?)
SA: Continue movement or begin climbing.

2021-07-02, 03:00 AM
R3T18: Rodriguez' screaming mimi tears into the fallen green bouncer, likely killing him for sure. Rod continues his song as he casts a spell on Eric.”This should help if you need to get up those stairs.”

R3T15: Ozlech moves to ascend to the catwalk from the nearest point he can see ... but realizes he doesn't see any easy way up to the catwalk. He reallocates Essence to his defense as he goes and messages Ginny telepathically.Ginny, fly up and support Apophis.Of course, that is what she is already doing!

He spends the remainder of his round looking for a way up from where he is, and doesn't see anything.

R3T14.9: Ginny, accepting the song, is now totally flitting up in the catwalk area, so hidden from below. She acrobatically darts past two enemies and talons one of them for 9 and flies past.

R3T14: Apophis, still with the song, slithers forward and bites a now-flanked enemy for 10, and he falls off the catwalk to the ground below, unmoving.

R3T5: Visto, what do you do?

Kwava/ Ganmeed on deck and in the hole ...

2021-07-04, 04:45 PM
Visto finally enters the building alongside his allies, and immediately takes off into the air to get a better view of the enemy. He moves up at least 10 feet into the air and compares his location compared to those of his enemies/allies.

Nonaction: Gain 1 Temp E and allocate it to The Cyclone.
Double Move action, Moving as far into the room as possible, while also making 10 feet into the air if possible, to avoid hindering his allies.

2021-07-04, 06:22 PM
R3T5: Visto finally enters the building alongside his allies, and immediately takes off into the air to get a better view of the enemy. Because of the time spent getting into the building, he only makes it 5' off the ground. The catwalks are too cluttered and the action too frenetic or Visto to get a clear look at the battle up there.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T28: "Sol!" calls Kwava, "Show us the way up to the catwalks."

He takes the total defense action this round.

R4T27.5-26: Ganmeed has to land to peck at a thief (3). That one in turn takes out his stabs Ganmeed for 7. An arrow from another slams into Apophis' scales.

R4T23: Sol, with fire in his hands, says, "Follow me!" as he darts off to the northwest outside of a door. "Through here and to the right!"

R4T19: Eric, what do you do? You no longer fear the dead. Do you accept the raging song this round?

Rod on deck, Ozzy in the hole ...

2021-07-07, 06:27 AM
Slowed down by his gear, Eric still rushes toward the door Sol is at.

"So we're going to fight our whole way through, then."

2021-07-07, 03:52 PM
R4T19: Slowed down by his gear, Eric still rushes toward the door Sol is at. "So, we're going to fight our whole way through, then."

R4T18: Rod, do you keep up the raging song? What do you do?

Ozzy on deck, Ginny in the hole ...

2021-07-08, 05:39 PM
Continuing his song, Rodriguez will move up to the door next to Sol and shove it open. Let’s get a move on! Saul might be running!FA: continue raging song
MA: move 30 ft up to the door
SA: open the door
Reminder: Eric has feather step on him

2021-07-08, 09:45 PM
R4T18: Continuing his song, Rodriguez will move up to the door next to Sol and shoves it open, and luckily it moves as he moves as a swinging door. "Let’s get a move on! Saul might be running!"

Sol, whose name when pronounced is a lot like "Saul," smiles and says, "I'm not running!"

Meanwhile, Rod, this appears to be the kitchen. 15' north of him, by a doorway, stands a tough-looking guy who notices Rod. He calls out, "We got company!"

R4T17: Another tough guy is heard coming down stairs and through the door way and with a finger pointed from his pal, steps north to engage Rod. He has a short sword in hand.

R4T15: Ozzy, do you take the raging song? What do you do?

Ginny on deck, Apophis in the hole ...

2021-07-08, 11:46 PM

Seeing no benefit in standing around, Ozlech moves across the gambling hall floor over to where Sol and the others are gathered.

Double move trying to get near where Sol and Rod are.

EDIT: and as usual he doesn't partake of the rage song.

2021-07-09, 12:06 AM
R4T15: Seeing no benefit in standing around, Ozlech moves across the gambling hall floor over to where Sol and the others are gathered.

R4T14.9-14: The combat continues in the catwalks. There is a man's scream as a second figure, wielding a bow in one hand and a rapier falls to the ground from above.

R4T10: A short, dumpy, balding man (5'5", 215 lbs., black hair, blue eyes) comes out of the same doorway that Rod saw the tough that is now standing in front of him. This man hs has no left hand, but some type of large key as a prosthetic where some might have a hook. He smiles at Rod and Sol behind him and says to the two tough guys. "Cover me." He then disappears through the doorway to the north (the two doorways being adjacent to each other.

"That was Saul!" cries Sol to Rod.

R4T5: Visto, what do you do?

Beyar (tough guy) on deck, Kwava in the hole ...

2021-07-10, 06:59 AM
Visto starts moving upwards towards the catwalks, where his allies cannot reach, in order to try and get a better view up there to help his allies, while they chase after the main target.

Nonaction: Refuse Raging Song
Nonaction: Change Storm Veil to The Cyclone, burning the point of TE currently invested in Storm veils
Nonaction: Generate 1 TE and invest it into The Cyclone
Move action: Move upward and Northwest, with a focus on upward, until he can get a good view of the catwalk. If this can be done in one Move action, then see the Standard action below. If not, use a second Move action

Standard action: If Visto can get up high enough to see the catwalks well, and can identify reasonable threats and/or possible allies upon them, he will choose a reasonable target and summon a Cyclone in the space of that hostile.

If this happens, Bull Rush [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2021-07-10, 11:38 PM
R4T5: Visto starts moving upwards towards the catwalks, where his allies cannot reach, in order to try and get a better view up there to help his allies, while they chase after the main target. He has the skill to go straight up, but not the power to do that and still do too much more. He is 25' off the ground, and is only 10' from a pair of folk that are not your own, but that is as far as Visto huffs.

R4T4: One of the tough guys goes through the doorway that Saul just exited through.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T28: Kwava ends his defensive posture and puts his bow away. He then moves to one of the statues and climbs on it and then up some other objects next to the wall. His skill at doing so is uncanny and natural.

R5T27.5: Above, Visto sees that Ganmeed (Kwava's hawk) is wounded, but sort of penned two thieves at the end of a catwalk. He bites at a man and misses.

R5T27-24: Brown Thief fakes out Ganmeed with pointwork and stabs the hawk for 9. Purple sets down her rapier and then shoots at the newcomer (Visto), missing.

R5T23: Sol just ducks down to the other kitchen door and pushes through and comes up aside Rod, taking on the raging song. He swings with his fiery hand, but misses. However, a screaming, ghostly maiden lashes out and hits the thug in the upper left leg for 7 NE (negative energy), a soul-tearing attack that has the man screaming.

R5T19: Eric, what do you do? Do you accept the song?

Rod on deck, Hans (man in kitchen) in the hole ...

2021-07-11, 03:00 PM
Eric steps further inside, and looks for an enemy to engage.

Eric will get inside, and steps into melee toward the closest unengaged foe.

2021-07-12, 02:24 AM
R5T19: Eric hustles to step further inside and immediately has to do a dive roll so as not to open himself up from a guy with a shortsword as soon as he enters the kitchen. The dive roll is good and Eric comes up and around to the side so as to flank with Rod while standing at a doorway with a chamber inside and stairs that go upwards.

R5T18: Rod, an angry, spirit of a maenad goes right into the man's neck for 9 NE, dropping him. Do you keep up the song? What do you do?

Ozzy on deck, Ginny in the hole ...

2021-07-15, 04:06 PM
R5T18: With things more of a running battle for now, Rod stops his raging song (which stops on Apophis, Ganmeed, and Huginn as well). He looks to Sol who points at that first doorway, which is the same one Saul and the others came out of, not went into. Rod trusts Sol and takes that way, which leads to a set of stairs going up.

R5T15: Ozzy, what do you do?

Ginny on deck, Apophis in the hole ...

2021-07-18, 01:13 AM

Ozzy moves into the room where Eric, Rod and Sol are and fires off a pair of darts at the first enemy he sees standing.

No Raging song.
Move action: Move into the next room with Eric, Rod, and Sol.
Standard Action: Riven Darts on a visible standing enemy should one remain in the next room should one exist.

RTA: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Force
RTA2: [roll2]
Damage2: [roll3] Force

2021-07-18, 04:18 AM
R5T15: Ozzy moves into the room where Eric, Rod and Sol are and fires off a pair of darts at the first enemy he sees standing .... which is nobody at this time.

Sol points to the two doorways. He points to the one more north and says, "Basement?" and then to the one closer to the heroes (the one that Rod just ran into) and more confidently says, "Upstairs."

R5T14.9-5: Visto sees Ginny swoop in to score a crit with her beak against a badly wounded male thief's chest enough for that man fall to his death below. Ginny then careens sharply off so as not to be attacked by the female thief who is now very alone. Apophis only gets a 10' start along the catwalk, but still coils enough power to jump over to the point from which the last thief had fallen. The woman tries to get in an AOO and misses. Then, Apophis himself also scores a crit against his target by biting him in her head and then tossing over over the rails to the floor below. Though Ganmeed's hawk seems badly wounded, the Battle of the Companions was a clear win in the party's book! The catwalks have been cleared of apparent/ visible hostiles. Visto, what do you do?

2021-07-20, 04:28 PM
Visto is happy to know that the parties companions have taken care of the enemies at the higher altitude, and summons up a small drizzle to heal the hawks wounds with his power, and then starts moving downward to meet with his allies.

Nonaction: Refuse Raging Song
Nonaction: Generate 1 TE and invest it into The Cyclone, making 2E in that veil.

Standard action: Activate Soothing Rain, targeting Ganmeed's Hawk to heal its wounds.

Healing [roll0]

Move action: Move downwards to rejoin the others.

2021-07-20, 08:47 PM
R5T14.9-5: Visto is happy to know that the parties companions have taken care of the enemies at the higher altitude, and summons up a small drizzle to heal the hawks wounds with his power, and then starts moving downward to meet with his allies.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T28-27.5: Kwava, seeing all must be well above, climbs back down to the ground. Visto notes that while he seemed to be a fast climber, for being an elf and not carrying a lot of gear and wearing light armor, Kwava doesn't move as quickly as you'd expect him to. He ends his movement directly below Visto. The fully-healed hawk flies down and just behind its master.

R6T23: Sol doesn't follow Rod, but instead boogeys through the northern of the two doors calling out, "This way to catch Saul!"

R6T19: Eric, what do you do?

Rod on deck, Ozzy in the hole ...

2021-07-20, 08:58 PM
Eric follows Sol's voice.

2021-07-20, 09:10 PM
R6T19: Eric follows Sol's voice through the doorway that is the northern of the two adjacent doors, heading down to a basement. He gets to a point just near the bottom when there appears to be a sharp wraparound, so he doesn't see anyone where he is.

R6T18: Rod, what do you do?

Ozlech on deck, Ginny in the hole ...

2021-07-20, 09:42 PM
Rodriguez will move full speed to follow Sol and Eric, trying to get as far down the basement steps as he can. He calls out to his companion.”Apophis get down here! Show those birds where to go!”

2021-07-20, 10:09 PM
R6T18: Rodriguez will move full speed to follow Sol and Eric, trying to get as far down the basement steps as he can. He calls out to his companion.”Apophis, get down here! Show those birds where to go!”

He ends his movement 10' from Eric.

R6T15: Ozzy, what do you do? Follow the others down into the basement? If so, do you want to go "as far as?" Do you want to make sure you're not in the lead? Any other cautions? Also, aura of misfortune is still the active stance.

Ginny on deck, Apophis in the hole ...

2021-07-21, 09:34 AM

Focusing on the chase, Ozzy switches his stance from misfortune to awareness of what is around him. He also sends a telepathic message to Ginny before following the others downstairs.

”We are headed to the basement. Catch up with us when you can.”

SwA: Enter Spirit Sensing Stance to gain 30ft scent which also works on ethereal creatures.

Double move down the basement while focusing on not being the first but also not falling behind the others.

2021-07-21, 11:15 PM
R6T15: Focusing on the chase, Ozzy switches his stance from misfortune to awareness of what is around him. He also sends a telepathic message to Ginny before following the others downstairs, passing Rod and Eric, but ending 10' behind Sol, who himself is 10' behind one of Saul's bodyguards, who in turn is another 10' forward of him.”We are headed to the basement. Catch up with us when you can.”
R6T14.9: Proving the incredible speed of his Dark Messenger, Ginny flaps over the heads of the others and gets to a point 5' above the ground behind Ozzy.

R6T14: "Eh, they already went way past me ... so fast. Can't show me anything. I see open door up here. I try comin' down that way."

There is a little bit of "mental static," that indicates that Apophis must have been more than a hundred feet away when he sent that message, which means the bond with him is weaker, and that means that Apophis is now weaker as well.
R6T10: Saul laughs, taking out a small vial, drinking from it, and smashing it on the ground before stepping back a few feet. "Nothing personal, Sol! It's just business. Always has been. Old Scratch! You're up! Beyar, get him."

R6T5: Visto, what do you do?

Beyar on deck, Kwava in the hole ...

2021-07-23, 06:55 PM
Visto will follow the direction that Sol called from, bringing himself back down to the ground so that he can enter the door when he reaches it, maybe a little disappointed to be back on the ground.

Double Move action to get to the door Sol went through. Visto won't enter the doorway immediately, he doesn't want to be blocking the movement of his more agile and capable allies.

2021-07-23, 10:22 PM
R6T5: Visto will follow the direction that Sol called from, bringing himself back down to the ground so that he can enter the door when he reaches it, maybe a little disappointed to be back on the ground. Even more than that, he is disappointed to find that other than Kwava, he is alone and near the door to the kitchen, but not quite in it. Visto might be able to fly, but he still moves slower than most of the rest of the party.

R6T4: Beyar, one of Saul's bodyguards, steps forward and stabs at Sol. It is a valiant effort, but doesn't penetrate Sol's leather armor.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T28-27.5: Kwava and Ganmeed catch up to Visto.

R7T24: In the basement, something appears behind Sol .... in the same space as him, after seemingly stinging him with its tail (2).

R7T23: Sol hisses in pain from the sting, but he attacks Beyar instead, touching him in the upper arm with the fire on his hands for 8 fire. Beyar screams out in pain. Sol then steps back a few feet to be by Ozzy. "It's Old Scratch, the Gold Goblin mascot," he says to Ozlech, but pointing to the tiny winged creature with a stinger on its tail. "I don't know what he is, but I forget he was here because he's usually invisible."

R7T19: Eric, you'll have to go around a corner before you can know what's happening down here. What do you do?

Rod on deck, Ozzy in the hole ....

2021-07-27, 09:43 PM
R7T19: Eric moves around the corner to see a line of creatures in his way, including two he doesn't recognize - a tiny, flying humanoid with wings and a stinger-tail ... and one of the bodyguards from upstairs, and then Saul some distance past. Eric focuses his hatred on the flying creature; he doesn't know what it is, but has a sense it is likely more dangerous than the dips*** bodyguard behind it.Claimed Old Scratch, and regained raging specter strike.
R7T18: Rod, what do you do? You have a set of stairs, and you heard Eric stop just around the corner, telling you that you won't get farther than him, and therefore are likely to be seen by any opposition.

Ozzy on deck, Ginny in the hole ...

2021-07-29, 11:59 PM
Rodriguez will move around the corner behind Eric. Using his polearm he will strike the closest enemy he can reach. Shouting down the hall,”You know, we could have had a nice peaceful discussion about this Saul!”MA: move down the corridor behind Eric
SA: attack the enemy in front of Eric with the guisarme [roll0]

2021-07-30, 12:24 AM
R7T18: Rodriguez will move around the corner behind Eric. There is no enemy in front of Eric, but Ginny, Ozzy's bird. Shouting down the hall,”You know, we could have had a nice peaceful discussion about this, Saul!”

R7T15: Ozzy, what do you do?

Ginny on deck, Apophis in the hole ...

2021-07-30, 12:27 AM

Seeing the obviously magical creature, Ozzy treats it as a higher threat than the man. He rearranges his essence the sparkling darts of force humming with barely contained potential and shares his own power with Sol.

Ozzy then launches a barrage of darts down the hallway.

”Ginny, use Fading strike to cut off Saul’s escape. Try not to kill him.”

SwA: Rearrange Essence. 3 Essence into Riven Darts (Max with cap of 2 and Extended Capacity) and my remaining 1 essence to Akashic Army to give Sol Escape Route and his own Riven Dart (but no essence to power it and no bind effect). This drops my AC by 2 as Ring of the Abjurer weakens and lowers my trip aoo CMB by 2.

Standard Action: Riven Darts RTA targeting Old Scratch and Beyar 2 each. The darts heading to Old Scratch aim to kill, Beyars are meant to wound (NL).

Old Scratch RTA1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] Force
Old Scratch RTA2: [roll2] Damage: [roll3] Force

Beyar RTA1: [roll4] Damage [roll5] NL Force
Beyar RTA2: [roll6] Damage [roll7] NL Force

2021-07-30, 02:58 AM
R7T15: Seeing the obviously magical creature, Ozzy treats it as a higher threat than the man. He rearranges his essence - the sparkling darts of force humming with barely contained potential - and shares his own power with Sol.

Ozzy then launches a barrage of darts down the hallway as cover fire, for otherwise they miss due to cover and combat.”Ginny, use fading strike to cut off Saul’s escape. Try not to kill him.”
R7T14.9: Ginny disappears, reappearing on the ground by Saul and pecks at him but Saul sensed something and jumped above the attack.

R7T10: Saul begins to fight with the crow, Ginny deftly avoiding the rapier. What she doesn't avoid, however, is the key-like stump that she didn't expect that rakes her for 12 + disoriented. Saul then takes a step to the north.

R7T5: Visto, I am just moving you forward, given your previous intention. You enter the kitchen, spot the stairs going down, step past a bleeing man, and begin down the stairs to the basement.

R7T4: Beyar, badly wounded, moves down to Saul and tries to ward off any attack against him with his short sword.

End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T28-27.5: Kwava follows right behind Visto, and Ganmeed with him.

R8T24: Old Scratch enters Sol's square acrobatically. Old Scratch attacks Sol with his stinger and Sol tags him with his fiery hand but it does no damage. Old Scratch gets Sol with his sting for 4.

R8T23: Sol says, "You guys should have this," as he ignores Old Scratch and moves down the hallway and sizzling Beyar's left hand with his own fire hand for 4 fire, enough to make Beyar scream in pain and then succumb to shock.

R8T19: Eric, Old Scratch takes 4 crimson claim, and then your claim on him drops. What do you do?

Rod on deck, Ozzy in the hole ...

2021-07-30, 04:49 AM
Eric advances, claiming Old Scratch, before drawing lifeforce from him.

Move action to get 20 feet down, then swift to claim if it's still in sight (Vitae capped at 3) then move action to deal 3 damage (untyped) and to heal [roll0].

2021-07-30, 05:36 AM
R8T19: Eric advances, claiming Old Scratch, before drawing lifeforce from him. Old Scratch puts up a valiant effort, but in the end, Eric still does 3 drain while regaining nothing (he's fully healed, and then some with THP).

R8T18: Rodriguez, what do you do? You hear the battle several feet around the corner, not seeing anyone from your current vantage point.

Ozzy on deck, Ginny in the hole ...

2021-07-31, 10:15 PM
Rodriguez will move around the corner and point his weapon towards Saul down the hallway, he shouts towards the man with a violent tone.”Just put down the sword old man! We’ll take your other arm if we have to!”MA: move 10 feet down the hall to be south of Eric
SA: Intimidate check to demoralize Saul

2021-07-31, 10:34 PM
R8T18: Rodriguez will move around the corner and point his weapon towards Saul down the hallway, he shouts towards the man with a violent tone.”Just put down the sword, old man! We’ll take your other arm if we have to!”

R8T15: Ozlech, what do you do?

Ginny on deck, Apophis in the hole ...

2021-08-01, 03:36 PM

"Eric! Help me with this Winged Pest!" Ozzy calls out before altering his stance and making a bite toward Old Scratch.

SwA: Change to Aura of Misfortune.
Standard Action: Strike the Hourglass with my bite attack. Dark Focus gives +1 to attack and damage with Riven Hourglass strikes, and a +1 to the save DC.

Attack: [roll0] (Did not include Dark Focus or Flanking)
Damage: [roll1] (Did not include Dark Focus)
Will Save DC 17 (Dark Focus Included)

Also, I believe Ginny should generate a 10ft sphere of Gloom as per the Channel of Woe ability for initiating a Strike.

2021-08-02, 10:47 AM
R8T15: "Eric! Help me with this Winged Pest!" Ozzy calls out before altering his stance and making a bite toward Old Scratch. The tiefling bites the little demon-creature, and Ozzy is sure he penetrates the scales, but he ends up not doing any damage at all! Still, just as an aura of Gloom fell around him several seconds ago, so one now covers Ginny as well even as the one around him fades.

R8T14.9: The area of Gloom around Ozzy fades, as does her brief disorientation. She hopes forward and attacks Saul with everything she has. One of her talons actually crits Saul as she attacks his face and not only does 7, but blinds him as well!

R8T14: Apophis ends his movement behind Ozzy after having double-moved a few rounds.

R8T10: Saul, even blinded, is moderately spry enough to be able to back out of the corridor (there was a passageway immediately E of where he was standing.

R8T5: Visto, what do you do? You are on the stairs heading down into the basement.

Kwava on deck, Ganmeed in the hole ...

2021-08-02, 03:10 PM
Visto continues after his allies, hoping to join them in the fray, and if he can move far enough, he'll find himself a safe place to stop where he won't get stabbed to death.

Double Move further into the basement, looking for a safe place to stop.

2021-08-02, 07:34 PM
R8T5: Visto continues after his allies, hoping to join them in the fray. He comes around the corner, and sees the only place he can go next is a place held by a tiny, demonic-looking creature. So, Visto stays put.

End Round 8, Begin Round 9 ...

R9T28-27.5: Kwava (and Ganmeed) come down the stairs behind Visto. He can't see, and asks, "Is there any room for me?"

R9T24: Old Scratch moves acrobatically under Ozzy's legs and stings at Ozzy, but his force armor stops the stinger.

R9T23: "A spot just opened up, Kwava!" calls out Sol. In answer to that, Kwava's readied action goes off and he moves into the spot where Old Scratch was a second ago.

Sol then moves to the spot in the hallway that has the side passage Saul entered. Sol reaches out with his fire hand and Saul's pained cursing is heard (4 fire).

R9T19: Eric, what do you do?

Rod on deck, Ozzy in the hole ...

2021-08-02, 08:52 PM
Lacking other options, Eric maintains his claim, before draining blood in masse.

Swift action, Crimson Claim. 2 move action, draining blood each time for 3+3 damage.

2021-08-03, 01:23 PM
R9T19: Lacking other options, Eric claims Old Scratch again, and then drains him or 3. Since Eric is fully healthy (and then some), he doesn't receive any healing.

R9T18: Rod, what do you do?

Ozzy on deck, Ginny in the hole ...

2021-08-05, 09:44 PM
Rodriguez will rush into the side room that Saul went into, and will attempt to pull the man to the ground with his weapon.MA: move into the side room after Saul, moving to be within 10 feet of him. Flanking with Sol if possible.
SA:trip attempt with guisarme.
[roll0](flank not included)

2021-08-06, 09:43 AM
R9T18: Rodriguez rushes forward, having to stand over the fallen bodyguard, expecting that Saul had gone into a room. He can't get past Sol though, because Saul is actually adjacent down a set of stairs. Though Rod has to attack past a hard corner, he manages to knock Saul off his feet. Saul tumbles down the stairs out of sight (of Rod).

R9T15: Ozzy, what do you do? Old Scratch is in your square.

Ginny on deck, Apophis in the hole ...

2021-08-06, 04:07 PM

Thoroughly annoyed at the tiny creature attacking him, Ozlech takes matters into his own hands. Calling on the power of his Aura of the Adaptable, Ozzy fashions a a spear of holy light to fell this foul beast. He takes a moment to reallocate Essence to power his spear and defenses and then strikes out at the creature.

"Good job! Remember we want him alive though."

Move Action: Aura of the Adaptable Light Whip into Loyal Paladin's Spear of Light (Hereafter LPSL, treat as Shortspear except Light weapon not 1 handed) (Max E capacity 2 > 1) E = +1d6 damage
Swift Action: Reallocate Essence:
1 to Aura of the Adaptable
2 to Ring of Abjurer
1 into Akashic Army removing from Sol and granting Escape Route to Apophis.

Standard Action: Attack Old Scratch with LPSL.

Attack: [roll0] (LPSL uses Veilweaver level as Bab and is treated as light so +Dex to hit +Accursed Will)
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] If Old Scratch is Good aligned
Damage: [roll3] + [roll4] If Old Scratch is Neutral aligned
Damage: [roll5] + [roll6] If Old Scratch is Evil aligned
All damage from LPSL overcomes DR and Energy Resistance.

Free Action: Remind Ginny not to kill Saul.

2021-08-06, 06:05 PM
R9T15: Thoroughly annoyed at the tiny creature attacking him, Ozlech takes matters into his own hands. Calling on the power of his Aura of the Adaptable, Ozzy fashions a a spear of holy light to fell this foul beast. He takes a moment to reallocate Essence to power his spear and defenses and then strikes out at the creature, hitting it in its little neck for 8 akashic."Good job! Remember we want him alive though."
R9T14.9: Ginny flies around the corner and down the stairwell. A 10' area of gloom appears around Ozzy before Ginny flies back up and into the stairwell again.She tried to use stutter strike. The attack failed, but still created Gloom around you that should hinder Old Scratch. That said, all maneuvers have been expended except clockwatcher, which isn't that useful now.
R9T14: Apophis bites at Old Scratch, hitting him for 3 mod, but missing with the tail slap.

R9T10: ...

R9T5: Visto, what do you do?

Ganmeed on deck, Old Scratch in the hole ...

2021-08-08, 05:15 PM
Having decided that the usual applications of his Storms are pointless now, Visto redirects the energy of his power, causing the air to start rumbling around him and his allies. With a quick flourish of his wings, the sound crackles into a loud clap of thunder centered clearly around the eardrums of the Imp nearby.

Nonaction: Reshape The Cyclone to The Uproar with Shifting Storms. This burns 1E (Half the E invested) from the storm veil.
Nonaction: Generate 1E and invest it into The Uproar for a total of 2E invested

Standard action: Trigger the Uproar targeting Old Scratch

Old Scratch must make a Fort Save DC 16 or take [roll]4d4[roll] Sonic damage, become Flat-footed until the end of Visto's next turn, and be Deafened for a minute. On a successful save he takes half damage and is Deafened for one round.

2021-08-09, 01:41 PM
R9T5: Having decided that the usual applications of his Storms are pointless now, Visto redirects the energy of his power, causing the air to start rumbling around him and his allies. With a quick flourish of his wings, the sound crackles into a loud clap of thunder centered clearly around the eardrums of the Imp nearby, who brings its flexible wings around it to help absorb some of the energy to only take 4 sonic + deafened.

End Round 9, Begin Round 10 ...

R10T27.5: Ganmeed speeds past Kwava, unable to do fine control flying in the tight passageway, and is now in the "empty" square but above the height of a man.

R10T24: The very battered Old Scratch seems to heal a very tiny bit. It looks constapited, or like its thinking very hard, and then curses in Infernal. It steps from Ozlech to Kwava now.

R10T22: Kwava bolts away from the freaky little creature to stand underneath Ganmeed. He looks around to the others and asks, "What is that thing?!" before shooting an arrow with it after giving some extra pull. It slams into the tiny chest of the creature for 10 mod, dropping it.

R10T23: "No idea!" says Sol, muttering to the warrior types, "You got Saul."

He rushes up to where the little creature fell and then slams his fiery hand down on it, but it doesn't seem to burn it at all. "It's immune ... or at least moderately resistant to fire ... at least."

R10T19: Eric, your claim ends on the dying/ dead Old Scratch. Meanwhile, Sol rushed back and obviously left the way open to go get Saul Vancaskerkin. What do you do?You think you hear movement on the stairs behind Visto, like person(s) trying to come down quickly but sneakily.
Rodriguez on deck, Ozlech in the hole ...

2021-08-09, 01:49 PM
Eric turns back toward the stairs, and gets back there.

"Something's trying to sneak, probably not alone, be ready !"

Double move close to the stairs then.

2021-08-10, 06:47 AM
R10T19: Eric turns back toward the stairs, "Something's trying to sneak, probably not alone, be ready!"

He hustles to the back of the line, just past Visto, and at the bottom of the stairs. Sure enough, there are a man and a woman on the stairs, trying to be stealthy.

R10T18: Rodriguez, what do you do? Do you pursue Saul down the stairs you knocked him down?

Ozzy on deck, Ginny in the hole ...

2021-08-13, 11:46 AM
Rodriguez will look back at Eric for a moment before turning to pursue Saul down the stairs attempting to grab the man.”I’m going after Saul! Apophis follow behind me!”MA: move 30 ft down the stairs after Saul
FA: drop guisarme on the ground
SA:Attempt to grapple Saul

2021-08-13, 11:54 AM
R10T18: Rodriguez will look back at Eric for a moment before turning to pursue Saul down the stairs attempting to grab the man. ”I’m going after Saul! Apophis, follow behind me!”

He only has to move a total of 15' to corner Saul at the bottom of the stairs (no landing, just stairs going to a wall). Once he gets to him, he ominously lets clatter his guisarme on the ground, with Saul noting the various sounds, warding Rod away with his key-stump. Rod tries to grapple him, but even blinded Saul is pretty squirrely and is not held.

R10T15: Ozzy, what do you do?

Ginny on deck, Apophis in the hole ...

2021-08-14, 11:31 PM

Not wanting Old Scratch to make a recovery with it's accelerated healing it displayed, Ozlech takes the time to ensure it's death. He then switches combat stance, ready to sniff out sneaking foes his allies warned him of.

Full Round Action: Coup De Grace on Old Scratch.

Swift action: Change to Spirit Sensing Stance to gain Scent.

2021-08-15, 12:12 PM
R10T15-14.9: Not wanting Old Scratch to make a recovery with it's accelerated healing it displayed, Ozlech takes the time to ensure it's death, striking down against the creepy creature with a spear of light and goodness. He then switches combat stance, ready to sniff out sneaking foes his allies warned him of. The gloom around him disappears even as Ginny telepathizes with him..."The ceiling is too low down the stairs for me to hover above Rodriquez and get pot shots in on Saul."She moves quite a bit south to make sure she's out of the way, and lands, wincing in pain from wounds received.

R10T14: Apophis double-moves down the hall, over the body of the fallen bodyguard, to end up at the top of the stairwell looking down.

R10T10: Saul is blind, but he doesn't seem quite as frightened of Rod as he was before. He slashes out with his key stump, cutting Rod along his arm for 2. But it seems that while the key stump doesn't hurt Rod that much, it comes with a surprise!

Rodriguez, roll a Fort save vs. poison!

R10T5: Visto, in the meantime, on the northern side of the field, Eric is screening Visto from people coming down the stairs. What do you do?

Ganmeed on deck, "Red" (only Eric can see) in the hole ...

2021-08-17, 03:17 PM
Knowing that Eric retreated past him to cover him, Visto draws upon some of his power and imparts it to Eric to give him some protection and power. He then moves a little further in to allow any other comrades to join Eric in the actual fight on this end.

Swift action: Initiate an Akashic Bond with Eric, investing 2E into him, applying the Ferocity Vivification.

I'm not sure if this will actually grant him Temp HP, or if you rule that it needs to build up after investment at any given point, so no need to explain whether it does or not, it's not going to change doing this.

Move action: Move south to be between Kwawa and Sol.

2021-08-17, 03:42 PM
R10T5: Knowing that Eric retreated past him to cover him, Visto draws upon some of his power and imparts it to Eric to give him some protection and power. He then moves a little further in to allow any other comrades to join Eric in the actual fight on this end.

End Round 10, Begin Round 11 ...

R11T25:Red steps down the stairs, tries fancy footwork, and then stabs at Eric, but his rapier is deflected by Eric's spinning double-bladed sword.

R11T24-23.5: Kwava calls out while Ganmeed keeps position above him and they both move slightly south, "Eric, fight and step back to lead them into the corridor!"

He readies a shot with his bow.

R11T23: As it seems that whomever is on the stairs have enough people dealing with them, Sol goes after Saul, zipping past Apophis. He throws a bit of the fire on his hand at Saul, over Rod's shoulder, but the puff of fire impacts with carbon on the eastern wall.

R11T21: Pink shoots at Eric, missing, and steps down a few stairs.

R11T19: Eric, what do you do? You feel ferocious, but Kwava called out something, too.

Rod on deck, Ozzy in the hole ...

2021-08-17, 04:08 PM
Eric channels his malice toward Red, before striking like a mad specter, playing with Red's blood before stepping away.

Swift action, claim Red (recovering Encouraging Roar).
Standard action, Raging Specter Strike, with Risky Strike.
[roll0] Including +3 from Sanguine Empowerment, vs touch.
[roll1] (same)
Move action, drain blood, for 3 damage
Free action, 5 foot step back toward the corridor.

2021-08-17, 07:32 PM
R11T19: Eric channels his malice toward Red, before striking like a mad specter, playing with Red's blood before stepping away. Red barely manages to fend off the blow, his armor getting whacked pretty well. What he doesn't resist is the supernatural blood drain for 3 damage.

R11T18: Rod, what do you do?

Ozzy on deck, Ginny in the hole ...

2021-08-19, 11:07 PM
Failing to grab Saul, Rodriguez will grab his weapon from the ground, before stepping back and taking a swing at him.MA: pickup guisarme from the ground
FA 5 ft step away from Saul
SA: attack with guisarme [roll0]
Damage roll [roll]2d4+5/[roll]

2021-08-19, 11:35 PM

Finished with Old Scratch, Ozzy moves down the hall to see if he can get eyes on Saul. If he can, he will fire a dart of force at the man aimed for somewhere painful, yet non-lethal.

Move action: Move as far as I can towards Saul's last known position.

If from my new position I can see Saul:
SwA: Claim Saul Restoring Fading Strike.
Standard Action: Riven Dart Saul aiming non-lethal.

RTA: [roll0] (Not counting the -8 for cover and non-lethal)
Damage: [roll1] Non-Lethal Force.

If Saul can't be seen from where Ozzy ends up after one move, he will use his standard action to continue moving.

2021-08-20, 12:41 AM
R11T18: Failing to grab Saul, Rodriguez will grabs his weapon from the ground. Unfortunately, there is nowhere he can go to attack Saul with his polearm, and even then going upstairs is more difficult than he'd normally be able to manage. Unable to attack at this range, he fully backs out up the stairs for now.

R11T15: Finished with Old Scratch, Ozzy moves down the hall to see if he can get eyes on Saul. The very best he can do is double move to stand right in front of Saul at the bottom of the stairs (where Rod had just cleared). Ginny delays because the hallway is too cramped to fly above Ozzy. Still, Ozzy claims Saul.

R11T14: "Oh ... hey," says Apophis to Rod. "You came to me."

He looks around ... and if he had shoulders he would shrug as he has nowhere to go.

R11T10: Saul tries to grab something, but not before Ozzy hits him with the light-spear in the left forearm for 9. Still, Saul takes out a tiny pouch and pops it on his key stump, a little bit of liquid coating that makeshift blade.

R11T5: Visto, what do you do?

End Round 11, Begin Round 12 ...

R12T25: Blades clash between Red and Eric.

R12T23: Sol concentrates on the flame at his hand and throws some of it at Saul again, but the battle is too jammed up and the burst of flame sputters on the back wall. And with that, remainder of Sol's flame gutters out, his hand no longer holding fire.

R12T21: Eric doesn't know if Pink followed Red or not.

R12T19: Eric, your claim on Red has ended without event. What do you do?

Rod on deck, Ozzy in the hole ...

2021-08-20, 06:38 AM
Far too intense for his own good, Eric keeps focusing his malice toward Red, before channeling his thirst toward him.

Well, swift action, claim (recovering Thirsty Axe Strike), Standard action to use it (with Risky Strike), move action to drain blood again.

[roll0] with sanguine empowerment
[roll1] gains it as THP if that hits.
Plus 3 damage from drain blood.

2021-08-20, 07:36 PM
R12T19: Far too intense for his own good, Eric keeps focusing his malice toward Red, before channeling his thirst toward him. The thief makes a bad parry that Eric exploits by knocking the man's rapier out of his hand and cutting him across the hip for 17, dropping him. Eric then holds his hand over the man and drains 3 blood from him.

R12T18.5: The clatter of a bow as a woman moves down and stands over her fallen friend and her sword is blocked by Eric's spinning blades.

R12T18: Rodriguez, the stairwell is full, and nowhere for you to go back down it as you saw Ozlech go in, and the only place he could have gone was the place you were in. What do you do?

Ozzy on deck, Apophis in the hole, Ginny delaying ...

2021-08-23, 04:30 PM
Finding himself partially cut off from the action, Rodriguez will perform the gestures for a spell before touching Apophis to try and heal his wounds.”Apophis, go help Eric. They have Saul cornered.”SA: casting lesser rejuvenate eidolon on Apophis

2021-08-23, 04:59 PM
R12T18: Finding himself partially cut off from the action, Rodriguez will perform the gestures for a spell before touching Apophis to try and heal his wounds, but discovers that Apophis' weakness won't heal. That is when Rod realizes that Apophis isn't "wounded" so much as he suffered from being too far from Rod during the course of the battle.”Apophis, go help Eric. They have Saul cornered.”

R12T15: Ozzy, you are in spirit-sensing stance in front of Saul. It seems that he is fighting more with his key-stump which might be poisoned. You have him claimed. What do you do?

Apophis on deck, Saul in the hole, Ganmeed/ Ginny delaying ...

2021-08-23, 06:04 PM

Ozlech attempts to non-lethally attack Saul with his spear before falling back to give Sol some room to act.

Standard Action: Attack Saul with LPSL

Non lethal attack: [roll0] non lethal penalty not applied.
Damage (non-lethal): [roll1] + [roll2] if good
[roll3] + [roll4] if neutral
[roll5] + [roll6] if evil

Move action: move back out to the hallway near Ginny

2021-08-23, 08:03 PM
R12T15: Ozlech slams the side of the spear against Saul's chest and pulls back to give a superficial draw cut for a total of 10 NL. He then falls back to give Sol some time to act, ending up over the fallen bodyguard's body.

R12T14: Apophis sees down the stairs that the way to Saul is open, but he was told to go help Eric, so he heads north instead.

R12T10: Saul moves forward up the stairs a little and slashes at Sol, the former's key stump scoring deeply against the latter's leather armor.

R12T5: Visto, what do you do?

Sol on deck, Eric in the hole, Ganmeed/ Ginny delaying ...

2021-08-24, 03:12 PM
Visto delays. He can't really find much that he can do to help his comrades right now, so he will hold off on it until an opportunity arises.

2021-08-24, 03:31 PM
R12T5: Visto delays. He can't really find much that he can do to help his comrades right now, so he will hold off on it until an opportunity arises.

End Round 12, Begin Round 13 ...

R13T23: Sol blinks as Ozlech goes by, but then shrugs since the quarry is blind and he moves up the stairs to the hallway. He throws a bomb at Saul, hitting the little would-be crimelord solidly for 12 fire.

R13T19: Meanwhile, Eric, on your end of things, what do you do?

2021-08-24, 03:49 PM
Letting the man bleed on the ground, Eric switches target to the woman, and attempts an heavy strike, while draining further blood.

Swift action, claim Pink.

Standard action, Initiate Shard of Iron Strike (one attack, if it hits, deals damage and staggers.) with Risky Strike.


Move action, drain blood for 3 damage on the woman.

2021-08-24, 05:20 PM
R13T19: Letting the man bleed on the ground, Eric switches target to the woman. He cuts her deep in the head for 13, and as she falls he drains another 5 blood from her. She is slumped over her friend's body.

R13T18.7: Someone comes up from the south, having entered from a passageway from the east. He closes on Ginny and puts power into a swing with his battleaxe as Ginny closes inside the arc of the weapon. The man's own axe dings off of his chain shirt. "Boss! Where are you! It's Bojask!"

Saul calls out, "Empty stairwell!"

R13T18.3: Ginny aerobatically gets away from the dual axe-wielding man. The wounded bird lands on the deck next to Visto and caws at Visto.

R13T18: Rodriguez, what do you do?

Ozzy on deck, Apophis in the hole, Visto delaying but prompted ...

2021-08-24, 05:27 PM
Visto reacts quickly when the injured bird comes to his side, drawing upon his storm powers to drizzle a soothing rain upon her to heal her wounds and bring her back to full fighting form.

Standard action: Use Soothing Rain on Ginny, healing [roll0] damage

2021-08-24, 05:44 PM
Seeing a new opponent appear very close to him, Rodriguez will spin to face the man before attempting to pull him to the ground. He shouts to his companion. ”Apophis, I need some help over here!”SA: trip attempt on Bojask with guisarme
CMB check:[roll0]

2021-08-24, 11:04 PM
R13T18.2: Visto reacts quickly when the injured bird comes to his side, drawing upon his storm powers to drizzle a soothing rain upon her to heal her wounds (15 healing) and bring her back to full fighting form.

R13T18: Seeing a new opponent appear very close to him, Rodriguez will spin to face the man before attempting to pull him to the ground. The man catches the pole and throws it out of the way by bringing his finely made battleaxe and handaxe to an "X" shape. Rod shouts to his companion. ”Apophis, I need some help over here!”

R13T15: Ozlech, you are in spirit sensing stance. What do you do?

Apophis on deck, Saul in the hole ...

2021-08-25, 06:25 PM

See a new adversary enter the hallway, Ozzy Claims him before initiating Fading Strike and appearing behind him flanking with Rod. ”Greetings Bojask.” Ozzy says as he attacks with his conjured shortspear.

SwA: Claim Bojask, Recover Strike the Hourglass.

Standard Action: Fading Strike vs Bojask attacking Non-lethally with Risky Strike. Teleporting to the square behind him before the attack.

Attack: [roll0] No Modifiers added. Not even non lethal penalty.
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] If good
[roll3] + [roll4] If neutral
[roll5] + [roll6] If evil
All damage is non-lethal akashic. No modifier for risky strike added to damage.

2021-08-26, 01:06 AM
R13T15: See a new adversary enter the hallway, Ozzy Claims him before initiating Fading Strike and appearing behind him flanking with Rod.

”Greetings Bojask.” Ozzy says as he attacks with his conjured shortspear. Ozzy stabs the man in the back of his right thigh for 8.

R13T14: Apophis sees the northern battle is all done. Again, if he had shoulders he would shrug. He hustles down the hallway to be over the body of the fallen bodyguard - between Kwava and Saul.

R13T10: Saul comes up the stairs, using the walls to guide him, slashing wildly at Sol with his key stump.

End Round 13, Begin Round 14 ...

R14T24: At last, Kwava has something to shoot. With a single, perfect shot, he looses his arrow and it goes right into Bojasks's right eye ... killing him instantly.

R14T23: Sol gets away from the crazy blind man with the poisoned key stump of death, moving well north, chugging an extract, and getting 6 healing.

R14T19: Eric, your claim on Pink has ended. What do you do?

Ginny on deck, Visto in the hole ...

2021-08-26, 06:30 AM
Eric steps at the top of the stairs to get a good look.

5 foot step toward the top of the stairs. If there is an enemy in sight, claim + blood drain. Otherwise, he'll signify that it's clear.

2021-08-26, 02:41 PM
R14T19: Eric steps lightly atop the two bodies and looks up the stairs. "All clear this way!" he calls out.

R14T18.3: Now that birds have given their professional courtesy, Ginny is ready to mix it up again. She flutters past Kwava and Apophis to the top of the stairs, pecks at Saul's neck for 4, and keeps going down the hallway past her master and then onto the ground.

R14T18.2: Visto, you currently have a ferocity-bond with Eric. What do you do?

Rod on deck, Ozzy in the hole ...

2021-08-27, 07:02 PM
Visto will delay again, until further action is needed of him. He feels like he's in a good spot where he can go towards either direction if someone actually gets wounded at this point.

2021-08-27, 08:11 PM
R14T18.2: Visto will delay again, until further action is needed of him. He feels like he's in a good spot where he can go towards either direction if someone actually gets wounded at this point.

R14T18: Rod, what do you do? You see Saul at the top of the stairs, adjacent to you and around a hard corner - too close for your polearm.

Ozzy on deck, Apophis in the hole ...

2021-08-29, 07:13 PM
Rodriguez will step to the south, readying his weapon to strike if Saul comes around the corner.FA: 5 ft step to the south
SA: ready an action to attack Saul if he comes around the corner

2021-08-29, 09:35 PM
R14T18: Rodriguez steps to the south, readying his weapon to strike if Saul comes around the corner.

R14T15: Ozzy, you are in spirit-sensing stance. The claim on Bojask ends. What do you do?

Apophis on deck, Saul in the hole ...

2021-08-30, 10:40 AM

Moving down the hallway to face Saul, Ozzy says, Your men are down Saul. Time to think about surrender.”

Ozzy then tries to maneuver behind Saul to block his way down the stairs.

Move Action: Move Adjacent to Saul
FA: Speak
Standard Action: Acrobatics to move through Saul’s spaceto reach the space behind him.
Acrobatics: [roll0]

2021-08-30, 01:58 PM
R14T15: Moving down the hallway to face Saul, Ozzy says, Your men are down Saul. Time to think about surrender.”

Ozzy maneuvers behind Saul to block his way down the stairs, finding it ridiculously easy against the short, portly, blinded man.

R14T14: Apophis moves into flank with Ozlech. He bites Saul in the lower left calf for 11, grabbing him (and forgoing his tail slap).

R14T10: Saul easily fakes out Apophis, slashing him with the key stump for 10.

End Round 14, Begin Round 15 ...

R15T24: Kwava steps over the bodyguard and from a corner angle shoots at Saul, hitting him in the buttocks for 12. Saul Vancaskerkin goes limp in Apophis' grasp.

R15T23: Sol moves a little closer, but doesn't cross the intersection point to let Rod get in there if he wants.

R15T19: Eric, no danger appears to be coming from above. What do you do?

Ginny on deck, Visto in the hole ...

2021-08-30, 02:01 PM
Eric goes back to the corridor, as far as he can without being a bother.

2021-08-30, 02:05 PM
R15T19: Eric goes back to the corridor, as far as he can without being a bother.

R15T18.3: Ginny hops forward on top of Bojask's dead body, but doesn't get in the way.

R15T18: Rod, what do you do?

Ozzy on deck, Apophis in the hole, Visto delaying ...

2021-09-01, 08:17 PM
Rushing to stand behind Apophis now that he’s actually injured, Rodriguez will lay a hand on his eidolon to fix some of the damage.”He’s right Saul! You’re making this much harder than it needs to be!”MA: move to be adjacent to Apophis
SA:cast lesser rejuvenate eidolon on Apophis
Healing: [roll0]

2021-09-01, 10:02 PM
R15T18: Rushing to stand behind Apophis now that he’s actually injured, Rodriguez will lay a hand on his eidolon to fix some of the damage (9 healing).”He’s right Saul! You’re making this much harder than it needs to be!”

No sooner than he says that than he sees Saul on the stairs but in Apophis' grasp, unconscious.

R15T15: Ozzy, what do you do? Apophis currently has Saul in a grapple, but Saul appears to be unconscious.

Apophis on deck, Kwava in the hole ...

2021-09-01, 10:45 PM

”Saul is down! I’ll restrain him someone make sure he isn’t dead or on his way there.” Ozzy calls out as he reaches into his bag for his rope and begins to tie up Saul.

Move action: Retrieve a stored item from my bag (silk rope)
Standard Action: Tie up the unconscious Saul if able since he appears unconscious, or join the grapple with Apophis and Saul to tie him up next round.

2021-09-02, 12:01 AM
R15T15: ”Saul is down! I’ll restrain him someone make sure he isn’t dead or on his way there.” Ozzy calls out as he reaches into his bag for his rope and begins to tie up Saul.

R15T14: Apophis delays, asking Rodriguez, "We ending him?"

End Round 15, Begin Round 16...

R16T24: Kwava and Ganmeed double move to the far northern end of the corridor.

R16T23: Sol moves over to the same square as Saul, standing over him, before checking him out. "Actually, this tough old bastard isn't bleeding out, but he's definnitely comatose."

R16T19: Eric, what do you do?

Ginny on deck, Rod in the hole, Visto/ Apophis delaying ...

2021-09-05, 12:40 PM
Eric gets closer to the action.

I have no idea where things are happening, so... if I hear voices, that's where I'm going.

2021-09-05, 12:50 PM
R16T19: Eric gets closer to where the action was, though the fight seems to be over now. He stands astride the fallen bodyguard to peer around the corner to the stairs to see that Saul is unconscious and is being tied up by Ozzy.

R16T18: Rod, combat appears to be over. Apophis is currently holding Saul while Ozzy ties him up. What do you do?

Ozzy on deck, continuing to tie up Saul; Apophis in the hole, holding Saul; Visto delaying ...

2021-09-05, 09:46 PM
Rodriguez turns to his eidolon,”Sorry buddy, maybe later. We need to get some answers first. Should we heal him or let him let him wake up on his own? It seems like the latter might take a while.” Rodriguez stretches and pulls out a water skin.
”Anyone want a drink?”casting tears to wine on my water skin

2021-09-05, 10:00 PM
R16T18: Rodriguez turns to his eidolon,”Sorry buddy, maybe later. We need to get some answers first. Should we heal him, or let him let him wake up on his own? It seems like the latter might take a while.” Rodriguez stretches and pulls out a waterskin, casting a spell on it. "Anyone want a drink?”

R16T15: Ozzy finishes tying up Saul, and Apophis releases him.

R16T14: "We done today, or looking northern doors?" Apophis asks Rod.

End Round 16, Begin Round 17 ...

R17T24-23.5: Kwava and Ganmeed delays ...

R17T23: Sol shrugs. "Any other place, I would have him face justice, but there is no such thing in Riddleport. But I don't like being party to murder if we didn't kill him outright. I say we keep him tied up for now, and see what we can find. He had a hell of a talent pool that left him or were killed, so I'm wondering what it is around here that maybe he was hiding, since technically I was a junior partner with the others. First, though, I am going to check out those other fallen people."

He moves out of the stairwell past Eric, and then looks down at the bodyguard. "I can't tell how he's doing? Visto, you wanna look at this guy? I'm only the most basic of battlefield medicine, not a skilled healer. Hey, Eric, can you step off him please so Visto can get to him?"

R17T19: Eric, what do you do?

Rod on deck, Ozzy in the hole, Visto/ Kwava + Ganmeed/ Ginny delaying ...

2021-09-06, 04:45 AM
Eric steps off him, getting toward the closest door in case of unwanted visitors.

2021-09-06, 10:12 AM
R17T19: Eric steps off him, getting toward the closest door in case of unwanted visitors.

R17T18: Rod, you don't seem to have any takers. What do you do?

Ozlech on deck, Apophis in the hole, Visto delaying (but was verbally prompted) ...

2021-09-07, 07:16 PM
Rodriguez will shrug and take a swig from the skin before offering some to Apophis as well.
”Best of luck with the first aid. I’ll just stay here and guard the prisoner, yell if you need me.” he will take a seat next to the unconscious Saul.

2021-09-07, 10:55 PM
R17T18: Rodriguez will shrug and take a swig from the skin before offering some to Apophis as well, who denies any. ”Best of luck with the first aid. I’ll just stay here and guard the prisoner, yell if you need me.” Rodriguez then takes a seat next to the unconscious Saul.

R17T15: Ozlech, what do you do?

Apophis on deck, Sol in the hole, Visto delaying (but verbally prompted) ...

2021-09-08, 02:54 PM
Visto answers Sol's request by heading over to where the fallen bodyguard is laying, and starts checking him to determine his condition. If he's dying, but not dead, he'll perform some basic first aid to stem the bleeding.

Perform a Heal check to determine his status. While we are still in initiative, if he's bleeding out/dying, he'll perform First Aid on his next turn to stem the bleeding.

2021-09-08, 05:52 PM

Ozzy will attempt to 'disarm' Saul of his key prosthesis. It not only deprives Saul of a weapon, but Ozzy is willing to bet the key serves a function outside of battle as well.

2021-09-09, 12:04 AM
R17T17: Visto answers Sol's request by heading over to where the fallen bodyguard is laying, and starts checking him to determine his condition. Visto is unable to tell if the bodyguard is dead or just comatose.

R17T15: Ozzy disarms Saul of his key prosthesis. It not only deprives Saul of a weapon, but Ozzy is willing to bet the key serves a function outside of battle as well.

R17T14: Apophis just chills out (delays) ...

End Round 17, Begin Round 18 ...

R18T23: Sol moves north, and verifies that Old Scratch is dead.

R18T19: Eric, what do you do?

Rod on deck, Visto in the hole ...

2021-09-09, 04:50 AM
While the others are tying up the survivors and the mob boss, Eric starts searching, opening the nearest door.

2021-09-09, 05:50 AM
R18T19: While the others are tying up the survivors and the mob boss, Eric starts searching, opening the door next to him. Inside is a very messy living area with little of interest immediately noticeable.

R18T18: Rod, what do you do?

Visto on deck, Ozzy in the hole ...

2021-09-10, 10:14 PM
Rodriguez stays put, keeping an eye on the prisoners for now

2021-09-12, 12:45 PM
R18T18: Rodriguez stays put, keeping an eye on the prisoners for now.

R18T17: Visto, what do you do?

Ozzy on deck, Sol in the hole ...

2021-09-15, 12:56 PM
R18T17: "Friend Rodriguez," says Visto. "Visto is not sure about this man, and Visto will not let fear of fight-back keep me from saving him if he can be saved. Be careful."

Visto sidesteps to an open spot, and lets soothing rain fall on the bodyguard's body, fully healing him, which heals most of his wounds. The man's eyes flutter open.

"Friend, you were enemy, but Visto save you. Your Friend Saul is tied up and beaten. Please do not make Visto look bad with his mercy."

R18T15: Ozlech, what do you do?

Bodyguard on deck, Sol in hole, Kwava/ Ganmeed/ Huginn/ Rod/ Apophis delaying ...

2021-09-15, 01:12 PM

Ozlech waits to see what the bodyguard does in response to Visto's offer of mercy.


2021-09-15, 01:51 PM
[QUOTE=lostsole31;25197391]R18T17: "Friend Rodriguez," says Visto. "Visto is not sure about this man, and Visto will not let fear of fight-back keep me from saving him if he can be saved. Be careful."

Visto sidesteps to an open spot, and lets soothing rain fall on the bodyguard's body, healing him for 9, which heals most of his wounds. The man's eyes flutter open.

"Friend, you were enemy, but Visto save you. Your Friend Saul is tied up and beaten. Please do not make Visto look bad with his mercy."

R18T15: Ozlech waits to see what the bodyguard does in response to Visto's offer of mercy.

R18T4: "Uh, just gonna sit up, not standing or nothing," the man says. "But I'm a bodyguard, which means keep him safe. If you tied him up, I guess that counts as safe?"

End Round 18, Begin Round 19 ...

R19T23: Sol moves north, asking Kwava to move some, who obliges. Sol calls out. "Can't tell about this woman here, Visto!"

R19T19: Eric, what do you do?

Visto on deck, Beyar on deck, mostly everyone else delaying ...

2021-09-15, 03:12 PM
"Foe Saul is defeated, but alive. Visto does not wish to kill, nor to allow Friends to kill if surrender is possible. As long as Bodyguard does not attack others, Visto promises Friends won't hurt him. Now, Visto must see to others." Visto then heads towards the next fallen foe, invoking his rain on this one to heal her wounds. Assuming the healing is enough to bring her to consciousness, he will address her next. Friend, you have been beaten by Visto and his Friends. Visto does not wish to bring death to others. Foe Saul has been defeated and tied up, but alive. As long as you do not attack Visto or Friends, Visto promises that Friends will not harm you. Please do not make Friends regret Visto's Mercy."

Swift Action: Remove E from Soothing Rain (Which has technically already been done, but still being specified just to be safe.)
Move action: Move close to the fallen woman Sol pointed out
Standard action: Use Soothing Rain on the fallen woman to heal [roll0] damage

2021-09-16, 10:51 AM
Still on guard, Eric moves to the next door, opening it as well.

2021-09-16, 12:09 PM
R19T19: Still on guard, Eric moves to the next door, opening it as well, reaching past Kwava to open it an angle in doing so. Because he opened it an angle with Kwava in the way, he doesn't see too much, though he thinks he spies a wine rack. A subtle, musty odor wafts out that underlies the spoiled, sweet stench of wine.

R19T17: "Foe Saul is defeated, but alive. Visto does not wish to kill, nor to allow Friends to kill if surrender is possible. As long as Bodyguard does not attack others, Visto promises Friends won't hurt him. Now, Visto must see to others." Visto then heads towards the next fallen foe, invoking his rain on this one to heal her wounds. Assuming the healing is enough to bring her to consciousness, he will address her next. He has to double move to her.

Combat Ends ...

Visto and Sol switch places. The woman miraculously stabilized very close to death, though her male counterpart died of his wounds. Visto invokes his rain on the woman to heal her wounds. As she comes to consciousness fully healed, Visto chides her, "Friend, you have been beaten by Visto and his Friends. Visto does not wish to bring death to others. Foe Saul has been defeated and tied up, but alive. As long as you do not attack Visto or Friends, Visto promises that Friends will not harm you. Please do not make Friends regret Visto's Mercy."

She nods, and sees she hasn't been tied up. "What now?" she asks.

2021-09-17, 02:49 PM
Visto speaks once more to the woman. "Visto suggests you head to your home. Visto's friends will not stop you." After speaking to her, he starts to see to his companions, healing the injured with his Unicorn Feathering while they decide what to do with Saul, who he will also check to make sure isn't bleeding to death, but won't heal him.

2021-09-17, 03:38 PM
Though not significantly injured, still ... Visto tops off Rodriguez, Sol, and Apophis.

Meanwhile, the woman is gone (she does take her weapons though ... expensive stuff for a street-level thief).

What now?

2021-09-18, 11:31 PM
“Well, we’ve got some time until he wakes up. Personally, I’d like to see what he was trying so desperately to hide. Let’s check these rooms Apophis.” Rodriguez will start checking the rooms that branch off from the hallway. Starting with the closest door.

2021-09-19, 06:51 PM
Rodriguez moves up and into the first room with Apophis that Eric had opened up. The crappy decor somehow thematically tying itself to the dead man at the south of the hall.

2021-09-20, 05:04 PM

Ozlech will busy himself with looting those who fell in battle. The group must look after their finances after all.

2021-09-23, 06:06 AM
Rodriguez will continue exploring the rooms connected to the hallway if there any that haven’t been checked.

2021-09-23, 04:50 PM
31. Wine Cellar
This chamber holds large barrels of common port and rows of bottles holding wines and various other alcohols. The floor manager and head bartender hold keys to the door of this chamber along with Vancaskerkin (and, unbeknownst to them, Bojask). The room bears a subtle, musty odor underlying the spoiled, sweet stench of wine. Nobody can identify that underlying stench, but Rodriguez does know that it is not a smell related to alcohol at all, and is quite unpleasant.

2021-09-23, 08:08 PM

Seeing the others move down the hall to explore, Ozzy huffs as he drags the tied up Saul with him to catch up.

"Think *grunt* we can find a room that locks to stuff Saul in while we look around? I *Humph* would rather not have to drag tubby here around." Ozzy speaks between grunts of effort as he drags Saul slowly along behind him.

2021-09-23, 11:31 PM
Kwava speaks, "I and Ganmeed shall watch him, and watch out in this hallway for any other interlopers as well."

2021-09-25, 03:21 AM
Eric nods.

"Yeah, let's explore and make sure we're clear here."

2021-09-25, 08:00 PM
The group does a full check of the wine cellar. Assuming a T20 on Perception to check all nooks and crannies, it takes 20 minutes for a full search, only to realize nothing special there. it takes another 8 minutes to verify nothing special in Bojask's room.

At this point, the party has transitioned to "exploration" rather than "oh, crap, kill it!"

The group gets to Bojask's body. He has a masterwork battleaxe, masterwork handaxe, a throwing axe at his side and wears a masterwork chain shirt. He does have two vials of fluid string-tied to his belt, and a pouch of gold coins. You can come back for those things, but Sol does ID the vials as potions of cure light wounds. Also, a set of keys.

Bojask had been standing in front of what appears to be a secret door that had been opened. The secret door opens to a passageway going farther south. The party gets into "a" formation and goes south and around the bend to the west. Eric stops just before a door.

Historically, Muninn ... the companion raven that Lin had ... was the primary door-checker as that raven had uncanny senses, usually backed up by Visto. But now that Lin and her pets Muninn and Crysti are both gone, the best senses (you think) belong to Visto to determine danger. Does Visto want to be up front for safety, or does he think his best position is in the far back?

2021-09-26, 07:06 AM
With Visto potentially having the best senses of the team, he's willing to be up front in case he can notice something before it can hurt his friends.

2021-09-26, 03:24 PM
Okay, Visto. You are at the door, and you don't sense anything off. What do you do?

2021-09-27, 03:04 PM
If he senses nothing, he will open the door and enter. If something happens the moment he opens the door, he'll call it out to the others first.

2021-09-27, 06:55 PM
Welcome to the Red Room (Area 33)!

This rough chamber has a short bar and a number of battered tables and chairs squeezed into it. The walls and floors are crudely painted a rusty red. This is the Gold Goblin’s “underground” bar that services the Octahedron. A bartender and guard handle the crowds when the fighting pit is open. Drinks here cost double what they cost at the Goblin’s Tankard.

Now what?

2021-09-30, 03:53 PM
"No bottle thrown, nor brawl ? Damn, this place has lost its magic apparently."

2021-09-30, 04:27 PM
"I heard about this place working here, but Saul shared the info with us," Sol says. "I think it only operates at special times, rather than constantly."

2021-10-01, 05:06 PM

Ozlech will enter and take a look around the room asking Ginny to do so as well.

”One good thing I can say about Saul, he keeps the alcohol flowing. First a wine cellar and now a private bar for his death arena? We will have to grab a couple of bottles for our victory celebration later.” Ozlech says with a grin on his mug.

Not wanting to take the time to take 20, but perception checks for Ozlech and Ginny for the room.

2021-10-01, 11:03 PM
"Well, don't go crazy," says Sol. "See, I'm like a junior partner here. He killed or scared off the other junior partners. So a couple bottles is fine, but I have a feeling that my responsibilities are about to get a whole lot bigger until I can sell this place off. I just came here for a job, not to run a club. But, yeah, I don't want to pick apart the Goblin because that may be something I'm responsible for. Gotta figure out how that works after this."

It will be assumed the rest of the party comes in and takes a look around here as well.

Ozzy, Ginny, and the rest of the party don't find anything "special" .... beyond a set of stairs and a sign saying "To Octahedron."

2021-10-05, 03:28 AM
Eric goes toward the stairs.

"Well, let's go then, nothing to see apparently here."

2021-10-05, 04:33 AM
"Sounds good!" says Sol, following Eric, and genuinely curious about the section of casino he'd heard about, but never went to.

Everyone else likewise files behind them. Visto first, sensing he'll likely be called on more often, then Rod, Apophis, Ozzy, and Ginny.

They get down the stairs to a second sublevel. The stairs empty to a 5'-wide passage that continues east 20' before turning south. There are two doors on the northern wall, at both ends of the hall. This hallway (35) also appears to double as an armory. Hanging from the walls of this hall are weapons used by Octahedron combatants intelligent enough to make use of them, as well as a variety of chains, harnesses, spiked collars, leashes, and other animal training equipment.

What now?

2021-10-07, 07:14 AM
Eric somewhat curiously looks through the weapons while advancing.

"Anything you fancy ?"

2021-10-07, 06:03 PM
As the party looks at what is there, there is really nothing worth taking. A lot of it is more for show than any useful lethal combat, and nothing that fits the wheelhouse of the characters. Kind of like in modern era when you have those lovely "wall hanger" swords that wouldn't do well in actual combat.

What now?

2021-10-08, 10:16 AM
Rodriguez looks around at the mostly useless weapons and frowns. ”He’s got to have something good down here besides the booze. Although, the booze is nice. We should keep going, and keep our eyes peeled.”
Rodriguez motions towards the two doors.

2021-10-08, 08:17 PM
A sort of unspoken protocol is beginning to form as the group knows each other more and more. Eric steps a few feet down the hallway and Visto comes up to listen at the first door. He listens and senses nothing, and then opens it up. Looking in (36), the room has sand and old bloodstains on the floor and a rough wooden table. A cabinet holds dirty bandages, needle and thread, and splinting materials. Visto easily recognizes this as some type of rough infirmary.

A search of the infirmary is made. At the back is a single, clearly-marked, single potion of cure light wounds for emergencies. Sol is able to verify that the contents match the label.

The rest of the infirmary is searched, with nothing interesting showing up.

What now? Do you take the potion? If so, is it more "party treasury?" Is it used? or does someone seek to outright claim it?

2021-10-09, 07:53 AM
Visto recommends the potion be carried by one of the party front-liners in case of emergency.

2021-10-09, 09:37 PM
Eric is consistently the "first-in" but such a potion is poison to him. Rod is usually the next up, so we'll give him the potion (just to move things along).

Eric moves to just into the southern hallway while Visto is at the second door. Visto checks it safe and listens. There are dogs barking on the other side.

What now?

2021-10-10, 02:39 AM
Eric takes a defensive stance.

"Anyone that can calm down animals ?"

2021-10-11, 06:24 AM
"Don't look at me!" says Sol. "I work with strange chemicals that have scents that linger on my clothes that animals don't normally like."

2021-10-13, 10:47 AM

Upon hearing that dogs are to be found ahead, Ozlech grimaces and sighs before saying, ”I can try and calm em down. Give me a second or two to prepare. Probably won’t work though…”

With that Ozlech puts his hands up to his face and the tiny sparks of force which glimmered at his fingertips starts to fade Ozzy quickly gathers the unbound Akasha before it dissipates and applies it to his face as some would apply makeup. The skin blemishes on his face and even the pallor of his skin becomes more healthy and natural looking as he dons the visage of the nymph.

“Ugh. Like smearing mud on my face except it never dries. Now the dogs should be more willing not to turn me into a chew toy, but again no promises.” Ozlech says in disgust making ready to open the door to try and calm the dogs.

Using my 1/day Veilshift to switch Riven Darts for Nymphs Visage (Akashic Trinity Veils).

Will also switch Essence from Aura of the Adaptable and my Akashic Army to bring Nymph’s visage up to max E capacity (2) which gives a total of +4 insight bonus to Diplomacy and Handle Animal and can influence the attitude of animals with diplomacy checks.

2021-10-13, 11:50 PM
The party shifts position to allow Ozzy and Ginny to move up. He opens the door to greatly increase the cacophony within to the rest of the hallway.

Five mangy dogs and two angry monkeys .... all caged .... greet him with howls and barks. There is even a sizeable cage that holds something bigger than a normal dog, but that one is empty, bearing a plaque that says, "Pigsaw" on it. This appears to be some type of kennel, likely for divers entertainment for underground pit fighting.

What now?

2021-10-17, 12:58 PM
"We will have to remember that those are here, and find them caretakers. Now let's keep going."

Noting the lack of door in the kennel, Eric returns to the corrider.

2021-10-17, 01:14 PM
Steeply inclined bleachers and narrow stairs make up this crude arena that looks down into the Octahedron fighting pit 10 feet below. A short stone rail and iron bars running from the rail to the ceiling prevent any accidental entries into the contests.

2021-10-17, 06:11 PM

Glad that he did not need to rely on his lacking skill with animals to avoid conflict with the beasts, Ozzy addresses Sol in the spectator stands and asks, ”So you think you’ll keep the fight pit if you end up keeping the place? It could be a pain to manage. Too bloody and you need new fighters every fight, too tame and the audience gets bored.”

2021-10-17, 07:59 PM
As Sol files into the bleachers area, "I .... I don't know. I think the first thing is going to be checking the books to see what comes from where. Like, I am the worst person to be running anything in this town. It's just not my style. I'm from Brastlewark, a town full of gnomes. And they might have all manner of silliness to us humans, but at least one didn't feel like one had to compromise their values."

The party searches the whole bleachers area, finding nothing of interest.

"Well," Sol says, "Vancaskerkin was coming downstairs. So somewhere around here is something he was looking for, unless he was just going to lock himself into a room and hope. But he doesn't strike me as the hoping kind ... but the contingency kind. Should Visto and I hop down and check out the pit below? It's the last place to check."

2021-10-17, 08:19 PM
”Might as well. If all else fails, I’d like a chance to dust off my interrogation skills when Saul wakes up.” Rodriguez leans over the railing to look into the pit below

2021-10-17, 08:24 PM
Sol produces a sunrod, hits it to create light for himself, and then jumps into the pit.

Visto, do you follow?

2021-10-18, 05:09 PM
Visto does indeed follow.

2021-10-18, 06:51 PM
Sol and Visto alight on the pit floor below. When they get there, they hear a squealing grunt from the southwest.

Round One ...

R1T23: Visto, it is all dim light down here because the torches haven't been lit to go low enough for a pit fight right now. You see something large and barrel-shaped in the southwestern corner. The ceiling height down here is 15'. What do you do?

2021-10-20, 08:05 PM
With no active aggression, Visto waits for Sol to lead the way, paying no mind to the squeals.

While we may be in Initiative, Visto has no reason to act like he is in combat, and so will delay.

2021-10-21, 08:59 AM
R1T23: With no active aggression, Visto waits for Sol to lead the way, paying no mind to the squeals.

R1T16: "Boar!" calls out Sol. "Tough, hard to kill, mean as hell ... boar!"

He throws a bomb that lights up a scarred, grizzly, terrible-looking boar. It is a crit that nails the boar in the snout for 19 fire! Sol flies up 10'.

R1T8: With one target moved away, the boar launches itself forward to charge Visto. It leaps up, and gores Visto in the neck for 6.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T23: Visto, as you've been directly attacked. Do you come out of delay?

Apophis on deck, Rod in the hole ...

2021-10-22, 02:58 PM
Now that the boar has attacked, Visto allows the rush of combat to overtake him, and immediately pushes himself upward into the air, hoping to avoid the followup strike as he does, before he focuses his energy and creates the sound of Thunder past the boar, hoping to disorient it.

Nonaction: Generate 1TE and invest it into The Uproar
Move action: Fly up 10 feet, similar to Sol, although probably a little harder. He won't do anything special to try to avoid the AoO this triggers.
Swift action: Invest two free E on the Stormbound side into Verdant Vambraces.
Standard action: Activate The Uproar, targetting the boar.

Boar must make a DC 15 Fort save or take [roll0] Sonic damage, become Deafened for 1 minute, and flat-footed for one round. If successful, he takes half damage and is only deafened for 1 round.

2021-10-22, 04:34 PM
R2T23: Now that the boar has attacked, Visto allows the rush of combat to overtake him, and immediately pushes himself upward into the air, hoping to avoid the followup strike as he does. But Hope is not on the menu as the boar crits his right shin for 12. Once clear of the boar, though, Visto focuses his energy and then creates the sound of thunder past the boar, hoping to disorient it, but it only takes 4 sonic.

R2T22: Apophis looks to Rod, delaying ...

R2T21: Rodriguez, what do you do?

Ozzy on deck, Sol in the hole ...

2021-10-22, 05:13 PM
Rodriguez will rub his hands together and cast a spell on Apophis to sharpen his fangs. He will then shout,
”Apophis, tear that pig to bits! Hit em’ with the aerial pounce we practiced!”STA: cast magic fang on Apophis (bite)
Free: verbal command (reminder that he has branch pounce).

2021-10-24, 10:17 PM
R2T21: Rodriguez will rub his hands together and cast a spell on Apophis to sharpen his fangs. He will then shout, ”Apophis, tear that pig to bits! Hit em’ with the aerial pounce we practiced!”

R2T20: Apophis climbs off the sides of the overlooking catwalks to the underside of the catwalk supports, and carefully positions himself above the boar, ready to drop down.

R2T19: Ozzy, what do you do?

Sol on deck, Ginny in the hole ...

2021-10-25, 04:24 PM

”Ginny head down and get it’s attention, then I’ll teleport in to hit it!”

Delay for Ginny to attack first.

2021-10-25, 04:45 PM
R2T19:”Ginny head down and get it’s attention, then I’ll teleport in to hit it!” Ozzy then waits for Ginny to attack.

R2T18: Ginny flies down and pecks the pig on the pelvis for 5 while puissantly parting ways from it.

R2T16: Sol hovers and tosses a bomb down at it and burns it for 10 fire.

R2T8: The horribly wounded pig tries jumping up at Sol.

R2T7: Eric, what do you do?

Visto on deck, Rod in the hole ...

2021-10-25, 05:26 PM
Eric jumps down in the arena, and takes his stance.

Move action to jump down there, swift action to enter Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge AC, +2 Will saves).
If I can still move, second move action to get close.

2021-10-25, 06:58 PM
R2T7: Eric jumps down in the arena, but it is not as graceful as hoped as it is a hard landing for 2 and he is prone. Eric stands up and the boar tries to gore him, but fails. Eric gets into stance.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T23: Visto, what do you do? You are at a 10' altitude.

Rod on deck, Apophis in the hole ...

2021-10-27, 02:51 PM
Visto focuses again on the boar, creating another crack of thunder, and then moves a small distance in order to keep himself in the air.

Nonaction: Generate 1 TE and invest it into The Uproar
Standard action: Activate The Uproar, targetting the boar.

Boar must make a DC 16 Fort save or take [roll0] Sonic damage and be deafened for 1 minute and flat-footed for a round. Passing means half damage and only deafened for 1 round.

Move action: Move ten in a random direction, mostly just to keep himself in the air.

2021-10-28, 04:11 AM
R3T23: Visto focuses again on the boar, creating another crack of thunder, and then moves a small distance in order to keep himself in the air. But the crack of thunder is enough to drop the boar.

Combat Ends ...

2021-10-28, 05:37 PM
Visto returns to the ground and presses his hand against the wound he suffered from the boars second attack, infusing his healing power into it to seal it back up and restore himself to full strength, before checking the boar to see if it is still alive.

Use Unicorn Feathering on self to heal the damage he's taken during this fight. Visto will also perform whatever Heal checks are needed to determine if the boar is alive or not. He would rather not kill it if he doesn't have to.