View Full Version : Optimization Optimize this class ability: Master Astrologer DrM #340

2021-04-28, 10:08 PM
The Stars are Right: Upon gaining 10th level, you can, once per day as a standard action, force the stars to appear to realign themselves temporarily for your benefit. You then have until the end of the following round to cast a spell at a greatly enhanced effect. A spell affected by this ability is cast at +4 caster level and the DC to resist it increases by +4. In addition, all numeric effects of the spell are increased by one-half. The spell's range, duration, and area increase by half again as much as normal, it deals half again as much damage, cures half again as many hit points, affects half again as many targets, and so forth, as appropriate.

For example, a 5th-level wizard/10th-level master astrologer could cast a delayed blast fireball as a 18th-level caster for 150% × 18d6 points of damage with a DC +4 higher than it would otherwise have, a range of 1,680 feet (instead of the normal 1,120 feet), and affect a 30-foot-radius area (instead of the normal 20-foot radius).

This is the capstone of the Master Astrologer prestige class from Dragon Magazine #340. On the face of it, The Stars Are Right would appear to be ripe for opportunities for optimization. Can anyone contribute some ideas?

2021-04-28, 10:24 PM
Free metamagic can be had from many other places. 1/day +4 CL at cost of 10 levels doesn't seem that good, but maybe for esoteric caster level stacking. For a normal character shapechange is what it would probably go to.

2021-04-28, 10:32 PM
Well, if the campaign involves space at all, then the ability to casually rearrange the stars (even temporarily) is potentially very, very strong.

2021-04-28, 10:47 PM
Free metamagic can be had from many other places.

Metamagic generally applies to "variable, numeric effects", while this ability applies to "all numeric effects", with potentially vast consequences.

2021-04-28, 10:50 PM
Metamagic generally applies to "variable, numeric effects", while this ability applies to "all numeric effects", with potentially vast consequences.
Oh, nice catch. Yeah, that's pretty interesting.

2021-04-28, 11:12 PM
An intensified awaken cast by a master astrologist could give up to 54 base intelligence, depending on how you rule that they stack. The Stars Are Right is not a a metamagic feat, so you should be good to stack them.

Another thing is that this is not variable numeric effects, just numeric effects. So desecrate could grant undead created under it more bonus hit points, extract gift could grant a higher enhancement bonus to ability scores and skills. Long duration or permanent buff spells could also be abused. Permanent Superior Resistance cast with this, for example, would grant a +9 resistance bonus to all saves. Permanent Cloud Wings would grant a +45 bonus to flight speed. Permanent fuse arms could grant +6 to str for every pair of arms fused.

This is a pretty nice find, actually. If you can hire one, it's pretty advantageous for nearly all of your long term or permanent spell effects to be cast by a master astrologist.

2021-04-28, 11:17 PM
An intensified awaken cast by a master astrologist could give up to 54 base intelligence, depending on how you rule that they stack. The Stars Are Right is not a a metamagic feat, so you should be good to stack them.

The issue there would be the 24 hour casting time of Awaken, since the PrC ability is a standard action to activate, and the spell must be cast by end of next turn.

2021-04-28, 11:50 PM
The issue there would be the 24 hour casting time of Awaken, since the PrC ability is a standard action to activate, and the spell must be cast by end of next turn.
Is it considered 'cast' only when you complete it, or is beginning to cast sufficient?

In any case, Uncanny Forethought fixes almost all casting time issues.

2021-04-29, 12:50 AM
This is a pretty nice find, actually. If you can hire one, it's pretty advantageous for nearly all of your long term or permanent spell effects to be cast by a master astrologist.
Decent cohort choice maybe.

2021-04-29, 01:04 AM
Is it considered 'cast' only when you complete it, or is beginning to cast sufficient

Upon gaining 10th level, you can, once per day as a standard action, force the stars to appear to realign themselves temporarily for your benefit. You then have until the end of the following round to cast a spell at a greatly enhanced effect.

For lengthy casting times, limited wish, wish, or miracle are helpful.

2021-04-29, 01:15 AM
For lengthy casting times, limited wish, wish, or miracle are helpful.
I was trying to point out that it doesn't say you must complete the spell, only that you must cast it. If you begin casting a spell in the round after using this ability, you did cast it within the requisite time-frame, you just also cast it in many subsequent rounds.

2021-04-29, 02:02 AM
Hmm, if it applies to range and area, it probably also applies to number of targets. Fortunately or unfortunately, D&D rounds down, so you don't even have to worry about whether "a X" counts as "1 X" and is thus affected.

Technically, DC and CL would be multiplied by 1.5 on top of of the +4 bonus, but that flies wildly in the face of clear RAI.

What would probably be boosted is the CL cap of the spell, so e.g. telekinesis can now hurl up to 15*1.5 = 22 objects/creatures instead of 15 (26 if the +4 counts on top of the max, which it probably doesn't).

For any spell that gives you 2 numeric values and then uses them to calculate a third (or I guess squares a single numeric value to give you a second), that 3rd numeric value is getting a disproportionate benefit. I don't know of any spells that do this, though, at least not without giving you that 3rd value as well (e.g. telekinesis calculates max weight based on weight per CL and max CL - two numeric values multiplied by the class feature - but then also gives you said max weight as a fixed value, so you're probably stuck with that times 1.5).

Doctor Despair
2021-04-29, 07:39 AM
Can this ability technically move the sun for a round, moving us to a new day/night cycle for abilities calculated on 1/day instead of 1/24 hours?

2021-04-29, 08:37 AM
Can this ability technically move the sun for a round, moving us to a new day/night cycle for abilities calculated on 1/day instead of 1/24 hours?

No. Because the "stars to appear to realign themselves temporarily". They don't actually realign.

2021-04-29, 08:38 AM
Are there any spells that target "one creature" instead of "a creature"? I checked reincarnate and raise dead; they only affect "a" creature. So, you can't reincarnate one and a half dead creatures.

2021-04-29, 10:27 AM
For any spell that gives you 2 numeric values and then uses them to calculate a third (or I guess squares a single numeric value to give you a second), that 3rd numeric value is getting a disproportionate benefit. I don't know of any spells that do this, though, at least not without giving you that 3rd value as well (e.g. telekinesis calculates max weight based on weight per CL and max CL - two numeric values multiplied by the class feature - but then also gives you said max weight as a fixed value, so you're probably stuck with that times 1.5).
How about damage spells that create a number of instances of damage that do a certain amount of damage? You should get 50% more projectiles and each projectile would do 50% more damage. So a magic missile would fire up to 7 missiles that each do 1.5*(1d4+1) damage. Scorching Ray, Ice Darts, Dalamars Lightning Lance, and similar.

2021-04-29, 10:42 AM
The classic combo is Planar Binding-type effects, to summon more powerful creatures. I think Implore from Dragon #336 is the best, getting a 24 HD outsider, 36 HD with Master Astrologer.

And yeah, anything with multiple numeric effects gets much better. The most extreme version of that would probably be War spells from Dragon #309, which let a spell affect 25 targets per CL, or summon 25 creatures per CL, etc.

Also, I'll mention that you can probably fit Master Astrologer and Shadowcraft Mage in the same build, which (among other things) might let you cast some spells that would normally require more than a standard action.

Also, Mother Cyst will let you get +12 Int from Necrotic Empowerment.

2021-04-29, 11:39 PM
The strongest potential appears to be with spells with permanency, and extract gift. However, extract gift also gives costs for the bonuses to be applied. I suspect that The Stars are Right does not confer the ability to avoid the additional costs associated with the extra bonus given. Still, its an incredible boon.

In the example given in the spell itself -

To grant a +5 bonus to Charisma, you need a demon with a Charisma score of at least 30 (such as a lilitu).

On this numeric effect, you get a one-half bonus (rounded down). That means from extract gift on a lilitu, you get +7 total bonus to your charisma. Pretty good. It gets better with the skills.

To grant a +10 bonus on Bluff checks, you need a demon with at least 20 ranks in Bluff (such as a balor).

In this instance, you could get a +15 bonus on Bluff checks from a balor. Now we're talking.

I was trying to point out that it doesn't say you must complete the spell, only that you must cast it. If you begin casting a spell in the round after using this ability, you did cast it within the requisite time-frame, you just also cast it in many subsequent rounds.

I strongly suspect the intent is to complete the spell by the end of the following round. What is the consensus about this? If you only have to begin the casting, it opens up even more options.

2021-04-30, 07:33 PM
I would look for other abilities that deal with stars. Wizard of sun and moon, for example: move the sun, which is a star, so that you can kill the vampire and use your daylight spell slot

2021-05-01, 01:11 AM
The Stars are Right has good synergy with Cosmic Connection and Superior Planar Summoning from the Cosmic Descryer (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/prestigeClasses/cosmicDescryer.htm) epic prestige class.

Superior Planar Summoning (Ex)
Beginning at 1st level, the cosmic descryer can increase the power of any of the following spells—elemental swarm, gate, greater planar ally, greater planar binding, summon monster IX, or summon nature’s ally IX—to affect or summon outsiders of 4 Hit Dice higher than the spell’s normal limit or conjure creatures with 4 Hit Dice of advancement. Every four levels thereafter, the cosmic descryer can increase the number of extra Hit Dice by 4.

Your increase in the ability to call creatures increased by one half again thanks to The Stars are Right.

Cosmic Connection (Su)
At 7th level, the cosmic descryer may join with the massive energy of the multiverse once per day, plus one additional time per day every five levels thereafter. The cosmic descryer can remain connected for a number of minutes equal to his or her class level. While connected, the character is immune to critical hits, is a native on any plane he or she visits, and can use dimension door at will as a 20th-level caster. The cosmic descryer can draw off excess energy from the multiverse itself to increase his or her effective caster level or enhance any attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check. Drawing off excess energy from the multiverse is dangerous, and it deals the cosmic descryer 5 points of damage for each +1 bonus applied to a single roll or +1 caster level on a single spell.

Now that you've called a ultra-powerful creature from the planes, you need a way to control it. Fortunately, you can use Cosmic Connection to boost your caster level when casting greater planar binding, and boost the Charisma check that you make to force the creature into your service. Success should be guaranteed.

2021-05-01, 09:19 AM
You could could get a +7 bonus to each stat when you cast wish.

+30 bonus to true strike

Time Stop increases the amount of time you have to cast things while having a longer time stop.

It increases the HD of a simulacrum

Power word spells have their HP limit increased

2021-05-01, 09:50 AM
You could could get a +7 bonus to each stat when you cast wish.

I don't think you could. Since each time the spell is cast it is only +1, there is nothing to increase by half.

+30 bonus to true strike

Yes. But only once a day.

Time Stop increases the amount of time you have to cast things while having a longer time stop.


It increases the HD of a simulacrum

Yes it does. To 75% of the original creature's HD.

Power word spells have their HP limit increased

Power Word Kill at 150 HP. Nasty. No saving throw either. Only once a day, but you only really need it once. Oh, and the range increases by half as well. Nice find.

Other options:

*Forbiddance (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/forbiddance.htm) becomes significantly more powerful. Already a permanent affect, with The Stars are Right, Forbiddance is even larger in area and inflicts greater damage on unwanted trespassers. Definitely worth a daily use of The Stars are Right.
*Planar Ally, Greater: (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/planarAllyGreater.htm) How about a 27 HD planar ally? Perhaps Gate is better - I don't know. Interesting anyway.
*Visage of the Deity, Greater (Spell Compendium): You get the whole suite of numerical improvements from this spell. Everything increased by half. Now if only you could figure out a way to persist it.
*Bestow Curse, Greater (Spell Compendium): The greater version of Bestow Curse becomes particularly nasty in conjunction with The Stars are Right. Choose between -9 to 2 ability scores and -12 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks. Other effects require DM adjudication.

2021-05-01, 03:46 PM
I don't think you could. Since each time the spell is cast it is only +1, there is nothing to increase by half.

It's the first cast that provides the benefit with the cost of having it cast 4 more times. Cast it twice for a +3 or 5 times for +7 for as inherent bonuses can't go beyond +7.

If that doesn't do it for you, it's possible to simply do it under a time stop.

If you don't think it works, you can reduce the number of casts to 4. Saves on resources.

2021-05-01, 07:17 PM
It's the first cast that provides the benefit with the cost of having it cast 4 more times. Cast it twice for a +3 or 5 times for +7 for as inherent bonuses can't go beyond +7.

You can only use the ability once a day. Each time you cast wish for +1, you get half again that numerical bonus round down - meaning all you get is +1 as normal. There is nothing to say that this ability stacks through multiple castings, or that it can break the rule that the maximum inherent bonus is +5.

2021-05-01, 09:53 PM
This could be combined with Spell Versatility (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/specialistWizardVariants.htm#spellVersatility) and the Ability Enhancer feat from Dragon Compendium as well as Fell Energy metamagic and Kiss of the Vampire spell to add 4 more to any spell-based ability score bonus and then multiply by x1.5. That would put Necrotic Empowerment at +18 Dex/+18 Int/+18 Wis/+15 Natural Armor, Divine Agility at +21, and Bite of the Werebear at +30 Str/+9 Dex/+18 Con/+13 Natural Armor.

2021-05-02, 01:00 AM
This could be combined with Spell Versatility (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/specialistWizardVariants.htm#spellVersatility) and the Ability Enhancer feat from Dragon Compendium as well as Fell Energy metamagic and Kiss of the Vampire spell to add 4 more to any spell-based ability score bonus and then multiply by x1.5. That would put Necrotic Empowerment at +18 Dex/+18 Int/+18 Wis/+15 Natural Armor, Divine Agility at +21, and Bite of the Werebear at +30 Str/+9 Dex/+18 Con/+13 Natural Armor.

Ruthless combination.

If we dig deep I'm sure we'll find more optimization opportunities like that.

2021-05-02, 06:07 AM
The Stars are Right?

Wakey wakey!..


2021-05-02, 10:59 AM
Could you use it to have shadow evocation/conjuring, wish to cast higher level spells? Greater shadow vonjuring can get a 9th level summoning that's 90 % real. Globe of invulnerability keeps out 6th level spells.