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2021-12-21, 08:37 AM
"If there's a healer here, we should get them to take a look at her. It's a long way back to Pieter's Pass, and her eye's looking ugly."

"...Oh," said Elsa, having a glance at Tatiana's eye. "Yes. Of course. Tattie, you sit down and eat. If it itches, don't scratch. We'll get you some help."

She tied the reeking wolf tails together with a length of string and headed with Olga to the usual drinking den. Upon entering, she held the string of tails high for all to see.

"Hear, hear!" she shouted above the conversations, earning herself some annoyed looks. "The pack of wolves that's been ravaging the countryside has been tracked down and slaughtered by a party of Prince's men and some brave hill people! Please spread the word!"

Her gaze then sought Alin, the collaborator. If anyone would happily tell her where to find a reliable healer, it was him.

And if he's not here, it's likely that a Gossip 44 test will be required, unless Elsa has earned some goodwill from the wolf hunt.


Come oooon, dice roller, it's my birthday. :smallsigh:

2022-01-02, 10:04 AM
Elsa, 30th Nachexen

Marjan's watering hole wasn't particularly busy this time of the morning. Those few hill-folk who were there silently turned their heads at Elsa's announcement. Setting down his washcloth, Marjan peered closely at the string of wolf tails.

"You found them, then," he said, sounding grudgingly surprised. "That's a lot of wolves."

There was no sign of Alin in the dingy hall, but the man wasn't hard to track down. Elsa found him on the dirt street just below the forge, and he greeted her as politely as before.

"Pleased to see you back safe, Magister," he said. "Can I help you with something?"

When she asked him her question, he scratched his chin, pondering.

"Wadim was the best there was. Young Miruna might have learned a couple of his tricks before he left. Otherwise... there's Vesna, and Vida down by the gate. Just a couple of old wives, but they know how to stitch a cut or set a broken leg."

2022-01-02, 02:07 PM
"You found them, then," Marjan said, sounding grudgingly surprised. "That's a lot of wolves."

Elsa gave a nod. "Tough fight. A few got away, but we got the pack leader. Big, nasty brute, that one. Say... will you allow me to tie this string of tails outside your door? People need to see them, but I'm sure you don't want that rotting meat stinking up the inside of your inn."

"Wadim was the best there was. Young Miruna might have learned a couple of his tricks before he left. Otherwise... there's Vesna, and Vida down by the gate. Just a couple of old wives, but they know how to stitch a cut or set a broken leg."

Elsa thanked Alin for his information and went in search of Vesna, preferring to call upon someone with experience—and who would not draw lascivious attention from the soldiers.

Elsa will of course offer to pay, but will let Vesna set her own price, because I don't know what is considered standard rate for this kind of thing.

2022-01-02, 06:25 PM
Elsa, 30th Nachexen

"Don't see why I'd want them stinking up my door, either," said Marjan, bluntly. "What's in it for me?"

Vesna was a bent old woman, with iron-grey hair and a face like the rocks Mort's Seat had been built on. She communicated with Elsa mostly in grunts, but followed her to the hall where Tattie was resting.

There she peered at the girl's mauled face for a while, before mixing up a poultice of various bitter-smelling herbs from an equally bitter-smelling leather bag she carried round her waist. She bound it tightly over Tattie's eye.

"Don't take it off," she warned. She turned to Elsa. "Come back to me in two days, I can change it."

OOC: Vesna charges rulebook price for a healing poultice.

2022-01-02, 09:40 PM
"Don't see why I'd want them stinking up my door, either," said Marjan, bluntly. "What's in it for me?"

Elsa sighed. Why were people always so difficult? She was the gods-damned court wizard. "Fine, but you'll have to put up with me coming back at dinner time when the place is full and showing those tails again," she retorted on her way out.

"Come back to me in two days, I can change it."

"'Fraid we can't stay that long," said Elsa. "Got places to be. I'll buy another one off you and have it changed on the road. Thank you, Vesna."

She gave Vesna a shilling for the two poultices and another for her time. She spent the rest of her day spreading the word about the destruction of the wolf pack and keeping an eye on Tatiana's condition.

We leave tomorrow if Tatiana is up and about by then. If not, I'll have to consider splitting up Elsa's group, because I can't have Elsa tarry too much when there's an important message to be sent east.

2022-01-03, 07:01 AM
Elsa, 30th Nachexen

"That girl needs rest to heal," said Vesna, taking Elsa's money all the same. "There's people here who can look after her, if you can't stay."

Elsa, 31st Nachexen

The next morning came much the same as the last. Tatiana was still light-headed and in a good deal of pain, but seemed able to get up and move around the hall when asked. From the back room, the sound of Giuliano's coughing was a constant refrain.

<We can't move him,> said Bartolomeo, <it just makes him worse. When you get back to the commander, will you ask him to send a real doctor?> He seemed uncomfortable at having to ask Elsa for favours. <We can send Lorenzo with you, to tell him how things are here.>

2022-01-03, 10:24 AM
"That girl needs rest to heal. There's people here who can look after her, if you can't stay."

"I'll... think about it," said Elsa.

She remained reluctant to leave Tatiana behind in a town where the Prince's power was so tenuous. The hill people had no quarrel with Tatiana specifically, but some might consider her guilty by association with their oppressors.

31st Nachexen

<We can't move him,> said Bartolomeo, <it just makes him worse. When you get back to the commander, will you ask him to send a real doctor? We can send Lorenzo with you, to tell him how things are here.>

Elsa thought about it for a moment. Having Lorenzo with her on the return trip would certainly allow her to split her group more effectively. <Alright,> she said, <I'll depart today. We need to make good time, so I'll be leaving Tattie here to recover.>

She decided to take Skender with her as well, and assigned Olga to watch over Tatiana and accompany her back east with Sorin.

I hate to split the brothers, but there are several considerations that make this whole trip look like one of those "can only carry two items at a time across the river, cannot leave the fox on the same side as the chicken" puzzles. Specifically: Elsa needs to get to Savonne quickly, Sorin and Skender need to be paid the rest of their wages (with gold that is currently in Alvarran), Elsa would like for both groups to include a Raven Hills guide with them on their way out of the hills, Elsa doesn't 100% trust the brothers to watch over Tatiana so she'd like Olga to keep an eye on the girl as well, there is uncertainty re: when Tattie can safely travel, and Elsa has concerns about the stability of the situation in Morr's Seat (especially with the Tileans down two men).

So here's the overly complex plan:
Elsa, Lorenzo and Skender return to Alvarran.
Skender gets paid his share, and is given his brother's share. His contract is over, but Sorin's is not, so Skender is warned that if he goes back to give Sorin his share and then Sorin walks away from the job, they will be in breach of the contract and Elsa will never hire them again.
Carraciolo is informed of the situation in Morr's Seat. Lorenzo is presumably given new orders by his commander.
Elsa rides alone to Savonne with her news to the Prince.
Whenever Olga believes Tatiana is strong enough to travel (which may be before or after the arrival of the doctor), she and Sorin accompany Tatiana to Alvarran. Sorin's contract is over.
Olga, Tatiana and Elsa then reunite in Savonne.

Whew. Sorry about that. :smallredface:

2022-01-03, 11:34 AM
Elsa, 31st Nachexen

The two brothers listened closely to Elsa's plan. Skender looked as if he was struggling to follow some of the ins and outs.

"You want someone to go with you, it should be me," said Sorin. "Skender's hurt."

"I'm fine," protested Skender.

"Jump up and down on that leg, then," said Sorin. Skender subsided into non-verbal grumbling. "And the other thing," Sorin continued, "is that you hired us for ten days. Now one of us is supposed to wait here - how long? - until the girl is better? What's the other of us supposed to do until then?" He put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "We work as a team. That's how we make our money."

He looked over his shoulder.

"Look," he said, "you don't need us to babysit the girl. If you're leaving the little woman with her, they can find their way back with the next trader going to sell fleeces in the valley. No hurry, yah?" He spread his hands palm-out towards her. "We take you back to Alvarran, we finish our contract, we're square."

2022-01-03, 12:56 PM
"Fine," said Elsa with a shrug, "I guess it's simpler this way."

She only hoped Olga would be enough protection for Tattie, but she could tell the bodyguard had decent judgment and would exercise caution on her way back.

2022-01-03, 01:13 PM
Elsa, 31st Nachexen

Olga didn’t seem overjoyed when Elsa informed her of her part in the plan, but didn’t object either. “Alright,” she said, casting a sidelong look at the Tileans. “I can handle that. Suppose your body doesn’t need so much guarding if you’ve got Hairy and Scary over there to look after you.”

She went over to break the news to Tattie, who seemed to take it well enough. While the two of them were talking, Elsa heard a fresh fit of coughing from the back room where the sergeant was resting, and a piteous Tilean cry for water. One of the soldiers stood up to bring him some, but Bartolomeo looked at him and shook his head.

<He’s had enough,> said Bartolomeo. <He’ll split his guts if we let him keep drinking.>

The soldier sat down again, and eventually the cries and the coughs subsided. Quiet reigned in the great hall, except for the croaking of the ravens on the roof.

Elsa, 4th Jahrdrung

The sun had barely risen the next morning before they were ready to depart. The ravens shadowed them as they headed out through the gates, croaking to one another as they rose up higher on the breeze. At last, they broke off their circling and flew back towards the rocks, leaving the small party to traipse on to the east.

It was a hard, cold march over the hills. By day, torn scraps of cloud scudded across the open sky, the wind that drove them stealing any warmth the winter sun had to give. By night, numberless stars wheeled overhead, pinpricks of light in the freezing dark. They found shelter where they could, burning brushwood and dead moss to keep the chill at bay.

By the second night, they had made it back to the Greasy Drop, the houses still as dark and empty and before. By the third, they had returned to Hartmut’s Fall and the lower, more sheltered country of the Black Karst. They spent the night behind the walls of the old fortress, warming their hands over the fires of the squatters currently calling it home.

“Every year, I swear this place gets dirtier,” said Skender. “What kind of king builds his castle in the Karst?”

“Maybe one that wants to be left alone,” said Sorin.

“Yeah, well,” said Skender, shovelling a spoonful of stew into his mouth, “it didn’t work, did it.”

Two more days saw them out into the Shepherd’s Valley, and up to the walls of Castel d’Irena. Elsa could see the breach that had been torn in Alvarr’s painstakingly-built town wall, now patched with a bank of earth and a section of wooden palisade. Lorenzo waved to the men standing sentry on top of it, and one of them waved back.

Once inside the gates, the two brothers took their pay and parted on good terms, telling Elsa to ask in the Gilded Beetle if she wanted to find them again. Now accompanied by just Lorenzo, she continued toward the south gate, where the grey bulk of Alvarr’s castle reared up against the rocks.

Carraciolo was out in what had been called the Duke’s Yard, watching his men put some new recruits from the Shepherd’s Valley through their paces. The Tileans were not being gentle with their would-be brothers in arms - clearly any local who wanted to join the Iron Company was going to have to earn his place.

“Holt,” said their commander, when he noticed Elsa approaching. “You’re back.”

2022-01-03, 01:42 PM
4th Jahrdrung

<Giovanni,> said Elsa, still addressing him by first name in a dogged but likely doomed attempt to get him to return the favor. <I have news from Morr's Seat. Both good and... concerning. Can we discuss this someplace else?>

Once she, Carraciolo and Lorenzo were in a more private place, Elsa explained: <The bandit problem seems solved... as well as the wolf problem that you may or may not have heard about. The Raven Hills are pacified for now. Unfortunately, the Jackal's servants are still active, and one of them, the Rivermouth priestess, has been buying bodies of the dead and dying for reasons unknown. She paid for them with these.> She showed Carraciolo some of the Nehekharan coins. <If you see any of those passing through your coffers, I would ask you to investigate their provenance, and then have them melted down into new coins so that they don't keep turning up and sending us on false trails. I'm taking this news to the Prince. I think there's a lot more going on than some strange woman buying corpses.>

She did not mention her certainty about the return of the Jackal himself, as she doubted Carraciolo could or would do anything about it even if he believed her.

<Another thing. Giuliano is sick, and he's worsening. So far it doesn't seem contagious. Lorenzo can tell you more.>

2022-01-03, 01:55 PM
Elsa, 4th Jahrdrung

Handing over supervision of the drill to one of his men, Carraciolo heard Elsa's story in what had been the Duke's old audience chamber. It was empty now save for the three of them, disturbed only by the occasional scurry and clatter of others moving about in the corridors outside.

<Another thing. Giuliano is sick, and he's worsening. So far it doesn't seem contagious. Lorenzo can tell you more.>

Carraciolo looked to Lorenzo, who nodded. Carraciolo raised his palm as if to tell the soldier to wait. Taking the Nehekharan coin from Elsa, he turned it over between finger and thumb, examining how it caught the light.

<So some wretch escaped Nath,> he said, <and has some money to her name. Probably taken from her master after his death.> He tossed the coin back. <I don't see the mystery here. Why should this concern the Prince?>

2022-01-03, 02:08 PM
<When the servant of a necromancer is buying up corpses,> said Elsa, pocketing the coin and trying to hide her irritation at Carraciolo's dimness, <it is most definitely a matter that should concern the Prince. Some of those wolves we killed were half rotten and still howling and biting. That bandit woman you took to Savonne said the Jackal had returned... I don't know if it's true, but I know there is still necromancy going on in the Reaches.>

<I'm not asking you permission for anything,> she clarified. <Bandits are your job; necromancers are mine.>

2022-01-03, 02:16 PM
Elsa, 4th Jahrdrung

<The north is my job,> said Carraciolo. <If there's some would-be necromancer hiding out in the hills, then she's my responsibility, and I will deal with her. That's what Prince Sforza entrusted me to do here - keep order.> He gave Elsa a hard look. <Do you think this woman is a match for half the Iron Company?>

2022-01-03, 03:16 PM
<If it turns out Nahorek is indeed back, Giovanni,> replied Elsa, <all the Iron Company's pikes won't keep the desert from expanding eastwards. In any case I have other important business in Savonne, aside from bringing the Prince up to speed.>

Her patient but firm tone made it clear that she was done with this talk. Sforza would be the judge of how seriously to take her news.

2022-01-03, 04:03 PM
Elsa, 4th Jahrdrung

<Well, where you go is your own business,> said Carraciolo. <But if you mean to take this to the Prince then I want it clear that I am not asking for assistance. I will take my own measures, and I will give him my report when I can send him the witch woman's head to go along with it.>

That seemed to settle matters in the commander's mind. <It was you and your friends who said you killed the Jackal, Holt,> he added as a parting thought. <I don't see what reason there can be to believe he isn't dead... but if he's not, you're going to have some explaining to do.>

2022-01-03, 06:00 PM
<But if you mean to take this to the Prince then I want it clear that I am not asking for assistance. I will take my own measures, and I will give him my report when I can send him the witch woman's head to go along with it.>

<I... commend your optimism,> was the most diplomatic thing Elsa managed to utter. <But if it were that easy I'd have her head already.>

<It was you and your friends who said you killed the Jackal, Holt. I don't see what reason there can be to believe he isn't dead... but if he's not, you're going to have some explaining to do.>

<No, I'm fairly sure Sforza himself skewered the Jackal with that spear. Haven't you seen his new statue in Savonne?> said Elsa dryly. She grew serious again, and warned: <Necromancers cheat death. That's what they do, like a fisherman fishes and a preacher preaches. Their entire lives' work is to not die when they damn well should. Don't underestimate this enemy, Giovanni. And... I hope you find better success than I did.>

The last part was sincere enough, at least. Much as she would feel vindicated to see Carraciolo utterly fail at catching Mala, the safety of the Reaches came well before her pride.

Elsa then headed to the stables to try to reconnect with Bastard before the horse became too feral to ride.

I have nothing else to do in Alvarran.

2022-01-04, 07:27 AM
Elsa, 6th Jahrdrung

The next morning, Elsa rode out through the south gate into Pieter’s Pass. The road to Savonne seemed unusually quiet - giving Bastard the reins, Elsa let her horse find his own pace. The grey walls of the town receded swiftly behind her, the black rocks of the Karst closing in to either side.

The best part of the day was behind her when she discovered why she had met so few others passing the other way. A spire of rock had crumbled and fallen across one of the narrower parts of the pass, bottling up a small crowd of travellers behind it. Those who were travelling on foot could, with some difficulty, scramble up and over the fallen rocks, but those with carts and draught animals were not so lucky. A team of waggoners had hitched up their oxen to one of the biggest boulders, and were trying without success to drag it out of the way.

With not much light left in the day, Elsa settled in to join the other travellers around their fire. There was some idle talk of looking for a side-passage through the Karst, but stories of sinkholes, bandits and trolls among the rocks were quick to discourage it. Word had been sent back to the town, and help would be coming in the morning. In the meantime, they said, all there was to do was wait.

Help actually came the following afternoon, in the form of half a dozen quarrymen, led by a thin, worried-looking man who claimed to have been sent by the Masons’ Guild. With picks, shovels, and a couple of precious barrels of blasting powder, they at last cleared the way enough for horses and carts to pass, and Elsa was on her way again.

Elsa & Jarla, 8th Jahrdrung

It was coming up to noon, and Jarla was still pacing the grounds of the castle when she saw a familiar figure ride in through the gates, her black horse steaming in the cold air. She hadn’t been expecting to see Elsa again so soon, still less to see her travelling alone - but for whatever reason, the wizard was back.

2022-01-04, 08:35 AM
Elsa and Jarla

The wizard waved at Jarla and dismounted. "He's still there," she said, not wasting a second on idle talk. "Nahorek is still there. I'm sure of it now. I'm on my way to tell the Prince."

2022-01-04, 09:16 AM
Elsa and Jarla

Jarla muttered a spiced Averland expletive at Elsa's news. "Some people would have the deceny to stay dead."

She sighed and offered a gloved hand to Elsa to help her down. "Welcome back. I hope your audience goes well. I doubt I can help much unfortunately. I seem to have fallen out of royal favour."

2022-01-04, 09:27 AM
Elsa's eyebrows went up. "Oh, I'm very sorry to hear that, Jarla. Well... as long as they let you hang around the palace, it can't be that bad, can it? You can tell me more later. About your life, and about the new construction work I saw on my way in. In fact, I might want some combat lessons... I nearly got killed out there."

She went in search of Prince Sforza.

2022-01-04, 09:47 AM
Savonne, 8th Jahrdrung

Elsa found the Prince in the old library, his presence given away by the pair of Iron Company men at the door. Inside, he was sitting alone, picking idly at a bowl of walnuts while he studied a map of the Downs. Next to it was a page of figures in what looked like Al-Makir's neat handwriting, which he folded and put away as he heard Elsa enter.

"Holt," he said, rising from his seat. "I thought you were in the north. Why have you come back?"

2022-01-04, 10:21 AM
Elsa gave a curt military salute. "Sire. I took the initiative of traveling to the Raven Hills to see if there was any truth to what that captured Norscan woman was telling us. I'm afraid she wasn't lying."

She told Sforza in detail about the pack of undead wolves, the illness in the hills, and Mother Mala going around buying corpses for a generous sum in Nehekharan gold coins. She handed over Georg's coins to Sforza and, as she had with Carraciolo, recommended that any such coins found in the future be investigated and then melted down.

"It's more than just Mala's schemes, though," she went on. "The wind in the Raven Hills is always blowing from the Pale Waste, and to my magical senses it's filled with the purple wisps of death. I dreamed of the Red Pyramid and of Nahorek several times while I was over there, and so did my apprentice, who's never even met the Jackal face to face."

"I know it's not what you want to hear, and I don't have any proof that I can set down right there on your desk, but I do believe the Jackal's spirit still inhabits the Red Pyramid. And that he's very busy."

2022-01-04, 11:05 AM
Savonne, 8th Jahrdrung

"That's what you've come here to tell me about?" said the Prince. He fixed Elsa with a questioning expression. "The wind? And your dreams?"

Picking up a couple of nuts, he cracked one in his hand. "If this... witch, and her wolves, are causing problems in the north," he said, slowly, "you should be assisting Giovanni in putting her down. Why have you come to me?"

2022-01-04, 12:05 PM
"That's what you've come here to tell me about?" said the Prince. He fixed Elsa with a questioning expression. "The wind? And your dreams?"
Elsa also told him about the necromancy. It just wasn't in the dialogue itself, so perhaps it wasn't as strongly emphasized in the post. (Or is this just bad faith on Sforza's part to focus on her weaker arguments?)

Elsa's jaw tightened. She should have expected to still face skepticism; Sforza had so many plans and so much pride resting upon Nahorek not being back that he was hardly likely to accept this fact until he felt the vampire's fangs in his own throat.

"We've dealt with the wolves, sire," she informed him, after taking a moment to bite back an angrier retort. "Mala escaped us again, and we couldn't give chase because we had too many wounded; myself and my apprentice included. Tatiana was hurt so badly I had to leave her in Morr's Seat to recover. You can't say we didn't try."

Realizing that her protests would accomplish nothing aside from annoying Sforza, she added: "Now... I'll try again. Gather some people. Scrounge up some old knowledge. Maybe go seal the Red Pyramid, if I can. I just wanted you to know what I'm up to. I've no proof the Jackal is back, but at the very least we know necromancy is still going on. My time will be dedicated to stopping this."

It keeps me out of Savonne, too. That was all you wanted of me, right?

2022-01-04, 12:20 PM
Savonne, 8th Jahrdrung

"Hold on," said Sforza. He motioned towards the table. "Sit."

Popping the shelled walnut into his mouth, he crunched it loudly between his teeth. "You said, 'we'?" he asked, when Elsa had taken her seat. "Who was hurt? Apart from your apprentice. Was Giovanni involved?"

2022-01-04, 12:29 PM
Elsa sat down reluctantly, wondering if she was about to get in trouble.

"Not directly, no. In Morr's Seat, Giuliano lent me a few men to go after Mala and her wolves. We lost one. Branca, his name was."

2022-01-04, 01:17 PM
Elsa, 8th Jahrdrung

The Prince closed his right hand over his left, drumming his fingers over the back of his palm.

"So that is one Iron Company man dead," he said, "and some others - how many? - injured. Taken from this Giuliano, without Giovanni's orders." The pauses between his sentences yawned like pit-traps. "You know that many of these men have followed me from Tobaro, yes? That they are valuable."

He turned away, opening the window and letting the distant sounds of the city drift in. Elsa felt the nip of the cold draught that came in with them.

"I want you to listen very carefully to me," said the Prince, his back still towards Elsa. "I did not send you to the Shepherd's Valley to chase ghosts. You have told me often enough that your talents are more suited for war than peace, and I have taken you at your word. I sent you there to rest until your talents might be useful again."

He turned back to face Elsa.

"I understand how you may feel in want of some purpose. But the vampire is dead." His voice rose harshly on the last word. "I saw him die. You saw him die. Perhaps some desperate followers of his may have survived, but if they wish to play at being wolves, then that is how they will be dealt with. Men like Giovanni know perfectly well how to deal with such creatures. In the meantime, it serves no purpose to have you running here and there over the hills, spreading panic and exposing yourself and his men to danger, without his instruction. If I wished you to do so, I would have made you my witch hunter, not my wizard."

"This is as far as this will go. Giovanni will deal with the Mala woman, and any other troublemakers in the hills, and will report his progress to me by the ordinary messengers, as he has done before. You may advise him if he asks. But you will not take his men under your command, you will not conduct any investigation independent to his, and most of all, you will not mention your... dreams, or your suspicions, to anyone outside the court." He raised an eyebrow at her. "Do I make myself clear?"

2022-01-04, 01:57 PM
"So that is one Iron Company man dead, and some others - how many? - injured. Taken from this Giuliano, without Giovanni's orders. You know that many of these men have followed me from Tobaro, yes? That they are valuable."

"They are. But I did not have them exceed their orders in any way," said Elsa defensively. "They were in Morr's Seat to hunt down outlaws and keep the peace in the Raven Hills, and that is what I used them for. We may not have caught Mala, but we did make the countryside safer." She stopped short of mentioning just how those soldiers had been actually spending their time in Morr's Seat—shaking down the locals and abusing their women like common bandits.

"This is as far as this will go. Giovanni will deal with the Mala woman, and any other troublemakers in the hills, and will report his progress to me by the ordinary messengers, as he has done before. You may advise him if he asks. But you will not take his men under your command, you will not conduct any investigation independent to his, and most of all, you will not mention your... dreams, or your suspicions, to anyone outside the court. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes. That is very clear indeed," agreed Elsa. Which was not, technically, a promise to comply.

Maybe it's better this way, she thought. Maybe I can do a better job with my own resources, without Sforza breathing down my neck and demanding results. It'll be like the good old days, back when Adelbert and Viggo were still with us.

She rose. "I guess that concludes it? I'll be staying in Savonne a few days. No worries, I won't make my presence known to the common folk."

2022-01-04, 02:02 PM
Elsa, 8th Jahrdrung

"Good," said Sforza. He held Elsa's gaze for a few moments more. "Then are we finished here?"

2022-01-04, 02:31 PM
Elsa saluted Sforza again on her way out, a bit more stiffly this time. She then headed down to the dungeons to speak to Sanne Raven-Cry, hoping the Norscan had not been executed while she was gone.

2022-01-04, 02:54 PM
Elsa, 8th Jahrdrung

Conditions in the dungeon hadn't improved since Elsa had seen them last. Sforza's choice of jailer was an ex-Iron Company soldier by the name of Mauro, who had lost a leg but none of his good humour at Arrow Heap. With his peg-leg resting on a stool, he seemed to be enjoying his semi-retirement.

<Good day, Magister,> he said, levering himself up when Elsa descended the steps into what might very charitably be called his office. <We weren't expecting to see you down here.>

He didn't ask questions when Elsa asked to see Sanne, but pulled a lantern down off the wall and led the way to her cell. It was almost as cold down here as it was outside - in the shadows on the edges of the lantern-light, Elsa could see some of the other poor wretches left down here shivering in their rags.

Sanne was looking thin and bruised. She was chained to the stone wall by both wrists; at her feet, the carcass of a large rat lay with a broken neck where she'd managed to stamp on it. Mauro tutted.

<Look at that,> he said, <she's gone and squashed Gennaro.> Picking up his cudgel, he rattled it on the thick bars of the cell. "Hey! Wild girl! You have-a di visitores!"

Jarla, 8th Jahrdrung

It wasn’t too long after Elsa had parted with Jarla that Irene found her. The principessa was clearly agitated.

“Jarla!” she snapped. “When were you planning on telling me the witch was back?”

Considering Jarla had only seen Elsa arrive less than an hour ago, that didn’t seem like a very fair question.

“She’s back, and she’s been talking to Muzio,” Irene continued, in the same tone as one might say, she burned my house down. “Why can’t she just - “ - at this Irene caught herself, closed her eyes for a moment and breathed - “why can’t she stay away? Misericordia di Shallya, you can smell when she’s been here.”

“I don’t want her here, Jarla. You’re prima cameriera. Tell her there’s no room.”

2022-01-04, 03:21 PM
<Good day, Magister. We weren't expecting to see you down here.>

<See who?> asked Elsa with a mock innocent smile, jingling some silver coins in her hand and offering them to Mauro. <I'm quite sure a court wizard has no reason to visit the dungeons.>

5 shillings.

If needed, Charm 54: [roll0]
Fortune: [roll1]

Elsa waited for the jailer to walk away to other duties before addressing Sanne.

"I've been to the Raven Hills," she said, keeping her voice low. "I killed the wolves. You were right, there's death in the wind. I've no doubt the Jackal still rules the Pale Waste. He even spoke to me, in dreams."

Apologetically, she added: "I was really hoping I'd return with enough evidence to get you freed, but the Prince is not hearing it. To him, the fact that you were telling the truth is... inconvenient."

In fact he'll likely have you killed if he learns I visited you.

2022-01-04, 04:12 PM
Jarla, 8th Jahrdrung

It took Jarla a moment to recover herself. Days of what felt like active avoidance and now this?

After a moment of hesitation Jarla greeted Irene with a kiss to her cheeks and an affectionate smile. "Your Highness it is good to see you!" It was too; despite her mixed feelings about Irene Sforza life was far duller without her around. "Please milady do not stress so! I hate to see you distressed! Do not fear, I am your friend as well as your loyal servant and I shall take care of it. The witch will doubtless be finished speaking to the Prince soon and then I shall speak to her."

She looked for somewhere to sit down in her rather cramped chambers and did so, leaving the more comfortable chair to her frenemy: "Your highness are you in need of relief? I could summon the court minstrel for you? Or perhaps a game of cards or swap a tale or two?"

2022-01-04, 06:17 PM
Elsa, 8th Jahrdrung

Sanne waited for a while before responding. When she did, her voice sounded cracked and hoarse.

"So what now, fire woman?" she asked. "Are you going to break me out of here?"

Jarla, 8th Jahrdrung

Irene brushed Jarla's affectionate gestures aside, but her attitude seemed to soften when Jarla assured her the Elsa situation would be taken care of.

"...Maybe later," was all she said to Jarla's suggested diversions. "For now, just deal with her for me, will you?"

2022-01-04, 07:01 PM
"So what now, fire woman? Are you going to break me out of here?"

Elsa sighed. "What do you think, Sanne?"

This was much trickier than the Darja situation. Elsa had no weight to throw around, and no good reason to give to justify freeing Sanne. The Norscan was here because of crimes committed, not because she was being interrogated.

"Guess I just... wanted you to know that your news from the Raven Hills didn't fall on deaf ears. I'll try to think of something to get you out of here. Maybe a dangerous job for which I can ask the Prince my pick of prisoners."

How long are the chains restraining Sanne? Can she, e.g., scratch her nose or lie down on the floor? Just wondering if I can at least make her more comfortable by bribing the jailer some more.

2022-01-05, 09:56 AM
Elsa, 8th Jahrdrung

“Is that something he does?” asked Sanne, faintly. “Reward his favourites with slaves?”

She leaned forwards until the chains around her arms grew taut, turning her head towards Elsa and squinting in the unaccustomed light.

“You don’t owe me anything, fire woman. Why do you care what happens to me?

OOC: She can reach her face, or sit down at the foot of the wall. The chains aren’t long enough for her to lie down.

2022-01-05, 11:21 AM

"You don't owe me anything, fire woman. Why do you care what happens to me?"

Elsa was silent for a moment. "I think the Reaches, and your people especially, need you," she said at last. "With Wadim gone, you're likely the next best thing to a keeper of the old lore of the hills. And we can always use fighters."

She also felt sorry for Sanne, but she could tell the Norscan was the sort to spit other people's pity back in their faces. Elsa was much the same in that regard.

"Until I think of something, I'll pay off the jailer to loosen your chains a bit. I hardly think Sforza comes down here to make sure everyone's miserable enough to his taste."

She found Mauro and offered to pay him half a crown per month to keep Sanne shackled only by one ankle. To ensure Mauro did not pocket her money and ignore the terms of the deal, she also implied in passing that she might visit again at an unspecified time.

Elsa and Jarla

Elsa spotted Irene Sforza talking to Jarla, and made herself scarce until the noblewoman was gone. Only then did she approach the copper-haired socialite.

"I can tell you all about my trip to the Raven Hills, if you want," she offered, still blissfully unaware of the instructions Jarla had just been given by Irene. "Maybe not on castle grounds, though; it wouldn't do for her to see us chat like friends."

2022-01-05, 11:44 AM
Elsa, 8th Jahrdrung

"With Wadim gone, you're likely the next best thing to a keeper of the old lore of the hills. And we can always use fighters."

"Can you?" said Sanne. "Well, good luck finding them. I don't owe you either."

She slumped back against the wall. "Nobody's using me, fire woman," she said. "I've made no promises."

Back at the entrance, Mauro smiled and thanked Elsa for her offer, but declined. <All respect, Magister, you're not the one who has to feed her,> he said. <You know what kind of animals these Norscans are. Not civilised. Give her a free hand and Myrmidia knows what she'll do with it.>

2022-01-05, 07:34 PM
Elsa and Jarla

"Of course milady," Jarla said, curtsying to Irene as the Tilean made her exit. She did not have much time before the very woman they had discussed materialised and Jarla found herself blinking at Elsa.

"I'd like to hear it but I agree it is not safe here," Jarla said. The auburn haired noblewoman hesitated a moment and glanced around, her large blue eyes wide to make sure Irene wasn't lurking like a beautiful shadow. "Elsa why does Irene hate you so much? She was just here asking me to, well, get rid of you."

2022-01-06, 12:58 AM
"Nobody's using me, fire woman. I've made no promises."

"I can respect that," said Elsa with an approving nod. "If I ever do get you out of here, you'll be free. I'm not the sort of person who keeps a tally of debts owed. Did you know I also freed the elf from these very cells when Sforza took back Savonne? I did it knowing he had nothing to give me in return. Goodbye, Sanne. I hope I see you again in not too long, but just like you, I make no promises."

She did not argue with the jailer over the chains, or try to raise her bribe.

"Elsa why does Irene hate you so much? She was just here asking me to, well, get rid of you."

"Oh, it's a tale as old as time. She finds me uncouth, whereas I consider her responsible for the murder of a good friend of mine," said Elsa with a bitter smirk. "Only Verena can judge which one of us is in the right."

She raised a quizzical eyebrow. "And how, pray tell, is she expecting you to rid her of me? Are you to challenge me to a pistol duel?"

2022-01-06, 06:41 AM
Jarla and Elsa

Jarla's expression grew pale after Elsa alluded to Adelbert's death but she didn't immediately comment on that. Instead she waited for Elsa to finish before saying:

"Well, I am prima cameriera so technically I probably could tell you there is no room," she smiled weakly. "Though pistols could also work. As it is though is there anywhere else in Savonne you could stay?"

2022-01-06, 08:35 AM
Elsa stared hard at Jarla.

Awfully eager to please your brother's killer, aren't we? she almost replied.

"I don't have a lot of options, but if it'll keep you out of trouble, I'll think of something."

2022-01-06, 02:22 PM
Jarla and Elsa

Jarla breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you. We'll have to meet very soon, all of us. In the meantime shall we go to the temple and talk? I doubt Irene has ears there."

2022-01-06, 02:43 PM
"Yes. Let's do that. We'll go separately; I don't know if any gate guards report to Irene."

Gods, I'm getting paranoid, Elsa realized with dismay. Is this my life now?

At the temple, she brought Jarla up to speed about her journey to the Raven Hills, holding nothing back—including Nahorek's visit of her dreams, Tatiana's injury, and Sforza's summary dismissal of her concerns.

"I'm not even sure why he keeps me under contract. He doesn't need my services and doesn't listen to my counsel. At least I'm still getting paid." She grunted. "Listen to me, lamenting my uselessness while the enemy is plotting. I'll write to Sieghard about this. We need to figure out what can be done without the Prince's approval."

@ RossN: Whose temple? Verena's?

I can give you a more detailed description of the events in the Raven Hills if you didn't follow Elsa's travels closely.

2022-01-06, 03:58 PM
Jarla and Elsa

Jarla had donned her winter cloak and new earrings to visit the temple. Not totally inconspicuous perhaps but frankly it would look far more suspicious if you dressed down.

She looked around the temple grounds, expression thoughtful. Elsa might have noticed her gaze seemed to linger in the direction of Adelbert's grave, though she did not approach it.

"This place could really do with a shrine to Ranald. My patron deserves a home," she said, as much to herself as to Elsa. Then she turned her large blue eyes on Elsa and listened to the wizardess speak.

"I can't say I've had any visions but I trust your judgement here." Jarla paused, then lowered her voice just in case. "I don't know for sure but I think I can keep Carraciolo's ear. I know he doesn't like you but he is the likely heir if... well, if something happens to Sforza. Do you think we've reached the point where something happening to Sforza is the only way to save the Reaches?"

2022-01-06, 04:49 PM
Elsa looked askance at Jarla. Much as she despaired at the Prince's attitude, this talk of treason was dangerous, both for Jarla and the Reaches. Plunging the country into a possible succession crisis might be even worse than keeping a mediocre leader in place.

"Giovanni isn't taking this threat any more seriously than Sforza," she said, shaking her head. "Maybe even less seriously, since unlike Sforza he hasn't faced Nahorek. He probably imagines him as a cackling vampire out of a marketplace stage play, complete with makeup blood on his chin and a Tilean's idea of a Sylvanian accent."

She jabbed a finger at Jarla. "I'd also advise you not to overestimate your political influence on Giovanni just because he fancies you. I may be young, but I've fvcked a distressingly high number of men who turned out to have no respect for my opinions."

2022-01-06, 05:26 PM
Jarla and Elsa

Jarla's expression grew harder. "Not all of us have magical powers Holt. The rest of us must make do with what resources mere mortals can manage. I'd also have to remind you that it is not my fault if you've failed to endear yourself to Sforza over the last few years - or anyone else who matters."

She shook her head trying to reign in her temper. "Look Elsa, this is getting us nowhere. What about your friend that woman in Putbad? Would she believe you? She might not have Sforza's resources but it might be better than nothing. "

2022-01-06, 06:54 PM
"Not all of us have magical powers Holt. The rest of us must make do with what resources mere mortals can manage. I'd also have to remind you that it is not my fault if you've failed to endear yourself to Sforza over the last few years - or anyone else who matters."

Elsa bristled. "You think I can just... magic away my problems? Most of why I'm disliked in the first place is tied to my magic somehow. Outside of life-or-death situations, being a wizard is a hurdle I have to overcome, not a—" She stopped talking, as she realized her voice had risen to a level inappropriate for a temple.

"Look Elsa, this is getting us nowhere. What about your friend that woman in Putbad? Would she believe you? She might not have Sforza's resources but it might be better than nothing."

That gave Elsa pause. "Hmm. Worth considering. Leona Groz is a sensible person, and while she rules at Sforza's pleasure, she's not under his employ. More importantly, she's of the Reaches, not an outsider."

Elsa would certainly feel more welcome under her roof than Carraciolo's.

"Yes, I'll think about it. Say... I have a favor to ask. Can you get me some makeup to hide my tattoos? A mirror, too. My bodyguard isn't here, and I'd like to be able to go places without people recognizing me. I'll pay for it, but I can't go shopping myself."

2022-01-06, 07:07 PM
Jarla & Elsa

Jarla eyes lit up, her anger fading at Elsa's request. "As it happens you've come to the right woman. Working on the stage I do have some knowledge of cosmetics and clothing. Let's see... makeup certainly, and a wig, jewellery, clothes... hmm it is a shame about your eyes. I don't mean that as an insult, I actually think they are most attractive but they are alas distinctive."

Jarla circled Elsa thoughtfully, studying her from boots to hair. "What would you like to disguise yourself as?"

2022-01-06, 07:14 PM
"Someone nobody would look at twice," said Elsa, amused at Jarla's sudden enthusiasm, "so I'm sorry to stop your creativity short. I want to come and go, not make an impression."

"No wig," she added firmly.

2022-01-06, 07:24 PM
Jarla & Elsa

The prima cameriera who spent an hour each morning in front of a mirror to look at her best raised an elegant copper coloured eyebrow at Elsa's insistence on keeping her hair short.

"Well if you insist, but it's rather more difficult to go unnoticed when you are trying. If you are determined to keep your hair as is - I take it dye is out of the question? - then some sort of headdress, cowl or shawl is needed. A burgher's wife perhaps."

2022-01-06, 07:43 PM
"It's winter, people wear hats," said Elsa. "I'm not opposed to hair dye, though. I've already got some." She had bought it quite a long time ago, in fact, but had not had an opportunity to use it until now.

"It doesn't need to withstand close scrutiny... Nobody's on the lookout for me. I'll try to do my comings and goings around dusk."

"For a mirror, nothing fancy. I'm sure the famine has flooded the city's pawnbrokers with household items."

"And thank you," she added, with a warm smile. "You're useful to have around, Jarla."

Later in the day, Elsa showed up at Father Hieronymus's door and quickly informed him of her need for a place to sleep now that she was persona non grata at the castle. Without letting the priest get a word in edgewise, she shoved in his hands all the notes she had taken about the Nehekharan language during her time in Castel d'Irena—including the rubbing of the inscription underneath the golden beetle—and assured him that she would make herself useful enough during her stay to make up for any inconvenience.

2022-01-06, 07:50 PM
Jarla & Elsa

Jarla looked as if the concept of not wanting to draw attention was in and of itself an attack on her principles but eventually smiled and nodded. "I'll see what I can do."

Bidding the other woman adieu, she returned to the keep. Tomorrow she'd go on the hunt for a mirror and something hideously unfashionable and therefore unoticable.

2022-01-07, 07:08 AM
Elsa, 8th Jahrdrung

Hieronymus certainly seemed surprised to see Elsa. "...I see," was all he could manage after her initial barrage of information. "Well, um, you know the doors of the Temple are... always open to travellers in need..." He trailed off. "But of course, if you'd rather stay here, I'll see what I can do. Thank you. For the papers."

Hieronymus' house wasn't really set up for guests, and 'what he could do' wasn't much more than clear the piles of books off an old settee. This took some time, mostly because there were no other book-free surfaces to put the books on. In the end, however, Elsa had something that would serve as a bed, even if it was a little short, and the horsehair was leaking from some of its upholstery.

"Surprising that they have no room for you at the castle," said Hieronymus once the clearing was done. "How long are you staying in town? Do you think they might let you back there soon?"

2022-01-07, 08:51 AM
"How long are you staying in town? Do you think they might let you back there soon?"

"I'll only stay a few days," Elsa assured him. "And no, I can't go back there. A friend of mine will get in trouble with the principessa if I'm allowed to lodge at the castle."

She grabbed her quill and some parchment from her luggage and began to pen a letter.

Sieghard and Ludo,

The enemy is still active. I have been to the Raven Hills and seen signs of his presence. His body may be destroyed but he endures.

Meet me in Savonne so we can discuss the next steps. I cannot leave the city right now, as I am waiting for Olga and Tatiana to join me.


The next morning, wearing her new makeup and hair dye, Elsa hired a courier to carry her letter to Painford, then visited Suzana to get her share from the business. She also made sure a few key people at the castle knew where she was lodging, so that Olga, Tatiana, Sieghard and Ludo would have no trouble tracking her down once they made their way to Savonne.

Dividends last collected (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25164348&postcount=478) on 28th Vorhexen, to the tune of 40 gc, 7 s and 6 p.

She spent the next few days studying every scrap of information she and Hieronymus had about the Nehekharan language, trying to find new patterns, until her dreams were filled with hieroglyphs. She was not the dedicated scholar that Hieronymus was, but a wizard's mind was well suited for analyzing abstract notions, and she had little else to do.

2022-01-07, 12:36 PM
Elsa, 8th Jahrdrung

Hieronymus seemed a little taken aback by Elsa’s assertion about the principessa. “That bad, is it?” he mumbled - but assayed no further comment.

Aubentag, 9th Jahrdrung - Elsa

Elsa woke the next morning on Hieronymus’ settee, with the most tremendous crick in her neck. To her surprise, she found Hieronymus already awake and alert, reading through the notes she had given him the previous morning. Keen-eyed and already apparently ready to face the day, he presented quite a different aspect to the absent-minded old man who had let her in the previous evening.

“Good morning, Magister,” he said, glancing only briefly over his shoulder at Elsa as she hauled herself upright. “The privy’s in the back, should you need it. I would offer you a spare key for when I go out, but I’m afraid I don’t have one.” Up in the rafters, Euthymius was screeching at both of them as if they were intruders. “I’ll have to remedy that some time. In the meantime, I’m afraid you’ll have to stay either in or out between about noon and sundown. That’s when I’m wanted at the Temple.” Turning over a sheet of paper, he pointed to a word. “Your writing there, is that a ‘r’ or an ‘n’?”.

Out in the city, Suzana welcomed Elsa into her establishment in her usual even-tempered way. “A pleasure to see you, Magister Holt,” she said. “We never know when you’re going to drop in.”

Elsa’s share for the month of Nachexen was much smaller than previous months - the sum of nineteen crowns, nine schillings and one pfennig. “Prince Sforza’s price controls are hitting us hard,” said Suzana by way of explanation, “and our sellers upriver aren’t charging any less. The guilders in Putbad certainly know how to put the squeeze on.” She waited until her man Henrik had finished counting out the money. “Is there anything else I can help you with today?”

OOC: Elsa’s courier to Painford will cost her half a crown.

Marktag, 10th Jahrdrung - Elsa & Jarla

Marktag brought Prince Sforza’s announcement of the enclosures, just as Jacques had predicted. Notices were nailed up in Rockshadow, the North Market and the Old Town, and before the sun had set, people were lining up outside the audience chamber where Al-Makir was overseeing the apportioning of deeds. Jarla recognised some of them, but many seemed unfamiliar, even out of place in such elevated surroundings. One of them - a short woman with drab, everyday clothes and straw-coloured hair that looked like it had been cut by a farmhand - saw Jarla looking at her, and returned the look with a wink and a shark-like grin. Before Jarla could respond, she stepped inside the door.

“It’s positively degrading,” was Irene’s opinion, when Jarla caught up with her in the solar later. Jarla had seen a little more of her highness lately - maybe that was a sign of royal favour for having successfully kept Elsa out of the castle, or maybe her husband was just satisfied that the two of them weren't having any secret fencing lessons. “Muzio says it needs to be done. I think we might have had some actual people of quality to give the land to, if he hadn’t killed them all playing soldiers.” She poured herself a cup of wine, took a drink and sighed. “I suppose most of them killed each other.”

Taking a seat by the window, she looked out west over the city. “He’s talking to the priests again, too. Some ceremony at the temple on Festag, to bless the fields and make them grow.” With an exaggerated roll of her eyes, she looked across to Jarla. “You’ll come? I think I may die of boredom otherwise.”

Marktag also brought two messengers for Jarla. The first arrived in the morning, carrying a wax-sealed letter and a long, heavy package wrapped up in grey wool.

To the lady Schreiber,

I regret that I cannot spare you many blades, since they are not an item of which we keep many spares. You will understand that a swordsman’s blade is his livelihood, and something of which he is expected to take good care.

I have sent you two blades which can be spared from the company stores. If they are to your liking, I would recommend to you the services of Mihai, the smith in Sermena who made them. He has been our armourer in Last Water for some years now, and I find his work the equal of many of the weapon-smiths I have known in Araby and Tilea.

With my cordial regards,
Sr. Esteban Valdes.
Unwrapping the package revealed two rapiers, heavier and meaner-looking than true fencing foils, and made in a plain, unadorned style that Jarla was sure would have been highly unfashionable on the streets of Nuln. Nevertheless, their balance was fine, and their points were sharp.

The second message arrived late in the afternoon, without any such package to accompany it.

My dear Jarla,

It gives me great pleasure to receive your letter. I would not be a good soldier if I abandoned my post, but if you wish to come to Castel d’Irena you will be very welcome here.

At the time of writing, I am preparing to travel to the Raven Hills, but I will write to you with the news of when I return.

- G.

Bezahltag, 12th Jahrdrung - Painford

Elsa’s courier arrived in Painford on Bezahltag afternoon, bearing her simple message. A young woman with a plodding grey mule, she looked quite impressed by Sieghard’s manor when she realised this was the address to which she was supposed to deliver.

“I can take a message back for you, if you’re wanting, sir,” she managed to say. “Half a crown.”

2022-01-07, 01:09 PM

Sieghard squinted at Elsa's letter for about a minute. "That can't be right..." he muttered. "Nothing was left but dust..." Realizing the courier was still waiting for an answer, he placed the shillings in her hand and said "Nothing written, but if you can tell the woman who gave you this that we're on our way, that'll be enough."

He went to find Ludo and Urgrim and handed over the letter without comment.

2022-01-07, 01:45 PM
Marktag, 10th Jahrdrung - Elsa & Jarla

Jarla had found herself smiling at the wizardesses disguise. Maybe she was too much an actress and a highwaywoman to appreciate the benefits of dressing down.

The contents letters were not entirely to satisfaction, but she carefully stored the rapiers away and wrote quick thank you notes to Esteban and Giovanni - sprinkling a dash of perfume on the latter.

Paying court to Irene as always took up most of her world of course. Sitting across from the princesss Jarla smiled at her mistress. "Never fear milady I'll be there, loyally protecting you from boredom. Perhaps we can take bets on whether anyone falls asleep during a speech. A double pay out if they fall asleep during her own speech."

Jarla's own grey-blue eyes flicked to the window. "My brother and older sister were the religious ones in my family, though I said my prayers to Sigmar of course. Of all the gods it was Ranald that chimed with me - I like a rogue."

2022-01-07, 03:41 PM
Jarla, 10th Jahrdrung

Irene gave Jarla a sidelong glance. "You and Muzio's family might have something in common there," she said, in a tone that clearly put her above it all. "My father always said that people who prayed for good fortune were those without the strength to make their own."

2022-01-07, 04:52 PM
Ludo read the letter with a pit in his stomach, and then reread it.

"She would... she would be able to read the signs," he said, keeping his voice very measured. "We should at least hear everything."

"Nothing about Mala or the wolves. Maybe she couldn't find them?"

2022-01-07, 05:44 PM
Jarla, 10th Jahrdrung

Jarla looked at Irene, startled. She considered herself pretty cynical but she still did believe in the gods.

"You are not a believer milady?" Jarla whispered in shock, grey-blue eyes wide.

2022-01-08, 12:23 AM

"He's dead, Ludo" Sieghard replied, a bit surprised it was even in question. "I put a magic spear through his face. A magic spear made specifically to kill him. It doesn't get much deader than that."

"I don't doubt there's something going on... Elsa isn't the sort who would write that lightly. I think she's wrong about what it is, though."

2022-01-08, 08:17 AM
"That's what they did last time," Ludo said. "And Klammenberg brought him back. It just took... some kind of huge ritual. So maybe Mala did it?"

2022-01-08, 09:25 AM

"Klammenberg was a wizard" Sieghard said, unconvinced. "If Mala knew any sorcery, she's had plenty of chance to use it. And even if she did, it took Klammenberg well over a year of running around and getting things ready before he could bring Nahorek back."

2022-01-08, 10:37 AM
"In the meantime, I'm afraid you'll have to stay either in or out between about noon and sundown. That's when I'm wanted at the Temple." Turning over a sheet of paper, he pointed to a word. "Your writing there, is that a 'r' or an 'n'?".

"An 'r'," answered Elsa, "and I won't be getting out much anyway, what with all the people wanting me dead."

"Prince Sforza's price controls are hitting us hard, and our sellers upriver aren't charging any less. The guilders in Putbad certainly know how to put the squeeze on."

"I might be headed there in the near future," said Elsa. "I'll see if I can make friends. Or maybe twist a few arms."

I believe I'm done until the next time-skip.

2022-01-08, 01:57 PM
Jarla, 10th Jahrdrung

“What?” said Irene. “Don’t be absurd, Jarla dear, of course… I’m not some Norscan madwoman.” She turned her eyes back to the window, taking the smallest sip of her wine. “I just meant, a god of chance… he’s for people who need him. People who don’t have the power to make things certain for themselves.”

Angestag, 14th Jahrdrung - Savonne

Elsa’s courier returned late on Angestag, bringing news that Sieghard and the others were on their way. For Elsa, it was a welcome distraction from her Nehekharan studies - though Hieronymus’ learning was without question, he was not so practised in collaborative research. Sometimes - usually in the evenings when he had returned from the Temple - he displayed flashes of impatience with the holes in Elsa’s education, or with the remoteness of what they were learning from the subject of the Books of Nagash. They subsided as quickly as they appeared, but all the same Elsa thought them quite uncharacteristic of what she knew of him.

“Of course,” he said, “all of this is just an exercise if the Prince doesn’t mean to do anything about the book.” He set down Elsa’s notes with a sigh. “It’s been too long already. I must raise it with him at the ceremony tomorrow.”

The sun had gone down, and at the castle Jarla was laying out her clothes for tomorrow when Ida told her there were visitors below, asking for Elsa. Hurrying down before the news could reach Irene, Jarla found Olga and Tatiana waiting with the guards. Both were covered with road-dust, but it was Tatiana’s appearance that shocked Jarla more - the side of the young girl’s face was streaked with fresh, livid scars, and she was wearing a leather patch over her eye.

“Are you deaf, girl?” said Olga, sounding tired and exasperated as she addressed Ida. “I told you, we’re here for the wizard. Elsabeth Holt, you know her?” She wiggled her fingers in front of her cheeks. “Red tattoos, red hair… she’s hard to miss.”

Festag, 15th Jahrdrung - All

The ceremony at the Temple was set for noon, but the royal party set off some time before, making their way through the Old Town at the centre of an Iron Company honour guard. Norten’s guards stood at street-corners along the way, keeping a watchful eye out for any potential trouble-makers.

Outside the Temple itself, a crowd of people had gathered, many with their own humble offerings to Rhya. The soldiers moved them aside, some of them crying out for alms as they saw their rulers pass them by. Resplendent in their royal regalia, the Sforzas paid them no heed, but proceeded inside.

The atrium of the Temple was packed with the worthies of the town who had been invited to witness the ceremony. The smell of incense was thick on the air, the statues of the gods seeming to loom taller in the flickering light of the burners. At the feet of Taal and Rhya, Jocasta stood in her ritual garb - a loose-fitting linen gown, dyed the golden colour of ripe wheat. She wore a crown of ivy woven round her head, and a bronze sickle hung at her waist.

Once the Sforzas had taken their rightful place, and the select audience had settled again, Hieronymus stepped forward to begin the proceedings. “Your highnesses,” he began, “good men and women of Savonne. We stand here before the gods, to beseech them to bring about an end to the drought that afflicts our lands, and to let Rhya’s good earth grow green and fertile again with the spring.”

The speech had barely begun, but Jarla noticed Irene fidgeting discontentedly. Hieronymus carried on a little longer than was necessary, taking the opportunity to sermonise before such an influential audience. The warmth and the incense produced a soporific effect on Jarla, such that the high priest’s sermon only held her attention for a few words at a time.

“...and though we look to the future, we remember those we have lost…”
“...guard us against the powers of ruin and destruction…”
“...never forgetting our duty to be vigilant in the eyes of Verena…”

At last, he wound up his speech, and handed over to Jocasta to conduct the offering to Rhya. Offerings from the city’s great and good had been heaped up in a great brass bowl at the feet of the statues behind her. Singing slowly, she took a jug of clear oil from one of the initiates standing by, and poured it in a narrowing spiral over the pile. Another initiate came forwards with a lit taper, and the offerings went up in flames.

The smoke rose up, wreathing the statues of Taal and Rhya in its coils. The heat of the blaze was fierce - Jarla could feel it on her face, and could see that Jocasta was sweating even in her thin gown. The priestess continued to sing all the same, a long, slow song that spoke to Jarla of summer, and green places, and the sweet smell of the earth after rain. Behind the shimmering veil of smoke, the likeness of the goddess almost seemed to take on new colours, as if she were not made of stone, but flesh and blood.

The song came to its end, the fire burned low, and the statue was cold stone again. Hieronymus thanked the assembled worshippers for attending, and the ceremony began to break up. Irene seemed eager to be gone, but the line of people looking for ‘just a quick word’ with the Prince was already forming as they headed out into the Garden of Morr. Gerghel, the grain merchant Jarla had met at the ball, was among the first in line.

“...if I could impose on just a moment of your time, my prince, the situation with the guilds in Putbad has been going from bad to worse,” he was saying. “Your highness’s very charitable edict on the price of grain in the city - well, not to put too fine a point on it, they’ve been taking advantage. If you could see a way to help us straighten things out…”

Hieronymus had made his way through the crowd, and was now jockeying for Sforza’s attention too. “Very glad to see you here, your highness,” he said, having to raise his voice to be heard above the general murmur. “I was wondering if you might have time for a brief word about… matters best discussed in private.”

“Hm? Ah, revered father. Yes, yes, we must,” said Sforza, showing little sign of having actually heard the old priest. His attention returned immediately to Gerghel. “You were saying?”


Sieghard and the others had arrived in Savonne shortly after noon. Their first port of call was the castle, but the soldiers on sentry duty there told them that the Prince and everyone who was anyone were at the Temple that day. Proceeding through the streets of the Old Town, they arrived in time to see the royal party departing. Sieghard spotted Jarla through the line of Iron Company guards, and she spotted him - but even waiting for the last people to empty out from inside, he caught no sign of Elsa.

2022-01-10, 12:40 PM

"If she wasn't going to be anywhere obvious, she could've said something more specific than 'meet me in Savonne' "" Sieghard grumbled. "Still early for her to be drinking..."

With no better leads, he trailed behind Sforza's procession in the hopes of stumbling across her eventually.

I'm assuming Sieghard hasn't seen the statue yet.

2022-01-10, 02:14 PM
RossN, I'm calling the two-day rule on you. You can timesplit a convo between Jarla, Olga and Tatiana if you like.

Elsa already told Jarla about Tatiana's injury (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25325034&postcount=795), though its extent may still be a shock to Jarla.

Of course,” he said, “all of this is just an exercise if the Prince doesn’t mean to do anything about the book.” He set down Elsa’s notes with a sigh. “It’s been too long already. I must raise it with him at the ceremony tomorrow.”
"Hmm, best of lucks," grunted Elsa, who knew Sforza's stubbornness well. At this point she privately thought that perhaps it was best not to load the Book of Nagash onto a cart or ship and send it to Sigmar knew where under the care of some monks. Too many dangerous people were after it, and the Book had a mind of its own.

Elsa was still tiredly attempting to figure out whether the falcon hieroglyph was a noun or a verb when Olga and Tatiana turned up at the priest's door. She immediately dropped her work, hugged her apprentice and led her inside the house.

"I'm so very sorry, Tattie," she whispered. "I thought it was urgent to warn the Prince about what we saw in the hills, but the useless fool just shrugged it off. I would've stayed with you if I'd known." She had a close look at Tatiana's face under the candlelight, but did not touch the eyepatch. "We need to get you to the Shallyans."

She did not ask directly about the condition of Tatiana's eye. She dreaded the answer.

Festag, 15th Jahrdrung

While Father Hieronymus prepared to head to the ceremony, Elsa applied some makeup over her tattoos to go spend the rest of her day at the Shallyan hospital by Tatiana's bedside. She brought some of her scribbled notes with her, so that she would have something to study if Tatiana spent most of her time asleep.

2022-01-11, 05:54 AM
"Is that her headed for the hospital?" Ludo asked. "No, she hasn't got the - oh no, yes it is!"

He waved Elsa down, proud of himself for not shouting one of her names at her in public.

"How did your expedition go? I assume you didn't find Mala?"

2022-01-11, 07:44 AM

Angestag, 14th Jahrdrung - Savonne

Even prepared to see Tatiana scarred Jarla could barely conceal her sheer shock and horror. As it was she managed to keep her calm and smiled at the two, though her voice threatened to crack when she spoke.

"I fear Elsa no longer stays here. I believe she resides with Father Hieronymous," Jarla said. For a mad moment she was tempted to offer them both a bath but it would be impossible to do that without attracting far more attention. Instead she swallowed and wished them on their way, though not before smiling sadly at Tatiana.

"I think Countess misses you Tattie. Come and see her soon will you?"

Festag, 15th Jahrdrung - All

The religious ceremony was strange and had touched upon Jarla's mind more than she might have expected. Certainly she had found it less boring than Irene had, though out of duty Jarla had managed to make a discrete eyeroll or two during the ceremony (purely for the princesses benefit.)

Jarla lingered a little as the royal party departed. Turning to Irene she said: "Forgive me your highness but I must do some shopping in the town. I shall be back soon."

She was actually looking for Elsa in her disguise but it was in fact Sieghard and Ludo she recognised first - and then Elsa through them.

"Hello," Jarla said, waving. The copper haired noblewoman felt self conscious about the fact she was rather overdressed for a clandestine meeting in her blue gown, Tilean shoes and feathered hat, but pressed on regardless.

2022-01-11, 10:10 AM
"How did your expedition go? I assume you didn't find Mala?"
Elsa was alone, having given Olga a day off as thanks for bringing Tattie home safe and sound. She wore a glum expression.

"We found Mala, alright," she grunted. "She and her wolves. We killed the wolves but she escaped. Tattie was injured. I'm going to visit her now."

On the way to the hospital, she told Sieghard and Ludo about her trip to the Raven Hills.

Sanne's claim that Nahorek is back.
The situation in Morr's Seat: refugees, illness, Tilean soldiers' thuggish behavior, etc.
Georg accepting Nehekharan gold from a stranger to take away his sick wife.
Dreams about Nahorek and the Red Pyramid. Dark magic in the wind.
The confrontation with Mala and wolves, Tatiana's injury, and Mala's escape.
Carraciolo and Sforza thinking they can solve the problem just by sending more men to kill Mala.

2022-01-11, 12:06 PM

"Not surprising the hag is up to something morbid," Sieghard said as they walked. "I almost regret not going after her her instead of her master back at Nath." He saw the look the others gave him "Almost," he assured them.

"Her causing trouble doesn't mean that Nahorek is still around though. It's a problem either way, but she's one that shouldn't be as hard to deal with."

2022-01-11, 12:45 PM
"He invaded my dreams and Tatiana's," said Elsa, irritated that even Sieghard was skeptical of her claims. "Tattie's never even met him, so why would she dream of a jackal chasing her? Trust me, I have enough of the regular old nightmares to know the difference between a mundane dream and the other kind. I'm a seasoned adventurer and soldier, not some child who thinks there's a monster under her bed because she dreamed of one. And Mala herself certainly spoke of her master like he was still active."

She lowered her voice to avoid being overheard as they got near the front doors of the Shallyan hospital. "Is it that unbelievable that a dark sorcerer who's devoted his craft to making himself immortal happens to be hard to kill? We already know the spear alone isn't sufficient to destroy Nahorek for good; if it were, they'd have dealt with him the first time around."

2022-01-11, 02:25 PM

"She's heard enough about all that's happened," Sieghard replied. "Running off into the hills hunting Mala and her wolves, the poor girl was probably terrified." It wasn't so much that he didn't believe that is was possible, but rather that there was a stubborn part of him that needed to believe the worst was over and that everyone who had died did so stopping a terrible evil.

He softened his tone a bit. "I've had my share of nightmares too. Not just normal ones, but weird ones too. The jackal dressed in fine robes, talking about things that never happened and saying a strange name I've never heard." He intentionally left out the part about Sforza stabbing him with the spear.

"Look, whatever's happening, we'll put a stop to it. There'd be plenty of reason to hunt Mala down even if she wasn't gathering up the dead and dying."

2022-01-11, 02:34 PM

Jarla had been hanging back a little, looking from Elsa to Sieghard. "I admit I know nothing of magic but is it possible there is some other dark force here, using Naoherk's guise as a mask? What about that daemon you encountered?"

She sighed, obviously not believing in her own theory. "I suppose even if I agree he might come back I never thought it would be so soon. Did we even weaken him at all?"

2022-01-11, 02:49 PM
Elsa turned to Jarla in surprise, having failed to notice until now that she had joined their group. The woman was dressed as if she had just been at the ceremony.

Hmm. I hope for your sake that Irene doesn't keep a close eye on you, Jarla.

"We destroyed Nahorek's body, I'm fairly sure of that," she answered. "So now he exists in spirit, as he likely did during all these millennia. His influence is still felt in the west. In my dreams, I felt as if his dusty winds blew straight from the breach in the Red Pyramid. Could our task be just a matter of sealing up the pyramid again? I don't know. Good thing we didn't destroy Meskhenet after all... She might have some answers or advice."

Sieghard's mention of his own dream got Elsa's attention. "What do you mean, 'a strange name you've never heard'? In what context exactly did he mention that name? Did it sound Nehekharan?"

2022-01-11, 05:36 PM

"It was just a dream," Sieghard said, surprised by Elsa's interest. "He called me Akhash-kheb-nezzar or something like that..." he continued, stumbling over the pronunciation of the foreign name. "And talked to me like he knew me. I mean beyond being one of the people trying to kill him for the better part of a year."

OOC: Full dream in the Sieghard only spoilers here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25196145&postcount=496). If questioned further, he explains everything except the bit about Sforza.

2022-01-11, 06:18 PM
"Could be a title borne by the wielder of the spear," Elsa surmised. "If Meskhenet tells us that this is indeed a word or a name in the Nehekharan language, wouldn't it prove that this wasn't just an ordinary dream?"

She had Sieghard describe her the rest of his dream.

"Yes, this is consistent with what Nahorek told me in my own dreams," she noted. "He said he wanted to restore Khemri. He seems to believe that the people of the Broken Reaches are Nehekharans who've forgotten who they really are."

2022-01-12, 03:45 AM
"That was the name of the... prince? who killed him already." Ludo said. "His old rival. That was who he believed you were in Nath, right, when he saw the spear."

A dull horror was setting in for him. "How many people had the coins? They were-" he looked sideways at Urgi, survivor of the expedition to the Red Pyramid, and softened his tone. "They were cursed, weren't they?"

2022-01-12, 06:44 AM
Elsa, 14th Jahrdrung

"I'm so very sorry, Tattie," she whispered. "I thought it was urgent to warn the Prince about what we saw in the hills, but the useless fool just shrugged it off. I would've stayed with you if I'd known." She had a close look at Tatiana's face under the candlelight, but did not touch the eyepatch. "We need to get you to the Shallyans."

“It’s been two weeks, miss,” said Olga, not sounding the most touched by Elsa’s compassion. “If they can do anything, I think we needed them to do it two weeks ago.”

Tattie said nothing, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings of Hieronymus’ lodgings. The settee where Elsa had been sleeping was clearly visible from the door.

“Are we living here now?” she asked, sounding tremendously tired. “There… isn’t much space.”

15th Jahrdrung

At the Great Hospital, they found Tattie sitting on the side of a worn-out old bed, while one of the Shallyan initiates rubbed some pungent unguent into the angry scars around her ankle.

When they tracked down Sister Ioana, she confirmed Olga’s prognosis of the night before. “The ointment will help the healing,” she said, “but we can’t bring back a lost eye.” She looked hard at Elsa. “She says this was done by wolves? We don’t get many wolf bites here.”

I'm assuming Sieghard hasn't seen the statue yet.

It’s in the North Market - use the Savonne map + the locations you’ve visited already and have Sieghard see it whenever you think would be fun.

2022-01-12, 08:39 AM
"It's been two weeks, miss. If they can do anything, I think we needed them to do it two weeks ago."

"I still want to get it looked at. They might have something for the pain. And they'll have beds and clean water."

"Are we living here now?" asked Tatiana, sounding tremendously tired. "There… isn't much space."

"I'm living here," said Elsa, showing the papers she had been working on. "You spend the night at the hospital, and then we'll find some room for you at the castle for a few days." No matter what the fvck Irene has to say about it. "Afterwards I'm thinking we'll go spend some time in Putbad."

"How many people had the coins? They were- They were cursed, weren't they?"

"I... don't know," admitted Elsa. That was a disturbing thought; one that had not even occurred to her. "I don't think I felt any magic on them, aside from the dust of many centuries spent in a tomb."

"She says this was done by wolves? We don't get many wolf bites here."

"You'll get even fewer from now on," said Elsa, not caring for Ioana's accusing look. "The pack's been dealt with."

2022-01-12, 08:50 AM
"You said that Giovanni was ill... might he have claimed some of the coins?"

2022-01-12, 09:12 AM
Giuliano, not Giovanni.

Elsa looked skeptical. "Georg and Darja took the coins and didn't fall ill. I had the coins for a couple of weeks and didn't fall ill. Sometimes a bribe is just a bribe."

2022-01-12, 09:55 PM

"It's not the coins. From the sound of it, he's suffering from the same "plague" that hit Savonne and Alvarran," Sieghard was forced to admit. "If they get him away from there, he'll recover. If they leave him, he's as good as dead."

At the hospital

"Sister," Sieghard interjected, mainly to break up the tension between Ioana and Elsa, "Sister, I was remembering something you mentioned about half a year ago, during the plague. You said there was a similar sickness in a village in the Raven Hills in 2520. From the news they brought back, it sounds like it may be spreading there again. Is there anything unusual that you've heard happened leading up to what happened in that village?"

2022-01-13, 05:32 AM
Iona furrowed her brow. "Hm? Oh... yes, that. Shallya's mercy, it seems so long ago now." She shook her head. "I haven't heard anything since we last spoke about it - the only information I have was the report of one of our travelling sisters who passed through nearer the time. We try to keep a record, you know, of unfamiliar afflictions. I don't remember too much else about it, except that the place had a peculiar name... something like... Slippery Slope?"

2022-01-13, 05:49 PM
"It's not the coins. From the sound of it, he's suffering from the same "plague" that hit Savonne and Alvarran," Sieghard was forced to admit. "If they get him away from there, he'll recover. If they leave him, he's as good as dead."
"...Oh." Elsa realized she should have been more insistent to take Giuliano back east. "Well, he must be dead by now."

"I guess the question now is where that leaves us. Sforza has forbidden me from pursuing this matter further. That means I have to be more subtle about it, and not lead any more of his men to their deaths."

"I don't remember too much else about it, except that the place had a peculiar name... something like... Slippery Slope?"
"Greasy Drop?" supplied Elsa. "In the Raven Hills?"

She vaguely remembered a mention of a disease having swept the place.

2022-01-14, 04:43 AM
"He's forbidden you, but isn't watching the rest of us nearly as closely," Ludo said. "He believed us before, why wouldn't he again?"

2022-01-14, 06:12 AM
"Greasy Drop?" supplied Elsa. "In the Raven Hills?"

Ioana nodded. "Greasy Drop," she said. "I think that's it."

OOC: To give Elsa her amnesia pills: you saw the burial ground for the plague victims in Greasy Drop the first time you went through there (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=15925393&postcount=23), and the people told you it happened before Armin arrived.

2022-01-14, 03:16 PM
"He's forbidden you, but isn't watching the rest of us nearly as closely. He believed us before, why wouldn't he again?"

"Because he's already crowned himself the conquering hero who destroyed Nahorek," Elsa grunted, her tone heavy with contempt. "Haven't you seen his fancy new statue in the North Market? Now he can't declare war on the Jackal again without losing face. And so here we are, having to finish the work on our own and without his knowledge or permission. Having to save both the people of the Reaches and His Lordship's pride."

"So what do you think we should do next?"

To give Elsa her amnesia pills: you saw the burial ground for the plague victims in Greasy Drop the first time you went through there (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=15925393&postcount=23), and the people told you it happened before Armin arrived.
Oof, it's been a while. Thanks for the reminder. I edited my post accordingly.

"Greasy Drop. I think that's it."

If it's the same disease, Elsa realized, that means Nahorek had a lot of power over the Reaches even before Klammenberg performed his ritual.

That was a dispiriting thought. What if this land really was cursed irreversibly? What if the Jackal could not be shoved back into his prison, for the very simple reason that he had never truly been imprisoned in the first place?

Then I guess we'll still have to fight him any way we can. The Reaches have seen many generations, and we will ensure they see more. It's worth it.

2022-01-14, 05:31 PM

Sieghard stared hard at Elsa for a moment. "No. I haven't seen his statue yet." He said, his tone frigid. "I think I'll go have a look right now." Without another word, he turned and left.

2022-01-15, 09:05 PM
"Thank you for everything you and your order do, Ioana," said Elsa.

She sat down by Tatiana's side and let her apprentice hold Khalida to keep her company. "Putbad should be better for both of us, Tattie," she said. "You'll see. It's a magnificent city with a huge waterfall. It's safe; no battle's been fought there in a very long time. It's far from the pyramid, and far from the principessa. And Lady Groz is a delightful person."

2022-01-15, 10:03 PM

Jarla glanced at Sieghard go, then cleared her throat. Truthfully she felt a bit out of her depth with all the supernatural talk - she had no doubt Elsa was on to something but the others seemed to have far more experience that she did.

"I suspect I'm stuck at court for now, though I may be able to arrange an escape or two at some point - I would like to see Putbad and also visit Giovanni at some point. Anyway I've been thinking we need to stay in better communication if we are to be far flung. I don't suppose anyone knows any pigeon breeders nearby?"

2022-01-16, 07:05 AM

It's ugly, Sieghard thought as he stared at the statue. The sculptor had gotten that much right, even if everything else was wrong. The prince was was just as unpleasant in bronze as he was in the flesh. He hatred the thing, yet found himself unable to stop looking at it and most insulting at all was how little he was surprised that Sforza would do something like this. He could've handled not being thanked. Killing Nahorek was as much personal as it was for anyone else and glory had never been a factor in it. It had hurt when Sforza had stolen his spear as he was lying half-dead after the battle, but even that he could've begrudgingly lived with. Not this. The statue was too personal an insult and too great a wound to his pride.

He needed a drink.

2022-01-17, 03:26 AM

Jarla glanced at Sieghard go, then cleared her throat. Truthfully she felt a bit out of her depth with all the supernatural talk - she had no doubt Elsa was on to something but the others seemed to have far more experience that she did.

"I suspect I'm stuck at court for now, though I may be able to arrange an escape or two at some point - I would like to see Putbad and also visit Giovanni at some point. Anyway I've been thinking we need to stay in better communication if we are to be far flung. I don't suppose anyone knows any pigeon breeders nearby?"

"There were pigeons in the tower in Caerfort," Ludo suggested. "Though I don't know if they'll still be there now, it must have been a while since someone was feeding them."

2022-01-17, 11:14 AM
Elsa returned to Hieronymus's house shortly after sunset and brought him a bottle of some very fine red as a thank-you gift for his hospitality. She also had a brass cane now that seemed to have enough heft to it to snap bones.

"According to Meskhenet, Savonne used to be a Nehekharan city," she said, sitting down. "You must be well versed in local history... What do you think are the oldest parts of the city, apart from the Dwimmulhold? Before I head to Putbad, I'll see if I can't get us some more writings to study."

2022-01-17, 03:28 PM
At The Hospital
"I know Roth and his men are there," Ludo said. "Nobody I trust more outside Painford."

He had no real idea how to talk to Tatiana. By some mercy, none of the Thorns under his command had been maimed in such a grisly way.

At Hieronymous'
Ludo greeted Hieronymous warmly, and asked after how well the old priest was recovering from his injuries.

"What do you think of Frau Holt's news from the west?" he asked. "Have there been any... signs or portents that your people have detected?"

2022-01-17, 03:58 PM
The Hospital

Tattie didn't quite seem to know what to make of all the attention - she had never been one to enjoy being crowded . Sitting in the edge of the bed with the air of someone eager to get away, but too polite to get up and leave, she nodded absently at the mention of Putbad.

"More travelling, then," she said. "Can we bring the horses this time?"


Hieronymus accepted Elsa's thank-you gift with great courtesy, and seemed pleased to see Ludo again.

"I thought we'd discussed that before," was his response to Elsa's question, his tone carrying just a faint trace of impatience. "The Old Town is what its name implies; I believe the Temple and the buildings around it may be the oldest." He paused. "But why barring the Dwimmulhold? The records your friend Jotunnsson unearthed must surely go back that far."

To Ludo's question he shook his head. "Nothing hear to give cause for alarm," he said, "unless you count the Prince himself asking us to pray for rain. And of course - " - he checked himself - " - no, but those are private matters." He cleared his throat. "Magister Holt's news is very concerning, of course. You are certain that Nakht-Horeb was killed?"

2022-01-17, 04:21 PM
The hospital

"More travelling, then. Can we bring the horses this time?"

"Of course we will," Elsa assured Tatiana. "And there are grasslands to ride in."


"But why barring the Dwimmulhold? The records your friend Jotunnsson unearthed must surely go back that far."

"I suppose I could ask him," mused Elsa, though the dwarfs struck her as rather disinclined to share their knowledge.

"You are certain that Nakht-Horeb was killed?"

"We didn't find his body afterwards," admitted Elsa. "I just assumed it had turned to dust. And perhaps it did. But if so, it wasn't enough to send his soul to Morr's Realm."

2022-01-17, 05:58 PM

Sieghard had spent the next few days mostly keeping to himself and avoiding crossing paths with anyone in the city who knew him aside from those who had seen him already. On Wellentag, he paid another visit to the hospital with a basket of pastries as an apology to Tatiana for leaving so abruptly the day before. The rest of the day he spent gathering supplies - an idea has been brewing in his head, brought on by the festering resentment he had for Sforza's statue. Every time he passed it or saw it out of the corner of his eye, while moving from merchant to merchant, the idea solidified further until he knew exactly what he wanted to do. By the end of the day, he had what he needed paint in both red and white (pink would've been too unusual and too easy to trace back to the buyer, so he'd mix the two himself), a brush, and incase he needed it, a small jar of oil.

In the last predawn hours of Marktag, he made his move. He crept from the inn where he had rented a private room and made his way to the center of the market. He dressed plainly and kept his cloak around him with his hood up. Cold as the morning was, there was nothing unusual about it and the few drunks he passed along the way paid him no heed. He glanced around before starting his work. No watchmen, at least that he could see. Confident that this was as good a chance that he was going to get, he dipped his brush into the paint and got to work. A whispered warning Al-Makir had given him so long ago echoed in his mind as he painted.

By all the gods, be careful with the pig jokes, my friend!

Sieghard lingered only a moment to admire his handiwork. It was a quick thing and no great work of art, but he felt a certain smug satisfaction with the improvements he had made. Content with what he had done, he took a couple steps back and hurled what was left of his paint at a bare spot on the statue where it wasn't likely to drip over what he had already painted.


2022-01-18, 06:16 AM

As the group seemed ready to break up Jarla took Elsa aside for the moment. "Will you take a letter from me to Lady Groz when you see her next? I met her very briefly but I didn't really get to know her well." Jarla's large grey blue eyes twinkled in amusement. "Maybe she needs a noblewoman who can fence, dance and play cards."

For the next few days Jarla spent her free time practicing with her new blades, and discretely tutoring Elsa if possible. With her position at court seemingly slightly more secure she was coming back around to the idea of starting her fencing school. Even without Irene Jarla hoped she could gain a little interest.

She also smuggled a few treats and a bottle of ale from the keep cellars on a visit to see Tattie at the Hospital. She was very fond of the girl and it broke her heart to see her like this, but she tried to keep the conversation light and easy.

2022-01-18, 06:25 AM
Hieronymous's House
"After everything we've been through, I hope you know you can trust us," Ludo said, affecting a slightly hurt tone. "I'm sure if it was important to the safety of the reaches, you'd share it with those who needed to know?"

Charm vs 92: [roll0], mostly trying to confirm that whatever this is couldn't be Nahorek-related.

"We know the spear was enchanted specifically to kill him, and the commander drove it through his face. It was like he exploded, or was completely destroyed. That was what they did to kill him before. I would have thought... Klammenberg had to do so much to bring him back before. Could Mala really have done that?"

"Relatedly, how is Meskhenet? Where is she living, um, staying now?"

2022-01-18, 10:02 PM
"Will you take a letter from me to Lady Groz when you see her next? I met her very briefly but I didn't really get to know her well. Maybe she needs a noblewoman who can fence, dance and play cards."

"I can certainly do that," said Elsa, a tad surprised, "but don't you have official responsibilities here?"

"I've something else to ask in return. I'm going to move Tattie to the castle; can't have her take up a hospital bed for no reason. I want it to be a fait accompli by the time Irene learns of it, so that she can't have you make up an excuse about 'no more room'. It's only for a few days. And she doesn't need much space."

Elsa will want training from Jarla, but I'll wait a bit before I describe Elsa's next few days. I want to see how the Ludo-Hieronymus situation plays out.

"After everything we've been through, I hope you know you can trust us," Ludo said to Hieronymus. "I'm sure if it was important to the safety of the reaches, you'd share it with those who needed to know?"

Elsa threw the halfling a quizzical look. What was going on here? What did he think the priest was hiding? Her gaze then settled suspiciously on the old man.

2022-01-19, 06:38 AM

Jarla's copper eyebrows rose at Elsa's request. "You don't ask much do you? Well I'll see what I can do. If anyone asks I'll say Countess is ailing and I wanted to talk to a girl who knows animals."

Going to greet Tattie again she smiled at the girl. "Fancy sharing my quarters for a while Tattie? I have a maid about your age so you'll have someone to talk to while I'm off entertaining the princess."

2022-01-20, 08:06 AM
15th Jahrdrung

The Great Hospital

The flash of fear on Tattie’s face when Jarla mentioned the princess was impossible for her to hide.

“I… I can go wherever there’s room,” she said - that seemed to be the sum total of enthusiasm she could muster. “I don’t want to be taking up space here. I know they need it.”

Hieronymus’ House

"After everything we've been through, I hope you know you can trust us," Ludo said, affecting a slightly hurt tone. "I'm sure if it was important to the safety of the reaches, you'd share it with those who needed to know?"

“Oh, it’s - nothing like that,” said Hieronymus, shaking his head. “Just my mind wandering. It’s been doing that a lot lately.” He sounded tired. “Believe me, Herr Stubbs, if I thought it had anything to do with the Jackal, I would tell you.”

"We know the spear was enchanted specifically to kill him, and the commander drove it through his face. It was like he exploded, or was completely destroyed. That was what they did to kill him before. I would have thought... Klammenberg had to do so much to bring him back before. Could Mala really have done that?"

Drawing up a chair, Hieronymus sank down into it, taking his time to consider Ludo’s words.

“I’ve not met this Mala,” he said, “but I understand that she was - is - from the village of Rivermouth?” He glanced to Elsa for confirmation. “For everything else he may have been, Herr Klammenberg seemed to me to be a very learned man. It’s difficult to believe that a woman from such a backwater could have come by the same knowledge so quickly… unless the vampire gave it to her. But then he would have had to have anticipated his own demise.”

He hesitated a moment more in thought. “You say the body was completely destroyed? It seems to me… that can’t have been how he was killed before. Or else what was it his killers sealed inside his tomb?”

"Relatedly, how is Meskhenet? Where is she living, um, staying now?"

Casting his eyes over his bookshelves, Hieronymus pointed with his withered hand at one of the very highest. Sitting there, half-trapped under the weight of a hefty tome, was the box Ludo had given the priestess’ skull to him in.

2022-01-20, 08:32 AM
Hieronymous' House
Ludo accepted Hieronymous' words without comment. "Perhaps they sealed the dust inside the tomb. Or... could it have been symbolic? His... spirit, sort of?"

"Klammenberg likely wouldn't have told Mala the ritual, and Nahorek believed he was immortal. We never found out what his staff did, though."

2022-01-20, 08:39 AM
"You say the body was completely destroyed? It seems to me… that can't have been how he was killed before. Or else what was it his killers sealed inside his tomb?"

"The thought's occurred to me," said Elsa.

She recalled something that she had not deemed terribly important at the time. "When we faced him outside Nath, his staff gave me an odd sense of someplace else. I don't know if it might have transported him elsewhere, either just before the blow struck or shortly after."

2022-01-20, 04:54 PM
15th Jahrdrung

“When it comes the history of Nehekharan relics, I’m afraid I’m as much in the dark as you are,” said Hieronymus. “I thought that was what you dug up our friend in the box for. You haven’t asked her?”

18th Jahrdrung

North Market

By the time the first pale fingers of sunlight were stealing over the roofs of the city, Sieghard was already on his way back to the North Market. Amid the stalls and wagons of the early-morning traders, a good-sized knot of people had formed around the base of Sforza’s statue to appreciate his handiwork. Taking a seat on a barrel behind a fishmonger’s stall, Sieghard settled in to watch.

It wasn’t long before Norten and his men arrived on the scene, pushing their way through the growing crowd with shouts of “Make way!”. Reaching the foot of the dais on which the statue stood, Norten stood with his hands on his hips, staring down the jolly pig’s face that stared back at him. It seemed to take him some time to collect his thoughts.

“Alright!” he said at last, puffing up his chest and turning to the crowd. “Who’s the budding artist?” Silence reigned. “One of you must’ve seen. It’ll go easier if you ‘fess up.”

No-one stepped forward. “It was like that when I got here,” said one of the more helpful onlookers, and some of the others nodded. “Must’ve been there since before sunrise,” said another.

Muttering something under his breath, Norten turned back to the statue. “Alright!” he said again. “There’s nothing to see here! Wechsler, Guthmann, you’re on guard duty. Get this rabble on their way.” Catching the sergeant’s mood, the onlookers were already beginning to disperse, though probably only to gawp from a safer distance. “Krebs, Lankdorf, I want that cleaned off.”

“Cleaned off with what, sir?” asked one of the guards.

“Cleaned off with what, sir?” echoed Norten in a high-pitched voice. “I don’t know, find a brush or something! Ulric’s hoary balls, use your initiative.” Norten was clearly not feeling very calm. “Get it clean, and get it clean now, you understand me?”

With a hurried salute, the two men rushed away in search of a bucket and brush.

The Castle

Jarla had barely risen and dressed herself on Marktag morning when a knock came at her chamber door, summoning her to attend on the Sforzas. They were breakfasting together in the solar: the Prince looked up as Jarla was shown in.

“Schreiber,” he said. “Take a seat.” A good deal of food had been set out - certainly more than the royal couple could eat between the two of them, and the aroma was tantalising. Jarla wasn’t sure whether the Prince’s invitation extended to helping herself.

“I’m sending a summons to the guilders of Putbad,” Sforza began, “to come here and explain some of the tolls they’ve levying on grain shipments down the river. I wanted to talk to you about finding accommodation for them here.” He set down his fork and dabbed his moustaches with a napkin. “They won’t be here long, but I want them treated well. They’re useful people.”

The door opened again, and one of Irene’s maids came in, carrying a small basket of fresh pastries. Keeping her eyes cast down, she apologised profusely in Tilean, presumably for being late. Rather than dismissing her, Irene seemed to decide she was more interested in questioning her servant than in her husband’s plans with the guilders. Jarla could only understand about one word in seven, but she caught a few - la statua, trambusto, il mercato. The poor maidservant seemed to be growing more terrified by the moment, and Irene finished by asking her a question that seemed to paralyse her completely.

“Un por… p… č un p-p-porco,” she managed to stammer out at last. The easy flow of Irene’s questions stopped, and a heavy silence descended on the table.

With a loud, abrupt scrape, the Prince pushed back his chair. “Mi scusi,” he said, in a curiously flat tone of voice. “Lady Schreiber, I have matters to attend to. We will speak later about the guilders.”

Without another word, he turned and left.

2022-01-20, 07:58 PM

Sieghard had to fight the temptation to laugh, but couldn't stop himself from smirking. Luckily, it seemed the crowd's attention was more focused on Prince Piggy than on the people around them. Making sure to keep near the back of the onlookers, Sieghard made himself comfortable.

2022-01-20, 09:11 PM
"When it comes the history of Nehekharan relics, I'm afraid I'm as much in the dark as you are. I thought that was what you dug up our friend in the box for. You haven't asked her?"

Elsa raked her brain. "She said something about how it let him walk with one foot in the underworld. Whatever that means. So maybe he can retreat to the world of the dead whenever he feels he's at a disadvantage?"

2022-01-21, 03:20 PM
"He has control over the souls of the departed..." Ludo said thoughtfully. "Does that include his own? Could he... have kept himself here?"

"Surely he would have done that last time?"

2022-01-21, 03:50 PM
15th Jahrdrung

Hieronymus nodded. "Certainly, if this staff gave him the power to save himself from the spear, then I can't see why he wouldn't have done so."

Sitting back in his chair, he started fishing in his robes for a mouse to feed Euthymius, who was sitting contentedly on his perch. "Perhaps we should focus on what we do know. It seems to me," said the old priest, "that the facts as you've related them admit three general possibilities. One, that Nakht-Horeb did not die at Nath, but by some stratagem convinced you and the Prince that he had. Two, that he did die, and remains dead, and that the Magister's recent experiences are due to some…" he waved his good hand vaguely in the air "...let's call them lesser parties, such as this Mala, still trying to trade on his name. Three, that he died, but has returned."

At last he found the mouse, which Euthymius wolfed down with relish.

"Everything we have learned about his first return… the pyramid, the spear, Klammenberg's involvement… I would say all of that strongly suggests it was not easy. Otherwise the pyramid could hardly have held him for thousands of years. Of course, the story we have of his first defeat may be imperfect, or incomplete. But barring some revelation on that front, I find it hard to believe he could return from the grave so quickly, after having been struck down in the same way. Simplicity, then, would incline us towards either the first or the second explanation." He looked from Ludo to Elsa, studying their faces. "In either case, you and your friends may be the best witnesses there are. Only you can judge how likely it is you could have been deceived."

18th Jahrdrung

It took the guards some time to find their bucket and brush, and when they did, their scrubbing only succeeded at smearing the lines of Sieghard's masterpiece, rather than erasing them. They were still working at it when a troop of Iron Company men came marching down from the castle, armed and ready for trouble. With them came a figure on a familiar white horse. Riding up to the middle of the market, the Prince dismounted in front of the statue, surrounded by a ring of soldiers.

Norten had by this time made himself scarce, and so his subordinates were left to fend for themselves. They stood ramrod-straight, offering their liege lord their smartest salutes, and trying to stand in front of the offending artwork without making it too obvious that was what they were trying to do.

"Move aside," snapped the Prince, and reluctantly they did. He stared at the smeary face of the crowned pig in total silence. Sieghard saw his hand tighten into a fist

"Where is your commander?" he demanded. The guards looked to one another, none of them daring to speak first. "I want to know who did this. I want them found, I want them punished." Losing his patience with the mute halberdiers, his voice rose. "Do you understand?"

A chorus of 'yes your highness'es and a lot of very emphatic nodding didn't do much to brighten his mood. "Tell Norten I want the culprit brought to me by tomorrow morning. And get that filth cleaned off." Turning away, he seemed to see for the first time how large an audience the little drama around the statue had, almost every head in the marketplace looking their way. He didn't flinch from the attention of the crowd, but stared right back, his eyes searching their faces for guilt like a falcon's searching for prey.

OOC: Sforza rolls Perception at -20 to see if he can spot Sieghard among the onlookers. You can oppose with Concealment if you want Sieghard to hide.


2022-01-21, 04:48 PM

Sieghard's first instinct upon Sforza's arrival was to try to slip away, but the crowd had grown too large for that to be easy. Instead, he moved deeper into the crowd and offered a silent prayer to Ranald that he'd blend in.

That's a pretty good roll too... Well, may as well try.

Base test vs 29. I'll FP a +10 AND a second FP for a reroll if I need it.

[roll0] vs 39

2022-01-21, 05:25 PM
18th Jahrdrung - Jarla

Jarla had been turning over what to say in her mind. She had a few ideas but she'd have to know more about the guests before pitching her plans. Not that she got the chance of course with that mysterious message and Sforza's departure.

She gave a mental shrug and began filling her plate, glancing at Irene. "My lady, forgive me if I overstep my bounds but what was that all about? Are we under attack?"

2022-01-21, 06:28 PM
15th Jahrdrung

Elsa listened carefully to Father Hieronymus's theories, nodding along in agreement. It was hardly surprising that some of the best investigators were reputedly Verenans.

"That's a good summary," she allowed. "I'm inclined towards the first explanation, myself. The evidence I've seen makes me dubious about the second one, though not enough to discount it entirely."

A thought occurred to her. "He had a spell in place in his tower, when we went there after the fight. Some kind of complex binding spell that imprisoned a powerful spirit and gave him command of the ghosts of Nath. I wonder if his true destruction would have undone the spell. I'll need to do some reading about ritual magic."

16th Jahrdrung, morning

Early the next day, wearing her makeup to conceal her tattoos, Elsa visited Ludo at the inn where he was staying.

"What was that about, with Hieronymus?" she asked, after the halfling admitted her into his room. "When you implied he was hiding something."

16th Jahrdrung, afternoon

In the afternoon, carrying parchment and charcoal, Elsa asked—or rather demanded, as court wizard—permission to visit the basement of the temple in search of any Nehekharan-era writings that might still be etched on the building's oldest walls.

Test to gain access to the temple. (I don't know if Command 44 applies here, but Elsa is being kind of pushy about it, like a tax auditor wanting to look at the temple's accounting.) [roll0]
Fortune: [roll1]

Returning to Hieronymus's house after sunset, Elsa plunged in her old books of magic to find out if ritual spells—other than enchantments and runes—tended to linger after the caster's demise or were supposed to dissipate.

Academic Knowledge (Magic) 75: [roll2]
Fortune: [roll3]

17th Jahrdrung

Shortly after dawn, Elsa went to Jarla for combat training. They headed to the fallow fields outside the city walls to avoid being seen by the principessa and sparred for two hours almost without interruption until both were sweaty despite the cold. Per Elsa's request, they practiced mostly parries and dodges. Truth to be told, Elsa would rather have gone to Sieghard, but her lover was in a rather brooding mood ever since he had learned of Sforza claiming credit for destroying the Jackal himself. Plus, Elsa was still annoyed at Sieghard for his skepticism towards her claim of Nahorek's return.

That evening, not wishing to abuse Hieronymus's hospitality any longer, Elsa moved to the same inn where Ludo and Sieghard were staying, though she rented her own room with Olga.

18th Jahrdrung

The sun was high in the sky by the time Elsa made her way to the market with Olga in tow, more out of a desire to stretch her legs than a need to buy anything. Guards were still trying to erase the vandalism on the statue, and though they made an effort to conceal the painting with their own bodies while they worked, Elsa could just make out the face of a pig. She winced.

Oh please, Sieghard, tell me you didn't do this. You're not a fool. You know someone's going to pay for this.

2022-01-22, 10:35 AM
18th Jahrdrung

The Castle

"No," said Irene, "nothing like that." She breathed a heavy sigh and rolled her eyes, settling them on Jarla. "Someone has painted a pig on Muzio's statue."

North Market

In his civilian clothes, Sieghard found little difficulty in blending into the crowd. Sforza's gaze passed over him without any flicker of recognition.

The Prince stood there a moment longer, reaching for something to do or say. He could hardly punish the entire marketplace. His unaccustomed powerlessness clearly didn't sit well with him.

"Fifty crowns!" he said at last, raising his voice so he could be heard by all. "Fifty crowns for the name of the one who did this." Swinging himself back into the saddle, he scanned the watching faces as his soldiers formed up around him, as if waiting for someone to shout it out. When no-one did, he turned his horse's head and rode back to the castle gates, his retinue clearing a wide path across the square.

As the crowds closed behind him, someone off to Sieghard's left made a quiet pig noise, to the stifled laughter of their friends.

2022-01-22, 11:00 AM

Once Sforza had gone, Sieghard's smirk cracked into a full grin. The prince's reaction had been even funnier than he had hoped and he was feeling rather satisfied with the results of his art project. With little left to see in the market, he made his way back to the inn. Ludo had been asking about seeing the Prince and he had kept coming up with reasons to delay until now. Today, they'd pay him a visit at the castle, but Sieghard wanted to wait until after lunch. (He planned on having pork).

2022-01-23, 02:52 PM
15th Jahrdrung

Ludo nodded along with Hieronymous. "He suspected we were going to betray him, that's why he wore armour. That might not have been the only countermeasure he took. On the other hand, he was mostly there in triumph, so maybe he hadn't."

"That girl was asking for permission to enter her own house before Mala had reached the desert, so if he's back, he was back then. But if he was back... was it him and Mala together, gathering wolves and raiding sheep? Does that not seem... beneath him? Mala worshipped him as a god, he thinks he's a god and a prince returned, right... she brings him back and he's back to preying on farm animals and children lost in the woods?"

15th Jahrdrung, Later
"You've spent much more time around him than I have, so you'd have spotted anything, but... is he acting oddly to you? Something about him felt off to me, back after he was injured. He was... he was strange, about Meskhenet. He didn't argue nearly as much as I expected. And... well..."

He didn't want to make the accusation out loud.

To jog your memory, the specific post that I'm thinking of OOC but Ludo doesn't know about IC is this (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25207848&postcount=510).

18th Jahrdrung
Ludo watched Sforza stride off, thought for a moment, and then shoved the three pages of handwritten notes back into his pocket.

"Not today, then," he said to himself.

2022-01-23, 04:25 PM

With Ludo no longer in any rush to visit the castle, Sieghard had no reason to hurry. Instead, he waited until the late afternoon, giving the prince a few hours to dwell on the painting.

"Prince Sforza, I'm pleased to report that recruitment and training are going well and that Painford is making good progress felling timber for the city," He said acting oblivious to Sforza's mood or the reason behind it. "Word's also reached Painford that you want to get the Downlands resettled and were looking for men who could work the land and tend the fields," he continued. "Early in the winter, I took in a group of refugees who had farms there before the war and put them to work. They've done well, but they but I know they'd prefer to return to their old way of life. If land could be put aside from them, I know they'd be grateful."

Elsa OOC stuff
This bit might also be worth looking over again.

Aubentag, 9th Jahrdrung - Elsa

Elsa woke the next morning on Hieronymus’ settee, with the most tremendous crick in her neck. To her surprise, she found Hieronymus already awake and alert, reading through the notes she had given him the previous morning. Keen-eyed and already apparently ready to face the day, he presented quite a different aspect to the absent-minded old man who had let her in the previous evening.

“Good morning, Magister,” he said, glancing only briefly over his shoulder at Elsa as she hauled herself upright. “The privy’s in the back, should you need it. I would offer you a spare key for when I go out, but I’m afraid I don’t have one.” Up in the rafters, Euthymius was screeching at both of them as if they were intruders. “I’ll have to remedy that some time. In the meantime, I’m afraid you’ll have to stay either in or out between about noon and sundown. That’s when I’m wanted at the Temple.” Turning over a sheet of paper, he pointed to a word. “Your writing there, is that a ‘r’ or an ‘n’?”

2022-01-23, 08:01 PM
Jarla - 17th Jahrdrung

Jarla was happy to train with Elsa, to test her new rapiers if nothing else. Surprisingly the wizardess was not terrible, even if she'd probably never give a true fencer any sleepless nights.

"Hold your guard like so," Jarla instructed, demonstrating with her own weapon. The copper haired highwaywoman grinned. "Not bad. You know I'm very jealous of your powers so I suppose it is only fair to teach you my skills. Next lesson: dancing, acting and cheating at cards."

Jarla - Castle, 18th Jahrdrung

"Ah...," Jarla said, nodding her head slowly, though the exact facts behind the reaction eluded her.

It was obviously insulting but she guessed there was more to it than that, some ancient canard or slur. She ate some of her breakfast and washed it down with water. "Well, I better have a look at the spare accommodations for our soon to be guests and what food we have available. Entertainment too I suppose, so I'll call on Jacques. My lady."

2022-01-23, 10:23 PM
Elsa and Ludo

Elsa looked skeptical.

"I'm not sure what you suggest we do, exactly. You think we can't rely on him?"

Maybe I'm dense, but I admit I'm not seeing much of a common thread between the 3 things that have been pointed out to me. :smallredface:

Elsa and Jarla

The pyromancer grinned back and wiped some sweat from her brow with her sleeve. "Oh, I knew a good card cheat, back in Altdorf. He even taught me a couple of tricks, but I haven't been keeping in practice since then."

Her expression soured. "Also it turned out the little sh!t cheated at more than cards. I was merciful and let him keep his pretty face, but not before I made him beg for his life."

2022-01-24, 06:28 AM
"He was wounded by a demon that can take control of people, that then vanished," Ludo said, visibly uncomfortable to be making the accusation. "Remember what happened to Hanna? And now he's fascinated in stuff about the book... he didn't hesitate for a moment before speaking to Meskhenet, he talked Cesar down... Is it like him, to be so excited he can overlook necromancy?"

2022-01-24, 07:39 AM
Ludo & Elsa, 15th Jahrdrung

"Mala worshipped him as a god, he thinks he's a god and a prince returned, right... she brings him back and he's back to preying on farm animals and children lost in the woods?"

“It certainly seems sadly reduced,” said Hieronymus. “And you retrieved the pieces of his mask. That hardly seems like something he would have parted with of his own accord.”

18th Jahrdrung


"Well, I better have a look at the spare accommodations for our soon to be guests and what food we have available. Entertainment too I suppose, so I'll call on Jacques. My lady."

“Don’t try too hard for them, Jarla,” said Irene. “They’re only merchants.” Pushing away her plate, she rubbed her temples and sighed. “Shallya grant us they don’t bring the Groz girl with them. The noise her little brat makes.”

Looking up, she saw the servant who had brought the news still hovering nervously nearby. She gave a sharp command in Tilean, and the girl was out of the room like a shot, leaving her basket of pastries behind.


At the castle, people seemed strangely reluctant to help Sieghard find the Prince. It was almost as if they didn’t feel now was a good time. At length, Sieghard found him among the Iron Company in the old crusader barracks, talking to a scarred old sergeant about their equipment. Despite their conversation clearly not being urgent, he looked annoyed at being interrupted. The frustration on his face only grew as Sieghard spoke, the great store of anger still roiling under his restraint finding a new outlet.

“Am I a prince or a farmer, that you come to me with this?” he demanded. “For what - finding work for a handful of peasants? Can you not read the announcement?” He checked himself, taking a deep breath. “No, I suppose you can’t. Take it to Abdul, Sieghard. He is handling it.”

Backertag, 19th Jahrdrung

Sieghard, Ludo, Urgrim & Elsa

The inn Sieghard had found near the North Market was called the Crown and Shackle. It was a fairly shabby, run-down sort of place, but had a good number of private rooms, and seemed to attract a more respectable crowd than might have been seen at the Yellow Dog. A pair of early-morning visitors were talking to the landlady as Ludo came down for breakfast: he could hardly help overhearing their conversation.

“You heard about the reward? Fifty crowns. From ‘is ‘ighness’ own lips.” The speaker gave a low whistle. He was a deep-voiced, broad-chested man, with a thick beard and a fish tattoo on his arm.

“Imagine what you could do with fifty crowns,” said his friend, dreamily. Thin and rangy, he had a haggard face with a thin layer of stubble.

“Knowing you, Hans, you’d probably blow it all down the Peach,” said the landlady, not looking up from her work behind the bar. She was a woman in her middle years, with strong arms and a mass of curly black hair that was clearly resisting her best efforts to keep it under control. “You know that lot are building another brothel down the docks? You’d be broke again twice as quick.”

Hans frowned, but his friend laughed, patting him on the shoulder. “You’d need someone to dob in first, anyway,” he said. “Not like they’re just giving the money away.”

“Yeah, well, that’s easy enough,” said Hans. “Plenty of people round here I wouldn’t miss. Like, I dunno, ****in’… Jan.”

“What if he’s got an alibi?”

“Yeah, he would have, wouldn’t he,” muttered Hans. “Typical Jan.”

“My cousin’s got a mate lives on Longmarket street,” said the first man. “Says he saw who done it. Proper mysterious-lookin’ character, all up in a cloak and hood.” He leaned in across the bar, dropping his voice to a theatrical whisper. “Says he thinks it was the elf.”

“Your mate’s cousin thinks the elf’s hanging around painting pictures of pigs?” said the landlady, giving him a very skeptical look. “Thought you was brighter than that.”

“It could be!” protested the big man. “No-one knows what happened to him, y’know.”

“Nah,” said Hans. “You think if Prince Belehir wanted rid of the Tileans, that’s how he’d do it? Sword through the throat, that’s more his style.” He shook his head. “I heard they already caught the poor buggers who did the pig. Knock on the door at the crack of the dawn, somewhere over in the Warren.”

“Poor souls,” said the landlady. “I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes today.”

“Yeah,” said Hans, with a shiver. “I’ll drink to that.”


Rising at her usual hour, Jarla found the castle gripped by a kind of febrile excitement. Heading down through the keep, Jarla followed the trail of hurrying soldiers and whispering servers to find Commander Norten in the audience chamber. He looked exhausted, but still stood ramrod-straight as he reported to the Prince, his feathered helmet tucked under his arm. Slipping in through the door behind him, Jarla could see a long scar on the back of his head shining in the torchlight.

“You’ve got them?” Sforza sounded moderately surprised. “Who are they?”

“Anton Maier and Darja Donev, your highness,” said Norten. “The ringleaders of the bread riots. Picked ‘em up before sunrise.” He paused, tugging at his collar as if it were too tight. “We went looking for the old man Raabe too, but, uh, turns out he’s dead. On account of the flogging.”

Sforza waved the matter of Raabe aside as if it were a buzzing gnat. “And they’ve confessed? To defacing the statue?”

“Not yet, your highness,” said Norten, “but I’ve got five witnesses who’ll swear it was them. Speaking of which,” - he cleared his throat with a nervous air - “they’re all quite keen on the question of the reward.”

“Abdul can see to that.” Sforza seemed impatient to return to the previous subject. “Maier and Donev - where are they now?”

“Down in the cells, your highness,” said Norten. “My men are talking to them now. I’ve told them to send word when they’re ready to admit to what they did.”

2022-01-24, 09:31 AM
"He was wounded by a demon that can take control of people, that then vanished," Ludo said, visibly uncomfortable to be making the accusation. "Remember what happened to Hanna? And now he's fascinated in stuff about the book... he didn't hesitate for a moment before speaking to Meskhenet, he talked Cesar down... Is it like him, to be so excited he can overlook necromancy?"
"When Hanna was possessed, I asked her who was the ruler of the Reaches, and she couldn't answer," said Elsa, still very dubious. "It seems a stretch to think Tshula can just step into the shoes of a well-established member of the Savonne community without anyone the wiser."

Nevertheless, she now remembered the almost admiring way Hieronymus had described the magic used to cast the Book of Nagash into the Realm of Chaos. Was it possible for Tshula to merely inhabit someone and subtly influence them without outright taking control of them?

"It's... still something to think about," she said, after a brief pause. "For now maybe it's best if I move out of his place."

Backertag, 19th Jahrdrung

Having breakfast with her friends under the guise of an anonymous traveler, Elsa sighed softly at the overheard conversation. All of this had been terribly predictable.

"The artist is unlikely to get caught," she muttered. "But they will find someone to hang. Wonder if the artist thought of that."

Her gaze briefly settled on Sieghard.

“What if he’s got an alibi?”

“Yeah, he would have, wouldn’t he,” muttered Hans. “Typical Jan.”
Ugh, don't even get me started about Jan. :smallsigh:

2022-01-24, 10:22 AM
"As I recall, she refused to answer," Ludo said. "which could have been a ploy but then she still refused once she was herself again."

2022-01-24, 02:32 PM
Sieghard - 18th

Sieghard maintained an expression of cluelessness as Sforza berated him, but couldn't help but chuckle to himself once no one was around. He went in search of Abdul and repeated his request that farmland be set aside for the workers he had brought in to build the manor and once that was settled, shifted the subject to Sforza.

"I tried speaking with the prince, but he seemed... distracted," he said, trying to sound diplomatic about it. "I can't remember the last time I saw him in such an ill mood. Do you know what's wrong?"

(OOC: I'm trying to lead into something, not just asking questions Sieghard knows the answer to for no reason)


"I'm sure they wouldn't just grab someone to hang without being sure it was really the one who did it," Sieghard replied through a mouth full of food. Even though Elsa was probably right, it wasn't something he cared to admit. "That's the quickest way to get more rioting started."

“What if he’s got an alibi?”

“Yeah, he would have, wouldn’t he,” muttered Hans. “Typical Jan.”
Ugh, don't even get me started about Jan.
Goddamn Jan.

2022-01-24, 02:55 PM
Elsa and Ludo

"For now I'll tell Sforza not to try to send the Book away, like Hieronymus wants him to do," said Elsa. Luckily it looked like the Prince would not need much convincing, given his apathy in this regard.


"I'm sure they wouldn't just grab someone to hang without being sure it was really the one who did it. That's the quickest way to get more rioting started."

Elsa snorted at Sieghard's feigned naivety. "You have no knowledge of how witch hunters operate, do you? Four out of five people they burn at the stake aren't even spellcasters or mutants; just social pariahs who were sold out by their own neighbors for a bag of gold or because of some petty personal grudge. The witches who are actually dangerous are far too clever to get caught. Not that witch hunters care... Their goal is terror, not justice."

"Of course no witches or witch hunters are involved here. But the principle is the same."

2022-01-24, 03:10 PM
Sieghard, 18th Jahrdrung

Abdul's office in the castle was by now the centre of its own little universe of papers and ledgers. Abdul himself was looking very tired, but heard Sieghard's request all the same.

"You want land for these people?" he said. "My friend, the people we have been making out these deeds to are people of means. People who we know can pay for the labour and the materials to turn an abandoned field into a working farm. I can't just make them out to... well, to vagabonds I haven't even met." He reached for a ledger and opened it to the page marked by a ribbon. "If you want to find them work, I can give you the names of the people they should look for, and where to find them. But if they want land, they need to apply here themselves, and I can't guarantee it will be granted."

"I tried speaking with the prince, but he seemed... distracted," he said, trying to sound diplomatic about it. "I can't remember the last time I saw him in such an ill mood. Do you know what's wrong?"

Abdul looked a little skeptical of Sieghard's innocent ignorance. "You didn't come in by the east gate, then?" he asked. "Someone has defaced our Prince's statue. He's taken it very personally."

2022-01-24, 11:44 PM
Sieghard - 18th

"Abdul, these vagabonds are the men who had farms in the Downlands before the war," Sieghard replied. "Who would know how to keep a farm running than them? Certainly not some man of means whose never touched a plow in his life."

"If you want to talk to them yourself, I'll have them come see you, but I guarantee you they'd do far better than some wealthy burgher who sees a chance to get some land outside the city,"

"You didn't come in by the east gate, then? Someone has defaced our Prince's statue. He's taken it very personally."

"Ah," Sieghard said, with rather less enthusiasm than when they had been when talking about the farmland. "That makes sense."

I'm probably overthinking things here, but if Abdul were to assume that Sieghard arrived in town from the south and went straight to the castle, the west gate near the hospital would be the most direct route and there'd be nothing unusual about him not taking the east gate.


"If you think he'd have some innocent fool hanged to ease his ego, then why do we still listen to that pig-headed bastard?" Sieghard muttered. "He didn't take Nahorek seriously until an entire village was marched off under his nose. Didn't believe us about Klammenberg even before that. He doesn't listen to us, don't see why it shouldn't go both ways."

2022-01-25, 03:54 AM
"You can't do anything else?" Ludo said, a little disappointed. "You don't have a spell for this, or you can't use your wizard eyes and see it?"


"Because he's the ruler of the reaches and we live there?" Ludo said. "We can't just say no to him."

2022-01-25, 08:18 AM
"You can't do anything else?" Ludo said, a little disappointed. "You don't have a spell for this, or you can't use your wizard eyes and see it?"

"When I go back and get my things, I'll try using my witch-sight on him," said Elsa. "But if Tshula is inside him, it's unlikely there's anything I can do about it. Exorcisms are the province of hierophants, those who use the Lore of Light."

Later that day, when picking up her possessions to go move to the Crown and Shackle, Elsa thanked Hieronymus warmly for his hospitality and opened up her magical senses for any signs of Dhar.

Magical Sense 93: [roll0]
Fortune: [roll1]


"If you think he'd have some innocent fool hanged to ease his ego, then why do we still listen to that pig-headed bastard? He didn't take Nahorek seriously until an entire village was marched off under his nose. Didn't believe us about Klammenberg even before that. He doesn't listen to us, don't see why it shouldn't go both ways."

Sieghard's defensive response all but confirmed to Elsa that he was responsible for the pig painting.

"Not saying we have to work with him... just around him," said Elsa, both exasperated and not a little heartbroken at Sieghard's apparent lack of concern for the consequences of his actions. "And not spur him to do things that bring a world of hurt to innocent people, like that vandal did."

She confided: "When I told Carraciolo that Mala was in the hills, he said he'd send more troops to look for her. But I've seen how his troops treat the hill people. They rob them and rape them and torture them and generally behave like glorified bandits. I imagine that right now the people of Morr's Seat are suffering even more than they already were. And I'm partly to blame for this. I can't just lay it all at Carraciolo's door."

2022-01-25, 10:36 AM
Elsa, 15th Jahrdrung

The sun was getting low by the time Elsa made it back to Hieronymus’ quarters. The old priest seemed tired, but welcomed her back to collect her things all the same.

Scrutinising him carefully in the dim light of his book-crowded living space, Elsa attuned herself to what her second sight had to show. Hysh and Chamon clung to the old priest like cobwebs, but Shyish too - and where its shroud-like wisps touched his withered hand, or the box on the shelf that held Meskhenet’s skull, their amethyst colour curdled into oily darkness. Hieronymus had certainly been marked by Dhar - but that much they already knew.

As she stood watching, Elsa had a strong feeling that something was watching her. She tried to put her finger on exactly what it was, but the more she sought for it, the more the feeling receded - like trying to catch her reflection in a pool of water, only to watch it break into ripples.

“I think that should be everything,” said Hieronymus, adding the last of Elsa’s effects to the little pile they had gathered up. Euthymius flew down from the rafters to perch on his shoulder, the owl turning its great white face towards Elsa. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

Sieghard, 18th Jahrdrung

“They may know about farming,” said Abdul, patiently, “as you do about fighting - but without armour or weapons, we would hardly put you in the front line, no? Many of these farms were burned to the ground. They need more than the people to work them, they need the resources to rebuild.” He raised his eyebrows at Sieghard. “I don’t know what you were expecting, my friend. I can’t give away land… how do you say it, sight unseen? If your friends want to apply for deeds, they must come here and show me they have the means to produce a harvest. That is what we put on the notice.” He sat back in his chair. "Or if they don't, they should go to the people who do. I'm sure there is going to be plenty of work in the West Downs for skilled farm hands."

2022-01-25, 02:09 PM

"Because he's the ruler of the reaches and we live there? We can't just say no to him."

"The ruler for less than a year and look how that's turned out. People starve in the streets while he builds statues of himself."

"Not saying we have to work with him... just around him,"

Sieghard nodded. "Exactly. Smile and nod and let him think what he wants while we worry about what we need to."

"When I told Carraciolo that Mala was in the hills, he said he'd send more troops to look for her. But I've seen how his troops treat the hill people. They rob them and rape them and torture them and generally behave like glorified bandits. I imagine that right now the people of Morr's Seat are suffering even more than they already were. And I'm partly to blame for this. I can't just lay it all at Carraciolo's door."

"Elsa, stop," he said, the bitterness in his voice disappearing. "You aren't responsible for anything that they do."

exasperated and not a little heartbroken at Sieghard's apparent lack of concern for the consequences of his actions.

If this is something she feels like bringing up, Sieghard would have more to say. A public area where there's an open bounty on pig painters isn't the place for it though

2022-01-25, 03:36 PM
“I think that should be everything,” said Hieronymus, adding the last of Elsa’s effects to the little pile they had gathered up. Euthymius flew down from the rafters to perch on his shoulder, the owl turning its great white face towards Elsa. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”
The realization came to Elsa like a slap in the face.

The owl. Tshula is possessing the damn owl.

Doing her best to keep her expression casual and not stare into Euthymius's huge round eyes, Elsa shook her head in response to the priest's question. "I'll keep studying the hieroglyphs and keep you in touch. I feel we're on the verge of a breakthrough." She forced a smile. "We'll be two of maybe a dozen living people who can read Nehekharan. Exciting, isn't it? We can't allow this knowledge to die with us."

She bade him goodbye and hurried back to the inn. There, she informed Sieghard and Ludo of her strong suspicions, but cautioned them not to do anything about it for now. It was better to know where Tshula was; if they drove her out of her current host without knowing how to banish her for good, she would only find another host.

"Elsa, stop. You aren't responsible for anything that they do."

"That's comforting to believe, isn't it?" said Elsa, unconvinced. "But there are still choices I made that led directly to this. I knew the nature of the commander and his soldiers, and so I should've thought twice about what I told them."

She resumed eating, though most of her appetite was gone.

If this is something she feels like bringing up, Sieghard would have more to say. A public area where there's an open bounty on pig painters isn't the place for it though.
True on both counts. She does want to bring this up, and this isn't the place for it.

Remember when Sieghard framed Fischwillen for treason, and got not only him but also a common woman hanged? Elsa never knew it was a frameup, but if she had, she would have been disturbed by Sieghard's seeming lack of remorse for the collateral damage of his scheme.

I suspect LCP relishes any opportunity to guilt-trip us for our irresponsible or morally questionable actions. :smalltongue:

2022-01-26, 11:24 AM

"I've got a hard time believing any of what you told them was orders to abuse the locals," Sieghard replied. "Any of that, they did on their own. Probably would've done it even if you told them nothing," he added bluntly.

"We could talk to Norten," he suggested, a bit reluctantly. "If you wanted to make sure they don't have the wrong person, I mean."

2022-01-26, 11:52 AM
Elsa was not sure what Sieghard could possibly mean by that, apart from suggesting that he confess to the crime; which was of course unthinkable.

"Can we go talk upstairs?" she whispered, her gaze meaningfully sweeping the crowded common room.

She led him to her room and shut the door. Her eyes, which often burned like embers whenever she was casting spells, now gazed at Sieghard very coldly. This was no temporary annoyance; Sieghard could see in her expression that she thought less of him than she did yesterday.

"I don't know what you thought would happen, exactly," she said, keeping her voice low. "It was always a given that the Prince would want someone to pay for this. Do you think it was worth it? Do you think the smile it brought on your face was worth whatever's going to happen to the poor sod they arrested?"

"Now there's no undoing it. Even if you were to go to the Prince and admit what you did, he'd find it more politically convenient to punish some no-name troublemaker than the governor of the Thornwood. He'd rather look like he's laying down the law than show everyone that he had opposition within his own inner circle. But you didn't think about the consequences, did you?"

2022-01-26, 12:32 PM

Sieghard opened his mouth, but it took him a moment to find the right words. Part of him wanted to lash out in anger at the accusation, but he was hurt more than anything. Moreso than by the statue itself.

"Not surprised you'd figure it out so quickly," he muttered. "I never thought they'd grab some poor fool off the street as a scapegoat if that's what you're saying. Maybe that makes me an idiot for not realizing it... The man is a bastard, why would he care?"

"His wife got Adelbert killed and the son of a bitch just brushed it away like it was nothing. She tried to get you killed and nothing." There was an edge of anger in his tone now. "He betrayed Dolokhov the moment he was done with him. I'm pretty sure he was behind the orcs attacking Manaan's Keep too. I didn't want to believe it before, but Adelbert and Viggo certainly thought he was. And through all of it, he acts like he's untouchable. Like everyone else is a pawn he can throw away when he needs to but nothing will ever hurt him. He makes everything worse, but covers himself in glory like he's saved the people he's ruined. Best thing for the whole Reaches would've been if he had died at Nath when his dumb ass fell off his stupid horse."

"I can't just stick a knife in him, but maybe I just wanted to show him he's not as untouchable as he thinks he is," he said, the anger and hatred disappearing from his voice. He glanced out the window. "And if they know it as well, all the better. He's a small, greedy little man. A pig suits him. He deserves them laughing at him."

And what Sieghard could've possibly meant was speak to Norten, the accused, and the witnesses and pick apart the inconsistencies in the story to prove that without solid proof, anyone claiming they know who did it is most likely just after the money.

2022-01-26, 01:07 PM
"I'll stay down here then", Ludo said to himself as Elsa towed Sieghard away.

2022-01-26, 01:11 PM
Elsa sighed. She had hoped to make Sieghard understand, but he was not having it. He was still defending an action as harmful as it was pointless, on the grounds that Sforza deserved it. Not so much disagreeing with her as seemingly missing her point by a mile.

"This... is not about Sforza, Sieghard," she said, now sounding more weary than angry. "This is about our responsibility. We're powerful people, and when powerful people screw up, it's weak people who pay in their place. Many died or lost everything in the Savonne fire that I started. Me? I only got chewed out by Sforza. I'm most definitely the unpunished, untouchable villain of someone else's story. So let's stop thinking in terms of who deserves what. It doesn't mean sh!t in this world. And some of us should be grateful for that."

She put a hand on Sieghard's shoulder to make him sit by her side on the bed, and lowered her voice even more. "If we're talking about deserve? The Prince deserves far worse than insults. Therefore, what was done to his statue was neither useful, nor even just. All it'll do, ultimately, is get an innocent hanged. It'll make the world less just, not more. And you can blame Sforza for it all you want; you still have a hand in this."

"But like I said, there's nothing we can do about it now. I just want you to... reflect on this. Please. Next time you do something that'll bring a whole lot of hurt to someone... make sure it's actually worth it."

2022-01-26, 06:50 PM
Jarla, Backertag, 19th Jahrdrung

Jarla trudged back to her room not wanting to hear what Sforza would do to those poor wretches. She'd only just gotten up and already it promised to be an exhausting, gloomy day.

Dressing in her outdoor cloak, gown and hat Jarla left the keep and walked over to the temple to leave a letter with Hieronymus for Elsa.


I fear I'm beginning to go mad here. The next time you and your friends have a meeting send word so that I can join you, if nothing else so I have someone else to besides Irene (and Jacques I suppose, though he enjoys talking different sorts of things.)

P.S. Guilders from Putbad will be arriving soon and it is my job to care for them. I do not know if your friend Lady Groz will be among them but if you have any ideas how she might be comfortable I'd be very grateful.

P.P.S. Tattie is doing well. If she feels up to it I'll let her go for a ride on Countess.


Lady Schreiber.

2022-01-26, 09:56 PM

Sieghard sat by Elsa's side in silence, thinking on what she had said.

"I'll try to think ahead a bit more," he finally said. "But Sforza's crimes aren't mine any more than the Iron Company's are yours. There's enough I've done that I'm not proud of without having to add what he's done on top of it all."

"So what comes next?" he asked after another silence. "You wanted to talk about responsibility? Well, we're as much responsible for him being where he is as anyone else. Your magic, my men holding Rorik's men back at the mill... Turning Groz away from Alvarr... Things might've gone different if not for us."

2022-01-26, 11:52 PM
"At the time it was just a job," muttered Elsa. "Sforza seemed no worse than Alvarr or Rorik. Evatt was a few cards short of a full deck. Belehir had no allies. I suppose we could've refused to choose a side and remained anonymous citizens. But who knows what Nahorek could have done then? All in all, I think it's good that we helped unite the Reaches. I hope they remain united, whatever comes next."

She rose. "I'll go back to my breakfast before it gets cold."

Backertag, 19th Jahrdrung

Elsa's response to Jarla came later the same day via Olga.


I would certainly welcome the chance to socialize more with you, but I do not wish to get you in trouble with your employer. Perhaps you will find an opportunity to visit me in Putbad, or my friends in Painford.

I fear my knowledge of Lady Groz's wishes and needs is limited. Just make sure there is a crib in her room and that a servant who is herself a mother is assigned to her and her baby. Perhaps she has friends among the Dwimmulsons? They did reside in her husband's lands during their self-exile from Savonne...

By the way, I have instructed my apprentice to pretend she barely knows you whenever you are in the presence of Irene. Please reciprocate and do not take it personally. Irene seems the sort to view the friend of her enemy as her enemy.



2022-02-01, 12:14 PM
Konigstag, 21st Jahrdrung - Jarla

It was Konigstag morning when Jarla saw Elsa, Tattie and Olga off from the docks. Sieghard and the others had left the day before; now the departure of the wizard and her entourage left Jarla once again alone at court, to enjoy the dubious company of Jacques and her royal patrons.

The Prince was still in a black mood, and Jarla had scarcely seen him for the past couple of days. That gave her a little more time with Irene, who seemed supremely unconcerned with the reason for her husband’s temper - but the Princess’ indifference was not enough to disperse the black cloud that hung over the castle. A round-the-clock guard had been posted beneath the statue in the North Market square, and of the two unfortunates who had been bundled down to the cells, neither had been seen to come out again.

“It’s a strange thing, this business of the pig, non?” said Jacques, imposing on one of Jarla’s idle hours. “To make his highness so angry, it must have struck the nerve. And you remember my audition here? Before he walked out... my music, I said playing it for the common people was pearls before swine." He raised an eyebrow to Jarla. "The duke Alvarr, his symbol was the boar. Do you think it could be to do with that?"

Wellentag, 24th Jahrdrung


It was around midday on Wellentag when the boat carrying Elsa and her retinue arrived at the Silver Falls. The falls themselves were looking much reduced, the rocky island in their centre where the statue of Azriller stood now almost twice as wide. In the pool beneath it, the boats bobbed well below the level of the piers, and a ring of river-smoothed rock that usually would have been below the water-line now stood dry as a bone in the pale sunlight.

It was a hard climb up the cliff, but not half as hard as persuading Bastard to enter one of the rickety wooden lifts - so up they went. Emerging into the town, Elsa led the way past the guild-houses that lined the river, heading for the more refined residences at the eastern edge of town. When she arrived at the large stone house of Leona Groz, however, she found it dark and shuttered. Calling out summoned only a solitary old servant, who told her that the Lady Groz had been ‘called down to the city’, and was not expected back for some time.

The Silver Lady was the largest inn in Putbad, its faded sign depicting the goddess Azriller - as a flesh-and-blood woman rather than a weathered lump of stone - stretching her arms out wide over the falls. The town was busy with traders from upriver, and from the chatter in the common hall, it was clear that Leona wasn’t the only local dignitary who had been called away. It sounded like the heads of half the guilds were gone too.

OOC: Passage on the boat is 18s a head, 24s per horse (negotiable if you want to barter). Accommodation at the Silver Lady is rulebook prices, but food is 20% pricier than normal.


The boat carrying the Putbad delegation arrived late on Wellentag. With both of the Sforzas conspicuous by their absence, it fell to Jarla to greet them. Some of them she recognised - the three men from the victory ball, Uto, Maximilian and Jorg, and the lady Groz and her infant son. Others were less familiar. There were seven of them in total - eight if you counted young Eberhard - and with the exception of Leona and a woman who introduced herself as Magretha, they were all men. At Jarla’s first guess, Uto and Leona were the only members of the party younger than forty.

After a short while exchanging pleasantries at the docks, Jarla led them to the castle. The sun was not yet down, but Mannslieb was already up in the east, a half-moon on the wane. In the draughty hall of the castle, the servants had lit a roaring fire to banish the chill.

Al-Makir was there waiting for them, greeting each of the guests with his customary courtesy. Father Barbaro was there too, projecting a general air of benevolent geniality, and encouraging them to sample the wine that Jarla had had brought up from the cellar. The guilders nodded and made small talk, and with the exception of Leona and Magretha, generally paid excessive attention to Jarla at any time Al-Makir or Barbaro didn’t distract them. Under their polite conversation, Jarla thought she detected an undercurrent of nerves - they all wanted to know exactly what the Prince had brought them here for.

When Prince Sforza did appear, it ended the chit-chat like a thunderclap. He would not be staying for long, he told them - he had many things to attend to. Only it had come to his attention that there were some problems regarding the duties charged on shipments of grain down the Azril, and being reasonable people, he had brought them here to sort it out. Signor Al-Makir had command of all the details - they were to talk to him, and in all respects, to treat his words as those of the crown.

With that he left them, almost as suddenly as he had arrived. Some of the guilders looked a little taken aback. Together, they turned their eyes to Al-Makir. Al-Makir gave them a toothy smile.

“Please, my friends,” he said, “no business tonight. You have had a long journey. Tonight, you will please enjoy the wonderful hospitality the lady Schreiber has provided” - he bowed his head to Jarla - “and tomorrow, tomorrow we will talk of business.”

OOC: I’ll break here to let you describe what kind of hospitality Jarla has provided, and to go into any interactions you want to have with the Putbad peeps before they get into the negotiations. Let me know when you’re ready to move on!

Marktag, 26th Jahrdrung


In the Thornwood, the late signs of spring were at last beginning to show. The naked trees were again clothing themselves in buds, and a pair of blackbirds had built a nest on the roof of Adelbert’s chapel. The ground was still dry, but around the creek that ran south of the village, green shoots were beginning to push their way up.

Sieghard and the others had arrived back late on Angestag, and had spent the past few days trying to convince their guests from the Downlands about the Prince’s offer of land. A good number of them seemed open to the idea of going back north, now that winter was on the way out - but on the subject of going to Sforza to ask for deeds of ownership, few seemed keen.

“Go begging to the Tilean? He was the one what drove us off in the first place.”
“I don’t see what he’s got to do with it. My grandad built our farm, and we never needed no piece of paper to say it was ours.”
“You reckon they’d just give us our land back? The lords and ladies don’t help the likes of us, they only help themselves.”

OOC: Breaking here to allow you to convince the refugees themselves that this is a good idea, before you bring any of them back to Savonne. If you want to stick to a week’s interval then I think that sees you heading back on the 30th. Bear in mind that Mitterfruhl’s coming up at the end of the month - I don’t know if Sieghard would want to be present in Painford for any celebrations.

2022-02-01, 03:27 PM
20th Jahrdrung - Savonne

Elsa made one last trip to the castle on the eve of her departure for Putbad. Given the servants' reluctance to steer her towards Sforza, she understood that he was still in a bad mood, and instead visited Al-Makir in his office.

"I trust you'll send me a letter if Giovanni reports anything interesting from the west, Abdul," she said. "You can take the messenger's fee out of my monthly pay; I gather the treasury is stretched thin these days."

She raised a finger. "Oh, one last thing... I know Father Hieronymus has been pestering the Prince about sending away the Book of Nagash. I used to agree with him, but I want it known that I've changed my mind. I'd rather keep the Book where we can guard it day and night." She did not share her suspicions about Tshula, as she did not want to get Hieronymus in trouble over something for which she had no evidence.

24th Jahrdrung - Putbad

When she arrived at the large stone house of Leona Groz, however, she found it dark and shuttered. Calling out summoned only a solitary old servant, who told her that the Lady Groz had been ‘called down to the city’, and was not expected back for some time.
Elsa nodded, a tad disappointed. "I'm surprised I missed her on my way upriver... Well, I'll be staying at the Silver Lady until she returns."

In the inn's common room, Elsa realized that the absence of many of the most important guildsmen of Putbad presented an opportunity to make some friends higher up the supply chain and bypass the middleman. She introduced herself to some young, up-and-coming traders ("Magister Elsabeth Holt, court wizard to Prince Sforza"), name-dropped as many important people as she could reasonably fit into a casual conversation, and mentioned that she was an associate of one Suzana, who was always looking to expand her business. She also pretended to be interested in what countries and cities lay upstream of Putbad, and whether they were experiencing the same famine and harsh winter as the Reaches.

Still at the stage of making friends, so I'll go with Charm, not Haggle.

Charm 54: [roll0] :smallsmile:
Fortune: [roll1]

Passage on the boat is 18s a head, 24s per horse (negotiable if you want to barter).
Ouch, that's over 5 gc. Elsa doesn't usually negotiate prices, but I'll try it this one time.

Haggle 22: [roll2]
Fortune: [roll3] Nope, guess I'm paying full price.

Can a private room at the Silver Lady accommodate 3 people?

Over the next few days, Elsa spent the inn's busiest hours trying to cozy up to various merchants, boat captains and guild bureaucrats. Her bodyguard often hovered close by, more to make Elsa seem important than to provide actual protection. Tatiana was free to go ride her horse in the plains outside the city, so long as she stayed out of the karst with all of its trolls and bandits.

When the inn was quiet, Elsa mostly pored over the reams of notes she and Hieronymus had taken about the Nehekharan language. She also set aside an hour or two each day to continue Tatiana's practical training just outside the city.

2022-02-03, 08:08 AM
Sieghard - 20th

"I've been thinking," Sieghard told Elsa the morning before he left. "If you think Nahorek might still be around, maybe it would be good to have someone keep an eye on the desert. That way they'd let us know if it starts swallowing up the land around it again." His tone was still a bit distant after on their conversation the day before. "If you want to write a letter to Esteban, I can carry it as far as Painford and have it sent the rest of the way." In truth, he wasn't entirely convinced that Nahorek had survived, but he knew better than to discount the possibility entirely. It also bothered him how cold she had been acting since he had learned of Sforza's statue and his offer was partly an attempt to repair things between them.

That evening, when they had made camp by the road he opened up to Ludo and Urgrim about what had happened. "That business with the Prince's statue. That was me," he admitted even though more likely than not, they had already figured it out. "I just couldn't stand seeing the stupid thing. All we did and all the people who died while he ignored the Jackal and then he acts like he's some hero who saved the Reaches."

"Do you ever wonder if maybe we made the wrong choice joining him?" he asked Ludo specifically.


"If it was up to me, I'd just give you the land and let you get to rebuilding, but the Prince doesn't know what I know," Sieghard told them. There's a lot of things the Prince doesn't know. "He needs to know that you'll actually be able to do it... To rebuild the farms and produce a crop by harvest time. The land doesn't do anyone any good if he gives it back to the wrong people. So we need to make sure he knows you're the right people. And for that we need to make sure you have everything you're going to need to get the fields growing again."

Thanks for the reminder. Sieghard will stick around for the holiday and head back to Savonne afterwards.

2022-02-03, 08:15 AM
Konigstag, 21st Jahrdrung - Jarla

"I'd be surprised if there was much of a link to Alvarr to be honest," Jarla told Jacques. The prima cameriera was looking more worn these days; the mood in the keep was getting to her. "If Alvarr has any partisans left they wouldn't want to cheapen his name like that. Besides I get the impression it is some older wound. I don't know why it gets under the Prince's skin so but it does."

She smiled wearily. "Play again Jacques. I'll need you to help entertain the Guilders when they arrive."

Wellentag, 24th Jahrdrung

Jarla met the party in a green and gold silk gown with her copper hair straightened and pulled back by a Bretonnian hood. As she met each participant she greet them warmly and by name if she knew them, introducing herself if she did not. "Greetings my lords and ladies. I am Lady Schreiber, the prima cameriera and it is an honour to welcome you here. His Highness is delighted you made this long trip in such inclement weather. Please follow me."

She did take a moment to coo over Lady Groz's infant son: "A darling child Lady Groz," she said sincerely. There was something rather wholesome about the mother and child that was absent from the perpetually strained atmosphere of the Sforza court.

Inside she was circling around, making sure every hand had a glass of wine it and generally providing pleasant conversation, even flirting lightly if the situation called for it. Anything to put this understandably nervous group at ease. She herself drank only a little, feeling she'd need to keep her wits about her.

In her conversations with Mouna Jarla had exhaustively worked out what dishes would be served later. A vegetable soup with a hint of garlic for starter, made to an old Averland recipe (Jarla was no cook but she did wish to have something of her homeland feature), a fish dish from the river for dinner proper, seasoned the Tilean fashion and finally light, flaky sweetened pastries and chilled fruits and cheeses for desert, served with a brandy.

After dinner she would had instructed Jacques to play lively dance numbers so that the more energetic members of the party might enjoy themselves. Though Jarla hadn't known the exact composition of the guest list she had expected there to be more men than women, so she had instructed a number of the prettier maids to dress in their best and demurely take their seats in the hall after the desert course was served in case some guilder wished to invite them to dance.

On that last she discretely drew Uto aside - she well remembered and liked this handsome rake. "Uto you know these men far better than I. Is there anyone whose wine is better served watered?" She glanced around to make sure no one else was eavesdropping and smiled ruefully at him. "To be clear I am not trying to winkle state secrets out of you, just to avoid someone embarrassing themselves this evening."

2022-02-03, 06:04 PM
"If you want to write a letter to Esteban, I can carry it as far as Painford and have it sent the rest of the way."

"That's a kind offer, but probably not worth the trouble and expense," said Elsa, aware that Sieghard was trying to mend things but not quite willing to warm up yet. "Mirino lies less than a day's travel from the edge of the Waste—if the desert expands again, Esteban will be the first to know. And word will reach Savonne, because it'll affect tax money."

She privately rather missed the Estalian, and hoped he governed his corner of the Reaches better than Carraciolo and Sforza ruled theirs. Come spring, perhaps she would visit Last Water again, for old times' sake.

2022-02-04, 04:33 AM
Ludo and Sieghard, 20th
Ludo had already pieced together Sieghard's role in the act of defiance, but his face still soured as it was confirmed. "Right. That was what put you over the edge, was it, the statue."

He sighed. "If we hadn't joined Sforza, he'd still be Prince and we wouldn't be in charge of an army and a town. We picked the right side, and because of that, Nahorek is dead and we're doing okay for ourselves. I don't like him or think he's going to be a good prince - you know that, you saw what I did with Adelbert but, well, I'd rather be working for him than working for Alvarr and run through with a pike, or working for Evatt and eaten by an Orc. And he's in charge now. What are we going to do about it?"

He looked around at the rest of the group to make sure only they and Urgi were within earshot. "Did you ever find out who sold out Groz to the coalition?"

Ludo and Sieghard, 26th
"Someone's going to get it," Ludo said equanimously. "And nobody wants it to go to some stuffed shirt from Putbad who'll try to grow tilean vines and get them all eaten by goats. Turn up, show Al'Makir you know what you're talking about, keep your fingers crossed behind your back when you tell him how much you like Sforza, and get back to what you know how to do."

"We're only going to be able to find so much work here, going forward, and it's nobody's idea of good farmland, unless you want to be plowing around tree stumps every year."

2022-02-04, 10:51 AM
Sieghard, Ludo, Urgrim

"Right. That was what put you over the edge, was it, the statue."

"I started asking myself about it after Adelbert died," Sieghard admitted. "And more after Nath. The damned statue was just a fresh insult on top of it all."

"If we hadn't joined Sforza, he'd still be Prince and we wouldn't be in charge of an army and a town. We picked the right side, and because of that, Nahorek is dead and we're doing okay for ourselves. I don't like him or think he's going to be a good prince - you know that, you saw what I did with Adelbert but, well, I'd rather be working for him than working for Alvarr and run through with a pike, or working for Evatt and eaten by an Orc. And he's in charge now. What are we going to do about it?"

"Would he still be the Prince?" he wondered out loud. "It wasn't the Iron Company who opened the gates of Savonne for him, it was us. Could he have beaten Alvarr at Arrow Heap if we hadn't held his flank?" He paused. "It was me and Elsa that turned Groz against the Duke. Things might've gone a lot differently if Alvarr still had both his allies."

"Did you ever find out who sold out Groz to the coalition?"

"I could guess, but no. Not for certain."

2022-02-04, 11:08 AM
"We did a lot of things," Ludo admitted. "But surely someone else could have done them. Not like there was nobody who could have snuck into Savonne or held that flank..." He wasn't entirely convinced, though. It was an uncomfortable feeling to be a kingmaker.

"I could guess, but no. Not for certain."

"And who's your guess?" Ludo asked, with a strange look that had the shadow of a smile in it.

2022-02-05, 01:50 PM
Sieghard, Ludo, Urgrim

"I thought I saw something moving when me and Elsa got off the boat to meet with Groz," he said. "But when I warned her, she told me she had Morrslieb look around and couldn't see it. So it would've had to have been someone very good at sneaking about."

2022-02-05, 03:47 PM
Ludo nodded, his face a little more composed. "And then after what happened... perhaps they felt that there was blood on their hands. And chose what they did next based on that."

2022-02-06, 12:40 PM
Sieghard, Ludo, Urgrim

"It was a war. There's blood on everyone's hands. It's less about that and more about whether it's worth it in the end. I'm just not so sure that it was anymore."

2022-02-09, 05:35 PM
Elsa, 20th Jahrdrung

Abdul’s expression remained politely neutral, as Elsa found it usually did these days. Only the mention of the book raised a flicker of something more.

“I think you and the Prince may be in agreement,” he said. “I’ll be sure to let him know, if the subject is raised.” He paused, collecting his words. “Myself, I think I would much prefer it was far away from here.”

Jarla, 24th Jahrdrung

Jarla’s hospitality was well-received. Perhaps still a little unnerved by the brief and ambiguous way the Prince had spoken to them, the guilders seemed perhaps a little relieved to be treated as welcome guests. They ate with gusto, and while some of them were a little past their dancing prime, a handful at least - Uto included - got up to dance to Jacques’ tunes. Little Eberhard seemed to be enjoying the music too, regarding his surroundings with wide-eyed smiles and gurgles.

"Uto you know these men far better than I. Is there anyone whose wine is better served watered?" She glanced around to make sure no one else was eavesdropping and smiled ruefully at him. "To be clear I am not trying to winkle state secrets out of you, just to avoid someone embarrassing themselves this evening."

Uto chuckled. “It’s a state secret now, if Max can hold his wine?” he said. He shook his head. “Don’t worry, Lady Schreiber, we’re all perfectly dull, respectable people. Nobody’s come here to embarrass themselves.” He looked up to where Jacques was launching into his up-tempo rendition of The Maid of L’Anguille. “On that note, would you care for a dance?”

Jarla, 25th Jahrdrung

Most of the guilders seemed to rise fairly late the following day. Jarla saw them about the place in ones and twos, exchanging cordial greetings and making sure they could find their way around the cavernous old castle. Al-Makir, it seemed, was holding private conferences with them each individually. It seemed to be taking some time.

That evening, after she had made sure the last of the guests had been fed and watered, Jarla found her royal patrons together in the solar, in front of a crackling fire. Al-Makir was there too, looking rather worn and tired.

“Jarla!” said Irene, turning her head. “Come in, sit down. You must be exhausted from entertaining these fishmongers.”

“I don’t believe the head of the fishmongers’ guild is in attendance,” said Al-Makir. Jarla wasn’t sure whether or not she detected a twinkle of mischief in his expression; Irene waved the correction aside.

“Abdul has been telling us,” said the Prince, “that none of our guests will take individual responsibility for the charges being levied at the Falls.” His tone was serious and matter-of-fact. “And since they all view their part in it as being only a response to outside pressures, they are all powerless to do anything about it. Do I have that right?”

“More or less, your highness,” said Al-Makir.

“They’re fools if they think they can play these games with me,” said Sforza. “Who do they think I am? Do they think I didn’t know men like them in Tobaro?” He looked into the fire with a scowl. “We should make their situation more clear.”

“You know if you keep throwing people in the cells, my love, sooner or later they’re going to fill up,” said Irene. Her husband bristled a little at her gentle mockery.

“What would you have me do, then?” he demanded.

Irene yawned. “I don’t know,” she said. “Let me talk to them, and I’ll find out. Verena knows there’s nothing else I have to do.” Her last remark seemed rather pointed - Jarla wasn’t sure why.

Sforza drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair. He looked to Al-Makir, who shrugged.

“Alright,” he said. Irene smiled.

“How exciting,” she said, in a tone that implied it was anything but. She looked to Jarla. “You’ll help, won’t you, Jarla? I’ll never remember their names otherwise.”

She took a sip of her wine and made a face. Turning to her maidservant - the same one who had brought the news of what had happened in the market - she snapped something in Tilean. Practically shaking, the girl took the cup and the bottle and scurried away below-stairs.

“Gina can’t do anything right these days,” she said, turning back to Jarla. “I think it must have scrambled her nerves, what happened to poor Allegra.” She swung her gaze slowly to her husband, and said something in Tilean. The Prince said nothing - in the heavy silence that followed, Al-Makir got up and politely excused himself.

Jarla, 26th Jahrdrung

Jarla had barely risen the next morning before poor Gina was at her door, delivering the summons to attend on the principessa. Irene had so far absorbed precisely zero information about their guests - now she wanted names, descriptions, and introductions. All but one of them, anyway - Leona Groz she seemed to want nothing to do with.

“Find some reason to get her out of the castle today, if you can,” she said, as she examined herself in her mirror. “She knows exactly what she’s doing here. I don’t want her talking them round.”

Once the last of her preparations were made, Irene Sforza went on the warpath. Like Al-Makir, she wanted to meet the guilders in ones and twos. Unlike Al-Makir, she wanted to meet them in different places, asking Jarla to engineer meetings in hallways, side-chambers, or even out on the top of the walls. The contempt she had expressed in private for their visitors was nowhere to be seen - instead she made herself a model of gracious hospitality, flattering her guests and seeming to fall into talk of the business that had brought them there only by accident. Of course she didn’t understand any of it, it was not the kind of thing her tutors in Tobaro had taught her. Perhaps they would be so kind as to explain? Only Muzio had been so angry about it, and one of the other guilders had told her something quite different…

“They’re old men who don’t look past the walls of their counting-rooms,” Irene said, when she was back with her husband in the solar later that evening. “They haven’t taken a risk in their lives. They’ll let the young one take the fall… what was his name, Jarla, Udo? Dreadful name, it sounds like a name for a cow.” She beckoned for a drink; Gina brought one with a white-knuckle grip upon the bottle. “Call them up tomorrow and give them reason to worry. The old men will blame him, and the others will follow. Pim pam pum, they don’t have to be punished, and we won’t have to pay their tolls.”

The Prince was listening closely, but still looked a little skeptical. “And the young one?” he said. “What are we to do with him?”

“Well,” said Irene, “I suppose that depends how far he’s willing to bend in meeting these costs they keep talking about.” She raised her eyebrows at her husband. “He said he represents the coopers. He ought to be familiar with the idea.”

OOC: Let me know if I’m moving too fast over this stuff. I wanted to break here to let Jarla get up to any intriguing of her own that she might want to do, and also to check - does she do as Irene asks and get Leona out of the castle for the day? No tests required for that, just wanted to know Jarla’s choice.

Painford, 26th Jahrdrung

"We're only going to be able to find so much work here, going forward, and it's nobody's idea of good farmland, unless you want to be plowing around tree stumps every year."

The labourers looked at one another. They didn’t look enthused by the idea, but no-one spoke up against it.

“You’ve done alright by us,” said one of them - still a little grudgingly, Ludo thought. “If you think it’s a good idea, I s’pose it doesn’t do harm to ask.”

2022-02-10, 09:01 AM
Jarla, 24th Jahrdrung

"I'd be delighted Uto," Jarla replied, elegantly offering the man her hand for a dance. Jarla was an excellent dancer and with Irene absent it was rather pleasant to be the most glamorous one in the room.

It had turned out a very pleasant evening after all, even if she still could tell many of the Putbad folk were nervous about the morning.

Later, when every one else was off to bed she lingered a while for a glass of wine with Uto and a little friendly chit chat. Taking a seat by the fire and sipping her white she smiled at Uto. "Are there many plans for Mitterfruhl in Putbad? I'll be the one organising things here so I best know the competition!"

Jarla, 25th Jahrdrung

A busy day and Jarla was kept busy. She'd begun her plans for the Mitterfruhl celebrations. Tradition at least in the Empire saw a hunt for painted 'griffon' eggs, in a playful recreation of the real painted griffon egg presented to the Temple of Sigmar in Altdorf. Jarla intended to follow this custom, ordering a dozen large goose eggs and trying to find a painter in Savonne who could do them justice (ideally she'd like portraits of a member of the royal court painted on each egg but she was realistic enough to suppose merely making the eggs look beautiful would be sufficient challenge.)

That evening during that uncomfortable meeting with Sforza and Irene she found herself having to back up her mistress.

"Of course milady," Jarla replied, managing a smile despite the heavy atmosphere. After Abdul left (and surely the cad could have thought of a reason for her to leave too?) Jrla stuck it out for a few moments more before making her own excuses and fleeing.

"If you'll excuse my lord, my lady, I have to oversee the wine list for tomorrow..."

Jarla, 26th Jahrdrung

The following morning brought an exhausting interview with the principessa, where Jarla had to reveal what information she had gathered on the guests. Fortunately she'd made polite chit chat with them all when they arrived so even if she didn't know their exact plans Jarla could manage that and introduce them to her highness.

It was something of relief to try and get out of the keep with Leona Groz, and Jarla offered to go for a ride to clear their heads. "It can get a little much here," she said to Leona, and smiled. "Besides we have a mutual friend in common - Elsa, though don't let the princepessa hear I called Elsa a friend."

2022-02-12, 11:37 AM
Jarla, 24th Jahrdrung

"Are there many plans for Mitterfruhl in Putbad? I'll be the one organising things here so I best know the competition!"

“I didn’t know it was a competition,” said Uto, good-naturedly. “I don’t think there’ll be anything out of the usual back home. Some dancing, you know, and drinking, and baking disappointing little cakes. The monks like to send an offering over the Falls in a barrel. That’s our guild’s contribution, making the barrel.” He smiled. “I’d ask if you’d like to come and see it, but it sounds like you have your hands full.”

Jarla, 26th Jahrdrung

Leona was a little surprised at Jarla’s invitation, but seemed eager to take it all the same, as soon as a maid could be found to look after Eberhard. Borrowing a palfrey from the Prince’s stables for Leona, they rode out through the south gate of the city, into the open country where they could let the animals run. Leona wasn’t the most skilled rider, and Jarla quickly realised she had to hold Countess back a little if she wasn’t to leave her guest behind.

If spring was supposed to be arriving, it had made a poor showing so far in the land outside the city walls. The rains they had prayed for in the Temple had not yet come, and the fields still looked brown and dead, the road smoking with dust beneath their horses’ hooves. Glossy black crows squawked and circled in great numbers over the broad banks of the river to their left, picking over scraps of food in the expanse of dried mud revealed by the retreating waters. Lean-looking cattle lifted their heads to watch the two women as they passed, their equally lean-looking herders keeping close watch as they did.

"Besides we have a mutual friend in common - Elsa, though don't let the principessa hear I called Elsa a friend."

“I don’t know if I’d call Magister Holt a close friend,” said Leona. She seemed a little guarded with Jarla, though still perfectly pleasant. “I mean, we’ve spoken, I know her. Just, not very well.”

Reining in her horse, she looked around at the rolling landscape of the Downs around them. “It’s very different here,” she said. “To Putbad, I mean. I just wish I had better memories of this place.” She looked to Jarla with a rather serious expression. “Thank you for bringing me out of that castle.”

2022-02-12, 06:05 PM
Jarla, 26th Jahrdrung

Jarla looked a little disappointed at Leona's statement she merely knew Elsa. For some reason she'd imagined they were closer. That made this next part much more difficult.

"I am afraid my lady that I did not just bring you out here to admire the view and get some fresh air," Jarla said. She pulled Countess's reins and steered her steed so she could more comfortably look Leona in the eyes. "Irene ordered me to keep you out here so she can manipulate the guilders without your interference. What she didn't expect me to do was to tell you about this."

She leaned in a little closer, feeling the start of tears form at the corner of her eyes. Suddenly she wanted nothing more than to let the dam burst. "Oh by all the gods that woman must go! Her husband is bad enough but Irene is a thousand times worse! Vain and fickle and cruel! You know she was responsible for my brother's death? Oh not by her own pretty hands and not out of spite for him but simply because he got in the way of the assassins she sent after another!"

Jarla drew a shuddering breath, aware that she had almost started shouting. "Lady Groz, I am sorry I have been a party to this but I had to warn you. Never trust Irene Sforza, never assume she is harmless. When we get go back talk to your people as discretely as possible. Present a united front."

2022-02-13, 06:45 AM
Jarla, 26th Jahrdrung

"You... surprise me, Lady Schreiber," said Leona. "I thought you and the Princess were close."

She looked around, as if thinking that some cowherd in a neighbouring field might be eavesdropping for the Sforzas. "I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I didn't realise - I thought you were from, uh, somewhere far away." She paused again. "As for the Princess... I've had to live under her roof before. I promise you, I'm not entertaining any illusions."

She glanced back towards the city. "I can talk to the others. What the Sforzas want, the Sforzas have always got... but I think Putbad has some power to bargain with, if we can stick together." She looked Jarla straight in the eye. "Thank you. If there's anything I can do to help you... well, it's not much, but I'll do what I can."

2022-02-13, 07:37 AM
Jarla, 26th Jahrdrung

Jarla looked pale but managed a smile. How good it felt to open up for once!

"Lady Groz I think you do yourself a great disservice. The Sforzas have military power, gold and the principessa can charm anyone but at the end of the day they are foreigners who rule at swordpoint. You are a native I believe, with a great and prosperous town behind you. I came late in life to the nobility but your position may be more secure than their's in the long term!

She glanced back at Savonne, then at Lady Groz.

"As for my brother Adelbert and the principessa...," Jarla's voice grew hoarser her and she had to draw a few shuddering breaths to herself once more. "I entered Irene's service well before I knew she was responsible. The gods are passing strange it seems. As for me I think I am alright for the moment but thank you."

An idea occurred to her. "Lady Groz, I am going to suggest to the Prince that he send an official diplomat to your court and you to his. The actual terms might be different but essentially I mean an exchange of permanent ambassadors. If it happens - and I confess I have no idea whether he will accept my advice or not - do you have a man or woman you think you could spare?"

2022-02-13, 08:09 AM
Jarla, 26th Jahrdrung

"My court?" echoed Leona. She shook her head. "Lady Schreiber, my husband had a court. I have a house. And if you tell them it's a court, I may not even have that for long. Or a head."

Leona Groz took a deep breath, and nodded. "I was born here. My father was a guildmaster of Putbad, just like those others. He was one of the men who decided that it might be a good idea to invite mercenaries from the north, to help bring down the Duke of Savonne. And when one of those mercenaries decided he liked our town and wanted to keep it, my father married me to him, because that was the way the wind was blowing."

"Eberhard wasn't a bad husband, but he made some bad choices, and a year ago they killed him," - she looked back towards the town again - "in that castle. It suits the Sforzas to call me Lady Groz, because the men who killed him were the men they killed to take the throne, and because they want to keep the river guilds sweet. But all I am to the others on that boat is old Leofrid's daughter. Please, don't think I'm anything more."

Jarla wasn't sure that Leona's protestations of powerlessness were entirely on the level - but she could see very plainly that her fear of the Sforzas was quite real.

2022-02-13, 08:21 AM
Jarla, 26th Jahrdrung

Jarla felt a sense of bitter disillusionment. Why was everyone in the Reaches so hopeless? She pitied Leona for her tragedy but at the same time she had far more of a power base than Jarla could ever hope for.

"Lady Groz," she said, "one of these days the Sforzas will fall even I have to do all the hard work single handed. Still, I understand your fears. Forget about the envoy idea, I'll think of something else."

She forced a smile to hide her own disappointment in this jellyfish. "Well, let us get you back shall we? We both have our roles to play."

2022-02-13, 02:58 PM
27th Jahrdrung

Shortly after her arrival in Putbad, Elsa moved with Tatiana and Olga to a moderately-sized but well-furnished home in one of the better areas. The monthly rent was not cheap, but in her newfound privacy away from the bustle of the Silver Lady, Elsa found that she progressed a lot faster with her study of Nehekharan hieroglyphs. It was as if everything was finally falling into place.

31st Jahrdrung

Elsa reined in her horse. She and Tatiana had ridden two miles northeast of Putbad and were now in a vast field where the snow was slowly beginning to give way to mud. Ahead of them, a flock of ravens (an unkindness, Elsa believed it was called) were picking at the carcass of what looked like a stillborn calf. The pyromancer dismounted and gestured at her apprentice to do the same. Together they walked as close to the ravens as they could without scattering them.

"Magister Fredrik Leitner of the Bright Order had an interesting analogy for spellcasting," Elsa said softly, looking at the birds. "When he was a child, he lived in a coastal village in Nordland. There was a cliff where young boys would dive into the sea, even though their parents forbade it. The cliff wasn't too high, maybe twenty feet... but it had this slight incline. You had to make a running leap. If you fell short, you'd break your bones at the bottom of the cliff, and then tumble into the sea and drown. One of Leitner's childhood friends died that way. He ran all the way the edge... and then had a split second of hesitation and failed to leap far enough."

She turned to Tatiana. "Spellcasting is a lot like that. When you begin to channel the Aethyr and shape it into a spell, you still have a moment to change your mind. But once it's time to release the spell... you must be utterly committed. There mustn't be a doubt in your mind that you can make the leap."

"That's why I won't ask you to attempt a leap until you firmly believe yourself ready."

"On that day, you will not only leap, but fly."

An unspoken question hung in the air.


For the Mitterfruhl celebrations, Elsa granted Olga a day off—if she wanted it—and went out with Tatiana to enjoy the public festivities, such as a play that disappointingly turned out to be aimed at young children, some street musicians of varying degrees of skill, and a rather decent stage magician. She allowed Tatiana to try a tankard of beer, but the girl did not find it to her liking, and so Elsa gladly finished the tankard for her.

"It's an acquired taste, I'll grant you that," she said, sipping the excellent beer. "But once acquired, it is never lost."

Her gaze swept the crowd. "I see lots of boys your age."

She found it important to subtly remind Tatiana once in a while that her scarred face and eyepatch did not make her any less lovable.

2022-02-14, 04:27 PM
Jarla, 26th Jahrdrung

Leona held silent for a moment or two, looking across at Jarla. Jarla had a distinct feeling of being assessed. “Yes,” she said at last, “yes, I suppose we do.”

The two of them turned their horses and rode back for the city, sending the crows that had settled across the road behind them squawking back into the sky.

Backertag, 27th Jahrdrung - Jarla

The next day, the guilders were summoned abruptly to the Prince’s audience chamber. There, Sforza was waiting for them, along with Al-Makir and his more than his usual complement of Iron Company guards. He was wearing the crown he had had made for his coronation, as well as a fur-lined half-cape and a fine doublet of black and gold thread. Seated on the dais above his visitors, it was perfectly clear that this was not a meeting between equals.

His initial greeting to them was perfectly cordial, expressing his hope that they’d enjoyed his hospitality, and graciously giving Jarla the credit. However, his tone grew sterner as he went on, describing in accurate detail what Al-Makir had told him about the situation on the river.

“You all know I would not brought you here without a reason. You’ve seen how the Downs are suffering. Savonne needs all the grain the river can carry. Perhaps in ordinary time such profiteering would be… how would you put it… business as usual?” He swept a searching gaze around the room. “But in these times, it is not something I can allow. This is your chance, gentlemen, to tell me how it should be stopped. Because I will see it stopped, one way or another.”

There was hesitation among the guildmasters as they decided which of them would be the first to reply. In the end, it was Magretha who spoke up.

“Your highness,” she began, “we have great sympathy for the suffering of the Downs. The Uplands have not escaped this drought either. But we must object to the charge of profiteering.” The other guilders nodded and murmured agreement, each trying to be a little quieter than his neighbour. “We have more goods passing through Putbad than we’ve had in decades. Moving them over the Silver Falls takes time and work - and our workers must eat too.”

The man Jarla knew as Maximilian nodded in agreement. “No-one has taken more than their fair share, your highness,” he said. “There simply isn’t enough to share around.”

Sforza seemed far from happy with their answers. He sat in silence, letting them stew, and drummed his fingers against the arm of his throne.

“You are all agreed on this point?” he asked, as if he expected otherwise. No-one obliged by contradicting him.

“With your highness’ permission,” suggested Uto, “we’re limited by what we have to work with. The cranes we have over the Falls are getting old - and some of the porters who work them are too. If we had the men and the funds to improve them, then prices this side of the Falls might match the other side more closely.”

“Funds?” asked Sforza, with a sharp edge to his tone. “I was not under the impression you had a shortage of funds.”

“I think I can speak on behalf of all the guilds of Putbad,” said Maximilian, “that we would be happy to contribute to the, uh, cost of such a suggestion” - he cleared his throat, perhaps feeling the Prince’s gaze on him a little too keenly - “if the crown could provide us with the labour. Our town is a small place, your highness. Wages are not so cheap to pay as they might be here.”

One of the other guildmasters - Jarla believed he represented the Carpenters - didn’t look best pleased by that. “Our wages are fair, is what they are,” he started to stay, but the pointed stares of the others prevented him from going further.

Sforza had fallen silent again. He looked to Al-Makir, and by means of minute expressions, some slow but secret exchange of information seemed to take place between them. The Arabyan covertly balled up and threw away a piece of parchment he had been holding behind his back.

“I believe the workers can be found,” said the Prince at last. “If these works are what the Reaches need, then the crown will support them. Provided,” he added, raising his hand, “that Putbad makes a proportionate contribution.”

“Of course, your highness,” said Magretha, bowing her head low. “We are very grateful for your generosity.”

“The Lord Treasurer will cover the details,” said the Prince, rising from his seat. He seemed less than pleased, but kept a dignified face. “I am placing my trust in you to see this done. Believe me when I say, I will hold you to your word.”

As he turned and left, his guards filing out with him, Leona caught Jarla’s eye from across the audience chamber. On her face was a look of quiet appreciation.

Bezahltag, 28th Jahrdrung - Jarla

After their brief meeting with the Prince, the guilders had spent all of Backertag in conference with Al-Makir, ironing out the numbers of Uto and Maximilian’s proposal. The next morning, their boat was ready at the docks, waiting to bear them back upriver. They seemed in high spirits as they made their way back to the riverside, thanking Jarla effusively for the hospitality they had enjoyed as they left.

“It was good to meet you properly, Lady Schreiber,” was Leona’s quiet goodbye. “I hope we’ll have an occasion to meet again soon.”

Back at the castle, the mood was not as sunny. Jarla had heard fragments of a blazing row from the royal bedchamber the night before - in Tilean, of course - and now Irene Sforza was stalking the corridors like a lioness looking for someone to eat.

“Cagniciattola!” she raged. “It was her, I know it was her. She got to them somehow.” She rounded on Jarla. “You were supposed to keep her away from them. I give you one thing to do, one simple thing - and Muzio thinks this is my fault?”

The door opened, and the maidservant Gina came in, carrying a tray with a steaming cup of some herbal infusion for her mistress. Irene turned and gave her such a look that she barely set the tray down before sprinting out of the room.

“I have a headache,” Irene declared suddenly, sinking down onto a chair and cupping her forehead in one hand. “I want - “ It seemed like she was about to ask for someone, but she caught herself, and breathed out a long, deep breath. “I want to be alone.”

Festag, 31st Jahrdrung - Elsa

Elsa had been in Putbad for almost a week, and if she had achieved one thing, it was to make it abundantly well-known in the town that Sforza’s court wizard was staying at the Silver Lady. A few river traders had shown some interest in ingratiating themselves to her - even one who claimed to know Suzana - and a few brave townspeople even came to her asking for magical solutions to their ailments. As far as she could discern none of the problems they brought to her were ones that could be solved by fire.

Talking to the river traders, Elsa heard more news about what was happening upriver than she could reasonably be expected to remember. Apparently a town called Blintz had traded hands recently between Counts Rutgar and Hiln, and the latter was rumoured to be employing some questionable allies to get it back. The topic of the weather they seemed to find less interesting, but she pressed them on it all the same. As far as she could gather, the Uplands and their immediate surroundings were certainly suffering from the same drought that afflicted the Downs - but those traders who came from further upriver did not report the same problems further north.

On Festag, the boat carrying the Savonne delegation returned, and within a few hours the town was full of rumours as to how their meeting with the Prince had played out. Reports varied, but the news seemed to be good, and soon a good number of people were beating a path to the doors of the various guild-houses to hear it first-hand. As the evening drew in, lights could be seen lit in the windows of the old Groz residence again, with Roth and his men back on guard duty outside.

Aubentag, 33rd Jahrdrung - Jarla

It was the day before Mitterfruhl, and Jarla had been entirely absorbed with her preparations for the equinox. Irene had become sullen and entirely withdrawn, communicating with her prima cameriera only through perfunctory orders. Her husband was more composed, and remained civil towards Jarla at least, hearing out her questions about the celebrations even if his answers were brief and lacking in interest. Still, he seemed to be going about under a cloud, and the court felt it. Everyone in the castle knew by now that it was best to keep out of the royal couple’s way until this most recent storm had passed.

Around midday, a messenger arrived from the north. He was carrying a report for the Prince, but he had a letter for Jarla also, which he put directly into her hands.

My dear Jarla,

I have returned to Castel d’Irena, and can report that the Raven Hills are notable only for miserable weather and ugly women. I long for your company again. Please come and visit me here at your earliest convenience.

- G.



Mitterfruhl in Putbad was an interesting affair. At midday, the monks of Azriller held their ceremony on the rocky island overlooking the falls where the statue of their goddess stood. Taking with them a large barrel packed with their offerings to the river queen, they cast it over the falls, to the cheers of a moderate crowd - not that you could really hear them, over the thunder of the water. In the evening, every tavern was serving a great deal of the local beer - which was rather good - and wherever there was space, there was dancing.

"I see lots of boys your age."

Tatiana gave a non-committal sort of grunt. “That worked out great before,” she muttered under her breath.


Times were tight in the Thornwood just as they were in the Downs, and although the trees were now showing their green leaves, saying that the food and drink the villagers had to spare was limited would have been putting it very mildly. The presence of so many newcomers in their midst as well made the festival atmosphere more muted than it might otherwise have been. There were still those among the locals who didn’t trust the recent arrivals from the north.

Still, the village had never passed up an opportunity for a celebration before, and they weren’t about to start now. Even if the offering pig to Taal was very small and thin, they had found one, and a dancing-ground had been cleared, and a white crown of flowers placed on Mayor Drago’s head, just like the year before. Spring was here, and they were going to greet it properly.

2022-02-14, 06:20 PM
31st Jahrdrung

Elsa took Tatiana's silence to mean that the apprentice was not yet ready to make a leap, let alone to fly. She did not insist; if Tatiana did not feel ready, then she was not ready. The girl was a late bloomer when it came to magic, but that did not mean her ability was lacking. Indeed, Magister Volans, first Supreme Patriarch of the Colleges of Magic, was said to have been in his middle years when he began regularly casting spells.

After a long moment watching the ravens, Elsa said: "Let's ride back, shall we? I'm starving. Or should I say, ravenous."

That evening, Elsa listened attentively to tales from beyond the borders of the Broken Reaches, as she remembered Sforza's plans to expand northwards. The mention of Hiln's 'questionable' allies made her perk up with curiosity. With Sforza openly employing ogres, she wondered what ranked as questionable by the standards of the Border Princes.

"Questionable how?" she whispered, leaning forward.


Tatiana gave a non-committal sort of grunt. “That worked out great before,” she muttered under her breath.
The edges of Elsa's lips quirked up. "My advice? Give it another year or two before you decide to join a convent."

She stayed up late to enjoy the festivities, as she used to do before she had any duties to perform or decorum to observe. She did not go man-hunting, but she was still cross enough with Sieghard that, if someone attractive flirted with her, she might just flirt back.

I'll come up with longer-term plans later.

2022-02-14, 06:23 PM
Aubentag, 33rd Jahrdrung - Jarla

Jarla had instantly regretted informing Lady Groz about Irene's plans and the following few days hadn't done much to help her mood. Fortunately she had the excuse of her work and with the help of Mouna and the castle staff she arranged the celebrations for Mitterfruhl. She was not exactly looking forward to the festival - given Irene's temper any such social occasion would probably be torturous - but she was determined to do as much as she could.

Then Giovanni's letter had arrived. Right. Time to leave.

Fixing her hair and make up for battle Jarla had walked over to Irene's chambers and rapped boldly on the door: "Milady may I speak with you? Signor Carraciolo has requested my presence in Castel d’Irena and I request permission to depart at once. The preparations for the celebrations tomorrow are all finished so I do not believe you require my presence."

2022-02-15, 02:59 PM
Elsa, 31st Jahrdrung

"You know," said Elsa's informant - a heavy-set boatman with a selection of fish-bone charms dangling from his hat. "Questionable." He looked around, as if checking whether they were being overhead - or maybe just making sure he had a big enough bridge. "They say he's got witches working for him. Blew up the bridge at Hamlin Gorge."

"You don't need witches to blow up a bridge," chipped in a bystander.

"Green fire, that's what I heard," insisted the boatman. "You ever hear of black powder that gave green fire?"

The bystanders had to admit that they had not.

Jarla, 33rd Jahrdrung

There were a few moments' silence before Jarla got any response. At last, the serving girl Gina opened the door.

The principessa was still in her shift, and looking genuinely unkempt - a fact that seemed so out of character that Jarla wondered for a moment whether she had somehow got confused about the time. But no, it was afternoon, and here was Irene looking as if she had only just crawled out of bed.

"You want what?" she asked, staring Jarla down with an expression that seemed to dare her to ask about her appearance. She let the silence hang in the air until Jarla repeated her request.

"No," she said, when Jarla had finished. "No, I forbid it. You must remain here."

She turned away, and motioned for Gina to close the door. After a little while, however, it opened again.

"Jarla!" Irene called after her. Her tone had regained some of its sweetness - something which somehow made Jarla feel she was in more danger, not less. "The witch, Holt. Do you know where she is?"

2022-02-15, 03:17 PM
Jarla, 33rd Jahrdrung

Jarla hadn't honestly expected another answer but she still felt a stab of anger. She had already turned and begun to storm off when Irene had opened the door again.

"No your highness I do not," she answered reasonably truthfully. Elsa had said something about Putbad but that was many days ago. Seeing Irene's general state she hesitated a moment and said. "Milady do you...," she searched for the right word, "...need her for anything?"

2022-02-15, 03:55 PM
Jarla, 33rd Jahrdrung

"No," said Irene, and as she did her voice lapsed back into its previous register of sullen pique. "No, don't be ridiculous Jarla. Why would I ever need her?" The question was clearly rhetorical. "I only wondered if you knew where she was."

Getting up, she moved swiftly across the room to the window, where she threw open the shutters and took a deep breath of the outside air. "You can go now," she said, without looking round. Jarla got the sense it wasn't a request she should wait to receive twice.

2022-02-15, 04:15 PM

"Milady," Jarla said. She curtsied and left, angry and humiliated.

Later she wrote a quick message for Giovanni:

My gallant Tilean soldier,

I would run to your arms in a moment but her highness refuses to let me depart. We must stay apart a little longer, though my thoughts are with you till I may know your kiss again.


2022-02-16, 02:11 AM

Despite not being able to have much of a feast, Sieghard was reasonably pleased with how the celebrations were going. To make up for the limited food and drink, he had focused on coming up with games and contests to keep the village entertained, most of them drawn from his own experiences. Near the eastern wall, a bridge (really just an area marked by two lengths of rope) had been set up where the village children could take turns being the orc king. The others would then take turns challenging the orc king and trying to knock him off the bridge. If they succeeded, it was their turn to be the orc king, but if they themselves were knocked off the bridge, two more would take their place. It wasn't much different than a game he had played in his own childhood, though in that version it had been a beastman on a cliff rather than an orc king on a bridge. He had challenged the adults to try shooting the Thorns' crossbows, offering a crown to anyone who could shoot as accurately as his own men. Once the sun had set, he asked Ludo to tell a few stories from their adventures for anyone who wasn't dancing or otherwise distracted. One tale he had suggested was about their encounter with the beast of Harmugstahl, though he had suggested downplaying the monster's nature as a creature of chaos.

2022-02-16, 03:16 AM
Ludo took to the story of the Beast of Harmugstahl with gusto, enjoying the opportunity to play to an adult crowd for once (mostly with the occasional mild joke at Sieghard or Elsa's expense), before moving on to some more genuine recollections - conspiring with Viggo to take the lute of what-was-his-name-Longdoor. He had had his turn as the Orcish king (complete with his best Waaagh, a noise that still tugged at his gut) before allowing himself to be toppled by a group of his students.

He had ended the evening with his feet up, drinking from a large stein of the finest ale the hostel had available, watching the dancing, with Stoutheart noisily masticating a goat bone at his feet. It was a very pleasant way to spend the evening. Nahorek seemed very far away.

2022-02-17, 08:03 PM
Elsa made a mental note of the rumors about the green fire. It could indeed be magic, but then again, it could also simply be some sort of little-known alchemy. She would mention it to Abdul the next time she saw him; perhaps the Arabyan had heard of some concoctions that produced such an effect.

After Mitterfruhl

Given her position in Sforza's court, Elsa did not want to look like she was snubbing Leona or trying to live incognito in Putbad, and so shortly after Mitterfruhl, she sent Leona a polite invitation to come dine at her rented house with her baby. Since neither Elsa, nor Tatiana, nor Olga knew how to cook, Elsa hired an experienced cook from one of the city's best inns to cater for the five of them. The meal began with a creamy, tangy vegetable soup, garnished with some parsley and dusted with crumbles of blue cheese. The main course was some crayfish-and-vegetable skewers grilled on an open flame and dusted with black pepper. Dessert consisted of honey and nut pastries which, according to the cook, were a traditional Border Princes treat called 'baklava'. A light-tasting white wine accompanied the meal.

Conversation touched on various topics, including Elsa's magical education, her efforts to decipher Nehekharan, Leona's child, and the history of Putbad. Elsa cautiously steered clear of anything relating to business, politics, or the ongoing famine and its causes. She paid the cook and bade him good night shortly after dessert was served.

Let's make it 1.5 gc, including wine and catering. If I'm under, correct me; if I'm over, assume Elsa bought an especially pricey wine.

Once the cook was gone, Elsa felt more free to discuss confidential topics with Leona. She trusted Tatiana and Olga utterly, and it was time that they, too, know what Elsa knew.

"Frankly, it's good that we're rid of Falkenwald. I never trusted him. As far as I can tell, he's made a career of switching sides at the most opportune moment." She drained the rest of her cup of wine and lowered her voice. "How much did the Prince tell you about... the circumstances behind Falkenwald's downfall?"

With her study of Nehekharan out of the way, Elsa had more time to attend to Tatiana's education, both magical and mundane. She decided to wait until next year before starting to teach the Classical language to her apprentice, who already had her hands full learning to read and write Reikspiel.

Elsa also worked to carve herself a place among Putbad's upper crust, trying to portray herself both as Savonne's unofficial representative and as an advocate for the industrious, enterprising people of the Uplands. She used her status as a lever to attempt to get better prices out of merchants who had dealings with Suzana, and encouraged some of the up-and-comers to undercut their competitors. She did not know if she was any good at business, but it cost nothing to try.

Charm 54 (64 if Etiquette applies) to have Elsa welcomed among the elite of Putbad: [roll0]
Fortune: [roll1]

Haggle 22 to negotiate better prices: [roll2]
Fortune: [roll3] - yikes... :smallfrown:

2022-02-18, 09:47 AM
Mitterfruhl - Savonne

There probably weren’t many children in Savonne who saw the ancient, blood-soaked stones of the castle as their ideal playground. Unfortunately for them, there weren’t many parents who were going to turn down an invitation from the Prince’s prima cameriera either - particularly among the movers and shakers of the town who might conceivably want something from the royal court. So it was that Mitterfruhl morning saw the courtyard and out-buildings of the keep filled with the sound of childrens’ voices, hunting along the walls and under the feet of the guards for Jarla’s painted eggs.

An assertive little boy called Josef was the one to find the egg painted with the gatehouse and fanned spears of the Sforza arms, though several other bruised and squabbling children claimed to have found it first. There was some delay in producing Josef’s prize, the goose having got loose in the kitchens. Eventually, Ida appeared with the bird held securely in a burlap sack, unaware of the stray goose-feathers still stuck in her hair. Everyone agreed that the event had been a great success, and asked Jarla to pass on their personal thanks to the Sforzas.

They needn’t have asked, as the Prince chose that moment to come out into the courtyard. Jarla felt a flicker of trepidation, in case he was still in one of his black moods - but he was a model of courtesy, greeting her guests and even talking to the children. He seemed pleased when Josef said he wanted to be a soldier when he grew up. “Bravo,” he said, ruffling Josef’s hair. “When you are ready, you will join us in the Iron Company, yes? No better place to learn.”

“A smart boy,” he said, watching the parents shepherd Josef out before he could get too excited. He looked to Jarla. “You do this every year, where you are from?”


Clearing the North Market square had been quite an undertaking for Norten and his men, but after the incident with the statue, Norten seemed very eager to oblige any request coming from the court. Hawkers and improvised market stalls still crowded around the edge of the space they had cleared, doing their best to take advantage of the event. Some were selling early-season fruit from the south at outrageous mark-ups; others were selling skewers of highly unidentified meat. One of them had chalked their prices on the back of a wooden board - catching a glimpse of the reverse, Jarla saw it read RATTES CATCHED FOR REESNABL RAYTES.

Under Sforza’s statue in the middle of the square, Jacques was lording it over a number of hired musicians on a hastily-erected wooden stage. People seemed reluctant at first to dance when the band struck up - but gradually, as the music became part of the background, they drifted into the centre of the square to join in. Spring was here, the sun was shining, and that was reason enough to dance, even for the poor and hungry of Savonne.

The dances the common people knew here weren’t the same ones they did back home, but as Jacques and his minstrels moved to something higher-tempo, Jarla found herself impressed with them nonetheless. For a moment, among a square full of music and strangers’ faces, the fears and intrigues of life in the Sforzas’ shadow seemed to fade into the background, replaced by the simple enjoyment of the moment.

All too soon, it seemed to her, her time for dancing was done, and the time had come to assume her public persona as judge of the contests. The winners received their prizes with gratitude, but the greater crowd seemed to have little interest in this bit of ceremony. It took the blare of trumpets from the west end of the square to regain their attention.

Flanked by two lines of Iron Company soldiers, the Sforzas arrived in all the pomp that anybody could expect. Irene had shown her face at last, glittering in green and gold and looking every part the royal. She smiled and waved at her subjects as she passed them - but when she mounted the stage alongside Jarla, she cut her dead, as if she didn’t exist.

“You have the things?” murmured the Prince, keeping his face turned towards the crowd so it wouldn’t be too obvious they were conferring. Seeing the ritual crowns Jarla had made ready, he nodded. “Who are we giving them to?”

Jarla pointed out her candidates, and Sforza nodded again. He waved a hand to his men, and the Iron Company trumpeters sounded another brassy blast, silencing the hubbub around the square.

“Signore e signora!” shouted Sforza, his commanding voice ringing across the square. “My subjects! You know why we are here. To crown the king and queen of the spring.” He extended a gracious hand towards Jarla. “The Lady Schreiber will call them forward.”

OOC: I leave it to you to invent your own NPCs to call up - Jarla will have had her pick of hundreds of people!

Mitterfruhl - Painford

The village children took to Sieghard’s games with a will, as did some of the children who had come to Painford with the travellers from the north. It didn’t take long for some of the older children to get into a scrap over the use of what might kindly be called unorthodox tactics to throw the orc king off the bridge, and Ingwald and some of the nearby Thorns had to intervene before the respective parents could escalate things any further.

Ludo’s storytelling went down a storm, as it usually did - looking around the faces of his audience, he saw many of the newcomers to the village there, which felt like a first. For most of them, all they had known about Sieghard and his men before they arrived in Painford was that they were Sforza’s enforcers, and despite the number that had joined up, many of them still gave the Thorns a wide berth. Hearing Ludo’s stories of monsters and musicians was clearly giving them a new and unexpected perspective on their hosts.

Watching the dancing later that evening, Ludo was pleased to see that it wasn’t just stories that could bring the village together. Mannslieb was only the barest sliver of a new moon, but by its light and the light of the fires, he could see faces old and new all joining the circle. There was Antonio hand-in-hand with Hanna, and Rhadegund dancing with young Juri. It was only a shame Viggo wasn’t here.

2022-02-18, 06:56 PM

“A smart boy,” he said, watching the parents shepherd Josef out before he could get too excited. He looked to Jarla. “You do this every year, where you are from?”

"Not exactly sire," the watching Jarla replied to the Prince. The prima cameriera was dressed in a blue and white gown and matching hat with feather. While she obviously couldn't compete with Irene Jarla was determined to make a mark fashion wise and had also spent hours having Ida fix her copper hair into a daring yet attractive Bretonnian style.

"The egg hunt is real, and in Averland where I am from it is a children's game but in Altdorf the custom is to lay a real, decorated gryphon's egg on the altar of Sigmar. As we have neither gryphons nor temples to Sigmar I made do." She smiled at Sforza, enjoying this uncharacteristic moment of friendliness and curiosity from the prince.


As the dances came to a close Jarla could feel that if not a outstanding success she had at least made a positive mark. The winners of the dancing had been a red haired seamstress named Lenka with legs for days and the darkly handsome first mate on a river boat named Jan. Both had displayed admirable enthusiasm and energy, even if their style was so rustic they'd have been jeered out Nuln the first time they showed their faces!

Jarla herself did a little dancing, though it was somewhat difficult given her usual partner Jacques was unavailable for obvious reasons. Still she managed to brighten the day of Aloysius the vintner, a boatwright she'd never previously met and member of the Iron Company (who trod on her toes once too often and received a strategic high heel in his own foot in retaliation.)

As the royal couple arrived she curtsied before the prince and princess, pretending not to notice Irene's rudeness. As she stood waiting for Sforza to say a few words she shot a smile of gratitude towards Jacques. He'd done very well.

"Your highnesses," Jarla said, curtsying once more before turning to face the crowd and calling upon her acting background to carry her voice without turning it into a shriek: "Solya Lange, please come forward and don the crown of flowers in honour of Queen Rhya as a from their highnesses."

She paused for breath. "Muskar Zyldavja, please come forward and don the crown of antler in honour of King Taal as a gift from their highnesses."

Jarla remembered her friend Solya from the boatwright's guild and had been relieved to find that underneath that ridiculous fish mask she was fair looking enough to make a non-blasphemous Rhya. As for Taal Muskar was a jeweller by trade and certainly not the most important but he did have a rather regal mien Jarla liked when she had been to him at the 'Gryphon' egg hunt. Fine characters both, and both people who might matter in the future.

2022-02-19, 06:38 AM
Mitterfruhl - Savonne

"A real griffon's egg?" said the Prince, raising his eyebrows. "It must be a brave man who gets it away from the griffon."

He looked back to Jarla. "You have a good way with the children, I think," he said. "This was well done."


Solya seemed absolutely bowled over to be chosen. Coming forward through the crowd with her face burning pink, she received her crown of flowers from the Prince, while Muskar got his antlers from the Princess. Taking each others' hands, they turned to face the crowd to a mixture of applause and raucous whistling.

Before the noise had fully died down, Jarla became aware of a disturbance at the back of the crowd. Two of Norten's guards guards were trying to shoulder their way through the press, while one of them shouted "Stop that man!"

The Iron Company immediately closed ranks around the stage. The crowd parted in front of them, and through the gap, a dirty, stark naked man came running with a squealing piglet held high above his head.

"EATS ALL OUR CROPS AND WALLOWS IN SLOPS!" he yelled, as the pursuing guards sprinted after him. "EATS ALL OUR CROPS AND WALLOWS IN SL-"

The nearest of the guards took him down with a flying tackle around the waist, sending the piglet tumbling from his grasp. Landing on its feet, it took off like a rocket through the legs of the onlookers, squealing loudly as it went. At last, one of the Iron Company managed to grab it, amid scattered laughter from the crowd.

Solya looked mortified - but her expression was nothing to the thunderous look on Prince Sforza's face. The muscles of his jaw were tensed, a vein standing out on his forehead while his eyes glared bloody murder at the man struggling in the grip of the guards. Before he could speak, Irene swiftly intervened.

"How could we forget?" she said, projecting her voice just as well as her husband had done. "We've crowned our spring King and Queen, but not a Fool! Signor, clearly in that respect there is no-one else here who can hold a candle to your… talents." The crowd snickered with her. "And how kind of you to feed everyone as well. Marco!" she called to the soldier holding the pig. "Roast pork for everyone, I think."

That drew a real cheer. As the assembled people in the square crowded forwards after the pikeman with the piglet, few of them seemed to notice its original owner being dragged away. Putting a steadying hand on her husband's arm, Irene turned them back towards the castle.


The events in the square cast something of a pall over the meal Jarla had arranged in the great hall that evening. The other guests did their best, but the Prince's mood was dark and withdrawn again. Irene was deploying all her charms to compensate, but it still felt like eating next to a bomb with a smouldering fuse.

In fact, it was towards his wife that the Prince's manner seemed the coldest. Jarla supposed that he was dissatisfied with how she had handled the pig man - but as the assembled company were breaking up after dinner, she overheard him talking to Father Hieronymus in the passageway outside the hall.

"...your priestess, your blessings, none of it has worked."
"Well, your highness, if you are, ah… quite certain that the… fertility of the de Vela bloodline isn't in question…"
Jarla could feel Sforza's baleful stare without needing to see it.
"Ahem. Right. Yes. As I was saying… there may be another reason. To try to bring new life into the world, while so close to such a concentrated power of death..."
"What are you talking about?" snapped the Prince. "Speak sense."
"What you have buried in the courtyard," said the high priest, gently. "Do you know, your highness, that every plant, every blade of grass in that corner of the courtyard is dead? I examined it myself on my way here." He cleared his throat. "If the Book of Nagash can have such an effect on mere vegetable life… well, I would not be surprised if having it here were responsible for your wife's… difficulty."

2022-02-21, 10:09 AM

Jarla was so caught off guard by Sforza's compliment that she found herself blushing. "Thank you sire. And yes many a brave adventurer loses life and limb in the attempt." She smiled ruefully. "Strictly speaking if this was the Empire we should also be honouring Ulric as well to mark the end of winter but I've noticed he is not worshipped in these parts. I'll pray in private later. I admit I am not nearly as devout as my brother was but I have lived through enough winters in Grenstadt to know they can bite."


As the guards dragged that poor wretch who'd interrupted the ceremony Jarla stopped to wind up ceremonies and say some kind words to Solya and Muskar, reassuring them they were not responsible for anything wrong. Then she followed her master and mistress.

Naturally with all that the feast tasted like ashes but Jarla kept up small talk with Abdul until the ghastly affair was over and she was able to go to bed... which was when she heard that strange conversation.

Well... that made sense. Jarla slipped away before she could be noticed eavesdropping. Returning to her chambers she wrote a quick note to be sent to Painford in the morning:

My friends,

There has been a lot of tension between Irene and Muzio and I think I know why. At Mitterfruhl I overheard the Prince speaking to Father Hieronymus about Irene's failure to carry a child. The High Priest suggested it may have something to do with the malign influence of the Book of Nagash.

He could well be right but I'm sure none of us want that book disturbed!

I'll tell Elsa when she gets back.

-J. S

2022-02-23, 07:45 AM
Konigstag, 3rd Pflugzeit - Painford

Jarla’s letter arrived in Painford late on the afternoon of Konigstag, carried by a fruit merchant returning from the city to the Vale. The man put it into Sieghard’s hands at the manor before carrying on his way.

Wellentag, 6th Pflugzeit - Sieghard & Ludo

The delegation that Sieghard and Ludo took with them to see Abdul ended up consisting of six people, self-selected from among the Downlanders in Painford who felt most willing and capable to speak on behalf of the rest. They set off early on Wellentag morning, with a promise to come back for the others if they met with any success.

They reached Ravenskird by sundown, where they were greeted by Brother Petre - Cezar’s young replacement at the Morrite chapel. The village seemed busy - here at the edge of the Mere was one of the few places where the Downs were still green, and Sforza’s edict had brought a few would-be farmers out this way. Ludo found some of them in Ravenskird’s ramshackle alehouse, looking decidedly the worse for wear - and not just from the quality of the local brew.

“I’m not going back out there,” one of them was saying. “Georgeta wants farm-hands, she can find someone else. I’m not going to end up like poor Lela.” He knocked back what was left in his tankard. “I mean, how strong must it be, to lift a draught horse a hundred feet up in the air?”

Marktag, 8th Pflugzeit - Savonne

The party from Painford arrived a little after midday on Marktag. Entering through the south gate, they wormed their way through the market-day crowds towards the castle.

Copies of the Prince’s edict had been nailed up in prominent places here and there, reminding the people of the city of the punishment for profiteering on the price of wheat. The goods on display, however, told the story of hardship that could not be abolished by royal proclamation. The bakers’ trays were almost empty, while foodstuffs that ordinarily would not have been worth bringing into the city - bundles of nettles and arch-lector’s lace, and baskets of grubby hog-nuts - were displayed prominently for sale. Trapped crows and pigeons dangled from the butcher’s stalls; as they passed through the North Market square, Ludo even saw an old woman selling snails out of a basket at the foot of Sforza’s statue. Two of Norten’s guards were standing close by, keeping watch for any would-be graffiti artists.

The Downlanders looked apprehensive as they passed through the open gates of the castle, casting their gaze down away from the Iron Company soldiers on guard. They were equally speechless when Jarla came out to meet Sieghard and Ludo - they didn’t know this woman, but her clothes and manner of speech made it perfectly clear that she was of a different class.

Ludo was afraid they would be the same with Abdul - but after a faltering start, the Arabyan’s easy, welcoming manner seemed to give them the confidence to speak for themselves. They took it in turns introducing themselves, describing their skills and their history with the land. Abdul looked like he was listening attentively.

“This is all very good,” he said, “this is all what my friend the Warden of the Thornwood told me before. You know, people may say many things about my friend, but I have never heard him called a liar.” Abdul gave them an easy smile. “But I’m afraid there is more I must know before I can just give you this land. I must know that you have not just the skills, but the assets to bring a harvest to market.” He looked to the nearest of them. “What assets do you have?”

“We have… some animals,” said the man, slowly. “And a great many more people, back in Painford.”

“Mm. People who need feeding, no doubt,” said Abdul. His tone was sympathetic, but Ludo didn’t imagine he was noting that down as a point in their favour. “You know that a great many of the farmhouses west of the river have been destroyed? You would need materials for rebuilding. And seed grain, it’s certainly not cheap at the moment.” He paused, waiting as if to invite some useful contribution. “Do you have any money?”

“Some of us do,” said Matej, one of the men who had come from among the workers on Sieghard’s manor. “Lord Sieghard paid us for our work.”

“How much?” asked Abdul.

Matej was less confident there - Ludo suspected he wasn’t terribly numerate. “Enough,” he said, trying to sound assertive.

“I’m afraid I must have better grounds than ‘enough’,” said Abdul, apologetic but firm. “If you could give me a figure - even if you could borrow the money, perhaps - then perhaps I could sign off the deeds. But you understand, I must answer to Prince Sforza for my decisions.”

“Why do we need deeds anyway?” demanded Brina - a woman who had arrived in one of the later caravans. “It was our land to begin with.”

“You’re welcome to return to it without them,” said Abdul. “You always have been. In fact, the reason for this whole arrangement is that not enough people have.” He smiled again. “Of course, you would have to understand that should someone else be granted the deeds, the Prince’s law would be on their side. But I’m sure it would be a very unreasonable landlord who would evict you if they found you were making their fields grow again.”

2022-02-23, 10:01 AM
3rd Pflugzeit - Putbad

Given her position in Sforza's court, Elsa did not want to look like she was snubbing Leona or trying to live incognito in Putbad, and so shortly after Mitterfruhl, she sent Leona a polite invitation to come dine at her rented house with her baby. Since neither Elsa, nor Tatiana, nor Olga was much of a cook, Elsa hired an experienced cook from one of the city's most upscale inns to cater for all of them. The meal began with a creamy, tangy vegetable soup garnished with parsley and crumbs of blue cheese, with some freshly-baked bread on the side. The main course was lamb and onion skewers grilled on an open flame and sprinkled with black pepper and herbs. Dessert consisted of honey and nut pastries which, according to the cook, were a traditional Arabyan treat called 'baklava'. A rich red wine accompanied the meal.

Conversation touched on various topics, including Elsa's magical education, her successful deciphering of Nehekharan hieroglyphs, Leona's child, and the history of Putbad. Elsa cautiously steered clear of anything relating to business, politics, or the ongoing famine and its causes. She paid the cook and bade him good night shortly after dessert was served.

Let's make it 1.5 gc, including wine and catering. If I'm under, correct me; if I'm over, assume Elsa bought an especially pricey wine.

Once the cook was gone, Elsa felt more free to discuss sensitive subjects with Leona. She trusted Tatiana and Olga utterly, and it was time that they, too, know what Elsa knew about the principessa's crime. After all, their safety was at stake by virtue of proximity to the wizard.

"To be honest, Leona, it's good that you're rid of Falkenwald," confided Elsa. "I never trusted him. As far as I can tell, he's made a career of switching sides at the most opportune moment." She drained the rest of her cup of wine and lowered her voice. "How much have you been told about... the circumstances behind Falkenwald's downfall?"

With her study of Nehekharan out of the way, Elsa had more time to attend to Tatiana's education, both magical and mundane. She decided to wait until next year before starting to teach the Classical language to her apprentice, who already had her hands full learning to read and write Reikspiel.

Elsa also worked to carve herself a place among Putbad's upper crust, trying to portray herself both as Savonne's unofficial representative and as an advocate for the industrious, enterprising merchants and tradespeople of the Uplands. She used her status as a lever to attempt to get better prices out of merchants who had dealings with Suzana, and encouraged some of the up-and-comers to undercut their competitors in order to earn a place among Suzana's most privileged partners. She did not know if she was any good at business, but it cost nothing to try.

Already made the rolls. Charm passed with 4 degrees of success, Haggle failed by a significant margin.

Reminder that Elsa wanted to be informed of any noteworthy news about Carraciolo's expedition. (Though this is entirely up to Al-Makir, who I assume is a rather busy man.)

2022-02-24, 04:06 AM
3rd Pflugzeit
Ludo read the letter with mounting concern. "I told you something was up with Hieronymous. I think he's trying to persuade Sforza to do something reckless with the book."

"I want to go and see him, when we're in Savonne, and maybe the temple too."

8th Pflugzeit
"Not enough people?" Ludo asked, trying not to too obviously sieze on the phrase. "It's funny you'd say that, I heard talk amongst some of the other refugees that they weren't willing to go back yet because of the wyvern in the Teeth. It's a shame to hear you're having trouble because, well, the reaches has survived one winter without a proper crop. I don't know if it would survive a second."

He leaned forward a little bit, slipping back into his old negotiation mode. "If I may, Herr Al'Makir, it's obvious that you have great concern for the farmers here but if you choose only the wealthy to work your lands, you'll find them being managed by chinless guilders from Putbad who think crop rotation is passing the pipeweed to the left, and by the time they've got their act together the planting season will be over and we're looking at another lean winter, with all the consequences for the prince that that implies. You don't have a month to delay here."

"Instead, wouldn't you rather have experts working the land? The people who've managed it for a chain of generations?" He knew full well that Brina had won her farm in a card game but carried on. "We can send a shipment of thornwood timber north with them and I'm sure between yourself and Herr Sieghard some kind of loan could be made to get these folks started. They can be planting within two weeks. Surely that's a long-term investment worth making?"

"If you wouldn't mind them returning without a lease... I fail to see what benefit to the crown there would be to grant the lease to someone else, frankly, aside from a handful of coins."

Charm test: [roll0] vs 92

If I don't get, say, three degrees of success, I'll re-roll that: [roll1]

2022-02-24, 07:27 AM
Elsa, 3rd Pflugzeit

“Not much,” said Leona. “Just that he had crossed the Prince in some way, and we wouldn’t be seeing him here again.” She seemed fairly unperturbed by that sentence. “As far as I understand it, the Lord-Lieutenant of the North is responsible for Putbad now - but Lord Carraciolo seems to have been content to leave this town to run itself.”

Ludo & Sieghard, 8th Pflugzeit

“Herr Stubbs,” said Al-Makir. “Always a pleasure.”

Leaning back in his chair, he took his time composing his answer, as if this was a game he rather enjoyed. “You know of course, Herr Stubbs, that owning the land and working the land are two quite different things. And as for a loan from the crown, I’m afraid that’s out of the question. But you make a strong point, all the same.” He looked across to Sieghard. “I think if we can say this endeavour has both the… material and financial support of the Steward of Painford, then the risk is not so great.”

He drew out a map of the Downs, over which a patchwork of names and boundaries had been drawn in vivid red ink. West of the Azril, the lands nearest the river were the most heavily scribbled-over.

“Somewhere out towards the hills, perhaps,” he said, running his finger to where there was still open space to write. “It’s harder land, but then you have all that experience. You said there were more of you, back in Painford?” he asked. “How much were you thinking?”

OOC: The amount of land they’ll need is dependent on how many of them go - just for subsistence they’ll need a certain acreage per family (maybe 1 acre in the most fertile areas nearest the river and the Mere, going up to 2 or 3 in the foothills of the Teeth). The question for you guys here is I guess how many of them do you want out of Painford - are you looking to get them all out in one go?

2022-02-24, 08:45 AM
Elsa, 3rd Pflugzeit

"The Prince would have been tight-lipped about that," said Elsa. "It's a story that involves his wife."

She paused, then realized how that opening came across.

"Not in that way," she added.

"Back in Kaldezeit, I was falsely accused of treasonous acts. At my trial, I requested to have the halfling Ludovic Stubbs speak for me. He's a good friend of mine and a member of the Thorns mercenary company, and he has a silver tongue. Sforza agreed to send for him in Last Water. But Sforza's wife Irene despises me and really wanted me to lose that trial... to the point that she hired the Falcons to ambush Ludo and his party in the Thornwood."

"Ludo made it out alive, but we lost several good people. Including Adelbert Schreiber, another of my friends."

The last sentence came out almost as a growl. Elsa grabbed the bottle of wine for a refill, and was disappointed to find it empty.

"Prince Sforza knows, of course," she went on bitterly. "But he made sure the blame fell solely on the Falcons. I don't know if the other commanders were even made aware of Irene's treachery, apart from Sieghard, who leads the Thorns. The official story is that Falkenwald just decided, for some unfathomable reason, to order an ambush on the Prince's own men."

"who think crop rotation is passing the pipeweed to the left"
Ha ha ha ha ha :smallbiggrin:

2022-02-24, 09:18 AM
Elsa, 3rd Pflugzeit

Leona's expression betrayed no feelings as she listened to Elsa's story - perhaps by now she was inured to double-crossing. "Why are you telling me this?" she asked. "If the Prince didn't want his own lieutenants to know, I doubt he'd care for me hearing about it."

2022-02-24, 10:01 AM
Elsa gave a shrug. "I don't know. I suppose I felt like discussing this with someone for who the issue isn't personal, and who's not one of the Prince's lackeys. In any case, this unpleasantness got you rid of Falkenwald, who I suspect would have conspired to remain in charge of Putbad for life." She left unspoken the implications for little Eberhard.

She used her fork to scrape the last of the honey in her plate and brought it to her lips. "You've got a good thing here in Putbad. Just trading instead of trying to rule. The vampire claimed he'd cursed the Broken Reaches to be impossible to govern, and while I don't know about a literal curse, it sounds more and more plausible. When was the last time a ruler of Savonne passed down his crown to his rightful heir? Has that ever happened, as far back as your historical records go?"

2022-02-24, 10:32 AM
Elsa, 3rd Pflugzeit

"There have been plenty of people who tried to rule out of Putbad," said Leona. "My husband, for one."

She looked toward the window. "If you're looking for histories around here, the monks probably have the best records. I don't think there's been a peaceful succession in Savonne in my lifetime. Maybe not in my father's, either. Even if there had been, it's only recently that the ruler of Savonne has been able to call himself the ruler of the Reaches too."

The topic of local history didn't seem to hold her interest very much. Leona was never anything but scrupulously polite, but Elsa thought she sensed a certain restlessness on the part of her guest.

"It was very generous of you to invite me here. Really, I feel I should be the one hosting you." She paused. "What's brought you to Putbad? I hear you've been here a little while."

2022-02-24, 10:56 AM
Elsa was saddened that her dinner appeared to have been an imposition on Leona.

"My employer wanted me out of Savonne, due to persistent rumors among the populace that I was involved in the fire on Geheimnistag's eve. In Putbad at least, I have no enemies that I know of. I can also conduct business... I've got a stake in an enterprise that imports food."

She smiled. "I assure you my presence in your town will be discreet. Thank you for honoring me with your visit, Leona."

2022-02-24, 11:25 AM
Elsa, 3rd Pflugzeit

Leona smiled. "You're the second person in as many weeks to talk to me as if I run this place," she said. "It's very flattering. Although I don't know what you mean by discreet," she added. "Everyone in the high town is talking about the Prince's wizard being here. I think some of them at least might be relieved to hear you're not here on the Prince's business. You know he's been taking a keen interest in the river trade himself, lately."

2022-02-24, 11:52 AM
"Oh, the meeting of the guilders... It was being prepared around the time I left Savonne. I trust it went well? Has Sforza's mood improved?"

Elsa began gathering the empty plates. "I'm not here in any official capacity, though if some want to treat me as the Prince's representative, I'll do my best to fulfill that role. My interests may not always align with the Prince's, however. Politics and business are different beasts."

And if I ever end up on the losing side of one, I'd like to be on the winning side of the other.

2022-02-24, 03:30 PM
Elsa, 3rd Pflugzeit

"I don't know that Prince Sforza would agree with that," said Leona, evenly. "He seemed to think the question of the river trade was quite political. Of course, I was only there as an observer, really," she added. "I'm not a guildmaster like the others."

Little Eberhard had woken up, and now came toddling towards his mother. Picking him up, Leona sat him on her knee, where he contentedly leant against her and began to fall back to sleep. "The Prince wants the way smoothed for grain coming down the river to Savonne. He was quite put out about what he called 'profiteering'. In the end, he was persuaded that the crown could bear the costs of improving the portage over the Falls, thanks to some advice from a friend of yours - Lady Schreiber?"

2022-02-24, 03:33 PM
Sieghard & Ludo

Sieghard wasn't particularly thrilled with the part about financial support. As he saw it, Sforza was the one who ordered the farms burned and the one with the most to lose from another failed crop and so should be the one to bear most of the burden of rebuilding. He didn't imagine he'd get far arguing that point, however.

"Materials and labor they have in no short supply," Sieghard said. "I've had them cutting wood and allowed them to set aside some of it for rebuilding. If extra carts could be spared, it could be moved faster and rebuilding started all the sooner." He drummed his fingers against the side of Al-Makir's desk, trying to think of ways to mitigate his own portion of the risk. "I'm willing to help fund the rebuilding if that's what the Prince wants," he said, "But if I'm paying the loan, than anything it's used for is mine until I've been paid back. If in a month or a year the prince decides the farmland would be better in someone else's hands, then that someone else would have to pay my price for anything built on the land."

2022-02-24, 03:45 PM
Ludo & Sieghard, 8th Pflugzeit

"Do you see his Highness here, my friend?" said Abdul, motioning around the room. "Let's not talk about what the Prince wants. The Prince leaves the details to me." He turned his open palms towards Sieghard. "As for the terms of any loan, that would be between yourself and these fine ladies and gentlemen. But I can assure you, these deeds are solid. As solid as anything can be, in these times."

2022-02-24, 05:28 PM
Elsa, 3rd Pflugzeit

"Jarla Schreiber, yes," said Elsa with a nod. "Don't let her finery fool you, she's a woman of great personal bravery and determination. The sort who could lose every last penny in a coup or revolution and reemerge a year later as a feared bandit leader or criminal queenpin, like a character from a stage play. Can't say the same about her employer, the principessa, who I'm pretty sure has never sewn back a button or saddled her own horse in her entire life."

"I'm glad you found common ground with Jarla... The food needs to flow. Winter is almost over but the first harvest is still a long way off."

Seeing that everyone was too polite to claim the last slice of baklava, Elsa offered it to Tatiana just to settle the matter.

"Eberhard looks tired. Perhaps it's best to put him to bed. Would you like an escort on your way home?"

2022-02-25, 12:25 PM
Elsa, 8th Pflugzeit

"I don't think I can fault the lady Irene for determination," said Leona. She seemed to choose her words very carefully. "I think she's a woman who doesn't stop until she gets what she wants."

"Eberhard looks tired. Perhaps it's best to put him to bed. Would you like an escort on your way home?"

"I'll be quite alright," said Leona, "Roth brought me here. He should be waiting for us round the corner."

2022-02-25, 01:00 PM
"I don't think I can fault the lady Irene for determination," said Leona. She seemed to choose her words very carefully. "I think she's a woman who doesn't stop until she gets what she wants."
Elsa snorted. "I know what she's capable of. I don't question her ruthlessness—only her resourcefulness. I think she'd be quite helpless outside her natural element."

I'd like to catch her outside her natural element, one of these days.

"I'll be quite alright," said Leona, "Roth brought me here. He should be waiting for us round the corner."
"Oh! You should've told me... I would've extended my invitation to him too," said Elsa.

She now wondered if it had been a social faux pas of her to include her own bodyguard in her dinner party. She was herself from a rather wealthy family, but not so wealthy that they considered their servants and retainers unworthy of eating at the masters' table.

"Thank you again for gracing us with your presence, Leona."

I'm done here. Ready for the next time-skip, unless someone else has something to say.

2022-02-26, 12:22 PM
Sieghard & Ludo

"Well then," Sieghard said, addressing the farmers. "I'll handle buying tools and whatnot and hold the deed. Once you pay me back for the loan, the deed and land will be yours. If you're ok with that condition, I think we've got an agreement."

2022-03-01, 03:58 AM
His business with Al'Makir concluded, Ludo headed off towards Hieronymous. He paused uneasily at the bottom of the temple mound, uncertain whether to speak to Hieronymous again himself or go directly to the temple with his accusations - and then decided on the latter, heading to the temple in the hope of finding Brother Cezar.

2022-03-02, 02:36 PM
Ludo, 8th Pflugzeit

Ludo found Cezar exactly where he'd expected, instructing the initiates. He greeted Ludo with his usual manner mild mannered calm.

"Master Stubbs," he said. "Unexpected but not unwelcome. What can I do for you?"

2022-03-03, 07:08 AM
Ludo took Cezar aside for a private chat, taking a moment to wave to Bertelis.

"I wanted to ask you about Father Hieronymous," he said. "Whether you felt he'd been quite himself since his injury. I've been thinking about his reaction to the, uh, the undead that I brought to the temple, and how you felt about that. Would you say that was characteristic for him?"

He watched Cezar's face carefully. "Because the wizard was telling me that he had... expressed similar sentiments to her."

2022-03-03, 03:50 PM

Cezar's expression became more serious.

"I.. wouldn't claim to know the Revered Father too well," he began. "I've been here in the city less than a year. And the ways of Verena are not the ways of Morr. But I don't believe Mother Raqiyah would have made the same decision."

He looked over Ludo's head, to make sure they weren't being overheard. "I've worried a little as to whether Father Hieronymus is perhaps becoming... confused? He's not so old, but I've seen it happen to younger people. His manner's been quite changeable lately, and sometimes I think he doesn't seem to remember our conversations."

2022-03-03, 04:44 PM
Ludo thought carefully. "That could be... that's possible. But he seemed very sharp right up until his injury."

"This is... this is a very serious accusation for me to make. But the daemon that was vanquished was capable of... possessing its victims. If the good father is... unlike how he was..."

2022-03-03, 05:22 PM
Sieghard & Jarla

Once Ludo had gone, Sieghard went in search of Jarla and asked her to join him for a walk through the market, primarily so they could talk without the risk of anyone at the castle overhearing.

"I've been thinking on your letter and may have a solution," he said. "If Sforza was convinced the problem it's something other than the book, he wouldn't have any reason to move it, right? Well there was something a madman who worshipped the jackal said. He told Sforza 'Your line ends with you. You'll be forgotten and all that you own will be blown away like dust in the wind.' Or something of that sort. So it's not the book, it's a curse. And the madman was an ally of the Rivermouth hag, so she was the one who did it. She threatened something similar right before we killed her master." Sieghard didn't remember Mala's threats mentioning anything about Sforza's bloodline, but doubted the prince had paid her enough attention to remember the specifics.

"And the only way to break the curse is to kill the hag," he continued. "Solves two problems at once, that way."

2022-03-04, 09:13 AM

Cezar fell silent. He clearly took the suggestion as seriously as Ludo meant it.

"Sister Ioana told us something of what was said at Magister Holt's trial," he said at last. "Of course, you've met the creature before." He paused again, still thinking. "But to possess a priest? It's been months since he was hurt, and I see him here every day, walking on consecrated ground." He raised his eyebrows. "It seems wild to believe."

2022-03-04, 09:30 AM
"You would know better than me what seems likely or unlikely," Ludo said. "You taught me everything I know about these matters. I wanted to make sure somebody else was considering this, really."

He sighed. "I like to think I'm a friend of the father but don't know him that well. If you.. so long as you're aware of this and able to keep it in mind when dealing with him in future. If you have any other concerns please let me know. Or Fraulein Hildebrand, perhaps. In particular, anything else about the book... he was advocating to Sforza that they could move it, if you become aware of them doing that please let myself and the wizard know."

2022-03-04, 09:55 AM

Cezar furrowed his brow. "Well, that's been the Temple's position since well before... I mean, that's why Preceptor Kleinrabe came. We can't just leave one of the Nine Books of Nagash buried in a courtyard in the middle of Savonne." He sighed. "Whether his highness will listen to us is another question, but I don't think that would be anything new on Father Hieronymus' part."

He rubbed his hands, folding his fingers over one another as he thought. "It's still a very concerning suggestion. One that asks for an answer sooner rather than later. I'll see what I can find out for certain." He nodded to Ludo. "And of course, I'll let you know what I find. I think you give yourself too little credit where practical knowledge of these things is concerned, Master Stubbs. I think you've met more daemons than all the priests of Savonne put together."

2022-03-05, 09:17 AM
Ludo gave a slightly strained smile. "All I found out was how much I don't know and how much it hurts when they hit you."

"If we were sure he was... what could be done about it? Could he be... consecrated? Exorcised?"

2022-03-07, 07:43 AM

"It's not something I've done myself," said Cezar, "but I believe it can be done. Ordinarily I'd say Father Hieronymus was the best person to do it," he added, with an ironic smile. "He may have something about it in his books."

2022-03-07, 08:56 AM
Ludo gave that some thought. "Perhaps I should find an excuse to borrow one of those books then. Or suggest an exorcism of one of the old ruins."

2022-03-07, 11:52 AM
Jarla & Sieghard

Sieghard & Jarla

Once Ludo had gone, Sieghard went in search of Jarla and asked her to join him for a walk through the market, primarily so they could talk without the risk of anyone at the castle overhearing.

"I've been thinking on your letter and may have a solution," he said. "If Sforza was convinced the problem it's something other than the book, he wouldn't have any reason to move it, right? Well there was something a madman who worshipped the jackal said. He told Sforza 'Your line ends with you. You'll be forgotten and all that you own will be blown away like dust in the wind.' Or something of that sort. So it's not the book, it's a curse. And the madman was an ally of the Rivermouth hag, so she was the one who did it. She threatened something similar right before we killed her master." Sieghard didn't remember Mala's threats mentioning anything about Sforza's bloodline, but doubted the prince had paid her enough attention to remember the specifics.

"And the only way to break the curse is to kill the hag," he continued. "Solves two problems at once, that way."

Jarla pretended to browse the various stalls and exchange smiles and nods with people who recognised her but all the while she kept listening to Sieghard's idea.

"That is a very good plan," she enthused, "though we'd probably need to bring in someone who knows about curses... Which either means Elsa - and I can imagine how Irene would love that - or one of the priests. Do you know Barbaro at all? I've barely met the man but he does have the Prince's ear."

2022-03-07, 12:00 PM

"If we were sure," Cezar reminded him. "To set a trap like that for the Revered Father, I would want to be certain... it could still just be his age catching up to him." He paused. "If you want to read about it, Master Stubbs, then I can't see the harm, but anything more drastic I think should wait."

2022-03-07, 12:10 PM
"No, no, of course," Ludo said genuinely. "I wasn't planning anything like that - just as a reason I might need the book."

2022-03-07, 12:16 PM

Cezar gave a tiny nod. "Well... I'm glad you told me this, even if I hope you're wrong. I'll do what I can. Where should I look if I need to find you?"

2022-03-07, 12:57 PM
Sieghard & Jarla

"Barbaro could be swayed easily enough. By someone with a nice set of... eyes... at least." Sieghard replied. "As for Irene, it might be better if she never caught wind of it at all. You could tell the Prince that she told you in private and she's embarrassed by the whole thing. Do that and it wouldn't seem odd to ask he not let her know you went to him."

2022-03-08, 07:03 AM
Jarla & Sieghard

Jarla laughed then turned to look at Sieghard, a copper eyebrow raised over a blue-grey eye. "Well, I'm glad you noticed my... eyes. I'll speak with him, and perhaps Abdul - I get along well with him. Giovanni isn't here which is a bit of a shame since, um, he has certainly noticed my eyes."

Her smile faded a little. "It goes against my ethics as a devotee of Ranald but I suspect I might have to be honest - more or less - with Muzio that I accidently overheard him and can put two and two together. He knows his wife and he knows she won't confide in me, even when I am in her good books which I currently am not."

2022-03-08, 07:27 AM
"Painford," Ludo said. "If I'm not there, they'll know where I am."

"I hope I'm wrong too, Brother. But I'm glad to have shared the concern."

He tried to change the subject. "How is Bertelis doing? I imagine he's had a very quiet winter after his adventures with Adelbert."

2022-03-08, 11:48 PM
Sieghard & Jarla

"You're close to her, aren't you?" Sieghard asked, unsure what was wrong with his suggestion. "She thinks you're her friend."

"Go about it however you think is best, but the less people involved the better. Can't imagine he'll be any easier to convince if he's fuming that everyone knows his little secret."

2022-03-09, 09:35 AM

"He seems to be fitting in well with the other initiates," said Cezar. "A cheerful boy."

2022-03-10, 07:22 AM
"That's good," Ludo said. "I... imagine you've told him about Caerfort?"

"I actually have something from Caerfort for him. Father Schreiber recovered it before his death, and I thought it might be appropriate that it now belongs to him? Or the temple? Or the church of Verena?"

He drew the Caerfort Book from his bag, wrapped in cloth to protect it, as it had been since he had recovered it from Adelbert's body. "This was a history of Caerfort kept for a very long time. We were allowed to read it shortly after Adelbert arrived in the reaches. Father Schreiber took it from the ruins on our return to Manaan's Keep."

I'm not sure where the appropriate part in this process to call Bertelis in himself is - I think Ludo would want to give the book to him, but perhaps Cezar gets a veto on that - I'll leave it to you where Bertelis enters this post. I'm also not certain whether Bertelis is going to be a Verenan or how that works, but figured I should get a post in rather than going for a long back-and-forth with Cezar.

2022-03-12, 12:04 PM

Taking the book, Cezar weighed it in his hands and drew back the wrapping to examine it. "It looks old," he said. "I wouldn't think the Temple has any particular claim to it, myself. If you think the boy should have it, then I hope we've taught him well enough to take good care of it." He handed it back to Ludo.

Bertelis was looking a little taller and thinner than Ludo remembered him, as well as a little nervous at having been summoned - but he broke out in a smile when he saw Ludo. Immediately he was bursting with questions about Rhadegund and the others, until Cezar put a steadying hand on his shoulder.

"Master Stubbs has something for you," he said. "A book that belonged to Father Schreiber."

Bertelis took the book solemnly, and opened it to the first page. "This is Orderic's book," he said, looking up at Ludo as if he didn't fully understand. "From the village."

2022-03-12, 03:26 PM
Jarla and Sieghard

Sieghard & Jarla

"You're close to her, aren't you?" Sieghard asked, unsure what was wrong with his suggestion. "She thinks you're her friend."

"Go about it however you think is best, but the less people involved the better. Can't imagine he'll be any easier to convince if he's fuming that everyone knows his little secret."

Jarla smiled ruefully in a manner not unlike her brother, albeit with more lipstick. "I'll see what I can do. How long do you and Ludo intend to stay here? It's been lonely since Elsa left."

2022-03-12, 07:05 PM
"You've heard what happened to the village," Ludo said sombrely. "Adelbert recovered the book before he died. He and I -and you - shared a love of knowledge, and...and a belief in its value. Orderic and the others before him kept a record, knowledge that wasn't written down anywhere else, and so... this book is priceless. And Caerfort doesn't exist any more."

"But luckily they have someone to look after their history. A priest of Verena, one day. I can't think of anyone better."

2022-03-13, 07:33 AM

Bertelis closed the book, holding it tight to his chest. It was a weighty volume - it and his ribcage were almost the same size.

"Thank you," he said, in a small voice. "I'll - I'll take good care of it."

2022-03-13, 04:52 PM
"I know you will," Ludo said. "I think Orderic would be very glad to know you had it."

"I hope you'll come and visit us in Painford at some point," he added. "I've started a schoolhouse in Adelbert's shrine, we'd love to have you visit."

2022-03-14, 07:42 AM

Bertelis looked up at Cezar, who gave a tiny nod. Bertelis looked very happy to see it.

"I'm sure Father Schreiber would be pleased to know his shrine is still a place of learning," said Cezar. "You do his memory honour, Master Stubbs. If there's any small way the Temple can help, we'd be glad to."

2022-03-14, 08:55 AM
"Any of your initiates or priests who wanted to spread a little theological knowledge would be very welcome," Ludo said.

"For now, though, I should go and speak to Father Hieronymous about what we discussed. Thank you, brother, and best of luck Bertelis. Rhadegund misses you, I think, though you wouldn't catch her admitting it."

Ludo and Hieronymous

Ludo found Hieronymous at his house, and politely asked if he could come in.

"How have you been, Father?" he asked, hanging his hat by the door. "And how is Eustratus?"

2022-03-14, 11:00 AM

"Euthymius," Hieronymus reflexively corrected him. "Well, thank you, tolerably well. It's good to see you." He looked over Ludo's head into the street. "Does this mean the others are here too?"

2022-03-14, 11:31 AM
"Not this time," Ludo said. "The commander is on some stewardly business in town, I think. It's just me - wanted to pick your brain on a topic if I might."

2022-03-14, 11:50 AM

"Oh - well, of course," said Hieronymus. "I'm sorry, do come in. I was just remembering the last time, with Magister Holt - I meant to tidy the place up to be more suitable for guests, you know, but I never quite got round to it. Duties at the Temple, you know." He closed the door behind Ludo before sitting himself down in a faded old chair, only having to move a few books to do so. "What was it you wanted to talk about?"

2022-03-14, 12:23 PM
Sieghard & Jarla

"We weren't planning on staying too long," Sieghard admitted. "We've got others with us who I imagine are eager to start rebuilding. Still, I'm sure we can find an excuse to stay an extra day or two."

2022-03-14, 12:37 PM
"Daemons," Ludo said frankly. "And how one could get rid of them." He needed to act like someone with no reason to suspect the old priest, and being secretive or coy would be far more suspicious than openness. "I was thinking about the two towers in the karst - Harmugstahl and Guldur. There might be something useful or interesting in one of them - or valuable- but when we went there before the wizard said they were soaked in Chaos. You and Adelbert performed some kind of ritual around the Book once - I was wondering if there was some variation we could use to clear the towers out and make them safer to search."

2022-03-14, 01:22 PM

Hieronymus raised his eyebrows. "Life too quiet without a monster to fight, eh?" he said, only half joking. "Old ruins out in the Karst, that's the starting point for many tall tales. But I suppose some of them must be true. The Library was an old wives' tale, after all, until you found it."

He looked up at his bookshelves. "As to your question... it's a point of interesting scholarship. Daemons certainly can be, have been, ah, 'got rid of', but exactly what that means..." He trailed off. "Theophanous of Verezzo claimed that daemons could not be created or destroyed, because they were made of the same immutable stuff as the human soul. I believe his later writings got him into some trouble with the cult of Morr, but I think the general consensus is there is some truth to it. There are multiple accounts of individual daemons - or entities claiming to be the same daemon, at any rate - returning long years after they were thought utterly destroyed."

With a visible effort, he levered himself up out of his chair and walked over to the nearest bookcase. "How they are destroyed can vary rather widely too. I think there are plenty of accounts of daemons being destroyed in battle... I must have Gluckschutz's History of the Great War somewhere here. Then there are your banishments and exorcisms... something of a Sigmarite speciality in the north, but there are examples of daemons being cast out in the name of many gods. When I helped the Prince's soldiers with that thing at the castle, that was the litany I learned from Father Casimir before me..."

He trailed off, as if he had lost the thread of his thoughts.

"Uh... yes, sorry, as I was saying... If that was what you were looking for, then I would think any priest who knew their scriptures would have something equivalent. Though far from guaranteed to work... some daemons are stronger than others. According to Guttingen's Doxologies, if you really want to be certain, you need the creature's true name." He gave a weak smile. "Though how one's supposed to go about getting it, I'm not sure. In my personal experience - very limited I'm sure - a couple of strong men with good sharp spears were much more useful."

2022-03-16, 10:23 AM
Elsa, 4th Pflugzeit

The day after her dinner with Lady Groz, Elsa wrote to Sforza.


I hope this letter finds you well. I am now well settled in Putbad and have been working to become a full-fledged member of the local community. The situation over here appears to be peaceful, though the Uplands are also affected by drought.

I write to ask for news from the west. Has Giovanni reported any progress in his hunt for Mother Mala in the Raven Hills, or mentioned any other trouble in those parts? Has he said anything about his man Giuliano's condition?

There are whispers in Putbad that our northern neighbour Count Hiln has some 'questionable allies' who use green fire against his enemy, Count Rutgar. Whether sorcery or just some strange alchemy, I believe this is the sort of thing we should keep an eye on. I am sure I could find out more—and of course, a modest amount of resources would go a long way to grease the gears of Putbad's excellent rumour mill. With no battles to fight, I find myself with plenty of time to branch out into new specializations, such as intelligence-gathering.

As always, I am also at your disposal should you require my more arcane talents.

Magister Elsabeth Holt
6, Spicers' Alley, Putbad
Penned on the 4th day of Pflugzeit

As she sealed the letter with hot wax, it occurred to Elsa that she really needed her own custom seal. She resolved to have one made in the near future. Perhaps an open palm with a flame hovering above it, or something along these lines.

2022-03-17, 05:48 AM
Ludo made a mental note to speak to Father Hechsler. "Do you have any of those books that I could borrow?"

"I assume the "true name" of a daemon is different to the name they might give?"

2022-03-17, 05:59 AM

"I would think so," said Hieronymus. "The names daemons go by in our ordinary histories, those are mostly names we give them. More like titles, or epithets. The true name must be a closely-guarded secret, by their enemies as much as by their friends. Power over a daemon would be a terrible tool, in the wrong hands."

2022-03-17, 06:28 AM
Ludo wasn't sure what he would have been expecting from a Hieronymous posessed, but this wasn't it. Should he ask some probing questions about who the right hands might be?

I don't have anything else in particular aside from trying to borrow any of the mentioned books, if Hieronymous has them.

2022-03-17, 07:33 AM

Hieronymus was careful as always about getting assurances that any books borrowed from his collection would be returned - but he clearly trusted Ludo enough to part with a few. He found the copy of Gluckschutz's History that he had been looking for, as well as an abridged copy of the Doxologies. The two tomes were thick enough together to fill Ludo's arms.

"I hope you can find what you need, Master Stubbs," said Hieronymus. "Mm - or failing that, that the need remains remote. Do you know when we might next see you in town?"

2022-03-17, 09:45 AM
"No specific plans, but I'll be sure to have these back this month or next," Ludo promised. "Thank you father, you've been very helpful."

Or had he?

2022-03-19, 01:53 PM
Savonne, 8th Pflugzeit

Laden down with the weight of the borrowed books, Ludo made his way back to the castle barracks where Sieghard would be bunking. Matej, Brina and the others had gone off to find their own accommodation in the city, not being too comfortable in the presence of so many soldiers. They had been cautiously grateful for Sieghard’s promise of assistance, though conscious of having to pay him back in time - Sieghard suspected they wanted some time to talk among themselves.

Backertag, 9th Pflugzeit - Savonne

The next morning, Sieghard and Ludo had only just roused themselves to step outside when Barbaro accosted them in the courtyard. He was all smiles, as he usually was when he wanted something.

“Signor Sieghard! Just the man I was hoping to find,” he said, putting an arm around Sieghard’s shoulder. “I was writing you a letter, but Abdul told me you were here! Myrmidia smiles upon us in the small things as well as the large.”

“What I wanted to talk to you about is this,” he said. “Now that spring has arrived, their Highnesses have decided on taking a change of scene - a trip down to the Vale, to get out of this fusty old place. The Thornwood is quite a natural stop, you agree, and the Prince in particular is keen to see if there is some good hunting to be had. Do you think this is something you can arrange?” He started counting off on his fingers. “I think the royal party should be only about twenty people, or maybe thirty, and they would only be with you for two days, maybe three, on the way south. About a week from now.” He put his hand back on Sieghard’s shoulder. “We can count on you, eh?”


Matej and the others were waiting out in the market square, underneath Sforza’s statue. The North Market was not so busy today as it had been the day before, but they were still eyeing up some of the goods on display with wistful expressions.

“We should be heading back today,” said Brina. “The others will want to know the news. Are you heading back too?”

OOC: If there’s any shopping you want to do in Savonne for stuff to help them get the farm started, this’d be the time.

2022-03-21, 03:52 AM
"I'm sure we can drum up something for his highness," Ludo said brightly to Barbaro. "And there should be some excellent hunting this time of year."

2022-03-21, 10:09 AM

"We'll make sure he's comfortable." Sieghard said. He was far from thrilled about it, but made sure not to let it show. "Is there anything in particular you'd recommend we do to make sure Painford is ready for him?"

Not sure if you want to itemize things beyond what was mentioned OOC or leave it more abstract like with the taxes, but Sieghard will talk with them about what supplies/tools they need to get started and pick it up before heading out. I doubt he brought enough money for big purchases with him, but if he stops by to see Burhan and pick up his share of what the river trade has brought in, that should cover the initial expenses.

[roll0] vs 54 Haggle roll for the actual purchasing part.

2022-03-22, 10:17 AM
Sieghard & Ludo

Barbaro grinned. "I knew we could count on you," he said. "You know our lord and lady, they like the fine things in life... but I think if you can give them a bed, a roof over their heads, a meal or two, and a hunt for his Highness, then that will be enough." He paused, struck by a less pleasant thought. "Oh... and if your people in the village keep any swine, it might be best to move them away from where the guests will be staying."

2022-03-22, 01:59 PM

"Right, the Prince is.... not fond of those." Sieghard replied. "I've never understood why. Whatever the reason, I'll be sure he doesn't see any while he's there."

2022-03-22, 05:16 PM
Backertag, 9th Pflugzeit - Savonne

Jarla had spent the last couple of days busy with her normal duties so had had little time to put any schemes into motion, though she did try and resume her search for a main gauche to complement the foil she had purchased earlier. The noblewoman was determined to keep her skill at fencing up, and in her irregular moments of free time sparred with others, including Sieghard as he had shown willing.

The news that the prince and princesses intended to go out on tour caught Jarla by surprise; it was the sort of idea she might have had herself if she was on speaking terms with Irene. Truthfully she was delighted to see the back of the Sforzas for a while, especially as with much of the the court away her own authority would presumably go up. In a wild moment she thought about taking a trip herself to see Giovanni but a little reflection revealed that was not a great idea - someone had to stay in Savonne and make sure the book was under guard.

In the mean time there was naturally more work in helping assemble the party to go with the royal couple; servants, clothing, making sure the horses were in proper condition...

"Just think Jacques, days, weeks of freedom!" she gushed to the court musician as she met him in the keep courtyard. "I could dance when I heard the news!"

2022-03-25, 01:53 PM
Jarla, 8th Pflugzeit

“You aren’t planning to go with them, then?” asked Jacques, only half ironically. “Myself, I would have thought that will be where the action is, non? Not that I understand why.” His expression turned sour. “I have spent some time in the south, and I will tell you it is no place for an artist. They have nothing there but unappreciative paysans.”

Festag, 13th Pflugzeit

Come Festag, the last of the winter cold was receding into memory, and the balmy days of spring had arrived in earnest. There were still no signs of the rains the priests had prayed for, but it was warm in the sun, and the west wind had lost its icy teeth, and that was something at least.


Days had passed since Sieghard and Ludo’s visit, and, perhaps despite herself, the principessa’s stormy mood was beginning to abate. Surrounded by sunny weather and the preparations for the trip south, the ferocious arguments with her husband had subsided, and life in the castle felt a little less like treading the edge of a knife. She hadn’t even managed to be properly rude to Jarla since Bezahltag.

That night, Jarla woke sweating from a dream that had seemed so vivid it had to be real. Adelbert had been standing at the foot of her bed, trying to tell her something with an expression of inexpressible urgency - but no words could leave his mouth, the air escaping only as formless whistling from the ugly gash in his neck. When she woke, he was gone - but the room was suffused with a strange, rust-coloured light, shining in around the edges of the window.

Rising from bed, she walked over and threw open the shutters, gazing out into the night. What gazed back was the face of Morrslieb. The Chaos Moon looked unnaturally close tonight, looming so large that she could count every crater on its deathly face. It hung low in the west, and instead of its usual sickly green, it shone a deep, bloody red…


From the window of her rented lodgings, Elsa could see the same moon shining down over Putbad. To her second sight, it was ringed by a corona of raw magic, the very sight of it making her eyes ache.

The moon’s light seemed to steal the peace from the sleeping town laid out below the window. Cats yowled and babies bawled, their cries carrying over even the soft, distant thunder of the falls. Somewhere far out among the streets and houses, a man’s despairing scream rose up, before fading swiftly away.


In Painford, preparations for the royal visit were well underway. Matej and the others had taken the first wave of their people back north, leaving behind only those too young or old to help with the work. They had promised that they would send word back when there was fit shelter for them to come. Ludo was glad to have the greater number of them out from underfoot, particularly the young men - with how many of them viewed the Tileans, it wouldn’t have been ideal to have them around when the Prince and his Iron Company honour guard arrived.

Among the longer-term residents of the village, there was still a degree of anxiety about Prince Sforza’s visit, accompanied by some vague anticipation that together with the construction of the manor, this was ‘putting Painford on the map’. Ludo’s classes in the chapel started to skew more and more towards discussions of Tilea, and royalty, and what was the right way to address a lord or lady, and whether it was true that the lady Sforza was thought the most beautiful woman in her country before she came to the Reaches.

If the villagers were distracting themselves too much with such thoughts, Festag night would at least banish them for a while. As Morrslieb’s blood-red face rose over the tree-tops, the livestock in the village went wild, honking, braying and squealing for all they were worth. In her cottage by the square, poor addle-witted Marta had to be restrained for fear she would hurt herself in her violent convulsions, while several Thorns who were out late swore they saw ghostly lights in the highest window of Fassbender’s old tower. Mounting the steps to the top, they found no-one there.

“I’m not much of a one for reading omens and such,” said Gavril, peering up out of his front window at the grinning moon, “but as omens go, that looks like a bad one to me.”

Wellentag, 14th Pflugzeit


The next morning, Elsa heard the news: one of the monks of Azriller had thrown himself over the falls. “Rowed out to the statue and just jumped over!” she heard a woman on the street saying to her companion. “They found him tangled under the piers, down the bottom. Abbot Tomas was white as a sheet when he heard!”


Wellentag morning dawned to the sound of Norten and his guards dragging a prisoner in through the gates. He was an unfamiliar man, rangy and bedraggled, and raved loudly as the guards carried him off towards the cells.

“Another nutter trying to make a mark on ‘is ‘ighness’s statue,” said one of the guards, when Jacques casually inquired as to what had happened. “‘Course we was ready for him, this time. It was all go last night, you know. Moon brings ‘em out.” He took the drink Jacques offered him gratefully, and carried on. “Some woman in the Warren up and cut her husband’s throat while he was sleepin’, and the lunatics down at the Great Hospital were kickin’ up such a fuss that the priests had to call us in for ‘elp.”

2022-03-25, 02:39 PM
@ LCP: Reminder that Elsa wrote a letter to Sforza (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25397605&postcount=980) 10 in-game days ago.

Wellentag, 14th Pflugzeit


Last night's strange moon and the accompanying tumult all over the city reminded Elsa of Herr Reinholt's bout of madness on last Geheimnisnacht, when Nahorek attacked the temple. And so, upon learning of a monk's suicide, there was little doubt in her mind that something unnatural had driven him to this act. Taking her bodyguard and her apprentice with her, she hastened to the Azrillite monastery to request to speak to Abbot Tomas.

She could not help but feel a guilty excitement at the chance to make use of her arcane skills and knowledge once more, though she was a tad disappointed that no one had come straight to her about this matter.

2022-03-25, 07:40 PM
Jarla, 8th Pflugzeit

Jarla smiled ruefully. "It doesn't matter if that is where the action is. I'm not invited."

Jarla suspected that Sforza would have been happy to have her travel with the court, and perhaps might even be surprised that Irene hadn't brought her prima cameriera along. Her feelings were conflicted; Jarla did not particularly want to spend time with a rude Irene but it still stung her pride.

Still it might leave her with some defacto control over the court stragglers in Savonne. There was that...

Wellentag, 14th Pflugzeit

A glassy eyed Jarla found herself nodding at the guard's report. She'd had a particularly horrible night and it was hardly a comfort to know everyone else had. "I see," she said listlessly before returning to her chambers and donning proper attire for going out and about. Time to pay a visit to the Temple, and to Adelbert's grave. Maybe there would be some answers there?

2022-03-26, 06:25 AM
Jarla, 8th Pflugzeit

"Invited?" said Jacques. "Ma'moiselle Schreiber, you are much too humble and retiring. Ask around this place and see who else is 'invited'." He lowered his voice a little. "Our lord and lady, it does not occur to them that anyone they wish to bring with them might say 'no', even if they tell them the hour before they depart."

OOC: Please don't take my lack of time lately as an IC snub! The Sforza's haven't shown any particular interest as yet in whether Jarla wants to go or not - that leaves her fairly free to ask for either.

14th Pflugzeit


The river was low even above the falls. Crossing the bridge to the rocky island on which the monastery stood, Elsa could see rocks standing clear of the water that usually never saw the open air, their surfaces worn into smooth, undulating shapes.

The monastery itself was built of the same Karst limestone, its hard edges softened by long exposure to the wind and spray. Designs of waterfalls and leaping fish were carved around the stone arch that framed its front door - and above the lintel, the round face of Azriller herself, with long plaits cascading down to either side. Elsa thought this likeness rather more pleasing to the eye than the squat lump of stone that leaned over the edge of the falls.

Inside, the air was hushed, and her footsteps echoed loudly from the stone walls. A brother of the order came hurrying over to see her, not seeming at first glance to know who she was. When she made her name and purpose clear, she was swiftly shown into the presence of the abbot.

"Magister… Holt, isn't it?" said Tomas, smoothing his square white beard. "And friends. I'm sorry, you find us quite in disarray this morning. What is it we can do for you?"


The garden of Morr was quiet, and all thoughts of ghosts and apparitions seemed far away in the bright morning sun. Adelbert's grave still lay there undisturbed.

"Lady Schreiber," said a voice behind her. Looking up, she saw Hieronymus labouring up the slope towards her. "No, don't move, I beg you. This is Morr's garden; we should respect the dead before the living."

He paused for a while beside the grave, leaning on his stick to catch his breath. "A remarkable man," he said, looking at Adelbert's headstone. "But we've spoken of him before. You know what he was to us here." He looked to Jarla. "You seem… troubled."

2022-03-26, 10:28 AM
"I'm sorry, you find us quite in disarray this morning. What is it we can do for you?"

"I came to present my condolences, Father," said Elsa with a curt bow, "and to help shed light on what led to last night's tragic event, if I can. What was the man's name?"

2022-03-26, 01:11 PM
Elsa, 14th Pflugzeit

"News travels fast, I see," said the abbot, with an air of mild chagrin. He sighed. "His name was Brother Humbert... although I'm not sure what more light there can be to shed."

2022-03-26, 01:18 PM
Elsa raised an eyebrow, surprised at the abbot's uncurious attitude regarding the event. "Oh? Has Brother Humbert attempted to take his own life before? Or shown an inclination to do so?"

2022-03-26, 01:59 PM
Elsa, 14th Pflugzeit

"I don't believe he was a particularly happy man," said Tomas, in the same mild tone as before. "Some people who join our order do so to... get away from the outside world. But you'll forgive me, Magister, what troubles he chose to share with me, I don't believe he meant me to share with strangers." He paused. "He'd certainly made no previous attempts on his life."

2022-03-26, 02:50 PM
Elsa's brow creased with annoyance at the abbot's lack of cooperation. One of his men was dead in murky circumstances; why all the secrecy, unless there was something Tomas wanted to leave under wraps? Nevertheless she remained diplomatic.

"I can't claim to know the late Humbert's motives, but last night was a night of ill omens, and I suspect his act may not have been entirely his choice. He might've been... influenced by outside forces. I wonder if he was targeted personally, or if he was merely..." The weak link. "...in such a bad place that all he needed was a little nudge."

She shrugged. "I won't insist that you let me in on the private lives of your people, but if I were you, I'd see if Brother Humbert left any personal writings, a dream journal, or the likes. Look for mentions of deserts, or pyramids, or thirst, or jackals."

Asking again in case you missed it the first time: has Sforza answered Elsa's letter?