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big teej
2021-05-03, 09:50 PM
WELCOME (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EezZQWa3yIE)
Hite Academy Hijinks
Online Issue #01

When Last We Left Our Heroes...

Team Renegade had battled against the Superlatives in the third intramural power brawl match of the school year. The game was called after the first play after it was discovered that the Hyperion Harness; the super-tech device meant to ensure a player's safety while still allowing for the full use of participant's powers, had been sabotaged. Resulting in the air lift and hospitalization of Requiem, one of the Superlatives.

As the remnants of both teams, accompanied by Moon Maiden, one of the school's PE Teachers and coaches, walked back to the buses to return to the main campus, they were attacked by a number of killer robots and Moon Maiden was dragged below ground by an unseen assailant.

After dismantling their robotic attackers, the students retrieved their teacher from a decrepit subway stop and made it back to school without incident.

Andre, resident Delinquent, called a team meeting (in the library of all places) where the group discussed recent events, the loss of their teammate, The Herald, and possible connections between their past actions and today. Having hit a wall in solving the perceived mystery, our team has gone their separate ways for the evening....

September 9th, 20XX


Leaving the library behind, you pass through equally quiet and echoing halls before making your way outside and across campus to Nu dorm. You are passed by Ivan and Brooke, apparently out for a late night jog. Your roommie gives you a sidelong look as they clomp past you, huffing and puffing, but doesn't say anything. Their heavy tread echos across the quad but is otherwise swallowed up by the night. You still haven't received an answer from Grayson by the time you arrive at his door.


Your wrist communicator chirps, alerting you to a message from Black Gecko. You're still in the library, which seems empty besides Sophie Mactyr, holding her hair back from her face as she leans over a book, staring at the pages as if she can extract what she needs through sheer intimidation, and one of the library assistants leaned back in a chair with her legs propped up on the desk, her phone lights up her face as she mindlessly scrolls.


Since finally returning to campus, you haven't seen much of your roommate, Jake Marshall. You mostly catch some perfunctory greetings late at night and early in the morning, but you haven't had a chance to chat with him properly. You return to your dorm to finally learn the two of you are home at the same time. More specifically, you find him doing crunches at his bed and reading pages from a textbook as he does so. His stereo is playing a hard rock rendition of the anthem and other Americana classics.

Jake's side of the room is resplendent with various versions of the American flag, banners of its military branches, and various quotes, pictures, and documents of American history. His omnipresent aviators are folded up and lay on a Gadsden flag handkerchief on his nightstand.

How do you feel about your uber-patriot of a roommie? What does your side of the room look like? What, if anything, do you need to get done before getting some much deserved rest. It's been pretty go-go-go since you got back to campus.

Determined to snub your house arrest, on principle if nothing else, You meander your way until you arrive at The Tower. Place seems pretty empty, even of the usual suspects. A few tell-tale lights from some of the upper floors indicate the place isn't completely empty.

It's relatively late on a school night, where can you be found? In your dorm with Grayson? At the gym, either by yourself or with another classmate? Doing something else entirely? Are you with anyone?

It's been a hectic couple of weeks, flying to America, getting your admissions and housing sorted with Hite Academy, learning your way around this wacky, uber-powered city. But. It's done. You spent most of your first day getting the nickel-tour with
Ricochet, one of the more admin-focused former heroes at Hite Academy. You were also introduced to your roommate.

Who was it? Who are you sharing a tiny concrete box with for the next 6ish months until the 3rd quarter opportunity to swap rooomies?

Was it Max Weiser, better known as the hulking brute, "Malathrope". You don't know the backstory, but he currently is a mass of ever-shifting flesh, various bits and pieces emerging, solidifying, and then, with little warning, reshaping to something else. When you were introduced, he stood on an elephant's tree-trunk like legs, wore a tortoise's shell upon his back, gestured with the black-on-black arm of a gorilla and the stripped paw of a tiger, and stared at you with the beady eyes of a badger. By the time you'd left the room to continue the tour, he'd lost his shell and sported useless wings, sprouted sharks teeth in a tiger's maw, and lost one of his arms to a squirming mass of squid-tentacles.

Or, was it instead another Foreign Exchange student, from an even more distant and mysterious land than your own: The eldritch fey entity known in his monstrous form as Elgenwyght, but as a concession to the sensibilities of most of the students, is instead a wiry, thin blonde man with unsettling blue eyes: Sam Mactyr. A literal Fey from the literal, actual fey courts, long thought forever severed from this mortal coil.

What... do you do?


Tsu is dealt "Spill The Beans"
Anomaly is dealt Get Savage "Angry Mob"
Andre is dealt "Out of the Frying Pan"
Quasar is dealt "Dressed to Kill"
Shifter is dealt "Deadly Blow"
Joule is dealt "Lucky Break"

Starting Camaraderie has been allocated and can be found in the OOC thread.

@Zero Prime: Your character sheet is not ready yet, in the event you need to roll something Savage, assume you have a d6 in everything, a d6+2 in things you feel Tsu would be particularly adept at, and a d6-2 in things you feel like he might not be very competent at.
I expect to have your sheet finished by this time tomorrow.

2021-05-03, 10:34 PM
Axel spends his night at the gym by himself. Earbuds in, listening to music. He wears shorts and a hoodie as he runs the treadmill. Self-consciously he takes a look around making sure no one is looking in his direction.

Notice - 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/888799)
Let me know if my formating needs to change at all

2021-05-04, 02:52 AM
Determined to snub your house arrest, on principle if nothing else, You meander your way until you arrive at The Tower. Place seems pretty empty, even of the usual suspects. A few tell-tale lights from some of the upper floors indicate the place isn't completely empty.

"I go out of my way to swing by and nobody's here...", Andre says as he kicks a small rock into the side of the massive structure. "Figures."

His eyes narrow as he studies the windows of the uppermost parts of the tower. "Guess it couldn't hurt to take a look."

Andre decides to investigate the source of the lights within the tower but opts to keep a low profile until he can figure out who's currently occupying the towers rooms. He chooses to fly as he makes his way towards the tower's upper rooms in order to keep sound to a minimum.

2021-05-04, 10:04 AM
Alexis gives Brooke and Ivan a small wave and lets them pass. Hopefully, she wouldn’t hear about this from her RA roommate later. She didn’t really feel like arguing with Brooke. The rest of the way, Alex is lost in her own thoughts as she makes her way to Grayson’s dorm. I hope he isn’t too upset about today. I wonder if he went to the nurse and had one of them check him out.

She knows it’s only been a couple months, but she really cares for him. He was sweet and kind, so unlike her last few boyfriends.

Alex knocks on his door, not too loud since it was after hours. “Hey Grayson? Are you okay?” she asks.

2021-05-05, 04:53 PM
Fighting the strong urge to go bug Sophie, curious as to what she is attempting to burn a hole through; Shane chooses instead to listen to the ping, years of personal experience rising to the surface with a shudder of times he didn't respond to Black Gecko in a timely manor. Letting himself fall through the gaps of existence in a way he couldn't articulate (with a Spirit roll of 4) he phases out to then walk up to the roof via quiet but purposeful steps up the library wall.
Upon reaching the roof, Shane takes a second to appreciate the view. Releasing the tension built up from the day's events with a sigh, he then pulls up the tiny, wrist watch sized computer screen built into his left gauntlet(currently in the form of a shiny metal Bangle) and checks the message from his mentor.

2021-05-05, 09:14 PM
Jackson is tired and wants to go to sleep. His initial thoughts of his roommate are (“oh I bet this won’t get old quick.”) I don’t Initiate a greeting beyond a nod of acknowledgment and make my way to my bed. I proceed to fasten a harness to the bed (nothing to Intrusive. Not much more than a belt.) waking up on the ceiling is rather unpleasant, the fall right after isn’t fun either. I complete my evening routine and proceed to journal the days events. “I’ve barely been back and I’m already being Attacked by villains. What on earth happened while I was gone?”

big teej
2021-05-06, 07:03 AM

The gym is deserted. Your frequent late night trips have allowed you to pick up the loose patterns of comings and goings of other late night gym crawlers. Monday and Tuesday are the busiest. Looking around the empty gym, you observe someone didn't re-rack their weights properly, another careless classmate didn't roll up and store their floor-mat. Your reflection in the meat-case windows lining one wall of the gym stares back at you. Just before you can settle in and enjoy the solitude, you see Kathryn Bishop, aka Hellcat, enter the gym in a crop top and Hellion branded shorts. Her expression sours when she sees you. She sighs and heads over to the open space away from the equipment and starts stretching and warming up.

It is the first time you've encountered Hellcat at the gym.

You float upwards through the coiling halls and staircases of The Tower. God only knows why they never put an elevator in this thing. Occasionally you pass an ornate mirror hanging from the wall, suspended from the ceiling, or resting on a stand. A masked face observes you from these mirrors as you ascend. The place is dark aside from the occasional faux-candelabra providing just enough illumination for people to see without tripping over themselves as they look for a light switch. Eventually, you rise to the floor where more lights are on. You are at the mouth of a staircase that dumps into a T-intersection. To your left, you can see flickering multi-colored lights and hear faint chanting and laughter. To your right, you hear a crash, the sound of many things being dropped or knocked over, and some muffled cursing.

OOC: Roll Stealth if you wish to sneak up on either party.


The door opens to reveal a slightly unkempt Grayson. He's wearing a ragged album T-shirt and non-school issue gym shorts. The soundtrack of a popular video game leaks out into the hallway along with the blue light from the TV. Grayson blinks at you a few times and says "Oh, Hey Alexis. I, uh, I thought you guys were like, combin- he clears his throat - confined to quarters or something? I'm doing okay I guess?" He says noncommittally. He peeks out and looks up and down the hallway. "Did you, uhm, wanna go do something?" He asks in a reserved tone. His expression is guarded.

The open countryside separating the school from Aeon City proper stretches away into the night. The campus is fairly well lit, even at this hour, but designed in such a fashion that the light pollution is minimal, and you can see a fair number of stars in the partly cloudy sky. Aeon City itself glows in the distance, hiding more stars from you than the lights less than thirty feet away.
You open the message to discover it is a quasi-automated text-only message, informing you of new intel being added to your data-base, with an encouragement to review and assimilate it at the earliest opportunity.

The contents of the update are not included, but a small bulleted list of the salient points is provided: Apparently Sanguinous is horning in on Boombox's turf, but there's been no associated uptick in violence in the affected areas: A warehouse in the commercial district, a second-hand electronics store, and Colvin Street are flagged as places of interest for either you or Gecko to follow up on when the opportunity presents itself.

It's listed as Priority: Low, for your mentor, and Priority: Moderate, for you.


As you begin to journal, you hear the distinct sound of a text book slamming shut, followed by Jake grunt as he does a kip up and walks over to you. "Sounds like you had an interesting day. Spill. What happened?" He says his semi-permanent grin plastered across his face. "Word is you guys had it out with a group of R-Bots?"

Zero Prime
2021-05-06, 07:56 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

It was a cool September day as Zhou took the tour of the Academy, he followed behind the Residence Assistant, Ricochet, listening carefully as the older hero explained the general layout of the campus, the facilities available to students. He also received his class schedule, and reviewed it carefully, taking note of his instructors names, and the various course loads and academic expectations.

Once the tour had concluded, he was directed towards his residence that he would be sharing with, he cheked his notes, a Samuel Mactyr. He was not unaccustomed to sharing a domicile with his fellow students, it was common for younger students, or those who hadn't been chosen by one of the Hidden Masters to share a singular training hall, sleeping on mats on the floor itself. By comparison, the mattress, desk, shelving, and closet were a luxury, and one that Zhou would, indeed, take advantage of. He had hoped the academy would provide him a location in their gymnasium for his Mu ren zhuang, or Wing Chun Dummy, however, he hadn't been able to obtain permissions. Undeterred he had set up the large vertical frame at the foot of his bed before beginning the tour, now he took the limbs out of the duffel bag on his bed, and set them up in his favored configuration for strike, block, counter strike, kick, knee, thrust combinations.

He then began unpacking his binders and notepads, placing them in the drawers at his desk, a selection of pens, colored pencils, and brushes and ink wells. A leather bound journal, he carefully, almost reverently placed atop the papers. Thoughts of the Vale, and the lessons learned flitted through his thoughts, and finally a picture, worn, stained, of a middle aged man, his wife, and two young children playing with a ball on the floor of a tiny hovel. A happier time, he thought wistfully.

It was then he heard the door open, and turned to see a thiny, wiry young man, with golden blond hair, and vibrantly lue, piercing eyes. Zhou quickly turned, gave a nod, keeping his eyes lowered, he resisted the urge to bring his right fist to his left palm over his heart, a standard greeting of respect to a fellow student at the Vale. "Good afternoon, I am Tsu Yang Zhou, and it appears that we will be sharing this dormitory for the semester. A pleasure to meet you."

2021-05-06, 01:37 PM
Alexis' lips quirk up involuntary into a small grin upon seeing her boyfriend. He looked okay, but his expression said he seemed to be feeling otherwise.

She shrugs at his first question. "We were only under house arrest until the Power Brawl game." Alex pauses as she tries to sift through her thoughts, then says, "But even if I was still in trouble I'd try come see you. I sent you a couple texts and I was worried about you when you didn't answer, you know? We had a lot go on today and I wanted to make sure you were okay. Can I come in so we can talk? Please?" she asks.

2021-05-08, 11:56 AM
Jackson finishes his entry. (sigh) “Well we were heading back from the Mach and we got jumped. . . (Proceeds to give a play by play of the conflict.) And after we got Moon Maiden from the subway tunnel we headed back.” (As a note I left out anything about the tampered harnesses, the fact that my team was called out by name, and that Grayson can’t use his powers right now as far as I know)

2021-05-08, 02:46 PM
Andre ascends the tower in silence, his eyes occasionally lingering on the masked face in the mirror. Definitely not creepy at all...

Upon reaching the top of the staircase Andre finds his feet and listens to the sounds emanating from both directions, attempting to discern the nature of what's happening in each direction. The sound of a crash echoes through the hall on his right as he listens from the landing. Sounds like more trouble than I want to deal with right now. So let's take a look in the other direction. He thinks to himself as the edges of his mouth twist upward into a mischievous smirk.

Andre approaches the opening of the room attempting to avoid being spotted before he can figure out who's all here and what's going on.

Stealth: 3 (https://orokos.com/roll/888831)

Common Knowledge: 9 (https://orokos.com/roll/889595)

Rolling Common Knowledge to see if Andre would know or recognize who the masked face in the mirrors belongs to or what the nature of the mask is!

2021-05-08, 03:06 PM
Axel sighs internally, his eyes passing over his gym-mates laziness "Someday they'll be properly put back." Clicking a button on his earbuds Axel skips to the next song on the playlist. His gaze finds its way back to the large mirror infront of him as it always does. Watching as his body jog on the treadmill. One foot fall always landing heavier than the other. His gaze never wandering higher than his chin. "Atleast there's no one's here to stare."

Axel's body tenses as a reaction to the sound of someone entering the gym. Seeing Kathryn, Axel looks away as quickly as he turned. "Great." Axel thinks, side eyeing the turned over mat and misplaced weights "I bet she thinks I just left the mat there and put the weights back wrong." he let's loose another internal sigh "And if I go over to put them back properly that only makes me look even more guilty." Axel steals another glance at Kathryn "Maybe I can just wait her out and then I can clear it up."

big teej
2021-05-08, 06:26 PM

Sam tilts his head quizically. His eyes flick down and and back up again, taking you in before seeming to shimmer and he stares at your chest. Right at the covered tattoos. "Ywllcht hygh, boloroch, Tsu Yang Zhou." he rumbles. Then starts, remembering and offers a hand. "Hello Tsu Yang Zhou. You may call me Sam. Or Samuel" he says with a shrug. His (second?) greeting is delivered in a normal human baritone. After shaking hands, He perches on his raised bed, legs crossed beneath him. the wall and ceiling above his bed are covered in various braided ropes and dangling charms and dream catchers and similar quasi-natural bric-a-brac.

He rests an elbow on his knee, and then places his chin on his knuckles, still staring at you. "What do you hope to be, I wonder, Tsu Yang Zhou?" His eyes seem to shimmer again before he finally blinks, and they are simply an unsettling, watery blue.


"Oh, that's right, I remember you telling me that now. That's good." He says when you point out that your house arrest ended this morning, before he got zapped and de-dragon-ified. He blinks a few times and looks over his shoulder back into the room when you tell him you texted him. "Did you? Sorry, I've got my phone on vibrate an' I didn' hear it buzzing."

"I'm fine." He says, a little flatly. Then, softer. "yeah, Sure, Come on in." He says and then opens the door for you before shutting it behind you and locking it. He looks between his chair in front of the TV and the edge of his bed and shuffles before going and turning the chair around and plopping down. "So, uhm. What's up? How's your team doing since the- since the fight?" He doesn't place any additional emphasis on the word 'your'.

Hey, what's your half of the room look like?
How do you feel about Grayson having some girl over? especially when you're not home?


Jake lets out an impressed whistle when you finish. "Dude, that sounds intense." He crosses his arms and the muscles in his chest and biceps visibly tighten. He makes a frustrated noise. "I wish I coulda been there! So, what's the deal, you guys tangled with the R-bots, why were they after you guys? that's crazy!"


Leaving the muttered cursing and cluttery noises behind you, you advance on the technicolor room. As you peak around the door frame, you see thick, coiling, wisps of smoke rolling off of you, they flicker and shimmer in the light, and you can't seem to make it stop. But only the parts of you exposed to the lights are doing it.

Inside the room, you see the chalk-white, leather and denim clad figure of Drace Whitmore, or Kid Sinister as he calls himself. He's standing with his arms raised and facing a set of 9 braziers on the floor, the collective source of the funky lighting. He mutters something in a language you don't recognize, and you see a displacement in the smoke writhe and twist and you hear that echoing laughter again, and a response in that same language.

Thankfully, Drace is facing away from you, so he hasn't noticed your rainbow shine yet.

Kaleidoscope tried to explain it to you once, it got technical and way over your head, but the gist is it's some sort of magical security system that guards the tower. Apparently really nasty monsters live in the mirror, but they somehow can differentiate between students and faculty and intruders.


Kathryn very deliberately always faces the wall away from you while she's stretching. When she's done, she walks over to one of the banks of lockers for personal gear and removes a series of weights and padded gloves. She straps the weights to her arms and legs and puts on the glove and head's over to the heavy bag and starts wailing on it. Every few hits there's a scattering of sparks or a brief flash.

2021-05-08, 08:08 PM
Alex slips her shoes off at the door and then takes a seat cross-legged on the edge of Grayson's bed. "The team's fine," she says. "None of us got hurt in the match or against the guys that attacked us afterword. But that's not what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk about you," she says firmly, looking Grayson in the eye. "Did you go to the nurse to get checked out after we got back? I should've gone with you instead of meeting the team, if you did. If not, you should really go in the morning so we can find out what's up with you. Unless whatever was blocking your powers has worn off."

Alexis takes a breath, getting her thoughts in order, before she continues. "I also want to apologize to you, Grayson. If I hadn't asked you to be on the team, you wouldn't have gotten... zapped, or whatever happened to you. It's my fault, and I hope you'll forgive me."

She nods after her statement, satisfied that she'd said what she needed to get off her chest. "You did great in the match, by the way. I saw you take on Meteor and Pristine."

Masks Move! Comfort Grayson! (https://orokos.com/roll/889771): 9

Zero Prime
2021-05-09, 06:32 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

As the fae's eyes seemed to pierce through him Zhou steadied his breath, slow, rhythmic, he closed his eyes as he inhaled, then opened them as he exhaled, and met Samuel's intense gaze. "To be a better man than I was yesterday, and to provide tomorrow's self with a foundation upon which he can grow. To be a healer, a teacher, a friend," he left a portion of his respone unsaid, 'and brother.' As he spoke his answer, despite concealing a portion of his truth, he met the odd, otherworldly eyes of his roommate, patiently, serenely, almost intimately.

OOC: Rolling Mundane, with Influence, to Pierce Samuel's Mask: (2d6)+1=7 (url=https://orokos.com/roll/889862). Partial Success. One question, "How can I get Samuel to reveal what he most values?"

2021-05-09, 06:37 PM
What the...? Andre raises a brow in confusion before he begins frantically patting himself down in an attempt to put out the smoke. The hell is even going on in here? You know what? I'm not in the mood to find out.

"Trouble it is." He whispers softly to himself as he turns and heads down the hallway towards the source of the crashing sounds.The smirk on his face vanishes just as quickly as it first appeared and an air of unease hang over him. He glances at his shoulders as he makes his way through the corridor, looking for any signs of smoke as he walks.

2021-05-09, 06:48 PM
Axel's half of the room has a bunk desk combo. His desk is littered with worksheets, scribbled notes, and open textbooks. Axel doesn't care if people are in the dorm while he's away.

Seeing Kathryn deliberately ignoring him, Axel takes a deep breath. "Ooook. Looks like I'll be here for a while." Hopping off the machine Axel lands off balance but manages not to fall. "****," he whispers. Steadying himself, he takes a moment to adjust his footing. Axel moves towards a bench press grabbing some of the misplaced weights. As Axel walks around he seems to walk with a slight limp with his left leg landing a litter harder. "A little heavier than I'm used to but they'll do." He thinks setting the weights in place. He wipes down the bench before preparing himself. Grabbing the bar Axel closes his eyes and focuses for a moment. He feels a weight grow in his left hand as it shifts from the standard glass to the polished steel of the barbell. "They say it shouldn't break but better to be safe than sorry eh." Once the shift is complete Axel begins his sets, going a little faster than normal.

big teej
2021-05-09, 08:42 PM

Grayson's expression softens when you tell him you want to apologize. But he frowns as you do so. He looks away, a little confused. "That's.... what you wanted to apologize for?" he says. He blinks a couple of times. He stands back up, pacing in the tiny dorm. "What, I can't handle it? You're sorry because you should've asked someone you didn't need to protect? someone so weak? or just someone already on the team? Is that why you didn't say anything on the bus?" He stops, facing away from you, fists clenched. Silent.

Comfort and Support: On a hit, they hear you, they gain a benefit if they open up to you. you decide if they've opened up.


Meeting his gaze, your vision blurs momentarily and you catch the barest snatches of a ghostly figure (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d3/8f/6e/d38f6e3816d1f9c735b83a37d8e3399c.png), obscured by the solidity of Samuel's form, but mimicking his posture and mannerisms exactly. He considers your answer before saying "This seems a more... directed answer than many of yo- our peers, are able to provide."

On a hit, they (I) will answer you honestly: If you simply ask him, you'll get an answer roughly as honest as yours.

Roll Lore: Occult, or Smarts at -2,


You leave Drace and... whatever the literal hell he is up to behind, and come upon Skye Brockington, aka Staccato, quickly tip-toeing her way away from the room you heard the crash from. She has her arms wrapped around a leather-bound book, roughly the size of your History textbook. She's staring over her shoulder and down the hall. She's muttering under her breath, seemingly to herself.


Your lifting and exertion is punctuated by the rapid thudding and smacking of Hellcat working the bag, eventually culminating in a fwoosh and a flare of yellow light. You hear the Velcro on her gloves and then a voice say, in a moderately sour tone. "You're going too fast." Hellcat appears in your peripheral vision. "Your form is crap." She adds, leaning over a bit. You can see steam rising off her exposed arms and the back of her neck.... it doesn't seem that cold in here.

2021-05-09, 09:19 PM
Alexis' eyebrows knit together as Grayson explains to her what had really been bothering him. "That's not what I meant..." I was so wrong! she thinks. How do I fix this?

As he walks away from her, she stands, crossing the room and stopping in front of his chair. "Grayson... that's not what I meant at all, and you know it. I know you're not weak! I saw you take down Meteor all on your own. But anyone would be scared if they lost their powers... I know I would be," she says, glancing down at the floor. "And what's wrong with wanting to protect you? I care about you... a lot. I wouldn't be here now if I didn't."

Alexis takes another small step closer to him. "I didn't think to say anything on the bus because that's how Andre always acts. I should have said something. He kicked you while you were down, and it was wrong, and I'm sorry that I didn't say anything to him. I'm sorry I didn't realize that I hurt you that badly. Please, Grayson, tell what I can do to make this right."

2021-05-09, 09:34 PM
Axel nearly drops the bar as Hellcat speaks "Wh-what?" He stutters. Setting the bar down Axel instinctively tugs at the sleeve of his hoodie not meeting Hellcat's eye. "Well, your form would be bad too if you had a metal arm." Axel studies Kathryn as he slowly sits up and takes out his earbuds. "So what brings you in? No one is usually in this late, need to blow off some steam?" Axel massages his arm as it slowly shifts back to its original form.

big teej
2021-05-09, 10:09 PM

Grayson takes several deep breaths. You see his breath fogging in the air. His shoulders slump and he turns back to you, finally meeting your gaze. "I..." He swallows, gathers himself, and tries again. "I believe you." He looks away frowning. You can see the gears turning in his head.

"I... don't know what to tell you, Alexis." He says, his frown deepening. "I'm not saying you can't do anything to make it better. I just... I dunno what that is right now." He sidles past you and sits on his bunk.

"Oh. Uhm. My powers are fine. I think." He says, distracted. "It was really freaky. But I'm pretty sure I'm fine. I almost changed in the hall, so I didn't go to see the doc." His face screws up in disgust. "That freak. I can't believe they let him work here, or what they did to him."

He shakes his head, trying to get back on topic. "I really appreciate you coming to see me. I don't think most of the kids here would make that kinda gesture."

You may re-assess if Grayson has opened up to you per Comfort or Support
Grayson is telling you that he doesn't think most students could admit to screwing up like this, and you're a better person for it. He is attempting to shift your Superior down and your Mundane up.
Accept or Reject his Influence.


"Sloppy is sloppy" she says, crossing her arms. "Excuses don't cut it." She grits her teeth when she says this, like suppressing an unhappy memory. "I don't like working in the Hellions' gym, and I don't like an audience." She says, staring at your arm as it morphs and changes.

"I was a little surprised to find you here. It's late."

2021-05-09, 10:29 PM
Andre comes to a dead stop when Skye suddenly walks into view. Any thoughts clouding his mind are instantly washed away by his need to say something, anything to the girl standing in front of him.

"Hey Skye." He looks at the book in her arms and leans his body to look down the hallway past Skye in an exaggerated manner before locking eyes with her. "So... what's with the book?", Andre as a slight smirk begins to reemerge across his face.

2021-05-09, 10:35 PM
Alexis lets out the breath she didn't know she had held as Grayson says he believes her. After a moment she sits down next to him on his bed and takes one of his hands if he lets her. "When you figure out what I can do, let me know."

She tilts her head at his apparent distaste for the doctor. "I'm glad your powers are okay. But why do feel that way about the doctor? I haven't had to go see him yet. I honestly don't know anything about him."

As he finishes his thoughts, she nods, her thumb rubbing slow, mindless circles on the back of his hand. "I knew something was wrong. I just didn't understand what. I'm glad I came by too," she says. "Thank you for talking to me, and not shutting me out." Alex looks over at the TV. "What were you playing? You wanna go a few rounds before I leave?"

I do think that Grayson has opened up to me after that conversation.

I accept his label change. Mundane up, Superior down.

2021-05-09, 10:42 PM
Axel winces at Hellcat's response but gives a small nod. "Late nights like these allow for the free use of the equipment and no one to stare as I work out." He says resting his hand inside his hoodie pocket. "Seems we share that sentiment at least." he finishes looking up at Kathryn. After a pause, he sighs and looks away "What's wrong with the Hellion's gym? I bet it's nicer than this one. And you must not hate it that much since this is the first time I've seen you in here."

Zero Prime
2021-05-10, 08:53 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Zhou's eyes narrowed as he saw the ephemeral reflection of, what he assumed, was Samuel's spiritual nature. As the young man spoke of Zhou's straight forward, if introspective, answer, he shrugged non-commitally. "Perhaps it is because I, too, straddle two worlds, one of flesh, the other spirit." He got up then, and continued unpacking, stowing and folding clothing to place it the dresser provided. He checked his schedule, seeing what classes he had in the morning, before looking up at his room mate, continuing his thought.

"Why are you here Samuel, what does the Academy offer you?"

OOC: Occult, unskilled, check=(Smarts (d6), Wild (d6))-2=(5, 3)-2=3 (https://orokos.com/roll/889982) I think that's formatted correctly for a Savage Worlds die roll, d6 smarts & a wild die, then -2 from the highest die? If not let me know.

2021-05-11, 08:34 PM
“I wish I knew myself.” Jackson said a little indignant. “I mean isn’t it a little bit ridiculous that the schools gotten attacked twice in what like two months that can’t be normal.” After an exasperated sigh “ there’s nothing I can do about it now though. I’m beat so I’m gonna hit the rack.”

big teej
2021-05-11, 09:24 PM

Jake quirks an eyebrow at your tone, but shrugs and gives you some space. "Arright man, I getcha, g'night I guess." He says as he walks back over to his side of the room and starts putting things away, leaving you to your thoughts and your rest.

Phoenix Fist:

Samuel steeples his fingers, considering his answer before shrugging again and saying, "I do not know if I am supposed to speak of it. I do not know how much of the True History I am to share. The Fey Courts severed their connection and tether to this realm in what your people call the dark ages. Recently, that tether was reforged. Sophie and I, along with many others, have been..." He pauses, his brow furrowing. "Dis...patched?" He makes a sweeping motion with his hand and continues. "To this place of learning, and several other locations to... facilitate diplomacy." He makes a face, and you can tell he's unsure if he's put that sentence together properly.

He wobbles back and forth before stilling and continuing "I suppose, it also offers me, in particular, a unique opportunity for learning and growth."

Near as I can tell, it looks formatted properly to me.


Kathryn finally smiles "Yeah, I guess so, not for the same reasons I'd imagine." but she sours again when you mention the Hellions. She looks around at the equipment in the gym. "Maybe better kept up, maybe." She rolls her shoulders. "It's smaller, tighter than the massive space we've got here. After all there's only 12 of us them." She looks back at you. "I normally come in right after dinner, after the caf closes for the night? But I got tired of running into... Eh, it's not important."


Grayson blinks a couple of times when you express curiosity about the school's medical staff. "Have you... met him? Dr. Pulse I mean? The dude's a villain!" He exclaims. He squeezes your hand and continues "Nevermind the... the... sheer %#&@'d up-ness of what they did to him to make him safe he says with a shudder. What if it doesn't take? what if he's still.... in there? mm-mm, no way." He shakes his head.

Make a common knowledge roll. At an additional -2.

Grayson looks at the TV, dimmed now due to the idle player. "Uhm. Sure, we can if you want. it's a port of an old arcade fighter. Kaiju Mega-Brawl 4: The New Breed" He says sheepishly."


Skye whirls around, eyes wide, as soon as you speak. Her mouth forming a small 'o' of "Oh S#!%" She sags in relief, realizing its' your delinquent self, rather than someone official. Like Kaleidoscope or an RA. "Oh-hey-Andre." She says quickly. "Oh-this-it's-uh-it's-uh-uh-uh-just-some-light-reading. You-know-extracurricular-stuff." She looks back over her shoulder and then back at you and gestures with her head down the hall, back towards the stair case. Her eyes say "Let's get out. of. here."

Once down a flight of stairs, she looks around again and sighs. "I've been trying to learn magic, kinda?" She says holding up the book. "Magic is one of the few ways to really lock down a speedster, ya know? even real ones. So I thought I should at least know some like, I dunno, counter-charms, or something?"

2021-05-11, 10:08 PM
Despite Grayson's exclamations about Dr. Pulse, none of it seems to jog her memory (https://orokos.com/roll/890308). She shrugs and lets it lie, making a mental note to Google him later. She still wasn't quite used to having the entire internet at her fingertips, but she was getting better at remembering that she didn't need to go to the library to look something up. Or that she could send pictures, watch videos, and listen to music through her phone. Technology had advanced so much since she had jumped forward in time. It was only a few months ago that she had walked around with a CD player in the pocket of her jacket and giant oversized headphones on her ears. Now she had these small earbuds that didn't even need to be plugged into her phone that still sounded just as good as her headphones. She had basically any song she wanted to listen to just a few clicks away on Youtube or Spotify. Pretty amazing for a music lover like herself. She'd discovered so many new bands in the past three months, especially with Grayson's help.

"You mean they made four of them!?" Alexis not quite yells after he tells her the name of the game. She quiets as she remembers the time and continues at a more acceptable volume. "I loved the first one! My favorite is GigaCatarax, the giant dinosaur... thing (https://i.imgur.com/DMVhT4J.jpg)- The one with a castle on his back. Is he still in it?" She asks as she grabs the other controller and settles back down on Grayson's bed. "If he is, you'll at least have some competition. I came second in a tournament with him once," she says with a smirk. That was on the actual arcade game though...

Despite me talking it up, the dice don't agree. Alexis' video gaming prowess (https://orokos.com/roll/890314) is a whopping 5

Zero Prime
2021-05-12, 08:01 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Zhou nodded as he listened, recognizing in the pauses, Samuel's lack of familiarity with modern english. However, as a non-native speaker, he understood the frustration of someone assuming the outcome of your words, or offering their own interpretations of what you were trying to share. So he let his roommate discover and share his thoughts in the time and manner of his choosing. "I must admit," Zhou spoke quietly, looking over his shoulder as he continued unpacking during their discussion, "that I now little and less about the Fae realms, though, to my untrained ears, they seem not too dissimilar to the 'shen' of rural Chinese religion, these shen would watch over certain geographic regions, spring, and stone, and field." He shrugged, "However, I do not wish to assume too much, and by doing, insult you. So I will simply say Welcome," he turned and smiled, owing, "you do me a great honor by sharing your truths with me and I look forward to sharing a residence with so honored a guest."

As he considered the similarities between himself and his roommate, he turned and looked to Samuel, "Though it seems that both of us being from a distant home, it may prove difficult to form a bond with our peers, having lived apart from a culture and shared history that they, will likely, take for granted."

2021-05-12, 07:11 PM
Andre raises an eyebrow in amusement as Skye attempts to explain herself. Hmm... she seems new to this. Cute. He descends the tower alongside her keeping an eye on the myriad of reflections in the mirrors that line stairway. If some sort of magical mishap or trap was going to activate it would be here.

Once down a flight of stairs, she looks around again and sighs. "I've been trying to learn magic, kinda?" She says holding up the book. "Magic is one of the few ways to really lock down a speedster, ya know? even real ones. So I thought I should at least know some like, I dunno, counter-charms, or something?"

"What a strange coincidence. I was looking for a book just like that but I guess you beat me to it." The delinquent smiles and shrugs his shoulders. "Diligent as ever huh? Hey..." Andre imitates Skye and pretends to cast a wary glance around the tower before leaning in and continuing at a whisper. "Do you think there's anything in there that could help with like... dreams? I know next to nothing about magic but I was thinkin' we could take a look through the book together? Ya know, if you aren't busy or anything... I'd really appreciate some help with something like this 'cause no one else would take me seriously." Andre attempts to feign nervousness though the butterflies in his stomach help to make the act that much more convincing.

2021-05-12, 08:39 PM
"Well...have a good night." Axel says a little quickly as he stands giving a sheepish grin "I'm beat." He wipes down the machine, re-racks the weights properly and rolls up the mat putting back into place. Axel gives a salute of goodbye behind him as he exits and makes his way back to the dorm. "That was stressful." Axel thinks as he leaves the gym. "She was....interesting? I guess? I wonder who she's trying to dodge."

When Axel arrives back at his dorm he gives two quick knocks before entering.

2021-05-13, 04:18 AM
Shane, getting lost in the sight, spends several minutes appreciating the peace and quiet of the night.
Remembering the time and all that needs doing, however , Shane, with a leap, makes his way back to the ground working his way towards his room for the night. All the while gauging when he will have time in between school responsibilities to find time to get to the city and check the pulse of those locations Gecko sent my way.

big teej
2021-05-13, 11:27 PM

"5 that were released in the US." Grayson answers, taking up his controller and backing the game out to the main menu and then opening up multiplayer. "Yeah, he's still there." He says. He glances at you when you mention placing in a tournament. "Oh, well in that case, I'll play my 4th favorite." He hovers over the 'random' button as the timer ticks down before clicking over twice and the clock locks him into "Sweet Lily" A praying mantis looking thing with bat wings and a mess of tentacles for a face, and a giant lamprey mouth in it's stomach.

It's as pretty as it sounds, which is to say... not very. After you finally manage to get him to 1/2 health in the third round, Grayson offers to play Team Battle and use a randomized team. "I mean, you know, it's not really fair, you haven't played since the original right?" He says equal parts sincerely and teasingly.

Whether you accept this offer of 'mercy' or not, soon after, Grayson gently, politely, and insistently points out you should probably head back to your dorm. Brass is in bed reading with her lamp when you get back. She looks at you, looks at her clock, tries to hide a smile, marks her place, turns off the lamp, and rolls over.


Samuel nods and says "I have had great success in learning from a Jake Marshal, or Militia. He is a veritable font of information on events that have transpired in the courts' absence. I do not doubt that you would find him similarly... talkative." He says with a smile.


Skye adjusts her grip on the book and slows down to a normal, if brisk, walking pace. "Dreams? Like... how to stop having nightmares or something? I guess we could look for that. There's not exactly a glossary or table of contents, and I didn't grab the reference manual." She makes a disgusted noise and rolls her eyes. "It's crazy they won't put this stuff in the library database." She looks around again and starts walking towards the next flight of stairs "I think we should put it off to another day though, don't you? It's kinda late."


"Sure." Kathryn says as you make your escape, you see her over at the pull up bar as the door shuts behind you. Back at your dorm, the halls are mostly quiet. Music of various genres can be heard from a few doors, others dead silent or the white noise of a fan. Just before your knuckles bang on your own door, you hear a groan of frustration and an overzealous announcer call "KAY-OH"

You find Alexis getting absolutely spanked (metaphorically) by Grayson in a video game.

Time Passes....

September 26th, 2020, Base-real Earth


It is 9:45 PM, on a Saturday night. You should be at home in your dorm, or one of the designated 'open areas' around campus.

You are not in any of those places. You are instead standing in the immediate vicinity of a large, presumably abandoned, allegedly empty warehouse. You are definitely not allowed to be off campus this late at night. There's a party inside that warehouse, and you are going to it. A ragged line of other would-be ravemasters is starting to queue up near the double doors on one side of the building.

But how on earth did such upstanding, innocent, sheltered individuals as yourselves arrive at such a sordid location?

How did you learn about the rave? How did you get here? and why have you decided to go this very illegal, very off campus party?


Your roommate, Sarah Gains, aka Ythra, is a lithe, blonde haired human with the faintest lime tinge to her hair and skin. She tends to dress in jeans or leather pants and band-tshirts. Her side of the room is pretty spare aside from a heavy dose of sound proofing and a serious stereo system that feels like it shakes the whole building when it's cranked up. She predominantly listens to... noise she calls "Gabber" and "Heavy Metal".

She was very insistent that you were not going to spend a year as her roommate without going to at least one, maybe four or five parties, for the "Authentic Human Experience." She claimed as she dragged you out the door and across campus.

How do you feel about your roommie, her music, and your potentially reluctant presence at this Totally Official gathering?


September 13th

You are approached in the cafeteria by a black girl with corn rows and the unofficial mascot of the Engineer dorm dangling from her backpack. "So. Uhm. Hey. I know we don't really hang or whatever, but can I talk to you for a sec?" It takes you a moment to identify Laylah Foster, you didn't recognize her without her armour: Meteor. She plops down across from you continues, "Requiem wants to see you. At Aeon City General. Can I, like, tell her you'll be there tomorrow or something?"

2021-05-14, 07:59 AM
September 9th
"The last time I played was on the actual cabinet in the arcade," Alexis tells Grayson in between fights. "But gimme some practice time and I'll get used to this controller scheme. Then we'll see who's the better kaiju fighter," she finishes with a grin, squeezing his knee.

Alex says a quick hello to Axel before agreeing with Grayson that she should probably get back to her dorm. She pulls her boyfriend out into the hall for a little privacy from his roommate before giving him a not quite lingering kiss. "Goodnight Grayson. I'll see you tomorrow."

As she returns to her dorm, she notices Brooke's expression and raises an eyebrow at her. "What's with the smile?" she asks as she starts getting ready for bed. After Brooke answers, Alexis teleports up into the top bunk with a quiet crackle of blue electricity. She gets settled under her blanket before opening her phone and quickly Googling Dr. Pulse before she goes to sleep.

September 13th
"Requiem wants to see me?" Alexis asks. "...Why?" I wouldn't want to see the person that put me in the hospital, she thinks. What could she possibly want?

September 26th
As soon as she hears about a not so legal rave in the rumor mill, Alexis seeks out Lars Delvoss, aka Kid Caduceus. Knowing that he would probably have connections as a former villain, she eventually talks him into getting her and Grayson into the party.

She's currently dressed in her best rave outfit: fishnet stockings and a short black skirt paired with an artfully ragged red blouse with three quarter length sleeves that showed off her midriff. She could hardly contain her excitement as she waited outside the warehouse. She was eager to see if raves had changed in the last 20 years, or if her memory of the last one she went would to hold up.

While they waited to get into the party, Alex holds loosely onto Grayson's hand, talking with him about what he wanted to do for his birthday that was in a few days.

2021-05-15, 10:42 AM
Delfian: September 9th, Dolan Date
Dizz stands up an meets the gaze of Vizala the eldest of all Quinz in the realm. Taking a step back she turns around with her orders in hand and leaves the main hall. She spits on the floor as she walks past the court yard "Out of all of us they want me to go?!" she huffs. With her tail tail flopping side to side she wacks it on the floor and opens up the orders she was just given. "Oh, I leave out to so..so soon..." Stopping in her tracks she looks up to the 3 dead moons in the sky an sighs.

Dolan Date Unknown:
Crawling out of the crator Dizz just made from her landing, she gets up and dust off her black silk dress before meeting the stares of what seems to be two average looking Pilka. Dizz smiles and gives a little wave in there direction before looking down at the mess she had just created in what appears to be the court yard of some buildings. Dizz walks up to them standing stern at 5'0ft an looks up to the two of them. "I demand you tell me where your Ruler sits upon his thrown so I may address some important matters with them!" She whips her tail back an forth as she sets her hands upon her hips waiting their reply. After a bit of time and a small scuffle Dizz is brought to the rulers office. "So, Pilkas address you as... President?" She chuckles to her self thinking how the name is so odd sounding. "Well Pilka President I am here to gain information on why powers have been showing up on Dolan. If you help me I will ...I will maybe help you?"

Dolan: September 26th:
Dizz, looks at her roommate Sarah a she sits on her side of the room. Tilting her head she attempts to understand the words she has just spoke just before feeling Sarah strong grip around her hand. "Pa..parties, Pilka experience? What is that Sarah?" She squeaked out.

Dizz catches her self thinking back as she is dragged along the campus. After making what they say a "Commotion" when she arrived. The faculty members have deemed Sarah a good fit to live with. Sometimes it seems Sarah likes her Quinz form over her Pilka form for some strange reason but she knows Sarah would never admit it to her. Besides that she is quite nice to live with. Sarah's thing they call "music" is a little funny. When the sound is playing it tends to shake the whole room, sadly not many of the other students seem to enjoy it at times. Sarah is also quite fascinating with her choice of Dala "Clothing". She has strange scribbles an even other Pilka across the front. Even though its only been about a week sense arriving shes found her self taking a liking to her roommate. Dizz smirks to her self thinking of her roommates odd ways.

As she is dragged along she catches a glimpse of the large size whole in the ground that she accidentally made when she arrived, she may have or may have not damaged some things to the school along the way as well. She sleepily looks away and keeps pace with Sarah curious to know where the two of them are going.

Zero Prime
2021-05-15, 11:52 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Wednesday September 23rd, 2020

Throngs of people formed in spirals, moving to an unseen beat, traces of light flickered throughout the vision, disjointed, broken images, heads thrown back in joy, in ecstasy, in rapture. Skin glistening with sweat, with flecks of silver and gold, hair, lines of light illuminating, flashing to the deep bass of a heartbeat, it's pulse kicked up to an impossible staccato beat, a voice cutting through the confusion, through the fog that clouded one's mind, and one's spirit, like a cloud the audience had risen above. Transcendence.

And then a dischordant note, a figure that seemed to absorb the light, a silence in the middle of a scream, a shadow at the heart of the sun, a corroption in one's own soul. He flew towards her, his vision, cutting through the crowd, soaring over their heads, black hair, dyed green framed her face, his face. Her hands coiled, and a greater shadow appeared behind her, the silhouette of his greatest fear, Sho-miong Xiao, his corruption reflected in the twisted visage of his twin sister.

Zhou's eyes snapped open, he threw off the sodden sheets, his heart racing, he raised a hand to where his heart felt as though it were hammering through his chest, in the dim light through the window, it seemed black with the slick residue of his tainted chi, bleeding through his wound. Nine Serpent Song, she was here, somewhere. He saw Samuel's eyes open, felt a pang of guilt for waking his roommate, the unusual young man made gentle inquiries, polite, respetful, nodding as Zhou explained the dream, the figure it had revealed, though not the relationship between the two. He directed him to one of their peers, down the hall, someone who could help the young man determine both the location and the time of the event contained within his dreams.

Zhou thanked his roommate, and that day after classes had ended, he tentatively knocked at the dorm room door, aware he was taking the first step on the road to his sister's salvation, willing to pay the cost, no matter the price, to see it through.

September 26th, 2020

Zhou stood in the mouth of a darkened alley, he was wearing lightweight black joggers, with a yellow strip down the leg, a slim fit muscle shirt on, cut low, exposing his wiry chest, the coils of dragon and phoenix poking above it's neckline and atop that a neon yellow hoodie. His heart started to hammer in his chest, not because of the rave itself, or the companion that stood beside him, but because he knew, that she would be there. Not the Nine Serpent, whom was his sworn enemy, but Tsu Yang Song, his sister, the one whom he'd vowed to save, to redeem.

He looked to his left, nodded, "Thanks again, for all your help. You ready?" He held out his hand as he moved towards the line.

2021-05-15, 09:00 PM
Axel takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly as he stands in line. He has always felt uncomfortable standing in lines alone, but he knew once inside it would all go away. Axel heard about this party from his roommate Grayson who let it slip in one of their conversations. Ready to feel a little familiarity from his old life, Axel was ready to get inside. He wears an open button-down over his tank top and some ripped loose-fitting pants with chain loops.

2021-05-15, 09:25 PM
September 9th

Skye adjusts her grip on the book and slows down to a normal, if brisk, walking pace. "Dreams? Like... how to stop having nightmares or something? I guess we could look for that. There's not exactly a glossary or table of contents, and I didn't grab the reference manual." She makes a disgusted noise and rolls her eyes. "It's crazy they won't put this stuff in the library database." She looks around again and starts walking towards the next flight of stairs "I think we should put it off to another day though, don't you? It's kinda late."

Andre takes out his cellphone and quickly checks the time before pocketing it again. "Yeah... I guess you're right. Besides, if I'm gone too long people might actually start to worry about me.", the delinquent adds with a playful grin lining his face. He chuckles at the thought of his RA, Aiden, and several teachers looking for him in dead of the night.

"Now I'm gonna guess that between the two of us you'll probably be busier this semester. So whenever you've got time maybe we can take a look at the book together?", a pause. "I can even pick up another book or two for you to reference if you think it'll help?"

After the two go their separate ways and Skye is out of eyesight Andre breaks into a run headed back towards his dormitory. He picks up speed as he crosses the campus grounds seeming to walk on air at the height of his sprint before transforming into a rolling cloud of smoke. Upon reaching the dorm the cloud of black smoke crawls upward along the wall of the building and disappears through an open window. A moment passes before Andre returns to the window and shuts it after a brief stretch.

The Time In-between

One day during his English class Andre opts to take the "scenic route" to the bathroom, as he often does, and comes across Laura, Jessica, and Veronica (aka Lark, Duplicitous, and Tsunami) talking amongst themselves in the courtyard during their lunch break. While he'd normally just head back to his dorm room or take a nap up on one of the rooftops, the topic of their conversation catches his interest. He grabs something light to eat from the cafeteria since he'd be making his way back for lunch later in the day and finds a place to sit within earshot of the trio. Andre listens intently as he attempts to glean the nature and details of whatever party they were talking about, pretending to be engaged on his phone as he takes a bite into a fresh apple.

When the lunch bell rings and the trio splits up to return to their respective classes Andre suddenly finds himself in a hurry to return to English to gather his belongs. In his rush he crashes into Veronica on "accident" sending any books or paperwork to the ground. He quickly moves to pick up her belongings and apologizes for his mistake before attempting to strike up a light conversation. Just as he hands the last book to Veronica, Andre remembers that he has a question to ask her. Something about warehouses or other structures along those lines...

September 26th

Andre leans against the outer wall of the warehouse, waiting for Jamie to show. It was a gamble as to whether or not Frosty would take him up on his offer to step out for the night or hang back at the dorm and play the copy of Creature Hunter Andre bought for the two of them to share. During his time at Hite, Andre's teachers always encouraged him and the other students to rise to meet any challenge or obstacle in their way and "reach the heights of greatness", or something to that effect. So in a way he figured he was doing exactly that by overcoming the challenge of house arrest. Even his roommate couldn't argue with that logic.

The delinquent finishes tightening the laces on his converses and straightens up after spotting Jamie and moves to meet him. "Took you long enough! And here I thought you weren't gonna show. I'm starting to think that the ice princess in that one Disney movie could've made it here quicker than you.", he says with a smirk. "I guess I can cut you some slack since you can't fly though. C'mon, let's get in line.", he inclines his head the direction of the front doors.

2021-05-16, 06:11 PM
Standing in line with everyone else, Shane wondered why everyone else was trying to get into the warehouse. Noticing everyone else dressed in nice clothing and Shane rocking a tank top, cargo shorts, and his metal bands, Shane wondered what exactly was going on inside. ‘If this works, I’m totally gloating to Black Gecko later!’ He thought to himself. Continuing to chow down on his cheese Burger, he also started wondering how the dude who got him into the city was doing. Despite being paid via the app, he gave me odd looks the whole time… Has he not picked up anyone outside of town before?
Oh well…

big teej
2021-05-16, 08:41 PM

September 9th

"Oh. Nothing." Brooke says from beneath you, her voice amused but muffled by her pillow.

Your attempts at Google Fu prove fruitfu (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iKEzFHlsRkA5XHy-NyxdhF4VqDf6G3ani-HW6aCVVOA/edit?usp=sharing)l, giving you a snapshot of what Grayson was probably on about.

September 13th

"Iz' not really my place to tell ya, she wants to talk to you about it." Laylah shrugs again. "Are you gonna go or not?"

September 26th

Grayson is distracted, continually gawking at the other party goers, in wonder at the things people will wear in public. You eventually extract that he's not really sure about his birthday, he normally doesn't do much.

Kid Caduceus is adjacent to your conversation, He's wearing his trademark leather jacket with a black T-shirt underneath and grey jeans. His spiky blonde hair is slicked back and he's looking around with a mildly irritated look on his face. He's muttering about how many of your classmates he sees in the small crowd. He makes a disgusted noise. "All these extras, but she's not here, and this is all her fault anyway." He growls


"What's a... party?" Sarah asks, somewhat incredulously as you wander through the halls and out into the quad. "Also shush, we're supposed to be sneaking!" She laughs, picking up speed. "A party is when a buncha people get together and have a good time, there's music, and sometimes food, and usually booze, and sometimes it's for a special reasons and sometimes it's for no reason at all and just to have fun. Come on!"

Eventually, after catching a ride with Uber, whoever that is, you arrive at... a very empty and decrepit looking building, with many strangely dressed Pilka standing around. Sarah is still holding onto you, steering and pulling you through the crowd. She stops and raises up on her tip toes, looking around. "Kid oughta be around here somewhere, we gotta find 'em. He's our ticket in... at least without standing in line all night." She looks you up and down, "Then again, you're probably a shoe-in."


You co-conspirator is dressed in black leather pants that disappear into his metal plated, knee high boots. His outfit is rounded out by a ragged T-shirt with a logo you don't recognize with the sleeves torn off, a spiked and studded bracelet around one writs, and a spiked mohawk. Parish Guilbaut, better known as Sarus. He flicks away a cigarette and follows you toward toward the line. "Hey, happy to introduce somebody to the scene." He says through a cloud of smoke, taking your hand.


After the doors open, the line starts to steadily advance a couple of shuffling steps at a time, nobody gets rejected, although a few get hassled by the muscle at the door. One checks against a clipboard every few seconds, sometimes asking questions, other times waving people through. When you get to the doors however. The one bouncer flinches and backs up half a step, his buddy with the clip board takes a half step into your path and holds up a hand. "Hey Meta, must be yer firs' time righ?" He shakes his head. "youse guys are supposed to use the loading dock round the side." He jerks a thumb over his shoulder. "Go see The Hex, he'll get you set up right." He then attempts to shoo you away. If/as you leave, you overhear him muttering "I swear, why don't the new guys ever get the message?"


"Took me a bit to get a ride squared away and not run into Aiden." Jamie says with a sour look. He looks around at the gathering crowd, avarice and fear warring in his eyes. "I can't believe you do crap like this all the time." He mutters, smiling as he joins you heading towards the door.

Madame Mechanis:

You didn't break a sweat sneaking out of campus, you figured your way into a backdoor some previous student left open in their network back in your sophomore year, giving you run of the place since. You're currently stood in line, waiting to get in. Things are proceeding apace, you're standing next to a boy who seems vaguely familiar, eating a cheeseburger in... definitely not party attire.

It is awfully crowded for a supposedly abandoned and out of business warehouse. It's also kinda weird how many students from Hite are here too. Oh well, at least the line is starting to move.

2021-05-17, 06:37 AM
Dizz covers her mouth so she isn't speaking so loudly as she follows right behind Sarah. "OOOHHHH.... do you mean there will be a lot of that rattling stuff that you make? I like that." She chuckles softly.

After getting a ride from this thing called uber they arrive at whats suppose to be the destination. Dizz furrows her brow looking at the run down building and the line of Pilka forming outside of it growing. Gripping onto Sarah's hand she watches an looks at all of them. Some of the pilka are mingling an others are just standing still like Bazi (Statue). "Umm.. uhh Sarah, what is this ooze stuff you speak of?" Before getting an answer she is being navigated through the crowd of pilka occasionally bumping into a few.

"Kid oughta be around here somewhere, we gotta find 'em. He's our ticket in... at least without standing in line all night." She looks you up and down, "Then again, you're probably a shoe-in."
Dizz looks up to Sarah as she sees her looking her up and down causing dizz to look at her own self an gently pulls at her dress. "I have a tangu wrapper an it says winner on it. Maybe that is a ticket you are looking for? We can use that!" She reaches into her dress pocket with her free hand and produce's the crumbled up wrapper, and takes a few sniffs of its sweetness before handing it to Sarah with a toothy smile.

Zero Prime
2021-05-17, 07:12 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Zhou was nervous, he knew what he was doing was, explicitly, against Academy rules, however, he needed to observe the signs and portents to locate his sister, and they all pointed to her being here, at this location, in this moment. He steeled himself, and began scanning the crowd, looking for his Song, his eyes moved over the line of people, he recognized some of them, having been at Hito now for almost three weeks. He hadn't formed close bonds with many of the students yet, though many of them seemed helpful and willing to assist him in becoming more familiar with the lives of a typical American teen, popular culture, and social media, he had yet to master any of those fields of study.

It was then that he noted, Marcy standing behind a young man he'd noted around campus, releasing Parish's hand, he pulls out his phone, and begins walking up behind his friend, and social media mentor, "Evening Ms. Walker, shall we, as you say, take a 'selfie'?" And with he reached an arm around and popped his head over her shoulder, a smile as he flashed the peace sign, his phone capturing Parish's stylish scoul, Shane and his cheeseburger, and Marcy's surprised face.

Bagel Bard
2021-05-17, 09:24 AM
Marcy chewed her lip nervously as she stood in the queue of her peers. She felt, as she often did, ever so slightly out of place. Everyone else seemed to be here with someone, and they all looked so natural here, dressed in clothes that somehow looked great and made them look like they hadn’t given it too much thought.

She looked down at her own outfit, a retro-style lime green A-line minidress (which had at least seven hidden pockets) and a pair of tall, broken-in green and white boots modified from a previous iteration of her hero costume. She had spent at least an hour deciding on what to wear, but all the pop culture intel she could gather never seemed to penetrate her slightly outmoded fashion sense. That combined with the fact that she could never bring herself to leave her backpack of tech behind made her feel like she stuck out like a sore thumb.

Not having received an official invite, Marcy had apparently missed the memo that the warehouse party was some kind of rave. Luckily, she didn’t seem like the only person who wasn’t dressed quite correctly. She vaguely recognized Shane — they had probably taken some classes together over the years she’d been enrolled at Hite Academy — and was about to fumble out an awkward greeting when Zhou surprised her with a selfie.

“Oh! Zhou! You’re here!” A large weight of anxiety lifted off her shoulders as Marcy realized she wasn’t going into this party completely solo. She smiled broadly and playfully punched his arm, realizing a moment too late that she’d forgotten to make a proper fist, something Zhou was definitely going to notice. “You should have told me you were coming! We could have walked together! A young girl like me couldn’t possibly defend myself if something were to happen as I wander through the dark city all on my lonesome.” She swooned over dramatically.

“Make sure you tag us in that pic, though,” she said, gesturing to Shane and Parish with a wry smile. “How else will people know I hang out with the cool kids?”

2021-05-17, 01:46 PM
September 9th
“Brooke. Seriously? You’re weirding me out. What’s up?” Alexis implores as she reads about Dr. Pulse. No wonder Grayson was creeped out by him. She plugs in her phone and slips it under her pillow so it doesn’t fall off her bed durning the night, then wraps herself in her blanket, waiting for Brooke to respond.

September 13th
Alexis scowls a little at Layla’s caginess, but agrees. “Yeah, I’ll go see her. Tell her I’ll be by tomorrow after class. What room is she in?”

September 26th
“You should’ve seen the stuff they wore in the 90’s. This is positively tame,” Alex says quietly to her boyfriend as he gawks at people’s outfits. Then, louder, “Are there any movies you want to watch? We could chill in your dorm and order out for dinner. I won’t even say anything if you pick something I don’t like,” she tells Grayson with a small smile. “For my 18th, my dad surprised me with concert tickets. We drove all the way to Chicago that day and we saw Metallica, Marylin Manson, Pearl Jam, Nine Inch Nails. It was totally rad,” she says. As she finished, however, she felt a pang of… she wasn’t even sure. Maybe homesickness? Maelstrom had told her not to seek out her parents. They were Nebula’s parents. Not hers. While she couldn’t care less about her mother, Alex realized she really missed her dad. And Ben. She hoped they were okay back in her timeline.

That’s enough of that, she thinks, coming back to reality. I’m here now. I have the Team. I have Grayson. And I’m here to party.

“Hey, Kid,” she says to Lars. “Who’re you looking for? I’ll help you find her. It’s better to meet up outside than try to find someone after the party starts.”

Notice: 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/891078)

2021-05-17, 04:11 PM
Axel scowls at the bouncer's responses, biting back a harsh response. "The Hex. Got it." He growls. "I bet there's powered people who go through the front all the time. They're just fortunate enough to not have it parading on their body." he thinks as he heads around the side of the building. ["Why even have a separate entrance?"[/I] hoping that the entry is obvious or atleast visable Axel looks for The Hex and anyone else he might recognize to help him find his way.

Zero Prime
2021-05-17, 04:45 PM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Saturday September 26th, Outside the Warehouse

Zhou smiled, "Ahh, yes, tag my incredibly cool friends." Friends. The word echoed around the young man's thoughts, he had had few, true, friends in the Vale, there was, of course, his Master, the Resplendent Phoenix, Shaoqing. While supportive of Zhou and his sister, she had never been, exactly nurturing, her wisdom doled out in harsh, martial, discipline, or through stories, riddles, and parables, both spiritual and philosophical. He had his sister, and they were friends, for a time, however, her driving desire to avenge their parents' death led her down a dark path. Sho-ming Xio, the Master of the Nine Serpent Stye, she was his student now. Zhou shuddered, he did not relish facing her again, and yet here he was, and so too were those he called friends.

Thursday September 17th, Hite Academy

Zhou was relatively relaxed as he ran through Mr. Withers' combat drills, while the man did not have the temperament of a Master, he did possess skill, and passion. What Zhou did not like was that he seemed to target those without powers, or with less obvious gifts, and berate them, belittle them, as though they had nothing to contribute, which he knew was categorically untrue. He watched the instructor eviscerate a young woman, who was attempting to move through the drills to the best of her ability. He didn't want to intervene, because as soon as Withers' words had come out of his mouth, he turned his attention to another of his students.

He walked over to the young woman was panting on the danger room floor and crouched beside her. "I would offer you a hand to get up, but I have seen his type before, he would think you weak for taking it. Deep breaths, get your feet beneath you, shoulder width, and push up." He could see the strain on her face, he smiled, she had spirit. He stood close beside her as they exited the simulation, he checked the door, Withers had left through the opposite doors. "He's gone, take a seat." He indicated the bench, "Catch your breath. Marcy, is it?" He bowed slightly, "Tsu Yang Zhou, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

2021-05-17, 05:57 PM
‘Hang out with the cool kids?’ he thinks turning to see faces he recognizes but doesn’t remember the names of. “What makes us cool kids, Oh selfie let me see!” Moving around to get a look at the screen while taking another big bite out of his burger, oblivious to what’s around him. “By the way, why are you all out here trying to get into the warehouse”, looking up from the screen while he says this, “is this the meeting place for one of those secret hang outs Andre goes to during class?” Shifting around to get a good look at the bouncer in an attempt to notice any tattoos or patches killjoys like to wear(Notice=4). Suddenly he turns back toward the group, face lit up and exclaims “Selfie!” Taking his phone out to snag a pic of him, hair a mess and grinning ear to ear, with the crowd and bouncer taking up the background.
Before putting the phone back into his pocket however, he takes a second to send the picture to Black Gecko under the contact name 😳 saying ‘The warehouse has friends!’. Then, remembering the circle, he turns back to the group, finishing his burger in the process.

2021-05-18, 05:42 AM
"Took me a bit to get a ride squared away and not run into Aiden." Jamie says with a sour look. He looks around at the gathering crowd, avarice and fear warring in his eyes. "I can't believe you do crap like this all the time." He mutters, smiling as he joins you heading towards the door.

Andre smirks as he looks back at Jamie over his shoulder, "First time? (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ECjXp-HUIAMKt0Y.jpg)". He readjusts his belt as the two move forward in line and lets the end of it hang freely over his purposefully ripped faded grey skinny jeans. "It's like they say, 'nothing ventured, nothing gained', and this my friend-", Andre makes a sweeping motion with a free hand towards the warehouse while he partially unzips the hooded lightweight track jacket he's wearing with the other. "is just one of many ventures. Just enjoy yourself tonight and try not to think too hard about it!"

The soon to be ravemaster tugs on the bottom of the solid black tank top he wears underneath his jacket one last time, and his hand brushes against the bandana he brought with him as he does so. Right, I almost forgot. Andre takes the bandana from his back pocket and quickly ties it around his left arm before he and Jamie reach the muscle guarding the door. Here's to hoping I don't end up needing to put it on tonight...

Bagel Bard
2021-05-18, 08:10 PM
September 26th (Party Time!)
"What makes you the cool kids is that you're here at this obviously super secret and clandestine event," she said, laughing. "And the fact that you got here without knowing about the party only makes you cooler."

"You're Shane, right?" She asked. "I'm Marcy Walker. I think we've had a class or two together." She shrugged, trying not to take the lack of recognition personally. Not everyone has an eye for faces, she reminded herself. "And this is Zhou. Or, rather -- Tsu Yang Zhou." Her imitation of the rather formal way Zhou had first introduced himself to her was good-natured and affectionate. "He's new, so don't judge him by his dismal social media prescence."

September 17th (Flashback)
Combat drills are the freaking worst, Marcy thought. This would all be so much easier if I could just use a gadget or two... But she couldn't. She couldn't stand to see that condescending, knowing smile on Withers' face when he saw her using "non-innate enhancements". She remembered the first time he'd called her out in front of the entire class. It was freshman year. She'd finished the drills, kept up with the best of them. It hadn't been good enough for him. "Some of you performed admirably," he'd said, the ghost of a sneer turning up the corner of his mouth, a hard, patronizing gleam in his eyes as he stood in front of Marcy. "...and someone's appliances apparently can almost make up the difference." He'd never actually told her not to use her gear in his class, but he never failed to spit a snide comment at her if she did, regardless of her performance. It only took a couple of days of crying in the bathroom stalls after class for her to decide to make him eat his words. I can do this, powers or no, she thought, focusing on the present moment. She wiped the sweat from her brow and took a moment to try and catch her breath.

... Unfortunately, this was exactly the moment Mr. Withers decided to focus on her. Crap. Marcy bit her tongue as Withers laid into her. He'd been criticizing her for so many years now, it was easier to just tune it out. She got back into but found her spirit had been dampened somewhat. Her muscles shook and she felt as though she was right about to fall when someone she didn't know stepped beside her. His calm words of encouragement were exactly what she needed to get through the exercise.

She gratefully sat on the bench, too tired to pretend to be anything but exhausted. When she finally caught her breath, she looked up and smiled as confidently as she could muster. "Yeah... I'm Marcy... Marcy Walker. And you..." she paused for a moment, looking him over. "You're new here, aren't you?" Her smile turned from somewhat forced to genuine and sweet. It was a bit of a relief to realize he was actually a new student, and not just a classmate who'd forgotten she already knew them. If she had a penny for every time that happened... well, she'd only have a few pennies, but it sucked that it had happened more than once.

"It's great to meet you! Thanks for, ya know. The encouragement and all." She cast her eyes down, a hint of bitterness creeping into her voice. "I'm used to the old guy being a jerk to me. Shockingly enough, I respond better to positive reinforcement than to patronizing condescension." She shook her head, pushing the resentment out of her head, for now. She looked at him again, and noticed the way he stood, feet firmly planted, a sense of balance and purpose projected from every part of his stance. He must be some kind of martial artist, she thought. "I'd apologize on behalf of the school, but somehow I doubt Withers would have anything to critique when it comes to your form."

big teej
2021-05-18, 10:32 PM

"Boo-ooze" Sarah responds, emphasizing the first syllable. "You know, goofy juice, liquid courage. liquor. Alcohol." She gives you a look "Don't space dragons need to take a time out of their skull for a while from time to time?" Sarah's gaze snaps off to the side, distracted from your candy ticket. "There he is!" She announces and drags you towards a young man in a leather jacket with spiky blonde hair who's waving at you.

Madam Mechanis, Shifter, & Zhou:

"I dunno, the more Hite kids show up, the less cool this is gonna be... gonna be too safe." Sarus says, not unkindly as he swaggers up, hands stuffed in his pockets. He nods a greeting to Shane and Marcy, and then scans the crowd, eager.

How attentive are you to ambient signals and comms? You've got Broadcast, after all. Is that something you keep tabs on? do you have alerts to certain frequencies, sources, or keywords? anything like that?

The goons manning the door both have a distinctive cracked speaker patch on their clothes. You also see some strange markings on the side of the warehouse, but you can't place them.


September 9th

"What's the matter, got a guilty conscious about something Alexis?" Brooke mumbles back, you can hear her grinning.

September 13th

"Cool. I'll let her know. She's in 409 I think? You gotta check in before you get anywhere anyway. They oughta point ya in the right direction, 'specially if ya show up in uniform, ya know?" In a sweep of rustling fabric, jangling keys, and a distinctive, heavy clank, Laylah gathers herself back up and gets to her feet. "I gotta be places, see ya Joule." She says and marches off.

Right Now...

"Her" Caduceus says, jutting his chin away from the line as he raises his hand to wave. You follow his eyes to see Ythra and some new girl you don't recognize heading your way. The two join you, just as the line begins to pick up pace, people flooding the warehouse.


You round the bend of the warehouse and see a concrete ramp that leads to a garage door below street level. A slightly disheveled looking man leans against the wall next to the door, smoking. He very casually, nonchalantly, and deliberately stares at you as you approach, eyeing you up and down before shrugging and looking up and down the alleyway.

You don't see any other doors on this face of the building. There are weird markings spray painted above the garage door, doesn't seem like any kind of tagging work you've seen around construction sites or anything.


Jamie starts when you ask if it's his first party and he straightens up "n-no. Just my first one like... this." He says, falling in step with you.

Is it a smile... or a grimace?

After the Danger Room exercises, the second half of your combat lab takes place in the gymnasium under Moon Maiden. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v47aHIVo92kTBIXq5Vk0rDrw1M3Zup3ByGBf8PSrS-U/edit?usp=sharing)'s watchful eye. Moon Maiden holds a clipboard and after reminding the group of the reasons for drilling in un-augmented combat, she begins pairing students off, her eyes flicking down the the clipboard after every couple of pairings. Coach Mountain, as per usual, stalks around the groups, casting a critical eye to students form and calling out mistakes and failings. In contrast to Mr. Withers, his criticisms are uniformly sharp, but fair.

Ms. Sanchez pauses in assigning students to pairs. "Tsu Yang Zhou..." She trails off. The gym doors open and Mr. Withers walks in. Moon Maiden's eyes are still eyeing her clipboard. She looks up at you. "You're new with us... and haven't had an actual assessment yet. Last formal examinations were near the end of the fourth quarter last year, and this year's review and reassessment isn't for another few weeks." she frowns. "This means I'm not supposed to know who to pair you with." She starts. A thin smile on her face, clearly she has a solution in mind.

"I can think of no better way to assess his capabilities immediately is to simply pair him against the student with the highest marks." Mr. Wither's sneering grimace alights on his face again. "I am quite certain that Mr. Delvoss has unambiguously held that position since he arrived, at least within his grade."

Mister Delvoss, or Lars, or more commonly Kid Caduceus, frowns at Mr. Withers. "I was repeatedly told that assessments are not a competition." He says flatly. His eyes flicker over to Zhou before back to Ms. Sanchez. Moon Maiden's face is impassive behind her omnipresent mirror shades. Her thin smile quirks up. "You are correct, Kid Caduceus, but so is Mr. Withers. Ninth mat you two." She orders, striding over and handing off her clipboard to Coach Mountain. Withers glides along in her wake, his empty sleeve flowing behind him.

"Do either of you need a collar?" Moon maiden asks as Kid Caduceus steps onto the padded mat that marks the boundary of the field for the assessment. "I don't if he doesn't." He says with a shrug, glancing at you. You see no judgement or expectation in his eyes, just consternation.

After providing collars if needed, and laying down the ground rules for assessment, Moon Maiden instructs you both to take your guards.

Kid Caduceus, formerly the villain Diamondback, takes a deep breath and takes a stance. Left foot forward, right knee crooked out to the side and balancing on the ball of his foot. Both arms bent, like holding a basketball, but offset, one over the other.

You recognize that stance. You know that stance. You are personally, intimately acquainted with it, having witnessed it firsthand before Sho-Ming Xio nearly destroyed you with it. One of the most advanced stances in the Serpent Style: "Endless Coils"

OOC: Roll +Danger, On a hit, you acquit yourself well, and the match is called for time before either of you land more than one or two decisive blows. On a 10+ You earn a decisive victory. On a Miss, you are overcome by your memories and Kid Caduceus remains the undisputed un-augmented, unarmed fighter to beat in the class of 2020

Right Now:

The goons open the rolling doors to the warehouse wider, spilling fog and flickering lasers and strobe lighting out into the night. The growing mass of kids flood into the warehouse, where they are met by the source of the psychedelic lights and a pounding electro-synth beat. The concrete floor is bare, there is a bar along either wall, and a massive stage and speaker system set up at the far end, with various banks of speakers spread throughout at various angles. It gets packed. Fast. with heaving, dancing, jumping bodies.

2021-05-19, 09:16 AM
September 9th
"Whatever Brooke," Alexis says rolling over. "If you don't wanna tell me, that's fine. G'night."

September 14th
The next day, Alexis Ubers over to Aeon City General after her last class of the day and checks in to see Allison Briggs aka Requiem. She can feel a knot of anxiety starting to form in her stomach as she walks down the hall to room 409. It had been a long time since she’d been in a hospital. The last time was about five years ago when her best friend Ben had broken his arm after being hit by a car while skateboarding. The break had been pretty bad, and Ben didn't have enough control over his powers to rewind it. He'd spent several days in the hospital after undergoing surgery to patch him up. Not the best of memories to dredge up now.

Alex takes a breath and then knocks on the door.

September 26th
Alexis greets Sarah and her short... interesting friend before the line begins to move. Once inside, she thanks Kid for getting them in and then pulls Grayson over to the bar and orders a drink for them to share-- a strawberry daiquiri, especially chosen by Alex because she thought her boyfriend would like the sweet drink.

After she has their booze in hand, Grayson points out a few other students from school that he spotted while he was waiting for her. They make their way through the gyrating bodies to Shane, Marcy, Sarus and Zhou. Once they finally reach the group, Alexis nods to Shane and Sarus in greeting and then offers her hand to Marcy, and then to Zhou. “Hey guys, I’ve seen you at school, but I don’t think we’ve actually met. I’m Alex, and this is Grayson," she says, gesturing over her shoulder at her boyfriend.

2021-05-19, 06:22 PM
Axel walks a little past the man before half turning towards him. "You Hex?" He asks. "I was told by the guys at the front you'd get me in."

Zero Prime
2021-05-19, 07:21 PM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Saturday September 26th, Outside the Warehouse

He smiled at his friend, "Zhou's fine," as Marcy mentioned his social media presence, he feigned a look of pride, puffing out his chest, "I have three followers, thank you!" He failed to mention the first was his roommate, Samuel, the second was his recent acquaintance, Parish, and the third, was Marcy herself. He put an arm around Parish, pulling him into the growing circle of friends and peers. "This is Parish, he helped me get transportation here, and made sure I was suitably attired"

It was at this point that the doors opened, and the crowd began filling into the warehouse. While filtering in, Zhou moved close to Marcy, put an arm around her shoulder, and pressed close to her left ear so she could hear him over the din of the crowd, the thunder of the bass, and the swirling crescendos of the music itself. "I am looking for a young woman, she is about our age, black hair, green highlights, brown eyes, and has a coiled snake tattooed around her right leg, starting at her calf and working upwards towards her thigh." If Marcy turned to look at Zhou's face, he wasn't smiling, there was apprehension there, maybe even fear. "If you see her, do not approach her, get me. OK?" He stepped back into line, and squeezed his friends upper arm, mouthing the word, 'Please.'

Zhou moved with a lean grace through the crowd, deftly stepping around dancers and party goers, until he found a spot near the middle of the floor. Claiming his zone of influence, he started small, swaying to the music, feeling it's rhythm, it's pulse, tracing a small circle, slowly he let his movements become larger, forcing other dancers to either move, or sychronize with his movements, with his spiraling dance. Once he had cleared out enough space, he invited Parish, Shane, and Marcy over, allowing his peers to stake a claim on the dance floor as well.

When Alex and Grayson introduced themselves Zhou smiled, stopping his larger movements, feeling the crowd press closer, taking advantage of this lull in his activity, he nodded at the newcomers, leaning forward and extending a hand in the American fashion, "I'M ZHOU!" He spoke loudly, over the music and a million other conversations, "I HAVE SEEN YOU AROUND HITE, ALEX! NIRVANA SHIRT! VERY COOL!" He flashed a genuine smile, and a thumbs up, before moving back and making space for the couple, "GREYSON! GOOD TO MEET YOU!"

Even as he moved back to his dancing, he kept scanning the crowd, looking for ... her. Song's face would be a drop of water in the ocean, but they were connected by something stronger than that, by blood, by family, or, and the doubt crept in, at least they had been.

OOC: Notice to locate Song at the Rave (https://orokos.com/roll/891468): 1d6o6+1d6o6! 5 It added the two checks together, so not sure if I screwed up the formatting, but it looks like the 1st die got me a 5, with only a 2 on the Wild.

Thursday September 17th, Hite Academy

Zhou nodded at Marcy as Ms. Sanchez directed himself and his partner, Lars Delvoss, to the ninth mat. He listened, noting his various intructors demeanors, comparing them, perhaps unfairly, to the training he had received under the Hidden Masters of Shamballa Vale. Of the three he had witnessed, it was Ms. Sanchez's counterpart, the Mountain, who seemed most disciplined and even tempered. He turned to square up to his partner, something about his stance was familiar, and then he saw it.

His head cocked at an odd angle, and he slowly sank into a neutral stance, Crane amidst the Stream, left foot back, at a 45 to his lead foot, which was straight towards his opponent, knees bent, hips down, his right knee over the toes of his right foot, weight distributed 70-30 between his back leg and his lead leg. Arms and shoulders relaxed, he looked calm, centered. However, his mind was a maelstrom, Endless Coils, very few in the Vale would assume that stance, and even less knew of it outside of the Vale. How?! Why?! No! He pushed the fears, and the doubts down, and concentrated on the here and now, Endless Coils, Lars would move forward, a sinuous advance, his first strike would be low, a Dragon Tail Sweep, which Zhou would counter with Oak amidst the Willows, however, that would expose his left flank, a quick shift, and Lars would have to assume Monkey climbs the Arch, coming up to disable his right arm with a nerve strike, Zhou would then be forced onto the defensive, Water rushes through Canyon, spinning to strike with his right elbow, Grasshopper attains Flight, followed by Twin Fanged Strike, Tiger Slashes Prey, and then a feint and counter with Mantis Scything Wheat. Lars wins.

He frowned, he could hear her voice, Shaoqing's voice, Again, she would say. Endless Coils, Dragon Tail Sweep, this time Zhou would feint with Tiger springs from Grass, Lars would have to assume the defense, Mongoose shifts as Wind, overextended from Tiger, Lars would counter with Three Pointed Thunder, Zhou would feint beneath the flurry of strikes, Water reflects the Moon's Face, which would score a not, inconsequential blow along his opponent's meridian, however, any reasonable opponent would then return with Crashing Mountain Strike, thereby ending the competition.


He ran through another analysis of the scenario, once again determining that the competition would end, and his opponent would earn a victory. He shook his head, his insights having occured in the blink of an eye. He brought his right foot back to his left heel, placed his right fist in the palm of his left hand, clasped his palm over his fist, and bowed. He then backed off of the mat, looking at Ms. Sanchez, "Mister Delvoss took me two matches, and a single draw. He is the victor." Then looking to Lars, he bowed his head, "Thank you for the lesson, Lars Delvoss. It was an honor."

OOC: Danger check vs Kid Caduceus (https://orokos.com/roll/891357): 2d6+1 3 Yup, that's bad, but at least I get to mark Potential. Also, I am more than willing to throw Lars Influence over me now. He's got my attention now, for better or worse.

2021-05-20, 08:15 AM
"Boo-ooze" Sarah responds, emphasizing the first syllable. Dizz shifts her eyes to the ground searching for any memory of any thing like that on Delfian. Before she is able to get a real grasp on an idea she is being dragged along... again, to a group of people who she assume are Sarah's xious (friends). As the two approach the group she notices their more... normal appearance compared to her own. Giving a small smile to the blond spiky hair pilka she slightly turns and gives a small wave to the other two right before being pushed along towards the decrepit looking building.

Once getting closer to the doors she can feel the vibration from the music and hear the noise getting louder. "So, this is what a...party is." scrunching her nose as she thinks to herself. Taking a glance around she immediately notice that many of these pilkas are very... pilka like. Feeling immense dread wash over her she coils her tail around her leg slowly feeling quite uncomfortable. Looking to Sarah she tugs on her and an stands on her tip toes to try an reach her ear. "I am uhh... go to the laoide...err um I mean the reswoom?" Before Sarah is able to say anything she walks off wiggling her way around people and being extra cautious to not get her tail stepped on. Once finding a clearing she stops and catches her breath.

Taking a moment she scans her surrounding finding some unoccupied seats towards a corner in the back. Tacking the opportunity she sets claim to the small safe haven where she feels that she may not be judged. Hopping up on the metal seat it greats the back of her pail legs with a most welcoming cool sensation as it is slightly warm inside. Even though she is in a back corner out of the way she is content that it is still relatively close to most things this place is offering. Watching the "Party Pilka" enjoy their time to the rattling sound accompanied with flashy lights she dangles her feet and sway them back an forth holding her tail in one hand occasionally, bringing it to her mouth and biting it time to time. A very nasty habit that she has been unable to break sense hatching.

2021-05-20, 11:21 AM
“Cool Kids, Woot!” Shane shouts excitedly! “ Glad to see you outside of class Marcy!” Turning to Zhou, “You’re new to the area? We need to be friends! Sometime after school we’ll meet up for taco’s, there’s this great stand off of a corner downtown I need to show you! Oh, here we go.” Shane says as the doors part.

As Shane weaves through the crowd of people, following the group from behind, he dances to the music jumping and bobbing his head, moving in circles to the sound and the lights. Genuinely enjoying the rave, the excitement of being out this late and not knowing where he will end up only fuels the energy of the movement. While spinning about through the crowd, being sure not to fall over, Shane begins to note the layout, attempting to take in as much as he can about who is overseeing this party as well as any other doors to further in the warehouse. (Notice 7)

Arriving at the impromptu circle, Shane stops jumping around, finding satisfaction in simply bobbing his head to the music while being a part of the group. When Alex and Grayson come over, Shane grins giving them both a thumbs up before looking past them towards the bar, trying to get a look behind the counter at the person serving drinks while thinking “I wonder if this place has a basement?”

Bagel Bard
2021-05-20, 11:51 AM
September 26 (Party Time!)
Marcy nodded to Zhou. It was an odd request, of course, but definitely one she could help with. She knew Zhou’s past put him in a dangerous position, and knew better than to assume he was casually looking for this girl.

She turned back to Alexis and Grayson. “Yeah! I’ve seen you around! We’ve probably had some classes together. I’m Marcy! Good to formally meet you, at least!” She found herself unable to stop grinning. It only took me four years, but I finally have the confidence to talk to my classmates! All it took was befriending mysterious foreigner, she thought, amused. "That drink looks delicious! I'm gonna go grab one! I'll be right back." She took the opportunity to scout out the warehouse and look for the person Zhou was looking for as she took a circuitous route to the bar and bought a daquiri.

She saw Zhou making good use of his martial prowess to create a space for the group and stifled a laugh. She really appreciated not having to grind on strangers. Not that it wouldn't be fun, but maybe a little later into the party. For now, a little space was appreciated.

The things Marcy is making note of in terms of her listening in on radio, etc is police scanners (making sure she at least has a heads up if there's going to be a bust on this illegal party), but if she notices some radio signalling into and out of the party, that would catch her attention because. Ya know. It's weird.

Also -- given Zhou's request, I'm going to take a moment to scope out the situation w/Straight Up Creepin'.
Orokos Roll # 891626 (Sorry can't make it a link until I make more posts apparently)
Roll = Mundane; Result: 17 = 2 questions, awesome! 9 = 1 question
#1: Who or what here is not what they seem?
#2: What’s my best way in/out?

Secondarily rolling Notice to see if I can find this chick...
Orokos Roll # 891630 (I had to reroll this because I only rolled 1d6 the first time FYI)
Result = 22 11 (dang I hope I find her lol)

2021-05-20, 04:21 PM
The goons open the rolling doors to the warehouse wider, spilling fog and flickering lasers and strobe lighting out into the night. The growing mass of kids flood into the warehouse, where they are met by the source of the psychedelic lights and a pounding electro-synth beat. The concrete floor is bare, there is a bar along either wall, and a massive stage and speaker system set up at the far end, with various banks of speakers spread throughout at various angles. It gets packed. Fast. with heaving, dancing, jumping bodies.

Andre is carried away by the the deluge of ravemasters as they flood into the warehouse, dancing and jumping along with the masses of partygoers. "Looks like you're flyin' solo for a bit, I'm gonna get us some drinks!", he calls out to Jamie as the the the two part ways.

Any thoughts or feelings he'd been harboring as of late are instantly washed away by the the rhythm of the music as he floats adrift amid the myriad of dancers. Andre allows the pulse of the to crowd guide him as he loses himself in the moment, a luxury he hadn't been able to enjoy since he lost any sense of normalcy in his life. Some time passes before his consciousness resurfaces and he heads for the bar on the far side of the room. Upon reaching the counter he orders two bottles of Blue Planet and searches the crowd with his eyes for any sign of Jamie.

Notice to survey the rave: 5 (https://orokos.com/roll/891656)

Andre finds himself unable to spot his frosty counterpart by the time the bartender returns with the two bottles however his gaze eventually settles on something he finds much more interesting. He takes a few steps away from the counter to rejoin the outskirts of the crowd before shifting into a rolling cloud of black smoke. He traverses the dance floor under the veil of the artificial fog and reforms leaning against the wall next to a line of tall metal chairs.

Watching the "Party Pilka" enjoy their time to the rattling sound accompanied with flashy lights she dangles her feet and sway them back an forth holding her tail in one hand occasionally, bringing it to her mouth and biting it time to time. A very nasty habit that she has been unable to break sense hatching.

"Rave ain't half had huh?", the delinquent comments aloud. He takes a sidelong glance at the diminutive woman beside him, making note of the pair of black horns protruding from her white-blue hair and the slender tail she chomps down on intermittently. "Didn't realize they were serving food tonight. Need a drink to go with that?", Andre smirks as he offers her an unopened bottle of Blue Planet.

2021-05-20, 04:54 PM
"Didn't realize they were serving food tonight. Need a drink to go with that?", Andre smirks as he offers her an unopened bottle of Blue Planet. Dizz spits out her tail from her mouth as she looks at the strange looking Pilka. His hair is a mess an very well unkempt like a nest on the top of his head. Yet he has piercing amber colored eyes that seem to draw her in, unable to break his stare. "Were you just...fog? she asks amusingly. Looking down at the bottle in his hand she tilts her head sideways. "OH MY GOD! Is this that goofy juice that Sarah was talking about!" Just about squealing in excitement she takes the bottle from his hand and looks at it fascinated to know why she spoke so highly of it. After some examination she bits off the top an begins to chew the blue color outing then proceeds to drinking the substance inside. Scrunching her face she looks up at the strange pilka "this uhhh taste kinda funny." Her tails thrashes from side to side then realizing it probably wasn't kind to just take his stuff. Reaching into her pocket she retrieves the tongu wrapper and gestures for him to take it. "My appreciation to you for the goofy juice." she gives a cheeky smile before blushing an reverts her eyes to the wrapper. Taking a deep breath she looks up locking eyes with him "Do you as a pilka have a name of witch you are born to serve?"

big teej
2021-05-20, 11:10 PM

The man bangs his fist on the shutter and takes a long draw on his cigarette. He shakes his head 'no' as the shutter rattles up. A man in a black coat (https://www.rollingstone.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/rs-15963-20140630-kingdiamond-x1800-1404137513.jpg) and elaborate face-paint done like the silhouette of a graveyard emerges, he is followed by a painfully beautiful woman dressed in.... hardly anything, even by rave standards. She reclines in the air, floating along on a pair of undersized bat-like wings. She holds a clipboard and pen. She purses her lips as she looks you up and down. Amused. "Fifteen minutes to showtime, Honey." She purrs at the man in black.

The man looks you up and down as well, before throwing a glance at the smoking man, who shrugs and takes another draw on his cigarette.

"Amateurs" the black-clad man mutters as he turns his attention back toward you. "I'm Hexile. If you're here, you're looking for me." He crosses his arms.

Hexile and Selene appear, both of them immediately take Influence over Anomaly. Please note this on your sheet


September 14th

The door opens at your touch revealing a well put up, but typical hospital room. Requiem lays in bed, propped up on a half dozen pillows, her wealth of long black hair tamed into two large braids. She looks up at you from the book she was reading. "Oh, hey Joule. Meteor said you'd drop by." She looks around the room before shrugging and looking back to you. "Uh, pull up a seat I guess? There's an extra chair over there, or--" She looks past you with a bemused smirk. "You could steal the doctor's stool." She says, pointing beneath the sink.

2021-05-21, 02:57 AM
"Were you just...fog? she asks amusingly.

"Fog? Nah, probably just a trick of the light.", he chuckles before taking a sip from his bottle.

Looking down at the bottle in his hand she tilts her head sideways. "OH MY GOD! Is this that goofy juice that Sarah was talking about!" Just about squealing in excitement she takes the bottle from his hand and looks at it fascinated to know why she spoke so highly of it. After some examination she bites off the top an begins to chew the blue color outing then proceeds to drinking the substance inside. Scrunching her face she looks up at the strange pilka "this uhhh taste kinda funny."

Andre raises an eyebrow and watches in amusement as he throws back more beer. Ya know she looked a lot taller from across the floor. Hmm... yeah, it's probably the chair. His train of thought comes to a screeching halt when the girl bites off the top off bottle and starts to devour it's outer wrapper. Andre musters all of his willpower to keep himself from doing a spit take and showering anyone nearby in alcoholic mist. He attempts to compose himself before responding and clears his throat. "Well the fun thing about 'goofy juice'", he stifles a laugh, "is that the more you drink the better it starts to taste."

Her tails thrashes from side to side then realizing it probably wasn't kind to just take his stuff. Reaching into her pocket she retrieves the tongu wrapper and gestures for him to take it. "My appreciation to you for the goofy juice." she gives a cheeky smile before blushing an reverts her eyes to the wrapper. Taking a deep breath she looks up locking eyes with him "Do you as a pilka have a name of witch you are born to serve?"

The delinquent's eyes narrow ever so slightly as he slowly extends a hand to accept the wrapper, reading the word "WINNER" written on it. He takes a quick glance around the room before looking back to the wrapper and then to the small woman before him. This is either some sort of joke or there are cosmic forces beyond my comprehension at work... "Anytime.", he replies as he pockets the wrapper.

Andre tilts his head in confusion at the horned girls question. "What'd you just call me?" A pause. "And I live in America, I don't serve anyone last I checked. Now if you're lookin' for a name I'm Andre. What about you? I'm startin' to think that the horns and tail aren't exactly for show."

2021-05-21, 06:35 AM
Seeing him pocket the wrapper she gives a slight nod and hops down off the metals stool. Upon doing so she feels slightly dizzy for a bit before regaining her barings and turns to face him face to face, or well face to chest. "An..dre" she says as she straitens out her black dress and pushes some of her hair back off her shoulders. "Well Andre... now that I am aware of your pilka name.. Oh yah, to you um a pilka means what you call..Human." Dizz clears her throat as though she is giving a lecture "My name is Dizzfilzatic of Delfian hatched of the 3 dead moons. I serve to protect the realms of Taza. I am a quinz who holds the tittle of zuitz." lifting her chin she pulls up a necklace with a stunning colors of larimar an topaz with a seal sitting center. Looking up she meets eyes with him and turns beat red. "I..my um pilka form is very unsightly compared to what you all may find acceptable, but my horns and tail are not just for show. I do apologize, and my name is strange for the pilka tongue, so please, um call me Dizz." Tucking the necklace back away she looks towards the crowd of wiggling body's. "I do not have any more wrappers to acquire more goofy juice so how would one get more? Also does this goofy juice make you wiggle as they are doing?"

2021-05-21, 09:01 AM
Axel turns fully as the man signals whoever is on the other side. A shaky breath escapes him as a knot builds in the pit of his stomach. Seeing the duo, Axel freezes like a deer in headlights, the knot in his stomach tightening, his throat going dry. His gaze is drawn to the woman almost forcefully. He tries to keep his attention focused on the others but keeps finding himself drawn back towards her. When the man, Hexile speaks, Axel stutters, his building anger from before leaving as his voice starting to shake. "y-yes?" Unsure of if this really was the situation he wanted to be in. Axel swallows before continuing "I was looking to get in. And I was told you were the g-guy to see." He quickly wipes his clammy hands on his pants and holds out his hand to Hexile, "Axel." His hand quivers as it is held there waiting.

2021-05-21, 05:26 PM
"Well Andre... now that I am aware of your pilka name.. Oh yah, to you um a pilka means what you call..Human." Dizz clears her throat as though she is giving a lecture "My name is Dizzfilzatic of Delfian hatched of the 3 dead moons. I serve to protect the realms of Taza. I am a quinz who holds the tittle of zuitz." lifting her chin she pulls up a necklace with a stunning colors of larimar an topaz with a seal sitting center. Looking up she meets eyes with him and turns beat red. "I..my um pilka form is very unsightly compared to what you all may find acceptable, but my horns and tail are not just for show. I do apologize, and my name is strange for the pilka tongue, so please, um call me Dizz."

Andre takes a moment to let her words sink in. "So 'Pilka'... means human? Which probably means Delfian isn't just some European country I've never heard of." Cosmic forces beyond my comprehension, of course. He quickly looks her over once more as he finishes off his drink. "Look Dizz, I'm not gonna pretend like I understand anything you just told me but there's no need for apologies. And I don't know who told you that but you're pretty cute by pilka standards, horns and all."

Tucking the necklace back away she looks towards the crowd of wiggling body's. "I do not have any more wrappers to acquire more goofy juice so how would one get more? Also does this goofy juice make you wiggle as they are doing?"

"Well for starters that 'juice' isn't juice, it's beer. The bad news is that you normally don't trade candy wrappers for drinks so you'll be hard pressed to get another one way. The good news is that I happen to have some spare cash and there are a lot of drinks to choose from at the bar if you want more." He follows her gaze towards the pulsating crowd and laughs. "That 'wiggling' is called dancing and people usually do it when they listen to music that they enjoy. Now what most people won't tell you is that the more alcohol you drink the better you become at dancing. So... wanna try it?", he asks, his trademark smirk growing ever wider.

2021-05-21, 06:24 PM
September 14th
“How could I say no to the doctor’s seat?” Alexis says, shooting Requiem a small grin as she pulls the stool out from under the sink. She sits and rolls across the floor so that she’s in front of the hospital bed then braces her elbows on her thighs as she looks over the other girl. “So, you wanted to see me? I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner. I just thought you would prefer that I stay away. After all, I put you in here,” she says, gesturing slightly to the room.

It was something that had weighed heavily on her conscience since the Power Brawl match. But Alex had thought about her actions over and over again, and always came to the conclusion that she’d made the right play. Mind control was a scary thing. Requiem was dangerous, and she’d been too far back from half court for the Renegades’ defenders to lock her down. The right play was one decisive strike to take out the threat of having Alex’s own powers and body turn against her team. If the Hyperion harnesses had been working correctly, Requiem probably wouldn’t have been hurt. That’s what Alex thought anyway.

However, Alexis was glad to see that Requiem seemed to be okay. Though it was a bit concerning to her that the other girl was still in the hospital after almost a week.

big teej
2021-05-21, 06:55 PM

Hexile takes your hand firmly. He looks you up and down again, an appraising look in his eye. "What do you think, Selene?" He asks. "He's not particularly showy looking." The woman, Selene, flutters her wings and glides around you in a lazy arc. "Sure. He might not look like much. But he's new. she reaches out and grabs your iron and glass arm. "Oooh" she says excitedly. "He might be worth it." She chuckles as she lets go and floats back over to flank Hexile.

"The card's full kid, and time is short. But if you want to fight for me tonight, I'm willing to give you a chance." Hexile says. "I'm assuming the idiots at the door didn't tell you anything useful." He growls. "You're new. So you're worthless to me except for the novelty. Fight and it's a Two-fifty in your hands when you leave. Double that if you win, more if you're exciting. Do well, be something people want to see, and you're worth more. A lot more. You become valuable. Win or lose you'll be taken care of."

Hexile holds out a hand, fingers splayed wide before clenching a fist, shaking it, and then holding something up between his finger and thumb. It looks like a shark's tooth.

"Whatcha say, kid? you pass a little test, and I'll put you in for tonight."

At no point in this interaction did either of the pair seem repulsed or perturbed by your appearance. They treated you... like any normal person. Well. Any normal person who's willing to fight for money.

Hexile is attempting to shift your Danger up and your Freak down. Accept or Reject his Influence. Regardless of the result, Selene will retain her Influence over you as a separate adult.


Requiem smiles at you when you take the doctor's seat. "Well. That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about, Joule." She says. "I called you here, because, well, at the risk of sounding.... I dunno, sanctimonious or something. Precisely to tell you that I don't blame you, and you shouldn't feel guilty about this." She gestures around at the room and herself. "I mean, it's not like, you sabotaged the harness right?" "Did you?" She says melodramatically before laughing again. "This stuff happens, right? We're training to be heroes." She shrugs. "So... uhm... Yeah." She nods. "That."

2021-05-21, 07:05 PM
Dizz snaps her gaze back to Andre looking him up an down mirroring his movements and then gently touches her cheeks as she feels them warming. I don't know who told you that but you're pretty cute by pilka standards, horns and all." Why when Sarah say those words my cheeks are cold but..Shaking her head she smiles up to him dropping her hands back to her side, she grips some of the fabric to her dress," Lets just say I am, visiting Dolan."

Giving a slight wiggle to her body she trys to mimic a pilka she saw doing earlier then stops."Dancing...seems strange. I would want to do better to understand more, if goofy juice will help, I would like to have more." She steps up to him an gently tugs on his hand giving him a big grin as the one he is giving her and guides him to the bar or what she hopes to be the bar, but pretty sure shes right as other pilkas are leaving the area with the same color bottles she just had. Reaching the bar she stands at face level to the counter not really being able to see much of what they have, but looks around and finds a few seats. Even though there are pilkas near them it don't seem like they are using them. Tugging at Andres hand again she pulls him towards the seats. Climbing up on the stool she uses her knees to prop her self up to be able to see what is over the counter. Taking a moment to look around she scrunches her nose and looks at Andre now with her big doe eyes face to face with him "Do they have sweet juice? The one you gave me was kinda...um not so sweet?"

Bagel Bard
2021-05-21, 07:57 PM
September 26 (Party Time~)
Marcy brought her drink back to the miniature private dance floor. She didn't typically drink -- didn't typically do anything like this, really. She was dangerously close to turning 18 without having made any of the typical high school blunders. No up-all-night sleepovers peppered with cheap vodka in water bottles. No skipping class. No time to put effort into anything but school and her gadgetry. It was rather sad, really, and she didn't want to be an adult until she let herself be a kid for a bit first. That's why things were going to be different this year. That's why she had read two self-help books about how to make friends and get people to like you. I really do study too much.

In any case, the drink was already going to her head a little bit. Or maybe it was just the contact high, the adrenaline, endorphins, and hormones flooding the airspace -- it almost made her dizzy. She decided to make this drink last as long as possible, surreptitiously using her one "un-superpower" (as some of the more nasty of her peers had dubbed her minor energy manipulation) to chill it whenever the heat of the rave made it too warm to enjoy. She tuned her earbuds to lower the volume on the music and increase the volume of spoken word. She caught out-of-context snippets of other people's conversations, but that was okay.

She looked at Shane, remembering his query about the layout of the warehouse. "I don't know about a basement -- at least not one that's open to the public," she told him. "There is a big weird hatch trapdoor thing in the middle of the floor, but it's not open, and I'm pretty sure people are dancing on it."

September 17 (Flashback)
Marcy wasn't nosy, not exactly, but it was hard to ignore when the teachers pit the new kid against the best (and most arrogant) fighter in the class. Hite always tended to bring out a flair for the dramatic, but this was ridiculous. She, and more than a few other pairs of students, were definitely distracted as they kept a sharp eye on the two martial artists.

The tension barely lasted a few seconds. Zhou and Lars faced off, both seeming ready to strike, and then... Zhou folded? Really? That fast? But he seems so... competent? There was a look on Zhou's face that she recognized. He'd been... calculating? She'd seen the look before; her father, working late at night drafting schematics and running through numbers in his head, had worn a similar face of tense concentration. She knew herself to be prone to staring into space and performing arithmetic gymnastics in an instant. She was hit with a sudden pang of affection for this boy she'd only just met. He's kinda like me, in a way, she thought, before returning her focus to her own partner, who promptly struck her with a solid right hook, sending sparks of pain through her jaw. ... just better at not getting hit.

She shook herself out of her distracted state and actually focused on her own sparring match. She, predictably, lost within a couple of rounds. She saw Coach Mountain and Moon Maiden with sour looks on their faces and could guess that they probably wouldn't waste their time matching her with someone else to lose to, so she left the floor, her curiosity (and her resolution to Make Friends) guiding her to the one person other than herself who hadn't won a sparring contest this year.

"Hey, Zhou!" She caught up to him quickly. "I hope you aren't put out by all that back there. Lars is an arrogant d*ck, and it totally wasn't fair to pair you with him right off the bat. A lot of us have been sparring with each other for years, so at least we have some advantage by knowing our opponent's fighting style. If it helps, your record's still better than mine! And, I miiiight need you to teach me how you managed to lose without getting punched in the face." She gingerly prodded her sore jaw, hoping it wouldn't bruise. She also hoped she came across as sardonic but friendly and not mean-spirited.

2021-05-21, 10:40 PM
Axel's gaze follows the woman as she circles him. Instinctively he starts to pull his hand away as Selene grabs for it but finds himself almost wanting to reach for her in return. Almost. His arm hovers there for a moment as she lets go but his attention is brought back to Hexile at his words of fighting.
"The card's full kid, and time is short. But if you want to fight for me tonight, I'm willing to give you a chance." Hexile says. "Fight for you-?" Axel says but his remaining words are cut off as Hexile continues speaking.
"I'm assuming the idiots at the door didn't tell you anything useful." He growls. "You're new. So you're worthless to me except for the novelty. Fight and it's a Two-fifty in your hands when you leave. Double that if you win, more if you're exciting. Do well, be something people want to see, and you're worth more. A lot more. You become valuable. Win or lose you'll be taken care of." Hexile holds out a hand, fingers splayed wide before clenching a fist, shaking it, and then holding something up between his finger and thumb. It looks like a shark's tooth. "Whatcha say, kid? you pass a little test, and I'll put you in for tonight." "Two Hundred and Fifty to just participate in the fight!? And Five Hundred if I win!?" Axel's mind races. He had known that underground fights like these existed but he never thought that he would ever find one. A rush of adrenaline mixed with the knot of fear in his stomach as he processed the situation. What would he do? He looked at them. And for once in what felt like a long time, Axel didn't see that repulsive look in their eyes that he saw in most people he came across. Perceived or not, Axel felt like most people just saw him as a freak or some horrid monster waiting to transform. But these people just seemed, relaxed. They didn't slightly pull away from him or look away when he spoke. And that drew him towards them. If they were giving him a chance to prove his worth and make some money while doing it. Why not? The rush washed over him unraveling the knot of fear and making the choice for him. "I'm in." He says with a smile growing on his face. "What's this test."

Axel Accepts Hexile's Influence

2021-05-21, 11:11 PM
September 14th
"I... appreciate that," Alexis replies. She rubs one of the roses tattooed on her wrist as she continues, "I've thought about it a lot this past week, and I was having some trouble figuring out how I feel about the whole thing. But you're right, we're training to be heroes and accidents are bound to happen."

She smiles at Requiem. Her voice is full of sincerity as she says, "Thank you. I really needed to hear what you told me."

I’ll give Requiem Influence over me

big teej
2021-05-22, 01:37 AM

"This is a seed of Undyne" Hexile says. He casts the tooth away, you hear it bounce and skitter across the pavement and disappear down a nearby storm-drain. Almost immediately you hear the sound of rushing water, and then the storm drain begins to splutter and bubble, water backing up out of it and spilling into the alleyway. "If you can destroy what's about to crawl out of there in two minutes, I'll make room for you on the card."

"Clock starts now Honey." Selene purrs, clicking her pen and setting it on the clipboard.

A goopy tendril erupts from the grate, dragging a sodden mass behind it. It squelches to it's feet, a hideous amalgamation of what appears to be an old style dive suit, coral, seaweed, and genuine detritus from the sewer. It reaches for you with a tentacle and a crab claw and a humanoid hand, covered in coral growths and barnacles.

To Cards!
Anomaly has Initiative.


Requiem nods, smiling still. "I. Uhm." She nods again. "I'm not totally sure where else to go from here." She laughs. "I didn't really think this far ahead. I guess how's school been while I've been stuck here?"

Roll Notice.

Zero Prime
2021-05-22, 07:13 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Thursday September 17th, Hite Academy

The Endless Coils, it was fascinating, and frightening at the same time. The Shamballa Vale was the origin of all codified martial arts throughout human history, each style, culture and practise could be traced back to the Hidden Masters, stretching back millennia, however that knowledge was often diluted compared to the teachings of the purest forms taught in the Vale. To see such a pure form outside of the Vale was, almost ... however, by conceding, he had concealed his style and technique, thereby preserving an unknown in the event of a future confrontation with his peer.

"Hey, Zhou!" She caught up to him quickly. "I hope you aren't put out by all that back there. Lars is an arrogant d*ck, and it totally wasn't fair to pair you with him right off the bat. A lot of us have been sparring with each other for years, so at least we have some advantage by knowing our opponent's fighting style. If it helps, your record's still better than mine! And, I miiiight need you to teach me how you managed to lose without getting punched in the face."

He turned suddenly, still lost in his thoughts, as Marcy shared her thoughts, it suddenly occured that this young woman, was concerned for his well being, and somehow that thought alleviated his frustration and confusion. However, he shook his head, "No, Mr. Delvoss merely did as his instructors bid him to." The young man shrugged, "There was no clear path to victory, his technique was, near, flawless. I would, however, be curious as to where he learned such a technique, it is not one often seen outside of ...," a stammer in his voice betrayed his attempt to conceal his origins, "... my home."

He paused, craned his neck and seemed to inspect Marcy's face, a slight furrow appeared between his brow as he frowned. "Does it hurt?" He brought his palms together, and began to rub them, until they warmed, and then held them forward. A soothing heat seemed to radiate from them as he held them close to her jaw. Zhou smiled, "May I? There are, of course, techniques that involve using your skull in an offensive manner, but perhaps we should work on your fundamentals first?"

Saturday September 26th, Warehouse Rave

“Cool Kids, Woot!” Shane shouts excitedly! “ Glad to see you outside of class Marcy!” Turning to Zhou, “You’re new to the area? We need to be friends! Sometime after school we’ll meet up for taco’s, there’s this great stand off of a corner downtown I need to show you! Oh, here we go.” Shane says as the doors part.

Zhou smiled at Shane giving him a thumbs up, he pulled out his phone, and a follow request popped up on Shane's instagram account. He looked to Marcy and silently mouthed the word, 'Four,' before turning back to his new friend, Shane. "Tacos? I have never had the pleasure. I would be glad to, but only if you allow me to take us to karaoke afterwards, as repayment for your generosity."

Once in the warehouse, Zhou watched as Marcy went to the bar to grab a drink, he lost her in the crowd, so he continued to perform his movements, moving his body towards the rhythm of the music, his movements became smaller as he did so, as he focused his energy inwards, visualizing it as an ember of fire, of spirit, spiralling around his heart chakra. He took that image, that visualization, and moved it along his meridians, until it flowed up his throat, to a point mid-brow, his minds-eye. The music hit a frenzied crescendo as the DJ dropped the beat, Zhou's eyes snapped open, and for a moment, those closest could see a swirl of flame as he expanded his consciousness outwards, searching through the frenzied, sweating crowd, for the chi of one he was intimately familiar with, that his dreams had assured him would be here, his nemesis, his sister, Tsu Yang Song.

OOC: Rolling Freak, +1, to Unleash my Powers. Unleash my Power to scan the warehouse for Song's chi signature (https://orokos.com/roll/891913): 2d6+1 9. I'll chose to mark a Condition or an Unstable effect once I know what I discover. Or you can choose for me depending on what you feel is most dramatic.

2021-05-22, 08:53 AM
Axel takes a step back as the water pours out onto the pavement. "Destroy what comes out? What did you even-?" As the sewer grate flies off and the first goopy tendril slops onto the alleyway Axel gets his answer. "What. The. ****." He whispers to himself seeing the creature. As the creature grabs for him, Axel is quick to react and moves past both the tentacle and crab hand but has to knock the human one out of the way before it grabs him. He grabs one of the chains on his outfit feeling the steel alloy as his whole body shifts. "Better be safe than sorry." Rearing his other hand back Axel goes for a simple left hook at the creature hoping that he could rattle its senses with a heavy blow.

Fighting Roll - 14! (https://orokos.com/roll/891918)
Damage Roll (https://orokos.com/roll/891922) (Benny Spent) - 10 Damage with 2 AP (https://orokos.com/roll/891923)

2021-05-22, 09:23 AM
September 14th
“Nothing new to report really. We had a test in Lightning Bug’s class on Monday that was a real doozy,” Alex says. She swivels in the doctor’s chair, then a thought occurs to her. “How long did they say you’re gonna be in here? Do you need me to, like, bring you anything? Just sitting in here has got to be boring, especially when everyone’s in class.”

Notice (https://orokos.com/roll/891921): 3

September 26th
Alex can feel the sweat dripping down her back as she dances with Grayson. Her drink had been finished long ago, and she was starting to get thirsty again. Once the current song finishes (as close as you can get with EDM) she leans over to ask Zhou, “You want anything? I’m going to the bar.”

"Wanna head over there with me?" she asks her boyfriend. She takes Grayson’s hand again so they don't get separated in the press of the crowd and makes her way through the mass of bodies over to the bar, where she spots Andre and the small girl from earlier that had horns and a tail who had arrived with Sarah. She affectionately punches Andre on his arm and exclaims, “I wasn’t sure you were gonna make it! Did you have any trouble sneaking out?”

She then waves at the smaller girl and introduces herself. “Hi there! We didn't really get the chance to talk before the line started moving. I’m Alex, and this is my boyfriend, Grayson.”

Bagel Bard
2021-05-22, 09:59 AM
September 17 (Flashback)

No, Mr. Delvoss merely did as his instructors bid him to. [...] I would, however, be curious as to where he learned such a technique, it is not one often seen outside of... my home."
Marcy shrugged. "His egotism extends well beyond the purview of the officially sanctioned matches, believe me. But I suppose you're right." She eyed him curiously. She sensed that he was nervous or maybe uncomfortable about something, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"I couldn't tell you much about where he learned his technique, though. He's not the kind of person who talks about his past, if you know what I mean." She pulled out her phone and Googled "Diamondback Lars Delvoss", showing him the article about the press conference that officially outed him as a former villain. She glanced up at him. "Not that being private about your personal life is a bad thing or anything! I'm sure it's just a coincidence, maybe he trained in... wherever you are from?"

"May I? There are, of course, techniques that involve using your skull in an offensive manner, but perhaps we should work on your fundamentals first?"

Marcy hesitated for a second, then pushed through the social anxiety and nodded. "It definitely hurts. I mean, I've had worse before, but as you have noticed, I'm not exactly the sturdiest fighter." Besides, she thought, tilting her jaw towards his hand. He seems like he knows what he's doing. She brightened a bit, remembering the implicit offer in his previous statement.

"Wait, for real? You'd show me some stuff?" She had always been too proud, or perhaps just too self-conscious to have ever asked for a tutor. She excelled in the theoretical and academic fields at Hite, that success didn't help her in hand-to-hand combat. "That would be amazing!"

big teej
2021-05-22, 12:51 PM

The morass of souls around you, most of them under the influence of a mind altering substance of varying legality, clouds your senses as they stretch and search, seeking familiarity. There are several.... unwholesome spiritual signatures under ground, as well as a faint echo of familiarity. it is either Song or someone intimately acquainted with her, also below ground.


As you scan the crowd, a heavily pierced brunette (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y_OVQf74xtNjcsWUjjvohb4jIPEUdyZWsGicUXJApiw/edit?usp=sharing) catches your gaze and beckons to you.

If you ignore her, roll Smarts.

Madame Mechanis:

As you head to and from the bar, you don't see anyone matching the description Zhou gave you in the gyrating, pulsing, grinding crowd.

There's as many signals as there are phones in here, but a few things stick out to you.
- There's an unusual amount of noise on every frequency.
- There is a heavily encrypted channel with low traffic
- One channel is clearly the 'behind the scenes' comms of this party... and this is the channel that tips you off that this isn't just a party. Apparently there's some sort of cage-fight-arena-thing under ground? It's due to be raised up and visible to the main dance floor in the next 15 minutes or so.

Dizz and Andre:

The bartender passes Andre another drink without a word, but does a double-take at Dizz and growls to the taller hero, "She's a lil young for this crowd, don'tcha think?"


September 14th

"Yeah that was stupid, I think I took it... wednesday?" Requiem says. She frowns when you ask how long she's supposed to be here. "I feel perfectly fine, I shoulda've been back at school by now. Even Ricochet and Dr. Pulse agree with me." She crosses her arms, and winces slightly. "The hospital's just being over cautious, and racking up charges." She sighs. "That's sweet of you to offer, but Ricochet's been coming by every day bringing me any assignments my teachers have for me. I'm getting plenty of time to read and stuff."

Your conversation is interrupted by the door opening and a monster shuffling in. It's moose-antlers get hung on the door frame and take a chunk out of the plaster as it shoulders in. Those antlers spring forth from a tiger's head with 8 spider eyes in it that sits atop a humanoid torso covered in fish scales. its mismatched arms look like they used to belong to an elephant and a gorilla, and the legs are tiger striped. Malathrope growls as he frees himself from the doorway and turns and very carefully shuts the door. He shuffles around to face the bed and freezes.

"Oh. Hey Alexis." He growls through his fangs. "I was expecting to find Allison alone." He turns his attention fully toward her. "Uhm. Today's the 14th... We were, uhm, supposed to .... talk. about. that. thing." He says, two of his eyes flickering toward you as he tries to explain why he's here.

September 26th
You don't have any problems getting drinks for you and Grayson, you are not carded. Grayson's expression sours when you run across Andre, but he keeps his mouth shut until he introduces himself to Dizz.


Your steel fist connects with something solid, the dull gonging noise indicating maybe the diving helm under all the muck? The creature staggers back, all three of it's arms splayed wide, trying to catch it's balance.

OOC: The creature fails to become Unshaken on it's turn. New cards are dealt!
Anomaly has initiative!


Several students protest and jeer at Zhou's decision to back down from the fight. Mr. Withers scowls at the boy. Coach Mountain glances over, but is busy showing a student how to escape a rear choke. Moon Maiden stares at Zhou and says "Mr. Tsu, while I'm sure your insights are positively brilliant and irrefutable. We grade on actual. performance here. Not theorizing. If you are convinced you provide no meaningful challenge to Lars, you will be graded accordingly. While sarcastic towards your reasoning, Moon Maiden doesn't seem otherwise perturbed by your behavior.

Kid Caduceus just looks confused, looking back and forth between you and Ms. Sanchez. As he relaxes, you notice a snake-tattoo crawl out of his sleeve and slither and spiral down his arm. A second one appears behind his ear and slithers around to his cheek, staring at you. It flits its two-dimensional tongue out, 'tasting' the air.

Moon Maiden is telling you you aren't smart enough to think your way through this exercise and grade yourself properly. She is telling you to be more willing to engage in violence, especially since you were admitted on the premise of being a superb unarmed combatant.

She is attempting to shift your Superior down and your Danger up.


There is a stutter in the pounding beat of the music, and then the volume drops to a low rumble, leaving many a ravemaster's ears ringing. A shutter on the stage rattles up and out of the way and a heavily armoured figure (https://www.frontlinegaming.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/40k__bring_the_noise__by_jedi_art_trick-d9cqgh0.jpg) emerges. His oversized greaves and pauldrons are covered in speakers, and more are mounted on his back and pectorals. The figure saunters towards the front of the stage and an electronically distorted voice comes over the speakers. "Welcome!" It stands at the edge of the stage, looking over the crowd.

This is Boombox, a Bronze Aged, sound-based villain who hasn't made the papers in a while.

"Are you ready to get this party really started!?" Boombox yells and the crowd screams back at him.

"Yeah! Let's do this!" he calls again. There's a brief buzzing noise and then a visible blurt of Bass (https://youtu.be/5LDoxSoMiEI?t=18) washes out over the crowd from his speakers and the music kicks back up, louder and faster than before. The lasers and pyrotechnics set up all over renew their visual accompaniment to the acoustical frenzy.

2021-05-22, 02:46 PM
Shane, while everyone else went and got drinks, continued to dance by Zhou enjoying the music and the lights, gauging where the best place to start exploring would be. Seeing the women beckoning him over however, Shane instead phases out(Spirit Roll 6) moving through the crowd towards her, keeping his eyes peeled for any danger or ill intent.

’All of this seems pretty routine’ Shane thinks while passing through dancers and watching the space the women is standing in; throwing a few people off guard in the process as this kid from off the streets walks right through them. ‘Between the warehouse originally being abandoned, and the guards at the door wearing patches, something is definitely going on, and it isn’t the start of a rave’ smiling with excitement at the thought.

(Unless Shane sees anything that would make him pause, in which case Smarts roll 5) Shane gets to where he can speak to her above the crowd, yelling if he has to but still giving himself space to move. “You have cool looking eyes, are you able to control the lights? Some people can do that you know, you can make a lot of money working at parties like this!” Motioning with his hands as if they were spots moving throughout the room, glancing from her to the lights above and back to her.

2021-05-22, 03:48 PM
Axel takes the opening to set the tempo of the skirmish. His attacks fly wildly glancing off the abnormal creature not seeming to find purchase. Axel grits his teeth unsure of his chances.

Attack 1 -3 (https://orokos.com/roll/892019)
Attack 2 - 2 (https://orokos.com/roll/892022)
Swing and a miss

Bagel Bard
2021-05-22, 03:57 PM
September 26 (Rave)

Marcy watched the subtle burst of flame dance around Zhou's body. If his previous attitude hadn't convinced her that something was off here, this definitely did. She began to focus more on her own reconnaissance. Marcy finally tuned out the extraneous signal babble and found some sort of backstage rave channel. She tuned out the sudden pyrotechnics and the decked-out metallic DJ or whatever he was and listened for a moment. That's odd...

She tapped Shane on the shoulder just as he began to... Well, she wasn't sure what he was about to do, but she got his attention and brought him close to Zhou. "Now, I'm not saying I'm expert or anything, but I'm pretty sure that raves typically don't have secret underground fight rings." She gestured toward the hatch she'd mentioned earlier. "There's some kind of... arena? I don't know, but something is gonna raise out of the floor and people are gonna fight. Seems unusual, but maybe that's what makes this a 'rager'? In any case, just, I dunno, watch out for it in about 15 minutes... Things are probably gonna get rowdy." She released Shane and watched as he started to move through the crowd... literally.

Once Shane left, Marcy nudged Zhou. "I'm pretty sure she's not up here, anyway, but there's obviously other places she could be. Is there a name I should keep an ear out for?"

Marcy was used to a more-or-less constant buzz of signals through her comm link, and the cell phone traffic inside the warehouse, but she could rarely turn down the chance to try and hack an encrypted channel. She pulled out her phone and started working on it, tuning out the droning bass even as it rattled her bones. Well, they certainly shelled out for a great sound system...

(Still can't post links but my orokos account is sclark)
Smarts at -2
Result = (6+1)-2= 5

2021-05-22, 05:15 PM
Shaking her head she smiles up to him dropping her hands back to her side, she grips some of the fabric to her dress, "Let's just say I am, visiting Dolan."

Andre begins to ask "What's Dolan?", but manages to stop himself before the question escapes his lips. He was here tonight to enjoy himself and his newfound company, not for a history lesson.

She steps up to him an gently tugs on his hand giving him a big grin as the one he is giving her and guides him to the bar or what she hopes to be the bar, but pretty sure shes right as other pilkas are leaving the area with the same color bottles she just had. Tugging at Andres hand again she pulls him towards the seats. Climbing up on the stool she uses her knees to prop her self up to be able to see what is over the counter. Taking a moment to look around she scrunches her nose and looks at Andre now with her big doe eyes face to face with him "Do they have sweet juice? The one you gave me was kinda...um not so sweet?"

Andre doesn't resist the foreigner's guidance as she leads two of them towards the counter of the bar. He opts to stand as Dizz props herself up in a seat of her choosing. The horns adorning her head invoke the image of a crown in his mind as she sits atop her metal throne. He began to wonder how a princess like her even found out about a party like this or why she'd even come in the first place but his thoughts are interrupted by Dizz's inquiry about juice.

"Yeah, tons. Here, the first one's on me." Andre gives a subtle wave to the bartender and orders a watermelon vodka cocktail for Dizz and an tequila sunrise for himself.

The bartender passes Andre another drink without a word, but does a double-take at Dizz and growls to the taller hero protagonist, "She's a lil young for this crowd, don'tcha think?"

Andre shrugs his shoulders as he takes a sip from his drink. "They let her in through the front door right? Obviously the lady's old enough to have a good time." He glances at Dizz just long enough to cast a wink in her direction before throwing back more of his drink.

"Wanna head over there with me?" she asks her boyfriend. She takes Grayson’s hand again so they don't get separated in the press of the crowd and makes her way through the mass of bodies over to the bar, where she spots Andre and the small girl from earlier that had horns and a tail who had arrived with Sarah. She affectionately punches Andre on his arm and exclaims, “I wasn’t sure you were gonna make it! Did you have any trouble sneaking out?”

Andre diverts his attention from the conversation with the bartender when Alex suddenly appears at the counter accompanied by Grayson. "You know I'd never pass up on a party like this." A pause as he considers the conditions of his incarceration. "Well, willingly at least.", he concedes. Andre continues in a low whisper, "I imagine it's kinda hard to keep someone locked up when they can freely transform themselves into smoke. Oh yeah, Jamie's here too! Turns out he was able to give Cerberus the slip somehow."

Right... Wasn't I supposed to grab the ice man a beer? He scans the faces of the crowd once more searching for the whereabouts of his roommate.

"I'm glad you guys made it out here tonight. The last month or so's been a real pain in the ass and I think we could all use a break." He says looking from Alex to Grayson then turns back to the bartender, "Their drinks are on me too." Andre inclines his head towards Alex and Grayson as he slides a few bills towards the bartender, leaving a generous tip beyond everything that was owed. He thinks back to the late nights spent gambling with this classmates atop the tower over the past month and can't help but feel that the time he put into refining his poker face was well spent.

There is a stutter in the pounding beat of the music, and then the volume drops to a low rumble, leaving many a ravemaster's ears ringing. A shutter on the stage rattles up and out of the way and a heavily armoured figure emerges. His oversized greaves and pauldrons are covered in speakers, and more are mounted on his back and pectorals. The figure saunters towards the front of the stage and an electronically distorted voice comes over the speakers. "Welcome!" It stands at the edge of the stage, looking over the crowd.

"Are you ready to get this party really started!?" Boombox yells and the crowd screams back at him.

"Yeah! Let's do this!" he calls again. There's a brief buzzing noise and then a visible blurt of Bass washes out over the crowd from his speakers and the music kicks back up, louder and faster than before. The lasers and pyrotechnics set up all over renew their visual accompaniment to the acoustical frenzy.

"You guys have any idea who the Transformer on stage is?!", Andre asks aloud as the ambient noise has picks up.

Common Knowledge: 3 (https://orokos.com/roll/891998)

Who's that character?!
It's a Decepticon!

2021-05-22, 07:44 PM
September 14th
"Hey Max," Alex says as the hulking student enters the room. "Allison had asked me to come by to talk about something, but I'll leave you two alone," she finishes with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

Alex gets up and rolls the doctor's stool back over to the sink and then squeezes by Malathrope to the door. "Thanks again Allison. I'll see you back at school, yeah?"

September 26th
Alex orders a mojito for herself and thanks Andre for the drinks. "It's cool that we're all here. I'm probably gonna have hell to pay when Brooke gets back and I'm not there, but honestly, I don't care. I've been having a great time." She turns to Grayson. "What do you think of the party? Been having fun so far?" As the bass from the stage washes over her she grins as she recognizes the armored figure. "That's Boombox. He was did some bank robberies in the 80s and 90s, but he's pretty low-key now," she tells Andre.

Zero Prime
2021-05-23, 07:04 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Thursday September 17th, Hite Academy

Zhou locked eyes with Moon Maiden, he was still reeling from the loss, and she was pushing him to commit to the confrontation. "Ms. Sanchez, despite your misgivings, you need to understand that Mr. Delvoss and I are so evenly matched that for either to establish an clear victory over the other, would require the execution of techniques which would result in a lengthy stay at the Academy's infirmary." He paused, "For one, or both of us, as such I conceed. You may give me a failing grade if you so desire." He bowed his head, "I apologize if you expect me to prioritize my own ego over another student's well being." With that he turned his back and continued out of the training area.

OOC: Reject Moon Maiden's Influence (https://orokos.com/roll/892124): 2d6 10. Nice! I will chose 1) Mark potential by immediately acting to prove them wrong (see above), and 2) cancel their influence over me and take +1 forward against them.

Outside, in the hallway, he continued his conversation with Marcy.

"Wait, for real? You'd show me some stuff?" She had always been too proud, or perhaps just too self-conscious to have ever asked for a tutor. She excelled in the theoretical and academic fields at Hite, that success didn't help her in hand-to-hand combat. "That would be amazing!"

Zhou nodded as he gently placed his rough, calloused hands along her jaw, his fingers probing at the muscles on either side of her lower jaw, by the molars. "Try to relax, as I apply pressure, close your eyes and exhale." The pressure was intense for a moment or two, flaring, then gradually subsiding, his index finger and middle finger on both sides of her jaw slid further towards the hollow between her jaw and her earlobe, gently massaging. "Combat is confusing for many people, they think it is about strength, speed, and physical power, and while those are tools, it is about one's spirit, one's energy. Many people, when in a dangerous situation, they tense up, become stiff," his fingers made a small adjustment, and after a moment, the pain subsided. He dropped his hands to his side, He flexed his arms, clenched his fist, and made a furious, angry face, brow furrowed, eyes closed, lips pursed, his entire body tense and rigid. "If you were to hit me now, you would injure me, because I cannot receive your energy." A deep breath, he relaxed, "Think of it this way, were we to punch a board to would break, because it is rigid and cannot accept the blow, but were we to punch the surface of a lake, the water would displace, move, flow, around the fist. So be like water, flexible, relaxed, and flow." He smiled at the young woman, "That's the first lesson," he shrugged, "Now enough fortune cookie talk, how about you show me around campus? Ms. Sanchez is already writing me up, might as well relax for the rest of the period, yes?"

Saturday September 26th, Warehouse Rave

Once the current song finishes (as close as you can get with EDM) she leans over to ask Zhou, “You want anything? I’m going to the bar.”

As Zhou danced, he noted Alex lean over towards him, speaking loudly over the sound of the rave, he nodded. "SURE!" He shrugged, "Whatever you had when you first came over, it smelled sweet!" He reached into a pocket, and pressed some bills into her hand, "For drinks!" He yelled, with a nod of his head he indicated both Alex and her beau, Greyson, as well as the rest of his classmates.

Once Shane left, Marcy nudged Zhou. "I'm pretty sure she's not up here, anyway, but there's obviously other places she could be. Is there a name I should keep an ear out for?"

Zhou nodded, keeping an eye on where Alex, Greyson and Shane had moved to, "Her name is SONG," he enunciated clearly over the sound of the music, "she, or someone close to her, is beneath us!" Taking Marcy's wrist, he began to move through the press of dancers towards where the others had indicated the presence of a trap door. As the armor clad man on the stage appeared ramping up the frenzied energy of the party goers, Zhou squeezed Marcy's wrist, something was about to happen. As she turned to look at him, he silently mouthed, 'Be like water.'

2021-05-23, 12:06 PM
Andre shrugs his shoulders as he takes a sip from his drink. "They let her in through the front door right? Obviously the lady's old enough to have a good time." He glances at Dizz just long enough to cast a wink in her direction before throwing back more of his drink.

Dizz looks at the Pilka who gave her her juice noting that she was not very kind. Looking at Andre she watches him give an odd eye movement right before he takes a sip of his own juice. Looking down at the red water that was slid in front of her, she thinks to herself that it is a little interesting as this stuff in the cup will make her a better wiggle body.Taking the cup she brings it to her nose an gives it a little sniff Sweet her tail now trashing side to side happily she take a sip of it enjoying the flavors. Before she is able to gulp down the rest of it two other pilkas approach them.

She then waves at the smaller girl and introduces herself. “Hi there! We didn't really get the chance to talk before the line started moving. I’m Alex, and this is my boyfriend, Grayson.”
Recognizing them as the pilkas that Sarah knows, she wipes her chin from the juice that she dropped on herself. Setting the glass down she waves at the two of them. "Hi my name is Di.." she stops her self short before finishing.I probably shouldn't say much about Delfian, maybe the elders would not be happy and they seem to not understand.. "Dizz my name is Dizz its an honor to meet you both." She looks at the two of them for what seems to be a very long awkward minute then gives them giving the goofy smile that Andre had given her earlier and picks up her juice to finish. Sitting back on her feet she watches as the pilka interact with one another before hearing a strange noise that cause her look in the direction of the wiggling body's that have now slowly come to a stop.

There is a stutter in the pounding beat of the music, and then the volume drops to a low rumble, leaving many a ravemaster's ears ringing. A shutter on the stage rattles up and out of the way and a heavily armored figure emerges. His oversized greaves and pauldrons are covered in speakers, and more are mounted on his back and pectorals. The figure saunters towards the front of the stage and an electronically distorted voice comes over the speakers. "Welcome!" It stands at the edge of the stage, looking over the crowd.

"Are you ready to get this party really started!?" Boombox yells and the crowd screams back at him.

"Yeah! Let's do this!" he calls again. There's a brief buzzing noise and then a visible blurt of Bass washes out over the crowd from his speakers and the music kicks back up, louder and faster than before. The lasers and pyrotechnics set up all over renew their visual accompaniment to the acoustical frenzy.

Dizz covers her ears as the sound is much to loud for her liking. Captivated by the figures appearance that stands over the others, she finds her self tilting her head trying to makes sense of its form. Its the first time she has ever seen any thing metal upon a Pilka. Delfian is known and homes many creatures of all sorts that can be grotesque or haunt dreams. Even though for her short time of fighting she has never come upon any thing unique such as this. Unknowingly Dizz grips her tail bringing it to her mouth biting it as her eyes seem to be a very vibrant emerald green as she scans him from top to bottom memorizes everything about this new pilka form, making sure to not forget any thing an note it when back in her room.

2021-05-23, 01:24 PM
Axel moves in locking one of his arms with the creature's. Trying to get a strong hold to keep the arm immobilized, Axel throws his knee into what would be the creature's stomach. Rearing his other hand back his lips draw back into a snarl as he throws his fist into the creature once more.

Grapple Check - 5! (https://orokos.com/roll/892168)
Attack Roll (Benny Spent 1/3 Remaining) - 0! (https://orokos.com/roll/892170)

Next Round -

Wild-Attack Roll (Benny Spent 0/3 Remaining) - 13! (https://orokos.com/roll/892185)
Damage Roll - 10 (https://orokos.com/roll/892187)+5 (https://orokos.com/roll/892188) from the raise!

Bagel Bard
2021-05-23, 02:28 PM
September 17 (Flashback)

Marcy winced slightly as Zhou touched her jaw. She was relatively experienced at rolling out her own sore muscles, but it was a different sensation for someone else to do it. She consciously unclenched her jaw and took a deep, slow breath.

"Combat is confusing for many people, they think it is about strength, speed, and physical power, and while those are tools, it is about one's spirit, one's energy. Many people, when in a dangerous situation, they tense up, become stiff,"

As he spoke, Marcy started making a mental inventory of her body and the tension in her muscles. She carried a lot of stress in her shoulders and upper back, probably due the the constant weight of her backpack. She settled her shoulders and released the strain. Zhou made a final movement with his practiced hands and she felt the pain subside. She opened her eyes just as he closed his. She suddenly became extremely aware of how close he had been, and she felt a hot rush of blood reddening her face and chest. Probably just a cultural difference, she thought.

His lesson wasn't entirely unfamiliar to her, although the analogies he used were far more lyrical than the simple commands to "loosen up her stance" she'd received from the her adult teachers. There was also something about the concept being presented to her by a peer rather that someone above her that made it easier for her to internalize.

"Now enough fortune cookie talk, how about you show me around campus? Ms. Sanchez is already writing me up, might as well relax for the rest of the period, yes?"

"Definitely! Normally I go get some coffee after that class, since I typically get out a little early. We can grab some and then I can give you the lowdown!" Marcy led Zhou through campus. She probably knew more than the average student about the history of the school, having been interested in the history of superheroes from a young age and a self-admitted nerd.

"Honestly, I spend most of my free time in the engineering lab," she admitted, almost guiltily. She wasn't sure if he would find it interesting but she felt the familiar urge to show off the project she was working on, and couldn't suppress it. She pulled out her phone and opened her Instagram. The page was actually fairly popular, although not among her peers. She posted pictures and videos of her projects and had a couple thousand followers -- presumably all tech junkies like herself. "This is what I'm working on now. I'm trying to work around the classical downfalls of jet propulsion by integrating a self-regulating feedback mechanism that..." She went on for a bit before realizing she was rambling, and probably being too technical. She bit her tongue, slightly embarrassed. "Sorry... it's kind of my thing."

September 26 (Rave!)

Marcy shot off a quick Facebook message to Grayson.

FYI -- something's up. Expect trouble (or something) in 15. Z & I are headed to the hatch in the middle of the floor.

She pocketed her phone and allowed herself to be pulled through the throng, quickly finishing the rest of her drink and tossing the cup into a bin. The alcohol actually seemed to help her relax into the movement. She realized her shoulders were still tense and relaxed them, using the momentum of dance to propel her towards the hatch.

Momentum of dance cracks me up lol... I couldn't delete it once I wrote it even though it's ridiculous. :biggrin:

big teej
2021-05-23, 03:49 PM

As you enter her tiny nook of the dance floor, the brunette moves closer to you, dancing more on you than with you. She puts her hands on your shoulders and says, "I've got more than a few talents, but that's not one of them." She says with a smile. Her voice carries surprisingly well over the audio assault besieging the dancefloor. "Maybe I can show them to you later." Her eyes sparkle. "I've not seen you around at one of these parties before, you new?"


The monster never seems to recover from your initial bell ringer. it staggers and flails ineffectually, by happenstance more than design slapping away many of your attempts to harm it before you connect with something substantive again and it makes a horrid sucking sound and disintegrates... messily. leaving an oozy pile of sludge creeping over your shoes and staining the pavement, the dive-helmet and coral bits rapidly splintering to dust.

"Your going to be on the first card. Get cleaned up." Hexile snaps, turning and stalking back into the dark recesses of the rolled up shutter. Selene blows you a kiss and floats in after him. "There's a hose in here somewhere." She offers before she too disappears.

You overhear Hexile's clipped towns ordering Selene to "Bump Dazzler off the fight with Rhinestone. If he gives you any lip, tell him he can take it up with--" He makes a growling sound that you're not sure is a word.

Madam Mechanis:

#######This is Asset Rho######## In Position.############Callsign: Sigma: Acknowledged#############Targets in Position########### Begin Operation? ###########Negative. Asset Tau and Asset Zeta are not in position.############Covert Asset in position###################All Assets Standby. Operation Commencing in #####Confirm: Number of Targets=7###############Parameter Confirmed#######Secondary Objectives=X#####Parameter Not Verified#########Permission to eliminate Tertiary Designate=BoomBox###########Paramater: Confirmed##############


You spy Mr. Frost dancing with a college-aged looking blonde. He seems blithely ignorant of your absence or any beverages.


September 14th

Allison blushes a puts her hand to her mouth, not completely covering her smile as you leave. "Yeah, I'll see ya soon." She calls after you.

September 26th

"I'm having a great time." Grayson shouts over the noise. "It's nothing like what I expected. I'm just glad you're here."

His smile disappears when you speak to Andre. "Who's on stage?" He asks


September 17th

Just for the record going forward: Moon Maiden pairs you off against the weakest students, like Marcy, going forward until your win record shows that you should be moving up to more capable students. Just so you can describe and post accordingly in the future.

2021-05-23, 07:58 PM
Rave Time
Alex grins at Grayson as he says he's having a good time. "I'm glad to hear it!"

She repeats Boombox's information closer to her boyfriend's ear so that he can hear her. "Like I said, he's low-key. He's putting on a good party so far. I'm not too worried." She takes another sip of her mojito. "I don't think Kid would have brought us here if it was that dangerous."

Bagel Bard
2021-05-23, 09:00 PM
September 26 (DANGER RAVE!)

Marcy felt a chill run up her spine. There's something going on here. Something bad. The name "Boombox" triggered a memory of her childhood, an obscure villain who hadn't been relevant since before she was even born. She found her gaze wandering hungrily too Boombox's tech -- not her style, certainly, but there were bound to be some unique parts in there...

CCM w/Boombox's name; Result = 7 (6+1)

She snapped back into focus. As the music thrummed through the air, she found her heart thumping in her chest nearly in time to the accelerating beat. She felt as tense as a bowstring, and she found herself unable to relax. She was like a sheet of ice, smooth surface poised to splinter as soon as something struck it. It might not be ideal form, but at least I have some kind of heads up.

She got her phone and sent a mass text message, including as many people as she could reasonably expect to take her warning seriously, including the radiotelephony signal Pan-Pan ("Possible Assistance Needed/Pay Attention Now") to denote urgent an emergency somewhat lower in severity than SOS:
Something VERY wrong @ warehouse rave — encrypted channel decoded, plot revealed
7 potential targets marked for "elimination"
At least 5 conspirators
Boombox involved -- might be target or conspirator
I’ll signal with giant glow stick if I hear the go ahead
- M Mechanis
I’m sending it straight to people’s phones — Shane, Alexis, Grayson, Andre, and Dizz as well if she has a phone.

I hope they check their phones half as often as I check mine... and I hope they take me seriously, she thought. It didn't even cross her mind that some of them might not be well-versed in radiotelephone signaling. She'd learned the lingo in middle school, after all. She typed without looking at her phone, hissing a warning to Zhou as she wrote. "Something is definitely up. There are at least five people in a group working on an operation to "eliminate" seven targets. Metal man is Boombox -- washed up villain, not generally a big deal, but also not someone I'd expect to be emceeing a rave, either... He's either with them or one of the targets. ... and apparently they have a spy or hidden operative... if I hear them give the order to go, I'll..." she pulled out an emergency chemical fluorescent device (AKA a big ol' GlowStick) and tied it to her wrist. "I'll crack this and start waving it like crazy."

2021-05-24, 07:05 AM
Dizz blinks a few times relaxing her eyes after spitting her tail out from her mouth and picks her drink back up from the table top. Taking another sip from her drink she furrows her brow and looks down at her cup noticing the sweet red juice is now gone. Setting it back down she sits properly on the metal stool and watches all the wiggle body dance to the noise. I wounder if wiggle body is really hard to do?... Grrr im a Quinz..... what am I talking about this must come easy to me... I hope..she thinks to herself as she sits there. Taking a deep breath, she hops down off the metal stool and straitens her dress out an gently finger combs the ends of her hair out that got bunched up from her sitting on it. Dizz slightly spins on her toes to face Andre but even after stopping she feels that the room is still slightly spinning. Shaking her head and blinking hard a few times she looks up to Andre with flushed cheeks and gently tugs on his arm giggling. "Lets do wiggle body, yes? I will show you I can be just like a Pilka!" Tugging gently on Andres arm for the last time she lets go an makes her way into the crowd of wigglers. When attempting to find a comfortable spot to wiggle Dizz finds her self just being bumped around a bit, not really knowing how to start off.

Dizz is dealt "This Card Just Rules" - 1) This card is handed back to the GM, and replaced by two more cards. The hero may still only play one of them. 2) The character may choose to immediately sacrifice their next advance to gain the Destiny's Child Edge. Destiny's Child draws an additional Adventure Card each session. For the uninitiated: Normally you only draw a single card for the Month, and whether you play it or not, you lose it and get dealt a new one at the start of the next month. This is only modified (for this game) by things like the Enemy card, which grants the hero an extra card, and play, per month until the enemy is Retired. or cards like Uh-Oh which makes the team's life harder, but gives everyone an extra card, or some MASKs effects which deal extra cards. Destiny's child permanently gives you two cards to play per month, but the choice has to be made on your next post. That out of the way. Dizz is dealt "Let's Settle This" - Play at the beginning of a combat round with no Jokers. No character can soak wounds until a Joker is drawn. Dizz is dealt "Flesh Wound" - Play to cause a wounded Extra to rise immediately, unshaken and unharmed. The extra must have been wounded in the current "Scene" (Typically a combat or immediately thereafter)[/QUOTE]

Ill immediately sacrifice to gain Destiny's Child Edge

Zero Prime
2021-05-24, 07:31 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Saturday September 26th, Warehouse Rave

As Marcy explained the situation, Zhou's face quickly scanned the stage where Boombox stood, the rafters, and suspended lights, quickly looking for concealed angles of attack. "Let's assume he's the target, and form a defensive perimeter around him. Even if we're wrong, we'll have isolated him from the rest of his team, and that will be a start."

He hated unknown variables in any sort of confrontation, that is why he, typically, took defense, to judge his opponents strengths, and assess his weaknesses, to exploit in an explosive counter attack. "Still," he spoke to himself, "I'm not sure how my sister is involved." Suddenly his eyes shot up to Marcy's, as though he had said too much. He shook his head in self-admonishment, and plunged into the crowd, pushing himself through the press of bodies, towards the front, as close to Boombox as he could get.

OOC: Notice Check to spot incoming Strike Team at Rave (https://orokos.com/roll/892311): 2d6o6! 7 [2d6o6=5, 7 [6+1]].

2021-05-24, 07:17 PM
Alexis pauses as she feel her phone vibrate in her pocket. Her eyes widen as she reads the text. "Did you get this?" she asks Grayson. "I may have spoken too soon about this party not being dangerous..."

She looks down the bar and see that Andre and the little dragon girl have made their way to the dance floor. Alex curses and reads the text again. "Seven targets for elimination. Five conspirators. Operation imminent." M Mechanis… that’s Marcy’s hero name, Alexis thinks. She leaves what's left of her drink of the bar and starts toward the dance floor, tugging on Grayson's hand. "Let's find Marcy and Zhou. They should have more information for us."

Alex moves with purpose through the dancers, dodging gyrating bodies, until she finds the teens she'd met earlier. "I got your message. How did you find out all this?" she asks Marcy.

Notice to find Marcy and Zhou (https://orokos.com/roll/892418): 5

2021-05-24, 10:01 PM
As his final hit connects, a spattering of sludge flies over Axel. The melting sewer creature oozes down covering his shins and shoes in the foul-smelling substance. Axel lets out a long breath, backing up a few steps and wiping his face, his skin slowly reverting to normal.

Axel blushes furiously from Selene's flirt and looks away embarrassed. Looking around it takes him a couple of seconds to find the hose coiled up behind a dusty crate. While the water seemed to be only a touch better than the slime coating his pants, he managed to wash most of the muck off. Looking over himself Axel takes off the button-down that was over his muscle shirt and grunts in disappointment before tossing the stained shirt to the side. Turning off the hose Axel makes his way inside to whatever awaits him.

Notice - 1 (https://orokos.com/roll/892211)

2021-05-25, 03:36 AM
Shane marvels at how long it’s been since someone has lain a hand on him like this. As nice as being this close to a beautiful women was for him, and in a space all there own, her history at one of these was concerning. Raves happen all the time, he can think back to half a dozen he’s crashed over the years as a protector under the Gecko. This wasn’t a normal rave however. He may not know all the details, he knew how bad he was at general awareness. But something was off, and this women wasn’t someone Shane felt like he should attempt to get information from… “I wouldn’t say I’m new to parties. I’m one of the cool kids!” He exclaims over the noise then proceeds to fall through the floor, away from her grasp, and her voice.

Allowing his armor to cover his body from head to toe, scales wrapping themselves around him like a second skin, all the while pulling air from the gap, the anchors tying him down in this world loosening slightly he then proceeds to jump backwards and away from the women, to the other end of the room.

Giving himself as much distance as possible Shane moves outside of the building, jumping through the air along the wall until he is closer to the roof before landing on the side of it, gravity seeming to forget he’s there. Upon landing Shane sits down in the wall looking out over the party. Checking his phone to see Marcy’s message in the process, forwarding the information to Gecko, keeping him informed of the situation but trusting that he will move only if he felt it necessary.

Nodding at the turn of events, still smiling under his mask, body still moving slightly to the beat , Shane looks out over the crowd. Noting who is continuing to dance, and who is starting to move counter to the heart of the rave, hoping to get an eye for who this attack force might be. (Notice 4)(Smarts 5)

2021-05-25, 04:48 AM
Taking a deep breath, she hops down off the metal stool and straitens her dress out an gently finger combs the ends of her hair out that got bunched up from her sitting on it. Dizz slightly spins on her toes to face Andre but even after stopping she feels that the room is still slightly spinning. Shaking her head and blinking hard a few times she looks up to Andre with flushed cheeks and gently tugs on his arm giggling.

Andre turns back to look at the princess as she hops off of her metal throne. He chuckles, "I take it you liked the drink?"

"Lets do wiggle body, yes? I will show you I can be just like a Pilka!" Tugging gently on Andres arm for the last time she lets go an makes her way into the crowd of wigglers. When attempting to find a comfortable spot to wiggle Dizz finds her self just being bumped around a bit, not really knowing how to start off.

"Wiggle bo-", He starts before remembering the meaning behind her words. "So you're ready to dance?", he says throwing back what's left of his drink. Smooth "Let's do it." Andre begins to follow the aspiring ravemaster into the the crowd when he feels his phone vibrate. He takes it out from his pocket and checks out the newest notification, a text message from an unknown number. Wonder who this is? Andre flips to the messages and opens up the text. The @#$% is this?, he thinks before quickly typing up a reply and pocketing the phone. Whatever it is, it ain't my problem. I've already got my hands full. He smiles contently to himself as he watches Dizz try to move in tandem with the crowd.


"Not bad for your first try but you're going about it wrong!", Andre shouts over the blaring bass. "Start by trying to jump along with the rhythm of the song and the pulse of the crowd!" He demonstrates by doing exactly what he instructs and waves Dizz over.

2021-05-25, 10:03 AM
"Not bad for your first try but you're going about it wrong!", Andre shouts over the blaring bass. "Start by trying to jump along with the rhythm of the song and the pulse of the crowd!" He demonstrates by doing exactly what he instructs and waves Dizz over.

Dizz watches Andre start to jump to the noise waving her over and explains how she should be doing it. Hesitant, she holds her hands close to her self and slowly starts to mirror his movements. After becoming comfortable with it she realizes how fun its starting to be an loosens up and begins to jump along with him more synchronized. "This wiggle body is fun!" she yells up to him half giggling enjoying herself. Dizz starts to twirle and jump along with the noise an the other party Pilkas. Her dress spins outwards as the metal and gold accents catch the light sparkling at times, her tail sways side to side in time with the noise as well. Feeling warm and fuzzy from the goofy juice she just about forgets how odd she may look in this crowd of normal pilkas but shrugs it off an just goes with how the moon will guide the night. Dizz now realizes why Sarah had wanted her to experience this and why so many at that. I must thank Sarah later for bring me, making a mental note to herself for later. Excited by the noise picking up she grabs Andres hand and continues to the wiggle body movement. She attempts to yell up to him again. You are good at this, I would have never expected noise to be this much fun...an to be in... Her cheeks burn hot red against her pale skin uhh great company as yours, I want to wiggle all night with you. but most of her words lost in all of the noise that is going on. Hopping he heard her she gives him a big smile and the same eye gesture he did to her earlier by the bar. Not really knowing what it meant but seemed fun to do and goes back to wiggling.

Bagel Bard
2021-05-25, 04:52 PM
September 26 (Rave~)

Marcy let Zhou go on his own without comment, the gears in her mind whirring in double time. The idea that this Song Zhou was looking for was his sister didn't really change anything, at least not for her. He'd given little information as to why he was looking for her. He made it seem like she was dangerous or something, and if she was involved in this mysterious villainous plot...

Marcy was shaken out of her musings by the buzz of her phone. WRONG NUMBER. A flash of annoyance crossed her face, and she tried to quash the anxious feelings of inadequacy it elicited in her. Am I overreacting? Is this even my problem? What if it's nothing and I just scared or annoyed people? I'm supposed to be making friends, not making myself a pest... A memory of her father, stern-faced and solemn, pierced through her doubts. "No advancements in science or technology were made by people who gave up when their ideas didn't work. Always see it through."

No. I'm right about this. Something is wrong. There's no way that transmission is harmless. She was continuing to hype herself up, moving absent-mindedly to the music, when Alexis and Grayson approached her. A sense of relief and vindication rushed through her as she saw the look on Alexis's face.

"I got your message. How did you find out all this?"

"Hey! I was a little worried no one was going to take me seriously," Marcy said, laughing nervously. "I was just scanning the comm channels, mostly just listening in case this place was gonna get busted by the cops, and I found this encrypted channel, so of course I had to hack into it, plus there's a fight ring that's gonna pop up out of the ground at any moment now, and Zhou's looking for someone, and it's all just very sketchy!" She finished somewhat breathlessly. She pointed towards the stage. "Zhou headed up front. We figure Boombox is either a target or an adversary, and either way it'd be good to be close to him... I was gonna go around to the right and hang back a little."

2021-05-26, 08:10 PM
Excited by the noise picking up she grabs Andres hand and continues to the wiggle body movement. She attempts to yell up to him again. "You are good at this, I would have never expected noise to be this much fun...an to be in..." Her cheeks burn hot red against her pale skin "uhh great company as yours, I want to wiggle all night with you. but most of her words lost in all of the noise that is going on. Hoping he heard her she gives him a big smile and the same eye gesture he did to her earlier by the bar. Not really knowing what it meant but seemed fun to do and goes back to wiggling.

Andre struggles to hear Dizz over the booming edm and the roar of the crowd but he manages to decipher most of it.
You're good at this... I want to wiggle all night with you. It takes few seconds for her words to register after she winks playfully. His minds eye flashes back to the candy wrapper he was handed earlier. I guess I really am a "Winner"...

He flashes a smile in return and leans in, "If you're not doing anything after this maybe I can show you a different way us pilka like to wiggle?" Andre is just barely able to deliver his line before he laughs at his own words and continues to dance alongside Dizz.

big teej
2021-05-26, 09:36 PM

As you push and squirm your way to get near the stage, you find Caduceus bouncing with the music. One of his snake tattoos is visible on the back of his hand. The other one is nowhere to be seen.

You see and sense nothing.


"Yeah, sure thing, I'm with ya Alexis." Grayson says quickly as you lead him to find Marcy.

"Oh God, Oh God, we're all gonna die, or get expelled, or die and post-humously get expelled. We're at a freaking villain's party and there's a kill squad on the way."


Once inside, the pounding bass and pulsating synth from above vibrates the air around you. It's muted and distant, perhaps swallowed up by all the hydraulics and piping and stuff down here. A man in black cargo pants, a black T-shirt with a white chain design, and a black beanie materializes out of the dark. "Hey, you the new guy? C'mon. We're almost outta time, and da Hex got zero patience. C'mon, c'mon." He beckons you into the shadows. As you follow, you weave and duck and squeeze through pipes and crates and stacks of pallets and various bric-a-brac. You eventually stop at a robust looking door and the man takes a hold of the lever-handle. "Get in there and earn it. Showtime in thirty." He doesn't quite shove you into the room.

You find yourself in a steel and concrete box. The ceiling is a chain link dome. It's dimly lit from panels recessed into the floor along the walls. the music is louder here, and you can see the outline of a hatch above the dome, it's edges revealed by the flickering lights from above.

"Yo kid, try to make this last more than a few seconds, Kay?" A woman's voice calls out from the shadows opposite you.

"Forty-Five Seconds to showtime." another voice calls out.

You feel a tug on your mind and your body as you slip away from the woman. Her glowing eyes locked on yours as you skip away and her sultry voice echoes in your mind. "That's a cute trick, we'll have to play again some time... Somewhere more private and intimate." Her laugh echoes away as the connection is severed.

Your bracelet chimes with a text message from Black Gecko "Why are you and your classmates at one of Boombox's parties?"

Defenders win Ties (https://orokos.com/roll/892723)
you are not mind controlled by the sexy vampire lady.
This Time...

the only people moving contrary to the ebb and flow of the crowd seem to be your own classmates.


The music drops from 'overpowering' to merely 'very loud' and a digitized, super-bass voice comes over the speakers. "Yo, clear the floor! It's time for the main event!" Boombox gestures with big knife hands from the stage as guys in yellow T-shirts seem to materialize out of nowhere in the crowd and 'help' people out of the way as a section of the floor opens up and a dome of chain link fencing rises up, about forty feet across at the base.

standing on one side is a familiar looking figure. (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/axel-adams-aka-anomaly)

on the opposite side of the pit stands a woman with close cropped platinum blonde hair, a sports bra, and spandex shorts.

There's a whoosh of flame and a woman wearing less than the fighter stands in the middle of the ring holding a placard over her head declaring "Round 1". She sashays around the ring before disappearing in another flash and a puff of smoke. The crowd goes into overdrive, many climbing onto the dome to get a better look. The music fades out and Boombox's voice calls out again.

"Place your bets, it's happening right now! Rhinestone vs. Axel."

The music starts back up (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc3FMXefbF0&list=PL216DaVjOjbbIt6xdJLE2LQShQvd59if1&index=4) as the blonde woman begins to glitter as diamond-like pebbles cover her skin.

The woman leaps forward, planting herself and thrusting out both palms and a hail of crystals spits out, shredding Axel's clothes, but seeming to have no effect on the construction-based-monstrosity.

OOC: Axel has initiative.

2021-05-27, 04:26 AM
Mind stuff! Words and mental gymnastics are the worst! Shane thinks with a shudder, still sitting in the wall only a foot or two below the roof. All the hanging lights and cables running along the metal supports and cat walks of the warehouse. I’ve seen that student around campus, he can hold his own but isn’t it usually frowned upon to be loud and out in the open like that? Exciting!!

Looking back to the message on his wrist Shane pulls his phone back out of his pocket, quickly typing out ‘I am following up on the lead at the warehouse only to find it not so abandoned. My fellow students were originally hear for the party. Now though…’ then copying the message from Marcy over he adds ‘things are about to get crazy in here!’ Before sending it over.

Jumping out onto the catwalk, phone still in hand, Shane moves closer to the center of the room. Looking back at the tiny screen as he does this, he pulls up the group message, chuckling at the responses before sending ‘Warning!! Crazy mind lady with piercings in the corner, SHE TOUCHED ME!! Also if things get crazy what are we gonna do about all the party goers? Second question, what are you guys doing moving towards the stage? Also, look at the view from up here! *selfie of Shane on the cat walk, party in the background*’ send!

Shoving his phone back into his pocket, he gets to the rough center of the room. The spectacle isn’t the spectacle Shane thinks, having heard the line over and over again over the years. Moving his eyes around the floor and seeing nothing but party goers and his friends moving about the crowd, he moves to investigate other avenues. Jumping up onto the roof to get a scan of the surrounding area quickly for any signs of movement (Notice 7) every muscle in his body ready to move at any sign of trouble. They are probably hiding in the crowd, but my friends have that covered…

Zero Prime
2021-05-27, 04:45 PM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Thursday September 17th, Hite Academy

"Definitely! Normally I go get some coffee after that class, since I typically get out a little early. We can grab some and then I can give you the lowdown!"

Zhou nodded, "That works, it is all a little," he paused, "new to me. I grew up in rural China, and we had much less," a shrug, "colorful characters there. Spandex, capes, these things are all new to me." As they approached the quad, he began to smell the aroma of the food, the earthy, bitter, tang of coffee assailed him, a slight smile. "Though a strong coffee, my masters wouldn't approve." He looked over his shoulder, "But they aren't lurking behind a corner to discipline me, are they?"

After ordering, he sat down, with Marcy listening as she gave him the history of the school, and some of it's more prominent alumni, and currently enrolled students.

"This is what I'm working on now. I'm trying to work around the classical downfalls of jet propulsion by integrating a self-regulating feedback mechanism that..." She went on for a bit before realizing she was rambling, and probably being too technical. She bit her tongue, slightly embarrassed. "Sorry... it's kind of my thing."

Zhou looked at her admonishingly, "Don't do that," he said quietly, but sternly. "Do not apologize, to me, least of all, for being who you are." He took the phone from her, sliding through the pictures of her various projects, "Besides, if the cartoons are correct, I will someday have to choose between the red and yellow wire, yes? And if I am placed in such a situation, some technical tutoring may be in order."

Saturday September 26th, Warehouse Rave

Zhou matches Lars movements and energy, watching the confrontation, cocking his head at the sudden display of power. That was something he would have to take into account during his own combat training and practises, it was not style, technique, or even chi manipulations, but some sort of paranatural abilities, though they appeared not to affect Axel's incredibly durable form. He paused in his movements, looking to the opponent whom he had ceded too earlier that week. "EVENING LARS!" He yelled over the pulse of the music, the clamor of betting calls, and the thrill of the display. "WHO DO YOU THINK WILL WIN??"

2021-05-27, 10:33 PM
Alex's face falls a little when she hears Grayson mumble under his breath,

"Oh God, Oh God, we're all gonna die, or get expelled, or die and post-humously get expelled. We're at a freaking villain's party and there's a kill squad on the way."

She slows to a stop, turning to face her boyfriend. "We're gonna be fine!" she says, squeezing his hand. "All we have to do is look out for each other. You watch my back and I'll watch yours. I trust you." Alex grins self-confidently. "You know nobody's gettin' though me." Hopefully that soothes his nerves a little...

As the arena rises up through the floor, Alex recognizes Grayson's roommate on the far side of the cage. "Oh @#$%, that's Axel!" she says to Marcy. "How the hell did he get mixed up in this?"

"Zhou headed up front. We figure Boombox is either a target or an adversary, and either way it'd be good to be close to him... I was gonna go around to the right and hang back a little."
"So what's the plan now?" Alex asks, quirking an eyebrow up. "There's not much we can do about a fight pit with all the security around. I think we should just stay in a holding pattern until something else happens, or if Axel really gets in trouble."

Notice: (https://orokos.com/roll/892742) 14

2021-05-27, 11:09 PM
Axel pauses for a moment watching the man in black disappear back into the dark room before following. "Wait. What are the rules?" He says just before he's herded into the room and the door shuts. Axel looks around the room with a mixture of annoyance and discomfort. His hand traces one of the interlocking chains that comprise the ceiling. He turns quickly to face the voice, startled. "Don't worry, I'll last longer than you." He replies grabbing the chain. He feels the metal flow over him shifting his form once more.

Axel blinks a couple of times as the light level shifts. He spins around looking at the crowd. The sounds deafening his once muted space. "This is really happening." he thinks as his gaze passes over the many faces. Axel turns just in time to see Rhinestone's attack and barely manages to hold his arms up in front of him shielding himself from the opening attack. Swiping away the crystal flakes Axel surges forward throwing an exploratory haymaker at his opponent.

Fighting Roll - 15 (https://orokos.com/roll/892932)
Damage Roll - 11 (https://orokos.com/roll/892934)+5 (https://orokos.com/roll/892935) if Raised (AP 2)

Bagel Bard
2021-05-28, 08:11 PM
September 26th (Rave)

"So what's the plan now?" Alex asks, quirking an eyebrow up. "There's not much we can do about a fight pit with all the security around. I think we should just stay in a holding pattern until something else happens, or if Axel really gets in trouble."

Marcy nodded, slipping on her green-tinted mask-like goggles and switching on the HUD. "Yeah -- I think that's a good plan. I'm keeping an eye on the comms and when I hear the signal I'll crack this giant glow stick and wave it around..." She looked up at the fight pit, wondering how indeed her classmate ended up in the fray. "Axel seems to be holding his own, for the moment," she said, turning back to Alex and Grayson. "I'll take your lead if you think he's in trouble. I'm kind of on red alert anyway."

Warning!! Crazy mind lady with piercings in the corner, SHE TOUCHED ME!! Also if things get crazy what are we gonna do about all the party goers? Second question, what are you guys doing moving towards the stage? Also, look at the view from up here! *selfie of Shane on the cat walk, party in the background*’

Shane's text popped up in the corner of her HUD.

I've got some fear gas grenades I can toss into the crowd to disperse them without causing any harm. Hopefully that will get them out of the way... just hold your breath if you see smoke.

Shane -- keep eyes on that chick. Let me know if you see her listening to an earpiece or something.

She sent the message through the mass text, not bothering to remove Andre from the chat. She turned once more to Alex. "You guys focus on making sure Axel doesn't get in trouble. I'll keep watching Boombox and the comms, and Shane should be able to keep track of, uh... the crazy mind lady. Send me a go signal if you can, I'll see it pretty quick and I'll crack the glowstick and signal everyone else."

September 17th (Flashback)

"Spandex, capes, these things are all new to me."

She thought about this for a moment. "Huh. Yeah. I mean, it's not like the caricatures are unique to the States, but I can't deny that we have a certain flair for the dramatic." She looked him over, arching one brow skeptically. "I suppose that means you won't be running around in a cape and cowl, then?"

"Do not apologize, to me, least of all, for being who you are." He took the phone from her, sliding through the pictures of her various projects, "Besides, if the cartoons are correct, I will someday have to choose between the red and yellow wire, yes? And if I am placed in such a situation, some technical tutoring may be in order."

Marcy gave Zhou a wry grin, somewhat taken aback by his persistent solemn sincerity. "Fair enough. Can't say it won't happen again, but I guess I'll try. I'll work on my self-assuredness and your bomb diffusing skills simultaneously. I suppose it's the least I could do, if you're still up for helping me with combat."

big teej
2021-05-29, 05:25 PM

At first you don't see anything, but then you spot the tell-tale glow of a lit cigarette in a parked car. Looks like two suits inside.


Lars glances down into the pit and he grimaces. His pupils contracting into slits. "I don't know Rhinestone that well, but word is she's a joke. The new kid got into Hite, he oughta be able to trounce her." He calls back to you. He blinks and his eyes are normal and round again. He glares at Boombox.


Grayson gives you a weak smile, still a little wide-eyed at the rapid deterioration of the evening. "I could. uhm. cause like a distraction or something if you wanted to go get Axel?" Grayson offers.


Rhinestone's crystal skin shatters beneath your metal fist, bits of shiny and reflective stone, crunched up like safety glass, litter the ground at your feet. The punch lifts her off the ground slightly. She rallies and jabs her elbow into your ear and dances away. "Hey." She says, winded. "So, I was wondering. Do you resent your parents for giving you that face?"

Rhinestone spends a Benny to soak (2/??? Remaining)
Rhinestone uses Extraction to prevent you from getting a free strike
Rhinestone Taunts you, roll Smarts vs. TN 7, if you fail by 4 or more, you are Shaken.
Rhinestone spends a Benny to reroll Taunt (1/??? Remaining)

Madam Mechanis:

#####Asset Tau######In Position#######Asset Kappa#####Designate3#######Shifter####### has moved to the roof.########## Asset Tau######Designate3### Shifter######has activated countermeasures#######Asset Zeta####Operation Compromised#####Asset Tau. Parameter: Negative.###Asset Not Compromised####STANDBY#####Await Further Instruction####################################### #####################
###########################################Asset Sigma###Re-Deploy Covert Asset to #####Asset Tau########Asset Kappa####prepare to engage #####Designate2###Andre Evans#####Asset Zeta#####prepare to acquire#####Designate5=Xenomorph#############

2021-05-29, 07:15 PM
The music drops from 'overpowering' to merely 'very loud' and a digitized, super-bass voice comes over the speakers. "Yo, clear the floor! It's time for the main event!" Boombox gestures with big knife hands from the stage as guys in yellow T-shirts seem to materialize out of nowhere in the crowd and 'help' people out of the way as a section of the floor opens up and a dome of chain link fencing rises up, about forty feet across at the base.

Andre's wiggling comes to a stop when the yellow shirts emerge amid the crowd and the chain link dome rises up from beneath the dance floor. It seems tonight's full of surprises... Not that I mind.

"Hey, you ever seen a cage fight before?", Andre asks his dance partner as he takes her hand. "I kinda want to take a closer look."

The delinquent keeps the action within his peripheral vision as he waits for an answer. If that woman keeps taking a beating there won't be much left to watch though.

2021-05-29, 09:26 PM
"Send me a go signal if you can, I'll see it pretty quick and I'll crack the glowstick and signal everyone else."
"Oh, you'll know when it's go time," Alexis replies, thinking about how flashy and loud her powers can be. "Just look for the lightning."

Grayson gives you a weak smile, still a little wide-eyed at the rapid deterioration of the evening. "I could. uhm. cause like a distraction or something if you wanted to go get Axel?" Grayson offers.

"I think we should lay low for now. Axel seems to be winning anyway. We'll wait until something happens, then you can cause your distraction," she says to Grayson.

2021-05-29, 10:17 PM
Dizz looks over to where all the commotion is happening amongst the body's. Seeing a cage emerge from the floor containing two pilkas inside makes her stop wiggling an watch. Not being able to see much from her short height she can only watch curiously what she could see from her spot.

"Hey, you ever seen a cage fight before?", Andre asks his dance partner as he takes her hand. "I kinda want to take a closer look."

Hearing Andre's voice breaks her attention from the two inside an makes her look up to him an shakes her head no, but then yes. "I'm not familiar with what you are saying" feeling his hand on hers she looks back over to the two. "But yes, I would like to take a closer look at this."

Bagel Bard
2021-05-30, 08:13 AM
September 26 (Rave Rumble)
Oh my god. Of COURSE the one person who isn't taking this seriously is straight up named in the comms... Still, somebody has to warn him. This is all happening so fast... Marcy's mind raced. Now was not the time for indecision.

She immediately sent a message to Shane -- No, she thought. This is hero stuff now. Shifter.
Be careful --
There are eyes on you

Then, looking up at Alex... "Actually, uh... you know that Andre guy, right? I get that he's like, got a problem with authority or whatever, but he's going to be involved in this no matter what." She tapped her ear and grimaced. "Someone should probably tell him he's about to get 'engaged'."

She turned her attention back to the cage fight, the sounds of rock striking crystal clanging in her ears. She had to admit, as distasteful she found the idea, it was... exhilarating.

CCM = 5 (https://orokos.com/roll/893316)

2021-05-30, 09:32 AM
"He is pretty stubborn," Alex says with a smirk. Then the rest of what Marcy related hits her. "Wait, what do you mean, 'engaged'?" she asks.

Alex looks around and skims the crowd, then manages to spot Andre and his dance partner making their way toward the cage. She attempts to wave the two of them down, yelling across the room, "ANDRE! DIZZ! OVER HERE!"

Notice to find Andre and Dizz (https://orokos.com/roll/893321): 5

2021-05-30, 11:27 AM
Axel's face hardens into a scowl and he growls at Rhinestone's comment. "You better shut up before I give you a face to resent too." Axel closes the distance again, throwing a left hook into her side. The background noise blurs away as his ears pulse drowning out the music and crowd.

Taunt Save - 5! (https://orokos.com/roll/893331)
Intimidation vs Spirit - 4! (https://orokos.com/roll/893332)
Fighting Roll - 5! (https://orokos.com/roll/893333)
If a 5 hits Damage Roll - 14! (https://orokos.com/roll/893334)

big teej
2021-05-30, 08:09 PM

You can't see her smile through the crystalline structure covering her body, but you can hear it in her voice, triumphant that she's touched a nerve. "No, Man, I don't think you get it." She skips backward out of range of the hook, and cartwheels her way across the cage before stopping and pivoting and launching another spray of crystals at you. Once again, unable to land a telling shot. "Like, I wanna know who pushed you out of the ugly tree, cause you look like you hit every ugly branch on the way down and then after you bounced off the ugly roots somebody had to come beat you with the ugly stick because man you are ugly.

Rhinestone gets a raise (https://orokos.com/roll/893416) vs. Intimidation
Rhinestone uses Extraction (https://orokos.com/roll/893418) successfully
Rhinestone shoots at Axel but misses.
New Cards!
Rhinestone is dealt the Ace of Spades and Taunts Axel again. TN 6 (https://orokos.com/roll/893420)

2021-05-30, 08:29 PM
Axel's breathing quickens as his anger rises. Axel flexes his hands, as he stalks around his opponent. "Don't let her get to you. Keep a level head. She's just trying to provoke you." He continues his internal mantra as he tries to calm down.

Taunt Save - 2! (https://orokos.com/roll/893422)
Axel is Shaken!
Shaken Save - 3! (https://orokos.com/roll/893423)

big teej
2021-05-30, 08:46 PM
Rhinestone again slides away from you, eluding your grasp. She aims her next crystalline cloud at your face, this time the crystals gouge into your metallic flesh, embedding into you, giving you a nice bedazzled look, and flinging you across the pit into the far wall.

"There... isn't that better?" She asks, laughing.

Rhinestone hits with a Raise (https://orokos.com/roll/893424)
Rhinestone inflicts 21 Damage (https://orokos.com/roll/893425)
You may spend a Benny to attempt to Soak 1 wound.

also, its your turn.

2021-05-30, 09:11 PM
Axel's back hits the back wall, falling to the ground. He is quick to stand back up as he roars in pain. His hands shoot up to his face, clawing the shards out. A trickle of blood flows down from above his right eye, he glares at Rhinestone. "You're dead," he whispers. Running forward wildly, Axel attacks Rhinestone letting loose his anger. His vision tunnels as his fists land onto his opponent.

Take a Powerful blow - 8! (https://orokos.com/roll/893430)
Axel Chooses to mark 2 conditions! Angry and Guilty!
Shaken Save - 3! (https://orokos.com/roll/893431)

Next Round!

Shaken Save - 21! (https://orokos.com/roll/893436)
Axel used Be the Monster! - 4! (https://orokos.com/roll/893437)
When you frighten, intimidate, or cow others with your monstrous form, roll +Freak. On a hit, they are thrown off and make themselves vulnerable to you, or they flee. On a 10+ choose one, on a 7-9, choose two: a) you frighten others you had not intended to scare. B) you hurt someone or break something you shouldn’t have. C) you feel like more of a monster afterward: mark a condition (GM’s choice) On a miss, they react with violence, hatred, and paranoia, and you suffer the brunt of it.
Axel uses a Wild Attack! - 19! (https://orokos.com/roll/893438)
Damage Roll - 19 (https://orokos.com/roll/893439) + 2 from raise! (https://orokos.com/roll/893440)

2021-05-30, 09:16 PM
Dizz hears her name being called by a familiar voice an looks over her shoulder seeing the Pilka girl waving to them. She tugs on Andre's hand to get his attention an points over to them."I think your girl is...um trying to get ahold of us." She yells up to him over the music an the crowds cheering. She grips his hand tight as she navigates them through the bodys to Alex. Once getting to the two of them she gives a smile and a small wave.

big teej
2021-05-30, 09:34 PM

Your blows connect, rocking Rhinestone back on her heels and then sending her staggering away before she seems to rally and springs away from you again. She rolls to her feet, both hands raised to block your further attack. Seeing she's managed to gain some ground off you, Rhinestone lowers one of her hands, clutching it into a fist. The pebbly crystals covering her crack and crunch, getting larger until her fist is the size of a mallet, studded with faceted spikes. "Nastier ones than you have tried." She holds up her unchanged hand again. "Well, maybe not nastier looking." she says as she unleashes another spray of gemstones.

Rhinestone spends a Benny to Soak (https://orokos.com/roll/893442), 0 bennies remaining
Rhinestone inflicts 15 Damage, you are Shaken again.

2021-05-30, 09:41 PM
Axel shields himself with his arms and swipes them forward throwing off the flakes of crystals on him. His chest heaves with each breath as his anger grows. He continues to throw himself at his opponent becoming more of a wild monster than a practiced fighter.

Shaken Save - 4! (https://orokos.com/roll/893445)
Axel uses Wild Attack! - 4! (https://orokos.com/roll/893446)

2021-05-30, 11:18 PM
Alex looks around and skims the crowd, then manages to spot Andre and his dance partner making their way toward the cage. She attempts to wave the two of them down, yelling across the room, "ANDRE! DIZZ! OVER HERE!"

A familiar voice calls out over the din of the rave and Andre searches for it's source while trying to keep an eye on the fight inside of the ring.

Dizz hears her name being called by a familiar voice an looks over her shoulder seeing the Pilka girl waving to them. She tugs on Andre's hand to get his attention an points over to them. "I think your girl is...um trying to get ahold of us." She yells up to him over the music an the crowds cheering. She grips his hand tight as she navigates them through the bodys to Alex. Once getting to the two of them she gives a smile and a small wave.

Though he feels the tug of her hand it's Dizz's words that grab his full attention. "My girl? I don't have a girl..." Yet. Andre follows Dizz across the floor without any resistance as he struggles to understand how someone of her size could possess so much grip strength. His confusion is abated when they finally reach Alexis, Grayson, and... he wasn't exactly sure what her name was but he knew her face. Transfer students and new admissions weren't exactly a novelty at Hite but Andre was certain that the girl standing with Alex had attended Hite just as long as he had, if not longer. Actually... wasn't she in their class with Mr. Withers this year?

"You called?", he asks Alex.

2021-05-31, 10:58 AM
Dizz looks over her shoulder back at the cage with the two pilkas going at it inside. "I wounder if this is something Sarah enjoys...... oh no I was suppose to meet back up with Sarah." Dizz scrunches her face while thinking to her self. Releasing Andres hand she brings her own together close to her chest an addresses the whole group. " I must find Sarah so if you excuse me Ill be off." Giving a two handed wave to them she turns on her toes about tipping over before she catches her self giggling and heads off.

Dizz heads towrds the symbols in the back that Sarah had showed her before at the dorm rooms indicating the restrooms for the pilks. I must let her know how fun this was and delicious the goofy juice is." Nodding to her self she makes it half way before the the commotion in the cage catches her attention again as the crowd grows in cheers and other pilkas still wiggling to the noise. Standing on her tip toes she attempts to see what all is happening inside.

2021-05-31, 11:05 AM
Upon only seeing the guys in the car, Shane lets himself relax slightly. Kind of boring all things considered. Feeling the buzz in his pocket, he pulls his phone out to check the new message to find the warning.

“Cool, because I can see them!” He reply’s, putting his phone on silent.

Not wanting to give anything away, surprises are where it’s at anyway! Shane slides back through the ceiling, landing on the catwalk below. He takes a second to look down at the corner where the mind chick was to see if she is still there or not(notice roll 4). Then proceeds to move quickly towards the wall that was closest to the car with the suits inside. Upon reaching the wall, planting one foot on before casually walking along the side towards a perpendicular wall before moving through said wall and outside into the night, staying out of line of sight of the car.

Letting go of the wall and falling through the ground, Shane makes his way behind the car, moving alongside the parking lot before making his way behind the vehicle, glancing above the ground every once in awhile to gauge movement. (Stealth 5) Upon making it to the back of the car, Shane quietly leans in through the trunk until he is under the back seat, listening in for who these guys are.

big teej
2021-05-31, 02:03 PM
You scan the crowd for the brunette with purple eyes, but can't locate her in the crowd. Once outside and behind the black sedan, you lean into the trunk to discover some sort of folded up robot, and three men in the car, two in the front, one in the back. Their words carry easily to you....

"C'mon, Keith, Maelstrom vouched for it." One voice says. "I don't care what the ol' man says. It's only been here for a week, and he's been wrong before." Another voice, presumably belonging to Keith, answers. "He was right about Diamondback, wasn't he?" the first voice presses. "Maybe." Keith says. "Or Maybe, his mom just did a good job of getting him to place nice while she's in the spike? maybe his pops doesn't wanna go through the effort of springing both of em outta the spike?" A third, deeper voice speaks up. "Intel is that the King wants his son dead if he won't come home. Doesn't matter. Stay focused." a snort. "Roy, we've been staring at this wall for over an hour. I--" The deeper voice cuts it off "That's Agent Crane to you, Boy."

The car gets quiet after that...

ooc: You're killing me, smalls!

Rhinestone takes a swing at you with her mace-like fist, but it skids away from your shoulder without inflicting any real harm.

Joule, Madam Mechanis, & Andre

Grayson frowns at Joule's assessment of the cage fight, "Wait... so we're only gonna crash the party if our guy starts losing? That seems... a little... I dunno. Like it's playing dirty?" He glances at the beatdown in the cage and back to the small group of classmates.

Grayson is not only questioning your sense of fair play, but also your priorities.
He's telling you that you're being conniving, rather than being concerned about your classmate's safety.
He's attempting to shift your Superior up, and your Savior down.

You see two stoney looking Pilka, one covered in glittery crystals, the other a hodgepodge of steel and flesh and ragged clothing, beating each other. broken crystal and pulverized metallic dust coat the floor of the pit they stand in. Many party goers have climbed partway up the chain-link dome over the pit for a better look. You can't make out details of the fight between the press of bodies.

2021-05-31, 06:26 PM
Axel weaves out of the way of Rhinestone's punch, twisting his body he throws his fist up and under, uppercutting her jaw.

Wild Attack! - 10! (https://orokos.com/roll/893594)
Damage Roll! - 27! (https://orokos.com/roll/893595)

2021-05-31, 07:13 PM
Ouch Grayson, Alex thinks. Do you really think that low of me?

“I can see where you’re coming from Grayson, but that’s not what I meant," Alexis says, crossing her arms. "I was thinking more about everyone’s safety, as well as Axel’s. We already know that Boombox is here. Who’s to say that there aren’t other villains pulling the strings on this fight pit. We don’t want to crash the party unless we have to. While Axel is doing okay, I didn’t think we needed to get involved and potentially get him, or one of us, hurt, either by security or an unknown villain.”

Alex pounds her fist into her open hand. "Now, if Axel really gets hurt, I say we bust in there and get him. Screw the consequences."

Alexis is Rejecting Grayson's Influence (https://orokos.com/roll/893576): 8
I'll take the Potential by acting to prove him wrong

2021-06-01, 02:43 AM
Dizz takes a deep breath closing one eye as her vision blurs trying to focus on the two odd figures go at each other. She attempts to take in as much detail form the both of them but unable to see she gives up an stands flat on her feet . "Maybe....*hiccups* I can get closer *hiccups* ....mmmm Sarah could be there too *hiccups*" she says mumbling to herself. Dizz shuffles past the wiggling bodys an squeezes past the ever growing group of pilkas pushing up forward closer to the cage.

Finally making it up front she makes it in time to watch the odd material Pilka land a blow on the glittery one. Dizz rolls her eyes as she dosent understand why this is so entertaining. Grabbing her tail, she shoves it in her mouth an begins to push her way past to the door that they came through orginally at the start of the night.

Once making it to the doors she looks back to the cage spitting her tail out she groans " *hiccups* I didnt even look for Sarah *hiccups* when I was there." She pouts to herself and stands there slightly swaying back an forth.

2021-06-01, 03:19 PM
Releasing Andre's hand she brings her own together close to her chest an addresses the whole group. " I must find Sarah so if you excuse me Ill be off." Giving a two handed wave to them she turns on her toes about tipping over before she catches her self giggling and heads off.

It takes a moment for Dizz's words to register with Andre before she walks off and he loses sight of her amidst the crowd. While he doesn't say anything his expression conveys some degree of annoyance at her departure.

Grayson frowns at Joule's assessment of the cage fight, "Wait... so we're only gonna crash the party if our guy starts losing? That seems... a little... I dunno. Like it's playing dirty?" He glances at the beatdown in the cage and back to the small group of classmates.

I can see where you're coming from Grayson, but that’s not what I meant," Alexis says, crossing her arms. "I was thinking more about everyone’s safety, as well as Axel’s. We already know that Boombox is here. Who’s to say that there aren’t other villains pulling the strings on this fight pit. We don’t want to crash the party unless we have to. While Axel is doing okay, I didn’t think we needed to get involved and potentially get him, or one of us, hurt, either by security or an unknown villain.”

Alex pounds her fist into her open hand. "Now, if Axel really gets hurt, I say we bust in there and get him. Screw the consequences."

Andre raises a brow as he listens to the couple discuss whether or not to intervene in the cage fight. His irritation grows. "Is that what this is about? Why's everyone so damn worried about something that isn't even our problem!? It's not like playing hero's worked out for us lately anyway. And how do we even know that guy?" He takes a look back at the cage just as the larger fighter connects with a massive uppercut. "Maybe it's just me but he doesn't look like he needs 'saving' anytime soon. You guys can do whatever you want, I'm gonna go and enjoy the rest of my night."

Andre throws up his hood up and disappears into the crowd searching for his roommate and dance partner. Tonight was supposed to a departure from the circus his life had become and he wasn't going to let anyone ruin this for him. Not if he had a say in it at least.

Notice: 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/893712)

Bagel Bard
2021-06-01, 06:27 PM
Unable to get a word in to Andre before he stormed off, a wave of irritation darkened Marcy's expression. I swear, this guy is such a punk... but he has to know. She shouldered her way past the rest of the group as they debated the cage fight, immediately chasing him. For what it was worth, she agreed with Andre on one thing... Axel was probably just fine. The bigger issue was... well, whatever else was about to happen. She scanned the crowd and found him easily enough (https://orokos.com/roll/893778)... his dark hood actually made him stand out more from the rest of the partygoers.

"Hey!" she poked his shoulder, maybe a little bit too hard to be polite. "I don't know what you're so angsty about, but just listen to me for one second. After that, you can go off and do whatever it is you're trying to do here." She leaned in and lowered her voice, using a tiny gust of air to carry the words towards Andre. "Whatever is going on here, at least a seventh of it is aimed at you. Like, specifically. By name." Her tone turned venomous. "So even if you don't want to, you know, actually be a hero, you should pay attention for your own sake at least."

Notice = 5 (https://orokos.com/roll/893778)

2021-06-01, 10:34 PM
Maelstrom?! Crap, he wasn’t supposed to know I’m here?! Wait… why is he involved with watching a warehouse to begin with… and what is with an Agent being here… also what is an agent? What is with this warehouse?! While thinking all of this, Shane begins moving into the trunk, grabbing a picture of the robot as he shifts back out into the ground of the parking lot, making his way back around to the warehouse, all the while out of sight of the car.
Once sufficiently distanced, Shane whips out his phone again, pulling up the group text in the process.
‘Don’t know what you all are doing between the party and the alert from earlier, just thought you all would like to know that there are guys in suits watching the warehouse from the parking lot in a vehicle. One of them mentioned the principle by name.
Also, anyone know what this robot is? *picture of robot inside a trunk*.
Also… also, does anyone know an Agent Crane?’-Send

Pausing before putting the phone away to consider whether to pass this info onto 😳 or not things are finally moving, we got this! He thinks as a final decision, putting the phone back into the hidden compartment in the suit. He then moves back up onto the cat walk in the ceiling inside, checking to see how the cage match is doing, and looking through the crowd again to see if he missed anything exciting while outside.
Notice Roll 10

2021-06-02, 06:18 PM
"Hey!" she poked his shoulder, maybe a little bit too hard to be polite. "I don't know what you're so angsty about, but just listen to me for one second. After that, you can go off and do whatever it is you're trying to do here."

Andre stops in his tracks to and looks back over his shoulder. His amber eyes narrow and begin to glow in the darkness as they lock onto his unknown pursuer. He looses a sigh of black smoke that lingers in the air between them as his frustration starts to rise. What now?

She leaned in and lowered her voice, using a tiny gust of air to carry the words towards Andre. "Whatever is going on here, at least a seventh of it is aimed at you. Like, specifically. By name." Her tone turned venomous. "So even if you don't want to, you know, actually be a hero, you should pay attention for your own sake at least."

"Listen, this ain't the first time I've had someone lookin' for me by name and it probably ain't the last time either if I had to guess. So while I appreciate your concern..." Andre pauses searching for answer but continues anyway, "whatever your name is, you should try minding your own business next time."

"And last I checked none of us are heroes. But if you're so adamant about playing pretend then why don't you take some initiative and put a stop to whatever's going on? You know, before anyone here has to get hurt instead of just waiting for things to go wrong. Then again, something like that's probably way outta your league." He smirks before turning his back to leave. "Or you could always rope everyone else into helping you out if you can't do it on your own. I mean you were already doing that anyway right?" Andre shrugs and disappears into the crowd once again without looking back, attempting to salvage what's left of his night.

Andre is attempting to Provoke Someone (PC)!

Provoke Someone (PC): When you Provoke someone susceptible to your words, say what you’re trying to get them to do and roll +Superior. On a 10+ both, on a 7-9, choose one:
* If they do it - Add a team to the Pool
* If they don’t - they mark a condition (their choice)

Andre is attempting to Provoke Marcy into taking action on her own to thwart whatever "imminent danger" she's worried about and leave the rest of the team, Andre especially, out of it.

2d6 + Superior (3) = 9 (https://orokos.com/roll/894025)!


If Marcy doesn't attempt to thwart the danger on her own she must mark a Masks condition (of her choice)

P.S. - Muwahahahahaha- I love playing with you I swear!

big teej
2021-06-02, 09:34 PM
Hey, we made it a whole month! good on y'all

Novice Ranked characters gain 2 Experience points for the session, and may roll 1d6 per benny remaining in their possession. On a 5 or 6, gain an additional experience point. This die roll does not explode

Please examine the narrative of our game thus far and answer this question honestly in your next post, and resolve accordingly (see the bottom of the group reference document): Did you grow closer to the team, grow into your own image of yourself, or grow away from the team? Explain why [the thing you picked]

@Zhou, Did you make progress on defeating your nemesis?

Camaraderie Decay: 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/893802) (5 Remaining)


Your attack sends Rhinestone bouncing across the pit, sizeable chunks of crystal breaking free with each impact before she crashes in a heap against the far wall. Most of her body has been exposed, and long gouges mark her limbs and torso where the crystal broke away. She heaves, short on air, and a thin line of blood oozes from her gasping mouth. You hear the faint echo of a bell over the roaring approval and bloodlust of the crowd. There's a whoosh of flame and the scantily clad Selene appears again, holding up a card that flickers your name and VICTOR across it. A panel in the wall opens up near rhinestone and two guys dressed identically to the goon who first shoved you in here, run out and grab Rhinestone and pull her back through the hatch.

you feel a hand on your shoulder, another goon, gesturing for you to leave the pit.


"I'd say he's got it." Grayson says, standing up on his toes to peer at the pit.


A pilka (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y_OVQf74xtNjcsWUjjvohb4jIPEUdyZWsGicUXJApiw/edit?usp=sharing) with glowing eyes and numerous bits of metal embedded in her flesh leans over and says "Hello, little one, you look lost. How did you find your way here?" You haven't seen a pilka with eyes like this before, but you've seen Sarah adorn herself with metal bits like this.

Madam Mechanis:

#########Asset Kappa####The Xenmorph has separated from the group#######Asset Tau####Designate3=Shifter####moving too much####Asset Sigma####All Assets####Engage when Covert Asset makes contact############

And then, for the first time since you've picked up on the channel, you get an actual soundbite as opposed to a raw data stream. You hear a slightly digitized voice say "Ms. Briar, you may proceed." A cheeky feminine voice responds "I see him. I'm on it."

The crowd has surged up, partially covering the chain link dome over the fight pit. You get back inside just in time to see your classmate lay out his opponent.


Black clad goons emerge in the fight pit and see the fighters out while the ring-card girl distracts everyone. Boombox's voice comes over the speakers again. "I see y'all liked the warm-up. Now we've got a real show for ya. The Kung Fu chick, Singer of Nine Venoms and one of the house champs, The Bull!" The music starts back up as one of the hidden panels in the pit opens up and a young woman in a black Qipao over a red unitard. The qipao is embellished by a vivid green snake design that coils up the dress and around the woman's shoulders into a fang-baring snarl over her left breast.

The lights flicker as her opponent arrives. Smoke wells up from the ground, covering the pit in a dense fog and a long, furred limb tipped with a crude hand nails thick enough to be claws erupts and braces itself on the ground, pulling the rest of the creature after it. It towers over the woman the way a grown man towers over his children. It snorts.

Zhou feels a slight lurch in his stomach, his poisoned chi reacting to his tormentor...

and then the inevitable occurred....

A thick beam of emerald green light, easily mistaken for part of the light show Boombox is putting on, erupts from the ground and collides with Shifter. Meanwhile, down in the press of bodies. Andre feels a sharp tug at his sleeve, followed by twin bursts of blinding pain in his back. Blood sprays over the crowd as he is flung forward, knocking over a dozen party goers, and alarming many more. Screams of terror and surprise erupt from the crowd, momentarily drowning out the excitement, noise, and music of the fight pit and the party....

Meanwhile... outside. Before Dizz can formulate an answer to this strange-eyed Pilka, they are interrupted by a massive mechanical monstrosity with grasping pincers and a long, stinger-tipped tail emerging from the darkness. It lashes out at the Pilka, who disappears into a mist and reforms a dozen feet away. The goons at the door swear in surprise. One turns and flees into the night, the other staggers back, fumbling in his pants for something.

Back inside. The strange green light hasn't even faded from Shifter's form when a golden lance of energy melts one of the windows and collides with the stricken hero. The shooting and screaming and bloodshed have drawn Boombox's attention, who's now incredibly angry voice overtakes the music. "Hey, nobody's gonna @#$% up my gig." HEXILE The $^## am I paying you for? GET. UP. HERE.

***Bennies are refreshed! All characters have their normal compliment of bennies, adjusted accordingly for Luck, Great Luck, and Bad Luck

***New Cards!
Dizz is dealt "Angry Mob" and "Get a Clue"
Shifter is dealt "Turncoat"
Anomaly is dealt "Catnap"
(Card effects added to the OOC)

***The team has most definitely entered battle against a dangerous foe! +2 Camaraderie
If the Leader (Madam Mechanis) has Influence over every other Teammate +1 Camaraderie
If everyone has the same purpose in the fight +1 Camaraderie
(your purpose might be 'keep civillian casualties to a minimum' or 'escape' or 'defeat the villain' or 'impress the hot chick watching me' or anything else you choose, but you should explicitly state it in your next post.)
If any member mistrusts the leader of the team -1 Camaraderie (again stated in your next post, does your character trust or mistrust Madam Mechanis?)
if the team is ill-prepared and off Balance -1 Camaraderie - you are absolutely this.
Current adjusted Camaraderie: 5
Madam Mechanis may choose to mark as many conditions of her choice as required to negate the losses of Camaraderie

Shane is hit by ??? Roll Spirit vs TN 23 (https://orokos.com/roll/894038) (it's accurate, I forgot to include The Drop Bonus) for each increment of failure, all traits are reduced by a die type, and all powers with Levels are reduced by a level. Powers without levels are completely nullified.
If Shifter's powers are negated, he is also Hit with a Raise (https://orokos.com/roll/894045) for 39 Damage (https://orokos.com/roll/894046)(Raise) (https://orokos.com/roll/894047) Shifter may spend a Benny to soak 7 wounds.

Andre is hit twice (https://orokos.com/roll/894043) with a raise. 18 and 23 damage (https://orokos.com/roll/894043) 9 toughness means you may spend a Benny to soak 2 wounds and then another Benny to Soak 3 wounds.

Players that would be Incapacitated may opt to Take a Powerful Blow. As far as I'm concerned, being instantly dropped qualifies as 'being unable to soak'

To Cards!

Of Hearts...
Outside the clubhouse, the mechanical scorpion thing stomps into one of the beams of light from the warehouse, revealing a spindly, purple and yellow chassis with rounded armor to compliment the pincers and tail. Its lizard-like head darts back and forth, looking between the bright eyed pilka and Dizz before lunging at the tiny dragon girl, claws outstretched.

Of Diamonds...
Elsewhere, unseen, men in suits react to the commotion from inside the warehouse.

Of Clubs...
Andre, if he still lives, has Initiative!

Dizz must roll opposed Fighting TN 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/894055) or be grappled!

2021-06-03, 05:53 PM
Did you grow closer to the team, grow into your own image of yourself, or grow away from the team? Explain why.

Over the course of the night I feel that Andre has grown away from the team. While the team hasn't been assembled in it's entirety he's decided to distance himself from both Marcy and Alexis. As far as Andre's concerned Marcy's "paranoia" only serves to ruin his night and Alex facilitated that instead of attempting stop things from escalating.

Andre takes away Alexis!

Black clad goons emerge in the fight pit and see the fighters out while the ring-card girl distracts everyone. Boombox's voice comes over the speakers again. "I see y'all liked the warm-up. Now we've got a real show for ya. The Kung Fu chick, Singer of Nine Venoms and one of the house champs, The Bull!" The music starts back up as one of the hidden panels in the pit opens up and a young woman in a black Qipao over a red unitard steps out. The qipao is embellished by a vivid green snake design that coils up the dress and around the woman's shoulders into a fang-baring snarl over her left breast.

The lights flicker as her opponent arrives. Smoke wells up from the ground, covering the pit in a dense fog and a long, furred limb tipped with a crude hand nails thick enough to be claws erupts and braces itself on the ground, pulling the rest of the creature after it. It towers over the woman the way a grown man towers over his children. It snorts.

Andre continues to wander through the crowd searching for someone or something that would salvage the rest of his night. However his search comes to a stop when the next pair of fighters emerge within the pit. Okay, maybe this one's actually worth watchin'...

and then the inevitable occurred Fire Nation attacked....

A thick beam of emerald green light, easily mistaken for part of the light show Boombox is putting on, erupts from the ground and collides with Shifter. Meanwhile, down in the press of bodies. Andre feels a sharp tug at his sleeve, followed by twin bursts of blinding pain in his back. Blood sprays over the crowd as he is flung forward, knocking over a dozen party goers, and alarming many more. Screams of terror and surprise erupt from the crowd, momentarily drowning out the excitement, noise, and music of the fight pit and the party....

The strange green light hasn't even faded from Shifter's form when a golden lance of energy melts one of the windows and collides with the stricken hero.

Andre takes a moment to study the figure of both fighters, trying gauge which one would emerge the victor in their confrontation. To the untrained eye there was only one monster inside of the cage but his intuition told him otherwise. A sharp tug at his sleeve interrupts his thoughts just before pain courses through his body and the force of the impact sends him crashing into several ravemasters.

The cries of the crowd and jolts of pain overload Andre's senses. His eyes witness a flash of golden light before he blinks and suddenly finds himself back in his old room. Searing hellfire engulfs the entirety of his body as he desperately tries to reach the door. The black smoke rising from the flames slowly begin to obscure his vision as he cries out for help but there's no air in his lungs to carry his desperate plea. He collapses. The heat from the hellish flames clouds his mind as the last remnants of his consciousness begin to fade. A liquid begins to bubble up from back and starts to pool before running down his body. Compared to the flames it feels cold.

This is wrong... Andre thinks to himself, his mind now focused on the cool sensation crawling down his back. I don't remember this. This isn't how it happened! His eyes snap wide open and a gout of flame erupts skyward from his back, his wounds cauterizing almost instantaneously. That's right... I've already died once.

Andre quickly gets to his feet as black smoke spills out from his figure in every direction. His eyes rapidly search the surrounding dance floor for any signs of the attacker before darting up to where he saw the golden bolt of light strike. Andre propels himself upward onto the walkway above the party putting distance between himself and his unknown assailant. The emerald green light radiating from the figure further down the walkway draws his attention.

"SHA-", he corrects himself, "SHIFTER?! What the @#$% are you doing here and why were we attacked just now?!"

Damn it, what the hell's happening right now? We need time and cover...

The black smoke emanating from underneath Andre's jacket thickens and quickly begins to spread until it envelops the two completely. Anyone watching the spectacle from below finds themselves met by the gaze of a massive creature with glowing amber eyes peering from behind the veil of black smoke and ash. A moment later what appears to be dozens of pairs of amber colored eyes light up within the darkness surrounding the enormous black figure. The beast unfurls a pair of gigantic wings and looses an earsplitting shriek that can be heard by anyone unfortunate enough to inhale trace amounts of the smoke. A cacophony of shrieks ring out in response to the original cry as large bat like creatures take to the air and circle the massive beast looming above the walkway.

"Stay inside of the smoke, it'll make you a harder to hit.", Andre calls out to Shane. "Now let's find who did this to us!"

Andre goes back to searching the chaos of the dancefloor for signs of his attacker, hoping to pick out someone who stands out from the panicked masses.

Beginning of Combat!
- Madam Mechanis does not hold Influence over Andre.
- Andre's purpose in the fight is to figure out who attacked him (and Shane) and get even.
- Andre mistrusts Madam Mechanis for obvious reasons, at least in his eyes.

Andre attempts to Take a Powerful Blow: 6 (https://orokos.com/roll/894094)
Andre stands strong

Andre creates an Illusion surrounding himself and Shifter, applying a -2 penalty to all attacks dependent on vision made against anyone within the Illusion's area of effect.
Deflection applies an additional -2 penalty to any ranged attack targeting Andre.

Notice to find Andre's assailant: 5 (https://orokos.com/roll/894306)

Bagel Bard
2021-06-03, 07:19 PM
Please examine the narrative of our game thus far and answer this question honestly in your next post, and resolve accordingly (see the bottom of the group reference document): Did you grow closer to the team, grow into your own image of yourself, or grow away from the team? Explain why [the thing you picked]

I'm more myself than I've ever been. This session has seen me take initiative... at least to some extent. I think my growing closer/further away from the team sort of evens out, since I kinda PO'd Andre but made a friend in Zhou. But I used my knowledge to find out that SOMETHING was happening, and even though I kind of didn't want to, I did try as hard as I could manage to warn people.
I'm moving Savior up (to +3) and Freak down (to -2).

What exactly am I trying to do here? My goal in this fight is to blow up and act like I don't know nobody protect people. My first priority is probably the people I know, but a big part of that is because I now they could help get people out of danger, either by directly influencing them or by directing the peril elsewhere.

I've got the make this team work... I'm going to mark Guilty, Angry, and Insecure to negate 3 Camaraderie Point losses, incurring a total of -1 to my trait rolls.
If my actions count as "not doing the thing" from Andre's provocation earlier I will mark Insecure to resolve that and only negate 2 point losses.

"whatever your name is, you should try minding your own business next time."

"And last I checked none of us are heroes. But if you're so adamant about playing pretend then why don't you take some initiative and put a stop to whatever's going on? You know, before anyone here has to get hurt instead of just waiting for things to go wrong. Then again, something like that's probably way outta your league." He smirks before turning his back to leave. "Or you could always rope everyone else into helping you out if you can't do it on your own. I mean you were already doing that anyway right?" Andre shrugs and disappears into the crowd once again without looking back, attempting to salvage what's left of his night.

Marcy felt the heat rising in her chest and blinked back a burst of bitter tears. She was actually somewhat relieved to see Andre leave before he had the chance to witness her moment of weakness. He had no way of knowing her fear of mediocrity. Or maybe he does know... she thought, an icicle of anxiety creeping into her thoughts. Maybe I'm so painfully average that he could tell just by looking at me. He didn't even remember my name.

She was, however, well-versed in the art of putting on a mask, and so despite her feelings, she shook herself out of her self-pitying thoughts. It doesn't matter what he thinks of you. He's right. I have to stop procrastinating and actually do something. She fished through her pack and grabbed a small, round canister. As she removed it, she read and listened to the last transmissions on the encrypted channel. Oh no.

Everything started happening extremely quickly. Marcy saw the woman in the fight pit and had a pretty good guess that Zhou wasn't going to have to look very hard for Song any longer. She cracked her emergency glow stick and was about to start waving it frenetically, but the green luminescence was immediately outshone by a blinding flash of viridian light. The golden beam immediately afterwards only confirmed to her that she probably didn't need to worry about signaling anyone.

She popped in her rebreather, ready to fling the fear gas canister as soon as it was her turn she had a good opportunity. She took a moment to pick out each of her classmates in the crowd. Her stomach dropped as she saw the blood spurt from Andre's back. I should have been able to get through to him! she thought guiltily. At the same time... he shouldn't have been so stupid about it, either. Her guilt merged with an eruption of rage that was cresting through her. She'd waited too long, that's for sure. But she sure as hell was going to make up for it.

"Hey, nobody's gonna @#$% up my gig." HEXILE The $^## am I paying you for? GET. UP. HERE."

She barely paid attention to Boombox. It seemed clear that he wasn't in on it at this point, and he certainly wasn't Marcy's priority. She could tell both Shifter and Andre were already paying for her inaction.

The black smoke emanating from underneath Andre's jacket thickens and quickly begins to spread until it envelops the two completely. Anyone watching the spectacle from below finds themselves met by the gaze of a massive creature with glowing amber eyes peering from behind the veil of black smoke and ash. A moment later what appears to be dozens of pairs of amber colored eyes light up within the darkness surrounding the enormous black figure. The beast unfurls a pair of gigantic wings and looses an earsplitting shriek that can be heard by anyone unfortunate enough to inhale trace amounts of the smoke. A cacophony of shrieks ring out in response to the original cry as large bat like creatures take to the air and circle the massive beast looming above the walkway.

Yep. I definitely don't need to signal anyone. The terrifying smoke monster will probably get everyone's attention even if the light show didn't. She wished that she had a way to instantly patch into everyone's ears -- one of the only true downsides to society moving past bluetooth earpieces is that people now had to look at their phone to get their messages. She hastily sent out a text to the same people she'd been communicating with all night... yes, including Andre.


Notice 11 (https://orokos.com/roll/894320) to keep track of each of my allies' situation -- and definitely I'd like to find whoever just stabbed Andre, lmk if I should roll a second Notice for this or if the 11 will do.

big teej
2021-06-03, 10:58 PM

Andre's illusory display succeeds in panicking the crowd further, starting the beginnings of a stampede towards the exits. However, even with his elevated vantage point, he's unable to pick out his assailant in the press of bodies.

There! Just after Andre's sent flying, you notice a faint 'shimmer' in the press of bodies, like light curving around a there-not-there object.... Active Camo.

Of Hearts....
Somewhere in the press of bodies, Jamie Waters breaks his hot n heavy lip-lock from some college girl, glaring out at the crowd at the growing sounds of panic and violence. "I knew we should've stayed home." He mutters, his breath fogging in the air as the temperature begins to plummet around him. "You should get somewhere safe." he says to his erstwhile companion. Her reply is cut off as chunks of ice begin to form a spiky shell around the ravemaster.

Of Clubs....
A screech and a warble comes over the speakers, completely cutting off the music. "Party's... Over." Boombox states flatly. Another visible soundwave erupts from the speakers embedded in his armor, and the crowd begins to panic in earnest, pulling at each other in a desperate attempt to get away from the villainous DeeJay.

Of Spades....
Zhou has initiative!

How we're going to handle Invisibility for rest of this conflict: For the rest of a round when the Invisible enemy attacks or does something 'obvious' Characters can identify their location, and suffer half of the normal penalties to attack them. On Subsequent rounds however, the Invisible character completely benefits from their ... Invisibility and the full penalty to notice and attack them apply.

Joule, Marcy, Shifter, Andre, and Zhou make a Fear Test (Spirit Roll) at -2
on a Failure, roll 1d20+2

Zero Prime
2021-06-04, 07:42 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: X O O O O
Active Effects: Burn (3) (2)
Conditions: Guilty

End of session Benny Check: End of Session Benny Check (https://orokos.com/roll/894436): 3d6t5 0 Savage XP earned for Session: 2.
Zhou grew closer to the Team, his friendship with Marcy, the interactions with Shane, Alexis and Grayson, it made him feel more accepted y his peers. Despite his indifference to Moon Maiden, his teammates, though they disagreed, allowed him to make his own decision. As such I will mark Potential, bringing me to 3 total.

Zhou feels as if he made progress in defeating Sho-ming Xio, he discovered a practitioner of Xio's Snake Style kung fu, in Lars Delvoss, however, this practitioner, while not friendly, is not actively hostile. He shared some of his doom with a team member, Marcy, so he has allies willing to assist him in stopping Sho-ming Xio, and he located his sister, which gives him an opportunity to assist in her redemption, and deprive his nemesis of his most valued apprentice.

Zhou's purpose in this fight: Protect those closest to him, in order, Son, Marcy, classmates, civilians.

Fear (Spirit Check) at -2 during Warehouse Rave (https://orokos.com/roll/894447): 2d6o6-2! 6, format keeps adding the results together, but looks like I rolled a 3 & 5, -2, would be either a 1 or 3, both of which fail. So I will expend a Selfishly spend a Team Benny to re-roll, Benny re-roll Fear (Spirit) Check (https://orokos.com/roll/894454): 2d6o6-2! 9. Formatting again, but it appears I got a 1 & a 10, -2, would be -1 & an 8, which should succeed. Whew!

As chaos erupted around them, Marcy called the Hite students to action, Andre and Shane were visiously attacked by a concealed attacker, and still, Zhou only had eyes for his sister. "Song," he whispered, and then a wave of ear screeching feedback looped through Boombox's speakers, and the crowd erupted in panic, fear, scattering in a thousand different directions, threatening to trample anyone in their path as they made their way towards the exits.

He looked at Marcy, sudden resolve flooding her frame, as she sprung to defend her classmates, even Andre, the selfish idiot that he was, moved to defend his teammates. At his core, Zhou knew he should react similarly, but he wasn't here for them, he was here for her! This could be his chance, to get through to her, to break through Sho-ming Xio's conditioning, to show her the truth, to bring her back to the Vale.

He steeled himself, rooting himself in female horse stance, he exhaled as he centered his chi, and focused on his goal, pushing his GUILT aside. He removed his hoodie, revealing his tattoo, the Phoenix flaring as the tattoo worked it's magic, trying to keep the poisoned chi from entering his heart chakra. He extended a hand forward, index finger extended opwards, thumb perpendicular, his other fingers bent at the knuckle. Suddenly in an explosion of fluid, economical movement, he leapt from Lars side, his foot extending over his shoulder, before flashing down in a descending arc, not smashing, but slicing through the chainlink dome over the surprised fighters, he tucked, rolled, to stand shoulder to shoulder with his sister.

"Song!" He exclaimed in a loud voice, before continuing in Mandarin, "We need to get out of here. We have to talk!" He turned towards her massive opponent, confident that, between the two of them, they could defeat their opponent, together again. Brother and sister, the Tsu Yang Twins.

Spent the Benny selfishly, ignoring the peril my team is in, and advancing on my personal goal, however, this tears at Zhou's good nature, and so I will mark Guilty. Activating Burn, marking Doom, Activating Burn at Warehouse Rave (https://orokos.com/roll/894462): 2d6 11 Gain 3 Burn, I will immediately spend 1 Burn to activate my Move flare, appearing at my sister's side.

2021-06-04, 11:09 AM
A pilka with glowing eyes and numerous bits of metal embedded in her flesh leans over and says "Hello, little one, you look lost. How did you find your way here?" You haven't seen a pilka with eyes like this before, but you've seen Sarah adorn herself with metal bits like this.

Dizz lets out a long sigh still hearing the noise in the background before looking up into the night sky. Sadly, only seeing a handful of stars an the moon in the distance being covered by a few passing clouds she is approached and asked a question by something. Glancing down she sees a strange looking pilka standing before her with stunning glowing eyes. Scrunching her nose she is thrown off that she didn't hear or notice her approach until she spoke. With the pilka now bending down to her height is when she notices the metal bits protruding from her face just as Sarah has. How strange that so many like that stuff inside them.. her thoughts trail off blinking a few good times with her head still fuzzy she feels as though she cant keep her thoughts strait. The pilkas glowing eyes seem to be pulling and luring her into something with Dizz unable to break thier eye contact.

Meanwhile... outside. Before Dizz can formulate an answer to this strange-eyed Pilka, they are interrupted by a massive mechanical monstrosity with grasping pincers and a long, stinger-tipped tail emerging from the darkness. It lashes out at the Pilka, who disappears into a mist and reforms a dozen feet away. The goons at the door swear in surprise. One turns and flees into the night, the other staggers back, fumbling in his pants for something.

Before Dizz can even think to formulate an answer the two of them are greeted with solid loud thuds causing them to look in the direction of the crunching from the ground. A creature that looks something similar to a Zuda (Scorpion) appears from out of the darkness slowly approaching them. Dizz glances to the now misty pilka who was just in her face, but has now put some distance between her an this thing. Dizz steps back on one foot lowering her stance unsure of what all is happening and who to look at as there are multiple things going on. Her heart begins to race as her eyes slowly begin to glow emerald. I really hope this is part of the experience cause umm...this sure is something... She mumbles to her self.

Aces....Of Hearts..
Outside the clubhouse, the mechanical scorpion thing stomps into one of the beams of light from the warehouse, revealing a spindly, purple and yellow chassis with rounded armor to compliment the pincers and tail. Its lizard-like head darts back and forth, looking between the bright eyed pilka and Dizz before lunging at the tiny dragon girl, claws outstretched.

The Zuda steps forward into the green beam of light now showing its full body. Dizz overlooks the thing smirking as she admires the beautifully built armor that hug the pincer and tail liking what she sees. Once finally glancing at the Zudas head she is met with disappointment. Woow, you sure are an ugly one. thinking to her self as she sighs just as the thing looks between the two standing before and it lunnging at her. Not being aware of the now escalating, situation Dizz unable to properly balance herself to dodge the thing slipping on the gravel underneath her feet she squeaks out. Falling from her poor footing before hitting the ground she is grabbed and scooped into the air now in its clutches of the ugly beast dangling there an wiggling.

Dizz must roll opposed Fighting TN 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/894055) or be grappled!

2d6o6: 5 [2d6o6=1, 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/894099)]

3d6t5: 0 [3d6t5=3, 3, 2 (https://orokos.com/roll/894495)]

Did you grow closer to the team
Kinda? I'm still not aware that they will be my team yet, but as a friend(s)/acquaintance(s) yes. I don't have to many left to meet thankfully. I do think I had missed the opportunity with meeting Marcy from me leaving the little group in a past post though. (Marcy- don't worry boo ill be back)

big teej
2021-06-05, 05:43 PM

The massive bull-headed monster looks around, peering over the lip of the pit at the noise. It rumbles deep in it's chest and reaches out and makes a grasping motion with one clawed hand a massive axe, easily the size of you or your sister, manifests in it's grip. It lets the axe head drop into the concrete floor, biting deep and showering you and Song in debris. It scratches at its neck with its free hand and narrows its eyes at you, and speaks in a slow, rumbling voice. "Yoooou uh... shore yooou still wonna do thisss?" He snorts out a gout of steam.

Song looks at you, eyes wide as saucers, her jaw slack. She backs away from you and the minotaur, her had shaking back and forth slowly in disbelief. "There's no way. How?" the fear and surprise in her tone begin to evaporate, hardening into anger and apathy. Her expression hardens. She mutters a foul oath in chinese and says "You should have stayed dead, dear brother."

She produces a vial from the sash about her qipao and holds it up. It's about the size of a pill bottle, angular, and capped at both ends with elaborate wrought iron. A shimmering grey smoke roils within, as if in the grips of a strong breeze. "Defeat this and maybe you are worthy of an audience." She hisses at you and dashes the vial against the floor. The smoke billows out, far greater than could have been contained within the vial, and begins to swirl about, coalescing into a shape.....

Your phone, along with what seems like every phone in the crowd, all emit blaring tone, similar to a tornado warning, and then the echoes of hundreds of plays of the same recorded voice bounce around the warehouse.


Your phones lights blink rapidly. An additional message for you. It is much the same as the public alarm still echoing throughout the cloud, but also instructs you to immediately return to campus or the nearest safe place. do not attempt to respond. heroes and support staff are en route. please flee the area. do not engage zeitgeist.

Back in the pit, the swirling smoke condenses into a heavily muscled man in a black and yellow gi, his eyes are blank white orbs, and his hands are bathed in the flames of hell. (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSK9l0Lad01xq6rw9dXfQQHGnWKJxqnG NC_BMYWYiCLP8zwrQz8TDWRWEMRVC7R1Nv_Fao&usqp=CAU)

of Hearts...
Joule sees a strange warble in the air... a shimmer... it kinda looks alot like the special effects from that Predator movie.... Except this one's moving straight toward you and Grayson, knocking ravemasters over in it's haste. It lunges at the two of you. You hear the whistle of a blade through the air that takes a strip out of your outfit, and then a cry of pain as Grayson doubles over, blood pouring from between his fingers.

Of Clubs...
Joule and Madam Mechanis have Initiative!!!

Zeitgesit Aspect: Scorpion appears!
Grayson is stabbed for 32 Damage (https://orokos.com/roll/894688), a total of 6 Wounds
Grayson spends a benny to soak (https://orokos.com/roll/894691) 4 Wounds, he is Shaken with 2 Wounds (2/3 Bennies remaining)

2021-06-05, 06:55 PM
Any thoughts of Andre being a total **** are instantly wiped away as the Predator shimmer gives away her attacker. Alex just barely manages to dodge backward out of the way, with her shirt gaining a new rip across one of her shoulders. Her momentary glimmer of triumph at her reflexes is quelled as she sees dark red blood erupt from between her boyfriend's fingers. "No! Grayson!" she screams. Her breath catches in her throat at his cry of pain.

Joule’s expression twists into an enraged grimace before she teleports just off to the left of the telltale shimmer in a spark of blue light. She focuses and currents of electricity run down in rivulets from her shoulders and coalesce in the palms of each hand. She then raises her arms and shoots twin bolts of lightning at the shimmer. A clap of thunder follows after the flashes of electricity.

C'mon, over here! Come after me and leave Grayson alone!

Fear Test (https://orokos.com/roll/894352): 11

Alexis teleports to the left of the invisible knife guy, just out of melee range. She does not take an attack of opportunity because she teleported.
She shoots him with lightning x2!

Attack to hit 1: 4, Benny that to a 9 (https://orokos.com/roll/894711)
Attack to hit 2: 15 (https://orokos.com/roll/894712)

Damage 1: 26 (https://orokos.com/roll/894713) Heavy Weapon, AP 2
Damage 2: 15 (https://orokos.com/roll/894714)+8 (https://orokos.com/roll/894716)=23 Heavy Weapon, AP 2

Bennies remaining (2/3)

Whoops, forgot my end of the month stuff.

I think that Alexis has grown away from the team in this instance. She feels like Andre, despite being her closest friend on the team, wouldn't try to have a conversation with her. I'm going to take away Andre's Influence over Alexis.

Bagel Bard
2021-06-06, 08:00 AM
Marcy's face paled at the alert from the Hite Academy app. She saw everyone else in the vicinity get the message as well... Screw it. They're scared enough already. She pocketed the fear gas, abandoning the plan she'd formulated before. Seeing not one, but two Hite students get stabbed by this invisible coward make her blood boil.

She focused on the subtly cloaked villain and pulled out the radar-dish-like device housed in the top pocket of her backpack. Not knowing if this would even work, she clicked the button and hoped for the best. A double exponential electromagnetic pulse burst from the device focused on where she saw -- or rather, didn't see -- the attacker. A quick, high-pitched electronic whine emitted from the device as the EMP attempted to cause the person's equipment to Malfunction (https://orokos.com/roll/894855).

She then took out her Grapnel gun -- There really should have been a bag check or something here -- and fired it into the rafters. I won't be any help if I get stabbed too, she thought as she retracted the line, pulling herself up to the ceiling and (hopefully) out of range of the deft knives of the bladed assailant.

I'm sure Zeigeist is bad news. CCM=7(-1)=6 (https://orokos.com/roll/894852)

By abandoning the plan and instead recklessly going after the cloaked person I'm taking foolhardy action to remove my Insecurity.

Malfunction roll = 8 (https://orokos.com/roll/894855)(-1 from conditions)=7

If the EMP is successful I hope I can possibly remove the Angry condition by breaking something important?

big teej
2021-06-06, 08:52 PM

The pulse from Madam Mechanis' backpack and Joule's electrical discharge collide with the cloaked figure almost simultaneously. Electricity arcs about the humanoid figure, flickering in and out of camo. There's a blast of white light and a staggering figure is revealed. Twin'd, barbed daggers slip from spasming metallic fingers as it staggers towards Joule. it's form is mostly concealed beneath a red hooded cloak with yellow trim. A snap of metal and an echoing boom send one arm tumbling across the warehouse. The mechanical monstrosity reaches for Joule, the grille built into it's neck emitting a horrible screech as further micro explosions rack it's body before it collapses into a burned out heap.

Marcy's grapnel finds purchase in the piping and support structure of the warehouse roof and she's quickly reeled up out of the press of bodies into the rafters.

The Crowd of civilians, further goaded and panicked by the pyrotechnics, finally transitions from a whirling, heaving mosh to a proper stampede, carrying itself and those unfortunate enough to be caught in it towards the totally inadequate number of exits. You can see several people take flailing limbs to the head and face and disappear beneath the tramping feet of the crowd, and the exits quickly clog with bodies.

Humorless, digitized laughter echoes from the speakers and around the warehouse and a massive, cloaked figure appears behind Joule. "Is this truly all that you pathetic meatbags are capable of?" The latest addition to the brawl leers down at Joule, it's mechanical features twisted into a smug grin. It reaches out and grabs Joule by the head and lifts her from the ground. "I think it's time for an object lesson." It says, before lunging across the warehouse in a blur and smashing Joule into the wall. Cracks spiderweb out from the impact and several fist sized chunks of concrete fall to the ground with Joule as the challenger lets go of her.

Meanwhile.... Down in the Pit, Song seems to have taken advantage of the smoke generated by Zeitgeist to disappear.

A leather clad figure breaks free of the crowd and clasps her hands together in a finger gun pointed at the figure who attacked Joule. "Get away from her!" Ythra screams, and a pulse of energy ripples through the air towards the 8 foot tall cloaked monstrosity. It's cloak ripples and shimmers when the blast hits, but seems to spare the man from any damage.

A second figure appears at Ythra's shoulder, Parish Guilbaut runs his fingers through his mohawk and begins to change growing, swelling with muscle as scales erupt from his skin and his clothes begin to shred. He shies away from Ythra as the ground around her erupts in thick, thorny vines that coil up and around her, twisting her limbs to their limits and one coils around her throat. Parish hisses in displeasure.

Back in front of the stage, Lars' tattoos flare up, one rushing out of his sleeve before launching forth, shifting to the appearance of an eastern cottonmouth (https://thevlm.org/wp-content/uploads/DSC_1444_edited-1.jpg) that bares it's namesake and stretches out toward the sparking remains of the invisible attacker. The other slithers forth from his collar, rearing over his head like a scorpion's tail in the shame of a black cobra, it's hood spread wide and hissing in aggression.

Caduceus dashes towards the fight pit, yelling over the din "Zhou, get clear of that thing!" He skids to a stop and leaps back as a massive drill-bit erupts from the floor, sending more concrete shards everywhere. The massive cluster of drills unfolds into a hand and a massive, scraped, green robot begins to emerge from the floor.


It seems like all hell's broken loose up above. The pounding music has been replaced by screaming and explosions. You catch a glimpse of Hexile, barking orders you can't make out over the cacophony. He stretches out an arm and Selene runs into him, wrapping both arms and a leg around him before they disappear in a gout of flame.

What will you do, Hero?

I totally forgot to notate cards for all that....
Of Hearts....
Dizz and Shifter have initiative!

"Kappa" has been incapacitated!
Joule takes a Powerful Blow

2021-06-07, 12:16 AM
Dizz looks into the things grotesque face as she squirms trying to release herself from its grip. Screams accompanied with sobs catches her attention forcing her to look back towards from where she came from earlier. Dizz eyes dart around only able to hear what she could only assume is chaotic commotion happening with in. Her first thoughts drifts to Sarah who is probabaly still inside. Shaking her head she grits her teeth showing two baby fang like teeth "I have to focus on this thing first" she thinks to her self.
Dizz looks down at the beast clampers as she attempts to push her self up an out once more, but is no good as the thing has a solid grip around her torso. Trying to assess the situation quickly she looks at its tail behind it covered in armor and then back at its repulsive face. "Its a shame to have such nice armor on a thing like you....Im sick of looking at ur face you know? I wounder who's faster!" She hisses out now annoyed with the situation. With her emerald green eyes pinned onto the beast face, small dense blueish purple crystals start to form around her.
The crystals move with Dizzs movements as she extends her right arm out with her finger tips the gems hover just above her hand aimed directly to the beast face while her left hand slightly bent in a ready position as she hisses. The crystals fly towards the beast face as she manipulates them in a spraying motion connecting with several hits. Hearing cracking sounds on impact she continues to hurl another spray of them.

[3d8o8+1d6o6 (http://orokos.com/roll/895024)]

[3#4d10o10 (http://orokos.com/roll/895026)]

2021-06-07, 12:16 PM
Axel takes a couple of quick steps towards Rhinestone, moving in to continue his assault. The ringing of the bell snaps him back from his haze stopping him. As the workers enter the ring, Axel’s eyes don’t leave Rhinestone as she is dragged out. His hot-tempered instincts take over when a hand touches his shoulder. Pulling back, Axel takes a swing that barely goes wide of the man’s head. With his teeth bared Axel’s words cut into the air “Don’t. Touch me.” He leaves the ring, his hand wipes the small stream of blood off his face. He looks down at his hand before smearing the blood onto his pant leg.

The anger still boiling in Axel. His mind recedes to dark times that have only recently occurred in his life. The cost of his powers, how the changes have affected him. He felt hideous inside and out as he remembers everything all over again. He had lost control. Again. Even though he was in a fight, the loss of control still bothered him and his guilt swirled into his mix of emotions. It takes some time but, Axel finally catches sight of Hexile across the floor just before all hell breaks loose. The rhythmic pounding of music is replaced with inconsistent shakes of energy from the fighting. The flow of workers grows chaotic making it hard for Axel to reach the man. “Hexile!” He calls out. Axel pushes another person out of the way as a group swarms past him. “Hexile! What the hell is-” but his words are cut off as the duo disappears. The anger simmering in him washes over. Where the **** did they go! They are NOT getting away like this. He swears to himself as he pushes his way outside to the alley.

Once outside Axel’s head whips around looking for Hexile. His phone blares in his pocket and Axel spares a moment to read the message before slipping the phone back into his pocket. His anger plain on his face.

Notice (Benny Spent) - 4! (https://orokos.com/roll/895136)

2021-06-07, 05:30 PM
Shane grew into his own image of self. Spending most of this session doing his own thing and attempting to solve the conundrum on his own, but never leaving those who by chance are around him completely out of the loop... even if it is only slightly...

5 spirit roll to take the TN roll of 23
Take a powerful blow=3 bennies 2/3 left
The energy wraps all around him, sapping his essence away as everything feels heavy. The weight of Gravity seeming to enact revenge for years of time spent defying it as he crashes onto the catwalk, the air in his lungs fleeing from his body, sensing the bad luck and not wanting anything to do with whatever this would be hero found himself in.
Everything goes from black to blurred as Shane comes back to himself. All he could feel is the burning in his chest as the lack of air in his lungs screams for his attention! Hand flying to his neck, no time to be thankful that the motion doesn’t hurt in the process, the scales of his face mask peal back to the ring around his throat and Shane is met with a wave of air that tastes like smoke and musk and metal as he gasps for breath, eyes like saucers. Never has he been more thankful for the simple act of breathing before.

Heart beat running a marathon, Shane shoots up to a sitting position, room spinning slightly but starting to come into focus. Making progress! He thinks. Putting his hand to his chest, breathing in and out, in a manor that others would find annoying as anyone having to draw attention to the simple act of breathing would. Consciously thinking of each smoke filled breath as a sign that something was wrong. Taking his hand and attempting to phase it in and out, the gloved hand didn’t respond, as if his powers had decided to take a break. While other people would find being able to breath a comforting thought, the idea that he needed to at all was, thankfully enough, only slightly disturbing, but disturbing none the less. I’ve been in this type of situation before, definitely not with everything feeling this fuzzy though, will have to thank him for those uncomfortable nights…

"SHA-", he corrects himself, "SHIFTER?! What the @#$% are you doing here and why were we attacked just now?!"

Damn it, what the hell's happening right now? We need time and cover...

The black smoke emanating from underneath Andre's jacket thickens and quickly begins to spread until it envelops the two completely. Anyone watching the spectacle from below finds themselves met by the gaze of a massive creature with glowing amber eyes peering from behind the veil of black smoke and ash. A moment later what appears to be dozens of pairs of amber colored eyes light up within the darkness surrounding the enormous black figure. The beast unfurls a pair of gigantic wings and looses an earsplitting shriek that can be heard by anyone unfortunate enough to inhale trace amounts of the smoke. A cacophony of shrieks ring out in response to the original cry as large bat like creatures take to the air and circle the massive beast looming above the walkway.

"Stay inside of the smoke, it'll make you a harder to hit.", Andre calls out to Shane. "Now let's find who did this to us!"

Shaking his head in hopes of jogging whatever hamster is asleep in his head into moving a bit faster, he looks back at Andre, the weight of the moment coming back into focus in the form of his fellow team mate. Jumping to his feet, only slightly regretting it, Shane looks around at all the commotion. “I don’t know… yo, you… p, p-person…?” It’s at this moment he remembers his mask and, tapping something at his throat, the scales wrap themselves around his face. “This place was supposed to be abandoned, I’ve been sort of making it up as I go along ever since I got here. Speaking of, do you know an Agent Crane?” Does Gecko know an agent crane? He thinks, pulling out his phone. Before he does anything else however he sees all the alerts. “What’s a Zeitgeist?”

The pulse from Madam Mechanis' backpack and Joule's electrical discharge collide with the cloaked figure almost simultaneously.

The explosion from down below brings him back to himself… or at the very least, reminds him of the situation he is in. Looking back down at the chaos, “We need to do something, this can’t be another Mall incident!” looking back at Andre. “We don’t need to win, we just need to distract them long enough to give people more time to escape and for the real firepower to get here!”

Fear Test spirit roll d4+d6=2 and 2 D20+2=3

big teej
2021-06-07, 09:26 PM

Your crystal storm rains down on the mechanical monster, denting and piercing it's armor. It warbles in surprise, it's grip tightening and moving it's massively armoured tail to shield it's face, but it's too little too late as the unending stream of shards tears away the heavy cowling around the stinger and continue to perforate the beast. It spasms, dropping you and crashes over in a heap, loose parts and armor plate crumpling and skittering away.

The strange eyed Pilka is nowhere to be seen.


Back in the alleyway, you hear what sounds like a combination of gravel on steel and rending metal. You can also hear screaming from inside the warehouse. There isn't another readily apparent entrance besides the front door and the basement level you've just exited.

ooc: You are not on initiative cards yet, and may act as quickly as you can post.


Grayson pushes himself back to his feet, staring at the shattered remains of his attacker. His grimace grows fiercer as his face stretches and elongates, swelling along with his body as he transforms into the beast within. Within seconds, the towering white draconian roars it's displeasure, deafening the ravemasters still trapped inside.

The powerful and wrathful display is interrupted by another golden beam of light lancing through a window and into the dragon's hide. Draconian bellows again, enraged, but seems unharmed by the attack.

Grayson becomes Unshaken! (https://orokos.com/roll/895213)
Grayson is shot, with a raise (https://orokos.com/roll/895214), again, for 28 Damage (https://orokos.com/roll/895215)
Grayson spends a Benny to soak (0 remaining) and Soaks 2 Wounds! (https://orokos.com/roll/895216)

Round 2!
"Kid, look out!" Ythra shouts at Caduceus as she blasts the giant drill-bot with another lance of sonic energy. The impact rocks the machine forward and it takes a step to balance itself, peering over it's shoulder with it's glowing green eyes and drillbit nose. "TARGET NOT RECOGNIZED" it rumbles. "ACQUIRING DATA" It announces as it begins to turn and tramp towards her on heavy, blocky feet.

Zhou and Dizz have Initiative!

Joule and Madam Mechanis have Initiative!

2021-06-08, 10:40 AM
Axel recklessly heads towards the sounds of rending metal.

Zero Prime
2021-06-08, 05:01 PM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: X X O O O
Active Effects: Burn (2)
Conditions: Guilty

Song looks at you, eyes wide as saucers, her jaw slack. She backs away from you and the minotaur, her had shaking back and forth slowly in disbelief. "There's no way. How?" the fear and surprise in her tone begin to evaporate, hardening into anger and apathy. Her expression hardens. She mutters a foul oath in chinese and says "You should have stayed dead, dear brother."

Zhou studied his sister's face, eyes narrowing as he sought some trace of the young, joyous child she had used to be. "And perhaps, Song, you should have stayed at the Vale, with those that loved and respected you." He started to speak, but his words were lost in the thickening mist, "... you still could." However, he sensed a presenced, a threat, more so than the bestial bull headed gladiator.

He circled the Zeitgeist, "I do not recognize you warrior," he spoke as he circled, probing the yellow gi'd warrior's defense for an opening, a weakness. "But you appear well trained, and highly skilled. Perhaps then, this will mean something to you." He moved his arms into a defensive stance, "I am Tsu Yang Zhou, last living disciple of the Resplendent Phoenix, Master Shoqing, the sole inheritor of her hidden techniques and secret teachings." He moved again, his eyes locked with the dull white orbs of his opponent, "You stand between my sister and I, if you do not relent, you shall be vanquished."

As he spoke, he exploded into action, swinging wide around his opponent, rotating his right hip around, to slip to his opponents rear, where he drove an elbow that snapped out to a back fist, into his opponents temple, before firing off a quick thrust kick that vaulted him backwards allowing him to land in a defensive crouch, keeping an eye on both the minotaur, and his primary focus, the yellow garbed warrior.

Attack 1 & 2 vs Zeitgeist (Warehouse Rave) Rnd 1 -- FIGHT (https://orokos.com/roll/895344): 2#1d12o12+2+1d6o6! 19 12. So a 13 (12 & 1) +2, for a total of 15 on my first attack, and a 6 +2 = 8 on my second attack. Well Holy Crap! Damage for Attack 1 & 2 vs Zeitgeist (d8+d6) (https://orokos.com/roll/895345): 2#1d8o8+1d6o6! 23 13 Damage for my first attack (Not including raises from the 15) Appears to be 23 (4 on d8 + 6,6,6,1 on exploding d6), and 13 (8,1 on d8 & 4 on d6). Plus an additional Potential Raise damage from attack #1 vs Zeitgeist (https://orokos.com/roll/895347): 1d6o6 5 on the 1st attack if the raise generates an additional dice. As my third attack I will take the defend Action, raising my Parry to 11, with visible attackers suffering a -4 on their attack.

2021-06-08, 05:43 PM
“Is that… all ya got?” Alexis asks the mechanical monstrosity as she wipes away a thin line of blood coming from the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand. Dust and more chunks of concrete drop from the wall as she slowly gets to her feet and smirks up at the robot.

While she was acting tough, inside she was a mess. Her ears were ringing. She was seeing spots from the force of her impact with the wall. Holy **** he’s fast. I didn’t even have time to react. Can I take this guy? That was a stupid question. She had to be able to take this guy.

Grayson’s draconic roars snap her attention momentarily to her boyfriend and she winces internally as he’s shot by a beam of golden light. While he seemed fine, Alex knew there was only so much he could take. He’d gotten $&@#ing stabbed. So much for her promise that he’d get out of this okay. I gotta take out this SOB first, then I can go help him.

She steels herself and calls up at the robot, “Lemme show you what us meatbags can do!” Before the metal menace can react, she teleports up to its face and delivers a vicious spinning back kick to the side of its head. As her heel connects with its temple, she sends a lance of electricity through the back of her foot, concentrating all her firepower into a small point that’s hopefully focused enough to make it through the robot’s armor. She uses her remaining momentum as she lands to kick the robot again, going for one of its knees to stress the joint and lower its mobility.

Taking a Powerful Blow: (https://orokos.com/roll/895007) 3, She’s fiiiine
CCM on this stupid robot that she’s fighting: (https://orokos.com/roll/895312) 7

Attack 1 (https://orokos.com/roll/895219): 12
Attack 2 (https://orokos.com/roll/895275): 8, using one of my own bennies and then selfishly taking a team benny because she’s only thinking about helping Grayson. Not the rest of the team or the civilians.

Damage 1: 36 (https://orokos.com/roll/895222)+ Potential Raise: (https://orokos.com/roll/895360) 5= 41 , Heavy Weapon
Damage 2 (https://orokos.com/roll/895286): 21, Heavy Weapon

Bennies (1/3)

2021-06-08, 07:09 PM
Dizz feels the beast release its grip on her as it stagers about. Falling to the floor she is able to land on her feet as she sets her self up to attack again incase it didnt go down. Watching the thing crumble away she stands up right slowly letting the crystals disappear.
Dizz eyes dull back down as she scans the area noticing the strange eye Pilka is no longer in the are from what she could see.

2021-06-09, 04:11 AM
Shaking his head in hopes of jogging whatever hamster is asleep in his head into moving a bit faster, he looks back at Andre, the weight of the moment coming back into focus in the form of his fellow team mate. Jumping to his feet, only slightly regretting it, Shane looks around at all the commotion. “I don’t know… yo, you… p, p-person…?” It’s at this moment he remembers his mask and, tapping something at his throat, the scales wrap themselves around his face. “This place was supposed to be abandoned, I’ve been sort of making it up as I go along ever since I got here. Speaking of, do you know an Agent Crane?” Does Gecko know an agent crane? He thinks, pulling out his phone. Before he does anything else however he sees all the alerts. “What’s a Zeitgeist?”

Andre tilts his head in confusion at Shifter's response. Whatever hit Shane must've hit him hard. He can't help but laugh in spite of their situation and shakes his head, "Look I don't know who told you that but they were obviously wrong and I have no idea who this Agent Crane is."

Andre's glowing amber eyes visibly narrow from within the darkness. "You're joking right? I dip out of a couple of our classes more often than I should but even I know what Zeitgeist is." Kinda... "Think of it like a ghost that can appear anywhere and take on the form of anything or anyone. You're tellin' me you don't remember when 'Godzilla' attacked during the Thanksgiving parade way back?"

The pulse from Madam Mechanis' backpack and Joule's electrical discharge collide with the cloaked figure almost simultaneously.

His attention shifts over to the source of the explosion and anger washes over him once again as he spots the pile of scrap. That one was MINE!

The explosion from down below brings him back to himself… or at the very least, reminds him of the situation he is in. Looking back down at the chaos, “We need to do something, this can’t be another Mall incident!” looking back at Andre. “We don’t need to win, we just need to distract them long enough to give people more time to escape and for the real firepower to get here!”

"Yo @#$% that! Do what you want but things are different this time. It's clear that whoever-", Andre's eyes widen as he watches Joule get slammed into the wall of the warehouse by the cloaked figure. "or whatever those things are, they want us dead and I'm not gonna wait for help that ain't gonna get here in time! We are the firepower."

Bagel Bard
2021-06-09, 02:27 PM
Marcy watched the chaos continue to unfold in the warehouse beneath her. Things were definitely out of control... and so, she found, were her own emotions. Roiling coils of deep-seated insecurity clashed with hot rage and frustration all underscored with the burning shame of the feeling that somehow this was her fault.

The middle of the floor was overtaken by the massive white dragon, and the Zhou was in the ring with Song and... actually Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. It had to be Zeitgeist. Alright, great, so that's a thing. A flash of irritation burned in her mind. Zhou, you idiot, you have no idea what you're up against... you of all people should know that sometimes it's better just to not fight. Not that she really knew much about Zeigeist, other than he (it?) was bad, bad news. She knew she should heed the alert from Hite Academy, but things were moving too quickly and something had to be done about the sniper. All she could do was hope that Zhou wasn't enough of a fool to get himself killed over this.

She was distracted by another flash of blinding light and immediately seized the opportunity to track its origin. She took the fear gas capsule out of her pocket and chucked it into the crowd, wherever the population was most dense, without really even checking to see who would be caught in it.

Used a Benny to reroll the 1 on the dice from the first attempt
Result = 4 (-1 for conditions)=3 (https://orokos.com/roll/895418)

She ran along the rafters towards the broken windows, her eyes locked on the trajectory the beam had taken. She saw the roof of a neighboring building and shot her grapnel gun, flinging herself out of the fray and into... well, whatever was up there.

Once in the open air, the gravity of what she was doing began to sink in. She was going in, alone, to the top of a dark building when no one knew where she was. But she didn't give the doubt a chance to psych her out. This was happening. She had to believe she was up for the task. It was that or admit defeat.

big teej
2021-06-09, 11:25 PM

The steady stream of Pilka escaping the warehouse grows fuzzy in your eyes.... the whole world really. The world is suffused with a ruddy red glow and a heavily armored pilka with glowing red eyes strides towards you out of an alleyway. It locks eyes with you and says in a strangely echoing voice

Wͯ͋̀ͤ͊͏̵̖̹͍̫̲̯͜e͍̹͎͙̫̯̓̉͒̉͋ͯ̇ ̧͚͓͈̒͛̾̾s̵̬͉̱͇͓̫͚̋ͨ̈́̈́ͪ̔̄ͅh̨̫̟̟͈͙̆ͨ̑̏͑͠oͣ̔͏̧͙͇̖̺̙͘ ȕ̢̗͎͔̹̩͍̞̝̊̆ͬ̉l͉̤̭ͣͤ̍ͤ͆ͩd̡͈̩͚̣̭͓̂̆͌ ̵̢̤̟̟̯̭̞̝̔̂̈́̆̏͂́t̼̟̼̝̼̥ͦ̿ͅa̲̪͙̠̖̬̺̙ͥ͠l͇̀͋͂̈́͂̆͗̀͠͞͠ ̪k̹͍͂̿͒ͯ̄͑̋ͣ́

Your vision blurs and eventually fades out entirely as something akin to sleep takes you.


You round the bend of the warehouse, returning to where you were originally turned away, and find a rather different scene than the queue of excited would-be ravemasters. You find a shredded and scrapped robot, violently studded and perforated by glittering crystals which seem to be disintegrating, a massive pool of rapidly congealing blood, a panicking crowd attempting to squeeze out of the warehouse, and three men in suits holding gleaming chrome firearms attempting to force their way up stream and into the warehouse.


Your backhand to the temple seems to shock the warrior into action, catching your kick in one palm and shoving you away. He takes up a wide stance, one hand extend towards you, fingers splayed wide, the other cocked back in a fist. He rotates, thrusting the fist forward, and a hidden dagger on a length of metal cable launches towards you. GET OVER HERE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq28y7W6TGI) The man's hellish voice screams at you. But your uncanny reflexes save you (https://orokos.com/roll/895625), ducking aside of the barbed blade. It buries into the concrete wall of the pit and the demonic fighter leaps into the air, the cable pulling him toward you in a rush of vengeful flame.


Your kick knocks the robot's head askew, and electricity crackles across it, down it's body, down into it's cloak, which ripples and sheens and flares dramatically. Your kick to the knee is like kicking a mountain, unmoving, unyielding... painful. The robot rolls it's neck, straightening to tower over you again. It's smile gets wider as it laughs. "Hey. That tickled, and I'm not even programed for physical sensation!" It lashes out at you with one armored boot, but you easily get out of the way.

you've never even heard of anything like this... but it does seem to share a lot of design elements with Eta9


Your classmate turned massive reptile lunges at the vines holding Ythra fast, tearing into them with claws and teeth. She's just able to work herself free when the concrete erupts at Sarus' feet, throwing Ythra to the ground. A pillar of stone rises up, twenty feet in the air, it's tip shaped like a grasping hand that clenches in on Sarus, who uses both hands and feet and squirms with his tail to hold the crushing hand open and avoid it's clenching fingers.

Caduceus jogs after the drill bot, his snakes repositioning to coil around his arms as they change into piebald pythons (https://www.worldofballpythons.com/files/morphs/axanthic-pied/002.jpg) "Ythra, resonate the big one!" He calls out.

Ythra pushes herself to her feet and, without answering Caduceus, flings her hands toward the giant robot stomping towards her, concentric rings of sonic energy erupting from her palms, vibrating the concrete and the robot. Caducues leaps into the air and his snakes lash out, coiling around the massive biceps of the robot, before pulling himself down, boots first, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgjKBkfK-gg&t=85s) into the robots head, sending it tipping over and onto the ground.

The air around Boombox begins to pulse and shudder as piercing noise and thumping bass erupt from his speakers. "Fo-get this. I'm gettin' outta here." The heavily armored figure begins to walk backwards, slowly retreating away from the stage and the fight.


You crash through the window and land on the adjacent building in a glittering tide. You spy, at the far edge of the roof, a humanoid figure, wrapped up in a cloak, with a massive, blocky rifle pointing towards the warehouse. It turns toward you, and the hood reveals a cluster of asymetrical lenses. It then raises it's rifle up in a smooth motion. The lenses contract and expand, rotating into a new configuration, and then a blinding gold light overtakes you.

"Given their current predicament, Andre is attempting to press Shifter into taking action and ending the fight before things take a turn for the worst.

He's telling Shane that if he and the team use their powers to stop to the fight on their own rather than waiting for help it could mean the difference between life and death.

Andre is attempting to shift Shifter's Danger up and his Mundane down."

With a 5 vs. the TN 23, the mysterious villain beats you with 4 raises, so, as per the earlier description. ALL of your Skills and Attributes are reduced by 5 die types, to a minimum of d4.
Any powers you have with Levels in them are reduced by 5 Levels (example: Parry is 1 Point per level, so if you had 10 points in Parry, you'd have 10 levels, ergo having your Parry negated by half.)
any powers you have without levels are simply eliminated.

as an Action, you may make a new opposed spirit roll each turn to shake off the negation.

Warehouse cont.

Grayson Draconian roars again and scuttles across the warehouse towards Joule and the robot that towers over her.

Andre and Shifter have initiative!

Scorpion spends a benny to soak 2 wounds!
Sigma Prime Absorbs 1 Wound
Sigma spends 6 GM Bennies to negate more wounds.
Kid Caduceus spends a Benny to use a Combined Attack on Rho!
Tau shoots (https://orokos.com/roll/895658)Madam Mechanis with a Raise for 37 Damage (https://orokos.com/roll/895659). This is not a kinetic attack. Marcy may spend a Benny to attempt to soak 7 Wounds. Or Take a Powerful Blow
Marcy also absolutely clears Insecure by attempting to seek out and confront Tau alone.

Bagel Bard
2021-06-10, 09:24 PM
You crash through the window and land on the adjacent building in a glittering tide. You spy, at the far edge of the roof, a humanoid figure, wrapped up in a cloak, with a massive, blocky rifle pointing towards the warehouse. It turns toward you, and the hood reveals a cluster of asymetrical lenses. It then raises its rifle up in a smooth motion. The lenses contract and expand, rotating into a new configuration, and then a blinding gold light overtakes you.

Marcy doubled over in pain, gasping from the intensity of the hit she'd taken. This wasn't anything like training. Her mind reeled, the feeling of being out of her depth intensifying to an almost incapacitating degree. I... I've got to get out of here... I can't do this, why would I ever have thought I could do this, Jesus, I'm about to be completely destroyed by a single hit and everyone's going to get hurt, and it's all my fault because I couldn't just buck up and do something... They were right, they're all right about me... everyone will know it was my fault and I'll get expelled and I should have just done what I was told... Her thoughts were spiraling, and it was all she could do to look up at her foe, gritting her teeth. She focused on the tech, trying to drown the jumble of overwhelming emotions she was experiencing with something she could understand.

Something approaching determination surfaced in the maelstrom of her mind. The sniper is using a gun. It's just a gun. A ****ing BIG gun -- but it's just another goon. They're not blasting us with some kind of superpower. That means that without their gun, they're just.. nobody. Just like you.

I tried to soak but failed, I tried to reroll but then decided to just Take A Powerful Blow instead (but I'll still count the Benny as spent if you want, lmk).

Take A Powerful Blow = 14 (https://orokos.com/roll/895867)
Probably the worst time to roll max lol. I'll use two of the 7-9 options.

First -- I'm going to choose to mark two conditions, Insecure (again!) and Afraid. Plus my previously accumulated Anger and Guilt, I'm now at 4 conditions w/-2 to Trait rolls.

Second -- I'm going to resolve this on my next turn, depending on what the situation is I'm either going to Give Ground to the enemy or pathetically lash out at provoke a teammate if there's someone up here that it makes sense for me to do that to.

2021-06-10, 10:36 PM
I accept the Change

"Yo @#$% that! Do what you want but things are different this time. It's clear that whoever-", Andre's eyes widen as he watches Joule get slammed into the wall of the warehouse by the cloaked figure. "or whatever those things are, they want us dead and I'm not gonna wait for help that ain't gonna get here in time! We are the firepower."

Andre’s words flipped a switch in Shifter who up until that moment had been caught up in what felt like a blast that nocked him into the next plane, and the strangeness of the night. This was no longer a scope things out and report back type of situation. Andre was right, they were in the middle of it and it was up to them to be the hero’s… No, not hero’s… It was up to them to quell the situation. Labels could come later.

Underneath his mask Shane grits his teeth. Thinking over the situation momentarily, which seemed a lot harder to do now than he felt it would have been moments ago, and did the one thing he felt needed to happen above everything else. Nodding to himself, he turns towards the wall that houses the entrance and makes his way outside, preparing to climb down whatever wall or ladder he needed to to do so. As he moves away from Andre he yells above the chaos” I am going outside” and with that leaves the smoke. Clenching his hands in and out of fists while taking deep methodical breaths in an attempt to clear his mind and collect his strength as he makes his way outside.

[Shifter will Climbing Down the wall, out the window, a ladder, whatever he finds on the way to the end of the catwalk on his way outside.Climbing Check: 1d4=4+1d4=6] [1d6=1]
[Spirit roll to recover: 1d4=4+1d4=5][ [1d6=1]

2021-06-11, 05:50 AM
As he moves away from Andre he yells above the chaos ”I am going outside!” and with that leaves the smoke. Clenching his hands in and out of fists while taking deep methodical breaths in an attempt to clear his mind and collect his strength as he makes his way outside.

Andre nods in affirmation. "Then I'll spot everyone from up here!"

Looks like we're finally on the same page.

His eyes dart down towards Alex's opponent who appears to be enjoying their exchange before shifting to the dragon that's started to claw it's way across the warehouse floor.

She ran along the rafters towards the broken windows, her eyes locked on the trajectory the beam had taken. She saw the roof of a neighboring building and shot her grapnel gun, flinging herself out of the fray and into... well, whatever was up there.

The sounds of footsteps moving quickly across the walkway diverts Andre's attention away from the melee below. A familiar figure leaps out into the open air before swinging through the one of the warehouse windows into the night.

"You gotta be @#$%ing kidding me?! Where's she-" Andre comes to realization as he watches the girl who ruined his night swing through the window. The sniper.

His mind begins to race as he sorts through his options. They were up against an unknown enemy that didn't seem opposed to taking their lives if given the opportunity. If they were going to survive the night they would have to shift the fight in their favor and create advantages where there were none.

Alex was tough but in a life or death scenario it he couldn't leave things to chance. Andre channels his emotions and produces a fistful of hellfire in an open hand before firing it at Alex's assailant. Sorry Alex, I should already be down there with you but Grayson's on the way. Besides... The firebrand begins to move before he even finishes the thought, taking to the air and flying through the broken window.

Deep down Andre knew everything that had happened tonight was far beyond the scope of her or anyone else's control but that didn't keep him from blaming her anyway. This was all her fault but he'd be damned if he let her die out there. She had to survive the night, that way when everything was over he could let her know personally how royally she @#$%ed things up.

Fear Roll: 3 (https://orokos.com/roll/894519) after -2

Andre spends a Benny to reroll! (2/3 Bennies remaining)

Fear Reroll: 6 (https://orokos.com/roll/894520) after -2

Andre rains Hellfire at Joule's assailant! (Rate of Fire 2)
Ranged Attack: 21 and 5 (https://orokos.com/roll/894095)
Ranged Damage: 28 (https://orokos.com/roll/894096) and 27 (https://orokos.com/roll/894098)

Andre uses his movement to fly from the walkway through the window and onto the neighboring rooftop with Marcy!

2021-06-12, 09:37 PM
Rounding the bend he runs through the pile of scrap and searches the faces of the tide. Face after terrified face flies past and he is unable to spot Hexile or Selene. Lashing out in frustration, Axel kicks the scrap sending it flying a couple of feet away. Taking a few breaths he concentrates. Not seeing the faces of his roommate or any of his friends Axel opts to wade through the flood of people to find his roommate.

Bagel Bard
2021-06-13, 12:51 PM
Marcy staggered, struggling to regain her footing. She leaned against a railing and yelped as a figure wreathed in smoke flew up in front of her, landing behind her on the roof. She began to panic... What fresh hell is this? Another villain? No... As her mind cleared, she realized who it actually was. Of course. G-dammit.

The stress of the situation and the pain coursing through her body snapped something in her. She didn't think about what would be the best thing to do. She just spoke, lashing out at the only person she could.

"Hah," she laughed bitterly, eyeing Andre. "Out of all the people who could have possibly come up here, it had to be you. Of f---ing course." Her voice was venomous as she spat out the words. "For all I know, you're the reason this is even happening in the first place. But noooo, you don't care, you're such a f---ing badass, it's not your concern, at least until you get stabbed in the back the second after I told you something was wrong!" She was shouting now. She walked up to Andre, pointing a finger at his chest.

"If you're really such a tough guy, why don't you just go and handle them--" she pointed at the figure with the cannon -- "-- with your bare hands, then? You don't need anyone's help? PROVE IT."

Roll to Provoke = 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/896394)
Y'all this is so sad lol such an opportunity for character development ;)

She stepped back, looking at the ground. The guilt that had been building for the last few minutes rose in her chest.
She willed the anxiety down and studied Andre's reaction. How can I turn this around?

big teej
2021-06-15, 08:58 PM

As you make your way to a ladder that leads from the catwalks and rigging down to the main floor, you make it about halfway down and realize you still can't feel any of your powers. You also feel the bars rattle in your grip as Draconian roars again.

You hear your attacks impact on the warehouse floor, followed by a third fwoosh of flame. You arrive on an adjacent near the killjoy. A cloaked figure crouches at the far end of the roof, turning towards the two of you in surprise, it's face a cluster of lenses. It holds what looks like a massive rifle in it's hands.


You're able to shove, barge, and elbow your way through the last vestiges of the crowd and arrive inside the warehouse with all the commotion. You easily spot your roommate, the massive white dragon roaring and charging at a large, armored figure who towers over your roommate's girlfriend.


Fireballs from up in the rigging explode and immolate the robotic killer towering over Joule. He emerges from the ensuing smoke, his red cloak in tatters and his armor covered in soot and scorch marks. His smug grin has become a soot-stained-scowl. He reaches up and tears the remains of the cloak away and growls, "You kids are starting to get on my circuits." With his other hand he reaches over a shoulder and pulls what at first appears to be a 4-ft baton from it's backpack. The robot thumbs a switch on the hilt and energy crackles up the rod, and it glows a bright, unhealthy looking green.

Meanwhile, over at the entrance, the rest of the crowd has escaped, leaving only a half dozen ravemasters laying around. The three suited goons Shifter spotted earlier rush in, shiny chrome weapons in their hands.

The drillbot that Ythra and Caduceus teamed up to knock over pushes itself to it's feet, the ground beneath your feet shaking in sympathy with it's heavy tread. "ELIMINATE. DIAMONDBACK." it screeches and turns, driving a drill-tipped fist down at Caduceus, who dives aside, but is still pelted by a shower of pulverized concrete.

Near the pit, another blurt of flame heralds the arrival of a man in black, with elaborate graveyard themed facepaint and a scandalously clad, painfully attractive woman. The man glares around at the assembled monsters and comatose party goers. He opens his mouth and a gutteral noise, more bestial than a mere word, claws free from his painted lips along with his orders.

"G̵͚̺͕̅͠H̴̪̠̞͒̌̈́N̸̨̨̝̎͑O̷̖̹͇̓M̵̥̿̀B̶͔̱̋͌͐[ Obey Me!" As his call echoes through the warehouse, one of the cratered areas of the floor begins to bubble, rapidly filling with a thick, black, viscous muck that smells of rotting meat. A clawed hand, easily the match of the giant drillbot, stretches forth, followed by a heavily muscled arm as thick around as a normal man. It smashes against the ground, its talons digging in as a hideous monster begins to pull itself free.

The man in the black coat points at the robot and Draconian. "EAT!"

In the midst of this chaos, ice creeps and crawls up the fist holding Sarus high in the air and Frostchilde appears at it's base, shattering the icy sculpture and sending the whole thing to the ground.

Round 3!

Madam Mechanis and Joule have initaitve!

Ythra turns and dashes towards one of the abandoned drink stations, She stumbles to a stop and makes a sweeping motion at the bar. The air shakes and ripples with her motion as a toneless, bass rumble grinds part of the bar and almost all of the glassware into powder. A woman cries out and jumps up and points a finger back at Ythra, and a tiny bolt of energy leaps between them, but seems to be disrupted by the power of bass.

Sigma Prime, Stage 1, is Defeated!
Shifters powers do not return
Rho becomes unshaken

2021-06-16, 05:31 AM
You arrive on an adjacent near the killjoy. A cloaked figure crouches at the far end of the roof, turning towards the two of you in surprise, it's face a cluster of lenses. It holds what looks like a massive rifle in it's hands.

Andre's amber eyes pierce the veil of smoke emanating from his body to survey the rooftop, quickly darting from Marcy over to the cloaked figure. Judging by the big @#$% off gun, I'm gonna guess that this guy's our shooter.

The stress of the situation and the pain coursing through her body snapped something in her. She didn't think about what would be the best thing to do. She just spoke, lashing out at the only person she could.

"Hah," she laughed bitterly, eyeing Andre. "Out of all the people who could have possibly come up here, it had to be you. Of f---ing course." Her voice was venomous as she spat out the words. "For all I know, you're the reason this is even happening in the first place. But noooo, you don't care, you're such a f---ing badass, it's not your concern, at least until you get stabbed in the back the second after I told you something was wrong!" She was shouting now. She walked up to Andre, pointing a finger at his chest.

"If you're really such a tough guy, why don't you just go and handle them--" she pointed at the figure with the cannon -- "-- with your bare hands, then? You don't need anyone's help? PROVE IT."

His eyes flicker back over to the party killer. Andre can feel his body quickly begin to run hot at the tryhard's words, the black smoke cloaking his figure erupting into small bursts of flame at random intervals.

The firebrand scoffs, "Listen, I ain't got @#$% to prove to anyone so don't act like you know me. The only reason I'm here is keep your sorry @#$ from catching a bullet you won't get back up from. If anything you should be thanking me! Who the hell takes on a sniper in the open without a plan?"

2021-06-16, 03:19 PM
Alexis grins up at the robot's soot-stained face, silently thanking Andre for his help. However, she takes one look at the crackling green baton, decides she wants none of that mess, and teleports in a streak of blue to the middle of the warehouse, still putting herself between Grayson and the giant robot.

Her ears and eyes seemed to have recovered and her balance was back to normal. Time to $#%^ this guy up. She spends a moment to gather a crackling orb of electricity in her right palm, then aims directly at the robot's smug face and fires. Lightning cracks through the warehouse, flashing twice in quick succession.

Joule teleports behind Sigma, between him and Draconian.

Attack 1 (https://orokos.com/roll/897090): 7
Attack 2 (https://orokos.com/roll/897091): 14

Attack 1 Damage (https://orokos.com/roll/897092):60! Heavy Weapon, AP 2
Attack 2 Damage (https://orokos.com/roll/897093) (with a Raise): 35, HW, AP 2

Bagel Bard
2021-06-17, 10:06 PM
Marcy narrowed her eyes at Andre. "And what makes you think I don't have a plan?" She sprinted past him, moving in a wide arc towards the center of the roof. She swung to the top of a chimney to gain the high ground a better vantage and aimed her grapnel gun at the sniper. She trained the sight on the thing's multi-lensed face, and then adjusted slightly. She took her shot -- and appeared at first to miss entirely.

As soon as she felt contact, Marcy retracted the line and leapt off the chimney in the opposite direction, back towards where Andre stood. She steeled her shoulders as the huge weapon ripped out of the sniper's hands by the claw at the end of the cable and shot towards her. She crouched and braced herself as she caught it and released the mechanism on her gun, holstering it so she could properly wield the oversized rifle.

Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she glanced, wild-eyed, at Andre. "Look. You can be petulant later. I appreciate your act of heroic selflessness, and you can bet I'll thank you if you take down that sharpshooter so I can give these things a taste of their own medicine. Deal?"

Directly Engage A Threat: Danger Roll = 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/897235)
Choice: Take something from them!

big teej
2021-06-19, 05:52 PM

Joule's twin bolts of electricity soak into the robot, clearly overcoming whatever built in resistances it might have had. The robot spasms, being lifted up into the air by the force of its death throes as electricity begins to arc within and all over it's armored shell. His nerveless fingers drop the baton, which sparks and digs a gouge in the floor. Sigma's mouth opens and a heavily distorted shriek drowns out the sounds of combat for a few seconds. Something inside explodes, breaking open the robot's chest and flinging one arm across the floor and the head up into the air.

The body continues to shake and spasms as it's wracked with internal detonations. The head spins, seemingly under its own power, as a beam of light erupts from it's gaping maw and out the shattered window before it too, explodes in a hail of shrapnel.

"ASSET SIGMA. FUNCTION CEASED. SURVIVING ASSETS MUST DISENGAGE." The massive drill covered robot announces, redirecting its attacks against Kid Caduceus into the floor and rapidly boring into the concrete.

The Man in black scowls at the retreating robot, and looks around again, seeing the warehouse essentially emptied of party goers, and the DJ nowhere to be found. "Selene... What, precisely, are we on the hook for here?" He asks the damonette floating next to him. The woman gestures and a roll of parchment appears in her hands, which she unfurls and begins to scan. As she does, the massive, trollish monstrosity barrels into Draconian, wrapping one massive talon'd hand around his neck and the other taking a hold of a wing and bearing your classmate to the ground.

Selene rattles off a list of highly legalese provisions and then turns and summarizes "Boombox and the Party itself. And the Party's over. Said so himself."

"So we're done here." Hexile says. "Ghnomb. Go away now!" Hexile calls out to the troll, and snaps his fingers. Selene wraps herself around her master again and in another gout of flame, the pair disappear. The troll bellows in rage and denied hunger but disintegrates into ash almost as quickly.

The yellow garbed warrior, seeming to swell with power and hellfire, lands next to Zhou and launches into a blistering series of attacks. (https://orokos.com/roll/897501) But the Hite Academy martial artist is able to stay a step ahead of the flaming warrior.


The rifle rests heavy in Marcy's arms, it begins to beep, faster and faster. Some sort of anti-tampering device, surely.

Roll your choice of Agility or Repair at -2.
On a Hit, you avoid the Anti-theft device, casting the rifle aside before it can Zap you.
On a Raise, you find the manual override, and retain immediate possession of the rifle, and can begin firing on your next action.
On a Failure, you are zapped for 13 Damage (https://orokos.com/roll/897504) and must roll Vigor or be Incapacitated.


Shifter and Anomaly have Initiative!

Sigma Prime, Stage 2, is defeated! All Characters mark Potential
Rho Attempts to quit the field!
Hexile, Ghnomb, and Selene attempt to quit the field!
Zeitgeist Aspect: Scorpion attacks Zhou in a flurry of misses!
Madam Mechanis gets zapped by an anti-theft device!

2021-06-21, 05:47 PM
Very familiar with the sound of breaking machine parts Shane smiles underneath the mask, missing a rung of the ladder with his foot in the process before realizing his ability to juggle two things at once was still severely hindered. Catching himself now intently focused on climbing down the rest of the ladder without falling as best as he could he reaches the bottom, taking a second to digest the view before him.

Seeing the scene clearing of people, feeling incredibly left out himself, Shane continues with his mission of smacking whoever shot him outside, very much hoping to break whatever took his senses away. Was that a shadow ninja in the ring just now? Shane thinks, taking a second glance at the fighting ring before redirecting with gusto(and a lot of will power) his entire frame towards the exit. Focus! Break the sniper’s toys THAN mess with the shadow ninja in the ring! Don't want to give the enemy half a show, and dragon tattoo needs to taste taco’s later!

Roll to awaking my stats and powers [1d4=1] [1d6=6+1d6=4==10]

big teej
2021-06-22, 08:42 PM

A bright white light appears in the fight pit. It flickers, elongating, into a gash in reality before splitting open like an eye and a body, covered in blood, staggers out of it, as if pushed.

OOC: Dizz returns to the field and may take action immediately!

2021-06-24, 12:05 PM
Dizz stumbles out of the unknown portal covered from head to toe in what appears to be blood. Unable to asses whether if this is some of her blood or possible something else she finds her self between two pilkas in the middle of what appears to be a fight. "You got to be pulling my tail?!" Sighing heavily she jumps back lowering her stance. Small crystals start to appear around her rapidly as her eyes shoot back an forth at both figures unaware of which she needs to neutralize first. Dizz, being completely over the whole "party" experience she takes her chances with her eyes lighting up a vibrant emerald green she grits her teeth shooting the gems at both to stop them from fighting.
[3#4d10o10 (http://orokos.com/roll/898318)]
[3d8o8+1d6o11 (http://orokos.com/roll/898315)]

big teej
2021-06-28, 11:16 PM

Andre looks on as Madam Mechanis' bravado is immediately followed by the stolen rifle crackling with electricity which arcs over her. Marcy seizes up before collapsing in a heap, still clutching the now scorched and smoking rifle.


Sarus, Frostchilde, Ythra, and the devastated bar lie between Shifter and the exit he's angling towards. Whatever malevolent chicanery is responsible for robbing him of his powers remaining despite his attempts to cast it off and reclaim his heroic mojo.

Meanwhile, in the pit, Dizz's crystal blizzard perforates the wall of the pit and rips chunks out of the floor, but both kombatants ninja flip away. The yellow clad one twists in the air and launches a spike-tipped rope towards Kid Caduceus and reels himself in.

Of Diamonds...
Andre has initiative!

2021-06-30, 09:40 PM
Andre looks on as Madam Mechanis' bravado is immediately followed by the stolen rifle crackling with electricity which arcs over her. Marcy seizes up before collapsing in a heap, still clutching the now scorched and smoking rifle.

"Some plan.", Andre scoffs after witnessing the woman's acrobatic display come to an electrifying end. "Alright, I'm through playing around with you and your friends."

The delinquent conjures another fistful of hellfire and lobs it at the robotic sniper.

Hellfire Attack #1: 9 (Wild Die) (https://orokos.com/roll/899482)
Andre spends a Benny to reroll 1d8!
Hellfire Attack #2: 13 (Wild Die) (https://orokos.com/roll/899487)

Hellfire Damage #1: 8, 15 with a Raise (https://orokos.com/roll/899490)
Hellfire Damage #2: 31, 39 with a Raise (https://orokos.com/roll/899491)

big teej
2021-07-05, 08:22 AM

Andre's hellish barrage works its dark magic once again, blowing an arm and a leg clean off the sniper, the sparking wires revealing its shared mechanical nature with the rest of your attackers, the second turns the head and most of it's chest to slag. The useless, vaugely humanoid pile of scrap spins in place and falls over the side of the building. A metallic scraping accompanies its descent down the side of the building, followed by the sound of several trash cans being destroyed, which is then followed by a muffled explosion.


There's a flash of blue light behind what remains of the bar that Ythra has been assaulting with lances and waves of sound, moments later, Shifter starts to feel that little spark of strangeness return to him. Ythra glares at the bar, blasting it one last time for good measure before turning and sprinting towards the rest of the group, and Scorpion.

Sarus and Frostchilde have picked themselves out from the rubble of the stone hand and turn and run towards Caduceus as he attempts to fend off Zeitgeist. For his part, Kid Caduceus is having a decent go at holding off the Kombatant. Every time Scorpion steps in to take advantage of an opening, one of your classmates' hissing serpents is there, attempting to sink its fangs into the yellow-clad fighter.

Scorpion leaps back from Caduceus and rips off his mask, revealing a flaming skull, and vomits forth a gout of flame. Caduceus leaps to the side, rolling away from the ninja, who turns to face Sarus and Frostchilde, redonning its mask and pale flesh. Scorpion flinches and points at Frostchilde. "You killed my family! The Shirai-Ryu will be avenged!"

Frostchilde skids to a stop, his eyes widening behind his icy helmet, the only visible part of his "Oh $%@&" expression. Sarus barrels on towards the wrathful kombatant, heedless.

Nearer the pit, Draconian pushes himself back to his feet, thrashing his head from side to side and stretching his wings, recovering from the grip of a troll god.

The suits also run towards Scorpion, their weapons raised "Get clear of Zeitgeist!" One yells "We can't get a shot." Another shouts. The third trails behind them, holstering his shiny chrome freedom-slinger and pulling forth a tonfa and spherical device. He pushes a button and the device unfolds and expands, scuttling up his forearm and past his elbow and forming a shield.

A faint rumble of thunder can be heard, and it begins to rain. Hard.

Zhou has initiative!

Anomaly is placed On Hold
Marcy can begin rolling Vigor to be de-tazer-fied whenever she wants.

Zero Prime
2021-07-05, 07:42 PM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: X X X X O
Active Effects: Burn (2)
Conditions: Guilty

The spray of razor sharp crystalline shards caused Zhou to vault away from his opponent, only to watch as Caduceus, Frostchilde and Saurus became the focus of the spirit warrior's attention. Through the cacophony he could hear his sister's voice:
"Defeat this and maybe you are worthy of an audience."

He approached in a low crouch, Frostchilde was scrabbling backwards, trying to avoid the spirit warrior's gaze, while Saurus surged forward in a desperate attempt to protect his classmate. Lars was holding his own, but even his defense could be bypassed in this chaos, he needed to act. Now! He had sensed it earlier, a convergence, a nexus of geomantic energies that ran beneath the warehouse, if he could tap into it, channel the chi energies, a surge, amplified by his own spirit, and the tattoos that held his sister's poison at bay. He shook his head, he would ignore the cost, he had to!

"SPIRIT WARRIOR!" He called as he flipped over the black suited agents attempting to surround the yellow garbed ninja, "FACE ME!" As he landed, he closed his eyes, focused his chi, pain flaring around his heart chakra, fire flickered across his fists as he drove them forward, while he lowered his hips into a reverse horse stance. It was there, he could feel it, all he had to do was grasp it, arms swirling around his frame, he focused his energies, amplified by the geomantic conflux surrounding him, the flames flared, forming, for the briefest second a pair of phoenix-like wings.

"We do battle amidst the peaks of the Vale, where masters have trained since time immemorial!" He charged his opponent, landing a step on Lars hip, then shoulder, before vaulting towards the masked warrior, Scorpion. As he impacted, it was as though his foot passed through his opponent, his chi energy being kicked from his body, like an afterimage, the two were surrounded by a brilliant flare, a brief flash of an azure sky, cloud topped peaks, and cherry blossoms and then ... nothing. The warehouse floor where Zhou and the Zeitgeist had stood was nothing but charred floor, pink petals from an unseen tree drifting down, lazily to the floor, neither combatant was visible as those around them blinked spots from their eyes.

OOC: As discussed in Discord, I am expending my remaining 2 Burn to activate Overcharge, allowing me to reshape my environment as though I rolled a 10+ on an attempt to Unleash my Powers. In this case, transporting the Zeitgeist and I to my Sanctuary for us to continue to conflict without endangering those around us. However, by my count, this would be both Exerting Myself, and Facing Danger Alone, meaning I mark my Doom track twice.

big teej
2021-07-05, 08:18 PM

When you drag a worthy opponent into the Shadowrealm The Caves of Shamballa Vale: Roll +Danger. On a 10+ you vanquish the Zeitgeist Aspect: Scorpion, and return with a trophy. on a 7-9, you survive and eke out a victory, but Scorpion escapes, no trophy. On a Miss, you barely manage to get away, Suffer a Wound or Take a Powerful Blow.

Zero Prime
2021-07-05, 09:09 PM
Out of Character Action: Resolving the Shadowlands Shamballa Vale Combat! Rolling Danger+1 ... Danger check vs Scorpion (Sanctuary Battle) (https://orokos.com/roll/900354): 2d6+1 10

2021-07-06, 03:14 PM
Andre's hellish barrage works its dark magic once again, blowing an arm and a leg clean off the sniper, the sparking wires revealing its shared mechanical nature with the rest of your attackers, the second turns the head and most of it's chest to slag. The useless, vaguely humanoid pile of scrap spins in place and falls over the side of the building. A metallic scraping accompanies its descent down the side of the building, followed by the sound of several trash cans being destroyed, which is then followed by a muffled explosion.

Andre's eyes narrow as he slowly makes his way towards the edge of the roof. He looks down into the alleyway in an attempt to discern if the sniper is still functional and spits down into the darkness. "When you see the robot devil be sure to tell'em who sent ya.", he sneers.

A faint rumble of thunder can be heard, and it begins to rain. Hard.

Seconds later the sky erupts in a torrential downpour as if it were in on some sort of cosmic joke. Andre's expression quickly darkens as steam begins to rise from right hand. Of course...

The hooded hero delinquent looks back across the rooftop, his eyes moving between the unconscious woman and her newly acquired weapon. He sighs before picking the woman up and flying her into the warehouse on his back while holding onto the rifle with a free hand.

Andre struggles with the combined weight of the woman and rifle while flying but is eventually able to find shelter from the rain back on the walkway within the warehouse. He surveys what remains of the chaos down below before deciding on any further action.

big teej
2021-07-06, 09:43 PM

With Zhou and Zeitgeist's sudden, violent departure, you are left in the warehouse. The violence and fleeing crowd have knocked over and destroyed most of the sound and lighting equipment, casting thick shadows throughout the warehouse, pierced through here and there by a surving strobe, laser, or spotlight. The place is quiet aside from the torrential downpour and rolling thunder.

The suited goons stare at the scorched ground where your classmate was mere moments ago, looking at each other wordlessly, their faces impassive, grim masks, their eyes hidden by dark sunglasses.

The largest of the three, the one wielding the tonfa and shield, sighs heavily and puts his weapons away.

Sarus snorts, and then slowly begins to shrink in on himself, he stands in tattered jeans and a leather vest, the stitching burst in several places. He looks around and lets out a low whistle. "I've seen worse eh?" He chuckles. Grayson, his outfit considerably less damaged than your other reptilian classmate, looks around, a wild look in his eyes. "Did.. did we win? did we get 'em?" He asks.

One of the suits turns and eyes the assembled students. "I dunno what you all think you were doing here. But I think you all got a lot to answer for, and are gonna need to come with us." He announces flatly, holding up a leather wallet and flashing a badge with AEGIS emblazoned upon it.

Ythra plants her hands on her hips and looks around at the wreckage. "Forget all that, where's the new kid? and Dizz?"

Frostchilde stands off where he'd fled from Scorpion, holding his rapidly melting helmet. He shakes his head. "I shoulda stayed home. Why didn't I stay home?"

Kid Caduceus, silently, eyes wide as saucers, backs slowly away from the group, his snakes disappearing under his clothes as he pulls his hood up.

Parts of the roof begin to leak.

2021-07-07, 08:10 PM
As soon as the warehouse goes quiet, Alex teleports back over to Grayson's side. Only one thought is on her mind; she doesn't care about the agents. "Are you okay?" she asks her boyfriend. Her eyes dart down to his stomach, looking for fresh blood. A heavy drop of water hits her shoulder and she wipes it away.

She still couldn't believe he'd gotten stabbed. As a dragon, he seemed mostly invincible, but as a normal person... he was vulnerable. Alex felt guilty that she hadn't been able to keep him safe. That was her job, as his girlfriend, right? And she'd failed. Miserably.

A whopping 2 (https://orokos.com/roll/900685)

2021-07-08, 02:30 PM
With Zhou and Zeitgeist's sudden, violent departure, you are left in the warehouse. The violence and fleeing crowd have knocked over and destroyed most of the sound and lighting equipment, casting thick shadows throughout the warehouse, pierced through here and there by a surving strobe, laser, or spotlight. The place is quiet aside from the torrential downpour and rolling thunder.

The suited goons stare at the scorched ground where your classmate was mere moments ago, looking at each other wordlessly, their faces impassive, grim masks, their eyes hidden by dark sunglasses.

The largest of the three, the one wielding the tonfa and shield, sighs heavily and puts his weapons away.

One of the suits turns and eyes the assembled students. "I dunno what you all think you were doing here. But I think you all got a lot to answer for, and are gonna need to come with us." He announces flatly, holding up a leather wallet and flashing a badge with AEGIS emblazoned upon it.

Andre instinctively silences his phone before turning it off completely upon seeing the trio in suits. No doubt those are the same goons from before. The gears in his mind begin to spin and his expression becomes grim. Which means he shouldn't be far behind either... DAMN IT!

He sits in silence with his thoughts as he observes the exchange happening below, occasionally casting a glance at the unconscious woman beside him. I could make a break for it right now. It's not like anyone could catch me. But everyone knows I was here and it's not like I can just throw them to the wolves. This was supposed to be a normal night out. Guess I should've known that wasn't possible, not anymore...

2021-07-08, 06:25 PM
Dizz looks around from inside the cage a bit puzzled at the fact that she missed both targets. Looking down at her hands covered in blood she attempts to wipe them off on her clothing just to remeber she is fully covered in now drying blood. Rolling her eyes she looks at the pilka showing some flashy metal thing that is in thier hand.

[1d6o6+1d6o6= 7 ("https://orokos.com/roll/900786)]

2021-07-09, 10:47 AM
Axel is jarred out of his momentary stupor as the sounds of fighting cease. Looking around he moves over to Alex and Grayson. "What happened here?"

Smarts Roll - 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/900780)

2021-07-09, 03:39 PM
Alex quickly glances over at Axel and nods at him before her attention returns to her boyfriend. "I'm glad you're okay. The rave was attacked by some robots. One of them appeared out of the crowd and stabbed Grayson, and a big one sent me flying across the room. I don't really know what happened to everyone else. What happened to you after your fight?" she asks.

2021-07-09, 03:52 PM
Axel's brow furrows as he listens. "I was led back down to the basement. And then things went into chaos. I was about to confront Hexile but he vanished before I could reach him." He glances at the AEGIS agents, lowering his voice. "It looks like he had something to do with what happened here. Do you know anything about him?"

Bagel Bard
2021-07-09, 04:12 PM
Marcy sat up, slowly coming out of her stupor. The rolling chorus of thunder and rain crashing into the roof sounded like static in her head. She realized her fists were clenched around the sniper's rifle, locked into place when she was stunned. She released her grip, setting the gun aside and trying to assess the situation.

She started to do a head count, but was having trouble remembering exactly who was here. There were so many people... and now all these people in suits were here, and they didn't look happy.

How did I even get back in here...? But then she felt a glowering set of eyes on her. She turned to her side and finally saw Andre. Her eyes widened with surprise, realizing that he must have gotten her off the roof. Her anger and her guilt over what happened and Andre's part in it fought for supremacy in her thoughts, but she couldn't find the energy to stay mad at him. Instead, she turned it inwards, allowing her disappointment with herself to feed the guilt she felt. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Hey, uh. Andre. I guess you must have saved me up there." She spoke quietly, hoping to avoid an explosive confrontation. "I... I appreciate it. And... I'm sorry for making you have to come get me. I should have been able to handle that sniper. And I saw everyone doing their their stuff, and I..." Her voice broke. She was practically ranting now, the words rushing out of her. She didn't even have time to feel embarrassed about sharing this with someone who she really didn't know. But he'd saved her, and she owed him something. She looked him in the eyes. "I was trying to prove that I could do it. That I deserve to be here." She cursed, and looked away. She stared at the ground. "Do I deserve to be here?"

She didn't know if she was actually asking Andre or wondering to herself. She looked up, and a sprinkle of rain fell on her face.

I'm using one of my Team Moves. And after this resolves she will probably realize who is missing lol

big teej
2021-07-09, 10:55 PM

"I... I think so... I've felt worse?" Grayson offers to Joule by means of reassurance. He winces and probes at his guts. "Nothing's falling out at least... right?" He says in a strained voice. He's putting on a brave face, but he's wavering on his feet.

Dizz can hear Sarah calling for her.

One of the agents notices Grayson's blood-stained clothes and curses "Boss, he's injured." He says and sprints back out into the downpour. The other agent, the one who'd been brandishing the badge, puts it away and begins trying to corral the ensemble of powered students over by the stage.

"C'mon, the rest of you. I'm Agent Hill, I'm with A.E.G.I.S. You guys need to work with us here, right? Everybody over here, have a seat on what's left of the stage. Is anyone else injured? This doesn't have to go bad for anyone."

Sarus snickers "Sure, ya, sure thing boyo, whatever you say." He offers in a put upon Irish brogue, he saunters over to the stage, one hand holding his damaged trousers up. He plops down and then leans over, reclining on his side, elbow supporting his head, one leg curled underneath the other. "I really appreciate you guys showing up after we, they, did the heavy lifting" He continues, his normal sardonic tone reasserting itself as he flaps a hand towards Joule and the others.

Sarah glares at Agent Hill and says flatly, an odd warble in her voice, "I'm not doin' nothing til we find Dizz. I'm her roommate, and I brought her here, and it's my fault if something happens." She frowns, trying to keep a straight face. "And if something happened...." She half turns like she's gonna walk towards the pit but Frostchilde takes her by the arm and gently guides her to the stage. "She's fine, we'll find her, and she'll be fine. She's one of us, right?" He says, trying to soothe Sarah. After getting her sat down and convincing himself she's not going to jump up and run off. Frostchilde, Jamie, sighs and stands up, putting space between himself and Ythra and Sarus and leans up against a shattered amplifier.

Kid Caduceus sighs heavily and gives up on trying to slip away and jogs over to the stage, sliding in to sit next to Ythra, he slips an arm around hers, taking hold of her hand and picks up where Jamie left off, trying to comfort Sarah.

The large agent sidesteps a growing trickle of water from the ceiling, folds his arms across his chest, and glowers at the assembled, occasionally throwing a glance over his shoulder towards the door.

@ Team: If you have not already done so, Roll Smarts.
@ Madam Mechanis & Andre: That is absolutely a successful activation of the Beacon's "Share a Vulnerability or Weakness." and it's down to Andre to answer her honestly, and then resolve the move accordingly.
@ Team: Agent Hall has been introduced, he is an Adult and gains influence over all Player Characters, update your sheets accordingly.
@ Team: Agent Hall is telling you how the world works. He's telling you "If you behave properly and cooperate with the authorities, things will go as good as they possibly can." He's appealing to your notion of normalcy or heroism, whichever is more develeoped, to comply with his commands and requests.
He is attempting to shift the team's Danger down, and the higher of your Savior or Mundane up.

2021-07-10, 02:55 AM
Hearing Sarah's voice Dizz perks up lookin outside the cage an catching her shuffling along with a few others. Crawling out the cage she scurrrys over to her. "Sarah!!! Your okay!?" She squeaks excited taking her in for a hug once she gets to her an looking her over. Gently touching the middle of her forehead in attempts to calm her "Did they hurt you? Your okay right, you have worry on your face.." Her words are cut off by the Pilka who was just flashing his rank about.

2021-07-10, 01:29 PM
Axel's brow furrows as he listens. "I was led back down to the basement. And then things went into chaos. I was about to confront Hexile but he vanished before I could reach him." He glances at the AEGIS agents, lowering his voice. "It looks like he had something to do with what happened here. Do you know anything about him?"

The name sounds familiar to Alexis, and she repeats any information she remembers to Axel before Agent Hall calls all of their attention to the stage.

CCM for Hexile (https://orokos.com/roll/900935): 11

Seeing Grayson waver, she quickly but gently gets her boyfriend's arm over her shoulders, taking his wrist in one hand to help hold him up. "Here, lean into me. They'll bring help to you soon." She couldn't laugh at his attempt at a joke. Not until he was safely with the medical team.

She knew that AEGIS were there to help them, or least just figure out what had happened. After her first run-in with them when she'd originally come to this time, Aex knew that they would get through the process and most likely be released in a fairly timely fashion. They hadn't been unkind to her while she'd been in their custody. But she wasn't going to leave Grayson. She stays standing with him, waiting for the other agent to return.

Alex accepts Agent Hall's influence. Danger Down, Mundane Up

2021-07-10, 06:23 PM
"Hey, uh. Andre. I guess you must have saved me up there." She spoke quietly, hoping to avoid an explosive confrontation. "I... I appreciate it. And... I'm sorry for making you have to come get me. I should have been able to handle that sniper. And I saw everyone doing their their stuff, and I..." Her voice broke. She was practically ranting now, the words rushing out of her. She didn't even have time to feel embarrassed about sharing this with someone who she really didn't know. But he'd saved her, and she owed him something. She looked him in the eyes. "I was trying to prove that I could do it. That I deserve to be here." She cursed, and looked away. She stared at the ground. "Do I deserve to be here?"

Andre casts a glance at the woman beside him, a single brow slightly raised, and listens to everything she has to say. He looks back down to the group below and sits in silence, his eyes searching for something that lies far beyond the confines of the warehouse. He looses a faint chuckle before answering in a hushed voice. "It's funny, I ask myself that question every damn day..."

Andre raises a hand in front of himself and turns his wrist, a cloud of wispy white smoke suddenly materializes and surrounds the two students. He closes his hand slowly until he finally forms a fist and the white smoke begins to harmlessly encircle the duo. Nothing changes within the veil of smoke but if anyone were to cast their eyes upward in their direction they would only see a pair of damp overturned cardboard boxes (https://images.goodsmile.info/cgm/images/product/20140730/4530/29899/large/e8717d7576e634d0fa36b326ea46079e.jpg).

His glowing eyes move to meet Marcy's. "Why apologize? Especially to me of all people... If anything I should be the one to say sorry." Andre lets his words hang in the air for a few moments before continuing. "You were the real deal out there. You learned about the attack in advance, even tried to warn us ahead of time. I could've-" should've "listened back then and maybe things would've played out differently. And up on the rooftop you created the opening I needed to finish off that bug eyed piece of scrap metal. Honestly if it wasn't for the trap on that rifle you probably would've been able to handle that bot on your own. So yeah, I'd say you belong here. Not that it means anything coming from me..."

Andre looks back across the faces of his classmates assembled below before coming to a stop at the diminutive blood-soaked figure. Dizz? If that's you then I'm sorry. This... wasn't supposed to happen. He takes in a deep breath of smoke and looses it, the wisp takes the form of a small bat. The creature of the night flaps it's wings a few times before dissipating.

"Hey, what was your name again? I apologize, my memory isn't exactly the best anymore. Must be the smoke.", he adds jokingly.

Stealth onto Walkway: 5 (https://orokos.com/roll/900958)

Andre creates an illusion to veil himself and Marcy!
Smarts Roll: 5 (https://orokos.com/roll/900959)

5 (https://orokos.com/roll/900970) :smallyuk:

Bagel Bard
2021-07-10, 08:27 PM
Why apologize? Especially to me of all people... If anything I should be the one to say sorry." Andre lets his words hang in the air for a few moments before continuing. "You were the real deal out there. You learned about the attack in advance, even tried to warn us ahead of time. I could've-" should've "listened back then and maybe things would've played out differently. And up on the rooftop you created the opening I needed to finish off that bug eyed piece of scrap metal. Honestly if it wasn't for the trap on that rifle you probably would've been able to handle that bot on your own. So yeah, I'd say you belong here. Not that it means anything coming from me..."

Marcy smiled, and her brows furrowed slightly as she reacted to Andre's words with a mixture of surprise, confusion, and gratitude. She hadn't expected such a genuine answer, much less an apology. She mentally chided herself for making assumptions. She was surprised at how grateful she was for the validation.

"That, uh... that actually means a lot. I work really hard at this and... well, thanks for saying that." She gave him a wry grin. "And, if we're both apologizing to and thanking each other, maybe we can just call it even? Let's start over." She extended her hand to shake his. "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Marcy Walker, AKA Madame Mechanis." She gave a small flourish.

She kept an eye on the scene down below. She was definitely worried about Zhou -- the fact that he'd still not reappeared was eating at her -- but she didn't want to draw the attention of Agent Hill. Hopefully he'd show back up, and she'd probably have to admonish him for being too eager to jump into a fight against Zeitgeist. She wasn't sure how Song played into all this, or what happened to her. Questions for later. We're not out of the situation yet.

Andre gains Influence over me! Hooray for validation!

If we on the catwalk need to worry about Hill's influence, Marcy would accept it & shift Danger down and Freak up . She doesn't want to completely comply -- they'll probably know she was there but the longer she can delay getting "into trouble" the better.

big teej
2021-07-10, 10:13 PM

Hexile is definitly a name you've come across. He's the favorite whipping boy of some of your teachers, the poster child, in their opinion, of everything wrong with the current system.

Hexile, Summoner and Mischief-Maker for Hire, is a villain in every sense of the word, except the one that matters: Legally. He's a registered Mercenary, and will put his magic and conjured servants to work with anyone willing to meet his price. He's from time to time even done work, either consulting or getting his own hands dirty, on behalf of some of the greyer hero organizations and federal agencies, but he spends most of his time ruining people's lives for money, or offering spectral security to various illegal activities, his licenses and the courts back him.

One of his servants, Selene the Succubus, is nearly always in personal attendance.
His most physically robust and powerful servant is believed to be The Troll god of Eat, Ghomb. (pronounced like "nom" but with a lotta phlegm and gravel to it.)

The suit who'd fled after noticing Grayson's injuries reappears, soaked to the bone, a large hard-case in one hand, and on his heels is a skeletal, lupine, mechanical something or other that skitters around on six caliper legs, despite it's canid like motion. sprouting from it's back is a stalk that looks like a desk lamp. It rotates and scans the room, a faint light emitting from where the light-bulb would be.

The suit skids to a stop and opens the latches on the hard case, opening it and revealing a variety of chrome implements and various vials of fluid. He points at Grayson and says to the machine. "Priority 1, Meta-Contact, Field Agent Wall, authorize Eight-Eight-Six." The machine perks up at this series of instructions and retrieves two vials and some sort of attachment for it's foremost calipers from the case and scuttles over to Grayson and Joule. "Stand. Aside. Make. Clear." An angry digitized voice barks from a grille set in the dorsal surface, just behind the machine's 'head'.

It shoos Joule away from Grayson and reaches for the boy with three of it's Calipers. They work together to push Grayson over onto the ground, lying on his back, despite his protests. "Do. Not. Move. During. Procedure." The voice barks again, its' calipers moving in a blur to remove the shredded remains of his shirt. It jabs him with a needle and scuttles about until it rests over him, curled up like a scarab, more arms and tools emerge from the machine's undercarriage, which also begins to emit a thick white cloud that soon obscures most of the machine and Grayson's chest.

"Scan local environs, triage all life forms in this warehouse." The largest agent barks at the machine.

The stalk-lamp-thing stretches forth and rotates, a beam of light projecting a golden wedge all the way to the wall and stretching from the floor to the ceiling. The stalk completes a full circuit, sweeping the beam of light around the entire warehouse. The Stalk retracts to it's original length and the machine crackles and sputters before a warm, but clinical, female voice announces, "Triage Complete. Tier Override: Subject under Treatment. Tier 1: Subject, Female, Eight Meters above unit, evidence of recent electrical Trauma. Tier 2: Unidentified Xenomorph, Uninjured, Examination Required per A.E.G.I.S. Policy #7767. Tier 3: All other subjects accounted for, injuries nominal, provide standard after action medical follow up. Followed by what sounds like an old school Dial-up Tone.

The three suits, who Andre had succeeded in fooling until outed by the stupid mechanical spider-dog, turn and look up into the rafters, flashlight beams following their gaze. "I don't see anything..." One calls out. "What about you and that trick eye of yours, Crane?" The other asks. The third, the big one, grunts and rubs underneath his right eye with his thumb. From up in the catwalks, Andre and Marcy can see his eye shine, turning a sky blue. "Yeah. Cute." He says.

While all this is happening...

Kid Caduceus makes a little space for Dizz, but holds onto Ythra's hand. "See? Here she is, didn't take long at all. I told you we'd find her, and she'd be fine." He does a double take at Dizz and her bloodstained clothing and his forked tongue licks out, tasting the air. "None of that's yours, right? It doesn't smell like it." he asks Dizz.

Ythra hugs Dizz back. "Oh thank God. I got caught up in the music and by the time I realized I'd lost track of you in the crowd the robots had attacked and then we couldn't find you and then..." Sarah trails off and takes a deep breath. She glances down at her now blood-stained clothes and looks Dizz up and down again. "You're okay, right?"

You hear a voice that isn't yours in your mind. "This is Fate's Fury, Joule." The voice informs you. "I need a sit-rep, what's going on in there? Where's Zeitgeist? Are any other students or civilians in danger?"

You can then hear a faint echo of the mind link your teacher has clearly added you to...
You hear President Maelstrom's voice, clipped, authoritative, issuing orders "Red Comet, I'm putting you through that window in five seconds. Brass, make us an entrance on the roof. Fate's Fury, land near the main entrance and watch the exits. Continue to scan for our students and Zeitgeist. Burn it out if you can.

You feel a tapping on your mind, similar to someone politely knocking on your bedroom door, and hear a familiar voice. The echoing call of your highly psychic teacher, Fate's Fury, or as you are sometimes allowed to call her: Ms. Kinfield. You hear faintly her chiding you for blocking her out, and that she needs to add you to the call. This is no time to be coy.

Whatever the A.E.G.I.S. agents were going to do about discovering Andre and Marcy in the rafters is obviated by an explosion of shattered glass and masonry as one of the windows nearer the ceiling is crushed inwards by a massive, ruby red, armored form, curled up into a cannonball. It unfurls as it clears the window, landing with a crashing and screeching along the ground in a spray of sparks and shards of concrete. The armored figure clenches a plasma-bladed hatchet in one fist, it's free hand open and grasping as it turns rapidly from side to side, yelling in rage and fury as it seeks a target. (https://youtu.be/h42d0WHRSck?t=31)

This is followed by a massive impact on the roof, sending a few loose beams down to the floor below and a cascade of dust and rainwater. There's another smashing impact and part of the roof caves in, revealing another armored figure, wielding a massive bladed polearm. In contrast to the hatchetman, this figure's armor is a shiny and polished brass, and seems bereft of the various technobits and purpose of the red suit, seemingly to be a hugely thick and heavy suit of platemail. The figure recovers from its impromptu entrance, straightening and readying it's glaive.

A black and silver clad figure descends through the hole left by the brass armored intruder, and with them, the roaring winds and driving rains as President Maelstrom slowly descends to the floor. The ceiling is obscured by unnatural storm clouds that rumble and grumble the shared fury of their maker.

You've never seen President Maelstrom 'suit up' before. Only in his trademark power suits and easy smile. He glares around at the assembled and the howling winds die down to a mere whisper, kicking up dust and pebbles at your feet.

Agent Crane marches over, shoulders set. "you're too late, Maelstrom, this is an A.E.G.I.S. Scene now, you and your band of wannabe juvie justices aren't needed."

Above, lightning crackles through the indoor clouds.

Andre has successfully resolved the Beacon's Vulnerable Move

Andre misses on Rejecting Agent Hill's Influence. On a Miss, mark a condition (your choice) and then your Labels are shifted anyways

Madam Mechanis accepts Agent Hill's Influence, but her Savior cannot go any higher. Madam Mechanis' labels remain unchanged, but she marks Afraid, as the implications of her actions weigh on her psyche.

2021-07-11, 12:03 AM
"That, uh... that actually means a lot. I work really hard at this and... well, thanks for saying that." She gave him a wry grin. "And, if we're both apologizing to and thanking each other, maybe we can just call it even? Let's start over." She extended her hand to shake his. "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Marcy Walker, AKA Madame Mechanis." She gave a small flourish.

Andre eyes Marcy's hand for a moment before raising his own to meet hers. "Andre Evans, AKA that guy they keep calling for over the intercom back at school."

His attention is quickly drawn back to the series of events unfolding on ground below.

The three suits, who Andre had succeeded in fooling until outed by the stupid mechanical spider-dog, turn and look up into the rafters, flashlight beams following their gaze. "I don't see anything..." One calls out. "What about you and that trick eye of yours, Crane?" The other asks. The third, the big one, grunts and rubs underneath his right eye with his thumb. From up in the catwalks, Andre and Marcy can see his eye shine, turning a sky blue. "Yeah. Cute." He says.

When the Agent casts his sky blue eye in their direction Andre smirks as he raises a fist and extends a single finger (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cc/d9/1a/ccd91a81d90ef72c2f19816f6828a163.jpg).

You feel a tapping on your mind, similar to someone politely knocking on your bedroom door, and hear a familiar voice. The echoing call of your highly psychic teacher, Fate's Fury, or as you are sometimes allowed to call her: Ms. Kinfield. You hear faintly her chiding you for blocking her out, and that she needs to add you to the call. This is no time to be coy.

The delinquent tilts his head upon feeling the mental knock, quickly becoming annoyed at the mental intrusion. He uses his mind's eye to create a mental image (https://thewrittenreference.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/magic-8-ball1.png) for anyone reading his mind to see. However his thoughts are soon interrupted by the perhaps overly dramatic entrance of several familiar faces.

He sighs. "Here we go, again..."

2021-07-12, 04:06 PM
Alexis moves back from Grayson as the robot does its work. She's a little annoyed when the cloud obscures everything, as she'd been interested in this new piece of tech, but she's glad that it seems to be doing its job to help out her boyfriend.

You hear a voice that isn't yours in your mind. "This is Fate's Fury, Joule." The voice informs you. "I need a sit-rep, what's going on in there? Where's Zeitgeist? Are any other students or civilians in danger?"

Alex is just about to answer her as Red Comet burst through the glass. She rolls her eyes as Brass busts through the roof after Ivan's appearance. We're fine guys. All the action is over, she thinks at Fate's Fury.

2021-07-14, 07:59 PM
[1d6=6+1d6=4==10] [1d8=1]

The Sound of rain hammered the roof as Shane came to himself. Having been ushered into the rest of the crowed with everyone else, it was only now, after Grayson had begun receiving help from the robot that Shane started having any awareness of what was going on around him. The rush of information shutting down his situational awareness completely.
Beginning to look around the room, he wasn’t quiet sure yet how he felt about missing out on most of the evenings excitement, at the site of his classmates being in mostly one piece however, the emotion of pride subsides. Everyone is ok it seems! He thinks, “They kicked some serious robobutt!” slipping out of his mouth in reference to the various enemy combatants throughout the room in various states of defeat. It was as Shane was seeing the warehouse for the first time since things subsided that the ceiling fell in, the forms of his teachers coming into view. Still slogging through piecing things together Shane responds to there presence with “Was all of this another training exercise put on by the academy because if it’s not we’ve been here before…” before common sense could inform him of a better form of action.

2021-07-15, 04:45 AM
Dizz looks at the Pilka as his serpent toung squeezes out his mouth. Slightly squinting her eyes she shakes her head no to both of them. "I'm actually unsure who's blood this is, I mean it could be mine but I'm not hurt any place that I can feel." Tilting her head to the side she feels a odd sensation like a wiggle in her brain. She gently shakes her head attempting to make the feeling go away but has no success. She attempts to focus on what it is before her attention is ripped away to more pilkas descending to from the roff top making more of a commotion. "Wow...it never ends." Mumbling to herself she steps infront of Sarah to protect her from what ever may happen next.

big teej
2021-07-15, 11:18 PM
Andre and Madam Mechanis:

Agent Crane stares coolly at the two of you, not reacting to Andre's gesture of friendship. Andre feels a deep sense of disappointment and frustration wash over him, a vicarious reminder of his teacher's ability to enter his mind on a whim. Then the crowding powerful psychic presence recedes entirely.


Fate's Fury's voice echoes in your mind again, "Thanks, Joule. I'm glad everyone is safe.... now, where. is. Zeitgeist.?"


You feel a tapping on your mind, similar to someone politely knocking on your bedroom door, and hear a familiar voice. The echoing call of your highly psychic teacher, Fate's Fury, or as you are sometimes allowed to call her: Ms. Kinfield. You hear faintly her chiding you for blocking her out, and that she needs to add you to the call. This is no time to be coy.

Nobody responds to your outbursts, most drawn instead to the discussion between President Maelstrom and this Agent Crane person.


Sarah looks you up and down. "Well... That's a little freaky, but... I guess the important thing is you're okay? It's not like you ate anybody or anything... right?" She says, more confused than concerned.

Caduceus then speaks up to your mumbling, "No... it really doesn't. But you do get used to it after awhile... Kinda." He says with a half shrug, putting his arm back around Sarah.

The Red Comet, one of your classmates, somewhat sheepishly, stands up straight and deactivates his plasma axe and stows the haft away at the small of his back. He marches over towards the group, his heavy boots grinding the carpet of detritus into a finer powder. A harsh, digitized voice speaks from the snubbed grille in the helmet. "It seems we missed all the fun, Da?" The single glowing eye of the helmet darts around in it's visor, bouncing from one person to another before rapidly spinning all the way around the helmet and resting, glaring, at Crane. Brass, plants her glaive on the ground and leans on it, as a workman might a shovel.

President Maelstrom walks to Crane. "These are my students, Crane. However out of bounds they might be. You know just as well as I do that my authority for them takes precedence over any Standard Operating Procedure A.E.G.I.S. might have for an incident like this." He comes to a stop just a few paces short of Crane. Maelstrom asks in a harsh and emphatic whisper. "Are we going to argue about this?"

Crane stares at Maelstrom for several long seconds, arms crossed.

"No. No, we're not. Not today at least, Maelstrom." Crane says. He unfolds his arms and pokes his finger at Maelstrom's chest. "You can't keep throwing your weight around like this and not expect to face... repercussions.

"I'll take any risk, and overcome any obstacle to my mission Crane. I'm sure you recall." Maelstrom says in that same, quiet, harsh tone.

Crane narrows his eyes at Maelstrom and barks for his fellow suits to clear out. "Leave the babies to their sitters." He glares around at all of you one last time, then smartly about faces on one heel and walks out, hands in his pockets. Agent Walls and Agent Hill look at each other, at all of you, and at Maelstrom and then quickly, and with significantly less dignity than Crane, beat feet and follow him out into the rainy night. The robot tucks the case up under itself and scuttles after them, silently aside from the rapid clicking of it's calipers across the floor.

seconds after the A.E.G.I.S. suits depart, Fate's Fury walks in on clacking heels, closing the remains of the door behind her with a gesture and a thought.

Maelstrom turns and looks up at Andre and Marcy and says "Mr. Evans, Ms. Walker, if you'd kindly join the rest of your classmates down here at the stage." He gestures to the rest of the group, and then turns to face them.

He walks over to all of you by the stage, not waiting for Andre and Madam Mechanis to get down there. "Ms. Warren." He says, looking around, resting his eyes on each and every unauthorized student present. "It seems. You have been quiet busy, recruiting new teammates to Team Renegade." He makes a show of pointing at each of you, pantomiming counting off how many of you there are. "The Team is definitely much larger than is conventional. Ms. Warren." He nods to himself, a bleak smile twisting his features.

The fake smile dissolves into a deep frown. "More important than your unconventional recruitment strategy. I thought we had a much better understanding about unlicensed. He glances at Andre and Marcy, checking on their progress. "and unauthorized. Heroics." He clasps his hands behind his back and begins pacing in front of the stage, staring down at his feet. tiny dust devils accompany his steps, scattering the grit and dust and pulverized debris aside until he walks a clear line back and forth. "I wonder... if perhaps... some of these Renegades might be... a little, too true, to their namesake."

Maelstrom comes to a stop, pursing his lips and nodding, reaching a decision of some sort. "I think... maybe some of these Renegades are occupying a seat at Hite that might be better occupied by another prospective Hero."

A new voice interjects, and a black clad figure with an oddly shaped helmet emerges from the floor. "It was my Op, Maelstrom. And there's no need to hide that Shifter." Black Gecko glances around, the sensory pods on either side of his helmet swirl about before focusing on Maelstrom and Fate's Fury as he finishes extricating himself from the floor.

Anyone paying attention to Maelstrom sees his expression go from carefully controlled rage and disappointment to intense relief almost instantly. He also, just as quickly, hides this behind his normal, easy, confident smile.

2021-07-16, 09:07 PM
"I don't know," Alex thinks back at Fate's Fury. "I never saw the Zeitgeist aspect. I was busy being attacked by a couple of killer robots."

She quietly meets Mealstroms gaze as he speaks to her, and chooses not to say anything.

Notice (https://orokos.com/roll/902075): 5

Bagel Bard
2021-07-17, 03:12 PM
"Here we go, again..."

Again...? Marcy didn't have the chance to respond to find out what exactly Andre meant by that. The AEGIS guy was one thing, but a cold pit of dread knotted her stomach as Maelstrom and her other teachers arrived.

"Come on... we'd better get down there before things get any worse for us." She stood and offered her hand to Andre to help him up before heading to the floor.

Maelstrom comes to a stop, pursing his lips and nodding, reaching a decision of some sort. "I think... maybe some of these Renegades are occupying a seat at Hite that might be better occupied by another prospective Hero."

The pit of anxiety blossomed to an icy wave of fear. Her emotions had been all over the place the whole night, but this fear was the most intense of them all. The thought of getting kicked out of Hite was unbearable. She couldn't stand to even think about it. The rapidly shifting demeanor of Maelstrom didn't escape her (https://orokos.com/roll/902186), and only made her more nervous. On top of that, she still didn't see Zhou. That couldn't be good. She couldn't imagine how Alex withstood the full pressure of Maelstrom's direct disapproval. Marcy's own mind was already trying to mitigate. She was about to stammer out some sort of excuse or explanation when...

"It was my Op, Maelstrom. And there's no need to hide that Shifter." Black Gecko glances around, the sensory pods on either side of his helmet swirl about before focusing on Maelstrom and Fate's Fury as he finishes extricating himself from the floor.

She debated asking Grayson and Alex what had happened to Zhou, but Maelstrom's attention was right on them. Of course, that meant the only people who were in the ring with Zhou and Zeitgeist were Lars and Ythra. They were standing next to a very small girl with a long tail. She looked approachable enough to offset Marcy's trepidation. She limped over to the group and spoke.

"Hey, uh. You guys were in the fighting pit, right? Do you know what happened to Zhou? You know, the new guy? He was in the thick of it when I busted through the window and I haven't seen him since." She spoke quietly, but wasn't whispering. She wasn't trying to be secretive, but didn't want to disrupt or draw attention to herself until she needed to. She tried to sound casual, but her voice shook and she was fidgeting nervously with her hands.

2021-07-17, 10:05 PM
Andre sits in silence as he watches the exchange between Crane and Maelstrom below. Looks like Maelstrom's no stranger to throwing his weight around. Must be how he was able to get a hold of us last time.

Maelstrom turns and looks up at Andre and Marcy and says "Mr. Evans, Ms. Walker, if you'd kindly join the rest of your classmates down here at the stage." He gestures to the rest of the group, and then turns to face them.

"I don't see what difference it makes but sure..." He mutters. Not like we have a choice.

"Come on... we'd better get down there before things get any worse for us." She stood and offered her hand to Andre to help him up before heading to the floor.

Andre takes her hand and gets to his feet before going up and over the railing of the catwalk. He floats down towards the stage and takes a seat on a massive overturned speaker. A scowl beginning to form across his face as Maelstrom continues.

A new voice interjects, and a black clad figure with an oddly shaped helmet emerges from the floor. "It was my Op, Maelstrom. And there's no need to hide that Shifter." Black Gecko glances around, the sensory pods on either side of his helmet swirl about before focusing on Maelstrom and Fate's Fury as he finishes extricating himself from the floor.

Okay... who the @#$% is this guy?

10 (https://orokos.com/roll/902236)

2021-07-18, 05:11 PM
Axel watches the exchanges nervously. Looking around he remembers what he's heard about his classmates and not really believing it. But now he's here with them. But with the situation out of his control he waits.

Notice roll - 5 (https://orokos.com/roll/901918)

2021-07-19, 04:47 PM
Shane took in the exchange between the man in the suit and Maelstrom, waiting. Seeing the principle who up until now had just been the overseer of the school and eyes looking down on him and his friends, watching him fight for his place as head of them was interesting. ‘What is Maelstroms mission anyway’ he thinks to himself.
Once Agent Crane leaves with his crew, Shane presents himself as in a casual attention, preparing himself for the repercussions of doing his job. He had learned a lot at the academy, but in his mind, at the end of the day, his position under Gecko came first.
On top of that, they’ve done more good as a group of students moving independently than sitting in four walls taking notes.
As he was mulling over all of this, not factoring in anyone who would be listening in to his thoughts, it was around this time that his mentor came through the floor.
Upon seeing him speak up and call him by name, Shane allowed his mask to weave back into his necklace; walking forward to be in front of the group, head held high.

2021-07-19, 05:28 PM
Dizz smirks tapping her belly "If I did eat someone then surely they didnt fill me up." She smiles trying to make light of the conversation with the two befor her eyes shift, and her smile dropping when a nervous looking Pilka trys to inquire about someone or something while approaching them. Looking her up an down Dizz somewhat recognize her an takes notice of her frail state then turns her attention back to what appears to be a lecture. Unsure of her question and what it regards assuming it has nothing to do with her she looks around before resting her gaze on the two speaking in front of them.

big teej
2021-07-21, 09:26 PM

The newly arrived Black Gecko stands up straight and brushes himself off. "I instructed Shifter to gather his team, and whatever auxiliary support he deemed necessary, to follow up on a lead."

Black Gecko pauses, looking at the group, pantomiming counting the number of you present, just as Maelstrom had a moment before. He turns back to Maelstrom, one of the sensor pods still leering at you. "I confess... I did not anticipate him recruiting so.... broadly. I thought the team was smaller. Hm. Interesting. I also did not anticipate this assignment resulting in such.... collateral damage."

Maelstrom closes on Black Gecko, eyes narrowing. "Your op? with my students?" Maelstrom does a double take at the group of you, camped on the stage. He considers you more slowly the second time, rubbing his chin with one hand.

"I would like to take temporary custody of Team Renegade, so that they can debrief me on what happened here." Black Gecko offers.

Maelstrom glances at Gecko then at Grayson. "And I'll receive a full report of your findings?"

Black Gecko nods. "Of Course."

"This is acceptable." Maelstrom says. He opens his mouth to continue when your classmates erupt in protest, each disavvowing membership of Team Renegade and their willingness to go along with this blackclad stranger.

Maelstrom frowns, he holds up a hand to silence the outburst and then points at your classmates one by one. They cite a mixture of prior commitments and a general aversion to being on an established and recognized team. Grayson attempts to squirm out from beneath school policy by saying "I'm not on the team" He points at Axel "my roommate is, and I just found out about it and kinda... made him bring me along, so I could watch out for Joule." As each classmate makes their excuses, they move to stand away from the stage, forming two distinct groups.

Maelstrom grins and shrugs at 'the Unaffiliated' before returning to Black Gecko "I guess you can go ahead and take the six of them to The Lounge. When you're done, I'll make sure Ricochet's office is open for you."

He walks towards the unaffiliated, rubbing his hands together with a grin on his face. "Well. This seemed like a nice warm-up. Since you're already out here... I think it's time for some extra curricular studies. Is everyone ready to go on patrol with a couple of old pros?"

Black Gecko makes his way over to the stage. "you six are coming with me, it seems." The sensor pods swirl about, seemingly at random. "Strange... for some reason, I thought there were more of you..." He throws a quick glance at Maelstrom and the RAs and the rest of your classmates. "Funny how things work out, is it not?"

Zero Prime
2021-07-22, 05:20 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: X X X X O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: Guilty

As Black Gecko took the stage, turned to perform a head count on the Renegades, a shimmer appeared in the air behind him. It wavered like the summer heat over the asphalt, and was accompanied by a thickening of the air and the smell of ozone, similar to the conditions after a violent storm had passed. A rift appeared in the air, and Zhou stumbled through, awkwardly landing on the stage behind Gecko, his left cheek had been torn open, dried blood caked there, the eye above the cut was swollen shut, a black ichor ran from his nose and ears, his right side was already green and yellow as a massive bruise sat over his ribs, and his left arm hung limply from it's socket. Wrapped around his chest was a length of chain, from the end dangled the Zeitgeist's kunai.

He surveyed the assembled students with his one good eye. He scowled as he noted the other group seemingly preparing to leave with some of his companions, some of his classmates in both the first & second groups. Unable to process anything further, he collapsed to the stage floor, coughing black ichor from his lungs, "It's done," he gasped as he struggled to lift himself to a standing position.

2021-07-23, 09:15 PM
Shane smiled as the other members of the school walked away with Maelstrom. They were more than likely going to have a rough evening but it sounded like it would be actual street work, which was always exciting right? Once they moved on Shane turned to his mentor and grinned! “Why did you send me here?” Shane asked, before moving briskly to catch up to Black Gecko, falling in behind him. “Outside of keeping the peace, are any of these robots important to your other… Experiments?” Shane draws out the word other, miming gears turning and pistons jabbing back and forth. "Also," turning his head to the rest of the group, still maintaining a steady pace behind Black Gecko "With Grayson being the only one the robot worked on, does that mean everyone made it out ok?"

2021-07-23, 09:19 PM
Black Gecko makes his way over to the stage. "you six are coming with me, it seems." The sensor pods swirl about, seemingly at random. "Strange... for some reason, I thought there were more of you..." He throws a quick glance at Maelstrom and the RAs and the rest of your classmates. "Funny how things work out, is it not?"

"And where are we going exactly? Appreciate the help but we've known you for maybe two minutes at best and we're just supposed to play-"

As Black Gecko took the stage, turned to perform a head count on the Renegades, a shimmer appeared in the air behind him. It wavered like the summer heat over the asphalt, and was accompanied by a thickening of the air and the smell of ozone, similar to the conditions after a violent storm had passed. A rift appeared in the air, and Zhou stumbled through, awkwardly landing on the stage behind Gecko, his left cheek had been torn open, dried blood caked there, the eye above the cut was swollen shut, a black ichor ran from his nose and ears, his right side was already green and yellow as a massive bruise sat over his ribs, and his left arm hung limply from it's socket. Wrapped around his chest was a length of chain, from the end dangled the Zeitgeist's kunai.

His words are cut short by the otherworldy spectacle unfolding behind Black Gecko. He's unable to process his thoughts for a few seconds until a question forms in his mind and escapes his lips.

"Can someone please what the @#$% is going on and where these people keep coming from?!" Andre makes a sweeping gesture with a free hand towards both of the new arrivals.

big teej
2021-07-23, 10:43 PM
There's a brief moment of silence following Zhou's reappearance, broken by Andre's incredulous outburst. On his heels, Maelstrom knife hands at Zhou and yells, bewildered, "What the hell is wrong with you people!? No one felt the need to mention one of your classmates had teleported out and had the hell beaten out of them!?"

Maelstrom is attempting to alter your self image, he is accusing you of being bad at being a hero, and insufficiently concerned with others' safety, and you should be more like a normal person and primarily concerned with it.

President Maelstrom is attempting to shift your Savior down and your Mundane up.

If you think this is probably accurate of how this played out, accept his Influence.
If you think Maelstrom is full of it (either in general, or this time), roll to reject his Influence.

"Gecko, go, there's a door in that pit you can use to get to the lounge. Dizz, Anomaly, take Zhou, carefully and get him into The Lounge. Gecko, Tinker and Tincture can fix him up, and that's the fastest way to get help. move people.

As you gather up your injured comrade and follow this new stranger who seems to know Shifter, you hear Maelstrom shouting for Red Comet to 'get the door behind them'.

Black Gecko falls through the chain link dome, grabbing hold of it and ripping it open and using it to gently alight down in the pit, where he jogs over to one of the hatches Anomaly had used to access the cage-fight earlier. Black Gecko lays a hand on the hatch and produces an antique looking blue key that emits a faint violet hue, like a black light. He presses the end of the key into the door and it slips in, as if there was a keyhole it fit, instead of a 3 inch slab of iron.

"Ah. There we are." He says, turning the key and pulling the hatch open. Beyond is a corridor lined with dark blue and black curtains and lit with a faint blue glow. A dozen feet or so within, you see, lit by a yellowed swinging bulb, a trim and neat wooden door with a brass handle. Black Gecko beckons you in "Come along then. Come along, straight through, I'll vouch for you." He says, tugging the key free and disappearing it into a belt pouch.

He leads you to the door and opens it...

Inside is a room far too nice to actually belong to the rave warehouse.

A dimly lit lounge stretches out from the door, nearly half the floor space of the warehouse behind you. You can see a row of doors to private rooms down the wall to your left, enclosed booths run down the wall on either side of you, and there's an open space to your right with a billiards table, a stage with an empty mic, and offset, a chrome and brass pole bolted to the floor and disappearing into the darkness of the ceiling. The wall opposite you is dominated by a massive bar stretching nearly the whole length of the room. A scattering of dining tables and card tables occupy the middle of the floor.

The Lounge is empty except for the bartenders and a group of four mismatched men and women crowded around a table. One is covered with spikes, like porcupine quills, another sits near an antique ink-pot and a quill pen, another reclines back in his chair, a sword with an elaborate cross-guard and scabbard draped over the back.

The bartenders are two men who might once have been identical twins, but each is twisted and disfigured with chrome and brass fixtures and implements and bulging veins and muscles, they appear.... ancient, their heads covered by only faint wisps of white hair, and their skin stretched tightly across old bones. One rests against the bar, hands braced against it, glowering at you, the other stands turned partly away, cleaning a glass. They both are dressed in somewhat frilly looking old-style shirts under black and purple vests and wear dress slacks.

"Black Gecko, and a number of guests!" Your impromptu escort cries shoving his way into the room. "One for medical, and a private room for uh... eight." He quickly follows up.

The one cleaning a glass sets it down behind the bar and gestures with a brass made of cogs and gears and pistons rather than flesh and bone and a wheelchair materializes near you. "Put him there." He growls in a voice tinged with creaking metal.

The other marches from around the bar and say in a voice made gravelly from a lifetime of hard liquor "Please, this way. Room Fourteen has been prepared for your needs." he gestures with one hand, guiding you to the appropriate door, which is not labeled or discernible from the others in any way.

Bagel Bard
2021-07-24, 05:14 PM
Marcy's relief at seeing Zhou appear was eclipsed by her horror at his condition. She rushed to help up up. "Oh. My. God. You got him?? Jesus, how did you even... wait. Don't answer that. We'll talk later. Also -- I would ask if you're okay but you're OBVIOUSLY not. Also-also -- " she looked defiantly at Maelstrom -- "I was getting to that. I just didn't want to interrupt you figuring out who is actually in charge of us. Maybe if you asked us instead of whatever new adult shows up out of the blue, you'd have a better idea of what happened. Some of us just came here to have a good time. And you'll notice that no civilians are here. That was MY first priority."

After making sure someone was helping Zhou, she approached Andre, trying to assuage his frustration. "Despite what I just said, I do trust Maelstrom. If he says we go with this guy, he must trust him." She cocked an eyebrow at him. "Plus, you have to admit "The Lounge" sounds cool as hell."

She proceeded to follow Black Gecko. This Lounge was, indeed, cool as hell. Marcy's gaze slid past the unusual bar denizens, though. She just wanted answers, and "who are those guys" was very low on her list of questions.

Overcoming Mael's Influence (https://orokos.com/roll/903905) + removing a condition (Afraid) by defending my actions as actually heroic

Not having any clue (https://orokos.com/roll/903916) whatsoever who these people are

2021-07-25, 09:57 AM
Grayson attempts to squirm out from beneath school policy by saying "I'm not on the team" He points at Axel "my roommate is, and I just found out about it and kinda... made him bring me along, so I could watch out for Joule."
Axel's voice catches in his throat and he stammers for a bit as people give their excuses.

OOC: Axel accepts President Maelstrom Influence!

"Gecko, go, there's a door in that pit you can use to get to the lounge. Dizz, Anomaly, take Zhou, carefully and get him into The Lounge. Gecko, Tinker and Tincture can fix him up, and that's the fastest way to get help. move people.

Axel moves to the right side of Zhou and carefully moves to support him. While walking Axel glances at Zhou's wounds with a mixture of pity and awe for his classmate.

The bartenders are two men who might once have been identical twins, but each is twisted and disfigured with chrome and brass fixtures and implements and bulging veins and muscles, they appear.... ancient, their heads covered by only faint wisps of white hair, and their skin stretched tightly across old bones. One rests against the bar, hands braced against it, glowering at you, the other stands turned partly away, cleaning a glass. They both are dressed in somewhat frilly looking old-style shirts under black and purple vests and wear dress slacks.
"Black Gecko, and a number of guests!" Your impromptu escort cries shoving his way into the room. "One for medical, and a private room for uh... eight." He quickly follows up.
The one cleaning a glass sets it down behind the bar and gestures with a brass made of cogs and gears and pistons rather than flesh and bone and a wheelchair materializes near you. "Put him there." He growls in a voice tinged with creaking metal.
The other marches from around the bar and say in a voice made gravelly from a lifetime of hard liquor "Please, this way. Room Fourteen has been prepared for your needs." he gestures with one hand, guiding you to the appropriate door, which is not labeled or discernible from the others in any way.

After placing Zhou in the wheelchair Axel looks at the two bartenders "Guess I should consider myself lucky" he thinks guiltily to himself. He turns to Zhou "Goodluck." he says in a low voice before leaving with the rest of the group.

OOC: Axel is Influenced by Zhou!

2021-07-25, 04:59 PM
Alex breathes a sigh of relief as Zhou reappears, but that is soon replaced with a flash of anger as President Maelstrom yells at the group. I had some other things on my mind," she thinks, crossing her arms. My boyfriend got $%^&ing stabbed. I got picked up and carried across the room and slammed into the wall by a giant robot. Sorry if I'm a little shaken up.

She can feel her ire rising at the teachers, especially Maelstrom. How could he be yelling at them, again, for something that wasn't their fault! Alex had just wanted to have a night out, have some fun with her friends and Grayson, and once again they were attacked by killer robots.

Rejection!: 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/904075) Alexis chooses to cancel Maelstrom Influence and takes +1 forward

She quietly follows the group into The Lounge, still seething at Maelstrom.

Zero Prime
2021-07-26, 06:39 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: X X X X X
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: Guilty

As Zhou was wheeled into the Lounge, he took a moment to evaluate his condition. Bruised muscle, dislocated shoulders, cracked ribs, and his eye was swollen shut. He shook his head, despite the outward signs of his confrontation with the Zeitgeist, he was more concerned with the tainted chi he had been forced to call upon to achieve his victory. Thankfully he was able to draw and store some of the earth's chi energy, due to the nexus of geomantic lines present.

He was dimly aware of the navy suited agents, further shielded by Maelstrom's assembled companions, most of which Zhou was entirely unfamiliar with. Maelstrom seemed to be in some sort of heated exchange with Axel's mentor, Black Gecko. However, it was resolved, Zhou was assisted into a wheelchair, and moved down through the pit where he had first seen his sister after these several months, to some sort of door. The transition was jarring, when he crossed the threshold he felt the hair stand up on the back of his neck. He wasn't unfamiliar with the concept of astral travel, he had channeled the chi of the geomantic lines into a similar effect to transport himself and his opponent to the Vale. However, it was unnerving when one wasn't familiar with the destination of the effect, still, his injuries numbed his apprehension as he was assisted through the dimensional breach.

It was the journey through the pit, that reminded him of how the incident had begun. Once settled into the lounge, Axel visited him, murmured something, Zhou could only nod his appreciation. He struggled to stand, unnerved by the two tavern keeps and their unnatural augmentation, accompanied by their weathered, cadaverous look. He struggled to the floor, focusing what little energy remained, inwards, finding his chakras, slowing and directing his breathing, allowing his chi to pool in each in succession, it would not remove all the damage but it would help.

OOC: Activating my Enhanced Regeneration by rolling Spirit, however, this post has taken a while as it's on my android, so I will link the results after work.

Spirit Check for Accelerated Regeneration @ Lounge (https://orokos.com/roll/904285): 1d6o6+1d6o6 14, 3

Assuming a difficulty of 4, that's two raises. I'm not sure how much that accelerates the healing.

Vigor Check Regeneration @ Lounge (Rnd 1) (https://orokos.com/roll/904290): 1d8o8+1d6o6 5, 1. That's one hit on Round One.

Vigor Check Regeneration @ Lounge (Rnd 2) (https://orokos.com/roll/904291): 1d8o8+1d6o6 2, 4. So a 2nd hit on Round Two.

Vigor Check Regeneration @ Lounge (Rnd 3) (https://orokos.com/roll/904292): 1d8o8+1d6o6 14, 1. So a 3rd HIT with two raises on Round Three.

2021-07-27, 07:01 PM
I accept the change in image
As he follows his mentor, the emotions of his fellow team mates combined with Maelstroms very prominent outburst grab his attention, turning to see Zhou in a wheel chair for the first time. What did I miss? he thinks. At this point Shane is no longer grinning, the initial joy of seeing Black Gecko and the thought of sharing the connection between him and Shane to the group being flushed out. The much simpler thought that everyone will be walking away from the events of the evening as the victory tonight taking center stage in his mind. There have been those on other nights with Black Gecko who haven't been so lucky Shane keeps these thoughts to himself however, recognizing the unalterable wave of shock from times before. Letting his team mates process, Shane makes himself available when necessary, moving things out of the way of those assisting Zhou, and following the group through the door.

As the group proceeds into the Lounge, Shane can't help but gawk at the metal bartenders and change of scenery. "Is this where winners of the arena come?" Did I miss this when first looking at the warehouse? A hundred questions run through Shane's mind that only grow as he begins thinking where is this place, and who are the people at the counter? Could he come back at a later date? Where were these guys when everything hit the fan? How did.... Shaking his head, Shane moves so that he is out of the way as Zhou is taken to medical. Keeping in step with the direction of the rest of the group.

Zero Prime
2021-07-28, 04:26 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: Guilty

As Zhou submerged, deep, into astral pool of this strange location, it felt to him as if it was a place, between places, it seemed off, somehow, but the energy he was able to attune himself too was powerful, and deep. It flowed through him, repairing the physical trauma he had suffered from his conflict with the Zeitgeist, it renewed him, invigorating his damaged muscles, and weary spirit. He stood, slowly unfolding from the lotus position he had seated himself in. He stepped once, the swelling around his eye fading, his gait, somewhat unsteady. He stepped again, his left arm twitched as it reset in it's socket with a sickening pop, the tightness around his ribs eased as the bones themselves knit back together, strong and pliant.

As he moved towards the long brass and oak counter top, he looked to the barman, "Some water, please. But immediate medical attention shouldn't be required." He took a deep breath, testing his ribs, the phantom of pain flickered through as he did so, a fading memory of injuries sustained. "And if you could direct me to Room Fourteen?"

2021-07-29, 12:05 PM
Dizz looks over as she sees the Pilka that was previously in the cage with her that she had fired upon reappear near her. Watching the other Pilka from earlier in the cage fight helping him up, she gives a light shrug an walks over to them to help assist. Grabbing the beaten down fighter around his waist and gently moves his left arm around her shoulder she help walks him to the area that the person in charge has gestured to them. Dizz catches a few glances at the other Pilka who was fighting in the cage before. "How does some one like you come to be this way?" thinking to herself she adverts her eyes. Upon entering the area instructed she gently places the wounded one down an follows behind the giant.
"Hey...you!" She picks up her speed to walk next to him. "You did a real number on the other pilkas face back in that cage!" She gives a smile. Lowering her voice as they rejoin everyone else. "You fight like that all the time?"

Dizz accepts maelstorms influence

2021-07-29, 12:35 PM
"Hey...you!" She picks up her speed to walk next to him. "You did a real number on the other pilkas face back in that cage!" She gives a smile. Lowering her voice as they rejoin everyone else. "You fight like that all the time?"

Axel stammers, surprised and a little confused by the question. "Wh-what!? No! I- pilka?" He waves his hands resetting the conversation "No. I don't fight like that all the time. I mean I do fight like that, but not in a fighting ring" He sighs letting his head drops "I shouldn't have even been there." he whispers. "How'd you get here? I don't remember you in any of my classes?"

2021-07-29, 12:46 PM
Looking up to him she blinks a few times an then looks him over more intensely then meets his eyes "well.. you did amazing in there!" Extending her hand out to him "I've seen this as a gesture of hello, but my name is Dizz." Waiting for him to shake her hand she gently jabs his stomach with her fingers smiling. "Oh, the classes..um I havent attended those. I'm actually new to the school. Oh wait!" Looking around she sees everyone in the area with them. "All of these pilkas are in the school as well?"

2021-07-29, 01:02 PM
"Thanks..." He says letting the word hang in the air for a bit. Tentatively he shakes Dizz's hand "Axel." His body reflexively tucks in when he is jabbed "Yes, at least I share classes with most of them." His eyebrow raises with his next question "So? You're new to the school then?"

2021-07-29, 01:20 PM
Dizz squeezes his hand gently then releases it noticing how timid he is. Brushing her hair down from the blood that has tanged it she nods. "Yes, I'm new to the school an to this worl... area." Softy chuckling to herself she she grips her tail. "Well Axel, do you think if we are in the same class you can teach me to fight like you do? I've been told many take a thing called a fighting class aka "gym"." Lifting her arm she flexes her non existing muscles.

2021-07-29, 01:34 PM
Axel looks at Dizz for a moment and can't help but let loose a chuckle of his own. "Maybe. I still have to learn a lot myself."

OOC: Axel is Influenced by Dizz!

2021-07-29, 01:49 PM
Looking at Axels demeanor soften Dizz cant help but to smile.
Dizz is Influenced by Axel

2021-07-30, 08:17 PM
Andre rejects Maelstrom's influence (as usual)! 10 (https://orokos.com/roll/905055)
I believe that also means Andre gets to take a +1 Forward against Maelstrom as well?

Andre watches the other students follow in Black Gecko's wake before throwing his hood back over his head and joining them at the rear of the column. He watches Gecko produce a key and open a door with no lock with mild amusement but doesn't voice his opinion on the matter. Not that anyone would listen to him anyway.

When the group enters the lounge it takes a few seconds for Andre's new surroundings to sink in. So we're just supposed to follow this "Hero" we've never met before into a lounge straight out of a horror movie?

He finds a wall to lean against while the a few of the others help out Liu Kang and waits in silence.

big teej
2021-07-30, 09:37 PM

Black Gecko, Tinker, and Tincture stare at Zhou as he rapidly heals before their eyes and shuffles over to the bar. Black Gecko, standing at the door to room 14 and waving the rest of the group in, asks "Does President Maelstrom know you can do that?"

Tinker and Tincture grumble to themselves. "And it's been so long since we've had the chance to Practice Medicine." One says and clears his throat. The other turns to Black Gecko and says in a rusty voice. "You needn't have made such an entrance and made such a fuss over a whelp with a healing factor. It disturbs the guests."

The quartet of heroes at one of the tables, the only people present you can see besides yourselves and the bartenders, haven't even broken the flow of their conversation.

Seeing Zhou back on his feet and coherent, Black Gecko redoubles his efforts to get you all in the room. "Come along now, Children. no. you're mostly legal adults. eh. Students? No I don't teach at that infernal institution. uhm. uh. Would you... Neophytes kindly hurry along?"

Room 14 turns out to be even more subdued than the main floor, suffused by a calm, lavender glow. Once the last of you enters the room, Black Gecko follows and closes the door behind him, which promptly disappears into the wall. "Please, find a seat that suits you." He offers with a sweeping gesture before beginning to pace, holding his chin in one hand and resting that elbow in the other.

There's a card table in the middle of the room with 4 simple folding chairs, a booth in the back corner big enough for all of you to cram into, and an assortment of shapeless, chic chairs and beanbags and the like scattered about.

Black Gecko begins to mutter to himself. He's also abandoned simply pacing the floor and has begun strolling up and down the walls and the ceiling. A very interesting set of circumstances... yes. He pauses and glances around, "Oh. For those of you who don't recognize me in the flesh, so to speak, I'm best known as 'Black Gecko.'" He points at Shifter. "I've been training that one in this... 'heroing business' for a goodly while now. So if you trust him, you can trust me. As far as it goes. I suppose." He shrugs and resumes pacing.

"It is not my intention, nor desire, to interrogate you. Not during out first time together at least. But I do wish to ask some questions, if you don't find it too intrusive." He bobs his head from side to side. "Actually, I suppose it doesn't matter much if you find it intrusive. I'm going to ask either way. But I don't intend to force you to answer."

He looks 'up', down at you all, and falls from the ceiling, somersaulting to land on his feet, grab one of the simpler chairs in the room, and then leap back to the ceiling, planting himself in the same pose he'd been pacing in, but now seated, and with one leg crossed over the other.

"So... before we talk about what happened. Would you all mind introducing yourselves? Both to me and each other? and maybe fill us in, if you feel so inclined, as to how you ended up at one of Boombox's raves?" He flaps a hand towards the wall that used to have a door in it. "Luckily for all of us, Maelstrom didn't pick up on how little you actually know about each other. Or maybe decided to ignore it. Interesting." He shrugs "I gather that several of you, in fact, do know each other quite well. But not all of you."

Black Gecko is officially and finally introduced, and gains Influence over all present.

Zhou gains 1 of 3 Plot Coupons to obtain ????

Nice to be back to posting on a somewhat regular basis again.

Novice Ranked Characters gain 2 Experience points for the session, and may roll 1d6 per Benny remaining in their possession. On a 5 or 6, gain an additional experience point. This die roll does not explode.

Please examine the narrative of the game since our previous Session Turnover and answer this question honestly in your next post, and resolve accordingly (see the bottom of the group reference document): "Did you grow Closer to the team, Grow into your own image of yourself, or did you grow away from the team? Explain why you picked what you did.

@Zhou, did you make progress on defeating your nemesis?

Camaraderie Decay: Hand-waived away for the last time.

Held cards are discarded. Use em or lose em.

Joule is dealt Renown: Play after completing a good deed of some import. You gain a permanent +1 Charisma bonus toward those who have heard of you (typically a 50% chance.)

Andre is dealt Dressed to Kill: Your hero dresses up, is "on" for the night, or is otherwise far more attractive or charismatic than usual. Add +4 to your Charisma for the duration of the current "Scene".

Anomaly is dealt Get Savage: Play this card to gain any Edge you qualify for. Permanently. This does not consume your next advance.

Dizz is dealt Bullseye: Play after damage is rolled to double the total of a successful ranged attack. (any ranged attack)

Madam Mechanis is dealt Noble Sacrifice: Play when an adjacent ally suffers damage. You suffer the damage instead. (seems like a great way to Gain Influence to me.)

Shifter is dealt Reinforcements: Play during combat. Reinforcements arrive for the bad guys. The exact number and type is up to the GM. Every Player Character immediately draws an Adventure Card.

Zhou is dealt Shakin' in Their Boots: Play in a combat situation. Your character does or says something so horrific and intimidating that it brings the area to a standstill. All other characters (friend or foe) are Shaken.

2021-08-02, 04:59 AM
Dizz follows the rest of the group as she hears the Geko say "Neophytes". Did he...just insult us?" Thinking to her self they are gestured to take a seat and as soon as the door they had just stepped through disappears. "That's not creepy" she scoffs under her breath. Looking around the room she spots what's looks like a fluffy pillow twords the back area. Looking up to Axel she whispers to him "I'm going to go sit on that thing" pointing to the pillow . She slowly makes her way to it an sits down getting cozy listening to the Gecko now introduce himself formally after trapping everyone in a room with no way out. Gently shaking her head she cleans her tail off from the blood an starts to nibble on it while she follows Black Gecko with her eyes watching him walk around on the walls and ceiling.

2021-08-03, 08:57 PM
Alexis is not amused by Black Gecko's gravity-defying antics. She takes a quick seat in one of the comfortable beanbags, crossing her legs.

"I guess I'll go first then," she says in an exasperated tone. "My name is Alexis Warren; friends call me Alex. I can create large bursts of electricity and I can turn myself into it for a short time to... basically teleport. As for why I was at the rave, I heard that there was gonna be a huge party and wanted to have a good time. Not that that happened..."

She shifts in the beanbag, looking around the room. "Alright, who's next?"

I think that Alex has grown into her own self-image. She sees herself as more a freak after the battle with the robots and less of a mundane person.

Zero Prime
2021-08-04, 05:15 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Potential: X X X X O
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: Guilty

Seeing the confidence of some of his classmates, Zhou stepped forward, bowing his head, slightly. "I am Tsu Yang Zhou, a recent transfer student to the Academy. Unaware of any connotation of impropriety, I was encouraged by some of my peers to relax, and to enjoy myself. In an effort to understand and experience the mindset of an American teen, I participated, coming to this party. However, in my peers defense, I feel as though we all assumed it was a night off, an opportunity to enjoy ourselves, to take a break from the rigors and competitiveness of Academy training," for this he looked over his shoulder towards the other rooms where Lars was, presumably being debriefed. He continued, "To enjoy one another's company, and get to know something of our peers away from the evaluating eyes of the Academy's instructors, faculty and staff."

He continued, slowly, "As for my training, despite the fact I refused to participate in a competition against someone who assumed a perfect defense, I am well versed in combat training. Having studied under Masters who developed every fundamental currently in use by every practiced form of martial arts. In my time under their tutelage, I have also come to be aware of my own chi energy, and can bolster that energy, allowing me to strike harder, or faster, than my peers, or, if I chose, block an opponent's energies so they are unable to mount a successful offense." He looked to Shifter's mentor, eyes not turning away, his scrutiny was intense, but Zhou had been evaluated by the Hidden Masters, scolded by them, disciplined, and berated, so he was used to the judgement of those with authority over his training. Honesty, he figured, was likely the best defense. "Is that all?"

OOC: First, Benny Conversion, End of Session (Post Rave) Benny Conversion (https://orokos.com/roll/906137): 3d6t5 1. So 1 Potential, bringing me to 3, total. Second, Zhou *did* make progress against his Nemesis, revealing himself to his sister, defeating her summoned Zeitgeist, earning himself a) a margin of her respect & b) the opportunity for a meeting in future. As such, he earns Potential, bringing him to 4. And finally, Zhou did not grow closer to the team, but he didn't grow away from them either, so I feel he grew closer into his own version of himself. He went solo, but defeated a fairly major threat in a spectacular manner, so I will shift his Mundane down, and his Danger up.

2021-08-05, 09:42 AM
Dizz raises her hand in indication of her wanting to go next. "My name is Dizzfilzatic of Delfian hatched of the 3 dead moons, but I guess you can call me Dizz as it will easier on your tounge. I serve to protect the realms of Taza and I am a quinz who holds the tittle of Zuitz. I have arrived only.." she holds up two small fingers... "as you say maybe two weeks ago here to Dolan." Nodding her head content with what she said she then continues. "I am a new transferred thing...pil... no student here at this Academy. I can manipulate Taza an matter amoung other things." Shifting her eyes around the room trying to form the right words she softly sighs. "I was brought to this "Rave" to experience the "Pilka" lifestlye. An well... you things sure know how to be extra." She softly laughs as she waves her hand for what ever brave soul chooses to introduce themselves next.

Did you grow Closer to the team.
Dizz grew closer to one individual but not the full group but did not grow away eather
Grow into your own image of yourself
No, there wasnt much to work with for my self personally to build her to it.

Bagel Bard
2021-08-08, 11:28 AM
Marcy stood up as Zhou entered the room, but was taken aback. He looks... just fine? That's... not normal. VERY not normal. But she refrained from saying anything in the mixed company they were in.

Marcy stared at Dizz as she spoke, trying to decide if she was for real, or if she was making up a bunch of nonsense words. It wasn't from any language she'd ever heard of, at least. She resolved to get to know the small girl better, to at the very least make sense of what she was saying. At least she felt better about not knowing Dizz; some of the others had been in her classes for much longer, though, and she had no real excuse as to why she wasn't closer to any of them. She stood up, leaning heavily on the arm of her chair and wincing as she rose.

"Uh, hey. I'm Marcy. Er- Marcella Walker. The mild-mannered alter ego of Madame Mechanis." She smiled weakly and performed a half-hearted curtsy. "I've been at the Academy for a few years now. Mostly keeping my head down. Making tech and stuff." Like that grapnel gun... did I leave that on the roof? She sighed, blushing. Might as well be honest about everything, I guess... "I was here because, um. Well, I kinda promised my dad I'd try and actually make friends this year. I thought going to a party would be a good way to meet people in a different place so I wouldn't just clam up like I do during class. I didn't know it was going to be anything like this. I never do stuff like this..." She shook her head, forcing herself to get to the point.

"I just showed up and was scanning through frequencies when I found an encrypted one, and I was curious and always love a tech challenge, so I had to decode it. It was super suspicious to me, calling out some of us here by name--" she glanced at Andre and Axel -- "So I tried to let everyone know something was wrong. Before we could really do anything, though, all hell broke loose, and now here we are." She heaved a deep breath, realizing that she'd made the whole speech without a break. She looked at the ground and sat back down.

I grew closer to the team with Andre being nice to me and all. I'm gonna remove the Angry condition, & Andre has Influence over me.

I also rolled to convert Bennies (https://orokos.com/roll/906575).

2021-08-08, 04:54 PM
Andre files into the room behind the rest of his classmates and finds himself a new wall to lean against. His glowing eyes follow Black Gecko's movements from the shadow casts by his hood.

He listens closely as everyone takes turns introducing themselves, his eyes lingering on the blood soaked girl for a few seconds longer before shifting away.

"So let me get this straight. We're not being interrogated despite being locked in a room with no doors or windows and having no knowledge of where we actually are?" He scoffs at their predicament. "Okay sure..." He crosses his arms and scans the faces of the other students.

"If you didn't already know, my name's Andre. I make smoke and fire and I'm getting pretty @#$%ing tired of people ruining my fun. I overheard there was a rave and decided to go, it's as simple as that. Let's just get this over with." He finishes under his breath. His words give life to a black serpent that slithers through the air and hisses before dissipating into smoke.

Did you grow closer to the team?

Despite the nature of their most recent encounter Andre has grown closer to the team. Though it was unintended, opening up to Marcy helped him air some of his feelings about his own incompetency.

Marcy gains Influence over Andre
Andre clears Insecure

2021-08-08, 08:05 PM
Looking up to Axel she whispers to him "I'm going to go sit on that thing" pointing to the pillow.
Axel nods and looks around the room. He opts to take a seat on the floor with his back up against one of the walls.

Axel listens quietly to the others hoping that he won’t have to speak about himself. He realizes that he is soon going to be the last one to speak and then he wont have a choice. Everyone always remembers the first and the last speaker he thinks in a slight panic. Clearing his throat, Axel speaks up “My name is Axel. Axel Adams. I uh....I came to the rave at the recommendation of some friends.” He fidgets a bit “Though I guess the bouncer thought I was there for other reasons. My. Powers. Are still new to me. I have been taught that I can transmute my body into any material I am touching.” He looks down at his hands as he finishes.

Did you grow Closer to the team - Axel Did not grow closer to the team as a whole last session. Though he has had very little interaction with them.

Grow into your own image of yourself - As a player I am getting more comfortable with my character. As for my character they feel like they are still a freak that doesn’t really fit in with the others.

Did you grow away from the team - Axel Did not grow further from the team as a whole last session. Though he has had very little interaction with them.

big teej
2021-08-08, 09:18 PM

Black Gecko looks ready to just pick someone at random when Alexis breaks the ice with her terse response. He pantomimes clapping excitedly "Oh Good, I thought I was going to have to call on people."

He sits quietly as the rest of you introduce and explain yourselves, occasionally tapping his chin with a finger. When the room grows quiet again, he glances around and then raises that finger to make a point.

"Allow me to clarify something, I'm not here to sanction you for being at one of Boombox's parties. I conclude the nature of my interest, and intervention, should be obvious. But. If it is not. The notion that every last one of you, aside from Shifter, arrived by little more than chance and blind luck is a quirk of fate, or better, a joke, on a cosmic scale." He chuckles to himself, then offers to Andre "You're in Room 14 of The Lounge." As if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"I do have a small roster of more in depth que----

Tinker --or maybe Tincture, the ghoulish mechanized servants are identical to your untrained eyes-- appears next to Andre. There is no aperture or door opening, he simply wasn't there and now is. "Will any of the party require refreshments?" He says in a raspy, grinding tone. He glares at Black Gecko, as if daring him to answer for any of you.

After waiting a few moments, and acknowledging any orders you place, He nods and is simply gone again.

Black Gecko sighs theatrically.

"I do have a handful of questions for you, after that, we'll head back to the academy and I'll go prepare a suitably... official report for Maelstrom to make sure you're all covered. You're probably stuck with each other though."

He points to Dizz. "You claim to be a protector of the realms.... To protect them from what?"

He points to Zhou. "Based on your dramatic entry, I assume you somehow sequestered and then defeated Zeitgeist. Essentially, if not actually, unaided by your companions?" He chuckles to himself. "Marvelous. Why did you feel the need to take this burden onto yourself? Your regenerative capabilities notwithstanding, surely this must have seemed an unnecessary risk?"

He points to Madam Mechanis. "What happened with the Sniper?"

He points to Anomaly. "What was it like, fighting for Hexile? Why did you do it? You don't sound as if you were coerced, and you don't have the affect of one that woman went to work on."

He points to Andre. "Why do you keep trying to run away from what you are now? Why do you think you can?"

He holds up a hand to forestall your answers for a moment and continues to speak. "Several of you seem to have a rather unnerving tendency to be attacked by killer robots. This is the second or third time now, correct? and in rapid succession at that. It would seem that you've upset someone with the resources and the will to do something rather permanent in response. I have extracted a sizable amount of combat data from Shifter's logs already, but there are uncomfortable gaps in the information available."

He drops from his ceiling chair and lands in the center of the room, arms crossed. "I am willing to.... look into this matter for you all, but I won't deny you the.... experience of it, or the satisfaction if you want to handle it yourselves."

2021-08-08, 10:29 PM
Tinker --or maybe Tincture, the ghoulish mechanized servants are identical to your untrained eyes-- appears next to Andre. There is no aperture or door opening, he simply wasn't there and now is. "Will any of the party require refreshments?" He says in a raspy, grinding tone. He glares at Black Gecko, as if daring him to answer for any of you.

After waiting a few moments, and acknowledging any orders you place, He nods and is simply gone again.

Dizz looks to the one asking for any one seeking refreshments an speaks up. "One goofy juice please" she says happily an goes back to listing to what appears to be a lecture.

He points to Dizz. "You claim to be a protector of the realms.... To protect them from what?"
Dropping her tail as she is pointed out her eyes begin to slightly glow as she crosses her legs locking eyes with the Gecko while leaning forward. Her demeanor now more serious then just moments ago. Slowly she looks him up and down an slightly tilts her head inspecting him. "From what I can tell, you are no one of importance an that information will not be given to you. All you need to know, is that I now exist among you. Now if you would be so kind an go back to playing teacher that would be great." Her words are sharp as she gives a disgusted half smile showing her sharp teeth as she sits back in the pillow chair.

Dizz attempts to reject Black Geckos influence.

Zero Prime
2021-08-11, 07:42 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Potential: X X X X O
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: Guilty

... the ghoulish mechanized servants are identical to your untrained eyes-- appears next to Andre. There is no aperture or door opening, he simply wasn't there and now is. "Will any of the party require refreshments?" He says in a raspy, grinding tone. He glares at Black Gecko, as if daring him to answer for any of you.

Zhou regarded the curious mechanical, alchemical, monstrosity, it's chi energy seemed, corrupted, or lacking. It was unnerving, however, as much as he found it's presence distasteful, it seemed to be both sincere, and capable of independent thought and action. He simply nodded in the creature's direction, "A green tea if you have such a thing available." Another nod, "With my thanks."

As he waited for his tea, he sat on a stool, absently stretching his legs, flexing his muscles, working out knots caused by his sudden and rapid healing, he was in fact exhausted, such healing took a great impact on him, and would have loved if the mechanized cadavers had offered them both food & drink. Listening as Gecko posed his questions towards the group, he seemed concerned when the hero turned his attention to him.

He points to Zhou. "Based on your dramatic entry, I assume you somehow sequestered and then defeated Zeitgeist. Essentially, if not actually, unaided by your companions?" He chuckles to himself. "Marvelous. Why did you feel the need to take this burden onto yourself? Your regenerative capabilities notwithstanding, surely this must have seemed an unnecessary risk?"

Sometimes there are moments where one has to make a decision that they cannot unmake, and that will, inevitable, affect everyone involved. This was such a time, he could conceal his motivations in regards to Tsu Yang Song and the Zeitgeist, or could be open, revealing, for the first time, the nature of his transfer to the Hite Academy, with both the aging hero, Black Gecko, and his classmates. He closed his eyes, centering himself, inhaled deeply and then began.

"The Zeitgeist was summoned by my sister, Tsu Yang Song, known to some as Nine Serpent Song, in our last confrontation she," killed, "defeated me." An omission he told himself, not a lie. "I had suspicions that she would be at the warehouse, and so in accepting the invitation I concealed my true motives from my peers. When I saw her in the ring, I felt compelled to reveal my presence, as it is my intent to aid her in escaping her mentor's influence." Before my death, he left this last part unsaid, while he wished to be truthful with his peers, he did not want, nor need, their sympathy. "On seeing me, whom she thought she had slain in our last confrontation, she produced a vial with an iron stopper and runes along it. Shattering the vial, the Zeitgeist appeared, she challenged me that should I defeat it I would prove myself worthy of an audience with herself, and perhaps her master." He looked to his classmates, peers, some whom he had befriended, and subsequently abandoned when they most needed him, there was guilt, shame, writ in his glance. "I pursued my own goals, to the exclusion of all else, though it nearly finished me, in the end I was able to subdue the spirit warrior. Returning to find my classmates, Maelstrom and yourself, at the location I had left."

He paused, looking towards Black Gecko, "You didn't happen to find the vial or it's iron stopper did you? If so, I would very much like to inspect it."

2021-08-13, 11:39 AM
He points to Anomaly. "What was it like, fighting for Hexile? Why did you do it? You don't sound as if you were coerced, and you don't have the affect of one that woman went to work on."

Axel's body tenses at the question. The guilt rising back up in him. Why did I fight? Wrong place wrong time? No. Because the situation forced me? No. Because they seemed accepting? Maybe? No. Then why did I fight? Axel stays silent with his thoughts as the others answer their own questions.

big teej
2021-08-15, 06:01 PM

One of the sensor pods on the sides of Black Gecko's full-face helmet swivels to look at Dizz as she gets serious for a moment, it makes a muffled whirring sound, and remains pointing vaugly in her direction as he turns his head around to address and attend to other people. He shrugs at her response.

He is exceptionally attentive to Zhou's answer. "I detected no remaining traces of Zeitgeist when I arrived, but if that vial survived, I'll find it." The pro hero assures you.

Black Gecko eyes Anomaly as he visibly works through his thoughts, but remains silent. He shrugs and turns his attention back to others.

One of the T-Twins reappears with a massive platter, upon it is a single clear bottle with a long neck, filled with an orange liquid and labeled 'goofy juice' in a very flower-power style font. Accompanying the bottle is a saucer and delicate cup of green tea, Zhou discerns it is prepared the old fashioned way, not something mass farmed and packaged.

@Dizz - Black Gecko isn't attempting to adjust your self image, there's no Influence to reject (you can't reject someone's influence until they try to use it. If you think he's telling you something about yourself, I'm all ears and we can go from there.)

2021-08-20, 01:32 AM
"Allow me to clarify something, I'm not here to sanction you for being at one of Boombox's parties. I conclude the nature of my interest, and intervention, should be obvious. But. If it is not. The notion that every last one of you, aside from Shifter, arrived by little more than chance and blind luck is a quirk of fate, or better, a joke, on a cosmic scale." He chuckles to himself, then offers to Andre "You're in Room 14 of The Lounge." As if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Black Gecko's words only serve to fan the flames of Andre's anger. His eyes narrow but no words escape his lips.

"I do have a small roster of more in depth que----

Tinker --or maybe Tincture, the ghoulish mechanized servants are identical to your untrained eyes-- appears next to Andre. There is no aperture or door opening, he simply wasn't there and now is. "Will any of the party require refreshments?" He says in a raspy, grinding tone. He glares at Black Gecko, as if daring him to answer for any of you.

His attention darts towards Igor or whatever his name was when he materializes beside him. When the @#$% did he get here?! No, I should be asking how he got in here... Andre betrays no outwards signs of surprise though his mind races to process exactly how the apparition appeared.

He points to Andre. "Why do you keep trying to run away from what you are now? Why do you think you can?"

Andre waits in the silence between responses before he finally spits out an answer at Black Gecko. "I'm not running away. And what makes you think you know anything about me?"

big teej
2021-08-20, 08:38 PM

Black Gecko looks around the room, seeing apathy at best and outright hostility at worst, not to mention his silent pupil, he sighs. "I haven't miscalculated to such a degree in quite some time. Oh Well. I shall extract what I need to report to Maelstrom from Shifter's battle data." He turns and marches up to the wall opposite the one the barkeep materialized at and pulls forth that same strange key and slides it into the wall. He turns it, causing a loud 'thunk' and he pulls on the key and a section of the wall opens up and you see a very mundane office, lit by a single desk lamp.

"Go on then." Black Gecko says, withdrawing the key from the door and dropping it into a pocket. He pulls the door open wider, leaning against the wall, but keeping a grip on the door.

Zero Prime
2021-08-21, 06:25 AM
Tsu Yang Zhou, aka, Phoenix Fist (https://savagemasks-1.obsidianportal.com/characters/tsu-yang-zhou)
Potential: O O O O O
Doom Track: O O O O O
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: Guilty

He is exceptionally attentive to Zhou's answer. "I detected no remaining traces of Zeitgeist when I arrived, but if that vial survived, I'll find it." The pro hero assures you.

Zhou sensed the hero's frustration as he opened the door, dismissing himself, and his classmates, however, he lingered near the experienced crime fighter. He nodded his head in respect, "Thank you for assisting us, however, I may need to impose further?" He paused, nervously, it was like being in the presence of one of the Vale's Hidden Masters, a man capable of such extraordinary things, things that Zhou, himself, could only aspire to, "If you find any evidence of Nine Serpent Song, or her mentor, if you could let me know, even through Shane, it would be appreciated." He looked from Lucero back to Geko, and then nodded his head once again, "Thank you, Bla-, errr, Mr. Gecko ... errr, sir?"

Embarrassed at his stammering, he humbly followed his peers out of the lounge.

2021-08-23, 05:20 PM
Black Gecko looks around the room, seeing apathy at best and outright hostility at worst, not to mention his silent pupil, he sighs. "I haven't miscalculated to such a degree in quite some time. Oh Well. I shall extract what I need to report to Maelstrom from Shifter's battle data." He turns and marches up to the wall opposite the one the barkeep materialized at and pulls forth that same strange key and slides it into the wall. He turns it, causing a loud 'thunk' and he pulls on the key and a section of the wall opens up and you see a very mundane office, lit by a single desk lamp.

"Go on then." Black Gecko says, withdrawing the key from the door and dropping it into a pocket. He pulls the door open wider, leaning against the wall, but keeping a grip on the door.

"Finally." Andre pulls away from the wall and makes his way towards the newly formed doorway. He pauses just before passing through. "And I'll take you up on that offer of yours from earlier. If you find out anything about those bots I wanna know about it. I suppose you could always give the details to Shane and he'll pass them along to us."

He continues once he finishes saying everything he needs to. The party was long over and Andre was ready for the night to end.

2021-08-24, 08:23 AM
With the others leaving Axel slowly rises and makes his way to the door. He pauses for a moment like he is about to say something to Black Gecko but continues onward instead.

2021-08-24, 07:51 PM
Alex hops to her feet from the beanbag and follows Andre and Axel out. She hesitates by Black Geeko and says to him, “Same with me. Those robots are really killing my groove. I wanna know what you find out about them too,” before she continues through the door.

So much for a fun night out.

big teej
2021-08-24, 09:05 PM

"Black Gecko is fine, or 'Geck' if you're feeling incredibly informal." The hero offers, along with his assurances that if he learns anything, you'll hear about it.


"An interesting suggestion... He could use the practice in giving briefings... yess....." Black Gecko trails off.


Once the last of you are through the door, it slams shut behind you. The sound is abruptly cut off as the door winks out of existence, leaving you in one of the administrative offices. The light from the retro desk lamp reveals various news paper clippings framed on the wall behind the desk, along with portraits of important looking men and women in suits shaking hands or standing for other stock photo-poses with one of your teachers, Ricochet.

The lamp keeps watch alongside a computer monitor, a novelty letter opener shaped like a Daisho, a metal ink pen, and a single manila folder on the desk beneath the pen. Her office furniture looks exactly two tiers up from IKEA, including the small couch and chairs opposite the desk, arranged for conferences with students, visitors, and parents. Bookcases occupy all four corners of the room, two are packed to the gills with various treatises on educational philosophy and teenage psychology and health and other difficult and esoteric topics. The other two are equally packed with books and nick-knacks. The Door to the office is closed.

The place is quiet. What do you do?

2021-08-26, 08:11 PM
Alex glances around, taking in the empty office. She looks at each of her classmates -teammates- and says, "Now that the adults aren't around, does anyone want to talk about what just happened? Are we like... a team now? I think we all worked pretty well with each other... when we weren't p***ed off with each other, at least."

2021-08-27, 06:30 PM
Once the last of you are through the door, it slams shut behind you. The sound is abruptly cut off as the door winks out of existence, leaving you in one of the administrative offices. The light from the retro desk lamp reveals various news paper clippings framed on the wall behind the desk, along with portraits of important looking men and women in suits shaking hands or standing for other stock photo-poses with one of your teachers, Ricochet.

The lamp keeps watch alongside a computer monitor, a novelty letter opener shaped like a Daisho, a metal ink pen, and a single manila folder on the desk beneath the pen. Her office furniture looks exactly two tiers up from IKEA, including the small couch and chairs opposite the desk, arranged for conferences with students, visitors, and parents. Bookcases occupy all four corners of the room, two are packed to the gills with various treatises on educational philosophy and teenage psychology and health and other difficult and esoteric topics. The other two are equally packed with books and nick-knacks. The Door to the office is closed.

Andre navigates his way around the office furnishings and slowly opens the door. He attempts to ascertain the groups location and if anyone else is in the vicinity before closing the door and turning to everyone assembled inside.

Alex glances around, taking in the empty office. She looks at each of her classmates -teammates- and says, "Now that the adults aren't around, does anyone want to talk about what just happened? Are we like... a team now? I think we all worked pretty well with each other... when we weren't p***ed off with each other, at least."

"What else needs to be said? We all went out to have a fun night and got targeted by killer robots. Gecko is supposedly gonna let us know anything he finds out about'em so there's that at least."

2021-08-27, 08:31 PM
Axel takes in the room's decor. He is drawn towards the wall of paper clippings. He casually looks over the pictures listening to his new teammates.

"Now that the adults aren't around, does anyone want to talk about what just happened? Are we like... a team now? I think we all worked pretty well with each other... when we weren't p***ed off with each other, at least."

"What else needs to be said? We all went out to have a fun night and got targeted by killer robots. Gecko is supposedly gonna let us know anything he finds out about'em so there's that at least."
"But why us?" Axel calls back. "It looks like we held our own ok, but why were we attacked in the first place?"

2021-08-31, 06:19 AM
Dizz sits quietly looking at the Gecko before being excused to leave. She walks over the the thing that had taken their drink order an grabs the bottle off the tray an takes a long gulp of it.
Following behind the group she looks at each of them taking in their appearance an trying to memorize the names to the body as these pilkas will apparently be class mates to the school she will be attending. As soon as the last person stepped through the hole in the wall it closed as quickly as it appeared. Looking around it just seems to be a office with garbage scattered about.
Shrugging she takes another drink as she watches Andre check outside the door an listens to him speak along with Alex. Nodding she agrees with them then shift her eyes as Axel squeaks up.
Lowering the bottle from her lips she looks at Alex then back to Axel. "Well why not us? I mean Axel your not quite normal from the looks of it an I don't mean that in a bad way trust. Alex if you say what you can do is true then why wouldn't some one or thing want to explore more into an possibly use in their advantage. Tsu, you've studied under "master" as you say, well the knowledge you now have may be some thing others would like to have an possibly would want to extract that from you."
Her eyes dart over to Andre. "Your... um.. I'm not sure why they be after you. You don't seem like some one that can be easily controlled or manipulated..maybe you just got dragged into a situation not attended for you...or their is something we just don't yet." Giving a small shrug she looks at Alex again. "An for me, well I'm not of your species. Maybe I'll be made into a science project. Mmmm...but hell what do I know?" She srunches her nose to the idea Alex spoke of earlier.
"Alex, maybe being a team isn't a bad idea. We can definitely benefit from each other skills...or I think as you call it "powers". Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is just my opinion." Dizz take another drink from the bottle an give Alex a smile afterwards.

2021-09-10, 05:05 PM
"Alex, maybe being a team isn't a bad idea. We can definitely benefit from each other skills...or I think as you call it "powers". Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is just my opinion." Dizz take another drink from the bottle an give Alex a smile afterwards.

"Last I checked we already have a team..." He scans the faces of the people assembled in the room. "But this ain't exactly the first time killer robots have attacked us specifically. So I guess it couldn't hurt to have more people out there watching each others backs." He cracks open the door and looks out into building before casting a sidelong glance back at the alien girl. "How many of those have you had to drink tonight anyway?" he finishes with the smallest of smirks lining his mouth.

2021-09-11, 05:01 AM
Watching Andre look out the door she makes a mocking gesture of what he just said before stopping when he directs his attention to her. Dizz face flushes red before looking into the drink whole while noticing it half empty. "Oh....you know, I'm not sure? Is there a limit? " looking at him with one eye brow arched she studies his face then turns away noticing herself staring to long. "What's it to you how many I have of this thing?" Dizz now feeling nervous she looks around the pretty much bare room they are in.

2021-09-11, 07:41 PM
Alex looks over at Andre as he speaks. "Yeah, we already have Team Renegade, but it can't hurt to add to it, right? The more the merrier when it comes to fighting killer robots."

She scoots past him out the open door. "Goodnight guys. I don't really have anything planned. If anyone wants to meet up, text me."

Alex makes her way back to her dorm and takes a quick shower to get all the concrete dust and sweat off her before crawling into bed.

big teej
2021-09-12, 07:57 PM

when you check outside, you find that the entire admin wing is shut down, minimal lighting. Exit signs, the occasional ceiling panel giving just enough light to find a light switch, and the like. Just as you open the door, a grandfather clock in a nearby office chimes the time. There doesn't seem to be anyone nearby.

It's 3 AM.


You don't pass anyone on your way back to your dorm. Parts of the school are eerily silent and your footsteps echo loudly down dark and empty halls. The quad is also deserted, you see a few dorms with lights on. When you finally get back to your room, Brass is MIA. Her side of the room is in a substantially greater state of disarray than usual.

2021-09-13, 06:30 PM
Watching Andre look out the door she makes a mocking gesture of what he just said before stopping when he directs his attention to her. Dizz face flushes red before looking into the drink whole while noticing it half empty. "Oh....you know, I'm not sure? Is there a limit?" looking at him with one eye brow arched she studies his face then turns away noticing herself staring to long. "What's it to you how many I have of this thing?" Dizz now feeling nervous she looks around the pretty much bare room they are in.

"No reason." He stifles a laugh. "Just curious."

Alex looks over at Andre as he speaks. "Yeah, we already have Team Renegade, but it can't hurt to add to it, right? The more the merrier when it comes to fighting killer robots."

She scoots past him out the open door. "Goodnight guys. I don't really have anything planned. If anyone wants to meet up, text me."

"I doubt anyone has anything else planned after what just happened..." He keeps watch as Alex disappears into the darkness. "We should probably split. See you guys around."

Andre swings the door open and begins making his way back to his dorm to sleep off nights events.

2021-09-13, 07:09 PM
Axel raises a hand in goodbye as Alex and Andre leave the room. Giving the room one last look around he heads off to his dorm as well. He stops by the infirmary on the way back to see if Grayson is there.

2021-09-15, 12:47 AM
Dizz watches as everyone leaves the small room going their own separate way. Taking the last few sips of what remains of the drink she polishes off the bottle and places it on top of the desk. Being last to exit she closes the door behind her an walks towards the court yard from where Sarah had pulled her through earlier that night. Gently slipping off her shoes she walks barefoot in the crisp grass occasionally looking up to the sky before making it back to her room. Quietly she sneaks in unsure if Sarah had made it back or if she chose to stay out.

big teej
2021-09-15, 09:24 PM

You don't pass anyone on your way back to your dorm. Parts of the school are eerily silent and your footsteps echo loudly down dark and empty halls. The quad is also deserted, you see a few dorms with lights on. When you finally get back to your room, Frostchilde is MIA.


It's a short jaunt to the infirmary from the administrative wing. Some of the lights are on, but you can't see anybody through the windows. You've heard Dr. Pulse sleeps in the infirmary frequently... as well as the bio labs, and his dorm.


You don't pass anyone on your way back to your dorm. Parts of the school are eerily silent and your footsteps echo loudly down dark and empty halls. The quad is also deserted, you see a few dorms with lights on. When you finally get back to your room, Sarah is MIA.

2021-09-15, 10:42 PM
Axel places his hand on the door handle. A minute passes with him standing there, still as a statue. Making up his mind he enters the infirmary and takes a look around for his roommate Grayson.

big teej
2021-09-19, 05:52 PM

The door opens to your touch. You hear a feint snoring from one of the exam rooms, and find Dr. Pulse lying in one of the cots, hands clasped over his chest. In a small supply closet you find a running microwave. The rest of the infirmary seems to be deserted.

2021-09-19, 07:04 PM
Not wanting the wake the Doctor and not seeing his roommate Axel quietly makes his way back to his dorm, taking the long way back.

big teej
2021-09-19, 09:08 PM
You don't pass anyone on your way back to your dorm. Parts of the school are eerily silent and your footsteps echo loudly down dark and empty halls. The quad is also deserted, you see a few dorms with lights on. When you finally get back to your room, Grayson is MIA.


Once back in your dorm, sleep claims you as quickly as you allow it. But it feels like no sooner have your eyes gummed themselves shut that you are awoken by your door clumsily being opened and your roomate staggering in, dead on their feet with exhaustion. Their face is dirty, but the grime can't obscure the mixture of excitement, elation, and exhaustion on their features. Clenched tightly in one hand is a crumpled newspaper.... THE TIME IS... 8:00 AM


Brass's armor is scuffed up and covered in concrete dust and grime, and dented in a few places. She does a double take, seeing you awake. "Hey. Sorry. Wasn't thinking." She huffs, gently setting her glave against the wall, the monstrously heavy weapon thunks hard enough into the wall to send chips flying despite her care and she hisses under her breath before shrugging and tossing her helmet onto the bed. It divots the mattress and rolls to a stop.

"Hey, hey." Brooke says in a loud and excited stage whisper. "Check this out! we made the paper!" She says with a big smile, holding up the paper. A bold headline splashed across the top proclaims the success of Maelstrom's ad-hoc extracurriculars. Beneath the headline is one of those not-quite-staged photos of 'the team' standing together. All the non-renegades are in it.

She offers the paper to you if you want to look at it in more detail, either way she plops down on her bead and something snaps beneath her and she winces. "Right... armor..." She levers herself back to her feet and starts unbuckling and unstrapping the monstrously heavy and usually shiny plate.


"Oh Thank God you made it back!" Sarah cries out when she sees you. "Maelstrom kept insisiting you guys would make it back okay, and I like, wanted to believe him ya know? ya know? cause, I mean, he's President Maelstrom, right? sure he's weird and kinda a stick in the mud, but he's one of the good guys, but I didn't know if I should believe him or not, but he was all like." She ends her rush and takes a deep breath, and puts on a fairly decent impression of Maelstrom, if an octave too high. "You need to focus on The Mission, Sarah." She blows a raspberry "he always says it like that to. "The Mission." like we ain't got other things on our minds, like Fate's Fury, or you, or like that's all there is and like it's not distracting to know that my roommate like up and got disappeared after being attacked by killer robots and and and...." Sarah seems to run outta steam and plops down on her bed. "Man I'm tired..."

She leans forward to hold her head in her hands and notices the paper. "Oh right. This was kinda cool... like I thought it'd be really lame, ya know? but it was actually kinda...... cool... in a weird lame way... I dunno." She brandishes the paper at you, a picture of Maelstrom and your missing classmates occupies most of the front page.


Jamie's clothes look they were soaked, dragged down the street, and then soaked again. The grime seems fully baked in and there are tears and holes all over. He looks at you, his expression unchanging. "Sup." He croaks. "We made the papers, what'd you do?" He says tossing the newspaper in your direction. He collapses face first onto his bunk. "Dude... Maelstrom might be a pain, but the guy's no joke... we worked so hard after yall left..." He lifts his face up out of his pillow and turns towards you "We did good work tonight... lastnight... today... whatever."


Grayson moves like in a trance before notcing you're home and awake. "Hey Axel. Check it out.... we made the paper with Maelstrom and Fury and all those other kids. It was kinda cool, getting one on one time with a pro like that... I feel like. you really" He yawns, garbling the rest of the sentence.

"When did you guys get back?" He asks, rubbing at his eyes and dropping the newspaper on his desk.

2021-09-20, 05:50 PM
Alex's eyes snap open and she glances over to the alarm clock on her desk. 8... I've had less sleep I guess. At least it's Sunday, she thinks as Brooke makes her entrance. She sits up in bed, throwing her conforter to the side. "You made the paper? Lemme see," she says as she swings her legs off the end of the bed.

She reads the article and teleports in a spark of electricity down her desk chair as Brooke snaps something on the bunk bed. It only took one collapsed bunk to train her to make sure she was off the bed when Brook was still in armor. She sets the paper on her desk and stretches, letting out a large yawn.

"You want some help getting out of that?" Alex asks.

big teej
2021-09-20, 08:38 PM

The article, to put it lightly, is glowing in its review of Maelstrom and the Juvie Justice squad. It's also fairly puffy until the last two paragraphs, where you get some hard stats.

Brooke grunts and a recalcitrant buckle comes loose and one of her gauntlets falls to the floor in several pieces. She flexes her fingers and massages at her wrist. She looks at you and says "I appreciate it... but you remember what happened last time." She says, tired, but not rudely.