View Full Version : Bountiful Luck out of combat?

2021-05-06, 09:42 PM
So Bountiful Luck (That halfling feat where you spend a reaction to let an ally re-roll a 1) how does that work out of combat, since it takes a reaction, but a reaction is once per round in combat. Out of combat couldn't you use it whenever? Since a round of combat is supposedly 6 seconds and most ability checks happen more than 6 seconds apart.

2021-05-06, 10:14 PM
So Bountiful Luck (That halfling feat where you spend a reaction to let an ally re-roll a 1) how does that work out of combat, since it takes a reaction, but a reaction is once per round in combat. Out of combat couldn't you use it whenever? Since a round of combat is supposedly 6 seconds and most ability checks happen more than 6 seconds apart.

Yes, certainly. Why not? That's how basically all abilities work in narrative time.

2021-05-06, 10:22 PM
It should be usable outside of combat.

There would necessarily be some restrictions on it. Say, if the entire party was climbing simultaneously, and two people rolled 1s (and you're within 30ft of both), you would have to choose which one to help.

Or perhaps an AoE trap hits everyone, and two people roll 1s...again, just 1 person.

But beyond specific circumstances that would logically limit the ability (which exist during initiative as well), there should be no reason it is overpowered outside of combat.