View Full Version : Looking for character creation variant options

2021-05-07, 07:57 PM
I can't seem to find a compiled list anywhere, but does anyone know of a list of every 3.5 character creation variant options beyond the stuff in PHB? For example, I know there are bloodlines, there's the poverty thing from exalted deeds, and there are traits and flaws. We've been given permission to use literally any source and we're making gestalt characters. I'd love it if anyone knew of a forgotten super list of all those nonstandard starting options.

2021-05-07, 09:32 PM
I don’t know about a super list but there are alternate class features here: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?444354

And of course the srd has bloodlines, flaws, and traits. https://www.d20srd.org/index.htm Under variant rules.

Maat Mons
2021-05-07, 11:41 PM
There's also a list of ACFs from Dragon. (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=9028.0)

2021-05-08, 01:54 AM
Can't link to it, but D&D Tools has a lovely page devoted to "Variant Classes, Alternative Class Features, and Substitution Levels". The archive page is sorted by sourcebook (including Dragon and a couple of other magazines); each link takes you to the page for that class, which has a description for every variant/ACF/RSL. My one gripe is that you can't tell the source from the class pages; you have to go back to the archive for that. Aside from that minor complaint, it's a fantastic and remarkably comprehensive resource.

2021-05-08, 11:08 AM
This stuff is great, thank you. I'll be playing a warforged gestalt artificer/factotum, so the racial replacement levels will be great for that. Another player is going to be a gish gestalt duskblade/wizard, so all those class variant options are great. Third player is gestalt adept/psion, so more class options.

Maat Mons
2021-05-08, 05:25 PM
Your Artificer // Factotum idea looks good. Artificer is the ultimate item craft/user. Factotum eventually gives you extra actions, so you can use more magic items in a round. It also gives you Int synergy and some SLAs.

The Duskblade // Wizard combo makes sense. Wizard gets awesome spells. And Duskblade makes them gishy, and able to channel spells (including Wizard spells) through their weapon.

I'm not sure what the Adept // Psion is going for.

I'd suggest Archivist // Psion. Archivist is a mostly Int-based divine caster. Seems like a better fit pairing for Psion than Adept does.

As a fun bonus, they can use an Aureon's Spellshards instead of a prayerbook. Aureon's Spellshards work like Boccob's Blessed Books, except they only store 500 pages of spells, and they only cost 6,250 gp.

Oh, and also instead of flipping through pages, you stare into the spellshard while concentrating, and the magical writings appear floating inside the gem.

If your DM is permissive, maybe they can use an Aureon's Spellshard as their psicrystal. And maybe be allowed to enter Geometer as an Archivist. Then their little friend can store 500 spells of any level.

Archivist, Artificer, and Wizard would be a magical powerhouse of a team. Duskblade, Factotum, and Psion also get you a beatstick, a skillmonkey, and a spontaneous caster. All fun things to add to the team.

Presumably, you'll be going for the Warforged Artificer substitution levels. I'm not actually that familiar with them. But I seems to recall them being highly regarded.

Is the Duskblade // Wizard an elf? Both classes tie into elves lore-wise. If they are, maybe go even further on the elf theme and be an Elven Generalist. The ACF that trades Wizard bonus feats for Fighter bonus feats might be helpful for a gish. I kind of like the Eidetic Spellcaaster ACF.

For the player who I suggested go with Archivist // Psion, there are a few interesting options. If they go Telepath, they can trade their 5th-level bonus feat for Telepathy, which opens up Mindsight. If they go Seer, they can trade trade their 1st-level bonus feat for Bardic Knowledge, which fits with the theme of the Archivist side. Or if he's paranoid about his prayerbooks / spellshards, he could go Nomad, and trade his 1st-level bonus feat for an extradimensional storage space that no one else can access and that no one can separate from him. But Mindsight is the most powerful choice.

2021-05-09, 09:24 PM
The adept/psion is because RP reasons. They're going to be playing an ancient human who basically can't walk or use their hands, so they use only their mind and nothing else. They're gonna prestige into elocator as well so they just float around. Adept gives them mantles and some versatility and base psion because obvious psychic powers. In regards to the gish, iirc, they're planning on playing a lesser planetouched of some kind. Oh and warforged artificer replacement levels are OP cause they get to treat their own body as their arms and armor for crafting and get ridiculous bonuses when doing so.

2021-05-09, 11:08 PM
I thought it was a reference to the npc adept class and was confused.

2021-05-10, 06:36 AM
Sorry, I meant to say Ardent from complete psionic, not adept haha. The ardent is just there for the gestalt pairing until they're a high enough level to start taking the elocater levels, then they'll be gestalt psion/elocator.