View Full Version : Player Help Tips for Creating a Tentacle Monster PC?

2021-05-08, 11:33 PM
First off let me clarify and say that when I mean Tentacle Monster, I merely mean a character/creature that possesses tentacles and an alien feel, I'm NOT talking about a character that uses those tentacles to... well... replicate Japanese content (you know what I'm talking about). :smalleek:

I also kind of imagine the creature being humanoid(ish) with tentacles instead of arms and legs, concealing their slimy body with a cloak/trench coat/rain coat. Perhaps due to their nature they're extremely shy and are just trying to survive. :smallsmile:

While I'm sure this can be kind of done with a few classes like: Great Old One Warlock, Fathomless Warlock, Aberrant Mind Sorcerer and Astral Self Monk (make the Astral Self be the tentacles), I'm not too sure which one would fit the most (or if maybe there is another good option I haven't considered).

Also I'm not too sure what would be a good race to play that would actually fit the theme. A part of me kind of thinks that doing a Custom Linage (from TCoE) would be the best option (sadly while the Simic Hybrid has Grappling Appendages, they don't really work well with any of the classes mentioned above), I'm not too sure what would be a fitting feat to represent a tentacle monster race.

So if anyone has any suggestions on feats and has tips on how this could be made into a fun/interesting character (using races, classes, feats, spells (if applicable), etc...) then please leave a comment below.

Thank you for reading this. I look forward to hearing from you all. :smallbiggrin:

2021-05-09, 02:29 AM
First off let me clarify and say that when I mean Tentacle Monster, I merely mean a character/creature that possesses tentacles and an alien feel, I'm NOT talking about a character that uses those tentacles to... well... replicate Japanese content (you know what I'm talking about). :smalleek:

I also kind of imagine the creature being humanoid(ish) with tentacles instead of arms and legs, concealing their slimy body with a cloak/trench coat/rain coat. Perhaps due to their nature they're extremely shy and are just trying to survive. :smallsmile:

While I'm sure this can be kind of done with a few classes like: Great Old One Warlock, Fathomless Warlock, Aberrant Mind Sorcerer and Astral Self Monk (make the Astral Self be the tentacles), I'm not too sure which one would fit the most (or if maybe there is another good option I haven't considered).

Also I'm not too sure what would be a good race to play that would actually fit the theme. A part of me kind of thinks that doing a Custom Linage (from TCoE) would be the best option (sadly while the Simic Hybrid has Grappling Appendages, they don't really work well with any of the classes mentioned above), I'm not too sure what would be a fitting feat to represent a tentacle monster race.

So if anyone has any suggestions on feats and has tips on how this could be made into a fun/interesting character (using races, classes, feats, spells (if applicable), etc...) then please leave a comment below.

Thank you for reading this. I look forward to hearing from you all. :smallbiggrin:

Simic Hybrid, Fathomless Warlock focusing on Eldritch Blast that has both the push and pull invocations as your "tentacles".

Could also go Battlemaster with whips.

Both are surprisingly good controllers.

2021-05-09, 03:16 AM
Water Genasi has Acid Resistance, a Swim Speed, is Amphibious and gets Shape Water and Create/Destroy Water. Seems like a solid place to start; aside from a certain squishiness and elasticity, it's got the hallmarks of a slimy tentacular sort of dude of the oozy persuasion.

Alternatively, an entirely re-skinned Bugbear has some features that feel appropriate; namely their longer reach and surprise attack (tentacles are surprising, right?).

As far as Class goes, I would tend to aim towards a spellcaster of some kind. Off the top of my head, Acid Arrow, Enlarge/Reduce, Black Tentacles and the like are what feel appropriate, so we're probably looking at either a Sorcerer, Warlock or Wizard, as you suggest. I don't really have much to say along those lines, but maybe there's some wiggle room for Druid; perhaps an Underdark or Swamp (Land) Druid? That would gel well with the Wis bonus of Water Genasi and gives you access to Thorn Whip which can easily be refluffed as a slimy tentacle and Primal Savagery which gives you acid damage melee attack, as well as some thematically appropriate elemental spells. If you wanted to riff on the slime/ooze aspect, Wild Shape can easily be used/themed as a "malleable body" aspect, allowing you to turn into smaller forms to squeeze through small spaces.

Using the Con bonus of the Genasi for the additional durability and the Wis bonus for attack cantrips, I could easily see a short-ranged melee Land Druid working for this kind of build, drawing foes into dangerous terrain of your own creation, while out of combat you are a master contortionist, able to ooze your way through the smallest gaps. Feats would have to include War Caster (as standard), but Elemental Adept might be useful if you choose to focus on a particular damage type.

2021-05-09, 04:23 AM
profile picture checks out.

Simic Hybrid gives you tentacles, so you'd probably want that, fathomless warlock also gives you a tentacle!

2021-05-09, 06:28 AM
Reskinned loxodon. For what is an elephant trunk but a face tentacle

2021-05-09, 04:38 PM
I won't lie a part of me is really tempted to do the reskinned Bugbear with Astral Self monk (astral tentacles:smallwink:), one question though is would the Grappler be a good feat? Especially since I usually use Strength as my dump stat when it comes to Monks/Spellcasters.

2021-05-09, 09:09 PM
There is a cool tentacle spell that allows attacks that restrain in primeval Thule.

2021-05-09, 11:26 PM
I won't lie a part of me is really tempted to do the reskinned Bugbear with Astral Self monk (astral tentacles:smallwink:), one question though is would the Grappler be a good feat? Especially since I usually use Strength as my dump stat when it comes to Monks/Spellcasters.

Cant, the reach is lost at the end of the turn, so you'd lose the grapple unless they're adjacent to you in the first place.

2021-05-10, 12:59 AM
A fun one I did a while back was a poser wizard. Simic Hybrid eldritch knight, with a heavy focus on grappling. I took a one level dip in barbarian for unarmored defense and rage for emergencies. Grab the skill expert feat for Athletics

I played as an innept wizard, right down to the obviously fake beard. I had a few spells (enlarge being my go-to) but mostly would just call out absurd magic sounding gibberish while tentacles came out of my sleeves and grappled/proned the biggest threats on the battlefield while I bashed their heads in.

Its even more fun if your table doesn't know the mechanics and you refuse to admit you are anything other than a proud professional wizard.

2021-05-10, 03:10 AM
Thelidians (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aegfdsbNRNXA78qTyodvGZaOOQABGAtRgotOj3dX7e8/edit?usp=sharing)are a race I designed a little while ago. They are emphatically tentacle monsters, but I leaned far harder on the the Psychic association of their progenitors with tentacles as more of an aesthetic element.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/deb47061-fdfe-4d4b-8700-4731dbd7d93b/deif04b-f772e83b-bbc3-40ca-91dc-8f5ecc10bb83.png/v1/fill/w_1032,h_774,q_70,strp/thelidian_barbarian_by_berzerkerunit_deif04b-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9 .eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZ DQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTg yMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7Imhla WdodCI6Ijw9OTYwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZGViNDcwNjEtZmR mZS00ZDRiLTg3MDAtNDczMWRiZDdkOTNiXC9kZWlmMDRiLWY3N zJlODNiLWJiYzMtNDBjYS05MWRjLThmNWVjYzEwYmI4My5wbmc iLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2Vyd mljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.QRmxTI15ci5QH0t4GO Rl6KFP7coAvtm-zxztldeiKxo