View Full Version : Teleport to stand from prone?

2021-05-09, 12:25 PM
Does dimension door, teleport, etc., allow one to appear in the new place standing if one was prone, or would one be prone in the new location too?

If one was say in a narrow corridor, facing north, with a long polearm out (so tricky to impossible to about face with it), and was attacked from the south, could one dimension door to simply appear "turned around" and facing south?

2021-05-09, 12:41 PM
Teleporting doesn't remove conditions. You would still be prone, barring some special exception.

2021-05-09, 01:57 PM
More to the point I don't think it changes the overall orientation and posture of one's body, so you'd land in the new location in whatever position you started in I think

(ALTHOUGH, then again, if that were true it raises the question "orientation relative to what" and even ignoring that question would still imply the need for a balance check every time you teleport onto or off of sloped or uneven terrain and no such chack is documented in the spell descriptin)

2021-05-09, 01:59 PM
There is the Stand spell, which is a level 1 Conjuration (Teleport) spell that can be cast as an immediate action. That's all it does. Allows you to get someone up from prone. PHB2.

2021-05-09, 02:18 PM
Our groups always allowed it. Nothing bad ever happened because of it.

2021-05-09, 02:48 PM
Nope, it doesn't, and I see no reason to buff one of the more overpowered subschools to add that in.

2021-05-09, 05:13 PM
The fluff/mechanics of older versions of Dimension Door would make it explicitly not, as IIRC I've read that it used to actually create a door sized portal you had to step through. While the complete loss of remaining actions might be considered a sufficient setback, I think bundling an extra effect would be quite against the spirit of the 3.x restriction, which hinders combat use.

The level, range, and familiarity questions of Teleport would make me inclined to allow it as a reasonable expectation. You could also adopt that as a general rule, with teleports of longer than say a mile counting as far enough that they automatically re-orient you to match local conditions on arrival.

But that's not what people want when they ask this question- they usually want their Anklets of Translo-broken to also let them stand up along with everything else, and as someone who bans those and every other deliberately bargain-bin teleport effect in that book, well it's a moot point. Or the other pile of low level teleports, all of which seem to have been clearly written under the justification that they're "just" shifting you around a move-action or so- and adding another move action to that makes the excuse even more flimsy. Benign Transposition in particular, a 1st level spell already of tactical use far above 1st level spells, would simply become that much more powerful if it also stood people up for free.

As noted, if you need to stand up quickly there's already a 1st level Magic Wins spell for it (Stand), just like falling. Not that I have some worry over the poor ubertrippers- I nerf them too, and one of the nerfs is a Ring of Prone Recovery which does Stand 1/round like the Ring of Featherfall being a thing that exists.

2021-05-09, 05:50 PM
Thanks everyone!

2021-05-09, 06:42 PM
Even if you can't, simply dimension door or teleport 10 feet off the ground allowing, raw, an acrobatics check to avoid falling damage and landing on your feet.

2021-05-09, 10:42 PM
Just teleport into the air, then you're not prone anymore and can just make an acrobatics check to land on your feet.

2021-05-09, 11:30 PM
The acrobatics check wouldn't work if OP is using 3.5e as it isn't a skill. All you would be able to do is make a tumble check to reduce the fall damage to half. Technically, I guess you could make a jump check with the move action used to stand up or crawl to move and/or stand at a distance.

2021-05-09, 11:36 PM
The acrobatics check wouldn't work if OP is using 3.5e as it isn't a skill. All you would be able to do is make a tumble check to reduce the fall damage to half. Technically, I guess you could make a jump check with the move action used to stand up or crawl to move and/or stand at a distance.
If your tumble is sufficient you can make a DC 35 "epic"(ask WotC) tumble check to stand as a free action.

If we're being very technical falling in 3.5 never makes you prone because it doesn't say it does. Which is probably why there's no usage of tumble to land on your feet.

2021-05-10, 02:57 AM
why would you use a teleport spell (rather high spell slot) to get up from prone, instead of just standing up?

2021-05-10, 03:08 AM
Even if you can't, simply dimension door or teleport 10 feet off the ground allowing, raw, an acrobatics check to avoid falling damage and landing on your feet.

You can't teleport into the air. It's one of the rules of the Conjuration school.

A creature or object brought into being or transported to your location by a conjuration spell cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it.

2021-05-10, 11:11 AM
You can't teleport into the air. It's one of the rules of the Conjuration school.

Notice that applies to creatures brought into being or brought to your location. Neither of those is you... though I suppose you are at your location. But if you were bringing you to your location you wouldn't be teleporting....

I think I just broke something.