View Full Version : Is there a 3.0 or 3.5 or Pathfinder variation of a Blade bard?

2021-05-11, 01:30 PM
I'm looking for a bard variation that's more towards weapon fighting than singer. Like the Blade option for a bard in Baldur's Gate 2

Kurald Galain
2021-05-11, 01:41 PM
Sure. Pathfinder has the Dervish of Dawn and Archaeologist archetypes, among others.

Doctor Despair
2021-05-11, 01:41 PM
There's the prestige class Warrior Skald.

Warchanter might fit your thoughts, too.

Heartfire Fanner could be melee-ey.

There's a class literally called Bladesinger.

2021-05-11, 02:08 PM
Welcome to 3.X and PF.

In all honesty, just straight bard can go melee. Straight bard does better leaning back with buffing support. But all bards have access to certain spells that make them seem swordfighter. Your bardic music can be I blow a war horn as I charge forward, or I scream a deep war cry that carries farther than it should, even I flourish my blade in an exuberant and stylish manner just before I strike. Bardic music can linger and there is a feat that lets it linger even more rounds.

A better use of your time and our ability to help you would be telling us what you envision and we can suggest different builds and spells that will get you there.

2021-05-11, 02:20 PM
Snowflake Wardance feat (Frostburn)?

2021-05-11, 02:46 PM
You can build to it, but it takes some feat investment. Dragonfire Inspiration, Snowflake Wardance, Melodic Casting, Song of the Heart, and a few other Inspire Courage-enhancers. Crystal Echoblade, Harmonizing Weapons, or even Aptitude Weapons can help (if you want something that Bard doesn't have proficiency in natively).

Another option is a multiclass using Tome of Battle - combine Bard with either Warblade or Crusader. (People usually call these builds Bardblades or Bardsaders). Combine with Song of the White Raven, and you have a pretty powerful bard-themed melee combatant.

2021-05-11, 03:00 PM
Snowflake Wardance feat (Frostburn)?
Add divine might with turning for more Cha synergy (turning could be through ur priest, or you could use the divine bard variant to avoid lost CL with sacred exorcist dip). Persist the thunderlance spell (Spell Compendium) using a metamagic wand grip of Persist Spell with a wand of that spell or sublime chord levels with a 1-level dip in spelldancer to cast it yourself. Alternately, use slippers of battledancing, but they require a move action to activate which may be inconvenient -- though you can use a belt of battle to trade a swift action for a move action 3 times per encounter, which is probably enough if you can afford to buy several of them. You can search these things online to find out about them.

2021-05-11, 03:33 PM
Welcome to 3.X and PF.

In all honesty, just straight bard can go melee. Straight bard does better leaning back with buffing support. But all bards have access to certain spells that make them seem swordfighter. Your bardic music can be I blow a war horn as I charge forward, or I scream a deep war cry that carries farther than it should, even I flourish my blade in an exuberant and stylish manner just before I strike. Bardic music can linger and there is a feat that lets it linger even more rounds.

A better use of your time and our ability to help you would be telling us what you envision and we can suggest different builds and spells that will get you there.


I like everything about the bard except his/her singing which I know is a major part of the class. I don't want to sit back and buff either so playing an instrument is out also. Honestly I personally think I would hate being in a real life party with a bard that is always singing or playing an instrument. It would definitely NOT inspire courage in me. lol. Maybe some rage-like effect.

Perhaps I should look more towards a fighter/mage? or rogue/mage?

2021-05-11, 04:28 PM
Note: are you aware it's possible for a Bard to use other kinds of performance to do their thing (even if it's just a variant rule)
For, example, the "Meter and Measure" article (Dragon #301), which introduced concept of Masterpiece Performances, have some which explicitly required non-singing Perform:

Three of example Masterpiece Performances were created by Ciraph the human bard, who was mute (!) - thus, need Perform (dance)
Requiem for Parigal - when used to Fascinate, affected creatures are suffering -10 penalty on Spot checks (instead the usual -4)
The Trials of Ramir - when danced to Inspire Greatness, can affect three more creatures than usual
Captain Marsud's Ghost - when danced to Inspire Courage, gives +8 bonus on saves vs charm and fear

When We Blindly Hang Our Faces Down required Perform (storytelling), and - when used to Inspire Courage - gives +3 on attack, damage, saves vs charm and fear

The Blackworm Wriggle - when danced to Fascinate, affected creatures are suffering -8 penalty on Spot and Listen checks (instead the usual -4)

The Flying Fire Daggers - uses juggling flaming daggers to Inspire Competence (with +5 bonus)

The God Who Wept - when used with Perform (storytelling), Perform check got +15 bonus

2021-05-11, 08:58 PM

I like everything about the bard except his/her singing which I know is a major part of the class. I don't want to sit back and buff either so playing an instrument is out also. Honestly I personally think I would hate being in a real life party with a bard that is always singing or playing an instrument. It would definitely NOT inspire courage in me. lol. Maybe some rage-like effect.

Perhaps I should look more towards a fighter/mage? or rogue/mage?

The Pathfinder archetypes Archaeologist (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo-bard-archetypes/archaeologist/) and Dervish Dancer (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo-bard-archetypes/dervish-dancer) both do what you want. They trade out bardic performance for self-buffing abilities. The Archaeologist gets some rogue abilities, and the Dervish Dancer gets more combat boosts.

2021-05-12, 07:22 AM
I'm going to make a close combat Bard in a a campaign we just started. My character will certainly not be optimized but it should be fun. My character (it is still sort of under development)

1 lvl rogue (UA version, no crit damage but gains fighter feats)
7 lvl bard (loresong bard)
then go swiftblade

weapon finesse
knowledge devotion
snowflake wardance

weak will

No ideal I guess but it should be fun. I would like to get lingering song and or extra song in there somehow.

2021-05-13, 09:32 AM
It was sort of mentioned but a very common build is called Bard-Blade. Bard 4/ Warbalde 16. I think Bard 4/ Crusader 16 works just as well.

The important thing is to use Song of the White Raven to combine bard and ToB class levels. So you advance Inspire Courage while still being a Warblade or Crusader. For Bard I recommend grabbing Alter Self and going Troglodyte or if allowed Tren. This will give so much natural armor that it will make up for those d6 HD.

For feats two weapon fighting can give you extra attacks which benefit from inspire courage. Snowflake wardance can give you some good to hit assuming you go longsword/shortsword as your weapons.

Beyond that I should point out you want a Badge of Valor (1400gp) and Inspirational Song/Harmony to buff your songs up. There is some debate on if Eberron Campaign setting allows you to swap 3rd lvl ability for a feat which gives another +1 to singing. So possibly 1 base 1 feat 1 song 1 badge for +4atk/dmg for all attacks by allies within range. Add in Loresong and Alter Self fun and maybe a grease or glitterdust and your 4 Bard levels can be pretty helpful to a party.

If you prefer the two handed fighting route I recommend Battle Howler of Gruumsh. It requires power attack and cleave I believe but it allows you to be a rage bard with full Bab and D10 HD. Plus it buffs Inspire Courage by another 1. A great melee bard option.

2021-05-13, 11:19 AM
you could also do something like Harmonious Knight Paladin/(Warblade or Crusader) ifyou are more interested in the bardic music side than the magic side.

2021-05-13, 01:55 PM
If pf is on the table just be a Skald. Bard barbarian hybrid. Check archtypes to find one that fits your concept. Perform: Oratory or perform: warchanting or something fixes the singing instrument then. Or perform: Metal. Names Olaf. Berserker!

2021-05-13, 04:20 PM
you could also do something like Harmonious Knight Paladin/(Warblade or Crusader) ifyou are more interested in the bardic music side than the magic side.

Oh no. Quite the opposite. I don't want the music but I DO want the magic.

If pf is on the table just be a Skald. Bard barbarian hybrid. Check archtypes to find one that fits your concept. Perform: Oratory or perform: warchanting or something fixes the singing instrument then. Or perform: Metal. Names Olaf. Berserker!
Pathfinder is acceptable if I can find the info online. I don't have PF books except for the Advanced Race Guide for some reason.

2021-05-13, 04:27 PM
Honestly I personally think I would hate being in a real life party with a bard that is always singing or playing an instrument. It would definitely NOT inspire courage in me. lol. Maybe some rage-like effect.
Can't spell "courage" without "rage"? :smallamused:
Well, actually, there are Dawncaller with Inspire Fury, Virtuoso with Song of Fury, and Warrior Skald with Words of Fury

Also, how about the "debuff" option for a Bard?

For more "silent" performance, there is Cloaked Dancer PrC

And Dervish PrC, while not depending on Bard class, still have the "Dervish Dance"

2021-05-13, 04:35 PM
Pathfinder is acceptable if I can find the info online. I don't have PF books except for the Advanced Race Guide for some reason.


2021-05-13, 06:46 PM
Oh no. Quite the opposite. I don't want the music but I DO want the magic.
It sounds like you just want a gish build -- spellcaster/warrior. A quick search will show you many options.

Doctor Despair
2021-05-13, 07:49 PM
Oh no. Quite the opposite. I don't want the music but I DO want the magic.

You could try my Know-It-All (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24910853&postcount=13) build. You do get bardic music, but you don't advance it; instead, you use Knowledge Devotion and Archivist's Dark Knowledge to pump you and your party's melee abilities. Take Perform (oratory) to give inspiring speeches about all the facts you know while you beat things to death. At level 4,although your BAB is 0, you give yourself +8 to hit and +5 to damage, and your party gets +4 to hit and +1 to damage. Immediately thereafter you start to advance your spellcasting beyond level 1s, and you end up getting 9ths at level 18, just one level behind the wizard. You can get a ton of arcane spells from the bard and sorc/wizard lists, and you get potential access to any and every divine spell of level 2 or lower.

I'd say the advantage of this build is that you start out as a martial when it still makes sense to be a martial, and you end up as a caster when it makes an overwhelming amount of sense to be a caster, and the whole time you get to abuse knowledge checks to make your DM as miserable as you choose to make them.

2021-05-13, 08:02 PM
As mentioned, Skalds get to literally "inspire Rage", and are quite good melee combatants out of the box. So are regular Bards for that matter; 3/4 BaB is just fine, and they get plenty of buff spells and Inspire Courage. Good Hope in particular is one of the best buffs in the game for a single target, if not THE best single target buff.

I do have to ask, if you don't want to sing (or otherwise perform; Percussion is perfectly great for a battle bard, as is Dance...but really it doesn't matter because Inspire Courage doesn't actually require a performance) but you do want magic, what's locking you to Bard in particular?

If you simply want a battlemage, why not try a Magus or an Inquisitor instead? The former is focused on combining arcane magic and melee skill at the same time (coat your weapon in lightning and smash an enemy), while the latter sort of covers the "selfish Bard" archetype; you buff yourself to the gills with AMAZING action economy and throw down with the best of them.

Everything Pathfinder is available, legally, at these sites: D20PFSRD (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/) (unofficial, includes 3rd party material), AONPRD (https://aonprd.com/) (official, these days, and includes only Paizo material).

2021-05-13, 11:36 PM

I like everything about the bard except his/her singing which I know is a major part of the class. I don't want to sit back and buff either so playing an instrument is out also. Honestly I personally think I would hate being in a real life party with a bard that is always singing or playing an instrument. It would definitely NOT inspire courage in me. lol. Maybe some rage-like effect.

Perhaps I should look more towards a fighter/mage? or rogue/mage?
"I like everything about the bard, except the singing and buffing."

:smallconfused: That looks a great deal, to me, like, "I like everything about the wizard, except the spellcasting." If you don't like singing or buffing, you...don't like bards.

Firest Kathon
2021-05-14, 05:57 AM
Oh no. Quite the opposite. I don't want the music but I DO want the magic.
Pathfinder is acceptable if I can find the info online. I don't have PF books except for the Advanced Race Guide for some reason.

It sounds like you just want a gish build -- spellcaster/warrior. A quick search will show you many options.

I agree with Elves, if you just want a character that combines magic and melee combat abilities, that is called a "gish". For Pathfinder theres a bunch of pre-made packages

Arcane: Magus (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/magus/)*, Bloodrager (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/bloodrager/), Bard (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/), Skald (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/skald/)
Divine: Warpriest (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/warpriest/)*, Ranger (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/), Inquisitor (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor/)

*: Magus and Warpriest are better at actually blending magic and martial (i.e. do both in the same round), while with the others you usually need to choose to do one or the other in a round.

For 3.5, I think the recommended gish class is the Duskblade, there is also a 3.5 Gish Handbook (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?321715-The-Gish-Handbook) onthis very forum. And of course you can always just multiclass between a martial and a magic class, but usually the end result is less desirable due to lost spellcasting progression.

Kurald Galain
2021-05-14, 06:21 AM
Oh no. Quite the opposite. I don't want the music but I DO want the magic.
Then the Magus class may be what you're looking for.

I agree with Elves, if you just want a character that combines magic and melee combat abilities, that is called a "gish". For Pathfinder theres a bunch of pre-made packages
Arcane: Magus (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/magus/)*, Bloodrager (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/bloodrager/), Bard (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/), Skald (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/skald/)

Here's a big Magus guide (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?423754-Myrrh-Frankincense-and-Steel-Kurald-Galain-s-Guide-to-the-Magus).