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View Full Version : hive mind free for all (vs thread)

2007-11-11, 10:15 PM
Tyranids vs zerg vs flood.

tyranids with leviathen and the remains of kracken
flood with the numbers they had before the forrunners activated Halo
and zerg after brood war.

2007-11-11, 11:09 PM
Fail for not including The Many (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Many).

...Not that they ever got the chance to grow to the scale of the others. <_<

2007-11-12, 06:54 AM
This thread makes me cry inside.

2007-11-12, 07:25 AM
Tyranids. Zerg don't yet have the numbers, or the collosal bio constructs. Or the space ships. Zerg and Tyranids are fairly close in terms of equal number versus equal number though.

Flood aren't anywhere near good enough. They have horrible fleet capacities, and are entirely reliant on other races for ranged capacity, and aside from that have nothing that is anywhere near as good in close combat as an Ultralisk or Carnifex.