View Full Version : Name of legendary artifact

Adamantly d20
2021-05-16, 07:59 PM
There is an orc artifact or legendary item, that when called out by name, will present itself to the orc who is most worthy of its powers for a short time. The weapin can be summoned across planes as far as i can remember. I am having trouble remembering the name of this weapon, i want to intoduce it into my campaign setting, i know i can create a new name, but if possible i would like to know the name and stats of said weapon. Many thanks in advanced. This is either pathfinder 1.0 or dnd 3.5?

[Edit] It is also possible it is a giant or maybe a dwarf weapon. I will look again.

[Edit 2] it had a name similar in tone to 'stormbreaker', 'mjolnir' or '[insert dwarven/orcish weapon name here]

One Step Two
2021-05-16, 09:24 PM
I can't say I can recall the artifact you're after, but if I may suggest, there is a Relic Weapon of Gruumush from the Magic Item Compendium called the Spear of Retribution.

The story behind it, is that every now and then Gruumush tosses a spear at a cleric (or true believer) he's annoyed with, and if they atone, they can keep it the spear, and use it as a pretty potent weapon.

Adamantly d20
2021-05-16, 09:50 PM
Alas it is not the item, but a really cool item none the less, i can perhaps [if i do not find the specific one] use it as a backup, thank you for the suggestion

2021-05-16, 10:06 PM
Unsure about PF, but q quick look over this list doesn't seem to find much that matches: List of Artifacts (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?500598)

Adamantly d20
2021-05-17, 03:10 AM
Sky Cleaver was the axe of Annam All-Father, god of giants.

Found it

Its giants