View Full Version : Fiend of possesion/spellcasting

2021-05-20, 01:18 AM
Trying to make a spell caster using 6 levels in fiend of possession prestige class i know i would need the silent spell meta magic to remove the verbal component to be able to cast spells but if I were to possess armor with the animated object feature of the class would I have a spell failure chance of some sort is there any rules about that or is it up to dungeon master. I'm new to 3.5 any help would be great! all source books are available. Fiend of possession being from fiend folio.

2021-05-20, 06:12 PM
If you have Silent Spell and Still Spell you should be able to cast while inside something. Alternatively [Reserve] feats work while you are inside something since they are Supernatural Abilities.

Most SLAs would also work, with the exception of things like Warlocks since their SLAs break the normal rule by requiring Somatic Components.

There is likely no official ruling on the if you are possessing armor bit and the Arcane Spell Failure part. Although if you were a divine caster ASF wouldn't matter, but you would still face the problem of performing somatic components anyway. Still Spell Metamagic answers both of those problems though.

2021-05-20, 07:04 PM
Psionic manifesters don't need any components except the odd XP component, so, say, ardent/fiend of possession would work just fine.

Even better if you take thrallherd and use disposable thralls for your body.

2021-05-21, 07:04 PM
You should drop at least one or two levels in Bard, get extra music, and take the "Doomspeak" feat from Champions of ruin (pg. 20). If you play as a race that has telepathy (Or drop a level into mindbender) you can hurl curses at your Foes from the protection of an object or person, without them knowing it was you.

2021-05-21, 07:26 PM
If you play as a race that has telepathy

Using the monster class level progression from Savage Species, and looking at Succubus/Incubus Monster Class (pg. 196), if you take two levels in Succubus/Incubus (Giving you the evil subtype, +3 will save, Telepathy 100ft, and permanent "Tongues" spell [Crucial for telepathy]), and one level in Bard (+2 will save), taking "Extra music", you qualify for Fiend of Possession as your 4th level (You already have +5 will), at level 6 (Feat) take "Doomspeak", and hurl curses from the object you're possessing 5 times per day. Your DM may allow you to utilize your Telepathy to perform while in item form, because you can broadcast your singing into the heads of your allies.

2021-05-22, 07:45 AM
Trying to make a spell caster using 6 levels in fiend of possession prestige class i know i would need the silent spell meta magic to remove the verbal component to be able to cast spells
Why would you even need a Silent Spell there?
As far as I know, nowhere in the rules was said something like "animated objects are mute"
What, no mouth?
Well, firstly: no ears too, yet rules don't saying animated objects are deaf
And, secondly, - check the picture:


See? Face!

but if I were to possess armor with the animated object feature of the class would I have a spell failure chance of some sort is there any rules about that or is it up to dungeon master.
There is a difference for what armor grant to its wearer from what armor have by itself: say, hardness is matter for the armor, but for the wearer - not so much
(Similarly, Symbionts are able to grant to their hosts some special abilities which they don't have while "free")
Thus, if somebody wearing armor - they may suffer some ACP/ASF; but if the creature itself is the armor and nothing but armor - then no ASF, no ACP, and unlimited Dex bonus (because animated armor would have much wider range of motion then any humanoid - armored or not)

2021-05-22, 09:18 AM
Thus, if somebody wearing armor - they may suffer some ACP/ASF; but if the creature itself is the armor and nothing but armor - then no ASF, no ACP, and unlimited Dex bonus (because animated armor would have much wider range of motion then any humanoid - armored or not)

Kinda seems like the possessed armor is grappling the wearer, doesn't it?