View Full Version : Sea Hag's Pearl? Magic Item?

2021-05-20, 06:14 PM
A player in one of our DnD games was using a Sea Hag's Pearl to boost his caster level by 1. From what I can tell this is some kind of permanent magic item, but I cannot seem to find it in any books. I am assuming it is a 3rd party item, or maybe Pathfinder. Is anyone familiar with this magic item that could tell me what book its from?

2021-05-20, 08:41 PM
Is there some reason you can't just ask your player? :smallconfused:

2021-05-20, 09:05 PM
Apparently it's from Issue 153 of Dungeon Magazine, which was published solely in a series of web articles that aren't available anymore from any official source but have been archived in a few places. So it's about as obscure as you could possibly get, but hey, I guess people will go to great lengths for a CL boost. It costs 10,000 GP, gives you +1 CL, and lets you shapechange into a sea hag at will, but forces you to make a fortitude save each day or be slowly turned into a sea hag permanently.

2021-05-21, 02:45 AM
Thanks, I actually have this pdf. Interesting item.