View Full Version : Stellar Realms (free browser based strategy game)

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Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-12, 11:02 AM
In the style of Imperium Nova...

Anybody else play or played this (http://www.stellar-realms.com) at some point? I've been playing for over two years now, on and off. It's a fairly small-scale game compared to, say O-Game, as there is only room for 150 planets in any round but it has a very active roleplaying element in the forums and it's an interesting little game. Wondering if anyone else is or has shown any interest in it. Could be fun to start up our own little alliance at some point, if anybody else has shown interest. It plays in 'rounds' about a month and a half long, and the round just started, so it's an ideal time for anybody interested to get in. Note - this is not entirely an attempt at me hoping to get someone interested in playing long-term to be my ally. Really. I don't need help. Much. :smalltongue: :smallwink:

As long as you join soon, you won't be at much of a disadvantage at all. The amount of disadvantage you have in the first couple of days can be caught up with just a couple of good attacks during wartime on someone, especially if you can hit someone who is near the top.

2007-11-12, 02:12 PM
Im game, I love little browser games like this.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-12, 02:15 PM
I usually hate them, but for some reason this one has me addicted. Been playing since round 9 (and it's now round 21). That's a year and a half not counting the downtime between rounds, which can last anywhere from a week to a month, depending on how many things they need to change (the game is in a beta testing stage, almost, but not at the same time...)

2007-11-12, 03:16 PM
I was wondering what your suggestion for getting started were... I started making a construction yard, as its kinda obvious that only one project at a time is a major drawback..

What else do you do when you get started?

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-12, 03:21 PM
Getting the production finished is very important early. Keeping your taxes low to encourage population growth is also advised.

I suggest getting Sensors I and Stealth I early on, so that you can build an Intelligence Agency and start getting agents out before your 250 turns of protection are finished. You want a number of agents out to continually sweep your planet for agents to keep them off.

Investing in Wealth I and II (for Stock Exchange and Planetary Banks) is advisable, as is Reproduction I and II (for Hospitals and Genetics Labs).

After you have, say, 4 projects (I suggest building an Orbital Construction Yard and another Manufacturing Plant when your new Plant finishes), I'd start building lots of resource-producing buildings to get a steady stream of resources, mostly metal mines but also a fair share of fuel refineries, radioactive mines and farms. You'll find after those initial manufacturing plants are finished you'll be low on resources if you don't build anything other than mines. Once the mines are finished, it all turns to personal choice. Oh, and it's probably wise to invest in Research Labs as soon as you can. When you get to high tier research, a 10% research bonus shaves half a day off your research projects.

2007-11-12, 04:28 PM
Thanks man, A little guidance like that from a vet is always a ton of help in a complex game like this. Now I have a plan of action =P

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-12, 04:33 PM
(Woman ;P) I'm always willing to offer guidance, I do what I can. I assume your world is DeSu, correct? I'll send you an alliance if you like. Up to a certain maximum, alliances can increase your income a bit (I think no more than 5%, but don't quote me for certain on that one...)

Raiser Blade
2007-11-12, 06:46 PM
I'm joining now. Will post moar info when i start.

Whats a good race to pick?

2007-11-12, 10:37 PM
Joined up myself, I'm terran, and starting off by going for a production center, and researching construction right now. Anything else I should be attempting at this point in time?

2007-11-12, 10:42 PM
What exactly is the diplomacy stat used for?

2007-11-12, 10:52 PM
What exactly is the diplomacy stat used for?

I'm guessing negotiations, and that sort of thing. The higher the stat, the better you are at it.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-13, 12:13 AM
Joined up myself, I'm terran, and starting off by going for a production center, and researching construction right now. Anything else I should be attempting at this point in time?

Like I said to Sightless, invest in a bunch of mines early on to get your resources flowing, and get an Intelligence Agency finished before the 250 turns of protection wears off, to ensure you can protect yourself from enemy agents trying to take advantage of people who forgot to do so...

I'm joining now. Will post moar info when i start.

Whats a good race to pick?

Hm...at the moment, there are a number of good ones.

Daaken - good war race.
Roshan - good industrial race, lots of resources to use.
Terran - very balanced, good for newbies.
Rea'Chi - not the best fighters, but very wealthy and good diplomats.
Obsydi - a bit slow, but still very powerful in battle.
Dorune - very high research rate, good defenses.
Bengathi - I think probably the most powerful race right now, not sure why, but about half the top planets in the last few rounds have been Bengathi.#

What exactly is the diplomacy stat used for?

A number of things.

The 'perform mission' option's results are heavily affected by your diplomacy stat, the higher it is, the better results you can get (this can make a big difference in your prestige and population...)

Another minor effect is the duration of diplomatic stances (e.g. alliance, irritation, non-aggression, etc.), the higher your diplomacy last, the shorter the period of time before you can change your stance towards someone again. Not that big IMO...

It is important for elections into the Galactic High Council though. When elections are run, the number of votes you have in the election is equal to your diplomacy score (minimum of 1 if it's 0 or negative.)

2007-11-13, 12:45 AM
So seeing how it's possible to do some fun stuff forum wise what are the rest of you thinking of going angle wise? I figure I'd take a bit of inspiration from Kraven Corp (gotta make use of something from nation sates), and go the corporate government group complete with mandatory happiness drugs.

Are you happy citizen? :smallbiggrin:

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-13, 12:54 AM
I'm continuing my storyline from previous rounds. This world is just the front for a character of mine who is controlling everything behind the scenes. The 'leader' (who is just a puppet) is gonna be some peace preaching guy, figure I'll get myself elected into the Galactic High Council and then push to try through reforms to make it more of a governing body. <.<;

2007-11-13, 12:56 AM
As long as I get the contracts for the "death star" it's all good.

2007-11-13, 10:59 AM
Well, I just started one up. Planet Anrak. I'm the lizard people. Seems interesting. When I read about the Q'ozsh, I wanted to play them, but alas, seems they wont let you. oh, well.
Q: how fast does game time go by? is a month and hour or two?

2007-11-13, 11:22 AM
I think a month is like 20 minutes or so...

What is the perform mission thing for? I clicked on it a couple times and all that happened is it gave me random prestige and credits a few times and said "months taken to complete mission 4" then gave me the option to take another mission... what exactly is this?

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-13, 12:15 PM
Well, I just started one up. Planet Anrak. I'm the lizard people. Seems interesting. When I read about the Q'ozsh, I wanted to play them, but alas, seems they wont let you. oh, well.
Q: how fast does game time go by? is a month and hour or two?

20 minutes. And yeah, the Q'ozsh were my first choice as a race, but they're reserved for the GMs when they want to play them for a special event as they're horrendously overpowered.

I think a month is like 20 minutes or so...

What is the perform mission thing for? I clicked on it a couple times and all that happened is it gave me random prestige and credits a few times and said "months taken to complete mission 4" then gave me the option to take another mission... what exactly is this?

It's an attempt to spice up the game. Each month you accumulate a 'turn' (seen in the upper right) and you can spend these on missions. They're a gamble, but you can sometimes win from them things like free ships and technology - at worst, you lose a few hundred prestige or a thousand or so population.

2007-11-13, 03:34 PM
Can these turns be spent on anything else? (cause I just blew mine playing with the mission button)

Edit: Bladewing, in regards to your avatar.. what exactly is it?

Also, does everybody have alliances with everyone else? I think I have 3 people on my list

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-13, 03:44 PM
Nope, the mission button is all they're good for... :smallsigh:

2007-11-14, 12:27 AM
20 minutes. And yeah, the Q'ozsh were my first choice as a race, but they're reserved for the GMs when they want to play them for a special event as they're horrendously overpowered.

Seems like they're this games borg from what I've seen on rankings, and I can only hope we get to have some fun with this in this game (Pretty fun to have to drop all grudges do to another group running right up to you out of nowhere trying to gank you).

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-14, 08:30 AM
Seems like they're this games borg from what I've seen on rankings, and I can only hope we get to have some fun with this in this game (Pretty fun to have to drop all grudges do to another group running right up to you out of nowhere trying to gank you).

Borg is a decent term for them. They accept tributes of population or lots of resources in exchange for not flattening you, start with max research and get a larger planet and orbit to build stuff in, plus some of the best ships in the game. Simply put, they're sickeningly powerful...high war stats, high reproduction, the only thing they don't have a high stat in is diplomacy, which is essentially worthless...

2007-11-14, 08:38 AM
Better hope they don't pop in the middle of a large war then.

Also I'm Gerald Meane of Acrux in game.

2007-11-14, 02:38 PM
Is it worth it to start spending on defense when defensive turns end, or is it like nova where you won't usually be ganked without good reason?

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-14, 02:40 PM
At your prestige level, you're not likely to get ganked. I should build something, but it's pointless for you right now. Save up, get some better tech before you waste money on a fleet. I'm gonna stock up on Orbital Minefields and Fighters though, cheap and effective at this stage, I hope it helps...

2007-11-15, 11:25 AM
Im slowly training intell agents, but how many should I have to be prepared for when my protection drops? Also, good luck on wining the election, last time I checked you were trailing by one =/ You have my support.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-15, 11:31 AM
The top 10 candidates win the election to form a coalition government, so I'm almost guaranteed a place.

As for agents, 20 should do for sweeping for intelligence cells on your planet. You want to do this fairly often to keep your alert level at at least 90 at all times. I trained 40 and then dismantled my intelligence agency to save money from maintenance costs.

2007-11-15, 12:22 PM
Ah.. alright, Ive got 40, but I think Im going to train more an infiltrate other people my level, just cause... its fun =P

2007-11-15, 12:35 PM
Wha??! You can only build a structure OR a unit? How does that make sense? Or am I missing something? Do I need a manufacturing plant to do both at once?

2007-11-15, 12:58 PM
Proph, more manufacturing plants=more build slots... really not an issue...

As far as the election goes, wouldn't it be to our advantage as a semi-coalition to get as many member's in the high council as possible? Two or 3 votes seems to pretty much guarantee a position on the council... If I could get one or two other votes for DeSu, we have a chance at collecting 2 council seats, and thus more power.

2007-11-15, 01:16 PM
gotcha, so it is the manufacturing plants that I want then. ok. oh, and our dear emperor was trailing because I was polling for me... I switched and they're tied now.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-15, 01:51 PM
Wha??! You can only build a structure OR a unit? How does that make sense? Or am I missing something? Do I need a manufacturing plant to do both at once?

You can have more than one 'project' to build structures or units with. Every manufacturing plant you build lets you build another structure or stack of units in addition to whatever you're building. Same goes for Orbital Construction Yards. Improved ones give you two. So yes, you can build structures and units and lots of them at the same time.

As it is at this stage in the game, I can probably elect myself in on my own voting power, it's up to you whether you guys want to work together to get in, I still have the support of two non-GitP allies of mine, plus I hope to run campaigns later to garner support from undecided planets.

If you want to increase your voting power, research Diplomacy and build Embassies (your diplomacy % = number of votes you have). I suggest against prioritizing Diplomacy over other things such as Wealth, Reproduction, Offense (for unlocking more powerful ship classes).

2007-11-15, 02:55 PM
If you are sure that you are going to be in the high council, we should probably decide on and try to elect a giantitp member.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-15, 03:03 PM
If you are sure that you are going to be in the high council, we should probably decide on and try to elect a giantitp member.

Positive. I have 51 votes by myself (Y'Kreen have excellent diplomacy), one of my allied worlds is giving me another 22 votes, and another is giving me...hm...probably only 1 at this point, but he'll catch up and build embassies in time for the next election.

In short, I'm practically guaranteed to get on the council whether you help me or not. :smallsmile:

2007-11-15, 04:20 PM
Do you know if there's any places left Saithis and if there are, how much time does this consume ? I've not got all that much right now but it looks like my kind of thing.

2007-11-15, 06:08 PM
Alright, Since Saithis is sure that she can get into council by her own means, Im going to come out and beg for diplomatic votes so that we can have two places in the high council :smalltongue:

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-16, 01:13 AM
Do you know if there's any places left Saithis and if there are, how much time does this consume ? I've not got all that much right now but it looks like my kind of thing.

Yep, there are currently 86 worlds - in the past, it's only gone up to 100, but a few rounds ago the limit was upped to 150.

As for how much time...you can play but not do terribly awesome if you can get on once a day. If you can get on twice a day around 8-12 hours apart, you'll do pretty decent. Obviously the more often you can log on the better, and it usually only takes 10-15 minutes here and there when you do log on. At least it does for me. I've known much bigger time drainers (e.g. Utopia)...

2007-11-16, 01:29 AM
and another is giving me...hm...probably only 1 at this point, but he'll catch up and build embassies in time for the next election.

Heh that one's gotta be me. :smallbiggrin:

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-16, 01:37 AM
Heh that one's gotta be me. :smallbiggrin:

Hehe, naaah, I'm sure you'd be more helpful! Maybe. :smallamused:

Was actually referring to an out-of-forum friend who is supporting me. I've got enough non-GitP support to stay in the GHC almost indefinitely. :smalltongue:

2007-11-16, 01:40 AM
Well if we're gonna have some power why not do something fun/having some rp value like trying to introduce a galactic standard for trades (i.e. 10 people = 1 minerals ect) or something else.

2007-11-16, 07:26 AM
and another is giving me...hm...probably only 1 at this point, but he'll catch up and build embassies in time for the next election.

That would be me. Oh, by the way, Saithis, I'm 7th now. And yes, yes, embassies will get done. A little busy with Reproduction research at the moment. Then I'll get Diplomacy done. Btw, Kyr sent his love in the form of 20k Pop and 500 Metals. I could grow to like him.



Edit: At remark about galactic standard trade rates:

In this post:

I made this outline for how I'm going to be selling materials.
Fuel]: 1unit/15Galactic Standard Credits
Metals]: 1unit/15 Galactic Standard Credits
Radioactives]: 1unit/16 Galactic Standard Credits
Food]: To Be Announced

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-16, 09:21 AM
That would be me. Oh, by the way, Saithis, I'm 7th now. And yes, yes, embassies will get done. A little busy with Reproduction research at the moment. Then I'll get Diplomacy done. Btw, Kyr sent his love in the form of 20k Pop and 500 Metals. I could grow to like him.



Edit: At remark about galactic standard trade rates:

In this post:

I made this outline for how I'm going to be selling materials.
Fuel]: 1unit/15Galactic Standard Credits
Metals]: 1unit/15 Galactic Standard Credits
Radioactives]: 1unit/16 Galactic Standard Credits
Food]: To Be Announced

Updated to add Xavios to the list, since he decided to crawl out of the woodworks and ruin his pretty Ghost in the Playground status! :smallyuk:

It would be fun to try and institute something, but I doubt the rest of the GHC would go for it without serious reasoning. At the very least, though, we could create an interesting RP and encourage the GHC to think outside the box of 'habitat bombings = bad, we're too fragmented to think about anything else!' they've been in for ages, and that I've been curious about.

2007-11-16, 02:39 PM
Go on then

Leader name = Snowraven
Planet = New Avalon.

Now, someone tell me how to get started at all this.


Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-16, 02:54 PM
Go on then

Leader name = Snowraven
Planet = New Avalon.

Now, someone tell me how to get started at all this.


First of all, all your base are belong to me!

Nah, j/k. I suggest going to Structures and building a Manufacturing Plant. Every Manufacturing Plant you build will earn you one extra 'project' to build something with, so you can run 2 or 4 or 8 or whatever different construction projects at a time.

Then go to Research and start researching something. Construction research is helpful as you build faster and it unlocks new ships, but it depends on what you want at the end of the day. :)

Ummm...I suggest getting at least the first tier of research in Reproduction, Wealth, Diplomacy, and the second tier of Reproduction and Wealth. This unlocks a larger number of very useful buildings for you to construct. Investing in science research isn't a bad idea either as it lets you pick up the higher level researches much more quickly (Science 5 shaves off about half a day on other level 5 researches.)

2007-11-16, 02:57 PM
Huh, what bases ? ;)

Thanks. Hopefully I'll be up and running soon.

2007-11-17, 12:01 PM
I made it on galactic high council, thank you everybody for your support =P

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-17, 01:14 PM
I destroyed the elections, as predicted. I humbly suggest that at some point the people who only have 1 vote research Diplomacy I and build Embassies, as it should increase your diplomacy score by 27, which should be enough to put a significant number of votes into the count. With the number of supporters we have we might be able to even get 3 people into the council at some point.

2007-11-17, 03:49 PM
Thats what I did, and it seemed to have worked as my embassies finished right before the election... in other news I was attacked by somebody, but in the news it didnt identify the attacker... how can I identify them for retaliation?

(Thankfully the attack was small and only cost me a minefield, manufacturing plant, and university)

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-17, 03:59 PM
Could you possibly post the message of the attack for me? I'm not sure how to really judge. If it says 'from an unknown source' then it was probably a person... if it says 'from nowhere' it could have been a random meteor event or something...

It should say something to the effect of 'a fleet of vessels from ____ tried to conduct a _______ at ______' at the top of the report.

2007-11-17, 04:26 PM
Aaaa you are right Saithis, it was two evil meteor showers attacking my planet =/ For some reason when I went over the report I just assumed that those were some racial variant of a ship >.<

Anyways, I have satellites in orbit and fighters at ready now, so it wasn't entirely a bad thing.

Edit: Blaaarg! My economy is going down the pooper! Im researching reduced maintenance 1, but right now my pretty sizable planet is at a break even with taxes, gaining 34 or loosing 50 per turn or so.....

Saithis what should I do?

2007-11-17, 10:17 PM
In news on intelligence cells does it either tell you who did it, or do you find it out somewhere else. I just found that there was an attempt to subvert my population, but stopped it, and destroyed the cell. Unfortunately I don't know if that's a random thing, or some other player did it.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-18, 09:45 AM
Aaaa you are right Saithis, it was two evil meteor showers attacking my planet =/ For some reason when I went over the report I just assumed that those were some racial variant of a ship >.<

Anyways, I have satellites in orbit and fighters at ready now, so it wasn't entirely a bad thing.

Edit: Blaaarg! My economy is going down the pooper! Im researching reduced maintenance 1, but right now my pretty sizable planet is at a break even with taxes, gaining 34 or loosing 50 per turn or so.....

Saithis what should I do?

You can raise and lower your taxe rate from 0% to 5% (default 2%) in the Planter Overview section. All you can do is raise taxes (which lowers your reproduction rate), research Maintenance and research Wealth (Wealth is a good choice early on because Wealth I and II unlock buildings to increase your income by up to 15%).

In news on intelligence cells does it either tell you who did it, or do you find it out somewhere else. I just found that there was an attempt to subvert my population, but stopped it, and destroyed the cell. Unfortunately I don't know if that's a random thing, or some other player did it.

A player would have done that, however, you didn't figure out who it is. If you had, it would have said "we dismantled the cell, furthermore, we found out that the agents were from ______."

2007-11-18, 11:47 PM
Are you sure, because I keep finding agents without finding a player responsible (god help them if I do).

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-19, 02:25 AM
Yep, I'm quite sure. It's rare that you're lucky enough to figure out just who sent those agents at you.

Also, I feel I have to give a shout out to DeSu, who started at around 68th place if I recall and has managed to shoot up to the top 20 - props to you Sightless, I hope you can keep it up! :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-19, 02:36 PM
You may add me to the list.

Teranos of Planet Lucida, currently 89. and 47 turns till I'm out of protection.

Btw, I read this thread (I lurk around here every day...) and so I voted for DeSu. I think it is possible for me to build 5 embassys till the next election, if necessary.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-19, 02:47 PM
You may add me to the list.

Teranos of Planet Lucida, currently 89. and 47 turns till I'm out of protection.

Btw, I read this thread (I lurk around here every day...) and so I voted for DeSu. I think it is possible for me to build 5 embassys till the next election, if necessary.

The embassies would help if you can find the time but it's not necessary. I'll add you to the list as soon as I can. :smallsmile:

2007-11-19, 02:50 PM
Ok... I am currently more focused on economics (5th bank in the queue) and mineral income... I always run out of metals. :/

Should I focus on the Level 1 research topics first, or is it better to specialize in some area?

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-19, 02:53 PM
Ok... I am currently more focused on economics (5th bank in the queue) and mineral income... I always run out of metals. :/

Should I focus on the Level 1 research topics first, or is it better to specialize in some area?

I focus on getting the level I topics of Stealth/Sensors (for an Intelligence Agency), Wealth I and II (for money), Reproduction I and II (for population), Diplomacy I (for Embassies). If you're worried about materials income, you can research up to Materials III for advanced mines.

I strongly suggest investing in Science research at some point early on as well. It makes a big difference.

2007-11-19, 03:01 PM
I have the Level 1 researches finished in nearly every "interesting" area (except Planetary Studies, Speed, Offense/Defense).

I think I will go for Wealth II next, since my metal income should be stabilizing over the next 20 turns or so (when the 4 new mines finish building).

Or for shiny terran Special Agents, if they are worth the extra time, don't know yet. Without experience the stats of each unit are relatively worthless.


The virus proves to affect your people's need to reproduce. Until your scientists are able to find a cure, your people "reproduce" at an increased rate.

Your population grows by 3767 people.

The "Perform Mission" button is pretty useful sometimes.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-19, 03:04 PM
If you're trying to actively infiltrate other people's worlds, then Special Agents are very good, otherwise just stick with standard agents, they'll be just as good for defending your world against spies.

EDIT: Yes, Perform Mission is awesome. Why do you think I'm in first? I've got a supernatural ability with it. :smallcool:

2007-11-19, 03:10 PM
Maybe the button is intimidated by your overwhelming diplomatic presence. :smallsmile:

Ok, then no priority on Special Agents for now. I need the turns for other research topics.

Is it normal that your position on the prestige ladder is actually far below your position on the financial or population ladder? It seems kinda strange to me.

2007-11-19, 04:54 PM
Thanks for the congrats Saithis, Ive been working hardish, recently I feel like Ive been stagnating though, My warehouses are full and things are going to waste but I cant build anything because my planet is nearly full and my income cant support many more unit upkeeps =/ So all I have going for me is my intell army (looting people ftw) and a constant rate of research.

With those losses in mind, if you guys need a material or something dont hesitate to ask and I will send you a bunch for real cheap.

2007-11-19, 04:59 PM
I feel really behind. I think I need more manufacturing plants although, I can have up to 6 projects on the go at once and they're all I have resources for.

On the other hand, I have at least started on my navy.

2007-11-19, 05:23 PM
Thanks for the congrats Saithis, Ive been working hardish, recently I feel like Ive been stagnating though, My warehouses are full and things are going to waste but I cant build anything because my planet is nearly full and my income cant support many more unit upkeeps =/ So all I have going for me is my intell army (looting people ftw) and a constant rate of research.

With those losses in mind, if you guys need a material or something dont hesitate to ask and I will send you a bunch for real cheap.

Have you put any research into the things that increase planetary space?

2007-11-19, 05:32 PM
no, its a bit expensive and I do have things I could trash for space... its just the upkeep thats killing me, Im at 4% tax and if I dont fix my habbits I may have to go higher, effectivly killing my population growth. Right now Im just getting some research done to get the ¨improved¨ line of stuff... then Im gonna scrap and rebuild a ton of stuff all at once, in the meantime Im going to be playing the intell game just for the lulz

Seriously though if anyone needs materials just say so and they are yours, my cup runneth over (literally Im loosing about half my production right now due to storage overflow)

2007-11-19, 05:48 PM
My son, you say the magic words.

I can always use materials. Unfortunately, they won't let me trade for another 28 turns yet.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-20, 02:15 AM
Sightless, I suggest selling materials on the market. You won't make much now, but once the market stops becoming saturated you can make one hell of a profit. It's better than letting them go to waste.

Though you're always welcome to send me metals if you really don't need them - I could use them big time.

2007-11-20, 02:28 AM
So I'm wondering how one goes about offense in the game. Unless I'm missing a click or something I'm assuming you can't find out about alliances or just general planet info without spies. This does not take into account potential fleets, or defenses so it seems like a good deal of preperation is in order for a successful hit.

2007-11-20, 02:37 AM
Well, You've convinced me to join up again. My planet is Whirlybird Roost, home of the Whirlybird Republic.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-20, 02:49 AM
So I'm wondering how one goes about offense in the game. Unless I'm missing a click or something I'm assuming you can't find out about alliances or just general planet info without spies. This does not take into account potential fleets, or defenses so it seems like a good deal of preparation is in order for a successful hit.

Lots of scouting runs gets you info on fleet defenses and structures layouts, spies will generally get you very little so other information has to come from the game's venues - i.e. the forum. Whether they're on the forum or not, simple experience will help you identify this. Check commerce logs for the planet you're going to hit, both buying and selling. Any suspiciously cheap or expensive sales? 1,000 metals for 1 credit? 10,000 credits for 1 radioactive? You're likely looking at an ally donating to another who needs help. :smallsmile:

Welcome back Nibleswick, I'll add you to the thing real quick but I can't update prestige listings just yet, I have to run in several minutes...

2007-11-20, 10:28 AM
Ok... Another few "noobish" questions.

I'm out of protection now... How do I get prestige faster? Just building stuff doesn't seem to cut it.

What is the actual formula for taxes? The x% seem to be affecting only a small amount of my population (but not only the trained personnel).

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-20, 10:53 AM
I'm out of protection now... How do I get prestige faster? Just building stuff doesn't seem to cut it.

You get a cumulative gain from gathering lots of credits and populations, but the two fastest ways to gain prestige are war and commerce.

Successful sales earn you prestige, as long as you're making a profit on it. I'm not sure exactly how much, it's not a great amount...ship sales, however, you gain the prestige from building the ship, you do NOT lose anything for selling the ship, unlike dismantling or losing in combat.

The other quick way up is war. Here are several sample battle reports (spoilerified) from my conquests last round:

A fleet of vessels from the planet 'Uf Gunk X' attempted to perform a fighter screen at Terra Firma.
The attacking force was detected before entering the system!
The attacking force consisted of 37 Destroyer(s) 3 Cruiser(s) 8 Battleship(s) 1 "Judicator" Dreadnought(s).
The defending force consisted of 45 Orbital Minefield(s) 1 "Terrapin" Carrier(s) 10 Cruiser(s) 2 "Leopard" Strike Cruiser(s) 1 "Zephyr" Fast Destroyer(s) 10 Destroyer(s) 10 Frigate(s) 4 Scout(s) 25 Advanced Interceptor(s) 56 "Stinger" Drone(s) 25 Fighter Bomber(s) 50 Heavy Bomber(s) 20 Fighter Interceptor(s) .
Attacker's losses were 37 Destroyer(s) 3 Cruiser(s) 1 Battleship(s) and 9920 personnel.
Defender's losses were 1 Advanced Interceptor(s) 4 Scout(s) 10 Frigate(s) 10 Destroyer(s) 10 Cruiser(s) 56 "Stinger" Drone(s) 2 "Leopard" Strike Cruiser(s) 1 "Zephyr" Fast Destroyer(s) 1 "Terrapin" Carrier(s) and 14658 personnel.
Defender lost 45 Orbital Minefield(s) .
Attacker gained 13026 prestige.
Attacker gained 4367 prestige due to the difference in planetary status.
Defender lost 3292 prestige.

A fleet of vessels from the planet 'Uf Gunk X' attempted to perform a fighter screen at Andiur.
The attacking force was detected before entering the system!
The attacking force consisted of 100 Fighter Bomber(s) 50 Fighter Interceptor(s) 15 "Hammer" Gunship(s) 121 "Interdictor" Frigate(s) 45 Fire Support Destroyer(s) 40 Destroyer(s) 7 Light Carrier(s) 9 "Privateer" Heavy Cruiser(s) 4 "Tortoise" Battleship(s) 8 "Judicator" Dreadnought(s) 12 Dreadnought(s) 4 Battleship(s) 2 "Sandstorm" Anti-Fighter Platform(s) 1 "Maelstrom" Siege Platform(s).
The defending force consisted of 52 Orbital Minefield (Improved)(s) 21 Orbital Defense Platform(s) 1 "Judicator" Dreadnought(s) 25 "Hammer" Gunship(s) 20 "Interdictor" Frigate(s) 47 Deep Recon Scout(s) .
Attacker's losses were 50 Fighter Interceptor(s) 100 Fighter Bomber(s) 28 "Interdictor" Frigate(s) 15 "Hammer" Gunship(s) and 3950 personnel.
Defender's losses were 47 Deep Recon Scout(s) 20 "Interdictor" Frigate(s) 1 "Judicator" Dreadnought(s) 25 "Hammer" Gunship(s) and 8375 personnel.
Defender lost 52 Orbital Minefield (Improved)(s) 21 Orbital Defense Platform(s) .
Attacker gained 31118 prestige.
Attacker gained 62842 prestige due to the difference in planetary status.
Defender lost 10882 prestige.

A fleet of vessels from the planet 'Uf Gunk X' attempted to perform a fighter screen at Andiur.
The attacking force was able to gain the element of surprise!
Because Andiur is in a state of vendetta against Uf Gunk X, its units will have a 10% offense bonus.
Because Uf Gunk X is in a state of vendetta against Andiur, its units will have a 10% offense bonus.
The attacking force consisted of 15 Advanced Interceptor(s) 115 Fighter Bomber(s) 2 "Wayfarer" Exploration Cruiser(s) 7 Light Carrier(s) 12 Dreadnought(s) 8 "Judicator" Dreadnought(s) 9 Battleship(s) 4 "Tortoise" Battleship(s) 1 "Maelstrom" Siege Platform(s).
The defending force consisted of 13 Orbital Defense Platform(s) 1 "Tortoise" Battleship(s) 7 Dreadnought(s) 2 "Vespa" Siege Carrier(s) 5 "Crusader" Battlecruiser(s) 15 "Privateer" Heavy Cruiser(s) 10 Cruiser(s) 4 Fire Support Destroyer(s) 12 Improved Frigate(s) 32 Deep Recon Scout(s) 24 Scout(s) 80 Advanced Interceptor(s) 300 "Stinger" Drone(s) .
Attacker's losses were 15 Advanced Interceptor(s) 115 Fighter Bomber(s) 7 Dreadnought(s) 7 Light Carrier(s) 2 "Wayfarer" Exploration Cruiser(s) and 20820 personnel.
Defender's losses were 59 Advanced Interceptor(s) 24 Scout(s) 32 Deep Recon Scout(s) 12 Improved Frigate(s) 4 Fire Support Destroyer(s) 10 Cruiser(s) 7 Dreadnought(s) 300 "Stinger" Drone(s) 1 "Tortoise" Battleship(s) 2 "Vespa" Siege Carrier(s) 5 "Crusader" Battlecruiser(s) 15 "Privateer" Heavy Cruiser(s) and 46734 personnel.
Defender lost 13 Orbital Defense Platform(s) .
Attacker gained 32162 prestige.
Attacker gained 31910 prestige due to the difference in planetary status.
Defender lost 11566 prestige.

As you can see from above, successful war is always the quickest way to victory...IF you can stay successful. That round, a player scored something like 200k in one attack against the person in first.

What is the actual formula for taxes? The x% seem to be affecting only a small amount of my population (but not only the trained personnel).

The actual formula? I'm not sure, but your reproduction bonuses are based directly on your base population growth for the day. I'm not sure exactly how population affects reproduction rates and credit income, though...might be a question to ask on their forums. Someone else might know.

2007-11-20, 10:59 AM
Wow... Even the first attack would nearly double my current prestige. :smalleek:

Are there no penalties for attacking someone? Like some random player above me, with no diplomatic relations or anything?

(The manual is not very helpful and detailed imo, and the wiki is not working.)

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-20, 11:14 AM
Wow... Even the first attack would nearly double my current prestige. :smalleek:

And the second would double mine. :smallwink:

I think I made another couple of attacks as good as the third one at some point in the late round, but I'm too lazy to rummage them up. What those reports don't tell you is how due to bad allies backing me up, I got stomped by a combined force after that. :smallyuk:

Because I attacked someone much higher than me though, despite losing my fleets and having to rebuild, my prestige gains were much higher overall than my losses, enough to propel me up about 20 spots on the prestige charts (at the time I was 50th, it took me up to 20th, then I dropped back down to 30th and stayed in the 30s until the end, where I came out at 32nd, if memory serves.)

Are there no penalties for attacking someone? Like some random player above me, with no diplomatic relations or anything?

(The manual is not very helpful and detailed imo, and the wiki is not working.)

There are penalties for attacking someone lower ranked - you lose prestige, it has to be a really impressive attack to gain it. You also lose oodles of prestige for bombing habitats, and risk incurring the wrath of the Galactic High Council.

Attacking someone higher than you on the prestige charts earns you a bonus % of prestige from your attack. The % gain is based on the difference between your two actual prestige counts, not your rankings. I'm not sure of the exact formula on that, but the second attack, I was in 50th and my target was in 7th, and I earned a 200% prestige gain.

The downside is that you might bring down their allies on your head, assuming they have any. Thus why it helps to have allies of your own. Wars often turn into large numbers of planets fighting one another, usually through one or two 'fronts' for each side, worlds willing to accept ships and crank up their war research and with naturally good war stats.

2007-11-20, 11:20 AM
Interesting. Thank you.

I recently bought 10 destroyers, and gained a couple of ships through clever usage of Perform Mission. Is there any way to gain information about alliances ingame?

Oh, and in other news: 5 Embassys are now ready, votes are for sale. :smallwink:

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-20, 11:44 AM
Is there any way to gain information about alliances ingame?

Forums can help, if you can get an intelligence cell to observe messages, that can help. Commerce records can sometimes show if there is a lot of trading between two worlds, ESPECIALLY sales of free goods or monetary donations. Experiencing someone's allies first-hand helps too. :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-20, 12:16 PM
Experiencing someone's allies first-hand helps too. :smallbiggrin:

Hehe, ok. Do you (or somebody else here?) have some Scouts for sale?

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-20, 12:22 PM
Hehe, ok. Do you (or somebody else here?) have some Scouts for sale?

Not immediately, no, but I can build some for you in around 17 months when my next batch of Destroyers finishes. How many do you want/need? I've got plenty of resources. I'll even offer them for you at cheap allied discount price of wholesale. :smallamused:

Though I'm starting to wonder if this shouldn't be sent through diplomatic messages in game... =P

2007-11-20, 12:25 PM
:smallsmile: Yeah, metagaming is bad. Diplomatic message incoming. :smalltongue:

Archonic Energy
2007-11-21, 07:03 AM
this is starting to remind me of hot-seat MoO2 games...

2007-11-21, 09:06 AM
Well... Master of Orion 2 is the best TBS ever made, so that is nothing wrong imo. :smallwink:

But there is no MoO2 browser game yet. :smallfrown:

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-21, 02:29 PM
Congrats to me, the first person in the galaxy to break 100,000 prestige. *High fives everyone.* :smallbiggrin:

Archonic Energy
2007-11-21, 03:01 PM
Well... Master of Orion 2 is the best TBS ever made, so that is nothing wrong imo. :smallwink:

hey i never said there was anything wrong... some of my favourite gaming memories involve me & my mates crowed around a P100 with a 1GB HDD!

i feel old!

next job complete at 00:17

Research at 02:17

erm... can you queue things?

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-21, 03:05 PM
next job complete at 00:17

Research at 02:17

erm... can you queue things?

Nope. It's been a begged-for feature for ages, even if it's only given to subscribers, but they haven't said if there are any plans to incorporate it in the near future... I try to time my creations to mesh up with it.

Archonic Energy
2007-11-21, 03:09 PM
Nope. It's been a begged-for feature for ages, even if it's only given to subscribers, but they haven't said if there are any plans to incorporate it in the near future... I try to time my creations to mesh up with it.


i really don't want to waste any of my early turns...
they are what can make/break you.

i assume.

*plots for stellar Converter mounted in scouts*

Edit: i know...
*installs SMAC*
... this should keep me busy

2007-11-21, 05:43 PM
Congrats to me, the first person in the galaxy to break 100,000 prestige. *High fives everyone.* :smallbiggrin:

Gratz! :smallbiggrin:

Well, someone is trying to steal my population... Stupid alert level is rising to slow. :/

And I understand DeSu now, too much structure maintainance and not enough income... 4% taxes kill my population growth entirely, some advice?

Raiser Blade
2007-11-21, 06:23 PM
Sorry to desu...

I seriously didn't know that a representative recall was a bad thing.

I thought i was voting for him or something. :smalleek:

2007-11-21, 06:42 PM
You'd better be sorry :smallmad: nah its ok man... anyways to Saithis I sent you a care package of some extra metal, and to anyone else if you need a material just post here on this forum...

2007-11-21, 07:23 PM
I busted someone's spy ring wide open and I've nabbed another couple of spies somehow as well.

I'm so new, I don't have an intel agency.

I sent them a nice, polite, diplomatic note informing them that I knew it was them and there were more interesting people to spy on than me. Don't know how much good it'll do me and will probably result in a fleet coming down my throat. Ah well. I know, I'll complain loudly and longly.

(ps, if anyone has any spare population going, I need to replace what got stolen by Marklar's spies. Plus, I need to get credits. I appear to have about 500 radioactives going begging so if anyone needs some, I'm sure we can come to an arrangement.)

2007-11-22, 01:49 AM
Well given the fact that you caught him spying I doubt he'd find much support, especially if you were to mention it on the forums to tarnish his name. As for population how many people would you need. Out of mine I've got 60k sitting on their asses doing nothing, and I'm sure I could hook you up with some.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-22, 02:12 AM
Gratz! :smallbiggrin:

Well, someone is trying to steal my population... Stupid alert level is rising to slow. :/

And I understand DeSu now, too much structure maintainance and not enough income... 4% taxes kill my population growth entirely, some advice?

Increase your money, increase your population. I'm maintaining a fleet and orbital defenses with extensive infrastructure at 3% taxes and still making a profit, due to my high population (6th in the galaxy) and my investment in Wealth II (and Planetary Banks and a Stock Exchange) and my net population growth is still at acceptable levels thanks to Reproduction II (and Hospitals and Genetics Labs).

If you said something about the spies on your world on the forum, you might get some people rallied against him. If someone sends a fleet down your throat, I'll take them out for you. :smallsmile:


i really don't want to waste any of my early turns...
they are what can make/break you.

i assume.

*plots for stellar Converter mounted in scouts*

Edit: i know...
*installs SMAC*
... this should keep me busy

To be honest, you're far enough behind due to starting late (I think? I don't even know your planet name =X) that you aren't going to suffer too greatly from a loss of early turns. I'd be lying if I said you have a chance at the top 10 as you are, though you could climb out of the bottom rung and get closer to the midfield with decent attacks.

Archonic Energy
2007-11-22, 05:18 AM
To be honest, you're far enough behind due to starting late (I think? I don't even know your planet name =X) that you aren't going to suffer too greatly from a loss of early turns. I'd be lying if I said you have a chance at the top 10 as you are, though you could climb out of the bottom rung and get closer to the midfield with decent attacks.

the first time playing any game isn't about winning...

it's about gaining the experiance to win the next game.

i like it at the bottom... less pressure!

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-22, 09:39 AM
the first time playing any game isn't about winning...

it's about gaining the experiance to win the next game.

i like it at the bottom... less pressure!

Hah, there's the truth. I'm constantly waiting for the day I log in to see the fleets have finally arrived over my world...stressful, I tell you. Trying to juggle the construction of a proper economy with defensive fleets? Yeesh.

2007-11-22, 12:43 PM
Hmm... I have all Planetary Banks and a Stock Exchange built. Also Wealth 2 researched.

But I don't have Clone Labs yet... Maybe thats the problem. :)

Thank you for your defense offer, I hope you don't mind my vote for the Federation of Alluria. Had a little RP going on behind the scenes with Lady Kydei, so it seemed fair to vote for him.

But I think next time I will vote myself into the GHC. :smallcool:

Still no results from my spies, every 12 turns one of them dies, 20 new get recruited. But they never find the foreigners. :/

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-22, 01:09 PM
Hmm... I have all Planetary Banks and a Stock Exchange built. Also Wealth 2 researched.

But I don't have Clone Labs yet... Maybe thats the problem. :)

Thank you for your defense offer, I hope you don't mind my vote for the Federation of Alluria. Had a little RP going on behind the scenes with Lady Kydei, so it seemed fair to vote for him.

But I think next time I will vote myself into the GHC. :smallcool:

Still no results from my spies, every 12 turns one of them dies, 20 new get recruited. But they never find the foreigners. :/

At this stage only two worlds I can think of who are running for the GHC can even threaten my voting power, so vote for whoever you like.

If you want my advice, run smaller groups more frequently. I scan my planet with groups of 5 or 10 run as often as I can get to the computer. They raise alert level rapidly and chew through enemy agents pretty quickly with only minimal losses to yourself most times (I lost 3 to budge a minimum of 2 cells.)

Get the labs and I recommend researching Maintenance, at least up to Maintenance III. It helps, and you need Maintenance III for Ugpraded Manufacturing Facilities (2 projects apiece!) which then open up lots of new tech with Advanced Research Labs.

2007-11-22, 04:42 PM
Well given the fact that you caught him spying I doubt he'd find much support, especially if you were to mention it on the forums to tarnish his name. As for population how many people would you need. Out of mine I've got 60k sitting on their asses doing nothing, and I'm sure I could hook you up with some.

I got a fair few not really doing much at the moment myself. Just out of curiosity, is it total number of population that affects credit generation or is it total in employment ?

If it's the latter then I guess I need to find something for them all to do.

I'm pretty certain some complete git is siphoning off my cash somehow. My fleet isn't that big, surely and I don't think I have 2 grands worth of maintainance on my structures yet.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-22, 04:52 PM
I got a fair few not really doing much at the moment myself. Just out of curiosity, is it total number of population that affects credit generation or is it total in employment ?

If it's the latter then I guess I need to find something for them all to do.

I'm pretty certain some complete git is siphoning off my cash somehow. My fleet isn't that big, surely and I don't think I have 2 grands worth of maintainance on my structures yet.

As far as I am aware, it's the total population, not the employed population.

If someone is, run lots of sweeps on your planet for foreign intelligence cells. If you can get your alert up to and hovering around 100 almost any mission they do will fail.

2007-11-22, 04:57 PM
Need to do a few research bits first unfortunately. Still, my cash flow is positive, if not very big. It can wait a couple of days, I hope.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-22, 05:15 PM
My maintenance is finally starting to overcome 3% taxes, by the time my next batch of buildings finishes I think I'll be in the negatives again...

I can't really start selling ships en masse until I pick up the Offense research required to pump out high level craft, but...bah, I dunno. :smallconfused: I really don't want to push up to 4% taxes, my reproduction rates are going to all but disappear.

Archonic Energy
2007-11-23, 04:41 AM

Intelligence Agency will be completed in 57 month
Protection: 57 Months Remaining

this could get intresting...

i knew i should have got up at 06:00 this morning to issue my orders!

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-23, 04:44 AM

Intelligence Agency will be completed in 57 month
Protection: 57 Months Remaining

this could get intresting...

i knew i should have got up at 06:00 this morning to issue my orders!

Hehehe! Don't worry, I won't jump on the 'send agents' bandwagon. Maybe. :smallwink:

Archonic Energy
2007-11-23, 04:47 AM
Hehehe! Don't worry, I won't jump on the 'send agents' bandwagon. Maybe. :smallwink:

do you know who i am yet?

if not then sending agents after me may prove difficult.

13 months till research complete... i'm going for a spot of breakfast.
see you in 4Hrs 20 min. :smallwink:

Edit: maths mode
13 + 33 = 46
57 - 46 = 11
an extra 2% over 11 months won't do enough...

2007-11-23, 12:43 PM
I see that bloke who I busted spying in me is making himself really popular on the forum. An excellent example of the nonsensical poster.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-23, 01:17 PM
Who did you bust spying? I'm curious. Skash Khazander? He's my #1 suspect. <.<;

2007-11-23, 01:37 PM
It was Marklar.

Date: 11/21/2007 8:00:00 AM
From: New Avalon
Subject: Intelligence Report
Agency: An attempt was made to subvert our population!
Fortunately, our agents were able to minimize the amount of damage done.
We lost 1200 population, however.
Their losses were 3 agents.
We were able to use the information extracted to backtrack to the intelligence cell and dismantle it.
Further, we discovered that the operatives were from Marklar

I'd love to do something about it because.

A, I don't like being spyed on

B, I'm a vindictive git

C, he's an idiot.

But he's also a (in relation to me) big idiot.

Her's the note I sent him. Personally, I think it's a masterpiece of restraint. Probably best he hasn't replied yet, I think I'd get gibberish about my Marklar.

Date: 11/22/2007 12:12:00 AM
From: New Avalon
To: Marklar
Subject: Good Afternoon
Dear Marklar,

I just thought I'd write to let you know that I have no objection to you exercising your intelligence organ in principle.

However, I really feel that you can exercise it somewhere else. There are 99 other planets in this galaxy including some others who, say, for the sake of argumant, the latest research project of whom would be of a lot greater interest to you than mine, what with me being somewhat down the list from where you are and therefore not really up to much that is that exciting. Believe it or not, I would have loved for your intel boys (assuming the one I killed on that particular gig was yours, my apologies if it wasn't) to have something to report instead of the humdrum lets - get - this - early - reasearch - done - so - we - can - get - to - the - fun - stuff, but unfortunately, that was just not the case. Oh, and subverting my population ? Well, I'm obviously none too happy about that but I'm a fairly genorous minded individual and if they wanted to go then they weren't my kind of people anyway.



2007-11-24, 12:35 AM
I recently discovered somebody subverting my population (which I don't mind so much) via an indirect route. Apparently somebody spying on him read his news and got a report of his successful spying of me >.> The culprit is Fruit Field. Honestly he hasn't done much harm, but recently he sabotaged my research which really irks me so I'm trying to figure out how I can strike back at him. My previous attempt to infiltrate him, while undetected was unsuccessful. I have about 100 agents running detect enemy cells, and have had them doing this since my population started poofing but they have yet to find this guy! Im thinking overt military action, but I need to know how prepared to be when I drop the hammer on this guy.

2007-11-24, 04:28 AM
Feel free to message me ingame or PM me here if you need assistance.

So far FruitField and Marklar are mentioned. Both are relativly high prestige targets... Do you have any information about their Fleet / defensive Capabilities?

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-24, 04:55 AM
No, I don't, but if Marklar is proven to have tried to subvert my allies, I'm going to immediately conduct scouting runs. War is an easy way to retaliate, and it's something I'm more than willing to do. I'll get some scouting reports for both of them and see what happens.

I just hit my population growth ceiling and maintenance is starting to get high, I think it's time for me to go to war anyway...this could be interesting. I've got two reasonably high ranked targets. :3

2007-11-24, 06:30 AM
My scouts are also currently on a mission to Marklar. Will post the reports when they come back.

2007-11-24, 08:53 AM
That'll be good to know. Saithis, if someone's fleet is away, will it tell you what they have anyway or will scouting only see what's there ?

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-24, 09:49 AM
If their fleet is away, you only see what is in orbit at the time.

A fleet of vessels from an unknown source attempted to conduct fleet reconnaissance at Marklar.
The attacking force was able to gain the element of surprise!
The attacking force consisted of 1 Scout(s).
No defending forces were found.
Attacker lost nothing.
Defender lost no units.
Defender lost no structures.
Attacker gained 0 prestige.
Defender gained 0 prestige.

A fleet of vessels from an unknown source attempted to reconnoiter structures at Marklar.
The attacking force was able to gain the element of surprise!
The attacking force consisted of 1 Scout(s).
The defending force consisted of 9 Orbital Minefield(s) 10 Satellites(s) 1 Orbital Construction Yard(s) 5 Planetary Bank(s) 1 Manufacturing Plant (Improved)(s) 5 Embassy(s) 2 Genetics Lab(s) 1 Advanced Genetics Lab(s) 2 Research Lab (Improved)(s) 1 Stock Exchange(s) 1 Intelligence Agency(s) 2 Research Lab(s) 4 Farm II(s) 1 Manufacturing Plant(s) 2 Hospital(s) 4 Habitat (Improved)(s) 3 Habitat(s) .
Attacker lost nothing.
Defender lost no units.
Defender lost no structures.
Attacker gained 0 prestige.
Defender gained 0 prestige.

A fleet of vessels from an unknown source attempted to conduct fleet reconnaissance at Fruit Field.
The attacking force was able to gain the element of surprise!
The attacking force consisted of 1 Scout(s).
No defending forces were found.
Attacker lost nothing.
Defender lost no units.
Defender lost no structures.
Attacker gained 0 prestige.
Defender gained 0 prestige.

A fleet of vessels from an unknown source attempted to reconnoiter structures at Fruit Field.
The attacking force was able to gain the element of surprise!
The attacking force consisted of 1 Scout(s).
The defending force consisted of 3 Orbital Minefield(s) 1 Orbital Construction Yard(s) 2 Satellites(s) 1 Stock Exchange(s) 5 Planetary Bank(s) 2 Research Lab(s) 1 Mining Facility (Radioactives)(s) 1 Manufacturing Plant(s) 2 Genetics Lab(s) 1 Mining Facility (Metals)(s) 5 Farm II(s) 2 Hospital(s) 4 Hibernation Caves(s) .
Attacker lost nothing.
Defender lost no units.
Defender lost no structures.
Attacker gained 0 prestige.
Defender gained 0 prestige.

As you can see, extensive scouting reports have revealed ridiculously poor defenses, not worth my time unfortunately. If you guys can get a small fleet of cruisers or battleships, you could blow those minefields out of the sky and then bombard them to the ground. A good way for you to get prestige back and get some revenge. I'll keep my fleet in orbit for now...

2007-11-24, 10:10 AM
Should 30 Frigates and a few Destroyers be enough?

Edit: Hmm, I see, both have not much Attack Power against Structures. :(

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-24, 10:16 AM
Should 30 Frigates and a few Destroyers be enough?

Edit: Hmm, I see, both have not much Attack Power against Structures. :(

There's a chance they'll do small damage. You could probably hurt Fruit Field, but don't get your hopes up against Marklar without some Cruisers or a LOT of destroyers (I could probably take his minefield down with mine but I don't want to leave my world undefended for little gain.)

Cruisers and Battleships are very good against minefields though, I highly recommend them for any offensive fleet.

2007-11-24, 12:22 PM
Well, next research and I'll have cruisers. Unfortunately, that'll be a few days off yet. I did manage to pick up a Crusader Battlecruiser on a lucky mission (by and large, I think I'm only just breaking even with profit on loss with that) but I don't think just 1 of them'll be enough.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-24, 01:04 PM
Well, next research and I'll have cruisers. Unfortunately, that'll be a few days off yet. I did manage to pick up a Crusader Battlecruiser on a lucky mission (by and large, I think I'm only just breaking even with profit on loss with that) but I don't think just 1 of them'll be enough.

A few days for Construction III? That sounds excessive...somebody been sabotaging your research? If you get sabotaged too badly it might be worth canceling and restarting the project. I'm building a small taskforce of cruisers, I'll see if I can't do some damage to infrastructure at least. I can't let my allies in the playground go undefended after all...

2007-11-24, 02:33 PM
Ah, I'm currently researching Reproduction 2 which is taking 40 turns (23 left), I'm about halfway through it. Construction 3 is next on the list but that'll take 60 turns. After that, it's maintainence, maintainence, maintainence all the way. I've got 15 destroyers and 19 frigates and my battlecruiser and the maintainence is pillaging my coffers (hence why I sold those fighters you bought, thank you very much.) I won't be building much more until I can get a handle on that but my intel agency is finally completed so if some little sod is siphoning my credits, hopefully I'll soon find him

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-24, 02:45 PM
Ah, I'm currently researching Reproduction 2 which is taking 40 turns (23 left), I'm about halfway through it. Construction 3 is next on the list but that'll take 60 turns. After that, it's maintainence, maintainence, maintainence all the way. I've got 15 destroyers and 19 frigates and my battlecruiser and the maintainence is pillaging my coffers (hence why I sold those fighters you bought, thank you very much.) I won't be building much more until I can get a handle on that but my intel agency is finally completed so if some little sod is siphoning my credits, hopefully I'll soon find him

What tax rate are you on to be having money problems like that? With my fleet and extensive infrastructure I'm about breaking even at 4% (I've raised to 5% temporarily to raise funds while my pop is capped at 1.5mil.)

Heh...I need more fighters. I've built enough space for 1k, which will keep most random attackers out of my world, I'm arranging to get stinger drones at wholesale, and I've got a large-ish group of destroyers sitting in my orbit (102, but I've put half up on the market at discount, I need to reduce maintenance.)

2007-11-24, 02:50 PM
I'm on 3 %. My people aren't getting down to it and reproducing quickly enough (hence the repro research). I'll get it sorted but I'm going to have to start selling stuff I think really. I can support the fleet I have but no more.

If you want basic fighters / bombers, then I'll happily produce some for you at cost. Until I get a handle on this maintainence pillaging, I won't be making much and I have 5000 metals not doing much and getting bigger with every passing day.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-24, 02:59 PM
I'm on 3 %. My people aren't getting down to it and reproducing quickly enough (hence the repro research). I'll get it sorted but I'm going to have to start selling stuff I think really. I can support the fleet I have but no more.

If you want basic fighters / bombers, then I'll happily produce some for you at cost. Until I get a handle on this maintainence pillaging, I won't be making much and I have 5000 metals not doing much and getting bigger with every passing day.

Fighter bombers would be great. I need 400 more bombers before I'm satisfied with my airbase defenses. As many as you can get me, I'll buy. We can discuss prices in-game. I always rush to Reproduction II where I can in order to get Genetics Labs, then later grab III so I can build Improved Habitats for more population space (which I need now).

2007-11-24, 03:02 PM
140 Fighter bombers are building now. For some strange reason it won't let me make more, even though I have the resources.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-24, 03:27 PM
140 Fighter bombers are building now. For some strange reason it won't let me make more, even though I have the resources.

You can only build as many fighters as you have slots in airbases - 200 per airbase, 300 per advanced airbase, and 50 per starbase.

2007-11-24, 03:29 PM
That'll be it then. Anyway, they're building for you.

2007-11-24, 04:06 PM
Just found this thread, i play the game for a few days now...

Im currently setting up embassies and get some people for the next High Council election.

2007-11-24, 04:33 PM
I have 72 for you in the Queue, completed in 7 months.

Contacting you ingame. :smallbiggrin:

Archonic Energy
2007-11-24, 05:43 PM
Agency: Your sweep for enemy operatives on Fenchurch succeeded.
Our new alert level is: 9.

i take it that this is Bad....

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-24, 05:57 PM
The fact that it's 9 is bad, 9 is very low (it's rated out of 100). It means you need to do more sweeps to get your alert level closer to 100 - the higher it is, the better your chance of intercepting enemy agents on missions.

Oh, and the fact that I now know who you are is good for me at least. :smallwink:

2007-11-24, 06:01 PM
All my own spy-missions are always a catastrophic failure. Only the first 3 sweeps I've ever done succeeded.

All others... 1 Agent lost, catastrophic failure. Random increase in alert level between -10 and 10 per mission. Usually the decay between mission puts it down more then a mission gives.

The results are always the same... Doesn't matter if I send 10 agents or 300...

I think something is wrong with my agents? :smallconfused:

Archonic Energy
2007-11-24, 06:09 PM
Oh, and the fact that I now know who you are is good for me at least. :smallwink:

D'oh i forgot to remove my homeworld's name!

i'm guessing i need more research in stealth & sensors

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-25, 01:50 AM
All my own spy-missions are always a catastrophic failure. Only the first 3 sweeps I've ever done succeeded.

All others... 1 Agent lost, catastrophic failure. Random increase in alert level between -10 and 10 per mission. Usually the decay between mission puts it down more then a mission gives.

The results are always the same... Doesn't matter if I send 10 agents or 300...

I think something is wrong with my agents? :smallconfused:

The number of agents you send makes little difference, the number of sweeps makes a much larger difference. Increasing your stealth and sensors does make your agents stronger (both on your world and on other worlds).

Personally, I suggest running lots of smaller groups as often as you can. I run agents in groups of 10 as often as I can to push my alert level up more quickly. Eventually they wear down enemy cells and drive them out, or push the alert level high enough that any cell who attempts anything gets caught automatically.

Archonic Energy
2007-11-25, 04:00 AM
good morning...

when i went to bed i started a research project that would take 31 months...
it will currently take 36 months....

also i seem to have lost metals & radioactives....

time for a spy hunt i think!

in good news, i've moved up 1 place.

2007-11-25, 08:02 AM
Messaged you in game about your order for fighters Saithis.

And what the heck are you doing up at 6.50 am on a Sunday ?

2007-11-25, 09:00 AM
Date: 11/25/2007 12:40:00 PM
From: DeSu
Subject: Combat Report A fleet of vessels from the planet 'Clokey' attempted to conduct a normal attack at DeSu.
The attacking force was detected before entering the system!
The attacking force consisted of 5 "Aegis" Mobile Shield(s) 20 Cruiser(s) 25 Destroyer(s).
The defending force consisted of 21 Orbital Minefield(s) 11 Cruiser(s) 4 Destroyer(s) 1 "Hammer" Gunship(s) 15 Frigate(s) 15 Scout(s) 142 Fighter Interceptor(s) 100 Fighter Bomber(s) .
Attacker's losses were 4 "Aegis" Mobile Shield(s) and 4000 personnel.
Defender's losses were 142 Fighter Interceptor(s) 100 Fighter Bomber(s) 15 Scout(s) 15 Frigate(s) 4 Destroyer(s) 11 Cruiser(s) 1 "Hammer" Gunship(s) and 11702 personnel.
Defender lost 21 Orbital Minefield(s) .
Attacker gained 22560 prestige.
Attacker lost 15806 prestige due to the difference in planetary status.
Defender lost 10106 prestige.

Perhaps this is a target worthy of Saithis' great fleets?

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-25, 11:58 AM
Perhaps this is a target worthy of Saithis' great fleets?

I'll take a look, not sure if I can compete with Cruisers at this stage though, my own fleets are minimal at the moment. I'll need to pick up more Battleships.

Messaged you in game about your order for fighters Saithis.

And what the heck are you doing up at 6.50 am on a Sunday ?

I was DMing a game. I'll send you a message back.

2007-11-25, 12:05 PM
Hopefully my credit concerns will soon be over. Stock exchange and genetics labs are building.

2007-11-25, 03:38 PM
There you go Saithis, 140 Fighter bombers are ready to go.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-25, 04:40 PM
A fleet of vessels from the planet 'Castilia Orion IV' attempted to conduct fleet reconnaissance at Clokey.
The attacking force was able to gain the element of surprise!
The attacking force consisted of 1 Scout(s).
The defending force consisted of 7 "Aegis" Mobile Shield(s) 30 Cruiser(s) 1 "Berzerker" Destroyer(s) 28 Destroyer(s) 47 Scout(s) .
Attacker lost nothing.
Defender lost no units.
Defender lost no structures.
Attacker gained 0 prestige.
Defender gained 0 prestige.

A fleet of vessels from an unknown source attempted to reconnoiter structures at Clokey.
The attacking force was able to gain the element of surprise!
The attacking force consisted of 1 Scout(s).
The defending force consisted of 9 Orbital Minefield(s) 1 Orbital Construction Yard(s) 2 Satellites(s) 12 Surface Defense Battery(s) 1 Trade School(s) 2 Research Lab(s) 1 Intelligence Agency(s) 2 Genetics Lab(s) 2 Research Lab (Improved)(s) 2 Manufacturing Plant (Improved)(s) 14 Warehouse (Small)(s) 2 Hospital(s) 1 University(s) 16 Mining Facility (Metals)(s) 7 Habitat(s) .
Attacker lost nothing.
Defender lost no units.
Defender lost no structures.
Attacker gained 0 prestige.
Defender gained 0 prestige.

Yikes, no way I can compete with that. My fleet is far too geared towards defense. You'll need a lot of Battleships if you want to tangle with him and have a hope of coming out alive.

Thanks to everyone who acquired fighters for me, I should be able to handle the rest of my needs on my own. :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-25, 05:52 PM
Date: 11/25/2007 9:20:00 PM
From: New Avalon
Subject: Intelligence Report
Agency: An attempt was made to subvert our population but was thwarted by our agents.
As a matter of fact, the propaganda was so badly written that some of the enemy population were induced to defect to your planet.Their losses were 6 agents.
We were able to use the information extracted to backtrack to the intelligence cell and dismantle it.
Further, we discovered that the operatives were from Bzzt

Now this is justice. Bzzt is 3rd on the list so there's no way I'm tangling with him, even in retalliation, but I love the fact it backfired on him.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-27, 02:48 AM
Now this is justice. Bzzt is 3rd on the list so there's no way I'm tangling with him, even in retalliation, but I love the fact it backfired on him.

Being 3rd on the list doesn't necessarily make him unworthy of retaliation. It just means he has high prestige. As a Luhtin, it's actually very likely to be prestige based mostly off of population and not war. Scout his defenses before you make that kind of decision - what buildings and units they have tells you what research they've focused on.

2007-11-27, 06:39 AM
Back in the Top 20, (Prestige: 149089 [18]) and my fleet is starting to shape up.

3 "Aegis" Mobile Shield
70 Destroyers
10 Frigates (Pah)
50 "Hammer" Gunships
300 "Dagger" Heavy Fighters
100 Bombers.

I need some carriers to actually be able to do something, but until then, it's defence, defence, defence. Also; Daggers will be hitting the market at around 1/700 credits per fighter for small purchases, and getting lower for high end purchases, for instance, 300 Daggers for 150k. Take note, grab cheap metals now, the price is about to hit anywhere between 1/15 to 1/20. Also, I'm trying to boost the price of radioactives and fuel, the markets at this point are ridiculous.

2007-11-27, 11:08 AM
I'm picking up what I can off the market in terms of ships. I've got more than enough resources for now. I picked up a Leopard Strike Cruiser that I quite like and I'm vaguely tempted by those Badger cruisers that are on there now but I'm probably going to give them the go by. I may pick up a battlewagon since they're on there too.

In other news, my first new build cruisers came off the line today.

I is now a galactic superpower.

Quite what power I have, I don't know.

Marklar is actually my 1st target. I have the feeling he's stopped playing so it'll be a good chance to try a few things out.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-27, 11:12 AM
I've sold off most of my Destroyer fleet to save funds and continue working on my population. Still, I think my fleet will do, I just need to upgrade these damnable minefields. Starting to work on Offense now that I finished Science V (total research speed: -59%!).

60 Orbital Minefield(s)
1 Destroyer(s)
100 "Hammer" Gunship(s)
9 Scout(s)
784 Fighter Bomber(s)
62 Fighter Interceptor(s)
100 "Stinger" Drone(s)

At least it'll keep most random attackers out.

I'm picking up what I can off the market in terms of ships. I've got more than enough resources for now. I picked up a Leopard Strike Cruiser that I quite like and I'm vaguely tempted by those Badger cruisers that are on there now but I'm probably going to give them the go by. I may pick up a battlewagon since they're on there too.

In other news, my first new build cruisers came off the line today.

I is now a galactic superpower.

Quite what power I have, I don't know.

Marklar is actually my 1st target. I have the feeling he's stopped playing so it'll be a good chance to try a few things out.

I wish you luck, and I humbly suggest you invest in Offense and Defense research, as well as Construction IV for battleships. :smallbiggrin:

Archonic Energy
2007-11-27, 11:33 AM
prepare the "scout"

*32 heavy Dreadnoughts are launched*

it's called Recon.

2007-11-27, 11:48 AM
Oh yeah, they're the next stop. I've just launched my scouts for Marklar. If he's as poorly defended as he was when you looked (and he's been sliding down the rankings so I assume he's done nothing since), then I should be able to take him. I'll have 1 Crusader battlecruiser, 1 Leopard Strike cruiser, 3 ordinary cruisers, 15 destroyers and 19 frigates going calling.

Hopefully that'll make the point I want to make.

2007-11-27, 12:19 PM
I don't understand how you actually manage to finance those big fleets.

I currently have

1 "Privateer" Heavy Cruiser(s)
5 Cruiser(s)
10 Destroyer(s)
38 Frigate(s)
10 Scout(s)
50 Fighter Interceptor

But can't probably build more because maintainance would kill me (unless I move up to 5% tax...).

Do I have to few people paying taxes? Currently at Maintainance III and Wealth II (III researching). All money- and population-buildings have been built... :(

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-27, 12:40 PM
My fleet is currently pretty small, costing me about...4200 credits per turn in maintenance, enough for me to handle at 4% taxes with a profit, 3% with a small loss. Maintenance III and Wealth II, Reproduction II and all relevant buildings up. The reason I can handle larger fleets than most people though is because I have a higher than average population base (currently 17th in population and growing rapidly after a period of stagnation. I was first for awhile earlier in the round.)

That said, my fleet is hardly large. I have no medium or heavy ships. Gunships can put small dents in battleships and they'll tear through fighters like butter, while bombers will ream heavy ships, but...my fleet still isn't 'good' or 'big' by many stretches of the imagination. I could use more, but I'm saving for Offense V before I get a proper defensive fleet.

2007-11-27, 12:43 PM
I like capital ships, they appeal to me more than fighters do. I have the same maintainence level and wealth that Saithis does and I'm just breaking even on 3% taxes. I think I need more people.

2007-11-27, 12:44 PM
So it looks like I need more people. Is the population growth limited by the availiable amount of space on your planet (is it slower around 90% compared to 50%)?

2007-11-27, 12:47 PM
hey i just joined
116 sultan sivart Sli'Krith
i'm in last yhoo yeah boo yah
any way how long are months in this game?

2007-11-27, 12:50 PM
Turns are every 20 minutes (at 0, 20, 40). One Turn is a month ingame.

2007-11-27, 02:14 PM
Just bought a battleship. I probably paid over the odds for it but hopefully Marklar will be mine, muhahahahaaa

Archonic Energy
2007-11-28, 05:10 AM
Just bought a battleship. I probably paid over the odds for it but hopefully Marklar will be mine, muhahahahaaa

did you want some crusiers?

Edit: Zaphod is selling 25 destroyers...

i wonder if i could run over a planet in the 50s with that...

2007-11-28, 11:18 AM
I can't take any more ships for the moment. Well, not without bad things happening to my population.

Do you reckon 1 battleship, 5 assorted cruisers, 15 destroyers, 18 frigates will get overly stuffed over by 9 minefields Saithis ?

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-28, 11:24 AM
I can't take any more ships for the moment. Well, not without bad things happening to my population.

Do you reckon 1 battleship, 5 assorted cruisers, 15 destroyers, 18 frigates will get overly stuffed over by 9 minefields Saithis ?

Run them in a fighter screen formation and it should cream them. You might lose a couple frigates but the battleship and cruisers have enough firepower to turn that few minefields to rubble. Just to be safe, run as many volleys as possible (5) in one attack.

2007-11-28, 11:29 AM
Ok, I'll launch one last scouting mission to make sure a dreadnought hasn't reared its ugly head and then we're all systems go. The frigates are expendable but the cruisers and battlewagon are the core of my fleet so I don't want to lose them.

Archonic Energy
2007-11-28, 12:04 PM
OH NOEZ I WOZ ATTACKED BY "heavy meteor shower"

who can i relaliate against???


so if i buy Zaphod's 25 ships and then send them against Zaphod would he lose face for being the one who supplied be with the means to attack?

that'll teach that hoopy frood!

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-28, 12:08 PM
OH NOEZ I WOZ ATTACKED BY "heavy meteor shower"

who can i relaliate against???


so if i buy Zaphod's 25 ships and then send them against Zaphod would he lose face for being the one who supplied be with the means to attack?

that'll teach that hoopy frood!

Yes he would, but good luck taking him down with just Destroyers. Destroyers aren't the best at damaging buildings and I don't doubt Zaphod probably has minefields or shields or something up (I can't scout him as he's an ally of mine).

2007-11-29, 04:20 PM
Date: 11/29/2007 5:47:00 PM
From: Marklar
To: New Avalon
Subject: Diplomatic Communique
The leader of Marklar has changed their attitude towards us to alliance.
The Marklar ambassador relayed the following message: 'Marklar! You have proven yourself a great Marklar. Now we may marklar together.'

So, what am I going to do about him ?

Archonic Energy
2007-11-30, 04:43 AM
So, what am I going to do about him ?

simple. you marklar him up the marklar till his marklars water :smallbiggrin:

on a more serious note anyone want some cheap metals/radioactives... my quartermaster is moaning that my stores are full...

and it'll take too long to build new ones

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-30, 12:24 PM
I never say no to cheap metals, though I'm fine on radioactives.

As for Marklar, do as you please. He'd be good to sponge prestige off of if he's weakened.

I don't suppose anybody wants to buy 104 destroyers off of me? :smalltongue:

2007-11-30, 08:21 PM
38 Frigates for Sale (at 1000 per Unit). I need to cut down my fleet maintainance or 5% taxes will occur. Still no clue why I am so short on income with such a small fleet.

Oh, 3 evil meteors killed 2 Minefields. :smallfrown:

Do you think it would be wise to buy additional population for tax-purposes?

2007-12-01, 01:54 AM
Not really. Basically, you just need to make sure that you research Maintenance, Population and Wealth. I'm sure it's been explained, but anyway

Structure Maintenance: 3034 (-212)
Unit Maintenance: 5368 (-376)
Agent Maintenance: 92 (-6)

The bits in brackets afterwards are what is negated off of the actual fee that the maintenance of your Units, Structures and Agents incur. I have really poor maintenance, which is why the (-#) is so small.

Total Overview:

Current 358441
Income Taxes: 6229 (5%)
Species: 311
Structures: 623
Research: 125
Tribute: 0
Alliances: 623
Expenses Structure Maintenance: 3034 (-212)
Unit Maintenance: 5368 (-376)
Agent Maintenance: 92 (-6)
Tribute: 0
Expected 358452
Net 11


In anycase, early in the game you shouldn't focus on having large fleets, you just need to build up your population, by sitting on 1%, 2% and 3%, to maximize your Net Pop Growth. The only reason I have 5% and a semi-large fleet is because of this:

Population: 1495045 [36]
Available: 134801

Which really isn't that great, but is still a decent base.

So, if you have too much maintenance, lay low, and lose the ships, just to build up credits and population. Time doesn't matter at this point, there's over a month left in the game. Or a month, whatever.

2007-12-01, 05:35 AM
Taxes: 4096 (4%)
Species: 82
Structures: 819
Research: 492
Tribute: 0
Alliances: 400

Structure Maintenance: 3313 (-398)
Unit Maintenance: 2030 (-244)
Agent Maintenance: 454 (-54)

Maybe I have too much agents? :smalleek:

Population: 1228895 [63]

Edit: I have Maintainance III, Wealth III and Reproduction III.

2007-12-01, 10:40 AM
So do I. Of course, I'd be a lot better of if I didn't do things like buy that "Anvil" Battleship off the commerce market. That pillaged my maintainence all buy itself. I managed to resist the "Judicator" Dreadnought though. I'm on 4% taxes while my habitats build. As soon as I go back to 3%, I'll start losing money really quickly (but that Anvil was an absolute steal)

My fleet is 1 "Anvil, 3 Battleships, 5 Cruisers, 1 "Crusader" Battlecruiser, I "Leopard" Cruiser, 17 Destroyers, 18 Frigates. Enough that whichever sod just blew up my university will have a tough time if he tries anything overt but a real nuisance to keep maintained.

2007-12-01, 10:16 PM
Damn every time I make a sweep for agents I keep getting catastrophic failures. Any way to get past that?

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-02, 01:23 AM
Current 221486
Income Taxes: 7083 (5%)
Species: 354
Structures: 1062
Research: 425
Tribute: 0
Alliances: 708
Expenses Structure Maintenance: 3402 (-850)
Unit Maintenance: 6032 (-1508)
Agent Maintenance: 432 (-108)
Tribute: 0
Expected 223718
Net 2232

Population: 1699928
Births: 378
Deaths: 567
Species: 19
Structures: 94
Research: 45
Expected Total: 1699897
Net Growth: -31
Maximum: 1961500 (87%)
Growth Months: 0
Food Months: 145

Reproduction III, Wealth II, Maintenance IV.

It's all about the population, my children. Population = Money = Power.

Damn every time I make a sweep for agents I keep getting catastrophic failures. Any way to get past that?

Get more agents. Basically... :smalltongue:

2007-12-02, 11:11 AM
Damn every time I make a sweep for agents I keep getting catastrophic failures. Any way to get past that?

Get more agents, ask a friend to try estabilish a remote intelligence cell, if you find it your alert level will go to 100.

2007-12-02, 04:57 PM
40 more months and I'll have the "Colossus" Megaship built. Quite looking forward to using it now.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-02, 05:30 PM
Just don't forget to support it. You could also make a killing by selling it on the market if you really wanted to, they'll easily go for a million+ credits. It's not hard to squeeze lots of money out of people for one of them. :smallbiggrin:

2007-12-02, 05:49 PM
I can just about afford to run it. To support it, I had to decomission my entire frigate fleet (no one'll buy those) but 18 destroyers, 1 dreadnought, 1 Anvil battlewagon, 3 battleships, 7 assorted cruisers plus fighters'll make a nice assault force.

A million credits you say...

Hmmmmmm, I might have to have an auction

2007-12-03, 04:38 AM
I'm now 4th, right behind Saithis. Made a prestige grab and attacked Ursa Minor Beta. Needless to say, it turned out well.

Date: 12/2/2007 9:00:00 PM
From: Ursa Minor Beta
Subject: Combat Report A fleet of vessels from the planet 'The Forgeworld' attempted to conduct a normal attack at Ursa Minor Beta.
The attacking force was detected before entering the system!
The attacking force consisted of 5 "Aegis" Mobile Shield(s) 100 Destroyer(s) 50 "Hammer" Gunship(s) 60 Fighter Bomber(s) 4 Light Carrier(s) 3 Scout(s).
The defending force consisted of 21 Orbital Minefield(s) 77 Destroyer(s) 10 Fighter Bomber(s) .
Attacker's losses were 11 Destroyer(s) 5 "Aegis" Mobile Shield(s) and 6760 personnel.
Defender's losses were 10 Fighter Bomber(s) 77 Destroyer(s) and 12340 personnel.
Defender lost 21 Orbital Minefield(s) .
Attacker gained 19797 prestige.
Attacker gained 15344 prestige due to the difference in planetary status.
Defender lost 7530 prestige.

Mmm. 35141 prestige bonus. Nothing like a 25 rank jump. Well, now to make excuses for the attack. Nothing like politics.

2007-12-03, 03:01 PM
Date: 12/3/2007 8:00:00 PM
From: New Avalon
Subject: Combat Report
A fleet of vessels from an unknown source attempted to conduct fleet reconnaissance at Glass Menagerie.
The attacking force was able to gain the element of surprise!
The attacking force consisted of 1 Scout(s).
No defending forces were found.
Attacker lost nothing.
Defender lost no units.
Defender lost no structures.
Attacker gained 0 prestige.
Defender gained 0 prestige

Ok, has someone got really good stealth or something ? Because Glass Menagerie is above me in prestige but I found nothing.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-03, 03:18 PM
Date: 12/3/2007 8:00:00 PM
From: New Avalon
Subject: Combat Report
A fleet of vessels from an unknown source attempted to conduct fleet reconnaissance at Glass Menagerie.
The attacking force was able to gain the element of surprise!
The attacking force consisted of 1 Scout(s).
No defending forces were found.
Attacker lost nothing.
Defender lost no units.
Defender lost no structures.
Attacker gained 0 prestige.
Defender gained 0 prestige

Ok, has someone got really good stealth or something ? Because Glass Menagerie is above me in prestige but I found nothing.

Stealth can't hide ships. Either they have no fleet, or their fleet is out attacking someone.

Archonic Energy
2007-12-05, 08:22 AM
that metal cheap enough Sath?

i think i over did it with the mines....
and under did it with the storage...

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-05, 08:32 AM
that metal cheap enough Sath?

i think i over did it with the mines....
and under did it with the storage...

Quite cheap, I wish everyone sold it at that price, I'd make a killing on ships. :smallwink:

On another note, anyone out there want to help supply me with a cheap or possibly free fleet to take out Duntania? He's overly aggressive for my taste. :smallbiggrin:

Archonic Energy
2007-12-05, 09:16 AM
what do you require?

2007-12-05, 11:04 AM
Lemme see. What do you need Saithis ? I can build you anything up to Cruisers at cost.

Archonic Energy
2007-12-05, 11:48 AM
30 min till Fenchurch's Forges shut down for 48 months...

that sounds so wrong!

2007-12-05, 12:20 PM
On another note, anyone out there want to help supply me with a cheap or possibly free fleet to take out Duntania? He's overly aggressive for my taste. :smallbiggrin:

Seems like he's none too popular due to his attacks on other groups. I'm pretty sure if we organized we could all bash him down a good bit.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-05, 12:40 PM
Well, I'm debating right now whether it's worth getting lower quality ships off you guys or saving up money and building my own. I can get everything but Dreadnoughts and Heavy Carriers as it is, I just don't have the slots or the metals to do it.

I really need heavy ships more than anything. Battleships or Dreadnoughts, something that can punch through orbital defenses. Carriers and fighters will lose me way too many fighters. A few dozen heavy ships would probably do the trick. Hmmm, I don't know. I'm going to have to think about this more, methinks.

2007-12-05, 03:27 PM
On this note

A fleet of vessels from an unknown source attempted to conduct fleet reconnaissance at Rios.
The attacking force was able to gain the element of surprise!
The attacking force consisted of 1 Scout(s).
The defending force consisted of 2 "Aegis" Mobile Shield(s) 1 "Badger" Light Cruiser(s) 2 Frigate(s) 2 Scout(s) 25 Fighter Interceptor(s) 200 "Stinger" Drone(s) .

Date: 12/5/2007 8:00:00 PM
From: New Avalon
Subject: Combat Report
A fleet of vessels from an unknown source attempted to reconnoiter structures at Rios.

The defending force consisted of 30 Orbital Minefield(s) 2 Satellites(s) 1 Orbital Construction Yard (Improved)(s) 1 Orbital Construction Yard(s) 3 Surface Defense Battery(s) 14 Defense Turret(s) 1 Manufacturing Plant (Improved)(s) 2 Hospital(s) 1 Trade School(s) 1 Stock Exchange(s) 1 Farm I(s) 2 Warehouse (Small)(s) 1 Farm II(s) 1 Airbase(s) 1 Intelligence Agency(s) 2 Research Lab (Improved)(s) 5 Planetary Bank(s) 1 University(s) 1 Airbase (Improved)(s) 5 Embassy(s) 2 Mining Facility (Radioactives)(s) 1 Materials Processing Plant(s) 1 Refinery (Fuel)(s) 2 Research Lab(s) 2 Mining Facility (Metals)(s) 5 Manufacturing Plant(s) 3 Habitat(s) .

Do you reckon my fleet'll be able to batter this lot ? I got my Colossus, a DN, 4 assorted Battleships,11 assorted cruisers, 28 Destroyers and I can take up to 30 fighters.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-05, 05:56 PM
Put it all into a fighter screen formation and you'll cream them. =)

Archonic Energy
2007-12-06, 04:51 AM
*offers metal & radioactives at discount prices*

i'd prefer to build though....
i get prestige that way.

2007-12-06, 05:31 AM
Well Saithis, give me a couple of days to get Construction 5 and I'll build you whatever you like. I just picked up Offense 5 on the random mission button.

In the meantime, would anyone like some Hurrican cruisers or Zephyr destroyers ?

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-06, 09:06 AM
Well Saithis, give me a couple of days to get Construction 5 and I'll build you whatever you like. I just picked up Offense 5 on the random mission button.

In the meantime, would anyone like some Hurrican cruisers or Zephyr destroyers ?

You lucky git! Of all the...

I have been playing since Round 9 and I have never once gotten a tech on the random mission button. :smallfrown:

2007-12-06, 09:28 AM
Well, I got defense 1 a while back on a mission and thought no more of it. But I'd only researched Offense 1.

Heh heh heh heh.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-06, 01:51 PM
You're welcome Lotto. *Don't care.* :smalltongue:

2007-12-06, 01:55 PM
Hey guys, im starting to get a fleet, most i got from that perform missions button...

4 Battleship(s)
1 Dreadnought(s)
1 "Badger" Light Cruiser(s)
10 Cruiser(s)
25 Destroyer(s)
20 Fire Support Destroyer(s)

What more i should have?

Edit: My planet there is Arda and i am in the GHC(with diplomacy 43% who doesnt?)

2007-12-06, 02:11 PM
So you're Arda ?

Damn, I'm glad you said, I was gearing up to have a little go at you as soon as I'd finished some business elsewhere. Well, I'll see who else looks handy :)

2007-12-06, 02:19 PM
So many targets and you were going on me?

Which one you are? And about my fleet, what should i build/buy, until now i was only staying with ships i got from missions.

2007-12-06, 03:33 PM
I'm New Avalon. Just random coincidental choice there. I'm busily building Fast Cruisers and destroyers at the moment if anyone wants some.

2007-12-06, 06:45 PM
I donated my fleet to Blightburrow, currently building about 18 Cruisers / Year.

Hmm... I have also 42% diplomacy. Maybe I should vote myself into the GHC?
Does anybody need metals or something? Storage is always full.

You gain 648 prestige.
You gain 1347 credits.
You recover 1 food.
You recover 1 fuel.
You recover 1 metals.
You recover 1 radioactives.
Your population grows by 8453 people.

This is the only real good event I am getting. Stupid RNG is random. :smallfrown:

2007-12-06, 07:02 PM
Hmm... I have also 42% diplomacy. Maybe I should vote myself into the GHC?

At last election people were elected with 35 votes... I have 2 people voting for me also so i normally hit around 80-90 votes.

2007-12-07, 12:48 PM
45 Cruisers for sale, anyone interested?

2007-12-07, 07:13 PM
hey how do i find out who's agents are attacking me?

and buying all carriers

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-07, 07:15 PM
hey how do i find out who's agents are attacking me?

Luck, nothing else, I'm afraid.

2007-12-07, 07:19 PM
Look at this:

Date: 12/8/2007 12:20:00 AM
From: Arda
Subject: Combat Report
A fleet of vessels from the planet 'Space port 643' attempted to perform a hit and run attack at Arda.
The attacking force was able to gain the element of surprise!
The attacking force consisted of 7 Battleship(s) 10 Fire Support Destroyer(s) 5 Scout(s).
The defending force consisted of 1 Dreadnought(s) 4 Battleship(s) 5 "Raven" Missile Cruiser(s) 10 Cruiser(s) 1 "Badger" Light Cruiser(s) 20 Fire Support Destroyer(s) 25 Destroyer(s) .
Attacker's losses were 6 Battleship(s) and 9600 personnel.
Defender lost no units.
Defender lost 13 Orbital Minefield(s) .
Attacker lost 470 prestige.
Defender gained 1785 prestige.

Found this very stupid...

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-07, 07:21 PM
I think you'll find there are a lot of people who simply don't know how to attack properly. Sadly, I never seem to run into them. :smallfrown:

2007-12-07, 07:25 PM
Hum... Should i attack back? And just saw i lost 13 orbital minefield, they took whole 6 months...

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-07, 07:43 PM
If you think you can, go for it.

2007-12-07, 07:48 PM
I sent my fleet, 19 months until it reach. I hope he doesnt log in before the fleet is very close so he wont be able to build defense or buy from the market.

2007-12-08, 09:23 AM
If anyone feels like blowing 7 shades out of Stone Cold, please, be my guest. Sonuvabitch just hit me.

he's got

80 Destroyer(s) 5 "Raven" Missile Cruiser(s) 4 Light Carrier(s) 2 "Aegis" Mobile Shield(s) 4 Dreadnought(s) 10 Battleship(s). left out of what he hit me with.

Any credits, capital ships and resources would be most welcome.

2007-12-09, 09:20 PM
Just signed up as Zakama, and I'm way at the bottom of the list :smalltongue: Anyone want to be allies?

2007-12-10, 05:27 AM
I hate it when i get attacked and a good part of my defense, then other person attacks destroy the rest then the 1st to attack do a random bombardment and then another guy bombard industry... All of that while im offline...

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-13, 09:22 AM
That is a part of the game, m'fraid...:smallannoyed:

Me, I'm just worried about how long I'll be able to go without being attacked. SOMEONE out there is plotting my downfall, it's just a question of whether or not I'll be able to keep ahead of them long enough...

2007-12-14, 02:29 PM
Woa... Maybe I should build more defenses...

<.< >.>

2007-12-14, 09:03 PM
Well Saithis, you need ships, let me know, I can't afford to build any more or I'll get pillaged on the maintainence so I've got a lot of industrial capacity doing nothing. I can make Battleshps now and pretty soon I'll be able to make anything you like.

In other news, I auctioned that Collossus and got 600K for it, not bad but not as much as I'd have liked. Ah well, maybe next time.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-15, 12:04 AM
I'm going to have to hit someone before the round's end, just a question of who and when. I'll need a sizeable fleet of Fire Support Destroyers, Battleships/Dreadnoughts and Carriers to take Heavy Bombers for cannon fodder. My maintenance is already crippling though, so I'm going to have to accept it all at once, methinks. We can discuss details over more private channels. (No, Strangelotto, I know you're reading this and I'm not out to hurt you.)

2007-12-15, 08:29 PM
Speaking of Strangelotto, wtf is this LOTTO business about ? I have no intention of being bombed to pieces so, as someone who's presumably seen this before Saithis, how the hell does it work ? Also, great paranoia here, but buying the ticket definately does mean that you won't suddenly have a horde descending on you, right ?

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-18, 01:42 AM
The LOTTO basically draws at random planets who can be attacked and bombed to the ground. Whoever can do this first wins the jackpot. Buying a ticket means you are not eligible (thus why I bought tickets.)

17k ensures you can't be randomly drawn for that LOTTO. This can add up depending on how many LOTTOs he decides to run, but thankfully, it's cheaper than the GHC BINGO was. I spent some 800k to ensure I was not eligible for that a couple rounds back.

2007-12-19, 06:21 PM
Meh. Attacked Sigil. Cleared his orbit, or what was there.

Date: 12/19/2007 2:00:00 PM
From: The Forgeworld
Subject: Combat Report A fleet of vessels from the planet 'The Forgeworld' attempted to perform a fighter screen at Sigil.
The attacking force was detected before entering the system!
The attacking force consisted of 100 Heavy Bomber(s) 20 Improved Frigate(s) 1 "Hammer" Gunship(s) 80 Fire Support Destroyer(s) 40 Destroyer(s) 4 Heavy Carrier(s) 1 "Anvil" Battleship(s) 10 Dreadnought(s).
The defending force consisted of 2 Orbital Shield (Improved)(s) 48 Deep Recon Scout(s) 1 "Asp" Heavy Cruiser(s) 1 "Vespa" Siege Carrier(s) 1 Dreadnought(s) .
Attacker's losses were 30 Heavy Bomber(s) and 90 personnel.
Defender's losses were 48 Deep Recon Scout(s) 1 Dreadnought(s) 1 "Asp" Heavy Cruiser(s) 1 "Vespa" Siege Carrier(s) and 5590 personnel.
Defender lost 2 Orbital Shield (Improved)(s) .
Attacker gained 5716 prestige.
Attacker lost 257 prestige due to the difference in planetary status.
Defender lost 2031 prestige.

Wasn't really worth it. I doubt Yano's 13 will be either, but hey, here's to attacking random planets. Yano's 13 will be cleared with 10 more Goliaths to my fleet, yay.


2007-12-20, 09:54 AM
So why are some things measured in turns and others in months?

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-21, 02:09 AM
I don't know, but Turns = Months and Months = Turns so it's kind of irrelevant.

Anyone who is still playing this, I've sent you a message for help. Please read it. :3

Archonic Energy
2007-12-21, 05:56 AM
Reply sent...

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-21, 07:54 AM
Just %(*#&(ing lovely.

A fleet of vessels from the planet 'The Peacemaker' attempted to destroy sensor structures at Castilia Orion IV.
The attacking force was able to gain the element of surprise!
The attacking force consisted of 24 Deep Recon Scout(s) 88 Scout(s) 332 Fire Support Destroyer(s) 65 Improved Frigate(s) 9 Battleship(s) 23 Dreadnought(s) 13 "Dragon" Mobile Assault Platform(s) 100 "Goliath" Battleship(s).
The defending force consisted of 5 Starbase(s) 3 Orbital Defense Platform (Improved)(s) 10 Satellites(s) 1 Orbital Construction Yard(s) 1 Orbital Construction Yard (Improved)(s) 1 "Orca" Battleship(s) 1 "Asp" Heavy Cruiser(s) 100 "Hammer" Gunship(s) 3 Deep Recon Scout(s) 62 Scout(s) 15 "Dagger" Heavy Fighter(s) 133 Advanced Interceptor(s) 802 Heavy Bomber(s) 1984 "Stinger" Drone(s) 300 Fighter Bomber(s) .
Attacker's losses were 88 Scout(s) 24 Deep Recon Scout(s) 82 Fire Support Destroyer(s) and 17062 personnel.
Defender's losses were 133 Advanced Interceptor(s) 300 Fighter Bomber(s) 802 Heavy Bomber(s) 62 Scout(s) 3 Deep Recon Scout(s) 1984 "Stinger" Drone(s) 1 "Asp" Heavy Cruiser(s) 100 "Hammer" Gunship(s) 1 "Orca" Battleship(s) 15 "Dagger" Heavy Fighter(s) and 25440 personnel.
Defender lost 3 Orbital Defense Platform (Improved)(s) 5 Starbase(s) 1 Orbital Construction Yard(s) 1 Orbital Construction Yard (Improved)(s) 10 Satellites(s) .
Attacker gained 100994 prestige.
Attacker lost 74442 prestige due to the difference in planetary status.
Defender lost 40922 prestige.

The one goddamn game I have a chance at doing something at, and a previously friendly world ranked WAY above me attacks me for absolutely no reason. Great. So much for my chance at being competitive. This is just a load of crap.

2007-12-21, 01:12 PM
Responded, check your commerce Saithis. I can't really send any more until my new construction hits its stride and replaces what I put up there but that should be better than nothing.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-22, 06:26 AM
Meh, don't waste your time anymore. (http://www.primeaxiom.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2353) I'm hosed, he completely broke his agreement to not make a follow-up attack. I've got nothing left to do now except wait the 10 odd days until the end.

2007-12-22, 12:50 PM
Ouch, that's pretty rough. Well, at least next time, I'll have a bit better grasp on the economics involved and won't instantly run out of metals.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-22, 01:16 PM
Next round will be a big improvement for everyone, I promise. I'll be playing a decent race for a change (I've played the worst races in the game for the majority of the time I've been playing...) and I'll be doing what I can to help teach advanced play to everyone who is still interested. :3

2007-12-22, 02:06 PM
Oh, I'm definitely still interested. I just didn't understand my resource usage immediately. Didn't realize that being able to build 5 things at once was kind of useless if I ran out of resources....

Have you found its better to specialize in a single thing or to really branch out? I could see someone going mostly for population, space and diplomacy and just kind of picking up a fleet as they go.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-22, 02:59 PM
Oh, I'm definitely still interested. I just didn't understand my resource usage immediately. Didn't realize that being able to build 5 things at once was kind of useless if I ran out of resources....

Have you found its better to specialize in a single thing or to really branch out? I could see someone going mostly for population, space and diplomacy and just kind of picking up a fleet as they go.

Generally it's better to specialize in what your race is best at, only picking up the important basics of other areas to keep yourself going, and then catching up once you've specialised as much as you can in your key area (for example, Luhtin worlds should specialise in maximising the very high construction and reproduction rates they have, and try to get to Construction V and Reproduction V as quickly as possible as a result.)

But that's just a general 'should', not a 'must'. You can still do well and even reach the top ten without specialising.

2007-12-22, 08:40 PM
I'll be back, probably. I think I might stick with the Prillep. Their name sucks but I like them, Just out of curiosity, how can Metallikov afford a fleet that size ? I'm losing money on a 10th that size.

2007-12-22, 08:58 PM
If anyone needs some credits *(currently ranked 8th in them) I have a lot to spare due to me pretty much adopting sathis' position a lot earlier. Just tell me how to send them, to who and I'll see what I can do.

2007-12-22, 09:12 PM
How do you find that out ?

Even more usefully, how do you find out if you qualify for a commerce rebate yet without sitting there with a calculator ?

2007-12-23, 02:26 AM
You don't. You sit there with a calculator. In my case, a TI-84+ and Notepad. Had to figure out how much metal I've sold, 140k infact. But anywho, I need metal and money, any takers? I'm building fighters and carriers. I need about 22000 metals, which in 4 years wont be any trouble(Go Roshan special ability!) but soon I'll be in negative net. So yeah, if you were helping Saithis before, would you like to help me?


2007-12-23, 02:30 AM
You don't. You sit there with a calculator. In my case, a TI-84+ and Notepad. Had to figure out how much metal I've sold, 140k infact. But anywho, I need metal and money, any takers? I'm building fighters and carriers. I need about 22000 metals, which in 4 years wont be any trouble(Go Roshan special ability!) but soon I'll be in negative net. So yeah, if you were helping Saithis before, would you like to help me?


If you need some cash just tell me how much, and how to send it.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-23, 05:19 AM
I'll be back, probably. I think I might stick with the Prillep. Their name sucks but I like them, Just out of curiosity, how can Metallikov afford a fleet that size ? I'm losing money on a 10th that size.

High population size, as a Bengathi his research is probably maxxed out.

Assuming only 3 million population, he's probably making about 12k base in taxes, plus another 2400 from research and structures, maybe another 600 from racial bonuses and another 1200 from alliances.

Add onto that an assumed -35% maintenance, he's definitely losing money, but with enough suppliers and a large enough credit account saved up, he's still probably losing five digits each turn.

2007-12-23, 06:43 AM
Well, he's been buying metals and ships off me left right and centre. While I charge less than what the vast majority do (on the grounds that having the stuff sitting in commerce for weeks does me absolutely no good at all), I still charge a fairly hefty mark up on my ships and metals. He must be getting so much support from someone.

2007-12-23, 07:16 AM
He gets quite a bit of aid. From a few people actually, quite a few. Isla Sorna, Boxes Inc, Aqua.. whatever. The list goes on. It's how people with mega-fleets work.

>_>; As before, any aid anyone wants to give me is welcome. I can pay too, I need metals and money, as before. Much thanks in anycase.

Oh, and to Twin2, I'd just put up a sale of a certain amount of money, and and you'd buy it. That's all it is. How much are you willing to give me? ^^

2007-12-23, 12:56 PM
I feel like I have the research, commerce, materials and production pretty much down now.

Could someone explain the personnel?
What happens if you buy a bunch of ships and don't have the orbital space for them?
Just how large is the bonus for having an alliance?

2007-12-23, 02:17 PM
Can someone explain the GHC bingo please? I just got attacked because of it and i want someone to blame...

2007-12-23, 04:37 PM
My first attack!

I wonder how much damage a frigate and 20 fire support destroyers will do?

Turns out carriers are more valuable than I realized...

2007-12-23, 06:43 PM
My first attack!

I wonder how much damage a frigate and 20 fire support destroyers will do?

Turns out carriers are more valuable than I realized...

Not much, everyone has at least some orbital minefields and they can kill the fire support destroyers easily...

2007-12-23, 07:57 PM
He gets quite a bit of aid. From a few people actually, quite a few. Isla Sorna, Boxes Inc, Aqua.. whatever. The list goes on. It's how people with mega-fleets work.

>_>; As before, any aid anyone wants to give me is welcome. I can pay too, I need metals and money, as before. Much thanks in anycase.

Oh, and to Twin2, I'd just put up a sale of a certain amount of money, and and you'd buy it. That's all it is. How much are you willing to give me? ^^

Since it doesn't really matter for me I can give you 6 million.

2007-12-23, 08:03 PM

Uhm, if you want, okay. :3 Much, much love. I'll put the sale up. The sad thing about SR is, it costs me 600k to put the sale up. ;D Thank you very very much.


Look out for a sale from the Forgeworld. >_>

2007-12-23, 08:09 PM
I didn't really get the hang of the game this round, so it's not a big loss to me (wasn't sure how to maximize economy, and balance defense with it).

2007-12-23, 08:22 PM
Heh, well your funding will help me push my fleet through to the end. Thankee very much. Details will be given after the round has finished.

I know you other SRers are reading this, you dirty googlers.

2007-12-23, 08:36 PM
Well, next time I'll take the fleet growth a bit slower I think.

I was able to pretty much be secure against anyone around me in prestige up till now but I don't think I could seriously hit someone now who's above me.

Next time I'll have the pop to run a serious fleet.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-23, 08:46 PM
You may be happy to know that I've written a good portion of an essay and personalised help page detailing huge amounts of information and tips that might help you in a hopefully friendly fashion. I'll have it finished for inbetween rounds, when the inevitable downtime comes for fixing bugs (given how much we've had, it might be a few weeks...when the GHC and Obsydi were added we had 3 week downtimes...I hope it doesn't last that long though...)

I plan to try and train all of you who wish to stay into a formidable force. One to truly be reckoned with.

Minefields aren't too major against FSDs - they hurt, but it's not the end of the world if you've got at least 100 of them. Minefields have high durability and weapons, but they have no defence rating and so any kind of ship can do massive damage to them. A dreadnought from a proper war race can wipe out a minefield in a single shot.

As for the GHC Bingo, this is a game by Dr. Strangelotto that involves blowing up every non-civilian structure a highlighted member of the GHC gains in order to win a jackpot. It's happened many times now and most people are used to it. The only way you can avoid getting bombed to pieces is to beef up your surface defenses big time (Surface Defense Batteries and Surface Shield Generators are helpful here) or to spend exorbitant amounts of money to 'buy out' your spots from the bingo card, effectively making it impossible for you to get highlighted.

After the game restarts I don't plan to be in the GHC, but if you want my votes, let me know and I'll deign to research Diplomacy I and build some embassies for you. We've only got 50 in-game years left guys, so make them count while you can!

2007-12-23, 08:46 PM
Good to know I got to help to gank someone though.

2007-12-23, 08:54 PM
Thanks Saithis, I'll have a little shufty when it's done.

Oh, any chance of putting me up for a commerce rebate ? I took over a million just from selling 2 Collossuses so I think I qualify since trade in metals and Dreadnoughts has been brisk.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-23, 09:18 PM
Proposed the Aid Package and sent an explanation to the GHC. We only need 2 backers besides Arda and myself, so it's almost guaranteed to pass.

EDIT: Oh that's it. I just found out Yano's 13 is the one responsible for sitting on my world with his annoying little agents sabotaging buildings and attacking my prestige for the past 100 years or so. He's mine.

Any of you who are finished helping Forgeworld, I wouldn't say no to new Escort ships to cover my fleet when I go wipe that bastard off the face of the earth. I'm a little low on money though (24k), maybe I should start selling off what little population is left...heh... Destroyers, Cruisers, Battleships, or any upgraded version work well for me (though I prefer Destroyers and Battleships to cruisers.)

Admittedly what I'd really like more than that is 40,000 metals or so and a million or two in credits. That'd be enough to fly about 70 Dreadnoughts into Yano's 13's orbit, clean it out PDQ, fly home, and then fly back with just enough time to turn his surface into rubble and ash...muahahaha...

...I'm a very vindictive young lady, aren't I? :smalleek:

2007-12-24, 12:34 AM
Didn't I smash Yano's 13 enough for you Sai? ;D Or has the little bastard rebuilt. In anycase, with the help of Stone Cold, I'm now officially going after a target. I'm losing 450k a day, which is just lovely, but thanks to Twin2, I'm going to make it. Since I've gotten that funding, I must have spent 2/3 million on ships. Current estimates place my fleet at pretty bloody huge. In about a day I'll make a move.

2007-12-24, 12:45 AM
Didn't I smash Yano's 13 enough for you Sai? ;D Or has the little bastard rebuilt. In anycase, with the help of Stone Cold, I'm now officially going after a target. I'm losing 450k a day, which is just lovely, but thanks to Twin2, I'm going to make it. Since I've gotten that funding, I must have spent 2/3 million on ships. Current estimates place my fleet at pretty bloody huge. In about a day I'll make a move.

Good to know it's getting some use out of it. Especially if it's going to "wtf where did he get that many ships" smack someone.

Raiser Blade
2007-12-24, 01:10 AM
I would be happy to join your mega smash-giantitp group saithis. Together we can rule!

I just need training.

Also I can work as a resource farm and just beef you guys up (send you lots of resources) if you want.

As long as we estalish a presence as a giantitp communiy I don't care what part I play.

2007-12-24, 03:45 AM
Good to know it's getting some use out of it. Especially if it's going to "wtf where did he get that many ships" smack someone.

That's what I'm going for, especially from little old 25th place me. It'd be a little disconcerting, for me at least. I'd presume that my enemies would be among my ranks in the top ten.

Archonic Energy
2007-12-24, 06:12 AM
I know you other SRers are reading this, you dirty googlers.

Urge to use 256 bit public key encryption. Rising.

2007-12-24, 06:50 AM
Dammit Saithis, I was going to deck Yano's 13 at some point. I can probably deal with what forces he has present and leave you the buildings if you want and I've got 10 Fire support destroyers you can have.

Also, I just can't find this frickin' cell that's siphoning my resources so if anyone has any suggestions...

BTW Strangelotto, if you're reading this, the vast majority of cells I've found have been from Clokey. I would appreciate it, if these are yours, that you sent them somewhere else old boy

PS Anyone got any spare credits, fuel and Radioactives ? And yes Saithis, you are vindictive but what the heck, it's part of what makes you so entertaining.

Archonic Energy
2007-12-24, 07:04 AM
Admittedly what I'd really like more than that is 40,000 metals or so and a million or two in credits.

Merry Christmas Sath. :smallwink:

and Xavios sorry i cleaned you out of metal there i just had some spare cash sitting around, i assume you can the money better than i

2007-12-24, 08:02 AM
Mmmm. Cash. That'll stave off the tax man. Well, not really. But it's better than having 25 thousand more materials than my planet can hold. Good old Roshan. Needless to say I've exhausted my ship building capacity, used 35k worth of metals, 4 million dollars today. In 50 months, my prestige will jump HUGELY. Almost enough to make me feel better about losing 800 thousand credits a day. And in 51 months, 1.3~+ million a day.


(Reality Check and Translation: NEEDFUNDZPLZ. But like, not now. Going to sleep. It's been christmas for 3 minutes. Ill be back in 8 hours, playing with a new graphics tablet. TOODLES, AND MERRY XMAS.)

Archonic Energy
2007-12-24, 08:14 AM
(Reality Check and Translation: NEEDFUNDZPLZ. But like, not now. Going to sleep. It's been christmas for 3 minutes. Ill be back in 8 hours, playing with a new graphics tablet. TOODLES, AND MERRY XMAS.)

i can has 1 metal plz?