View Full Version : Into the Maw of the Devourers IC

2021-05-21, 10:08 AM
OOC thread here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?631861-Into-the-Maw-of-the-Devourers-OOC&p=25054890).

The regent for the nearby town of Chires has requested the presence of locals willing to aid in some willing to investigate strange activity on the border of the nearby Jungle. The families nearest the jungle have been disappearing, as have a few smaller caravans, and locals report strange beaked squid leaping down from the trees. Regent Pludall is afraid these creatures may come from a demonic cult or be working with the neighboring principality to soften up the area for invasion. He's hoping for a few brave souls to determine the source of these attacks and, if possible, destroy it. Signs requesting help have been posted around the town and in the few neighboring villages, but the creatures appear dangerous and most locals are afraid. Confusingly, some caravans have come across wagons in the road which clearly have been attacked but with no one present and all the cargo intact.

Regent Pludall is personally meeting those willing to go out and aid the search for the culprits. The old man's demeaner is that of one resigned, of one who has seen many troubles and nothing but troubles for a very long time. "The young lord of Chires eagerly requests your aid in this frightening matter," he explains to the latest group shuffled into the tavern's side room by the servants: a dwarf, half orc, tiefling, warforged, human, and giant frog. They all seem to have been here too long to notice the halfling slip into the room with this group.

Pointing to an area over the map in front of him, Pludall points a region deep in the jungle. "Several attacks have taken place here, and you are being tasked with searching the area." He rattles off a few points of interest: an old ruin, a dried up cistern where a village once stood, and the cite of an ancient yuan-ti holding that predates the kingdom. "I'm forgetting what I've explained to whom. Please try to return with any of the creatures attacking for identification, or try to deal with the threat yourselves; if any of you return please let us know so we can catalogue where you've checked. Any particular questions before you go?"

2021-05-21, 10:45 AM
The little mechanical Minim-3 shook their head in three precise movements.The silver-and-darkwood construct was wearing their neutral face and clad in reinforced robes of white cloth and hidden maille. Unlike most people, she had absolutely no fidgeting when listening, without even visible eyes to be looking around the room. If it wasn't for how out of place she seemed in the tavern, she could have been a strange statue or work of art.

When she spoke, her voice was entirely toneless and utterly precise in meter.
"Further inquiries==negative. Recommendation: departure."

Ninja Dragon
2021-05-21, 06:14 PM
The ranger was a little frustrated because he hadn't found anything in his first check of the woods. Whatever was there, it was probably something he had never seen before.

He looked at his partner, who he had chosen to name Glenn. The frog was actually paying attention at some food he was chewing, probably found in the jungle while Kyle was looking for clues. The beast was just very good at finding sentient things to hunt while nobody was looking.

He replied: "I don't believe I have anything to ask, either. It's probably better to go see whatever it is with my own eyes".

Kyle wasn't really the type to prefer theory over practice, honestly.

2021-05-22, 12:08 AM

Standing a foot taller than most Groth has remained in the back, drinking his extra-honeyed tea. He has found that people can get intimidated if he is the front row. Setting his teacup town, he weighs in.

"I managed to track one of the creatures. It was a repelling, strange thing, with a long beak connected to several tentacles. I found it hanging from a tree. It doesn't seem to have eyes.

I have never seen nor heard of anything like this."

2021-05-22, 04:57 AM
"I have questions," states Kyros imperiously, stepping forward and gesturing to the map. "Approximately where and when has each of the reported attacks occurred? If we can determine some sort of pattern, it may be possible to set up an ambuscade."

The tiefling turns to Groth. "These creatures are clearly some manner of aberration, though I could not say exactly which without seeing one myself."

2021-05-22, 09:36 AM
When Minim-3 suggests leaving immediately, Linus nods, but Kyros's question is an intriguing one. Thinly obscured by the massive Groth, he waits silently for the answer. Although the Regent had indicated the locations of the attacks (an old ruin, a dried up cistern where a village once stood, and the cite of an ancient yuan-ti holding that predates the kingdom), he had not told them when, or the order of the attacks.

2021-05-23, 09:11 AM
One of Pludall sighs "Fair point. We're sending you just north of the center of the attacks. That said, they've been ranging over a massive distance, and we suspect whatever is causing them isn't staying in one place itself. We've heard people equally certain they're demons, fey, or some new experiment of the yuan-ti. Excuse me if I'm holding off on identification until someone brings one back."

With this, one of the regent's aides hands the party a bag, and the group is pushed out the door. First person to check inside it finds a smaller map (with the areas of the most attacks marked), a pair of healing potions, and a signal horn.

The party can try to search for more information in town, see if they can wait for another chance to talk to the regent, or head out immediately. If you do head out immediately, there's three roads in that direction:

A long winding mountain path, where any attacks taking place likely haven't been reported.
The main road, where attacks have been spare, even though some of the creatures have been spotted.
A smaller side road between the local villages, where several wagons have been found abandoned, but no one has reported seeing anything.

2021-05-23, 10:49 AM

After being shoved, more or less, out of the door, Groth turns to the others.

"Well, that was quick. But as we say in my line of business, sometimes a quick soup is more nourishing than a slow-cooked roast. So, I say we take the smaller road. It seems more things are happening there. We can meet at the edge of town in an hour and head on, no reason to waste daylight.

And perhaps we should introduce ourselves, if we are going to work together. I am Groth. I am handy with all kinds of ways to hurt someone. I am even better in cooking. I am here at the request of the Bakers and Cooks Guild, since many of our supplies have gone missing. What about you all?"

Ninja Dragon
2021-05-23, 10:56 AM
I agree, I think we may learn more if we go straight at where the problem is happening.

My name is Kyle Dolan, from the village of Greenwood. I hunt wild animals by trade, though recently I've been hunting a certain necromancer who terrorized my village a few years ago. I took this job to find out if he's related somehow.

He points at the giant frog.

Also this is Glenn. He used to live in the forest near my village, and has been helping me fight the necromancer since he first appeared. We... actually worship those giant frogs at Greenwood, though this guy is more like my partner. He just hates undead as much as I do, I suppose.

2021-05-23, 11:40 AM
"My name is Linus," the halfling says with a slight nod of his head. "I procure valuable and hard to acquire objects for my patrons, without attracting undue attention." He avoids mentioning why he's on the trip, not eager to share his criminal past.

"I agree, the smaller road may be fruitful. In my brief scouting before our meeting, I saw a tentacled beast with a bird's beak. It seemed to be hunting the dinosaurs drawing the carts, but was wholly uninterested in the livestock in the cart. This seems incongruous to me; if it were hunting to satisfy its hunger, why leave the livestock? It may not be responsible for the attacks, and merely a scavenger." He realizes he is rambling, and finishes, "Either way, beginning with the route where the attacks have the highest frequency seems best."

2021-05-23, 06:21 PM
"Designation: Minim-3. Utility: musical machine, repurposed. Musical module not installed. Killing module installed. Set task: Investigate disappearance of Master's associate."

At the halfling's words, she gave a precise nod.
"Addendum: investigation of merchant cart revealed gold taken. Additional goods not taken. Evidence conclusion== cart willingly abandoned. Alternative: purposeful targeting of sentients. Cart animals incidentally to prevent escape. Gold less traceable than goods; thus taken."

2021-05-23, 10:56 PM
Kyros makes a vexed sound at being ejected so quickly. "Really! How very rude!"

Brushing non-existent dust from his clothing and combing his blueish-black hair with his fingers, Kyros introduces himself to the others. "Kyros Voldari, scholar and intrepid investigator into the arcane, the occult, and the otherwise otherworldly. I've been asked to look into this matter by one of my colleagues." Kyros raises an eyebrow at the new information from Linus. "If livestock is being left behind, it seems less likely that this is an invasion by a neighbouring principality; they would either take the animals for themselves, or slaughter them to deny the town access to the resources. It would appear that the attackers require beasts of burden and more easily spendable resources."

The tiefling peers at the map. "If our employer demands quick action, then the most logical place to start is where most of the attacks have been reported - the side road between the villages. Failing that, the main road where the sightings have occurred." He turns to Groth. "Where was the creature that you saw located?"

2021-05-24, 01:43 AM

Responding to Kyros' question, Groth makes a vague gesture.

"It was in some hills over there. However, I think it was more of a lucky break than anything else, and I did not see any more of these creatures. I think the side road is a better bet"

2021-05-24, 10:51 AM
With most of the party in agreement, they set their way down the side road shortly. The path is nearly empty, save for the large groups now traveling to band together against attack. Groth recognizes a few of the hills from his way back.

Everyone stumbles across two things of interest at once, a while after noon. Near the top of a hill he road forks in two, heading in nearly the same direction, with a large bush between the two paths. The path directly over the crest of the hill appears abandoned, with fresh shoos growing out into the space; its as if even the animals are avoiding this route now. Massive palms shade the spot. The second path is clearly new, with large branches still handing on despite gnawing and foot traffic.

More important, however, is the large quantity of blood at the same spot. It smells bad, as if diseased, despite its freshness and runs into another bush on the far side of the newer path. The party hasn't seen anyone on the road in the last hour and a half, though, and no one was talking about this, so it's likely the body couldn't have been taken far.

Each person can make one check to start with; examples rolls off the top of my head are listed below.

Nature (Intelligence) to figure out what's going on with the paths.
Investigation (Intelligence) to check out the blood splatters.
Survival (Wisdom) to determine where the body was taken.
Stealth (Dexterity) to follow the blood.
An Intelligence check using cartographer's tools to check for anything nearby on the map.

2021-05-25, 03:58 PM
Linus notices an odd smell in the air, and sees there's a section of the blood that's mostly clear. There's a blue-ish membrane near it, which looks like it burst. He holds it up for everyone to see (its mostly clear of blood) and the smell gets stronger. It looks like the remains of a fruit; as Linus is looking at it, he notices several more of these handing up from the palms on the side of the older path.

Kyle has also noticed something interesting about the blood, as whatever dragged the body into the bushes left a few clear prints where the blood turned the ground to mud. About the size of a human sole are pear-shaped prints with four round toes; if they're clearly felid in nature. Groth quickly reveals the tiger who made them when he stumbles over the bushes and into its face. The creature has a boar in its jaws, and it growls at the half-orc through the meat.

Everyone else holds still as they spot the large predator so close to them.

2021-05-26, 11:43 AM
There will be time to study these apparent fruits later, Linus reasons, wondering if they really are fruit at all. The sight of the tiger gives him pause, but he doesn't move. His untrained eye sees a predator defending its kill, and so he lowers his body even lower, attempting to appear nonthreatening.

Stealth to hide behind a medium sized creature, or behind foliage: [roll0]

2021-05-26, 03:57 PM
"Hostile contact," announces Minim on reflex. She reaches up and yanks the horn on her head sideways, and it comes off in her hand - and then with the snap of displaced air, a flat rectangle of a blade - without point or thickness, more the absence of anything - flicks into being. Her other hand grips her knife, sheathed at the small of her back, and withdraws the conventional steel blade with the oiled whisper of metal.

Since both sides are surprised, I don't think Minim can take an action or move yet, I assume?

Ninja Dragon
2021-05-26, 04:56 PM
Kyle is startled. Not scared, though. He is used to beasts. It's the unnatural stuff that he knows he is really supposed to fear.

He grabs his longbow and gets ready to fire it at any moment's notice. But at the same time, he tries to position his body in a way that signals to the beast he is not interested in starting a fight, just defending himself.

Rolling Animal Handling to see if the tiger can be convinced not to attack.


The giant frog also gets ready to attack if necessary.

2021-05-26, 11:07 PM
Kyros freezes the instant he spots the beast.

"I suggest that we back away slowly and leave the cat to its meal," he whispers urgently, at the same time readying an Eldritch Blast in case it decides to attack.

2021-05-27, 09:32 AM

"What the..."

Groth's eyes widen as he comes literally face to face with the tiger. A city man himself, he is not sure what to do. He slowly backs away, maintaining eye contact as he unslings his cleaver slowly.

"While the name "The Tiger's Eyes" would be marvelous to include in my menu, right now I am not sure what to do. If this cat jumps though, I will turn it to cotolettas."

2021-05-27, 09:47 AM
The tiger seems equally unwilling to risk itself in a fight, after some of Kyle's urging makes its way deeper into the undergrowth, turning around every few feet to make sure it isn't being followed. Between the weight of what its dragging and the rough vegetation, it takes the tiger a few rounds before disappearing behind a bush about halfway down the hill.

Leaving the group with the question on which path to take, and issue of the strange fruit.

Ninja Dragon
2021-05-27, 02:27 PM
Well I don't feel like this tiger was the culprit we are looking for, to be honest." - Kyle remarks.

"So, anyone has an idea of what this fruit is? It doesn't seem like anything I've seen before".

2021-05-27, 04:05 PM
"I'm wondering if it's a fruit at all," Linus says. "Or if it's connected in some way to the tentacle creature. Perhaps a lure of some kind? Or its offspring?" He has no skill to base his theory on, just speculation.

2021-05-28, 05:02 AM

Groth watches wearily until the tiger leaves. he then approaches the strange fruit and tries to see if he has seen anything before like this.

2021-05-28, 10:37 AM
As the tiger disappears into the undergrowth, Kyros lets out the breath he's been holding in. The tiefling wanders over to examine the strange fruit hanging from the nearby palms. He frowns as he stares up at them, then at the membrane found by Linus. "I'm not a botanist either, though some of colleagues at the university are... they might know, but I have no clue. Perhaps we should bring down one those in the palms to examine it?"

2021-05-28, 11:36 AM
"At least one," Linus agrees with Kyros. "They could be valuable." He begins the process of gathering up the fruits.

2021-05-29, 12:04 PM
As Linus moves toward the palms, the frog moves between him and the trees, ribbiting loudly.

Kyle stops to look again at the burst skin Linus held up, and recognizes it. He'd stumbled upon them once in the forest before. If you step too close to the tree, they'll fall on whoever's passing by, unleashing a sick smell that makes you feel weak and dizzy. One of the village elders called them "retch fruit," he thinks. This must be why the path changed: once the trees started fruiting, everyone (including the animals) starting passing around the area they guard. They can still be collected, but it might be risky.

Once someone checks around the path, they find that, yes, it leads right around the bushes and connects right back up with the old one. They can stay to try to collect the fruit, or go on their way.

2021-05-29, 03:11 PM
Linus quickly abandons his plan to collect the fruit, and once the party is ready, follows at the back.

2021-05-30, 12:47 AM
As the party passes to where the two paths reunite, they can continue. They pass into more hilly terrain, uninterrupted until a loud shout of terror is heard over a hill to east.

Any one who reaches the hill here (25 feet of movement) sees a banana grove, with two men. One is has a sword drawn, and is waving it frantically at the trees; the other lies next to a bunch of bananas on the ground, not visibly moving from your position. Dagnar and Kyle can make out something swoop by in the leaves, but not what it is.

The two men are another 40 feet from the top of the hill (for a total of 65 feet from where you heard the shout).

Dashing toward the two men is an option, as is an active perception check to try to get a better look at the creature. Whatever this is isn't visible yet, so it can't be identified, but maybe it could be spooked with an intimidation check (using either Charisma or Strength). Alternatively, someone could try a stealth check to sneak up on it on a later round.

Ninja Dragon
2021-05-30, 06:30 AM
Kyle says in a low voice. "Guys, the trees."

He looks at the frog and points to the tree. Glenn understands the command and starts slowly approaching the tree from behind.

Meanwhile, Kyle gets his bow ready, and tries to find a target he can aim at from below.

Glenn: stealth check to sneak up later.

Kyle: Perception check to find the thing on the tree.

2021-05-31, 01:17 AM

Groth cannot see what Kyle picked up, but he can see that something obviously is wrong.

"I am going to take a closer look"

he says, and starts moving closer, his cleaver in hand and a javelin in the ready.

Moving closer to see what the fuss is about.

2021-05-31, 01:26 AM
Kyros approaches slowly and cautiously, not getting too close to either the men or the trees. He quickly scans the foliage for movement, but keeps most of his attention on the men, just in case there's trickery afoot.

2021-05-31, 06:13 PM
Minim-3 approached alongside the others, with her two blades ready to strike at any approaching foe. She considered activating the metronome in her chest - but no, not yet. Uses were limited. Wasting it would be suboptimal.

Readied attack against any enemy that comes within 5ft.

2021-05-31, 06:49 PM
Suspecting that whatever is in the trees now is similar to the creature Linus saw in the trees earlier, he draws his shortbow and ducks behind cover, ready to surprise it should combat begin.

Stealth: [roll0]

2021-05-31, 11:53 PM
The stranger who's still on his feet looks relieved to see help. "It came out from the next grove and struck Tepeu!" Kyle spots the creature between a pair of leaves in the tree; it definitely the same creature he saw before. As Glenn flops into a bush on accident, it starts chittering loudly from its hiding place.

The creature is lightly obscured, and so for only Kyle has spotted it.

2021-05-31, 11:57 PM

Dagnar: [roll0]
Minim-3: [roll1]
Kyros: [roll2]
Kyle & Glenn: [roll3]
Groth: [roll4]
Linus: [roll5]
Visible Monster: [roll6]

Also, Initiative for the strangers is 12 for the one who's one the ground and 4 for the one who's standing. Everyone with a passive perception of 10 or higher (ie. everyone) can tell they aren't trained to fight.

2021-06-01, 11:23 AM
The opportunity to hit something brings Dagnar out of the funk he has been in.

Hefting his hammer and shield he moves 15 ft in the direction that Kyle pointed, scanning the area in an attempt to locate the creature.


AC:18 / HP:31

2021-06-02, 09:05 AM
Assuming Kyle points out the creature, or Linus is otherwise able to spot it, the halfling fires his shortbow, then moves to another concealed position.

Perception: [roll0] if needed
Sneak attack: [roll1] or [roll2], [roll3]+[roll4]
Hide (bonus action): [roll5]

PS my initiative modifier is +3 not +1, no big deal though.

Ninja Dragon
2021-06-02, 11:28 AM
Kyle knows it's better to hit a threat first before giving it chance to attack.

He will fire a shot at the creature with his Longbow.

Assuming Glenn can see it, the frog will jump as high as he can and try to bite it to bring it down to the floor.


Longbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


Bite: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
On hit, target is grappled and restrained (must use an action to escape, DC 11). If target is small, also swallow it.

Ninja Dragon
2021-06-02, 11:58 AM
Piercer: reroll damage


2021-06-02, 11:06 PM
Seeing that the men appear to be no threat, Kyros chants a quick spell to briefly enhance his senses and looks in the tree where Kyle is indicating.

Casting Guidance for a bonus of [roll0] to a Perception check: [roll1]

A total of 8... fabulous. :smallannoyed:

2021-06-02, 11:47 PM

Recognizing the creature as similar to the one he had seen, Groth decides to take it down. He tries his cleaver, or, if it is too far, sends a javelin after it.

"I don't think it will be fit to cook" he mumbles.

Atk [roll0]
Damage of cleaver [roll1] or javelin [roll2]

2021-06-03, 01:11 PM
The creature cries out when Linus hits it, and drops to the ground when Kyle strikes true.

The stranger leaps back from the creature as it falls, before rushing to his friend. "Tepeu, are you alright?" Anyone who checks sees Tepeu is bleeding, but still breathing.

Before anyone can relax, however, there's more chittering from the far side of the banana grove. The stranger starts again, waving his weapon wildly in that direction. "Can you help us get out of here?" It seems the creature wasn't alone, and the others aren't too happy to hear it injured.

No one has spotted the other creatures, and you can tell by the noise they're at least 40 feet away.

2021-06-04, 12:29 PM
Dagnar moves up and as gently as he can picks up Tepeu.

Groth, grab the dead creature and let's get these guys back to town. We can give them the dead creature to study.

2021-06-04, 08:08 PM
As the adrenaline starts to wear off, the party notices the area beyond the banana grove is thick with vegetation, palms and bushes forming a green screen. Directly behind it a bluff rises from the greenery, deep cracks plunge from the rounded upper edge down the face as far as you can see. The chittering gets louder.

The stranger thanks Dagnar heartily, "please, help us; the village is only a short walk for here!"

Ninja Dragon
2021-06-05, 06:29 AM
"Show us the way" - Kyle says.

"Guys, stay alert, I'm not sure how many of those there are".

He keeps his bow at the ready.

2021-06-05, 08:35 AM
"Agreed," Linus says. They've achieved their objective, and should now return as quickly as possible with the dead creature.

2021-06-06, 01:06 PM

Groth sticks his javelin into the creature to make sure it is dead and then picks it up and puts into a sack.
He gives it to Minim

"Here hold this. You can examine it later."

He then picks the fallen person over his shoulder

"Let's get to the village, then. I cannot fight and carry this man"

2021-06-06, 03:56 PM
"Departure==now," Minim-3 said, and cautious of the foe behind her, followed towards the village.

2021-06-06, 09:07 PM
Kyros seems to be particularly hesitant to leave.

"Here's a chance to study the creatures in this environment..."

He trails off when he realises the others are leaving and he's being left behind by himself, so quickly dashes to join up with the rest of the group.

2021-06-06, 09:45 PM
"It's a chance for that to be sure," Linus says to Kyros as they leave, "But it's also a chance to be attacked by more of them."

2021-06-07, 01:02 AM
As the party and the stranger begin their retreat with Tepeu in Dagnar's arms, a pack of similar creatures emerges from the forest beyond the banana grove. They flight is noiseless, but now they chatter angrily between each other. There's about eight of them, chasing after the party. If there's any tactical goal, it isn't apparent. With Dagnar and Groth having stopped to pick up Tepeu and the dead creature, they end up as the vanguard.

Finding where the route from the path you've been following branches off to the village takes a few precious seconds, and with the recent attacks hasn't been kept clear of fallen trees and rubble. The creatures gain on the party, and eventually two manage to swoop in the way of Dagnar, Groth, and the unknown stranger.

We're using the previous initiative rolls, with all the monsters acting with the same initiative. Mechanically the party has been slowed by rough terrain and needing the spend more time making turns (as flying creatures can head directly over obstacles you need to go around). They'd have to dash to reach Kyros, but everyone else they'll be able to attack if you don't make sure to keep moving away.

The two creatures are within melee range of Groth, and will get in an opportunity attack if either of you make a break for it. Someone else can also try to distract them to buy the two time with a DC 10 Charisma (Deception) check to waste one creature's reaction, but can't take the dash action on the same turn.

I assume Kyros is using his winged boots, and this has allowed him to get in the front of the party. The small creatures are therefore: 10 feet from Glenn, 20 from Minim-3 and Kyle and 40 from Kyros. They are then 5 feet in front of Groth and the Stranger and 15 in front of Dagnar. At this point, the nearest other creature is about 15 feet away from Dagnar, and will be able to attack him if he doesn't leg it.

Linus has cunning action, so esorscher gets to pick where his is, limited anywhere on the path between "next to Glenn" and "next to Kyros," for the sake of my sanity.

2021-06-07, 11:15 PM
Linus, next to Kyros, shoots at the nearest creature, then ducks behind some cover.

Attack: [roll0], [roll1]
Hide (bonus action): [roll2]

2021-06-08, 08:19 AM
Dagnar carefully sets Tepeu down and brings his hammer and shield out.

He stands by the prone body protecting it as best he can and shouts, Come'on beasties!

AC:18 / HP: 31

Between putting the body down and drawing my weapon and shield I don't imagine Dagnar has a chance to ready an action. If he does he will ready and action to make a melee attack against the first monster to approach him (+6 to hit / 1d8+6 dmg), otherwise he will stand there until his next turn comes around. He will not step away from Tepeu.

Ninja Dragon
2021-06-08, 08:23 AM
Glenn will attack one of the creatures within his reach.

Kyle will attack a different one of that group, since he assumes the frog will be able to keep his own target occupied.

HP: 28/28
AC: 15
Arrows: 38/40

Longbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

HP: 15/15
AC: 13

Bite: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
On hit, target is grappled and restrained (must use an action to escape, DC 11). If target is small, also swallow it.

2021-06-08, 10:23 AM
Kyros hovers a few feet off the ground, the tiny wings on his boots flapping wildly. He incants a quick spell, gesturing at one of creatures near Groth, then follows this up with a blast of raw magical energy at the same target.

Cast Hex as a bonus action at one of the things near Groth; applying penalties to Wisdom checks.

Cast Eldritch Blast as a standard action.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] force plus 6 = 17
Hex: [roll2] necrotic plus 4 = 7

2021-06-09, 01:56 PM
Kyle strikes true, but Linus' arrow overshoots, flying off into the brush. The creature closest behind Dagnar bursts as the Eldritch Blast from Kyros strikes deep into its torso.

At the back of the procession away from the banana grove, Glenn manages to bite down on one of the creatures nearest him, holding it in place. Tepeu's partner swings his weapon wildly at the other adjacent one, although his weapon misses by a wide margin.

The creatures continue the chase, two more flying dangerously close behind Dagnar, even if they're still too far away to strike at him. The two to have intercepted, meanwhile, lunge at their attackers; the grappled one at Glenn and the free one at Groth. However, neither of them manage to hit their targets.

At Glenn: [roll0] for [roll1] damage. On a hit, Glenn's save: DC 10 vs [roll2] or poisoned and paralyzed while poisoned in this manner.
At Groth: [roll3] for [roll4] damage. On a hit, Groth's save: DC 10 vs [roll5] or poisoned and paralyzed while poisoned in this manner.

Yeah, the damage from these isn't really the nasty part.

Edit: should have been 1d4+1 damage. Sheesh, I'm a mess this week.

2021-06-09, 02:21 PM

Groth takes neak peaks as he moves. The things are getting closer. When in it becomes obvious that they will catch him he leaves the injured man down and turns.

"OK, you strange blind parrots. Let's do this"

Taking a sniff of cinnamon, he focuses and takes his best swing at the creatures as they come closer.

Rage and then attack [roll0] dmg [roll1] plus [roll2]

2021-06-11, 11:20 AM
Choking down the pure cinnamon, Groth nearly cleaves the nearest "strange blind parrot," in half, wounded as it is by Kyle's arrow.

Now that you know the effect Tepeu is under: A DC 10 check: [roll0]

Tepeu remains motionless at Dagnar's feet.

2021-06-11, 03:49 PM
Minim-3 reached up to her chest and activated the metronome. A steady tick-tick-tick began to resound, echoing oddly on reality.
When she leveled the Blade of Nowhere, she left faint echoes of herself in the air with each tick that slowly faded.
"Firing for effect," she said, and a shard of ice formed at the tip of her sword before she fired it towards the thickest cluster of enemies.

Activates bladedance to increase AC to 19
+10 move speed
+Adv on Dex (acrobatics) checks
+int (3) on conc checks

She casts Ice knife at lvl 1, aimingto catch as many enemies as possible in the burst.
[roll0] to hit, [roll1] pierce damage on one enemy on hit
Every enemy within 5ft, including the target must beat a DC13 dex save or take [roll2] Cold damage

2021-06-11, 04:42 PM
When it's his time to act, Linus fires at the healthiest looking jungle-squid, then finds a new position to hide in.

Sneak Attack: [roll0] or [roll1], [roll2]+[roll3]
Hide (bonus action): [roll4]

Ninja Dragon
2021-06-11, 06:30 PM
Kyle is happy their attacks are hitting the enemies' weak points, but he decides not to push his luck. They must eliminate those monsters before anyone gets seriously hurt. He focuses on his next target, whatever abomination is closest to the civilians they are protecting.


Cast Hunter's Mark.

Damage: [roll]1d8+1d6+3

Swallow the enemy.
At the start of the next turn, deal gastric acid damage. [roll1]

Ninja Dragon
2021-06-11, 06:32 PM
Forum doesn't let me add multiple dice. Trying again.


Ninja Dragon
2021-06-11, 06:33 PM
Piercer: reroll the d8.


2021-06-12, 09:39 AM
If the squids are within 10 ft, Dagnar will use Lunging Strike at one of the two that are coming at him. If they are further away he will hold an action to attack the first one to get within 5ft.

To hit[roll0]
Damage [roll1]
If Lunging Strike was able to used [roll2] to the damage

AC:18 / HP:31 / Superiority Dice: 3

2021-06-12, 07:23 PM
Kyros feels a surge of energy flow into him as his blast slays the aberrant creature. Focusing, his flings his curse at one of the remaining squid-things and fires another blast of eldritch energy.

Temp HP from Dark One's Blessing: 6 HP

Bonus action: shift Hex to one of the remaining targets not already engaged.

Standard action: Eldritch Blast.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Hex: [roll2]

2021-06-13, 05:24 AM

Groth sees the creatures go down, and he braces for one that is still active. He takes a running start, and attacks it with the cleaver/

Move 30 and attack [roll0] dmg [roll1] plus [roll2]

2021-06-14, 12:20 AM
Anyway, the two creatures that got nearest Dagnar are dead, as a result of Linus and Kyle loosing arrows at them. Dagnar has readied an action. Another of Kyros' blasts strikes true, leaving the creature grappled by Glenn and one about 45 feet behind Dagnar as the remaining ones in sight for a brief moment.

Edit: Groth's cleaver prepares the frog's attempted meal, cutting a deep gash with a bloody "thunk" against the ground.

The one creature able to move tries to swoop part Dagnar to attack someone ahead of him, but come too near him; Dagnar manages to land a hit on it as it approaches. In retaliation, the creature pivots from its previous target to him.
Attack against Dagnar: [roll0] for [roll1] and on a hit Dagnar makes a DC 10 save ([roll2]) or is poisoned and paralyzed while poisoned in this manner.

Attack against Glenn: [roll3] for [roll4] and on a hit Glenn makes a DC 10 save ([roll5]) or is poisoned and paralyzed while poisoned in this manner.

For a moment it looks like things will be completely clear, before two more creature fly out of the undergrowth from the side; it appears they had decided to go around in order to ambush the party. With the party held up they've switched tactics. One falls upon Minim-3 and the other upon Kyle.

Attack against Minim-3: [roll6] for [roll7] and on a hit Dagnar makes a DC 10 save ([roll8]) or is poisoned and paralyzed while poisoned in this manner.

Attack against Kyle: [roll9] for [roll10] and on a hit Glenn makes a DC 10 save ([roll11]) or is poisoned and paralyzed while poisoned in this manner.

Tepeu's save: [roll12]

The stranger, still unused to battle, sees there's no one directly near him and tries desperately to dodge out of the way. Tepeu, laid on the ground where he's been dropped groans slightly.

2021-06-14, 07:25 AM
Dagnar feels the creature find a weak spot in his armor and grits his teeth against the pain. He strikes back with his hammer hoping to get rid of this creature quickly. The sound that Tepeu made reminded Dagnar of mortally wounded warriors who needed first aid quickly.

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

AC: 18 - HP: 26/31 - Superiority Dice: 3

2021-06-16, 04:47 PM
Linus again emerges from cover, aiming at the nearest jungle-squid, and firing. Then, he finds a new advantageous position behind a different shrubbery.

Sneak Attack: [roll0] or [roll1], [roll2]+[roll3]
Hide (bonus action): [roll4]

Ninja Dragon
2021-06-16, 07:38 PM
Kyle groans in pain as the creature hits him. But he is too close to fire his bow properly, so he shoots at the creature attacking Minim-3 instead.

Glenn continues to chew his meal.

HP: 24/28
AC: 15
Arrows: 36/39

Longbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

HP: 15/15
AC: 13

Bite: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
On hit, target is grappled and restrained (must use an action to escape, DC 11).

2021-06-16, 10:52 PM
Kyros continues to hover in the air, elevating himself slightly to get a clear shot at one of the creatures flanking the trail. He focuses his curse upon the creature attacking Kyle and invokes an Eldritch Blast of crackling energy towards it.

Temp HP: 6

Move action: fly 5' upwards to get a clear shot.

Bonus action: shift Hex to the creature attacking Kyle.

Standard action: Eldritch Blast the creature attacking Kyle.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Force
Hex: [roll2] Necrotic

2021-06-17, 04:04 AM

With mutant parrots everywhere, Groth is much more in his element. They can bleed and they can die. Good enough. A shame they are too disgusting to cook.

Swinging his cleaver again, Groth goes for the one closest to him.

Atk [roll0] dmg [roll1] zealot damage factored in.

2021-06-17, 03:46 PM
The Dagnar, Groth, and Kyle's attack come close to hitting, but miss nonetheless. Kyros' eldritch blast does connect, but there's little blood and the creature doesn't slow down.

Linus' attack, however, pierces the torso of his target, and it drops down dead. The frog's prey stops struggling before the swallow occurs, and the frog looks slightly greener from having such a bizarre creature in its gullet.

I believe that leaves Minim-3 to act.

2021-06-19, 12:12 PM
As Minim-3 misses, the creatures bear down on the party. One creatures strikes for MInim-3 Again, and the other for Dagnar. Against Kyle: [roll0] for [roll1] and the [roll2] on his save against being poisoned and paralyzed.

Against Dagnar: [roll3] for [roll4] and the [roll5] on his save against being poisoned and paralyzed.

Tepeu stands up shakily. "Kabil? What's happening?"

"Get away from that thing," Kabil replies, and Tepeu waits for a clear moment to make a break for it, stumbling over to Kabil who looks ready to attack the creatures if they come near them.

Mechanically, Tepeu has taken the Disengage action and Kabil is readying an attack if anything comes close.

Ninja Dragon
2021-06-19, 03:40 PM
Kyle will continue trying to take down his target, the one attacking the warforged. Meanwhile, he asks the frog for help.

"Hey buddy, might give me a hand here? Or a tongue? Whatever works."

The beast moves to attack the creature attacking his partner.

HP: 24/28
AC: 15
Arrows: 35/39

Longbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

HP: 15/15
AC: 13

Bite: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
On hit, target is grappled and restrained (must use an action to escape, DC 11).

Against the creature he swallowed, [roll4] stomach acid damage at the start of next turn.

2021-06-19, 07:12 PM
Seeing that Dagnar appears to be in a spot of trouble, Kyros switches targets to the creature attacking him.

He curses fluently in Infernal as the shot goes wide of the mark.

Temp HP: 6

Bonus action: shift Hex to the creature attacking Dagnar.

Standard action: Eldritch Blast the creature attacking Dagnar.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Force
Hex: [roll2] Necrotic

2021-06-20, 09:02 AM
Minim-3 dodged the monster's attacks without too much difficulty, before she mechanically drew back her blades and made a flurry of slashes.

Main blade: [roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage + [roll2] on crit
Dagger offhand: [roll3] to hit, [roll4] damage + [roll5] on crit

2021-06-20, 01:26 PM
Dagnar feels the claws bite deep into him again. Attempting to fight while guarding the prone Tepeu was causing Dagnar to be out of form. Hearing the man regain his feet gives Dagnar more room to fight and he brings his hammer down on the creature. Unfortunately the nimble creature doges out of the way at the last moment.

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2021-06-21, 12:03 AM
Linus had killed the creature next to Kyle last turn, and Minim-3 strikes through the one next to her, leaving it dead as well.

The frog's attack restricts the last creature's movement, leaving it floundering to Kyros' and Dagnar's attacks:
Dagnar: [roll0]
Kyros: [roll1]

With the help from the jungle guardian recruited by Kyle as a stalwart companion, Dagnar's attack does hit, killing the last creature attacking the party. Their remains litter the path as you all keep watch to make sure nothing else chases you down from the surrounding greenery.

"Is it over?" After a few moments, it becomes apparent nothing else is following the party. Tepeu and Kabil, still very frazzled, offer to lead you the rest of the way back to their village.

About a hundred more feet along the path you enter the village, which are centered on a stone courtyard. A few people are working, and smoke curls a short distance out of two of the houses. Seeing Tepeu's injuries, most of the village (3d4+5 adults and 2d6 children) gather around. They explain most of them have been staying inside on account of the attacks. Kabil looks a bit guilty about this.

It's too soon to settle in for the night, but the village might be good place to take a short rest if you want it. Similarly, if anyone wants to study the creatures' remains, now is a good time.

2021-06-21, 04:27 AM

Setting the sack down with the dead thingy, Groth stands up and looks around. He takes his time to clean his cleaver and then addresses the others.

"Any of you want to take a better look at the thing?Otherwise, we should bury it and be done with it

And I say we consider our next move. We definitely found out about the creatures. Now what?"

Ninja Dragon
2021-06-21, 07:19 AM
"Burn it. There are some things we don't bury."

Kyle said that, remembering his previous experience with undead.

"But I don't mind taking a quick look at them first, actually"

2021-06-21, 08:53 AM
Linus looks at Kyle and Groth with concern. "Did you forget why we came out here? We were tasked to bring these creatures back for study. We can neither bury nor burn it, but should bring it--and as many of its fellows as we can carry--back with us for payment." Linus turns to Kabil. "Is there a place here where we can store these corpses? And can you spare the loan of a cart, or wagon, to help us haul them back to Chires?"

Persuasion (if necessary): [roll0]

2021-06-22, 01:50 AM
Before they leave the site of the attack, Kyros carefully takes one of the more intact and/or least damaged corpses.

At the village he finds a table or other flat surface, and a source of light. He pulls out a somewhat well-worn book, opens to a blank page, and begins carefully sketching a picture of the creature. Once that's complete, he starts carefully dissecting the thing, taking notes and making sketches of it's internal structure as he goes.

"Can someone find out if these things are now attacking the village? Or are they still only targeting travellers?" he mutters, not taking his eyes off his work.

2021-06-22, 09:27 AM
Dagnar bandages up his wounds and then proceeds to clean his weapon and equipment for the next hour.

1 Hit dice recovery - [roll]1d10+3[/roll}

grrrr...rerolling in OOC

After OOC roll:
HP - 31
Superiority Dice - 4 (did not use Lunging Strike, correct?)
Recovery HD remaining - 2

2021-06-22, 09:19 PM
Most of the wagons have been taken by people seeking shelter in more populated areas, and seeing Tepeu's wounds most of whose want to head somewhere safer too. The do stump up one for the party as thanks for culling the creatures though.

"This is the closest they've come to the village, and we haven't seen more than two together at a time before," Kabil explains while Tepeu is being bandaged up. "Maybe they're holed up in the crags in the bluff? We don't usually go there because of the clawing creatures" When pressed, he continues "they look like worms with massive claws and a wide head. We don't know much else about them; they kill anyone who enters their cave, then go back to clawing at something in the darkness. They've been there since before our grandparents time."

With the time to examine the remains, Kyros is able to successfully identify the creatures as Grell, but these are much smaller than most records indicate. The ones he's read about are about the size of humans; these are halfling sized. The swirls Kyle found when searching match the size Kyros has read about, and were about twice as wide across than these grell are.

Once Tepeu is bandaged up he passes on a healing potion he'd had at home, as thanks for saving his life.

2021-06-23, 08:27 AM

Responding to Linus, Groth smiles

"Actually, Master Linus, I am here because the Bakers and Chefs Guild really wants its supplies back. But you are right. A bounty is a terrible thing to miss."

After hearing Kabil, Groth thinks hard.

"It seems to me to that we should visit those crags. And now that we know they are whatsyoucallem Grells, can we do anything about their poison?"

Ninja Dragon
2021-06-23, 02:06 PM
Linus looks at Kyle and Groth with concern. "Did you forget why we came out here? We were tasked to bring these creatures back for study. We can neither bury nor burn it, but should bring it--and as many of its fellows as we can carry--back with us for payment." Linus turns to Kabil. "Is there a place here where we can store these corpses? And can you spare the loan of a cart, or wagon, to help us haul them back to Chires?"

Persuasion (if necessary): [roll0]

... fine. Let me know if they start moving and you need me to shoot them dead again. - Kyle replies, grumpy. He wasn't really in this for the money, although he needs some from time to time. He just wanted to find clues on his target, and those beasts seem unrelated anyway.

2021-06-25, 11:26 AM
After resting up Dagnar helps gather as many of the creatures remains he can.

Taking the bodies back will cost us the rest of the day and leave these people open to more attacks. I think we need to see about finding more of these things and taking them and their lair out. Our contract did specify that we could act on our own to go after them.

2021-06-25, 06:59 PM
"These are somewhat unusual for grell," Kyros explains after completing his examination of the body. "Normally they are much larger, and more dangerous. Which means that either these are juveniles, or they are some previously undocumented subspecies. My vote is we investigate the crags now to see if that is their lair; although it is possible that there is more than one nest in the area. If their numbers are increasing, it may explain why they're encroaching on the village."

2021-06-25, 07:01 PM
Linus shrugs his shoulders. "It seems I'm outvoted. Alright, let's check out the crags. But I don't want to be out there come nightfall."

2021-06-25, 07:20 PM
Linus shrugs his shoulders. "It seems I'm outvoted. Alright, let's check out the crags. But I don't want to be out there come nightfall."

"Agreed: we should allow ourselves enough time to fall back to the village as night approaches. There's no point stumbling about unfamiliar terrain in the dark with these potentially lurking in the trees."

Ninja Dragon
2021-06-26, 11:31 AM
"Sure, let's go. Maybe we will find whoever is responsible for releasing those creatures, assuming there is someone."

2021-06-26, 12:03 PM
After confirming the Grell are well and truly dead, the party sets out back toward the banana grove you first encountered them. Kabil joins you, saying its to make sure you don't get lost. When you get to the banana grove, he picks up the bunch that had been lying next to Tepeu, and awkwardly points you to the trees beyond. "The cave is supposed to be behind the tallest crag in the cliffside. Although we never actually go to see what's inside; most of us just sneak up to the edge as kids to listen to the banging, and then run away when we got too scared. Um. I probably shouldn't go into the areas where the monsters are." With that, he heads back to the village, bananas in hand.

Reaching the cliffside takes about 10 minutes through the trees. At one point a dark colored bird is spooked out of a tree and it takes a moment for everyone to realize it isn't another grell; otherwise the trip is entirely uneventful.

The cliff bends inward in the area you arrive at, and there's two crags that run up to the rounded top of the bluff, visible in the breaks in the treetops. They're next to each other though, separated by about 120 feet of nearly vertical rock. At the edge of the rock face, the tallest jungle trees give way to shorter palms, and the party spots a few retch fruit hanging from the branches. They're easy to avoid though.

Standing about the middle of the two crags, its no longer possible to see the top of either. Perhaps the villagers know enough to tell which is the tallest, but you'd need to fly up above the treetops to see yourselves. This leaves the question: the right crag or the left one?

Ninja Dragon
2021-06-28, 05:56 PM
Kyle reveals the things he just detected through Primeval Awareness to the party.

"I believe we will find more of the creatures we are looking for if we go to the east."

"But I am hunting a necromancer, myself. After I'm done with this job, I intend to check the west side too. There are things that could threaten those locals there, too."

2021-06-28, 11:12 PM
Activating his magical winged boots, Kyros rises into the air, taking care to avoid any retch fruit that might be concealed amongst the branches. Once above the canopy he determines which of the two crags is the larger, as well as scanning the area for any grell that might be flying around, and also tries to see if the path back to the village (or the village itself) is visible.

Once he's completed his quick survey, Kyros returns to the ground to report his findings.

2021-06-29, 03:06 AM

" I am not a fan of deadheads myself. If you need any help hunting him down, I am game.

But where do we go now? And ideas?"

2021-06-29, 11:16 AM
Seeing the Teifling take to the air Dagnar keeps his guard up looking around to see if anything else that could be hostile.

Good eyes Kyle. Hopefully Kyros can give us more information too.

2021-06-29, 05:53 PM
Wise enough to avoid rising up where there are any palms, Kyros is in no danger of retch fruit on his way up.

Once up there, the crag on the left extends about 30 feet higher than the crag on the right. Looks like that's the place. The undead Kyle sensed is likely inside.

Keeping an eye out was useful though as Kyros notices there is a dense grove of retch fruit outside the leftward crag (ie. the taller one) he spots from the air. There's several trees in bloom and a few seem too young to bear fruit (or at the very least, they're thinner and short) but there's enough ripe fruit in the area that you'd need to wind your way though to avoid anything raining down on you. Well, anyone who can't fly, anyway: once inside the crag there's an open space with no trees at all and room to land.

2021-06-30, 08:30 AM
"I vote we deal with the undead," Linus says, perhaps surprisingly for such an apparent mercenary. "The grell will likely wait, the undead may not."

Ninja Dragon
2021-07-01, 05:17 AM
"I share Linus's opinion, if nobody minds. Honestly, I'd just deal with both, regardless of what order we pick."

2021-07-01, 09:08 AM
They said the cave was behind the tallest crag, which Kylos saw to be the one on the left, so left is the way we need to go. Just have to get our way through these stinking trees.

Dagnar looks around the grove to see if there is a way to go through without having the nasty fruit fall on him.

I can use Perception or Survival, both are +4
Perception [roll0]
Survival [roll1]

2021-07-01, 12:38 PM

"Onwards then, my good people. Let's see if there is a path to find."

Groth looks for a way forward.

Insight 17

2021-07-02, 03:27 AM
Kyros nods his agreement. "Indeed, we were instructed to seek the cave behind the taller of the two crags, so let us proceed there... with due caution, of course!"

Investigation check to find a clear path through the retch fruit trees: [roll0]

2021-07-03, 01:09 AM
Kyros attempts to trace a path avoiding the ripe fruits from the air, but he wastes [roll0] of his shoe's charges before it occurs to Grognar the fruit breaks upon impact with the ground. His javelin is a little juicy but no worse for wear after he tries hurling it into one the trees. With the fruits quickly cleared out of the way, the party is able to get through the grove on foot.

Partway through the grove, the party hears a loud, metallic clang emanate from deep within the crag. Nothing seems to approach, but it looks like this is the spot Kabil was talking about. Once at the edge of the crag, anyone with a passive perception of 13 or higher can make out irregular bangs coming from inside, of varying volume. The area beneath the cliff face has little light even here, and is pitch black about 40 feet from where the party stands. The noises sound like someone striking metal, but that about all you can make you from this distance.

The inside is darkness. You could try sending in a scout, or all going in together. the following will continue for whoever heads inside.

After about 20 feet part the edge of the light in the cave, the face of the crag takes a sharp turn to the right and after another 10 feet opens up to reveal a wider space. The banging noise is easier to hear, and sounds like it comes from two creatures banging on the metal from about 70 feet away (beyond any torchlight being used).

2021-07-05, 08:34 AM
"Is anyone particularly adept at scouting?" Kyros asks in a low voice. "Or should we proceed en mass?"

2021-07-05, 10:31 AM
"I'll see what I can see and report back," Linus says. With that, he heads off as stealthily as possible into the dark cave, keeping an eye out for any traps.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

Ninja Dragon
2021-07-05, 03:23 PM
Kyle puts on his goggles of night vision, since he can't see in the dark naturally.

"I'll give him cover" - he says, and starts following Linus a few meters from behind, so if something sees Linus they still won't see him. Glenn stays behind.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2021-07-06, 06:34 AM
Dagnar continues scanning the grove to make sure nothing else comes out after them. At the first sound of distress from the scouts he will head in after them.

2021-07-06, 02:16 PM
Whatever was making the sound appears to have some sense you hadn't accounted for, because whatever they were stop making noise upon your approach, even as the party has trouble keeping track of Linus and Kyle.

Kyle is able to spot a pair of man sized worm-like creatures vanish deeper into the cave as two of them approach, slinking off in two different directions: one deeper into the shadows and the other behind an outcrop of rock nearer the entrance. He's able to point it out to party members with darkvision.

Dagnar: [roll0]
Kyros: [roll1]
Kyle [roll2]
Dagnar: [roll3]

Monster Behind Pillar: [roll4]
Monster slinking off: [roll5]

Ninja Dragon
2021-07-06, 07:35 PM
Kyle will strike the creature running away into the darkness, while trying to stay silent so other creatures do not notice him.

Seeing his partner's gestures, Glenn will attack the other creature, the one hiding behind the rock.

HP: 28/28
AC: 15
Arrows: 37/37

Longbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

HP: 15/15
AC: 13

Bite: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
On hit, target is grappled and restrained (must use an action to escape, DC 11).

I'm assuming hunter's mark's one hour duration has ended, let me know if it hasn't so I roll for extra damage.

2021-07-07, 07:41 AM
Dagnar moves into the cavern towards the one by the entrance. If he can reach it he will attack, if not he will do his best to put himself between it and everyone else and ready an action to attack if it approaches.

Attack (normal or readied): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2021-07-08, 09:57 PM
Kyle's arrow bounces off the cover of the creature behind the rock, alerting it its been seen. It slithers out from the cover, avoiding Glenn's attempt to bite it but taking a nasty blow from Dagnar. It strikes at the dwarf, attempting to constrict him in a serpentine vice.

[roll0] for [roll1] and Dagnar is grappled and restrained.

[roll2] (or [roll3] is Dagnar is grappled) for [roll4]

The other creature isn't visible at the moment.

Ninja Dragon
2021-07-09, 02:27 PM
Kyle and Glenn attack the worm that was behind the rock again.

Or if that one is already dead, they stop and wait to see if the other worm will come again. Chasing an unknown beast into darkness is not smart.

HP: 28/28
AC: 15
Arrows: 35/39

Longbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

HP: 15/15
AC: 13

Bite: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
On hit, target is grappled and restrained (must use an action to escape, DC 11).

Ninja Dragon
2021-07-09, 02:27 PM
Using feat to reroll longbow damage:


2021-07-09, 07:50 PM
Pausing in his attempt to study the creature, Kyros incants a spell that coats his hand in crackling electricity. He reaches out to tap the worm attacking Dagnar.

Shocking Grasp: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2021-07-10, 03:41 PM
Lurking in the darkness, Linus conceals himself as best he can before firing at the nearest visible wurm. "Is this everything we hoped it could be?" he asks rhetorically.

Hide (bonus action): [roll0]
Sneak Attack: [roll1] or [roll2], [roll3]+[roll4]

2021-07-12, 01:02 PM
Linus hits, and the creature looks fairly weakened.

As the creature in front of the party bears down on everyone, a half hissed squelching noise as the other creature drops from a hole in the ceiling and onto Kyle. Dagnar attacks the creature restraining him: [roll0] or [roll1] (w/ dis) at [roll2]

Creature wailing further on Dagnar: [roll3] or [roll4] (w/ ad) at [roll5]
[roll6] or [roll7] (w/ ad) at [roll8]

The other creature strikes at Kyle: [roll9] at [roll10] and Kyle is grappled/restrained.
[roll11] ( [roll12] w/ ad if the first attack hits) at [roll13]

2021-07-13, 12:26 PM
Dagnar attempts to break out of the grasp of this creature, but is not able to get out of it's coils. He fumbles around and digs out a potion of healing attempting to regain some health, his armor seems to be made of paper today.

Athlectics [roll0]

Potion [roll1]

Ninja Dragon
2021-07-16, 09:04 PM
"Hey buddy, are you finished yet? I need some help." - Kyle asks the frog.

If Glenn is done with the worm currently attacking Dagnar, he will come to his partner's assistance. If the worm is still alive, Glenn will keep attacking it to avoid an opportunity attack.

Meanwhile, Kyle will try to attack the worm that just jumped on him, hopefully the fact it is close not preventing him from hitting it.

HP: 15/15
AC: 13

Bite: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
On hit, target is grappled and restrained (must use an action to escape, DC 11).

HP: 28/28
AC: 15
Arrows: 34/37

Longbow: [roll2]
If advantage/disadvantage: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

2021-07-18, 07:55 AM
"Persistent creatures, aren't they?" Kyros asks, casting his spell again and reaching for the creature attacking Dagnar.

Shocking Grasp: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2021-07-21, 01:39 PM
The creature attacking Dagnar is barely standing, and bites down on Dagnar while clawing and Kyros.

The creature to have dropped down on Kyle bearing down entirely on him.

vs Dagnar: [roll0] and [roll1] for [roll2]
vs Kyros: [roll3] and [roll4] for [roll5]

vs Kyle [roll6] for [roll7] and restrain/grapple.
[roll8] (and [roll9], if the previous attack hit) for [roll10]

Edit: monsters have taken 34 and 11 damage, based on my notes.

2021-07-21, 03:33 PM
Linus, figuring three against one was good enough odds, aims his bow at the creature attacking Kyle.

Posting from my phone.

Hide (as bonus): [roll0]
Sneak Attack: [roll1] or [roll2], [roll3]+[roll4] Sneak Attack

Ninja Dragon
2021-07-21, 05:55 PM
After the worm bites him, Kyle realizes he's in seriously danger for facing the thing alone. And the frog seems busy enough with the other one.

Fine. Let's see if you can handle this.

He focuses on this connection to the spirits of the forest, and powers up the tip of his finger, firing a blast of radiant energy into the monster.

Meanwhile, Glenn will continue to attack the worm fighting Dagnar, unless it is dead, in which case he will come to Kyle's help after he uses the spell.

HP: 19/28
AC: 15
Arrows: 34/37

Cast Guiding Bolt: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If hit, next attack roll has advantage.

HP: 15/15
AC: 13

Bite: [roll2]
Advantage if used after guiding bolt: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
On hit, target is grappled and restrained (must use an action to escape, DC 11).

2021-07-22, 06:52 PM
Dagnar realizes that the creature holding him is gravely wounded. He grits his teeth and swings madly at the creature to see if he can help bring it down.

To hit [roll0] disadvantage due to restrained [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2021-07-25, 12:08 PM
Linus and Kyle strike the monster bearing down on him, the creature wheezes as the light from Kyle's spell leaves the corpse and it drops down.

Everyone else misses.

I'm going to have Kyros attack as see if that kills the other creature as well.

[roll0] for [roll1]

With both creatures dead, everyone has a chance for a closer look. They've snake-like skin, but mostly boneless, worm-like bodies.

The two creatures appear to have been wailing on a metal door, which doesn't appear to have taken any damage despite the long time its was being struck, apparently nonstop, by the two creatures. It bears a relief of partially humanoid serpents and partially serpentine humanoids hunting down a large snake. The door handle itself is shaped like a snake's skull, poised to bite.

Written in common across the top is a warning:

Killer immortal, oracle dark,
slain seven and trice score more,
finally weakened and lain to rest
do not release evermore.

Ask for wisdom to receive,
Though it wishes treason unceasing.
And no light will relieve,
for may our rule keep increasing.

If anyone concentrates, the warning changes to another language they speak, and in abyssal it actually rhymes.

2021-07-25, 04:09 PM
"Cool cool," Linus says upon learning of the inscription. "So, we're leaving? Please say we're leaving." The thought of a nice warm bed back in town calls to him, much more than violating the words of the ancient people who made this place. "Surely the authorities will want to hear of this," he says, covering his cowardice. "And, uh, the grells, too."

2021-07-27, 07:22 AM
Kyros examines the door with intense interest. "Most interesting..." he murmurs. "Definitely a warning, and perhaps a curse. These creatures were certainly trying - and failing - to enter. As curious as I am to investigate further, I doubt this is relevant to our hunt for the source of the grell attacks, so it is best left alone for now."

He regretfully tears his gaze from the door. "So, where to now? Do we investigate the other crag? Or return to the town?"

Just in case this is relevant:
Investigate: [roll0]
History: [roll1]

2021-07-27, 07:32 AM
My vote is return to town, says Dagnar as he patches himself up from the fight.

Ninja Dragon
2021-07-27, 07:58 AM
"Just what is going in those woods?" - Kyle says. - "First the grell, then undead and now this."

He thinks for a while.

"I do want to investigate it all, but this place definitely seems outside of our current job. Maybe I'll return another day, with more resources".

"As for the other crag, I'd still like to check it out, perhaps after we rest for a bit. Or we can return tomorrow, I guess".

Still waiting for a reply on whether I know what the snake things are so I'll just leave a generic Int check

2021-07-28, 10:18 AM
As the party deliberates, a loud hiss comes out from behind the door. "Whooss'ss theerre?" The voice sounds only half there, as if the speaker is missing a few of the organs necessary. "thhe lit-tle ffalssee ssnaakkeess ffinaaly retuurn?"

Ninja Dragon
2021-07-30, 06:40 AM
Kyle replies.

"They did, but we killed them both."

"Who are you?"

2021-07-31, 03:21 PM
"Ooth? You killled oth? You mmean my lit-tle oness?"

After a pause, the voice continues. "You aree nott the yuaan-tti then, iff you do nott knoww wwhat you dest-troyed. The sserpent-t men imprissoned me heere, for oppossing thheem. Weakenned, I haave wwait-ted aagess heere."

"Iff theere iss anythhing you wish t-to know, assk awway."

Ninja Dragon
2021-08-01, 06:38 PM
Kyle wants to know... everything?

"Who are you? What is this place? What is happening in those woods that is causing so many monsters to appear at the same time?"

2021-08-02, 12:33 PM
Ssloww dowwn. The bearer or the voice seems to be rolling over something in their head.

I aam Vvregiisshi, annd rulled myy d-omaain heere loong aago. Thhe yuaan-tti immprissoned me heere, ffor I oppossed theiir vville plaans. Traapped fforeeveer inn thiiss weaak sstat-te, ttheey ussseed mee t-to leaarn moree off the aarea. wwheen you ssay "monssters," haave the yuaan-tti returneed?

2021-08-02, 02:04 PM
Linus does his best to determine the truthfulness of the speaker, despite the door between them preventing him from observing body language, eye contact, or any of his other usual social cues.

Insight: [roll0]

2021-08-04, 03:41 AM
"You say you opposed the plans of the yuan-ti... how exactly did you oppose them?" Kyros asks. "If the yuan-ti have returned, we do not yet know - we are still investigating. Also, you called the yuan-ti 'false snakes'... does this mean that you are true snake?"

History check to see if Kyros recognises the name 'Vvregiisshi': [roll0]

2021-08-04, 12:41 PM
Vvregiisshi speaks slowly and carefully, but less like they're trying to lie and more like they have trouble with the act of speaking. They seem truthful (at least to Linus) but Kyle can tell that Vvregiisshi seems to be leaving some information out of what they'll say.

"I ffough-t theem the ssame ass I wwould any o-theer usserrper. Desspit-te my ssupeerior maagic, theeir nuum-eers ovverwwhelmed me. myy lit-tle oness all uut goone, theey imprissonned mee heere." The voice sounds like it has moved away from the door slightly, as if Vvregiisshi isn't happy to admit this.

Less bitterly the creature continues, "And yess. I wass hat-cheed off sscaalykiind, nott twwissted ffrom waarm-loodeed sstoockk." This does confirm what Kyros suspected though; Vvregiisshi is a name used by yuan-ti, some lizardfolk, and related races (even if he doesn't know which one Vvregiisshi is).

2021-08-04, 01:07 PM
"Ten silver opening this door is a bad idea," Linus whispers quietly so his companions can hear him, but hopefully not the serpent creature on the other side of the door. "Kyle, do you sense if this is even the undead we're looking for?" He checks outside the cave quickly to note the sun's position, then reminds the group about their desire to return to the village before dark.

2021-08-04, 03:43 PM
Hissing things behind sealed doors are usually not good for your health, says Dagnar who is also ready to get away from this place.

2021-08-05, 06:00 PM
The undead Kyle sensed before is directly where Vvregiisshi's voice is coming from.

"Aanythhing elsse efforee you ahandon mee heere llike all the otheers?"

Ninja Dragon
2021-08-05, 06:46 PM
Kyle looks at Linus and points to the door, signaling the answer to his question.

"Nothing. We are leaving."

"Also answering your question, no one has seem yuan-ti in ages, but this wood is infested with some jellyfish-like monsters that we are hunting"

Kyle doesn't know why he is being nice to the monster, as he hates undead, but he is used to undead being mindless creatures, not things that talk with him. Still, and undead is an undead. He makes a note to himself to come back some other time and free her soul from that cursed body.

"Let's go." - he says to his teammates.

2021-08-08, 10:13 AM
Vvregiisshi makes a low hissing noise (a sigh, maybe) but doesn't speak. Kyle can feel the undead pressing up against the door.

The party moves to leave, passing by the bodies of the two creatures that had been beating against the door. Once outside, they make their way back through the thicket of retch fruit.

2021-08-09, 07:56 AM
Back to town to for the night to let them know the situation?, asks Dagnar

2021-08-09, 08:31 AM
"Agreed," Linus says. "By way of the crag, but only for scouting. We don't have time to get into whatever is there, if there is anything."

2021-08-09, 08:37 AM
"That sounds reasonable to me," agrees Kyros. "A quick pass by the crag to see what may be there shouldn't delay us that much, and will help us plan for tomorrow." He jots a final note into his book and stows it safely in his pack. "Let us be on then, while we still have daylight."

Ninja Dragon
2021-08-09, 12:02 PM
"Yeah let's go, we need to finish this job. But let's play it safe if we can, we already know this forest is way more dnagerous than we had thought".

2021-08-09, 09:47 PM
When the short rest ends and the party approaches the other crag, they all quickly notice the remains of bones scattered about. The largest and most obvious bones--including several humanoid skulls--lay just outside the small space at the bottom of the crag, where it turns into a small cave. Party can tell the cave goes no more than 15 feet into the rock, but it is filled with water on the bottom.

At the edge of the water, the party can see two things. First, the roof of the cave contains several holes (each about 18 inches across) framed with some sort of partially clear pink material. Second, there's something metallic stuck on a stalagmite about 10 feet from shore.

Ninja Dragon
2021-08-10, 04:00 PM
"Looks like we found their nest." - Kyle whispers, hoping they can't hear well.

2021-08-10, 05:46 PM
"It'll still be here in the morning," Linus reasons. "And we can come better prepared."

Ninja Dragon
2021-08-10, 06:38 PM
Kyle shakes his head in agreement.

He looks at Glenn, who seems about to attempt to jump to bite the pink material on the ceiling. He waves his hand in a way to order the frog to return. The beast moves back slowly, in a sign of clear disappointment at the delayed meal.

2021-08-18, 12:28 AM
Kyle is able to help some of the elderly villagers, who have been having trouble given it is mostly the younger families who have left the village for safer territories. As thanks, a couple give him some specialty tea used to infuse a person's strength.

Dagnar makes a bit of a fool of himself in front of the villagers, but they are able to tell him the yuan-ti haven't been seen in about six generations. Given the area, that's at least 120 years that Vvregiisshi was locked away. Not really surprising for an undead though.

Several villagers mock Linus when he tries to convince them he was injured in the fight against the creatures that were banging on the door in the cave; he doesn't manage to make it very believable. He does however manage to get a full meal from the people partying and walk away with an extra 2 gold.

If you drink a dose of the tea as part of a long rest, you regain one additional hit die (to your normal maximum) at the end of that long rest. Enough has been provided for each party member to drink one dose.

Also, I feel bad about mostly ignoring a 19, but the deception was rolled first and I'm limiting the number of rolls per event.

2021-08-19, 09:10 PM
Linus sets himself up in a comfortable position overlooking where the bodies of the creatures are stored, watchful to ensure that no one tampers with them.

Ninja Dragon
2021-08-20, 06:16 AM
Kyle thanks the people for the tea and goes to the house that gave him a place to sleep.

Before he goes to bed, he casts Goodberry and makes 10 magical berries, which could provide extra healing for the next day. He doesn't want to need it, but has a feeling they will.

"What have we run into, man?" - he asks the frog, who is hunting some fly in the bedroom. He leaves the beast to its antics and goes into his slumber.

2021-08-20, 07:24 PM
The night passes without issue, the livestock and local animals calling just loud enough for anyone who's awake to hear. Once an owl is heard screeching, but its easy to tell this isn't anything major and it passes silently on into the night.

In the morning, mists waft through the jungle. It isn't thick enough to interfere with seeing the road or the jungle ahead but the cliffs and trees in the distance turn blue to the eye. The villagers help get the cart packed with the bodies of the young grell whenever the party is ready to head out.

The cave where Vvregiisshi is imprisoned is just as you left it.
The cave where the mysterious holes were is draped in a thin fog that leaves things lightly obscured at a distance of 30 feet or more.
The road back to the town of Chires is open and easy to navigate; if you leave early you can easily be back before the day's end.
Search onward, perhaps?

I will leave where to go to the party.

2021-08-20, 08:08 PM
Linus goes through his morning ablutions, cleansing himself before beginning the day. Over breakfast, as the party deliberates their course of action, he gives voice to his preference: "I would like to return to town with all necessary haste," he says, intentionally concealing his selfish motivation (the desire to be freed from his obligatory community service), "Though, I wouldn't object to a quick exploration of the yet unexplored crag."

Ninja Dragon
2021-08-21, 02:15 PM
"I want to finish the job. I sensed grell at two different places, and I want to clease both of them from the creatures."

Kyle replied, resolute.

2021-08-22, 08:55 AM
Linus weighs his options. "Alright," he says reluctantly. "But let's be prepared to retreat, if it comes to that."

2021-08-23, 09:22 AM
Sounds good, let's make sure we clear this place out, says Dagnar as he gets his equipment ready.

2021-08-23, 06:18 PM
The area around the village looks different in the morning light, but the cliff face is just as easy to make out. Shortly the party is able to return to the area between the two crags, and then the crag on the right where they found the pond and mysterious holes in the ceiling.

Beside the thin fog, there is nothing noticeably living here. Even the edge of the water is free of plants. The fog wafts over the surface of the water, but nothing else moves. Whatever is on the stalagmite is still there. In the rising light, the party an tell there are more holes than they though last night; Linus counts at least 10 with the clear material on them, and there's more deeper in the cave. Certainly more than the number of Grell you fought the previous evening.

2021-08-23, 07:04 PM
"Look, I'm not going to be the one getting attacked by these things," Linus says. "Or at least, I have no intention to be. But I count more holes there than we fought last night. If you want to tangle with them, fine, I've got your backs. But I can't help wishing we had a few of the town guard alongside us." He pauses, and takes a deep breath. "Alright, I've said my piece. I won't bring it up again."

2021-08-24, 10:50 PM
Kyros frowns up at holes in the crag, noticing the increased number.

"If this is certainly the nest of these creatures, then the sensible thing to do would be to return to town, report it, and then return - hopefully with greater numbers. The question is, do we attempt to get an idea of how many we're facing first? Or do we return with what we already know?" He gives a sideways glance at Linus. "I suspect that I already know your preferred course of action."

He stares at the metallic object, trying to make out more details. "I wonder what that is?"

How big is the metallic object? Is it close enough and small enough to grab with Mage Hand?

If it looks small enough, but not close enough, Kyros will fly to within 30' and use Mage Hand to grab it.

2021-08-26, 09:32 PM
The object in the cave is still about 10 feet from shore. The object itself is too heavy for the mage hand to lift, but Kyros is able to pull off a strap and carry it to shore. There's a shattered lamp tied to it and a pair of flasks of oil in the pockets. As Kyros takes them in his hand, something falls off the rock and into the water with a loud, wet plop. There's no response from above, but it looks like a shadow moves away from that stalagmite below the water's surface.

The stones are a bit too wet to climb easily but if they could be dried it probably wouldn't be a problem.

2021-08-30, 07:19 PM
"Hey, you know what I think," Linus says. "But I've heard that some wizards can dry things with a wave of their hand. Of course, I'm not one of them."

Ninja Dragon
2021-08-31, 05:38 AM
Kyle will first instruct Glenn to jump and try to retrieve the big metallic object. He can also use magic to have the frog scout, but he will try the option that does not spend resources first.

2021-08-31, 09:14 PM
Glenn makes the jump without difficulty. Another shadow seems to move through the water, and Kyle can tell Glenn is very nervous about it. After picking the object up, Glenn hurriedly leaps back; a giant cave salamander leaps into the air behind him, splashing the area as it lands back in the water emptyhanded (emptymouthed?).

Once Glenn is away from the water's edge and has calmed down, he spits out the contents of his mouth. It appears to be the remains of a halfling in studded leather. The clearly metal object was an iron shield bearing the picture of a scarlet weasel on the front. The clothing is ruined, as are a few additional scraps of clothing they were carrying, but most of what the halfling was carrying seems fine.

The rest of the items on the remains are as follows:

A dagger and a rapier
A scroll of Protection From Evil and Good
A mess kit
A climbing kit
A backpack
A deck of embossed cards, which appear undamaged
A mosaic tile with a multicolored, glazed surface depicting part of a snake
Moldy, inedible rations

This does not include the smashed lantern or 2 flasks of oil Kyros obtained off the body earlier.

2021-09-06, 08:10 PM
Kyros backs away from the water's edge. "It looks like the grell aren't the only creatures making a home here," he says, eyeing the spreading ripples caused by the giant salamander. "Let's avoid annoying it if we can - there's enough to worry about with potential grell attack without making enemies of the local wildlife."

The tiefling looks over the remains retrieved by the frog, and the mosaic tile catches his attention - the serpent motif of particular interest given their discussion yesterday by the undead creature imprisoned by yuan-ti... perhaps this was a relic of their civilization?

Investigate check, if required: [roll0]
History check, if required: [roll1]

2021-09-06, 11:44 PM
Kyle doesn't know anything about the shield. Growing up there was a local legend about bloody leeches that can walk on land; maybe the shield has something to do with those?

Upon closer inspection, the tile is part of a clay pot. The make is almost certainly yuan-ti. If Kyros hadn't had a rudimentary knowledge of the old dark powers in the region, he still notices there are arms and armor hidden in the background around the snake's torso. But since Kyros has studied the subject he's aware mosaics are tied to the yuan-ti of Kot-Uol-Poch, which happens to be the same location marked on the map given to the party back in Chires. However, the location is about two day's travel through mountain back roads, followed by a third day spent in dense foliage. There's no way the halfling had traveled all the way there. Perhaps there's was a yuan-ti refuge in the area set up after Kot-Uol-Poch fell? He'd likely need to do some more research to be sure.

As the party goes over the spoils, they slowly become aware of a slight cooing noise coming from the roof of the cave. Stopping to check it out reveals the noise is coming from one of the holes in the ceiling. Whatever is making the noise isn't visible from the shore. There is no further sign of the salamander.

2021-09-07, 06:14 AM
Dagnar will go over to see if he can get a more direct look into the cave with the cooing. He will give the water a wide berth. If he can't get to look into the cave without getting close to the water he will stay as far back as he can, presenting his shield towards the water to defend against any surprise attacks.


2021-09-07, 05:52 PM
Linus looks over the spoils, biting his tongue to keep himself from reiterating his desire to return.

Investigation (Cards): [roll0]

2021-09-09, 10:54 AM
In the darkness, Dangar doesn't spot anything, but he does manage to figure out the noise is coming from inside on the of holes.

The cards appear magical, although Linus can't tell what they actually do. At the very least, nonmagical cards would've been affected by the elements or having been handled, but these appear perfectly new. They're stylish and otherwise ordinary, so if magic doesn't interfere they're fine for most of the card games Linus knows. No jokers though.

We're just going to roll for Cards (Intelligence) if anyone plays. I do have rules based on which mental score each player chooses to roll with when playing IC games, but I don't think it would work for a pbp game.

Ninja Dragon
2021-09-11, 06:52 AM
Kyle thinks for a while then says.

"Sounds like we will have to figure out a way to climb that rock if we want to reach the grell without having disadvantage in fighting them. Otherwise we might as well return, I'm not sure if it's wise to start shooting the holes from below, there might be too many of them. Anyone has an idea of how to dry that rock?"

2021-09-12, 07:45 AM
Hearing the noise coming from the holes in the cave, Kyros takes a step backwards.

"I think that now is good time to depart, and return later with proper climbing equipment," he urges. "Else we need to find somewhere defensible to make a stand against attack." He glances swiftly around, trying to find a place that might offer best protection against foes that can fly, yet still allow them to flee to safety to if required.

Ninja Dragon
2021-09-12, 09:33 AM
"Alright, let us return, then". - Kyle says, a little annoyed that they wasted the trip here for the second time.

2021-09-12, 08:14 PM
Linus smirks silently, offering, "At least we got this nifty deck of cards," as an olive branch. He pockets the deck as they head back to the village, and then, to town.

2021-09-12, 08:28 PM
Kyros realizes the grove of retch fruit in front of the crag containing Vvregiisshi would make an ideal place to fight... from the air against grounded enemies. There's nowhere that grounded creatures could both fight from and escape from flying creatures though; any areas with vegetation dense enough to slow the grell is at least at hard to walk through.

The party doesn't encounter much on the road back to Chires, although the cart of remains slows them down a bit. They manage to get back before dusk, without much time left.

Near the village people start looking worriedly at the bodies of the young grell. Several children run ahead with the news you've brought back weird creatures, and Regent Pludall is waiting for you outside the tavern when you get there. "Good to see you, and your success." He doesn't look over the creuature's long; "Oh dear goodness, these must be the creatures that have caused so much chaos. Uh, you see," he explains, "one was brought back by another group yesterday evening. Or, rather, what's left of that group: they faced a large creature and several members of their group were lost in action. Still, the fact you've found these smaller ones means they're probably breeding here. Don't actually know what these are though."

Pludall offers 25 gold for confirming there are plenty of these creatures out there and for supplying these remains for research purposes. He doesn't actually ask if that's what you'll be doing with the grell, but motions for some aids to help with it. "To the tanners with these," announces the lead aid, who looks like an alchemist with her characteristic missing eyebrows.

Chires has some nightlife, and there's people to ask around if you want additional leads or information (limited to 1 option for tonight). Options include the following, as well as anything else you think could work.

Diplomacy (Charisma) or Brewer's Tools (Charisma or Constitution) to talk to the party that brought in the larger grell and see if you can get any information out of them.
Diplomacy (Charisma) or Insight (Wisdom) to ask around about the halfling's shield.
Visit the local arcane gathering spot to get the cards appraised. As part of the kingdom's efforts to both calm the public about magic use and to set market standards on prices, 10 gp is the legally accepted price to have an item identified (although haggling in remote areas and for rush jobs is still normal). Roll Diplomacy (Charisma), Deception (Intelligence or Charisma), Stealth (Intelligence), or bribe someone for an appointment tonight; setting up an appointment for tomorrow morning is free and automatic, and can be done even if you fail the roll.
Deception (Charisma) or Investigation (Intelligence) to find someone who can tell you more about the yuan-ti city of Kot-Uol-Poch.
Sell stuff from the Halfling that you don't want/need. Replaces getting a roll; items (except the mold rations, which I assume were let behind) can be sold for half the listed book price to the local shop keeps. Selling these items and picking up mundane gear can be done as a single activity, and involves no rolls.

2021-09-16, 08:47 AM
Relieved to be finally free from his community service obligation, Linus touches his fingers to his temple and nods to the group. "I'll go see what I can find out about these cards," he says. "If anyone cares to celebrate our survival, I'll be at the tavern after."

With that, he heads off to see if he can arrange a late-hour appointment today, or otherwise must wait until the morning.

Stealth: [roll0]

2021-09-17, 12:52 AM
Near the village people start looking worriedly at the bodies of the young grell. Several children run ahead with the news you've brought back weird creatures, and Regent Pludall is waiting for you outside the tavern when you get there. "Good to see you, and your success." He doesn't look over the creuature's long; "Oh dear goodness, these must be the creatures that have caused so much chaos. Uh, you see," he explains, "one was brought back by another group yesterday evening. Or, rather, what's left of that group: they faced a large creature and several members of their group were lost in action. Still, the fact you've found these smaller ones means they're probably breeding here. Don't actually know what these are though."

"They appear to be a species, or possibly sub-species, of grell - a strange and aberrant creature not normally native to our world, but from realms beyond. I could probably confirm for certain if I could examine the remains of an adult. Not only have we dispatched these, we believe we have discovered a nest of them... who is this other group? Perhaps we could compare what we have discovered, and join forces to help eradicate the nest?"

Pocketing his reward, Kyros goes off in search of the other group to talk to them.

Charisma check to speak to the other party: [roll0]

... wow, thanks dice roller. :smallannoyed:

Ninja Dragon
2021-09-17, 07:35 PM
Upon arriving at the city, Kyle goes to sell the things they found in the woods. That is one goal, but he is also wondering if he could hear something at the shops that would give them hints to their quest. Assuming the giant frog doesn't scare the populace, though. That tends to happen every other time.


You didn't list it but I'll throw a perception roll and see what happens.

He will sell the dagger, the rapier, the backpack and the climbing and mess kits. The mosaic seems like it could be useful somehow, he will keep it for now.

If I did the math right, total price is 27.1 gp, giving us 6 gold and 8 silver each.

Also I didn't list the scroll of Protection from G/E because only Dexam can cast it so I'm assuming he took it.

After done with the shopping, he will join the party at the tavern.

2021-09-19, 12:23 AM
When Linus knows the location local wizard hall (a low, long building, rather than a wizard's tower). Lightfoot halfings being hard to spot among others, he's able to pass by with a couple of workers carrying crates. Once inside, one of the apprentices assumes he's here for a scheduled appointment, and takes a look at the cards. The apprentice explains the cards can be used to cast the Augury spell once, and regain the ability to do so at dawn. He taken the standard fee.

Kyle is able to get the 27.1 gp without much difficulty. As the shops begin to close down for the night, he spots a wagon bearing the same symbol as the halfling's shield. The proprietor explains it is the symbol of a halfling village in the mountains, and on her map Kyle is able to tell it is partway between Kot-Uol-Poch and where the halfling's body was discovered. "Blacsmith Ambermane's son went missing a few weeks ago; I'm sure his family would want it back as closure."

"I hadn't heard that; this is helpful news." Pludall takes a look at Kyros, as if memorizing his face for later.

Once inside the tavern though, Kyros can't even find the members of the other party. Once the rest of the party joins him they're able to figure it out; there's a pair getting blackout drunk in the corner, a lot of other patrons casting them pained looks. The half elf is sobbing into a mug, and the human (a much more muscular fellow) is comforting him. It looks like the party is too late in identifying them and they're in no shape to answer any more questions.

By the next morning everything is cleared up, and some of the curriers have come in to let the party members know that the town hopes they will continue trying to deal with the problem, with a special note pointing out to Linus its likely better pay than most of his other options. There's a mention of where the larger grell was found off the main road, and you are encouraged to check either there or go back to where you found the smaller ones.

Well rested, in the morning everyone feels better experienced to take on the day.

Ninja Dragon
2021-09-19, 08:47 AM
Kyle wakes up feeling stronger after the adventurers of the last few days. Revigorated, he packs his stuff, grabs the new batch of goodberries he cast before going to sleep goes to the tavern's ground floor to meet the party.

He tells the party about what he learned of the hafling's family. He would like to go there at some point to deliver the shield, although that doesn't seem useful for the mission.

As for the mission itself, he admits he is a bit lost. They don't have a plan to deal with that crevasse full of grell, at least not a plan that ends with them all dead. He suggests they maybe should check the other place where he felt the presence of grell, or perhaps the place where the other party faced a larger grell.

2021-09-19, 05:00 PM
Feeling slightly more agile, and awaking with a keener insight into where to place his arrows, Linus heads downstairs to find the note waiting for him, as well as his companions. Being free from the obligation gives Linus a chance to make his own decision, and whether its the incentive of reward, or simply the fact that no one is forcing him to do so, he chooses to remain with the party.

Listening to Kyle, he says, "I agree that we should inform the Amberlane's about their son. Closure is important." There might be a reward as well, he doesn't say. He shares the results of the identification, and suggests that after they find out what happened to the other adventuring party, they use the cards to determine whether they should return to the nest, or explore the site of their counterparts destruction. After some recollection he is reminded of the retch fruit the grell had been feeding on, perhaps they could be used in a trap?

He heads over to the barkeep, and asks if the duo who were drinking their sorrows last night are staying at the inn, or if the proprietor knows where they can be found.

2021-09-23, 11:25 PM
Kyros is frustrated by his attempts to locate the party who encountered the adult grell - for some reason, the townsfolk seem unwilling to talk to him.

"Small town prejudices against tieflings," he muses to himself. "Not the first time I've run into this, and surely not the last."

By the time the survivors of the other group are located, they are clearly too deep in their drink and misery to extract any meaningful information. He makes a note of them - hopefully they will be in a more helpful condition in the morning.

The next morning he meets with the other members of his group. "So we have a number of options before us. We can return to the nest location, with or without reinforcements, and try to eradicate the younger creatures before they grow in number. We can try to locate and hunt down more of the adults, to prevent them from spawning additional young. Or we can inform the Amberlane family about the fate of their son... the lowest priority in my opinion. I think we should speak to this other unfortunate group first, and find out what happened to them. If there are number of the adults around, they likely pose a greater threat and I think they should be dealt with first."

2021-09-24, 01:15 PM
The halfling is a bit baffled to see Kyle walk away, but seems to realize he intends to return the shield personally shortly.

The barkeep points Linus toward the same booth the two were at last night. "Didn't have the heart to kick them out," she explains. "Though they might not be in any state to talk, considering they spent the night there and a still getting the gunk out of their systems. She flashes a pair of vials at him. "If you want to talk to them, you might want to give them these first; I'll give you 6 gp for both." Linus knows the stuff well enough; Hair of the Dog is used to cut the aftereffects of alcohol short. 6gp is pretty cheap.

By the time anyone gets over there, the pair are awake and groaning. The half-elf doesn't look like he drinks much and has the worst of it.

2021-09-24, 05:41 PM
Linus willingly forks over the coin, on the party's behalf. First the identification costs, now this, he muses idly. Still, better to spend it than die with it, and if the time ever came where he needed more gold, he was sure he could collect it from the party one way or another. "And a full breakfast for each of them, and us," he says to the barkeep. After getting two cups of water, he walks over to the booth and sidles in next to the half-elf. Then he pours the vials in the two cups, and passes one to each. "Drink this, it'll help."

Once the hangover is lessened, he says, "My name is Linus. My friends and I would like to help you avenge your fallen comrades. The more you can tell us about what happened, the more we can help."

2021-09-25, 08:33 PM
"The thing got us from behind-" starts the burly human, before being interrupted.

"It got Berel," the half elf sobs. "and-and when Yatzil tried to hit it, it-it picked him off the ground and dropped him back down!" He sounds like he's about to burst into tears.

"Yes, they could take quite a beating," the human sighs. "I'm Ah-Pekku, and this is Zylvar. Thanks for the refreshment, but we might just waste it; don't feel like being sober right now." He rattles off some details, "found an empty cart by the side of road. Went off the path to look for the driver and those things found us instead. We killed one and the other took off, still carrying Berel. A passing caravan brought us back here, along with the bodies."

"Berreeellll," Zylvar groans with his head on the table. "What'll I tell mom?"

2021-09-25, 09:03 PM
"The story isn't finished yet," Linus says consolingly. "Berel may still be alive. Come with us. If you can't bring him back alive, at least you can bring back the comfort of knowing you took out the bastards responsible."

2021-09-26, 09:23 PM
"How could she still be alive? Those things killed everyone else."

Zylvar seems more receptive. "She was still screaming when that thing ran off, but it's been a day already. I don't to go home empty-handed, but I'm not sure what would happen if neither of us came home."

Ninja Dragon
2021-09-27, 06:51 AM
Kyle approaches the table and tries to add his own point.

"I understand if you don't want to take more risks, it must have been traumatic to you. That said, I think our chances are better if we try to do it as a bigger group. We don't have to take unnecessary risks either, we will only try to bite what we can chew".

Action: Help Linus persuade them.

2021-09-30, 07:07 PM
"Going and looking won't cost you much, if anything. But the not knowing will kill you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day--and for the rest of your life. You have a chance, however small, here and now, to bring her back alive. Take that chance. Don't make a decision you'll regret." Linus pleads.

Persuasion (with advantage): [roll0], [roll1]

Replace with Kyros's rolls/ speech if they act before the DM updates.

2021-10-01, 12:19 AM
"As my compatriots have said, the regret of not knowing is great. So, too, is the regret of later learning that you could have acted and chose not to. Even if it is too late for Berel and Yatzil, it is clear that these creatures are a threat to this town - do not let the deaths of your friends and kin be for naught."

Persuasion check (with advantage): (1d20+4), (1d20+4)

EDIT: messed up rolls, so re-rolled in OOC:
Persuasion check (with advantage): (1d20+4)[20], (1d20+4)[8]

2021-10-01, 06:40 AM
Zylar groans "I think someone else had better luck fighting the things? I might be wiling to join them, if only so we have a body to bury."

After a short explanation, they seem willing to go along with you, if not eager.

"I'd like to check with some others about your story first, but wiping these creatures out wouldn't be the worst possible thing to be doing. There's a reason we tried it before."

2021-10-03, 10:25 PM
"In your fight with them, were you able to discern any weakness, or strategy to their combat we could prepare against?" Linus asks, considering that they might use the deck of cards to get an idea of what the best course of action is, though of course he feels obligated to help this pair, having secured their assistance by promising to do so.

2021-10-04, 11:28 AM
Ah-Pakku Shrugs at the question. "There was a wizard who came with us, I think the town has his remains. He tried to make a wall of thorns to hide us from the things, but they didn't even notice. Flew right through it; the plants didn't even budge. When one bit the man the vines just vanished. Don't know what to make of it though."

Zylvar notes "Looked like an illusion to me, but I don't know why the things wouldn't have fallen for it."

On the main road, the party encounters slightly more people than they did on the side road they'd followed previously. Everyone is pretty grim, and most travelers aren't very helpful on the way.

About an hour after noon, they arrive where Ah-Pakku and Zylvar had fought the grell. There's a clearing directly off the road, and a patch of plants still covered in the black blood of the one they'd brought back to town.

"Not sure what we're looking for, given they don't leave footprints."

2021-10-05, 06:38 PM
"I didn't expect them to be especially intelligent, as beasts. And I didn't notice any eyes, so I wouldn't expect a sight-based illusion to work."

Before leaving, he makes sure they stop at the local outfitter's for any supplies they may need.

Linus nods. "Creatures of all kinds leave tracks, though." Linus scans the trees for any signs of disturbance, and the ground for any trace of blood from the wounded victim.

Supplies to be determined OOC.

Investigation: [roll0]

2021-10-08, 01:14 PM
Linus doesn't spot any blood, at least at first. Then, in a moment of impressive obliviousness trips over a flower sitting on the edge of a black patch. It's bright pink with white edges, and is not quite as wide as he is tall. When picking himself up, Linus realizes he's fallen into what appears to be dried blood, and that he has stained his clothes with it. It smells pretty bad, but shouldn't be too hard to clean out.

Unfortunately, some of it has gotten in his eyes and his vision to too patchy to make out anything else around.

Linus has disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and anything else relying on sight until he finishes a short rest.

2021-10-08, 05:39 PM
"I'm going to be worse than useless if I can't get this stuff out of my eyes," Linus says. Unless someone has some magical way to deal with it, he will insist on taking the time to remove the impediment.

Is this disadvantage thing due to the natural 1? Is that RAW? I don't remember it being listed as a homebrew rule in the Big 16.

2021-10-13, 05:59 PM
At Linus struggles with the blood in his eyes, the rest of the party looks over the clearing.

There's four the giant flowers, each in or next to the dried blood. "I don't remember these being here. Do they need blood?" Ah-Pakku remarks.

Kyros spots a few more marks in the area; one of the flowers is next to red blood, likely that of a humanoid. Zylar can't quite recall which direction Berel was being carried.

The tree cover is densest to the north, but there's ferns covering the ground at the edge opposite the road; the line proceeding from the edge of the trees to the north and disappearing out to southeast. There's likely a stream underneath them.

To the south a foot path appears to head off southeast from the middle of the clearing. It isn't clear what made it.

If the cardinal directions aren't straight, assume the road turned somewhere.

Sample ideas:
Survival (Wis) or Nature (Int) to check out the ferns.
Stealth (Dex) or Nature (Int) to check out the path.
Perception (Wis) to search for more details.
Medicine (Wis) to study the blood.
Charisma based Insight check to try to help Zylar and Ah-Pakku recall the event.

2021-10-16, 06:09 PM
Kyle checks the ferns for a moment, before deftly dropping onto a riverbank below. The stream running by is swift and cold, and someone could have easily fallen into the water if they hadn't spotted it through the thick covering. Looking around, he spots tentacle marks around the area; the space is certainly large enough for a medium creature to pass through easily, and it looks like the grell were using it as a hiding spot.

He cannot tell if the grell came from the north or the southeast, as tentacles marks appear at the narrow points in both directions. But the places the streams have cut into the earth are likely how the grell have been getting around unseen.

As Kyle takes a moment to feel the surrounding Jungle, he can tell that there's a group of aberrations to the north, maybe an hour or two through the underbrush.

2021-11-03, 04:09 PM
It has been two weeks, so I am formally declaring the game dead. My thanks to everyone who took part, it was nice while it lasted.