View Full Version : Father Llymic effect on the world

2021-05-26, 06:45 PM
How devastating would Father Llymics effect (dead sun) be to a campaign world? What percent of the population do you think would die out?

2021-05-26, 06:52 PM
How devastating would Father Llymics effect (dead sun) be to a campaign world? What percent of the population do you think would die out?

Well, whole continents would die. The only survivors would be people managing to reach either another plane or the Underdark on time, and then survive what dangers await them there.

Then the shadows and other undead would swarm the surface.

2021-05-26, 07:22 PM
Pretty much everyone and everything would die.

In Faerun the Faerzress (magic radiation) in the Underdark serves as a substitute source of energy for plant life that wasn't exposed to the sun beforehand anyways. Any survivors would have some form of generating heat and compete over regions of abundant plant and fungi life.

I think a somewhat interesting subplot would be if a Lich agreed to help the party try and reverse the situation, seeing as Liches need living beings to fuel their phylacteries, and a dead sun would rapidly "waste" that resource.

2021-05-26, 08:23 PM
The more interesting question is "how long until everyone on the surface is dead?" You can get some answers if you google "what if the sun went out"... this (https://what-if.xkcd.com/49/) is my favorite set, as it looks for the positives of a sun disappearing.