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2021-06-21, 05:15 AM
peaking of Zodi's Vod streams.. Coming up at the end when you get up for a minute, Zodi, uh... Catatonic CG Zodi's dead-eyed stare stole my soul.

Can I have it back?

We'll see :smallwink:

I'll give you 50 dollars for that soul, Zodi. :smalltongue:

On the plus side, I got to take my horns for a test run on Friday! (https://twitter.com/BisectedBrioche/status/1405959572293099525) Now I kinda want to do a full cosplay of my character. =3

You do realize we want a picture of the full cosplay of your character now, yes?

2021-06-21, 06:16 AM
On the plus side, I got to take my horns for a test run on Friday! (https://twitter.com/BisectedBrioche/status/1405959572293099525) Now I kinda want to do a full cosplay of my character. =3


That's one pretty horny woman. Uh, beautiful lady with horns.

Looking forward to the full version if we ever get to see it, I wish I had your talents or looks, I'm not sure I could manage cosplay.

2021-06-21, 06:38 AM
I also find that what I think of as important to horror, the building of suspense and uncertainty, is considered less important these days than gore by many people, and urgh. Gore is not horror. Give me something that looks creepy and unnatural, not buckets of blood and open wounds.

Of course, it *is* possible to have both--see: the 1982 version of "The Thing".

2021-06-21, 08:35 AM
I was rudely awoken at 8 this morning (after a weekend of early starts) to help clear out the kitchen. Turns out the landlord's finally getting it refitted this week (yay), but that means it's going to take all week (less yay).

On the plus side, I got to take my horns for a test run on Friday! (https://twitter.com/BisectedBrioche/status/1405959572293099525) Now I kinda want to do a full cosplay of my character. =3


Goodness that's impressive work... though I imagine it might be a bit top heavy. Good luck with that, and be sure to give your neck the proper rest.

I'll give you 50 dollars for that soul, Zodi. :smalltongue:

You do realize we want a picture of the full cosplay of your character now, yes?

I can't say it's for sale, but if you want to shoot your shot you know where to go to give me money :smalltongue:

Seconded on this!

2021-06-21, 09:14 AM
I'll give you 50 dollars for that soul, Zodi. :smalltongue:

You do realize we want a picture of the full cosplay of your character now, yes?

That's one pretty horny woman. Uh, beautiful lady with horns.

Looking forward to the full version if we ever get to see it, I wish I had your talents or looks, I'm not sure I could manage cosplay.

Goodness that's impressive work... though I imagine it might be a bit top heavy. Good luck with that, and be sure to give your neck the proper rest.

I can't say it's for sale, but if you want to shoot your shot you know where to go to give me money :smalltongue:

Seconded on this!

It'd be hard to do a full cosplay for every D&D session, but it might be fun to do for a stream or something =3

I used to cosplay when my egg was just cracking, then stuff happened.

The horns are made from hollow EVA foam, so they weigh practically nothing (in fact they're less noticeable to me than the face paint). =3

2021-06-21, 09:29 AM
Of course, it *is* possible to have both--see: the 1982 version of "The Thing".

I have, it's a very good film. Can't watch the finger cutting scene though.

It'd be hard to do a full cosplay for every D&D session, but it might be fun to do for a stream or something =3

I used to cosplay when my egg was just cracking, then stuff happened.

Well let us know so we can see the amazing results :smallsmile:

The horns are made from hollow EVA foam, so they weigh practically nothing (in fact they're less noticeable to me than the face paint). =3

The horns have the soul of your dead mum inside them? Oh, wrong EVA.

2021-06-21, 10:18 AM
I'll give you 50 dollars for that soul, Zodi. :smalltongue:

Please don't, I kind of need that.

2021-06-21, 11:37 AM
Please don't, I kind of need that.

You seem to be doing fine without it.

2021-06-21, 11:43 AM
You seem to be doing fine without it.

Which one, the fifty bucks or Zodi's soul?

2021-06-21, 12:01 PM
Which one, the fifty bucks or Zodi's soul?

Neither. Zodi has Rater's soul and Rater never had those fifty bucks. I think.

2021-06-21, 12:31 PM
What we need is something of equal value to Rater's soul.

I offer one Charmander card!

Side note, I love when game designers forget to tell you critical information. I was reading through Righteous Blood Ruthless Blades and while the game makes it clear that you need to make a test to level up it forgets to tell you just how hard that test is supposed to be (Yes, you have to roll to level up. It's actually more to see if your Qi imbalances have side effects or you manage to sort them out, fail the rolls and you still level up but with side effects.)

2021-06-21, 12:40 PM
Well, just been booked in for an appointment at an oncology specialist on Wednesday, so I guess the biopsy results were good this time. Now to wait and see what exactly I've got and what the treatment is.

2021-06-21, 01:20 PM
Well, just been booked in for an appointment at an oncology specialist on Wednesday, so I guess the biopsy results were good this time. Now to wait and see what exactly I've got and what the treatment is.

Best wishes, factotum.

2021-06-21, 01:26 PM
Please don't, I kind of need that.

Yeah you can have it back.

Well, just been booked in for an appointment at an oncology specialist on Wednesday, so I guess the biopsy results were good this time. Now to wait and see what exactly I've got and what the treatment is.

Ooh, good luck Factotum!

2021-06-21, 02:17 PM
Grilled cheese: hand-shredded Munster and dijon on "rustic Italian" bread. Fried using olive oil spray.

Bread quality is good, but shredded Munster both melts faster but doesn't hold. Dijon flavor stands out more compared to other sandwiches I've made in this manner. Not unpleasant, but overpowers the cheese to a degree. May need to use more cheese the next time I try using shredded Munster.

2021-06-21, 02:21 PM
Well, just been booked in for an appointment at an oncology specialist on Wednesday, so I guess the biopsy results were good this time. Now to wait and see what exactly I've got and what the treatment is.

Best of luck!

2021-06-21, 03:20 PM
I have, it's a very good film. Can't watch the finger cutting scene though.

Well let us know so we can see the amazing results :smallsmile:

The horns have the soul of your dead mum inside them? Oh, wrong EVA.

Something something, Friendly Devilkin Thesis. :smallwink:

I started a community challenge on my Twitch channel, and it hit 10% on the first stream it was up, so I guess it's happening! o.o

2021-06-21, 08:36 PM
Something something, Friendly Devilkin Thesis. :smallwink:

I started a community challenge on my Twitch channel, and it hit 10% on the first stream it was up, so I guess it's happening! o.o

Hell yeah to all of that!

Also it occurs to me; with Metroid Dread coming out that might mean you'll need to make a new Samus outfit!

2021-06-21, 08:42 PM
Hell yeah to all of that!

Also, it occurs to me; with Metroid Dread coming out that might mean you'll need to make a new Samus outfit!

*Gasps!* A Metroid game set after Fusion? ****ing finally!

And we were talking about that and everything just a couple of threads ago...

We need to start talking about all the things we want.

...It's be real nice if I happened to stumble across an easily and cheaply replicable cure for all forms of Cancer, HIV, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Herpes, Arthritis, and old age a few months from now.

2021-06-22, 03:05 AM
Hell yeah to all of that!

Also it occurs to me; with Metroid Dread coming out that might mean you'll need to make a new Samus outfit!

I'd love to make a new ZS from scratch. I'm curious to see what Dread's is going to look like.

Armour is on my long term todo list, but I want to get more experience on smaller props before attempting it.

2021-06-22, 07:12 PM
Macaroni and Cheese: Roughly the same recipe as last time, with two substitutions: a mixture of margine and olive oil was used s a substitute for butter, as we were out of butter.

2: A mixture of freshly shredded, by hand, Colby and muenster cheese was substituted for pre-shredded sharp cheddar.

In addition, spices were added to the butter as it melted instead of being stirred after the cheese was integrated, and the dijon was added to the cheese sauce and stirred in over low heat rather than mixed in when the sauce was added to the noodles.

Further more, salt, black pepper, and a dash of paprika, for color, were added to the garlic and onion powder

Results: Milder cheese flavor, but smoother and creamier texture(despite initial concerns when rue and cheese did not integrate properly at first.) Dijon flavor properly integrated into the cheese, does not taste underseasoned.

2021-06-22, 08:25 PM
Results: Milder cheese flavor, but smoother and creamier texture(despite initial concerns when rue and cheese did not integrate properly at first.) Dijon flavor properly integrated into the cheese, does not taste underseasoned.
I hope you were using a roux, and not the somewhat toxic bitter herb rue (herb-of-grace Ophelia calls it).

2021-06-22, 08:26 PM
I hope you were using a roux, and not the somewhat toxic bitter herb rue (herb-of-grace Ophelia calls it).

Would he rue using rue?

2021-06-22, 08:30 PM
I hope you were using a roux, and not the somewhat toxic bitter herb rue (herb-of-grace Ophelia calls it).


Look, me not sleep so well sometiems which mean me get tired fast come evening. Thus not always word good.

Additional commentary: stepfather thinks too much mustard, despite using roughly the same amount as last time and my perception of it being less overpowering.

2021-06-22, 10:36 PM
Would he rue using rue?

Only if he did so because he fell for a ruse.

Hell yeah to all of that!

Also it occurs to me; with Metroid Dread coming out that might mean you'll need to make a new Samus outfit!

Long time no see. What is up my dude?

2021-06-22, 10:44 PM
Only if he did so because he fell for a ruse.

It would be especially bad if it were due to a crafty marsupial. A wise man definitely rues a 'roos ruse.

2021-06-22, 11:08 PM
It would be especially bad if it were due to a crafty marsupial. A wise man definitely rues a 'roos ruse.

That would be very rude indeed.

2021-06-23, 05:49 AM
And my copy of Burning Wheel Codex arrived. Finally.

I'm going to get so sleep deprived next few days...

2021-06-23, 07:26 AM
Long time no see. What is up my dude?

An exceptionally lot of things! Last time you were here I mentioned I had finally come out as a trans woman, and progress on that is going quite well. I'm doing many videos and also streaming to fundraise top surgery. My book is published and I'm working on my second, and I also almost died due to diabetic ketaoacitosis so that's a thing.

2021-06-23, 07:36 AM
It's wonderful to go back to the movie theater again. I'm happy. :smile:

2021-06-23, 07:40 AM
And my copy of Burning Wheel Codex arrived. Finally.

I'm going to get so sleep deprived next few days...


Honestly, I wish the GM advice in that game was just put into it's own book.

I've pre-ordered a copy of Sigil &Shadow, which should arrive next month. It's going to be interesting to compare it with the various US urban fantasy games I have to see the differences. But they haven't put out a bad game so far, in my opinion, so if Osprey keeps sticking to this 'one book and done'* model I might pick up all their RPGs.

* Yes, I know Jackals has a second book. I think I can forgive one adventure book after five games.

2021-06-23, 07:41 AM

Honestly, I wish the GM advice in that game was just put into it's own book.

I've pre-ordered a copy of Sigil &Shadow, which should arrive next month. It's going to be interesting to compare it with the various US urban fantasy games I have to see the differences. But they haven't put out a bad game so far, in my opinion, so if Osprey keeps sticking to this 'one book and done'* model I might pick up all their RPGs.

* Yes, I know Jackals has a second book. I think I can forgive one adventure book after five games.

That's wonderful. I'm so happy for you. :smile:

2021-06-23, 08:48 AM
It's wonderful to go back to the movie theater again. I'm happy. :smile:
What have you/are going to watch(ed)?

2021-06-23, 08:51 AM
What have you/are going to watch(ed)?

I've seen Cruella and In The Heights. Both wonderful movies. I'm thinking of deciding if I want to see either Fast & Furious 9 or Peter Rabbit 2. :smile:

2021-06-23, 09:48 AM
I have a 20cm lymphoma tumour and they need to get me on chemo ASAP, because this is potentially life-threatening. They want to get me into hospital within 48 hours, depending on bed availability. Once I've had the first session I'll need one every 3 weeks, but those can be done as outpatient appointments so shouldn't need a hospital stay.

2021-06-23, 09:56 AM
I have a 20cm lymphoma tumour and they need to get me on chemo ASAP, because this is potentially life-threatening. They want to get me into hospital within 48 hours, depending on bed availability. Once I've had the first session I'll need one every 3 weeks, but those can be done as outpatient appointments so shouldn't need a hospital stay.

:( I'm so sorry Factotum.

2021-06-23, 10:11 AM
I have a 20cm lymphoma tumour and they need to get me on chemo ASAP, because this is potentially life-threatening. They want to get me into hospital within 48 hours, depending on bed availability. Once I've had the first session I'll need one every 3 weeks, but those can be done as outpatient appointments so shouldn't need a hospital stay.

The good news is that it's caught and can be mitigated. Hang in there, you've got this.

2021-06-23, 11:56 AM
I have a 20cm lymphoma tumour and they need to get me on chemo ASAP, because this is potentially life-threatening. They want to get me into hospital within 48 hours, depending on bed availability. Once I've had the first session I'll need one every 3 weeks, but those can be done as outpatient appointments so shouldn't need a hospital stay.



I mean, the good news is that it's clearly been caught while it can still be treated, and that you're being rushed to your appointment with well deserved urgency, but ouch.

I can't offer more than kind words and this glass of homeopathic dehydration medicine. I hope you pull through this.

2021-06-23, 12:03 PM
I have a 20cm lymphoma tumour and they need to get me on chemo ASAP, because this is potentially life-threatening. They want to get me into hospital within 48 hours, depending on bed availability. Once I've had the first session I'll need one every 3 weeks, but those can be done as outpatient appointments so shouldn't need a hospital stay.

Goddamn.... I mean, well, ****.

2021-06-23, 12:15 PM
Be strong factotum, I wish you a speedy recovery.

2021-06-23, 01:43 PM
Thanks for the well wishes, guys.

Mystic Muse
2021-06-23, 04:19 PM
Yeah, hope everything turns out okay.

2021-06-23, 05:37 PM
Writing is weird.

I've just written a scene where I have to make it clear that my main character has had her initiation into what's essentially a loose order of magic users, and I'm now trying to write a speech that'll make a weird experience seem justified. I think this might have actually been easier if I'd had it be a fantastical spirit quest, but it's just a mundane ceremony where a key aspect is your teacher learning what bits you focused on.

2021-06-23, 05:39 PM
Writing is weird.

I've just written a scene where I have to make it clear that my main character has had her initiation into what's essentially a loose order of magic users, and I'm now trying to write a speech that'll make a weird experience seem justified. I think this might have actually been easier if I'd had it be a fantastical spirit quest, but it's just a mundane ceremony where a key aspect is your teacher learning what bits you focused on.

Oh, that's easy: "Look it's either you [insert weird experience here] or filling this personality quizz."

2021-06-23, 06:08 PM
Oh, that's easy: "Look it's either you [insert weird experience here] or filling this personality quizz."

Yeah, pretty much the gist of it, although with some additional strange requirements that have been added to be entirely pointless (she is shaved off screen, with several references being made to this going so far as to include arm hair). I honestly feel like what I'm going to have to do is go back and set it up sightly better, so that yes it still comes off as weird but clearly in character for her mentor.

I do, however, have a nice little speech written about why she was chosen, which makes one of the themes I'm using more explicit. Mainly because it gets buried a bit under a thing that's just there for world building and this is where I can add some clarification that's in-character.

2021-06-24, 04:57 AM
Thanks for the well wishes, guys.

Sending good vibes! <3

2021-06-24, 05:25 AM
Writing is weird.

I've just written a scene where I have to make it clear that my main character has had her initiation into what's essentially a loose order of magic users, and I'm now trying to write a speech that'll make a weird experience seem justified. I think this might have actually been easier if I'd had it be a fantastical spirit quest, but it's just a mundane ceremony where a key aspect is your teacher learning what bits you focused on.

A sufficient amount of symbolism can justify any weird experience. Might be a bit of a world building opportunity too.

2021-06-24, 06:05 AM
A sufficient amount of symbolism can justify any weird experience. Might be a bit of a world building opportunity too.

Oh, it's definitely given me an excuse to derive into world building via the philosophy of magic and the fact that it's very much not an inborn trait. I'm trying not to go too heavy on the world building and spread it out a bit, there's ruins (roughly 700 years old) from another civilisation that come up later but it's intentionally made uncertain as to the details of the culture and their achievements (it was over half a millennium ago and people had more important things to do once the ribs had all been looted).

There's clearly been a switch off main character since I started, and I've also got to decide on my audience so I know what kind of content I can include.

2021-06-24, 11:06 AM
Thanks for the well wishes, guys.

Add mine to the pile. I got faith in you! And the British Healthcare system.

2021-06-24, 11:11 AM
Oh, it's definitely given me an excuse to derive into world building via the philosophy of magic and the fact that it's very much not an inborn trait. I'm trying not to go too heavy on the world building and spread it out a bit, there's ruins (roughly 700 years old) from another civilisation that come up later but it's intentionally made uncertain as to the details of the culture and their achievements (it was over half a millennium ago and people had more important things to do once the ribs had all been looted).

There's clearly been a switch off main character since I started, and I've also got to decide on my audience so I know what kind of content I can include.

You could also just have somebody come out and flat out say its hazing, and that its a tradition that they all went through, so they have the right to put new people through it. Help establish the group's hierarchy.

2021-06-24, 11:25 AM
You could also just have somebody come out and flat out say its hazing, and that its a tradition that they all went through, so they have the right to put new people through it. Help establish the group's hierarchy.


I suppose I should add an informal one at some point.

But that's pretty much the reason at the end of the day, establish the relationship between teacher and student and get them feeling like a magic user, plus the question of what does the experience help them come up with (which is useful to help guide the new witch's teaching, but it only matters that they can articulate something).

2021-06-24, 11:31 AM

"we've always done it this way".

There's nothing saying you can't have them use crappy justifications. Unless you don't want them. To be crappy people, of course.

2021-06-24, 01:16 PM
"we've always done it this way".

There's nothing saying you can't have them use crappy justifications. Unless you don't want them. To be crappy people, of course.

You know the one about the woman who used to cut both ends of the strudel before putting it into oven?

2021-06-24, 01:32 PM
You know the one about the woman who used to cut both ends of the strudel before putting it into oven?

I don't, and while I can imagine where it's going I still want to hear it.

2021-06-24, 01:40 PM
Certain strudel-loving gentleman marries a young lady. One day he asks her to prepare a strudel for him and watches her. As she prepares to put it on the baking pan, she cuts off both ends of the strudel.

He asks her why - and she responds "That's how my mother used to do it."

So when they go visit the in-laws, he asks her mother to prepare a strudel.

She does the same - cuts off the ends of the strudel. He asks why - the response is the same. "That's how my mother used to do it."

After some time, they go visit the old lady. She is happy to have them visiting her, so she asks what can she prepare for them.

The husband immediately asks her to prepare a strudel.

She does the same thing - cuts off both ends of the strudel. Once he asks why, she responds with a smile. "Oh, that's just a silly old me. When I was younger, we had these short baking pots, so you had to cut off both ends for it to fit and I just got too used to it."

As a part-Austrian, how do you feel about Strudel-related stories/jokes?

2021-06-24, 02:04 PM
Certain strudel-loving gentleman marries a young lady. One day he asks her to prepare a strudel for him and watches her. As she prepares to put it on the baking pan, she cuts off both ends of the strudel.

He asks her why - and she responds "That's how my mother used to do it."

So when they go visit the in-laws, he asks her mother to prepare a strudel.

She does the same - cuts off the ends of the strudel. He asks why - the response is the same. "That's how my mother used to do it."

After some time, they go visit the old lady. She is happy to have them visiting her, so she asks what can she prepare for them.

The husband immediately asks her to prepare a strudel.

She does the same thing - cuts off both ends of the strudel. Once he asks why, she responds with a smile. "Oh, that's just a silly old me. When I was younger, we had these short baking pots, so you had to cut off both ends for it to fit and I just got too used to it."

As a part-Austrian, how do you feel about Strudel-related stories/jokes?

Jokes are jokes, I like the good ones. Got a good chuckle out of that. Though it may sadden some to hear I'm not a big strudel fan as far as eating goes. I do make a mean kaesespaetzle though.

.....i may make it the way my mom used to.

2021-06-24, 02:06 PM
Jokes are jokes, I like the good ones. Got a good chuckle out of that. Though it may sadden some to hear I'm not a big strudel fan as far as eating goes. I do make a mean kaesespaetzle though.

.....i may make it the way my mom used to.

Parent food is best food.

2021-06-24, 02:18 PM
Parent food is best food.

Aye. Also, always nice to namedrop that dish without someone replying "bless you". :smallwink:

2021-06-24, 02:23 PM
Aye. Also, always nice to namedrop that dish without someone replying "bless you". :smallwink:

Of course. The correct response is "gesundheit".

2021-06-24, 02:26 PM
Of course. The correct response is "gesundheit".

Bless you. :smallcool:

2021-06-24, 02:36 PM
Grilled cheese:

Shredded sharp cheddar on white, one slice of which is coated with a homemade honey mustard* I made on a whim at 2 in the morning to go with a snack. Had some leftover, fried using olive oil spray.

Can barely taste the mustard, probably would need to do both sides but didn't have enough. So, it's more or less your basic grilled cheese. Goes good with a side of jalapeno-flavored potato chips.

I'm noticing spillage whenever I use shredded cheese, may need to find something... Binding. (anyone who suggests mayonnaise/miracle whip/anything similar will be executed for heresy)

*Dijon mustard yellow mustard garlic powder, table salt, black pepper, lemon juice, honey, olive oil. Use it all fast, it doesn't keep for long

2021-06-24, 02:43 PM
Bless you. :smallcool:

Well played.

2021-06-24, 02:52 PM
Well played.

I mean, it's German. Shooting fish in a barrel, really.

2021-06-24, 03:00 PM
I'm noticing spillage whenever I use shredded cheese, may need to find something... Binding. (anyone who suggests mayonnaise/miracle whip/anything similar will be executed for heresy)

An egg yolk or some softened cream cheese (You'd end up with a spread similar to pimento cheese or the sort of dip/paste used to make cheeseballs and other cheese-based appetizeer spreads) could work, although especially with cream cheese you'd have to be very careful about how much you used or it would just worsen the leaking when it softens up and flows in the heat. I think probably just practice and getting used to how much the shredded cheese settles and flows when it's cooked? And leaving more space around the outside, I know I habitually overfill stuff when I'm trying to use loose fillings for stuffed items. Crimping down the outer edges of the bread to make something more along the lines of a -insert your preferred cultural variation of a stuffed-bread-pocket-sandwich here- could also work.

2021-06-24, 03:09 PM
Darn you all, know I want Strudel.

Also Knudlen (I apologise to the entire nation of Germany for butchered spelling). My food cravings are weird but awesome.

2021-06-24, 03:21 PM
On a related note, my wife was able to find another store that had speck, so I'm going to have a very nice morning this weekend! There's not exactly a Tyrolian market around here so I'm pretty happy.

2021-06-24, 04:12 PM
Grilled cheese:

Shredded sharp cheddar on white, one slice of which is coated with a homemade honey mustard* I made on a whim at 2 in the morning to go with a snack. Had some leftover, fried using olive oil spray.

Can barely taste the mustard, probably would need to do both sides but didn't have enough. So, it's more or less your basic grilled cheese. Goes good with a side of jalapeno-flavored potato chips.

I'm noticing spillage whenever I use shredded cheese, may need to find something... Binding. (anyone who suggests mayonnaise/miracle whip/anything similar will be executed for heresy)

*Dijon mustard yellow mustard garlic powder, table salt, black pepper, lemon juice, honey, olive oil. Use it all fast, it doesn't keep for long

I'mma level with you chief. The only way you're not getting spillage is if you either pre melt the cheese a little so it congeals together, or if you just a cheese slice. Shredded cheese will always spill when flipped, without question.

I am going to be trying to make pepperjack and roast beef grilled cheese at some point tomorrow most likely, so I'll be sure to share my own experiment in return.

Darn you all, know I want Strudel.

Also Knudlen (I apologise to the entire nation of Germany for butchered spelling). My food cravings are weird but awesome.

I would also like an strudel please!!

2021-06-24, 05:06 PM
Daily PopculturalWeirdness Trivia:

The Martian Man Hunter once used his powers of shapeshifting to disguise himself as a Japanese woman, and while using this disguise referred to himself as Rei Hino.

Bruce Wayne, who was not told about this in advance, upon being introduced to "Rei Hino" immediately concluded that she was in fact the Martian Man Hunter because J'On has a penchant for obvious aliases and Rei Hino is the real name of Sailor Mars.

Conclusion: Batman reads or watches Sailor Moon.

Lord Raziere
2021-06-24, 05:29 PM
More precisely, Batman AND Martian Manhunter reads/watches Sailor Moon. after all what are the odds MM would come up with that name out of nowhere?

2021-06-24, 06:02 PM
Well, typing this via the free WiFi at the hospital--got rather abruptly called in at around 8:30pm. So far had what seemed like most of my blood drained for tests, got injected with some antibiotics because I'm running a slight temperature, and next up go onto some steroids. All fun and games, I'm sure.

2021-06-24, 06:21 PM
I mean, I know the names and appears of air a lot of Marvel characters despite never reading any Marvel co. I s and seeing very few shows/movies. Baan may simply have come across those names at some point and remembered.
Well, typing this via the free WiFi at the hospital--got rather abruptly called in at around 8:30pm. So far had what seemed like most of my blood drained for tests, got injected with some antibiotics because I'm running a slight temperature, and next up go onto some steroids. All fun and games, I'm sure.
Oof. Hope it all goes well

2021-06-24, 10:41 PM
I have a 20cm lymphoma tumour and they need to get me on chemo ASAP, because this is potentially life-threatening. They want to get me into hospital within 48 hours, depending on bed availability. Once I've had the first session I'll need one every 3 weeks, but those can be done as outpatient appointments so shouldn't need a hospital stay.

Best wishes and I'll light a candle for you factotum. I don't know the prognosis of your individual case but for what it's worth my roommate recently beat cancer and she's doing well now. Please have hope.

For my birthday yesterday I went on my second date since the '90's, had a delicious meal, the highlight was some really good tomatoes with balsamic vinegar, cheese, and olives.
She gave me a poem and some art she made, she came close to crying in front of me while telling her personal history (which happened with my roommate as well last week).
Today we texted each other a post-mortem today and each revealed that we had the impression the other wasn't attracted, that out of the way we've tentatively scheduled a third date.
My roommate has also mentioned a friend of hers I should date, but I don't think that I should be dating multiple women at once for a while (if ever).
New communication technology changes things somewhat, but how closely patterns from 30+ years ago re-occur is interesting.

2021-06-25, 12:31 AM
I've spent an inordinate amount of time, on and off, looking at the science of blood transfusions and comparing blood types by demographic to try and figure out which fictional characters I could get blood transfusions from without 1: Serious complications or 2: Immediately dying from complications.

Mostly because there's a hell of a lot of media where you can get superpowers from a blood transfusion and ever since high school I've been keeping a list of "what I'd do if I could travel to/was forcibly transported into" a fictional world lists and I would not survive for very long in most settings I like unless I arrived with all of my needs met, but mostly just as a thought experiment.

2021-06-25, 12:35 AM
there's a hell of a lot of media where you can get superpowers from a blood transfusion

Yeah, but most of them contradict the all-important Marvel and are thus "doing it wrong" aren't they?

2021-06-25, 12:58 AM
Yeah, but most of them contradict the all-important Marvel and are thus "doing it wrong" aren't they?

No, honestly.

It's pretty consistent across most media: If the empowering agent can be found in the blood of the empowered individual, a blood transfusion can bestow the power on either a permanent or temporary basis.

When it isn't that, it's a specific property of the blood of a specific individual or creature: The blood of a dragon makes a human who bathes in it impervious to mortal weapons on any part of their body touched by the blood, or drinking unicorns' blood will stop you from dying no matter what but will put a terrible but vaguely defined curse on you, to use somewhat well-known examples.

Marvel's actually behind the curve. Super-soldier blood contains the serum, and Wolverine's unique blood chemistry means he'll temporarily give his healing factor to anyone he puts his blood in*, but Hulk Blood has roughly equal chances of giving you hulk powers, radiating you to death, doing nothing, or turning you into a deformed freak who quickly dies a horrible, painful death. Bruce also suspected that giving his blood to an AIDS patient would have a chance of making Super AIDS

And Spider-Man's blood will just give you radiation poisoning. A famous storyline from the Lee-Ditko era of Spider-Man comics is about Spidey fighting Doc-Ock in order to receive a rare isotope that reacts to other radioactive materials in such a way that both it and the other material become inert in order to save his Aunt May's life when she's int eh hospital dying of radiation sickness she got from a blood transfusion he gave her without thinking in an earlier storyline.

*Interestingly enough, it was recently confirmed that Logan's unique blood properties are also shared by vampires. The main difference between how vampire blood affects a person ti transfused into and how logans do seem to be connected to the Rhesus factor: The only meaningful difference between Logan's blood and any given vampire's is that Logan is RH Positive while all known vampires are RH negative even if they were positive when they were alive.

2021-06-25, 01:07 AM
I am going to be trying to make pepperjack and roast beef grilled cheese at some point tomorrow most likely, so I'll be sure to share my own experiment in return.

Had to google pepperjack.

Also, visual proof of experiment is worth at least a hundred words :smallbiggrin:

I prepared a duck with sweet red cabbage yesterday. It went quite well this time, but it's nothing special.

I would also like an strudel please!!

Had one just yesterday, although it was not the "original" austrian strudel - I'm not really into apples in my pastry. It was made from sourdough, with cocoa filling.

Extremely tasty.

Well, typing this via the free WiFi at the hospital--got rather abruptly called in at around 8:30pm. So far had what seemed like most of my blood drained for tests, got injected with some antibiotics because I'm running a slight temperature, and next up go onto some steroids. All fun and games, I'm sure.

Wishing you all the best, factotum.

If there is anything we can do, let us know. Don't know how I could help, but if stupid jokes help out, I'm here for you.

2021-06-25, 02:52 AM
Well, typing this via the free WiFi at the hospital--got rather abruptly called in at around 8:30pm. So far had what seemed like most of my blood drained for tests, got injected with some antibiotics because I'm running a slight temperature, and next up go onto some steroids. All fun and games, I'm sure.

Hoping it all goes well.

My roommate has also mentioned a friend of hers I should date, but I don't think that I should be dating multiple women at once for a while (if ever).

*Is grappled and pulled out of the room before they can start ranting about polyamory*

2021-06-25, 03:43 AM
*Is grappled and pulled out of the room before they can start ranting about polyamory*

Don't feel bad. At least you still have at least a vague understanding of romance,

I understand the desire for companionship. I understand the appeal of physical intimacy. I understand the appeal of two or more people making some major commitment to each other.

But Romance... Sounds exhausting. It takes effort just to maintain a romantic relationship. More effort than regular relationships. Utterly exhausting. Constant communication, constant... If it's a healthy relationship then you're emotionally invested enough that every minor disagreement runs the risk of turning into a major fight... If it's not a healthy relationship, then every minor disagreement will turn into a major fight. If there's a deal-breaker in the relationship you probably don't find out until it's too late... It's expected that eventually you'll be living together and sharing a bedroom eventually...

And it's not just them you need to worry about. You could be seeing someone for a year, there are no secrets between you, they are perfect for you, they're The One and then you meet their parents and their mother is a total narcissist who feels threatened by your presence because she wants her little boy to be emotionally dependant on her or her father is some psycho who reacts violently to the slightest implication that his baby girl is anything but an eternally pure child with no conception of the wicked things predatory men (IE all of them) will do to her and God Forbid you tell them that their child is an adult who can make their decisions and you can't convince your SO that their parents are toxic so the relationship stalls.

Or their friends are immature, or judgemental, or encourage them to do stupid things, or insist that you must be cheating on them any time you don't come straight home after work or want a little me time.

Or their siblings could be criminals and they refuse to cut content.

Or maybe you get invited to the family reunion and it turns out that their grandma, who cooks all the food, puts onion in everything up to and including the deserts and even the food you brought separate specifically because you will go into anaphylactic shock and die if even a trace of onion gets into your system and Grandma refuses to accept that allergies are real and gets offended at you not trying her food that everyone else loves.

Or, or, maybe, and probably worst of all, everything goes well, you hit it off, get married, and only find out when the first kid is on the way that they're a hardcore anti-vaxxer.

Now, these are all worst-case examples, but...

I'm sorry. I don't get the appeal. If you're in a romantic relationship that worked out, great, good for you and a thousand blessings(no sarcasm) but from where I'm setting a healthy romantic relationship is too much work and too much risk.

The way I see it, companionship can be achieved much easier by having one or more close friends and physical intimacy... That one doesn't have an easy answer but in this day and age, casual hookups are more and more accepted.

As are non-traditional families, if raising a child is a life goal.

...All cards don't the table, I'm probably aromantic. I'm also a major introvert, as an autistic person most social interactions are exhausting and frustrating in general, and I've personally seen a lot of dysfunctional romantic couples. I might have a biased perspective.

2021-06-25, 04:44 AM
...All cards don't the table, I'm probably aromantic. I'm also a major introvert, as an autistic person most social interactions are exhausting and frustrating in general, and I've personally seen a lot of dysfunctional romantic couples. I might have a biased perspective.

I completely agree with the last sentence. Except for the "might".

If you were interested in a debate, I would ask you to first define a romantic relationship. Or a "romance".

Also, you are correct in another part: relationships are exhausting at times. And it's a lot of effort to actually keep one afloat, even if it does not look like it from the outside. Most dysfunctional relationships that I see around me are based on the flawed assumption, that finding the "right" person completely removes any trouble afterwards and makes the relationship magically work. Somehow.

But who am I to talk...? :smallsmile:

2021-06-25, 05:39 AM
I mean, if I wanted to debate it, I would have presented my position as an argument instead of as my perspective.

Anway, "IT's five in the morning, you're hungry but don't want to eat breakfast because you haven't actually slept yet" snack experiment.

Finely dice Colby and muenster cheese. Apply a thin layer of dijon mustard to a slice of white artisan bread.

Apply cubed cheeses, mixed as much as you can, to the mustard side of bread.

Microwave for one minute to melt cheese.

Allow to cool.

Results: Honestly it's better than some of the grilled cheeses I've made in the last month.

2021-06-25, 05:52 AM
But who am I to talk...? :smallsmile:

Somebody who's as qualified to do as everybody else in this forum.

But yes, relationships require work, even amazing ones, and more problematic relationships likely come from not putting the work in than from actual horrible people.

I will also note that this isn't the first time Rater has jumped to the extreme, although given he's apparently had issues with the extreme before (even discounting his schooling I still remember the credit card story) it's understandable. Plus if he doesn't want romantic relationships, whether that's due to aromanticism or any other reason, that's fine, he can engage in the kinds of relationships he wants to. I occasionally get judged for not being monogamous, I'm not going to turn around and start judging people for only having frenemies with benefits or whatever.

2021-06-25, 07:47 AM
frenemies with benefits
There's a thing I keep planning to say in mid August every year, and every time I forget, but it's been fine because nobody present would have known what I were talking about.

There are at least two people present right now who would know what I shall be talking about.

Hopefully this is the year that I remember in time.

EDIT: Yes, the quoted thingy is relevant to the rest of the post. I won't say how. I am trying to be enigmatic.

2021-06-25, 08:35 AM
Had to google pepperjack.

Also, visual proof of experiment is worth at least a hundred words :smallbiggrin:

Had one just yesterday, although it was not the "original" austrian strudel - I'm not really into apples in my pastry. It was made from sourdough, with cocoa filling.

Extremely tasty.

Just in case google failed you, it's Monterey Jack with habanero peppers in it. My particular slices have such a level of pepper in it that parts of the cheese are red! And rest assured, I'm a filthy wannabe influencer type person, there will be photos of it.

Chocolate Strudel sounds... really damn good oh god.

But Romance... Sounds exhausting. It takes effort just to maintain a romantic relationship. More effort than regular relationships. Utterly exhausting. Constant communication, constant... If it's a healthy relationship then you're emotionally invested enough that every minor disagreement runs the risk of turning into a major fight... If it's not a healthy relationship, then every minor disagreement will turn into a major fight. If there's a deal-breaker in the relationship you probably don't find out until it's too late... It's expected that eventually you'll be living together and sharing a bedroom eventually...

And it's not just them you need to worry about. You could be seeing someone for a year, there are no secrets between you, they are perfect for you, they're The One and then you meet their parents and their mother is a total narcissist who feels threatened by your presence because she wants her little boy to be emotionally dependant on her or her father is some psycho who reacts violently to the slightest implication that his baby girl is anything but an eternally pure child with no conception of the wicked things predatory men (IE all of them) will do to her and God Forbid you tell them that their child is an adult who can make their decisions and you can't convince your SO that their parents are toxic so the relationship stalls.

Or their friends are immature, or judgemental, or encourage them to do stupid things, or insist that you must be cheating on them any time you don't come straight home after work or want a little me time.

Or their siblings could be criminals and they refuse to cut content.

Or maybe you get invited to the family reunion and it turns out that their grandma, who cooks all the food, puts onion in everything up to and including the deserts and even the food you brought separate specifically because you will go into anaphylactic shock and die if even a trace of onion gets into your system and Grandma refuses to accept that allergies are real and gets offended at you not trying her food that everyone else loves.

Or, or, maybe, and probably worst of all, everything goes well, you hit it off, get married, and only find out when the first kid is on the way that they're a hardcore anti-vaxxer.

Now, these are all worst-case examples, but...

I'm sorry. I don't get the appeal. If you're in a romantic relationship that worked out, great, good for you and a thousand blessings(no sarcasm) but from where I'm setting a healthy romantic relationship is too much work and too much risk.

The way I see it, companionship can be achieved much easier by having one or more close friends and physical intimacy... That one doesn't have an easy answer but in this day and age, casual hookups are more and more accepted.

As are non-traditional families, if raising a child is a life goal.

...All cards don't the table, I'm probably aromantic. I'm also a major introvert, as an autistic person most social interactions are exhausting and frustrating in general, and I've personally seen a lot of dysfunctional romantic couples. I might have a biased perspective.

Gonna take a swing at this; while relationships can be exhausting, a good one is such that no matter how things get, the end result is you have someone to rest on at the end of the day. Is every conversation a risk for conflict? I'm going to say no, absolutely not, especially in a healthy relationship. Part of being in a healthy relationship is understanding each other, so it's actually quite hard to get in a fight if you're actually empathetic with your partner. But, fights can and do still happen, rarely, and here's the big twist; fighting is okay. Fighting all the time always and being super resentful and hateful of certain aspects of your partner, that's wrong and bad and unhealthy, but having the occasional spat? That's normal, you can't be perfect every day and humans will grind against each other eventually. That does not, however, mean the relationship is in trouble. It's not the fight itself, it is how the people involved react that matter. I uh... don't really have any examples to share because every partner I've had has been perfect, literal evil, or a very casual fling so... take my word for it?

Hating your in-laws because they don't really like you is something that feels far more sitcom-y to me than an actual thing that happens... but, acknowledging that it does happen, I think it's a kind of normal thing as well. Your parents need to adjust to this person, or theirs need to adjust to you, so it's okay if things are a little rough at first. And, honestly, if the parent is bad to you, they were likely bad to their kid, so that minimizes the amount of conflict because your partner will also want to avoid them. And honestly, all the situations you're describing are situations where it is kind of the responsibility of the child to realize "ah, my parents/family are toxic as hell, lets just forget about them". Which is totally a thing you can do; if your family or friends are bad you can just leave. They don't have to be in your life.

In this day and age it should be quite easy to figure out if someone you want to spend your life with has... lets say problematic or conflicting beliefs, and if you DIDN'T realize that stuff, you didn't communicate well enough. Though, like you said yourself, these are all extremely worst case scenario situations, and I do think you're biased, though that's not... wrong, because everything about this particular subject is biased. I'm sure some of what I'll said will get people rolling their eyes or loading up their discourse gun to shoot me with logic bullets or whatever.

For me, the benefits of having a partner outweigh the potential issues. But... I mean, sometimes when I sit down and think about it, the only real major difference between "good friend" and "lover" is that I get to kiss one of those. I love all my friends and I consider them very close, and while I do feel there is some different texture, this... hard to describe feeling, my partner is special. I don't know, this is something that I occasionally spend a fair amount of time thinking about.

Like, cutting back the curtain a bit; when me and Blue broke up our relationship became... closer? Somehow? which doesn't really make 100% sense to me because you'd think you'd be closest to the person you're dating, but I guess all the Baggage of Being In A Relationship made the friendship more... we are dancing around each other in a different way. Conversely, I feel like I have a far closer relationship with my current partner than I did when we were just friends.

I'm rambling, so I'll stop now. But I'll finish it with this; romance is weird and messy and complicated but can bring so much joy. It's why I love being in love, and also why I love writing romance.

2021-06-25, 08:36 AM
Just in case google failed you, it's Monterey Jack with habanero peppers in it.

Habanero?i always thought it was jalapeño.

2021-06-25, 08:39 AM
Habanero?i always thought it was jalapeño.

So I actually got off my ass to check and the package SAYS habanero, but if you look closer it says habanero AND jalapeno.

Mystic Muse
2021-06-25, 08:51 AM
I uh... don't really have any examples to share because every partner I've had has been perfect, literal evil, or a very casual fling so... take my word for it?

Well, I'm definitely not perfect, or a very casual fling, so guess I'm literal evil. :smallbiggrin:

2021-06-25, 09:07 AM
Well, I'm definitely not perfectI thought the word was "compleat"
so guess I'm literal evil. :smallbiggrin:I thought the word was "compleat"

2021-06-25, 09:08 AM
So I actually got off my ass to check and the package SAYS habanero, but if you look closer it says habanero AND jalapeno.

Huh. Cool to know!

In other food related news, I discovered this morning that a local breakfast place (I say local, it started in MS and is now a small-scale chain - Big Bad Breakfast, if anyone loves near one its absolutely worth checking out) offers avocado as a side. I love their creole omelette, I love avocado in things, so it seemed like a perfect idea. Holy crap will they load you down with avocado. I was not expecting that much. It was a delightful surprise and the breakfast was all the better for it - especially when my other side, extra tomato gravy, got poured all over the top.

Its been a good morning.

2021-06-25, 09:08 AM
Well, I'm definitely not perfect, or a very casual fling, so guess I'm literal evil. :smallbiggrin:

Oh you :smallamused:

Mystic Muse
2021-06-25, 09:20 AM
I thought the word was "compleat"I thought the word was "compleat"

That's when I'm perfect and literal evil. I need a foil old-border Yawgmoth, a full-art Atraxa, and the Phyrexian text praetors for that.

2021-06-25, 09:30 AM
That's when I'm perfect and literal evil. I need a foil old-border Yawgmoth, a full-art Atraxa, and the Phyrexian text praetors for that.

I'll do my best to get my hands on the first two, cause I know you've probably got that last one locked down.

2021-06-25, 10:00 AM
And here I am trying to work out how many of my partners would also enjoy seeing HMS Pinafore (one definitely would, not certain about the others. I'll get that film version of Pirates of Penzance and trial them with that). But there's no need for everybody to be on one date anyway.

Oh, and I built a coffee table today. It's almost will built, but I put the top on too far backwards and can't be bothered to fix it.

2021-06-25, 10:31 AM
That's when I'm perfect and literal evil.

That was my point, yes.

2021-06-25, 12:38 PM
Somebody who's as qualified to do as everybody else in this forum.

But yes, relationships require work, even amazing ones, and more problematic relationships likely come from not putting the work in than from actual horrible people.

I will also note that this isn't the first time Rater has jumped to the extreme, although given he's apparently had issues with the extreme before (even discounting his schooling I still remember the credit card story) it's understandable. Plus if he doesn't want romantic relationships, whether that's due to aromanticism or any other reason, that's fine, he can engage in the kinds of relationships he wants to. I occasionally get judged for not being monogamous, I'm not going to turn around and start judging people for only having frenemies with benefits or whatever.
I don't think that's this extreme.

I look at the benefits of a healthy romantic relationship.

I look at the effort it takes to maintain a healthy romantic relationship, something that I am gonna be honest I'm not sure I've ever seen in real life only heard of in stories, which from what I can tell is comparable to the effort it takes to own an old car: The second you stop constantly maintaining it is the second that everything breaks down.

I look at the risks of a romantic relationship: Having to deal with toxic people. The examples I gave are extreme, probably a minority, but are common enough that it's a risk you need to be aware of.

And I don't see the appeal.

And I admit the fact that I don't see the appeal might mean something fundamental about the way I see this is different, much the same way that an asexual person might just... Not see the appeal of physical intimacy(though I also understand that Ace is a broad category that also includes people who see the appeal but just aren't interested and people who just think it's kind of icky,) the fact that I am the kind of people that can be perfectly fine only leaving the house three times since the pandemic started and be fine with that, and the fact that I find social interaction, even pleasant social interaction, exhausting, frustrating, and irritating in general may be factors in this view.

And "frenemies with benefits" sounds like an awful situation. Why would someone want to have "benefits" with someone who is sometimes their enemy, that's just leaving yourself vulnerable to them.

That's the social of smoking pot and having sex at Camp Crystal Lake while Jason's running around... Seven movies into the franchise when everyone should know better.

2021-06-25, 12:44 PM
And here I am trying to work out how many of my partners would also enjoy seeing HMS Pinafore (one definitely would, not certain about the others. I'll get that film version of Pirates of Penzance and trial them with that). But there's no need for everybody to be on one date anyway.

Oh, and I built a coffee table today. It's almost will built, but I put the top on too far backwards and can't be bothered to fix it.

I have seen zero Gilbert and Sullivan, I would love to see all of it and I am unfamiliar with the "how" part lf the equation. Granted, I never really give it much thought unless prompted (eg right now) and forget about it fairly quickly, which contributes no small part, but still.

2021-06-25, 02:49 PM
And "frenemies with benefits" sounds like an awful situation. Why would someone want to have "benefits" with someone who is sometimes their enemy, that's just leaving yourself vulnerable to them.

Because sometimes they're the only part of your social circle who's a Dom?

Look, I'm not saying that I'd understand the thought process from somebody doing a frenemies with benefits. I'm just saying I wouldn't turn around and judge them (except for comedic effect).

And I personally think you're overstating the risks of those examples. Yes, such things happen, and I don't know the demographics of your town or social circle, but to me your making it appear likely they one of them will come up.

Now if you think that none of those risks are outweighed by snuggling with a pretty person front of an operetta that's fine. I mean, I'll totally be doing that as soon as I can, but it's not like you have an obligation to.

I have seen zero Gilbert and Sullivan, I would love to see all of it and I am unfamiliar with the "how" part lf the equation. Granted, I never really give it much thought unless prompted (eg right now) and forget about it fairly quickly, which contributes no small part, but still.

I've seen both The Mikado and Pirates of Penzance, both incredible (I even saw the latter in San Francisco sung in RP, very big props to that group). I'd recommend the second, The Mikado is probably the better play but Pirates of Penzance has both the well known G&S song and the absolute show stopper that is With Cat-like Tread. However you do have to sit through orphan frequently only once.

As for finding them, my only real suggestion is checking local theatres and Google. They're public domain, so I suspect smaller companies will likely put them on quite a bit (if they can manage RP).

I actually really wish they they were used more for school lessons and productions. They're probably the only English playwrights that you can call as influential as Shakespeare with a straight face.

2021-06-25, 02:56 PM
I've seen both The Mikado and Pirates of Penzance, both incredible (I even saw the latter in San Francisco sung in RP, very big props to that group). I'd recommend the second, The Mikado is probably the better play but Pirates of Penzance has both the well known G&S song and the absolute show stopper that is With Cat-like Tread. However you do have to sit through orphan frequently only once.

As for finding them, my only real suggestion is checking local theatres and Google. They're public domain, so I suspect smaller companies will likely put them on quite a bit (if they can manage RP).

I actually really wish they they were used more for school lessons and productions. They're probably the only English playwrights that you can call as influential as Shakespeare with a straight face.

If they're good enough to be referenced in Raiders of the Lost Ark and The West Wing, they're good enough for me to want to watch.

2021-06-25, 03:36 PM
There's a movie version of the Pirates of Penzance (not to be confused with the spoof "Pirate Movie", which came out the same year as I recall) which is pretty darned good, you might want to try and watch that if you're not able to see the original play.

2021-06-25, 03:52 PM
I wouldn't call the prite Movie a spoof, per see.

It's just... a young woman dreams that she's the female lead in the Pirates of Penzance, and ends up acting out the play but with anachronistic references, self-referential humor, and occasionally adding in something more contemporary pop than the original operetta.

Considering that it's tradition to make adjustments to Gilbert and Sulivan's works to either fit it with the contemporary tastes or include cultural inside jokes of the time and place they're being performed, The Pirate Movie barely bats an eye.

I particularly like the take on Modern Major General . The first ver is quite traditional, but the second verse
I comprehend contemporary culture North American
I straighten more piratical erections than Bo Derek and,
I'm in to EST and all the rest, I've undergone analysis,
I've jumped beyond the gravitude to permanent paralysis

My muse is into music, but my credit I'll not trouble you,
From R&B to S&M, cross over C&W,
To groovin' with the Doobies in my Malibu white-souling tones
Man, I'm older than the Beatles, but I'm younger than the Rolling Stones
(He's older than the Beatles, but younger than the Rolling Stones)

My military knowledge for I'm plucky and adventury.
Embraces M*A*S*H and Star Wars and the 22nd century
Yes sir in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I am the very model of a modern major general
(In short in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
He is the very model of a modern major general)

2021-06-25, 03:53 PM
Factually speaking the best parody of Modern Major General is "Everything is Alphanumeric" and no I refuse to elaborate at this time I'm busy.

2021-06-25, 04:01 PM

Factotum? Rater?

Are you talking about the world's highest-budget porno?

EDIT: Apparently not. I was thinking of a different... bit of trivia.

2021-06-25, 04:07 PM
I just get so disappointed when people spoof I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General and include actual accomplishments. Keep with the spirit of the song, use meaningless achievements.

What's next, changing the lyrics of When I Was A Lad to be about achieving positions via talent?

Also, while I have no problems with altering the words to G&S songs to make them more topical (which I believe the pair supported) I hear that The Pirate Movie goes far beyond that. Plus, while I haven't seen the entirely of the faithful version from the same year, what I have seen suggests that it would be pretty hard to top (not impossible, but that's a really well done rendition of When The Foeman Bares His Steel there).

2021-06-25, 04:13 PM

Factotum? Rater?

Are you talking about the world's highest-budget porno, or something else?I am talking about a PG rated Musical Comedy from 1982 in which a young woman involved in a school exchange attends a local pirate-themed festival, hits it off with one of the performers, but her host family screws her out of it and she ends up knocked unconscious in an accident pursuing the young man and dreams that she's the female lead in The Pirates of Penzance. with the other roles being taken up by the people who attended the festival: the performer she fell for being Frederick, the pirates all being stunt performers from the festival, and so on.

If there's something else called The Pirate Movie I'd really rather not know.

2021-06-25, 04:32 PM
If there's something else called The Pirate Movie I'd really rather not know.

According to Google... there isn't, quite.

2021-06-25, 06:24 PM
Family ordered from a new pizza place(we're thinking of getting them for the 4th but the holiday should never be the first time you try food from a new place.)

It's good, but... Mozzarella sticks the size of an eggroll.

I'm not saying no, but I question why anyone thought they'd need to be that big.

2021-06-25, 06:50 PM
It's good, but... Mozzarella sticks the size of an eggroll.

I'm not saying no, but I question why anyone thought they'd need to be that big.

Cheese and breading is cheap, they realize they're servicing Americans (Home of the 16-oz 'small' cup and the restaurants that don't bother carrying them anyways because they only ever use the Large ones), and they figure anybody who is ordering fried cheese is probably not that concerned about portion control to start with?

.. maybe they mixed up their order with their supplier and ordered the jumbo (size) mozzarella sticks instead of the jumbo (count) ones.

2021-06-25, 06:58 PM
Cheese and breading is cheap, they realize they're servicing Americans (Home of the 16-oz 'small' cup and the restaurants that don't bother carrying them anyways because they only ever use the Large ones), and they figure anybody who is ordering fried cheese is probably not that concerned about portion control to start with?

.. maybe they mixed up their order with their supplier and ordered the jumbo (size) mozzarella sticks instead of the jumbo (count) ones.

They're hand-made in-house. Or at least that's how they're being advertised.

They certainly don't look premade and frozen. That ain't breeding, that's a batter.

I honestly thought they were eggrolls, like, it's just a pizza place that also serves eggrolls. But no, they're mozzarella sticks.

Pizza's also really filling. Like, part of the reason I have a weight problem is that I don't feel full with reasonable proportions of most things. This is a place that cuts in squares, so about four pieces is a reason for potion(it's about the same amount as to slices of lace that cuts it like a pie) and... I was full.

And these aren't a super loaded pizzas, it's just...

2021-06-25, 07:51 PM
Here's a conversation starter: Will you eat watermelon with mustard?

Mystic Muse
2021-06-25, 07:57 PM
Here's a conversation starter: Will you eat watermelon with mustard?

Is this something you would do, or something you have seen someone do in real life and enjoy?

2021-06-25, 08:00 PM
Is this something you would do, or something you have seen someone do in real life and enjoy?

Yeah, like, how did this come up? Is it just a random pairing?

2021-06-25, 08:24 PM
Is this something you would do, or something you have seen someone do in real life and enjoy?

Well if you must know, tonight I was watching the World of Adam Barta Livestream on Youtube he was doing a challenge with Cynthia Beaumont eating watermelon and mustard.

2021-06-25, 08:34 PM
Well if you must know, tonight I was watching the World of Adam Barta Livestream on Youtube he was doing a challenge with Cynthia Beaumont eating watermelon and mustard.

OK, so short version, things that fame-hungry youtubers do to get views probably isn't going to be something most people would do.

2021-06-25, 08:37 PM
OK, so short version, things that fame-hungry youtubers do to get views probably isn't going to be something most people would do.


2021-06-25, 08:42 PM

So why would you call it a conversation starter? There's not much conversation to have.

2021-06-25, 08:43 PM
So why would you call it a conversation starter? There's not much conversation to have.

I was just asking if anyone in this thread would eat watermelon with mustard.

2021-06-25, 08:52 PM
I was just asking if anyone in this thread would eat watermelon with mustard.

.... But you just admitted that most people wouldn't unless they were trying to get YouTube views.

2021-06-25, 08:53 PM
.... But you just admitted that most people wouldn't unless they were trying to get YouTube views.

Most people yes. But I didn't say everyone though.

2021-06-25, 08:56 PM
Most people yes. But I didn't say everyone though.

Have you ever heard of anyone doing it before the one person on Youtube who just does it for fame?

2021-06-25, 08:58 PM
Have you ever heard of anyone doing it before the one person on Youtube who just does it for fame?

Yes. I already mention them before: World of Adam Barta and Cynthia Beaumont.

2021-06-25, 09:04 PM
Yes. I already mention them before: World of Adam Barta and Cynthia Beaumont.

So no. You've only ever seen it once from youtubers trying to get views. That's not a normal thing people do.

2021-06-25, 09:10 PM
So no. You've only ever seen it once from youtubers trying to get views. That's not a normal thing people do.

Does Nikocado Avocado count?

2021-06-25, 09:11 PM
Does Nikocado Avocado count?

Is that a YouTuber?

2021-06-25, 09:12 PM
Does Nikocado Avocado count?

A fame-hungry youtuber? Do you sense a pattern emerging here?

2021-06-25, 09:21 PM
Is that a YouTuber?Yes

A fame-hungry youtuber? Do you sense a pattern emerging here?What pattern? :confused:

2021-06-25, 09:29 PM
Changeing Subject:

What fictional house would you like to have, if you got to have one and things like food, utilities, and other necessities are taken care of(so, for example, you don't have to worry about proximity to a town for groceries.)

I'd kind of like Kamehouse from Dragonball. The first floor is basically a studio apartment and the second floor is a cozy bedroom, decent sized building, efficient use of space, it's located on an island in the middle of nowhere someplace tropical and yet the weather is always nice. Despite this, the house is built to be able to shrug off tsunamis, the property apparently includes at least two other larger islands, and at any time you can push a button to collapse the house down to a lightweight capsule that fits in your pocket. Despite this, somehow has functional indoor plumbing. explicitly noted to have inexplicably good reception for things like phones and television.

Bathroom's a little cramped, but that's workable.

Mystic Muse
2021-06-25, 09:38 PM
Changeing Subject:

I really like the Heroes Guild from Fable, and if I had an unlimited amount of money I'd love to build it and live there.

Anor Lando is a bit more than a house, but that is also a place I love, even though I'm pretty sure it's physically impossible to actually build.

2021-06-25, 10:01 PM
They're hand-made in-house. Or at least that's how they're being advertised.

Im going to tell you a secret, and it will probably make you sad. So read on at your own risk.

When most stores or restaurants say something is "made fresh in house" what that almost invariably means is that they get some container of frozen dough or whatever is applicable, and they heat it up and finish baking it on the premises. Like buying a roll of premade cookie dough, except you actually manage to bake it before eating it.

2021-06-25, 10:07 PM
Im going to tell you a secret, and it will probably make you sad. So read on at your own risk.

When most stores or restaurants say something is "made fresh in house" what that almost invariably means is that they get some container of frozen dough or whatever is applicable, and they heat it up and finish baking it on the premises. Like buying a roll of premade cookie dough, except you actually manage to bake it before eating it.

Yes, and mozzarella sticks are just breaded or battered pieces of string cheese.

My point is that judging from how they talk about it, it seems that the intent is that they're claiming that the battering is done in-house.

2021-06-25, 10:12 PM
Yes, and mozzarella sticks are just breaded or battered pieces of string cheese.

My point is that judging from how they talk about it, it seems that the intent is that they're claiming that the battering is done in-house.

Honestly, i dont know enough about mozza sticks to know what the last step for them is. Its possible thats the last step thats done in-house, in which case they may have just gotten some extra thick mozza to make the core that day/week.

2021-06-25, 10:47 PM
As someone who has worked in the food industry, typically speaking you just get the frozen mozza sticks and deep fry them. Generally speaking, mozza sticks do need to settle in the fridge so that the batter stays on them, so this is reasonable.

2021-06-25, 10:52 PM
I really like the Heroes Guild from Fable, and if I had an unlimited amount of money I'd love to build it and live there.


Also a nice place on Cloud City, a penthouse on Coruscant, Theed looked delightful, Ahto City was beautiful, and hell, why not keep a place on Tatooine even if only to enjoy the binary sunset (still the best scene in any Star Wars movie hands down).

2021-06-26, 08:44 AM
Im going to tell you a secret, and it will probably make you sad. So read on at your own risk.

When most stores or restaurants say something is "made fresh in house" what that almost invariably means is that they get some container of frozen dough or whatever is applicable, and they heat it up and finish baking it on the premises. Like buying a roll of premade cookie dough, except you actually manage to bake it before eating it.

I can confirm that, at least in supermarkets, they're delivered frozen and preshaped, to ensure uniformity (albeit with some variation between batches).

You can actually buy boxes of the same frozen pastries on ebay and the like.

2021-06-26, 09:58 AM
In doing research for my book to make the mysticism more real I finally bit the bullet and bought an introductory academic work on Alchemy. So looks like I'm going to have to struggle through some sixteenth century writing so I can understand this field properly.

Sadly anybody successfully baking the philosopher's scone will have to wait until I a) manage to understand what this darn elixir is actually meant to be, and b) a different book. But I made the decision to actually research this stuff, and I'm going to struggle through these texts.

2021-06-26, 10:02 AM
Sadly anybody successfully baking the philosopher's scone will have to wait until I a) manage to understand what this darn elixir is actually meant to be

It turns raisins into chocolate chips?

2021-06-26, 11:09 AM
In doing research for my book to make the mysticism more real I finally bit the bullet and bought an introductory academic work on Alchemy. So looks like I'm going to have to struggle through some sixteenth century writing so I can understand this field properly.

Or you can make it whatever you want. 16th century historical alchemy didn't work because they were doing it wrong obviously, here's how alchemy actually works! [story]

2021-06-26, 11:16 AM
Or you can make it whatever you want. 16th century historical alchemy didn't work because they were doing it wrong obviously, here's how alchemy actually works! [story]

Sadly I said mysticism, not magic.

Like, I'm not going to actually file what the texts say, but starting by reading the things will help me work out stuff like, well, what was the goal of alchemy (which sorry was relatively consistent amongst the traditions this book deals with).

2021-06-26, 11:27 AM
Sadly I said mysticism, not magic.

Like, I'm not going to actually file what the texts say, but starting by reading the things will help me work out stuff like, well, what was the goal of alchemy (which sorry was relatively consistent amongst the traditions this book deals with).

Alchemists wanted to make lots and lots of gold and maybe also become immortal. It's pretty simple, honestly.

2021-06-26, 11:30 AM
Alchemists wanted to make lots and lots of gold and maybe also become immortal. It's pretty simple, honestly.

Hey, now, some of them also wanted to make little men in bottles.

2021-06-26, 11:52 AM
Alchemists wanted to make lots and lots of gold and maybe also become immortal.

Don't we all?

Honestly, I think if alchemists actually wanted to created miniature humans they'd have been better off studying courtship.

Not quite sure how the bottle plays into it though.

2021-06-26, 11:57 AM
Don't we all?
I think we have the immortality discussion, like, once a month. :smalltongue:

Honestly, I think if alchemists actually wanted to created miniature humans they'd have been better off studying courtship.

Not quite sure how the bottle plays into it though.
I think the bottles were for the drinks. :smallamused:

2021-06-26, 11:58 AM
Hey, now, some of them also wanted to make little men in bottles.

Alchemy has three schools of thought; get rich, never die, make a little guy.

Don't we all?

Honestly, I think if alchemists actually wanted to created miniature humans they'd have been better off studying courtship.

Not quite sure how the bottle plays into it though.

Get money!

Generally speaking the idea is that a homunculus, due to being a divine creation without a divine creation (humans are divine creations made through divine means, homunculi are made by science and thus out of that realm), would know the secrets of the universe. Look these people ate mercury I don't know why they thought these things.

They needed to be in flasks because otherwise they'd discorporate, as an aside. Can't make a stable living being, ergo seal them in a protective jar made of very hot sand.

2021-06-26, 12:09 PM
Honestly, I think if alchemists actually wanted to created miniature humans they'd have been better off studying courtship.
Considering some of the *ahem* more interesting methods they employ, I think it's safe to say the lot had a very keen interest in one particular part of courtship and no clue about the rest. Sex. I am talking about sex.

Alchemy has three schools of thought; get rich, never die, make a little guy.

These are all the same really, gold was thought to be immortal lead and if you can create life, surely you can create "longer life".

And tobbe fair to them, this was all more about religious symbolism than actual results.

2021-06-26, 12:20 PM
I think we have the immortality discussion, like, once a month. :smalltongue:

Yes, I've been thinking that it's been a while.

I think the bottles were for the drinks. :smallamused:

I thought that was the purview of glasses? :smallwink:

Get money!

Generally speaking the idea is that a homunculus, due to being a divine creation without a divine creation (humans are divine creations made through divine means, homunculi are made by science and thus out of that realm), would know the secrets of the universe. Look these people ate mercury I don't know why they thought these things.

They needed to be in flasks because otherwise they'd discorporate, as an aside. Can't make a stable living being, ergo seal them in a protective jar made of very hot sand.

Yes, I was making a pretty bad joke. It's the entire basis of a major charactern in one of my favourite works, I know the very basics but there's a difference between 'picked up on the interwebs' and 'went back to the sources' in research quality.

Considering some of the *ahem* more interesting methods they employ, I think it's safe to say the lot had a very keen interest in one particular part of courtship and no clue about the rest.

Is this where the part where tab A meets slot B, or the past before that which people keep telling me is supposed to exist?

Sex. I am talking about sex.

Ah, yes. The French national sport. Got it.

These are all the same really, gold was thought to be immortal lead and if you can create life, surely you can create "longer life".

And tobbe fair to them, this was all more about religious symbolism than actual results.

And then the mean physicists came along and showed that actually it's a bit more complicated can eternal gold?

But yes, I believe all this stuff was interlinked and made logical sense. It was just wrong and covered in mysticism.

2021-06-26, 02:40 PM
Look these people ate mercury I don't know why they thought these things.

I think you answered your own question. Heavy metal poisoning is a terrible thing.

If Discussing alchemy doesn't go over the line, an interesting thing to note is that the creation of the philosopher's stone, with which the user could turn led into gold, generate a universal panacea, and create the Elixir of Life that makes the drinker immortal(all of which were tied to the idea of taking flawed base materials and making them perfect) may have been a metaphor rather than a literal pursuit of more alchemists.

In addition to the physical steps of the process, an alchemist needed to have achieved a certain amount of personal growth by the time they got to certain steps, and every major milestone was expected to be accompanied by physical and spiritual transformations within the alchemist.

For example: Actually pursuing alchemy would be an expensive endeavor, you pretty much either needed to already be wealthy or having a wealthy benefactor willing to keep giving you funding for years without a major return on investment. By the time you can turn base metals into precious metals, it would be expected that you'd gained the humility to be satisfied with what you have.

The physical act of creating the philosopher's stone was supposed to make you immortal: By the time you could ake the Elixir of Life, you would have no need for it.

If people are familiar with the climax of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, where-in Harry is able to retrieve the stone from the Mirror because he wants it, but only to protect it and has no real desire to use it for himself, that was in reference to this.

So, arguably, the entire process was a metaphor for gaining wisdom and understanding that some people took literally.

2021-06-26, 03:12 PM
I guess that's another pro for the manga/Brotherhood over the 2003 anime. While many people who got the stones did use them, Hohenheim fits b the model much better.

It did annoy me that the 2003 anime states that Hohenheim intentionally created and used at least one stone but doesn't explore that at all, while the manga is willing to go into the affect that accidentally becoming a stone had on him.

Was it ever established if Hohenheim can transmute without using his stone? It's not something that Father would do, but I know in Brotherhood he's never seen to do so (not got far enough in the manga to check). If he can't that puts him in an interesting position, where he didn't have the knowledge or enlightenment to make the stone, ended up with it anyway, and is now forced into a choice of not performing alchemy or using the stone.

One of the ideas I've got written down for later on is various kinds of alchemical stones that work as 'impure' philosophers stones, allowing you to make something eternal without enlightenment but with drawbacks (I've fully worked out two varieties, just settling on names for them). The real thing is a physical changes you work upon yourself and others, although it doesn't come up in the book I'm currently writing and I'm not certain I want to use it.

Look, I'm writing a book, hopefully series, about Alchemy, the Stone/Elixir has to come up at some point. And as Peeler pinned out I'm free to say 'historical alchemists got it wrong, it is an actual physical thing' if I want to.

2021-06-26, 03:29 PM
Hoping it all goes well.

*Is grappled and pulled out of the room before they can start ranting about polyamory*

Bah! You kids and your honesty and openness, that's not the proper way at all!

The traditional proper way of having multiple romantic partners is you both meet together in a different city from where your other partner is, get a tape deck, play "Heroes" by David Bowie", and "Pale Blue Eyes" by Lou Reed while you dance together on the stage at Stern Grove, cry some, and pledge to be together always even as you both look at your watches so as not to linger.

The depth of tragic finiteness is the point!

Where's the sport if it's not very likely to end in tears?

And on that note: two different ladies this week have cried a bit while telling me the stories of their lives, including ex-husbands, and more boyfriends than I could keep track of, and both insisted that they're "not polyamorous" (I didn't ask if they were), the lady who was most emphatic about it is a married woman still sharing a house with her husband who was on a date with me, a married man who is still sharing a house with my wife.

Oh, and she took me to lunch and this tomato, balsamic vinegar, and cheese dish was absolutely delicious, best tasting meal in decades!

Don't feel bad. At least you still have at least a vague understanding of romance,

I understand the desire for companionship. I understand the appeal of physical intimacy. I understand the appeal of two or more people making some major commitment to each other.

But Romance... Sounds exhausting. It takes effort just to maintain a romantic relationship. More effort than regular relationships. Utterly exhausting. Constant communication, constant... If it's a healthy relationship then you're emotionally invested enough that every minor disagreement runs the risk of turning into a major fight... If it's not a healthy relationship, then every minor disagreement will turn into a major fight. If there's a deal-breaker in the relationship you probably don't find out until it's too late... It's expected that eventually you'll be living together and sharing a bedroom eventually...

And it's not just them you need to worry about. You could be seeing someone for a year, there are no secrets between you, they are perfect for you, they're The One and then you meet their parents and their mother is a total narcissist who feels threatened by your presence because she wants her little boy to be emotionally dependant on her or her father is some psycho who reacts violently to the slightest implication that his baby girl is anything but an eternally pure child with no conception of the wicked things predatory men (IE all of them) will do to her and God Forbid you tell them that their child is an adult who can make their decisions and you can't convince your SO that their parents are toxic so the relationship stalls.

Or their friends are immature, or judgemental, or encourage them to do stupid things, or insist that you must be cheating on them any time you don't come straight home after work or want a little me time.

Or their siblings could be criminals and they refuse to cut content.

Or maybe you get invited to the family reunion and it turns out that their grandma, who cooks all the food, puts onion in everything up to and including the deserts and even the food you brought separate specifically because you will go into anaphylactic shock and die if even a trace of onion gets into your system and Grandma refuses to accept that allergies are real and gets offended at you not trying her food that everyone else loves.

Or, or, maybe, and probably worst of all, everything goes well, you hit it off, get married, and only find out when the first kid is on the way that they're a hardcore anti-vaxxer.

Now, these are all worst-case examples, but...

I'm sorry. I don't get the appeal. If you're in a romantic relationship that worked out, great, good for you and a thousand blessings(no sarcasm) but from where I'm setting a healthy romantic relationship is too much work and too much risk.

The way I see it, companionship can be achieved much easier by having one or more close friends and physical intimacy... That one doesn't have an easy answer but in this day and age, casual hookups are more and more accepted.

As are non-traditional families, if raising a child is a life goal.

...All cards don't the table, I'm probably aromantic. I'm also a major introvert, as an autistic person most social interactions are exhausting and frustrating in general, and I've personally seen a lot of dysfunctional romantic couples. I might have a biased perspective.

It's a addiction @Rater202, after the first time you're in-love and feel loved your brain chemistry changes and you seek the "high" again, even (sometimes especially) when it ended in tears.

[...]Gonna take a swing at this; while relationships can be exhausting, a good one is such that no matter how things get, the end result is you have someone to rest on at the end of the day. Is every conversation a risk for conflict? I'm going to say no, absolutely not, especially in a healthy relationship. Part of being in a healthy relationship is understanding each other, so it's actually quite hard to get in a fight if you're actually empathetic with your partner. But, fights can and do still happen, rarely, and here's the big twist; fighting is okay. Fighting all the time always and being super resentful and hateful of certain aspects of your partner, that's wrong and bad and unhealthy, but having the occasional spat? That's normal, you can't be perfect every day and humans will grind against each other eventually. That does not, however, mean the relationship is in trouble. It's not the fight itself, it is how the people involved react that matter. I uh... don't really have any examples to share because every partner I've had has been perfect, literal evil, or a very casual fling so... take my word for it?

Hating your in-laws because they don't really like you is something that feels far more sitcom-y to me than an actual thing that happens... but, acknowledging that it does happen, I think it's a kind of normal thing as well. Your parents need to adjust to this person, or theirs need to adjust to you, so it's okay if things are a little rough at first. And, honestly, if the parent is bad to you, they were likely bad to their kid, so that minimizes the amount of conflict because your partner will also want to avoid them. And honestly, all the situations you're describing are situations where it is kind of the responsibility of the child to realize "ah, my parents/family are toxic as hell, lets just forget about them". Which is totally a thing you can do; if your family or friends are bad you can just leave. They don't have to be in your life.

In this day and age it should be quite easy to figure out if someone you want to spend your life with has... lets say problematic or conflicting beliefs, and if you DIDN'T realize that stuff, you didn't communicate well enough. Though, like you said yourself, these are all extremely worst case scenario situations, and I do think you're biased, though that's not... wrong, because everything about this particular subject is biased. I'm sure some of what I'll said will get people rolling their eyes or loading up their discourse gun to shoot me with logic bullets or whatever.

For me, the benefits of having a partner outweigh the potential issues. But... I mean, sometimes when I sit down and think about it, the only real major difference between "good friend" and "lover" is that I get to kiss one of those. I love all my friends and I consider them very close, and while I do feel there is some different texture, this... hard to describe feeling, my partner is special. I don't know, this is something that I occasionally spend a fair amount of time thinking about.

Like, cutting back the curtain a bit; when me and Blue broke up our relationship became... closer? Somehow? which doesn't really make 100% sense to me because you'd think you'd be closest to the person you're dating, but I guess all the Baggage of Being In A Relationship made the friendship more... we are dancing around each other in a different way. Conversely, I feel like I have a far closer relationship with my current partner than I did when we were just friends.

I'm rambling, so I'll stop now. But I'll finish it with this; romance is weird and messy and complicated but can bring so much joy. It's why I love being in love, and also why I love writing romance.

Well, bless you @LaZodiac, and FWLIW on my last date we went into a bookstore and she said of the "Romance" section: "That's one section I never go into", and I laughed and said that I do buy books from there, including this week - yet another example of how in some ways I'm more "girlie" than the woman I'm with.

And here I am trying to work out how many of my partners would also enjoy seeing HMS Pinafore (one definitely would, not certain about the others. I'll get that film version of Pirates of Penzance and trial them with that). But there's no need for everybody to be on one date anyway.

Oh, and I built a coffee table today. It's almost will built, but I put the top on too far backwards and can't be bothered to fix it.

I don't think that's this extreme.

I look at the benefits of a healthy romantic relationship.

I look at the effort it takes to maintain a healthy romantic relationship, something that I am gonna be honest I'm not sure I've ever seen in real life only heard of in stories, which from what I can tell is comparable to the effort it takes to own an old car: The second you stop constantly maintaining it is the second that everything breaks down.

I look at the risks of a romantic relationship: Having to deal with toxic people. The examples I gave are extreme, probably a minority, but are common enough that it's a risk you need to be aware of.

And I don't see the appeal.

And I admit the fact that I don't see the appeal might mean something fundamental about the way I see this is different, much the same way that an asexual person might just... Not see the appeal of physical intimacy(though I also understand that Ace is a broad category that also includes people who see the appeal but just aren't interested and people who just think it's kind of icky,) the fact that I am the kind of people that can be perfectly fine only leaving the house three times since the pandemic started and be fine with that, and the fact that I find social interaction, even pleasant social interaction, exhausting, frustrating, and irritating in general may be factors in this view.

And "frenemies with benefits" sounds like an awful situation. Why would someone want to have "benefits" with someone who is sometimes their enemy, that's just leaving yourself vulnerable to them.

That's the social of smoking pot and having sex at Camp Crystal Lake while Jason's running around... Seven movies into the franchise when everyone should know better.

I know one lady my age who's been married since the '90's, she, her husband, and her daughter all seem very happy and speak lovingly of each other, I first met her in the '80's when we were both teenagers, before the end of the '80's she was a heavy drinker and basically a groupie, in the mid '90's to my surprise she was with a younger man who was a customer at the motorcycle shop I worked at, and they've never parted since.

Apparently goth girl and biker boy work as a couple.

[. ..]I've seen both The Mikado and Pirates of Penzance, both incredible (I even saw the latter in San Francisco sung in RP, very big props to that group). I'd recommend the second, The Mikado is probably the better play but Pirates of Penzance has both the well known G&S song and the absolute show stopper that is With Cat-like Tread. However you do have to sit through orphan frequently only once.

As for finding them, my only real suggestion is checking local theatres and Google. They're public domain, so I suspect smaller companies will likely put them on quite a bit (if they can manage RP).

I actually really wish they they were used more for school lessons and productions. They're probably the only English playwrights that you can call as influential as Shakespeare with a straight face.

I saw "The Pirates of Penzance" in San Francisco as well, I remember Jim Belushi was in the cast, it was really fun!

2021-06-26, 05:55 PM
Jim Belushi was in the cast, it was really fun!

I'm having trouble reconciling those two things going together. HEYO!

2021-06-26, 07:02 PM
I know we changed the subject from Mustard/watermelon, which doesn’t seem very good, but I am pretty fond of a kielbasa/mustard sauce/ pineapple dish my mom used to make for family gatherings and stuff, so sometimes weird combos of food somehow work.

Hey man, Jim Belushi is…

well he’s fine. According to Jim was ok.

2021-06-26, 08:19 PM
So it turns out that I watched enough of Zodi's videos that they pop up in my suggested youtube feed without my having to start watching that suggested video.

First time I was first viewer on a video.

Psychonats... Is a game that I've heard a lot of good things about and a lot of weird things about.

And uh, wow.

Creepy meat flower in teachers mindscape.
"I've been having recurring nightmares about this exact creepy meat flower"

I know that the big bad has issues with meat because I don't live under a rock. It might be different when not spoiled but that foreshadowing has all the subtlety of a brick to the face.

2021-06-26, 08:40 PM
So it turns out that I watched enough of Zodi's videos that they pop up in my suggested youtube feed without my having to start watching that suggested video.

First time I was first viewer on a video.

Psychonats... Is a game that I've heard a lot of good things about and a lot of weird things about.

And uh, wow.

Creepy meat flower in teachers mindscape.
"I've been having recurring nightmares about this exact creepy meat flower"

I know that the big bad has issues with meat because I don't live under a rock. It might be different when not spoiled but that foreshadowing has all the subtlety of a brick to the face.

First off, that rules. Second off... yeah, Psychonauts is not a very subtle game at times... but also I completely forgot about the meat stuff during my first playthrough.

Lord Raziere
2021-06-26, 11:18 PM
First off, that rules. Second off... yeah, Psychonauts is not a very subtle game at times... but also I completely forgot about the meat stuff during my first playthrough.

I'm thinking about my mental landscape

it'd something overwrought, fantastic, astronomical and probably has anime mixed in since I like both space opera and anime. I'd probably have a lot of specific fantasy/sci-fi franchise dedicated spaces, mad science labs, and so on. That is when its not being a chaotic faerie land of whimsical edginess and glamorous terror because I feel trickster-y. or going full cool shadows and darkness. Thing is I feel like I'm constantly changing and that I have many sides to me that a single landscape cannot fully encompass and thus would depend on my mood.

2021-06-26, 11:36 PM
From what I understand, mindscapes are based on your issues, backstory, and hangups rather than your personalities and desires.

So like, mine would probably be based heavily on an oppressive school environment, full of bullies and abusive and/or incompetent teachers.

Edit: Real bullies, not like the bullies in the game who have punchable faces and are stupid enough to try picking fights at what is essentially superhero camp... With the most powerful kid at the camp whose untrained power takes three full-grown and trained adult superheroes to match and even then they can't actually read his mind, only psychokinetically move him.

2021-06-27, 12:10 AM
[...]Jim Belushi was in the cast, it was really fun!

I'm having trouble reconciling those two things going together. HEYO!

That gave me a chuckle (and I can hear Ed McMahon)!

Thank you @Peelee.

2021-06-27, 04:17 AM
Also, in regards to Zodi's stream;

While the teachers did say that Raz couldn't actually participate in the training... They said he needed a parent's permission.Given the plot twist that Raz's dad isn't intentionally abusive and doesn't hate him and that the acrobatics training Raz thought was meant to either distract him or kill him was meant to serve the fuel purposes of training his body so that he'd have athletic skills to fall back on if his psychic powers failed and focus so he could make the most out of his powers...

They did get into contact with Raz's father. Maybe he gave permission for Raz to train until he got their to pick him up and the councilors just didn't say anything?

(Yes, I'm spoiled on basically the whole game. It's over 16 years old.)

I mean, poor communication causing issues is basically a soft theme in the game.

2021-06-27, 04:27 AM
Some days I just want to be a cat.

Unfortunately my body forces me to be awake before I've had my eighteen hours of sleep.


2021-06-27, 04:33 AM
Some days I just want to be a cat.

Unfortunately my body forces me to be awake before I've had my eighteen hours of sleep.

I know that feeling, friend.

The stupid human body makes me sleep when I don't want to and not sleep when I do. Evolution is a messy process of throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks and while that has, over the last few hundred million years, resulted in some absolutely amazing things, those amazing things have some major flaws.

Could do with some streamlining, a bit of tailoring. Ya know what they say, designer genes are a better fit.

2021-06-27, 05:29 AM
Creepy meat flower

[Stares menacingly.] Flowers are never creepy.

2021-06-27, 05:42 AM
[Stares menacingly.] Flowers are never creepy.

These ones are.

Normal flowers are made of petals and stems and stamens and nectar and pollen.

These flowers are made of hunks of butchered meat.

@Zodi: Since I've gotten to the end of the stream: A quick search indicates that the reason you only encounter things like Mila's trauma room the once is because Mila is the most mentally healthy mind that you go into.

That kind of trauma never goes away, it's not really something you can ever 'get over' so she's always going to have that guilt, those bad dreams, but apparently, she's done the work to process her grief and trauma in a healthy way and overcome it. The bad feelings are still there, but it does not control her, she controls it, and she does not let it negatively impact her day-to-day life or her ability to function.

So, in her mindscape, the trauma is represented as being isolated in some specific part of her mind that you have to go out of your way to get to.

As opposed to other individuals, whose traumas or other issues dominate their psyches, impact their ability to function, and thus are shown o have subtle or over influence over the entire mindscape.

2021-06-27, 05:53 AM
These ones are.

Normal flowers are made of petals and stems and stamens and nectar and pollen.

These flowers are made of hunks of butchered meat.

If they are flowers, they are not creepy. If they are creepy, they are not flowers. Believe me, I'd know!

2021-06-27, 07:52 AM
Also, in regards to Zodi's stream;

While the teachers did say that Raz couldn't actually participate in the training... They said he needed a parent's permission.Given the plot twist that Raz's dad isn't intentionally abusive and doesn't hate him and that the acrobatics training Raz thought was meant to either distract him or kill him was meant to serve the fuel purposes of training his body so that he'd have athletic skills to fall back on if his psychic powers failed and focus so he could make the most out of his powers...

They did get into contact with Raz's father. Maybe he gave permission for Raz to train until he got their to pick him up and the councilors just didn't say anything?

(Yes, I'm spoiled on basically the whole game. It's over 16 years old.)

I mean, poor communication causing issues is basically a soft theme in the game.

Honestly that's almost 100% likely to be true, I just always forget about it.

Some days I just want to be a cat.

Unfortunately my body forces me to be awake before I've had my eighteen hours of sleep.


Meow *sends head pats*

@Zodi: Since I've gotten to the end of the stream: A quick search indicates that the reason you only encounter things like Mila's trauma room the once is because Mila is the most mentally healthy mind that you go into.

That kind of trauma never goes away, it's not really something you can ever 'get over' so she's always going to have that guilt, those bad dreams, but apparently, she's done the work to process her grief and trauma in a healthy way and overcome it. The bad feelings are still there, but it does not control her, she controls it, and she does not let it negatively impact her day-to-day life or her ability to function.

So, in her mindscape, the trauma is represented as being isolated in some specific part of her mind that you have to go out of your way to get to.

As opposed to other individuals, whose traumas or other issues dominate their psyches, impact their ability to function, and thus are shown o have subtle or over influence over the entire mindscape.

True, but nothing ever quite hits so hard as Mila's Room, and they also have a random nightmare that looks identical to her nightmares show up in another stage and it cheapens it to me, wherein if Nightmares appeared they should not just be generically fire monsters but actual manifestations of the character's nightmare. So I might be letting that particular event colour my feelings.

If they are flowers, they are not creepy. If they are creepy, they are not flowers. Believe me, I'd know!

You know what that's valid, in a sense.

2021-06-27, 08:09 AM
True, but nothing ever quite hits so hard as Mila's Room, and they also have a random nightmare that looks identical to her nightmares show up in another stage and it cheapens it to me, wherein if Nightmares appeared they should not just be generically fire monsters but actual manifestations of the character's nightmare. So I might be letting that particular event colour my feelings.

Apparently, there were plans to have a subplot of Milla's nightmare's escaping into the real world and terrorizing campers resulting in a recurring mini-boss. It was cut for a number of reasons, up to and including the fact that she'd never let that happen, but they already had the assets and programmed behaviors for the fight so they finished it and included it anyway.

The unrelated mind you find them in later is the mind of a severely ill person who is 1: infected with a foreign psionic presence that's purpose is ultimately to make him burn down a building and 2: Previously burned down his workplace in a fit of madness.

So his nightmares also being fire monsters makes a little bit of sense.

2021-06-27, 10:49 AM
If they are flowers, they are not creepy. If they are creepy, they are not flowers. Believe me, I'd know!

So tell us, is Audrey II not a flower, or not creepy? Or does this axiom not apply to fictional flowers?

2021-06-27, 10:59 AM
So tell us, is Audrey II not a flower, or not creepy? Or does this axiom not apply to fictional flowers?

Not a flower. The "head" of a venus flytrap is a modified leaf.

2021-06-27, 11:12 AM
Not a flower. The "head" of a venus flytrap is a modified leaf.

But Audrey Jnr isn't a pure genius flytrap. Sorry yes, said head isn't it's forward either.

The flowers are however still creepy when opened.

2021-06-27, 01:19 PM
Apparently all mammalian species have 206 total bones per animal.

2021-06-27, 01:25 PM
Apparently all mammalian species have 206 total bones per animal.

Do you mean, like, averaged out?

2021-06-27, 01:48 PM
So tell us, is Audrey II not a flower, or not creepy?

The latter (as well as what enderlord said).

The flowers are however still creepy when opened.

[Glares.] No, they are not.

2021-06-27, 01:56 PM
I would want to see a citation for the bone count. Horses, for example, have fewer metacarpals and phalanges than humans. Perhaps this is some kind of maximum, the count in some kind of generic proto-mammal?

2021-06-27, 01:57 PM
Do you mean, like, averaged out?

No, except in the sense that "typical" counts as an average.

I would want to see a citation for the bone count. Horses, for example, have fewer metacarpals and phalanges than humans. Perhaps this is some kind of maximum, the count in some kind of generic proto-mammal?

It's the number for humans, and when I asked about it for giraffes on r/askscience I was told that all mammals have the same number.

EDIT: Apparently that was false, and elephants have over 300. Back to square one on the (whole giraffe" question, then!

2021-06-27, 02:20 PM
No, except in the sense that "typical" counts as an average.

It's the number for humans, and when I asked about it for giraffes on r/askscience I was told that all mammals have the same number.

EDIT: Apparently that was false, and elephants have over 300. Back to square one on the (whole giraffe" question, then!

Humans don't even all have the same number, as cartilage fuses into bone as you get older.

2021-06-27, 02:24 PM
[Glares.] No, they are not.

I'd say having the faces of its victims in the center of its flowers counts as creepy.

What, you thought I was talking about the musical? No, I specified Audrey Jnr.

You could say that they're not flowers, but the film explicitly states that they are.

Although I suppose they whether or not it's creepy is down to personal taste. Which is why this argument annoys me. You're entitled to their opinion, but you're not allowed to tell somebody that a flower isn't cutout because it very well for them. Creepiness is personal, and while you can argue that something is not a flower, you can't tell somebody that they can't find a flower creepy.

2021-06-27, 02:36 PM
What, you thought I was talking about the musical? No, I specified Audrey Jnr.

Worry not, I stay clear of musicals.

Although I suppose they whether or not it's creepy is down to personal taste. Which is why this argument annoys me. You're entitled to their opinion, but you're not allowed to tell somebody that a flower isn't cutout because it very well for them. Creepiness is personal, and while you can argue that something is not a flower, you can't tell somebody that they can't find a flower creepy.

No flower shall be slandered on my watch!

2021-06-27, 05:18 PM
No, except in the sense that "typical" counts as an average.

It's the number for humans, and when I asked about it for giraffes on r/askscience I was told that all mammals have the same number.

EDIT: Apparently that was false, and elephants have over 300. Back to square one on the (whole giraffe" question, then!
Yeah, Whales have much fewer. That's why I was wondering. It would be super weird for all mammals to have the same number of bones despite wildly different shapes.

No flower shall be slandered on my watch!
Then good news, slander is spoken. You're looking for libel. :smalltongue:

2021-06-27, 05:26 PM
Sometimes I wonder why awful people even existed on this planet? :frown: :mad:

2021-06-27, 06:02 PM
@Zodi, one last comment on your stream since there's not a dedicated thread for Zodistreams yet:

Early on, you wonder about Raz's ability to ground on a picnic table... against gravity.

But... I mean, he's an absurdly powerful and prodigiously skilled psychic, and he seems to have an affinity for psychokinesis. He starts the game able to make a ball of psychokinetic energy to double jump on, which seems to be the precursor form of the later levitation power, and starts able to use the "psi-punch" psi-power without the merit badge. It is quite literally his most basic attack.

He also develops pyrokinesis and psychokinesis without training and masters them with minimal practice, and the original intent of the Hand of Gallaccio was that Raz was subconsciously manifesting it with Hydrokenisis due to a pathological fear of water brought on by his family's curse(though apparently that's been retconned.) Almost all of the upgrades you get from increasing his Psicadet Rank(which goes up as a cadet's power grows) are upgrades to psychokinetic abilities, with only a single upgrade to the confusion power being a telepathic upgrade.

The grinding is probably another application of psychokinesis.

2021-06-27, 11:30 PM
@Zodi, one last comment on your stream since there's not a dedicated thread for Zodistreams yet:

Early on, you wonder about Raz's ability to ground on a picnic table... against gravity.

But... I mean, he's an absurdly powerful and prodigiously skilled psychic, and he seems to have an affinity for psychokinesis. He starts the game able to make a ball of psychokinetic energy to double jump on, which seems to be the precursor form of the later levitation power, and starts able to use the "psi-punch" psi-power without the merit badge. It is quite literally his most basic attack.

He also develops pyrokinesis and psychokinesis without training and masters them with minimal practice, and the original intent of the Hand of Gallaccio was that Raz was subconsciously manifesting it with Hydrokenisis due to a pathological fear of water brought on by his family's curse(though apparently that's been retconned.) Almost all of the upgrades you get from increasing his Psicadet Rank(which goes up as a cadet's power grows) are upgrades to psychokinetic abilities, with only a single upgrade to the confusion power being a telepathic upgrade.

The grinding is probably another application of psychokinesis.

That's all very good and smart answers!

Also I don't know if I should make a thread dedicated to my streams. Is that like, even allowed?

2021-06-28, 12:15 AM
That's all very good and smart answers!

Also I don't know if I should make a thread dedicated to my streams. Is that like, even allowed?

Easy enough to toss it in the latest game thread, if not, like you did with Taste Ofs.

2021-06-28, 12:21 AM
Easy enough to toss it in the latest game thread, if not, like you did with Taste Ofs.

I'll probably do that with the stream VODs then. Good thinkin' DataNinja.

2021-06-28, 12:34 AM
Easy enough to toss it in the latest game thread, if not, like you did with Taste Ofs.

No, I can see her point.

While she's not asking for money to view her streams, she is accepting donations while the stream is in progress which might put her in a grey area regarding profit motivations as part of the no advertising rules.

This is probably a question for a mod.

2021-06-28, 02:51 AM
No, I can see her point.

While she's not asking for money to view her streams, she is accepting donations while the stream is in progress which might put her in a grey area regarding profit motivations as part of the no advertising rules.

This is probably a question for a mod.

The question has been posed (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?633391-Question-regarding-streamers-and-their-content).

From my understanding, unless Zodi decides to solicit donations here, or decides to post advertisements, it's fine: we are allowed to discuss the streams, the content and by the board rules, sites that generates original artistic content are okay. So if Rater decides to create a thread dedicated to Zodi's streams, all ok.

We should have the answer shortly, but if the discussion is kept in the same spirit as it was up until now, you should be fine.

2021-06-28, 03:45 AM
Weather is supposed to reach 45C later today.

It has, on rare occasions, gotten above 38C in July in previous years, but never in June and never by much.

2021-06-28, 04:04 AM
Apparently all mammalian species have 206 total bones per animal.

Similarly, all adult humans have the same eyeball size (to within a couple of mm); approximately 24mm (although not a perfect sphere). Full adult size is reached by the time you're 12.

This is why children (and people with small frames) are perceived to have big eyes, and large people are perceived as having small eyes.

2021-06-28, 04:46 AM
Hypothetical question: If it turned out I was a Timelord or if I found some other way of acquiring a TARDIS or TARDIS-like vehicle, who here would volunteer to come exploring Infinity and Eternity with me?

...I may have asked something like this before.

2021-06-28, 06:35 AM
Hypothetical question: If it turned out I was a Timelord or if I found some other way of acquiring a TARDIS or TARDIS-like vehicle, who here would volunteer to come exploring Infinity and Eternity with me?

...I may have asked something like this before.

I dunno, bad stuff has a tendency to happen to the Doctor's companions. And not even in a "he is reckless and their lifestyle is fundamentally a little dangerous" kind of way.

2021-06-28, 07:41 AM
Weather is supposed to reach 45C later today.

It has, on rare occasions, gotten above 38C in July in previous years, but never in June and never by much.

Huh. It's been cooler than normal down here. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

2021-06-28, 08:31 AM
Huh. It's been cooler than normal down here. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

Please take your heat back. The last time it got this hot here, one of the freezers at the store i work at caught fire.

Im not kidding.

2021-06-28, 09:20 AM
It was 114 here yesterday and it will be higher today. I am amazed the fires haven't started yet.

2021-06-28, 09:22 AM
It was 114 here yesterday and it will be higher today. I am amazed the fires haven't started yet.

Great Lolth, that's hot! :eek:

2021-06-28, 09:24 AM
The provolone and pepperoni melt I posted about a little bit ago also works with hard salami instead of pepperoni, results are about the same.

Unelated, and I might have said this before... I can't help but think that it would be really fun to just be a full-ham supervillain but I don't think I have it in me to hurt anyone except someone who really, really deserved it and even then...

Is there a way that I can wear a flamboyant costume and give bombastic monologs about how I'll show them all and that all shall love me and despair while like, building a hospital or something?

Or like, if actual crime is mandatory for being a supervillain, like, something inoffensive like, I don't know, stealing money from people who commit insurance fraud and giving it to starving orphans?

2021-06-28, 10:04 AM
Unelated, and I might have said this before... I can't help but think that it would be really fun to just be a full-ham supervillain but I don't think I have it in me to hurt anyone except someone who really, really deserved it and even then...

Don't forget, it's you that's defining who "really, really deserves it" in this scenario. Plenty of real world examples of people who appeared on the surface to be fantastic, but who were later found to be real nasty pieces of work--you're just making that assessment before anyone else is.

2021-06-28, 10:46 AM
Is there a way that I can wear a flamboyant costume and give bombastic monologs about how I'll show them all and that all shall love me and despair while like, building a hospital or something?

That's called being LGBTA.

2021-06-28, 10:53 AM
That's called being LGBTA.

I'd like to think you guys cut out the "all shall despair" part where you can.

2021-06-28, 11:05 AM
I'd like to think you guys cut out the "all shall despair" part where you can.

It's less a threat and more a statement of reality that we're trying to change.

2021-06-28, 11:54 AM
That's called being LGBTA.

God damn it, I can't even be mad about that response.

...and now I have a bizarre remix of Sweet Transvestite and Toxic Love playing in the back of my head. I hope you're happy.

In all seriousness, I get that your joking, but I'd rather not depict myself as being part of a group that I do not belong to for the sake of appearances. I am, at the absolute most, somewhat agender, or "Gender Casual", if you will, but even that's a small possibility and as far as I can tell any thoughts or feelings that point that way that I feel are based more in curiosity or "woulnd't it be cool" than a genuine desire to be anything other than what I was born as or a perception that there's something wrong or unnatural about my current body.

At least in terms of gender and sexuality. If I got a chance to be a Kryptonian or a dragon or even just "me, but healthier" I'd take it, assuming that whatever process resulted in the transformation compensated for potential feelings of dysphoria and dysmorphia. I'm a fat sack of crap with bad joints, bad eyes, and bad sinuses, if there was an easy fix I'd take it just for the quality of life improvements. There's a reason why every comic book power fantasy I've mentioned involves supersoldier serum, the thing that fixes everything wrong with your body and makes you physiologically and genetically perfect.

To the point of incorporating any foreign DNA or biochemistry that might be in your system when you are exposed to the serum if it's better than what the serum can give you by itself, which I've been toying with in thought experiments recently. Anya Corazon's blood contains 'complex mutagenic enzymes' which alter the DNA of the subject in a way similar to the bite of the radioactive spider, granting them powers similar to Spider-Man's while the blood of a Wolverine Package mutant already adapts to the body and bestows a version of their healing factor. Val Richard's powers aren't carried in her bloodstream, but it's just a case of her mutations doing to her brain what super-soldier serum already does to a brain but better and it's gotta be easier to replicate mutated human DNA than it was to replicate God DNA.

Or Skrulls! Skrull Deviants possess not only shapeshifting but genetic adaptivity. Skrull genetic material will actually resist being broken down and infect the cells of a non-Skrull organism granting that organism powers and physiology similar to a Skrull. This has happened via organ transplants and has also happened because people unknowingly ate skrull flesh... Though, getting Skrull powers from Skrullovoria tends to drive you insane, kill you, or both. Most skrullovores died pretty quickly and the ones who did not become increasingly more and more obsessed with killing Skrulls while also being terminal, eventually they will die. The one and only exception is Tara Tam and she's one data point out of hundreds.

But blood, Skrull blood mixed with Super Soldier blood to ensure that everything goes smoothly goes in your veins and suddenly you have the ability to shapeshift almost infinitely with the only limit being that you can only reduce or increase your mass, volume, or density by so much. Prince Xavin even provides a data point that Skrull Shapeshifting can cause a permanent shift in your "true" form if your personal identity changes, Xavin possessed an arranged marriage with Karolina Dean and became assuming female form regularly because Karolina is exclusively into girls. Eventually, Xavin's default form became biologically female.

(All cards on the table, Xavin is canonically genderfluid, though the term isn't used in comics and, honestly the way it's depicted can be a bit cringy in hindsight. Xavin themself claims that this is normal for Skrulls, but even they're surprised when their true-form starts defaulting to female and literally no other Skrulltreats gender as casually as they do.)

...I'm sorry, I think my train of thought changed tracks at some point.

2021-06-28, 01:17 PM
God damn it, I can't even be mad about that response.

...and now I have a bizarre remix of Sweet Transvestite and Toxic Love playing in the back of my head. I hope you're happy.

In all seriousness, I get that your joking, but I'd rather not depict myself as being part of a group that I do not belong to for the sake of appearances. I am, at the absolute most, somewhat agender, or "Gender Casual", if you will, but even that's a small possibility and as far as I can tell any thoughts or feelings that point that way that I feel are based more in curiosity or "woulnd't it be cool" than a genuine desire to be anything other than what I was born as or a perception that there's something wrong or unnatural about my current body.

At least in terms of gender and sexuality. If I got a chance to be a Kryptonian or a dragon or even just "me, but healthier" I'd take it, assuming that whatever process resulted in the transformation compensated for potential feelings of dysphoria and dysmorphia. I'm a fat sack of crap with bad joints, bad eyes, and bad sinuses, if there was an easy fix I'd take it just for the quality of life improvements. There's a reason why every comic book power fantasy I've mentioned involves supersoldier serum, the thing that fixes everything wrong with your body and makes you physiologically and genetically perfect.

To the point of incorporating any foreign DNA or biochemistry that might be in your system when you are exposed to the serum if it's better than what the serum can give you by itself, which I've been toying with in thought experiments recently. Anya Corazon's blood contains 'complex mutagenic enzymes' which alter the DNA of the subject in a way similar to the bite of the radioactive spider, granting them powers similar to Spider-Man's while the blood of a Wolverine Package mutant already adapts to the body and bestows a version of their healing factor. Val Richard's powers aren't carried in her bloodstream, but it's just a case of her mutations doing to her brain what super-soldier serum already does to a brain but better and it's gotta be easier to replicate mutated human DNA than it was to replicate God DNA.

Or Skrulls! Skrull Deviants possess not only shapeshifting but genetic adaptivity. Skrull genetic material will actually resist being broken down and infect the cells of a non-Skrull organism granting that organism powers and physiology similar to a Skrull. This has happened via organ transplants and has also happened because people unknowingly ate skrull flesh... Though, getting Skrull powers from Skrullovoria tends to drive you insane, kill you, or both. Most skrullovores died pretty quickly and the ones who did not become increasingly more and more obsessed with killing Skrulls while also being terminal, eventually they will die. The one and only exception is Tara Tam and she's one data point out of hundreds.

But blood, Skrull blood mixed with Super Soldier blood to ensure that everything goes smoothly goes in your veins and suddenly you have the ability to shapeshift almost infinitely with the only limit being that you can only reduce or increase your mass, volume, or density by so much. Prince Xavin even provides a data point that Skrull Shapeshifting can cause a permanent shift in your "true" form if your personal identity changes, Xavin possessed an arranged marriage with Karolina Dean and became assuming female form regularly because Karolina is exclusively into girls. Eventually, Xavin's default form became biologically female.

(All cards on the table, Xavin is canonically genderfluid, though the term isn't used in comics and, honestly the way it's depicted can be a bit cringy in hindsight. Xavin themself claims that this is normal for Skrulls, but even they're surprised when their true-form starts defaulting to female and literally no other Skrulltreats gender as casually as they do.)

...I'm sorry, I think my train of thought changed tracks at some point.

So, a couple things.

1: Obviously everyone's experiences are their own, but you don't write this much about this topic if you're not part of it, aware or not.

2: This is the most important thing- dysphoria or feeling like your body is wrong is NOT a prerequisite to having gender feelings about yourself. Like, to put it bluntly, your opening statement here is enough for me to say you'd be included, if you wanted to be.

3: I get that it's comic book logic but "genetically perfect" is a kinda impossible thing, especially given just how variable and weird the human body can be. Take a look at say, strong men vs body builders. By the super soldier's effect one would ASSUME that the body builder style body is "perfect" but in reality the strong man's beer keg of a body is far stronger than the oiled tone of a muscle model. So it's kind of squiggle of me to think of something like that, is all.

4: Your train of thought didn't so much shift tracks as it did get to the station at the far end of your mentality. Agender folk (and honestly LGBTA people in general) do tend to be bigger on body modding as like, a concept, because of their very nature. You're just rocketing straight past "I would like to adjust me body somewhat" to "make it so that I look cel-shaded at all angles".

2021-06-28, 01:44 PM
@LaZodiac: Just FYI, asked and got the answer regarding the streaming discussion. Obligatory Link (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?633391-Question-regarding-streamers-and-their-content) to the answer.

2021-06-28, 01:47 PM
So, a couple things.

1: Obviously everyone's experiences are their own, but you don't write this much about this topic if you're not part of it, aware or not.

Rebuttal: I am not, despite actual efforts at one point, a part of the Star Wars franchise. :smalltongue:

2021-06-28, 01:53 PM
Rebuttal: I am not, despite actual efforts at one point, a part of the Star Wars franchise. :smalltongue:

To clarify; "this topic" as in "the topic of your personal thoughts and musing on the idea of gender identity", not just in general :smallwink:. You can talk a lot about Star Wars, and that likely means you Like Star Wars A Lot. If you talk a lot about gender feelings and stuff like how neat and cool it'd be to be agender... well. You might be an egg.

@LaZodiac: Just FYI, asked and got the answer regarding the streaming discussion. Obligatory Link (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?633391-Question-regarding-streamers-and-their-content) to the answer.

Okay, good to know. I'll just post the VODs into my threads to be like "hey if you missed the stream here it is, next stream will be the same usual time woo" and such, so people can discuss them more :smallamused:

2021-06-28, 02:04 PM
Okay, good to know. I'll just post the VODs into my threads to be like "hey if you missed the stream here it is, next stream will be the same usual time woo" and such, so people can discuss them more :smallamused:

Well, people obviously like discussing your streams and e.g. people like me don't really get to watch them on time (the CET messes up almost any activity of this type).

...on a completely different, absolutely non-attached topic, I re-installed Psychonauts today. :smallsigh:

2021-06-28, 03:07 PM
Well, people obviously like discussing your streams and e.g. people like me don't really get to watch them on time (the CET messes up almost any activity of this type).

...on a completely different, absolutely non-attached topic, I re-installed Psychonauts today. :smallsigh:

I guess I'm still, even now, not used to people actually liking the stuff I do. I should get some more confidence! And yeah, time zones are murder v_v

Hah. Sorry-not sorry =p.

2021-06-28, 03:16 PM
To clarify; "this topic" as in "the topic of your personal thoughts and musing on the idea of gender identity", not just in general :smallwink:. You can talk a lot about Star Wars, and that likely means you Like Star Wars A Lot. If you talk a lot about gender feelings and stuff like how neat and cool it'd be to be agender... well. You might be an egg.

Oh, I fully agree. But I think I'm funny.

2021-06-28, 03:17 PM
Oh, I fully agree. But I think I'm funny.

Lets be honest with ourselves Peelee. We both KNOW you're funny.

2021-06-28, 03:19 PM
Lets be honest with ourselves Peelee. We both KNOW you're funny.

Well, yeah, but if I just state my inarguable qualities (eg funny, good-looking, smart, run fast, good taste, etc etc), then I just come off as cocky.

2021-06-28, 03:26 PM
Today a staff member at my job told me that there will be a picnic at the park with the whole company on July 9. Since everything is reopening again. :smile:

2021-06-28, 03:29 PM
Hypothetical question: If it turned out I was a Timelord or if I found some other way of acquiring a TARDIS or TARDIS-like vehicle, who here would volunteer to come exploring Infinity and Eternity with me?

...I may have asked something like this before.

Only if I end up with a sweet gynoid body with inbuilt telephone and kebab grill.

Also huh, never knew we were meant to be wearing spandex and capes. Will have to coordinate colours and designs with my partners for the next big event.

2021-06-28, 03:30 PM
Also, I'm going to Coney Island with a friend and her family later this summer. :smile:

2021-06-28, 03:42 PM
Well, yeah, but if I just state my inarguable qualities (eg funny, good-looking, smart, run fast, good taste, etc etc), then I just come off as cocky.

While is is true, sometimes you deserve to own it.

Only if I end up with a sweet gynoid body with inbuilt telephone and kebab grill.

Also huh, never knew we were meant to be wearing spandex and capes. Will have to coordinate colours and designs with my partners for the next big event.

Kebab grill get but what the inbuilt phone? You can just put one of those in a pocket.

I mean generally speaking you don't HAVE to dress flamboyantly and ridiculous. Not all LGBTA folk dress that way, but all "super villain aesthetic but actually a good guy" are LGBTA folk, if that makes sense?

2021-06-28, 03:52 PM
Kebab grill get but what the inbuilt phone? You can just put one of those in a pocket.

It's part of a dastardly plan to add a coin slot, bring the internet down, and then make all the pounds while the payphones still haven't been restored to working order.

I never said it was a well thought out dastardly plan.

I mean generally speaking you don't HAVE to dress flamboyantly and ridiculous. Not all LGBTA folk dress that way, but all "super villain aesthetic but actually a good guy" are LGBTA folk, if that makes sense?

To be fair, I am planning to pick up brightly coloured tunics and a feathered hat as everyday wear at some point anyway...

Like, I could craft a whole persona around this, I just need a cape. I think a waist length mantle in white with purple trimming will work..

No you're just looking for an excuse to buy a mantle! :smalltongue:

2021-06-28, 04:32 PM
I mean generally speaking you don't HAVE to dress flamboyantly and ridiculous. Not all LGBTA folk dress that way, but all "super villain aesthetic but actually a good guy" are LGBTA folk, if that makes sense?

I think that's called "camp"?

2021-06-28, 05:25 PM
3: I get that it's comic book logic but "genetically perfect" is a kinda impossible thing, especially given just how variable and weird the human body can be. Take a look at say, strong men vs body builders. By the super soldier's effect one would ASSUME that the body builder style body is "perfect" but in reality the strong man's beer keg of a body is far stronger than the oiled tone of a muscle model. So it's kind of squiggle of me to think of something like that, is all.
I this case, genetically perfect means "free of genetic diseases or defects."

The super-soldier serum, for example, would not only cure my astigmatism and myopia, it would actually remove and replace the genes that resulted in my vision beginning to degenerate in the first place.

likewise, it wouldn't just turn malignant cells back into normal cells, it would actually fix the genetic damage that resulted in the cancer forming in the first place.

It also replaces any genetic factors that might put a limit on your potential: When it comes to say, muscle growth, you're limits are how much work you can safely put into building muscle, whether you're able to get on the right kind of diet, and if you have the genes for that kind of muscle growth to come easily to you as opposed to some other kind of muscle growth. The serum would replace your "muscle growth genes" with ones that are equally good at all kinds of muscle growth... Which I know is comic book logic and physically impossible in real life, but it's a more plausible explanation for how Captain America can have "Peak Human" everything and be equally good at all kinds of athletism than anything i can come up with.

I think that's called "camp"?
I don't think you need to be LGBT to be camp, especially not a campy supervillain.

...case in point.


Granted, this assumes that you take "straight life" to mean a life of law-abiding legitimate business.

Spider-Man: Turn off The Dark gets a lot of crap, and a lot of it is fair, but I like the soundtrack. I think that they wasted money on that Kraven Costume though.

2021-06-28, 07:54 PM
I this case, genetically perfect means "free of genetic diseases or defects."

The super-soldier serum, for example, would not only cure my astigmatism and myopia, it would actually remove and replace the genes that resulted in my vision beginning to degenerate in the first place.

likewise, it wouldn't just turn malignant cells back into normal cells, it would actually fix the genetic damage that resulted in the cancer forming in the first place.

It also replaces any genetic factors that might put a limit on your potential: When it comes to say, muscle growth, you're limits are how much work you can safely put into building muscle, whether you're able to get on the right kind of diet, and if you have the genes for that kind of muscle growth to come easily to you as opposed to some other kind of muscle growth. The serum would replace your "muscle growth genes" with ones that are equally good at all kinds of muscle growth... Which I know is comic book logic and physically impossible in real life, but it's a more plausible explanation for how Captain America can have "Peak Human" everything and be equally good at all kinds of athletism than anything i can come up with.

I don't think you need to be LGBT to be camp, especially not a campy supervillain.

...case in point.


Granted, this assumes that you take "straight life" to mean a life of law-abiding legitimate business.

Spider-Man: Turn off The Dark gets a lot of crap, and a lot of it is fair, but I like the soundtrack. I think that they wasted money on that Kraven Costume though.

If you're a fan of the music for Turn Off The Dark, may I suggest you check out Imagine Dragons? And yeah, you don't need to be LGBTA to be camp, though it does help!

2021-06-28, 09:59 PM
Only if I end up with a sweet gynoid body with inbuilt telephone and kebab grill.
Don't let them upsell you on the accessories. It's not worth it. :smallsigh:

2021-06-28, 11:19 PM
Two weeks til test day. Feeling more confident in my running. Got a month-long membership at a local gym to have a nice flat indoor running track. The pool, steam room, and sauna that I treated mysslf to after the run (40 minutes today!) was nice justification for it.

2021-06-28, 11:54 PM
Two weeks til test day. Feeling more confident in my running. Got a month-long membership at a local gym to have a nice flat indoor running track. The pool, steam room, and sauna that I treated mysslf to after the run (40 minutes today!) was nice justification for it.

Well done Peelee! You can do it!

2021-06-29, 02:20 AM
Don't let them upsell you on the accessories. It's not worth it. :smallsigh:

But for just 1200 more space dollars, the gynoid body can be bundled with self-replicating repair nanites that make it heal like a flesh and blood body, synthetic nerve receptors that fully replicate the sensation of touch, taste, and smell so you don't go insane from sensory deprivation, and can be pre-programmed with twenty years of experience and lessons in flamenco dancing.

2021-06-29, 02:51 AM
But for just 1200 more space dollars, the gynoid body can be bundled with self-replicating repair nanites that make it heal like a flesh and blood body,

:smallyuk: Scabs are icky.

I will, however, take the inbuilt flamenco dancing.

2021-06-29, 02:54 AM
:smallyuk: Scabs are icky.

I will, however, take the inbuilt flamenco dancing.

Are they ickier than having to shell out more money to fix every single minor scrape?

2021-06-29, 02:57 AM
I will, however, take the inbuilt flamenco dancing.

Oh... I knew I forgot about one thing I wanted to learn before 35... :smallbiggrin:

Well, still have the rest of my life to catch up.

2021-06-29, 03:52 AM
Are they ickier than having to shell out more money to fix every single minor scrape?

And there we again, the assumption that I can't turn a spanner, soldering iron, and skin splicer on myself. Not all of us wizards are so technologically incompetent!

Actually, although it reflects my interests from when I made my account, the fact that I now tend to prefer science fiction over it's sister genre sometimes makes me regret including 'wizard' in my username. But oh well, it's part of my identity now, can't just change to bring an anonymousengineer.

2021-06-29, 04:03 AM
It's part of a dastardly plan to add a coin slot, bring the internet down, and then make all the pounds while the payphones still haven't been restored to working order.

I never said it was a well thought out dastardly plan.

"She is the latest in technology, Almost mythology
But she has a heart of stone
She has an IQ of one thousand and one, She has a jumpsuit on
And she's also a telephone"

Yours Truly 2095 - E.L.O.

--- Definitely not suggesting that you have a heart of stone!

2021-06-29, 04:07 AM
And there we again, the assumption that I can't turn a spanner, soldering iron, and skin splicer on myself. Not all of us wizards are so technologically incompetent!

You'd still need to replace damaged parts over time and there are some things(like, say, the hydraulics on one of your arms ceasing to function) that you just wouldn't be able to repair on your own.

Repair-nanites drastically reduce the severity of both problems and the need for maintenance in-general.

That's the problem with cybernetics, bionics, and brain uploads when it comes to body modding, machines can't self-maintain as well as flesh and blood does. Major technological replacement or augmentation of the body makes you dependant on others to a degree I don't find acceptable.

Nanomachines, if we can ever perfect them, would be preferable actually replacing limbs and organs because if a nanomachine breaks or malfunctioning it can be destroyed and replaced by the hundreds or thousands of other nanomachines alongside it. Any implants used to generate or control the nanomachines can be maintained by those nanomachines, as can any other cybernetic or bionic implants or prosthetics you might have if the machines are advanced enough.

2021-06-29, 04:40 AM
You'd still need to replace damaged parts over time and there are some things(like, say, the hydraulics on one of your arms ceasing to function) that you just wouldn't be able to repair on your own.

Repair-nanites drastically reduce the severity of both problems and the need for maintenance in-general.

That's the problem with cybernetics, bionics, and brain uploads when it comes to body modding, machines can't self-maintain as well as flesh and blood does. Major technological replacement or augmentation of the body makes you dependant on others to a degree I don't find acceptable.

Nanomachines, if we can ever perfect them, would be preferable actually replacing limbs and organs because if a nanomachine breaks or malfunctioning it can be destroyed and replaced by the hundreds or thousands of other nanomachines alongside it. Any implants used to generate or control the nanomachines can be maintained by those nanomachines, as can any other cybernetic or bionic implants or prosthetics you might have if the machines are advanced enough.

As I recall, Ghost in the Shell uses this as a plot point; cyborgs who go underground tend to have trouble keeping their bodies in a socially acceptable condition (for example, one of the antagonists of the second season lost all the colour in his hair, and avoided speaking out loud because he'd have trouble fixing his face).

Personally, and I think I've mentioned this, I'd rather be uploaded as a sort of AI and have a physical body that's basically just there for people to look at when they're speaking to me (like EDI in Mass Effect), or just straight up project a hologram so I can look how I want (a lot of my dysphoria's social rather than physical, especially now that I've been on HRT for a while).

2021-06-29, 04:51 AM
You'd still need to replace damaged parts over time and there are some things(like, say, the hydraulics on one of your arms ceasing to function) that you just wouldn't be able to repair on your own.

Repair-nanites drastically reduce the severity of both problems and the need for maintenance in-general.

That's the problem with cybernetics, bionics, and brain uploads when it comes to body modding, machines can't self-maintain as well as flesh and blood does. Major technological replacement or augmentation of the body makes you dependant on others to a degree I don't find acceptable.

Nanomachines, if we can ever perfect them, would be preferable actually replacing limbs and organs because if a nanomachine breaks or malfunctioning it can be destroyed and replaced by the hundreds or thousands of other nanomachines alongside it. Any implants used to generate or control the nanomachines can be maintained by those nanomachines, as can any other cybernetic or bionic implants or prosthetics you might have if the machines are advanced enough.

Yes, but repairing like an organic body is icky. Forgo the scabs, just have the faux skin knit back together.

But yeah, realistically any gynoid on the run is going to need access to a good amount of raw materials, precise manufacturing equipment, and some mechanically oriented friends to help with those repair jobs you just can't do yourself. But being a gynoid would be incredibly cool and extremely convenient.

Like, the effort required is great for stories, and artificial people are one of the science fiction elements I keep returning to (my characters for supers games are now mostly robots, and they're turning up a lot more in my SF stories). But I'll agree on real life it'll be a bit of a pain.

Not however in Fantasyland.

2021-06-29, 05:07 AM
Two weeks til test day. Feeling more confident in my running. Got a month-long membership at a local gym to have a nice flat indoor running track. The pool, steam room, and sauna that I treated mysslf to after the run (40 minutes today!) was nice justification for it.

Indeed! Might as well take advantage of those facilities. That's what they're there for after all.

But yeah, realistically any gynoid on the run is going to need access to a good amount of raw materials, precise manufacturing equipment, and some mechanically oriented friends to help with those repair jobs you just can't do yourself. But being a gynoid would be incredibly cool and extremely convenient.

Back alley doctors. Or back alley mechanics in this case.

2021-06-29, 05:20 AM
Yes, but repairing like an organic body is icky. Forgo the scabs, just have the faux skin knit back together.

I mean, to be fair, when I said hrepair like flesh and blood I meant "by itself at a reasonable rate" rather than it literally functioning like biological processes. I was mostly just playing along.

@Brioche: honestly I'm kind of iffy on brain uploading for existential reasons.

Like, unless Souls exist and there's a means of transferring the soul to the machine that's holding the uploaded mind, whether or not the uploaded mind is the same person as the flesh and blood human is... Questionable. A matter of philosophy, and if I'm being honest I'd rather be absolutely certain than risk..

I mean, I don't want to be immortal by leaving a legacy behind, or leaving ane xact replacement of myself. I want to be immortal by not dying.

...Though, admittedly I'd take a few centuries or millennia or eternal youth over being kept alive on life support. I've made it clear to my family that if I am ever in a persistent vegetative state or otherwise similarly "out of it" permanently with no chance of a full recovery, Kill Rater. Pull the plug, shoot me, I don't care, the part of me that's me is already dead.

Beyond that, unless it's a Digimon-type situation where the "data" and/or the internet are parallel dimensions separate from the hardware that holds them, being uploaded as an AI still leaves you subjected to the limits of hardware...

and honestly, I don't like the dead that someone could turn me off and alter my code to change my behavior while I'm out, or delete me and restore me from an earlier backup. Even if it's illegal to do that to brain uploads, that doesn't really mean that someone won't do it anyway and then even if the first upload counts as me I'm brainwashed or dead and replaced by a copy.

I can get why it might be appealing, but when I think about it it just seems like an existential hell. You can never be 100% certain that you are still the real you or that your mind is your own.

Granted, if you want to argue from that perspective you can never be sure of that as a meat person, but thre's less ways for people to make copies of you and screw with your mind as a meat person.

2021-06-29, 07:34 AM
I mean, to be fair, when I said hrepair like flesh and blood I meant "by itself at a reasonable rate" rather than it literally functioning like biological processes. I was mostly just playing along.

Oh sure, I was merely just messing about with what the phrasing implies and fiction's tendency towards making robots ridiculously human.

Plus, my bigger issue with repair nanites is the worry that they'll be repairing to a rather strict template, and half the fun of a robot body would be being able to change it's form and composition to fit what you need today. Not in a Cutie Honey style way, more in the 'replaceable hips and chest plate to fit the silhouette you want' way (gadget examples omitted because I'm struggling to think of one).

2021-06-29, 07:47 AM
I mean, if you wanna go pure fantasy if Nanoamachines are advanced enough you can just make the entire robot out of nanomachines.

Just gotta be very careful with how it stores memory lest any bit of damage cause memory loss.

Then you don't need to change the parts, you can just rearrange the component naomachines.

The process of upgrading then becomes as simple as downloading the improved schematics.

2021-06-29, 09:04 AM
Wouldn't mind a few nanomachines now...sitting up in bed having the last of five chemo drugs dripped into my veins very slowly, a process which is apparently going to take around four hours! Pretty sure nanomachines would make that much faster...

2021-06-29, 11:05 AM
Wouldn't mind a few nanomachines now...sitting up in bed having the last of five chemo drugs dripped into my veins very slowly, a process which is apparently going to take around four hours! Pretty sure nanomachines would make that much faster...

Oh no! I'm so sorry, did they leave you literature or let you use your phone at least?

2021-06-29, 11:16 AM
I'm using my laptop, that's how I'm posting on the forum.

2021-06-29, 04:38 PM
Wouldn't mind a few nanomachines now...sitting up in bed having the last of five chemo drugs dripped into my veins very slowly, a process which is apparently going to take around four hours! Pretty sure nanomachines would make that much faster...

I say this in complete seriousness: If I could do anything, I would in a heartbeat.

Nobody deserves to go through what you're going through.

2021-06-29, 07:12 PM
And there we again, the assumption that I can't turn a spanner, soldering iron, and skin splicer on myself. Not all of us wizards are so technologically incompetent!

Actually, although it reflects my interests from when I made my account, the fact that I now tend to prefer science fiction over it's sister genre sometimes makes me regret including 'wizard' in my username. But oh well, it's part of my identity now, can't just change to bring an anonymousengineer.

What is a wizard but a fantasy engineer? :smallwink:
Thankfully, actual engineers build less owlbears.

2021-06-29, 07:18 PM
What is a wizard but a fantasy engineer? :smallwink:
Thankfully, actual engineers build less owlbears.

I mean, magical research and scientific research are pretty similar.

They both amount to doing random crap to see what happens. The majority of the scientific method amounts to bookkeeping and making sure that you don't get debris in your eyes when it inevitably explodes.

And everybody hopes that they'll be the one who accidentally stumbles into something groundbreaking.

2021-06-29, 07:22 PM
I mean, magical research and scientific research are pretty similar.

They both amount to doing random crap to see what happens.

Dont you have a STEM degree? That's really now how scientific resrw ch works, and magical research works however any given person decides it works.

2021-06-29, 07:32 PM
Dont you have a STEM degree? That's really now how scientific resrw ch works, and magical research works however any given person decides it works.

I was using a deliberately oversimplified and somewhat comical description of the scientific method for the sake of a joke...

Though in all seriousness, the basis of very basis of science is "I wonder what happens when X does Y?" and "How does Z work?" and the all-important, ultimate question, "why?"

The purpose of the scientific method is to make sure that you try to figure out the answers to those questions, you do it in a manner that is safe, repeatable, and yields accurate information while preferably not doing any irreparable harm to the thing you are studying.

So, in a sense, the scientific method is mostly about safety and bookkeeping.

And for the record, while I do have a STEM degree, I didn't actually know it was a STEM Degree until I googled it just now so make of that what you will.

2021-06-29, 07:40 PM
I was using a deliberately oversimplified and somewhat comical description of the scientific method for the sake of a joke...

Though in all seriousness, the basis of very basis of science is "I wonder what happens when X does Y?" and "How does Z work?" and the all-important, ultimate question, "why?"

The purpose of the scientific method is to make sure that you try to figure out the answers to those questions, you do it in a manner that is safe, repeatable, and yields accurate information while preferably not doing any irreparable harm to the thing you are studying.

So, in a sense, the scientific method is mostly about safety and bookkeeping.

I would argue that the very basis of science is "how can I reliably do X?", and the scientific method is mostly about reproducing. The bookkeeppiinngg just helps with that. And safety is a whole separate thing.

2021-06-29, 07:45 PM
I would argue that the very basis of science is "how can I reliably do X?", and the scientific method is mostly about reproducing. The bookkeeppiinngg just helps with that. And safety is a whole separate thing.

For what it's worth, there's an XKCD for this.

Not gonna lie, was kinda referencing this page.

2021-06-29, 07:51 PM
For what it's worth, there's an XKCD for this.

Not gonna lie, was kinda referencing this page.

A.) Zombie Richard Feynman does not disagree with the claim that they fail at basic rigor, nor that what they do is not science. He simply says to appreciate the effect of their work.
2.) He also says that everything else is bookkeeppiinngg.
iii.) Even if neither of the above two were the case, Randall Munroe, impressive though he is, is not the arbiter of science.

Lord Raziere
2021-06-29, 07:55 PM
What is a wizard but a fantasy engineer? :smallwink:
Thankfully, actual engineers build less owlbears.


While I like magitech, magic can be more than just that. I like Fae magic for example precisely because its unscientific, poetic, artistic and can't be replicated by humans though research.

2021-06-29, 08:02 PM
I think there was a Play-Mobil Super 4 episode of a debate between magic vs. science and the argument leads to a stalemate. I love magic and science, I feel like both subjects are pretty similar for each of their things. :smile:

2021-06-29, 08:17 PM
For what it's worth, there's an XKCD for this.

Not gonna lie, was kinda referencing this page.

I feel it's entirely worth noting that Mythbusters DO follow basic rigor, but WE don't see that because that's not entertaining. They've said multiple times that they cut a lot of the actual hard work of the science because this is a show to entertain while teach.

2021-06-29, 08:27 PM
I feel it's entirely worth noting that Mythbusters DO follow basic rigor, but WE don't see that because that's not entertaining. They've said multiple times that they cut a lot of the actual hard work of the science because this is a show to entertain while teach.


They also said that they cut out one of the tests for "is it true that there's more nutritional value in the box than in the sugary cereal" because the rat that they fed cardboard too killed and ate the rat they fed the cereal too

They also mentioned that they accidentally made a super powerful explosive, so they sent a copy of their notes to the relevant authorities and then destroyed all other records of that experiment.

(They're pretty sure that the relevant authorities already knew about the compound but they wanted to be certain.)

2021-06-29, 08:29 PM
I feel it's entirely worth noting that Mythbusters DO follow basic rigor, but WE don't see that because that's not entertaining. They've said multiple times that they cut a lot of the actual hard work of the science because this is a show to entertain while teach.

It's a show to entertain. They openly state that they do not stand by their results (though they do stand by their methods). I would say "inspire" rather than "teach".

2021-06-29, 08:34 PM

While I like magitech, magic can be more than just that. I like Fae magic for example precisely because its unscientific, poetic, artistic and can't be replicated by humans though research.

Look, I was just being glib. I know that there's a zillion different ways to do magic. :smalltongue:

2021-06-29, 08:38 PM
It's a show to entertain. They openly state that they do not stand by their results (though they do stand by their methods). I would say "inspire" rather than "teach".

I mean, five different people have written to them to say that the episode testing ways to escape from a car that drove into a body of water saved their lives.

That is at least one example of the show directly teaching people things that they need to know.

The "can ninjas run on water" episode also had them take the time to teach people about non-newtonian fluids because it was a cool thing that was vaguely relevant.

2021-06-29, 09:21 PM
It's a show to entertain. They openly state that they do not stand by their results (though they do stand by their methods). I would say "inspire" rather than "teach".

You realize saying "we dont stand by our results" means "we recognize that we are not omniscient or omnipotent and might be wrong", and not "were pretty sure this was incorrect" right?

2021-06-29, 09:31 PM
I mean, five different people have written to them to say that the episode testing ways to escape from a car that drove into a body of water saved their lives.

That is at least one example of the show directly teaching people things that they need to know.

The "can ninjas run on water" episode also had them take the time to teach people about non-newtonian fluids because it was a cool thing that was vaguely relevant.
They have thus joined the ranks of such luminous educational programming as Spongebob Squarepants.

You realize saying "we dont stand by our results" means "we recognize that we are not omniscient or omnipotent and might be wrong", and not "were pretty sure this was incorrect" right?

You realize that the reason they don't stand by their results is that they realize their sample size is statistically meaningless and they realize that this actually matters, right? Science is literally built on being able to replicate results. They don't care about replicating. They care about achieving.

Every time I comment on how they do engineering and not science, I get pushback. It's like implying someone is an engineer instead of a scientist is a dirty word or something. It's really not.

2021-06-29, 09:51 PM
Are you sure that the pushback isn't because you are treating engineering as a separate discipline rather than a subset of science? Treating it like a binary distinction when there is in fact a significant overlap?

I remember a while ago that you argued for a definition of scientist that was exclusive to people who went to school specifically for STEM degrees rather than the much broader and more accurate "people who teach, learn, or perform science on a regular basis, especially for a living."

At the end of the day, Engineering is employing the scientific method and knowledge about things like physics, chemistry, or programming to solve practical problems via practical solutions. That makes it science, and therefore means that most engineers are scientists.

2021-06-29, 09:54 PM
They have thus joined the ranks of such luminous educational programming as Spongebob Squarepants.

You realize that the reason they don't stand by their results is that they realize their sample size is statistically meaningless and they realize that this actually matters, right? Science is literally built on being able to replicate results. They don't care about replicating. They care about achieving.

Every time I comment on how they do engineering and not science, I get pushback. It's like implying someone is an engineer instead of a scientist is a dirty word or something. It's really not.

Alright, let me put it this way. Youre disparaging a widely popular program based on ill-defined, arbitrary and subjective criteria that, when challenged on, you dont even attempt to defend beyond simply restating it as fact.

OF COURSE youre going to get pushback on that, its almost literally a "no true Scotsman" fallacy.

2021-06-29, 10:09 PM
Are you sure that the pushback isn't because you are treating engineering as a separate discipline rather than a subset of science? Treating it like a binary distinction when there is in fact a significant overlap?
It's not a subset of science, though. It's application of science. It's no more a subset than chemistry is a subset of physics, or biology is a subset of chemistry. They are different disciplines. There's a reason academia has "science, technology, engineering, math" as four separate categories.

Alright, let me put it this way. Youre disparaging a widely popular program

Again, don't quite see the disparagement, unless you count "they are engineers doing engineering" as disparagement. I, for one, do not. As for No True Scotsmanning, see above. I'm just pointing out that it fits into a different discipline in an existing standard. If you see a different discipline as disparaging, that says more about you than it does me.

Not to mention pushing "No True Scotsman" to the point that anyone can qualify as a Scotsman regardless of their connection to Scotland, which is almost certainly not the intent of that fallacy. At some point you do have to say "this man is probably not a Scotsman."