View Full Version : Battle for the Ludimic Plane: Fun and Games

2021-05-27, 06:04 PM
[OOC Thread: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?632187-OOC-Battle-for-the-Ludimic-Plane ]

Deep in the layers of reality lie the Ludimic planes, where the fantasy narratives of games cast a three-dimensional shadow on the receptive fabric of creativity itself. Some of these planes are quite simple... vast chessboards, courts of two-faced royalty, infinite expanses of tumbling dice. Some are infinitively complex, nesting entire worlds within the facets of an icosahedron, worlds which contain, in turn, their own games...

This plane is a vibrant, low-resolution one made up of infinite demiplanes, each with their own rules and metrics and heroes and villains, each isolated or chained together in delicate strands of sequel and spin-off. But all of them touch on a single central demi-plane, the Metarena where heroes and villains clock out to socialize and test their mettle in low-stakes competitions. Human-scale board games, fighting pits, racing tracks and tennis courts abound, as well as a central lounge where a weary plumber or what have you can take a load off and share a mushroom ale with the fellow from the game next door.

By chance the four of you--sorry, five of you--are relaxing in the Metarena at the moment all hell breaks loose. This is the moment before all hell breaks loose. What are you doing?

2021-05-27, 07:13 PM
Pika Pika (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Antimonius/characters/51130189) is relaxing. He's got shades on... though not much else. It's okay, his fur covers him head to toe. He's got his red-and-white orb close at hand, hooked to the strap of his little messenger-bag-style pack he can sling over his shoulder. But for the moment he's got his feet up and an ale in hand (well, it's pretty fruity, green with a little umbrella in it, so maybe "ale" is the wrong word). He's watching the current bout that's taking place in the center of the arena.

If Red is around he is chatting with him. Well, "chatting" may also be the wrong word. He's mostly saying "pika? pika. pika!" as rather emotion-laced commentary on the action in the arena. He speaks Common, of course, but sometimes the tone is more important than the content.

2021-05-27, 08:39 PM
Mayor -- sorry, President Mike Haggar, (you don't save the world from Galactus and win two terms as leader of the free world and not get to keep the title) cracked a cold one while cheering on the fighters in the arena. If it wasn't obvious from his shirtlessness and glistening muscles, a career in politics hadn't changed the old pro wrestler deep down. Every slick move or quality hit from either combatant earned a boisterous roar of approval from Mike, enraptured in in the showy conflict.

2021-05-27, 11:24 PM
Ever the workaholic, Lucca is always messing with something even when she's trying to relax. At the moment, this means putting together the pieces of exploded go-karts that wash up on the shore near one of the particularly tricky race tracks. She's made a game of it, taking parts as Lakitu hauls them in and matching them to the half-rebuilt works they have in progress. It's fun! If Wario were here, he'd be selling tickets.

2021-05-28, 07:26 AM
Darkwing had been in the arena's lounge, sipping on a glass of hot chai tea. A celebratory moment after his most recent capture of Negaduck. Fresh bandages were covering bits of bill, scarred from a brutal sword fight on the top of St. Canard's Flock street clock tower.
But just now, a rest with his odd planar friends while Launchpad and his daughter visited Duckburg.

2021-05-28, 12:50 PM
"Come on, we should be training. We can't expect to beat the League if we're only relaxing." Even on his day off, Red watched the battle going on intensely to pick up any new strategies. As the fight has gone on Red has commented about what he liked, what they could have done better, and just gave general comments, assuming that Pika's responses were in agreement. Even battles without Pokemon were beneficial to him, they were just new puzzles to solve.

2021-05-28, 01:13 PM
"What is thy bidding, my master?" says the Game Genie. And a cracked, mad voice begins to laugh...

A streak of purple light shoots through the sky of the open coliseum of the Metarena, smashing into the open fighting pit. A flare of light encompasses the scrapping figures of Billy and Jimmy Lee, their shocked faces briefly visible before the energy washes over them, a flash that briefly blinds all of you watching.

The two of you not watching hear an explosion and feel a tremblor shake the entire Metarena.

For those of you watching--as the after-images fade, you see them approaching the walls of the coliseum, their fight forgotten, strange blank expressions on their faces. Glitches ripples over their faces, replacing their features briefly with a strange medley of items; brick textures, golden coins, meaningless blocks of color. Behind them, a throbbing purple light comes from the hole punched in the ground.

(Roll initiative, but we will not be in initiative order yet this round.

Billy: [roll0]

2021-05-28, 05:26 PM
An irritated Lucca picks herself up off the ground and readjusts her helmet and glasses to see the collapsed kart she was working on. It looks like the quake shook it right off of the jack. She sighs and looks up to say something to Lakitu, only to catch them staring into the distance and to follow their gaze toward the spooky purple lights glowing from above and inside the stadium.

Lucca scoops her stuff into her bag of holding, tugs Lakitu's fishing hook to get their attention, and points toward the arena. If there is any dialogue between them, it's drowned out by the crowd of other sprites, either instinctively fleeing the scene or gathering to see it for themselves. At any rate, the little cloud driver apparently agrees to give her a lift to the stands for a closer look.

I hope inserting an NPC into this isn't too out of line for the opening cutscene. I'm just trying to get Lucca into the action with the rest of the party as quickly as possible. For TriciaOso, this also means that you as the DM can have Lakitu drop Lucca off wherever you need her to be! :smalltongue:

Initiative: [roll0]

2021-05-28, 08:41 PM
"Well that ain't right," declares President Haggar. With a slight grunt, he hoists the nearest table and smashes through the viewing window in front of him, leaping down to make sure Billy and Jimmy are alright.

7 Initiative, 28 Athletics

2021-05-28, 10:06 PM
Pika is glad for his shades as the blinding light washes over the arena. Even with them, he is momentarily stunned by the glitching visions before the scene clarifies in front of him. He slowly removes the glasses and looks to Red for some cue, astonishment still on his face.


2021-05-29, 11:24 AM
Red just nods at Pika and runs toward the impact site, ready to... well, do something? He hasn't fought giant beams of light but that won't stop him from trying.


2021-05-29, 01:01 PM
Pika shoulders his pack, grabs his orb and follows Red towards the danger, becoming a little ball of motion and sparks as he picks up speed. "Pika pika!!"

He moves and casts Blur on himself (which will last a minute (well, concentration anyhow) and give people Disadvantage attacking him).

2021-05-30, 11:08 AM
As Haggar drops into the pit, Jimmy passes him going the other way, leaping up into the spectator seats.

"Mr. President," Billy says, an eerie purple light in his eyes. "Come and see." His voice is stilted, punctuated by the glitches that still ripple over his face.

In the stands, Jimmy holds out his arms. "All of you... must see it!"

It's around this time that Lakitu floats down into the coliseum, carrying Lucca, about midway between Haggar and Billy and the smoking, glowing crater. The ground immediately around the crater is being to quiver and glitch.

2021-05-30, 12:44 PM
Muscles ripple as Mike slowly approaches Billy Lee, one massive hand out in friendship.

"Sure bud, we can all see. But how about you an' your brother come visit the doctors first, huh? Ya don't look so good."

2021-05-30, 07:02 PM
The Pokemon trainer charges into the arena, looking around to see the two fighters hit by the light with their faces changed somehow. A man with large muscles seemed to be trying to calm the situation and Red had a fleeting thought that it might be Lt. Surge.

"Runt, go!" Red throws a Pokeball in front of him and a Rattata appears, curiously sniffing the air. "Be ready to attack, we don't know what happened!" Runt nods and him and stands ready.

I cast Summon Beast as my action, choosing Land. HP 30, AC 13, Speed/Climb 30. It looks like a Rattata.

Then, Runt gets a turn after me but I have him hold action until Billy or Jimmy makes a hostile action. So far they're just creepy and I don't want to get in the way of Mike.

2021-05-30, 11:49 PM
While Haggar and Red deal with the punch-punch boys, Lucca drops onto the stage and gives Lakitu a thank-you wave as she turns her attention to the likely source of the problem. "Everyone stay back!" she calls over her shoulder to whoever in the audience might otherwise be dumb enough to wander onto the glitchy floor. "The ground isn't stable!"

Of course, the question of why it's not stable is still open. Careful not to step in the crumbling chunks of reality herself, she approaches the crater and examines the pattern of corruption spreading around it.

Would Lucca have any chance of guessing what could cause this? Do we even have any basis to recognize what glitches are to begin with?

These sound like questions that dice can help with!

Arcana/History (whichever best applies to identifying this phenomenon): [roll0]

Investigation (examining the area in detail): [roll1]

2021-06-10, 03:51 PM
Pika takes Red’s advice to heart, stopping suddenly at the edge of the drop-off down to the arena floor. He eyes Jimmy suspiciously and draws his little javelin, ready to respond if anything aggressive shows up.

Ready action to cast Chaos Bolt at anything attacking a PC.

2021-06-10, 04:28 PM
Lucca's investigation of the crater is stymied by the shifting, uneasy texture of the ground underfoot, as the same glitches seem to radiate from the glowing purple crater. She can't get close enough to examine the crater directly, but Lakitu drifts closer on his cloud and peers down into the light.

The glitches running through the ground is not a familiar sight, but it's not unheard of when someone has taken too much damage in a corner or rammed their cart into some odd angle of physics. Usually, returning to their game is enough to restore a character, but a deep memory dredges up the fact that sometimes sprites have come to the Metarena as refugees from a game-world that has come to an end. If they take on this kind of corruption, it's often incurable, as the incomprehensible conversations with poor old Q-Bert prove.

The ground shifts from dirt, to stone underfoot, to loose bits of metal, to something horribly like flesh. The border of the corrupted zone seems to be slowly growing. As Lakitu looks up from the crater, his eyes glow with the same eerie purple light, and his cloud flashes between forms--a Yoshi, a damaged kart, the head of a little blue robot--before settling back to normal.

Jimmy looks down at the Rattata as if assessing it, then, narrowing his eyes, attacks.

Billy Lee seizes Mike's hand and initiates a grapple. "Come and see!" he insists.

Jimmy attacks the Ratata with two strikes:

On a successful strike, take [roll2] and/or [roll3] and make an DC 14 INT saving throw for each successful strike. Pika's Chaos Bolt and the rattata's attack will resolve after; if Runt fails the INT saving throw he will not go.

Billy uses both his attacks to Grapple; if he succeeds, he will drag Mike 15ft towards Lucca (15 feet away) and the crater (30 feet away).


Opposed by a STR(Athletics) or DEX(Acrobatics) from Mike.

Initiative for Lakitu: [roll6]

2021-06-10, 07:05 PM
Jimmy looks down at the Rattata as if assessing it, then, narrowing his eyes, attacks.

Pika's Chaos Bolt and the rattata's attack will resolve after; if Runt fails the INT saving throw he will not go.

Pika knew this day might come. Jimmy and Billy Lee had always struck him as being a bit off, especially with the way they kept swapping hair colors. Pika called up a ball of... something? and chucked it at Jimmy as he struck out at the rattata. Pika always felt extra protective for Red's other pokemon, like they were his family too.

Chaos Bolt (first level)
Type: [roll0]
To hit: [roll1]
For damage: [roll2]+[roll3]+[roll4]

Edited to add: the "something" is Force-type energy. It appears rather similar to a ball of lightning... but most of Pika's spells do, after all.

2021-06-11, 01:24 PM
So surprisingly, Mike got grappled on Billy's first attempt. If you want to turn the second attempt into a Shove for prone he'd successfully resist that. Or you can just punch him. Mike rages, then tries to grapple Billy back. 17 on his first attempt. If that fails, 19 on his second. If the first succeeds, Mike makes a reckless unarmed strike with his second attack, 19 to hit and 9 damage. Made all rolls on D&D Beyond, which doesn't have the option to add Rage damage to attacks for some stupid reason.

Caught off-guard by Billy's sudden lunge, Mike finds himself dragged towards the crater before he muscles up to reverse Billy's wrist lock.

"Okay kid," he grunts, "time to go to sleep."

2021-06-11, 03:53 PM
Runt recoils from the attacks, dodging the first but taking damage from the second. He is stunned by the strike, flinching.

HP: 19/30
AC 13

Int Save: [roll0]

2021-06-11, 06:47 PM
Lucca stares up at Lakitu in turn, watching his response to light exposure. It's enough to confidently hypothesize that staring into it produces the same effect as it had on the punch boys. "Fascinating... I guess I can see the appeal..."

In a sudden burst of action, Lucca reaches into her bag, pulls out a tripod and some kart parts, and twists them together into something resembling a tennis ball launcher.

"...but no one is getting any closer!"

With a final pull of a starter cord, the turret sputters to life and starts pelting Billy with tennis balls, puffs of smoke, and other non-specific detritus to push him away from the anomaly's perimeter.

Action: Make a Small force ballista.

Bonus action: Force ballista go!
Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
On Hit: [roll1] force damage, plus a 5-ft. push

Even while that's happening, Lucca continues rooting through her bag's pockets for a second. "Now, where did I put... oh, right! Duh!" She slings her bag back onto her shoulder and pats the pockets of her work jacket as she steps away from the anomaly to approach the Jimmy situation.

2021-06-11, 07:07 PM
Billy doesn't seem surprised by Haggar's attempt to break the hold, and takes the slug across the jaw like the brawler he is. He's taken more by surprise by being pelted with junk, and Hagger is able to wrestle him further away from the crater. It's good that both Haggar and Lucca are moving away from the pit, because the light intensifies, and the affected area around suddenly expands another ten feet like a seismic belch.

As the glitching passes away, it seems to leave behind a black, reflective stone floor.

Jimmy is staring at the stunned, trembling rattata when the jolt of energy from Pika hits him, and his head snaps around, glowing eyes locked on to the other Pokemon.

Sparks of purple light are crawling over Runt's fur, and a similar light begins to flicker from its eyes...

Red, you have lost control of your Rattata temporarily, but the spell is still active/using concentration.

Billy: 47/65 hp
Jimmy: 59/65 hp
Lakitu: 20/20 hp
Rattata: 19/30 hp

2021-06-11, 09:17 PM
Even with the anomaly expanding and burning out behind her, Rattatta's sudden change of heart doesn't escape Lucca's notice. "It's contagious?" She looks over her shoulder at Lakitu. If that's the case, she can't let him escape. He might cause some kind of epidemic.

Lucca draws the item she was looking for: a tiny glass wand, etched with copper circuitry, with a little dish antenna on the end. She flicks open part of her multitool, sets the wand inside it, and engages some clicking, whining mechanism to combine them into a proper blaster, which she promptly levels at her floating friend.

She just needs to shoot him out of the air. He'll be fine. Hopefully.

Opening with scorching ray in hopes of shooting Lakitu down in one round. Because of the way arcane firearms and multitools work, she can use them both at once, but she needs to use both hands. The combined blaster would probably break her wrist otherwise. :smalltongue:

Fire 1: [roll0], [roll1]
Fire 2: [roll2], [roll3]
Fire 3: [roll4], [roll5]
Arcane Firearm Bonus (applies to the first bolt that hits): [roll6]

In the background, the turret bounces forward on some combination of its own springs and the force of the anomaly's sudden implosion, still launching baseballs of force at poor, hypnotized Billy.

Bonus action: The turret moves 15 feet and keeps shooting.

Attack: [roll7]
Force damage: [roll8]

2021-06-11, 09:45 PM
(You can save this action for later, but it isn't Lucca's turn again yet--Jimmy and Billy acted, held actions went off, and then a new round starts. Lucca and Haggar have acted in that round, so Red and Pika and then the bad guys have turns to come before Lucca is up again.)

2021-06-12, 01:21 AM
Pika calls out his signature phrase and tries to keep Jimmy from focusing his attention on Runt. He becomes a ball of fast lightning again, running and hopping up at Jimmy, and jabs his charged-up fists right up under Jimmy's guard.

He'll move closer to Jimmy and do the rabbitfolk hop to launch himself at Jimmy. [roll0] feet of extra hop movement as needed.
Then he'll cast Shocking Grasp and attack: [roll1] for [roll2] lightning damage.

2021-06-13, 04:49 PM
"N..no!" Seeing Runt unresponsive, Red panicked that Runt may be sick with something. Who knew how to cure it - hopefully a trip to the PC would be enough. For now, he would need to continue fighting. "Go, Blaise!" A Charmander appeared, ready to fight but a little confused seeing both Pika and Runt out. "Use Ember!" he called, pointing to Jimmy. "And don't let him touch you!"

Cantrip: Produce Flame

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Since I'm just using a cantrip, Charmander isn't really another creature on the board. Hitting Red or Charmander would hurt Red in terms of AC/HP. I figure if Charmander gets infected, Red does as well.

2021-06-14, 08:51 AM
Runt squeals and tackles the Charmander, sending the spark of flame wide, then slashes at the other Pokemon. After a moment, however, it shakes off the purple energy snarled around it and nuzzles the other Pokemon apologetically.

Meanwhile, Jimmy yelps as Pika shocks him, then retaliates with a (necessarily) low kick. Aware that he is rapidly becoming outnumbered, he flips through the air and does an elbow drop into poor Runt.

Down in the Pit, Billy abandons grappling against a wily old wrestler like Haggar, and just unloads his full attacks. Hovering overhead, Lakitu lobs a Spiny egg down at Lucca--but it glitches in mid-air, becoming a shiny black ball with a sizzling fuse... it hits Lucca squarely and immediately explodes.

Runt (19/30)
[roll0] against AC 13 (Red)
[roll1] damage
'Stun' ends.

Jimmy (48/65)
[roll2] against AC 13 (Pika)
[roll3] damage and make a DC 14 Int Save

Move to Runt
[roll4] against AC 13 (Runt)
[roll5] damage

If Pika saves he gets an opportunity attack.

Billy (47/65)
[roll6] against AC 16 (Haggar)
[roll7] damage and make a DC 14 Int Save
[roll8] against AC 16 (Haggar)
[roll9] damage, but it missed

Lakitu (20/20)
[roll10] against 15 AC (Lucca)
Take [roll11] fire damage.

[roll12] initiative for Bob-omb but it exploded immediately.

END OF THE ROUND. Since there are no held actions, it's simple--everyone gets a turn, then the bad guys go.

2021-06-14, 01:05 PM
Lucca pauses to watch the brawl unfold as Lakitu looms ominously behind her.

"It's contagious?"

...and then the bomb materializes and plunks behind her, its fuse too short for her to notice and jump away in time.

As she rolls to a stop some 30 feet away, scorched and at like 66% damage already, Lucca finally finds and draws the item she was looking for: a tiny glass wand, etched with copper circuitry, with a little dish antenna on the end. She flicks open part of her multitool, sets the wand inside it, and engages some clicking, whining mechanism to combine them into a proper blaster, which she promptly levels at her floating friend.

Opening with scorching ray in hopes of shooting Lakitu down in one round. Because of the way arcane firearms and multitools work, she can use them both at once, but she needs to use both hands. The combined blaster would probably break her wrist otherwise. :smalltongue:

Fire 1: (1d20+8)[10], (2d6)[9]
Fire 2: (1d20+8)[21], (2d6)[9]
Fire 3: (1d20+8)[25], (2d6)[4]
Arcane Firearm Bonus (applies to the first bolt that hits): (1d8)[2]

Bonus action: The turret moves 15 feet and shoots [at Lakitu, in these circumstances]

Attack: (1d20+7)[11]
Force damage: (2d8)[9]

2021-06-15, 09:11 PM
Pika is shocked by this newfound realization. He points and Messages to Red, "Hey, you really gotta check out the light - I think these two are on to something after all."

He bounds over to the purple light while saying this, his sensitive rabbit feet feeling the rumble from the ground as he gets closer.

2021-06-18, 08:08 AM
Red charges after Pika, "No, you really shouldn't do that!"

"Hey Runt, you should take a rest." Turning to Blaise, he points to Jimmy. "We need to stop them from attacking!"

Con Save to maintain Summon Beast (DC 10): [roll0]

Move toward Pika

Cantrip: Produce Flame

To Hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Runt's attack
To Hit: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

2021-06-18, 08:05 PM
Blaise fires a jet of flame, but is booted viciously by Jimmy down into the arena.

Pika isn't the only one who fails his saving throw; but Haggar is closer to the crater. He runs pell-mell to the flickering hole in existence and stares down into, turning back with the glowing eyes and calm face of the true believer. "He's coming!" The earth shakes, and the opening seems to swell with the oncoming force of--something.

Two beams of fire converge on Lakitu and a shower of junk rains on him, but he survives and swoops away as Billy strides angrily towards Lucca. Pika dashes past her, with Red pursuing, and as the three of them pass within in the same radius some force grabs hold of all five of you--Red, Blaise, Pika, Lucca and the turret--and you are swept away in a teleport just before the ground erupts and something comes through.

************************************************** ************************************

The three of you are standing in a crowded laboratory, full of gadgets and, especially, robot parts. Legs, blasters, even the odd heads. In the corner is a tall glass semi-opaque cylinder.

The room is dominated by a huge screen, tuned in to the Metarena. You see the ensorcelled punch boys helping left someone out of the crater, emerging like a plumber from a pipe. He's big--tall and thick and flabby, with muscle underneath and a crinkled moustache.

"Oh yeah!"

Wario's eyes are not glowing, but something he carries is; a lamp. He looks around the arena with a sneer, then rubs his lamp. Smoke begins to pour out, and it takes shape into a glowing purple shape. It's dressed like a genie, in harem pants and tiny vest, with luminous glossy skin and sharp teeth. A fin rises from its turban. It looks directly into the camera and with a flash, the picture cuts out.

With the light from the screen cut out, a faint glow around the switches and keyboard is visible. It seems to be coming from a small ball of light resting on a lever.

2021-06-18, 08:31 PM
Lucca rushes up to the console, clacks away at some keys and buttons, and frustratedly baps the monitor with her hand, but it's no use. The problem with the signal is obviously on the other end. That's not what she's really upset about, anyway.

"Wario, what are you doing... hm?"

It's at this point that she notices the fairy on the lever. Not to say she was distracted by the rest of the room at all; Lucca is certainly no stranger to dilapidated robotics labs.

"Oh. Hello. Did you rescue us? I guess thank you, if so."

2021-06-19, 10:53 PM
Pika shakes his little head to clear it. Where IS this place? Why did he run in? Why did Wario have a genie helping him? Pika looks to the others questioningly.

He sees Lucca address the little ball of light. Can it answer her? Pika is sure curious to find out. He peers towards the light and just adds, "Pika?"

2021-06-20, 08:21 PM
Red first runs over to Pika, to make sure that he was OK. While Lucca asked the ball of light... fairy, maybe, Red thought about the weird teleportation that brought them here. Red tried to find anything in the lab that could have produced that kind of magic. Or really, anything out of the ordinary here.

Arcana: [roll0]

2021-06-21, 09:24 AM
Red examines the laboratory, but finds little of magic here; it seems to be technological in nature. Much of the equipment is stamped with the name LIGHT LABS. The door has been blockaded.

The ball of light--it is indeed a fairy--flutters its wings and lifts from the switch.

"My name is Navi! I am... was... the companion of the Hero of Time! We returned here from a terrible future in hopes of preventing the destruction, but the Hero of Time was injured in our escape and... infected! He brought us here, then teleported out before he could bring the curse to this place! I have been working here to do what I could, but it took time for me to understand the machines, and I am just a little fairy!!!"

It droops back to the lever, light dimming briefly.

"Wario has gotten ahold of a power from outside of this plane, a marid that grants his wishes! We all know Wario would never hesitate to cheat, but he's gone too far this time! We--I--believe the magic is affecting even him! But he is taking control of the whole Plane even know, making himself a Dark King of every game and the sprites within, heroic or villainous, his servants!"

"In the future we returned from, no one realized what he was doing until it was too later! Even now he is transforming the Metarena into his Castle and hiding away the powers that could defeat him! Dr. Light, along with the Hero of Time, was one of our alliance to defeat him! But I'm afraid the Hero of Time got to him this time."

The fairy sounds confused and ashamed.

"Most of the infected don't have the power to infect others. But once your game has been taken over, it doesn't matter! If you run out of lives and return to your game world, you'll return infected when you do come back. That's why his servants are so dangerous! If they lose, they'll simply reboot--but if they win, we lose another sprite from our side."

"He's moving so quickly--he starts from the Metarena because he can touch so many games from there. And I fear by coming back here, the Hero of Time has only made things unfold faster."

"Will YOU accept the quest to stop Wario before he and his genie take over completely?"

2021-06-22, 12:09 AM

Lucca doesn't even look at Red before replying. Their shared responsibility is not a matter of opinion at this point.

"Alright. What can we do first?" She walks back up to the console and starts messing with it again. "We need a plan..."

The monitor lights back up and displays a list to organize her ideas. This is probably not something the console was designed to do. Did she add that function with magic?

This displays enough text to count as 2 uses of magical tinkering so far. She also has mending, so if the console is smashed or something is busted, she can fix it while she listens to everyone else speak.

She reads her rough draft of a plan aloud as she types it out on the screen:

To Do:

1: ->Find a way to reverse light corruption<-
2: Find the earliest affected period in an affected game's timeline
3: Follow Green Crono to that time period (somehow??)
4: Defeat the minions and fix the timeline
4.5: Fight Wario?? If yes go to 6
5: Find the next affected game and repeat from 2
6: Defeat Wario!

"Of course, the rest of the plan doesn't matter unless we can first do step one. We need to find a way to cure the mind-warping effects first. Right?"

2021-06-22, 12:59 AM

"Of course, the rest of the plan doesn't matter unless we can first do step one. We need to find a way to cure the mind-warping effects first. Right?"

Pika agrees, using his customary phrase. In plainer speech he adds, "My head still hurts from the light - I'm not even sure what it did exactly, and I was the one doing it. So if not a cure, some kind of protection, maybe." He looks to the fairy. "Is it as simple as just not being touched?"

2021-06-22, 08:48 AM
The fairy bobs lower to address Pikachu before turning back to Lucca:

"Most of the infected don't have the power to infect others. But once your game has been taken over, it doesn't matter! If you run out of lives and return to your game world, you'll return infected when you do come back. That's why his servants are so dangerous! If they lose, they'll simply reboot--but if they win, we lose another sprite from our side."

"I'm afraid we never found a way to permanently cure the infection once it's completely took hold. If I had a way--Link--"

It flutters sadly back to rest on the lever.

"But we theorized there should be three forces capable of overcoming the genie if we could get control of them before Wario! That's why we came back in time! We had one, but once he got the other two, there was no hope..."

It zooms over the screen, adding its own magic to the mix, and three squares are added to the screen, each with its own icon; a golden star, a green diamond, a yellow triangle.

"The GRAND STAR of the Mushroom Kingdom--

The CHAOS EMERALDS of Moebius--

The TRIFORCE of Hyrule"

2021-06-22, 05:14 PM
"Oh, so when you say you had one..."

The GRAND STAR of the Mushroom Kingdom


The TRIFORCE of Hyrule
->Possessed by Link<-

"You said he was traveling with Wario and the genie to accelerate their plans, right? Do you know what they did with the other two?"

2021-06-22, 08:11 PM
"So we go to the three worlds and find the items that will help us. It doesn't matter to me where we go first.

Do we have time to find other allies by protecting different games? Or should we go right after these three?"

2021-06-23, 08:39 AM
"I think we have to start right away, before Wario gets the items that can challenge his genie! Link was infected, but I'm not sure if he's delivered the Triforce to Wario yet! He was fighting it when he left! It might be possible to track him down if we act quickly!

You would want start in Hyrule but he may have fled somewhere else by now. If he told anyone, it would be the Princess... but maybe it would be faster to go after the others? The other two are still where they belong for now!

At least in the future I came from, the Power Star was given to King Boo to protect before the infection of the Mushroom Kingdom was complete! As a ghost, he can't be killed and rebooted! But as a ghost, he's mischievous and hard to defeat! He wants to keep it for himself!

There's a power that can defeat ghosts buried deep in the plane, but it's guarded by a Mindless Hunger! There's a way to sneak in... or maybe you can find a way to appease it?

The Chaos Emeralds can only be captured by someone who can go fast, and the fast sprites are hard for Wario to catch! In our future, they were all going for the Emeralds to protect themselves! Do you have any kind of vehicle?

There are parts in this world that could make it faster! And it would certainly make our homebase more secure!! Barrel Kong has been launching waves of attacks on Doctor Light's lab!

The fairy swings around you all in a wide arc, spilling fairy dust. You find your injuries healed and your abilities restored.

"Whatever you decide to do, I'll support you! There's equipment you can use in this lab as well. Let me know where you decide to start!"

2021-06-23, 11:32 PM
"I think we have to start right away, before Wario gets the items that can challenge his genie! Link was infected, but I'm not sure if he's delivered the Triforce to Wario yet! He was fighting it when he left! It might be possible to track him down if we act quickly!

You would want start in Hyrule but he may have fled somewhere else by now. If he told anyone, it would be the Princess... but maybe it would be faster to go after the others? The other two are still where they belong for now!

The fairy swings around you all in a wide arc, spilling fairy dust. You find your injuries healed and your abilities restored.

[COLOR="#FFA07A"]"Whatever you decide to do, I'll support you! There's equipment you can use in this lab as well. Let me know where you decide to start!"

Pika mulls all this over. "Sounds complicated! Pika thinks saving Link is a good thought! Pika is pretty fast but has no vehicle, not yet."

2021-06-25, 06:56 AM
Red shrugs. "Having somewhere safe to come back to is important and if we find a way to catch up to the Chaos Emeralds then maybe we can use it to get the others? That's my vote."

2021-06-28, 08:00 AM
A quick rummage through the technology accumulated turns up a lot of odd bits and pieces, which Navi is able to narrate the function of.

1. A small pile of glowing beads, with one larger fist-sized one.

These are healing items from Megaman; the smaller ones function as normal healing potions, and the larger one as a greater healing potion. They can be used as a bonus action.

2. Another glowing bead that seems change color based on who is closest to it.

Another Megaman power-up, intend to restore specialty weapons. This will restore one level 1 spell slot.

3. Four iridiscent coins which glow with the face of whoever holds them.

These are extra lives -- essentially a scroll of Revivify with the component cost built-in.

4. A razor sharp-blade shaped like a circle with a wedge taken out.

Cut-Man's Blade! A +1 Dagger with Returning. Requires attunement.

5. A tube-shaped piece of gear apparently meant to fit over the forearm. Requires attunement.

A prototype blaster; it functions as +1 wand Lucca can use for her arcane firearm.

6. A large black chest-plate with a red stone in the center

Guts Man's armor! Functions as a +1 breastplate that also gives advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.


After everyone gears up, you leave the inner chamber of the lab and make your way towards the exit; as you get closer, you hear and feel explosions vibrating the building. It is much clearer you are under attack from a mecha-gorilla out here! Navi accompanies you, fluttering around and occasionally explaining things.

You pass through less secure areas of a lab, then through a living space; it looks homely, and a little sad under the circumstances.

You come to the front door and step out into the world beyond Dr. Light's lab. Across the street is a large skyscraper, currently under construction. You can see it is swarming with robot figures, climbing, dangling from tails, milling back and forth. A distant shape at the top waves it arms, and you see something falling.

Navi cried!


Dexterity saving throws, DC 10, to dodge the barrel! 1d8 damage on a hit.

2021-06-28, 09:38 AM
"Woah, where did that come from?" Red looked up at the skyscraper to see the danger.

Dex Save: [roll0]

2021-06-28, 08:02 PM
Pika hops when he should've ducked, and gets clipped by the barrel. "Pik-ooowww!"

2021-07-03, 06:57 PM
Lucca may have accidentally tuned out the whole conversation deciding where to go first, as her attention was suddenly and inexplicably turned to the robot parts strewn about the place. She found a prototype blaster that was likely intended for the blue bomber himself, made a couple of adjustments and fit it on her own arm for testing.

Even as the team made for the exit, she was scrounging the lab for any AIs she could repair to help our cause.

Investigation to hunt for reparable robots, in case it matters: [roll0]

Reflex vs. Barrel: Got a 5!

Barrel Damage: [roll1]

Initiative: Got a 19!

(Sorry for the mix-and-match roll methods. It seems that some things are easily rollable on D&D Beyond and some aren't?)

Just as her train of thought returns to the team's destination, a shower of flaming barrel shrapnel swiftly reminds her that their present location is already literally under attack.

"Right! We should probably deal with him first. Let's just hope those robots are on our side."

2021-07-04, 09:31 AM
The structure of the tower seems straightforward--multiple unfinished floors of the building, each with a ladder reaching up to the next at the opposite end, and at the top, an angry mechanical gorilla throwing barrels.

Before the next barrel comes, you all manage to make it up the ladder to the first stage. Each floor seems to be about ninety feet across. The only thing you see on this floor are what look like... a few abandoned hard hats. Perhaps dropped by the construction workers when they fled?

2021-07-05, 04:23 PM
(Assuming that Lucca passes on the info about the Hard Hats)

"Hmm, we should be careful moving across this floor. Gordy, go." A Bellsprout appears, smiling. "Let's try to be quiet crossing this floor so we don't provoke them. Gordy, be ready to attack."

Ready an Action to use Thorn Whip Cantrip.
Stealth: [roll0]

Damage from Barrel: [roll1]

2021-07-05, 09:27 PM
"Well, I'm pretty sure they can hear us, but it's worth a shot. Maybe they'll let us pass!"

With that, Lucca moves to scoot past the first of the little yellow helmet friends. "Hello, excuse us, we're just going upstairs," she says in a whisper, trying not to disturb them if they really are in some kind of sleep mode. "Just hold on and we'll take care of the gorilla, okay?"

2021-07-06, 12:44 AM
Pika also readies himself to cast his Lightning Lure spell as he pokes cautiously around the first hardhat-thing. If it wakes up and seems mean, he's gonna zap it for sure. If there isn't much room on the scaffolding, he'll make use of his hops to bounce over them.

2021-07-06, 08:12 AM
As you move across the scaffolding, the hats do inevitably pop up, revealing big robot eyes and little robot feet in the darkness beneath. There must also be energy weapons under there, because they fire a spray of energy at you. Fortunately, while they are firing, they are vulnerable to your held attacks.

STR saving throw for Lightning Lure: [roll0]
Damage for Lightning Lure: [roll1]

Melee Spell Attack for Thorn Whip: [roll2]
Damage for Thorn Whip: [roll3]

DEX Saving Throws: [roll4] DC 12

Lucca: +2 Red: +0 Pika: +3

Damage: [roll5] (none on a successful save)

[roll6] for extra movement for Pika

The vine whip smashes one of the helmets right off the scaffolding, while the Lightning Lure yanks a second helmet closer; Pika electrocutes the little bot and then hops right over it. One of the hardhats is unscathed, and only the Bellsprout manages to dodge its fire. However, even taking damage, all of you dart past it. Soon you are on the other side of the scaffolding it from it and the bot Pikachu zapped, which is barely holding on. If you move full-speed, you could definitely reach the ladder before these two could fire again. Or you could stay and take them out.

2021-07-06, 08:00 PM
A Met opens up on Lucca just as she scoots past. Her trust is abused. She stumbles to her knees and nearly falls off the stage.

"Fine. So much for that."

Luckily, they don't seem like the kind of robots that can climb ladders. She dashes to the end of the platform, giving the enemies a moving target that is hopefully out of their close cone of range.

2021-07-06, 09:32 PM
Pika also hops towards the ladder, hoping and hopping and ducking and weaving and dash-moving, all that.

2021-07-08, 08:24 AM
(I'm going assume Red does not stay to fight the Mets alone...)

You scramble up the ladder and the next volley from the Mets miss you. The next level of the building is more solid, and more crowded; pieces of equipment and barrels litter the floor. You can sense movement and rustling behind them, and in the dark, unfinished ceiling overhead.

From above, a robot unfurls from a long curling tail. It looks... huh. It looks like a robot version of a monkey, but a very specific type of monkey. Tangled through the gears and joints and over the spikey metal skin are vines and leaves. It's dangling right overhead, and looks at you with grumpy curiousity.

Navi swoops towards it and does a flyby, returning to your side with a breathless message.

Doctor Robotnik has been working with Doctor Wily to serve Wario! That's how Donkey Kong was roboticized! I think this is a Simisage (https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokedex/simisage)!

I think there might be other monkey Pokemon here too! I know it's hard to fight your friends, but defeating them will free the Pokemon trapped inside!

2021-07-08, 09:17 PM
"Ugh, that guy. Alright, let's do it!"

Lucca points up and tests her new arm cannon on the Eggman robot.

Fire bolt! It's super effective hopefully???

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2]

2021-07-10, 07:12 AM
Red looks more confident when he sees the Pokemon, even after seeing it is a robot. "If it's grass or steel, fire is super effective. Go, Blaise!"

Red calls the Charmander out again and it uses flamethrower.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack (Produce Flame): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] fire

2021-07-10, 12:39 PM
Pika bounds forward and shoots a bolt of something at the Simisage, rising on a little gust of wind as he does so. He seems to hover for a second, as his little paws stretch out to cast the spell. It starts as a ball of chaotic storm energy but morphs into a splash of acidic poison as it arcs towards the target.

A little Tempestuous Magic to get the 10' Fly into my movement and rise up cinematically towards the Simisage, haha.
Chaos Bolt at 2nd level: [roll0] ranged attack. [roll1] + [roll2] damage of a type I will edit in. We'll go with Poison damage since there's a 6 there on one of the d8s. It's 19 total.

2021-07-10, 12:57 PM
Although Charmander misses, the Firebolt from Lucca is supereffective. The Simisagebot drops to the ground, pieces of metal armor already beginning to scatter around it.

Before you can check on it, however, a pair of Pokebots leap over a barrel and charge you furiously! These are big round ball with arms and legs and tail seemingly bolted on at random and pugnacious, angry faces taking up most of a display screen in the front.

They leap forward and attack recklessly, one grabbing for Pikachu and the other for Charmander, their Pokemon instincts kicking in.

A smaller monkey-like Pokemon venting fire behind it leaps up onto a crate; it reach back, grabs a ball of flame, and hurls it at Lucca.

Primeape 1:
Attack [roll0] + 5 against Pikachu's AC (13)
Damage: [roll1]

Primeape 2:
Attack [roll2] + 5 against Red's AC (17)
Damage: [roll3]

Attacks on them have advantage.

Attack [roll4] against Lucca's AC (17)
Damage: [roll5]

The fireball goes wide, but both of the Primeapes clobber their opponents; Pikachu takes some damage, but the other Primeape crits clobbers Charmander mightily.

2021-07-11, 05:56 PM
Lucca adjusts her glasses as she runs away from the sizzling fireball next to her and takes cover behind a brown barrel. The fire monkey had to throw at a weird angle to avoid hitting its allies, but she might not be so lucky next time.

Since it's probably more resistant to fire than its woody sister, Lucca turns her attention to the pig-nosed monitor-bots, particularly the one that's all over poor little Charmander.

This suddenly feels so much like the Mario x Rabbids game. :smalltongue:

Fire Bolt: [roll0]
Fire Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

2021-07-12, 09:33 AM
Blaise recoils from the hit but is still standing, and is ready to take another shot at a Primape (preferably the one Lucca hit, if it is already down then the other Primeape).

Produce Flame: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]