View Full Version : Ideas for a steel defender mount for a kobold artificer? (bonus cool points for art!)

2021-05-29, 10:52 AM
Topic. I'm making a kobold battle smith, and looking for some steel defender ideas that count be used as a mount. Obviously I will need to work it out with the DM, etc, but for now looking for ideas as I don't generally play with 'pets' like this. I will likely need to find artwork for it too (roll20 game) so bonus cool points if you have some artwork you don't mind sharing. Thank you for your time!

2021-05-29, 11:26 AM
How about a robot dinosaur of some sort?

like this scaled down


2021-05-29, 11:41 AM
Just steal a cool mechanical mount from WoW: https://www.warcraftmounts.com/mechanical.php

Like this one: https://www.warcraftmounts.com/mount.php?mountid=88

2021-05-29, 11:47 AM
My gnome's Iron Defender is a mech. He climbs into it and he looks straight up like a human in heavy armor. A Saddle of the Cavalier ensures the two can't be separated easily.

2021-05-29, 12:18 PM

2021-05-29, 10:01 PM
There's nothing but fluff that even says it has to be made of metal. I had a tribal goblin from Chult as an artificer and I just made my defender a 4-legged spider walker platform made from vines and branches. Whenever it got destroyed, I'd rebuild it from whatever was in the area. A couple of stone blocks from the ruined temple? Don't mind if I do! These magic weapons no one in the party can use? Nothing can go wrong with that!

I fluffed casting Fly on it by having a battery slot pop out of the deck when I stomped on it, popping a glowing green rod into the slot, and then having rocket exhaust blast out of the legs.

I also took a page from Tank Girl and had a folding chair and umbrella pop out of the deck. The block reaction and force attack were via a looted shield on a rickety extendable wooden arm.

2021-05-29, 10:42 PM

2021-05-29, 11:12 PM
How about a Kobold on a bad assed motorcycle?

2021-05-30, 06:46 PM
Classic in most settings would be a mechanical (https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/028/091/375/large/molly-reusser-weaselme5.jpg?1593458539)giant weasel (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8f/1c/3b/8f1c3b3761c564b5afd3bfc1c322f6dd.jpg).https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DgJtQt-VQAERDSa.jpg

2021-05-30, 07:04 PM
My kobold artificer has a Metallic drake as their mount!

2021-05-30, 08:54 PM
My Gnome battlesmith's steel defender looks like Ashes B.O.B in overwatch, a big cyborg with muttonchops and a small hat.

Ties in with his backstory of an old collegue of his who died.

Normally walks around on his shoulder.