View Full Version : Roleplaying Fallen Cleric to Asmodeus

2021-05-29, 06:28 PM
A PC is playing a Cleric to Asmodeus we are at 8th level and the group has taken a turn for the good and in game play the player wants to keep the character but have it leave Asmodeus.
I need some suggestions on ways to pull this off in game. Also what would they be if they are a former cleric? Fighter?

Been running D&D for nearly 30 years and this is a first for me.


2021-05-29, 06:29 PM
He would find a new patron and continue being a cleric. Maybe repick his domain choice, but everything else should stay the same.

2021-05-29, 06:49 PM
He would find a new patron and continue being a cleric. Maybe repick his domain choice, but everything else should stay the same.

Cleric Power is given by the god like being in question, so unless they find a new power to draw from and that power also picks them then they're not going to be a Cleric for very long.

Switching their class runs the risk of being fairly complicated though, so despite how unlikely I think it might be, I would rather introduce a new deity into the equation to make their transition away from Asmodeus relatively smooth. A deity tied to redemption wouldn't be too far off, or perhaps any deity in your campaign setting that has a specific grudge against Asmodeus for something even more personal than because he's "evil".

Cleric's are useful tools for a God to have, being able to take one away from one of the big evils and forge their path to good seems like a neat little thing to work with on the campaign. Asmodeus will not be happy about it.

2021-05-29, 06:59 PM
I agree that switching to a different deity and domain would be the most straightforward. Stepping from a LE deity to a LN deity isn't that big of a leap, RP wise.

However, an alternative to discuss with your DM could be to swear a pact to a Celestial patron (which could be, but is not necessarily, a deity) and then switch your class levels to being a WIS-based Celestial Warlock. You'd have some similar abilities to a Cleric, but would no longer be specifically a Cleric, instead drawing your new abilities from your new patron. Perhaps the pact could include a provision about making amends for your previous evil deeds.

2021-05-29, 10:40 PM
Just to say: Asmodeus would *love* to have a Cleric known for doing good deeds. That's the kind of PR money can't buy.

Less specifically: a Cleric is a Cleric because a god believes in them. the Cleric doesn't decides anything about that, even if most good deities won't impose that on the unwilling.

A Cleric can lose their miracles. It means the Cleric keeps everything but the divine powers (so... mostly weapon and armor training, and skill proficiencies). A Cleric could have a different deity to grant them miracles, but it's up to each individual deity to decide if it happens or not.

That being said, those capable of being a competent Cleric are somewhat rare, so many gods would likely be interested in the opportunity.

2021-05-30, 05:42 AM
However, an alternative to discuss with your DM could be to swear a pact to a Celestial patron (which could be, but is not necessarily, a deity) and then switch your class levels to being a WIS-based Celestial Warlock.If the celestial is a deity, I would just keep the cleric class.

Now, how about a risen fiend? A couple examples:

Felthis ap Jerran, a.k.a. the Philosopher King of Ecstasy (the gate-town), an ultroloth turned cervidal.
K'rand Vahlix, a barbed devil who became a prominent figure in Bytopia, organizing hosts of risen fiends.

Just to say: Asmodeus would *love* to have a Cleric known for doing good deeds. That's the kind of PR money can't buy.Though that PR only works if the cleric continues to praise Asmodeus.

2021-05-30, 06:04 AM
Though that PR only works if the cleric continues to praise Asmodeus.

Depending on what the "turn to good" was, the cleric may still serve Asmodeus, just focusing on different aspects. Everyone agrees demons must be fought (yes, even other demons). And Asmodeus stands for order, even though his personal take is more tyranical.

Thunderous Mojo
2021-05-30, 08:02 AM
A Cleric can lose their miracles. It means the Cleric keeps everything but the divine powers (so... mostly weapon and armor training, and skill proficiencies). A Cleric could have a different deity to grant them miracles, but it's up to each individual deity to decide if it happens or not.

That being said, those capable of being a competent Cleric are somewhat rare, so many gods would likely be interested in the opportunity.

I agree with your post. There are, however, a myriad of alternative explanations that a game can also choose to use. Ultimately, the answer depends on the meta-physics of the campaign world...and what the player wants to do.

It sounds eminently reasonable, and possibly quite fun, to have the PC become something of an UR-Priest....someone whom commands the knowledge of the hidden, spiritual resources their god maintains and has the ability to utilize those reservoirs.

Most clerics need access to the the Divine Corporate Credit card to access spells, but the Player Character has derived how to hack the account.

Playing a Renegade Cleric of Asmodeus sounds like fun to me. 🃏

The best part is mechanically nothing changes, except the campaign context. Divine Intervention for example, becomes much more likely to result in antagonism instead of aid. (I'm suddenly reminded of the the film version of Constantine.)

2021-05-30, 08:53 AM
He would find a new patron and continue being a cleric. Maybe repick his domain choice, but everything else should stay the same.
I concur with this. Whatever new deity they pick would give them their new cleric powers and domain. If he can find a non-evil deity with the same domain available all the better.

2021-05-31, 09:44 AM
There are already rules for changing your archetype in the game. Just follow those rules and explain it as a new god giving him power.

2021-05-31, 10:05 AM
Asmodeus could reasonably decide to keep granting the player spells because they believe the power will be too tempting to the player to resist using, and by continuing to use their soul still belongs to Asmodeus. Asmodeus might even like the idea since there's the possibility of corrupting the Lawful Good Paladins who smite first and ask questions after.

In this case the player can keep all the powers but probably multiclasses out of Cleric as they are trying to start a new life. If they want to continue Cleric then it's probably best to have a redemption focused deity offer the player salvation and then just switch domains to something relevant to this new deity.

2021-05-31, 12:35 PM
Solution depends upon how you run your game, but center it on the fact that Asmodeus likes to make pacts and deals.

Option 1: The cleric and Asmodeus reach an agreement to formalize what might otherwise be presented as a betrayal of the cleric's oath to Asmodeus, in exchange for something Asmodeus wants. You may want to include a clause reverting the cleric back to Asmodeus' authority based on future behavior. Asmodeus probably doesn't want to set a precedent that his faithful can just abandon him without consequence, so whatever he gets needs to be sufficiently important and publicly valuable to pressure his other worshipers into staying with him.

Option 2: The cleric's new deity and Asmodeus reach an agreement. The new deity is doing this to protect their new cleric, but there might be some other aspect (think God/Satan with Job). The cleric may need to perform some tasks or remain uninvolved in certain events, but there's likely a sting in there somewhere which means that the new deity or their followers lose something precious if the cleric's behavior isn't exemplary.

Obviously, how this plays out depends upon how remote or active the gods are in your campaign. If it all happens through intermediaries, the cleric may not fully understand the implications of the deal for quite some time.